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Yngol Barrow Edition

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Elder Thread: >>484145089
lux edition
The odds of Faendal phasing into the ether behind you are never zero.
Anyone have experience with big save cleaning? I've seen some tools that remove dead bodies and clip scripts. My first thought though is they'd delete quest npcs like cultist with important quest notes on them that the player hasn't looted yet or break scripts that haven't fully completed yet.
I think it's funny stripping corpses naked
in game of course
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Total dunmer love
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We Nord women belong to a noble, prestigious warrior race of battle-poets since time millennia.
We are NOT a race of unruly tomboy sluts that need to be domesticated through the power of Redguard, Orsimer, Dunmer, Bosmer and Altmeri cock!
Far from it!
In fact, we want nothing to do with your rugged masculine musk. Nothing whatsoever!
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Did someone say lux
Just don't break your save. If it's broken, nothing can fix it, only prevent it from breaking further.
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so true
it physically hurts me
cute bait
I don't know a single person who's into nord women, though.
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Mephala goes by Lolth sometimes.
is that his thigh or...
Who are the 5 most awesomest tesgest waifus
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her thigh yeah
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>BG3 tranny
Okay, you got me worried for a second. It looks extra delicious here, would kiss a lot if I could.
very cute fingernails, the rest? not so much
hi anons how was ur dey
that's link
>sleep at an inn
>wake up pregnant
>the father is Geldis Sadri
>we never even slept together
Nah bro if you’re gonna rape my character in her sleep at least have the common decency to activate a scene
>skip thru the video to see what is so good
>every time open at him tweaking the mcm
maybe he just came in his hand and stuck his fingers inside you for a second
>vanilla animations
>satellite FWMF
dogshit piece of shit modpack
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i watched some kino movies and gamed in skyrim
I watered my veggies and ate some potatoes
I only recently realized that the gloves make the webs of her hand look wrinkly and I'm a little unhappy.
Age's catching up to all of us.
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pretty ok so far. dicking around in blender.
She is 220 after all.
cute hag
>Pelinal called out Haromir of Copper and Tea into a duel at the Tor, and ate his neck-veins while screaming praise to Reman, a name that no one knew yet
Mods for biting people in combat?
It’s 104f outside and my air conditioner doesn’t work. Also smp physics keep messing up on men’s bodies and I’ve spent the last hour trying to figure out why
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seems these greenskins are having some daedric dysfunction. I'll solve it for them.
She could call me a milk drinker any time.
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I know those thighs
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Say something nice about my wife.
she's a great proponent of drinking your milk. you need strong bones
she's very pretty
That dialogue expansion for her made her into a psychopath and that makes my peepee hard
She could milk me anytime.
are you a cow, goat, or any other common dairy animal
Nay, just a willing man
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Pictures taken moments before disaster
unfortunately unless you are taking progesterone you do not have titties and cannot make milk
It's a very specific kind of milk, but let's not worry about that now I always chuckle when that orc chieftain gets sent to the moon by the giant
well gamers
how big is your installation
Why are you gay and a phoneposter
0 bytes
I've been playing Fallout but I always come here to look at waifus
just over 200 gigs
w/e the Oblivion install size is + Patches
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it's up
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Nord men with Orsimer wives.
>tfw no tall, muscular, blonde A10 warrior nord wife to protect me from harm while I have fun casting spells
It's a tough world to live in.
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purple eyes are S tier
If only they could look like this
Sure but they're not natural for human women.
I look like this (the shirt) and do this (also the shirt)
in my c0da they are!
lmao, that video showcase is pure gold, the animations are complete dogshit and that electric guitar cover is the icing on the cake.
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big thick hammer time
Brown eyes would fix here
25gb before MO moves stuff but my MO folder is like 500gb. 225 of that is the installed mods folder
so like 250
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i dont think she needs fixin but i will consider brown eyes.
best mods that add new land anons?
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What's stopping you?
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try making an orc with HPH and EFM, you'll see that their dumb mouths hang open and no mod fixes it.
I thought they looked pretty cool, coincidentally my favorite game is postal 2
Too big.
closed mouths for orcs only works without HPH sadly, but honestly, it's not that big a deal unless you're some kind of unskilled shitter who can't properly shape a jaw/chin.
Why are you keeping shit inside your downloads tab? Unless you're testing a fomod continuously or have an archived mod, there's no reason to keep shit in there
Borgakh is reasonably cute. I did pay off her dowry too, might as well creampie that orcussy.
I didn't even notice until you said something lol.
It's all I want
Indeed a five second fix, for those with a tiny modicum of competence.
i dont like orcs so i'd never put in the effort
I don't even use the downloads tab
I put mod archives in a storing folder and install them via the from file button
Why would I ever get rid of an original mod archive?
There's nothing wrong with having them opened anyway
People don't want an orcwife, they want a painted ethot
Shame there's no vanilla companion that fits this description.
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>I put mod archives in a storing folder and install them via the from file button
And you keep them after you install them? Why?
"Why would I ever get rid of an original mod archive?"
Don't tell me you can't cough up 50 bucks every 4 years for another storage drive
Got milk?
I found an acrylic nail at the Casino and it grossed me out
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your future abuse victim in the bannered mare is that
What would I be storing? I delete my mods after installing because I'm not a disgusting little critter
Frea would've been perfect, but you can't marry her and she has her duties back in Solstheim.
Uthgerd? She's a bit old...
this is a really weird thing to get caught up on
are you Arthmoor or something?
Has anyone tried many of those follower dialogue expansion mods? I know the Jenassa one turns her into an ex-morag tong psycho but how are they overall quality-wise?
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kinda want to make an albino orc waifu now
>She's a bit old...
condomless sex
Bosmer feet hmmm
her face is quite too I guess
there are no lawyers in Tamriel are there? probably nobody uses condoms
Incredibly hit and miss
I use Brelyna and Illia VFE
Teldryn is okay
I don't like any of the FDE ones, they all seem the same to me
it's not even sex if she can't get pregnant
that's just gross masturbation
Not my fault that you're infertile buddy
Is that a yes or no?
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From my point of view, you have the inefficiency
the gal on the left is a huge cutie
A mystery for the ages.

Cruelle is super based and very cool, yes. Her parents probably shouldn't be allowed to name children though.
there's nothing efficient about mooodding skyrim
you're a day away from deleting everything and complaining about it here
>there are no lawyers in Tamriel are there?
i dont know how the fuck Anise knows i steal her book every game but someone knows
I bet she's a huge softie.
We know
horsies see all
At least then I'd be free unlike you; a slave to his archives of avarice
I never saw this upped but it looks fun
>cows everywhere
I will not be tempted, not this time.
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>cow print
So she DOES lactate!
We are so back.
I think it's time to regenerate your LODs
There are no kinder or gentler people than the Dunmer.
Are they single?
Cruelle always looks like she needs her shoulders rubbed, so this is a good followup
No there's 2 of them.
Well, are they in a relationship? I just need to know if I have a chance.
They are both dating their brother.
what musclemap
It was worth a shot
Baan Malur
Beyond Reach
Speaking of, that big tittied blue cow girl hasn't been around much.
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I don't know if it gets funnier or sadder whenever /tesg/ can't tell another dunmer apart, again
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you were right anon, brown eyes do look good on her.
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some fetcher tried to pay with this today
Just been busy, anon.
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I know I'll be aroudn to post this at least lol.
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they's just racis.
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I see you are embracing the cow meme.
good. dont die.
>light armor made out of clothing and heavy armor
Nice job, brown eyes are always the better choice on
pale skin, now remove her dick.
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ignore >>484316171
now replace her brown eyes with dicks.
Eh, somewhat. An anon asked for her in cowprint and its the one bikini I had on hand for the image. Maybe if I lean into it they'll ease up on it.
Trying not to, anon.
thats not happening because she doesn't have one right now. im wondering how she should get it.
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Or maybe I'll start making cow edits :^)
I'll ask the same question as I did about the dog
Why not make your own character
What does that mean?
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1) I don't own skyrim
2) This is good editing practice
3) I enjoy doing it.
Pirating it is giving it way too much credit if I'm being honest, on top of that I'm fairly busy. Believe it or not, I'm the only person in my house who can do yardwork so I spend a lot of time felling trees, digging out stumps, rebuilding fences.
>mod doesn't have an mcm
>settings are done through console commands

