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Previous: >>484018131

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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This is the thread
Is the battle pass light cone any decent on Firefly?
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This one
just use aeon bwo
Aeon is her 2nd best and free, no reason not to use it
No but the one from the Herta shop is good on her
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I hate the Huohuo OP
why do you fags keep using the vandalized thread?
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Me and my husband
Not posting in the huoshit thread
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Sparkle claim this thread.
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just burned through all my funds
i am...bankrupt...........
We will win bladeGODS
Me in the right
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Firefly love!
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>just burned through all my funds
>i am...bankrupt...........
I just booked a tour in China. What do you want to me to say to Da Wei when I’m in Shanghai.
how does one describe overdoing live2d where nothing can stay still?
>thinking the CEO will be giving tours
Bruh, you're just going to meet some intern or secretary.
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I would never stop having sex with shadow the hedgehog
when are stelleyumes getting a for (you) character
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It could be worse, you could be stealing your mom's medicine money, or start working at wendys to fuel your gacha addiction - and immediately start creeping on your co-workers.
No idea, I love the static version of the picture though, one of my favourite pieces of fanart for this game.
No I can just scream it from the sidewalk outside their HQ if I’m in the area
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>Blade as Shadow
>Can't unsee it
Damn you
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is it better to play wuthering waves with a xbox controller or mouse and keyboard
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>Blade + March 8 + Robin + Lynx
Would this perform?
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Can our Lloyd look like this?
Why would you use Blade with Robin
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Ruan Banjomori Mei!
It's probably the 4th best option after her sig, aeon and indellible promise
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how long do i have to wait for anything to happen leak wise?
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firefly flopped
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What leak?
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We love Miss Sparkle here
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This one
*pees on your head*
No. I do love the idea of fucking her ass nonstop though
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Don't forget me
bros I don't want to leave Penacony...
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>Using the wrong hole
What is wrong with you
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how did you escape prison granny
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Gross, what if she starts shitting herself?
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Why did you fuckers demoralize me into not playing wuwa again
>when everyone belongs to your Sigonian cock
Me included?!?!
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>need 20 of these shit
It was peak star rail...
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Say it
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>Tingyun slowly becoming a scat icon
I don't like this
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There is no wrong hole
Gonna need more later too.
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(You) belong to Firefly
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It's less half a day's TB power bro. It ain't that deep. Traces and relics are the real bullshit.
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It's so over
you get 5 per run at EL 5+
We love kaka urine here.
I'm getting 4 per run actually
Who would treat me nicer?
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>EN dub apparently patched a voice line to make Boothill sound less enthusiastic when talking about his gun but still keeps blatantly wrong OOC shit like Gallagher's cringe barking and Seele hating Luka
EN is truly an enigma
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any sisters buying these jackets?
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>level mats become a complete joke by the end of it
>traces even at the very end are still so obnoxiously stingy that you can use an entire day's worth of TB power and literally not get a single trace upgrades
Why are the trace mats so shit to farm?
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Imagine falling for the genshit pags demoralization posts
HSR and wuwa are literally not competing whatsoever, they aren't in the same genre. It's just tribal giggers mad you aren't spending money on genshit. Most of this thread is playing wuwa.
But we must move on.
Hopefully the 3.0 arc is even better, this game writing becomes much more interesting when you have a lot of different parties/factions all in the same area, both Belobog and Xianzhou feature pretty much only one faction (Preservation/Hunt), Belobog works but Xianzhou just doesn't and it feels like shit.
Hopefully Amphoreous also has at least ~4 factions.
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no im getting the keyboard
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why is it that I get the best crit rolls of my life when I don't want them
I would actually buy this one if I could
use that fuel bro
already did
still need 15 more to level up gallagher...
Subtle gamer gear
Take the rainbowset pill. 2 set and 4 set bonuses are for CHUMPS
Floptaine flopped
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I would buy this and show it off
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[spoilers Now that Firefly genuinely flopped, I feel bad for making fun of you guys. I won't punch down on you anymore. I didn't expect her to actually flop since she's so cute /endspoilers]
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Enjoy being annoyed at not having enough of quite literally anything to do literally fucking anything for the next 2 months because this game is actual cock and ball torture when it comes to giving you resources to do shit. Been playing for 4 months and don't even have ONE character fully built yet.
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>Wuwakek trying to get (You)s
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I know, right?
yeah, I'm used to that already
I couldn't care less what people roll on. The concept of "flopping" is literally irrelevant. Hoyo has a great track record of maintaining its games. There's no reason for it to ever retire a 4 niggas JRPG title now.
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Ruan sleepy Mei
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I didn't realize they had the same VA
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one of my favorite fantasies is being a lowly antimatter legion goon serving under Phantylia and getting roped into her scheme to destroy the luofu, after taking over Tingyun's body, she'd have me pose as her off-worlder boyfriend she met on one of her trips.
My main task would be to run errands for her while she did her thing at the sky faring comm, however, since she's not used to having a real body, she'd occasionally get overwhelmed by outside stimuli.
Whenever this happened, she'd call me back to our base of operations, upon my arrival, she'd quickly demand me to undress and lay on the ground, she'd then take her own clothes off and proceed to sit on my face, rubbing her sweaty foxian ass over and over on me and forcing me to eat her hairy cunt (foxians don't believe in shaving), slowly teasing me with her hands as she drenches my face with her juices, laughing all the while.
And then, when she's had her fill, she'd bring me close to the edge one last time and stop RIGHT before i reach the climax, she'd get up, let out a giggle as she looks at my sorry state and then leave, telling me to stay like that until she comes back from work.
thank you for reading my blog.
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For me, it's Avenpaz
Hertaschizo was right
Which hsr makes the best baloney sandwich
Uh anon, Firefly was top 1 for days. WuWA can't even reach top 1 in that made up korean site you posted.
>replying to bait
What year is it again
wtf is a baloney sandwich
t. not a burger
Why are you like this, Hertaschizo?
Then I fuck harder
People kept telling me "it'll get better once you start finishing characters" but I can't finish anyone because I need to spread myself so god damn thin to cover all the different elements and teams for 3 different end game modes. Like 90% of the characters I'm actually using in end game are still at 8/10 traces because I just don't have the TB power to raise them. I've already cleared 36/36 MoC this time for the first time and I still don't have time to build my characters. It's literally impossible if you aren't a day 1 player.
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Honkai star rail could never
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It's my turn to bait the wuwaschizo
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Even with the battle pass I feel bone dry, gonna complain in the next survey, hopefully they'll boost us to 400 TBP
A sandwich
I guess I'm gonna start experiencing that very soon. I only have one team and I don't think I have characters to build a 2nd one so I'm guess I'm fucked until we get an acheron or kafka rerun since they're the ones I want the most
What an awesome fantasy I'd like to pretend to be Phantylia's boyfriend too except with that bit at the end with the denial I dunno that'd drive me crazy haha
i'm jingliuposting actually
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Why nobody told me about how good Sushang actually is...?
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why would you not? either unlimited blade works v2 with Bronya and Sparkle or just with Bronya and a sustain works fine, the only part that doesn't work with him is the atk buff
That's HMC + Ruan Mei thoughbetever
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Blade is me btw
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cute bussy
we TOLD you nigga
what is she singing?
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Me btw
Yeah we just need more. It just feels too hard to keep up with how many new characters they keep releasing. I have skipped characters that I kind of want and had enough rolls to get without fucking my plans literally just because I don't have time to build them. It feels super counter intuitive to make building characters this fucking difficult. It actively makes me not want to roll for them so I really have no idea why the game is like this.
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just like that bro
Even if they increase the TBP limit they're not gonna increase the regeneration rate (assuming they do it like in Genshin) and you're gonna log in to do your dailies anyways so what's the point?
I'd personally rather they double the drop rates of traces and relic farming.
I unironically love Blade even more now. The whole chaperone thing was just a bonus but him being memed as being an overprotective uncle towards Yunli makes him so much more likeable
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yanqing is so lucky!!!
The face and his luscious locks are so low quality jeez
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How's my Gallagher? Do I need more BE?
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It's funny looking back on past fanart before they interacted this patch and seeing who got their dynamic right
Who the fuck is this
Couldn't even hit rank 1 in JP already going down. Day 12 firefly vs day 2 jingshi lmao.

