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Lydia Edition

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Elder Thread: >>483856420
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Where's my /tg/ link you little slut
people still use that?
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all what I want is a racist follower that WILL shit talk other races and sometimes it will evolve to a fight

I prefer female tomboy dummer but I'm ok with whatever
chey bosmom and synthia walk into a tavern
>the tavern falls down because those two are fatasses
with how racist modders like to pretend Skyrim is, i am honestly surprised there aren't more npcs that instigate shit like you say. racist follower would have an interesting comment section for sure.
I thought snake had good taste in women
mans has Yarti at home and can't even be loyal for 2 hours
thats amusing. do you actually like any waifus or are you openly hostile to attention whoring in any degree?
>with how racist modders like to pretend Skyrim is
I do say there isn't enough mods to even "pretend" to be skyrim racist
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god damn, that dismemberment mod is fucking good
I just turned 4 bandits into ribbons with one greatsword power attack, like in fucking Berserk
posted reply in the aco thread in hindsight I probably could have recruited lydia and snuck with her showing the pancake press
everything is pretty default I haven't fucked with gravity settings yet
on SSE
you got an odd philosophy on harmony
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falmer ass
>that fried lod right in the view
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>escort old man who wants to reunite with his war buddy and his cohort in falkreath
>suddenly find group of dragon slayers searching for one big dragon that was attacking caravans
>decide to go to place where they found the dragon (I killed a dragon residing their last night and I was expecting their reaction to it's skeleton
>a different dragon appears out of the fog and fucking clapped me with a frost breath shout
why do so many modded questline start in falkreath? especially a lot of older ones like Helgen reborn, Moon-and-star, Moonpath, and Wyrmstooth
If it Works, it works
because it's dead empty
webm or you're gay
keizaal means skyrim
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credit where it's due, that endless squatting in caves pays off
guys i love my waifu cheyene
You know what? Fuck you.
>ungolds your dwemer pipeworks
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What's the best combat setup bros
girls i love my husbando J'zargo
different game
or vanilla because all combat mods are retarded tedium
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Waifu smiles are the most valuable treasure in all of Nirn!
>have the tools to create anything at your fingertips
>makes a heroin addict lookin waifu
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Big things happening in the Morrowind modding community.
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sup fags, anything new UP today?
mod's not janky at all?
this enb looks really nice
>makes a close up screenshot
>with a bunch of clipping in the foreground
You go queen. Milk him dry as a reward for being a nice husbando
Just because Serana was groomed and sexually exploited doesn't mean she became an enby
the game starts in helgen lol. Of course most mods start right there.
valravn, ice skating fixed for real, KYE2 or Armor Rating Redux SKSE, animations from archery gameplay overhaul, and precision. Anything else is bloatcringe.
the guy's simple beheading is absolute tits so I have faith.
she's just a discount bosmom
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what is up gamers
incorrect skeleton using the wrong type of body. Check your load order and make sure nothing is being overwritten.
>mod's not janky at all?
Not from what I've been able to tell. It's ESL flagged too
we've been over this 234234 times with in game evidence that says otherwise you're only trolling at this point by posting this
okay, she IS an enby
Both are irredeemable trash.
I'm gay
only jank I've seen is that if you use the bamham attack indicators and decap someone while it's on, it will stay on, as in, it will fly off and roll with the head
Just because she consented doesn't mean she wasn't exploited
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so do the mods don't really care about boobie pics anymore or is no one really reporting them?
Dunmer men belong to Nord men
Blue board jannies are always sleeping
Even if you're spamming futa loli porn for an hour (can confirm)
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>Dunmer men
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I am new here. Played Skyrim a lot back when I was a normie around 2012
Recently suffered an extreme injury and want something to immerse myself in while I recover.
I would like to play Skyrim again but understand there must be a lot that has changed
This is my first time playing on a PC as well, before was on Xbox.
I want to try with mods ideally the most immersive experience possible.
Can anyone give any tips? Or suggest a youtube video or other source for information on this?
Thank you and as tribute enjoy please this High Quality Wallpaper
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it always depends on who is doing the posting. if they are liked or disliked.
cant game because my lap is catted
I have the gravel gargling available and a fondness for allegedly offensive racial epithets but alas I am a man
I support your endeavor however
Gael screenshots don't get removed for some reason
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>Walk into Solitude for the first time
>Roggvir is getting executed
>Run up on stage right after he is decapitated because I want to try and resurrect his corpse
>Suddenly everyone starts attacking me
>Surrender to guards and go to jail
>"We'll remove any stolen goods"
>Take most of my armor
What did I do that was so wrong?
post some naked boobs and find out for yourself.
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Being mad at Palworld
saved for next edition
boobs ok
nipples bad
pubes it depends on the cop
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Been using LOOT since I started.
There are no errors showing up.
>if they are liked or disliked.
Who are janny's favorite waifus?
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they knew what you were going to do with the reanimated body
i wasnt accusing the jannies of favoritism, but rather the posters here.
"I was beginning to think your champions were all cowards, The Elder Scrolls V: SKYRIM Anniversary Edition."
He's talking toward the province as a whole
"Ah, Montenegro, have you truly sent your strongest warriors? Laughable."
>Can anyone give any tips?
well here's a good one: most mods with the word "Immersive" in it are shit
thats not what he meant
he meant us reporting someone
if we like/tolerate someone we keep scrolling
if someone wants attention, we give them attention

layman: we do report people, just rarely
>get se
>get the barest fixes, graphics mods, and location mods
fogchads are laughing at us again..
Do you have SMP installed as well?
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sometimes they don't, i wouldn't recommend posting naked boobas though sincce there's a chance you'd get a vacation.
I love it
>play as venerable archmage
>get my robes
>get a bounty assumedly from killing some thalmors
>guard outright strips me whole as if my robes were stolen
racist nigga thought an argonian can't be archmage
probably same case with wolf ladies
Who are the whitelisted waifus then
FSMP yeah, and the 3ba was installed with full SMP no cbpc
that's a Big Sturgeon for me
>go to /fog/
>ctrl + F "/tesg/"
>0 results
>they're minding their business telling off some pedo
let me guess, that's you, isn't it?
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But anon, I AM the fogchad
also should say the breasts bounce fine it's just a weird gravity issue when crouching like the anchor is attached to my pelvis instead of the ground so the boobs pancake instead of droop
Do everything that >>484021780 says and turn on survival mode that comes with SE
More immersive and less bloated that anything on nexus
When I get my own place next year I'm gonna set up a shrine to Azura in a corner
MCO + valhalla + precision + true directional movement and no fucking dodge mods.
how do I get this kino fog?
all the fog I see literally disappears when I walk up to it...
>Read in a smoker's voice. Why does she refer to herself in third person anyway? She's not a Khajiit.
I still get Mandela'd into thinking lizards do it too
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Yeah, each day MWSE-Lua stuff gets crazier.
You're going to exhaust and smother another Guar? =\ leave them alone damnit.
OK but what is a 'location' mod?
Also doesn't SE add some cringe bug quest and other stuff? I thought the OG was still the best but IDK
Also is there like a challenge run sort of thing or is that all house rules?
Something like:
No fast travel
No cheats
or something else?
>gravel gargling
where can download this mod
>turn on survival mode
All it does it add frustrations to the game. Lower carry weight so you have to leave more shit behind or make more trips to the merchant.
You're certainly not going to say cheat with followers inventory space after you turned on a mod to reduce yours are you?
there is no list
also your posts are starting to glow
why is that
>he's not staying at the azura hotel in turkiyye
Cities and shit
I use Spaghetti's but there are a few others
Show me your load order not your plugin list and check your overwrite folder. It could be a simple, xml problem and you'll probably have to reinstall.
Gotta see which Guars have the strongest legs.
that did not go over well for anon.
i never liked the cold aspect desu. i make my own survival mode by making nights darker than hell and intentionally being underpowered so them nights are scary shit.
It's not immersive when you're chained to random prelit points of interest in the world to not freeze to death, and it uses a bit too much papyrus budget last I checked
I do mostly like it besides that

I believe it was some interaction with volumetric fogs and toddrays in the ENB I have since removed, it has been toned down considerably since then
But I still use volumetric mists and mists of tamriel
I'll still encounter sheets that lift when getting close, so I'm not exactly sure how those worked before besides nooticing the light ray effects causing the bright particles
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cool, cool, had it downloaded but didn't install it yet to try it
been busy playing "other things"
nobody really cares enough to report them outside of shitposting homos
something simple like
mortal enemies, speed and reach fixes, retimed hit frames, and archery locational damage
the former two have synthesis patchers and I customize 'em so they're more vanilla-ish, simplify location dmg a bit, and avoid the power shot perk in favor of head and leg shots
ice skating patch is probably good too but I don't notice it because blind

I've seen mesh stretching on some outfits when limbs go flying but it just werks
try a game called Far Cry: Primal or Dying Light if you like night time
We are all different is the thing. The Blacklist is the easier list to create. Figure that one out first and the rest falls into place.
Wow I didn't know it was actually called the Azura hotel, I thought it was just a coincidence
>mortal enemies
His cat image was file.jpg which means he was just trying to blend in from the beginning.
He's a gooogler and a tourist to boot, perhaps even a phoneposter.
the only person we hate here is that guy who puts trains on waifus heads
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>be investigating little vivec
>suddenly hear weird breathing sounds from under the water
>ponder what It could be
>suddenly I remember installing IT
oh god this village is doomed
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You mean 3D camera overlays?
if I could press a button to make one poster disappear forever it would be seranatroon
Lower carry weight is primarily an economy tweak
Followers have limited inventory space unless you go out of your way to exploit it, and will also use items you may not want them to/have
When you realize that the "tedium" is telling you not to pick every 25 septim 10 weight item up on principle, it's much easier to deal with. You could also spend some of that money on carry weight potions and make a quick trip back during their duration
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>a googler
>using a search engine is bad
Of all the asburdities.
I like your cats.
RAT bastard.
I wouldn't worry about IT.

