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Previous: >>483989335

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


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>Excuse me sir, have you seen my crown?
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>perfect height for a standing blowjob
what 1.1 waifu depends on having their sig weapon the most? I can probably only budget for one of them unless I get super lucky
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I guess I'm waiting until ul60 to get 30 stars
Jinshi because the free 5* standard sword is actually really good, while the broadblade is cope.

If you don't have the standard 5* weapon your fucked both ways
How would he even wear a crown with all that shit on his head? What a retard.
>Jinhsi leak pre-1.1 was underwhelming
>buffed her stackies to 50
>buffed her stack damage by 60% (28% to 44% per stack)
>buffed stack gain with coordinate attacks
>buffed her weapon
>still LOST to a MALE
How do we cope?
Imagine getting only 2 seconds ahead of a character with no synergistic supports.
Smug fuck
I've never even checked a leak
waifu > meta
mighty lightcrusher > crownchad
imagine losing despite having a 60% buff, against an aoe cc dps in single target single wave
What a retarded system. Death to gacha games
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i did it jinshiskipperbwos
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getting to account level 50 and leveling up characters to 80 is a massive resource drain. I have been playing since day 1 and haven't blown any daily stamina on echo fields and instead put everything into character ascension and skill materials, still though I could only push two weapons to the cap and 5 characters. brutal
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when did we get these codes wtf
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use this thread because for whatever reason tehre are 2 threads
This was made first but yeah
>shitposting burgers and trannies come out
And by the time she has a support that fits her, it’ll be half a year + into the game and she’ll deal half as much damage as the newer SSR DPS.
Did they change Jinhsi's ult animations? The dragon in the beta was just a dark silhouette for the first part. It looked a lot better imo
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Holy fuck I just luckshitted Jinshi's weapon with the monthly reset, should I go for her now? I kinda want Changli
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Am I crazy for going full ER/moonlight set (and building it up) on Mortefi
This is what real overanimation (the correct term, not "forced animation") looks like. It's when the animator animate needless and meaningless shit just to show off, which is literally what hoyoverse is doing with zzz. Soulless animation just to make a statement, "see? we can animate too!"

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