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Previous: >>484071974

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


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>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
As late as possible, UL60 is best.
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Wuwa? Wawu?
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If you could only pick one, who would be your favorite character wros?
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>Yuanwu is actually good
>Yuanwu is good

you can't be fucking serious
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But Changli ranks very high since 1.1
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Unironically the only interesting character
Jinhsi and Changli aren't bad either I guess
when is wuwa getting a pole dance stream
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It is time
Why is there a bell icon here? It's to the right of the rearguard base.
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segso with chixia
Need EoS tier revenue for that so maybe 4 years
>There are people still putting standard rolls into the standard character banner instead of the standard weapon banner
Do you really want to get Lion'd again that badly?
Why do people say "jade like beauty"? Jades are ugly
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>the bp claymore literally doesn't work on jinshi
nice fucking game
must roll weapons with zero alternatives
She's going to travel the world with us right?
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I'd even go as far as to say that all the beginner/novice banners are a scam. Since ideally you want 2 of the 5* swords and 1 5* gun.
>Jinzhou speedster
>Leaving Jinzhou
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then wtf is jinhsi's 4* weapon if you're a dolphin poorfag?
Is it worth building my S6 Danjin (which I got unwillingly)? Since she will easily get powercrept by S0 5* I'm worried she might not have any use aside from being a subpar DPS in the future.
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>Yuanwu is meta
>Since ideally you want 2 of the 5* swords
Just because most good characters uses sword doesn't mean you have to get two of those, you're going to get a sword that is better than standard 5* someday you might as well just collect all weapon types first
standard 5*
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Please anon... take Chixia's secret sauce so you can always think of her...
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I thought Jinhsi is for you? Why does it feel like the narrative is pushing Jinhsi and Changli together then?!
the comments saying jinhsi feels bad to use for overworld must be retarded falseflags.

anyway has anyone done calcs on Changli? shes literally playable in the game.
Not really though. He works with one character, and there are plenty of alternatives. He's just a f2p alternative without taking away someone like Mortefi from your other team.
Most good characters use broadblade
The sword RN is only good on havoc rover
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if you're a metafag? no.
if you play want you want or just to enjoy? Yes. Doing a no-damage run on Holograms is kinda fun.
Do we have any confirmation who is gooing to be in the main cast cause I assumed it was going to be the three starter girls?
The one with the BIGGEST front
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You did get her weapon right?
>Why does it feel like the narrative is pushing Jinhsi and Changli together then?!
Teacher does not have sex with students. Thats called grooming
It's been less than a week and I'm already out of content. They should have added more content to this patch
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That's also a valid approach. It's just that I have 4 sword users and 1 broadblade user (who doesn't want the 5* standard broadblade).

I don't really enjoy Danjin I think, it's hard to say without building her. Does this look like the account of a metafag to you?
Why is R5 Autumntrace less damage than R1
I still regret randomly doing 20 rolls on the character select banner that takes 80 damn pulls. I dont know what i was thinking at the time. 5* Weapon is worth way more than a 3rd 5* character
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Damn... I wanted to have a crit rate weapon so I don't have to tryhard so much on the echos...
>Teacher does not have sex with students.
weak mindset
I can smell you from here
>using a ramp up like Jinhsi in overworld
Unless you're rocking c2, you're better off using characters that can one shot mobs on their own.
>Finally got enough rolls to guarantee Encore (had to use my ticket to guarantee Verina)
>Got Taoqi mid way
>Try her out
>She's got built in "parry" mechanics and Def dmg scaling
>Got very interested
>My Sekiro withdrawals start kicking in
>Play her for hours
>Invested a lot in her to test how tanky she can be
>Start soloing solo bosses with her
>Invest even more in her to increase her dmg
>Forgot I still had to level up Encore
>Actually out of capsules after leveling up Taoqi
Against all odds a cunnyfag like myself became a cowtit main...
Cowtitsgods, I kneel...
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>randomly rolled jinshi early when I actually want changli
>now feel like I have to roll her weapon too because there are no alternatives
no one's stupid enough to roll the standard banner surely, but novice and beginner ate most of the rolls for lucklets already. although they should have skipped those too if they weren't retarded
This game is becoming boringer and boringer with each passing day...
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you dont need omega 200k nukes for trash mobs, I do have her sig tho
I heard showering is interesting, ESL bro.
Pretty much this, I'm not sold on him being the "best" option but I've been trying him out since I have no good electro echoes for Yinlin at all. Yuanwu is also is much easier to play with and needs very little investment.
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>Yuanwu is unironically meta
go back.
>Lvl 1 Baizhi
Brickest bricked account i've seen so far
>first time gacha players are falling for 5* gacha weapons
Every damn time.
Hilarious though, please keep doing it.
Nah, this is your Genshin PTSD speaking. Weapons in wuwa are a priority before constellations.
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>there are no pharmacies, kitchens or blacksmiths in Hongzhen
I don't wanna go back to Jinzhou bros, I wanna stay in comfy winterland
are you using genshin as a base? cuz I have some news for you bwo
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bros wtf happen is jinshi really that low? how did that cunny slug beat yinlin she still has like half a month left on the banner, we still dont know how jinshi numbers will keep up later but is looking grim, is everyone saving for changli?
Baizhi's ass and thighs are fucking PERFECT
shit man
Will be getting changli, but skipping her weapon.
Yes, I do have razor
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Just get lucky sis :D
>rolling cons
You've failed twice now
I literally can't see anything crownless does while playing jinhsi how the fuck am I supposed to dodge
I don't build boring characters
Stopped playing it months ago.
>Weapons in wuwa are a priority before constellations.
No one even brought up Constellations.
Standard banner is still gacha, bro.
Dreamless is just too comfy for the overworld, I'm not swapping out havoc rover.

This has to be wrong or not updated yet. No way JInhsi did that much worse than Yinlin.
wutards geting angery because they got told that their gaem is bull shit
>same studio as wuwa
how come they can't make good shit like these anymore?
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assuming you played regularly or semi-regularly and only built 4 characters, you probably have enough mats to play around and try them out. The 4* weapon she uses can also be crafted so it's not really a hassle to try her out if you want to try something new. She also works well with Havoc rover. Just create a buncha inhalers and you'll be set.
Go out of here, shitter.
because the passive doesnt work
trust me bro
i am really good at math :)
true rover and danjin double dreamless is satisfying and ez aoe nukes
Is there echo preset now?
mt. flopmament fucking flopped
all this effort, all this shilling, meaningless...
it was updated today, jinshi didnt appear before today on the list, hopefully it goes up but firefly absolutely mogged both games together, theres some anon posting a dumb graph with one day sales to cope about the total revenue lmao
Building characters to "try them out" is a surefire way of bricking yourself. Also I have the 5* standard sword, wouldn't that be better on her?
That's not even the topic being talked about.
Well yeah, roughly 0 people expected wuwa to outsell firefly. At least it seems like we can compete with Genshin's shittier banners.

