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Previous: >>484042467

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

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Changli = reddit
I'm not leveling the fedora faggot
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>does an air dodge
>"Forgive me!"
what did she mean by this?
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He won
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Fedoraman wife
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For me? Its Jinhsi
Time to sleep. Good night /wuwa/
>Redditfedoraguy powercreeping Yinlin
Fucking kill myself
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M'lady's champion
Goodnight. May my sleep tonight be eternal.
All males belong to yume players though, all 4 of them that are into cool ojisans
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uhhhhhhhh where's the tacet field drop buff?
>triggers once every 1.2 seconds
>have to stay inside circle
So he generates less quickly than yinlin and has a shitty gimmick attached to it? lol, don't fall for homo propaganda,
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If only they were high stat..
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STOP building the fedora BRICKmaster
Start saving for the Stringmaster
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Same here, good night bwo
You got cucked
This is how cuckposting started in /gig/ btw. It starts with a few jokes and shitposts but then you end up with current /gig/.

Do not go down this road, wwbros
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>people will leave him at one when a massive QOL improvement is just 60 levels away…
His 2nd inherent skill makes it a huge circle and auto place when he swaps out.
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Like, excuse me, it's rude to fly over someone's head you know? Especially when you don't wear pants.
I will roll for males if it makes girls stronger. Deal with it.
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For me, it's Jinshi's black panties
>stage have electric buff
>use your Calcaro and Yinlin on this
with Yuanwu being playable now Yinlin can go back to her husband.
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I still use mortefi for some bosses, especially Jew who just flies away every 3 seconds
Rover is canonicaly a reincarnated god basicaly, cuck posting is going to be difficult, especialy when male rover also doesn't like a taiwanese trans prostitute
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>homo good
>cuckshit good
>hag lost
this is just a Genshin 2.0
I have no exp, desu I wish I can scrap my calcharo for mats. Was already considering Yinlin Yuanwu back then cause he's more ungabunga and now I regret building cal
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Saving this for the future when i get more Baizhi dupes. I have her only c1 atm
I really like her design so i want to try to make her work in a team
Thanks Baizhi bro
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Stop falseflagging, I love all my hagbros equally
Gods are asexual
>poorfags coping cause they didnt roll stringmaster
lmao, lol even
/gig/gers falseflagging please gtfo
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>BiS when pair with Yinlin
>BiS when pair with Jinhsi
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bwo yinlin's gimmick is x10 worse you have to basic attack every enemy you want to apply the mark on THEN charge up forte THEN forte to apply the mark

Yinlin does way more damage by herself and especially with an electro dps but yuanwu is just way better if all you want to do is coordinated attacks
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I'm LITERALLY going to eat a fly if people don't stop this "hag lost" narrative.
So they upped the store pulls to 7 each but made it so they only reset after the version update instead of monthly?
it never reset monthly to begin with
>bwo yinlin's gimmick is x10 worse you have to basic attack every enemy you want to apply the mark on
you know yinln also applies her mark with her ult, skill and charge attack, right?
Sounds like a nerf to me
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>Is the Bennet of wuwa
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What now?
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>yuanwucord raid
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Homos assemble, WE are the meta.
ah okay, so it's a win
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I assumed all Yinlin bros used her charged attacked before fully filling her Forte bar like i did. Looks and feels smooth to pull off and switch out while shes casting
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hag? lost
yeah pretty much, overall it's more rolls than genshin's monthly store rolls
homo? won
I'm happy to be around my homo brothers
Even at 7 it's slightly worse than Hoyo's 5 per month
In 365 days it'll reset 8 times (assuming each patch is 42 days. 56 pulls with 7 each reset. It's 60 pulls with 5 per month.
More like Fischl desu. Him and Yinlin. Though Yinlin can be a bit more hands on with her marks
Holy cope. They'll be putting out one update every 3 months next year.
do these faggots realize we need 3 teams for end game content, now we can place Yinlin on real lighting DPS
i regret rolling for Yinlin Lawrence
Weren't people saying that you don't need to follow the meta after the release
that's not the discord narrative xis
try again
damn I regret skipping jiyan and rolling for yinlin, she's complete fucking shit.
But they give 7 character and 7 weapon. So really you're getting 112 pulls. Unless you never pull signatures.
Do any of the healing echos actually provide a decent amount of healing? The dancing turtle is pretty sad.
Recommended artifacts for Yuanwu?
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Sex with Abby while Rover watches
>Yuanwu posting
What did I miss...?
Hear me out, if they release a good skin for him i might use Yuanwu.
His kit is just cool bro
Yeah her basic takes too long
only took one patch for this general to go to shit. what a pity
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Hey. Basically I'm just not gonna use it (the Yuanwu!!)
I know.... UGH!!!... I know.... I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its just that I'm not gonna use it is all!
Genshit cucks get so anal about every little thing
Yinlin feels like ass to play and I have her signature weapon. Fuck this elf bitch
shitposters but he is decent for jinhsi's forte
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It’s not time yet.
ER fist
DEF% echoes substat
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She doesn't with her skill nor charge attack. She basic attacks before her charged attack which is why you might think that. She does with her intro, ult, and basic.

"When Yinlin's "Judgment Points" is full, her Heavy Attack is replaced with Chameleon Cipher, which consumes all "Judgment Points" to attack the target, dealing Electro DMG. When it hits a target marked with Sinner's Mark, the Sinner's Mark is replaced with Punishment Mark, lasting for 18s.

Sinner's Mark
Normal Attack Zapstring's Dance, Resonance Liberation Thundering Wrath, and Intro Skill Roaring Storm will apply Sinner's Mark on hit. Sinner's Mark is removed when Yinlin exits."

