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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7102 - Eggman Nega? Never heard of him! Edition

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS - Summer Game Fest Trailer
>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024

>Sonic X Shadow Generations will be getting an animation

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog: Spring Broken - 26 June 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 70 - 3 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 71 - 31 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 14 August 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 72 - 21 August 2024

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous Thread:>>483952942
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>main 3D game
Are you forgetting Classic Sonic, the crossovers, the comics, the movies and Prime?
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no no no no no NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
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The Conductors Onahole.
Honey is already canon, just not her shit casona.

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The Sonicfag salt is going to be delicious from this.
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>Mario ditching Sonic for the cool Mickey Mouse
>Are you forgetting [side games and media that hold significantly less weight than mainline titles]?
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Thoughts on this creature?
Alright guys I'm gonna go to work expect the Thread activity to reduce to about 40%
>You don't even know your fate, hedgehog.
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scores high on the fuckability scale
Ooh, baby, don't you know I suffer?
Ooh, baby, can't you hear me moan?
You caught me under false pretenses
How long before you let me go?
The movies are the most important part of the franchise right now. They bring the most engagement
Absolutely based. Let secondary niggers know that their shitty side media is always supplementary to the games at best.
Reminder that Japanese Sonicfags are aware of Archie, the only thing stopping them from reading it is the language barrier.
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The official artist behind Mario and Luigi has been drawing Mario and Disney characters together
Honestly it shows they match up way better than Sonic does with him
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perfect tomboy companion for a human male
Non-canon and vaulted
Genuinely cute but unfortunately is brought down due to Ian's yuri obsession
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stupid sexy monke
The guy pretending to like Fighting Vipers is my favorite.
So, does this mean that Eggman Nega's back to being an Alternate Universe's Eggman?
And then they'll be over, and they'll have served their purpose (which is to bring attention to the brand and the games). And the games will continue to be released.
So would Classic Sonic. Mario is not edgy enough for Modern.
I want to skullfuck Tangle!
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Good night.
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More Japanese Sonic fans know about Archie than the manga.
Where are these photos from?
those movies will have their own cinematic universe so expect more movieslop
I don't get this image.
Sonic fan event over in Asia
Surge the cheesefiend
>Nega lied about being alt dimension Eggman
>Nega lied about being Eggman's descendant
Which one Sega?
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>Knuckles gets reduced to Cream relevancy status
>Silver becomes hedgehog Tails
>Blaze becomes purple Amy
Classic doesn’t really fit either since he just doesn’t have that look to fit in with them.
Hell Classic Sonic doesn’t look good next to Mario at all.
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>No mean bean machine
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Would a Sonic and Crash crossover work?
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Rouge and Classic Rouge
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Crash rapes Shadow the whole time
Wonder stomped Superstars so hard that it's not even funny.
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peach stop staring at tails like that...
Sorry anon but crash is into being cucked, just like sonic
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Blaze and Classic Blaze
LMAO never.
>spider man and Mario release the same week as superstars and outsel it despite both being single platform
Wow, classic Sonic really has no fame with the kids.
Due to its timing we don’t even fully know how well it sold at launch. Sonic games don’t normally have legs with Mania and Forces being the only games to get constant reprints.
Most we got is that it’s first week in Japan Superstars sold 4k copies
So we're basically getting Mario & Mickey at the Olympic Games now? Should be interesting.
its target and only audience is dying senile 40 year olds who sing about how much they hate shadow
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the kids desire the green eyes
Classic Sonic only sells to people who hare Modern Sonic and most people don't give a shit about Sonic in the first place
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He does.
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Shadow Generations is kind of screwed since it has to compete with Zelda, CoD and DBZ which are all more beloved than Sonic
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No they’ll get an actual crossover.
It would actually be pretty easy to put Mario and Mickey Mouse in an RPG or platformer together.
Truthfully Sonic in a Mario RPG or Platformer would be pretty much impossible on all fronts.
Yeah I forgot about that game releases so close to those games. Shadow Generations is gonna get the Superstars treatment. Will be fun seeing Shadowfags cope over it.
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Thanks for the feedback, still struggling with the hands but I'll figure it out. I'm prioritizing cuteness for now.
If Blaze's world is a parallel universe where was she went Sonic's world blew up in Prime?
That's even better. I'm sure Nintendo and Disney will do it eventually. Mario and Mickey teaming up would be interesting. It would sell way better than anything with Sonic for sure.
all those games are like a month apart from SxSG though, Superstars was the same week as Wonder
>Will be fun seeing Shadowfags cope over it.
and moderntards. they were dogging on classicfags for superstars getting unlucky for releasing close to wonder and spidey 2 and getting mogged by them. now their own game is about to get the same treatment.
Sonic fans only play Sonic games so it will do fine just like all Sonic games
I'll do you one better
>Sonic got outsold by a game with multiple playable characters with different play styles, momentum based physics platforming, rival battles, rock music , homages to 2000s videogames, and a sidekick named Miles who learns not to live in his hero's Shadow.
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>Shadow Gens underperforms
>no more remasters since this is strike 3 after Colors Ultimate and Origins
>people blame Shadow for ruining the franchise again
It's like we'll be back in 2005 after Shad05 dropped.
Play a REAL Honey game.
If you think super stars is anything hype, no matter when, you are peak delulu.
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Sonic's cat wives....
blaze is kinda homoerotic ngl
What game? Spider-Man 2?
>human men
having ai jank ruins cuteness.
Learn how to draw.
Zelda releases around a month before it doesn. Though the new Mario & Luigi game releases two weeks after Sonic & Shadow releases.
The moment we get an AAA Flash game is the day Sonic gets taken out the back and shot
Non-canon and vaulted
Hype is when the game is unpolished and has bad writing
that top image of Sonic is amazing!
Speak for yourself bro.
CoD release the day after Generations. Sparking Zero release few weeks before it. Only Zelda releases a month before it.