You evidently don't get it
>not Synthiafag
yeah ok
I wouldn't remove anyone. Instead I would bring my favorite poster I miss him so much :(
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Reanimate it for the purposes of making it dance like a vaudeville preformer?
I'm surprised they aren't planting moon sugar on people. I guess its back to Whiterun to serve drinks and play the drums and flute for pennies until I can buy ingots and remake the armor. That or just use the beast form to murder a few bandit camps.
thank you
such is the beastfolk life
she's the best waifu this general has ever created, cope and seethe
Don't worry, nips are looking up-uh I mean things.
Obviously, given that I'm neither a severly autistic schizophrenic nor a medical doctor armed with a pair of calipers I stand precious little chance of discerning whatever the fuck it is that goes on inside your mushy and overcooked excuse for a brain, nor do I want to.
>newfag doesn't understand the most basic of assertions about image acquisition and spins out into random craniometry to try and save face
do you have a mega for your dog lydia pics?
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And you're fine with that, right? Right?
I'm still here, I'm just lurking.
this is awesome
I am drinking beer, you have a good one tonight lad
I hate you. why are you like this?
No, but I can probably make one later tonight.
That is incredible.
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That was my load order I'm not sure what you're asking. The skeleton is before the cbee and 3ba bodies.
why do you post your cats so much?
I simply wish to be a simple man, making simple posts.
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Good luck
So Turks are irl Dunmer?
Man I love Solitude.
Not just because I enjoy plapping the cute widow jarl infront of everybody every time I visit.
It's easily the most comfy town during the day and at night.
a peace offering to the cabaleese
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Not that anon, but please make a lydia pack.
it do a job well done
unless there's something way better I'm not aware of
Grand Vezir... the godless Hlaalu Atat-Urk has deposed Caliph Al-Vekh...
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>It's easily the most comfy town during the day and at night.
may be if you only count it, Morthal and Winterhold as towns...
Anyone know of a conjure crossbow mod? The only one I found was for LE. Ideally it doesn't clash with adamant/mysticism.
I am doing a breton + attronach for a no magic playtrough, only two handed but need something to deal with ranged enemies and I think wearing a warhammer and a crossbow is too much for my poor breton back.
What does it do again? I think I remember people saying not to use it.
I had a module for guards attacking hostile-no that was Combat Evolved, never mind.
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You don't get how much I love my cats man.
It's not comfy at all. If one of the fatter waifus misses the last step, the entire town goes into the drink.
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Not usre how to feel about this one
Mortal enemies just disables magical targeting computer enemies used to hit you at any fucking angle in melee
It's a classic castle town fully surrounded with high walls, I simply love those.
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why does her nose and neck look like it has no normalmaps?
it's banilla baby
I think the checkering light might be from the torch source or some weird AO thing and not representative of the asset or lack of underneath
or since it's an NPC swap maybe the author just forgoat
the neck striping looks quite like some cases of ENBlight I've seen too which would check out with the torch
Do you have some archive of her pics? I'd unironically save that to my archive disk.
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thank u crashlogger, very helpful
>female replacer for a male npc
>she's ugly
For what purpose
looks okay to me by vanilla standards
just has more forehead to love
i remember being like 10 and getting morrowind and the creation kit and trying to make a mod that would turn all the npcs into women by just going into their file and changing their sex to female there
it didnt work and now im a tranny beware the pipeline
how do you live with yourself using such low end hardware from 10 years ago?
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im poor.
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this is fucking hilarious and the kind of stupid thing i would have done. sorry about the whole tranny thing afraid i cant help you there.
my gpu is older than some posters here
I say this and look like this.
Being poor is a choice
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>10 year old CPU
you actually play modded Skyrim on this?
fucking RIP, my man
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what the fuck is this just a ruse?
That whole paragraph is saying it WASN'T for that reason because people might think it is, dumbass.
The author just wanted a female version of the quest guy (/follower is the other mod)

CPU upgrades are a spook
That's some insane headcanon.
>playing Morrowind for the first time
>get quest to help escaped slave find abolitionist
>turns out he's an assassin who wants to kill the redguard
>for once try to help a negro
>he starts attacking me with the assassin
ffs, around redguards be on guard
hell yeah brother, although i just use the STEP build, i get like 45-60 fps normally which i think is more than fine for skyrim desu, although it drops when im outdoors sometimes
the main issue im having is that 75% of the time when i try to load a save i get an access violation exception thrown in my face with no useful information, sometimes trying to access 0x000000000000 which like yeah epic, and its only when i load saves, it might have something to do with me keeping my Documents on a different drive than my OS though
>imagine having so much free time that you worry what gender a fictional character is and multiple fictional universes where those characters were different genders
ffs get a job and if he has a job, get a hobby that isn't this.
Your axe AOE'd and hit him causing him to turn on you.
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I remember when the 10xx series was the Apex of gaming video cards
>>imagine having so much free time
We both post on 4chan, anon. There's no need to imagine.
>in a franchise with people who are probably into noncon lesbian incestuous mother-daughter reverse unbirthing identity death possession reincarnation snuff
a couple different sideline settings is nothing
Only on LE.
>im a tranny
yeah we know
Considering all of the werewolves in the modspage I have a feeling that you're leveling this criticism at a woman which is twice as pointless
Speak for yourself... I rarely have time to shitpost here during the week.
I have no idea what you said, but this is podracing...
Should she be jerking off to harry potter or that high school dxd rape incest shit?
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>noncon lesbian incestuous mother-daughter
I'm indubitably into that.
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>when i try to load a save i get an access violation exception
turn off controlled folder access and put defender exclusions on every folder and executable that has anything to do with the game this instant
>might have something to do with me keeping my Documents on a different drive than my OS
I have that too and I've never crashed loading a save unless I was literally missing a plugin or some other obvious shit

I have 10xx too, but not THAT one
I thought that was a moon when I clicked it, lol.
>he stopped mid-sentence
i actually played my dads ps3 copy of oblivion first and liked it and THEN wanted to try morrowind but i couldnt get into it so i gave up when i couldnt genderbend the npcs
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man, it feels so good to look into the distance and not get cockslapped by muddy patches of grass-less ground and cardboard trees anymore
I need a new computer though
I'm a man of reason.
That's an EXCUSE.
>turn off controlled folder access and put defender exclusions on every folder and executable that has anything to do with the game this instant
i did and it still happens :[
then you're getting access violation on something that doesn't exist
recall when you started getting it and check your Nexus download history to narrow it down a bit
I'll work on at least getting a mega and some folders set up tonight after a couple after dinner drinks.
I've had a Glenmoril Witch Head in my inventory for the past month and a half
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Alright this is a new one, I started a new mod list and I included skyrim revamped and a bunch of related mods.
Melee and ranged enemies behave as expected but mages seems to have this weird issue when changing spells, in combat they will stop for a second, lower their hands as if out of combat and then reengage after a few seconds, with a new spell. I think it's related to spell switching but it may be a coincidence.

I think skyrim revamped is the only mod I have that messes with the combat AI, that's why I blame it but I am really lost, any ideas?

It's still early enough that I am willing to bail from this character but need to find the cause first.
I'll drink to that
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What's even the point to all the glenmoril witch heads if you can only cure yourself and Kodlak?
yeah idk whats causing it, because its been happening basically the entire time
like I said i use the STEP guide, and i had the issue when i played last summer and stopped because of it pretty much, reinstalled just the otherday and went throught the entire reinstallation process for their modlist hoping it would resolve the issue, but no, the exact same issue and i cant find fucking anyone who has the same problem who has a solution for it
maybe my RAM is just fucked, it's not impossible
Can you even become a werewolf again after being cured?
aela can rewolf you
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Would be cool if you could hang em, but they just sit in your inventory taking up weight.