The charts will be so fucking funny to see on Monday with all this dishonest crap.
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Picture this, I'm a bag of dicks, put me to your lips
I am sick, I will punch a baby bear in his shit
Give me lip, I'ma send you to the yard, get a stick
Make a switch, I can end the conversation real quick

I am crack, I ain't lyin', kick a lion in his crack
I'm the shit, I will fall off in your crib, take a shit
Pinch your mama on the booty, kick your dog, fuck your bitch
Fat boy dressed up like he's Santa and took pictures with your kids

We the best, we will cut a frowny face in your chest
Little wench, I'm unmentionably fresh, I'm a mensch
Get correct, I will walk into a court while erect
Screaming, "Yes, I am guilty, motherfuckers, I am death"
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check out this Jingliu I saw
where to find this origimi bird?
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Everyone got Topaz right but I don't think anyone expected sigga to be a petty child too
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fu xuan is so lucky
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>seeing who got their dynamic right
None of them
I managed to pull Ruan Mei and am 60 pulls into Fireflys banner. I may be able to get like 20 more pulls before her banner is over, but am wondering if I should just save for her rerun. Someone told me that Guaranteed Pity resets once a banner ends, and your pull count will just go towards a 50/50 in future banners. Not sure if that's true or not. Thank you!!
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I'm rolling on Jade's LC banner just to get the new Sunday cone.
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bros, I'm getting filtered for the first time...
Why do you say that? The bickering shit was spot on
I don't know what the fuck I did but it worked
I literally got filtered in one but my pride didn't let me look up for the answer and was stuck for like 2 hours.
Read the rentry newfag. Banner pity don't reset
Both these models are doing his face and hair dirty..
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You know, I've always wondered if they planned for more tiny interiors when making the game.
This flower shop and the hotel rooms are such tiny rooms and have a psueo-fixed camera, they feel out of place compared to every other interior.
Maybe they planned to build more shops/small locales so the cities would feel more TES-like but then just backtracked on it?
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not liking the vibe from this picture bros feeling a little scared
BE should be fine, you need 50% eff res tho
Bros... I wanted to test out my Firefly in Moc12 but now I can't clear the first side with DoT without Troon May...
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How much speed on firefly with/without RM, again?
That just means you are bad at the game.
Just speed boots and the new planar
wouldn't it be "floreria"?
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Flopfly fireflopped
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I don't know why Firefly vibes with Silver Wolf so much, she's like the #1 girl who can steal Caelus from her.
150 without 140 with
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Why were there 3 huohuo generals today?
I felt that way too. This flower shop is a nice cozy little place in Belobog. Really liked it. I do hope they do more, but I imagine loading screens would be an issue for them.
Floristeria is used in Spain and some latam countries, Floreria is used elsewhere.
This game spanish localisation tries to be as neutral as possible but you can sometimes tell that its being translated by Spaniards.
They lied to you, pity doesn't reset
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Played a couple of real games recently

Trying to resume Penacony story and it's just painful how bland and inoffensive the story and characters in Star Rail are. The game practically crawls on its knees to make sure it doesnt upset any potential spender
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Got my first Bronya today.
Not sure how to feel about it.
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I know what you mean, I also do like the flower shop too
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Huge win if you got it off of the beginner or Standard banners. My condolences if you lost a rate-up
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Let's not kid ourselves. The sales improved thanks to origami bird clash.
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Silver Wolf's your strongest wingman
It was a standard pull.
Pom-Pom! If I don’t get my own room now, I’m selling our 5% stock in Penacony to buy some galvanised square steel and building it myself
>reddit humor
Jobbing to Kafka with Fofo on your team must be the most embarrassing experience.
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Bros I wonder if Pom-Pom can breathe in outer space, why don't we throw it out and see what happens
I missed the first Huohuo run and I've regretted it since
asking for advice again lol
im farming for kafka with the planner boost thing, what's a good planner set to farm for?
Do I really need it that high? Sure being completely immune to any status effects is great but getting close to that already means it's basically not gonna happen.
no leaks?
Birefly saved the game.

Thank you
I have nothing but regrets in life
fofo isn't one of them
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Huohuo hasn't rerun and it's been like 9 months. What's up with that for real?

Like to the gamer we understand how valuable a good sustain is. Especially cause of her cleanse. Is she really just never coming back cause the general public doesn't spend money on healers?
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I am gonna leak you
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the light cone was so good, worth the "purchase"
I think it's just that they don't have great writers more than anything else. Ack schizo dumping nonsense isn't exactly gripping storytelling.
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LeakGODS are predicting Huohuo is coming in the first half with Yunli
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Nevermind, I realised you're missing 28% eff res from traces so you're good
They can share
Nah it's just Young Adult reading level. Aged 12 and up is not just a meme
She was the second biggest flop after Flopgenti. No shit. Boothill has bumped both down a peg.
You dont need Pultizer prize winners to write a conversation that doesnt include BIRD SYMBOLISM 12 times
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hi guys who should i pick
It's pretty amazing how many minigames there are and how polished they are, like the UI and everything is thoughtfully designed. Most gacha game's normal game modes don't even look as good, they look like a mishmash of assets and fonts.
Sparkle is still a friendless pathetic clingy loser.
Literally only one good character and it’s the healer
Reminder that Fofo's cone is BiS for every single Abundance in the game.
I dont know about you but going through the final battle of penacony was a breath of fresh air after whatever story elden ring's story was supposed to be. And that's a game that has hundreds of wannabe loretubers that make essays over short item descriptions that say vague shit.
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How much do you want E6 Gallagher
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The best 4* by far.
Pretty sure Glamoth is her best set
I'll take bird symbolism a million times before another schizo lore dump. At least there's a coherent theme there.
The final story bosses and their music is one of the best things about this game. The robin song and the train attack was pretty sweet
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>Ywn impregnate a Sparkle fumo
How in the goddamn...?
>Young Adult reading level
YA tackle way more mature and personal themes than HSR, HSR is more like Saturday morning cartoon than YA

