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Oblivion kot Edition
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>minimal starting modlist geared towards returning users
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Elder Thread:>>484014236
good home mods which are purchasable?
also i got stuck with the Windhelm cereal killer mission
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Literally me.
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How is the LotD update bros? Is it good?
never played it
f r e s h
Why play Skyrim when BG3 and Elden Ring exist?
I'm not touching it until they release all the shit they planned
you tell me nigga
you're the one posting in a TES thread instead of playing anything
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who the fuck eats fox tongues?
Odd and your waifu will get Corprus
I can't abduct and punish bandits in either of those.
But I am playing Elden Ring, and I haven't played Skyrim since 2018
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elden stinkers leave my thread NOW
but i play both
Not playing BG3 because I hate turn-based combat and voice protagonists
Not playing Elden Ring because I like to have fun
BG3 is for tactic shit
ER is for actual good combat
SE is for roleplaying immersive shit, I can't slice of life and chill in bg3 or er I can here
Does anyone know how to use the open animation menu? I want to switch my idles.

You can enjoy both or dislike both. You are not bound by this thread or this website.
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>noticed minor script lag was happening lately
>check latest save with fallrim
well shit
I don't play any of these
because fuck you, cunt, I play this shit to reenact the Matrix courtyard brawl, except shit actually dies in the process, not play DnD without the thing that makes DnD fun, or memorize some unblockable faggot's animations while rolling around him for 3 hours and then call it good combat
just go somewhere empty and wait ingame week, bro
Easily flustered waifus
>Does anyone know how to use the open animation menu
Well, any tips or instructions on how to use it properly?
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thank you for the kot editions
create an empty animation folder using the template provided by the mod
edit the json
run the game and set up conditions
place the animations that you want to use in the empty folder with the appropriate directories
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literally been playing ER all week, I already beat BG3 3 times, and I can't mod in huge badonkadonks & tig ol bitties into either one like I can Skyrim. now stop asking dumb questions
do you already have multiple mods that add idles installed?
Sounds like it's worth more trouble than what's it's worth but thanks anyways. I thought it was as easy as opening up the menu and switching animations
Yeah I do, even from other MCO mods.
never played soulsslop and never will
I may eventually get bg3 on some sale in distant future
obvious cabal posts
Nerevar did
Reminder not to hunt foxes except in great need or you will be blursed by Lorkhan for eternity
guys I feel like... I finished my mod list
it's done
but I don't want to actually play skyrim
what other games would you rec I download and start building mod lists for?

Skyrim Special Edition
And what are you gonna do about it?
Metal Gear Solid V
Personally? Anti-'noun'. Even saying seems wasteful.
Why play Skyrim when Mount & Blade and Witcher exist?
Witcher is for faggots
Mount & Blade is for incels
>is not in the m&b or witcher general
tsk tsk tsundere kun
werewolf jiggle physics
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I look like this and do this
I can't be here any more, the wait for 6 is too much. Every day is painful without it. I really thought we'd hear the tiniest of snippets about it in the xbox showcase. I will distract myself until June 2025.
The whole thing is worthless. I can't there are people who actively use discord actually uses those mods unironically.
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Threadly reminder to come play Morrowind with anons
No additional plugins, vanilla game w/ few tweaks to prevent godmoding and for player housing.
"Makhan" in tes3mp server browser (or join discord.me/mahkan)
>I will distract myself
What do you think we've all been doing here?
I can't even think about anything scrolls related without thinking about how far away TES6 is.
>immediate discordtranny mp follows
bros, at least keep it less obvious
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holy fucking shit look at him go
what a champ

realistically you could probably not acknowledge it in the first place
would kinda ruin their fun, no ?
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DUST is so good I play it on a bi-yearly basis. I keep hoping something similar gets made for Skyrim.
Chanterelle is better
Wow that looks right up my alley. Thanks anon
theres also shattered skyrim but its relatively new
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Where wolf? There wolf! There castle!
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Fresh fish :)
gigantic featureless argonian boobies
Are these shrimp fresh
>khat Vampire eyes are much dimmer than the vanilla orange ones
Soul extinguished. Sorry Todd but I refuse to live with consequence
I'll destroy the cabal, god's willing
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how about
hear me out on this one please..
HOW ABOUT HUGE [wizard hats][/spoiler] mod?
they just arrive straight from the sea of ghosts
You absolute fucking apprentice
freshly shrimped
You're telling me a honey brewed this mead?
Damn your eyes!
as a mead brewer I can confirm this
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I can't get over how weird Skyrim modders are. Skywind, Skyblivion and Beyond Skyrim ones in particular. Even discarding the fact that they should have been releasing their mods in parts over the years. More importantly they should have made a shared, consistently updated file repository like Morrowind modders did with Tamriel_Data and OAAB_Data and provide full world maps years ago. Over all those years, there would be tons of separate mods made to fill in those places, using shared and consistent assets. Mods could be designed around travelling through world borders and could sent you on adventures from Cyrodiil to High Rock. Already existing mods that had to try to squeeze in more dungeons, houses and whatever else into crowded Skyrim, could easily then do so in Cyrodiil, High Rock and Hammerfell.
Them not doing this did an irreversible damage to modding scene, crippled it and set back years behind, because such mods will only be possible to create once they actually fucking release something. Maybe. Eventually. Years from now.
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>finally got into playing a male character
>feels pretty good, enjoying this playthrough, doing stuff different from other character to keep things fresh
>take like a one hour break
>now just want to go back to female character so I can stare at her ass while she murders bandits some more
Why does this keep happening
Sorry I'm playing Daggerfall
>discord cabals
>making feature crept mods
>after randomly deciding so, no previous modding experience
>it not working out
many such cases
If people really cared about modding world spaces we would have gotten an expansion to Solstheim by now
Somebody take away this guys Novice Alembic
it's a portfolio farm

that's how the new morrowind worldspace works, also it's such a dense island that there's very little you can do with it without a lot of conflicts, there's a mod with some bloodmoon locations at most
But we do have Solstheim mods and that's despite Solstheim being annoyingly locked behind main quest and too tied to it. Other mods like The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal have submods like this too.
The pathetic part is that the beyond Skyrim: cyrodiil team is insisting that they could't possibly do smaller releases because everything has to be integrated into the HYPER EPIC PROVINCIAL MAIN QUEST on release while the highrock team is coping about how other neverever projects will cover Balfiera et al and beyond reach already exists so really they don't have to release any of those parts of the preoject.
>literally not one mod that actually OVERHAULS or adds anything to the mainspace of skyrim
Beyond Skyrim : /tesg/
I liked it but It's not as replayable as Skyrim. You get a lot of choices and ways to express your character but ultimately it's still the same story. If we ever get custom campaigns I will go back to it.
>Elden Ring
I've already finished the DLC and multiplayer just isn't fun. Also I've come to the realization that iframes are cancer. You should use a dodge move to phisically get out of the way of an attack not magically phase though them.
Also I'm playing Morrowind
Post your waifu
Grand and intoxicating image.
But I'm outside with a glass of chilled vodka and getting my daily dose of vitamin D
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waifu friends
playthrough 3 of bg3 will wait til the end of the year or so. elden ring is my current game.
I don't see why they can't do the MQ after everything is already there
prior you'd just have radiants and caves and stuff and they can add the feature dungeons into pre-saved spots
Is it really that easy to farm (You)s? I'm taking notes
>literally not one mod that actually OVERHAULS or adds anything to the mainspace of skyrim
One of the current neverevers in the works is a main quest overhaul.
Also Requiem kinda does that but it's a compatibility nightmare.
yea https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/91140

waifus are cool
waifu here
Who cares?