Even without Zelda, it's getting sandwiched between DBZ and CoD.
Why didn’t Sega just get down on their hands and knees and beg for Sonic to show up in the Mario and Luigi rpgs?
Honey rapes human men as a daily basis
2D platformers are more suitable as sideline mobile games.
what if they made good Sonic games instead?
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Reminder that all the goodstuff for Shadow Gens is for the PS4/PS5. That alone is a dumb idea since Sonic sells poorly on those consoles when compared to the Switch
Superstars is more hype than Shadow Gens.
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Blaze's world is parallel to Sonic's but independent of it, destroying one wont destroy the other
Not possible
>blaze shipping
non fans
and 3D moviegames are more suitable as netflix kid shows
>animal men*
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>bring back Fang the Hunter and give him a new shitty friend
>give them a comic and animation together
>game still flops
Kekaroooo they really thought this nibba could be the new Shadow
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Honey's biggest "customers" are human men.
Alpha Dreams last game before Bankruptcy was Mario and Sonic 2020
They handheld the over world rpg stuff
All we'll need to finish the job is S3 getting raped by Mufasa this winter. They're lucky Smurfs got pushed back to next February or S3 would have gotten massacred even harder this December.
Non-canon and vaulted
Pack it up, boys. Sonic is fundamentally flawed and Sonic was never good. Let's leave this fanbase once and for all.
So far the only exclusive is the extended cutscene
Cream and Classic Cream
Game flopped in your fantasy sure but why would Fang want to become a complete joke of a character like Shadow? Why become a character who kills the franchise for a decade?
If Sega could they would.
Sonic Team has never has more than enough resources and time to make their games.
Luigi solos in that department
It's fine. The game is gonna bomb anyways so it really doesn't matter. SEGA is only using this game/remaster to try and hype up S3. It has no real value otherwise.
>new Shadow
That's Mighty.
Shadow didn't kill the franchise for a decade. Sonic himself did by being cringe.
I wish cream had never been a little girl. Dont get me wrong kid characters are cute but sonic fans RUIN them because they dont know how to be non pathogenically horny
Shadow the Hedgehog 05 is the reason where in this fucking mess.
That game was probably the worst Sega game on that generation of consoles
Oh shit. A battle Shadow won't job in.
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No. We have enough gay pride nonsense in Sonic as is.
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>Shadow the Hedgehog 05 is the reason where in this fucking mess.
Wasn't that Sonic 06 you just described?
Unleashed has the perfect character controller for Classic-style 3D Sonic game. It sucks that they never used it for that.
Fang took this lazy bitch to pound town.
Shadow was the game to officially teach them that they don’t need to put out functional games anymore.
But it truly was Shadow's game that started the true decline of this series. Hell I'm gonna be bold enough to say SA2 laid the foundation to it with Shadow's needless existence. Had he stayed dead, the concern would have disappeared and the franchise might have been able to stay in shape. Bringing him back foe Heroes however was where the concern returned full force and giving him his own game completely sealed the deal.
Shadow was just the warning shot. This was the real killing bolt
Imagine not owning both a PS5 and Switch.
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they both fuck human men
Nah Shadow was the killing shot. 06 was basically just shitting on a fresh corpse.
Sonic kissing elise was based and Im tired of pretending it wasnt.
Only fake fans think sonic should be an incel like them
Why would I buy a console with no games?
All blobian Sonic characters are celibates.
So what you're saying is: it's only bad when Sonic does it.
Everything sells better on Switch.

Other way around.
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Yep. Fang banged Carrotia so hard she was rendered comatose.
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Dream Team took only 2 years to cook and it's better than every 3D game since SA2
Sonic Team doesn't understand Sonic
Nah the game is gonna flop. It really only exists to drum up artificial hype for S3 because Shadow.
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>Both franchises had their own Boom era
>Both franchises had their own Meta era(Crash meta era started with Twinsanity and Sonic's meta era started with Unleashed)
>Crash 3 and Sonic 3 are considered to be the best entry in the series
>Both franchises had fans begging for them to return to the good old days
>Crash and Sonic shat on Mario during their prime years and then had to kneel to the plumber so their games can be on the GameCube and future Nintendo systems
>Both had retcons(Wrath of Cortex was retconned out of canon and the same happened with 06)
>Both had a entry to fix things right(Crash was Crash 4 and Sonic was Frontiers)
>Both had crossovers with their rival franchise(Crash vs Spyro, Sonic vs Mario), which ended up being disappointing and not what fans asked for
>Cortex and Eggman were threatening and serious in the beginning but turned comical and silly in future entries
Maybe these franchises aren't so different after all....
Shadow's game didn't toss a cannon ball through the canon like how 06 did. Shadow's game was "bad" because it was edgy, had guns and swearing. and it was supposed to be a "Sonic game for kids". It had its flaws. but no game is perfect.

