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Previous: >>483985707

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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Firefly is CUTE
What the fuck is Swarm Disaster SU? How am I supposed to clear it without Super Dan???
We stand against ill repute
We champion our renown
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>As societies have modernized, fertility rates have declined very substantially. In the pre-modern era, fertility rates of 4.5 to 7 children per woman were common.
>During modern era, women on average have 2.07 children during their lives. At lowest point only 1,86 kids.
>A human female would ovulate multiple times in her regenerative window between 10(earliest possible pregnancy) - 51 years(Latest possible Menopause), 38 years of fertility total, be that as it may, pregnancy takes several months and ovulation continues averagely following a couple of weeks. This will give multi-month span between conveyances. May land at most extreme, a hypothetical of a 42 pregnancies per life cycle. On average, however, only around 15 pregnancies per average human female life-span if taking daily life factors into account.
>Bosenmori Mei is an Emanator and a Black hole which implies: She's either Immortal or Her life span exceeds average human's greatly. >> Menopause never hits.
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >> doubles the amount of potential pregnancies.
>Bosenmori Mei is capable of supplying herself with nutrients through consumption of Nitrogen and Helium from local stars. Effective Value of a star depends on orbit's diameter, the size of the Black Hole, as well as the size of the Space Body that's being consumed: Can be as little as a few days, or it could take millions or even billions of years to consume a single star.
>Bosenmori Mei, if supplied with enough cosmic mass, and, assuming she will be impregnated right after each time she delivers, is capable of giving birth to 60 to 80 children each solar century for several Billions of Solar years!
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Hanabi star rail general sounds better
who the fuck is hanabi?
There's a non cancer thread here:
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>Gepard counters Firefl-ACK
Blindly, longingly, devoutly
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>roll 5 times for last blessing in 3* equation before boss
>it never shows up
>proceed to lose to boss
nice mode railkeks
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>S5 Harmony BP LC
>S5 Erudition BP LC
Should it be Hunt or Destruction LC at S1 next?
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did everyone forget about the candy crush game already?
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They’re just jealous of Fofo frens
Stop being autistic Emily
skill issue
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Fofo posters who don't own her will be dragged into a ditch and shot
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Hertaschizo was right
I need to beat the bug again to get mats for my Gallagher
Will using someone's support RM still work for FF team while I don't have my Gallagher's traces or should I use a different team for farming it?
Won't be able to until the weekly reset, anyway, just wanna be ready
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You have QQ, sister. Also, Preservation and Abundance are retarded-proof paths there, though Abundance clears take a long time. I've also cleared with Nihility, but you should get the gain def and heal per triggered dot blessings to ensure your survival. I think Hunt is the hardest path to use in Swarm SU.
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>canonically the strongest and most beautiful girl on her entire planet

SeeleGods….why is she so perfect
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Silver Wingman!
damn sometimes himeko+herta just start loopíng their passives when i am farming the fag trees
does anyone know how to proc this
real handy for farming
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Is this pose necessary?
My wives are so cute
As someone who can barely get golds where do I spend my doubles at? I have up to world 5 SU and difficulty 4 du cleared. FF needs extremely niche shit so at this time the whole thing seems like a bad investment as opposed to mats.
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Farming relics is too hard. The rng is too shit and even ignoring that the game absolutely does not give out enough shit to upgrade them with.
Yes. What else do you expect her to do when there aren't any chairs?
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May be during times when TB is absent
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Mei bros...
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So how are the other 1st mates?
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hag sustain that also inflicts dot when?
>e2 jiaoq-
Have you ever just considered being suboptimal? You don’t need perfect or even close to perfect stats. I agree it’s bullshit but that happens when you meta chase any game, try meta chasing pussy or something, unironically way easier to fuck a hot 20 year old than get relics in this game.
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>decide to try a misha team with him+gallagher/ruanmei/pela in divergent
>gallagher is such a broken piece of shit that he does all of the team's damage and misha just happens to be there
>schizo 4chan prediction
Some random ass greek character in 3.X
Why is the billboard race so based
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My brother in Christ I can't even get a single substat I need. I'm not asking for much I literally just want the bare minimum to function. Give me any piece with double crit and even if it doesn't roll into the stat ONCE I'll be fine but just fucking give me one. Fuck one crit stat and some SPD would be fine or some ATK. Fucking anything would be fine.
It knows a good ass
He’s not that great, you still have to kill quickly. I’m betting you did a low difficulty run. He really only fucks with FF because FF just drops absolute nukes non stop in du
Firefly love!
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Why is this faggot so cute paired with girls?
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If you've noticed all the girls wanna help him while the men are mean to him.
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For me, it's Avepaz
you guys don't even play the game
Yeah bro, like I said just give up and go fuck a girl in real life. I’m not even joking your relic expectations are too high and you probably underestimate the quality of vagina you can get. Relic farming is actual torture. I’d rather do 10x1 sets of max dl every day for the rest of my life than care about relics
I find building characters to be so much harsher in HSR than it is in Genshin that it's not even close. Not only do you need 6 relics instead 5 but then you can't get off pieces and then you also have so many more characters to build and pretty much all of them need SPD which is the single rarest stat in the game. It's like they thought of how obnoxious building EM was in Genshin and just decided to make it 10 times worse.
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>Stellar Shimmer
>double relic drop event
>patch still lasts for 31 days
Crazy how much they want you to play their other games too
I'd just go for FF's planar set if I were you. You can also use it on Harmony TB if you use the two of them together. Both want BE ropes and FF wants an Atk orb with BE whereas TB wants a HP or Def orb with BE. Otherwise, just try farming something for your other dps I guess? I don't think it's worth to go for Vonwacq over that.
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At least they finally made farming planars a bit easier.
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but im playing thoughever?
So if I'm interpreting the animated short correctly, were all of the Iron Calvary units women? Because I could hear some men in the crowd scenes but all of the out-of-suit shots were women
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yunli's lora is very poor quality but at least i can make doros
If you haven’t noticed the games all update two weeks from eachother
genshin update > 2 weeks > star rail update > two weeks > zzz launch
They want you on the mihomo grindgame
Imagine getting raped by Sparkle shortly after this
real thread move over
leave this cancerous plague to himself.
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I didn't know lobotomy patients posted on /hsrg/. Did you ever think about maybe NOT replying if you were just going to say stupid shit? Did your mother never teach you that it's better to say nothing if you have nothing worth saying? I bet you never had a mother did you with this starved for affection behaviour you're showing here. Seek help.
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Except Argenti!
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Uhhhhhh is the "Check-in" gone?
Argenti is an exception to any rule since he works on toon rules.
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Just take the dot and break pill, pal. Gearing RM, Harmony TB and Firefly in less than a week was pretty easy. Except for Dan2, my crit dps are all using rainbow pieces. I stopped caring about their speed because I got the Harmony girls. It's easier to give them atk boots and speed tune the harmonyfags to advance my dps' turn.
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My firefly looks different
There's also a boy in the Myriad Celestia trailer that pilots the big ass beefy SAM suit, you could be confused by the VA if you were listening to the EN trailer but the JP VA is clearly male, don't know about CN
They are ALL supposed to be some sort of clone test-tube babies of Titania the Empress though, so how they managed to make boy clones from an initially female subject is up to you to decide
I mean I need mats and xp more than anything but you’re probably right. I’m also depressed by bad luck.
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People were saying Topaz hated him until 2.3 had to make it obnoxiously clear she doesn't so
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Honestly my biggest issue with farming in Mihoyo games is the 3 stat pieces. I can't tell you how much I hate upgrading shitty 3 stat pieces to +3 to see if it'll maybe have a decent 4th stat to salvage the piece. Like for fuck sake just make every piece 4 stat. It adds quite literally nothing but annoyances.
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you have to feed her bwo
In a perfect world, avatarniggers get their heads blown off.
They made it obvious back in 2.1 and faggots still insisted she did
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Whoops, fed her too much
What the fuck, it is
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Coinslot eyes fox only inflict debuffs not DoTs, right?
I'd say the niche is wide open.
Better yet the next sustain nihility should just provide healing during enemy's turn since most endgame modes revolve around not letting you take turn anyway.
>duuh what about his sig
Not even you care about rolling the sig of a male.
>slim tummy
>narrow waist
>>>>haha she's fat now i fed her too much lol
leave and take your anorexic bitches with you
its joever bros, EOS soon
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Did (You) roll for Firefly, /hsrg/?
My mother died recently unironically, kind of been going through it since I don’t have parents any more so you aren’t wrong. It’s a weird place to be in life.
Hmm nyo
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I did
sauce onegai
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Yes. I roll for Firefly, please stop asking this every thread.
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Shaoji probably lurks here desu
Yup, got her and RM but everyone is telling me to save for a second team instead of rolling for more but I don’t even know what kind of second team to go for. I like dots is there a meta for that?
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I wonder if they ever explored each other’s bodies…
I need a replacement for Ruan Mei i just cant cope with Asta DoT crit enabler when?
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umm bro where's your Ruan Mei??
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Cute canon
working on it
use argenti, all you need is tingyun+fast hanya
what in the fuck is that spaghetti letters
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mmmmmmmmmm myes
Honestly, you gotta take a look at your character roster before deciding. For example, last time I wasted my time with Acheron's planar ornament and ended up getting decent pieces of the Sigonia set that I'm now using on Himeko and Herta for PF. If you have a character that needs Rutilant, that world is great because the other set is Broken Keel. But alas, you could also farm the Talia and Vonwacq world. Giving Talia to Harmony TB just means you'll need to care more about your speed substats later on.
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Shaoji, please make them hold hands next IPC update
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I'm sorry for your loss then as obviously I said that in jest as a petty jab. Your post was still stupid though.
Yes but since I'm not interested in superbreak I won't roll for any new characters that require superbreak teams
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Made her loss some weight, now she's perfect ;)
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Hello ratpiss sister
Yes E2 S1 finally cleared G&G 12 with her.
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I love her
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I love them dearly.