Her ult is kinda small in aoe and with the auto targetting of charged attacks it's not uncommon to not apply her coordinated mark to some enemies while spamming only charged attacks to fill up her forte.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves he's pretty shit outside of one comp and even then it's a sidegrade to mortefi
cruisewing you just throw out and it passively heals, but it kinda sucks its such a low %
healer set with boss turtle, and healing 3* gloves
I feel Yinlin will powercrept quickly. Having to repeatedly mark enemies to keep the aoe coordination going is beyond ass.
>mark enemies
>enemies die
>new enemies no longer take coordination damage
He can carry Jinhsi's buildup with literally zero investment, he does no damage but he has good support
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>now EVERYONE is forced to have fedoraman
They only made it 7 pulls because this patch is a 7 week patch. goodluck gweilo
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How do I get the cube up to the 3rd floor anons? I tried to go up, and lift the cube when I am on the 2nd floor, but it is too far. Can't bring the cube to the teleporter either.
Im playing her with Encore right now and my Rotation with her is E 2x while Encore uses her skill
Swap back and land the extra hit, then Forte if full or use Echo and swap back
Then Charge attack 2x with Yin and swap off. Usually she has her Forte filled after 1 rotation of her skill and outro/intro
Is this true? Then we're back to lining up with ZZZ?
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Is he talking about wuwa?
>forced to have
Okay tourist
>only good for Jinhsi
Watch some Honkai 3rd gameplay to see what he's talking about
yes it's in the patch overview page on the website, the next patch is august 14th or something i believe. also it was on the front page of reddit
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Now that the general is done pretending to be retarded, post your elf wife.
put it on the broken tile that falls during time shift and rewind
Place cube on broken thing, use device rise them up ez
I managed to throw it up there. It was a pain in the ass and I doubt it was the intended solution but it worked. I kept trying until I managed to get it on the second floor.
Am I going nuts, is anyone else having lower audio in the overworld?
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Going to be honest here, the way the game handles quests generally fucking sucks. Ten seconds of gameplay, ten minutes of characters stopping us and explaining shit that either doesn't need to be mentioned, has already been mentioned or is evident enough from the gameplay context.
The start of this quest, however, was a nice change. I randomly came across some enemies around this girl on the ground and, being glorified loot bags, I killed the enemies and these was only a brief introduction before being able to continue on with the quest if I feel like it. The dialogue between the characters also felt less painfully stilted than it does in main quests. What is it with games more or less nailing side quests while making a mess of main quests? This seems to happen in so many games I've played.
Anyway, the new area is really pretty and I'm enjoying Abby/not-Paimon, it feels like a breath of fresh air compared to Jinhsi and Changli.
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Good idea. Thank you! now that is thinking with portals
>feedback loop bad!
>overanimating is good!
True SEA hours
>She basic attacks before her charged attack
Ah that makes sense. Also dont forget her basic attacks and skill have decent AOE so if you lead and line up all the trash mobs you usually mark everyone easily
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I need more cute twintail characters for my Jinshi team, can't have hags like Yinlin and Changli in there
that was my intention bro
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erm i thought you guys said jinhsi beat changli in damage
Yinlin will be way better once they fix the shit targeting
explain how elden ring runs better than wuwa
how did
>Yuanwu is good for Jinshi, now you can place Yinlin on other team especially on lighting DPS comp
to become
>Yinlin is a brick
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one is coming
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I told you not to roll for Yinlin...
I told you not to roll for sub dps...

Yinlin literally powercrept by fedoraman the Bennett of Wuwa.
You rolled stringless for Yinlin so she could be powercrept by lvl1 fedoraman.
You rolled stringless for Encore so she could be powercrept by changli.

This is what happens when you DON'T listen to me.
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>and I'm enjoying Abby/not-Paimon, it feels like a breath of fresh air compared to Jinhsi and Changli.
yuanwu X hongzen hag is the true OTP
Camellya soon
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my cheeky beloved wife
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Hoarding bros how are we feeling
High ego as hecc, gimme some different move rather then normal mashing main buttons, we'll see this game in few days
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>Spreadsheet Waves
Always do the opposite of what these retards say
It's shitposting lilbro
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Begone, hag
>Ten seconds of gameplay, ten minutes of characters stopping us and explaining shit that either doesn't need to be mentioned, has already been mentioned or is evident enough from the gameplay context.
Now imagine this without the ability to skip the shitty, ai-generated text and you get the genshin experience.
It fucking hurts because I like the main story of that game, but I can't bring myself to click through all that slog for hours until I get to the good parts...

I don't mind the shitty writing in ww cause I have the option to skip it. I enjoy the gameplay
superior Japanese craftmanship
But a built yinlin is still better than fedoraman. How is that powercreep?
Is this the PhD math guy?
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Didn't roll
Skipped her quest
remember her skill doesn't apply the mark but yes her basics are aoe so if they're somewhat close together it's pretty easy to apply it.

When they're a bit more spread out though it's easier to miss some mobs
>PGR built on unity
>the dev(Kurogame) move to unreal engine
thats the short answer
Bros, Jue has an attack where it uses a sword in the mouth?? Absolute kino
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I've only used him as part of character training and trials but for some reason he has been the second most common character to show up on banners for me, right behind Chixia.
That's our resident schizo, he's a bit special so don't mind him
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Yinlinbwos why is everyone bullying us...
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>broke f2p unironically building yuanwu now
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what happen bros you told me firefly flopped? why is the cunny outselling yinlin too
We just need a real limited electro main dps and she'll be bis. trust the plan
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anti-elf racism
>yinlin will buff geshu lin (electro)
>changli will buff scar (fusion)
fucking hell
what, still here? hand it over, that thing, your astrite
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They really put a lot of effort on this huh
How does FF compare to Ack in nipland?
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>Encore hold attack take a whole minute to finish
>swap to Changli do her combo
>swap to Encore after she finish her animation
thats the way to be played.
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Bros I just got a blessed curse, I just wanted to get 1 Danjin.

Got furfagged in my first 10-pull instead. Changli's mine now. Then I bought the discount standard pulls and got the 5* Rectifier, already have 3 5* weapons now. Only the Broadblade and Gauntlets are left and still have both the character and weapon selector.
Jinshi and Taoqi or Jinshi and Yinlin bros
Geshu lin, Scar, Phrolova, Camellya are all havoc, just like how all gen 1 pokemons are poison
this is a shipCHAD game
>supposed highest selling gacha character in history after months of shilling
>half of ackerons sales, same as robin and sparkle
>have to come compete with literally who character from wuwa that didn't even appear in the game before her banner
how the mighty fall. Also siggy is running with furina aka archon rerun
Just because of you im rolling her again on her rerun. F2Poor btw
I dont get it.
Why does my E sometimes just dashes forward a little bit but sometimes it summons a big dragon that shoots lasers.
I dont understand it.
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God her sideboobs look so delicious
>Mr pokke
Listening to what an Ecele has to say should be a state mandated lobotomy
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Sour grapes
He just steals homework from CN.
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superb axilla shading
Scar is pretty obviously fusion from his effects in his fight
>If have Spectro DPS
where? Spectro Rover?
retardsis your basic combo....
I thought he left for zzz and said this game was trash?
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Shit character designed to appeal to people who grew up without parents, her quest should have let you kill her since it’s not like she’ll ever show up in the story again.
we agree that Rexlent is the only our guy for Wuwa content unlike the other Genshin reject our guy stay on Kurogame train since beginning.
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I love her "breed me" eyes
Where are these little chibis from bro?
>Where are these little chibis from bro?
1st CN livestream
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I love Yinlin
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Sneed bitch
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Wuwags, why did they remove Taoqi's yawn when she unleashes her liberation?