Maybe? At least with Hircine's ring.
Ah, mesh hunting. Skyrim's highest calling.

You can, once, but can't cure it again without mods besides vampirism. I think there's a "extra glenmoril witches" mod floating around somewhere for the fickle
You also only get one more try at lycanthropy if you become a vampire in Dawnguard, Aela is not very forgiving (but you can reset the dialogue option with console in both cases)
>Magic redone novice alteration
haha mommy look I made a light
>Magic redone master alteration
Time alter square accel break every bone in your body while sending you into low orbit during an end of all worlds storm after turning your wife into a pile of goop
>Magic redone novice destruction
Hand flamethrower woohoo!
>Magic redone master destruction
Big fireball.

It's crazy how much cooler the non-destruction spells are when destruction is supposed to be the cool damage moves. I just got a kill yourself spell for illusion and a teleport your heart out of your body spell for conjuration so they're probably going to get crazy too.
the big fireball is a big huge damage fireball though. boring, but strong.
You can cure Vilkas and Farkas too, though.
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i'm glad you mentioned it because i was pretty sure you got a head for everybody you can potentially cure.
There is no M in Vilkas
Does anybody else find it hard to play Redguards?
I'm just thinking about my Redguard merc coming home from a long week of adventuring to plap his chubby Nord wife and it makes me uncomfortable.
What do I do?
>What do I do?
When in doubt, steal it out!

And yet I've seen Nayan quite proficiently milk both brothers recently.
Get a life beyond shitposting on 4chan
That was supposed to be me, dammit. It was supposed to be me!
No. I have a go-to character for most races. Not lizard or Bosmer thougheverest.
It has never once been so very over.
sunday bunday?
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You can? I never got the option to when I was at the tomb.
No because boomer redguard males who are actual good fathers are based. I have basically a character for every race, well except for beastfolk.
>nord wife
No thank you, his nice Imperial wife and his Imperial daughter is waiting for him at his farm.
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update: there were TWO broken meshes
one was Golldir up on the hill in the cairn, his iron (arm)or broke, and the other was one of the decapitated imperial soldiers despite never being an issue before
Also walked too close to the battle while snooping and this was what I came back to in tfc

I swear these are sometimes fixed just by restarting MO and relaunching/rebuilding the VFS, as though the meshes get corrupted in the copypaste archive stage
it doesn't sound GOOD from a system health perspective but at least it's easy to fix
>settling for an ex-Altmeri cocksocket
You can keep your sloppy seconds.
>screenarchers who don't ever fix clipping
It's one of the radiants after you've finished, you gotta ask them for work and they want to be cured.
You need to continue to do quests for them before they decide they want to be cured too.
Nipple clipping is bsaed thou
>smelly nord wife who doesn't shave and wears her boots inside the house. Nah, couldn't be me.
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Ah, I never did anymore radiants for them after the final quest. That's what I get for not playing with the Infinity Quests™ like Todd intended.
Uoooh paizuri opening
Women don't shave at all tho.
Everyone look at him and laugh
Throw vegetables if you have them
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Get you a woman who does both.
Way ahead of you.
Tasteful pubes are only a positive
Shutup retard.
I’d like to taste Synthia’s pubes
What are "distasteful" pubes? Because if you ask me the only type of pubes lacking in taste is when there's not enough
Around the ass is where I draw the line
If it looks like a droopy beard it's probably too much unless it's a dwemer or something
How vulgar of you. I thought your parents taught you better than that.
The best part about werewolves is that they're covered in pubes from head to toe
I give you a thumbs down
Imagine hair on the bottoms of your feet
you do Know that hair has different textures in different places, yes? Not the visual kind either

Anon you're not supposed to jerk off with those
Must've had Breton parents.
yeah and talking to aela for eadiants unlocks totems
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How to I fix my ENB so the bread looks more realistic with less sharp edges?
What cultural cuisine is this?
Because it looks like shit.
why are we pube posting with no pube posting??
Nah, more like nordic parents. We teach our children very properly.
nice bush
nice butt
What's the recommended invis helm mod anons?
The coke bottle's labels are in spanish but this looks more like an "I can't cook and I'm fat" type of cusine rather than cultural.
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>had an old mod that added more vampire spells
>didnt realize it
>destruction damage mods effects these spells
so, two vampire characters in a row??
Fellas. I’ve been trying to brainstorm a Nordaboo Redguard character but I’m having trouble.
I can’t think of anything specifically Nordic that a foreigner would find exotic or interesting.

Muh warrior culture is the same shit you see everywhere.
Nords follow the Imperial Cult so they’d seem like Forebear sympathisers to most Redguards.
I won’t even bother entertaining this one.

Any ideas?
Hey /tg/ help me decide. Would you go with Lux + enb/shaders of choice for best visuals but fucked stealth detection? Or with ELFX + RAID & compatible enb for superior stealth gameplay?

I'm having decision anxiety
If I sent you a picture of my dick would it help?

It depends, are you in an enviroment where your detect can benefit from good LUTs?
What if I told you that I didn't know?
>I can’t think of anything specifically Nordic that a foreigner would find exotic or interesting.
same shit we did for over a decade, the nordic feel of things from the racial armor, snow, mead and rugged tundra lifestyle

so to answer your question:
nordic armor (dlc)
nordic hero (companions armor crafting after kodlak dies)
wolf armor (companions, cant remember when greymane starts selling it)
stalhrim armor
killing elves
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As requested, a Mega link for this mongrel Dog of the Empire of images of varying quality for those that wanted it. Momma will be set up later. More will be added as time goes on.

If that's the case, I would infer that you're not very familiar with skyrim's detection mechanics. Which wouldn't help me with my initial dilemma. But I appreciate your willingness to help nontheless.
And yet, Ava exists.
Fantastic. I haven't fapped yet today.
Hubba hubba.
What’s the rugged tundra lifestyle?
alaska but springtime?
So.. You want a picture of my dick?

Nah, I already decided to go with Lux + this mod

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In the op, the ME CC zip with "_resourcepack" and BEES is all I need to install sirenroot, right?
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Nice now I can make even more low effort edits :D
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Lux + RAID with high interior/exterior option should be fine
Thank you anon, I'll make good use of them
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"Stupid dog."

Thx, I'll consider it.
im bored

nord berserker - wuuthrad(mods to temper it), scaled armor, shouts, mjoll wife
high elf vampire battlemage - elven armor and weapon, spells offhand
wood elf sneaksnipe but werewolf
redguard wanderer. one hand, shield, no main quest, no guilds
argonian clawmaster. after unarmed helper and enchanting mods this might be fun. maybe companions

what do
>"Stupid dog."
That's done it, feel my wrath!
Same person who animated this went on to do Hellva' Boss and Hazbin Hotel.
Went back to a previous hangout and moving was evidently a smart move, there's not enough space to fit the current amount of stuff (this is half of it)
at least the new owner seems to be fond of the place