>literally not one
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Which one?
DAR was even worse because you had to have a folder with a unique number and that would determine its priority, so you'd have to download every other mod that did the same thing to see what number to give yours. OAR has an example folder on the mod page you can just drop files into then you can edit everything else in-game. You just need to add the files to the folder before loading in.
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You got it buddy
To be fair even with the Tamriel rebuild worldspaces available people are still trying to squeeze their mods into Vvardenfell.
There's like two mods that actually had the common sense to add their stuff to the mainland.
I do agree that Tamriel_Data and OAAB_Data were one of the best things to ever happen to Morrowind modding. Beyond Skyrim should definitely do that too but they're a discord cult first and a modding priject second, so they'll never release their shit. They even took down a mod that dared to use their assets.
mariana best girl
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my waifu Emilia
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Morrowind modding got actual community around it
Skyrim is a bunch of modders with no organisation whatsoever
It's pretty ridiculous how you only hear about Skyrim mods after another controversy or someone butthurt while Morrowind community has regular modding marathons with prizes and all that shit
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I really gotta remake some of these saves and take new pics.
skelka catches my eye..for no reason..
Nice whispy arm hairs. If she can't braid her arm hair around her wrist she isn't for me
>good game attracts passion
>shit game attacts normie cabals
it's because Morrowind attracts a certain phenotype. because they all look, act, and think the same they form a tighter community.
Skyrim has a more diverse fanbase so it doesn't have that cohesion.

tldr Morrowind has more trannies
I think you mean Kassha and Shelka
>skyrim modders are trannies
>morrowind modders are trannies
>bg3 players are trannies
>elden ring is tranny
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you think these fucking elder councils of wizened loony troons are "normalfags"? they're not even failed normalfags, none of these men ever had a chance
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The only winning move is not to play.
Excuse me, I would like to summon a Daedric Prince
>wizened loony troons
Yes? Precisely, even.
Horses are the only creatures are innocent in war.
Come back in ten days. I should warn you that Vaermina's working then.
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All this morrowind talk made me want to install it
Checking out morrowind nexus only reinforced that urge
Like, look at this
Actually interesting mods that require you to play
Not another big boobs preset and wall texture like with skyrim
now look at the date they were posted
now post a screenshot of your character ingame
Actually I'll just take the quest to find Mummy wrappings for the twentieth time
>401 downloads as the top hot mod
hnngh...thinking of his redguard seed inside her...
She has a fucking cock
Balls or no balls? This is important
Skyrim regularly has less than 1k downloads mods in the top
balls and its hairy too
>skybaby can't comprehend the power of cult classics
popular thing must consume
I am flaccid and uninterested
I feel like it has to do more so with endorsements
hnngh...thinking of her aryan seed inside him...
>endorsing without downloading
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Skyrim doesn't fare significantly better
I feel like you've just never paid attention to these things until now
I'm willing to believe that terminal nexus users will download stuff just to wait the 15 minutes and endorse their doodlumagusaion parasocial author
This is a Rimsister general.
I do this.
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Buy book
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b b b basedddd
balls are where the coom is stored so yes they're needed!
I had been wondering what the third tragedy would be, but here we are.
teeny tiny microscopic breton willies impregnating big strong nord ladies
queen myth is back finally some good fucking waifus
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there's an alternate version of her out there somewhere without extra baggage.
actually smooth now, i fixed that issue.
that'll never happen
it's discord endorsement brigading
If I was new and you told me that the local on-and-off pest of the general was a discord groomer with gender dysphoria I'd accuse you of piling on buzzwords, but no. Shit's real.
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resourcepack.esl is the content you need for all of the new dungeon assets and stuff as far as I know
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>be bethesda
>make dlc set on solstheim
>bring back the good daedra
>they do literally nothing for the entire DLC
>its all about you and miraak being super special dragonborn
>herma mora is just your fluffer, you can never piss him off or fail to get his help or need to apologize
>dunmer culture is just a sidepiece
>skaal are basically just lame
>unfinished thirsk mead hall
sometimes i just fucking hate bethesda
Morrowind actually has a staggering amount of quest and dungeon mods, and that's just on the nexus.
no, I don't see ayleid files in the resourcepack
I think you need the 1.6.x bsa archives, they have the \ayleidruins\ folders with its meshes and textures
not sure if the updooted esm plugins have stuff they'd need as well
man I just can't tell what dummer women smell like (other than cum ofc)
ash and dirty cat litter (shit)
Salty rice and ash yams, for the last time
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>use CHIM powers to teleport to a mysterious place outside of time
>wait one whole in-game week
>save after week was done
>check on save
>it didn't work and there were even more stacks and frames
>check my oldest CASM autosave
> the issue is there too though not as bad as it is.
fuck, I think my current playthrough is going to get bricked, I guess it's my fault for adding in all those minor mods in mid-game, I thought since most of them were ESLs of individual armors/weapon sets or a minor quest I could get away with installing them mid-game. guess not
autosaves almost always have a bunch of stuff going on on init and aren't indicative of suspended scripts
Ok, after a couple hours of banging my head against docs and reddit comments I think I finally got it

Leveled lists with the 'Calculate from all levels' flag set will pick ANY npc that is lower than player/encounter zone min level. Almost all of them have it set.
Removing the flag will have them pick only from the closest lower level.

EXCEPT for enemies set to 'easy' difficulty, those will always pick any lower level, as if the flag was set.

So I created a synthesis patch to remove the flag from all the lists (what could go wrong) and to change all the placed npc with easy difficulty to medium.

A new game and a quick trip to deepwood redoubt and I was surrounded by lvl 34 forsworn, as the True Unleveled Skyrim synthesis patch set forsworn encounter zones to 30-45 levels.

I met some lvl 1 forsworns outside, but maybe they were hand placed, or simply from a separate encounter zone.

This solves my issue with inconsistent enemies lvls, I'll have to play a bit to see how it feels. I may also change the multipliers for medium/hard spawns.

Next step would be to dynamically create custom lvl lists (with maybe custom enemies) for each encounter zone so that we can bring back a lil bit of enemy diversity.
Sounds good
my problem with encounter zones is that there aren't many areas in skyrim that feel physically disparate enough to be housing these murder machines
TUS and Npc Stat Rescaler synthesis patches makes it so they don't have ridiculous health pools, but honestly my issue was more with killing some dude in one hit and then the next guy takes 10.

They are wearing the same fur rags for fucks sake.
I like singing the Morrowind theme music but ad-libbed with political memes
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>tfw It's been 4 years since my first modded playthrough of SSE
and to think I thought I could never leave legendary edition, oh how wrong I was
>sexlab and schlongs
anon would you like to share something to the class?
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might do a playthrough with Yara again but as something a bit more knightly again... Could be fun. I'll switch her hairstyle to the ponytail that she got started with.
if you're interested in that stuff I think arenaâ„¢ removes easy enemies as well https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/33487
and these restore, unlock, and normalize encounter zones between the inside and outside of dungeons
Smetlana sounds like an orsimer womer
Installing Arena is a perfect teacher for why locations need a variety of enemy levels instead of ten Falmer Assfucker Deluxe in a row.
what the fug happened to the website
I appreciate the links but Arena would still have the same issue with easy spawns allowing lvl 1 enemies, it's hard coded in the engine. TUS already handles encounter zones anyway.
MEZF seems interesting, may even help me with those random lvl1 forsworn I found in the world.
I am already using locational encounter zones, and I never understood why people want unlocked encounter zones, I almost never go back to a dungeon anyway.

