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>tfw I've fully finished contructing my Simonrim Modlist

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>/tesg/ mods
Mazetism: https://pastebin.com/L7cBYDrM (embed)
Cira: https://pastebin.com/jerJ7QGf (embed)
>Lore and Lore Accessories

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>/tesg/'s sister threads:
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>>>/tg/tgesg/ - Elder Scrolls Lore General
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>minimal starting modlist geared towards returning users
>comprehensive combat mod list and guide for anyone
>gear list for gear people

Elder Thread: >>484300664
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Praise Talos.
>finally find a mod that lets me smith up basic items like a longbow and leather armor
>it kills my no helmet mod for some reason
that's NOT cheese. turning over a new leaf?
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that answers that!
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>Serana when she sees anon's enb
why the fuck does your serana look like that one sitcom woman from like 50 years ago who mixed pepsi and milk
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because it's not serana
nobody can force dude to be on topic not NOBODY
it's a baldur's gate three mod that replaces astarion with serana, even though appearance wise they're nowhere near close.
I could, he would just cry bully and not shut the fuck up for at least two hours.
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was never good with makeup
thanks. that's a super old pic from before my mod purge, so they both look different. plus i still need more work on em.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is the only game I play where I dream my entire body into the game to be inside the game and then sleep. All I’ve ever wanted is sleep.
Am I just too picky or does skyrim suck in every way possible?
>Can't hide helm
>Can't hide gauntlets for fist fighting
>Can't mix sets without losing set bonus
>Can't recolor sets
>Can't transmog so you have daedric stats on fashion set
I have too many mods which one adds all these random npcs like a generic hunter or bard or priest walking up and down the roads?
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the city of Baan Malur itself is huge as fuck, what Solitude should've been
Populated Skyrim? Immersive World Encounters?
There's definitely a lot to dislike
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do you have skyrim on your phone
Those same webms have been posted just as long
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welp i went ahead and uploaded it last night before passing out. cant wait till i realize i made the cell reset or some shit in a week or something
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heyy you cleaned that up real nice
Already updoted, I like it a lot even if my characters don't fit it
Maybe I'll shove a /tesg/ger in there
There's a mini house in the Raiment basement that I might have installed too so I can just gnome away followers that way
Is there a mod for sexlab that lets you deflower ladies? I dried dripping when aroused, but it causes my game to crash when i enable that feature for whatever reason.
Is hunterborn any good for a ranger playthrough or is it all going to be bloat?
I enjoy it
People will call anything that modifies more than one record bloat in this thread
keep in mind that SHO and Hunterborn both have basically the same feature set available including HB ingredients and SHO interactions in both so it's basically down to which you'd rather use
I'm mostly concerned about whether or not it's way too far reaching and is going to be getting underfoot all the time. I don't mind the "bloat" mods that are actually just self-contained and do exactly what they say on the tin and pretty much nothing else like a lot of jayserpa's stuff (even if there are things of his that I would never use).

On the other hand the more insidious type of bloat is the mod you install to do one thing that ends up injecting itself everywhere. Worried about that with hunterborn because of all the alchemy bits and the hunting knives. Not sure if the scope's too broad.

I think I'll give SHO a look instead. Hadn't given it a second glance before.
I have IWE dunno if it's that though. Does it add all these generic npcs or does it just spawn cool events randomly?
Trying to figure out how to reduce the npc clutter
tfw modding https://zombo.com/

bloated menu 'tism w/ item jank
but I'm a total casual and just enjoy sho animations while collecting elk arses
this mod seems to combine the two and I may try it l8r https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/109288
the knives are a complete non-factor and aren't even distributed by default
there's also a patch to unlame the ebony/daedric/bound ones because the gimmick gets old after the first time
the alchemy ingredients can only become imbalanced if you are using them with something that has unmatching magnitudes, which is another mod itself
they are all additional and not replacing anything. They're useful (some even to eat alone, like eyes for a burst of detect life) and economywise it's not going to be different than any other alchemy hoarding gameplay especially since it takes you slightly longer to get them