Prime pajeet and SEAdog hours.
go back trannies.
Well if the genshits fuck off than maybe we can delete Abby.
Damn, wuwakeks said Firefly flopped but she outsold Jiyan+Yinlin+Jinshi too....
it's wuwover...
The JP market does not matter. Show CN sales
Rounding error maybe. Stop being anal about it.
It's a shit weapon for Jinhsi is all that you need to know.
Bro you are delusional if you think Wuwa can pull HSR numbers
HSR make triple the amount Genshin make
>being this retarded
You still want 5* in the end. There's no magical 5* that just drops in the overworld or crafted.
I still don't care about metrics that don't include PC.
Its so tiresome having to scroll through all the shit at this point. Is there a way to filter someones post based on IP?
I didn't expect HSR to do way better than Genshin consistently when I first played it last year, kinda weird because I thought people don't give a shit about 4 niggas in a row anymore.
I wonder how successful ZZZ will be.
now that 1.1 flopped and wuwa entered eos territory, we are going to zzz, right?
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Hmm... I wouldn't really know I'm a bit of a dolphin so I have a lot of spare mats to play with.
The 5* standard sword is of course gonna be better, plus the double dreamless spam between rover and danjin is bretty good.
Another decent argument is if you're not planning to pull banners any time soon it can kinda be useful anyway to build at least 2 teams for ToA. Given that we know that rover gets resonance chain sequences as the story naturally progresses anyway it's not bad to build the 2nd team around him.
pc gaymers don't spend money on games, only on overpriced gpus
errr bro, WuWa number one revenue is JP, CN is not spending more than US and JP lmao, CN revenue already took a nose dive since release.
we are going to nikke
Yeah for sure bro. Lets talk about it in that thread since its off topic here
>I thought people don't give a shit about 4 niggas in a row anymore.
4 nigs is way easier on the phone.
ZZZ unironically looks like shit. Combat is the only thing that shows promise. I really hope ZZZ flop hard so hoyo can just focus on genshin instead.
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I hope we flop hard enough to get stuff like this
It's the only genre that you can play on your phone. I don't know how anyone plays shit like wuwa or genshin, it must be torture.
yup, i called this since beta, wuwa was too hard to play on mobile and pc niggers barely spend money on gachas, wuwa doesnt have a console release either and samsung revenue is 3 times lower than appe so at this point wuwa is depending on apple only revenue and pc
Yeah I don't think our playstyles align. I hate playing havoc Rover so I wouldn't build him. Looks like my Danjin will stay useless.
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Too many people holding for Changli
I just want one scene where we hug jinhsi..
>being THIS retarded
No shit you want a 5* weapon.
The question is, can you afford it? Is it worth it?
Most people who decided they should roll weapons over characters at this point in the game will definitely regret it within one year.
Obviously, rolling signature weapon for your favorites is fine.
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i know you shouldnt stick your dick in crazy, but what if dick can fix her?
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kino kino
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Imagine Changli doing that with her milkers ToT
GF2 didn't recover tho, i heard snowbreak is doing much better
I really like all the cinema shit they put in the cutscenes desu
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>seanigger hours
>hoyoshills in full force damage controlling
Do you get paid to shill or do it for free?
the dating like system they show (persona) looks promising if they did add CG or cutscenes, im a fucking bitch for those games not gonna lie, gotta wait and see the endgame because the more we get close to it in wuwa everything is looking easy as fuck, the difficulty was coming from overleveled enemies but tower already feeling like abyss in genshin and im not even max level yet, im expecting the same difficulty from endgame as genshin and is going to be a huge meme.
Yeah but it doing this well is still somehow unbelievable.
I guess 4 niggas in a row can still be relevant somehow in 2020s.

Focus how?
Genshin won't improve significantly just because ZZZ somehow flopped.
HSR is the one that get all the cool toys.