Hello fellow Gambler enjoyer.
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I lost the 50/50 and I'm back grinding jades and I still don't have Ruan mei. What a rough start for a newfag.
Got her, RM and RM's cone. Not really sure what to roll on next. I think I'll wait to see if Lingsha actually is a upgrade over Gallagher and what Feixiao does and if it'll be worth getting Yunli(leaning heavily on no since her cone is required). I really can't decide on what to roll on between those 3 and maybe getting SW and the DOT hags on reruns.
E2S1'd her
You know there's a great firewall right?
y'all sound like incels
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I’m aware, I’m pretty sure I’ve suffered severe brain damage from all the white I did when squaring bills away. I’m pretty sure I’m not even a person anymore which is why I play this fucking game.
Never rolling for any character that has the word "break" in any of their abilities
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Why does her E2 feel so underwhelming. E1 at least open ups teamcomps
She is fucking garbage i am using her as e6 support and ACK is just better
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It's a good night to remember Aventurine is for everyone
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No, I'm just using the one from my friends list.
Of course
Catching feelings with her former coworker makes Firefly a very unprofessional Stellaron Hunter.
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Do you need to build BE on a Himeko superbreak or do you just focus on crit still?
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That one got translated actually
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break rope and scourge set
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She basically has Acheron's E1 and E2 but swapped around
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>went to her hideout
>got her early
Yes, I'm also happy I luckshitted her.
Painfully out of character it hurts. Why are fujos like this?
you are right what the fuck
I really want to but I don't like super break at all
why doe?
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you got HER!
Don't engage with trannies
All me btw
Ratio wouldn't do this.
Aventurine wouldn't do this.
Sparkle... is that you?
Is FoFo only BiS in DoT Teams?
fucking explode
I assume Argenti would also want her
I started playing because of her
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Why do they reply?
She's the preferred sustain for Yunli hypercarry teams
I thought they banned players for modding in this game?
Either way, those thighs are too fat.
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uhh, I think thats it.
Was told she's BIS for Yunli as well.
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Quite sad to be in denial of actual C&C
Don't want to risk the three day vacation
Are we rooting for our gig sisters in divegrass
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Firefly is not the only one that ate too much
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Rent free of course
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Costume when?
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of course
You can post this bro my boss told me it's sfw
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Do you think it could be worthwhile using these on some supports for an extra speed boost? The speed boost from it stacks with the Hackerspace 2-piece speed boost. I could see Hanya since she provides a percentage of her speed to an ally, but it could be useful making Sparkle go even hyperspeedier. I'd guess Broken Keel is probably still the best option for her in general though.
That bathtub is fucking huge bro
Where is my penis?
I don't find it fun to play and harmony trailblazer is really visually unappealing to me.
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That's a soft Kafka
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Before marriage?!
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They just look so good together.
It's fun to poke at your dumb homoshit
I have it on Gallagher but otherwise I don't see it was worth it.
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>he doesn't like big numbers
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They just look so good together
>He doesn't like funny hat dances
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stop posting IPC
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>Fujotrannies ITT
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You could just poke a homo yourself, or let one poke you~
Try it on Asta and see if her ult stacks with it too.
I'm still not done with my Firefly.
Pleasure of Tension
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They just look so good together
Does the MoC statistic thing in the Hoyolab app update when you get lower cycles or does it only show the first time you beat it? I got 8 total cycles before and managed to get 5 cycles around an hour ago but it's not showing up on the app
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RatioUrine = Cute and canon
AventupagTopaz = gay and OOC
consider buying a "starter resource" account
for $15 you can get an account with ~30k jades and Dr. Ratio
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toughness break efficiency seems like an incredibly important stat for break comps yet the stat is hidden...
art looks nice. Source for that?
I wonder how many times I've farmed the Quantum domain at this point. Only one piece with 30 CV.
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You probably think that becuase you're think of building characters like it's Genshin where you NEED a 4pc set to even have characters function. Relic sets in HSR are much worse than artefact sets in Genshin. They're usually like a 10% increase at most which is mitigated by just getting a couple good substat rolls. Using rainbow pieces will take you a lot further than trying to build everyone with a 4pc set and also most characters are optimally used with 2pc/2pc making it even easily. I think there are only few exceptions like Acheron and Firefly where their specialized sets are basically made for them but besides that it doesn't matter much.
140 tickets, and nothing. She hates me.
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Based and true.
The patch with zero ratpiss released two weeks ago, why are you trannies having a melty now
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Didn't have this one, nice.

