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Previous: >>484057319

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


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>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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sex with changli
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If I have Jinhsi's weapon, should I get a crit dmg Jue for her or a crit rate one?
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cringe scene
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For me? It's Jinhsi
you're going to need every crit rate sub to hit 70% crit rate if crit dmg main.
If you are talking about the snow town, i haven't explored too much but it felt much better than the city, when i heard "town voices" it made it felt a slighty more alive, not as good as genshin where some NPC have unique voicelines when you pass besides them but something is something.
I would even call it the only good town, the big city was a big let down, its badly designed with its shops, and too big for what it offers, the atmosphere is also generic at best, it doesn't feel like it has personality, like say big cities on genshin.
Overall, i still find the genshin map better designed, both in gameplay and visuals, sure you can't run on walls but i didn't really care about that in 1.0, and at later regions exploration was improved with the hooks and mushrooms while still retaining the point of interest good in general.
I hope wuwa adds a region where running on walls and having multiple movement options are emphasied, wuwa 1.0 maps feel like genshin 1.0 but with better movement tools which is a low bar considering they are 4 years old.
Wait I can just use two 4* echoes for double crit main stats with Jinhsi?
did the monthly abyss shop really reset 1 day early? what the fuck
Built for BLC
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Tsubaki drip marketing doko?
Jinhsi is NOT for lewding
Yeah I think it's time to put my Chud in basement for the foreseeable future, he was fun for being my first five star but sadly resources are sparse.
Personally I do like Jinzhou as a city actually. I think it makes a lot of sense in its verticality and rings and different divisions in how its a fortress city. I like its place on river and ocean and by mountains.

There's a lot of small things I like about it, along with the fact that it has some different clear organization in different groups that are governmental or semi-private.
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Would you live in Taoyuan vile, Hongzhen or jinzhou?
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WTF they stealth patched DB21 to be UL50 now. My alt is fucking bricked for a month.
You need all crit rate subs on her echoes and even then you need preferably high crit rate subs. My Jinhsi is currently 279/70 at Level 90 and that's with all the echo CD/CR substats at 6.3/6.3/6.3/6.9/7.5, so I still have to farm new double crit relics with higher critrates to hopefully get it to 280/75-80% by the time I go 90.
I'm gonna do it!
I'm going to make her have a 100% crit rate!
>Jue said that she essentially followed Rover/the Arbiter in the past
>With the story of 1.1, Jue's authority, powers and duty essentially went to Jinhsi

So....what does that mean?
What the actual fuck? Man I feel bad for anyone who "slacked off" for a mere few days. That's horse shit.
If your Jinhsi is S6R1 do you go 44111? I know you do for sure at S6R5 but I'm not too sure on the math on R1
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Forgot to post the picture last thread.
Spectro Rover works pretty nicely in tower this time.
Really? I unlocked it like an hour ago lmao
Not stupid since if her nuke doesn't crit you have to restart the floor lol
oh damn I got lucky then
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>male characters in Genshin are mainly shotas and bishonen (pretty boys)
>male characters in WuWa are mainly baras and ikemen (cool men)
I like how WuWa went in a different direction here instead of copying Genshin like they did with other parts of the game. Them picking male archetypes that are "opposite" to Genshin's makes both games look like Ying and Yang that cover more niches.
I'm a fag that doesn't care about female characters so I can't comment on them, but I bet somebody else can find a similar relation between the girls of both games.
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sorry chixia
What kind of retarded logic is this
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UL 47 btw
>get 2 free rolls
nothing personnel...
Sasuga Kuro, wuwers BTFO
my god, wuwa models are so much better when you put them side by side, it's not even funny anymore
No still says 1d 2h for me. Sure you aren't looking at holo shop?
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Ermm how do I quickly increase my Union Level?
Have fun playing the same floor for half an hour until your 70% crit rate Jinshi crits everytime retard
same lmao
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This always feel really good
For me, it's Jinzhou. It just feels more alive and Chixia is just a misdemeanor away if i want some ass.
Smartest gacha player
this guy does not math.... but it's to be expected during seahours
>spell her name to pronounce as Bye-Zhi
>nips pronounce her as Byakshi
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Spend the cubes
nips always completely change chinese names
You may be right on the things you mention since my judgement of jinzhou is mostly made from first impressions and having different expectations from a first city/town.
It may have its function in lore and have some kind of logic put into them but again, that's every city ever made for every videogame and i don't think jinzhou is that special on that regard, it may be more due to the fact that Wuwa's world feels more "fantasy" than "post apocalyptic"
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Is Wuwa EOS yet?
Place your bets if 1.2 will have another area expansion.
I like how comfy the new town is, probably gonna be my first logout spot for this game. The settlements in Chenyu Vale are still my favorite between the two games tho but this new town is a great start for Wuwa
i should have build my verina
You seriously waste your time repeating the same floor until all of your bursts crit?
Enjoy your 50 Asterite lmao
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Yes because I will expand Jinhsi's crotch area
definitely agree on that, in genshin male banner usually meant skip banner to me but not in wuthering waves
Are you playing in nipponese instead of the canon voiceover (Mandarin)? Japanese have a built-in system in their language for Chinese characters, so they are literally seeing the exact same words as the original chink script. However, the way they pronounce them is completely different. Even though the words on your English screen says "Baizhi", the Japanese are even more correct than you, despite having a different pronunciation.
eeh i still prefer genshin design better but credit were credit is due, wuwa models are very good in comparison, i just want to see what kind of designs they can do after we leave non-china
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Isn't Anko's Jinhsi's best subdps because of her charge attack?
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I regret rolling for Yinlin Lawrence
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21/30 is still impossible for me.
The Exiles and Aix are too tanky.
At least run your sentences through copilot or something before posting here, your grammar and wording is atrocious.
anko? more like UNKO
would it be kino? if all this time MC was not the prophesied god and was only mistaken by everyone? MC is just a random exile who luckily stumbled some ancient shit and not a baby jesus
Did not know lootmapper also considers Z-axis...
*are atrocious

Maybe you should take your own advice.
I can still only 1 star floor 4 with either Kekaroo/Verina/Yinlin or Danjin/Verina/Havoc Rover. However, I was able to 21 star by getting 2 stars on the other tower.
>bigass fucking head on genshin models
jesus christ i never realized how bad they looked
>Yinlin Lawrence
Wasn't expecting that at first i thought it was a bug.
At least it's fuckhuge now compared to what it was at release.
>sold your wife to reddit man for 1/3 of a roll
hope it was worth it
Yeah I'm not getting more than 1 star on Heron here >>484072615
Resists Havoc damage too much
Mourning Aix resists Spectro, not Havoc. The Heron does resists Havoc, though.
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>just got it because I guess I didn't logout and didn't update the game
rumao. If this is you then grind echos NOW
Who is a good 3rd here?
Preferably not Verina since Jinhsi needs her
That's what I meant yes. I'm using Spectro Rover on Heron and my regular team (Taoqi, Sanhua, Yangyang) on Aix.

Going to need UL50 for more than 19/30.
>falling for ancient bait
It's like those bobbleheads boomers like to put on the dashboard
>be mob
>resting minding own business
>Suddenly Long Loong appears and zap you and your buddies
And somehow they are the bad guys.
at least have some courtesy and give the anon in question a (You) so they can improve
discordtroon hands typed this
If you don't have verina available then your only other options are monktits or baizhi
Why would Changli/Encore work well? Just for Changli's outro?

