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Previous: >>483989335

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

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Jiyan KINGS, this is still our game.
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Are there any Engineer characters.
Like a character that places down a turret and the turret fights the boss for you.
Are there any characters like that or coming in the future?
I dont like fighting... fighting is scary...
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Jade beauty thread?
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homo game btw
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>Jue is female and for (You)
>Jinshi is for (You)
Yeah i'm thinking wuwon
I thought Yuanwu would do that but his Lightning Turret (Wedge) hits like a noodle
Threesome with dragon girls
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You can summon doro to fight for you
censored slop
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which map do you guys use?
I only used the genshin interactive map for the last three tape worms i was missing
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>two threads
I use the cumshot map to find all the creampies so i can collect semen for my cum drop soup.(its like egg drop soup but with cum instead of eggs)
The in-game one
What's with the Havoc Rover shilling? He (masculine) is strong, but not Jiyan-tier. Don't mislead newfags, retards.
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What do you call this wuwa bros?
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What do you mean?
Is this some sort of euphamism since you posted a blushing character with your post?
I dont get it.
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My el General de Verde un Dragon… I never stopped believing…
I can't read Chinese
I press M
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Female has a bigger dragon
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Here you go
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how do you increase Jinhsi's Liberation? mine is always below 20k, do i also need concerto stack?
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at this point i just like seeing the big number, i don't even want to roll. what mental illness do you call this?
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Brover is so lucky
>gets railed by Jiyan
>rails Lingyang
How cope is it to just go attack or defense 4 cost on supports instead of trying to roll crit?
do you happen to hoard a lot of junk at home?
Bwo i think you might be a hoarder
you can't, unless you get s5 or something, just upgrade your stats
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Which one do I commit to? Jinhsi prefers Crit DMG since she has built in crit rate in her sig yeah?
I call it photoshop.
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Saving is a virtue.
okay i thought there's a passive that i missed that also increases its multiplier like E
They both suck, if you have sig you want crit damage 100%
back to the mines with you
literally a staple for every Chink dragon, no point in claiming plagiarism with this one
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>Japan steals from China
>China takes it back
I can't believe iconic media gets referenced, damn chinks, based vesterners would NEVER do such a thing
crit dmg but it's bricked already
you want double crit with er on 4 cost because it's easiest to farm
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Sorry to tell you bros.
But The General will never be powercrept!
i live with roommates so it's fairly clean besides the kitchen.
Dragon Ball plagiarized Wukong
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CN meta community consensus is out:
Jinhsi confirmed MUCH WORSE than Jiyan overall at both F2P and whale levels
clear time is compared in 1.1 lv100 tower boss, under very favorable scenarios for Jinhsi
>single target
>single enemy wave
>Jinhsi having a HUGE buff this cycle

70s - Jiyan S0R1 with Morfeti, Verina

(all Jinhsi comps could not beat this time at similar investment, fastest being 72s, unless investing 3 more 5*s with S1R1 Jinhsi and S0R1 Yinlin to get a 67s clear, despite the 60% buff)

20s - Jiyan S6R5 with Morfeti, Verina

27s - Jinhsi S6R5 with Yinlin S6R5, Verina

Community sentiment is turning rapidly, especially since e-celebs and were shilling how she's T0 broken, powercrept Jiyan, etc. And after the disaster that is Yinlin, there is a sentiment that Kuro will just nerf female characters to the ground and waifuniggers will roll regardless, so it's not looking good for Changli. Furthermore, Jinhsi is already bad in overworld without S2, and if you consider AoE enemies, multiple enemy waves, she's really the Eula in wuwa.

>but muh big numbers!
>but muh e-celeb said she's broken!
lol this is why spreadsheet numbers mean jack shit in a real-time action combat game
Use this thread because for whatever reason there are 2 threads
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Seriously how do I farm echo exp? I lost all of it
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Sisters how are we going to cope that the best characters in this game are all Spectros
>manlet thread
hmmm nyo
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what's a yangyang?
How rare are double crits roll? And what are the preferred numbers? I'm not trying to sweat the game too hard especially when i'm rolling nothing but DEFs lately
Nah i dont think i will
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Bwos, I lost the 50/50 to Jianxin...

I'm sorry Jinhsi...
around 1 in 15 echos give me double crit
My internet was out for a day, did we win?
>cant make up my mind between rolling for jinhsi's weapon or what
I guess i could keep coping with standard sword but damn
You expect me to believe that? you LOST, MULTIPLE 25 level echos worth of echo exp?
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on the bright side now you can get changli bro, don't sweat it.
i think crit rate tops out at 10.5% substat and crit DMG tops out at like 20%, most ive seen at least. Lowest crit % roll is like 6%
7s is okay
4 costs are extremely fast to farm so it's more worth it to be picky compared to 3 costs
No harm in throwing the free pulls at it there is another 10 in mail on july 4th
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meds time, you schizoid
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I leveled a bunch of pieces to +25 for Anko early on and did the same for Jinhsi now
What the fuck, did they just decide I don't have to explore to get 100% on a map?
Yesterday my highest was 82, now it's 100% ???
That's fucking wierd.
Didn't watch, but this isn't a turn based game so I'm calling skill issue, Jinhsi is harder to play perfectly.
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That's true, it gives me time to save up some money for her and her weapon
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>Jinhsi is already bad in overworld without S2
Don't care. Yinlin with Mech abomination echo is never leaving my overworld team. It clears all overworld trash mobs with no effort. Could not imagine being a yinlinlet
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!mih s'tI
literally who even gives a shit about meta in a single player game
That doesn't sound fun, is there any way to make the farm more bearable since Jue flies all over the place?
Now that you've said it, those numbers are dogshit alright
Click the arrow on "Awakening Journey" You will see your beloved Yangyang.
Yangyang is on the level up reward screen
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thats normal for new players you still have 90% of the whole map uncleared right?
>Cutscene and dialogue is happening
>Barely absorb any of it and more focused on new posts in the thread
My attention span is ruined
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erm yesterday you guys were saying people would be bricked cuz shes an archon
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Are there no echos that do coordinated atks that you could slap on toaqi?
>Ever going to +25
Hope you enjoy your 1 (one) extra substat for the cost of 4 (four) substats! Buy one pay four is a good deal.
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Yangyang is on the other screen where you accept the rewards regarding your Union Level
Who's Yangyang?
Theres no character in Wuthering Waves named that.
Are you okay?
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broooos I GOT it
I like jiyan's sword more than jinhsi's in terms of looks
>inb4 I'm just coping because I don't have enough to get her sword
Nice reddit crosspost faggot.
I don't think you understand just how overpowered Mortefi is, 38% Deepen on ALL OF YOUR DAMAGE is insanely strong, on top of the co-ordinated attacks doing actually extremely high DPS for a character that takes very little time to setup.
So jiyan has a perfect support that actually buffs him while jinhsi is only 2 seconds behind while having no perfect support that buffs her?
Jinhsi litterally hasent even peaked and is this close to jiyan?
That's crazy.
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Oh right, exploring is a thing, thank you!
>Smooches all my Chixia friends on the forehead
apart from farming more crit rate jues to get a better crit rate sub roll, i did what i could for now
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I agree with you but I got him one anyway. This is the general's game after all.
dont care, never rolling for homos
Wuwa needs more monster boys
I thought people already settled with Yuanwu?
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true, if there were a mortefi character but with skill dmg deepen he'd be getting absolutely blown the fuck out, taoqi wastes too much time to be viable
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>skipps over the fact that 1.1 has an insane resonance skill and spectro tower buff
Why are you responding to reddit copy pasta bait?
Do you want this garbage here?
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I'm just going to explore Mt.Firmament today, fug farming.
Yuanwu might be better at building stacks. But that effect is offset by him doing no damage at all and Yinlin doing significantly more.
Boosting just one character is not always the solution.
>both my jiyan and jinhsi wants mortefi
it's like I'm dealing with a bad divorce here...
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Thanks bwo
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Anything that makes it clear that Jiyan is best belongs here.
>He doesn't know
We had a thread where anons MASS ousted themselves as redditor tourists
38% Deepen > 60% damage (it's not even up all the time you can't ult with Jinhsi every 15 seconds.
It's crazy than jinhsi does this much without having a coordinated atker that actually buffs her
>Don't talk about the game
Doing 0 damage for 1sec field time isn't awful, but Yinlin actually does good damage
Wait, can Jinhsi even reliably trigger his coordinate attacks? They only happen on heavy attacks or when using resonance skill at Mortefi S1 right?