Genshin is less painful than Wuwa and works fine if you have high spec phone, Wuwa on phone is just a show of masochistic tendencies though.
Shame. I'd play a global version
you don't recover from being cucked
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I don't *NEED* Jue for my Jinhsi, do I...? He's not THAT much better than Aix, right...?
Jue could be +0 and be better than a +25 mourning aix
Imagine having bricked account
For Spectro Rover you could consider. But for Jinhsi you want Jué
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>mfw I've never played GF so in GF2 I'm the one doing the cucking and not the other way around
Aix buff is better overral but Jue is a summon, so it doesn't break your combo and it does more damage all things considered
Back to the mines you go
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Yeah it's the least I could do for my wife
>dating like system
I don't know anything about this but since it's Hoyo it's probably just going to be 2 other characters interacting with each other while you sit in the cuck chair and just watch.
I heard the dating shit was platonic and even the P5 mobage dating system is better.
>GF2 didn't recover tho
Well deserved to be honest
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I suggest you build chixia instead since you already built Cowqi and she has skill deepen.
You have to be next level retard to actually buy into that narrative.
Show that to any normal person and see if they don't laugh at the pure autistic power of those chinks trying hard to get cucked in their own headcanon
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Yay good cope piece
I will now farm for 1000 hours for a BiS Jue
Just use both lol
>wuwa is eosing
>zzz Will flop
>genshin is literally dying as we speak
>nikke doesn't have cunny
>snowfield and gfl are too irrelevant
if only we had a good gacha to play, a Blue one I must say, one that Archives all the good things...
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fuck my (pseudo) daughter Rover.
BA flopping every months though...
Bro your HSR?
Also Nikke does have cunny, but there's very few of them and they're mostly irrelevant.
It's a Korea game though, so it's pretty much expected.
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she's brutish
Only if this one gets to join too
but we have honkai thoughever?
Lion furry femboy is absent on good account
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Snowbreak is even optimizing their feet models for anniversary. At least for 1 character but even then they'll probably update it for all of them in the future.
I've been playing HSR for a month and I'm extremely bored of it by now, far moreso than Genshin or Wuwa. SU and its clones are simply not any fun to me, and that's basically 90% of the game.
No way, fag. I'm loyal to my wife Changli.
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Wuxia-godlad(me) is so cool
wtf do I use the new blue rocks for? Crafting doesn't show anything that uses it.
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weird how wuwa engagement works, 2.9m views video with only 60k likes and 3.5k comments? i was checking multiple games and this is unheard off with that viewership, zzz with 6 times less views is already near wuwa on likes and comments, considering jinshi mogged everyone on views and somehow is doing really bad in revenue i know were kuros budget went lmao bots, is that or people went watching with no interest in the game you tell me.
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My current wishlist:
>an option to swap between male and female MC
>exit to desktop button
>echo quickswap presets
>further optimization of the overall performance of the game
>add an unlocked framerate option
>get rid of camera fuckery, also fix rectifier targeting it's still a mess, everything related to the camera and targeting is a mess
>add a layered map to the previous locations
>add an accessory that would work like the casket finder that would point you to the nearest treasure (i currently have 100% in each zone and I'm missing 25 treasures in the achievement)
>implement something like in-game clans or guilds
>keep working on better localization and go back to fix the previous mess
>allow for tracking multiple echo enemies to establish your own guided in-game farming routes
>a feature for tracking herbs and other ingredients
>implement a better photography mode for taking cool screenshots
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Rover. will serve your will.
Eh, SU and DU are mostly just padding.
MoC, PF and AS are where it's at.
But I guess for a newfag they're way too hard.
I hate that there is unironically 0 defense against HSRchuds...
I know it might seem dumb to point this out, but there are Encore mains in this general that haven't noticed so I'm just going to say it. I like how Jue makes an infinity symbol with it's body.
I would be more exited about it if they let you swap those ugly hospital looking ass models you get in the dorms
So does Shenron
photo mode should just pause the game
I have a full Firefly team from the current banner, so the difficulty is not a problem, aside from not having a second team for the recurrent endgame stuff. I can clear 1 side of PF/MoC/AS each just fine. It's just that autoplay 4 niggas in a row gameplay is sleep inducing after the novelty of various blessings wears off.
they are the beloved child, its simply not fair...
Blue archive refuses to release their more popular characters for whatever reason.
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that's exactly what >>484085985 was talking about lmao, go back
The more you edge the bigger the splurt
hagbreak doesn't have cunny either
>an option to swap between male and female MC
>echo quickswap presets
>further optimization of the overall performance of the game
>get rid of camera fuckery, also fix rectifier targeting it's still a mess, everything related to the camera and targeting is a mess
>implement a better photography mode for taking cool screenshots
I only like to see those, also higher drop rate for yellow materials in forgery bullshit
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'Loner hot women' are a archetype i enjoy, althrough her arc is generic
Listening to Panhua's embarrassing stories about little Maxiaofang!
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i mean after firefly clapped wuwa and genshin so hard is impossible to come back, wukeks keep pretendign she was a flop and would lose somehow to jinshi lmao her revenue is looking grim, even worse than yinlin, how much you bet the new cope is chanli will do it this time for sure
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>so the difficulty is not a problem
It's absolutely a problem because the statcheck is even more relevant in HSR than in Genshin and WuWa.
Not to mention the limited amount of characters you have.

>I can clear 1 side of PF/MoC/AS each just fine.
Yeah right, definitely not higher floors.

>It's just that autoplay 4 niggas in a row gameplay is sleep inducing after the novelty of various blessings wears off.
Well it's just not for you I guess.