Not obsessed enough to know every copypasta here
You really ought to use Havoc Rover, xhe's significantly better than Spectro.
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Language question:
Do you Anons prefer the usage of Loong or Dragon?
no kuro authorized "leaks" until zzz release date.... I just want to know if i'm pulling next patch bwos
Explain yourself bro, unless this pic was taken before the tutorial
Whats a good level to start using waveplates on those echo farm spots? I havent really messed with mine much but it seems like you can get a decent amount from killing stuff for free. Is that what most other people did?
I know she's stronger, but useless on Heron.
Also I damn near fall asleep playing Havoc Rover, just find it extremely boring to play any of the on-field basic attackers.
kek. They'll probably revert it, right?
A Loong is a snake, a Dragon is a lizard. They're not the same.
all 5 main echoes on jinshi and no crit rate. tried leveling 6 echoes so far and double def/hp everywhere
>Just for Changli's outro?
Based proper pronoun user
+12 DEI score
LOONG sounds cool and memeable
Dragon is trite and gay
The only reason I like looong is because its so dumb.
If they wanted me to associate dragons with power and beauty they should have just used the word dragon
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Prone or Missionary
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oh they did, good thing I made it in time, though I wouldn't have to worry about it for loong
I prefer Dragon, but I'm warming up to Lo'ong as long as it's in the Chinese context.
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I thought that was bugged, glad to see they fixed it (after I already got it).
snakes, lizards, (You), reptiles, it's all the same shit
Do you know how to have fun? Lol
Imagine being reincarnated as a trash mob and simply trying to live your life
literal who homo gunner and a literal who slut. 1.2 is a filler skip patch
If the slut is an actual healer everyone will be rolling her
loongs have thin snake bodies while dragons are fat fucks
>Do you know how to have fun? Lol
retardbro... what are the names of the enemies in this game..
The pinyin for 龙 (dragon) is just Lóng. They probably just added the extra O for retards to make it more clear.
All this talk about meta.

I don't give a shit the full lightning team of Calchudro, Yinsex and Redditman is way too fucking fun not to play.

Screw powerlevels, let's make a SWEATINESS tier list for gaming appreciators.
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mmmmm nyo
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>he didn't reroll
>he didn't abuse currency conversion with a JP VPN
>he wasted shell credits leveling echoes before 1.1
>he didn't unlock DB 21 before Kuso Games hotfix
Brick Status?
if it's a hag, I roll, otherwise, I sleep.
>have every 4* in the game and almost every 5*
>still don't have 1 (one) single Titcaoqi
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>not good with calchud
>not good with Jinhsi
>not good with Jiyan

just roll for changli
you forgot your anime girl pic
she's good with my dick
skill issue
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Man, I didn't wanna level an Aix for my Jinhsi because I was afraid of EXACTLY THIS happening.
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You dropped this tranime gif to go along with the atrocious post xis.
I got you.
>no variation for my verina
god damn it rate up when
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Is the 4-4-1-1-1 cost echo setup for Jinhsi better than 4-3-3-1-1?
post proof that your account is not bricked
The answer is always no, stop asking and start farming
>0 rainbow coral
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fucking fuck
roll for her S1, apparently S1R1 Jinhsi makes 44111> 43311, it's like 1/2% better but the main benefit is that it's infinitely easier to farm.
>Not having the best normal attack damage dealer.
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Yinlin is just not good. Doesn't matter with who you play her. Her on field damage is shit, her off field damage is shit.
They tried to semi fix her by making her shit count as coordinated attacks. But I honestly don't see it. Her numbers are just really fucking bad for no reason.

That said, not pretending she never carried me. She's now the ULTIMATE cheese unit with Yue. Maybe useless for tower and its time check, but thanks to the dot it's super easy to have her auto-damage proc, even if you are busy dodging the enemy and keeping your distance. It's poison. Slow, but deadly. It's like 2-2.5k damage per second on average, dot included I think.
keep going
you could get double crit
How the fck do you even 3* tower morning aix?
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>your grammar and wording is atrocious
This can actually be correct, although I would prefer the use of "are" here. You can say "This (x and y) is" if x and y are so tightly related that they can almost be or are one unit. That is, it can almost be considered one noun instead of two. For example, you can say "This horse and cart is", because you're talking about a carriage as a whole. If x and y are not related, then it's better to say "These (x and y) are".
When talking about "your grammar and wording", the word "your" is ambiguous as to whether the following 2 nouns are tightly related or not. However, his intent of saying "grammar and wording" could be in reference to "quality of communication" as a singular and holistic concept. In this case, it's kind've fine to say "grammar and wording" is. Still, I would use "x and y is" sparingly. Especially with the ambiguity of "your", I would've chosen to use "are" if I had to decide between the two.
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Just need to spend a few cubes today.
Chat is this real?
I *do* have enough coral to buy her S1 waveband directly, but I'm on the fence because even though I may have enough rolls for Changli, I'd like the insurance. Is her S1 that impactful?
The level 70 one in the beginner section?
How do people have 2.5k tuners, do you guys not critfish or something
jianxin spooked me on 73 pity, had to do it
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Bigger heads make characters look younger and more cartoonish, which is perfect for Genshin's more lighthearted plot and aesthetic.
In Wuwa the most notorious examples of "bigger head = younger" are Lingyang and the lolis. The "adult" characters have more realistic body proportions that fit the "dark and serious" aesthetic of wuwa, but the kids have heads the same size as the adults' in smaller bodies that make them look "cute and funny".
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Jiyan getting power crept this early fucking sucks. I like him and I don't really think Jinhsi or Chongli is a replacement for his playstyle.

Does a Jiyan (on field)+Jinhsi/Chongli(off field)+Verina team comp work?
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*laughs in wuwa*
The only thing better with her sig (and especially first dupe on top) is one of the 3 cost being ATK instead of dmg%.

Two 4 cost is only better with YangYang s6 and a non crit (aka atk%) weapon maybe. And even that is stretching it. But she gets MAD dmg% where it matters with her dupes to the point building more isn't really very useful.
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Is this the sun I'm looking at? What is this?
I just got her S1 while building pity today, thanks for the heads up, though my luck with 1 cost is pretty ass right now but at least it's better than farming 3-cost
Shit bro i apologize. I get it now
Excuse me as i am an Encore bro... its true what they say about us
Im not bricked, I dont know why i cant buy a jinshi dupe...
Why are Baizhi posters like this
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They're the same powerlevel stop trying to compare the damage of a aoe grouper compared to a single target nuke. they're exactly the same dps wise.
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>the real one appears and is instantly one shot'd
He's not really powercrept at all and is better in most scenarios
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Does this count?
>scalability < 100%
low spec anon... post your jinhsi as proof NOW
did you recycle your purple tuner yet?
I wonder...save rolls for Changli or roll for Jinhsi wavebands?

For now
Should have rerolled until you got her since you were going to spend for everything else anyways
Dimension rift, Anon.
Nice cherrypicked cutscene faggot now show gameplay
everytime you intro/outro with a male he goes in and out of your waifu
yes but I critfished alot but ended up having a fully built yin lin,jinhsi, ji yan, dandanjin, and havoc mc with double cd/cr on every substat.
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I am objectively the least bricked.
DPS might be similar but the fact that she doesn't require her ult to do massive aoe bursts is just absurd
>Does a Jiyan (on field)+Jinhsi/Chongli(off field)+Verina team comp work?
21/30 GANG RISE UP!!!!111
Jinhsi hard carrying, don't tell me you aren't part of the 21/30 gang.
ore wa nihon da
>level 60
This anon is japan
>146 astrite
I think you have bigger problems bucko
its yunli really bad for jinshi? should i use yinlin with other teams?
well that's your answer anon, not everyone critfished their sub dps, nor having that much dps char built
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Post em.
Pure cinema
I need a Baizhi wife to nitpick my every action and atrocious wordings, emotional humilliationchads WYA
got her sign too, it's comfy saving time for me now
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>its yunli
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I will not be supporting a game that powercreeps as fast as this. I am not renewing my monthly sub.
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I prefarmed some echoes
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Your getting shitposted anon
Jinshi /Yinlin / Verina
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I'm 21/30
Hurry up faggots, WORSHIP ME and praise me.