Is that not just 3 coordinate attacks then, since Jinhsi never wants to heavy attack?
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At S1, the marcado attacks TWICE on skill attacks....
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Bro....Your Taoqi???
Jinhsi DOES have perfect support, you just don't want to use her.
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now that Jinshit is a metaflop Changlibros are vindicated
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As you know Rover, the flow of tacet energy throughout the Solaris-3 magnetosphere is amplified during the equinox when the planet's orbit reaches the Lagrange point closest to periapsis. The data permutation of our latest infrared analysis of solar winds suggests a rise in tacet field generation during the past six months, reinforcing our hypothesis derived from the X-ray diffraction experiment we had carried out prior. Contrasted with the photopolarimetric imaging tests conducted by the New Federation last year, we can conclude that the correlation between tacet outbreaks and coronal mass ejections during points of gravitational equilibrium in the planet's orbit is more certain than ever.
Got that? Good. This will be on the test next week.
Taoqi isn't viable, do you see how fast they can get mortefis buffs?
>60dmg% on a character that already has shit loads of it.
>not even active all the time.
My wife has heart problems....
Is mortefi on Changlis banner?
My nigga is at S5 and his S6 looks mighty good
Im hoping they add a lot more off field/ sub dps characters like Yinlin. Seems like this game would be fun if you had a full team thats constantly swapping and taking advantage of the no damage when you arent the active character tech
Just go with Yuanwu, literally zero investment just to make your Jinhsi work, Mortefi is better than him on S4 however
yes. same with baizhi and cowqi.
meant for this guy
yeah that's the problem...mine is at s6
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>"ummmm my wife isnt bricked Mortefi the 4* is TOOOO OP, even better than the tower bfuf and the S6R5 Yinlin I got for 2k USD"
it also works on basic attacks so it works on her entire kit as long as you have s1, but using mortefi unless you have s4 is trolling
Taoqi is litteral dog shit that extends the rotation by 10 seconds while still not buffing jinhsi enough to warrant it.
Also no coridinated atks.
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which resonator would you clang and bang
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>N...no! You can only roll one! N-not both!
Shut the fuck up faggot
But only for resonance skill release, right? Not resonance skill damage. Those two are different.

Either way, Jiyan is miles better with Mortefi.
retard lemeow
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I finally beat the tiger encore bwos!!
at that point you might as well prioritize who you're maining, that said, Jiyan needs Mortefi to work properly while Jinhsi still has options
It's basic math, all your elemental damage, skill damage etc are added up.
Deepen is a multiplier applied at the end of the damage calculation, with no other way to get it than outros, it's completely busted.
Jiyan as Male rover
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>jinshi already got reverse time powercrept by a 1.0 character
it's over
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which one is better? I kinda hate how little atk/atk% I have on her.
Thanks for keeping the servers alive. But you're a fucking retard.
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holy based
I am also a dragon appreciator, but not to this level
Shouldn't it be obvious that Jiyan is designed to be played by women hands with his auto parrying attacks? Waifufags play for their waifus not the meta. You are supposed to make up your wife's shortcomings with your skills. I don't give a single fuck if Yinlin is "le bad", her legs aren't leaving my team any time soon
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You will use Taoqi!
That is literally the whole fucking purpose of Taoqi, to boost resonance skill users.

There will NEVER come out a 5* that replaces Taoqi, that is her purpose.
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ufufu~ wuwu?
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So, what's your excuse?
Taoqi Goddess
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I wish I was as rich as you. I feel guilty after spending money on this game even though groceries and other items cost as much, if not more.
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you guys said Jinhsi was gigapowercreep... what happened...?
Lmao where do you retards come from?
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How much CR does she realistically need?
Should I swap the 4 star CR echoe for CD?
I do have stringmaster which is at lv 60rn.
>S6 General
is it worth swapping to another character if my concerto energy isn't full?
Yes this matmatically checks out.
Deepen is significantly better than more dmg percent.
Something that.jinhsi already has so much of that it's.value became much lower.
ummm....I just asked if you wanted to go on a date later though...
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Based whalegod. You matter more than 100 of the poors in the thread
UL 47
>gets a free 60% buff
>has additional s0r1 5*
>single target boss
>no mobbing or multi-wave
>still loses
ohnonono jinshit bros... just wait for the new supports right? just like how eula released in 1.5 and got her support in 3.5 right
Phrolovabros, did we just won?
when is another Verina coming out bwo...
based beyond comprehension
>male rover in the art
I was wondering why no one was seething when the female rover was in the event screen. Turns out it changes based on your protagonist.
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Jinhsi belongs to The General!
Yes, everyone is too anal about intro/outro.
You would be better having less crit rate and more damage at that point
what's the best jinhsi party if I don't want to use men or yinlin
She is considering she can steamroll hazard tower with uninvested Yuanwu and a heron Verina at S1R1.
theres an entire submeta of autistic quickswapping, yes it can be worth it.
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Changlisavers stay winning
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I want her to smile at me like this...
Don't worry Camellya will powercreep everything for the whole next year.
powercreeping who?
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got my s6 sanhua :)
Proud of you Encore bro
She’s worse than Jiyan but still does twice as much damage as Changli.
farm the lowest difficulty you can. takes me like 3 seconds once she lands to kill her.
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>1488 * (1+.63*1.189) = 2602.6
>1605 * (1+.53*1.039) = 2510.5
First is probably better, but the ER on 2nd sounds comfier
Yinlin isn't bad, its just CN shitposters once again. The biggest buff they could make is making Jiyan a woman because they would being singing his praises from the high heavens instead of this shit.
Yeah they will just release a 5 star with coordinated atks and spectro dmg deepen instead.
my dick
loong is to big than mine...
a 60% skill damage buff (with lacking uptime) is less than 10% overall damage for Jinhsi, while 38% Heavy deepen is... 38% damage, on top of a built Mortefi contributing a significant amount of damage.
Careful about bragging using damage hacks
Does the scar boss fight drop echoes??