You just hate Shadow.
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Badass Kitty
Ya'll niggas didn't even think about Sage
>Sonic fans know their franchise went to shit and they're trying to deflect the blame for it.
Reminder that Knuckles' 30th anniversary died for the Year of Shadow. Even Fang has gotten more love than Knuckles gotten so far.
>the Paramount series
The one starring Wade with Knuckles as the tagalong?
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I also love "Sonic Heroes 2: But now we made it even worse"
Non-canon and vaulted
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I apologize for the AI slop but this one was just too fucking funny.
That's a weird image. Why are you playing StH in a basement?
I can't believe they revived crash just to kill him again, it's even incredible.
What does Shadow see in her?
the manliest character in sonic
>Shadow's game didn't toss a cannon ball through the canon like how 06 did.
It did though.
>Shadow's game was "bad" because it was edgy, had guns and swearing. and it was supposed to be a "Sonic game for kids". It had its flaws. but no game is perfect.
That's just one reason it sucked. Another reason is it was basically a shitty Heroes asset flip with less of the content and having similar looking stages.
1. real artists could never
2. blazefags still would
Knuckles if he kike
Ariem gave him pity sex.
My mustache makes my upper lip sweat. Should I shave it?
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2024 is the Year of Wade.
No need to apologize, nobody would have drawn that.
We know this, Scourge and Zonic are very popular there
>2. blazefags still would
this is true
This guy is like the Chris Thorndyke of 2024
all the more reason why i'm glad sonic&shadow gens and s3 will flop. fuck shadow for shoving his shitty presence all over knuckles' birthday. he's a character who has long since outstayed his welcome.
Crash's death was due to Activision being retarded and sending the company to the CoD mines despite Crash 4 selling well.
genuinely what were they thinking? and why did this show succeed??
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normalfags love goyslop
AI that makes original/funny things doesn't bother me than the coomer slop that just makes it harder to find good non ai art.
Also you at least admit this is AI, it disgusts me how many ai shartists claim they drew their 18 fingered, wonky eyed abominations
Hey now. Atleast Wade didn't take up screentime for like 75+ episodes and force himself into plots from the games.
Not really. You don't see Archie fags or triggered autists getting upset over Wade when compared to Chris.
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>It did though.
Go ahead and explain. and don't bring up "Shadow should have stayed dead because that was the OG plan"
>Another reason is it was basically a shitty Heroes asset flip.
Nothing is wrong with reusing assets. Modelling takes time. also let me remind you how limited the hardware of consoles of that gen was.
>with less of the content and having similar looking stages.
Most Sonic stages follow similar designs. you are just looking for execuses to attack at this point.
Wasn't there an artist that traced an AI blaze?
Because it had less Sonic and more live action humor. Normies don't care about Sonic. They do care about their favorite actors doing a silly thing on screen. Carrey carries the movies for a reason. Imagine a Carrey-less S3.
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The show only succeeded because they put human female male echidna sexual tension in the show. It's subtle but effective
Well there's your answer. Sonic Rivals wan't released there so they refuse to acknowledge it or anything that came from it despite Silver's reintroduction and the Eggman Nega retcon coming from those games.
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blaze after the pregnancy
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>Ivo Robotnik
Cream with her father?
No one traced your work, AIfag. It was literally used as reference and of course you shit yourself over it.
Nobody thinks it was traced except you
I legitimately enjoyed Wade and the bowling arc.
>Go ahead and explain. and don't bring up "Shadow should have stayed dead because that was the OG plan"
I sure do love all the unnecessary and repetitive story routes/endings.
Nothing is wrong with reusing assets. >Modelling takes time. also let me remind you how limited the hardware of consoles of that gen was.
And yet Shad05 managed to be worse than Heroes despite being an asset flip. What does that tell you?
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alright this one actually came out nice
I love this cool hot little kitty
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I wanna suck his dick
The artist pretty much used the same proportions, if I used AI and drawn something on the top of it, would that make me a legit artist then? If noone cares I could make some legit money kek
Ivo Robotnik is game canon, retard
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That you just hate Shadow.
Also let me reaffirm that classic sucks and doesn't sell and no one likes it besides a very tiny bubble.
I'm not even a blazefag but it's so fucking annoying when people draw her with tits. Blaze is flat and she's for flatchads, dumb coomers. You are weak if you can't find something erotic without big tits.
why are there still people who take hardline stances on eggman/robotnik after sa2
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>this double nigger thinks being an artist has ever been a lucrative business
Why don't you become a musician while you're at it! LOLLLL!!! Or an actor! I'm sure you'll make it big!!! LMAOOOOOOOOOO
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Were these two recolors created before or after Mighty & Ray?
Nta, you are retarded, the ass (the highlight of the pic) is the same one as the reference.
why blaze is attracted to humans
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Why did they made Frontiers so shit? It's worse than Sonic Utopia's demo. An open world Sonic game should have been amazing.
I think she's cute just the way she is
People pay foy comissions retard, imagine getting 50 bucks for having the AI do the 90%.
Literally since SA2. Why do you think Eggmans grandfather is named Gerald Robotnik?
Eggman is a nickname.
Threesome with Blaze and Mina
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>bunch of made up nonsense
Yep. Mindbroken Shadowfag. Looking forward in history repeating when Shadow Gens flops too.
Sega has no idea how to make good Sonic games. The Genesis games were lightning in a bottle.
Yes that includes the best one, _____Sonic Spinball______.
Who took this photo?
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Probably before?
The difference is you can get the pants sued off you if someone finds out you used AI art for commissions. You pick the wrong furry to exploit and your ass is going to court. They would probably hire a detective to track your ass down too. Don't underestimate the psychosis of people who pay for 20000 dollar diapers.
No one wants to pay 50 dollars for your lazy, shitty machine learned neural network algorhythmic trash.
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Consent is BASED
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Hii does anyone want anything drawn for practice, only mobians thoe pls
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Mina doing a cool anime attack
Sex with Blaze sounds boring. She's not kinky and probably doesn't want sex for months.
Meanwhile Rouge will drain you dry constantly and sees if it's possible to fulfill your fetishes.
Mina trying to eat a really big pizza
Sonic's first game? Rad Mobile!
>he thinks how people are publicly is reflective of how they are sexually
yeah you're a virgin
Blaze when you call her beautiful
honey and mina
Tails talking to Cream about his inventions
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>Crash 4
>Selling well
Not by a long shot
>But dev said
That dev got fired. He can legally lie about sales with ZERO repercussions. You don't fire an entire studio if they did well. See Sega of Europe firing a shit ton of people after the Hyenas debacle.
Why would they bring up Nega here? He's not relevant to Shadow.
You use 5 different Loras to make slightly different art nitwit. I know your small brain isn't able to understand AI (or technology or even human ingenuity), so you naturally fight against it, but you're deluding yourself into believing AI isn't good for anything. The AI blaze? That's a result of combining 7 different models, who is going to sue anybody for using it? I completely understand your hate for AI but use your brain come on now.
Im not a virgin but blaze doesn't seem like a freak in the sheets. I can see Amy being into some weirdo shit tho
Karate Kitty
Yeah let's ignore how toys for Bob changed the perfection that was nitro fuled artstyle for his progressive trash art just because.

Okey thank you, I already doodle a ton of Mina but more can't hurt I suppose. I'll post them in the coming days pls keep an eye out ^^
You have never taken commissions. You have to build up a reputation before getting even one. And if your art even slightly smells of AI, you won't get any bites because the commissioner could make that. Not to mention many will ask for sketches, minor changes, and provide reference sheets that they will want matched perfectly. If you get an OC (which is what most commissions are of), you might find yourself working even HARDER than an artist wrestling with your prompts trying to capture their likeness with just one or two reference images to work off of.
These clients also talk. If they suspect you of AI, they will rat you out. You'll have to make a new account and go back to trying to build up a reputation without getting found out that you do AI, because if you are caught lying about AI in your gallery and not tagging it properly, you WILL get banned.

fucking amateur.
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I wanna do an art trade with you
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Antoine and Bunnie enjoying some Hot Coffee, please.
Where is he referred to as Ivo
Bean wouldn't care because he knows becoming Paramount's bitch is a fate worse than hell.

Let Fowler suck Shadow's micro dick.
The term amateur means someone who does something just because they like doing it. That guy would be a (failed) professional who doesn't know how to do the job.