It's fucking bullshit.
Mortefi's the real Bennett of wuwa btw
Trick point. There's no other spectro dps she's automatically a 9/10 in value.
No hes xiangling
Oh cool thanks. Have any more to share if you dont mind? Would love to save them
Any NA reroll fags from this week? Was wondering what ID number NA is on currently. Asia seems to be at 70900000 which is surprising that there's 9million asia accounts
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Bros hear me out, YuanWu S4 healing set, Sanhua S6 moonglow, and Jinhsi
My number 1 problem so far is that Verina's not fast enough at building stacks so once you get Jinhsi's outro going she'll sometimes overcap her stacks but Sanhua's fast AF at building concerto so even if sometimes I can't reach the Jinhsi's full stack, I'll still rotating faster. I'll lose 18% deepen from Verina but Sanhua's personal damage should be enough to compensate right?
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Her socks are now wet
She's finally Ayaka
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Any new loli leaks bwos?
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This shot was absolutely necessary
good luck on not getting hit while doing jinhsi's autistic combo
>Scar could be another Fusion
>Geshu Lin is another Electro
>Aero has Jiyan who is busted
>Spectro has Jinhsi
>Havoc will get Camellya soon
Glacio must be the most cucked element as of now, we really need a female ice gunner soon
No he is more like the blue haired twink named Xan Qi or something. Xianling has aoe and XQ did coordinated attacks
if your loli has leaks she should wear a diaper
>in Kurogame game
lmao Kurogame is hagchad, their previous art director on PGR is number 1 enemy of Chinkland feminist cult
Another day another no drip. I guess we'll be waiting for a while.
I look forward for the future of Kuro and this game. Can't say that about Mihoyo for some reason.
Phrolova will be ice
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MRover’s canon wife
I'm almost certain Jinshis E dashes count as both a way to counterattack and dodge on top of normal evasion
Whats the point of this shot wuwakeks
that leaked gunner looks like he could be glacio...
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>Swap the moonlight set and rejuv set between Verina and Yuanwu
>Let Yuanwu wear picrel to proc rejuvenating set
>Verina can benefit from heron deepen + moonlight deepen since you are mostly required to outro on her
Wait the fucking minute. Isn't this just the perfect setup?
Heterosexual playerbase
Doesn't seem like she uses guns though, we still don't have 5* gunner for some reason
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>deep bonds of affection last forever
this is basically a marriage proposal
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Sneed's Cleed and Beed, formerly Chang's
She can air dodge infinitely.
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How can Sanhua be this much of a dork?
Please no, we got one male glacio already
thats what everyone has been saying. this comp is the best for unga bunga Jinshi playstyle.
yeah might do the same since i cant level my yuanwu yet, not enough mats or credits. Seems easiest if you dont wanna build outro with him, just E Q punch and switch to verina and her outro.
How am I supposed to figure out where to stick my pp in otherwise?
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Holy shit....
You're a fucking GENIUS.

Fedoraman is truly highlighting more and more that he's the bennett of Wuwa.
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Look at this NPC's fucking honkers
Unironically, if Nigga Games decensor/fix Jianxin bouncing tits in the next patch i am leaving my f2poor status and i would go full whale mode because i made the grave mistake of going full whale in the Mona banner when genshin was baiting waifufags like me and still hold my grudges because of that shit
You're kind of cooking with this bro
Take this reddit gold stranger
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>Whale for standard
Anon why?
Let's complain about it in the survey bwo I'm sure it's just a graphical glitch trust the plan.
>Mona banner
>censor the subtle overworld physics
>leaves the character select screen physics, the place where it is the most blatant
Yeah it's just the bug
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>people call removing the unsexiest most retarded looking flopping around "censorship"
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I think it would be a great idea if as a community we make a list for all the urgent QOL stuff we need and then we all send the same list to Kuro in the next survey
I'm trans and Filipino, is this game for me?
no, but theres a new game called ZZZ that you should check out
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reminder the difference between PGR and Wuwa.
the other using Tencent money, so if something get censored etc. you know why
Uhh yeah this setup is actually insane and much simpler, well done homo chad
is this the new goalpost? "ok it didnt flop but it didnt do as well as the best selling character of all time shes the second!" where is the yinlin beat clorinde sigewinne and fireflop?, literally every banner mentioned clapped yinlin but a lot in japan which is wuwas best country in revenue
Can't they just like... give us a character physics setting so we can decide how much flop we want to flop with?
i think you would fit more >>/gig/ sisters
I need Sex QQL
>casually forgetting the constant "firefly will break records posts"
>"moving the goalposts"
holy ESL
PGR has cows like THIS?
Im installing rn
Man are hoyokeks still seething that wuwa won? You'd think they'd just get over it. Quite sad to be honest.
Type that out again in english
>literally the best selling banner without any anni top ups masking the real sale
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I will tried ZZZ for the shark girl but i don't think i will stick for long
The combat look ass and i unironically fell asleep watching cbt
we have crotch bulge too for sisters
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Watch there being a video about this soon.
Unironically big brained as all fuck.