Stelle gets it!
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Fake and gay
For an MC alt, HTB genuinely has the highest damage potential so far. The previous two was from the time Mihoyo tried making TB as generic as possible leaving them lackluster across the board. This time they got it right and just let TB have a niche like some 5*s.
I'd rather not do that. I like starting fresh regardless where the game is.
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It's so funny how many fujos would schlick themselves to death if Jade said this about Ratpiss
nta but I was considering rerolling but I made my account during game release and stopped playing after the prologue because of laziness so I kinda wanted to keep it. I bought the pass already too so I'm just gonna keep farming all the jades I can to get Ruan Mei
It takes like 2 hours to update, no? Just check it out later
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/hsrg/ is dead so it's okay for a fujo hijack
Please help me.
I saved it some time ago, no idea.
Doesn't matter they're all garbage.
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mmmmmmmmmmm nyo
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for me it's "Amy" Amethyst and Oswaldo "Oz" Schneider
>has no ingame content so has to spam their shit in a thread full of straight people to cope
HuoHuotards kileld this general
Shippers are attention whores.
>Sigga finally interacts with Topig
Yup, Ratio is getting hit with the heterosexual beam next
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Would you anonymoususes consider it worth building my Doctore Ratio?
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This fujo posting feels totally realistic and organic for sure
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Fofo love!
stop replying to yourself
fofo the reddit killed this general. sentence gas chamber
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shower with your mom
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Yeah, he's a strong DPS option.

I posted one pic of Ratio and Aventurine, and a fellow enjoyer chimed in and we're having fun. Not our problem some starting seething for whatever reason.
It's ok we just need Hertaschizo and we'll be back at max strength
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If your a newbie and all you have is Pela with Pearls/SW he is an amazing starter dps

If you have topaz then FuA is actually a top tier team.
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The stench would be so strong and this general would've been unusable for a few days. Thank god the hetero writer intervened
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We are going to Greece, he has to know some qt there
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>fofocucks are actually raiding /gig/gerniggers
Hmmm I wonder if the general with famously proven to be femcel shitposters have anything to do with the current shitflinging. Curious!
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why did you post the same pic but flipped?
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Hang yourself schizo. You were never liked, at least hertashizo didn't kill hsrg unlike you.
a̸̛̞̩͔͛̽͛̏̑̑́̿̉̇̓̏̓͌͝ș̷̰͖̘̬̝̫͓̹̙̺̻̯̿͂͜f̴̛͇͚͎̬̥͕̯̖͚̹͔̠͈̝͙́̀̑͐̽͐̌̎̒́͜͝͝͠͠ͅs̷̨̧̬̻͇̠͉͚̾̌d̴̨̛̳̥̮̩̩̭̩̣̰͆́́͜f̴̼̰͍͙̦̗̪̞̳́̄̈͋̆̇͛́̐̌͛͋̕͜͝á̵̜̆͗̀̑̉̃̈́̀̈͒͝s̶̓̀̊͐̇̍͐͑́̌̃̒͘͝͝ͅf̸̛̛̮̥̫̻̺̳̖̤̱̋̈́̈̉̏̍͛͆̐́̚͘̕ͅ Aventurine ẁ̵̨̛͈̘͈͖̣̼͚̞̙͉̫̘̖͔͉͒́͌͒̓͂̃̈́͑̈́͗͐͜e̴̛̖͔̬͈̥͎̼̓̀̒̄̆̕̕͝ͅŗ̶̢̜̜̱̰͉̣͍̣̼̜̾́̐̈́̓̍͗́̇͋̑̍̕ͅw̶̠̥͈̯͍̖̹͛̌̃́͜q̶̛̺̳͈̜̯̎̒́̚ȩ̷̡͈̰̫͍͎̦̩̳̩̑̔̒̔̑̓̏̔̋̕̕ŕ̵̢̯͉͆͛ͅs̴̡̧͔̭̰͊͒̀͊̒͋̏̿̏̉̓́̓͘̕͜͝͠a̸̧̡̬̱̳͎̭͔̜̚ͅḓ̸̗̱̜̣̮͚͔̰̀̽͋͝͝f̵̨̘͔̱̠̠̥̻̖̄͒̓̑̕͝ͅ
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Out of moves?
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Need to take off that tinfoil hat sister
Nobody likes homoshit unironically
We don't want you here
Go back to xit
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stop photoshopping pointless images
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Aiiieeeeee not the high trip again
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lmeow what language is that even?
Ladyboyese I think.
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There is low media literacy in this thread. It’s normal to say you hate your coworkers. Especially when you’re getting teased by being demoted.
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all me btw
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Hmmmmm nyo.
>post 'fagshit' in a place full of straight men
>"wtf i'm not the problem i'm doing it peacefully"
hmmmm wyell nyo i'm pretty sure you are....
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Reducing Acheron
Inside girls
/hsrg/ is NOT your safe space. You should be able to ignore things you dislike.
Topig never said she hated Sigga anyway, it was the trannylation that made her a bitch in her voicelines. The same trannylation that didn't want to include Sigga calling her beautiful in English.
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What about them?
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I don't have Topaz or Aventurine but I thought maybe building him would help cover my imaginary weakness cause I don't have anyone else currently. Firefly covers fire, Acheron electric, Jingliu ice and I got spooked by Clara so maybe getting her for physical. Don't know what to do for imaginary. Do we know what element the space China girls are?
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Genshincucks genuinely turned me off rolling for the green fox. Is there any better alternative sustain for the usual DoT team?
They have a whole website where people pretend their tranny delusions are real yet they decide to spam here, it's just attention whoring. Ignore them and they would go shit up gig or something
Hmmmm nyo, /hsrg/ is my safe place albeithoughever
No sustain and just say fuck it we ball I guess
Any SP printer sustain works like Luocha, Gallagher or Post-OP cone ERR rope very fast Bailu
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New March alt is imaginary and HTB is a very offensive-oriented support buffer. HTB isn't even SP-positive, they should be your secondary or even main imaginary attacker.
Do you have silver wolf or bronya/sparkle
Also the one that made Seele look like she hated Luka for no reason at all lol
All I can give you is a Sushang desu
Maybe that's part of the team I used, I genuinely can't remember
Fug still a good general option if you don't want to use anything else
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I can't stop jerking off to mom despite other girls being hotter
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True, I just don't understand why they want the attention of icky cishets when they have their own containment chamber. Hell even on /y/
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Also I meant quantum not imaginary for the 2nd one there. I don't have any quantum DPS characters. I am looking forward to China March. Her kit sounds fun and as I don't have the 2 I just mentioned(but I do have Robin) FUA isn't really something I have a lot of and want to play with.