Sure, I'll do this one too
Everyone knows characters for movies are a popularity contest, (see venom in spiderman 3 when is obvious he wasn't meant to be there) so obviously shadow was gonna appear since the next movie is an adaptation of sonic adventure 2 while he's the second most popular character in the franchise, only behind sonic himself.
Tikal is cute and good character, popular? Really doubtfull.
i like how it was assumed tikal had a fucking chance and then HER DAD GETS TO APPEAR
Sonic characters for this feel?
My favorite sweetener
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Why is it so difficult for Sonic Team to make a Sonic game? Literally everyone knows what people want, it's not a secret anymore. Spark the fucking Electric Jester got it right, with two 3D platformers, and both were made by one autist in his spare time. Rollin' Rascal is the same, it got a lot of press despite the character design looking like ass, just because it was a "3D Sonic game fans want", and it's also being made mainly by one fucking person.
So what the fuck is stopping Sonic Team? Why not just do whatever the fuck those indies are doing? They should be able to churn out a 3D platformer like that in a couple of years at most. Legitimately, what is wrong with them?
Sonic and the concept of adventure.
sonic and chili dogs
Draw the werehog and I'll draw whatever you want (within reason)
I've always hated these models, they're the biggest turn offs in the world
You are assuming that the artist doesn't know how to draw or make consistent generation, I'll tell you what, it's super easy to edit or redraw certain details from an AI picture using MORE consistent gens. Also did you know you could create sketches out of existing art if the requester ever asks for it? Which is why I said AI does the 90% and the other 10% is pure human ingenuity. Again, use your brain pls.
>the next movie is an adaptation of sonic adventure 2
It isn't.
All the canon ships.
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Adult mina and adult tails.
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Filtering my tea with Honey's freshly used panties
>he went private
Nintendo ninjas got him, rip
What would it be like if Sonic's FTL speed and Eggman's 300IQ were actually properly showcased and emphasized and written extremely well?
Sonic and Sally
Antoine and Bunnie.
Knuckles and Julie-Su
Sonic is not popular in japan so japs don't know what's the appeal of Sonic. They just do their job with no passion nor care for Sonic until they get promoted to work for RGG Studio or some other dev team.
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Sure why not, I'll do it for free really since I'm not very good at all but feel free to draw a Mina or Sonic for me if you feel like it. I'll post it with the other stuff people asked whenever I finish everything
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consent is misandry
>doesn't address the part where if he gets clocked he will get in huge trouble.
Anon it's not going to work. I've seen how art theft works and the best thieves put a LOT of work in. AI isn't there yet, it might never actually get there either. Just like people like to dream of successfully implanting a functioning uterus in a man or making lab grown meat probably won't ever actually happen.
You hype up AI but it's still pretty easy to recognize.
what do you want mina and sonic to do
>Sonic and Sally
who are you trying to enrage
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If someone must feel enraged. they don't matter at all.
Rough and Tumble
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>Literally everyone knows what people want, it's not a secret anymore.
There's a few issues.
First, Japanese devs rarely hear direct feedback from non-Japanese players and if they get any at all it's usually heavily filtered.

It's also possible that they simply don't know HOW to do it. The amount of times they've been asked about Chao Garden in interviews and conversation should naturally lead to it somewhere but they clearly don't have the ability to make a new Chao Garden.
In the same way they simply cannot do Classic Physics anymore so they just pass it off to other developers.

The other reason is that they're simply scared of deviating from what "works". They don't want to move away from Boost because it just works and leads to generally accepted games. The times they've tried (Lost World) have been a disaster.
So they stick to what they know.

Pick your poison.
Whatever you like, maybe one daydreaming about the other or holding hands. Anything cute is fine really, you don't have to draw both
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Naked sexy monke
cheer up T, you've got a fan!
>it might never actually get there either.
It's true that AI is still not able to generate believable materials without some well thought human intervention, but saying that AI is never going to get it is pure delusion and ignorant. Right now hollywood is producing the worst computer graphics in decades that makes every action flick look uncanny, when OpenAI's SORA model gets released, it will at least look much better than half of the shit that is outsourced to Asia and India. If someone is an artist by profession right now and doesn't make an attempt to understand AI, I'm afraid they won't make it, the same way stock photographers are doing already.
Boost gameplay worked since Rush. People just hate the automation and level design which comes with it
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Fine, we get it now. You don't want any character in the games.

Core 0â„¢
based sonallyfag
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Hot, so hot.
Why is it so hot?
eat cock. development is better than a forever chase.
mental illnessu
The same can be said for Sonic but you don't see anyone complaining about it.
It's summer, that's why.
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Ariem sees your lust for her in your dreams.
She is conflicted.
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Very creepy.
tongues are erotic
Out of model disgusting shit
why aren't you attracted to women
If you think Hollywood is going to IMPROVE by using AI you are fucking retarded. It's going to get WORSE.
>outsourced to asia
You are on a fucking anime board. People have outsourced animation to asia for decades now, I've seen outsourced animation that looked incredible. Outsourcing animation doesn't instantly make it bad. But relying heavily on AI to make shit will produce hideous uncanny soulless fuck like the recent toys r us commercial that came out.
Pedowood is going to hell where it belongs, but that doesn't mean you should celebrate the few actual hard working artists having their dreams crushed because some greedy faggot at the top cuts even more corners and makes an even uglier final product.
You saw how people responded with the shadow animation promo image looking like ai slop. No one wants it.
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Dream Team had Apple Arcade Money.
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literally made for sex
This image is so stupid.
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>Boost gameplay worked

Are hover skates the same as running at the speed of sound?
FWA, if you draw werehog shadow kissing Sally I'll pay you one penny.
They knew what they were doing
thank you anon! Please make him saying "so straight" now and have them thinking of Maria, Amy, Rouge, And Blaze, respectively
No, it's literally cheating
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I drew the werehog raping bunnie rabbot a long time ago, does that count?
>Rush Adventure
>Dream Team
No. They're better
The Gay 4â„¢
Could you post it again?
FWA, seconding >>484021558
but if you draw werehog Shadow kissing Rouge (the Bat), I pay you one blowkiss.
no, its cringe
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>have to deal with friction when touching the ground

>hover skates
>literally ignore the ground
Hover skates by a wide margin.

Nah × 2.
dear god thank you for specifying, that could have gotten really gross
I specifically mentioned action flicks you drooling retard, I know there are talents out there, but if you can fire 5 imbeciles that don't have talent from a team of 10, the talented ones will end up using AI to be more productive because that's going to be a mandate. If execs are approving soulless trash like the toys r us commercial, that's on them, I see SORA being used to replace VFX artists first for explosions, particle effects etc (this is what's outsourced to India and Asia). Once video models get better, only god knows how many people will lose their jobs.
I'm afraid FWA never reposts their art.
They don't make the Chao Garden anymore because overall it would be a waste of resources since most people don't actually play it. They know how to make an Adventure style game but they won't because video game journalists and YouTubers said 2006 and the other games like it are "bad on a fundamental level".
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I don't consider Frontiers to be "boost gameplay" when the boost it has works completely differently and the level designs that weren't copied from boost games doesn't fit either.
the only thing they changed is that they removed the hitbox
>Schizover gets hallucinations from alternate timelines whenever he uses chaos powers
there he goes again...
I like to hope that hollywood will die and something new, completely non ai made will rise from the ashes. You see a lot of great small name animations showing up on youtube completely made out of passion. Mainstream sloppa will likely embrace AI more and more and will lose any humanity. I try to be optimistic. I really do, because otherwise I find myself agreeing with kaczynski's scizoid ramblings more and more every day. I don't even fully hate industrialization, but I worry that we are losing sight of what made mankind embrace the industrial revolution in the first place.
I think Sally would be into it. Maybe Bunnie too?
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Say something nice about Kit
They also completely changed the way it recharges. Both major differences.
Boost is literally required otherwise you move at a snail's pace.
hes cute! I'd love to see him shoot up a school with nine!
Shadow trying ok those two wouldn't get it
He looks like he holds hands with aquatic raccoons.
He's cute
Cuphead is a good example of traditional art going mainstream, but there are hundreds of teams / artists trying to do the same, and just a few of them make it unfortunately. It's simply not very profitable.
His water powers are really cool and I could see them being really interesting for gameplay for either platforming or combat. [spoilers]He's really cute too.[/spoilers]
He somehow out sad sacks Shadow
Non-canon and vaulted
My life is over.
He's even angstier than Shadow
cyberspace is still designed like boost stages
meter management doesn't matter outside of Rush games and Colors
Why would you choose to live in a place called "Crisis City"? It's like choosing to living in Florida; you kinda deserve whatever happens to you.