Fedoraman proves once more he's the Bennett of Wuwa, this makes him INFINITELY better than Yinlin now.
We could only pump out so much cum to our man Yuanwu huh?
Im not gay but i respect their decision
i mean even with people leaving for wuwa as you guys claimed and not having anniversary buff which also put arknights above wuwa on their still clapped yinlin by x4, i woulnt call that a flop kekw her banner isnt even out yet too so we can expect solid 25 there
What happened? Why are you retards reeeeeee-ing about Yinlin?
kek sure thing ahmed, no comeback?
Come back when you learn better English. Surely Hoyoverse can fork over some dough to get their shills some Rosetta Stone.
>taking shots at dawei lovechild
This nigga gonna get his ass handed
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Sorry bro im at my limit
Soulless game made by soulless bugmen
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>>literally the best selling banner without any anni top ups masking the real sale
Source needed.
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Wait what i don't get it
i’m mirin’ that adonis belt
bro....this isn't discord or twitch LMAO
im incapable of picking up a gacha if im late by more then like 6 months sorry
Jesus tell Hoyo to give you some english lessons to shill better
>least popular SH member saleswise
Shit meant to reply to >>484062289
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What am I actually supposed to do here? It's faster than the normal rythm puzzle.
>literally the best selling banner without any anni top ups masking the real sale
She couldn't even beat Kafka, who also didn't have any of that. Matter of fact she couldn't even beat Jing Yuan.
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>6 months
I can't play any game unless I started during 1.0 patch
nigger just spam space
Call yourself a stupid bitch.
I started by day 1 and still feel left behind
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Sex sells
>mr chinkk
I'd rather listen to one of those vtroons
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How are you guys not UL50 with all that double exp events and 1.1 content patch?
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I hope they won't turn Scar and Phrolova into dindus
I prefer having a blatantly evil playable character than whitewashing
I'm 51.
Can't believe we got this level of sex for free
holy fucking flop
Not everyone no lifed to get 100% exploration
retard at mihomo never learn from Kafka banner
>shill mommy dommy character since the beginning
>everyone start saving their gems for her
>her banner drop
>everyone who has been saving for her spend all their gems on her
the same shit happend to Firefly, she keep getting shilled non stop everyone start saving for her.
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I reroll....
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What am i looking at?
Mt.Firmament is so much superior to 1.0 map that I wish they'd fix the 1.0 one even though it's impossible. This feels like 1.0 ToF vs 2.0 ToF all over again...
Is she really a sub DPS? I feel like her animation is just a main DPS archetype
In CN, characters like that sells like shit, best you could hope for is them prioritizing results by doing any means necessary
Feminists and homosexuals are the ones pushing the meme that post wall slags are what men should be interested in. Hags hates lolis because they can't compete with them. There is no such thing as a hag "chad", there are only hags and hagfags.
Bro...you can't just steal the goalposts and run away like this.
I'm betting a bigger big bad shows up and we end up needing fractsidus's help before they join
CN is confused with her kit.
no, she's main dps but the problem is she does basic, skill, and ult dmg but no one can buff all three for her.
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That logic doesn't work since they shilled Gaycheron a shit ton too.
She literally has more scene time than Firefly
Just use Yinlin as Chang Li's sub dps
Easy fr
im not defending hoyogame i am shitting on them on marketing perspective and im not the faggot you replying to
No one knows
her damage seemed really mediocre in the trial during the main story
Didn't ask.
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Literally who?
Sounds like a general atk buff or damage deepen will do
A wild March bro, I love March
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brutal mogging
Her kit is honestly a mess. She's trying to be jack of all trades character.
See that's the problem, why would you give the fanbase a time to save instead of dropping a roll bait, of course Firefly flops when everyone is loaded
Baizhi love
My main DPSes (Encore and HRover) are at level 70 with maxed skills. I should get my support and healer to 70 and upgrade their skills rightt? I'm not bricking myself by not farming for UL50 right?
i dont care if it boils my dick, i must cum inside Changli
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Is this the /hsrg/ thread?
Verina? Her team will probably go Changli > Encore > Verina repeat
>Mei expy
this alone is enough for hoyo drone to whale for her
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Don't care i love my JADE BEAUTY wife
my wives
yeah but I'm talking out side of verina, you use verina with every team anyway
that's not a very nice way to talk about women...
Characters on trials have awful builds and aren't representative of the character's strenght
I hate Baizhi so much
>muh english
>still no comeback
ahahaha the absolute state of wukeks, weird how you need to use metrics from a country that doesnt speak english to pretend wuwa is winning huh and even then wuwa is losing there, nice job using old pics to pretend yinlin was clapping anyone the entire time, she didnt even beat floprinde
my jade-like beauty wife is actually a fucking rapist....!
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Never heard of them.
Must be jobbers.
i really wanted to roll him but being both a huntbrick and only having the implant on ult felt really bad
Encore bros what puzzles are you struggling with?
who did she rape
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*Stalk you*
Not those anons but bro... i dont think anyone cares how well some shit sold as long as they make decent money to keep the game alive. Your tribalism is cringe and lgbt
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>seanigger hoyoshil still at it
60 is enough for healer you dont need to heal that much, you only leveling your healer for their passive that you can unlock on level 50, beside if you getting hit it mean skill issues.
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join the club
You don't understand, he totally has shares in these company and it matters to him.
If only Jinhsi is just a little bit smaller she would be perfect.
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rover (me), but i mistyped consesual loving sex
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my ass, you have posted this graph multiple times and is known dhil and jingliu were not close to even surpass seele, no way they are that high and specially silverwolf, they didnt even surpass robin so nice lies wukek
Not gonna lie the visual clutter is making it hard to dodge Crownless.
literally everyone... she cannot be stopped...!
Clearly not since he can't even afford studying English
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I also... love Jinhsi
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Post results
So they just made a paimon that only talks when needed instead of every fucking dialogue
numberfagging is the dumbest thing, the other gachagame that i play is 8 years and only make 100k a month is still alive
>retarded seakek can't read the graph past day 1 peaks
Its pretty sad how hard they shill. The sunk cost must be insane. They got financially raped by a company that never listened to its community. If only they learned to not splurge maybe the game would have been good by today
that is exactly why he needs the games to sell so his share value increases so he can afford to lessons!
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boothill double yinlin in japan lmao remember you guys claim yinlin won, a homo beat her ass.
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It's jover
hello /gfg/
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>Day 1 peak vs whole banner chart
kek what a retard
Everything in this game is about trying to one up Genshin, but they can't come up with things themselves.
>Already leveled my Verina to 70/70
It's over
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you guys don't love Jinhsi enough to get a tattoo for her
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We getting married
If Genshin won't improve itself, they'll improve it for them.
Sounds like the community is small but very loyal. Sounds very cozy desu
resonator mark tattoos look cool
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Building Yuanwu and 3* weapon is like investing in TTDS Barbara in Genshin 1.0
Music is a huge downgrade tho
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Rate 1.1 so far
1.1's was pretty good.
Barbara is sex
I don't regret building her
Yuanwu is a brick though yea
>not a forehead tattoo
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>almost losing to 2 weeks banner
I thought we won...
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the low numbers filter out seamonkey and schizo
I heard Baizhi had a character quest in CBT about her opening up to you.
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I'll be rich this year for sure
>General Geshu "black flames in Jiyan's trailer and the ingame drawn cinematic" Lin
you fucking wot m8
>no Geshu Lin tattoo
and now he looks like a faggot
ah so the people asking what this chart was for not getting an answer was right? goalposts again? since when 1 day charts matter? the entire revenue is what matters lmao who cares if dhil beats acheron day one when acheron doubles his revenue in the end, are you people retarded? am i supposed to know chinese? why are you using a day 1 graph to debunk total sales then
How the fuck did they get away with this?
9/10 for me
where is the npc where I can craft echo xp?
No wonder everyone hates Honcuck Tranny Rail when you have this faggot going around in other generals being annoying
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is this good enough or do I have to go back to the mines?
I am f2p and an indonesian. is this game for me?
I'd give it an 8/10, and I was secretly expecting a disaster due to the pushed forward release. Just wish there was tiny bit more content.
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I'm exploring it right now and they're putting 1.0 overworld music for Mt.Firmament exploration.
Kino, Jinhsi's quest was my favorite so far.
ZZZ is going to kill it anyway
just returning the favour, FAGGOT
>Kurogame insist on creating their own music studio
>Vanguard sound only in charge for sound fx
i still dont understand why they do this, Vanguard sound is already proven to be the GOAT at making music and yet Kuro only hire them for sound fx
I bet her scales get itchy and bothered while she stalks us.
sex with dragon / 10
>109 energy
so close but still so far
Yeah, the falseflag you started by your own self, amirite? Retard
Nothing was dropping ER substats...
Short but good i'd say, i like the ambiance from the overwolrd track and the tigers/crystal enemies are neat
Why the FUCK does the game tell you to use Casket Sonars for Windchimers if they DON'T FUCKING WORK
comfy winter hot springs and wuxia princessKINO/10
10/10 purely for the fact that they added 100% gold echos and ability to convert purp tuners.
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how quickly should i farm material to fill out those vertical investment skill upgrades like "atk increased by 1.8%"?
I kinda feel bad for astra: knight of veda. Game is dead in just a month. I know for a fact that this game kill that game because I am also one of them that dropped it.
>Chang li sucks
Good. I will roll for my brick wife
I've literally never heard of it bwo
>His 2nd inherent skill makes it a huge circle and auto place when he swaps out.
Oh shit I hadn't read his inherent buffs at all. God damn it. I need more plates
the new area is nice and all but farming and leveling echoes is still fucking cancer
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>astra: knight of veda
isn't this game got shit on steam for how bad it is?
Those traces you leve untouched unless you have literaly no other characters to grind traces for
She also fucks up your will to play the game qith how garbage she is
Why didn't you guys tell me Danjin is strong, fun, and incredibly sexy? You should be ashamed.
Geshu seems like havoc or maybe spectro to me
Retard here. I don't understand how the pity system works. I got spooked by twink furry in 70 rolls and didn't get jinshi dupes in the next 50 rolls later. Is changli guaranteed in the next 30 rolls during her banner?
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>Yinlin is powercrept by an existing 4*
I kneel Fedoraman...
I did them for Jiyan and mortefi a few weeks ago and now i regret it, takes 8 gold materials to make ascend a weapon to 80 fuck my ass bro
Was it any good? I don't believe in games killing other games. It was probably just not very good if it died
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>I will tried
>Camellya, Phrolova, Geshu Lin are all havoc back to back
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The first 2 weeks was Danjin gaming bro
It had a kino story and the gameplay was pretty good ultimately it's all wasted on mega retard devs.
Would Jinhsi strip and pucker up her asshole if Rover were to ask
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aieeee midori you bitch!
she outdamages brickhsi though
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Yes and soft pity starts at around 66 and it's unlikely to go past 75.
You probably get changli in about 16-25 rolls
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For the amount of fun i'm having with Jinhsi + kino new zone and much needed QOL improvements including VA i give it 9/10 deducted point because they didnt give me my s6 Danjin fucking niggers.
only do the first level on inherent skill at the most. dont touch the rest until you have nothing else to farm.
Not bad but content is coming out for it so slowly that it's boring.
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Lower your standards or suffer the eternal grind for the perfect echo. Your choice.
>2d RPG
>No sexy waifu on the front
Yeah if this is a gacha no wonder if flopped
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I regret pulling Yinlin...........
bro i also played veda and it was already dead weeks before wuwa
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>already number 10 in korea
ho no no no wuwabros
It got a pretty decent start but 1 month later, wuwa out, and now game is dead
>back to back
>he thinks we are getting geshu anytime soon
I need to be able to mod this game so i can give Danjin sexy or skimpy clothes. Not the biggest fan of her outfit but she has a cute face
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I just spent 30 solvents for Jinhsi's weapon and her talents. How retarded am I?
nice fate rip off
>SEA hours
>thread filled with ESL sales posting
every time
>1.1 did not bother introducing any new potentially playable NPC
He might be closer than you think
The story was pretty generic and the patch didn't fix most of the game's core issues
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I hope you did that after getting good echo stats and not before...
Holy shit we're on the list with the Globally popular app called Youtube? I see this as a win
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are they gonna fix the lack of jiggle in 1.1?
Posting about high revenue of the game they're playing makes them feel important
quick someone tell me where I see the remaining time on the food buffs. The timer stops if I'm paused, right?
>Bust? Or maybe I'll take it all!
I would DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA into Ma Xiaofang's fertile womb
I'm all for coom but the shit on the left isn't sexy it just looks retarded
Based sankabro
25 tower doritos and never obsessed over echos just learn the fucking mechanics it's not that hard.
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4 Days until the greast gacha war of all time
Are you ready to shitpost?
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>bricks your account
Not retarded if you will use her for a long time. Consider it an investment
i mean yinlin is irrelevent and was introduced as her banner ran. The rumored 1.1 characters are also literally whos that will probably be introduced as they run
Okay that does look off as fuck jiggle wise. That needs to be fixed to look more natural.
Money Laundering. Also GF2 bleeded out players.
Do SEAfags talk about gacha sales because they're jealous of China? Do they do it because they feel included? I know the chinese are basically slaves but it's crazy you have people on the open internet promoting them and swearing loyalty for free
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im ready to make 100 twitter accounts concernposting about Waterkuma's problematic art
>Furry game where the main artist draws cuck porn with lolis getting BLACKED
No thanks
I hate how Yuanwu is meta now. Every time I use Verina in a non-Jinshi team I will have to swap back to the healer set
Nah I'll just stay in comfy /wuwa/ while you fags waste your precious lifetime posting weak baits and replying to weak baits in /zzz/.
I was told that echo farming is a scam and should be left last. She's currently sitting at 2k ATK and 500/200 crit.
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I didn't use my waveplates for a while
>Bricks up your PP
>lolis getting fuked by warhogs and monsters
you can call it that but its not the same thing
>S3 Fedoraman
Should I bother building him? His S4 seems to be a good starting point
many of them are literal black men
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Shouldn't have fallen for the sub dps meme!
He doesn't need to be built to be useful if you're running him with Jinhsi, just plant a lightning rod and go ham with Jinhsi
I will play it. I hope it shit. So I can drop it.
I feel like it will just be Hoyocucks invading and seething in our threads like usual while we enjoy our game
what did the devs do wrong?
None of character designs nor models look interesting to me. Wuwa really set the bar high in those department. Combat looks ok. Might try for a few days or so before I shitpost in here again
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>cucks you being the bis in yinlin team
>cucks you being the bis in jinhsi team
redditor can't stop being so based
For Jinhsi, is Resonance skill DMG bonus more important than crit substats? Or should I prioritize stats over specific DMG bonuses?
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everytime anons post alleged blacked content its all monsters, i checked
So uhhhh we're supposed to use Chinese Albedo with Jinhsi? Fuck me.
Who the fuck is albedo
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Quick question, does Danjin have naturally lower attack than other characters or are my echoes too shit?