I started with Acheron and Bronya hasn't spooked me yet so it's no, no and no for those characters. I do plan on getting SW on a rerun for a lot of reasons.
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>He actually took shitposting seriously enough to affect his decisions in real life
Lmao what a fucking loser
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Oh how Ironic this post is.
She's a very good sustain in general, but DoThags are too SP heavy for Black Swan to use skill every turn with Fu Xuan.
Just use whatever and wait for Lingsha. Kafka is a good breaker and Lingsha's cone increases speed for the team and I'm pretty sure that Lingsha will just make other abundance characers obsolete.
Silver Wolf is great with Dr Ratio. Tingyun + Silver Wolf is a good combo for him if you don’t have Topaz. Huohuo also has a debuff on her talent if you want her when she reruns.
That one was just uncalled for. What did Luka do to /u/cucks?
I do want Fofo but I've only got around 170 rolls at the minute and one coin flip primed and I do kind of want Lingsha and Feixiao. Not sure how many I can get with my current funds.
NTA but I'm the same. The green goblin isn't even pleasing to look at. It would be a pure soulless meta pick for my dots. Her being used as shitpost material only makes me dislike her more. Easy skip.
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Straight sex is great sex
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>Post-OP cone ERR rope very fast Bailu
Interesting, does this need S5? what about the planar set for the rope? I got ERR rope on both Vonwacq and Broken Keel.
Stomach growling fetishGODS... we eating good...
I drew this
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Stelle is such an alpha stacy
You can use Gallagher right now. All dot really need is something that prints sp. I'm using him until the next powercreep 5* abundance.
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How many rolls can I get per patch if I have the BP and monthly pack?
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Stelle is a pure virgin girl
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Is it worth it to level up Tingyun's talent trace?
That will be more than enough we get like 120 rolls a patch
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I haven't calced it I just did what /hsrg/ bros told me ages ago. Mine's actually slow at around 139 speed so she doesn't really print as much SP as I'd want her to, but she does the job as long as she never has to use her skill (like in apocalyptic shadow Argenti side). Her post-OP cone is at S2 or S3 I think.
S5 Post-OP cone and 151 speed (with Ruan Mei) would probably be ideal? You'd need a bunch of HP so she can actually sustain though.
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I love heterosexual sex with Sigga!
Depends on if that damage crits, and then whether the crit stats used are the ally or Tingyun's. It's free damage, so I'd say get it up a bit, at least.
I fucked Aventurine
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Around 130 per patch but keep in mind that filler patches without SU/DU updates will lower that by 10-25 rolls
Yes because the damage scales with your carry
Its OP on Ratio/Clara
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Sigga is for the girls
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Based, I love it when games put in fertile ground for fetish shit in. I don't have your fetish, but I'm happy for you.

Speaking of, has this game ever put any of (you)r fetish stuff into the game, bwos? I know footchads are eating good, but who else?
Pure trashy slut maybe
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Stop fighting over Aventurine ladies. There's enough of him to go around.
Oh really? I might add Fofo to my plans then. Is she coming with Yunli? Though I might change my mind depending on what Lingsha does since you don't really need that many sustains. Thanks for the tips anonbro.
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No need to be so crass about it Jelena
I also drew this
>There's enough of him to go around.
Yea because he was a male prostitute who led fat rich men fuck his ass
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No fighting, just passionate support for our respective ships.
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Sparkle is so stupid nice drawing anon
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I want Sigga to fuck women so he can heal from the trauma of being raped by his fat bald master. By learning what it means to dominate a woman's body, he understands the mentality of a slave owner and the cycle is complete.
Literally anyone could be behind this post
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Yes. That's the best part.
She isnt a debuffer, you getting fed misinfo. Having a debuff on technique isn't enough to consider it for the whole battle. Gallagher has many more debuffs.
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You have no idea how mad I was when I heard you couldn't get fat off of all the ridiculous food in Penacony.
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If you want to talk about canon...
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$300 for the silver wolf pc case
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His master didn't fuck him because he killed him before that happen albeit
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Silverwolf satisfies my tummy fetish so there's that.
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T-That doesn't sound like a good ending at all...
sis what is this... he's all washed out. there's a better version of that around.
nice art bwo
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I use what I want
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Let's hope so....... for his sake

Sometimes the hero becomes the villain. The difference here is that Aventurine won't become a slave owner, he'll just impregnate women out of a selfish desire to have a family again.
He should become a rapist and rape all women
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
Hoyo please, let my nigga smash
I hate Huohuo so much. The thread is ruined because Huohuo is in it.
no cock
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Wtf is this quest
>handsome and rich
None of his rapes would be considered rape
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Well should I roll for Topaz on a rerun instead then?
does madame jade know about this?
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In another kinda game, he becomes a serial rapist as a result of trauma and gets away with it
he has a top-of-the-line cybernetic dick
Is there any point in adding threshold protocols in Divergent Universe?
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How OP will Opal need to be to change this line up? Especially if you have Ratio's cracked S1?
You get stellar jades for clearing all of them.
he's got a tongue, and fingers, AND a cyborg cock
source: he's my husband so of course I know this
Where is this? This is hot as fuck
I would like him more if he was actually fucked up this way as I want him to be an evil unlikable bastard
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He came…
Hyperspeed debuffer (replaces Topaz)
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He is hotter.
No offense, doc
NTA, but i don't remember where to trigger this one, but it's when you become the floor manager in pennacony lobby, i think u need to go there, post main story
if this is opal/the guy with the gun in that one bg art then haha oh boy I'm in trouble
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Leave the kid alone
>Huotranny from /gig/ kills /hsrg/
>/gig/ loses divegrass
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Stop noticing
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Finish the main story quest and then answer the himeko text.
Best side-quest in the game, remember to drink all the soulglad no matter what
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Unfortunately he's a Hoyo character so never ever. Atleast fanfic exists. But hey... there's nothing saying he WOULDN'T rape someone
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Based, thanks.
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goodnight bros I hope the yaoIPC spam is gone by the time I wake up
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I wish you could get multiple copies of the Herta cones. I need like 3 Aeons.
Really hope he is hunt so I could still use Ratio's sig
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>tfw no Topaz relief ace
Nyooo let him be interesting

I actually do write fanfic and headcanon him as a murderer/rapist. He pays prostitutes (more like they just come flocking to him lol) and gets rough with them so they end up crying and most likely beaten up as he is abusive and unpredictable but they don’t say anything due to IPC influence and power
Relief ace?
Level up that Claracone you've got sitting around at lvl 1. It's within a few % of Aeon if your character likes ATK% and DMG%
I hope our Stephen Lloyd looks just as breedable
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Why are women like this
i skipped all of the penacony story. can you give me the qrd on what happened.
We will never know
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Man. Why are women's fetishes RAPE BEATING DOMINATION and men's innocuous (if weird) shit like feet, bellies, farting, whatever? Really strange. I will admit men are into similar stuff from their end on occasion, but it's so rare to see a girl fetishize a body part or something relatively tame along those lines. Why is there such a disparity?
Something something make everyday a sunday
Aventurine raped women to cope with slave trauma, trust
Firefly and (You) had sex
Sunday and Robin were separated by the government for being incestuous
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I skipped Robin knowing there will be an IPC Harmony FUA shill unit, even though it won't happen until 3.0+
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Bros… I’m a guy just writing fucked up stuff because I’m into dark fiction
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Total Birefly domination.
all filler