And no I don't just mean the hurricanes.
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Kit is a good lil bro who protects and cares for Surge, I hope that nigga stops being so resentful towards everyone.
"make it"
The art world, like with every other creative field, is not about money. You don't know how many times Ive had aspiring artists come to me and tell me they are only creating for financial or social success and I have to tell them to just quit while they're ahead if that is the only reason they are creating.
We live in such a money obsessed society, when it really doesn't have to be that way. We produce enough food to feed the world twice over, and yet we have starving people all over the world. We can easily provide every man, woman, and child with safe housing, and yet homelessness is an epidemic and the wealthy own blocks upon blocks of single family homes that no one can afford.
We need to find out what the real value of life comes from before we wipe out our own species. Progress doesn't come from money. It comes from hard work, passion, and creativity. Trying to replace creative minds with technology means everyone loses.
It's either Crisis City, Flame Core, or some third fire related thing
No one has given him a reason to not be resentful to them other than Surge
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Sonic watched Surge off herself and told him like it was no big deal
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the princess has blatantly gained some weight despite how much she tries to hide it...
The mini blazes are coming
No, I just got her pregnant again. Sorry about that.
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Money is everything and makes the world go round
sorry buddy
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>would rather die than be Sonic's newest cheerleader
>but will for free food and housing
Money is nothing if it doesn't buy anything. PASSION makes the world go round. you take that away, the money is as useful as the paper its made out of.
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>don't see anyone complaining
Bitch we complain that the shade of Classic Sonic is the wrong color all the time. Even gave him his own name.
Bare minimum Crash 4 outsold Frontiers but it didn’t do well
>leeches off of their good will
>tries to kill them when they get the chance
We complain about the models constantly.
Are Surge and Kit niggers?
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Why do people hate Shadow so much?
I love Shadow, he's cool.
he is an deviant art recolor OC
I love those two rascals
Hover skates are not the same as running at the speed of sound.
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It's mostly classicfags.
Sonic but that one scene for Tokyo Tribe 2
Shadow looks ridiculous using them sometimes ngl lol
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"people" who hate shadow are just jealous that sega made the cooler sonic and they couldn't with their shitty oc.
Because he isn't having sex with me right now
This picture reminds me of something...didn't Nintendo comission an old school cartoon style animation involving Pokemon or was that just a fever dream I had?
I liked shadow in SA2 and Archie. Outside of that, he's kind of a dick for no reason for the most part. I tend to really dislike characters that just act unreasonable all the time yet everyone still seems to like them, chalking it up to ''Well that's just them!'', and it's just felt like Sega has had 0 idea what to do with him for the longest time. I don't even dislike shadow much, I just feel nothing towards the dude outside of his incarnation in the afermentioned Sa2 and Archie comics.
Shadow is a tryhard
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As has been said before, there were WAY too many people working on Sonic's Ass 4. Just compare the staff and four year development time.

The fucked up thing is BoTW's actual staff is technically less than this cause a LOT of the credits were Nintendo staff around the world "playtesting" and not actually development staff.
Found it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u909_O6CqYc
I wish Sega made something like that. OVA and AoStH come close.
I hate how he has no good fancomics
Looks like way too many people working on Sonic as well.
Those extra people for Crash 4 are all DEI shit
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I don't hate Shadow but I see people saying the fandom characterizes him like a clone of Knuckles.
Gamescage really likes to spread misinformation doesn’t he?
What did he say?
what did that nigger do this time?
He said Sonic was always good
Sounds based.
He's right. That's correcting misinformation and common misconceptions.
If sonic was always good then why isn't he balls deep inside me right now?
because Im balls deep inside of him
>unreleased mod because of some bugs the author doesn't want to fix
I forgot about it, it looks pretty cool.
Isn’t that the zoomer who started the lie that Frontiers did well in Japan
Damn it anon! Leave some for the rest of us
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No, it's about right. Development in general has gotten harder and it takes WAY more staff to launch a game on multiple platforms.

That said, Sonic Boom needed more staff. No wonder it ended up the way it did.
nah fadel is a complete sonic shill
>Development in general has gotten harder
No, companies need to stop hiring retards
Yeah no reason to be even close to 1k on a fucking Sonic game, especially when they’re only like 2 hours long
>Cheated on his wife
>Fucks her nephew
>Got raped
boom needed better designers, not just more staff. that licensed game-tier slop wouldn't benefit that much from polish, it's not an 06. It's just a worse version of Crash of the Titans which is already just an okay game.
>Mod that actually fixes Superstars
>Doesn't release it
What a fucking shame.
I'm the nephew
How many people worked on Unleashed and 06?
Do we know their budgets?
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Sorry son you gotta pay the troll toll to get into this boys hole
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This is the life
Well you see Sonic 2006 has glitches and that makes it a bad game and one of the worst games of all times, you can't have glitches better not release or even make anything or people will make fun of it
Tell that to Nintendo, they had to tell their share holders to back off a bit because they are now approaching the same issue.
>ITT, /sthg/ continues to dissect everything about SEGA and sonic team, including the size of each game's dev team, in the quest to find out why everything has been so trash recently.
>not the spongebob version
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I only play as Amy
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Fuck wrong with bro
Granted they also have more employees than majority of their competition.
They pretty much said they have to mix it up and make smaller projects, something around the size of Sonic Frontiers
I heard boom had been almost completed and scrapped entirely multiple times during its development. I think if Sonic Synergy came out instead of boom, mayyyybeee it would have been a better game. Im guessing more like on par with lost world's reception but who knows? Maybe it would have been good?
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everything sonic is trash as karma for james marsden writing that stupid fucking letter 20 years ago
>that interview where the shareholder asked nintendo to stop talking about childish video game nonsense
Never forget how insanely retarded these subhumans are. Fuck shareholders.
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sorry I dont have that one saved
It's alright but I do wish this artist was more active.
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i am the one that cursed sonic to be bad actually
>IDW issue 6*4
>Prime season 3
>Fart jokes in the sonic movies
>2010s youtubers shitting on sonic adventure
>Sega refusing to make sa3
>Knuckles becoming a retard
>Amy becoming a modern female stereotype
>Boom glitches


Next time, buttrape somebody else.
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kalk? I think theyve been sidetracked with their pokemon fetish for mewtwo
What did you do
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Don't know their budgets but staff sizes were typical. Lost World didn't need as much staff given it was only released on the Wii U at the time. No Windows credits so its unknown who did the porting.