What in the fuck
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I enjoy Dunmer threads. I think they are my favorite race, or at least tied with altmer. About half of my characters are each of those two, and my main in eso is a dunmer tank.

It feels like Todd put the most effort into them. Their game was one of the better tes games and they have an interesting schism in their society.

Them also being very attractive on average is a factor, if we're being honest...
Look at those magumbos
>458812 temporary and 192463 persistent loaded references, for a grand total of 651275 loaded references
why isn't ELFX a master?
Elves are naturally submissive creatures
>download new mod
>another mod stops working
jesus christ, you can tell the average age of this general is over mid-30s
my wife left me
My mortgage is paid off
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You sick fuck!!!!
I hate global variables I hate global variables I hate global variables
homeowner for 14 years. not mortgage, not rent. just taxes.
ur a fick suck

autorun can halp with those https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/45451
modders who forget to put in hawks fucking suck ass
they dont even know you can attack hawks for their feathers and claws
Shor's the one who left her if anything
Aw shit I found an MCM patch for it on nexus but it's a regular ESP. God fucking damn
It's a cool detail but I never once found it practical that they drop something. It's either a lucky hit with an arrow and it's unretrievable or the one bridge in Solitude where you can get them with a sword if you're patient. Also the cardboard flat pack hawks but I only know of one nest that's accessible.
Don't forget, you're here forever.
484313349 here.
I'm 24.
If you were 15 when Skyrim first released you would be 63 years old today.
The most impressive thing about Ocarina of Time is that they were able to develop it with the black death going around
I grabbed a bunch of expansions the other day to do one mega playthrough, it barely lasted a day before my save started whining about active handles.
I dunno how these big morrowind and oblivion mods are going to work inside skyrim. The game's not made for it. The system can't support too many extra things.
Anyone know a mod with a good torc to cover up khajiit neck seam.
>what are esm
Why does the Tower Stone stop at Expert locks
because master locksmiths have outsmarted the stars
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making a loft/attic player home for solitude, which pre-existing building should the entrance be in? i was thinking about having the entrance inside the house but dunno if multiple loading screens to get in/out would be too much of a pain in the ass. kinda want to make it compatible by default with JKs interiors too since everyone sucks them off so i get less of the nexus comment section bitching
Only one I know is like a 3/4 torc that's open in the front
>read the most recent threads
>read the lewd thread
Being a nooticer is a heavy, painful burden.
>the lewd thread
ive been ignoring it today. whatcha nooticing?
Because they ran out of ideas does anybody pick anything other than atronach? Your options are 50% spell absorb or skip a lock. What a choice.
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You could make it accessible from the ramparts running along the walls since all of those buildings are bumped up against it
and then have a way down into the building below as well for mischief
>>484329536 (Me)
Oh wait I'm dumn the full walkway is on the other side.
Still, same idea I guess even if it's not connected the same way
I've nooticed things you wouldn't believe.
Jokes aside the lewd thread's barely ever worth looking at all things considered. I never give waifufags shit for posting porn here because the dedicated general just sucks aside from their presence.
Powergaming is a sin.
So is jerking off but that doesn't stop anyone.
I pick the xp gainers and sometimes steed stone
I'll show you my steed stone :^)
You only got 1 steed stone? Let me see it
They just ran out of ideas
The ten standing stones of skyrim
Apprentice - Double health and magicka regen
Atronach - 50% spell absorb, no magicka regen
Lady - boost to a barter minigame or 20% buy/sell
Lord - 20% damage redux all
Lover - Persuade boost, additonal dialogue options
Ritual - Enchantments consume half, conjurations last twice as long
Serpent - Double effectiveness of concotions
Shadow - While crouched light source doesn't matter, sight camo
Steed - 25% carry weight, sprinting doesn't reduce stamina
Tower - Double health and stamina regen
>Lover - Persuade boost, additonal dialogue options
>While crouched light source doesn't matter
well that's broken
>start with a prison escape (unbound)
>getting filtered by actual mudcrabs and skeevers
finally, Fun
A lot of this is just straight up wrong, do you have that dumbass simonmagus mod or something?
No it just means light source is always treated as 0% instead of checked.
You can be in absolute darkness and if you bump into them they'll detect you while they're searching around.
Also does nothing for sound or skill check, although at 100 skill and with muffled boots yeah it'd be op, which is the point.
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yeah that was something I was thinking, would be kinda nice if you could run on those ramparts but i'm trying to keep the exterior edits low. Was also thinking about making window access into angeline's since the windows kinda look the same but you've gotta parkour to get up there a little and i'm not sure if it's too much of a pain in the ass, and also i don't know where i'd put the entry door inside. Guess it doesn't really NEED to make physical sense inside though
>all passives
>thinks that's more interesting than the vanilla Ritual
double boring

I think he's just making it up as he goes along
If you aren't trying stay near the front entrance, around the Bard college has some neat little spots that could work. I don't have Skyrim installed atm so can't verify for myself.
I feel like this mod is probably as janky as every other mod that tries cloning the player
read >>484329430 >>484327774
>making it up
Literally what I said, better stone choices. They're close enough to the birthsigns of Morrowind. Some things like Tower don't need to be dedicated to locks.
Is installing skse on linux with proton the same as normal?
that's my point, light plays a very major part of sneaking and turning that off completely fucks with everything because you're now practically invisible and can only really be detected from sound
same as casting invisible beforehand
are you familiar with skyrim's stealth system? once you're seen you can't hide in plain sight even in 0% light. they'll move to your location and upon any contact you're attacked
but I mean it's just a suggestion for better standing stones, by choosing shadow you don't get the cool shit of the others like half cost dual wielded enchanted axes or 50% spell absorption or double potion/bomb magnitude
Hell my pick would probably be Steed just so I can start fights at full stamina because I'm always engaging near empty as I try to run around the world.
Terrible. I had the creation kit open for the entire day and barely did anything
yeah, i wanted to keep in in the shop area but i'll probably check through the other houses and see if there's a better spot
Is this Horns?