Do it now.
>monthly sub
You know you are still f2p, right?
i'm still building her what do you have on her?
i think you are coping anon. MC lore and character will not go as far as "you are the choosen one and have control over every narrative and progression".
I wanted them to keep the MC identity a "secret" so he at least could have some potential for growth
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>which is perfect for Genshin's more lighthearted plot and aesthetic.
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You guys do have an excel sheet that tracks and calculates how many weapon/skill materials you have/need, right?
Especially for the upcoming double skill mats event, right?
You don't manually calculate how much you need every single time like some kind of scrub, right?
>/trash/ poster avatarfags with Abby now
bet he thinks he's being subtle
Good job anon !
You truly are a WUTHERING WAVE
Probably not. People are saying it was supposed to be UL50 all along. The fact that they didn't publish the fix in the patch notes tells me they're planning on sweeping this under the rug.
sorry that chinese names are too similar
Is 60/240 crit ratio on Jishi acceptable?
no i just pay 8 dollars for the 25 pack and save my stamina 72-96hour worth of stamina like a good paypiggy.
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Then what do you use your stamina on instead?
Echoes? lmao
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I wasn't too lucky with crit rate rolls.
i'd r athe r70 210
Yinlin's still a bit faster in my experience (and I'd imagine the gap would widen with Stringless) even if her rotation's longer because her personal damage makes up for that long rotation but then again I haven't tried the rejuve set YuanWu and moonglow Verina, I just put whatever into YuanWu and call it a day.
But the thing is, nobody runs YuanWu while a lot of people could use Yinlin so if your other team need Yinlin, YuanWu is a solid replacement
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See >>484072416
I BARELY managed to do it.
Missing out on crits honestly really fucks you up.
Once a limited 5* electro main dps releases my yinlin is going straight there instead of with jinhsi
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real gaymers are at 24/30 or higher
is jinhsi good for f2poors? i don't have a weapon for her
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God, imagine both raping you.
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>not injecting the live overlay and doing it automatically
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monk and yinlin have their sigs, everyone else is using 4 stars with dupes.
I still have 70 rolls left, imma edge for Camellya now, knowing Kuro they'll most likely give us a selector next anniv.
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Use your level 45 5* on her
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Is this not available yet?
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Would you?
Imagine both raping Jinhsi
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Skipchads... how do we cope getting left behind?
Nice gameplay wuwers
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Now that I 21/30 what do I do now?
I'm literally the KING of this General now.

You're all MY bitches.
Fuck off, xitter.
I have a full spreadsheet with extensive math calculating how much Changli will impact my dick
Yes without hesitation. I've hooked up with 60/70 year old women that look worse than her.
>gonna reach UL50 before I can even get jinshi to lvl 70
sorry jinners, you're heading back to underleveled-and-unusable jail so I can get calcharo yinlin and rover to 80 for the tower
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Isn't she already menopause?
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Post more disgaea mage instead of /a/
it's rover i already used it on the sword. i need more standard pulls
aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the forbidden runes
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gook anon I...
>21/30 at lvl 80
weren't anons getting 18 at level 60
Should I use 25,600 Astrite to guarantee a 5* and gain 75 more astirite every 2 weeks? The game will EoS before you can even recoup that cost.
It's not worth it, cause you'd have to commit your standard weapon banner or UL45 weapon to being the claymore, and since it doesn't have crit stats it'll fall out of favor quickly compared to the sword/gun. Changli looks to be similar DPS wise to Jinhsi and the standard sword is just as good as her signature almost.
This is unironically the biggest fuck up they've done, this will piss off a lot of ppl for absolutely no reason. Just remove the restriction since you fucked up implementing it properly in the first place.
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nigga have you see the chalchudo situation? nobody talking about him anymore, he literally memory holed after jinhsi patch
what's up with all the retards calling stringmaster stringless?
Are everyone here paypig?
I don't see how anyone can get both Jinhsi Changli and their weapon F2Ping
Clearing the new island only gave me about 3k gems
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Ummmm sweaty?
I'm lvl 70 at the moment.
>"post proof your account is not bricked"
>Jinhsi's Waveband
>available 2/2
You first
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Which banner should I pull if I’m metaslave.
You can reroll now for jinhsi then save for changli later
>>he didn't unlock DB 21 before Kuso Games hotfix
Huh? What happened?
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Genshinfags have a bow weapon with that name. It is pretty much a BiS option for this creature >>484076405
Banners that will powercreep Jiyan onwards
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Damn, I've been experimenting with Yuanwu/Jinhsi and watching fedoraman's idle animations makes me want some hot tea
Jinhsi if you're a f2p+ - dolphin - whale
Changli if you're f2poor, or wait till 1.2 dripleaks. (You'll more than likely be limited to Sword/Gun users until you have enough rolls accumulated to justify rolling character + weapon, probably 3-5 patches in)
>hoyo brainrot
should have known...
alright that settles it im doing jinhsi yuanwu verina team
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>muh 100% CR on Jinhsi
No, this is wrong. The hits where you don't crit are already accounted for in averages, and it's still better to end up with the golden ratio of 1:2 where the left number is CR and right number is CD-100%. If you're familiar with Genshin, it's the same deal, except in Wuthering Waves, the UI shows the extra 100% that you're supposed to add to calculations of critical damage (e.g. while naked in Genshin, you have 50% CD and deal 1.5x damage on crit; while naked in Wuthering Waves, you have 150% CD and deal 1.5x damage on crit, the exact same value).
Let's compare the scenario of 70% CR/240% CD. Let's say you trade off 60% CD to get an additional 30% CR, so that your stats are 100% CR/180% CD.

Weighted average of 2 values = Pr%_1*N1 + Pr_2*N2
Average Damage of 70CR:(240CD-100) = 0.7*2.4 + (1-0.7)*1 = 1.98
Average Damage of 100CR:(180CD-100) = 1.0*1.8 = 1.8

Although you have the exact same amount of crit substat rolls, having 70:240 is 1.98/1.8 = 1.1 or 10% better than having 100:180. You're also not only using Jinhsi's boosted E only once in the fight. You're using it a fairly large amount of times. It's OK if you don't crit. You'll more than make up for it when you do crit, as the critical damage is higher.
>misses his crit on both nukes
But bro, your reliability!! You don't want to autistically keep restarting tower until *all* of your ults crit, right???
>Not building Jinhsi during her own tower rotation
Are you fucking stupid?
shut up mathtranny
it's ok bwo the people on here are as retarded as the jinhsi tc's that tried to shill taoqi
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You first funky looking furbag
I mean you're literally losing money if you don't have at least the $5 sub running. Stop letting Kuro steal from you
What is with these 43311 meta?
3-3-3-3 is better because it has 4 attack stats. mranwhile 43311 only has 3 attack stats and 2 def stats.
You didn't need a wall of text to say "I don't know why people wouldn't want 1 to 2 please explain".