She's at level 70, with an ATK% sword, with a full set of lvl25 echoes, and she only has 1300 ATK.
Meanwhile my Sanhua and my Encore are also at 1300 ATK, with similar ATK% weapons, but their 1-cost echoes aren't leveled yet.
Not even 60/70 for his second passive?
I believe the grindy pvp mode is the shit that killed it. Game is fine without shit.
Alright, who's idea was it that female exiles should say "ow" when you hit them?
Only if you're autistic and care about min/maxing in a single player game
homos RUN this game, green homo red homo and now blue homo all in a class of their own.
Designs loom pretty boring even for water kuma.
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>on the web top up center on JP VPN
>accidentally buy the 64800 lunites package, wasn't paying attention and mistook it for the 6480 ($100) one since that was the max a few weeks ago

>charged me $745
Thanks for funding the game!
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thanks for funding the game gwelio
>pic related
Contact support
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It's going to be a complete stomp. Mihoyo has been kicking Kuro's ass for almost a decade now.
kek show ingame then S6 jinhsi
lv1 is enough but if you want more go ahead, his purpose is to be forte slave for Jinshi, place lighting pole hit once then swap, in short Yuanwu is for Jinshi no brain comp
Oh no no no... guess you cant refund even if you didnt spend any?
is it 30m in game time or real life time
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You mean the middle skill tree? that's the only thing worth going since Jinhsi pushes the opponent off range all the time, but if you don't have enough resources he still works fine
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Enjoy your c6 kek
Ask for a refund by claiming your child made a mistake
it's rover
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I'm so sorry, bro, I hope you're not about to lose your house or anything.
Thats 1 week of pay and you get to enjoy all future banners

congrats anon
this nigga just bought 80,000 lunites lmao
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Anons, my Jinhsi was nuking for 50k at lvl 60 and now when I leveled her to lvl 70 she's doing half of that, 25k-ish.

Why is that? Am I retarded or did something else happened? I don't understand.
She has less base atk than Jianxin
kuro's so jewish not even giving anyone some kind of first time top-up bonus for the $ 500,1000 pack. even if they're too cheap to give 2x atleast give the buyer 1.5x the fuck is wrong with them.
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>64800 lunites package
do different regions have different top up options? I only see the 6480
please dont refund bwo... we need the revenue or we'll get bullied by gig again...
Her resonance skill nuke damage requires you to build stacks for the big dick damage
it's okay anon, retardation comes by default with posting ai slop
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>correct mole placement
mamma mia
just chargeback and dont use them till they are removed
>he doesnt have superior japanese top ups
Jinhsi's nuke not critting is the worst feeling in the world.
the echo food buff 100% does not work for 30 minutes wtf
could be the base attack on the weapons. Also are you sure you're using atk% 1 cost echoes?
I need more AI sloppa.
bwo your vpn?
They just add 2 new bigger packs for whale
Only on website though
They added it this patch, it's through the web top-up center only. Probably to dodge the 30% in-app service charge that google/apple charges the creators.
based whaleGOD
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>Overpaid the monthly pass equivalent by $645
refunding will still count towards revenue
Ok I'm not following the story, why is Changli getting mad that JInhsi is fulfilling the prophecy? It's not like she can just back down, she even accepted Rover's help already. They have the prophecy at their side, yet Changli's here with
>nooooooo you're gonna die you're too reckless
without actually telling her to stop. Like a fucking retard telling you things you already know.
Why does a 64800 package even exist? No one is ever going to buy that shit except by misclicking.
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>2500 atk
what the fuck? i only have 1700 with her sig
yeah it's this easy lol>>484066469
Is there a VPN step by step for retards. bros...
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In that case Wuwa won BIGLY
food, buffs, etc
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>mfw I get a Tacet-induced headache but Changli starts singing to soothe me
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>Could barely 1 star either of the 4th floors before 1.1
>Two days after getting Jinhsi I can effortlessly 3 star the spectro tower
Thank you Magistrate-sama...
Use vpn - set to nioh - go to top up center kuro games website - log in - don't buy the 1000 dollar pack.
download tunnelbear. make account and use free trial.
Go to https://payment.kurogame-service.com/pay/wutheringwaves/