And it doesnt help that HSR has retards like this >>484055120 guy here making completely nonsensical comparison just to defend it.
500 is not too out of the ordinary once you know what you're doing and have reached endgame with 20 rainbow bombs ready to go
Well one thing the game's consistent with is its epic boss finales
>If I just have bombs saved up on Silverbird I'm sure to wi-
I dont think anyone can question Hoyo's production level. There are a lot of isolated moments in Penacony that I really enjoyed, but the actual story was dogshit
what are some real games with good stories?
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>muh i would fuck [character] in the ass
Anal is gross and so are you. There's a perfectly good pussy RIGHT there.
thanks boss
time to bully the child
Line bomb + rainbow fruit combo classic
Wait, why? Do the bombs interact if you match them together?
Pretty much every game that isnt dependent on selling you the next banner's character has better storytelling than HSR
Anon have you even played other video games lately? Of you think hsr is bad, you should see SMT vengeance or stellar blade. Normal video games being this bad while costing 70 dollars (they are actually pushing 80 now) is why I barely play shit other than modded Skyrim and Bannerlord these days. At least with gacha I can return to them every 2 months and be entertained for 4 hours with cool presentation and music for free.
Fuck Miquella was such a let down god damn.
I think the story was fine if anything they did worse on character arcs than the main story. Though honestly the only character parts I didn't like was all the welt and acheron wordslop. Otherwise it was fine. March still needs more screen time idk what they were thinking with acheron. I skipped her entire bullshit. Those cutscenes with an old man and rain? Skipped with no regrets. Shit had me going to sleep
*Rainbow bombs. Figured they just worked as advertised and deleted all fruit they're swapped with. Does that work on rainbow fruit...?
Yes you can slide 2 rainbows into one another and it'll clear the entire screen. Doing this early in the match to clear out all the junk boxes will also turn it into whatever fruit your character uses and you'll get a huge chain reaction explosions.
all I'm saying is you kind have to be genuinely mentally ill to bring up Souls as a direct comparison to Star Rail for storytelling
that describes dawntrail and i'm tardwrangling a catwoman whose solution to disaster relief is to put up a festival 'because something good might happen'!