Let me explain: Unbuffed giga nuke loses 75k damage if it doesn't crit for me. Buffed will be like 100k.
There you go. That's a reset in tight fights.
Why are you only using two? The timer isn't 10 seconds.
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I regret skipping Jiyan...
Anyone who cares about the game already unlocked it. Why the fuck would they give a shit about the minority and casuals? Casuals probably will never even know about it.
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Your anko picture?
You'd be less likely to be in that situation in the first place if you were dealing 10% more damage overall.
casuals bring in the most money, retard
This poster is extremely high IQ.
I can tell by the pic and filename.
not him but casuals do not echo farm
How’s wuwa doing after 1.1? Did we manage to kill genshin?
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I skipped Jiyan.
I skipped Yinlin.
I rolled Stringless.
I skipped Jenshi.
I skipped Changli.
I prioritize bricking my account. I want to do nothing more.
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I don't get how team building works in this
Is it all about the outro skills and nothing else matters?
Since they don't actually change left and right tower mobs, how bricked will Jinhsi mains be when spectro gets moved to left tower and has to deal with Aix?
not him but you are retarded
Cumming on Changli's thighs
I don't have any echos prepped bwo im gonna rwun out of stamina and not finish her before the rotation is over...
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No idea what a genshin is but i'm full-on WAVING with 1.1 bwo. Shit's ca$h
>Is it all about the outro skills and nothing else matters?
That's about the extent of /wuwa/'s understanding of it.
In reality, a lot more plays into teambuilding than just outros.
Can someone help me with my Echo question?
What level did you guys stop using the echoes you found in the world and start farming them with waveplates?
>camellya 1.2
who's gonna tell him?
post the other taos
This story is unironically filtering me. How is every retard, including (You), telling Jinhsi that she can just give up the prophecy? Jue will fucking die if she doesn't do the ultimate battle of history, and then the time fuckery will spread to the entire nation now that a Sentinel is dead. Not to mention stopping it means stopping a Fractsidus plot. Are they trying to say that Rover should fight Jue and Jinhsi can just go back home? or maybe that Jinzhou should just go to hell? It's pissing me off.
wait until july 1st
camellya is just the ayaka of wuwa we are not going to see her for awhile....
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I disagree, with Jinhsi you want to be critting ALL THE TIME.

A single failed crit and I couldn't 3 star the Heron in the tower.
Its ridiculous how much you lose out against not critting, once again this is TIMED and I feel like you're not factoring that at all, having to do your rotation for a failed crit HURTS a lot.
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>he didn't SKIP this heaptrash of a story
Just enjoy the game.
pretty much. we're going to black shores in 2.0
Jue said that our next lead is the Black Shores so maybe next patch we'll meet her again
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>Jinhsi for whales
>Changli for f2poors
Why isn't that reversed? Jinhsi powercreep is insane and she pretty much can't be beaten by anyone no matter what roster.
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Hear, hear! This is a 12-19 thread!
Can you geolocate for me Sankabro plss
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All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for the daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
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Sorry buckeroos
but Wuwa is now a 21/30.

If you're not 21/30 then you're not invited to the Wuwa guild.
And I do mean 21/30, anything above that is whale territory and anything below are BRICKED accounts.
Maybe Cam is the Scaramouche and we'll see her in two years
Thanks QT3.14
You are right, there was no other option but the generic plot requires them to "think about it" so it seems like its a high stake situation (it isn't)
Also, Jinzhou just went into a worst case crisis before this chapter and experienced a second, worse one after that, it just didn't right to do it many times.
TC's have done the math the damage for Jinhsi/Changli/Ji Yan are all relatively similar. The main factor is you have to account how much you're investing into them.

As a F2P your options would be the Crit Sword or Lustrous Razor (Atk%) and the prominence of Sword vs Claymore users. (Sword roster will almost always have the most characters due to simplicity of fast pace hack and slash), while having a better longevity simply due to the fact that the sword's substat is crit rather than atk.
cute chibi art
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What's your build for Yinlin? Does she needs energy regen on 3 cost/substats or just the usual dps build? I think I built her wrong...
>x2 moonlit echoes
>x3 electro echoes
don't we leave notChina to a whole new aesthetic continent each year?
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im 28 thoughever
Are any of these characters off-field/supports for Jiyan? It's so weird to have three main DPS in a row.
isn't non china the whole region? Jinzhou its only 1 city out of 6 and as far as i know jinzhou is one of the smallest
How the fuck do you properly play Jinhsi? I'm not reading this whole novel of jargon.
years old? jesus you are old man
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Probably some gook forum, I saved them from here
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Just read up bro
black shores is on its own island and like the other anon said, there's still five more chink cities left...
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god I want to fuck Jianxin so bad, its unreal how horny she gets me.
I assumed Black Shores was just another area part of notChina
Sounds like it'll be a loong time before we get out of not China.
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Same like HSR, there are many ships and we only visited one. Here as well, we'll get a new city each year as a filler before a new region. New Federation (USA) is next.
Intro skill > E > E > N3-4 > E
Burst whenever
If you dont have intro skill you N4 first
as you get gooder, you will learn when to quick swap and when to use echo skill (whenever you want) but that's the basic sequence
Other countries like New Federation (some resonators are from here too) and Rinas have already been namedropped.
Huanglong is just one country.
Hopefully they break it up and it's spread throughout several versions. Revisiting old territories instead of focusing on one new nation a year like Genshit does because if you don't like the region's aesthetic you're fucked for a whole year.
I was building pity for Changli...
276 Rainbow Corals, maybe I can get to S3
She will not have tits left by next patch.
Cool, i don't have this quirky "LE PTSD" about chinese locations some anons seem to be on.
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I was about to call you old but I realized I'm 27, where does time go man
Genshit still revisits old regions though
4.4 (?) had a new liyue expansion
And i think chasm happened when inazuma was released.
not that it matters because some sub regions, like enkanomiya, dragonspine and enkanomiya are so bastly different from their regions that the sky is the ceilling really.
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This echo effect is probably a lot better than Lampylumen for a burst Sanhua, right?
>Parries special attacks
>Negates damage
>830% total glacio damage
I still remember the days when I'm a vocaloid fag 1 and a half decade ago
>4.4 (?) had a new liyue expansion
Oh? I stopped paying attention during Fontaine
Nice I'll have to check it out
Oh and I forgot to mention: switch cancellable. It will do the parry even off-field.
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>all these babbys in their 20's
Come back when you're old enough to really play gacha
there's also the summer islands which are essentially recycled regions that get used every summer event, althoguh they are not permanent so they change every year.
I don't know if they are going to release them this year, i'm not up to leaks
a fire that burns hot enough can restart the furnace
What's a special attack?
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holy shit I never bothered to read the lumiscale and the lightcrusher's echo ability stats. That looks bretty legit bwo.

Does the lightcrusher and glacio dreadmane also have good dmg as well?
You can only buy first 2 cons from the shop or am i wrong?
I can't read so many text like that bro.
My head become dizzy
She was the first one to get censored, the normies fear her.
an attack, but special
When enemies have a red-glow to their attacks
>>484078214 (me)
they also released one of the best tracks in the game on that limited even, im still mad.
the track in question
it was a battle theme that played in a generic battle lmao.
What killed the hype?
It's just a bug r...right?
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I'm going to buy the deluxe BP again, and I will refresh my monthly pass too.
>A single failed crit and I couldn't 3 star the Heron in the tower.
because your build was bad. if you had more crit damage you would have had higher dps and killed the heron in fewer rotations
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I fell for their specro rover shilling, they make it seems to plausible with excel maths and numbers but turns out it's all bullshit
it's just constellations in general. they're all the same.
When they light up red before the attack. Only some echoes can parry those attacks.

>Does the lightcrusher and glacio dreadmane also have good dmg as well?
Lightcrusher is pretty shit damage wise, only 210% damage. But the fact that it can only be Spectro set makes it a really good target to farm.

Glacio Dreadmane has similar damage to Lumiscale Construct, but does not have a parry. The cool thing about Glacio Dreadmane is that you can use it mid-air, so it would probably be fantastic as a main echo on Yinglang.
>got banned in gbf for using 60 fps script on my phone
>quit shadoba once they announced shadoba 2
The deluxe background look pretty this time, the last one is kinda whatever
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azur promilia coming out soon, maybe that's our true home
>How the fuck do you properly play Jinhsi?
press skill button whenever it glows and spam NA
This logic only applies for small sample sizes.
Anything above 10 attempts and you're statistically converging into averages in which case 1:2 ratio gives more consistent results.
Don't forget the bundles it's literally stealing money out of Solon's pocket.
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The left is not how tits work
I rolled for Yinlin, a beautiful woman with pure jade-like white skin.
I also rolled for Jinhsi, a beautiful girl with pure jade-like white skin.
What jade-like beauties are you planning on rolling for, /wuwa/?
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Their sony port scares me.
im playing gbf right now bwo, just read the sumo kino event
What are rotations? I just press buttons
>1.1 events are just the same recycled events from 1.0 except it's a 7 week patch rather than 5
is this going to happen every patch? wheres the kino snowboarding event
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erm zzz seems to think so
looks better unironically
hope they address it at the very least, the lack of developer communication is becoming frustrating again
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>you would have had higher dps
Not if you keep missing....
Not to mention Echo skills and abilities have a cooldown.