The weird thing is TUS recommends it, calls it essential even, and yet I don't get it, it already locks encounter zones to static lvls so why would I need to recalculate them, they will be the same level again.
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it was a different time, back then I was just grabbing mods I had used on LE, thinking things would be the same
I don't use the full version anymore, currently use SOS light instead. grew tired of it constantly crashing saves just because I altered the load order slightly
Removed it simply because it and it's submods hog loadorder space and was (and still is) jank as fuck to use. thank god Ostim SA exists, even if it's not as whole as SL is
>Other mods
I still miss playing with open cities (yes I know you didn't ask but I mean it)
I couldn't think of a nordic name at the time
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next time I bake, I'm putting the answer in this right next to the link in the fucking OP
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Not only did you steal my cat but you stole my filename as well.
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4chinz Ex saves the filename, I'm stealing that one too
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It's frover.
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Suspension of Disbelief is literally impossible in Toddworld
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good old default her
Are there any 'fus who do this?
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Do you think they like me
do what exactly?
Upon further reading it seems MEZF breaks the IA because enemies
will stop chasing you accross cells, I guess due to the newly
assigned encounter zones.

One guy in the comments mentions that this could be fixed by assigning the
zone to he npc itself, not the cell (I did notice in the CK that placed npcs had
an encounter zone field left empty, I guess because it inherits it from the cell)
This seems like the perfect case for a synthesis patch to go through all the
placed npcs, check if the cell it belongs to has no encounter zone and
if not, assign one based on keywords I guess.

I'll give the changes I made a test run to see if its playable/fun.
More people need to start using synthesis, fuck doing it by hand in the CK.
I don't know where do get this and I don't want to break my shit downpatching from AE. I'll woefully drop sirenroot
Is there a way to turn off essential status for everyone at once? I've been planning a genocidal rampage once I've gone all the quests I want to do but I don't want to have to manually make every essential NPC mortal.
AE SoS fixed the load order crash
I'm going insane from the lack of Elder Scrolls 6. I can't fucking take it any more. I may have to try ESO. I swore I would never play another MMO after wasting years of my life playing Runescape, but there is no light at the end of the tunnel. I can't take another 4 fucking years of no Elder Scrolls.
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Elden Ring is a one-and-done game for me.
I've beaten bg3 about 7 times now and I have 3 co-op games in progress. I'll probably play again after patch 7.

Skyrim is a modding sandbox that will always be timeless. I always have Skyrim installed, you can always find a new mod and boot it up and have fun no matter how many years have gone by.

bg3 has a reasonable modding community with some complex scripted mods already so we'll see where their modding scene is a few years from now. Their mod tools come out with patch 7 which is later this year.

bg3 doesn't have a voiced protagonist. The voice you choose is for movement affirmation and combat barks and spellcasting, just like bg 1/2, Pillars, and the pathfinder games have. Voiced protagonist refers to games like dragon age 2, the mass effect series, and swtor, where every line is voiced in dialogue.
>I may have to try ESO
I have almost 2.3k hours in ESO and still play, and that's a retarded fucking idea.
Skyrim has more mechanically -differentiated playstyles than Elden Ring, and is more immersive than BG3 owing to the first person camera and real-time combat.
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luv chorrol
simple as
do you have a personality outside of talking about not/buying a product?
he doesn't like you
i don't like you either
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>I may have to try ESO
the wait for more Elder Scrolls is not THAT severe, anon. ESO won't satisfy you the same way the mainline games do
NTA but put me in a headlock. Presumably.

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are there any more of these
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I was the anon that baited a guy into installing Flowergirls a couple threads ago. I laughed when no one corrected me. That is all, have a good day.
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A fixable problem
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Your monitor might be giving you eye cancer anon
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they get to the cloud district very often
Nobody tell him
Turn down your monitor brightness, turn up your game brightness. Stupid fuck.
y tho
Wait, I thought I was the one who posted that.
You know what, don't bother. I want you to become blind.
in 1000 hours I encountered exactly one occasion of happening across a location that felt like actual TES exploration
and inside it was a "kill twelve zombie bear asses"
and the 'questgiver' was a reused character from some poor attempt at a storyline in other locales
I hate 'quests' so fucking much
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azurite mists is probably one of the better mods I've ever installed. Does wonders for long distances.
Pee Ess Oh
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We're partners in crime. Let's go take out massive loans in Daggerfall that we never pay back.
Your mountain parallax looks like my ass
I feel like mountains are usually fine
it's the middle ground LODs and trees that are kinda fucky, they're far enough away to be low detail but close enough for you to see it
The mist peaks do look nice and I use them because it makes the game feel bigger
gentlemangenteman we can solve this with words we do not need fighting!
the shitty combat and the constant nerfing of fun things drove me away after an unhealthy amount of time put in on and off since launch
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dont go down that dark path anon! eso devs will try to tell you its canon but if you play it even if just for the lore, you are going to be very disappointed and perhaps confused.
No more movie quotes I mean it!
yea enemy variety is kind of subtle thoughever, it can be more like enemy surprise