Looks cosy anon. I'd like to see more smol player homes in cities.
Just add a ladder to the back of the building and a thieves' walkway around to the window. You don't need to navmesh it, it can just be static items for looks. The ladder would be the 'door'.
Yup and notice the what ya listening to (sp) comments popping back up
he did good. QT little attic room is wonderful. just needs some books and filled shelves. .. maybe a good pile.... ok fine its a great start.
The Nooticer
I'm not the only one
Sure sure sure sure I can see you already analyzing my text don't worry I haven't posted my waifu in a while
the expert level spell that costs 300 magicka for 30 seconds of it that you can't get until your illusion skill is >65?
that invisible?
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Been lots of cat thievery going on too
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Not the kind of cat thievery I meant and you know it!
>acting like this is difficult to achieve and that the perks to make it cost half and last longer don't exist OR that casting invis then chugging a magicka potion beforehand is not easily viable without care mid-game for every encounter
that's all from me anon I'm not really trained to deal with autism
Oh you meant this kind right?
I fuckin love cats man but I can't manage to play Khajiit character for very long.
You literally just play like a shithead, how hard is that to do?
Don't knowwww
ah, but that's the thing
invisibility breaks and has a large cost
you've just recreated 100% chameleon you fucking genius
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I said you're spazzing out because you're forgetting that stones are a choice, you pick one.
Why the hell would I pick Shadow that lets me have a power to cast invis once per day?
I can do that shit with magic. Multiple times per dungeon.
Because your character can't use magic, make potions, or afford potions. Because you are level 1. Because if you don't cast invisibility right the fuck now you're going to have to reload an autosave from two hours ago because that bear runs faster than you.
Do dunmer women like bosmer men?
i don't think anybody does outside of fetishes
I’ve used TSDE for a while now and it’s alright. It gives him a lot of the guard dialogue which fits especially if you have Teldryn Serious. The dialogue that shows up if you wear an amulet of Mara while married to him is cute as hell. I wish he had more jealosy/possessive dialogue.
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Housemer fuck anything that moves
Ashlanders might get along well
How are you spending 2 hours as a level 1? You're going to level before you even exit the tutorial cave
>Tel Mora
>Translate to Forest Tower
kek, she definately is in a forest
>the tutorial cave
you mean the one that isn't worth spending time in? or that you can't even get the fucking shadow stone from to begin with as a 'birthsign'
invisibility is an expert level spell which requires 65 illusion to purchase let alone use
She obviously did something to be adopted into one of the tribes and went native.
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>implying you can even reach the shadow stone before gaining some levels
my god man look at the picture 99 magicka for 60 seconds without a piece of illusion gear that reduces the cost by another 25%
if you were trying to make a good point, it was lost somewhere along the way
had me in the first half tho
thanks anons, i want to make one for each major city but i'm a bum when it comes to CK to be honest
could work, i'll check out the insides of some of the houses and see if theres one that works best. Was also thinking of maybe having a hidden "door" next to the entrance of the building it's on that brings you straight inside-- like activating the left half of the door brings you into the store, activating the right half just puts you into the attic (and vice versa for leaving the attic) but i worry that might be too janky
are you powerleveling illusion with no illusion spells (unless you're a high elf)?
are you grinding nirnroot, luna moths, and chaurus eggs for that sweet 5 seconds of invisibility?
Oh so you're cheating with mods to start with the stone's power and not journeying through the world and defeating the encounter placed nearby to earn it.
That might have actually been the joke. Also all the women in there were named after Ex-girlfriends or girlfriends of the devs during develop men lol.
>thinking you need to "defeat the encounter" when you literally walk up to it and gain the ability to become invisible and run away
Its not in the Wiki but the Ashlanders hate and fear the Telvanni to the point where they either attack, leave, or refuse to interact with them if they can. The Telvanni get around this by using proxies, if you join the Telvanni you are actually used as a proxy by Master Ayron to broker a trade deal between him and one of the Ashlander Tribes. Borwen is specifically an intermediary that Mistress Dratha uses to talk to the Ashlanders.
the journey of walking a bit south of Riften and the encounter of one guy who summons his little buddies unless you crush his skull with a warhammer (stealthily)
A cheater was arguing against chameleon lol
At least the people calling you idiots actually play the game instead of dreaming up random vanilla non-scenarios ITT
The lack of graciously hipped waifu postings is leading us to violence. Shame.
graciously hipped indeed anon
I still need to figure out a good bodyslide that's wide but not too wide
the pelvis is difficult because of the way it interacts with animations in two directions
So the violence shall then continue!
how can I force a breton head on a nord body?
swap or just replace 000KLH_FemaleHeadBreton somehow although it might fuck up other npcs
maybe a custom race for player is really the best option, but are those voiced/reacted to?
ah I know what I need just more options in racemenu, instead of being locked to a specific race just have them all on the slider.
Hope this helps, anon.
I've been making spells wrong in all of my hours in Oblivion, thinking putting Weakness to __ in a damage spell would cast the Weakness first. It's all LIES.
Yeah, I'm thinking SEX
Do I just install skse the same way I normally would if I am using proton on linux?

Sorry for repeating the same question, but if I mess something I might have to reinstall skyrim for the third time and my internet is really slow.
then why aren't you posting any?
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basic waifu
I'd breed that woman in a second if she asked me to. Probably last just as long too.
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and I'm fine with that
Why has no one made a trans waifu that breaks the boundaries of what's possible and I'm not talking about futanari garbage