So every rotation you're are doing less dmg because sometimes some echo skills that buff attacks are on cooldown and its better to just keep going rather than waste time.
Every failed hit is slowly you down big time and dropping your dps massively.

Your math is correct on a landscape where there is no time limit and where averages matter.
That doesn't exist on a timed event where a failed crit means loss of time.
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same, i'm gonna get the autumntrace to give jinhsi a cope weapon. There's little to no good 4* broadswords in this motherfucking game.
Is Jue good on Spectro Rover?
jade is green though?
>all cutesy, no male in trailer
Yeah they're going for THE genshin audience
No chances they doing the for (You) thing, good luck lmao
shut the fuck up and give back my jiggly titties gigafaggot
Her tits are so saggy they flap like wings.
It's probably a bug given that they didn't change her in the menu.
>is this going to happen every patch
A new region is not going to be released every patch no. Wait for those patches for actually unique events
>Your math is correct on a landscape where there is no time limit and where averages matter.
But that's exactly the case in tower. You can attempt is as much as you want. You would be right if it was a limited amount of attempts.

It was insanely good on Spectro Rover in CBT. Sadly they nerfed the passive.
It's still better than Aix though.
Impure Jade is green
Pure Jade is white
I don't care about for you pandering. I just want a game that doesn't go and censor a character cus niggas say it was too unrealistic or whatever.
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I too will instantly unfriend and spit on anyone who doesn't have this background by next month.
>THE genshin audience
>with no playable males besides the MC
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Problem with them is their face models are weirdly proportioned.
The 1.0 genshin audience.
Ima just tick to the pre-registration one i think is a bigger flex the longer the game goes
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You do not get 10 attacks within 120 seconds. And it's still not that simple. Average only matters with hundreds of attempts.

This is the good old Seele problem. 100% crit-rate or bust is ultimately how she works. It got solved via passive crit-rate buffers later on, but it is what it is.
One hit wonders need all the crit-rate they can get. Jinhsi's BIS support is gonna be whoever is the first crit-rate buffer. Now, unfortunately her stack generation is necessary, so this could end ugly.

The could've and probably should've slapped a 100% crit-rate modfier if you have max stacks on her final nuke.
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hey Kuro I know you guys play the same games I do, could you perhaps steal Ky Kiske's moveset for the eventual electric Robert release?
think about it, charged attack being a greed sever, skill having the ability to be a single projectile or hold for a big one...and ultimate? ride the lightning, of course!

I'd be content with a few references in the normal BA string desu
4 more days...
How did we lose to a 2 week old banner?
Is just the classic mohoyo mega head models. Makes everything look way too cartoonish
Wasn't the male MC removed due to complaints from chinkcels? Or am I mistaking this for another game?
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the gameplay seems kinda boring tbqhwyd
Didn't affect me. I turned 50 1 day after unlocking 21
>no longer compete with genshin
>now compete with big boi HSR
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holy shit rover, stop making me hard everytime
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I have 3 dual crit pieces, but I still am looking for an ATK% 3-cost with any crit on it and my Yue only has a low CR roll on it. Fixing both, leveling my fortes, upgrading my weapon to 80 and getting one lucky CR roll thta is more than 6.3% should bring me into the 70s.
I should have prefarmed when I could
Firefly is the single best selling gacha character ever.
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I've done enough Echo farming with 80/20 to realize just HOW frequent that 20 is.
You're underestimating it big time.

I can't even imagine how much crit dmg you'd need to stack where getting a failed crit wouldn't severely fuck you over.
All I know is it would have to be WAY more than the 1:2 ratio.
I'm sorry Jinhsi is absolutely unplayable in hologram fights due to all the visual clutter and the camera frantically following her dragon plus the extremely annoying zooming in her on during her rotation randomly. Are people even talking about issue like this. All of these are extremely big problem in an action game I feel like
old bait
It is insane wuwa didn't die after all that shit talking hoyo drones did on social media
I bet they cant sleep whenever they see wuwa so close sometimes above, sometimes bellow but it is always up there
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bwo someone here bought 750 usd worth of packs on the pc client
You will cry bitch tears tomorrow.
I am f2p and will pull for jinhsi weapon after er get the weapon pulls next time week
I don't have jiyan but in the trial i remember his ult being up basically 24/7, as in he just recovers his ult by the time it ends.
also he can clear camps just by masing left click, you kinda have to not get interrupted while attacking to continue with the nuke
AP had male "npcs" that where leaked and the chinks kicked up a storm causing Manjew to deconfirm their playability, last I heard they are still fighting to get the FeMC demoted to normal gacha character and the MaleMC manned up.
But you guys are doing the same to ZZZ
>He IS still holding the line
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pc geimu
Project 2025 will remove all sexo characters if the republicans win in the upcoming election as well as ban all porn since theyre an affront to god almighty.
That's like a long time ago though right? Anything new from them?
is she even the best-selling character of her own game? genuine question
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>bragging about your favorite anime phone casino game company making more than the other anime phone casino game companies
find jesus
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>Useless gacha tribalism
Would you look at the time
HSR will be on the top of the gacha revenue chart.
I remember reading that Manjew heard about their request but nothing more than that.
why is it always indog...
So we multiply the android and ios income by a 3.5 multiplier to estimate the full income?
Just call it the fingerblaster
Skull issue (unironic)
Not even top 5 lol
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>Heavy furry pandering
>Censored as fuck
>Hired BBC+loli artist
ZZZ did that to themselves, triggered every single autistic fag in the planet.
Nope, that's Acheron and it'll probably stay that way for a long time if the hypershilled FF couldn't do it
You'd think they'd care more about their data being leaked than their mobage
>The 1.0 genshin audience.
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Does wuwa have lolis like this?
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>rolling for Chinese Makima
Is Jinhsi the perfect woman?
Oh i bet it will but it is not going to out do Acheron's banner even tho FF is a lot more expensive to get online than Acheron who it is extremely budget friendly
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The lesbian mary sue shit on her lmao
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this fat ass already pointed out the game overfocuses on sexualized children, once he finds out about Waterkuma his community is gonna go rabid and it's over for hoyoverse for realsies this time, every genshin player will be marked as a pedo
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I love child NPCs
Developer skill issue, yes
Do it by 10 or we won't be able to cope...
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Daily reminder to ignore the /hrtg/ troon squad and /gig/gers who are having a melty because our game makes them dilate
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Bro, we can't even manage a proper cameltoe...
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so since chinese copy everything, what are the equivalents in genshin terms,