Then turn on jp vpn

Then login and buy
When are the next double drop events again? I think I saw the dates for that already on some site
She may not look like it but she's a minor, it's fine to worry about someone close to you especially a kid
Probably double ATK 3 cost or buffed by Verina + healing set or both
>Deepen is now Amplified
Soul or soulless?
Shouldn't you want more than that when it comes to crit rate.
Whales do it all the time, C6R1 is usually 10x $100 top-up while r5 would make it 20x $100 top ups you can see how annoying it'd get right? But I don't think it worths how many non-whales will misclick it even if it is on the web top-up center only.
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>No one is ever going to buy that shit
Ultrawhales are a thing
She just wanted to act like a mom. I also think it's kinda funny how the INEVITABLE DUEL OF PROPHECY is basically just a granny dragon sparring with her grandchild.
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you can also main echo the bug to avoid gimping his damage but having the bell is comfy so it's a tradeoff
>Went from streaming WoW to whaling on chink gacha shit
How did he fall so low
>240 pages of pity
Lmao soulless
WoW had 2 bad expansions in a row
fix what faggot? have you even seen tits in real life?
i dont know the difference tbqh
That doesn't get you C6 jinhsi on average.
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Who am I supposed to be building right now? I kind of want to wait till more limited dps come out like camellya before I build up another main dps
I'm a Chinese-Canadian. Is this the right game for me?
if you are planning on s6ing it's much more convenient to 1 tap purchase vs 10 of them
Yeah but what's the point, Changli isn't telling her to stop nor sharing with her information she doesn't already know. Fighting with Jue is the only known way to stop the time fuckery as of this moment. I would also like to emphasize that Jinhsi already accepted Rover's help, so it's not like she's rawdogging the Sentinel fight. What is looks to me is Changli is just trying to sound smart by saying obvious things, and it's annoying me.
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>Maxed out Spectro Rover can be her replacement and she's free
>Jiyan outDPS her
>Changli is right after her banner
I liked deepen because it was a unique moniker for a unique modifier.

You do 48% more damage just means that it gets diluted in your 150%+ dmg bonuses.

Deepen for 48% means you literally do 48% more damage.
Anybody else didnt get skill checked?
Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail fellow sister
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There are already videos about this. You really think anon came up with that himself?
yes it's the most chinese game in the solar system it's meant for you
For whale convenience, bro. I wish Kuro would let me topup in bulk (for all of the first-time purchase bonuses) instead of having to click buy for each individual pack.
He doesn't like retail WoW and shits on it all the time. Classic has already run its course.
retardbro/ankobro here... what does it means for bonuses to get diluted...
WoW hasn't gotten a good expansion since WoD
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How long are your fags' banners? Feels like they just released the bdsm bitch a week ago and now there's a new one
he get paid to play chink gacha game. notice how he hasn't touched Genshin because he isn't getting paid
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Jue lied to Jinhsi because she needed her to be determined and ready.

She explains everything to you when Jinhsi is knocked out. Which is kinda funny since if it was Genshin it would be us knocked out like in every single zone.

One thing I don't get is why Jue just fucked off at the end like some big shot while she's a glorified pet of Rover's.
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Yeah, I think I had Verina's buff on when I took that (I forgot) but I'm still at 2200 with no buffs. I just got flat attack/attack percentage all over the place even though I wasn't aiming for it, I also took an attack 3 cost over the spectro damage 3 cost. My echoes still need a lot of work though.

I should but I'm gambling that getting the extra 8%~ from the remaining stat boosts and weapon level will be enough.
just convert rover to havoc and use her with either danjin/sanhua. Dan/San both build concerto fast enough that you can ignore building them if you dont want to
Good lord, so much misinformation and legitimate "tips" that BRICK your account ITT. Also, Mihoyocucks, please go back. Your shitposting is extremely weak even by your standards.
I wonder if i had a lot of Money and free time, would i do the same and pick the easy whaling on gacha to get strong over spending a lot of time grinding an MMO to get stronger.
Most MMO's arent P2W right? Unless its free like Lost Ark or am i completely wrong. I havent really tried many
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Why are you chasing meta in a single player game?
(1 +50%)+50% vs 1 +100%
dilution is the one on the right
yinlin banner got moved up to overlap with jiyans, now banners are normal 24 days
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Holy fugg...mdick
Is this low enough?
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Please tell me this Yuanwu faggot is just cope and bait and not actually a META unit like Bennett. Like Jianxin is better, right?

What he's good for exactly?
She is
Since that guy is free and Jianxin is a 5* its a good cope
>most mmo aren't P2W
They now are, they just hide it behind pay to progress but whale can progess much faster, maxing everything in one day while f2p need to slave for one month to catch up, by the time f2p catch up devs create new expansion and the cycle repeats
>Most MMO's arent P2W right? Unless its free like Lost Ark or am i completely wrong. I havent really tried many
there's alot of P2W MMO but mostly korean shit
good with jinhsi for coordinated attacks. That's about it. He's useless in most other scenarios
Who's the best third teammate with jinhsi and taoqi? And what's the rotation like without discord for cowqi, I'm assuming I swap into the cow at least 3 times
He's a good and easy option for Jinhsi, that's about it.
he's on screen for 1 frame and she gets full meter before you can even finish her combo it's unbelievable
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Did they fuck up the Lootmapper?
Chests keep appearing and disappearing.
Does anyone else not know what any of these snowflake ability names are and just click buttons

what the fuck is a deepen
bwo, do you really think the regular smoothbrained ankobwo is going to understand numbers?
He's free, low and i mean LOW investment, and easiest to help Jinhsi with coordinated attacks. Kneel before your blue homo GOD
Spectro Rover apparently works well, haven't tested myself currently building my spectro but it makes sense with res shred and fast outros for cow
Yuanwu is one of Jinshi's best supports (by a small margin) but will probably get powercrept in a few patches. I wouldn't invest much into him since he works fine with a poverty build.
>He leveled up the glove
How are people critting for 800k with Jinhsi? With Verina + Taoqi + impermanence buffs ive done max 100k. Granted my substats are bad with a 40/230, but i don't see how raising crit to 70/280 will net me an 800% damage buff...
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Today is a good day!
So I've heard... but then I have to swap artifacts...
He's meta gaming anon
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You know all those "fusion bonus" and "Liberation bonus" and "skill bonus"
All of those things are get thrown into the same damage modifier, called damage bonus. So if you do 1000 damage and have 2 fusion pieces and lets say 75% in other sources of dmg% (weapon, substats, passives) your damage would look like