What if Bosmom became... get this: Bosdad!
what, like a HIMBO preset with a vag?
That or slicing up the boobs entirely
And that's a good thing.
It's been 10 minutes and I already want to delete Remiel from existence. You guys weren't joking.
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4,617 days
aye and 2000 more before we get ES6. unless that fucker Todd wants to make another iteration of Fallout. again.
from a business pov making Fallout 5 would be more profitable with how popular the show is
from a business standpoint you can suck my fucking dick, Goober.
sure where can we meet
If that fucker Todd had a game release lined up with the show sure it would be. But he didn't.
Dudes probably already at your moms house.
it will go on for 5 seasons
Is there a mod to have shrines for bosmer gods?
make one anon
it's as easy as grabbing one of the existing ones and editing a couple lines of text
Does Wintersun not have that?
So is there aetherium that randomly drops after using the dwemer forge? The whole "lmao there's no more but maybe there is" *wink nudge* the ghost girl does makes me think there is more somewhere.
Thoughts on Inigo?
unless you have a mod or using some gay pack from the AE there is no more aetherium after you complete the quest
I like him, but there should be shortcuts to delve through his dialog as if you've already done it before. He's great if you're a player who only has one character but that doesn't seem how it works. He's an ass kisser to the player is another thing. He should be I suppose because of the whole Dragonborn thing.
Honestlty there should be, it would just have a ridiculous chance of spawning, like .05%.
>He's an ass kisser to the player is another thing.
Followers that don't do this?
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She's helping.
Don't get me wrong. He sticks up for you after you talk to him for a while. He bonds easily I guess is the thing.
12 years ago we tolerated people making horse genitalia mods
look where we are now
This is the game trying to give you a meaningful choice
>making horse genitalia
I can't decide if this is a joke or just a city slicker
d there are posters here who still use it while attempting to troll that whole dick off.
>What if Bosmom became... get this: Bosdad!
Would her balls be as large as her tits?
Obviously that would just be normal proportioned among the Bossmer
Poor Frendal.
mods that add mayo
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>game must be so inconsequential even fucking over your spouse and divorcing them must be fixable by a single click
why did he do it, genuinely? why is he so hostile to consequences?
balling with a game that allows so many Save opportunities
meant baffling....
What about her cock?
because the average gaymur is allergic to replaying games
the less content you make missable or ruinable the bigger the game will seem to people like that, and being big is a selling point of open world games
also the conflation of open world and sandbox, people that want to "just have fun" absolutely despise when past choices affect other parts of the game
>why is he so hostile to consequences?
Because he knows what the average modern gamer is like
My outdated 2022 mod folder is 55GB
My new 2024 mod folder is 44GB
56 for the mods themselves
But vanilla doesn't have divorce or remarriage
Unless you mean the "stop the wedding" thing
which still doesn't apply
I wonder if anyone has ever used that option
I know Satchel disappears from the game entirely if you pull that which I thought was ballsy for the average nexus user
Yeah yeah that's what I mean
>walks out of a wedding
>"uwu i'm soryr or something"
>"well ok lmao"
>gets remarried
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god fucking damn
my mod folder has like 6 or 7 games in it and still not even 7gb
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>cow thread
finally an excuse to post my favorite sifina image
Nothing like starting the day by splashing your face with a refreshing pail of bosmer milk
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Waifu for this feel?
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it's up
now I need carnage mod to get patch for it
Methhead Draugr
Oh wow
Another mediocre looking skyrim le dlc size mod
Skyrim bros won't stop eating shit
it's up
sovl description
I'll be honest I didn't think this one was coming out. The guy used to post updates and shit but he had basically disappeared from the internet.
It's almost like the best way to handle these big projects is fucking off of social media and coming back once they're done.
Skyrim belongs to the nords. And dunmer.
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Collecting nord women as war trophies
Because he's redpilled about RPGs and the adventure potential rather than linear narratives.
I love the dead wall-eyed stare
Everyone does that.
What will really put you in the books is collecting nord men
Do Werewolves give through menopause
and their unifying love of khajiit women
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>try to find that khajiit companion burial stone snippet
>find skyrim-introuced lore book
>everything in this modernish 17yo-writing-school-essay type of writing
Don't pretend like the older stuff was any better aside from Kirkbride's rambling.
it was doe
not even talking substance but style, i always catch myself on how some of the books in skyrim are written
rolston is good
Ward spell should be able to block all attacks. Some sort of slight knockback versus melee enemies would be really good too.
Was the stagger from wards vanilla anyway?
It made them useless against the two things you would've wanted to use them for.
the Peterson mini novels are 80% great
go read a Dance in Fire
Kirkbride ripping off Crowley was INFINITELY better than the slop we have now, yes.
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just found out SL Defeat's choke knockout animation is busted if you use Nemesis instead of FNIS... sad rapist nigga hours. I guess the only way to get people in the sack is to threaten them in dialogue.
holy kino, thank god that's out
Stagger after breaking the ward? Yeah, it's always been in game.
What a stupid fucking decision eh
I like how some quest give you a ward to go through the soul gem traps
Which immediately stagger you and you get pummeled as your character dances around for 5s
Yeah, the ward is only great against dragons, it seems to never break under their breath.
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Trade menu offered me Grelka's back.
Those BnP chicks need to moisturize
She's an evil grumpy woman, it kinda suits her
I constantly think people are talking about the Hagraven when they say Grelka
Don't know many (read: any) people then, do you? Skyrim's most popular vanilla waifus are all Nords.
yeah right
Skill issue.
An albino orc was my last character, incidentally.
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Ss English not your strong suite and you don't actually know what "popular" means?
>Ss English not your strong suite
slavoid esl hands typed this post
I fat-fingered the keyboard because I'm busy eating hot mustard Doritos, so very American as you can see.
I wouldn't mind being a nord woman
fumbled, it's over
It would be nice to see official stats, like the most played race, the most popular spouses, etc
>mod to remove that silly spin-in-place death animation
>mod to make maces swing as fast as axes
>mod to optionally remove any and all sync kills from blunt weapons
Mace and shield has unironically become my favorite style of play. There is a simple, boundless joy that comes from watching a body crumple after it makes when it connects with their frail bodies.
just as godd todd intended
>finally finetuned SL Nights so that bandit sluts get gangbanged in badit camps until they are more cum than bandit
As it should be.
Female bandits are nothing more than stress relief toys.
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I guarantee most people marry that cheerful Argonian dame at the Windhelm docks purely because of The Lusty Argonian Maid being the most-read and most-memed literature to come out of The Elder Scrolls.

source: Trust me bro
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Lydia, Serana, and Aela are the only ones 97% of normies know, and they're not even the best Nord waifus.
Frea my vanilla wife...
It feels wrong to romance your housecarl.
you can't marry her without console commands...
"Married" in the traditional Nord way just means you fuck her and share a living space, be it a cabin, a tent, or a cave. A divorce usually involves an axe and is rarely survived by both parties.
She's a Skaal, not a typical nord but
>beautiful aryan
>named after a goddess of love
>can't marry and get her preggo
why even live
Note I said "traditional". I maintain the Skaal are more traditional than any modern mainland Nord, since their way of life hasn't changed for centuries since they abandoned the dragon cult, whereas mainland Skyrim Nords have all been Imperialized and tamed by foreign masters.
You know even besides the perfect tits and lickable paws, Shahvee is goated just because she isn't an angry bitter nigger cunt like all the other Skyrim NPCs
who are some of your favorite vanillafus?
i like muiri and jordis
borgakh, brelyna, and shahvee are based
I'm not saying they're wrong, I'm just saying that's the case.
>randomly decide to search a rule 34 site for Elder Scrolls porn out of curiosity
>5205 results for Argonian
>3440 for Khajiit
The public has spoken.
Maybe, but there's something nice about Mara.
Illia and Frea are my favorite but you technically can't marry them. Otherwise, it's Ysolda, Ria, Lydia, Jenassa, Gilfre and Borgakh.
I have not disagreed with you
Borgakh. Marry her on every male character.
Shit I forgot about that quest
Haven't done it in a while
Shahvee is very based because she's actually kind and positive. I bet she would be a great homemaker.
as usual
>there are 3 female npcs whose only standard for marriage is that you can chop firewood
have the men of skyrim truly gone so soft under the empire?
i mean
sounds more selective than most peasant medieval marriage
You're the dragonborn, but she can't just come out and say "oh dragonborn please have my babies PLEEEEASE", she has to pretend to have standards
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>convince Serana to cure her vampirism after the events of Dawnguard
>now that she has considerably lessened her power, incapacitate her
>leave her naked in a pillory near the kennel so that any member of the Dawnguard can freely use her as a cumdump
The only other suitable ending being death, of course.
it's canon btw
>but she can't just come out and say "oh dragonborn please have my babies PLEEEEASE"