i'd rather read 3 patches of sigga pov garbage than this inane non-story
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Oooh, thanks for the tip. I'd have loved it if there was a tutorial for more advanced techniques/mechanics, seems like there's lots of interactions and ways to strategize to learn.
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>DU gutted Abundance that I have to run both Luocha and Gallagher to try and make an Abundance run work since Luocha doesn't fully cap the Dewdrop stacks by himself anymore
You are also implying saturday morning cartoons are bad. The fact that penacony's finale is just a straightforward power of friendship shit you would see from early 2000s shounen was nice to see. Fuck the edgy doom and gloom of modern media. Fucking hell I miss old cartoon network too.
My drip gonna go crazy with this
>The last of us
>Nathan Drake games
>Some fire emblem games
>Metal gear solid PS1
>Certain FF games
>Yakuza games
>Half life series
>Cod 4 modern warfare
>Wild arms 2
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It's better to save your rainbows to pair with line bombs to get 2 board clears instead of just 1
No it wasn’t. It was a battle of philosophy. I don’t think your character mentions friends or friendship once the entire confrontation
Because literally every one is hailing Miyazaki's story telling for how story telling should be in video games? Are you living under a rock?
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Character like this when?
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Nah it's the current fotm I'm not surprised an anon brought it up. In 2 months u would be right to say that.
0 was the last yakuza release with a passable story. maybe last judgment if you count spinoffs. fuck ichibanslop
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Play pokemon white 2 and moon
when we go to pepeshi planet
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i miss kafka
Why are u like this
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Help I’m trying to reply jannybto you but it says duplicate file exists have this instwad
ER has been popular for 2 years now anon.
Also imagine paying 40 dollars for this.
>piccolo hands
I dont think I can fully blame a game like Star Rail for not always allocating enough screen time to every character. But the parts they chose to focus on werent anything special either
You weren't alive in 2000
Three things
1. Souls storytelling was always just a novelty. People enjoyed piecing together the lore but very few claim that's how all story should be told
2. Reception to the DLC's story has been very mixed to say the least
3. You are genuinely retarded
I'm playing mega emerald x y romhack. Fofofren
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Penacony has better writing than Persona 5.
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They changed several of his voice lines, the one about him talking about his principles and the one about his name
And the "oh baby yeah" before talking about his gun, yeah
Agree that its weird, yeah
Fiends or devils, I'll crush them all!
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Who knew there were so many layers to this middle aged white woman puzzle game...
I don't wanna let everyone down again!
Born on 1991
My favorites were Ed, Edd and Eddy, Kids Next Door and Grim and Evil
that sounds cool i like mega beedrill a lot
is any of the harmony BP cone any good for Ruan Mei? I don't want to level up meshing cocks
>tfw TB either sleeps on the floor with Dan, on March 7th's floor or on the main sofa
Nta but same year. For me it was rocko's modern life and Johnny bravo
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After playing a few lobbies with some irl friends the mindgame aspect and pooling resources for later matches part of the game is probably the most fun.
>1v1 situation
>Neither of us are on our final life
>Playing greedily, trying to stay one step ahead of the other
>1 turn left, even score, both just watching the timer tick down
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I mean I already have the Tingyun one but I'm already using that on Tingyun
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I used this pic as a breakpoint reference
Somewhat based, in a way.
>pool resources for later matches
huh shit carries over from one round to the next??
March 7th
>I was born IN 1991
>I was born ON December 25th 1991
>I was born IN the winter
>I was born ON Christmas
Consider this a free lesson
Yep. You want to go into the finals with a shit ton of rainbow bombs otherwise you won't stand a chance against the metagamers
6 or so friends
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none(I moved to another country)
probably Herta or Himeko
>caring this much
you sound ESL
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Damn she looks chubby here
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my poorfag Kafka/Black Swan/Robin core managed to beat the first half in 4 turns. I stole that comp from my Friend List and was surprised at how well it worked despite not having E2 Robin like said friend.
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10! Most of them play hsr with me and we stream our rolls every banner to each other if we’re not hanging out irl somewhere together already
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the climber :o
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My wife is Firefly but everytime sparkle on the screen, the story enjoyment increase by 3 folds
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Why the fuck is March not doing anything
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>even /hsrg/ have friends
Sparkle lost...
As someone who loves hsr for its gameplay. I wish we had more sexy hebes like lumine and amber. We have cute girls but few are dead sexy. Honestly I still think pela is the best her pantyhose with ruler marks are so sexy and lewd I want to pin her down and rip them up
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Can I just skip this IPC shill Penacony epilogue and jump back straight to Xianzhou?
She would rather ignore you getting raped by Sparkle and just let you suffer, lest she draws the attention of that superstrength loser brat.
herta, soon to be yunli because I'm expecting her to be azusa nakano
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nope, you have to first witness the princess carry and the secret Acheron route first.
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anything is better than IPC shit
Around 10 or so, I meet them every weekend to play Yugioh.
Silver wolf
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Wtf there is a Herta doll on my bed
what dick do you play with faggot
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Nice I forgot about this whole thing. This Sparkle theme is probably my highlight for that stream.
Agreed sparkles is a fun character and I like her VA
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Trying to make Adventure Synchron work but I keep bricking ...
comfty ost bro
>Super Break is so good my HMC isn't even E6 or fully built and Firefly destroyed MoC12
What the fuck sisters
its forking out
Dolls were designed to get reamed when Broken and they give you free BE due to the trotters anyway.
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Ive seen some people use Horus in those decks but it might be even more of a brick
the stream is really nice and comfy to listen to every now and then
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>sunday is voiced by hoshino aqua's seiyuu
>both are siscons
coincidence? I don't think so
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down to 1 or 2
>2 hours thread
>Barely 300 posts
With the end of Penacony and the start of Natlan + wuwa and ZZZ we are going to be dead for a long time
It was a good run. HSR was the only gacha able to compete with genshin in Revenue for a whole year
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Comfy threads are coming...can't wait
all according to dawei's keikaku
I don't mind slow threads
I don't even go to genshin threads anymore because I look away for one seconds and there's already 700+ replies and a new thread
I'm still here...
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Embrace the comfy
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Xianzhou slop mainstory killed the game and made all my friends quit until Penacony started(by which I mean they saw Sparkle's Monodrama video), Xianzhou slop 2 will do the same except without the Sparkle.
Don't worry Luofu (redeemed) will save us
Can we please post stelle getting bred
stelle does the breeding tho
0, my only long term friend cut me off recently.
>Blade wants to die
>Someone explained statistics to him, so instead of going on dangerous missions he has a few beers and drives around the city.
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Suitable music for this feel?
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why kafka's face aged like that?
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There was a poll with majority of here playing wuwa alongside hsr, them having their 1.1 drop, with ZZZ around the corner, and 2.3 being very short, it's fine
0. I don't see them enough to count them
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I had the same problem as you. Even though it's not your fault, try to get back in touch. I promise you won't regret it. I put it off for a year and it was the worst year I've ever had. Now I have my best friend back and I don't feel like killing myself anymore. Just swallow your pride and try to make amends, trust me.
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maybe this? i love this track
0, I cut off my only long term friend recently
friends... friends are for the weak...
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Thoughts on kafka? In my opinion best girl.
nice dumpy
why is march 7 such a tranny nigger
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I have sex with this everyday
How large is her cock, this is important
you are the gay
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it's still pride month
hello aventurine
Don't worry, she'll be sent to a chink military training camp and Yanqing will uhh... I mean Yunli will sort her out.
i dont recognize this gayness. june is innocent.
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is my firefly good enough or should I keep farming for relics?
Hello numby
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>we will never get this level of kino
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Perfect and ready for deployment anon anyone who disagrees is gay and retarded btw
Hey my sigga, can you spare me 20k?
We know, my sigga. When's the wedding?
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What is silverwolf good for, other than gangbangs?
but caelus... what about firefly?
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That is someone's son.
We know, Team Leader
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I hate that EN has foreign names for the tracks.
But that one is one of my favourites, set it as my parlor music becauae its so soothing
>at least he has a "son"
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TB gets sexual thrills from trash
I cried.
From how good anons Firefly is, right?
I would fuck this son
Yeah you keep your board state from the previous match. You aren't just supposed to win, you have to build up your board with some setups.
I'd aim for 160 break with same speed
That's not right. That ain't how momma raised us.
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What are the chances that the 2.5 dps Feixiao powercreeps firefly
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Wheres the content?
7 weeks bro
one more week, bro
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. . .
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This is canon, and the raw unfiltered emotions are enough to mindbreak normal people.
my jobber....
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>this our chance (gay lisp)
I need this nigga for my Yanqing maybe I'll get him from standard
are you me?
I always win it somehow
Even when I used to play genshit, never lost
god i wish i was stelle
>wonder when we're getting a yui horie character
>check genshin, she voices faruzan
>but she's doing a hag bailu voice
Damn...the days of Minorin are over...
you are a troon and will never look like stelle(a biological women with autism)
you are just a twisted midwit loser pretending to be a women
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Do you guys remember the /srg/ schizo? good times
So we need 60 SU runs to clear new SU content?
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but i never left?
So if I got E2 Firefly with 155 Speed (165 with Ruan Mei), do I need HMC to have 155 speed too? What about Gallagher? I read that ideally you have Firefly go last. Is that still the case at 165?
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Reminder that Sparkle is a BELOVED CHARACTER
Yes, you want the turn order to be RM > Gallagher/HMC > Firefly so that HMC ult can be ready and casted after Firefly casts her ult (if you have E1+ gallagher you can also start the battle using his skill, then ult, then eba)
>sunday is telling you a story
>random letters and voices appear during this too
why are you farming relics when its not 2x relic night?
>noooo where's the skip button
>noooo why is it skipping so fast aieee
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how am I skipping, you dumbass?
I'm trying to read the story here
I skipped most of the Sunday dialogue.
It was fucking boring and repetitive.
Just went to the wiki and skimmed all the important bits.
So you need a 166 (minimum) base speed Ruan Mei to play 165 speed Firefly? Because Ruan Mei's speed buff doesn't apply to herself.
Bro your vonwacq
How fucking low is the drop rate for a Break rope?
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Aventurine should've joined the Masked Fools and fucked Sparkle, preventing Sampo from abandoning her and making her a total loser
Just use vonquack
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Getting beaten by Yunli for the 320th time in a row and becoming her footstool for life!
Damn. I didn't farm it for her. She's on Penacony.
5 possible stats so 20%
I'm going to need couple of toots
I have 115 energy bottles in my inventory and I want to use them
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Daily reminder that girls are the cutest when they are almost retarded
>No atk%
Skip. And check this 5
>IPC route: beautiful, kind hearted wife with big ass
>Masked Fools route: schizo midget that no one likes
He did the right thing, Sampo's problem now.
Bad... Mines is 200% BE 150 SPD after 5 days of grind. You can do better.
Around 15%, only ERR is lower at 5%
The chances for each stat aren't equal
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>love Yanqing
>play Yanqing's companion Quest
>"huh, why does this feel like OneeShota date? "
>chats spam ntr'd
Kek, wait until she finds out about Yunli
#FreeSampo, he just wanted Bronya to step on him
How the hell are you gonna reach Firefly's ACTUAL breakpoint of 360% BE with Atk% rope?
gl g unit i believe in you
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NTA but i think he means in the substats bwo... for the conversion trace
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Sampo ditched bro and took the Belobogpill, she's (you)r problem now
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I miss mom
Why is Fag Heng such a beta, getting easily overpowered by NekoStelle
lol that's gay
>crit value body rates are lower
>so are speed boots
of course
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He's letting her do it.
I can't tell if she is sleeping or sucking his cock
gepard is fucking retarded on auto
why does he use his skill against already frozen opponents??
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I think that's the point.
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Why are we so dea
firefly slow ass banner killed this game
Firefly killed the game with her slow ass banner
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What games are ya buyin on summer sale bros?
Firefly's fat ass killed me
Enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts before the sensortower shitstorm makes every gacha general soar up in activity tenfold
I don't buy games
>Joe Ellen is the first character banner of ZZZ
lmao nice name
There is no shitposting and baiting. We died and went to heaven.
Animal well
Slay the princess
Amnesia the bunker
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>/hsrg/ dead as fuck
>Only posts are cuckposting and homos
This general really was only 90% paid shills huh? The rest are all raiding shitposters
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Im thinking about Granblue Relink, does anyone here have anything bad to say about it?
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Wtf why is Kafka pissing herself? I heard once you get older you start to lose control of your bladder. I didn't know she was that old.
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Not me, I love his game and I write guides for this general sometimes.
I appreciate the comfy factor, pre-Firefly threads were horrible.
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Comfty game, though im unsure how good is to pick it up now, i played it day 1 and it was fun bc everyone was leveing on a good phase and i found matches pretty quickly despite the matchmaking being bugged, nowdays i think most players are just farming endgame bosses, so gl if you're not going with a friend
Im thinking on p3reload, but maybe i will wait for a better sale later on with the answer dlc, i already played portable years ago so i know the story anyway
Good: Its LITERALLY Monster Hunter
Bad: Its LITERALLY Monster Hunter
If you like action rpg with extensive grind and multiple options for combat and learning bosses patterns/"raids" = good game