ah that makes sense, rip ez enemies
lol that's jank I haven't pulled anything far enough to notice I guess
thanks for the heads up and ye synthesis is based I try to search its git repo whenever I encounter anything tedious
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I'm considering telling him
Is there a utility mod somewhere that I can just cast something on an NPC to make them level with me/scale or do I need to bust out xEdit for everything in between sessions
I keep finding characters I'd like to tag along (example: caravan guards) but they're all level 1 50HP losers with no hope for advancement
azurite mists does the distant fog thing so it helps hide lod inaccuracies
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I'm posting my CD-i gif
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because this is tesg
would this be cat posting or khajiit posting
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Ok anons, i want an opinion should i start a new game as a breton girl or a tomboy dark elf girl, already finished playing my male profile in MO2
The cat cabal hates all but one type of khajiit, so it's catposting.
pahmar posting
erm... what the moon sugar?
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What did he mean by this
We only like alfiq.
Post more of the boob woman
gonna spend the next few weeks re-modding skyrim for the 50th time
is it still best to downgrade from AE patch to SE?
Might as well yeah (but not as crucial as before)
you go to .640 first with steam de pot
it's on the patcher nexus sticky
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But I already am.
Recommended player homes or stuff like that for skyrim?
the base ones are fine especially with anniversary
all the modded ones are too big and too busy because modders want to add a million objects in a single room
jaxonz positioner
morskom estate
okay ty will do
Fair enough. I don't even remember the base ones desu, been a very long time since I played. Any recommended performance tweaks I should know going into a sorta big modlist (200+, not many visual mods, just 1440p + ENB and 4k textures everywhere). I've gone through the OP guide a few times, just asking for clarity
Tomboy dark elf, because I miss Narisa.
outside of script optimizers, optimized + racially cleansed textures, and the dlss/fsr mod you could use the disc cache mod and the bethini presets
Yep it checks out
>optimized + racially cleansed textures
Idk what this means.
>dlss mod
I pulled a link from cs rin but I couldn't ever get it to authenticate so I gave up. I've used it for other games but this one was belligerent. I'd love to use it though
Thanks anon. Currently I'm using azurite weathers II (or whatever) + sh2 core and the ultra bethini preset and mostly get 60FPS @ 1440p, but I get the very rare framedrop in some circumstances. I'd like to be able to push my view distance/LoDs a bit but I've never used dynolod or whatever it is that people use and wouldn't like to break my game just yet.
>cs rin
Huh? I grabbed my copy of his 6th "test" build (i think) from the site that reposts patreon pages without the paywall since he puts the version that runs with enb on there instead of nexus.
>needs dll from manufacturer's site, links are on the mod page
>Running with 1.07.1 - https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/502?tab=files
>And here's the paywalled file that I use - https://mega.nz/file/R9VwkRrZ#02x2pnJB-VvbD92Zv3jNBovS9-33C_kgy8u1unDCUbs
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dragonplate shield in hand. What a good design choice to make the model replacer a skull.
I always just grab them from cs rin since he applied "DRM" to his mods now, I used to grab them from that patreon repost page too. I'll try it again and if it doesn't work I'll try your version, thanks
That was one of the only shields I liked in that mod
I'm looking to play oblivion. Last I played skyrim I used a site I found that I thought was 4chan related to get recommended mods. In the OP is tesgeneral's site, but that looks quite different and it doesn't have pages for oblivion. Someone got a good resource for oblivion modding?
I'm a Fallout diehard and wanted to start 'getting into' elder scrolls despite casually playing all the games at some point, i never actually finished any. I have a cursory understanding of most of the lore up to the universe's basic elements and CHIM, but know little about the ground lore like how exactly the Empire functions, it's culture, real life inspirations, and what level of technology Tamriel is at, or if even classical middle ages knights exist. What's a good starting point for me to get back into TES as a series?
Probably just playing one of Morrowind, Oblivion, or Skyrim
Yea I dunno, trying your version just crashes my game. But I'm on SE, not AE if that matters.
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Any all-in-one smithing mods that adds leather/thieves/studded/iron to Steel Smithing?
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i have a handful of them
I forgot, you only need the test build (not the base upscaler from nexus) and you have to go into SSE display tweaks and turn fullscreen and upscale to false then define the upscale tpye in the .ini file from the test build. Also, this if copied from my game so I included the .dll from the nvidia site, if you're using amd, you have to delete nvngx_dlss.dll and replace it with the fsr dll from amd's site
Hmm, I set fullscreen=false and borderlessupscale=false like his patreon suggests in sse display tweaks but still get a CTD that points to skyrimupscaler on launch.
I found bethini's high preset to be more than enough; I usually use a mix of settings between medium and high
dindo isn't too bad once you run through things a couple times
but it does take a minute to learn what you want from xlodgen, texgen, optionally ngio, and dyndolod's settings, not to mention running them or mods like acmos which need level32 or different tree billboards for quality/performance reasons
I mean if you're serious you'd start in order from the earliest one you can tolerate.
If you have extreme patience daggerfall unity is good. If you're a zoomer you might struggle with morrowind. oblivion and skyrim are both samey playing either one is just another piece of lore. Sometimes I play skyrim sometimes I play oblivion order doesn't really matter oblivion is set before skyrim timeline wise though.
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that's more than a handful though
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I love the feeling that Havok physics gives, always being on the precipice of suddenly receiving a malicious burst of murderous ire from otherwise innocuous and inanimate objects
>install 8 new mods
>ctd on startup
masters load order or dll problem problembly
also make sure you're not using your esp slots at max
and restart MO
unless this is morrowind but MW is a bit more helpful telling you about missing assets and stopping loads
nice treasure hoard you have there sure would be a shame if I Fus... Ro...
It's already a pile on the floor it's not gonna get any worse off
Is it set in skyprefs too?
bfull screen=false? yea. I've completely removed all old traces of the upscaler and can confirm the moment I remove the plugin from skse/plugins it launches fine, but the moment I drag above provided folder in I get an immediate CTD pointing to:
>Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FFD3423F405 SkyrimUpscaler.dll+008F405 SkyrimUpscaler::SetupDepth
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>Skywind, Skyblivion
aren't those two Morrowind and Oblivion remakes, not Skyrim worldspace expansions?
Whatcha listenin' to, /tesg/?
Faralda has to be the hottest character in the game
A fat man a cokehead talking about cucked e-celebs
In terms of internet culture this man has really become unrecognizable.
Married really ruined his life, poster child of what modern marriage turns men into.
No idea friend, to test I downloaded the SkyrimUpscaleWhateverTest11 from a link on reddit, installed normally through mo2, removed extra .dlls, and it just werks. You have a 30 series card and recent drivers, right?
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Yep, 3060ti. Installed through MO2, manually replaced the dlss dll with most recent. Settings in all my inis are fine but it just CTDs. Moment I uncheck the dlss from mo2 it launches just fine. Been googling this for hours, nothing conclusive at all. Everyone's fixes I've already done
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Facecore maxxing while I sort my plug ins
hot and humid night cracked windows smell of flowers about to pour myself a drink. it's kind of lame, but it would be cool to see more musical stuff in Elder Scrolls games.
>manually replaced the dlss dll with most recent
Uhhhh, maybe get the old nvgx_dlss.dll back
Tried it both ways, neither works
power metal chunes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqyVQMzhd4U&t=2411s

I've had different results with different versions of enb once: updooted enb one day and it borked with upscaler; updooted later and it werked idk y
Can you post a screenshot of your sse display tweaks ini opened through your file explorer and not mo2?
Got my hopes up since I updated the enb .dlls earlier to .502 or whatever the new version is, but reverting to .499 made no difference.
What would you like to see specifically, since it's a huge .ini? I have sse display installed manually, not through mo2 anyways. fullscreen and borderlessupscale are both false and uncommented, nothing else is changed
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>What would you like to see specifically, since it's a huge .ini?
Highlighted part
Last thing I can think of is setting Borderless = 1 in skyprefs using mo2's ini editor and through skyrim's launcher
Both done already. I tried disabling improved camera SE's menu in its ini also in case maybe that conflicted with dlss somehow, turned off my RTSS overlay and still no dice. This is why I gave up last time, no idea why it won't work. My modlist is very light in terms of skse plugins and etc, I have maybe half of the OP's recommended stuff installed at most
you just know this is happening now that morrowind is exploded
I'm sorry to ask but do you have address library and sse display as it's masters too? This thing is practically plug and play
Not entirely sure what you mean by as its masters but I have both of those installed (manually)
Maybe that's it? I have them installed through mo2

>address library
>sse display
Using Enchantment Swapper with Artificer is noice
Balls are like the best part of dickgirls
there's no such thing as a dickgirl or a futa, that's just a tranny
What mod for the leather cocksock?
Just tried installing both manually, then verifying sse display settings are correct. Still CTDs
Er I mean through MO2. I'm getting tired. Fucking with something that is allegedly "plug and play" for multiple hours at 2AM..
Dude I'm not here for your bullshit politics I'm here to coom. Not going to stop using an internet term that's existed since before you were you were born especially to describe a fictional character
The Dick Cavett Show while jotting down some spells I need to make for my character in Oblivion. Fights are taking too long that now I try to avoid them. Need to up my magic game.
Need more poser mods for waifus rimming horses
do nord women really?
Absolutely. Faithful steeds need care and affection too
Just buy a mocap rig and ask your mother to use it during her weekend trips
Delightful. Thank you mightily
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>that one Shadman art where Yennefer rims a horse while giving it the reach around.
Now I have to jerk off again. Thanks anon, you little fuck.
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>imperial bow is the best looking in the game
>still cant find a mod that properly lets you upgrade it x2
gud marning evrywan
is there a reason why you can't do the enchanting/smithing loop and make it do 6 million damage?
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Did he get popular because haha controversy? His art style makes me vomit.
How is maximum carnage? Is it still a laggy mess and is the real version still paywalled?
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need a mod that lowers vfx on these destruction cloak spells. for some reason i thought it was fine up until now
sick thanks
Do you think the quintessential Nord hero setup should be sword/axe & board or two-handed weapon? Going to see if I can get by hyper-focusing on one of these things and using shouts as my exclusive source of "magic".
Mount and blade is boring as shit once you get bored of the battles
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Two, naturally.
Yes, but it doesn't matter. There should be a shared repository of files between those 3 projects.
I'm fucking tired man.
I downloaded this mod
and even downloaded bodyslide plus all the other dogshit mods required and it's still not working.