go back pajeet, don't mess up our clean streets.
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riddle me this fag, why would rich people play on a phone
What the fuck are you even talking about? Pagfly flopped hard.
>1.2 will be 2 male banners back to back
>wukek calling others jeets when he doesnt even spend on his game
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Can we take a moment to appreciate how good the soundtrack was this patch? It's such a massive improvement over 1.0
rich people is the one with 1500$ phones and playing in them, poor fags only own a pc and spend everything on pc, this has always been th case have you seen actual rich people irl? none of them own pcs and only cars + stupidly expensive phones, multiple of them, why do you think phone collabs sell out in minutes, they barely do pc case and pc accessory collabs compared to selling iphones or samsungs with hsr/genshin designs.
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Rememer the shill doing all of this for free
god i hope so i can save for Camellya + weapon after Changli sucks me dry
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>wuwa a f2poor friendly genshin
>not full off pajeets and seaniggers
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ok /wuwa/ do i explore desorock or gorilla jungle today
Or you're going to pull an Arknights where one of the most popular character in the game turn into literal who
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Nyooo it's my shit keyboard i swear
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ah yes wuwa the white men game am i right lmao
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I really like the soundtrack this time around, sometimes I just pace around and look at the scenery while listening to it. I actually get annoyed when I need to beat up some boss or do something outside Mt. Firmament
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Wtf are you supposed to do after 100% the new area?
us, Remember that we once lived.
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No wonder Hoyoshills infested this place
Best villain in the entire franchise
Will Wuwa ever reach this tier of kino?
rememer us...
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Goon to Changli
nothing, back to the farms the new map was a fucking joke it was tiny as fuck
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Same bwo, going back to the previous locations is awful, I just want to hang around and do stuff in the firmament. I also use the town in there as my main hub to afk or do stuff around. It has cooking, synthesis and a healing waypoint, that's good enough for me. Yesterday I went to the pretty basement area and I sat down a chair for a few hours with my Jinhsi
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Bennet of wuwa
First, you take a shower, then you start complaining about the game having no content, then you uninstall and get mad and shitpost here every day until EoS
okay now that we are going the PGR ways banners making less and less money how long until we get into comfy zone where everyone leaves but the ones that actually like the game
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For every ZZZ shitpost, i will buy a 100$ pack
>we want the Makima audience
Changli can't come soon enough
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probly not, hard to top perfection, remember wow players saying no game could ever build a villain in one expansion coping to their current shit story? and they got buckbroken by ff14 doing exactly that before shadowlands even launched kekw
>the ones that actually like the game
What does this even mean?
What is the metric of someone who like the game?
I can't come in Changli soon enough
where my 2k astrite from video entry?
>he lost
I will play your game when coomers leave
but people left PGR for wuwa already, the game died when wuwa launched, it went to 4 viewers on twitch on good days 0 sometimes.
Did you actually top 10?
as expected for f2poor friendly game lmao
as a PGR player wuwa was a letdown soundtrack fucking sucks
i'm just shitposting
no worries
>1300 5* tuners
>zero echo xp
Nice system
How come Dragonspine that is 4 years ago is larger than this new map?
Makima a shit. Changli has better looks and personality.
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What were they thinking? They could have make more money but noooo they have to give whales less reason to spend
yeah supposedly they are finally bringing vanguard but thats a bit too late, what did wuwa do with their 200m budget? translations are ass and music sucks too let alone the story, is literally double genshins budget in 1.0, how is kuro an indie company
This game's biggest structural weakness is the soundtrack i'd say
All the music is generic technoshit, which is bizarre since PGR actually has good music
Why didn't Jue brought back the mother too???
Any leaks for 1.2?
I hope that this is because they're bringing purchasable skins to wuwa by the dozen in the following patches.
Havoc Rover or Danjin?
He's only into cunny
It's over.....
She you fucking retard
>muh sales
you've been trying way too hard in the last thread seapag, is reddit ignoring you or something?
no kidding, zzz going great with the music already bringing big names on the scene for their style, you think wuwa can salvage it with vanguard? supposedly they were full at the time thats why they didnt get into it, if they do i wonder if thell replace existing shit bgm to match the new themes
Jue wanted a daughter.
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>they let us turn purple tuners in to gold
>but can't use empty echos as exp
what did they mean by this
Say that to his massive dragon doong
>3 more weeks
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Will we ever have stuff like guilds? Like they have in PGR which is just extra content.
it is.... specially with indogs keeping this thread alive not even wuwa posts, grim
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Ngl this song was kinda bussin'
>literally grandma voice on all language
>B-but Futa...!
Don't matter, female
>zzz going great with the music already
>hip hop dogshit
zzz more like pag pag pag
Is havoc Rover really stronger than Danjin S6? Feels bad having a 4* delegated to a very specific support role by the MC
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>zzz flopping before evem comimg out
>hoyoshills crawling out of their sewers to defend their corporate overlords
They do it fo free btw
yeah i really like it
What could he mean by this
Bulge or Boob?
Yes and s6 rover will mog all your s0 limited btw
I'm not interested in this game but I just got that as a suggested video and I think it looks absolutely horrible
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Jinshi doesn't want to come, only Danjin.
So was most of the things Jue said a lie just to motivate Jinhsi into the right path?
>freezing the city in time
>dying soon
>zzz going great with music
>Nyanners rapping
Make it less blatant shill
What even are their threads like anyway? I'm too lazy to lurk
my man they had a literal opening video with daftpunk at home, sure theres hip hop themes too but most music aint it, is a combination of themes actually fitting the environment, we know hoyo is known for doing good music, a shame kuro didnt do what PGR did with the music, is literally one of the highlights of PGR
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You can synthesize echo XP
But it's not worth the shell cost
Does taoqi have any support like features?
jinshi s0 is better than rover thoughbeit
There is still time for reroll.
You can do it.
fast and easy shield, resonance deepen.
>dying soon
>literally just fucks off somewhere else
I'm calling bullshit on this one, ain't no way there's something like a permanent wound when lizards are known to regenerate lost limbs
they actually talk about the game instead of shitting on wuwa lmao go check them out hsr genshin and zzz dont talk about wuwa at all on their threads
>hurr outro buffs X so just use Y
I swear /wuwa/ is so retarded when it comes to team building
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why cant this game do 4-komas for their media contents like normal instead of cringekino live-action
more effective and much cheaper
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her shields can help your other dps not get 1-shot if you dont dodge a single attack, using bell+energy/healing 5set as well as her outro skill can make your jinhsi do alot more damage too
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I hecking love merging echos
Holy shit let me do 20 at once you niggers
Yeah its crazy, almost like people from here are chill and dont bother to shit post and drama bait in other threads. Cant say the same about Hoyoshills
Why can't I unlock database 21? I saw people unlocking it before union 50 but now it says you need union 50?
That may be true. But at least havoc Rover is D tier in terms of fun, so I'd never build her anyway.