If you don't like MH at all, don't like super grindy games like MH, or don't like having to repeat a fight dozens of time then the game is not for you, I love MH and GBFRelink really is just MH, its sick.
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This is a weird take for me.... somehow i found GBFR grind not as bad or tedious as the MHW one, i ended up quitting halfway it, but im thinking on picking it up again just to finish what i started
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>Tsumuri from Kamen Rider Geats
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I bought it and GBVSR because I want to marry and make sweet babymaking sex with Cagliostro
>zoomers KR
no thanks
The sad truth of the matter is Star Rail didn't have enough time to fester its own fanbase that went beyond "Genshit could never" thus most of the posters here were just FOTM shitposters who would jump ship to the next shiny new toy, see wuwa and zzz for example
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Some fireflykek pwned himself LMAOOOO
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Base game MHW is kind of miserable if you intend to grind jewels because most people are just grinding Iceborne content so your lobby options are really limited (and farming Lavasioth is kind of a drag), I'd just cheat in all of the decorations and then go fight all of the AT stuff.
If you do have Iceborne then idunno, the grind never feel that bad to me, specially because I actually did every event quest/arena quests, etc, i'd still recommend just cheating in some of the basic decos (like crit +2, weakness exploit +2, etc) though, it makes the building process a lot faster, the +4 combo jewels can just be farmed passively alongisde Guiding Lands or doing endgame shit like Alatreon or AT events.
whats the breakpoint for FF with ruan mei? I've seen 150 and 154 before
Because Penacony ended.
On character screen speed (pre RM buff)
For 4 actions under ult mode: 140 SPD (all you need is SPD boots and the Kalpagni set)
For 4 actions under ult mode AND an extra additional action before the cycle changes: 154 SPD
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>124% BE
The ideal for poorfag Firefly is atrast 180% without Ruan Mei or TB. You can easily get a head piece with BE too instead of whatever the fuck you're using.
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will think about it if i get to retake it at some point, been a little busy nowdays playing the elden ring dlc, btw nice to see another Ñ poster around
cool thanks
is there another breakpoint after 154 or is anything above that overkill?
That's an old man.
>wuwa = the world
>atlas = this anon
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Yeah, i just modded in all the decos and rng shit, it's not worth the time
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Anything above that is overkill, if you want FF to take more actions under ult mode you want to swap HMC LC to be DDD.
what's wrong with that jihnsi she looks retarded
Why is this whore with 3 males
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I want to fuck her so bad. Please put her in a game for waifuCHADS so I can fuck her Da Wei. PLEASE
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>click link
>look at image: Firefly
>look below post: Kiana
>look at tab: /wuwa/ - Wuthering Waves General
E2 fireflyfags are playing a completely different game
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welp, that explains why we are never getting a Kiana in this game
E2 is kind of optional for DU infinite turn galore, all you need are the two hunt blessings that give extra turns on Break/Kill.
Wrong thread, bro
>inb4 but kiana
You'd never get actual Kiana rather than another expy in hsr to begin with
Even with all of that laid out I have no idea what this is supposed to mean since I don't play that game
we getting the roman Kiana expy
Ok how gay are u all. I heard HSR was a game for gays
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Out of 10!
That's genshin cutie.
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>Yes, you want the turn order to be RM > Gallagher/HMC > Firefly so that HMC ult can be ready and casted after Firefly casts her ult
I don't get it. Why does HMC have to go first for that? Say Firefly goes first. Does one skill and has her ult up. What if I just don't activate it and instead skill with HMC and then ult with Firefly?
I am bi
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Toku bros won hard tonight
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>super grindy games
After many years of GBF, the browser game almost nothing phases me anymore. I am not proud of this.
/gig/ is down the block
the entire point of 155 is an additional firefly action within 0 cycle, if you're waiting for hmc to move before ulting, you're already pushing that action outside of 0 cycle
What does this have to do with HSR which is set in a different universe
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Reaching 80 pity...I swear, if I dont get E1 RM then I'll save the guarantee for either Feixiao(if she is better than Ratio) or Lingsha, I aint farming for jades again
That's fine too, having your HMC be 1 spd slower than FF won't ruin the rotation, but if your HMC is like 134 spd and FF is 160 then the enemy can attack/recover from weakness, etc in that timeframe that you're waiting for HMC action.
Also what >>484067859 said, you're wasting AV for that 0 cycle tech.
Guild War hate
Its fine if HMC is a bit slower because unless your fighting small mobs, Firefly won't be breaking on the first action
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Thats what Gallagher skill > ult > eba is for.
Thats what makes Gallagher such a strong support for Firefly, matching element and the E1 energy means he can tender any enemy such that they only have <15 toughness left at the time of Firefly taking action.
The real silverwolf would never smirk at me like that...
You guys weren't kidding... I'm gonna have to build Gallagher solely for my Firecuck team. Why did I accidentally roll this bitch
to whore her out to niggers of course
imagine if sporkle was just barefoot, not wearing sandals...
what's the issue?
My resources sis....
Where is TB's other leg?
>firefly teams are now easily more comfy than my acheron team
It's over...I can even swap out RM for Himeko if I need exta aoe and even Himeko still benefits from the break effect.
Also Gallagher is a hidden 5*.
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4* are cheap to build, and in gallagher's case you completely ignore his Ult rather than his Basic, which makes him even cheaper
I am more surprised to see LapinAngelia there. God damn I thought she would never leave Azur Lane.
Good to know then
Gallagher having such a strong and synergetic kit for Firefly teams makes me curious about what Lingsha will be doing, Gallagher is:
>SP Positive (+2 SP/Cycle)
>Can deal a fuckton of Toughness/Superbreak damage in AOE
>Able to solo sustain without much issue
>Inmune to debuffs at E1+
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She stronk
inside sparkle
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Explain and defend as to why did they design a child character like this. This will be used in a court of law.
Break Efficiency or providing a Super Break instance
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>finally doing lynx companion quest
If I don't pull fofo I'm building this yuru camp slut
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Nah I'll stay in comfy /hrsg/ while other fags waste their precious lifetime posting weak baits and replying to weak baits in /zzz/ or /wuwa/
we're all playing dawntrail sister
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final fight vs sunday/big harmony robot was pretty easy
I thought it was going to take me a few tries
unless that wasn't the final fight...
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Wifefly retired the game so that you may now live in peace with your Firewife
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They did it for me
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I'm playing the new wuwa patch
HSRG has no content. Thats fucking sad. Where the fuck did the hundreds of millions go?
Both are pretty easy because of how many shields you get from breaking him and HMC is just pretty damn broken
A nuclear reactor and the dev costs of ZZZ.
Your welcome.
Why is this patch so filler. They really want ZZZ to sell that bad?
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Having the break team as a noob has been mega comfy. The only thing that remotely gave me any trouble so far are those dumb soda gorillas when they lock their toughness bar, and even then I can blow them up before they even get to do that move sometimes. Aside from that Firefly just mows down everything, it's pretty retarded.
The true filler patch are the next 3. This is the end of pisscony, we are about to recline hard
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grats on your comp newcutie
My only issue with firefly honestly is dealing with trash mobs and having to use her full combustion mode just for that feels overkill. I really wish her base form could actually do damage.
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Lingsha will be Harmony. Break barely has need for a sustain to begin with.
>muh alchemy commission
Lingsha will be full buff slut. She will make firefly damage double. But she will be a shit sustain and not SP positive as much. So you will need firefly e1.
Please let me fuck Topaz Da Wei. Please let her be for (Me). Please please please please please please
she always refills her energy to 60% at battle start anyway, there's rarely a reason not to ult
They won't, Linsha will be a brick or they will finally introduce massive powercreep to the game. Gallagher is a mistake 4* on the same level of some early 4*s in Genshin.
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The absolute state of Fireflyfags
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>need a fire or physical character
it's over...
Acheron's goodbye scene happens during the final ver2.3 trailblaze mission, right?
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yuridinger's cat: firefly is both redooced by the (You) pandering and is not for (You)
>lvl 85 enemies
just hit them lmao
clara? himeko? ... hook??? illiterate space china girl???
Current patch is boring filler slop just like the rest of Peniscorny. Nothing actually interesting happened so there's nothing to shitpost or talk about.
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Side 1's an easy FUA sweep, let em play!
Yeah I'm thinking Genshin's slow ass plot is better than our slow ass plot. We have better characters albeit
Jingliu can bruteforce that she is my hero
the only good parts of genshin's story is when the sibling is involved
everything else is just trash filler
taking robin's shoes off and licking her bare feet while she sings
This is true, but that small part is better than the majority of our "main plot" so far - whatever that's supposed to be
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um... should I really go back to the train?
this is after sunday's fight and I don't want to miss anything
Genshin's scenes have no other PoV besides the traveler. It's fucking garbage.
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Meanwhile people at hoyo
yes at the very end
you just have to be a schizo and remember her somehow
same bro. I'm a returnee and didn't really have a team when I came back but now I'm having a blast running through SU content with the superbreak team.
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good morning bros I love xueyi
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gg buddy
Post your Xueyi
at the very end you will get an optional farewell, and to get said scene you just need to click on all continue options
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times were simpler back then ...
bro, if the director/author of this game's story wants to make them couple then he can do it
this is not different from a romcom and the author shoving the main heroine/first girl down everyone's throat, even if she's not popular or shit
Now that THE DUST has settled, who is your favourite character from PENACONY.