"chinese community"

















If you have some kind of serious thing you want to discuss aobut the game, that isn't obvious. Provide links to videos or screenshots or whatever.
Any retard who takes a "china says x is y" post seriously deserves to get baited.
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even like this?
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Encorebwos I did it...
This game's meta will soon revolve around having teams of 3 main dpses and constantly rotating and canceling and chainging combos with them
if you care about endgame then absolutely. no reason to stay autoing as verina or sanhua or fedoraman. use their skills/echo and get out of there until they're available again.
thanks bwo
uhoh jinshiroller melty....
I want her to help me fall asleep by singing a song to me while I use her lap as a pillow.
Isn't the resistance shred from Spectro Rover on par with deepen? I've been thinking of running SRover Taoqi as a team
what you ran on the left and middle
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Why are you niggers so obsessed with who’s meta or not when in a patch or two you’d have a fully upgraded 3 teams that’ll allow you to clear every content. Roll for who you like
>posting hacker or photoshop
I like keeping my account
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Come on now Kuro
You can't release this semen demon in PGR and only give me hags here
It won't because as expected, the content becomes a joke as you reach lvl 90, we're already getting full clears at lvl 80.
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What sort of expression does that smile convey.
Reminder that the /trash/ avatarfaggot wants to get sodomized by Jiyan
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nice game wuwakeks
You’ll never be able to clear content if you invest in mediocre characters like Changli and Yinlin instead of ones like Jinhsi.
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There's literally multiple videos in the post
sex with Jiyan
Conga lines of KANG cock
Did they change Jinhsi's ult animations? The dragon in the beta was just a dark silhouette for the first part. It looked a lot better imo, the one right now just feels more bland
that post literally has the video links backing up the clear times though
You sound scared at the idea.

And the 60% dmg bonus only happens on liberation something does every other rotation and on top of that she already has to much dmg percent for it to make much of a difference.
Jinxi plays with a subdps that buffs electro and ult damage, while she's a spectro unit that deals most of her damage (80%) with her skill
While Jiyan has a perfect subdps that buffs his heavy atk damage
"but Taoqi!"
she's too slow
I regret skipping Jiyan
Accept our friend requests
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She's supposed to be better then Jinshi and Jiyan in her dual dps encore team btw, thats why she didn't get any buffs throughout the beta
Does anyone have a good route for spectro echoes?
show your ToA
Just realize they are sweaty retards trying to min max everything and thats how they have fun. Best to ignore them if you're a Waifu or Husbando gamer
I don't care what you faggots say, I'm using Taoqi. I rather die than use a male.
She wants (You)r cock
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I skipped the monkey for now and got 12 on the other sides
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gladly, eufags dont exist.
Yeah, too bad by the time Jinhsi has a spectro skill damage deepen limited SSR buffer, the game will be 10 months in and she’ll do half as much damage as whatever DPS released by that point
>dual dps Enkek
Not running double dps not running double element not running w*men
Is she really that slow? I want her as a buff dispenser for my Spectro Rover
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But Jinshi's best team is Jinshi/Yinlin/Verina?
Where is the male?
It's not but spectro rover is also shit with jinhsi.
But so is toaqi
Stack generation is much too slow.
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You are watching Asmongold's streams for Wuthering Waves right?
Nobody is telling you to use a male thughtbeit, stop being uncertain over your choices like some beta
what you use on aix?
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so what if i use hacks I can beat shit that whales spends thousands to as a f2p lmao
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Yinlin and Havoc MC bwo
Taoqi is so bad that you lose damage by using her despite having the 38% skill deepen, it's never worth losing 10 seconds of DPS unless you're a character with extremely high cooldowns or energy requirements (doesn't exist)
Spectro support already exists.
Its Rover.
I'ma try later with my retardanko... thanks for sharing
I rerolled so I don't have Yinlin.
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>bricked cheevo progress by not rolling males
it's so fucking over...
Roll for Jinhsi or Changli, if only could pick one?
Dragon or Phoenix??
Beyblade Rover idea benched until a Spectro deepen character releases, got it
Spectro rover doesn't have coordinated atks or a deepen
>Three of those will find their way to you just by rolling the gacha
>play game for hours
>enjoy jinhsi
>clear 9 on spectro tower with unoptimized set and lv 1 Yuanwu
>having fun exploring the overworld with my new waifu, she's pretty strong
>done for today, check out 4chin
the fuck happened bwos?
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wow, this game sure fell off huh?
Should I use the normal skill during Jinhsi's rotation or not?
It gets reset when you do the 4th basic but I'm not sure if it does good damage or not
Seems to be nice for getting into a better position before you nuke at least
people are nasty online, don't let them ruin your fun.
Minmax autism
hag and male propoganda
Are you an encore fag like half this general for some reason?
Do you like big fucking lazers?

Changli has more staying power because she has her outro in case they powercreep Encore.
It's just Changlitards seething that their ugly cow is expected to deal half as much damage as Jinhsi
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and yet...
METAkeks are dumb apes, same as always
Spectro rover has equivalent of 10% deepen, the resistance shred.
It's worse than every other support/buffer character but it's something.
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Jinshi got buffed when she merged with Jue I see
Only at the very start. Her NA rotation takes 3 seconds so you don't lose anything. It also dosen't do that much damage, but it does generate some energy so its not bad.
But then again, why would need 2 fusion characters when Anko works fine for now
Shred is better than deepen
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I think the parkour event only had female Rover for the artwork.
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>people rolled stringless for encore
>is gonna get powercrept by changli