Will probably need to shove my own cave cell somewhere to manage the lootpile, didn't realize how much I'd been slacking
>Lydia when she snuck out of her Mom's cave to party with Hircine
the smoke in 868 just above her butt in the background makes it look like a fog horn tier fart just ripped what would have been her pants
Women have no digestive tract, Anon.
Wood elf but take the stealth out of it. Go for the fastest bows and always keep your enemies at a little more than arms reach away. Go through the whole game in a panic.
>Go through the whole game in a panic
He would too. The most well liked Bosmer in the game can be killed by a healthy racoon.
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Pictured: the most well liked Bosmer in the game
Why are there no good screenshots on search, I need to go get one of my own
Bosmer are the best at stealth archery that means they are the master race.
its true
i sneak snipped my way through morrowind's dlc at level 1 with a wood elf archer
why did you take a picture on your phone rather than just printing screen or taking an ingame screen shot?
There he is everybody, get him the hell out of here!
>why did you
I didn't. I said that I NEED to get one of my own, because that was the only one that actually showed what I was looking for when I looked it up
hmmm, i don't know if I believe you...
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Come here
I find it somewhat difficult to believe that you finished Dickwolf Glacier that way
daedric bow motherfucker
Bosmer get mistreated in every game and I think I'm developing a kink for it.
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What inspires a man wearing nothing but a skirt and a stupid hat to charge a lizard wearing dragon scales?
Having a bosmer wife seems like it would be fun
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Also do my weapon names make me an edgelord?
Wasn't there a "you get what you fucking deserve" video with Fargoth?
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Why did no one tell me that Somewhere Between UPdated a week ago
>feel like making my first male character since 2013
>tell myself who am i kidding
I've long daydreamed about having one loyal to the meat mandate and frolicking in the woods with her. If our hunt is unsuccessful, she can always have some of my protein and I'm not talking about my rump roast.
i do that too and in fallout and have been rightly bullied about it. fuck it i still do it. i just dont share it with others /cough
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Is there any point of joining the thieve's guild as a barbarian? I'm playing morrowind and I feel like I'm missing out on the Cammonna Tong and Thieve's Guild story. Should I just save it for another play through or is it warrior friendly? I hear the stealth and thievery in Morrowind kinda stinks
Also I'm about to slaughter everyone in the council club in Balmora for this imperial officer. Is there any reason to not do this?
Make sure you can teleport or run back fast.
What guilds are you in and I'll tell you if you should but if I say no, its due to spoilers and you shouldn't.
Fighters guild and blades are my only factions. I think I might join the legion though since that's quite melee
>Joining the Thieves Guild
Only join if you have proficiency in heavy or medium armor, if you don't it becomes a pain in the ass because they will bitch about you being out of your uniform.
I'm assembling a team..you know whom I'm looking for
If it's for the usual, then waifu butts and back stories.
any good bloodborne Skyrim mods?
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Say no more.
>11labs Michael
omg!!!! I love Michael! n
Bethesda should make a mediocre show for our franchise too, so we can get some late night action in here.
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>fresh install
>downloaded depots through Steam console to revert back to 1.6.640
>downloaded halgari's patcher to revert back to 1.5.97 from 1.6.640
>run patcher
>System.Exception: Can't patch file, it doesn't match the expected format at Patcher.ViewModels.MainWindowViewModel.PatchFile(Instruction file, AbsolutePath gamePath) in C:\oss\ussedp\Patcher\ViewModels\MainWindowViewModel.cs:line 136 at Patcher.ViewModels.MainWindowViewModel.Start() in C:\oss\ussedp\Patcher\ViewModels\MainWindowViewModel.cs:line 110
>Error! Can't patch file, it doesn't match the expected format
You hu-what?

if ur on 1.6.640 u can just backup and replace the exe & bink dll with 1597's https://mega.nz/file/yJV1RCzY#-tIFI7MMovoeXl5g8A-KcpE7Si660owQgiEYedcX0a0
but those in the link r pirated so ymmv
This song wiped my mind in a bad way...
I think my ancient GameFAQs account still has a GIR quote in my posts signature.
That's a rather dopey looking elf.
a elder scrolls show would just be like a low budget scifi channel fantasy series
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This says a lot about society.
What's a good mod for bosmer racials. (playing on the xbox)
there aren't a lot of race mods
mannaz is kind of fun, it gives you a bird who finds things but that's all I like about it
It's up
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>watching voiced follower preview
>'oh okay that's kind of decent vanilla reuse'
>then she walks away
lmao what the fuck
fucking hilarious. oh she lived. nm.
I ended up just manually redownloading the 1.5.97 depots, but thanks. I'm not even sure why people were recommending manually downpatching to 1.6.640 to use the .exe when you can just download the depots for your desired version.
just play on 1170 negro
No. i will not abide Bethesda's bullshit.
but all the mods have been updated now for it, transgender-sama
they do it to keep the updated 1.6.x esm plugins and bsa archives with their creation club assets for mods that use them
while the 1.5.97 exe and dll would be compatible with their version of skse and other dll mods for the mods that require them
Unless you're a kid, I think you have underlying homosexual tendencies if you play as a male character, as a man.
Only reason to play as a man is to gender bend into a woman with this mod
No, your ignoring how men and women interact with media:
>Male: I want to be him
>Female: OMG its me!
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I have a love-hate relationships with this guys mods.
i think you are a retarded ass antagonist who goes for low hanging fruit for dopamine releases. playing female characters causes me to buildup momentum for earth shaking orgasms

'ove mah balls
'ove mah penis
simple as
how do you "be evil" in skyrim without like.. dawnguard? choices seem neutral or bully and killing most people just dont matter
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Hit or miss.
When they hit, they hit pretty good. Old Blood was a bit pretentious but it was an interesting take on what a vampiric society would look like in Skyrim and imo a much better take than what Skyrim gave us. Nessa is one of the best companions I've been with so far.
On other hand, Redux SE was such a wet fart that it's laughable he actually criticised the Main Quest when he wrote the description page for it. You can just take a cursory look at the descriptions to see how clearly conceited he is. NPC's he introduces can be absolutely dogshit too. Like the Bannered Mare tavern wench who shames who for implying she's a whore 2 seconds after meeting her. Plus, if you talk to some NPC-companions and decide you don't want them in your party right now and opt out of the conversation early without clearing some dialogue treeline platitude, you're locked out of recruiting them again.

Pic related for one. I recruited her from the Dibella Temple. She is an absolute bitch that disses you every time you try to speak to her and refuses to carry your items until you get on her good side.
It was satisfying getting her to open up I won't lie, but in the time it took to do that it was frustrating as fuck that she was written to be such a cunt.
Thieves guild quests involve bullying small business owners.
Namira and Nocturnal send you on evil errands. So does Molag.
You can help the cannibals in Markarth.
You go on a murder rampage in the city when you transform into a werewolf, and some of the Companio's reactions are just like "nice one".

Skyrim has a fair number of quests that allow you to establish that the character you're playing is evil. The opposite is true as well, if you're playing a good guy, you'd have to avoid doing these several quests (or install the mod for good dialogue options).
100 hours in I have a 20MB save file. Is that normal for someone with over 240 mods?
Define evil.
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I block your Hlaalu Sharpshooter with my Dragonborn, and then I summon Miraak in attack mode.

Your move anon
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Cute dunmer...
murder and steal, take peoples homes as your own, necromancy, daedric prince quests. if youre looking for dialog choices or quest choices to fulfill that evil role, you will be let down even if some exist.
Beyond Reach gives you more potential in a singular storyline to be evil than Skyrim i.e
>Thieves guild quests involve bullying small business owners.
>Namira and Nocturnal send you on evil errands. So does Molag.
>You can help the cannibals in Markarth.
>You go on a murder rampage in the city when you transform into a werewolf, and some of the Companio's reactions are just like "nice one".
which are just a bunch of different shitty things a schizophrenic character would do.
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>killing most people just dont matter
I think you're already all set, chief
It'd be comfy af to live in a Daggerfall crypt.
Necromancer really live in basement like this and don't see any issues
Not everybody has a sense of smell or a desire for the sun! Danker than a withered corpse in a sewer.
whats a good mod for skeletons
I want to have skeletons
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that custom body with 90 bones in tits and ass alone got forgotten awfully fast
your mother sucks khajiit cock
Guess not enough people watched Flubber to get the appeal.
I just spent like an hour looking around and I think this is my favorite player home
>crafting? what's that?
>here, have a series of labyrinthine slapdash stonework corridors that look like several different ages of buildings combined into one complex
>even if you recognize some of the vanilla layouts, following the tunnel will take you to another unexpected junction
>throw in some dead ends for good measure, low ceilings, metal grates
>now let's add a bunch of sacrificial altars, piles of skulls, thousands of individual candles
>follower beds? maybe after I finish one of the six different throne rooms
>trophy cases? yeah there are some but you need to move the bones
>I did put some coffins up there those are definitely sleepable
>also if you want more chests they're in locations that look like little offices or libraries by themselves
Absolutely incredible, this feels like what I wanted out of life back when I was 13
It would take a little bit of cleanup and probably jaxoning bits in as I go along but I'm already having fun
Only pre-criticism is that the "weapon rack holding weapons already" and clutter assets are statics instead of interactables but that's not a difficult fix
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Any repeating crossbow mods for Skyrim?
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(for the previous 2, it's the spells you want, not the outfit)
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>this feels like what I wanted out of life back when I was 13
your parents have a lot to answer for
I don't know what that's supposed to mean
Do you not like cool stuff? I do.
I am gonna do it
I am gonna UPDOOT
Todd bless.
thank you nick
Skeleton Replacer HD is my preferred appearance and has patches for most of the below
Cadaver lets you generate skeletons that keep the stats of the actor as well as carry bodies
Dead and Daedric Guardians was posted up there and is very very good
Mihail Bone Colossus has some very big and very little skeletons, I like the model more than the others I've seen
G.R.I.M adds a spell that's an exploding skull and a bunch of other skeleton content
Undead FX has a player enchantment shader that lets you be a skeleton (or draug) and you can make other actors have that appearance as well for a third source of skeletons without them losing their interaction stuff
FEC adds skeleton and draugr effects from how an enemy dies
you can also use the above with a Dead Thrall sound effect remover so they're not groaning as skeletons
Reanimate Skeletons lets you use Reanimate spells on broken apart Skeletons
Corruption and Corrosion has some skeleton stuff
Resurrected Minions Don't Flee is pretty helpful
Ritual Steel is dead thrall as a weapon enchantment
Break Fugue is a 1pt ragdoll to unstuck summons that are frozen up
Undead Summons Emerge From The Ground looks cool but I prefer permanent ones
Path of the Revenant is better than the CC Staff of Worms besides its Bloodworm Helm being way worse (and overpowered)
>update sexlab nights mid plathrough
>now it runs amok disregarding most settings
>constant town orgies and sometimes even gay threesomes for some reason
I did this to myself, this is hell.
But it was nice when it worked.
Let me stop you right there
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I like you.
Don't come to Windhelm tomorrow.
When the nookie calls, you gotta answer.
Yes, however, they keep calling me.
>Altmer giving advice
This is surely a trap!
fallout 4 modding is so bad its not even funny
starfield modding is going to be even worse
Fallout 4 modding is better than Skyrim
I mean I enjoy the guns and Heather Casdin as much as the next guy but no fucking way
/fog/gots don't know how bad they have it when it comes to modding
here is a (You), faggot
Deep down inside you know I'm right and it scares you
>this weird kinggay narrative again
If they do a game in valenwood they should put monsters from past wild hunts for us to fight.
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Daedra simps get the axe. No exceptions.