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Yunli = OneeShota
Jingliu = ObaaShota
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can't decide if firefly or sparkle
>mentally impaired children with crazy eyes
Good luck
Tizocic II
pls no bully
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Black Swan
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>mentally impaired
Rude, Stelle is perfectly Normal™ and her children will be as well
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Post characters who were barely useful in Penacony
When will we see Raiden B. Mei again? 2026?
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hag swan
brickbug killed hsr
I see her everyday
the glowworm
thinking about it, she really was there for almost no reason
>or they will finally introduce massive
You say this as if Firefly doesn’t already shit on all other dps
Next patch. She gets lost and finds herself participating in the swordmaster championship on the Luofu
Holy shit I remember that like it was yesterday. I made one of the variations of this image back then, but mine was way lower resolution than this. Great shitposting material.
>single target: JL > DHIL > Seele
>3 targets: JL > DHIL > Kafka
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I can guarantee a Ruan Mei but I need like 50-60 more pulls and even if I no-lifed all the content I missed, I think I only have roughly 20 I can realistically get in 10 days, including the monthly exchange reset
I'm gonna have to swipe, aren't I?
the problem with gallagher is that he's useless if the enemy isn't weak to fire, which basically restricts him to firefly/fire weak bosses
I assume they'll want to sell other superbreak dps in the future and lingsha will be obligatory (maybe she has the same ability as march to hit with the same element as the dps)
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Adventuring, topaz, jade povs were worse desu
20 pulls and a dream...
Loving her lore, design, personality and voice doesn't mean I have her built properly. She had okay relics at one point, but they got cannibalised by other characters. Finally got her E6 so I might give her another go soon, after I finish building Firefly and Gallagher.
I just noticed Himeko and Welt are also in the picture
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>after I finish building Firefly and Gallagher.
dead fish
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deadpan cutie...
She's there to support her boyfriend
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Dont be fucking rude
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Most Important Penacony characters (to the plot)
>Hag Swan