Fatui = ?
Abyss = ?
Celestia = ?
Archons = (Jinshi?)?
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So is Yinlin best or fedora for jinshi? Is my calchud homeless now?
Almost, she needed big fucking anime tits. She was close to being perfect tho
Look like she has balls
no idea ankobro i never played that trash
cute pic tho
cute boy <3
You just know 50% of the people here are from hsrg and will jump to ZZZ in 3 days
Jiyan is literally still stronger than Jinhsi, retard.
butts don't work like that
The shitflinging is inevitable, best you can do is not to contribute to it and tell people to fuck off. That sentiment has been out since before WuWa's release and it'll keep happening with every release going forward for every AAA gacha.
God Lucy is sex
>pity bait waifu only SEAcels fell for
>they're all f2poor
she never stood a chance
Finish Act 7 of the main quest. The last part was really kino. Pretty much peak xianxia/cultivation story of achieving break through, only with an actual fight instead of cultivation in a cave somewhere.
I guess Rover was probably some big shot sent by the Goddess to guide humanity post the disaster, probably one if not THE founder of Black Shore as well.
Breasts too big
>the game overfocuses on sexualized children
Instant GOTY.
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You know what to do :3
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Real question tho, why do nearly all 5* units in ZZZ look so bland, like those are NPC looking 5* if i have ever seen one
Did they really not bring back the Illusion Realm thing in the patch?
But does Makima have an obscene body like Changli though?
I sent an email regarding this issue maybe it will get fixed.
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She cute. But holy shit, the camera was not made to fight 2 Lightcrushers at the same time in that quest. Shit was spinning around wildly and making me dizzy.
Why did they overtune the enemies in the new area so much? It's fine if they're a little stronger but some of them nearly one shot my characters and it's not at all consistent, so if it is intentional it's very poorly executed.
saving it for zzz release date
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i spent 20k or so on HSR and wont play ZZZ, no character appeals to me and there's already red flags, they added HI3 ELFs at the very release of the game
next month
Bwos i cant pick up 5th gacha when ZZZ releases, that just not reasonable..
What do i quit? G, HSR, Nikke or WuWa
I sent an email to ask for a breast reduction, it will get fixed.
i recognize that bulge!!
I don't understand how to get Jinhsi into her mode
Fatui = Fractidus
Abyss = Threnodians
Celestia = Unknown for now
Archons/Qixing (Keqing) = Jinhsi
Seven Sovereigns (Dvalin/Neuvillete) = Jue
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there's a BP quest for it bwo
It'll go live midpatch.
I sent an email to ask for a breast enlargment, it will get fixed.
It's the best game mode, that shit should be weekly rewards.
The fucking ice wolves hits so hard, even bosses don't hit that hard
Where can shiny Clang Bang spawn?
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The newly teased characters look pretty fucking bad lmao
NPC-tier look asses
>hired BBC artist
Did they really?
>try playing Jinhsi in the overworld
>I'm bad and get wrecked, and it takes too long to fill up the combo
>go back to my comfy Rover/Encore/Verina team with Dreamless + Rider spam
Uh, maybe I should have tested her before rolling...
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Is this real chat?
dead game
>HSR and WuWa
5 minutes dailies games
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Look at the number of likes. We might be in trouble...
that's not very specific,
do you mean you don't know how to do her nuke? it's 4x NA then skill then 4x NA and skill.
I don't feel like explaining how to fill her meter to max the damage of the nuke go read it.
This games is going to be easy as shit once characters reach level 90, huh?
I did very good this UR since i'm finally syncro 301+, are you proud of me danchou?
This game is becoming boringer and boringer with each passing day...
it's joever...
>more furshit
>False advertising
Work everytime lel, people always too lazy to read
I get why people still defend Genshin having 4 years sunk cost but this is kinda sad
>Star of David
Because there's a lot of smug cunts like >>484080317 constantly saying the game is easy as shit
do you guys actually know what a puffy pussy looks like? google is literally free... theres no way you guys are thrown off at the sign of an incredibly fertile pussy shape. literal faggots itt...
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When are we ever gonna meet Calcharo in the story? I'm assuming 2.0 in the New Federation?
They added abby for nothing.
that tail is fucking gross tho
The ice wolf doesn't hit hard on paper, its just that most of its attacks shotgun at close range. You're not getting hit by one attack, you're getting hit by like...Three to five.
Yinlin Jinhsi sex
people using lvl 1 fedora man to help jinshi max her meter?
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Is Max-Resonance YangYang good bros? She get's some hefty improvements desu
yes sir
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The indonesian doomposter (singular intended) woke up again...
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That sounds like bad design. This new area reminds me of point lookout from Fallout 3 where the enemies unintentionally do way more damage than they should.
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[good news] Following the 1* reviewbomb from launch, Wuwa has gone from 4.2 * on bilibili to 5* out of 10 thanks to 1.1 and jinhsi
>can't missionary
>can't hit it from the back
what's the point
they're joking, anon...
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resist bad games
The WuWa killer
Bros, I am literally sweating and shaking in my seat thinking about the upcoming sensortower chart... How will we handle it if we can't even beat the Sigewinne? We'll be the gacha laughingstock...
do character have different size hit boxes? I know the lolis can fit in some places others can't.
Are the chinks bitching about the censor?
I'll level him properly, he's cool
There was a video floating around of a Fractsidus Artificer (the one with the gun) being unable to shoot Encore or Verina.
we can cope with pc sales like snowbreak
>not going for a tail hug doggy
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i know you're shitposting but I bought 2 100 dollar wuwa packs this morning even though I'm waiting for Changli so it could count towards our monthly revenue, im personally fighting against bullying
Don't shitpost using my wife.
Is the dragon still dying, or is it OK now and didn't want to run the government anymore
I leveled him to 40 so he can at least tank a hit
yeah bro, what if our firefly doesn't beat Sigewinne, I'm scared that everyone will laugh at us for hyping her up to high heavens
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>those replies saying how good the animation is
It's like jingling keys in front of a baby wtf
Maybe they learn their lesson for the next project, who knows.
This guy gets it.
Wait for Gamelook for a more comprehensive analysis and unironically cope. Tectone, Asmongold, and Stix are all shilling for us, so it's hard to fail here.
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>Seriously considering building Yuanwu now because I cannot get any good electro echoes for Yinlin
>I bought 2 100 dollar wuwa packs
yeah but you didn't buy it on mobile or whatever the fuck they track so it doesn't count lol.

Wuwa is doing well enough that kuro decided to expand the team of PGR. That's all you need to know
Yeah they are still mad about the censorship but regardless tho wuwa is very not liked in china
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i cant even tell if you fags are being ironic or not with the revenueposting anymore
Gacha games work best as side games anyway.
I dont mind working and grinding all the way to endgame, but if a mobile gacha expects me to spend more than 5-10 mins a day once im at endgame then thats retarded.
Might as well play an mmo at that point
>Hugging sandpaper shark skin while thrusting
Rip his skin.
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Yinlin havers stay winning
SEAhours, definitely not ironic
It's indog hours, extrapolate your own conclusions.
>look on reddit
>nothing but praise for abby being "paimon done correctly"

It's literally just an uglier paimon with a big ego, sure it talks less but honestly it's worse than paimon when it DOES talk
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I did it on mobile we are gonna win BIGLY
still dying
you need to breed jinhsi
Jue want to see her grand kids
What makes he good?
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>out of echo exp
WTF, i paid for Wuwa, not to make PGR grow...
she is hot
Her attack chaining
Don't forget your weekly ores before the reset
You crossed a line here tranime avatarfag.
Don't ever use Yumi for your abhorrent posts.
>Whaling on the google playstore so Google gets 30% cut
I applaud the commitment, but these megacorps fuck companies almost as much as users
>Oh wow you only make a few hundred millions? Haha failure
Why is gacha players like this now?
Wow a nice paimon poster
I am not using Reddit fedora man
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>anyone who uses anime reaction images is the schizo
apply yourself
>7 week patch followed up with a filler patch
we're unironically on the road to eos...

Ehh the dub isn't bad. It's arguably better than ours. Mihoyo typically has good EN dubs.
It makes sense when the gacha earns sub 1 million because there are legitimate concerns for eventual eos.
Shitposting about gachas earning past that though is retarded
why the FUCK would you not use the VPN trick
HSR is going to shit and piss in all the other gachas another month...
That's so cool bro, let's talk about it in depth here >>484066868
It's worse than paimon because it is directly tied to the player and our powers along with it not fitting in the setting of the game. Most of these mascots in these games are the same as they are all useless plush dolls who are secretly gods, I wish more gacha games took the moogle, Fou poogie approach instead of the Vryn and Paimon approach. Most of the faggots on reddit are coping because not even a month ago they were using the Wuwa's lack of a mascot as a shilling point.
>It's arguably better than ours.
Bwo... not really an accomplishment
Explain Girls' Frontline then. That game has been in the red for years.
I'm scared of being banned
I swear if Abby is the thing Camelia actually wants instead of Rover...
low maintenance + self-published
if ur using EN dubs you are sick in the head, the yinlin en dub sounds like a smoker pornstar
Fuck off.