>still weaker than THE GENERAL
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NTA, but what's the difference betwen shred and deepen?
Just busted a fat nut in Yinlin, what'd I miss?
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Don't roll for hags
we're just having fun bwo
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If you impregnate the granny hag can her kid survive outside of the mountain? Asking for a friend
Nah it's METAkeks who are doing this. And Fujos. No one straight that's not a metacuck likes Jiyan. He is super easy to use for the average and below average player.
Does Jinhsi or Changli rank higher in authority lore-wise? Does Changli being a counsellor make her an assistant or something?
Sure but 10% spread is like a 20% deepen. Not a 38%
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AIIEEEE You don't understand!!!! A couple second early to clear content is a powercreep!!!! I gotta show off my skills in a mostly singleplayer game.
>one morbillion second rotation
no thanks
Reminder that hags are the same thing as m*les in gachas
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>Taoqi is bad with Jin-
Being STD free
>impregnate the granny hag
Impossible I'm afraid
Changli also loses half of her kit outro buff on Encore, since the resonance liberation buff won't work on her at all.
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But they go together
>already at the stage of blaming teammates
so when's the synergistic support coming?
who's to say there won't be new aero buffers/healers?
what will be the power level of new characters by then?
i've seen this play out many times, it usually doesn't end well
I'm rolling for both and I WILL put them both in the same team. DEAL WITH IT poorfag. Getting both of their weapons too.
Jinhsi ranks higher politically because she was chosen by a divine dragon but Chang Li is her advisor so Jinhsi respects her a lot.
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dont worry bro Jinshi is an investment
Nice food buffs
Now post one with mortefi or yuanwu
>new character clears content faster than old character
This is powercreep, yes.
What 2 characters should I prepare to use with Changli?
Deepen improves one type of damage, e.g. basic attack damage deepen. Spectro resistance shred improves *all* of your entire team's damage sources that are spectro.
Is chixia the only ranged user?
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>He is super easy to use for the average and below average player.
This is a good thing btw
Jinshi also dosen't require any braincells outside of the team page.
If you were confidant in your own masculinity you could enjoy both
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why do we have to keep arguing about character strength again?
Women lose the ability to get pregnant once they hit 40 years old.
Its called menopause.
I don't get it, isn't less powercreep a good thing?
Both of them are investments for different teams in the future.
That's a girl yeah. The next ranged unit will also be a male.
None, Changli is tier 3 and not worth using for anything besides jacking off to, which doesn't require a team or leveling her.
If life starts at conception and assuming a regular 9 month period before birth.
And 1 day in Mt firm is 10 days outside. The child would lose about 7 years of its life if immediately taken outside Mt firm
Once you realise that 99% of the people who play the game don't post here cause they're busy exploring it becomes clear why this general is full of shitposts and baits.
Meta trannies bump this thread for free
Your morterfi? Your Aalto?
Someone wants to dump his smug anime face folder while expressing his homo lust
it's the jinshitposters fault for saying shes 2 tiers of powercreep
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Bro you only need one and I'm fine with rolling males on standard. But I'm not going to go out of my way to roll a male that's limited. I may whale but I don't have that much money.
erm but I like her and already can 30/30 tower
>Like taoqui
Use taoqui
>Like mortefi
Use mortefi
>Like yuanwu
Use yuanwu
Anything else is schicophrenic SEAbabble
proud to be a crownless chad to impregnate this dog
So with both operating at their peak, who do you prefer?
How could they give Rover such a FAT FUCKING ASS
brave to you assume that these are carbon copies of the human race in this dimension with the same internal clock systems.
our bodies wear out quickly due to aging process doesn't mean its universal.
mortefi and aalto
No, it's a good thing if we have more powercreep. A bunch of powercreep is bad for the game which can cause a loss of players which will result in them giving more free shit to try and pull people back.
honestly just catching up on the shitfest. though i miss when 4chan was a haven for outcast contrarian nerds that actually discuss shit instead of 90% shitpostan.
Now do this again without have max resources to start with to actually showcase what's wrong with toaqi.
I like the mt firmament leitmotif. Wonder why there wasn't one for 1.0?
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Jinhsi's big dragon clit
Bro I'm trying to get dupes for girls. I don't have enough luck or money to roll for males. Thank you LeviathanGod though. FOr keeping the game alive.
Nobody who pulled for Jinhsi likes to use them, otherwise they'd be using them already. They're just metafagging around.
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Should I roll Changli here or inside some hot spring?
What Phoenixes are usually associated with except Elves?
Encore Sanhua still #1, right?
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when are we getting skins like this lmao
Did you skip Jinhsi and why?
I'm holding off for now because I think I like Changli's combat style and animations more. Plus she has big tiddies.
Who invited Sanhua? Sis thinks she's on the team
Nice soundpost
Deals half as much damage as Yinlin Jinhsi
changli's english va is soooo good holy shit
If you undid all of Jinshi's hair loopies how long would her hair be?
People are just more angry these days and want to make others around them feel just as bad.
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How we looking
>half forte bar
missing out on some res skill damage there, despite the 38% deepen
>it's a good thing if we have more powercreep.
>A bunch of powercreep is bad
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Jinhsi is the Eula of Wuwa
So my 2 Main dps are Encore and H.Rover
I have Yinlin, Sanhua and Danjin. Which sub dps should i pair with each dps? I have C0 Danjin and C1 Sanhua if that helps
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I'm saving for Changli and want some of her sequences
bro theyre giving away that 5 star Fenny for FREE
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No i didn't
Wait for her story to come out to find out. Alternatively roll for her where we first met her in the story.
(You) are such a cock hungry slut it's unreal.
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isn't this shit?
Bros, I don't think that this whole "everyone who leaves Mt Firmament rapidly ages" served any purpose in the story
For now, until changli
Mountains and hot places sound like a good place to start. Maybe top of sea of flames?
Sorry but...snowbreak models look like dogshit
not even close to true
like 80% of jinhsi's damage is pressing her skill
eula's damage almost all of her damage is tied up in her ult, where if you don't crit you basically have to reset.
the internet becoming more accessible was a mistake lmao
bwo I can't even roll good enough substats to make good characters good, bad characters are basically worthless with bad sub rolls
Get the random crits on left and right instead
It would be quite loong.
/wuwa/ for the past month
>omg 1.1 characters are so BROKEN
>holy shit 200K damage
>he rolled for powercrept Jiyan ohnonono
>also makes fun of Calcharo for dps
/wuwa/ now
>guys, please stop talking about the meta

the hypocrisy is astounding, jinshi posters need to apologize to us and maybe we'll move on
Yinlin to Hrover
Sanhua to Encore
Danjin sits the bench
>This game has too many abstract nouns
I get the chinese names being hard to follow, but is Asmon just kinda dumb?
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>jinshifags playing victim
literally yesterday you were causing FOMO and scaring people into rolling for her cause she was "super powercreep" and you would brick if you skipped
Definitely fucked 1 million guys over their long life. Probably has thousands of kids.
Should have just stayed a university and military thing I agree. Maybe allow something like SMS and email but certainly not browsing.
It's just there as a world building, it's up to us to interpret the rest, it's fine.
Jinhsilet cope thread
Thanks bro
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Don't lump me in with shitposting faggots
so whats happening is the poors that are out of rolls are trying to shit on changli because they wont be able to get her?
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>waifuniggers will roll regardless
Are they really wrong?
That's only true for normalfags who aren't resonators. The people living in the city can't leave without shaving years off their life.
I'm sorry, now can we please move on?
It's bad for the game and therefore good for the player.
>ecelebs are retarded
you know the answer already
I will use Taoqi with Changli for a cow dream team
she does not belong on a Jinhsi team however
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So it makes sense that everyone around her wants to eat it.
>food buffs
you didnt beat the game
I regret pulling Jinhsi Lawrence
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powercreep fags were all hoyoshills and doomposting concern trolls
>erm this level of powercreep is a bit concering isn't it really is the next tower of fantasy huh lets all go play genshit instead
Bro a few SEAnigs dont represent the whole general
Electro Rover with Yinlin will be really strong
Encore is permanent, easier to s6, and has a 36% cr weapon
Why do I see people with Crits 70-80/270-300 but our threads are mostly 40-60/200-250? How fucked up are their echoes to reach that high?
I forbid you from posting more fat assed female Rover pics
I rolled Jinhsi because I want to stick my dick in her.
LMAO cope tranny
they might be running 4-4-1-1-1 with crit damage/crit rate on the 4-piece echos
Imagine picking male Rover
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trvthbomb bwo they also need to apologize to Changlibwos
skipping for Changli
>level 80
>1541 atk
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couldn't be me
Why would anyone need to apologize to Changli "bros" when they're still going to end up doing a fraction of the damage Jinhsi can put out?
Would they really shame themselves like that on a YT vids though? 44111 is frowned upon
It's hard to pick and play as a loose slut.
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>10 months in and she’ll do half as much damage as whatever DPS released by that point
is the powercreep THAT bad?
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see, why are Jinshifags so toxic
Mental asylum
Self insert as the characters you pull, not the character you get for free, you're not a poorfag aren't you?
Definitely fucked 100 men.
>you HAVE to self-insert
Mental illness
changlis wep is way better than hsi
It's a work in progress, my 3 costs are kind of shit and her sword is at level 70 since i didn't prefarm near enough
Leave the MC wars for hoyohomos, our mc is actually cool.
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it's an easy choice desu
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uh now what
with my powers of imagination I can even self insert into a chair a character is sitting on.
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sick echo
they fucked up when mc has more art than other 5* girls...
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is that shiny?
Jiyan is too much of peacock for me to self insert as. I don't have Calchudro and Lion guy is a literal dumb animal.
I take back my previous statement sis, stay based.
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Brovers, abby is going to become a cute girl eventually, right?
kys homo
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more characters can benefit from it
>Not just the NPC but even the enemy design has rizz
Isn't this just a huge budget waste?
Literally looks like a tranny. Like 100%.
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I self insert as male rover in porn but chose female for the sex model
>10% better than standard 5* sword
I hope not.
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I can't wait to maxx out my Jinhsi/Yinlin to do this to every lvl6 hologram, they've been on my mind for too long, I finally have a proper main DPS dropping pure nukes
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>so it's not looking good for Changli
Anon, Changli has more effort put into her animations and kit than 10 mihoyo characters COMBINED, i say this as a day 1 player of GI, she could literally heal the enemy and i would roll.
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And that's why you use an interactive map. Do you have the worms? Some spawn only after you finish the main quest
Based Straight Gaymer
Not really. The standard 5* outperforms Changli's sword on anyone that has a balanced damage profile.