Glorified cocksleeves

Completely removable
>Silver Brick
Ipc bicycle, is that better?
>try jingliu bronya ruanmei
yo, this kinda works
I wonder if we will ever get the kind of leaks genshin sometimes gets, with all of the variants of beta designs
I kind of want to see how every character could've looked like and compare that to what they decided on
>Stealing Aventurine's title
bro we were all playing that last year
What's wrong with letting us have some useful 4* nigger
no shit
nigger genocide
JL Bologna RM FX was THE meta team during RM's banner.
Gallagher is the most overrated character in the game
Aventurine is the IPC slave, he wants to be free. Topaz willingly became the cocksleve to pigs, cats, coworkers (male & female)
Not having a ferris wheel in Penacony is a fucking crime
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>from "antagonist" turned ally in Belobog to Kakapiss's long distance relief ace
Very cool Shaoji!
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>QQ is 140 cm tall
Imagine how fun it would be to-
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she's just shilled
>essential piece on the strongest team comp
>he wants to be free.
This is pure headcanon desu, he loves being apart of the Stone Orgy and if he didn't - he would've just used his dead status to flee the IPC
he's literally less essential than RM or HMC
what did kakaurine do other than put an airtag on the trailblazer? his useless gamble did jack shit in the end, it was the coin that did everything
No, Luocha was part of that. Fu would cause too much sp issues.
Literally go outside retard, this is the sort of thing you'll see. http://futabaforest.net/b/src/1719591098388.mp4
nobody pulls for men
aventurine or sparkle, not sure
>performs better on the strongest team comp than even the 5* alternatives
maybe essential is not the right word, but he's definitely optimal and due to being a 4* he has high availability on top of it


got my nob out
is this cp or gore?
This entire general has him. Since ani there's no denying that.
W-What is this?
shocking footage of pedestrians walking in public
I’m not clicking that to get myself on a watch list
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There's nothing wrong with liking children.
Short videoclip of japanese gyarus crossing the road. Text said "we are elementary school students", which contradicts the imagery which portrays them at being in the mid teens at the earliest.
That one schizo Pepeshi that tried to shank his therapist because he was downbad.
you can watch shit like this on youtube, anon
there's plenty of gyaru music videos like that
>it's a nothingburger
fuck off
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break is shilled, not firefly. boothill performs just as well if not better than firefly.
nothing, but to make a 5* to replace gallagher it will have to be ruan mei tier powercreep for an abundance healer.
factually wrong. He has dps even outside of break, he has AT Advance on his ult to heal after damage is taken. Every party member can self heal and he never gets CC'd. The reasons why he's op has been stated every thread. You aren't cool or funny for being a contrarian. The break shilling shined the spotline on gallagher for everyone to use him because break is f2p and now everyone is realizing how broken he is as a 4*.
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bruh its just a video of some elementary schoolers. calm down
Children are fertile for a reason
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Even if it was real, my only response would be to tell trannies they will still never be women.
Forbid them not.
He got the cornerstones in which allowed Jade to read the desires of people which is how she got acquainted with Firefly & will lead to the eventual IPC/SH collab and he exposed the Family as fraud by making Ack stab a hole through the dreamworld, showing everyone that they are actually endangered which allows the IPC to take action and cease control of Penacony from the Family

>b-but Robin and the npcs did that too
Well it's just all redundant, but chronologically the slash in the dreamworld happened first because Sigga orchestrated that
he should have let her down gently
white text on black background killed honkai star rail
>He has dps even outside of break
no he fucking doesn't he hits like a wet noodle outside of break
even in break 90% of "his damage" is actually coming from hmc and rm, remove one of them and the damage falls of a cliff
weird to highlight his sustain aspect when his healing itself is literally the worst out of all sustains
So when will the sensor tower charts come out anyway?
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More than just star rail. It just means even the devs are skipfags.
Small indie company, prease understando
>he's literally less essential than RM or HMC
based retard
This reminds me of the story of the charmony dove.
Just in case you guys didn't know it yet, I'm Firefly's husband
>replace RM
>damage halved and no break extension
>replace HMC
>damage halved
>replace Gallagher with another sustain
>team performs at 95% of its previous performance while having a lot more sustain
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Stop being a loser
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I don't remember posting this
i haven't cleared moc12 btw
the coin already exposed the family and they weren't even actual frauds, it was just nihility being able to reject the influence of other paths and ack being an emanator. jade wouldn't have been able to threaten oti with that, it was the knowledge that the power of order had been destroyed on penacony, ack's slash alone wouldn't have posed an actual problem to every other dreamchaser but the oak family's downfall did. and that was just the airtag's doing
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I've stopped subbing to the daily gems after getting FF. I'm at that point now where I do not care who comes after (maybe the emanators). I'm good with what I can clear with my current roster.
bro, your eidolons?
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Fu can be used if your Bronya is E1S1.
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>6 hours thread
idgaf they're win-more schticks and I can clear the content 3 stars.
>still don't have Bronya's cone
She's literally unplayable
You can start getting Eidolons on your Harmonies. Up to E2 for Sparkle and E1 for the other 2.
Also if you don't have tutorial for some reason, E1 on Sex Wolf.
>replace Gallagher
Lose 30% team performance and sustain a lot "better". (you don't because FF eats up shields, and less breaks = more damage taken)