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they spend their development budget programing bigger packages instead of fixing the fucking game, after 1.1 i got motion blur activating every time i teleport and cursor staying on screen till i restart the game and happens again randomly
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who's this and why is she alone in the mountain?
>zoomers think this is good
no way...
she's the 2nd best support for Jinhsi
>whos the best
Verina, but every single team wanst Verina.
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I tried to read through all of the story and from what I got, jue and jinhsi clashing was suppose to respark jue's deteriorating powers but I could be wrong. Lorechads correct me.
>hoyoshills doesn't start shit in their own generals
oh wow crazy what's next einstein
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They made a couple of NPC playable in PGR, I hope they do the same in WW...
think about it, even without hoyoshills theres people here claiming they beat hsr or genshin on a daily basis without actual data to prove it lmao thats rare there, you would think they are shitting wuwa in hoyo threads all day but no mention of it at all, maybe 1-3 comments in an entire thread
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>>zzz flopping before evem comimg out
But it has the most pre-reg number ever
Is that supposed to be "good" music?
Brick-sama... shouldn't have taken that shower...
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>short haired
>just an npc
If something says incoming character, is it talking about when a character uses an intro skill or just when they're switched in?
>is good when PGR does it
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while they're at it, let us rank up with weapon dupes 5 at a time too.
>she's the 2nd best support for Jinhsi
she's not
you fell for a meme
team building goes beyond "hurr durr outro buff damage!!!"
>battle anime arena
bound to flop, that genre is boring and ZZZ doesnt do anything wildly unique or different.
it wont eos because those games costs peanuts to maintain as Action Taimanin devs said <100k was more than enough to keep the game going.
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This dude was so hard to kill he kept 1 shotting me everytime i didnt dodge one of his attacks!
How do i get more inhalers i used some of them on this guy
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Can anyone answer?
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Why are you laughing stupid Jiyan's onahole
Are the echos you receive always random or can you do certain recipes to get specific drops?
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Have they restored the boobs jiggle yet?
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Like hell they don't, /gig/ and /hsrg/ are two of the most unusable generals on this site
with the Yuanwu tech tho, she could be viable. Yuanwu already fills all of Jinhsi's forte needs, the 38% skill deepen is quite bigly.
>I saw people unlocking it before union 50
That was a bug
It was always intended to have a union level 50 requirement on it but the devs forgot to turn it on
Now the bug has been patched.
To unluck database 21 go level ur union to 50
Niggas say the same thing about HSR and it's now doing better than Genshin.
>4 niggas in a row
>turn boring strategy
>big names
>still shit
You really want to duke it out with PGR of all gacha games? When that fucking game barely has any income but mogs ZZZ in nearly every aspect? Don't fucking die on that hill, it'll be shameful as hell mate.
Spoiler warning
Thats actually Mortefi and Chixias cousin. Neither of them know they are related until they realize they have a mutual family member
No because she sucks at concerto no matter what you do. Verina will be miles better in that team comp.
then you were retarded for believing them because the highest grossing gacha before genshit was FGO.
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>Nooo my billion dollar company make more than your billion dollar company EOS EOS EOS
Did saleposting start when Genshin join the gacha industry?
This whole thing is fucking stupid man, what a bunch of losers
it does well were it matters, parasocial relationships with your mates, music is good, combat good enough for doing daily shit but easy to do, why do you think nikke naruto fgo do so well? their gameplay suck ass and is easy to do daily, same with hsr and genshin, hard games dont do well in the long run people get tired of stressing out every day, is fine if is a weekend like elden ring but not to play all year, dailies in wuwa are annoying as fuck and fields take too long for a daily chore
What if I have Verina on another team that needs her more?
>jinhsi flopped
>firefly flopped
Where does the money go?
Wow, this is dogshit.
Thats awesome bro. Frankly we dont care what happens in other threads. Some people have play both games and enjoy them but most of the time the shit talk comes from some people replying to some Hoyoshill posting bait Sales charts or view counts and other stupid shit
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Electro bonus bruh.
I dont have any electro units...
whats better to upgrade at ul 50, weapon to lvl 80 or get character skills to lvl 7?
>it does well were it matters, parasocial relationships with your mates, music is good, combat good enough for doing daily shit but easy to do
every single anime battle arena has this, its not unique to ZZZ.
name a single battle arena in history that isnt middle of the pack
how do you know it mogs zzz? game isnt even out yet, pgr already fall into obscurity with wuwa coming out, most of its playerbase went to wuwa
Skills to level 8 first5
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I only started yesterday, but I'm a BIG fan of Baizhi and the Sephiroth looking guy
If they still haven't fixed it by the time Changli comes out, I might uninstall the game for good. What's the point of big boobs if they don't jiggle?
The red mobs are like that in the beginning. Have fun.
You can craft more inhalers or buy in the shop in the city.
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More like
Oppaizhi hehe...
She's le sadistic or some shit idk
>turtle side-quest has the music minigame
>dont want to complete it cause the songs pretty fuckin good
>complete it, cant fucking find anywhere on youtube about the side-quest so I cant re-listen to it whenever I want
Baizhi would probably do better than Taoqi
Or Jianxin because Jinhsi likes grouping in lower floor of tower
More like Baizuri
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Where should they place her tacet mark? She'd need a costume change of course, to accomodate the tacet mark placement.
DJ Tiesto alone sold me https://youtu.be/8tIgN7eICn4?t=87
the OST is gonna be godly
Where were you when redditman won?
Nope is still censored although it is weekend as well so maybe tomorrow we will now whats going on
Don't listen to retards. Priority is ALWAYS character level > weapon level > skills.
From a purely gameplay point it's gonna pander hard to casuals and shitters, since the "combat" is just mashing 1 button and you don't even need to dodge cause there's auto parry and the bosses are just stationary hp sponges that only spam 1 attack
People that says zzz combat is "better" than wuwa are just shitters that got filtered and want braindead combat
>Where should they place her tacet mark?
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>Lord Arbiter
ayo nigga who
Loli with womb tacet mark. Do it Kuro, you won't.
You'll get a kiss on Changli's companion quest.
Bro didn't resupply his shop, GG.
what if they did one with exposed back, tacet mark tramp stamp
Wouldn't whales just top up on the pc website instead of the in game mobile store now for less clicks/vpn? Why do we still care about data metrics only on mobile again?
yeah, i didnt expect that at all but they went all in, we know they keep the best themes for the game and never showcase them like all the voval themes in hsr and genshin, no one saw cocolia boss fight having vocals till release so i expect some bangers.
there is 0 reason to start ZZZ when PGR, HI3 or Aether gazer exist desu, dunno why hoyo tried to cannibalize HI3 genre
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Solo Leveling
Isn't HI3 stale as fuck ?
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hi3 is already dead and buried, why wouldn't they?
Music alone can't save a game sadly. But I do like hoyo soundtracks.
The anime still flop though, loser!
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So glad that HSR outselff genshit... Fuck em giggers!
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who do i believe...
On her womb of course
What if they made one with a facet mark on the inside of her butt check and she had to walk araund naked for easy access and spread her cheecks to unleash her abilities
Not even the same shit, retard.
FGO has no safety net at all.
You can go all the way to 300 rolls with 0 copy of the rate up servant.
That's how they make fuckton of money.
The gameplay is absolutely braindead and they won't ban you from using external app to clear everything.