They really should start doing that once you progress far enough into the main quest
I actually only posted that question once within the past couple weeks.
Of course. Sexlab *is* canon after all.
Based, but I'd rather leave her in a bigger city hub that also has beggars and ditry old bastards.
Wouldn't you want to retire and run a lumbermill with Gilfre?
I don't remember this dialogue...
I gave my waifu a pearl necklace last night.
Sometimes I get really mad when people bring up Molag Bhaal
Why can't you offer Serana to the Molag Bal shrine in Markarth as sacrifice?
Missed opportunity.
idk, maybe post yours first.
How. Dare you.
Let me get home from work first
No member of the Dawnguard would debase himself to having sex with a former vampire. The trained trolls and dogs, on the other hand...
Yet i ripped it off when mugging her in the alley and shot both her and her husband. Leaving only her son alive.
Not as poetic. Just make an event of it. Go from town to town and convince local beggars to join you on a trip to Fort Dawnguard. Declare it a holiday for the poor street trash of Skyrim.
"Clearly you missed the point of that story"
But she was never married and has never had children, though.
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beeg hamor
shame that it's completely trash
One should be wary of receiving gifts from random strangers.
If only I could force you to watch what I did to her in my current playthrough
>forced her to permanetly crawl on all fours
>made her prostitute herself in the riften slums
>let an entire bandit fort run a train on her
>forced her to dance naked in every single tavern we stayed in before leaving her for the guests to use
and much more
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really not a fan of coldsun's pantheon. i think northborne npcs were better
It's arguably one of the strongest Daedric artifacts in the game if you can keep the fucker charged. But remember back when it also caused paralysis?
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it's using that new dismemberment mod to hack off all her limbs and head before engaging in some loving necrophilia for me
>king's of rape fucktoy
you know you're just exciting her?
That's fine, she can enjoy the humiliation as much as she wants
Gurl don't be mad it's a non-canon event popularized by incels who got a rape fetish
Is there any point to mator smash or wrye if I'm using the leveled list resolver patch in synthesis?
slopsun replacers are the most generic shit I've seen
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>Weird sex stuff
yes the synthesis patcher is shit, check for yourself in sseedit
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>non-canon event
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Get yourself a cool wife like Jenassa
What replacer is this?
>the greybears

I think wrye needs bash tags to make sense or else it's just a scramble
you may as well just xedit esl'd patches in the time it'd take to sort out
Has no one really made marriage voice lines for every voice type using AI?
since nexus troons are cracking down on any AI voice mods the only mods that get AI voices are for sexlab mods over at LL
>nexus troons are cracking down on any AI voice mods
>since nexus troons are cracking down on any AI voice mods
There's no way they're banning everything using xvasynth. Half of jayserpa's mods rely on it
Yes, I'm in the pocket of Big Wrye. Kek...
He exclusively splices and even hired voice actors for the most recent voice mod he did rather than use synths
No, he's right, it doesn't work at all. Use Wrye if you need LL resolution or do it by hand.
She's in a remote location, quite hard to get there unless you roam randomly. But yeah, female wizards are very rare, she's cool.
Looks like the Dismemberment mod got updated and new includes Draugr. Now we wait for it to get leaked
Does it have any blunt damage yet?
I love to use hammers and maces, them dismembering limbs as shown in the preview vids would be rather silly.
the audio is on the left side but this is looking to be up soon
aside from the official bethesda creations aka paid mods is there a place where you can just commission a mod author to make what you want
Jenassa, Borgakh, Taarie
Looks decent, I'm getting Beyond-Reach-but-better vibes.
Tasteful. Refined.
Bucket. Knife. Book.
Valga down in Falkreath, but then, Pandorable made all the lady innkeepers into total babes.
Anyone has tried any of those vanilla followers extended AI mods? Any good one?
After my tweak with synthesis removing low lvl enemies and the hand placed
enemies mod I can't even clear the smallest bandit cave so I've been looking
for a follower to be my meatshield.
skyrimmods subreddit or their discord or loverslab
I'm using this guy mods and they are nice https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/anbeegod/mods?gameId=1704
No quests or some really elaborate backstory. Just vanilla+ expansion that makes them aware of each other, quests and locations.
why are there so many orc lovers?
That's the one I was thinking about, saw the uthgerd one and was wondering about it.
I'll give it a try.
its up
the lore around Orcs & Orsinium is actually a nice discussion when it's not followed by monkeys going " BOC BOC BOC BOC OOOOH OHHH AHHH AHHH". they're still poop elves though
>he doesn't want his cock to break in an orc wife pussy
>and then get pegged
>and then get fucked by her brother
>and then impregnate her mother
this so much this
I found that with Skyrim you have the music. That game is playing it is like music. Oh god that soundtrack takes me through my entire fucking neighborhood. Walking.
t. septimus signus
It could make for a fun Total War game desu
I thought only the village's chief gets to have wives. If you want that green dough, you have to find an imperial orc.
>gay sex
It's 2024 you gotta embrace pansexuality
you wouldn't get it(i don't either)
it's 4E201 you gotta embrace orsixuality
Is there a mod fir Skyrim’s potato chips?
Most nord women are also strong and bulky though
I found the “silver driver” in Skyrim and it made me never changed my mind.
Yeah but they can't butcher a whole carcass in seconds, apparently.
Oh right, I forgot about this guy being a...
I think about the first time they knew the voice. Like an explosion on impact and then a wave to drive asunder.
Based mod. Will download
Eola could eat my meat any time.
she would have the stinkiest farts known to man
>random overpowered assholes just show up and ruin your day/playthrough
Any skyrim mods similar to this?
also how accurate is this with modern f76?
any of Mihail's enemy mods
I live in Whiterun. My neighbours are doing construction on their roof. I hear them as I try to sleep. Them die.
Kill undead
she looks like she pleases draugr men
It's basically never been accurate. The closest you'll get is friendly-firing some retard running a melee power armor build who takes it as a personal slight, which only happened to me twice in the very start. Last I checked there's enough people in pacifist mode that pvp more or less doesn't exist.
Current 76 is worse than 2020 Wastelanders but the general consensus is that it's better now despite them turning it into a grindy battlepass simulator with repetitive events and nerfing every fun build and legacy weapons getting annihilated because fuck you if you could kill the queen solo.
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I'd prefer if we didn't do that
>still can't find a fanfic about that from years ago
my lost media
if i want to play vanilla skyrim all i need is unofficial patch right? almost pure vanilla, i wanna go back to simpler times
i must clarify: it wasn't a choice but a duty
Not too dissimilar to pork. That's why it's called long pig. We can assume the fart would be no different than someone that digs on swine all the time. Also there's no rule saying it's all she can eat. Note the variety of breads, cheese, and wine at Namira's feast.
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I can see it
Silence Knight!
Dark Repanse vs Mr. Bones, who wins?
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what a butthead
>spent the last 5ish years dejected from skyrim
>have played and replayed the game since release when I was a kid
>when I got a pc have modded and remodded the game for years
>got to a point where I would spend a couple dozen hours building modlist, play for less than 5 hours and stop because... its just skyrim
>get skyrim vr
>wabbajack Mad Gods Overhaul
>slap a couple extra mods on top
Im having a fucking blast now. I had got to the point I was 100%ing fucking Morrowind just for the ES immersion, and vr Skyrim really snapped me back into it.
What if my undead is one of the good guys?
It would be cool after the Civil war questline, there was another questline where you had to kick out and destroy the thalmor in skyrim
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that doody can't overcome the power of necromancy & calcium
yeeeeah about that...
Skyrim 6 plotline, you'll get a rebellious tsundere thalmor waifu as your main love interest
Doesn't exist, just like this vile piece of fiction >>484391691
unofficial patch is unnecessary
you might need display tweaks if you're playing over 60 fps thoughever
Okay, so Serana is a no go... What are your thoughts on someone like Falion?
to the stake it goes
but he's a huma- I mean a redguard. And he serves a noble cause.
did you ever fix the issue with her hair and ebony helmets in the follower?
Like all dorks are
We all know that Innocent paladins cannot withstand temptation of the flesh.
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>install mod that expands the Morthal murder investigation quest
>turns out it requires a patch for Expanded towns and cities
>a patch that's only in the FOMOD installer in the main mod
>the main mod's SE page still has been shut down for the past two years any the only way of getting it is by going to shartmoors website
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>make new character
>after 4 hours see cool perk
>make new character centered around new perk
>see cool new mod
>have to make new character
eh you know what? I'm gonna play something other, should I play dragon age trilogy or mass effect?
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How much for jeanu figure
you can't fix vampirism but with the burning steel of a holy sword
iirc i fixed it i think, just replace the esp with the one on the mega https://mega.nz/folder/tKRm2A7C#FL3QI2c323USCX4gs4C1rg
I feel that, kotbro
>dragon age trilogy
2 & Inquisition don't exist, what are you talking about?
Is the combat shown here also from this mod or is this from some currently available mod? I get that the dismemberment is from the mod but I'm only curious about the combat
I don't even have to watch to know it's probably MCO and some animations for it
yeah that's MCO with SCAR enemies and Sekiro blocking
the ragdolls, slowmo and gay HUURRR that plays during slowmo is all his mod
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oh my god
>should I play dragon age
the first game is a literal peak 10/10 game, followed by the steamiest loads of dogshit sequels ever made
>the first game is a literal peak 10/10 game
Great, thanks. Been out of it for a long while so not really up to date with the current mods.
Which woman would appreciate a werewolf husband the most?
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guess who is preggers!
10/10 is generous, 9/10 maybe. 2 would've been great if EA didn't decide to EA all over Bioware
never played sequels and I want to see them
I mean if you want to waste your time, by all means friend. I wouldn't recommend either one to anyone
How many puppies is she going to have?
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Okay, I've rounded up around 200 Cliff Racers. About 1140 left to go.
her eyes are very large
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tasteful booba for the discerning coomer
>big jugs on smol frame
I need some irl comparisons to spank to.
Yes yes, keep breeding so that we may have an army of pale brunette brown eyed waifus
SierraLisabeth. God I love her tits.
Dragon Age 2 actually is playable but it's a huge step down from the first game. The short timeframe they had to make the game had them cutting corners all over it, especially with reusing dungeons. The combat is flashy and cool looking but lacks the depth and tactics of the first game. It's still a decent game imo, though.
I won't get into Inquisition because I got bored after 30 hours and never gave it another chance.
>one arrowshot to the chest
>suddenly total decapitation
This looks way worse than the vanilla one or the one that makes them poop when you electrocute them
I'm gonna need the name for that one bro
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you're a goood lad
>all her socials are either cleared out or private
your game will crash and your toon will be trapped forever in the soul cairn blaming muh oblivion crisis rather than his retardation
isn't that just Maximum Carnage?
Ye maximum carnage