Which is currently everyone except Changli.
>Grows in power with you
Either a cute girl or a fuckawesome beast of war.
I yes the reincarnted as a vending machine strategy.
Het is good.
This is actual faggotry.
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You will take the yume route and you WILL like it
>when 12 is the max
lmao way to prove them right
going by PGR yes but it will take two years
Self insert as Changli or Camellya then
Jinhsi looks plain. I'm skipping her for sex goddess Changli.
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cute & canon
This is the most monkeypaw'd echo I've ever seen.
I want to get paizuri from those tits not become them.
Not an adrenaline junkie.
Skipping for the same reasons, Changfriend.
I need to dust off my Chalchado and try him with 5* broadsword
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>open thread
>meta posting
Kill all metafags. Death to metafags. Hang all fujos.
>general most active when homo lust spam
I see
yuan wu barely does any stagger damage on any bosses, what am I doing wrong?
That's the most monkeypaw'd echo I've never seen. Because you forgot your screenshot, dummy!
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If that's shit then what is this then?
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A yurischizo is mad so he posts gay shit
I'm getting both.
I might have to skip Camellya though.
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Of course I forgot to post the picture. I'm fucking cursed.
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>twice the polygons of jinhsi who model mogs any other gacha character
This has to be the devs favorite character or something
>dropped chadcharo for havoc rover
Maybe he'll get some buffs or maybe geshu lin's sword will have res lib buffs/generation that makes him viable.
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His kit will be good, right?
To achieve this you need all your echos to have crit% and crit dmg, most people just go with one of them because farming for double crits is torturing (even more if you're looking for good 3*)
>just hit UL50
>need to max out my Jinhsi
>need to level Yuanwu for Jinhsi
>need to level Taoqi for Changli
>need to prefarm Changli
I don't feel so good
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>rolled on jiyan and his weapon
>rolled on yinlin and her weapon
>rolled on jinhsi and her weapon
I'm not poor
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Do you even need to ask? She's the best looking gacha character ever made.
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>taoqi can be used with changli and jinhsi
I'm a homosexual so im pulling for him regardless
Yurishitter got mad when someone posted Femrover x Jiyan and got buttblasted. Then he retaliates with gay shit.
anyone else get lucky rerolling
>jihnsi + her weapon
>standard 5* sword in 10 rolls
>anko from beginner rolls
my main account has been at max plates for many hours and i don't even care
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I'd self-insert as Rover if he actually looked like this
technically yuanwu can be low as lv60 just for his passive but yeah its still a bitch due to them not LISTENING...
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>Want to take pic of H.Rover with wings out
>"You cannot take photo in current state"
So tired of games adding a photo mode but its shit or unusable
At least let me disable the HUD in options or something REEEE
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Should have gotten Jiyan!
Now your account is perma bricked.
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Just tried it out and it's super comfy
Shame about echo exp being such a nigger in this game stopping me from experimenting with more fun builds
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what a whore
they probably also eat food buffs before taking screenshot for max epeen points
Why is Yuanwu good with jinhsi?
Only difference between him and male rover is slightly sharper eyes and white hair.
I hate it, same for gliding.
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Jinhsi, Phrolova, Cammellya LOVE
he press skill and fucks off which contributes alot to Jinhsi's forte gain.
I leveled Jinhsi to 69 hoping to not waste exp but I just hit 70 from farming echos...
I will call that this guy will be alive and will get his head cut off, he has too much kawrou similarities
Yeah, slap down that pillar, switch to jinhsi and watch her forte gauge go up
encore on steroids
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cope male rover is a manlet faggot twink
Whoever said Jinhsi was way more fun on a quick swappy team was 100% right, this shit is great.
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using Taoqi with Changli and give zero fucks if it's best or not
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Imagine being such a whore... Shapely body, ditsy almost bimbo like behavior, perpetually sleepy haha...
Why would you do this to yourself anon.
easy off field dps. he's fine for overworld but just doesnt do enough in tower. maybe if you invest a lot in him but yinlin is superior
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We're just going to have to wait until theres mods for that so we can get some good screenshots i guess
What talents should I max out for Jinhsi and Yinlin? Priority