Competition is good. Literally nothing bad can come from it.
it will EoS very soon
yes, it's good, fuck off and talk about in its relevant thread, off-topic tranny
>the wuthering waves ebb and flow
That one is made by a rich companies as personal hobby. And money laundering
>falling for the shitpost fear mongering
rumao we got one
Don't worry, Rover gonna get a Pkant tentacle blowjob anyway.
I honestly fear we are going to leave both Yangyang and Chixia behind once we leave Huanglong, Baizhi already gotten the boot.
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Time to spend your Waveplates on Tacet Fields.
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Post your Jinhsi if she's better. I dare you.

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do we know 1.2 banners
nigga she's fine
>crit DMG 218.4%
Will we dick down the cute evil hag with the eyepatch?
Sorry I can't make you feel better
I personally think this game will be good, maybe not the best of the best but it doesn't matter much. The story looks kinda casual, maybe slice of life, which is good because it's a breath of fresh hair from other gachas released recently (I'm not saying those are bad). I think the game itself will be more towards the casual side, demanding less time to grind than others but I still hope it will be fun and sometimes hard. I'm a veteran Honkai Impact 3rd and Punishing Gray Raven player, I also play Wuthering Waves and Honkai Star Rail so I hope this game will be at least decent compared to those and I am definitely going to try it, hoping for it to be worth my time since I play 6 gachas daily. Let me know what do you think of the game and your thoughts about the future
She is Scars cocksleeve
That's hardly a challenge lol, this is laughable
xiangli yao and zhezhi
>1387 DEF
Does anyone know why the conversation between Jinshi and Jue lasted like 20 minutes and was just them arguing in a circle and repeating the same things over and over? Was it bad translation where they just didn't want to do the rest of the dialogue or is the chinese dialogue also just as repetitive?
2138 attack? holy
Jue doesn't want Jinhsi to potentially die if things get fucked and is also conservative.
If things get fufcked only the local area gets fucked, which is still bad but its like 1/6 of the nation at most instead of all the nation.

Its also something that could be researched and potentially fixed since its ultimately another resonance calamity instead of some magic bullshit nothing has any relation to.

But its also making sure Jinhsi is going in without any punches pulled or doubts so she does her best because she needs to perform above and beyond.
Was leaked at launch to be Camellya and the one eyed freak. We're also going to the Black Shores so it makes sense.
>3 cost atk% brick
I seriously hope no one does this
I feel like I'm the only one focusing on crit rate.
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So after some testing, Jinhsi can definitely work with only 1 coordinated attacker supporting her. Yuanwu is the easiest but he has a low pay-off, Mortefi requires S4 and Yinlin requires a very strict rotation, but if you can keep her Forte up all the time, she is undisputedly the best. Since you only need one, this open up a third slot for a more focused support.
I've been trying out Taoqi at S0 with 220% ER and the Moonlit set, she can definitely work (sorry for doubting you Cowqi), but I'm still having trouble building her Concerto. Is there any other support/sub dps that can be slotted in, besides Verina of course.
Really wish it was out already. Didnt know how much i would enjoy that mode and i regret only trying it on the last day of 1.0 lol
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probably cause Jinhsi has some crit rate nodes, people are banking on those
2x ATK 3-cost
bro who and who
>but I'm still having trouble building her Concerto
And you always will even with Discord.
Can't teach a pig how to fly, that's just now how Taoqi is supposed to be played.
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What does energy do?
Is it the bar above HP
The bar to the left of HP
or ultimate gauge?
>2 homos
it's over
exactly lmao
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Yeah i only pull her and her sig because they are Meta. I don't like small tits characters at all
do not reply to
why not
Try out Sanhua, I wanna know how fast can her rotation be with her + Yuanwu
>do main story and get spectro wavebands through exploration
>then unlock havock and get wavebands for that
>new area suddenly switches back to giving spectro wavebands

Those are absolutely not worth the shell cost.
those are 4*
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truly for (You)
It is fine for now, later when we can get lv 90 weapon plus her crit rate nodes we should be 100% using the crit dmg 4 cost
you do get one havoc
tranime poster
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I'm going to try getting those 2 nodes so I can boost it up even further.

Even at 80% I feel like its too unreliable.
*shits in her mouth*
>/a/ Gojokek is not a hagfag
I was promised actual Rover X Jihnsi moments...
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Sex with evil women
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I wish for more wishes, madame Magistrate
>m*le Rover
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When it's too much of a hassle to switch to you gun character
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Do not pull for Jinhsi Sig if you have Jiyan Sig
They are very similar in power level
Cope tranny
This game is a chink power fantasy where you are the chosen one not a dating sim
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Doesn't work like that
Try again
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The story is kinda boring.
I would rather read a novel than this
is crit% main stat better on Jinhsi than critdmg%? because technically, since her damage is so stacked on her dragon-puke-nuke, it's more important to get it to crit more often instead of rely on critdmg for DPS? Like a boss may eat at most X amount in a fight.
How do people get folder with that name anyway? I also had that folder on the first week of the game. Now somehow windows made a separate folder for it.
Filter md5 and move on.
Chink emperors have harems
When we can max out our characters doing 80% + crit rate w/o the 4 cost should be doable just fine
kys ainigger
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But I want to be in a Wuxia harem
Flawed logic. You can attempt the boss as much as you want. On average you will have better performance with a 1:2 ratio.
My Jihnsi rocks r1 BP weapon..Maybe i should open lvl45 weapon selector and get her 5* broadblade? But then my crit rate is gonna get fucked
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I'm suing for false advertising, expect to hear from my lawyers
My meme Taoqi build must go on
Jinhsi's EN VA was cute
ignore the math trannies saying otherwise, your intuition is above all else
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oh fuck, that is very very steep
Is Changli going to die from the time barrier aging?
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Will they ever release a weapon that has DEF instead of ATK base stat?
Did they have something like that in PGR?
bros that 25 yellow mat paypig pack looking tempting
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Your wuwa pussy bro?
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Standard Banner Agents
- Von Lycaon
- Koleda Belobog
- Rina Sebastiane
- Nekomata Mana
- Soldier 11
- Grace Howard
kill yourself off topic nigger
I was really hoping the furry was going to be limited so he could never spook me
Brother... even the Helios at R1 is better than the BP weapon at R5. Just suck it up and get the 5* standard
Dude stop
Now show it in-game.
Gargle my balls furry faggot, go to your own thread
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The damage difference between Jinhsi Sig and Jiyan Sig is 17%.