Exactly why the people saying ZZZ is going to flop are just coping.
>The sword RN is only good on havoc rover
Bwo your sanhua?
>level weapon
>all of your skills get stronger
>level skill
>only one skill gets stronger
Sung Jinwoo I kneel
Second anon
real whales dont care about that, actual whales even roll for people, look at the CN whales doing free roll parties or gifting people c6, those are whales, the reason whales do mobile is because they are always traveling around, they dont even buy laptops is legit iphones all the time, ive seen this dudes with phones having diamonds on them lmao go check the rich faggot phones, is not this 1500$ bullshit they legit have car tier phones that plebeians dont even get their eyes on
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Is 4 cost crit rate a good main echo stat if I don't have any weapon that gives crit rate? I just can't seem to reach the 50% crit threshold
Impressive, let's see ow long they can keep this up.

It's funny to see the Solofags hyping it up (especially with the Arise scene) and then it end up being absolutely irrelevant.
all ARPG gacha gonna be stale at endgame, even as PGR player, unless they do babel or buffed boss (like lilith) i didnt tryhard much.

but if you talking about honkai specifically like this guy >>484090247
then thats what im wondering, they botched """HI3 Second part""" since they insert it on the HI3 game instead of making a new game all together, idk why they wont just revamp the their ""passion project""" instead of making whole new IP
Dont bother with crit
Crit does less damage than non crits its a useless noob trap
Just go get elemental damage bonus % of the element of ur character and you will do more
We shall find out tomorrow.
i can almost bet wuwa does 30-40m on mobile but both genshin and hsr do over 80m each i expect hsr to do over 110 with how good firefly and boothill performed
weapon to lvl 80 is like +2-3 crit rate and flat 50-60 dmg, which doesnt seem that much imo. it cost 8 golden thingies too...
Yes only go critdmg if you have a crit rate weapon cause even if you luckshit subs you'll stil have subpar CR
Also ironically critdmg is a dead stat if you can't crit
300 rolls is FGO's pity.
most servants do not need dupes and most if not all DPS are fine with just 1 dupe (NP2)
4 stars can have solo banners with a 5 star.
FGO's system is way less predatory than anything that has come after mainly because of servants not needing dupes and all "must have" servants are supports who do not need more than 1 copy.
>not even the same thing
you literally said
>4 niggas in a row
>turn boring strategy
which is exactly FGO's gameplay
now stop moving the goalpost retard.
where do I find this shop
Who is playing this game on mobile? It runs like shit lmao
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>Invest in Mortificoin
>Realized now the Fedoramancoin are sky rocketing

It's so over for me
What? Nobody knows this?
>gook """"anime""""
>flops badly and is irrelevant
Anyone who wasted their time with Tower of God knows what gooks are capable off
>flat 50-60 dmg
Weapon atk is not flat. It's a base stat. Meaning all of your atk% multiply on top of it.

Same reason why character level is priority. You want to boost your base stats as early as possible because *everything* benefits from it.
oh my fucking lord, I've been chasing crit rate and dmg like a retard... thanks bwos
You're still going to use him on Jiyan, Yuanwu is only good with Jinhsi
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I will never forgive this shitty game
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hey at least the meme is funny
not gonna lie it was funny to see gushing for magical girls clapping solo leveling in bd sales so hard
You were right. Go for crit rate 4 cost echo.
>the cat daily is even harder to get now because of the new mt. firmament dailies further inflating the pool
Magical girls got a game?
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Hewwo bro
>porn BD outselling normal anime BD
No shit newfag
>300 rolls is FGO's pity.
That's added only 2 years ago, retard.
It went for 6.5 years without any safety net.
By the time the likes of AK and Genshin came out, it was no longer the top dog.

>most servants do not need dupes and most if not all DPS are fine with just 1 dupe (NP2)
Jets will have a hard time looping at NP2, unplayer.
Loopers and the top tier supports came out way later in the game, early on the gameplay was absolutely horrendous.

>FGO's system is way less predatory than anything that has come after mainly because of servants not needing dupes and all "must have" servants are supports who do not need more than 1 copy.
Oh yes, it just have no safety nets at all until recently, so you can go hundred of rolls without getting the rate-up or even the SSR at all, way less predatory.

>which is exactly FGO's gameplay
You're extremely retarded if you think people play FGO for the braindead gameplay.
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>FGO gacha
>not predatory
Ah yes people wasting the equivalent of 1000 gems and literally getting nothing is not predatory at all
Also FGO doesn't have a pity system, you don't have a guarantee, servants and Craft Essences are mixed and you can get fuck all in all your rolls
330 is a spark system like in GBF and you NEED to hit 330 in that banner or else you wasted your rolls since it doesn't carry over
Anyone defending FGO gacha never played it
Funny you say that because I'm starting to get cat dailies after 1.1
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The Jue fight is not very good bwos, even the one in the story, I prefer the Dreamless one much better
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You were today years old when you found out that in 1.1 you can buy 60 of each of the green weapon/skill upgrade mats from the Hologram shop.
I didn't touch ToG because I wasn't interested, while I got curious with SAO Leveling entirely because I saw so many people shilling it.
The manhwa isn't bad, but it's obvious the art is the main draw.

I read it like 100 chapters in and that meme is 100% real.
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Do I raise taoqi or ma xiaofang for my Changli team? No, I don't have encore and can thankfully still solve puzzles.
Not a hot take, try again you fucking retard
do i need to do anything besides the first cat quest to trigger them i keep getting the kill TD quests
woa bwo, simply stating my opinion out there
It's hard to do flying enemies well. I basically hate them in every game. At least he's not too tanky.
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What is the lore reason for giving them more health than overlord bosses
>limited currency
But do you want to?
>That's added only 2 years ago, retard.
>Jets will have a hard time looping at NP2, unplayer.
>Oh yes, it just have no safety nets at all until recently, so you can go hundred of rolls without getting the rate-up or even the SSR at all, way less predatory.
yeah because 4 stars being in a 4 way split and dupes giving actual gameplay buffs is much better.
>You're extremely retarded if you think people play FGO for the braindead gameplay.
and you think people play the other turn based for the gameplay?
>Also FGO doesn't have a pity system
it does
>Anyone defending FGO gacha never played it
i play it daily, overall much better to roll in there than any other gacha, specially when it comes to 4 stars.
simply because i dont lose anything by not rolling for dupes.
>Also FGO doesn't have a pity system, you don't have a guarantee,
You have a guarantee after 100 rolls of the banner unit
The pity disapears afterwards though so you can only pity 1 copy but you need 6 copies to reach full power because FGO has something like the constellation system but only for the ultimate move called Noble Phantasm levels so you will be rolling for the other 5 units with no pity hahahaha you could spend 1000$ and still only be NP2
FGOfags are built different
Depends, do you know how to build & play Taoqi correctly?
Why do you think Chixia is a good fit with Changli? Just because of her outro? That's kinda dumb.

You can buy out the entire shop. No reason not to.
I'm going to assume you're just trying to shitpost with that pic, but if not, you're just stating something obvious, like no shit flying bosses aren't fun
I blame SAO for the overabundance of all these isekai slops, chinks and gooks included
I hope the next patches adds more of these giga chad 3 costs. it makes the game so much better.
The echo grind wasn't grindy enough
Aren't dupes mandatory for arts looping? It's been a long time though so maybe I'm wrong
>We want elden ring playerbase
>Jets will have a hard time looping at NP2
Man, I still remember my NP4 Jets with maxed kaleido and Skadi and he still had a hard time looping, god forbid a wave with more than or less than 3 enemies
It's 900 quartz, which is roughly about a little less than a year*s worth of savings
Is prostitution illegal in Poland?
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bwos we are all asking for a player base in the feedback, right?
Well you're either looking for teammates that can buff her or have their own respectable damage.
Don't click it
i thank genshin and every cn gacha for introducing shit like monthly and safety net because i used to play FGO.
but if you really tally it up, FGO merciless rate up and non monthly kinda 100% killed any chance for people to whale because if they didnt spend big it pretty much a waste of time, and the guaranteed banner cost like $30 (and i think it only happend 3/2x a year) meanwhile you can easily spend like $100 a year for say genshin or wuwa just for monthly.
You are mentally ill bwo
some, not all need it thanks to Oberon now.
and you only need one dupe.
even then 4 stars can perfectly loop even without Oberon thanks to new CEs.
t. loop assassins with a NP2 Helena.
i remember the 5* guaranteed banner in fgo
holy shit i got scammed
>new motion blur in 1.1
add this to your .ini file and make it read only
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>400 rolls without Junao
>600 rolls without Junao, 4 SSR
Yeah, totally not predatory at all lol

See pic related, you retarded unplayer.