I'm low on credits and don't want to waste any
resonance skill, forte, resonate liberation
You switched from bird to her? you're the only person posting this stuff so heres the (You) that you're clearly seeking
Jinhsi wants forte and liberation, Yinlin wants forte.
Oppai lolis when? The nips have the right idea so why haven't the Chinese awakened to it?
Makes sense before the siblings story retcon
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Bros redpill me on echo sets
Besides the healing set for Verina I've only been using the corresponding elemental for each char so far
Short king warlord on the left
Yinlin's better but if you don't have her or s4 mort or he's with Jiyan yea fedoraman is your best 3rd option.
Same for Taoqi? Or will she die to a breeze if I mess up her counter.
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I pulled Jinshi's weapon should I go for her
The what retcon? Explain.
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zamn i didnt know CR can roll that high
>quick swappy team
Why would you ever upgrade basic attacks when most fortes just replace them with upgraded versions? janky ass game.
It would be hard to justify, but it would be beyond amazing if Kuro pulled it off.
>she's sleepy because she's busy all night long
Wtf did I just read?
I sure like the targeting camera moving to some random enemy 50 miles away when I'm trying to cycle through the ones right in front of my face.
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Yeah, with me.
The only justification you need is that it makes people horny.
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Every night too...
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I dont use the lock on when there's a mob, fucking annoying
They were implied to be siblings in the beta test which is why she has lamb motifs, but nothing happened
Any team really, just played in a quick swappy way. I'm running Yinlin and Taoqi for example.
I wasn't really paying attention to the story, I thought he was some future edgy Rover at first.
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>God-like sub stats
>Wrong main stat
Coom in Loom
I loved the plot twist when she stabbed Rover in the guts with her hair pin, it was pretty metal
wuwa won
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I finished all the content in one day what are we getting the next 22 days
He was the epitome of a chinese general, pretty cool.
No crit damage sub, recycle it
Maybe just like with Danjin being more subtly mentally ill in final product instead of overtly mentally ill in the beta test, they still kept it but it's a subtle thing.
Perhaps it will be a story plot point further down the line.
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Am I the only one who thought Phrolova's voice acting was shit?
do you even need a map? a 100% the new zone yesterday.
Her EN was hot as shit.
I'm down for accents
I wish everyone went full xenoblade instead of trying to force eng accents
Being a general failure isn't cool. It's only good to lose a lot of men during war if you complete your strategic objectives and even then you might get villafied either.
>God-like sub stats
You're missing two of the most important ones
Only marginally, enemies have 10% resistance, and the way the damage calculation works means reducing it by 10% is just about 11% damage.
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Verdict on Jinhsi?
Roll or skip?
>just find the shitty grey chests on your own bro
nah, I barely find them with a map lol
it can go into negatives afaik
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EN voice was pure sex
Her eyes are stunning

Rolling for sure
Is this true wuwakeks >>484019815
Play ZZZ. They're giving out 100 free rolls.
Hoyo invented thumbs up icons and Breath of the Wild exploration. FInally someone points it out
Significantly stronger than Changli, so the next character you need to worry about is in 7 weeks
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I ended up with s6 yangyang from getting jinshi.. do i just level her and use her with jinshi, she does general ATK buffs and refills ultimate ig

currently running her with chadtefi but he's on borrowed timesince he belongs to my general
Well, it can't, because there's no way to reduce it by more than 10% currently, but yes it would get better if it were possible.
>Her eyes are stunning
I think you mean eye.
She only has 1 eye.
Cyclops lol.
No her eyepatch adds to the appeal
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Jinhsi gameplay
>Skill 1
>Echo skill
>Basic Attack combo A (4 hits)
>Skill 2
>Skill 3
>Basic Attack combo B (4 hits)
>Skill 4
>Plunge attack

Average Genshin gameplay
>support EQ and swap
>support EQ and swap
>support EQ and swap
>switch to your main hypercarry and spam the same charged attack for 10 seconds
Of course, but there is something of heroic in the general that fights from the front and keeps going till the end.
In a way it's why i don't really want them to bring Geshu back, letting his final mistake and atonement through death be his greatest point in life.
Yangyang sucks, just swap over jiyans echos to her and she can clear stage 2-3 for you in tower, that's all she's good for.
The green hair and eye is great but I'm just not into the euro accent
Hope they dont put Camellya and Phrolo in the same patch. I may have to swipe
How do we already know Jinhsi is stronger than Changli?
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Some of these JOOMPS go really far and surprisingly they don't lag the game
What are the odds we get flying echo mounts in the future
So with Jinhsi S2, she basically doesn't need anyone to generate condasedence? Isn't that p2w?
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Resonator of homolust
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Its fucking true
How could we ever top this
Stop saying Jinhsi sucks.
that only works in overworld, doesnt work if your in tower and you swap to taoqi or rover/verina for 4 seconds
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Is Calcharo really that bad now I already invested in him with Yinlin
>flying echo mounts
we already have one. Don't think they're gonna add any more at least not any that let you fly significantly longer
I thought Spectro Rover could stack his shred 3x due to the cooldown (3x6s cooldown with 20s effect duration). Lame
Wuwa's animations literally look like those fake mobile mmorpgs ads, it's unironically forced.
All of changlis numbers are just much worse than jinhsis and we haver her animations to actually formulate a rotation lenght
Sorry, but I need to express my concerns. I wanted WuWa to be mature in dark postapocaliptic setting - that was at least in promotional cinematic etc. and what I got? Eghm... well... not that at all. I would probably win in court as they are false advertising things - it is not aRPG, no RPG aspect and no A-RPG aspect. Where is "roleplaying" when I got no choices? Story is just linear and that wouldn't be "bad" and now HUGE IF not that tones of exposition, muted MC and illusion of choices, also... that moment when Changli is explaining us really just OBVIOUS puzzle. Like man I got more than 5 IQ..

Abby... another problem... DARK FORCES, CHANGING DEAD PEOPLE, TRAPPING THEM and... cute rabbit as protagonist... well.. it's taking whole seriousness away. Literally all. Also ofc always hungry GI paimon clone It would be ok in some funny stories, caricature of epic storytelling etc. but here? Eghm... terrible choice.

I was full of hope for 1.1 after Scar kinda nice arc with deep meaning (sadly we are throwing it to bin literally one moment later. He is pushing us to not trust anyone, but we are ignoring his takes like stubbornn kiddo without any reason). Another nice moment was between Jiyan and previous general.