Why does this shit have to be so hard?
you did build them, right?
I did. I couldn't get to choose all the different options I wanted and built it early - but I definitely built them.
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>search for something, anything, on nexus
>results clogged up by ten million translations
>find a translation of something that looks interesting
>click on original mod
> The mod you were looking for couldn't be found
Yeah, this is absurd. Even if you filter them out, they still show up. Especially in "other mods requiring this file" list.
Nord are a strong and hardy folk, so I don't think sword and board would be wrong, because it requires great strength to have an effective offense along side a strong shield arm. However, you can still block with a Two-Handed weapon, and it takes a hardy spirit to absorb blows in such a way, let alone the offensive destruction you could cause. Either way for me. The whole thing is about martial competency and ability to shrug off personal harm.
There really needs to be some sort of separate functionality for translations and honestly stuff like compatibility/rebalance patches too to go under some tab on the required mod's page rather than taking up a slot in the browser.
Yeah, they're supposed to be the classic "tank" race in opposition to Orcs as high damage output. Skyrim gimps them in this role for some reason, as they don't have the magic resistances they used or the ability to absorb physical damage as if they were protected by a magical shield for a limited time. Even thunderfist is gone.
That's exactly how I read it too. Nord, Orcs, and Redguard to a lesser extent, have an interesting relationship when it comes to combat performance. I'd like it to be more outlined in the future but here we are. Luckily on PC you can amend or modify things to your hearts content even if in simple ways. Increasing stamina, health, etc. Be nicer if the canon was more consistent as you say.
which tes race has the tastiest breast milk?
Should my mage be an Altmer or a Nord?
Which tesg waifus have had the most miles of dick inside them?
State the game, your concepts for this character, and why you would pick two seemingly polar opposites.
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>have to rerun Nemesis
>it takes 26 minutes to update engine and process animations
Argonians' tastes like Sleeping Tree Sap
Nord cleverman is based, Altmer is cringe 2011 minmaxing also knife ear
Pardon the pun, but that's going to be a stiff competition. Truly.
why do players believe that they aren't allowed to use two classes of melee weapons for different situations
it's never like this for bows

now show me his shield
>now show me his shield
Ysgramor is just built differently and one hand wields a two hand weapon, but that's besides the point. DB is a sissy.
I had this dialogue on a bunch of animals for awhile and then it went away for no reason
Never figured out what it was
Probably people stuck on realism believing it would be too much a burden to carry that much, or the aesthetically minded folks would worry how it would look. Both are valid. I've seen some screenshots posted in this general where multiple weapon types have been shown worn. Some look good some do not. Your solution is a logical one but not necessarily a practical one.
I mean, there's just no point splitting perks in Skyrim, you'll just be weaker in both.
critters are all scripted to hate faendal thats just how it is
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my banana only had 2
I am sworn to carry your burdens

1 skill reaching level 100 is like level 15
that's enough to get all of the actually useful perks in both 1h and 2h (5/5, 25% reduction, charge, decapitate, sweep), and that's without leveling block or armor or armorer
with most mods the progression is pretty similar, if leveling a skill to 100 doesn't give you any points to put in it then what's the point
Fair point. That's a lot of perk investment if you want competent performance.
bro can you shut off your chatgpt pls
any waifus who are canonically prostitutes
Kill yourself
ure mom
>rough draft out [new character]
>realize it's just [old character] but with [thing]
>down to some equipment and appearance bits
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>not playing as <himself> with <every gift> every time
why would you insult her like this
i am crying now
you rude person
Having one lame self insert is fine but I wouldn't want to do everything on it. There are enough slight gameplay differentiations to go around a few times
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im too dark for u to understand
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Nord mage 100%. Playing as one currently. Shit's pretty cash.
This is kind of a challenge run for me. My last character (which was great fun) had a one handed weapon and shield, two-hander, and a crossbow. It's nice being versatile, but I want to try something different.
I didn't have any issue with it myself, but maybe that's because this class was 100% combat. No smithing, lockpicking, enchantments, etc. If I needed something smithed or ensorcelled, I paid a specialist to do it. If I wanted a lock open, I smashed it with my axe. Mods are great.
Pandorable's or Bijin NPCs?
Self-inserts are cringe as fuck
Great argument. Now put some actual work into telling me why.
neither unless you like barbies
any player which cannot exercise both creative roleplay or character design and an appropriate level of cringe-esque self inserting depending on situation is not a real Pro Gamer
i dont agree but why? putting yourself into a different reality can provide interesting results. especially in bethesda games who are so lackluster in choices.
>in a game where the only difference with it is in your head
It's 5:23AM. Don't you have somewhere else to be?
go to sleep NAneet-kun
Sucks when people attempt to use punctuation and grammar correctly huh?
she run a few brothel
but does she get paid to eat the cocks of strangers
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Oh, I'm not saying those people don't exist, but if you actually read my post you can see I'm not one of them. I was saying "No I'm not either one of those guys, my reasons are actually more gameplay oriented rn" and I forgot to type out the full sentence, because migraine. You actually make some good observations and I agree that either/or can look good in the right circumstances. Character art is always about how the author chooses to represent it. A lone man walking through a field with nothing but the sword at his side instantly communicates a lot about that character to the casual viewer. Someone festooned head to toe with weapons likewise establishes a great many things about the character, just at a glance.
only really rich and worth it one
I did read it. Read it again too, and no need to be rude about that. I read fine but intention and purpose is not always understood all the same. Your reply works well for me, and I've had all manners of headaches but never a migraine so yeah man that sucks.
>Character art
Yes Morrowind and Oblivion have great art concerning characters but the reality of the games does not match that. Well said.
ok so she is a degenerate shameless whore
what are her rates
>ok so she is a degenerate shameless whore
Money is Money
above half to a full built house depend of the service i guess
I just dropped the pretense and started playing with the same archetype every time in every game unless the character creator wasn't good enough. I remember getting frustrated with BG3 creator all males looked gay and all females looked masculine so I dropped that game
>all males looked gay and all females looked masculine
Skill issue.
No sliders just choosing a face preset there's no skill in that
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Altmer mage is one, if not the, most based theme.
Remember when TES was cool
crazy times
>proudspire manor
>doesn't have a spire
Bravo, Todd and Emil!
That's a gosh-darned Ayleid

But has anyone noticed the tendency Altmer had towards being villains even in Oblivion? There's that one that poses as a vampire hunter but is actually a vampire, that one that is trying to resurrect an ancient Ayleid sorcerer king, that one that is THE KING OF WORMS, and then there's Mankar Camoran himself.
>That's a gosh-darned Ayleid
Don't have any pictures of cool Altmer sorcerers wearing glass and insect wngs and sheeit on my pc.
I don't know about canonically but in my headcanon Chey and Bosmom have definitely accepted gold for sex at least once
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>Grelka is supposed to be available to you as a potential spouse, but the dialogue option never appears, as there are no quests associated with her to raise her disposition.
>The Unofficial Skyrim Patch, version 2.1.3, addresses this issue. You can invest in her, which raises her disposition.
>This change has been reverted by version 3.0.1 of the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch; upon further consideration she does not meet the developer's definition of a shopkeeper.
>upon further consideration she does not meet the developer's definition of a shopkeeper.
Why doesn't she meet his definition?
My newest screenshot is too strong for you, traveler
The regional constabulary would not approve of such an act.
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I'm afraid I can't do that so have the next latest one instead
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I haven't taken anything in like a week tbqh
dead because no waifu titties
link me to high poly heads, vectorplexis is fucky
also does THIEF make sense as a futa
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Solitude: Roman or Tudor?
That's Falkreath.
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All yours big boy
>does THIEF make sense