I might use SHO if my other stuff wasn't already tied into Hunterborn but I do not like the old HiS jello creatures much
it's too hot bros. I can't game
just turn on the AC, retard
probably Populated or Travelers
maybe Dragonstone which is a merge of those
I don't know why you would want less npcs fucking around that's half the fun

Just installed and TP'd over to Solitude to have look and it's great. The entrances work nicely, it's got all the basic crafting you need, and plenty of storage. I do have a feature request if you'd be willing, that being an option to have the home be locked and inaccessible unless you are either renting it from Angeline (paying monthly or weekly), or have bought it from her permenantly. Ideally both options would be available with their prices being configurable much as the home prices in At Your Own Pace are.

Regardless, it's a lovely little mod, so thank you anon.
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brown eyed myth is so acute! acute!!
too bad the rest of her is obtuse
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thanks anons. now just to get ideas for a markarth house.. i want to put one there eventually but that city fucking sucks
what about behind the waterfall
please take your namefag back, I'm so tired of his fat off topic tranny ass in /bgg/
have any ideas on where to put it or just an idea atm?
/fog/ doesnt want him and neither do we
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only thing that adds random NPCs for me is Populated Skyrim, sure you don't have that?
nah, yall can keep the idiot
I will pay you the yearly salary every month of a janitor to keep him.
costs too much money
irl redguards playing as redguard futas
>2 threads
no wonder this one felt so slow, im going to the other one with 200+ posts already
Where's the second thread?
There's only 1 thread up tardbro.
There is no second thread.
He's a lost tourist / threadspeed addict / (You) whore
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I shall destroy the cat cabal soon
Oh shit, I didn't realize you'd also done the Somnolent Nook. I loved that one, had a whole playthrough out of there.
Hmm. You could plausibly hide something in Understone Keep, I always wanted to do that. For attics, there's not as much - my only cool idea would be a "temple-keeper's quarters", just a small room above the Temple of Talos, which would plausibly be abandoned.
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it should have looked like the TR version
I'm not a fan of those random mushrooms either
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you're gonna what?
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The bunny cabal is rising. We will take over /tesg/ pretty soon

Don't forget to get this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106460
yeah, no ideas on what it should be or where to put it yet. Behind the waterfall could be cool, could do a short cave to a small ruin
Yeah, the somnolent nook house is probably my favorite i've made too lol. I like that idea with the Talos temple, could work pretty well
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you may want to rethink that.
>yeah, no ideas
unironically, keep us updated. you do good work.
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>Emberbrand Cellar & the Throw Stone author
good shit, been using them both for awhile now
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Dark mode is great for dark nights but I'm still getting flashbanged by my quest log. Is there any way to make that text the same amber color the rest of the ui uses? Same with the compass I'm surprised the compass part of dear diary didn't make that text amber.
ayo emil I know that post you made on /v/ was to see how badly people would react to your first draft and that post made here recently asking why people like tes was also you so I'll just give you an easy 6 cheat sheet.

1 I know you're going to bring shouts back in a reskinned way so just make the mc of 6 "starborn" but a child of magnus so that it fits in tes
2 have it be set in high rock a century or two after skyrim.
3 change breton religion from the ground up so that it revolves around the worship of the stars with magnus being a Abrahamic esque god and magna ge being angles
4 explain this as being the result of magnus and co kicking the other aedra out of aetherious sort of like Christianity replaced paganism
5 make the druids into traveling merchants kinda like khajit and have them be the last vestiges of old aedric worship
6 make the witch covens into orc stronghold esque villiages where all the deadric worship happens
7 Have all the current noble houses be the result of reachmen who migrated to high rock in a large wave that saw them become lords over time. Sort of like how the Germanic tribes created kingdoms out of the western empire's corpse
8 most importantly have the empire be dead and cyrodil conquered.
9 if you really want ships to be a thing just have something tear high rock away from the rest of the continent, so it becomes an island. Kinda like Solstheim.
10 I guess nocturnal works as a villain for a star themed protagonist but like at least do something cooler like sloads or some shit.
11 please include gunpowder fr fr