Oh, I didn't know he existed way back in 2018 when there's only Skadi as the looper enabler.

>yeah because 4 stars being in a 4 way split and dupes giving actual gameplay buffs is much better.
Yes because the 5* is guaranteed.
Also multiple 4* in a single rate-up also exist in FGO and some loopers doesn't work without NP2+.

>and you think people play the other turn based for the gameplay?

At least you have Jets and Skadi at the time.
Everyone else who didn't get her can only cry.
snowbreak is so ugly
Prostitution yes
Brothels no
You can be a freelancer prostitute but you cannot open a prostitution company.
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Who's this?
Encore bro... the card, who drops cards?
hehe stupid
>Its the prydwen owner
Does his site revenue not earn enough to pay for girls?
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>tfw I got absolutely fucked by hokusai and jalter banner and ended up spending $700
got them in the last 20 rolls but holy fuck I was literally getting cold sweats the whole time
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>Everyone else who didn't get her can only cry
I swear back in the day, each new banner feels like a filtering of the entire playerbase. Like a fuckton quits everytime. And you have these newfags here defending this shit and categorizes FGO as a non-predatory gacha. Where did these fags came from?
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Twisted Fate?
Wuthering Waves is doing collab with League?
>Also multiple 4* in a single rate-up also exist in FGO and some loopers doesn't work without NP2+.
they rotated them until pity so it was solo 4 star banners,
> some loopers doesn't work without NP2+
not anymore due to Oberon, you only need NP2 at most and 4 stars can just do it.
seto kaiba
>i thank genshin and every cn gacha for introducing shit like monthly and safety net because i used to play FGO.
We got safety net because of GBF, thank you Monkeygate.
>but if you really tally it up, FGO merciless rate up and non monthly kinda 100% killed any chance for people to whale because if they didnt spend big it pretty much a waste of time, and the guaranteed banner cost like $30 (and i think it only happend 3/2x a year) meanwhile you can easily spend like $100 a year for say genshin or wuwa just for monthly.
Nah, if anything whales whale harder because it's harder to get SSRs in FGO.
But they do lose the income from more casual spenders (Monthly and BP).
I mean Castoria kinda made looping extremely f2p friendly since you only need her and some fucking Paracelsus to loop an arts dps
Oberon made easier to kill the last wave which is usually the beefiest cause his buff is ridiculous, granted your dps becomes dead weight after but it doesn't matter if the battle's over
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Resonator of SEX
where the leeks bros?
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So that you can get an actual feel for how Jinshi plays without falling back on your slut
only grow in spring
That's your pet bro
This is the best /fgoalter/ thread we've had in a while
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Mikon and Jalter banners were such a great filter that I doubt any other gacha is even gonna come close to this amount of salt
we are truly wuthering the diversity waves!
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Sad how holograms are already complete joke content and we aren't even max level yet
Hilarious how some people were calling this shit hard when it was only hard because it was the equivalent of doing genshin bosses with purple relics
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Anybody gonna tell him?
Joke content for joke teams
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>that guy who dropped for valkyrie connect
how do you think he does now
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I quit FGO after the first GSSR cause I lost the 50/50 for Karna to that fucking mud doll. It was my first time spending money on a gacha and I din't even get what I wanted. FGO gacha was aids and its not even funny to see niggers claim otherwise.
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>they rotated them until pity so it was solo 4 star banners,
Yes, that's something more recent, newbro.
>not anymore due to Oberon, you only need NP2 at most and 4 stars can just do it.
Wow thanks for confirming that we do still need a dupe for some loopers to work properly.

Just because it got better now doesn't mean it was never shit or isn't still shit.
Keep defending it though, it's funny, I'll pay with this relic.

Castoria and Oberon and Koyan and Skadi ruler doesn't exist way back bud.
Same shit with the 300 rolls safety net.
>I'm included in the screencap
fucking brings me back
>jinhsi metacuck
you didn't beat the game
>Play the game on easy difficulty
>Complain game is easy
Did you also ask why is Malenia so easy after you raped her with your mimmick?
FGO has 50/50? The way everyone talks about it it sounded like Genshin "invented" it
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I never play FGO
Was it fun?!

Is up
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>We got safety net because of GBF, thank you Monkeygate.
what i meant is that, for me personally it allow me to spend money reasonably instead of just straight up buying rolls, because i consider myself as dolphin and the biggest spending i have on gacha for one time is around $200 because its for skin, my brain just refuse to buy straight up roll even if has top up double.

>Nah, if anything whales whale harder because it's harder to get SSRs in FGO.
But they do lose the income from more casual spenders (Monthly and BP).