Total Tribal Death.
>supposedly the best fallout 4 modder
>makes a paid skyrim mod
>its fucking dogshit
goes to show fallout sissies have no standards
more like Skyrim modding is flooded with so many big boob mods that /tesg/ can't see how pathetic the modding scene is for a 13 years old game. Where are your big projects? main quest fixes? any of the questlines really? absolute jack shit
I don't know anon, that gribbly monster sure sounds like an asset that we can't reuse sixteen times
What about werewolves? You like werewolves, right?
>more like Skyrim modding is flooded with so many big boob mods
/fog/gots have 0 self awareness lmao
I can't even disagree because 99% of Skyrim mods is useless gilding the turd and badly with inconsequential tweaks
Fallout 4 still doesn't have a functional sex framework
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yeah, sim settlements is okay
do you have literally anything else of note?
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I accidentally agroed Delphine and she wouldn't chill out. I could have used console commands, but the main quest is garbage anyway so I just made her mortal and caved her skull in.
it's 4am and you're doing this? Right in front of my chocolate pudding?
yeah it has two barely functional ones because of how bad the fallout modding community is
so all you coomers have to cope with your AI texture replacers and bodyslide files
they've got a few people that make monster mods while all we've got is mihail i guess
the fuck are you eating pudding at 4am for you gluttonous cunt?
>latest skyrim update readded steamworks DRM
why did I updoot
"evil" high elf
no light armor
what armor?
why dwarven? is it because its gold and shiny and inflates my ego on being the superior race?
is that it?
She did nothing to prevent this from happening eventually anyways
Maybe that fata...person is diabetic.
Far less lewd than I expected and I'm almost disappointed
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>all we've got is mihail
that's plenty
and not really true either
>console in aetherium crown
>does not work
fuck you
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I'm not a footfag, but what the hell dude?
do the addspell command for the stones you want instead
you should be more concerned with how jacked that dude is. very intimidating.
player.addperk 0200d00a
take stones
if that does not work you are fucked and forever banned from skyrim universe
It's afraid.
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I don't kink shame
those feet just look downright broken is all
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>want to use shadowplay because it doesn't tank framerate when recording
>don't want goyforce experienence
I've lost control of my life.
I don't think addspell works on the steed multi effects and definitely on the ritual (it's missing the +100 summon limit during cast)
I do, and those feet will definitely leave you broken.
Didja do this too though?
Msi afterburner is a good alternative. Doesn't tank fps much but works well with any game and even reshade and enb
whats the latest additemmenu replacement?
additemmenu ng?
>Msi afterburner
what the fuck year is this
>don't think
doing the addperk dude above said, then going to the two stones you want has always worked for me, but then again maybe there are intricacies ive missed
gonna try it
you got a better idea?
not updated for latest address library
>you got a better idea?
no and im not discouraging you just holy crap there should be a better alternative by now lol
There isn't
I mean, it's clearly not abandonware (latest beta is from April) and I happen to have an MSI GPU anyway
I just didn't even know the thing had video capture built in.
It's pretty well hidden and surprisingly well developed
Are there any mods where you can see damage from physical blunt weapons on corpses, akin to Frozen Electrocuted Combustion?
baka these spell pack modders adding reddit le interactive gameplay to conjuration spells completely ignoring the fact that they and everyone is all aware of that conjuration players exactly go conjuration because they love that afk gameplay
maximum carnage has blunt weapons caving in and shattering heads and shit, but I'm not gonna heartily recommend it to you because I've only had it installed 4 years ago and it was janky as fuck
most recent build could be polished, who knows
I main conjuration only for bound weapons
the only "interactivity" spell that I use is Altar's Reap and even then if its not for the buff but the ability to unsummon creatures on demand is very convenient
If there was a version that had an instant cast without the mana regen buff it would be objectively superior
Thanks. How was this janky?
anytime i feel like playing a smol breton lady i go conjuration bow and stealth with black weightless armor with glasses because its cool
it's still no bhunp so why bother
disabilities are cool
it was quintessential early version of a major gameplay mod bugfest and the gore on creatures was repetitive as fuck
you would always blow off bear's skull cap and horizontally cleave a wolf's head in two and such
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>disabilities are cool
i kneel
Ahh fair enough.
honestly now, I wouldn't get it again
when you go to the mod page, you will see it doesn't even have open comments, let alone bug reports, so there is probably a reason for it
I would wait for that Dismemberment Framework to add blunt trauma.
The bladed weapon gore is chef's fucking kiss
Witcher 3 tier
if only enhanced solitude and srex were compatible, another with for open cities
i dig girls with glasses is the thing. theres fun in taking them away and teasing etc. boner fuel for me.
what mods let you be armless
>use all mana to summon gear in morrowind
>only have like 5 or so seconds of combat time before they start fading
seriously who the fuck is this for and how do you get around it
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Nah I get you I always found them erotic too
>only option is probably some fetishistic amputee mod
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I never understood the summoning temporary armor thing myself. Weapons make a lot more sense.>>484083806
Damn straight lad
There's the thing of enchanting regular clothes or armor with constant bound armors too. I wouldn't use it otherwise desu unless I also made a big spell enchant but it's redundant with the CE.
Now I kinda want to make an amputee mod that only lets you use spells, with the proper animations of course
Waifus for this feel?
every waifu with glasses
very erotic
Clara, kind of
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spells are a trap in morrowind because its all around a poorly designed game
bound armor is useless on its own, stick to bound weapons and even then use enchantments instead of spells
*casts Vivec's Balltwister 100pts for 10s on Target
*is level 101 with 50% spell reflect so u twist ur own balls*
What's the framework other than AAF? That's the one that got pounced on by the AAF creator and his lackeys, right?
NAF, yeah
Imagine if the author of DAR got OAR removed from every site
thats the fallout modding normal
so, kinda like OSEX/OSTIM/CEOtism
>chain clipping through tummy
nice one FAGGOT
the sixth house looks different than I remember
working as intended
that's what's happen when no Dadgoth ur
Waifus for rape?
Waifus for NTR?
Waifus for vore?
Waifus for incest?
Waifus for femdom?
Waifus for ss?
Waifus for bestiality?
Waifus for oyakodon?
Waifus for mind break?
/tesg/ doesn't have glasses waifus.
There are at least four
can be fixed
>forgetting about Teldryn Sero and Nayan
and Chud
but honestly I only had to pick one for the intent of the post
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bro's spreading falsehoods
Nah even in my broke ass state I managed to post a glasses wearing waifu.
name them
what hair is this?
It's from this mod. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/93608
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what would I need to do to have like 5 different get up animation mods all play at random through OAR?
Uoooooh homemade altmer milkshake
You can't heckin' do this how will we show transwiz the musical ads with naked womxyn around??
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ain't no one gayer than u
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Ulfric was right about the thalmor

When is 3BA getting womb support
bros whats a good way to farm exp in tesog?
im asking here cause the other thread is dead
what did he mean by this?
why would you need to farm exp in a game with level scaling
There is belly deformation from penetration but i forgot the mod name
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Dawnguard was a missed opportunity gameplay wise, they just send you into shitty fucking caves for 90% of the DLC when instead of having your character duke it out in an enlarged intricately designed castle Volkihar Simon belmont style.