Yeah they were originally developing for Xbox/PS3 then Sega made their deal with Nintendo...And Nintendo has regretted that decision ever since.
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Does that make Crash Elaine?
go fuck yourself silvazecuck
Damn, too many god tier artists have stopped drawing sonic or draw sonic less and move on to other things
I'm fine with 3 of these.
Knuckles show episode 7 when?
>still no pc port of sonic unleashed
worst timeline
>Episode seven
You're getting season seven.
Because seven is how young nickelodeon's victims were
Seven is the age of the people who will watch the Sonic movies.
Parents will pay for their young children to watch James Marsden. That shouldn't be.
Too many artists copy evans ugly artstyle
I fucking hate it
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>season seven
Do you happen to have a time machine in your possession? How is it even possible for you to ignore the previous seasons?
wadevis and knucklehead
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Chuckles the Echidna
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>uuhhhuhuhuh, bowling sucks.
Based honestly
Sonic Shadow or Silver?
Bonus: Metal Sonic
Who is wanting these "bigger" games exactly?
What are your thoughts on this iconic game?
Hes so big...
Sega of Europe does their PC ports
They don’t anymore after overstepping their bounds and trying to port games they weren’t allowed to like Bayonetta 2
People who want bloated messes that take longer to develop with retarded budgets
Why though?
Why do people hire sweet baby inc? because companies are run by retards who want to suck off their shareholders at any cost
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How fucking old is this render
Either way what's considered a "bigger game" anyway. DOOM Eternal is a relatively straight forward game and it has 1300 or so developers.
People complaining that a game can be beaten in two hours like >>484027212 who don't care about replayability.
Looks like the unleashed render so 2008
Seems like people don't even know replayability is a thing anymore.
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>Wade! It's your cousin! Let's go bowling!
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Because ID tends to make a new engine with most of their games as was the case with Eternal. Remember, they license that engine shit out for $$$
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I really Mina.
that really makes sense now that I think about it, Sonic Team is like an AA version of Bloober Team
>Remember, they license that engine shit out for $$$
To who
Thanks for doing my request. That shading looks great.
ID hasn’t licensed an engine out since Doom 3
Can you color this, too?
Mina has the most Y2K looking myspace napster ass fanart I've ever seen and I love it
I am not >>483996323
just saying that is a picture.
>muh representation
when the fuck will this cancer go away?
You understand that every generation is more progressive than the last right?
Then I don't know. Maybe ID just has an insane amount of pride in the tech which is excellent.
Fucking Enablers. It looks like ass.
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The only ass here is you.
>You understand that every generation is more retarded than the last right?
Unfortunately yes
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Getting some "Democrats are the real racists" energy from this post
>Sonic and Eggman renders are from Unleashed
>Bowser render is from the GameCube era
>Mario render is from Mario Party 10
What the absolute fuck? Did the devs not have access to any new renders that wasn't Marzaslop or from the 2000s?
the art continues to degrade it looks too 'perfect' now
souless shit
this child has humongous head
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The funny thing is, Crash didn't have "consultants". They (TFB) were just a pozzed western dev.

Well, until a crash happens then things shift way far right. See Rome when Christianity took over.
not even close to perfect
Ok, I don't know much about crash but what the actual fuck is going on in the left picture?
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I kind of miss when Archie would have a radically different art style every issue.
>Well, until a crash happens then things shift way far right
Outside of the loud minority you can already see this happening
I mean close to the 3d models, its perfect like the 3d models.
I can feel the RADICAL COOLNESS through this image
Most of the new renders have to em all in clothes
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"Non-binary" CatBat character who was made when Cortex fused a male and female animal together who is supposed to be totes edgy but is just really lame and an accidental rape joke.

For the record, that is the only fanservice costume in Crash Team Rumble.
>Well, until a crash happens then things shift way far right.
There's a reason why independent stuff is getting more popular like indie games.
I miss art similar to this in western works like you wouldn't believe. You can only find it in manga now. Even thing moe art is a majority still. There needs to be a return to 80s and 90s art, badly.
god it's so cringy
Are the removed Michael Jackson tracks in Sonic 3 canon?
No. They never were. The canon soundtrack is Jun Senoue's. Same goes for Sonic CD US, not canon (outside of the Crush 40 cover).
Sonic fandom is shit. Don't blame them
I like them so its canon to me
for whatever reason most comics have reverted back to "lol anime is cringe" and try to look as generically western as possible. The only japanese thing t hey like to reference are dbz and akira
You can like non canon music. I like the non-canon Ice Cap too.
Does it really matter if the soundtrack is canon, of all things? What makes a soundtrack non-canon, for example?
That was a shitpost but I actually agree with you now.
Anon this is /sthg/ autism has no limits here, peolpe who argue over shit like 'canon' music should be shot.
Is it true that sonic fucks human women
No but Sonic dresses like a woman and fucks human men.
No arguing, it's just facts.
would this t shirt look good or naw
this sentence is the sole cause of canon and characterization arguments.
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Yes, Elise was too powerful so sega vaulted her for a while
>dressed up like Chun Li
>dino VHS
Elise has good taste
No, only jokerian women.
Every time one of those islanders gets close to a human woman the sexual tension is almost painful.
Its not just true that Sonic fucks human woman. Every single sonic character in the franchise fucks human women
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could sonic bag willoughby though? that's a challenge mode human woman.
wtf based
Its possible. Its kind of like, could Knuckles bag Elise? She's kind of got her fixated islander of choice, but that doesn't mean Knuckles isn't in the lineup. I'm sure if Sonic didn't wake up from that kiss, her kissing days would be numbered, if you know what I mean
Why is she crying?
>if sonic didn't wake up from the kiss
that would be awkward and sad
*Her kissing days WOULDN'T be numbered.
Sorry I am a fucking retard who learned how to write last week.
Cringe. Jokerians don't have intercourse with humans. Cope.
I just learned Modern Sonic has the Drop Dash in the new version of Generations
Why isnt sonic in my bed right now
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What animal even is this?
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>Both had their own Meta and Boom eras
Sonic and Crash....been through a lot.
She realized she blew her last chance to be accepted by Sonic and his friends and she's laughing/ crying at how much of an idiot she is. Soon she'll be sobbing.
I personally wish Ian would stfu on his podcast, especially about loreshit he clearly knows nothing about.
does it matter
>Full of foxy flavour
What did they mean by this?
they probably would be because everyone would get killed by solaris so you were right
It’s been revealed that Miyamoto has a salary of $1.7 million a year
Should Sega cut their salaries to adjust for the fact they don’t deserve as much as him?
Ugly overdesigned OC no.921044234
That babby era is upon us.
Sega should behead the chucklefucks who thought Hyenas was a good idea.
I agree, I think he's overall detrimental. Personally I just don't like how he actively influences peoples' perceptions of the media and characters.
It tastes like pee. Foxes are always pee-adjacent.
They're also often sex-adjacent but don't mix the two you sicko.
I hope Ian never stops. I love his answers, especially when they rip apart the fandom's understanding of a character. Like saying Rouge and Shadow don't like each other or that the End is never coming back
Fucking this 100% holy shit
Sonic Unleashed? Was actually a Sonic Adventure entry all this time.
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>but don't mix the two
I'll be careful
>over 10 years for this
Penders destroyed archie for this
Perfectly based.
I don't think there is some kind of timeline except for the order the games come out
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Its literally called sonic world adventure in area 11
its so weird that archie was clearly gearing up to tie in to Sonic Mania and died before it had a chance to do Forces
Also this timeline stuff reminds me that Archie set unleashed after Colors, and stated that all of the games happened in reboot 1:1.
Makes you wonder how SA2, Heroes, 06 ect played out with the freedom fighters around.
>Makes you wonder how SA2, Heroes, 06 ect played out with the freedom fighters around.
This but for the bong comic Sonic The Comic
Sally was the one that convinced Shadow to stop being an asshole for 5 mins instead of Amy
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It’s crazy this is probably the only time we’ll see the full extend of how good lighting can look in hedgehog engine 2
and then they fucked
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I miss Archienic
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He would 100% shoot Tangle and Whisper. Also the first time I ever saw that image was from fucking Keffals of all people
Sonic Adventure 3 = Sonic Heroes
Sonic Adventure 4 = Shadow the Hedgehog
Sonic Adventure 5 = Sonic 2006
Sonic Adventure 6 = Sonic Unleashed
Both idw and archie are shit
Disgusting black creatures GET OFF MY PLANET
Sonic '06 is the only game that could be called Adventure 3 in good faith.
>Image was made by a child molester who scammed kids with fake tranny hormones
Explains the cringe
Times are changing
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Let them niggas know
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question answered
>says the ayylmao
SA2 Sonic meets Shadow reanimated
Donut Lord
This is extremely cringe.
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I think branching paths are way overrated in Sonic games.
Sonic stages should be linear while also focused on player expression so skilled players could aim for speed running or for exploration while the unskilled player will play the stage normally while learning the game mechanics through the level design.