Cowboyfuck where's my Gwenn folder
I was promised a Mega like 2 years ago and you STILL haven't delivered
i love her
Idgrod(hag) replacer?
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Google it and you'll find a reddit thread with the gdrive link
Where do you even find mods that aren't ai sloppa?
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I just like running around fast as fuck with my ring of the wind and athleticism bonus
>ring of the wind
Do you think Sithis will be mad I soul trapped Astrid instead of letting her soul go to the void?
AYO MY R-WORDS! (redguards)

hear me out, i have an idea

a soul gem powered coil gun
sexy ain't it?
Guns are stupid when you can just fire ice spikes with magicka.
that's just a staff
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I bought skyrim AE and downloaded like 20 graphic mods (noble 2k, community shaders, flora overhaul, etc...)
Does this look right? I don't remember how Skyrim looked 10 years ago so I don't know if these mods are working.
the ground looks like shit
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>community shaders
literally me
staffs are stupid when you can just fire ice spikes with magicka
a magic coilgun or railgun sends a projectile, it's different and is very handy when the opponent is resistant to magic
With all the clipping I always run into I suspect that every pose or animation created for Skyrim is meant for stick girls with absolutely no ass, hips, or thighs.
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>flora overhaul
>in 2k24
Whoever started this trend of adding -a at the end of words, I hope they die of a fucking cock tumor.
This, but with whoever started the trend of calling things "slop."
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I installed autoparallax and complex parallax materials which should improve the ground textures

the wiki recommended it over enb for gameplay

stop puking and tell me what i should rather use
CS isn't mature enough, just run the game without the enb/cs memes
sro and verdant
and what anon said
just get raid weathers and a good reshade instead
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My philosophy with skyrim and its graphics is just to remove the grey shit filter, make everything cohesive and only improve the graphics to the point where I subconsciously don't notice how shit everything is.
Sucking off Giraud Gemane to raise speech should've been in the game at launch
looks okay compared to vanilla obviously the lighting is outdated but that's Community Shaders for ya.
But you can't speak while sucking someone off, can you?
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>remove the SOVL filter
I shiggy siggy
>enb, rehade, cs
>all projectile vomit
now we reenacted the scary movie 2 scene
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When I kill wolves or other canines in game they go limp like that dog that god blown up by a bottle of explosive gas, got my gore mods right at least.
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>run True Unleved patcher in synthesis
>it reveals my current modlist contains 33k NPCs
wew shit
Damn, mine showed around 9k with just beyond reach as the only big mod I have. Do you have every new lands mod installed?
cummunity shidders is a perfectly viable alternative for ENB for those of us playing potatoes
it has subsurface scattering now so that your waifu doesn't look like shit, so it already has most of what it needs.
it's actually kinda up right now
It also supports vr directly unlike russian dude who is scared of it, probably because you need to stand up to play it.

More importantly it fixes the lights limit, for that alone it beats ENB.
Give me a retard's rundown of how to get True Unleveled Skyrim working.
>I installed autoparallax and complex parallax materials which should improve the ground textures
That looks like noble skyrim's ground texture which is not parallax. If you want good parallax stuff you should try skyrim 202x downscale and Atlantean complex parallax and have Atlantean overriding 202x.
This looks like the Tigrex animations from MH.
I gave up, I'm installing some 300gb modpack with wabbajack. I'll report back if I survive
Looks like it was a zedit module turned synthesis patcher. Install and run synthesis through mo2, add module from the git list, click run
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Download synthesis (may need to install .net sdk, read their instructions)
Launch through MO as you would fnis, bodyslide, xedit...
On the synthesis window click on git repository and look for true unleveled skyrim
Download, check the settings tabs if you want to change anything
Run it, may need to wait a bit for it to compile the code before you can run it
A synthesis.esp will be created in your override, put it in a mod if you want and be done with it.

The synthesis.esp should be near the bottom of your load order, loot take care of that.
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okay /tesg/, which is better from a technical standpoint:
>One ESP containing a compilation of minor things (weapons/armors, creatures, location edits, etc.).
>multiple ESL containing standalone versions of aforementioned minor things.
better for what?
latter naturally
merging was only done out of desperation when getting the basic fixes put you at the limit, not because it was good
Singular centralized location is convenient.
>one takes slot
>other does not
I suppose when you live for hundreds of years you have more time to come up with evil schemes.
It's also natural when the entire in game world is in opposition to what the Altmer hold dear.
Are there any loyal wives in Skyrim?
The amount of implied cheating without even adding mods is pretty insane.
Shadowman's mods can be considered canon at this point.
Thank you.
>The amount of implied cheating without even adding mods is pretty insane
Even Nazeems wife is flirting with the player
>complains about her husband

Just because someone smiles at you doesn't mean they like you, anon.
Why, my loyle wife Taarie of course.
She'll be asking you why you keep talking to a married woman, you have to read between the lines a little
Dog wife, long life
I think you're a little autistic
Aren't we all?
If you read between the lines a little
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if she aint happy then she gotta go. but i think skyrim has more incest than cheating, specifically in black briar and battle born clans.
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>Igor returns to posting
>Synthia hater beings shitting up /aco/ within 2 minutes of posting
Haven't played in a bit. Been busy with other stuff.
It's going to be dependent on what the mod is doing, but in your specific example, and in general, I prefer multiple ESLs for the modularity of it and not pushing up on the esp cap.
Yep, I'm starting to actually notice it too....
quit being schizophrenic
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Everyone I hate in this general is plotting against me
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I nooticed that your picture doesn't have the black bar at the bottom.
>regular with a gimmick of whining about people more liked than him (this is everyone) might be whining about somebody more liked than him
Say it ain't so!
Discuss the biggest milkiest waifu boobs
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tfw i am /tesg's boogeyman
big milky waifu boobs breed contempt.
Why do I need to run xlodgen? Doesn't dyndolod cover terrain?
>Doesn't dyndolod cover terrain
elder scrolls?
Me on the right (I am demanding sex)
Futur scrolls
yes, this is elder scrolling
I've read them and now I'm blind, don't try this at home kids.
cause you're a cunt
you know this and it pleases you, so why are you asking
wait i know, it's because you need the attention
well i just gave it to you, be grateful
Make a F95 VN already and scam millions
So what will happen? My distant terrain textures match up with the ones by my feet with generating terrain lods and I think any buildings would be handled by dyndo. Is it for large terrain worldspace edits like seasons of skyrim?
what are the best piercings mods? i tried https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/76879?tab=description but it keeps reverting faces to vanilla and forcing me to reload saves.

also is there anything that works on elf ears too?
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they just hate me because i'm beautiful nigga
thanks for the you
AFAIK it does but it's just shitter
xLODGEN is fast tho so meh
>total time elapsed: 30 minutes
Yeah okay RETARD
dumb cross eyed tranny. Just stop posting this abomination please.
anon we all know you'll play for that long too and start modding for two days after anyway
admirable to have her do her own cleaning rather than relying on a thrall
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What's stopping you from joining and leaking all the files, anon? or better yet, help finish the project so it releases faster?
Why is Niimes so undeniably perfect?
more like black whores courier
>What's stopping you from joining
I'm transphobic.
A horse would just eat the mail.
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male armor mod recommendations that covers the face? (helmets, headwraps, masks, etc)
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i'm sorry i mog you but i will not stop posting
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Anon... you need to keep it abandonware alpha v0.05 for months, you'll get thousands... and revive tesg...
I want to play the ame but I've already completed all the dwemer quests (except the train one becuase it requires playing through the MQ)
Skyblivion is over 31gbs
i want to visit the city of chorrol
>unfortunate events
That is an ideal event.
can literally feel mythnigger seething right now because niimes is getting all the attention
what does gura have to do with some old monty python sketch
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It's out.
But is it UP?
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what a beautiful day.
Got my orthopedics appointment made, now I am gaming.
what is a nefaram. je suis muy retarde
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what's he thinking about
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Oh you bet it's up. And LL will soon be down.
His fucked up sideburns
what are the best gear enchants? I feel like they're all kinda shit and the whole system of making soul stones isn't worth the hassle
300gb lewd modlist that is actually playable and quite open for further modifications.
oh, well that's kinda neat I spose
If you are a blood donor, then yeah
get a job
I'm also a sperm donor.
I've always wondered about the fetish value of a vampire sucking blood out through one's cock.
>what a beautiful day.
>Got my orthopedics appointment made, now I am gaming.
How do I unsubscribe from this blog?
The city of chorrol is nice
dem beans
>cock gets all achy and irritated
>probably all cold and paralyzed too
coomers don't think
God I wish I could "unsubscribe" and automatically hide posts from a specific poster. Not to hide Witcherfag's posts, but to hide exactly who you'd expect.
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soul what
Mother fuck, that's more hideous than I remember.
do you think imperial nobles drink peasants blood and blame it on vampires too?
walk away if you don't like it
you can't enter a tranny bar and expect real women there
shill me some cool vampire blood magic mods
"tranny bar" is a great analogy for witcherfag's posts, actually
That's some Ayleid shit, and considering Daedra worship is still condemned in Cyrodiil, I'd say no
i was describing /tesg/ as a whole but you go sis~
Why would you willingly go to a place you consider a tranny bar?
You a tranny shagger?
>they don't know
I'll can give a pass on booba pics, but benis? no way, enjoy your time out
How do I go to Oblivionland in Skyrim?
Bring back the tummy window.
adventuring with Jenassa! Killing bandits and trolls during the days! Having unprotected sex during the nights! She doesn't even charge you anymore! Jenassa!
>not going to tranny bars to make sure they're fire safety compliant.
Its probably never coming back.
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It wasn't a request.
protection is important.