and have one huge castle while all other castles in skyrim are 3 connected rooms? great way to kill my immersion
i thought its your average mmo that forces you to grind for weeks to get any good gears
>any of the questlines really?
There are like a dozen dlc-sized quest mods retard, what does troonout have other than Tuggysmurf's cringe garbage?
Also they kneecap you with Serana
when I come across a DXT1 armor texture, should I resave it in BC7 or is it not worth the bother?
Immersion is killed anyways because its pretty goddamn obvious that the game is puddle deep ocean gameplay wise, might as well have one good experience going.
Or you can rationalize it lore wise the other way around cause its fucking dracula with his magic castle.
A small price to pay for an actually fun DLC, rather draculas castle in detail over another repetitive batch of "X underground mob" cave x 10 size due to it being a DLC
A simp ass storyline through and through, I just play mr nice guy and cure her at the end while banging her mom and staying vampire lord.
Volkihar castle is already almost the size of whole fucking Solitude from the outside
Waifus for curing hangovers
>the jarl of riften spending the entire income of the hold for seventy years for a retarded castle while his city is three buildings and a plaza
whew lad something very on point once some of us wake up with it. Serana already off the side trying to resurrect me to advance her dark plans. IM NOT DEAD Y"ET BITCH
it was the eso era jarl
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yo bros how do i make this shitty ass potato looking tier graphics look good? what mod do i use? what configs do i change?
nordwife laughs at you for even having a hangover
tried busts-his-nuts?
Bosmom and Chey because elf milk with healing properties
You have to be mentally ill to be a Sonic the Hedgehog fan.
start by not using a toy to play mmo
last time i asked for his help he took me to sawk-mai-kawk and he was of no help either
fuck you dude sonic is cool, did you even watch the show? cause theyre cool. so are the game, they are cool, too. maybe if you did you would be cool, too, dude
what did he mean by this
who is your favorite mobian
Fuck off cabaltroon
i have 2 sides
the first is shitposting on tesg without posting my waifu as well as insulting other waifus that are often posted, and sometimes orc post on a good day
the other, is not shitposting on tesg and acting all nice like a decent human, while posting my waifu

t. brig
Finished Blades main quest ans it's meh 2bh.

Bad guy ayleid returns and wants to kill everyone, his good guy brother helps you defeat him. You also fight like 3 dragons (game takes place 20 years before skyrim)
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I like to do Season Unending and give the Imperials/Stormcloaks as much land as possible, then join the opposing side. Makes the war more interesting when you're personally going in and liberating most of these keeps. Not as good as raiding Oblivion gates, but close.
Do people ITT unironically make their characters look as the post above?
is this your first day here?
Did the Soul Cairn recently and it was slightly less terrible than I remember. The enemy variety sucks but at least you're in Notacave. Getting to interact with Jiub is nice but I hate the "expansion" on soul gem lore. Makes it mostly pointless that I went through the trouble of enchanting my underwear with Almalexia and my shoes with Vivec way back when.
How do you imagine Coldharbour looks like?
I don't have to
ESO exists
sucking borkul's big green cock
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>70 years to build something that really shouldn't even be called a castle
that's fucking rough
theres a few retarded buildings in europe that have taken hundreds of years
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>enchanting my underwear with Almalexia and my shoes with Vivec way back when.
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/ho/ - Handsome Orcs
I like how Orcs look. Shame they're a buck broken loser race instead of cool savages.
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Based choice, either that or halfway take the crown for yourself
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Is ENB good for you?
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>Is.. is that a green orc..? with a nordic woman??? NOOO!!!! DAMN YOU!!! IT SHOULD'VE BEEN MEE!!! TAMRIEL HAS FALLEN!! TOTAL ORC DEATH!!
Exactly who is this gorgeous queen? who is this goddess? what's her name? where she lives? what's her occupation? what's her talents? tell me everything and anything so that I can know more of this exotic goddess
Her name is Leg-onesize.
She has one size of leg from thigh to ankle, good ol' leg onesize.
She works in a a shoe store.
whatcha doin tesg
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No, it's very bad. Community Shaders is where it's at.
wtf is this 2021 trustel meme
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it's good for me, but not for my GPU
fallout 3
not racist
just don't like em
and now maybe a bit of bg3
and some potatoes
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Since I have updated now I can finally install this masterpiece
>doesnt use enb
post your ugly game
Never should've of have come here!
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>opening skyrim
no way fag
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Can community shaders compare?
I don't want to lose the vibe, but would love some more frames.
Kek ofcourse its the morrowtroon lizard poster
I'm lying in bed and watching the new Jurassic Park cartoon.
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I was joking anon. Community Shaders is not that good.
what outfit?
it'd look great on my boiwaifu
anon i'm really not that scary
you can reply to me
are you the same morrowtroon faggot who posts up close shots of his face and thinks they're funny?
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Honestly think the proportions I went with for my dwarf-fu to be fairly conservative considering the images I was using as a basis
I made the skirt shorter and deleted the leggings in outfitsudio.
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>deleted the leggings in outfitsudio.
damn i wish i wasnt retarded and could do that
Riften completely burned down a relatively short time ago anyway
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rate my cunny, tesg
where is dwarf-fu?
Doing a bit of nooticing.
Goodnight /tesg/
Very accurate. Looks like most kids, aka has FASD
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it's fucking 3 pm
sleep with no worries, because at the end of the day, he is still at the gym, while travelling, without a phone, and no internet connection
It's a work in progress
her breasts should be at least the size of her head
It's 8am
If you install the linked mod then install this-
over the top it will give you the short skirt with no leggings. but you're going to be stuck with thick legs muahahahaha (since I broke something and can't be bothered working it out, it just has some falmer legs since that was the easiest nif to rip legs from a few days ago when everything broke for obstinately no reason)
face could be much better. that philtrum can double as a landing strip
Maven Blackbriair/Ysgramor
In terms of visibility or length
am I remembering wrong or does SL Defeat have a way to knock out enemies by sneaking up to them and choking them?
how do i make my skyrim look like this?
Molag Bal is like a father to me. I love him. I'm proud to be his champion.
install MCO
the gook one? or the normal one?
We know, Serana
same shit honestly
Pretty sure it does, via K.
I remember there was an option to sack any sleeping npc which was funny already
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They intentionally shoehorned the whole "you can't even have romance with serana" shtick, I'm was a victim of abuse and yes it feels like someone is ripping your nails out while you get intimate with someone you finally trust, you take the flak and actually open up if you truly love that person imo.
pressing K just yields/opens dialogue with NPCs. I specifically remember doing an animation to choke NPCs and getting the option to tie them up but the action keybind is doing nothing for some reason....
cool esl blog
go back btw
good ESLchad blog
stay and post more, i'd like to hear them
Niggah i'm saying that seranas story at the end doesn't make sense logically.
If you actually do behave accordingly you should be able to marry her as you gain her trust.
Bethesda gives you the middle finger anyways
you will be able to marry Serana in TES 6
>Bethesda gives you the middle finger anyways
Retarded coomer incel
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Smells like rotten bananas in here
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She's already a pile of ash. Webm related
It makes tons of sense to me. Never once felt the need to pursue her story outside of the quest. I'm going through the quest as a vampire hunter and I'm there to kill her dad. Once that's out of the way she better get out of the way before I have second thoughts about putting her down too.
>the best disabled people representation in games is still a 4chan-made vn from 2012
Funny innit?
>fucking soap company
is that reel even actual video games?
westoid devs stopped putting in hot women decade ago
yeah i honestly don't get it
the current character models these companies use are fucking ugly all over the board because of that realism cancer still left over from 2010
i have to say it must've been funny stretching out that models gut like they showed lol
I personally have three glasses waifus.
Starfield is great you fucking incels.
This but unironically, but I don't call people incels for disagreeing with me.
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>make two dozen rad as fuck orc armors
>don't SPID them on orcs
dude what the fuck is the point?
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>vanilla skyrim feet
The numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for you, at Sacrifice
Todd is a firm believer in socks. Except in bed. Only maladjusted savages would wear socks in bed.
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I had a dream that Serana kept a journal and someone stole it so she gave me a quest to steal it back and it was a pretty involved stealth questline sneaking around a fort looking for it and finding keys to open new floors and finally reaching the top floor. It was neat
How is next-gen graphics pack? 79gb sounds pretty spicy
Just use noble skyrim and call it a day bro
She lactates, right?
neat mod
my own basic graphics mods are like 30gb so its not that much
we clear dungeons we hate to buy shit we don't need
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you're easily the best tesg waifu poster this year because you're so kind
I like the concept but dislike that you can't have sex with mephala to leave you alone.
>go to falkreath
>get a bounty for bandits in bannermist tower
>nice, easy one just near the cave with missing hunters
>go to jarl
>he wants me to kill same bandits because he had a deal with them
>go to the tower
>3 falkreath guards, the legate and one vigilant are finishing of the bandits
he really wanted them dead
Blud thinks he has Rahjin's rizz
that sounds retar-oh it's eso
You don't need rizz nigga, its a mutual exchange (totally)
You ever fuck the daedric prince of icky?
I like anything that gives my favourite fluffy people more lore