Unless they removed it because of nexus crybabies
shes a cutie
she does the weird pole dancer body movements that make me uncomfortable tho
it is you just need to hunt the older version
New Myth is cute, CUTE!
fuck off
Who makes the best waifus?
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Ex-undead is another thing. Cured Serana not showing up on detect undead radars....

Both franchises are on sale for like 3 bucks each. May as well.
DA1 and ME1 are both superb, and the rest are varying levels of good or flawed but still fun. Personally I think ME2 is still superb, DA2 is where things started to feel different. Then DA3 is pretty mixed.
It's important to form your own opinions though.

Greedfall is worth looking at too if you end up liking DA.
Todd Howard
the guy who made Evelona
she's the best waifu, the queen
Synthiaposter, Niimes, and that Breton with the glasses
i like that one quite a bit too
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Niimes, Rangerposter, and Wrestlebro.
I miss Eve.
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>Forget what cliff racers sound like
>Look it up
The noise must be unbearable.
Yarti and Ava
>Sameface merchant
>Small variety
>Sameface merchant
>cat poster has no taste
what else is new?
the guy who makes the cute wolfie and her mom
coomer dot su is your friend, my friend
I like Dragon Age 2 because the default female protagonist is hot
I was just on it and didn't think to search her.
anyone have a download link for all the CC mods? used to have it but my lost it.
>Forget what cliff racers sound like
I wish I could
B-b-but /tesg/ told me huge boobies on smol frames was unrealistic!
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>that Breton with the glasses
Clones. I miss xem.
Brelyna Maryon
just when i thought coldsuns couldn't get any worse, it changes everyone it touches to be essential. thats getting yeeted from my installation rn.
should've never put it in to begin with
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>About 1140 left to go.
You might end up not being able to do that, the engine craps out around a certain number of NPCs and will just stop processing the AI on them.
If you marry her, does that make you a noble?
Gilfre says all of her workers left to go play soldier
Temba's mill is very unsuccessful + has no house
Aeri is a workaholic and behind schedule for Skald

Makes sense to me
>plastic hair
why was it on in the first place
The waifu butt and booba posters
That was part of my advancement scheme as was Neloth making you a housemer
Unfortunately it's House Telvanni and absolutely no one cares about noble classes
it's too hot to game bros..
>t. Brit
and if you're some hated n'wah like a ligger or a nord her family would probably try to kill you
A real nord man should chop heads, not firewood.
might be cool
>shitty nord male apprentice marries a noble stacy dunmer
feels like a teenage romcom
its unearthed
>generic preset in Hot Mods
If not for some of the simp posts I see here, I would never understand this.
not as kino as shadowman's mod that allows you to fuck the vamps wife
Brel is kind of a dweeb herself but yes
A real nord does not shy away from honest work.
at first I thought it was one of those "the author never released this preset!" things but I don't recognize it so it's whatever
also the images are revolting (send help)
It really is up this time
zoomers are doomed
>Stardew Valley
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I really can't take skyrim and other bethesda games seriously anymore
They're just really outdated and lacking
I really can't find a reason to keep playing skyrim
>KCD doesn't let me prance around 14th Century Bohemia in bikini armor
What's the point
fucked with load order while sos in load order, what do?
switch to TNG
update the dll already retardbro
is it that UBE one. They look so uncanny.
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I don't know what you're talking about
>shows the most uninteresting hill with oblivion ui
what did he mean by that?
My nord male mage is literally Neroth from Dawn of War II.
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>ESMs+ESPs Active 254
It's 253 with the FE space.
how many plugins total?
can i have it?
That actually looks like the perfect preset for a complete masochistic cumdump playthrough.
I'm almost done with my rapeman male MC one so I'll use it for sure.
I hate all these streamer e-girl whores, and this reminds me of one which is just perfect.
she looks like my ex
Pretty telling that there's only 1 waifufag here that even uses it and it's a futafaggot.
who is it
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Finally made the list
The IRL Redguard with the blind waifu & the futa Nord.
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>IRL Redguard
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what's wrong with ube?
Everything besides maybe the body. Faces look straight out of a Jackerman video.
>needing a mod manager for SVPE mods
How cooked are these uwu cozy zoomer girliepops’?
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Personally, I like horse faces
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i fixed that issue sorta by manually using 1.7 bnp normals.

or atleast i think i did, still not 100% sure i did it successfully.
i need to do more with them
Nature is truly powerful
The banana would be fine if you toned that extra bright shade of red down so she stops looking like a clown.
Why not simply drink the fish?
They're yours? Good stuff
>spend entire day off yesterday fixing ass physics on men and figuring out why one singular animation in a pack of hundreds that I don’t even use causes a CTD on climax
>now get to spend all day adding gameplay mods
>spend all day today trying to figure out why potato enb is giving me issues even though I’ve used much more intensive ones in the past that had next to no hit on frame rate
At this rate I’ll never actually get to play the game
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>fixing ass physics on men
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>ass physics on men
I wouldn't touch the water at all, fearful things lurk here
I actually wanted to get the whole thing as the fish swims by after but it's too big

Weird glitches are the standard experience. I've currently got an issue where trying to rebind Quicksave and Quickload causes a CTD. I had to launch the game without any plugins, change the bindings, then re-enable everything.