Elder Kino Online
remove the reddit spacing for proper bait
go bump your 60 posts in 2 days thread, dipshit
why would he do that when he could post any ol bullshit here and get you on the hook
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>*stabs you in the eye with a bollock dagger*
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Ayleids fit slot of a generic Moorcock/Warhammer Dark Elves better than Dunmer now that I think of it.
Daedra worship is legal in Cyrodiil.
Imperial bureaucrats and functionaries worship Clavicus Vile, Tthe Reman emperors openly worshiped Sanguine.
reminded me of this
I'm posting Cao Cao in honour of /mbg/
shouldn't his name be romanized as Tsao Tsao?
I think I downloaded the vivid landscape collection. Any other recommended texture/mesh/visual mods? I'm already hitting close to my 8GB VRAM with those + ENB and my titty mods. I don't trust Nexus comments after fucking around and seeing how absurdly high poly some shit is for no reason
Pinyin, Romanised Chinese, is stupid. Blame the guy who invented Pinyin. Also it wasn't made to assist English speakers, it was made for Chinese people typing on computers.
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the folder went out to buy milk & cigarettes
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It's pronounced Cow Cow
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>give dark elf hooker 500 gold
>take her outback and kill her and take money back
>beat up old nord woman
>tell her to follow me
>kill her out back and take her gear
>ebony blade stronger
theres what, 2 mercs per city?
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I love booty.
Is this shit? It looks kinda bad, but I want more Dunmer/Solstheim content for my next playthrough
I still prefer Wade Giles for names
6k endorses on a mod editing follower I've never even talked to don't drop from he fucking sky
Wade-Giles doesn't get anything right
>also does THIEF make sense as a futa
given one of the story branches later on, no. not one bit
>see orc stronghold
>do forgemaster finger quest
>kill stronghold
>fully charged blade
Ultimate Muscle had too much farting and silliness for my tastes.
I have to keep this under 255 right?
Yes, but mods can be merged which lets you go absolutely retarded. Some people here have 4 digit modlists
maus over it, keep the esm+esp count at 254 or lower
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Nah, lots of mods don't count towards the limit
>didnt know you could cure farkas or vilkas until a few days ago thanks to these threads
>do their radiants and cure them
>aela is the last werewolf companion
>marry aela and buy a house in solitude
>shes now scared of wolves and bandits
feels weird fucking the companions out of werewolfism
Ah okay cool, I'm nowhere near the limit then. Thanks.
ESLs don't count
aela has custom lines for the houses doe
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>it's literally a pair of iron gauntlets
you were supposed to behead her for being a filthy daedra worshipper
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nah you keep mod index up to FD
>shes now scared of wolves and bandits
wait, what?
leetle baby, i am at fe:740
I refuse to install single armor mods
aela gets weirdly domesticated after marriage and kids. she complains about every house but solitude
riften complains about bandits and the guild
markharth complains about cults and forsworn attacks
one hearthhouse is too cold, other too damp, other too wolfy
she's literally a dog, of course she's easily domesticated
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>try to use SREX (again)
>some cities it's fine but in other it's quite buggy
>return to open cities
>gather the patches of all the relevant mods in my mod list
>the key legacy of the dragonborn patch I used years ago is missing from nexus
shitttttttttttttttttttt. I just want to have the cities part of the world space again ffs
I mean, it sounds like you got something that's making her use generic voicetype lines for the houses rather than the alleged unique lines >>484270404 claims she has (I've never married her, so I can't comment to the veracity).
Is it even worth modding skyrim to actually play it?
Not porn mods and 4k textures shit
Any recommendations?
loli porn and 8k textures