Why do people underestimate his toughness damage so much? I've used him since release, and while his healing isn't great, he breaks shit like a god. And now take a guess. That MIGHT be good for a fucking BREAK team.
Unironically RM is the weakest link, as she only enhances toughness damage but has none herself. Still, the rest of her kit is pretty damn good. And if we'll ever get someone who provides both break efficiency AND toughness damage on top.. is doubtful.
I have it and I don't use it
I bet they'll throw more money for chinashill compared to a planet we'll never go back to
I have it but I don't have Bronya. I use it on Robin for the Energy and occasional SP.
I think I'll just roll on upcoming Harmony characters than getting an eidolon. Yeah i have the SW event cone
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>my last post was 5 hours ago
>thread is still not at bump limit yet
what went so wrong
I wish I had Ack and Robin.....
dawntrail, elden ring, wuwa 1.1.
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>Gallagher antis STILL
Anon he does a sizable amount of damage, especially with FireFRAUD implanting Fire Weakness.
Also, he's unironically a better unit than FIREFRAUD even outside of break. You rolled a brick but you complain about one of the best 4* we've ever got.
it's kind of confirming this gen's posters either play dawntrail or elden ring. Money's on dawntrail, and they're shitting the weak ahh story
wtf thats me
wtf is dawntrail
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what's wrong with dawntrail?
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Genuinely a better unit than FireFRAUD.
>No Aventurine
>E1 Gep
elden ring

fuck off retard
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>t. Xolze
I regret DanHung so much sisters
For an MMO revered for its story, they somehow was able to top the worst expansion "story" than the notorious Stormblood expansion (2nd released)
terrible story, even the steam normies are review bombing it. Reception everywhere is pretty much universal that it's dogshit because of furry pandering the new furfag mc
uhm code bwo?
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He's only part of the IPC to get to Oswaldo and we've been shown throughout the story he's willing to use people to get what he wants
Not saying he's pretending to like his coworkers but he's there for revenge in the first place
God I wish I could fuck her autistic Singaporean ass.
But no, Fraudfly is indeed a fraud. Should have rolled for a real DPS like Acheron who still performs better on the FF shill boss despite her technique not even registering on it.
yeah i feel like if you fight mirror then you dont select occurrences for the rest of the run so that you wont get it again, but the temptation is too high not to roll occurrences
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FFXIV got Sweet Baby'ed. Aka the "we look at your game and scan for non PC content so we can call journos to give you a high review in exchange for 5 million usd at minimum."

Don't worry, China won't fall for this shit. That AAAA Wukong game passed on em.
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>new furfag mc is literally voiced by a tranny
How will XIV ever recover after this?
my fuacking heros....
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I hope her voice is real and not AI or voice changer, because it's kinda hot if i'm being real
t. voice fetish
>Not saying he's pretending to like his coworkers but he's there for revenge in the first place
I agree, just not to the extent of arguing that he's actively discontent with living in the IPC as opposed to just living in general.
I'm trying to get the Transcendence 3 event so I can fill up my catalogue like an autist and it won't show up.
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>dawntrail flopped and review bombed
>mihoyo literally developing an MMORPG as we speak
holy fuck
we're going to dominate a market again
She reminds me of the Furina schizo Kurumi but more unhinged and flames a lot more.
>Voice fetish
Man of culture.
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Which one?
>discontent with living in the IPC
I've never seen anyone say this
mine is e1s1 and she's still a dumb sp slurper with my boothill, it's not rare to run out of sp
OOOOOOOO so you dont fight it you light the candles got you, thats even more hard but it happened to me but i didint had them lit tho because i fight it
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/hsrg/... You're reclining...
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EW was already a blunder with growing player resentment and now Dawntrail is a bug filled travest with the most mixed reception since stormblood. I would say its even worse than stormblood personally. Hoyo could absolutely steal XIV's spot as the popular Japanese MMO. XIV is fucking ugly without modding anyways.
The one with more break unless the first one helps you reach a spd breakpoint
Even if there weren't so many options for other games right now, what is there to discuss? Penacony is over, 2.3 was short but concluded the few remaining plotpoints left from 2.2. We have the entire history of Penacony, we know what happened to the nameless, the big bad has been stopped. Only thing left are SH being followers of Finality and Sunday, but those are don't have enough to spark discussion. As for gameplay, how many times can you discuss how good Firefly is? Beta had no changes for 2 weeks, current event is just candy crush, no new moc or pf yet. We are just in a break period, just like 1.3 was. Wait until 2.4 for the threads to be revived
His banner name is "Gilded Imprisonment", which implies he's aware that he's just as free as when he was a slave in Sigonia but at least he has money this time.
i still dont know what happen to firefly afterward
16.4 atk% is equivilant to 12.8 BE so left is slightly worse than right unless you need speed
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Well SOME Aventurine fans were very upset that his character arc did not end with him being radicalized and fleeing the evil IPC forever, as if any of that was ever setup in the first place
All Aventurine wanted was 30 copper coins to buy himself back and be free, what Jade did was buy him for a billion+1 credits making his "price" effectively impossible to match.
He's a slave to the IPC much the way he was before, but now he at least gets to enjoy luxuries instead of living in the slumbs.
>his character arc did not end with him being radicalized and fleeing the evil IPC
Now why would they think this when that'd mean he'd hate/flee Ratio since he's usually included in the IPC trio
You mean after she flew off with you with the fireworks? They just wanted to do a fancy transition to Acheron in the dreamflux reef. TB even shows up there, despite last being seen princess carried by Sam. So probably Firefly just landed, handed TB to the Express and then said bye. I admit it's a kinda weird transition, but I don't feel like you need a scene to explain what happened. And the event makes it clear that Firefly is just enjoying Penacony, like she said she was planning to do at the start of 2.3. Bigger problem is the lack of a flashback to what Firefly did during 2.2, kinda stupid that they made the pov system and then handwaved Firefly not being part of the final battle with a single sentence from Acheron.
Where do you guys get these ahem interesting spic fanart
you're saying he's discontent? I'm confused what you're trying to say by adding that he's richer
Oh they think Ratio will be the one to radicalize him and elope with him too btw
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So, you fought it in the very beginning and still encountered the event 2 more times and got the event catalogued?
Sure they do
I think you just need to block those schizos on twitter anon
>options for other games
/hsrg/ posters really follow the current gaming trends instead of playing what they like? I can't imagine being into more than 1-2 gachas (that are constantly shitposted here) and ALSO being into FFXIV (an MMO), Elden Ring (long AAA game) and so on.
Seems like too many games for someone to properly invest into. Or are most posters here "gaming whores" who only play the FOTM while it's hot and then drop it when the discussions die down?
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I need AI sloppa of Topaz giving (Me) a handjob as I suck her tits
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He's fine where he is but he knows he's still very much a slave with a mark for death in his neck, thats what Ratio meant that without his cornerstone he's just a slave on deathrow.
Facebook group link
Most of them are horrible though, you have to dig through a lot of garbage to get some acceptable ones.
Elden Ring just released a pedo homo DLC with even more copy pasted enemies.
If anything this board is the perfect target for it.
>still dont know what was her supposed to be "unforgettable rewards"
>still dont know what was her relationship with us during SH days
>still dont know why is she obsessed with us and why did elio/sw ship us
It was on reddit or hoyolab where I saw this but yeah
what the fuck
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>pedo homo
I am now... still not interested in elden cring, open worlds need to die already
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new xueyi thread
nope its just mirror 1 and 2

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