Also got an issue where my character's face sculpt on the custom race I'm using breaks everytime I load a save for the second time in a session. Loading the first time is fine, but if I die and have to reload it breaks again, so a death means rebooting the game. Only happens to the custom race, vanilla are all fine.
are you using MaxStdio=8192 in enginefixes.toml
Imagining forcing yourself to like this ham beast.
black screen edition?
>he doesn’t want to see a man’s ass jiggle when he pounds into your waifu
What are you, straight?
>fixing ass physics on men
zased so zased
Imagine that beast forcing you to like her ham
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god I want to play skyrim so much bros
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>they let men (npcs!) pound their precious waifus
why... god why
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She played Skyrim once. All it took was just one trip into Embershard Mine and it ruined her life. Now she's in jail. Remember kids, if someone offers to let you play Skyrim, just say "no".
I don't see waifus mentioned anywhere
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Best position

I hadn't been. Tested changing it, still have issues.
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they're cucks
they will never fuck their waifu
it will always be other men
actually I wanted to do that with the belly of my ugly bastard but I gave up because it wasn't worth the effort
>my filter hides Lydia posts
slightly unfortunate.
tbqh i just want to see my husbando's ass jiggling in third person but im too lazy to install anything that requires skse
You can't just ignore that fag when he posts?
>too lazy to install anything that requires skse
what the hell
you don't even need that, probably, anyway
I prefer to just completely not see him.
that poster has filtered the default ScreenShot# format filename
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I mean I'm not into that waifu (because I'm not a furfag nor do I like Tera Elin faces) but I wouldn't let some futa homo who barely sticks around ruin my fun
learn how to appreciate Mythology and her beauty it's the ultimate /tesg/ redpill
Skyrim, does magicka absorb negate damage or it still hurts you?

How can I check the final magicka resistance for my char after
all calculations, I made a breton with atronach stone and another perk
from the lorkhan alternate start mod.

I thought I would be immune to magic when using bretons daily power
but they still wreck me.
no thank you, I'm good on that
I believe magic resistance is capped at 85% or 90%
I'm not into Lydia either, that's why I said "slightly."
I'd really like to know why /tesg/, potentially more than any other general I've been to, has people with a propensity of worshipping the most hated component of something out of spite for everyone else, whether that component's a person, character, rule, episode, series installment, etc.
Because it's easy (You)s and being a contrarian is "funny". You new here or something?
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Which poster(s) do you have filtered and why?
>Inb4 rage bait
I'm trying to see how i can improve myself as a poster
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None because I don't give enough of a shit to be bothered.
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none, I just scroll past things I don't like or close the tab
I don't think I am anywhere near the cap, but I just want to know the actual values after all calculations are done

What's so bad about mythfag
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good one
pretty sure breton racial + atronach is supposed to be 100% absorb
it's Morrowind that was a series of coinflips and checks
since you can get 100 absorb with atronach/alteration/miraak and those are all different sources which stack to 100
there are also the absorb potions in Curios which should do the same

absorb, not resist
i just stopped caring and learned to love everyone
myth not posting for a while also helped
The rock cliff, tree, and wall make it look like a stone vase sitting on top
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Skyrwind is looking good and all
but those voice actors..
But absorb does not prevent damage right?
Because I used the power while tanking a fireball
and it sure as hell did not prevent me from dying.
I guess I'm mostly just curious as to why I see "spite fans" here more than, say, /40kg/.
Seranafag because he's an autistic closet freak and the several-hours-long arguments get annoying to scroll through, and Myth because even his thumbnails are hideous and he's also autistic.
Ugly pictures, autistic as fuck, wants to be a woman.
All these lands mods are just good for the core assets and worldspaces
i never used filters in my whole life as a matter of fact im the one who gets filtered
Absorb is a chance to completely negate a spell on hit and add to your magicka pool.
It checks every instance of possible damage
I think there was an old bug that made it like 99% capped because someone forgot a percent point on one of the sources, but it's so rare as to be inconsequential normally.
nobody but if i did, it would be along these lines:
>Seranafag because
>le autistic
kys you failed normie
kys you failed autist
I'm not a pussy and this general is literally kindergarten tier, nothing upsetting has happened here ever. It's nice compared to every other I've been in.
I don't use 4chanX anymore but I never filtered anything here
I just minimized any post that I know will pollute subsequently
and no I'm not going to use native extension filters either, work
>filtering posts
You wouldn't survive in other threads on 4chan, this one is way more relaxed.
Come on man, you have to be a retard to be
here already so whats the harm with a little autism.
I have not seen him claim to be a tranny and he fixed
his waifu non brown eyes for me so I feel obligated to
support him.
you should've seen 2022 /tesg/ it was a cesspool for a whole year i even posted about cooking frozen pizza and frankly it was the most on topic post at the time
The threads worse than /tesg/ ~2 years ago aren't worth visiting to begin with
You mean 2023, right? Genuine contender for /tesg/'s worst days, I ended up not even checking the threads for like half the year.
There's no need to. This place is a remarkably chill corner of the website. I've asked some stupid questions and I tend to get genuine answers and discussion regardless. Everyone just seems to be enjoying themselves and I'm not missing out on that with a bunch of retarded filters.
Anniversary and its consequences have been a disaster for /tesg/.
You can't post in the locals general on /g/ without some brainrot /pol/ zoomer bringing up trannies out of no where.
I tried filtering repost spam a couple of times when it would hide 3/4's of the thread
but it was fruitless since the thread was mostly abandoned anyway
better off simply tuning in later or posting with ur eyes closed and only responding to (u)s that made it past the filter
>bringing up trannies out of no where
Average 4chan discussion in 2024. Happens in almost every thread, almost.
don't suppose you post in /fog/?
The no-fun-allowed right is just as bad as the no-fun-allowed left, people should honestly start abusing them and grouping them together.
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>nobles and guards just gave me shit
>whatever im on my way to befriend orcs to kill them to make my sword stronger
>hear they are trying to get to solitude
Gael despite the same face syndrome has some of the most unique waifus that are also hot
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Of course.
If people don't like what I post it's not my place to get upset if they decide to ignore or filter it. Not everyone's going to like what I do, that's everywhere.
Elder Scrolls
They never have anything good on the bodies.
Even the most retarded shitposters don't bother me enough to go through the effort of setting up filters no matter how easy that would be, and I genuinely don't understand how anyone who regularly posts here could also be also fragile enough to need to filter posts.
how can I make skyrim more jewish?
install yarti follower, she looks like a jewish goddess slag
also install snakestone follower since he's a jew irl
Have you tried giving everyone large bountiful breasts
open the creation kit and increase the prices of everything
add a new tax system that'll punish you to prison if you don't pay the thalmor
write a lorebook about the thalmor overtaking hammerfell with the help of real redguards
Please do not smell the dog
>install yarti follower
there's no link for her and I'm too lazy to remake her
redguards are too butthurt to side with the thalmor
Was there a Naughty Voices version that worked with Ostim Standalone or have I lost my mind? I can't seem to find it anywhere, it's like it's been scrubbed off the face of the earth. 2.7, I think.