the important part is that there will be a le epic aeon war in the future and 5* sampo will come back just like revived tingyun
i'm nat
Oh, I see. Not in a fetish way, then? Just a "this is cool" kinda deal?
>iphone filename
You're not fooling anyone sisbro
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Where's the option "it doesn't make feel anything in particular".
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It's safe to assume you consider yourself the Sigger when writing those fanfictions then? You wouldn't happen to be trying to fantasize as the woman he's supposedly "raping" in your fanfics, right anon?
turns out followers of the order were hiding within followers of harmony. they want to build a perfect world, except 1) they want to decide how you live and 2) they were using a stellaron which literally drains the life out of penaconians so you bitchslap them. also they tried to trap the protagonists in a ‘perfect’ dream world but it was so unrealistic that you broke out of the illusion immediately (flaws included a herta that said you no longer had to test her simulated universe)
uhhh where's the "i never gave a shit zzz about and still dont" option
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>That resolution
What is this, a picture for Antventurines?
Yeah it's making me hate women.
>average woman's fetish
>being choked by a man with thick forearms with bulging veins and then getting raped by him
>average man's fetish
>huge tits/ass, fixation on armpits/feet/etc., or body fluids/smells
just... I dunno man
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Boothill is a switch I just know it
His cocky smile says he'll shove a finger up my ass while fucking me from behind with confidence and his cute blushing face says he'd get a little flustered being between my thighs/me sitting on his face
Maybe I wouldn't be this insane about the cyborg cowboy if mihoyo didn't make a man so for me like he is
Do you have an 8k monitor or some shit?
Yeah. I sorta based him on Patrick bateman (inb4 cringe but I don’t care) i just really like writing sad depressing dark stuff to get my emotions out when I’m in the mood. Storywriting is pretty cool and you can quite literally do anything with it, it’s a good escape.
dead thread for a dead game
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I wrote a guide for her and spammed it for multiple days, of course I did.
Bullshit. People are not likely to answer honestly about taboo fetishes.
divegrass LOSS..
how the hell is boothill for (you)

i swear yumes playing this game have all been brain damaged from a lack of pandering
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Relief ace. She's probably the most normal Stoneheart while Sigga is traumatized and broken so fucking her relieves him of his problems temporarily.
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Me on the right
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>Sex with your own dead body
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Are we allowed to post these?
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>sex with your own dead body
What the fuck?
Can't blame them, best they ever got was with space gypsy and Dan Homo, and all of that barely amounts to what we got with Wifefly
I can absolutely appreciate that, it's a great outlet. Good shit, anonie.
>Aventurine blocking out Sparkle's face
Not nice...
The new character’s drip marketing in ZZZ stole everyone. No one wants to play used goods, past its prime, haggy Star Rail anymore.
now that the dust has settled
why couldnt firefly broke the sale record
Aventurine being for you is a meme too
V3 changes when?
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A lot of random women seem into men raping them and being yandere even if its out of character, or opposite side of the spectrum and want to sissify and peg the men they like
It's weird being somewhere normal where I just like funny loud aniki types who are both stupid and cool at the same time, and wanting to have sometimes freaky but overall normal (by comparison) sex with them.
>deep green dots
>being dominant
>violating another's consent
>pre-puberty children
Confirmed for the manliest fetishes for chads.
>Pigs are worse than Insects
Exactly my point
Too old.
Sigga is probably gonna turn out a normal one when we keep meeting the others.
Tuesday / Monday afternoon in the US
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I didn't mean literally in the sense that it usually means here, I mean he hits every archetype and trait I like in 2D men so I'm joking about him being literally made for me. My bad.
People told me to roll for whoever I like and main whoever I like. I like Clara because of Svarog and I kinda like the counter playstyle but the question is how far can I get with playing around them?
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He's as much for (You) as he is for all of his friends. Honestly, with his gift giving and stuff - he's doing more than Dan at this point. But yes, yume ships in HSR are a cope either way.
Black Swan without cone is the biggest pain in the ass to build. People love memeing about brick effect but EHR is a literal shit stat
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It’s kino
I still play Clara, I keep switching her and Ratio on the FUA team.
Your Sampocone?
Roll on the LC banner for the Sampocone
Clara is still one of the best DPS characters and by far the best physical DPS. Just a shame she's getting blatantly powercrept by Yunli next banner. Though I'm still skipping her cause she's blatantly unusable without her signature cone.
Surprisingly enough pretty far, she's been consistently showing to be beating MoC and even PF (where she gets a chance to be shilled via the buffs) for a large period of time since release, I heard it's been a little rougher to use her in AS though. Yunli (Clara but limited) will be releasing next patch though so expect whatever shill bonuses she gets to also be applicable to Clara during that patch
so how much stronger is yunli over clara? 10%? 20?
About tree fiddy.
Nobody knows but unless you're rolling for her cone she's literally worse than Clara.
How do you know when an orange relic is safe to salvage? The ones with 3-4 defensive mods?
Clara is a juggernaut among the standard banner pulls
too bad you can't target pull her eidolons
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>liking teens under 18 is as bad of a fetish as fetus destruction
i disagree
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She really wants her LC
>Clara is better if yun dosen't have her sig
nani the fuck - yunli still has taunt on her ult
>fetus destruction
What the fuck?
Thats the neat part, you don't
Unless you let the game train you to increase your brain's memoryspace you need to consider which characters in your roster need X or Y primary stat and combination of A and B secondary stats
At this point there isn't any one-size-fits-all type of relics

bad for defensive mods? good for supports
good for offensive mods? useless combination of offensive mods for the type of character that relic set is designed for
etc. etc.
Hey now, not all straight women who play HSR want to be raped and choked out by Aventurine.
Some of them want to rape and peg Sampo instead. Something about that poor bastard seems to awaken 'needs correction' instincts in women.
Yeah if you aren't getting both her and her cone you're probably better off just skipping entirely.
Already have my acheron and fua teams built up and all I wanna pull for are eidolons and character swaps for content. (Jiaoqiu / E2 Sparkle / Jade for PF etc).
thats what im wondering bwo
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>ruins your break team run
I'm fairly sure I've seen a doujin with that fetish.
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>fetus destruction
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The tiny Firefly riding GigaSAM is pretty cute.
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>Aventurine/Stelle and Aventurine/Topaz fanfic
>probably ending in 3P
Which one of you sisters wrote this?
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>fofo the reddit
Did I run into /adv/atoga Star Rail edition?
those chibis are BIG
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>Ruins break team
>Literally infinite procs of Radiant skybreaker or whatever the fuck
This is the easiest break boss
this is animal cruelty
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Play SMTVV instead. It's fun.
How bad is she without huohuo?
>cant protect Belobog
>cant protect our goal
Wtf is Gepard even good for
i hate how relics are rigged but you can’t sue mihomo for them because they’re technically not part of the gacha (but still tuned so that you’re constantly in the ‘frustration zone’ where spending chance is the highest). there was a recent expose of live service games that found that rigging is literally a common business practice in the industry and i know mihomo isn’t as comically evil as nexon to do it so blatantly by rigging the actual paid gacha, so they just rig something that isn’t in the warp tab instead
I missed the divegrass, did /bag/ rape us?
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Its a crime geppy is are starter GK and not Aven
Did you fail to pick the best girl?
>needs her cone
>needs Fofo
>needs Sparkele
God damn Yunli gets a bigger must skip every new bit of info I see about her. What a waste of a good design.
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Don't ask
Are you saying break effect relics have more crit substats and FuA/hypercarry relics have more break effect
>more people interested in anal than missionary
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>and i know mihomo isn’t as comically evil as nexon to do it so blatantly by rigging the actual paid gacha
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I missed a free stat from a dialogue option (it's over)
I don't like the plot of V, I know the game is good but it's not my jam if I don't like the story.