And now... i finally could play story of 1.1 and I am SO DISSAPOINTED. Like wtf. Terribly and deeply. And before "use skip button" it is not solution. So... story is treating me like I got terrible lack of intelligence. Every part of explanation is throwed at me again and again and... again. Like dialogue is 5 mins when 3 we are repeating things. WTF. Changli is more narrator than actual person and it is taking whole immersion. She is literally telling us even how solve puzzle... also she is emotionless and... uhhh... i hoped for some personality and i got none O__O Another problem - exposition...I really don;t WANT to know EVERYTHING by yangyang recap of past moments. Why she needs to remind me of literally MY experience. Like... I was there...remember?
If you have Yinlin he's still the third best dps
hmmm nyo
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Please help me out, I'm a brainlet. If I follow the 1:2 rule for crit, how much CD do I need if I have 60% CR? 220%?
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>says this while he shills this in his indonesian hut
This arc changed storytelling into full Genshin style and I hate it totally. It's childish and taking all "dark style" from postapocaliptic setting. It's just another rainbows fantasy for kids inanother skin. Chinshi even telling us about 7 times about her dilemma and motivation. 4 times same, literally same lines of dialogue in just different words. "I go for a dinner" "I am going to eat dinner" "You know I am hungry and going for dinner" "I will eat something" "You know what... My stomah is empty" like this... Changli for me lost all personality, Chinshi is just teenager who can't stand to not express her doubtness to Rover 10 times in the row. Rover is NPC without his own thoughts or (!!!) voice. Like why is he so quiet? Are we really need that part of "choice what you are talking: YES or YES OF COURSE"?! Just put cutscene there and that';s it. Let HIM TALK. This is taking away whole immersion. Totally.
And here we got again -> Changli is telling us that "there is blood on floor and scales, we need to hurry", 1 sec later "look! SHEET OF PAPER! I will read it and EXPLAIN it to you like you just left kindergarden" - OCH ROVER! ANOTHER SHEET OF PAPER! Let's READ IT AND I WILL EXPLAIN YOU EVERYTHING WRITTEN THERE.... wow... And whole solution is "ROver we will back here, we got no time right now, I will explain you everything later on after we save Magistrate". Also the old lady thing... "she was injured and she left 15 minutes ago so... I will tell you every piece of our meeting"... like...let me just follow her? If that was 15 minute ago I can catch up with her since she is slower as injured person? NO! I WILL TELL YOU! STOP...and then Changli "Rover we need to hurry, but let me tell you and explain how hurry we need to be and explain what we just saw" wow.
Also quite interesting thing - we are following injured Chinshi and! She is closing and trapping every door behind her. Even summoning "new type of discord". Like... WOW REALLY?
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Are the extra attack talents (1.80%) important?
More like
>Ult but don't have it every time
>E, E
>A, A, A, A
reddit reposterbwo is back lets goooo
That's what I think as well.
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Forced animation bros...how can we compete with natural animation like this
holy vomit please tell me this isn’t official
Not that anon but I like this too along side wuwa.
I think it's pretty impressive what they managed to do to the models in zzz.
how is this game going to survive 7 weeks with no content
it's an official ad
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I was thinking of trying that. How much of a cuckge is this game? did the Mihomo fanbase have taken control? are the girls into the self insert?
It would be incredibly broken if it worked like that
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that looks so fucking bad
who does this appeal to
Too bad Looney toons shit like this isn't in the actual game.
They don't move like that in the actual game. It's going to trick a lot of nips though. They like that kind of stuff.
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you tell me
holy fuck this looks obnoxious
The true answer is that no one knows, because not a single person has read the story after the first few chapters. Some people will say they have, but they are lying.
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You DID roll for Jiyan, right???
jesus christ this is the worst piece of shit animation i've ever seen kek mihoyo is a billion dollar company by the way
Normies should stop getting high when they play games, maybe then they'd stop making things up that never happened.
>skipped the first two banners
>had to spend the entirely of 1.0 gems just to get Jinhsi and her weapon
Doesn't feel like this game is really all that generous, to be honest.
When was this? I missed it
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Is ZZZ the most soulful gacha ever made? Meanwhile wuwa has almost 0 soul.
You pitied twice?
>and her weapon
There's your problem
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I read everything
wow, ZZZ has the best animators on the planet, that looks really good.
>and her weapon
retardGOD, that is for whales only
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This game is made to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
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Bro play genshit and try getting a 5* with their signature weapon lol
at least it looks smooth compared to wuwa
What the FUCK does FORCED ANIMATION even fucking mean?
It's like you kiddies invent retarded as fuck new terms whenever you can't think of a legit argument.

Animation is animation. No such thing as forced animation. It's like retards claiming native isekai without knowing the meaning of isekai and fantasy.
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>Zoomer the game
>With furry garbage and everything
Mihoyo has truly fallen.
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Truth about 100 pull in ZZZ ....its actually 283+

>Credit : @Jakazin on youtube :https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NnyhnbQ7vpA

>Spread sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1nGCs3jx1nVysEdH-2CliKEMj7KIwhILUMXTkQKDQoJA/htmlview#gid=0

>There is a lot of misinfo about this game like 100 pull for all conetent most pople hell bent on hating on it ...so here take this to shut them up ...its 283 for all content and maybe more.

>this guy made it in cbt3 but on launch game map will be double so more chests and rewards.

Holy shit this changes everything
cant see when crownless is attacking half the time
>friend tried saying ZZZ was the homoverse game for gooners
>he didn't know about all the censorship
You can change the zoom on your character. Use the wheel on your mouse to zoom out.
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I dont understand how FRover's and Danjin's outfit works
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Wrong general fag
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>what is forced animation
Let me explain in a way even a retard like you can understand.
what the fuck....
cant wait till next weekend so these shills go away
to be fair wuwa shills prior to launch were equally annoying
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Wait, this is just Liyue's plot
That's not forced animation. That's cgi.
Reminder that Chixia has the best synergy with Changli of any character in the game, so you should be building her in preparation.
>283+ pulls
I dunno, reeks of desperation.
It's a weird choice of angle but that in no fucking way explains what forced animation means. It's still good animation.
>forced animation
Nta but Nah this is just shit animation lol
my neurons... decimated...
It does have to compete with behemoths like Genshin and Star Rail after all
hows the gacha though?
rates? pity?
dupe system?
character release schedule?
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Am I crazy or did these used to be called young instead of baby?
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Kuro couldn't even proofread their German AI translation
Forced animation just means the poster hates the animation. That's all it is. They have no legit arguments so they scream forced animations as if it means anything.

It's like when a karen gets offended over fucking nothing so they throw a tantrum.
This much smearing really isn’t necessary but of course westoid slurpers won’t have a problem with it
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I miss Bleach TV1 days...
forced romance is worse.
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>forced animation
You forced my hand. Watch with caution.
This is dogshit animation and bad camera work, not forced animation.
forced incel pandering is the worst
I swear every time something like this is posted about the game it just makes me want to play it even less
lmao wtf
This is forced animation.

>WuWa gets free shit because the terrible launch
>ZZZ gets free shit just because
Confirmed flop.
what am i looking at bro
fucking kek
sigmachad(incel) website
That's kino animation.
Tolkien isekai’d into Kirito (Male rover) and is now getting rid of trooncels who isekai’d into Tacet Discord groomers
Jiyan = Aragorn (isekai’d from Shinzo Abe)
Scar = Melkor (disguised), formerly G’Raha Tia (isekai’d into Melkor and lost his memories in the process)
Jinshi = Galadriel
Lmao this is almost as funny as the beginning portion of Asta vs ladros
wtf i dont remember this episode
The translation is "Excuse me, but 'Xunwei' is not an English term, and thus I cannot translate it. Please make sure, that the text you submit for translation is in English"
They literally copypasted ChatGPT's output in the fucking NPC
forced drama > forced plot > forced animation > forced gacha
What's the latest on the chink tier list?
yeah that's not forced animation
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someone post it on Twitter so we can get free shit
Holy fucking cut corners. Lazy chinks LMAO
Forced consensual sex with Jinhsi
forced NTR
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holy shaise
holy freakin soul
what does Enhanced Drop Rate even for?