>1000 * (1+ (78 + 30 + 30 / 100)) = 2380

Now imagine instead of having 78% extra source of dmg% you have a 38% deepen and 40% dmg% (like sanhua outro)
Your damage would look like

>(1000 * (1 + (40 + 30 +30/100)) * 1.38 = 2760
i dont even know what Forte means and I have 27 stars in ToA
It's been more than a month nigger, no one thinks this shit you're doing is cute anymore.
leveling him till you get the bigger circle is probably mandatory but you can def skip everything else
Yeah been spamming it near each other
>Best support for Yinlin
>Best support for Jinhsi
Next 5* with coordinated attack focus will be absolutely broken. Feel free to cope with this redditman while you can.
Does Changli want Fusion% or Atk % for her 3cost?
Kek this image along with all that info. I love you Baizhi Bro
The fucking pain, having my Altao hold my havoc echoes since I haven't used him yet.
I actually like the explanations that weave in.

>Why didn't Jue just nuke shit in the last couple decades of all those battles and wars
>Why didn't Jue pick some magistrate in a long while and randomly picked Hsi?
>What's the reasoning behind a cliche gotta kill the gods/assert humans in the order over the big special thing ruling over it.

"I'm malfunctioning and dying due to damage and have to be in a dragon mecha life tank"

Its not quite adamantite in Houseki no Kuni but I'll take it.
post team
aalto is a good boy he doesn't deserve that
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Ok, good. I was worried for a second.

Is Yinlin better or is he better? I'm, new and a retard. Don't want to get baited into wasting resources on him.

If I do level him... How low is low investment? How high level and how high skills?
chink gacha shit is unironically better than mmos
Yinlin: tier 1 Jihnsi support very hot
Yuanwu: tier 0.5 Jihnsi support not a twink mostly not gay
unknown future character: tier 0 Jihnsi support gay lisp literal dildos falling out of his asshole
Does Mt Firmament have any good chilling spots like the chair above Jinzhou?
I like Aalto he's cool, just way too many characters, not enough time, or resources.
My understanding is that with proper investment and rotations, Yinlin will outpreform him, redditman is just effortless.
Its usually related to thier charge attack / meter they build up. Everybody has a unique one
Yinlin is better if you have high investment in her
The great thing about the homo is he require literally no investment
Lvl1 work amazing with Jinhsi
Just watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HumJ1Pi6fAI
Can you explain a little more slower and simplier?
>If I do level him... How low is low investment? How high level and how high skills?
till you can unlock his second passive skill.
you actually dont need to invest on him is the reason why he is good for Jinshi right now, with this you can place Yinlin on other comp especially lightning DPS where Yinlin outshine the most. remember for end game content we need 3 teams
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I like the hot springs right outside the town. Max comfy sitting in a hot spring while snowing outside

Top of the dragon mountain isn't bad but not super comfy.
Oh, right...
1 day left until we know if we are EoS soon.
We NEED a mission where we take a break and go to the hotsprings, with an optional mission to sneak into the girls side.
ZZZ comes out in 4 days. That will be the true test.
I guess Femrover's side going to have the boys sneaking up on her and the ladies
>Hotspring can heal
if wuwa doesn't reach 3+ times revenue of the first week, its literally over.
Full Yinlin banner + 3 days of jinshi (where the majority of people spend) is pretty much the best month.
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I hope Kuro can improve and add more to the game, Wuwa is very fun.
Genshin had a good base game but rest on their success and doesn't improve, add anything. That's why i quit after playing for years
What's this I've been hearing about Yinlin getting in 1.1? Specifically something about her ult. Is it the jiggle? Is it gone?
>Character requires specific team setup, otherwise she's heavily gimped
'ate it
The boys are inevitably caught and femRover must decide their fate.
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Spectro echo farming route doko
Cumming on Yang yang's yang yangs
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>lemongrass growing in subzero temps on the top of a mountain
huh? This isn't right
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I'm running moonlit on Yuanwu and glow on Verina
Agree, i pretty much play genshin the same way i watch an anime i liked that i just want to see its ending, sometimes i drop it and return on big patches.
Wuwa was dissapointing for me at first and was about to quit but 1.1 zone was comfy and at least had focus so i had slighty better expectations.
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Anko kawaii!
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It wasnt meant to be a jab towards you fello Anko bro
Its just funny the Baizhi poster is nerding out just like Baizhi in game
It's Chinese Lemongrass, tempered by thousands of years of cultivation.
cute lil pig :333
>Yuanwu literally tips his fedora when you click on him in the character menu
I still log in for Abyss and this or that character but the game is just so stagnant, sad state of affairs.
>have several upcoming characters already introduced on launch players are hyped for
>release two literal whos instead for your second update
what's kuro's problem?
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and you think that's okay?
Where is Changli?
Is it just me or is Jinhsi causing all of /wuwa/ to suddenly metafag to the point where you would even consider using the Redditor?

What happened to "Just play who you like"?
I have PTSD of the reverse cowgirl jumpscare Anko Webm. I thought this was the same from the thumbnail almost skipped it
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>/wuwa/ is unironically building COPEwu because reddit said so
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Rate the patch. For me it was solid 8/10
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Literally everyone likes Jinhsi
>this is incel pandering to many other game fans
seriously, it doesn't need to be snowbreak level.
That's why those sensortower revenue charts are BS, anyone playing this game on mobile is mentally ill since it literally turns your phone into a toaster in 5 minutes
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>What happened to "Just play who you like"?
I like big damage numbers
only metacucks were ever interested in jinhsi thoughever?
im still heavily coping that the sfx leak doesn't matter and cam or scar will be 1.2
Ankolet here, how do I get the casket on top of the nexus in Jinzhou?
schizo is that you?
>What happened to "Just play who you like"?
People have already jacked off to Jinhsi and now the Post Nut Clarity set in.
I think the issue with Jinhsi is that she's actually a bit finnicky to build, so people are anxious to get it right. With the likes of Jiyan, Encore, etc you just slap on some crits, pair them with Mortefi/Sanhua + Verina and you're good to go. With Jinhsi you have to take more stats and stuff into account.
First non-Hoyo Chinese game?
Cute gremlin
no I played PGR and GFL
Her playstyle requires autistic team building and not just unga bunga, one thing led to another and now it's minmax fuckery
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BRICKwu = reddit
WINlin = 4chan
Nowdays having a woman dedicating more than 5 seconds of screentime noticing you can be considered pandering, what made society fall this hard
evil be cleansed
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>qol (echo/tuner/field) changes
Nice, shame about that crit damage though
dumb kid. stop flashing your bloomers.
Jump and glide from the tallest buldings roof.
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Everyone who has yinlin is enjoying yinlin with Jinshi.
No harm in a F2p options
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If you truly loved your wife you would let her have other men so she can reach her full potential
What changed about echo farming?
>The NTR smile was actually for Jinhsi
where do i turn in these goddamn BELLS?
can recycle tuner now, also databank 21, some free weekly exp from synth
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It's just some broke ass niggas from reddit coping.
FULL stop!
WoW has gotten just THAT bad. 90% woke pandering, most character writing is Mickey Mouse tier. It's really sad. Made me quit + playing chink gachas is unironically cheaper than playing wow.
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If you get Changli and her weapon do you want CR or CD on her main echo?
The bell purchase station
Can you stack shield from bell borne echoes
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Hey it worked, thanks friend. Really didn't think my stamina would last.
Damn, I was trying to forget that openly tranny dragonkin or was it the ghost
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Finally some good echos.
Too bad I wasted all my tubes.
Congrats on this momentous occasion enckobwo
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>CDmg main weapon
That means you want a CR 4 cost. The opposite is also true
metafag pull for Jinshi waifuchad pull for Changli
/wuwa/ would use a bara man wearing nothing but a speedo if he was meta
actually its worse, he's the Xingqiu of wuwa
Metafag pull for no one.
Waiting for geshu lin to cover bricklin
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But her traces and weapon gives some CR as well
>implying I wouldn't if he wasn't meta
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Zone is kino
Story was kino
Characters are kino
Holo Crownless is kino