No I've never fucked Malacath and I don't want to
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I miss this banana
I thought this was a deep-fried image going off the thumbnail.
Why are some people so insistent on having their gamma be absolutely fucked?
obs has a hardware video encoding option maybe it'll be performance frenly
I've been using its replay buffer feature for a while

skyrim cheat engine is breddygud
nta but what lmao
nta but my eyes burn
the last thing Skyrim needs is to be even brighter
Can't you just use NFF or Proteus to clear her spell list then give her the ones you don't mind?
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>Befriend thalmor dude in markarth by snitching on fellow nord
>Repeatedly revive and stab said thalmor in the spine with ebony blade and revive him a dozen times
As long as he feels betrayed the whole time right?
>Modified boethiahs calling where you start as a victim on the altar
>Get lore accurate ebony mail™
>Now boethiah and mephala are feuding over my already nonexisting sanity
>Still be le good guy™
>Become vampire lord and werewolf just so my fish stick studying can be spicier with hircine and molag testicle fight over my eternal soul
(I am not the dragonborn, so you can't call it a privileged position)
Its called winning, you should try it.
that raise dead spell is not added by a plugin record, but a fucking script
>Not as good as raiding Oblivion gates
We clearly remember that differently. Oblivion gates were the same or nearly the same tiny spire dungeon every time.
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Minmaxxing is the true Jyggalag way,
I believe it's not worth, some dds info here

those armors are rad
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shoutout to hedy for giving me screen archer menu, its pretty cool
was also thinking of worshipping the tribunal but the wintersun patch for them doesnt work so i guess that means they're false gods
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they were repetitive as fuck, but sure as shit not tiny
their sheer fucking size exacerbated their repetitiveness
and there was fucking 60 of them per playthrough (100 total)

he admitted he can't get the distribution working and hopes someone else will do it in the comments
Resaving from already compressed ones will only possibly introduce bugs, raws are where its at.
shit, that looks like my ex
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It's so huge it's going to take a while. Since I'm winding down on other side projects i'm getting back into it.
Your ex was prolly a bitch with that face, glad you got the self confidence to leave her.
least incel elder scrolls player
You dated a Nascar guy in a wheelchair?
You dated a tranny? Grim.
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so much hatred for beautiful girls here...too many incels
Looks fine on my screen. Calibrate your monitor maybe.
those are some goddamn honkers, a real set of badonkers
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you made me remember that Oblivion supposedly had native HDR rendering
I don't know what it looked like because I don't even have a HDR screen 18 years later
who the fuck had a HDR screen in 2006?
Any leveled list expert here? What could go wrong if one were to take most leveled list for npcs and removed the flag 'Calculate from all levels <= player's level' from them.

My goal is to bring consistency to enemy encounters, my understanding is in vanilla a min lvl 40 dungeon can still spawn lvl 1 enemies because that flag makes it so that it picks any entry lower/equal than the target lvl.
you had to choose between HDR or Bloom and Anti Aliasing
>look at hdr comparison
>it just blows up the contrast
Ah, the ENB school of thought.
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This is being remedied little by little now that I have a place to put things were I won't get thrown out for a few days.
Glad I could help!
We're going to need a bigger heating lamp.
Also one thing I'd really love to have is Sotha Sil's actual official voice actor doing stuff.
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Are the evirons series of mods a patch nightmare? They sound cool in theory but I doubt I'd even notice in practice.

I used it and haven't noticed any bugs
Also haven't noticed anything interesting so I eventually removed them kek
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sloppy drunk after marriage sexo HRRRRRRRRNNNNNGGGGHHH wolf sexuuuuuuuh
didnt know about this, might add to my list.
As long as no other mod adds assets to that area I think it'll be decently compatible since the landscape itself looks unchanged.
I can't really remember them that well after I finish my skyrim playthrough I was thinking of revisiting DMO. The funny thing is though in 2025 supposedly skywind and skyblivion will be "done" so if I just wait another year might get a better experience playing those.
They can be a patching nightmare but I don't think they touch any heavily modded areas and the author provides patches for popular mods on his own
I have them all since only the master file is esp flagged and the rest are esl flagged
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I have a question;

What all do I need to do Oblivion to get it working again on my pc? keyboard controls are wonky and my gamepad doesn't work. Thanks in advance
wait until skyoblivion gets released
It's OOP NIB (rare)
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>n 2025 supposedly skywind and skyblivion will be "done"
Skyblivion is pretty much the only reason I haven't reinstalled Oblivion since like 2014
I want to go in as blank as I can
I've never played Morrowind
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I think it's better to start this mod early in the game, because it takes a while for your orcs to excavate a Mine and reach Dwemer ruin.
Dialogue history is from
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I wish skyrim had card game just like witcher
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So is there a solution to the lack of specular and direct lighting when facing shadows in exteriors? Facelight is immersion breaking and isn't scalable with every npc.

I'm using SG Textures + Pi-Cho, the main problem is that it looks like only the diffuse is rendering which looks horrible by itself. Fairer skin textures alleviate it a bit but they don't look as good under direct lighting.
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one stop slop shop
They have Tavern Games and Triad from final fantasy but neither are as fun as gwent
I only posted the banana pics
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I don't remember that ending
I'm surprised no one has tried doing something more complex or even porting legends considering everything for that is already in place
we wuz dwema n shiet
A face like a canvas, made to be painted with human cum.
Waifus you want to _be_?
Any good mods for alchemy?
Caco looks fun but compatibility hell
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canonically, how should myth get her penis?
my own
my precious!
go full anime, show what happens
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Even new vegas had its own card game
I really wonder if Todd ever thought of something like that
Just get the patches for it. Yeah it's annoying but if you like alchemy it's the best mod available.
I think a common misconception is requiring several compatibility patches is a bad thing. But if the mod is actually good and you want what it offers then they're worth it.
Same with LOTD if you like museum collection.
Did I not order you to fix her damn eyes?
Canonically you should kill yourself trannoid
10 hours later I am done updooting my main mods
Now onto coom mods
another nostalgia hit
its up
I'm using vokriinator and it's just not compatible with it because of the perks
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y'know i think i will go trans just to spite you chuds.
Have to make a choice then, we can't really do that for you. Pick the best alchemy mod that works with that or give that up and use something like caco+ordinator
Elder Scrolls has two card games.
Vokriinator has caco patch
So is it worth it? How will food and ingredients that don't have the patch behave?
Legends and Tales of Tribute.
>play as a nightblade
>after few hours notice that I mostly just use janky dual wield, not even sneak archery, magic is pretty damn useless to me
>now want to just play as pure mage
ahhhhhh I don't want to restart
I could repurpose my current character but I don't want to play as nord mage, altmer has just perfect stats for a mage no matter what
stats are a meme
I hate ToT myself, well it was fun first few matches but it's pure rng for the most part and you don't even get to build your deck
Apothecary and alchemy plus are nice but I love caco's bandage/poultice/bomb crafting and bloatmaxxed ingredient list. The former two are really basic.
50 mana is like 5 levels of value, 50% regen is also great, while nord has what? cold resistance? only that I can self insert more
I don't use vok you'll just have to try it and see.
nigger it's skyrim
you level up twice and are going to be a god
No, I'm talking about caco
Would it be a big problem if some mod don't have a patch?
yeah but my autism please understand
Are you retarded or something?
Just ` then showracemenu and change to whatever race you want midgame
None of the racials really matter though even with mods that upgrade them. They're mostly just resists. Nord's cold resist is great vs all the necro enemies that frost blast you just like Dunmer's fire resist is great vs all the fire breathing dragons but they really don't matter in the end.
If you want to swap level up stats just type ` player.setav magicka 999 or adjust as needed.
Spoilers though, magic sucks without mods to fix it. And you'll just want to reroll again.
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oops denoiser too big
yeah yeah I have mods for everything
changing race midgame is just asking for a brick though
i would watch this anime, but only dubbed
Vokriinator has a caco patch
>CACO patch - v2.0.1
>Vokriinator: Requires Kryptopyr's Ordinator CACO patch. Load my plugin lower than it.