Is there any similar alternative, if indeed it doesn't exist?
>there's no link for her
Probably because only the poster's Pisscord buddies gets it.
The perfect mod for you, goy
I'd like to force myself between those ham hocks
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>Bikini License
Define "Bikini". It's such a loose term.
version 3 was leaked recently, I even posted it here
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>also install snakestone follower since he's a jew irl
Man, that's a blast from the past meme.
That giant is fucking awesome.
Did you ever drop the Octavia mega?
Thanks for posting it. I'd ask for more spoonfeeding, but honestly anyone willing to post that in the first place has done enough, so I'll just go looking through the threads. Thanks man.
>add a new tax system that'll punish you to prison if you don't pay the thalmor
make the player's bounty slowly rise up if they do anything involving money in towns with guards (buying, selling, completing quests and getting rewards, buying a house, buying supplies for your homestead, etc.) by a percentage of the amount transferred with larger cities having larger taxes (and shitholes like Markarth and Riften having comically large "taxes") unless the Thieves Guild both has presence there and you're a member
if you don't pay taxes on something for too long it gets marked as stolen or gets locked again mysteriously (despite you having the key)
I've gotten a start on it yeah. It's in the folder. If it's not showing up I can share the link again.
I should probably continue my playthrough on her. She's currently unarmed with Alteration and Restoration thrown in and it's a blast.
speaking of loose
be cool if it was a troll of some kind
I would save you the trouble but I'm phonepoasting, the link might be down already
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I'll keep looking through the archives, but if you decide to post it again later that'd be pretty damn cool.
I should probably separate these now that I'm thinking about it. I'll get to work on both organizing and adding more to Mama's folder.
Thank you kindly.
When are we getting Snake Cuckening 2? I want an even fatter old man this time.
have you installed all of the creations yet?
blessed be thy name
I can smell the semen from here.
Define "loose", because 100 Septims is 100 Septims.
is the dwarven weapon master from colorful magic supposed to freeze my game every time it kills me
Octavia is my Powerwolf
It's been 7 years since that, you really need to move on "anon".
Did the orc retardation happen last year?
>mfw I've been here 12 years
I've lost control of my life.
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It's okay, I'm one year away from 10, technically.
Never. I want to see him in the cuck chair again.
who is the hooded fella with you
why do you hang out with such people
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It's Bohan, he's in a hood cause for some reason the follower has hair in my game. Nothing wrong or seedy about good ol' Bohan. But Snakestone does from time to time hang with seedy people, like Mistel. People seem to forget his family, especially his late father, had ties to the Thieves Guild.
what armors are those?
Yeah. 2022 was redguard retardation.
Man, if that doesn't say half of all there is to say about /tesg/ I don't know what will.
For anyone looking for Naughty Voices like I was, finally found it on the F95 thread. Took me a while to find it because I was using the wrong keywords; look for version number 3.1 or NV on the thread search.
we should have made 2024 the year of titposting
but you scared the based titposters away
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The one's Snakestone is wearing? First pic is the Nordic Steel Armor fromSkywind, a friend gave it to me and I promised not to share, sorry. But the second pic is: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/100787

Don't forget the SMP patch: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/120298

Unless you mean Bohan's armor, that's the Wanderer Armor. Very old armor mod but still holds up today.
Cool, thanks
tits don't make the rockin' world go round.
Also we all got scared away by the shitposting monsoon of '23.
Any mods that fortify the villages a tiny bit? with shit like OBIS and all the Mihail Monster mods, my world has become quite dangerous
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tiddyposting is forever
the one on the right is cute
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well that was easy
Damn, I thought this was a link to a follower version of her.
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Love me wife Chey
Ultimately that is the goal for both of them. I'm chipping away at it when I can, but because they're a non-native race with the extra buttons and whistles it's sort of hard to wrap my head around.
what is naughty voices? is it just rips of dirty talk from random videos?
Good luck.
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Wait it just hit me, so 50% spell absorption does
not negate damage but its just a coin flip chance of not
getting killed.
Man now I need to find ways to raise my magic resist I
want to stare down mages while I walk menacingly
towards them
The internet is mostly for /tesg/ and cat videos on youtube. There's a comfort to this place that has kept me coming back for a very long time even if everything tied to it is a tumorous growth.

Any follower should be a custom race by default so everything is entirely standalone and unique so it shouldn't matter much. Rest is just a case of headparts.
>I've been here for 7
>2017 fag
I hate that I'm basically an election tourist and yet that's oldfag territory now.
Keda is on the hug list.
I don't know why you people pretend that she's like 4'8 and 460lbs.
>filtering anything ever
Just close your tab or play Todd's game. Idk man or learn how to do a input perfect 10 hit combo in tekken.
>filtering anything ever
I filter every name and tripfag on sight. In the case of /tesg/ that mostly means the only thing I missed out on back in the day was insufferable nonces but it's more to do with always have, always will.
>extend display to crummy old 40something HDMI flatscreen
>sit on bed
>no longer care about framerate above "playable"
I'm free and more immersed than ever before
Can't go back to using a controller but still. I'd consider it with a wheel menu maybe
does anyone have all the CC stuff for download?
please read carefully the OP for pre-AE contents
Makes sense actually. As for me part of it is laziness as well.
>extreme ornate laced modern real world clothing
get out
>poorfag doesn't know how historical clothes work
A wizard did it.
738 btw
>A wizard did it
No sense of right and wrong!
You could make that back in the medieval times and they did. Its just that they took so long to make, and they were so expensive and fragile that only the richest (aka emporers and emporesses) would be able to afford it because of how exceedingly rare it was for those kinds of articles of clothing to survive for more than 10 or 20 years.
I call the right one right and the left one wrong and I spend a lot of time weighing my options
wtf am I looking at?
tits too big
Which waifu has the tastiest nips to suck on
My WIP cell
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>Uthgerd has around 130 hp in my game
>I do 2 or so damage per punch
>50 punches to beat her in a fist fight
>I am on VR
>Took me 6 tries to beat her
I am sweating and in love
Nayan gets complete nutrition which is the cornerstone of healthy skin and complexion
Me when I encounter a yeahpost to my incredibly specific troubleshooting question
I've read the OP carefully, it seems like the only option is the mod list on tesgeneral.com, which doesn't seem like the actual CC mods but alts and recommendations. is there a list with the official?
the treasure cove you dummie
some of the creations stuff is missing
found it, thanks. was confused cuz mega changed their look.
This one >>484445547 because she lactates
is Mantella worth installing? do the conversations actually affect anything or are they meaningless
>is iterative aggregate "content" meaningless
I feel like the question answers itself
probably an amusing gimmick at least anyway
There are no pictures so it doesn't exist. Stop talking out your fucking ass.
She wears cow print. It'd be false advertising if she doesn't.
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Avoid rodeos
I am fucking too tired to remove the (embed)s
I could go for some pact-compliant coconut milk right about now

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