christ look at this guy with his 4k, what is this 2015?
>Not porn mods
Those add gameplay mechanics and immersion though
Apparently I schizoed out, all reactions are generic voicetype ones.
I mean, she's worried about kids, she knows you two can handle any heat. That's fairly reasonable.
a wise guy
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aren't open cities buggy as fuck?
>Any recommendations?
My gay nigger in Odin, you are gonna have to be more specific than that. I have like 300 fun gameplay mods I could recommend, but I have no idea what you're looking for.
im scraping the bottom of the fucking barrel here
im just some elf dude with an evil sword doing 10 evil things then who fucking knows afterwards
i replayed this game like 5 or 6 times in a few weeks
i think im just burnt out
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bro you immediately hit me with rpg maker kino nostalgia
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>I have like 300 fun gameplay mods
Which one is the most fun?
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well, that's the thing, skyrim mods have become so modular (no pun intended) that it's hard to say that any one gameplay mod is fun on it's own.
If I absolutely had to choose a favorite gameplay mod, I'd probably say CFPAO. But then, CFPAO is just animations. You want precision, and hit fx, and simple beheading and the like to make combat more visually engaging. You'll also want mods that adjust damage multipliers, add poise, change up the perks and the armor system and whatever else to make the combat more strategically engaging. And so on.
>never played vampire
>get all the mods for vampires and lords
>start a new game and speed run to harkon
>vampire lord is some weird toggle and it sucks
Well that was surprising. First time in my entire life I've ever felt that vampire was lame in a game. Usually it's an upgrade with a few conditions like feeding and sunlight, but in skyrim even with mods it kinda sucks.
All they had to do was copy VTMB.
VTMB is a good game doe
I was expecting dagothwave.
What a grand and intoxicating innocence
I love Molag Bal
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You want to be raped
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>I love Molag Bal
her eyes move alot, what mod is doing that?
Probably expressive facial animation or conditional expressions
the tribunal gods are coming back right bros?
fun fact: Blades retconned Tiber Septim being the first personto conquer whole Tamriel
in the new lore (which will most likely be canon in TES 6) it was evil Ayleid king Celemaril
They're scrubbing the floors of Moonshadow with a toothbrush for eternity bro
Azura said they're not allowed to come over anymore
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I just took a fat shit and I'm ready to play some Skyrim. Elden Ring had me thinking about for a Tsaesci weaboo blood knight/Dragon Communion kind of setup.
do it, fat
somehow I can tell who's behind this post
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>Dragon Communion
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vampire lord is OP if you use sacrosanct
there is nothing wrong with worshipping daedra
>there is nothing wang with sucking off daedra
>t. some fag who has a """"waifu"""" with a penis
stupid faggot
acshualy she said worshipping not sucking off
it's okay to suck dicks every once a while though
Echo-Spirits of the Triune come back in TESVII... Kino...
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less buggy more incompatible as fuck
oh and I just found out that LOTD patch was made directly by Shartmoor himself so I'm fukt
there are literally hundreds of fun mods for skyrim
and a ton of good guides on the subject
I think it's an interesting concept to apply to TES. Daedra bits have alchemical properties, so what about dragon bits? The Alteration ritual requiring heartscales could suggest that their parts have special properties beyond just being really tough.
My favorite playthrough of morrowind was when i played a telvanni mage with a tel uvirith and slavery mod and collected all the female khajiit and replace their legs and head parts to make them into cat girls that walked around my stronghold naked.
oh shit, I found the patch, and it was on fucking ModDB of all places
Dragonbone and Dragonplate armors are on the same level as Daedric for a reason. being the direct children of the god of time gives you many quirks
>there are literally hundreds of fun mods for skyrim
>and a ton of good guides on the subject
So name a few?
Good, the ayleid need more lore, their ruins are cool.
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I keep thinking about mixing with vampirism too. A Dragonborn that becomes a vampire and gets fixated on discovering the properties of draconic blood. Basically I just want to play WFB's Abhorash.
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yes and they have bigger dicks than you, incel.
burger jarl
prove it
post the penis in front of us
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This myth guy is trying so hard to be the general's villain it's real cringe.
It's the only way to be notable, and kids will always prefer bad attention over no attention.
how can I get attention anons?
>THIEF make sense as a futa
why not? your dignity has already been stolen
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make girl
make her futa
instant seethe n cope
post nevernude NPCs fuggin
Dozens of waifufags before him got attention and were remembered for being nice dudes, or helpful, or funny, or contributing to the community, or just having hot or cool waifus.
This guy will only be remembered for being a dipshit, and he won't be remembered long either.
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acting like (or being) a retard seems to have a long track record of working
You’d have to start charging me rent first
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can't do that either, but have one of the oldest
Doubt you have a penny to your name to pay rent, neet troon lmao.
>only be remembered for being a dipshit, and he won't be remembered long either.
That's unironically what shitloads of people prefer to never being remembered.
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Consider a dunmer mercenary wife
Pretty sad desu. If he was doing it in real life at least, but on a dead general for a dead franchise on 4chons? Lame.
I'm considering it, but only if she retires to become a stay-at-home wife.
/tesg/ is anything but dead it's a goldmine for bait posts
Jenassa was the only NPC I ever married
Confession time. The first NPC I married was the argonian at the windhelm docks because I really liked argonians ever since I was 10 and playing oblivion.
I could care like about oblivion...
if you consider this a dead general you must've not been in many generals
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>t. wagie
and that murderous assassin is a much better spouse and mother than Ysolda is by miles
Been here since 2014, it's dead compared to bqck then.
I legit didn't know you could even marry an argonian, let alone this guy
>Dating Apps
Unironicall add her to one kek.
Shot Master, I am going into battle, give me your finest screenshots!
No, not that one, the one that gives you the fetch quest for a necklace. No clue if Scouts-many-marshes is marriable.
Not my kind of musit at all, what kind of people listen to this?
adventuring together is part of the fun
The kind of people who post off-topic questions in faux southern accent on 4chan, elder scrolls general, on the first of July 2024, duh?
>what kind of people listen to this?
My finest screenshots would make you coom, anon. You can't handle my finest screenshots! You better go to a screenshotter that posts midder waifus!
Its music that sounds like it would be in a porno or a movie sex scene.
Do you also drive a truck or ride a motorbike?
Shot Master, I'm telling your right now! I'm going into battle and I only need your finest screenshots!
I'll be plain.
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It's dangerous to go alone! Take this.
You don't know what you ask. My finest screenshots would kill an advertiser, let alone an anon.
wtf am I looking at?
i think chey is dumb
Just take inspiration from one of our resident retrards.
However it's not very time-efficient, it takes hours of shitposting every day to get a crumb of attention, but it seems to be good enough for them.
Have you ever imagined your character as another anon's follower?
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I can't believe that people like you have the gall to say things like that.
no because I'm too lazy to make one
my character would lick the ground lydia walks on
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'Round here, we call that a waogu
No I would never. I don't even post my waifu and that's been policy even long before that big lizard rapist came around. MINE all mine.
I can't give you my finest screenshots because my finest screenshots are only for the strongest boners and yours is of the weakest.
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woof woof :^)
Octavia is better
Did you know Buffscale raped a child? I saw it in the Black Horse Courier!
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she er on my hork til I tusk
Lydia is for carrying my burden and performing rimjobs
I think he meant Busts-His-Nuts but guess that aslso applies to him
You're getting your big lizard rapists mixed up anon, he's talking about Busts-his-nuts
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You've had your say, shot master, but I'll have mine. Your a shitposter! You're a shitpsoter with no respect for anons! No respect for anything... Except your screenshots...
No difference.
Why respect anons... when my screenshots can do anything that you can?
I'll post my waifu's thighs next thread.
she is dumb and i daresay she smells like yesterday's clothes!
if you know, you know
I wore colonge once and my dad said I smelt like "gay cum" and then grabbed my face and farted in it.
Which Lydia?
does your character keep his dogs in an enclosed pool, anon?
yeah and my dog is right here >>484273835
>Me sitting on a trone with Octavia and Lydia both sitting in my lap
who is your waifu's favorite waifu
I don't have a waifu.
then ur husbando, gay man
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I'll be back in yet another 2 years to ask again
I don't have a husbando either.
then you cannot be here
begone fool
I've posted my character here before but I don't jerk off to him or anything.
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Fuck off dude
I like the idea of religions people being cursed to be werewolves yet they still remain loyal and use their damned nature as liscence to remove enemies of christianity themselves so others Christians don't have the stain of murder on their souls. Its a very morally complex and interesting idea.
Emil posted major TES 6 hint on twitter. He's playing "Destroy all humans" which means the story will involve Thalmor.
>DAH remastered
Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics remastered confirmed
You... have integrated your bluetooth prostate buttplug with OStim, right, Anon?
>Fallout 1 and 2 remasters
How much do you want to bet that they'll rewrite the lore to include their fucked up new lore from the tv show?
yeah, it's a total bullshit move on his part
What's texgenx64?
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>tfw I got all the patches
>preformance drops hit hard
>crashed twice
>and some of my patches are probably outdated
>but I can at least I can jump on the walls and stand triumphant
vgh... ain't nothing like it....
it gens the textures (in 64 bit)
for lods
I only hire nord sluts
hella gay if I must be honest
This kinda comes off as if you masturbait in front of a mirror a lot, lol.
I like women of all color as long as they're not redguard
What of the Nords who are darker than some Redguards?
todd literally just said like a week or two ago they are not doing remasters of those first 2 games. a Morrowind remaster is more likely and that's not happening either.
>a Morrowind remaster is more likely and that's not happening either.
Thank god!
exactly right fuck remasters
Honestly, they should worry less about remastering and more about actually getting their shit together and make good games. I know so many people who were so fucking done with remasters after being burnt 1 to many times from them.
Yeah, its hacky unless they go ALLLLLL the way back and redo Arena or something.
Mankar, stop posting, we know you're a bosmer deep down (emphasis on)
I haven't checked her voice type but this works on College followers
You might be able to drop an item for her which she takes as a favor
The problem is that dropping items in Riften causes fights to the death
Why is that redguard next to that Nord rose?
her nose is only a little bit plex to the opplen angle, dont worry about it too much
Who is the AC/DC of waifus?
I don't know whose mod is making NPCs pull out a squid to eat
My mod
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they go way back
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darker the nord, sweeter the shor
anyone know why serana isn't added to a slot in NFF?
Just as friends right?
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of course anon, they even share the same fruit.
she took his cock
she got bred by his big redguard phallus
she was absolutely filled with not-negro hot semen produced by his bitchbreaker
Is that what you wanted to hear, faggot?
I love blind bitches
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