Honkai Star Rail.
>fetus destruction bad
Exactly so remember to vote in November.
yeah. the relics are rigged so that they have a higher chance of giving you the substats you don’t want for a particular set
There's so many ways to cheese SD now. This isn't 1.3 anymore where you're bricked if you don't have Danhomo
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Robin I think is better then sparkle...
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>I don't like the plot of V, I know the game is good but it's not my jam if I don't like the story.
VV has a new plot it's still not that good.
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Ehhh to be fair missionary is lowkey lame. Cowgirl and Prone bone are the goated straight sex positions.
>Look up Nexon
>It's the Maplestory publisher
Why does it feel like every time I've heard about Maplestory in passing in the last few years It's always about the players getting fucked over in some way. Are they okay over there?
how? i tried remembrance and the swarm boss had 1 million effect res or something, wouldn’t get frozen even with nihility ehr gigabuffs
>Dozens of different things
>Being raped
>Being raped hard
>Being raped soft
>Being raped violently
unless its an actual cheat mod or you post screenshots with your UID visible so people could report your account directly (one of the most popular mods erase your UID from the screen), your chance of getting banned is almost near zero
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Huohuo the Dr Ratio
The written word for girls is like pictures for guys when it comes to smut
Go to Archive of Our Own and oh my GOD what you can find in there..
It's hilarious how polar opposite the public perception is on both major Nexon games. Maplestory is universally hated for how scummy it is but then BA is pretty much always praised as being pretty generous.
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>Propogation cheese
Use Dan2 he will clear for you
>Preservation cheese
Use Aventurine he will solo clear for you
>Nihility cheese
Use Kafka she will solo clear for you
I'm sure Firefly crushes this mode as well, but I haven't tried it
Relics are only rigged insofar as that specific substats have different drop rates (so flat Def is more common than Crit Rate, which is more common than SPD) but there's zero (0) evidence that shows that different sets have specific drop tables for substats.
It's just confirmation bias.
This isn't gotta catch em all bro, you have to spend your resources somewhere
Yunli looks fun but I really hope she doesn't need fofo as bad as she seems to
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Blue archive is a gacha and maplestory charges real money for cosmetics that expire in 30 days. Don’t get me started on pet food.
Patrician. What is Prone bone though
there's 0 evidence because no one has bothered gathering it
I agree but ironically those are two of the most dangerous positions for your dick
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but enough about Acheron
wealth is now the best node
Does Acheron have the most mandatory cones of any DPS character? Or would that be Ratio or Topaz?
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Rent free
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Taken hours before date rape. We have to stop him.
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>you have to spend your resources somewhere
Says who?
It’s probably that Japanese hentai where the dick is big that it crushes the baby
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Acheron is a 45% increase over her closest F2P option.
On the MoC chart that gets posted around he has 96% sig ownership.
Topaz is next though at like 80% ownership
you already clear the content fine though, do you really need that?
It's all datamined and data gathered, genshit also had a JSON with the exact data numbers to backup all the artifacts data and the game only bothers with weighting first lines, when upgrading all 4 lines have the same weight (25%)
There's absolutely zero correlation between sets and rolled substats.

You really think chinks/NGA wouldn't know by now if the game uses specific drop tables?
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Not even close. Hunt has plenty of cope cones
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He is not a rapist
Actually I'm a Baihengchad
I think that's more how dog shit nihility cones are more than how good Acheron's cone is. Though it IS good.
maplestory did far worse than that

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>Topaz is an absolute lightweight
I believe it
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It's not that Nihility cones are dogshit, it's that she uses fucking crit and big damage as opposed to how most other Nihility cones are based around EHR and DoT Damage, she's an Erudition character in Nihility drapes.
They even made a new cone JUST for her because it's dogshit in every other Nihility.
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Guys, I love Firefly.
>google name because skipped Luofu story
I respect your cause
sister we're not talking about genshin here
>inb4 t-they're totally the same game!
it's a bricked run if you don't have firefly, I got stuck when the mobs had weaknesses I wasn't able to break and my team started dying
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It's because she's not a nihility character, she's a destruction character put in nihility lol
They really should make a cone that procs debuffs outside of their turn so Acheron can get 2 stacks per turn like her sig does. That's the single biggest reason to get it over anything else.
Then show me the empirical evidence that shows that specific sets have different drop tables, otherwise it's just wild/retarded speculation much like those "relic manipulation videos" that work 100% of the time.
Look at how hatred is in her eyes! She fucking wishes that Sigga died on the spot. I work for the Eng dub localization team btw
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>Funny loud aniki type who are both stupid and cool
Holy fucking BASED, perfect taste.
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dunno kinda want to roll sunday rn
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How do you build chink march?
it's jus pixels bro
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He won the most.
there is no empirical evidence

what we know is that rigging is standard business practice in the industry, so we know for sure that mihoyo engages in it on some level. we have pretty good data for warps which match the expected outcomes so it can't be in warps, but we have nothing that proves that relics aren't rigged. by process of elimination, that's the only answer
Naruhodo. So this is the DPS that rivals Acheron
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reminder that half this patch was dedicated to people talking about aventurine while he isn't there. his tiny sigonian cock is so powerful
I think it's fucking funny that gambling game has a gambling addict as one of the main characters.
Musketeer, CRIT Rate and SPD
Rutilant, DMG and ATK
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>what we know is that rigging is standard business practice in the industry
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It has two, actually.
>Main character
She's Fu Xuan's meat toilet
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When Aventurine is not on screen, remember to have characters asking where Aventurine is
E6 Firefly should have ignored weakness locking.
>finally start 2.3 story quest
>get to the ship part
>there are scenes showing the Trailblazer acting retarded
what the hell? they really turned Trailblazer into a retard huh?
Zamn they put my nigga Boothill in punishing gray raven
E6 Firefly should have ignored the enemies and instantly win once she's on the field
That's Lingsha E2 bro
Realistically it takes anywhere from 8-12 months for characters like this to go through the design process into implementation so it's coincidence.
I would had rolled if he looked like this
She alway does. Her technique just insta clears mobs.
The point of his character journey in 2.1 is realizing there are people that care about him so it makes sense.
Why the fuck wouldn't it be? Casinos do at every opportunity when they're not being chained to the fucking floor in 500 layers of regulation, and gacha games did the same until someone statistically proved that the odds were rigged on some Wukong banner in some gacha, at which point similar legislation preventing rigging was passed.