>Vokriinator Black: Requires Kryptopyr's Ordinator - CACO patch. Load my plugin lower than it.
>Disabled Physician's health regen in favor of Troll Blood.
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>pile up gameplay mods like hay
>game is actually pretty fun now
>you have no idea how you've got here, so you could add or remove one mod and it will all come crashing down
have you guys noticed that shitblows photo viewer utterly fucks the colors and brightness of screenshots?
I first thought it was ENB magically turning off or something (I had similar thing with Reshade in ETS2)
I threw away so many before I realized it, it's not even funny...
I'm using the Nomacs image viewer because my windows version (LTSC) didn't even come with a native image viewer
>500 mods
I'm okay snipping mods if I need to. I plan to cut out Darkend as soon as I finish the area to free up more active handles.
My active handles are around 800k so I'll have to play certain mods and delete them then use a save cleaner as I go. It's the only way to do a big run since you can't add those mods mid-playthrough, you have to start with then, then snip as you go.
Feels good though having everything. The only thing I really didn't spend enough time on were the sex mods. I asked several times but couldn't find good answers so I just gave up on it. There are other games for that shit. I'll just enjoy skyrim for everything else.
>make list
>wtf this is kino
>already thinking of ways to change and improve it for no reason
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just install flowergirls bro it's not that complicated
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>The only thing I really didn't spend enough time on were the sex mods. I asked several times but couldn't find good answers so I just gave up on it.
I have a semi-joking "guide" laying around somewhere, give me a minute
know this feel too well
Is it compatible with bruma?
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Fixing my Fo4 modlist since I was retarded enough to use two incompatible weather mods together, but now feeling the urge to play Skyrim instead since I disliked FO4's story and worldbuilding, and I don't want to play through the quests again.
>Make list
>It's kino
>Played 80 hours
>Everything broke because of lotd
FO4 is also a pretty okay cookie clicker game like Skyrim but yeah the lore is just... meh compared to TES.
It's much more complicated than that. Flowergirls only lets femMCs seduce dudes. So every ugly ass guy npc I talk to now has sex options I don't want and every hottie doesn't have anything unless I play as a bro.
The actual sex animations are bad too. First person clips the entire body and I just see floating hair and teeth unless I go into third person which is also janky as hell. The third person camera is difficult to control and as soon as many to get into a good spot the characters change position messing everything up again. Even better the entire scene stops and you have to chase down the npc and trigger it again.
It's too much headache. I'd almost rather skip the whole janky sex animations and just keep the sex quests. A simple fade to black would be better than this shit.
I'll never understood fallout 4
It's just inferior to NV even when it comes to mods
I'd rather go make TTW modlist than try to get something good out of F4
>It's just inferior to NV even when it comes to mods
You fagout sissies are genuinely insane
imagine bringing that creature into somewhat civilized towns. it should be tied up at the front gates.
is he wrong tho cause you haven't posited otherwise
That's cope. You should be putting a warhammer through her skull the second you see an Elder Scroll being levied over your head by a vampiric cunt.
There are two good sex mods that aren't frameworks so eh it's fast to setup
new vegas mods are dogshit that still aren't as good as fucking oblivion
fallout fans have dogshit standards to the point that even frontier is considered a masterpiece by them now
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Fallout 4 is a better
>run around aimlessly shooting things and looting places
game than New Vegas
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Frontier is terrible but Fallout 4 got Thuggysmurf mods which are far worse
New Vegas has some really smooth and impressive mods especially when it comes to animations
Fantastic. She's too cute to not be prostituted out to us.
>Frontier is terrible but Fallout 4 got Thuggysmurf mods which are far worse
I already told you fallout fans have dogshit standards
there are only two good fallout content mods point lookout and sims settlement 2 and both of them exist in fallout 4
>New Vegas webm
>it's about genital mutilation
show that silly drinking animation where the water inside the bottle shrinks proportionally again lol
I'm not sure if this really helps or not anon. It's a lot of words, but it doesn't really say much.
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I don't have it
Or just can't find it
Am I the only one who thinks bullettime shit ruined shooters? Looks dumb as hell.
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found it
damn this dude has some suction
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Yeah, that's the joke.
You either want to just have characters fuck and maybe "date" somebody, in which case you get Ostim, or you want to pig out on that bandit abduction gangrape shit, in which case you get Sexlab.
There isn't really anything else.
You can get both too, but with all the plugins, that will actually give your PC a workout.

on an unrelated note, what the FUCK is a "Falmer Warmonger" and why does it have 930HP?
I don't remember this...
it only really works if it's like Zed Time where it activates after a kill (and only for a short time), constant bullet time is stupid as fuck
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That's still vague though. Here's what I've got.
What I want is the sex quests, yeah those are cool. I want to play as a femMC and go around seducing the ladies of skyrim.
If possible I'd like to just delete all the dude interactions entirely. I don't want the bedazzle and fornicate spells shitting up my spell list. I just want to trigger things with dialogue for female npcs only.
That's a big simple ask just to setup the interaction part.

Next the actual animations I'd like to work in first person without clipping so I don't have to ever use third person the entire playthrough.
No idea how to do this with Improved Camera. All the old fixes are for old broken mods.

But no, I'm not interested in raping corpses or creatures. Just adding some dating shit to the game. Maybe the pregnancy stuff is cool but I seriously doubt it, it's likely just for the weird shit like monster egging.

Yeah it's fucking reddit spaced because I didn't want to wall of text that shit. A lot of words to simply say I'm looking for vanilla with girl on girl action.
no wonder they got nuked, their water came in bags
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>Just adding some dating shit to the game.
Ostim Romance
it has dialogue controls for animated interactions and the root dialogue option is just "Hey, do you have a moment?"
>Maybe the pregnancy stuff is cool but I seriously doubt it, it's likely just for the weird shit like monster egging.
Fertility mode (with all the patches) is a legit pregnancy mod and player can actually have a baby that grows up into a child and later adult who can be a follower.

what actually causes creatures to fly 30 stories into the air in these games?
sans Giant clubs I mean...
Just play Borderlands at that point
you’re addicted to modding, play ur finished game dingus
would argonians kiss?
What's the difference between AA FG and AA OStim SA?
I'm not winding up to play FO4 anytime soon, but you would have to fucking pay me to play Borderlands again.

yeah, that's how they make babies
post links, there is way too many versions of this stuff
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Another day of trying to herd all the cliffracers in Morrowind...
sweet was hoping you and the jump lizard were still around
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why would anyone do this?
>but you would have to fucking pay me to play Borderlands again.
BL2 and 3 are good actually
yeah it's good
that might both be me
bro stop it my knee is already on the ground
nvm I'll just drop Flowergirls completely and go all in on ostim standalone and see where that leads.
still need a fix for first person tho
You have to install the volume slider to zero mod
This is the first anon I've seen who uses pandora is it better than nemesis?
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Oh wait, just realized "jump lizard" might be the guy who jumped to Solstheim, then not me.
NTA but well it works
Worked for the 10 minutes I used it for
>still need a fix for first person tho
Improved Camera
Ostim has its own setting profile for it
and both Flower Girls and Amorous Adventures have OStim integration.

it runs 10 seconds instead of 2 minutes and it never crashed on me
It stopped a few unnecessary mod animations like opening doors for me but that could be my fault and I can honestly live with it just for the convenience of aforementioned
>it runs 10 seconds instead of 2 minutes and it never crashed on me
Does it have that window of patches for mods you don't have installed like nemesis does?
it will if you are a dumbass like me and leave Nemesis active for the first two days
otherwise I use everything it shows there, so not sure
BL3 is an absolutely fantastic game when you delete all voice and cutscene files
Game works fine without it lol
We Nord women belong to a noble, prestigious warrior race of battle-poets since time millennia.
We are NOT a race of unruly tomboy sluts that need to be domesticated through the power of Redguard, Orsimer, Dunmer, Bosmer and Altmeri cock!
Far from it!
Fuck off glowie
Nords can't spell
Why are you kikes like this?
None of this is true, speaking from experience
She looks like she was built for…
Bosmer chads
Bannered Mare kitchen
I have no idea how you people play skyrim with skimpy armor and immersive cum shot idles and not get that burning ocd feeling under your skin
Trying out pandora, even though it's installed in MO2 same as fnis and nem were the output isn't going anywhere except overwrite
Bosmer guys, Nord wives
Name a more iconic duo.
Not being gay helps a lot.
>and not get that burning ocd feeling under your skin
not being a genetically predisposed neurotic probably helps
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player home mods which are purchasable? i don't want free home mods and i hate skyrim CC garbage houses for that.
Don't be stupid and limit yourself too much. Get the player homes you like and if you want to purchase them delete you gold.
This one has baked:
Aniya looks like she is twelve, kek.
based boundless trauma destroyer knight
DUST is so good I play it on a bi-yearly basis. I keep hoping something similar gets made for Skyrim.
low functioning Self Inserters should all be sent to an island

>post the lazy azura comics
only an anime adaptation is acceptable for an elder scrolls show, and i has to be drawn not 3d.

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