I think that's it.
Also please include ayleid and dwemer ruins. One for your star shouts and the other for cool ship gadgets.
that sounds fucking retarded. never post your lorelet medieval fantasy ideas here again thanks
>11 please include gunpowder fr fr
This, guns and gunpowder is cool, magic and swords are cool so if they add guns that would be pretty cool too
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>dont have dragons yet
>ground shakes
he does not need your help to screw up the game what is even the point of this?
Just told on yourself. We know you were trying to look up the giants loin cloths.
so which mods still don't work with Pandora Behavior Engine yet? does anyone know?
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why do you bother posting these things when no one reads them
no one read whatever post you made before to claim to be emil either
wow pandora just loaded my 72000 animations in only 13 seconds holy heck bros! this will save me so much time, unless it's shit and the animations don't work
Nothing to do with dragons explorelet
Loading animations when it comes to OAR still takes a bit time on startup.
Pandora still doesn't fix the Defeat choke animation. It still only works with FNIS alone. how disappointing...
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I doubt it. Post a webm of the animation if you even know what I'm talking about.
I'm a lorelet. Why do the Blades utilize Akaviri styled weaponry and armor?
I think that's just a OAR problem
I'm not booting up Skyrimjob just because you're a modlet.
>choke NPC
>throw in sack
>happy no no sexo time
It's that easy.
Doesn't work if you use Nemesis. If you sneak behind an NPC and press the activate hotkey nothing happens. If you run FNIS, then it will play the animation normally. It's a common problem on the forums for that mod. I proved it myself by running both to see and it was the same way. I don't believe you know what you're talking about.
Nevermind, the game actually told me the reason, I just had to press further. I am delighted and surprised by this.
works for me
what mods for Nemesis do you use?
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I believe I know what I'm talking about given how I killed an Orc using this a few hours ago.
choke animation smoke animation
how about you choke some bitches
would love a screenshot at least of you doing the animation. It's hard to believe it works when it's so blatantly broken for me with Nemesis. Doesn't even need to be a webm.
I want to try this later on my pandora setup.
Do I need some other conditions to trigger it?
If I have a weapon drawn my character and press the key he will do a grunt and the NPC will surrender.
>would love a screenshot at least of you doing the animation
And I would love to have Striderscribe jerk me off with her feet, ww don't always get what we want.
I prefer Pilk
It's supposed to be unarmed and sheathed, and you will do a choke animation from behind if you press the action key. The NPC will then be sitting on the ground knocked out for a few minutes and you can tie them up if you press E on them.
Stormcloaks would have been based if their rebellion was done to reinstate talos worship in the empire instead of breaking off.
both ideas obtain the same results
the high elves would just gas the empire if they did that
and how do you suppose they do that other than taking over and becoming the de facto empire?
the markarth militia was doing exactly what you stated
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Kill elves. Behead elves. Roundhouse kick a elf into the concrete. Slam dunk a elf baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy elves. Defecate in a elves food. Launch elves into the sun. Stir fry elves in a wok. Toss elves into red mountain. Urinate into a elves mana potion. Judo throw elves into a fire rune. Twist elves heads off. Report elves to the Blades. Karate chop elves in half. Curb stomp pregnant elves. Trap elves in quicksand. Crush elves in the trash compactor. Liquefy elves in a vat of acid. Eat elves. Dissect elves. Exterminate elves in the gas chamber. Stomp elf skulls with imperial steel bots. Cremate elves in the oven. Lobotomize elves. Mandatory abortions for elves. Grind elf fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown elves in fried chicken grease. Vaporize elves with a force shout. Kick old elves down the stairs. Feed elves to argonians. Slice elves with an akaviri katana.
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The Empire is cringe, Talos said so himself

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