Like corporations always do, though, they're trying their damnedest to find their way around regulation. Shit like the "choose which weapon you want we promie we won't rig it :D" in Genshin almost always resulting in the other weapon, as well as trillions of firefly domain artifacts that look like this despite break effect and ATK% being two of the two most common stat drops show that it's alive and well in areas less scrutinized but still monetizable.
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He doesn't have it in him... probably
I have so much diarrhea right now I hate myself
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my condolences
Throw it on the rigged pile, see >>484038670
You really think chinks wouldn't have discovered by now that the system is rigged? They have sheets with 100k+ submission data and we know it doesn't work that way in Genshin, and neither does it in HSR (because chinks would've killed da wei for it)
Go see a shrink
Forgot your Ting jpg
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works on my machine
This except I'm constipated.
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wtf don't call them retards
they are just very special in their own ways...
This sounds like a mihoyo intern.....
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This is what happens when you talk to the Lordly Trashcans as Stelle
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It's a shame none of them will tell him that to his face then. Everyone's so tsundere to Sigga (besides Argenti)
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Then how come I got 3 (three) double crit atk% ropes from break set during one double event even though it takes like 100 runs to get one from Rutilant set.
Sparkle is still a friendless pathetic clingy loser.
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You now remember Sparkle
Do I dare probe further into these responses
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Bwo? TB has always canonically been a retard?
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>Play game of 20 questions
>Juke trashcan's roundhouse kick like a ninja
>Repeat game of 20 questions
There's a ritualposter who always posts Ting and says "I just shit my pants".
Da Wei...
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I like yanderes not for the rape, but because I like possessive and loyal male characters. Anyway, rather than actual rape, dubcon is more common. Idk why asian girls are so into the femc(or bottom in the fujoshi context) put up a facade of being demure when having sex and saying No, but never actually meaning it. 95% of those characters are the pure type getting banged by the yandere ML.
I got a double crit piece on my break set. I was pretty bummed out about it, but then someone else probably got my Break Effect piece. And he’s probably more happy about his break effect break set piece than I am sad about getting a double crit break set piece. So the overall happiness in the world increased. So whatever.
Oh thank god. I was expecting the worst.
>What is confirmation bias
You sound like those people who actually believe Tingyun has a hidden Aggro stat when she doesn't, you're just more aware when it happens because you feel like you're getting screwed big time.
Otherwise you would've noticed the "insane amounts" of keel sets with double crit lines because that set wouldn't share the substat table with Rutilant at all.
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That's because he likes being irritating
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Fly Robin! Fly!
At how much spending on the digital goods of this game would you feel compelled to get at least one bit of physical merch of it?

You can spend so much of your time and in gacha games money on something you only see on your screens but never get, like, a plushy of the mascot or something..
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What causes the Stellaron Hunters to be perpetually mogged by their own boss versions?
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I would buy at least 3 Sparkle furmurs
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Why DO people like being irritating? I mean, attention, obviously, but why that? It's not even good attention, it's just people hating your sorry ass.
Most characters get mogged by their boss versions
>that cape
the 3D model must look pretty awkward
>Super advanced IPC technology
>Still jobs to a mecha from ages ago from a fallen civilization
Are the IPC all jobbers?
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Idk but when Kafka didn't have granades I automatically gave up hope on the devs.
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Kafka's is weird because she's literally the same model and everything so they potentially could've just reused animations but they chose to make playable entirely unique. Sam's playable is fucked because they wanted to shill Firefly more than the cool suit.
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60 pity...she hates me
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These are all my atk% double crit ropes from either set since I never salvaged them. I got more of them in a single event than from farming 400+ rutilant planars.
When you fight them as a boss vs when you unlock them as a playable character is a meme for a reason
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This, I don't usually do merch but I'd buy a furmur in a heartbeat. Shame that it's the second most allergic company to making merch right after the epic seven studio.
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I'm planning to buy the Firefly figure, I'll get a Sparkle furmur if they sell them too.
the manager just didnt have to lose for the team to advance a draw would have been fine
guess what he did ;)
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>Still jobs to a mecha from ages ago from a fallen civilization
You don't know ball.
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What? Her FuA and Skill and Basic have been completely ripped straight from the boss fight version. The only difference is her ult.
Kafka was playable in the tutorial after all, so I guess it's because they made her playable version first then designed a boss encounter with extra shit for her later?
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Banter is fun, don't be like that
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>Kafka ult drops grenades and she says "Oops..."
In order to make you honest.
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They stop rigging them when the banner is over so people don't have time to run stats, just wait and farm later.
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Oh no doubt, I'm not saying he doesn't deserve it given he makes it hard to be nice to. He clearly likes to argue with Topaz specifically, but she clearly enjoys it too so it's fine.
Forget the animations, the fact that playable Kafka doesn't have any mind control gimmick is fucking retarded.
Yeah I'm not kidding when I say Boothill hits the nail on the head for me, it's been both a blessing and a curse to know I could be this down bad over a character
Not even his swear censor ruins it for me honestly
Daniel get the fuck outta there I'm about to perform some oral maintenance on the cowboy
If yours so smarted then make ur own Kafka kit you can’t idiot
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It doesn't matter how much I spend on the game, I just need to actually like the merch. I'm more of a mugfag than a plushiefag though. Scales and plushies occupy more space.
HSR fumo merch when?
Breeding Sparkle's furmur but refusing to give her children
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Banter is playful, fun jabs, not deliberately trying to get under someone's skin by being as grating and passive aggressive as possible.
>What? Her FuA and Skill and Basic have been completely ripped straight from the boss fight version.
No, the animations are slightly different. It's most obvious in her FuA where she leans back and uses both guns for the fight but she only takes out one and blasts with that as her playable.
It's hard to know for sure, that's possible but we don't have dev logs or anything.
To be honest her ult is like, the one thing I wouldn't change, the "Bang~" alone makes it fantastic.
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Sounds like you just have bad luck desu, but nothing is rigged.
Again, your experience is not the actual statistical curve, what you're experiencing is just confirmation bias.
This is like that one anon who had won the LC gacha 13 times in a row and said that losing the banner 75/25 was basically impossible because the odds were "rigged in your favour"
>not deliberately trying to get under someone's skin by being as grating and passive aggressive as possible.
Good thing Sigga doesn't do that then
Imagine Sparkle gives TB an onahole doll that shares her senses but it stops working the moment it boards the Astral Express and Sparkle cries herself to sleep.
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>He doesn't do that
You're fucking kidding me. I love his ass, but there's no way in hell he isn't constantly doing that, just listen to this shit.
No she has two gun shooting attacks. One which is exactly like the playable version with one gun and all it does is shock you. the second attack is what you described which causes the target to explode and shock everyone on your team.
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I think a splash of yandere is fine, my problem with those characters though is that it just makes me want to give it right back to them, not be demure about it. At least half if not most of the time.
I get the draw, it's just not always for me.
>ENG dub
>My problem is that it's too exciting/good to the point I want to be yandere back
Is it really a problem then?
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i usually mostly spent on official figurines, but im tempted a lot by fumos and plushies in general, i like to decorate my room with em
For CN gacha JP dubs, they literally hire for name recognition, not talent. Every single JP VA is just phoning it in for the paycheck.
If you want good JP VA play Yakuza or Persona.