What do you guys think?
>What do you guys think?
Give me sonic unleashed 2
Give me eggmanland but harder
Mmm... Donuts.
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I wish they got his old VA, his current one sounds like complete shit.
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Sonic Unleashed 2!
>fun path
>eventually you kind of just have to avoid it because of faster path
yeah you're right
My favorite thing about Sonic title fan mock ups are the Japanese text under the logo like the game would even sell in Japan
One can only dream, hopefully this time the werehog has a fully erect throbbing knot thats contantly dribbling precum
Totally agree. Sonic is a finesse platformer and the branching adds nothing.

Personally I think Sonic Adventure 2 had the right idea of putting paths within each section. I also think that while each section should have multiple paths through, that each character should have their own stage layout.
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Enough with the perversions, anon-san.
fuck oooofff sa2 ruined shit with its hallway garbage. SA1 was the absolute perfection of Sonic level design
Never I will forever crave the wereknot.
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Sex with coolorfag
Good now I can have sonic to myself
I've had enough of the fanart now start going in depth about what their relationship is like
Art like this is so soulful, i miss it
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Shadow is a bit of a cold tsundere. Amy gives him more affection than he can handle.
Man, I really miss early Flynn Era peak archie Tracy Yardley, he was incredible.
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Adult Sasuke and adult Sakura
Puuka and Garu
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Silver was only in Crisis City trying to exterminate Iblis
I'm fine with hallways; I think the core gameplay of Sonic is repeated skill checks which is better served through "hallway" design.

I'll grant you that SA1 was more of a physics sandbox and that SA2 changed the series level design to over-rely on stage facets.
chao gacha?
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We need a game that makes the entire franchise about shipping
Yeah it’s only on Netflix though
retard take.
Double retard take
Your opinion is as insignificant as the non-cute microdick hiding underneath your stomach apron
/sthg/ dating sim?
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i want a sonic dating sim
It already is
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I think the most important part of Sonic level design is giving the player options.
Sonic games are not only about reaching the goal as quickly as you can so these games can be played in multiple ways.
blobian pet sim?
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Did you know gaming
You're trying too hard to be edgy. Listen to what Tails have to say or you'll going to get hurt.
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That’s his official name
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How would Mina behave in an Archie Sonic RPG?
Whats wrong with liking edgy things its so cool. I love Shadow the Hedgehog
Weaker copy of sonic's moveset with access to sound based moves
you're the edgelord thinkning that sonic doesn't canonically fuck human women.
You make me sick. They fetishize humans just like we fetishize them
Kinda like Surge but nice and with noise instead of electricity
Edgy things are so cool just like Shadow.
>There's 3d animated porn of Sonic fucking Shahra
>but not Elise
Sonic should have fucked Elise before she blew out the flame as a way to say goodbye
huh, it's by the guy who made the mina model
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Surge, you gotta lay off the cheese a little.
>their relationship is toxic shit
Checks out.
There is coom of the werehog fucking elise though
I can never make the speed route.
Sonic only has intercourse with the concept of Adventure. Human-animal hybrids will never become a reality. Cope.
Sonic should have fucked Elise in front of everyone at the ceremony
Is funny how artist gave surge boobs when she's blaze/tangle level of flat in the actual comics.
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Except in the ova.
Quit projecting your failed sexual conquests onto Sonic the sex haver. He fucked Elise and he fucked your mom.
Bro your Sara?
His head is so fucking huge he could swallow her head whole
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Choose Your Fighter
Which Sonic game has the best level design?
kys and fuck off with your dogshit ocs
And that's what makes it hot!
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Funny you would say that...
Same goes for Rush, none of Naganuma's tracks are canon.
Imagine the makeouts with his massive tongue
Haha imagine the cunnilingus haha
great work anon
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>Eggman has at least 5 unknown relatives
I find it wierd how he never mentioned his parents or the fact that Maria's existence proves he has an uncle and an aunt. There are at least 2 more potential Eggman level geniuses in Sonic's world assuming they're still alive and inherited the intelligence.
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Funny you think abt art counts as on-model.
>He fucked Elise
Erased forever from existence.
None of them are needed
Nice job! Which artist are you? This style looks familiar.
he looks so smol here so cute
I'm pretty sure Elise still exist in sonic world, if I remember right the ending of sonic 2006, the difference is that she never met sonic, but she still feel familiar with the wind he produce when he runs.
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Imagine him fingering her with those massive goofy cartoon hands.... *SIGH*~<3
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i've been around for a while, i just draw for fun here sometimes. this one was the OP once
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>Sonics MASSIVE head, MASSIVE hands and feet, and TINY body
ITS NOT FAIR!!!! Why couldnt I be born in the islander timeline!!!!
Gross. Beastiality is disgusting.
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I cannot defeat Senator Armstrong :(
Sonic the gigachad
retard, its only bestiality if you fuck a lower life form. Islanders are not only sentient, they are superior to humans. You are an absolute fucking retard if you think fucking a sexy rubberhose cartoon is anywhere on par with fucking a dumb, ugly, shit eating, irl dog
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They sure want you to know about this retcon badly huh?
>Beastiality is disgusting.
Human history says otherwise
Anon its not nice to talk shit about your dad like that
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Reminder that Christian Whitehead is a traitor that backstabbed the sonic fanbase he used to be a part of
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Sonic is a faggot
there are people still confused about it somehow so they need to explain it more
people who mention that lolcow deserve permabans
Furries are mentally ill degenerates. Cope.
>More player autonomy to guide the characters and the story.
Mmm smells like Sega money but they're too dumb to see it.
>that lolcow
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stay down
Sonic Coomers
>Dumb faggot cannot see the appeal of lola bunny, rouge the bat, or krystal from starfox
>Y... Youd have to be a... a retard to want to fuck them!!!!
Dumb nigger. Go back to /a/
We are Sonic Heroes®
rouge the bat is not a furry
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Luigi and Tails file a complaint to their local government
I bet the guy seething about muh furries faps to lolishit.
>you have to unflag furry on danbooru to see rougepics because nonfurries think rouge porn is gross
>pot calling the kettle black
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I don't fap to either retard kun
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She's a bat
Sorry anon, if you would with this you are a furry
mmmm tripping
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Sonic Unleashed was meant to have a Replay Mode, where you could rewatch your previous runs of stages. Replays would have been viewed through a laptop item in the lab, which while still existing, does not function correctly.
she's safe-furry
I bet you are all getting baited by a fucking shitposter that you should have stopped replying to ages ago.
And it has a boolean that makes the springs maintain your momentum like in Classic Sonic games
this artist does porn animations so detailed that they don't look like they're supposed to move
How is she safe? She literally has a bats head.
Im just using this as an excuse to post sexy pictures of sonic characters
>sonic being a runner
>smoking at all
This legitimately upsets me.
now name unsafe-furry girls
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It also doesn't move you forward unless you hold a direction. It's more of a run button than a traditional boost.
>How is she safe?
Because she attracts non-furries
real life animals
Will Rouge make it into the movies bros? I heard that paramount fears the bat booba
Sonic, Amy, Shadow, Lola Bunny, Blaze, Krystal from Starfox also attract non furries