is it the drop chance of Echoes for bosses or does it affect the substats on those drops? If it's just echo droprate isn't that not a big deal? Should I use them now on Jue
This is the only thing i can think of that would possibly fit this made up term "Forced animation"
forced shitposting
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was it just me or was the 120 beyblade easier to kill than the 120 wolf. Might be cause it was way easier to reliably trigger counter-attacks/parrys with taoqi
Any rerollers?
Kek, why hire anyone to do this when you can just have an intern with do it with AI right?
oh no no no I thought AI was supposed to make us greater and stronger bwos
What the fuck is wrong with this garbage chink company
Those wolf shoot beams and you have to fight two of them at once. So yea the 120 wolves were harder.
AI slop aside, how did they overlook a NPC with a name that covers literally your whole screen
Its an open secret that they just have some unpaid intern do non-CN/JP versions of the game with AI. Fuck paying some gweilo
They also called the Lightcrusher "Ominous Tiger" in KR with a flavor text translation that makes no fucking sense
who cares, no one uses that gibberish
english is the only language that matters
bold of you to assume they bothered checking
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Why would they put a name into the translator in the first place?
now THIS is forced animation
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It's a confirmed flop because it's an arena action arpg. Anyone that unironically expects the game to be anything else is delusional.
PGR and HI3 are already much better games in the same genre and they're both giga flops.
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This is what happens when you rush your patch because you're scared of ZZZ
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>30 pulls for Jinhsi
>10 pulls for her weapon
there was similar shit to this in English in the illusive realms event though
so is jue better than aix?
soul overanimation
soulless overanimation
Bold of you to assume they aren't doing the same thing for EN as well.
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I thought the chinks cared about their german bros.
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no one's scared of this furfaggot
Already finished all new content in 1.1.
Maybe I'll try out ZZZ when it comes out.
trippy, I like it. The bit where he punches the air has Asura's Wrath energy
Chat(GPT), what does this mean?
1 month later
>It's actually a good thing that /wuwa/ is dead and the game's sales are doing worse, because us "comfy" bros might get more free rolls now
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>40 pulls just to get a unit weaker than Jiyan
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>try to fight high level dreamless hologram with Jinhsi
>the moment she enters dwagon mode I can no longer see what the boss is doing
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You said this would happen 2 weeks ago
I've always thought the term "Forced animation" was a bit silly, but it isn't hard to tell when the sentiment is, it's just tryhard. Trying do desperately to impress is embarrassing.
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I already have Jiyan
Have fun. I'll be malding wakaboat
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post changli weapon stats onegai
I was wondering about that too
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Absolutely BASED.
I pity all those who haven't gotten The General!
*crownless I guess
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This is what actual forced animation looks like you dumb newfags
That is good animation. seapags I hate you all. Cockroaches.
can any wuwagods answer this please
Forced expression
When are we getting native 120fps support? It seems they unlock it for the cutscenes lmao
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Did they uncensored the characters? if not then ZZZlop it is.
Baizhi is basic as fuck, how can people find that generic bitch hot?
....its a flop sir
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i want to run my tongue between taoqi's ass cheeks after a full day of her running around in the sun collecting chests and fighting mobs
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>how can people find that generic bitch hot?
beats me
So i guess the people who say jianxin getting her tits jiggles removed are not gonna like this pink bitch either
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They actually spend a lot of money advertising this game.

I know right? She doesn't even look AI generated like Changli does. How are us zoomers supposed to jack off to this?
It may sound weird by she looks like R63 Megumi Zenin to me.
(Me) here, it took me less effort to 9 on Jinhsi's tower, with unoptimized build (+ unbuilt Yuwan) compared to full team S1 Jiyan on my alt account (semi-built Mortefi and Verina). What only annoyed me is Jinhsi's miniscule gather.

CBA to mald the last 3* with my shitty builds.
so whats the verdict on jinshi? she good?
shes hot but the gameplay looks boring
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Standard or limited?
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her tits are so off model lmao
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She's easy to self-insert into because you have this same expression on while you're shitposting on /wwg/ (pronounced /wuwa/).
The problem here isn't animation, it's direction. The animation is okay, but the choice of camera angles is really bad.
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>She used to have boobs physics
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in case anyone was wondering you can get 4* Cost Echoes from Dailies... it was bad though
It basically guarantees an echo to drop from calamity/overlord bosses for the first 15 times you defeat them. It's good for farming 4 cost echos
Cool beauty
Long hair
Nice tits
Nice thighs
>free gibs just in time for 5* male gunner
the boob physics animation was forced anyways
problem is she doesn't look like a scientist at all
That's good animation.
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People said the same about turn based corridor slop called HSR and yet it dominated revenue charts since it's releasee.
For spreading shit opinions I take your frogpost license away from you.
Copium post
we need a gyaru scientist
bad animation
with sex hair and shark teeth
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it's Jinhsi not Jinshi.. do you guys even love her?
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pretty cool
I know this is a shitpost but I tried to tell a lot of people day 1 that Jiyan would still be better in most content, he's easier (Jinhsi is easy, too) but his grouping, auto parry and AoE are way better than hers.
She does a lot of damage with the laser and single target, but she also requires ramp-up time and just doesn't have the mechanics to invalidate the game as easily as he does, even with her combo not breaking from dashing.
I'm still playing Jinhsi either way since I'm not a metafaggot and she got me 24 stars at level UL49 so whatever.
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We need to replace Yappy as the app icon
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I miss uncensored wuwa bros
>forced animation, reddit spacing, slop
Feels like buzzwords have gotten more retarded these 10 or so years
I don't get why she was one to get censored first instead of Taoqi or Baizhi.
>links reddit
>reddit spacing
Nice reddit general you have here wuwakeks
Eula was meta until Raiden came out retardbro.
hsr doesn't have anything like zzz's tv minigame
Was Jianxin the only one hit?
Changli's breasts are free in the wild, same for Baizhi's in the menu or Taoqi.
what's the rotation for Jinhsi / Yinlin / Verina team?
newfags coming up with their own buzzwords in an attempt to fit in
24 stars? How?
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Sex with women! Female SEX!!!
Should I get Jimshi or wait for the next banner? Next banner was a support for Encore right?
No hags allowed.
Swap to Verina.
ZZZ so interesting I’m gonna…. Yaaawn… zZzZzZz
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Cowqi exists if you wanna look at bouncing titties
Man, it's really hard to see these gunners shooting you in the chaos of battle. I wish they would shout "Think fast" or something cause I keep getting sniped.
erm but aalto prefers only hags and minors
I'm going to milk this cow
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All i know bro is they are listening to the wrong crowd *this is not good cuz is unrealistic* *boobs dont looks like that*
Is gonna be downhill from here on
Is this before or after the nerf? I dont own Jianxin so i never noticed
It's a support for Chixia. Half of her buffs don't work on Encore. Sanhua is still better for her.
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We really can’t catch a break
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Verina -> yinlin -> jinhsi
I wanna look at all of them bouncing them tits like there's no gravity but we are not allowed no more. Expect all the new hoes to be as stiff as they are in mohomo games
Forced team with a forced rotation
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Why don't you have Jinhsi signature weapon?
There's literally no excuse.
They don't check any translations except for Chinese and Japanese. And a bit of the English one.
forced animation is as old as k-on, newfag
taoqi + verina/baizhi
you can also use sanhua if you qs a lot but if you're not using one of the m*les you're gonna gimp your stack accumulation no matter what
scientists look ugly so that's not a problem at all actually
just move faster dummy
Was it really necessary to stick her ass right up that gas mask guy's face?
Forced animation is a spook that retards use
lost her 50/50 to jianxin
This is fun and a stark contrast to their usual anime shtick. You guys are fucking boring and on top of being boring you're also all equally moronic. If I were to put all of (You) into a room together the only thing you all collectively would be able to solve is elementary math. This isn't forced animation, it is a style of animation. If you don't like it, that's fine because it's subjective. This by no means is bad animation, this is excessive in the sense that they are animating it to the point it's difficult for most animators alone to achieve.
nexxt character its probably male and loli.. So going to save for the next waifu.
girls look like a whore version of Taoqi and somehow manage to be even ugly Cowqi... The other character look like a fucking faggot.
actually pretty cool

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