JP dub: Bland, lifeless delivery. lack of emotion/intensity in key scenes. Minimal effort put into character voices. Overused tropes (genki girl, edgy boy, etc) with no depth. Dialogue often sounds rushed or phoned in.
They're not giving 100% like they would for an anime or major game release, it's just another paycheck.
That doesn't change the fact he's written to be an insufferable asshole.
Give examples of how the JP dub is supposedly "flat", especially compared to others.
stellebros won
It is when you'll occasionally dip your toes into fanfiction and whenever people write yandere characters it's not that
And again it's only when there's a splash and it's a character I like. Neither of which also seems to happen.
Don't reply to bait copypasta, anon. He's just trying to start shit.
>"overused tropes with no depth"
>proceeds to listen to screeching with zero subtlety and call it le good
>tfw my dead game Dragalia Lost Mym plushie is all I have left of the game
My wife…………..
Ohhhhh! You meant in the context of "most people don't write it the way I like it", I gotcha. That's definitely super frustrating. People have such a tendency to fall into super boring ways of thinking about this shit.
Same but I also got the art book.
Ah, fair enough. She does have a few unique things in the fight, like anything related to her spirit whisper and the nades, but I can see everything else being ripped from her playable with how basic in presentation it is otherwise.
What the fuck is March doing lmao
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Finally someone made more Sampo Sparkle artwork
her best
I can't even imagine what she's getting out of Stelle's hair being rubbed against her ass, like at least Firefly is being eaten out.
True, but the delivery is different. ENG Sigga sounds like an literal insufferable faggot no matter what scene he's in, JP knows how to dial it down and make it sound genuinely playful and not scathing
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Did you guys win your match?
go back analwormtroon
Eng Sigga is a sassy gay man *snap*
He's just a lil fruity
To be fair I'm sure I could take matters into my own hands and write all kinds of shit, but truth be told ive always been more of a roleplayer than a full on writer. Which you'd think character ai would scratch that itch but it hasn't. I'm testing out alternative chat bots though.
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I just asked a question
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So true queen! Slay!
There was a match?
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My phone broke. I can't grind relics for at least 4 days. I'm finally free.
How long 'til we get the legendary limited 5 star Valley Girl character?
It's just RNG
It's been nearly two years since Nahida's release and the best sands I've found in that time only has 26 CV
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sorry Neuvillette we lost too
that slop looks terrible to eat
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>no art of Topaz cowgirlin' it
Useless. Her thighs and ass were built for it.
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The upcoming erudition imaginary galaxy ranger character
It's actually me
I'm transporting myself into the game and tongue wrestling Boothill so if you don't see him after this patch that's why
I look like this
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why are pedophiles like this???
This new SU feels even more RNG-based than the previous ones
Tits way too big, I'm not falling for it again Hanabi
>30 straight years of economic decline
No thank you. I'm very happy being a gaijin that occasionally visitis with my stronger currency.
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they just lost to gbfg
snowg also got raped 7-1 in the survival round
both of the teams in our group are in the quarterfinals, hsrg just had a harder group
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It's called DU not SU!
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>Basic ATK: If the target is currently Enthralled, this attack becomes Enhanced Basic Attack, immediately triggering X% of the original damage of DoT effects currently applied to the target. Enhanced Basic Attack does not recover skill points.
Enhanced Basic animation = Current Skill animation

>Skill: Has a Y% base chance to inflict the target enemy with Enthralled for 1 turn. When enemies with Enthralled take action, they will attempt to attack 1 random enemy targets. If an Enthralled target is unable to attack an enemy for any reason at the start of their turn, they take an additional Z% of the original damage of DoT effects currently applied to them and then take action as normal.
Skill Animation = Spirit Whisper yank

>Talent: After an Enthralled Enemy attacks an enemy target, Kafka performs a follow-up attack which bounces # times across enemy targets. After an ally of Kafka's uses Basic ATK on an enemy target, Kafka launches a follow-up attack on the enemy target.
>Each type of follow-up attack can only occur 1 time per turn and has a 100% base chance to inflict Shock equivalent to that applied by her Ultimate to the attacked enemy target(s).
Animation for Enthralled Trigger = Grenade drop
Animation for Basic ATK Trigger = Existing FUA

>Ultimate: The same
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We lostered
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It's because she's canonically virginal and pure
>pubic hair
damn our sisters are horny today
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I just shit myself
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>canonically virginal and pure
>They have sheets with 100k+ submission data
Got a link to that data? I wanna know the % for ER ropes
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I'll cleanse you
male mc has a gay faggot lisp wtf
But enough about you Siggaurine
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Sorry I'll possibly be more normal tomorrow
No promises though
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Literally just finished Swarm Disaster IV for the first time after 6 hours of trying
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>Swarm Disaster IV
>When Acheron and Firefly exist
This is the sexiest Sparkle image
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finnaly, a post i can relate to
I beat it with Firefly. I tried it with Acheron but she's a brick at E0S0
Ate a 12 foot italian sub, 12 foot meatball sub and that 12 foot churro at subway for dinner I feel like a king
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Only thing I needed was Aventurine
post hand fat fuck
I meant inch fuck
Come to New York. I'll show you a good sandwich spot
You forgot your pic, raidenbro
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>12 foot
They sell them that big?
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>12 foot?
That's 6 people right? I don't know how that counts
I'll have a Quarter pounder with cheese, no bun
In terms of who's eating it, that's enough for 12 people unless you're a giga fatty because who the fuck eats more than a footlong.
In terms of height that's like 2 average dudes stacked on top of each other.
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....I was about to continue to horny post about how it's a good thing that Boothill didn't get a myriad celestia of him becoming a cyborg because the scene where it talks about him taking his clothes off and being covered in scars would have made me die of horny
My captcha says "dang" maybe I need to call it a night.....
Which is the correct term?
But you did so anyway... Good night xis
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or Wifefly if you prefer
go back to /gig/
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Pagfly because she hovers the trashblazer like a fly
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You forgot me
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Pagfly rolls off the tongue better.
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i wouldnt have forgotten about you if you didnt skip me on your rerun...
Not everyone here is a teenager that falls for such entry level pandering anon…
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I indeed did get her
i usually don't buy stuff but i'd buy a sparkle plushie
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wuthering waves...won

honkai shitrail...lost
how many tiktok hours? where's our local jinhsi shill?
I bought the ruan mei cake cat plush before spending any money on this game
What did you expect would happen?
salesposting is next week retardbro....
WW has more soul put into it.
Star Rail is just Genshin-lite

However I don’t have time to pick up WuWa dull time so I unfortunately will have to stick with Star Fail for now
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I like girls who can crush my enemies
Should I get a BE or ER Vonwacq rope on a Meshing Cogs Ruan Mei? I know the extra dmg% from her skill with higher BE is useless for Firefly but the extra delay is still really damn useful.
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play the superior game HSRkeks
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But did (I) ever even meet her to begin with?
Be if you clear in 3 or less cycles, err if more
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>bootleg Yae Miko and Bootleg Ayaka
>japanese site
>apps in Korean
I tried but there's fuchixaozhongdongchingling slop than any hoyo game
Like 80% of /wuwa/ plays this game already, we don't need more.
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What country is even that lmao, Firefly's old ass banner is about to overtake WuWa in japan
>granny diapers
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anything new in wuwa? i played on launch but the similarities to genshin and the constant low saturation filter made me cringe so hard i ended up quitting before even finishing the main quest
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That's all she have. We already spent all of her allowance.
New thread
too early
I have the same anons added in WuWa. No need to say it, HSR is a side game and we can play both
huh??? what's up with the braids on the redhead?
I love webms with sound
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You guys mind if I bake a herta thread?
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This is the one
No one wants your threads, Hertaschizo. Fuck off back to /wuwa/ or wherever you shitpost now.
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Is someone pretending to be me and using iPhone file names now kinda based ngl
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Go on
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I will roll
0: Use Huohuo thread
1: Herta
2: Firefly
3: Boothill
4: Ruan Mei
5: Gallagher
6: Robin
7: Aventurine
8: Qingque
9: Sunday
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what is wrong with you people

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