Also idk if you knew this, but bats are real life animals. That's as retarded as saying fucking werwolves isn't furry because werewolves technically arent real life animals. You are a dumb weeb. I don't mind anime fags, but weebs needs to rope.
Anon you're gonna set sent to the shadow realm....
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Yeah, stop adding fuel to the fire.
is the magma still open?
Yep just find your nearest volcano and jump in
If it happens, most of use here will agree it will be for the greater good, anon.
I feel like no. I'm not even sure Amy will make it in. But at the same time I'm sure Amy will be there and it's just being saved up for a big reveal. I think? When was knuckles revealed in Sonic 2?
I love our drawfags, but what if we had writefags too
>but bats are real life animals
The "real life" part is important. Like Rouge isn't real. But you know what's real? Real life animals
tdfwnn does greentext fanfics and i like reading them
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>Beastiality when it comes to Pokemon
>Beastiality when it comes to Xenoblade
>Beastiality when it comes to Persona
>Beastiality when it comes to SMT
>Beastiality when it comes to Crash Bandicoot
>Beastiality when it comes to Final Fantasy
>Beastiality when it comes to Mario
>Beastiality when it comes to Kingdom Hearts
>Beastiality when it comes to Fire Emblem
>Beastiality when it comes to Kirby
>Beastiality when it comes to Sonic
Shut the fuck up
Sonic also isn't real, Anon.
Someone was writing a schizonic fanfic but im not sure if they are still doing it
Yeah. That's my point.
teraphy is expensive and takes years
sonic is cheap and fast
not much diferent from the prevous generation so dont flatter yourself
>it will be for the greater good,
WRONG. This thread needs more bat booba
So its okay to fuck sonic
we used to have writefags but no drawfags
We had them but you bullied TangCHADS to oblivion
I wish more artists drew sonic with cute paw beans
I wish I loved wieners as much as Sonic
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I agree! But you know... the weird guy here who thinks this is bestiality will probably mass report me....
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We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I (do I)
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it (say it)
Inside, we both know what's been going on (going on)
We know the game and we're gonna play it
And if you ask me how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're too blind to see
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching, but you're too shy to say it (to say it)
Inside, we both know what's been going on (going on)
We know the game and we're gonna play it
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you
>be playing Silent Hill (Next Fear)
>Get to Split Head
>Strategy consists of shooting the motherfucker and then circling around it as it rapidly chases me
>Find myself running in circles from an overgrown lizzard
>"H-have I done this before...?"
>"Supporting Me" plays faintly at the back of my head
D-deja vu...?
But anon all you're doing is posting a sonic character in the sonic general, there's nothing to report.
Thread le bake? Wanna grab some chicken?
I draw sonic with cute paw beans and it causes this general to shit their diapers so bad I can smell it from my pc
Those people are not worth your time and are gigafaggots. Now please post those delicious paw beans thank you very much.
Draw blobs.
Got links?
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Good. Tangfags didn't feel genuine with their shipping and only really wanted to annoy people because nobody cares or even gives a shit about Fang or the newest pointless female Sonic character. Especially when the last few new Sonic characters were all FEMALE.
I agree, if anyone should go to the shadow realm, it should be the off topic subject of saying sonic characters are animals (they arents). They are islanders. Sonic literally helps an irl dog in sonic 06 and they are wildly different.
what if I made blobs with beans underneath?
no, she does them thread by thread and doesn't really save them
Ignore him. I don't think he's gonna report you.
How would the beans work when the blob is squished and pressed and malformed?
Paws or bust
dude relax, tangfags are sweet
I mean as I stated before, I'm just using him as an excuse to post pics like this
Anon they are LITERALLY animals. Sonic is a HEDGEHOG, a actual ANIMAL.
They are animals just like humans are animals I swear to fucking god do people just forget the fact that we are just giant hairless apes???
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Ok so I'm a hedgehog fucker. But only if hedgehogs looks a certain way... Ideally like pic rel
Found the schizonic fanfic
Hasnt been updated in a while make sure you leave a comment asking the artist to come the fuck back and continue it
Ideas are easy, writing is hard and boring.
So did Gerald have two sons?
this artist does nice butts
I like pawblobs better
I love the concept, but I wish the paragraphs had spaces between them. Still, I'll give it a read.
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Animu as Fuck

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