Such a small difference is not worth a potential 10,000 astrites.
>furry in standard
guess i won't be playing
You get no crit rate at higher levels
>Furry pandering
>Censored NPC hoe
>Ok loli cat
>Bland and boring hammer girl
>NPC looking maid
Standard Banner Agents
-Big Boss
-Valeera Sanguinar
-Soldier 76
-Geese Howard
nigger thats not nearly the same at all
Cat sex
Kill yourself off-topic tranny nigger
they censored the cat thighs too btw
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When I can roll for her sure. In the meantime seethe over Changli's Chinese Cultivation Wank kino
You guys never answered my question... thats it im shit stirring all day tomorrow. You made me do this chat. I sleep now
>the furry is in the standard
>Look at the number of like
Mihoyo uses bots. Itto had >200k likes, more than Raiden at the time when male players still play Genshin
foolbro that 17% is worth 80 pulls
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Imagine losing 50/50 to furry pandering or one of the 2 censored Units. Odds are too high fuck that
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>Actually worked with lvl 40 reddit man
and lvl 1 moonlight echoes
Sweet now I can Yinlin for an actual electro dps in the future.
goodnight redditbros
>5 females
>1 male
crazy how low the male/female ratio is
good luck if you want to save in that game
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Sorry, both my LOOONGS need their weapons
that doesnt seem right
Is your jinhsi lv 80 maxed out ?
this is literally me lol
Wtf is that garbage animation? It's not even "soulful" level of garbage
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The ZZZ tab on HoYoPlay has updated
How loong is Jue's loong doong?
>autumntrace r5 less damage than r1
This isn't math, just random numbers
Talk about it in your thread tranny
Jesus fuck off retard, is your general so dead you have to spam your shit here?
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>Zesty Zoomer Zone
so many off-topic zenzeless zlop trannies today, are they having a pre-game melty because they're scared their game will flop come weekend?
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kek no even the cunny and clorinde clapped yinlin, jinshi didnt update yet but is looking grim, hsr absolutely buttfucked yinlin, clorinde is 7 btw so it went above yinlin by a lot despite anons pretending she did worse
Nicole is so fucking flat now
Ask Jinhsi
console release when
Can someone tell me in few words why Yuanwu is good for Jinhsi at low investment and will he work with other units in the future?
Dude fuck off. Go play wuwa or something.
Firefly bros, not like this...
Kill yourself tranny faggot, you have your own thread for your furshit
Wtf wuwakeks were saying Firefly flopped.... Why did she beat us?
yinlin got her sales splitted with greenman
Who is Jinhsi's JP VA? i feel like ive heard her before.
Is it Fern's VA?
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Lvl 70 but my luck on spectro echoes has been kind to me and this is with her sig. I was like 1 second away from missing the 3rd star but I don't have the cleanest gameplay either.
>switch in
>press E
>fuck off
>fastest gauge building for Jinhsi right now
>in few words
heal set and stacks
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there's a fly on your face
>literal who site with only 700 votes
lmao come on now, btw we know genshin revenue is massive on pc and consoles too, way more than star rail but even them dont go coping with pc figures
Changli's obscene body saved the game
good, Wuwa should only be "succesful enough"
it should never ever get the amount of success genshit had, this way we can avoid the CCP and continue to have Changli tier characters.
we need to strive to be like Blue Archive where John Nexon kneels to the playerbase.
I mean with that crit rate you are gambling the while run
Yes, it's around 3% better at S6R5.
If you're not S6R5, then 43311 is better.
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17% is not worth 10,000 astrites.
I just fought a boss using a quest provided Jinhsi and holy shit, did they give us C6R5 for the fight, or something? At point point I used her skill when it was glowing yellow and she summoned a dragon that did like 150k damage with a single beam hit. Holy fucking shit, what?
I don't understand why people compare Jihnsi to Ayaka, Jihnsi doesn't have romantic interactions with Rover.
Is it because they're the same prim and proper girl type?
bitch isn't saving anything
>romantic interactions
>in Genship
>Only high end phone niggas can play the game on mobile and it still pulled that much
Mihoyo drones mind explaining this to me ?
You want close to 100% crit rate for reliable damage. That's important.

If your ult does not crit then your numbers are not as big so it means you are not doing enough damage and you can't clear tower. You want big numbers, right?
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i think it's because they're meant to fall in the same archetype of prim and proper jade beauty. Thing is, my wife has an actual brain and actually wore boots so her socks won't get wet.
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Nikke is a good tier too
Pulling alot of money while go under censorship radar
I don't need trannies from HSR and genshin to plauge this game
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Jinhsi the Rock!
Based retard
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You don't even know how the site works that you're using. When two rate-ups are going on, they just split the revenue between the two, so while Yinlin and Jiyan were up at once, half of Yinlin's revenue went to Jiyan's on that site.
I see. I didnt know off field characters gave active characters faster energy recharge
Not energy, Incandescence stacks
>indogs still here
If I have dragon guy's weapon, I don't need to waste pulls on Jinshi's own, right?
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the scaled magistrate speaks the truth
Who do you think 4chan is for, exactly?
Yeah only 10ish% increase
Good. Changli's funds are safe then.
Camellyabwos, when exactly will we get her? 1.2? 1.3? Or even later than that?
I really want to get her and her sig, will skip Changli if I have to.
I always forgot Jinzhou is a backwater city
I prefer the right.
I also wish they'd tone down the "jiggle" on Baizhi and Taoqi and soon Changli. They literally bounce around all over the place when the character isn't even moving. It's like they're independent organisms writhing around in their shirt.
reminder that male Rover is canon
Earliest 1.3
Sound files are pointing to an ice hag and a gunner dps for 1.2
Prob 1.2 but that patch is 7 weeks away anyways
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Even the sun looks like a tacet mark, neat
It's a bug bro.
no drip marketing yet so who knows
That's a dog
>sig only 19% better than standard
>only 16% better than jiyans sig
Why is Jinshis weapon so bad?
Walking around the world with camellya and changli is gonna kill my ability to do anything but coom.
autumntrace doesnt work on her broski
Oh shit, you're right.
>40% better then R5 4*
>Almost all sigs are around 15-20% better then standard
So are you guys using a crit rate Jue or something? I don't really want to go back to the mines and don't have a lot of tuners right now. Honestly I'm pretty satisfied with her stats right now.
Who cares about 4* when the standard weapons are so accessible retard
>So accessible
>Costs 75 pulls
not with this standard pull economy
Changli? Yes.
Camellya looks like shit. No idea why you fags hype you as you do. Every girl (including YOU) is better looking than her.
whoever our writer is, its just the anti-fat xiao
1.1 starts off weak with not-paimon but becomes better over time and ends on a good note.
unlike fat xiao who starts strong and ends horrible.
I was memeing. Don't actually do that.
For some reason there's a bunch of retards that think higher crit rate% = more reliable because their ults are more likely to crit. When in fact they do significantly less damage when they do crit. It all averages out to 1:2 ratio being the best.
Why is there a bell icon here? It's to the right of the rearguard base.
>spend 10k jims
>only 20% boost
yes, only
when should i use these? ul 50?
skinny xiao?
Why is this thread so slow? We're a new game and we just got a new patch in?
dragon 100%
Zoomiebro . . .
>free at ul45
>there have been enough for 2 weapon pities so far
Yes they are accessible if you bricked yourself rolling for characters when we got a ticket that’s on you desu
No bro crit dmg Jue is the one you want for her end build.
I just happen to get lucky on my crit rate Jue and is what i run but i will change her for crit dmg eventually, Point being for crit dmg to be worth it you need crit rate to be as consistent as it can get and that for me is on around 80%
You're both insufferable morons. Firstly, the potential currency cost is irrelevant and secondly, "zoomiebro" isn't just a lame attempt at an insult, it's a complete non sequitur. Dickheads like you ruin social forums.
>When in fact they do significantly less damage when they do crit
Critting deals less damage than not critting...?
>you bricked yourself rolling for characters
First gachabro . . . .
>complaining about insults in 4chan of all places
Back to where you belong, zoomie redditard
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ok you say yinlin banner combined with jinyan? here is the jinyan numbers, clorinde clapped them together if is like you say and boothill clapped everyone, sigewinne still has 16 days left on the banner and already surpass jinyan and yinlin, whats the excuse now? jinshi numbers looking low not gonna lie
Bro your blue character got clapped by a male banner that was going to get power creep the next patch ... Genshin is truly dead
kek stop deflecting is the same company retard, why moving goalposts and trying to make it a hoyo vs hoyo, you claim yinlin and jinyan combined right?, wuwa literally killed pgr, the game die in viewership and revenue since wuwa came out
>i feel like ive heard her before
because japs just have like 5 voice actors and reuse them in EVERYTHING
but then the numbers should be the same
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>5 in stock

Can someone confirm if they restock daily? If not, maybe weekly?...
Ayaka vs jinhsi
Who will wins in :

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