Pretty solid all around
Get an identity
>and weapon
Things are already slanted towards CR (you start with 50%CD but only 5% CR)
Trust me, you want CR
I like this Dorothy mnhm
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Do you think Sanhua could bring herself to "gomen Jinhsi"?
was anyone else disappointed by Jue's boss theme? was the only low point in the patch for me. wish they used this instead
>tfw Spectro Rover can solo tower Heron
Granted just 1 Dorito but not bad for a free unit at level 70
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She's your canon wife by the Mandate of Heaven.
long loong is long
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Even with 5 max Crit Rate rolls on your echoes and C2, Crit Rate 4 cost is always more damage for her.
Changli is supposed to be Jinshi's mother figure...but why she's stealing her man???
When do you guys stop tuning echoes? After the second dead stat? What's your criteria?
Top tier patch, 8.7/10
Moms teach sex
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ok who joined my world and killed all the tigers
I finally went through and filtered the avatarfags and suddenly the thread is so much better
Second cuz exp is a fucking resource sink atm and 1.1 didn't fix it.
>Lampy shop doesn't reset
so what's the point of these now
>What is it with games more or less nailing side quests while making a mess of main quests?
main quests
the main quests are advertisements for limited characters
It's ok but genshin is still better
reset is in 2 1/2 hours bwo if you wanted the tigers you would've got them already...
I get to 10 and see if it rolled at least 1 good stat (ATK/ER/Crit) it it rolled one I roll to 20 to see if it got at least one other. If it did I roll to 25.

At least thats the stage I'm at right now. If I already have good shit I could see myself only rolling if both stats at 10 are good. But right now I'm exp starved
+25 then roll all 5 slots at once
It wasn't me
1 costs = After the first stat
4 costs = After the second stat
3 costs = After the third stat
It's a one and done shop.
Let's hope they will add a new one to the patch island.
Absolute kino/10
you've never spoken to an asian woman in your life
Story and acting where Jue or Chang Lee were on screen 8.5/10. Rest of story and acting 2/10.
World 10/10,
The moment I get a dead stat.
Fix what retard?
Did you expect to have perfect echos on the first month? WuWa isn't a charity they want whales to spend astrite chasing those perfect stats until EoS stop thinking like a lobotomized child and come to terms with it.
3cost I go +15
damn, what got me was the fucking desert. gave up when i saw cyno's mats being so annoying to farm. i really like how i could just turn credits into mats at a decent pace. especially since the total materials aren't even that many compared to 168. never really even thought about how convenient it was for auto inventory when farming mobs as well. movement is a given, but at least i had the whole movement squad available.

map 8/10: the map its more unique than 90% of the whole map
story 6/10, even if it still had some problems with explanation and pacing, was still 10000x better than 1.0, didn't like MC glazing and the lore of him was explained in a very casual way, leaves no room for character growth 6/10
Character design 8/10: they are good for 1.1, kits are a hit or miss, depending on who you ask
QoL 7/10: Improvements were decent but there are still a lot of things to improve, at least they LISTEN
overall: i will still play it for a while/10
>Tune to +10
>If 2 crit, keep tuning
>If 1 crit, keep tuning
>If 2 good stats (e.g. ATK%, ER%), keep tuning
>Else trash it

>Tune to +15
>If +15 is a good stat or crit, keep tuning

>Tune to +20
>If +20 is a good stat or crit, keep tuning
>At +20 I should only have 1 bad substat, otherwise I'll trash it.

I don't tune to +25. I apply this to every piece regardless of cost. I think the best approach to farming echoes is to minimize XP and tuner loss. It doesn't matter if your echo is common or rare.
Solid patch, but the main story should've been longer. It felt like we'd only really gotten to the midpoint when it suddenly ended.
Should I build up baizhi even though I'm not using her right now? She's a support so she can slot into most teams right?
Now we meed a Doujin where Changli shows Jin how to sex and help her lose her virginity
60 stamina for shit exp gain and rando main stat is trash regardless
How do you feel about Hongzhen compared to various Genshin towns, anon?
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he's talking about their own game. they're very much aware that it's shitty
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lol what? HI3 is full of that shit.
Crit. Energy Regen
Crit Hp
Crit Def
>Fracties were doing this to see proof of concept of second awakenings
Yeah that checks out.
I w onder if they'll develop something like multiple resonances in one person due to grafting other resonances onto you at this point.

Fags will call it a rip off of delusions from genshin but I think it makes more sense with fracties desu.
>Flat ATK
You rike? Back to the mines, guailo.
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Do you guys expect new area in 1.2?
grats on the min roll bro
What are the "good stats" other than crit?
filler patch
I mean they pretty much flat out said Black Shores is next so I assume it'd be that.
Your point? Stop playing predatory chinese gaems if you don't like it
No probably we'll get black shores in 1.3
NTA but
ATK%, ER%. Crit are the big 3.
Resonance skill/lib/basic aren't bad but their not great.
Flat attack is actually not that bad, imagine its just a low roll of atk%
DEF/HP are dead
Man limited 5* DPS are on a different level. I don't think my Calchudo could keep up even if he had a signature weapon. Maybe if the enemy is a sandbag.
>people thinking we're getting black shores before 2.0
lmao even
If you are talking about the snow town, i haven't explored too much but it felt much better than the city, when i heard "town voices" it made it felt a slighty more alive, not as good as genshin where some NPC have unique voicelines when you pass besides them but something is something.
I would even call it the only good town, the big city was a big let down, its badly designed with its shops, and too big for what it offers, the atmosphere is also generic at best, it doesn't feel like it has personality, like say big cities on genshin.
Overall, i still find the genshin map better designed, both in gameplay and visuals, sure you can't run on walls but i didn't really care about that in 1.0, and at later regions exploration was improved with the hooks and mushrooms while still retaining the point of interest good in general.
I hope wuwa adds a region where running on walls and having multiple movement options are emphasied, wuwa 1.0 maps feel like genshin 1.0 but with better movement tools which is a low bar considering they are 4 years old.
making music for open world games is more complicated than just making tracks and playing it on repea. pretty sure the in-house studio needs to work closely with the devs. if you outsourced music for that, it'll complicate the dev process.
Anko is fine.
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>Attack good, defence bad
You act as if you can dodge the one-shot attack from bosses huh
They casually tell me that I am the god emperor of the universe/10

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