actually thats what i meant, whale just gonna whale because money never be a problem but for casual and dolphin it just straight up impossible to get something from FGO if you use money and wont prepare to lose at least $100+, but for game like genshin and wuwa, even high schooler can use their allowance to buy something
You only played it because it was the "thing" to do and for the "story", same way you only play Soul slop because it's just a thing you're expected to do at some point
what should be the upgrade priority between weapons/character levels/skill tree/echoes?
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Non hag Jinshi sex
Character level > weapon level > skills > cope echoes > perfect echoes
I'm gonna fucking kill you and you're gonna thank me for it. Unironically.
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Wuwa being scifi wuxia made me chuckle on this
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The game wasn't, but the discussion was fun.
I miss Daybitposting.
>Reaches UL 50
>Upgraded Jinhsi and her weapons
>Shell credit remaining : 10k
What in the fuck
GSSR had class specific banners with only 2-3 5*s in the pool and you were guaranteed 1 of them. The lancer one had Karna and Enkidu so it was technically a 50/50.
for standard banner should i just pull for weapons? it sounds too rng to get a character you want
Leveling characters and weapons is unironicaly the biggest money sink
>marry chinese girl
>bank account is instantly drained
Many such cases.
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Why is there water on the floor?
Did fem Rover...?
may have been shit? sure, worse than gacha nowadays? no.
Nigga what? The entire time I've been doing is
perfect echoes > cope echoes > Character level > skills > weapon level
No fucking wonder my tower is always at 12/30
>3 star clear tower
>Still can't beat Mephis 5
bros why does he always kick my butt
Yes, weapon is more versatile
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Who's the Maxwell of wuwa?
Reminder that the skiing minigame is auto. Don't do anything and you get gold.
Hideous face
>worse than gacha nowadays? no.
How is it not?
>braindead gameplay
>300 rolls for a guarantee, 6 months of saving at the minimum
>no QoL; no skip or auto
It's only playable entirely because of Automata or cheat APK.
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For the vast majority of it not really but there were fun bosses starting from Camelot and looping is satisfying for a while. LB6 is the best JRPG story I've experienced after 2016
which though if i have sword and gun
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>Takes 5 months to farm up for a pity so you can get only 2 pities per year but you're guaranteed to get that character because you choose what pity you want theres no stuff like in Genshin where your pity gets turned into a normal banner unit instead
>There is a limit break system but you get a free limit break crystal to use to gain 1 limit break level to a unit of your choice instead of a duplicate unit every week through weekly missions(max LB is 5)
>There are True Weapons for specific characters but you can get them with rainbow gems without rolling for them
>When a banner features a lot of characters a Lock On summon becomes available. A featured unit changes every few days and you can only get the currently featured unit and each roll increases the chance of getting a SSR by 100% starting at +100%(100%,200%,300%,Guaranteed on 4th roll) but you can only roll on this banner with paid crystals first roll costs 25 crystals and every roll after that 50
>Every banner a special offer refreshes where you can get 50 paid crystals for 90 cents but you can get it only once and then it disapears until the next banner
Would you call this a predatory or a non-predatory gacha?
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Illya collab when?
Yes because you can still get 4* Characters from the Weapon banner and eventually you will lose a 50/50 from the Limited Character banner and get on of the standards you may want
It's boring if enemies just die instantly?
Overlord bosses are weak as shit, they should up the echo drop rate if they're gonna make them strong though.
yeah i think 1.1 main quest is kino
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All gacha is predatory
I found myself not skipping some of the yapping so it probably was good yeap
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The fuck? 3 cost echoes of the same set can have different stats at the same level?
your argument for the rolls requires always a worst case scenario which isnt always the case in FGO at least in my experience as ive managed to literally get 5 stars off the 1 roll they give you a day.
>no skip
theres a skip button
>no auto
not my problem
>It's only playable entirely because of Automata or cheat APK.
sounds like a you problem
>>braindead gameplay
every single gacha in the market has braindead gameplay, it comes with the genre, youre not playing a real game.
Why would he do this on his main account kek.
What's the context though?
Bit weird to post this if you were soliciting it in the first place.
yes truly gacha
Same, I was planning to skip it until Jinhsi was on screen but I decided to stick around for a bit with Changli
Oh if you already have the 5* sword and gun then roll for characters
Non-crit weapons isn’t worth it
No, the unique skin you can put on the spectro golem prior to 1.1 bricked your main stats permanently if you did, only golems post 1.1 won't be bricked by the skin
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Sup, fuckers? Just here to put you in your place. Think ya'll hot shit, don'cha huh?

The God of WuWa Zajef achieved 24/30 in ToA and beat the Difficulty 6 Mephis on a NO ROLL account.


What's your excuse for being a sub 24/30 shitter and for not having beaten Mephis 6 yet?
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I'm gonna assume whoever roll for the green homo 3* this piece of shit stage.
Spectro Rover soloed the entire left side. Jinhsi is fucking useless here.
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>SSR for 4 dollars
>Doesnt even have a Constellations system forcing you to buy 6 copies of the unit
How do they keep the game running doing this?
Whichever you don't have, prioritize uncopable weapons first, like if you don't have good rectifiers for Encore to cope with then go for rectifiers
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>bricked by a skin of a pokemon
What the actual fuck
buy an ad pedo
Right side*
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>there are people besides me who play grand summoners..
>your argument for the rolls requires always a worst case scenario which isnt always the case in FGO at least in my experience as ive managed to literally get 5 stars off the 1 roll they give you a day.
You can get lucky sometimes sure, doesn't mean you're pretty much forced to save up 300 rolls if you want to guarantee a SSR you want.
It's an improvement over having no safety net, but that doesn't mean it's not shit, it's inferior to all other kind of pity.

>theres a skip button
You know I meant in battle, and there's none

>not my problem
>sounds like a you problem
Oh dear, first you berate me for worst case roll argument then you spit out these kind of arguments.
Really shows what you really are.

>every single gacha in the market has braindead gameplay, it comes with the genre, youre not playing a real game.
Sure, pretender.

Whatever, if you have severe brainrot to defend FGO then go ahead.
He's going to quit when he lost his 50/50 to a dupe like that
you do realize changli will be the same. be smart you fomonigger
or just make her trash with no wep
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It's easy
Small indie company
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>brags about no rolls
>spent it all on refreshes instead
>comes here to shill himself
>self-proclaimed God of WuWa
>the guy in question

This will never not be funny.
Standard sword is good though!
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Are you a masochist? You rolled for the Resonator of SEX
not even that it was like doing genshin floor 12 abyss with purple relics and level 60, the difficulty came from being underleveled by 30 levels or more at launch and the more we aproach high level the more this shit looks like genshin, bosses are already faceroll easy like abyss in genshin, people is going to cope about muh hard game in a few weeks
My GS friend ID is 214244741
2 swords are nice to have imo
Reminds me when Zyox or whatever the fuck he's called had a sperg out when Shenhe appeared on screen cause of sex appeal
I'm sure someone has the webm
No arguemnts? Expected. Just adhoms? Expected.
This is how losers speak.
whales are clearing hologram with a literally 00:00 record
i accept your concession.
I hope they add more levels, if the game becomes too easy it won't be fun anymore.
Isn't Zyos gay?
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Planting my seeds inside Camellya
skill issue
sorry not everyone is spending 16 hours in the game daily, some of us have jobs and family you know, why is it always the dirty beard pedophiles
How? Doesnt it take a few seconds to walk up and do the skill animations? Even if you do enought damage to 1 shot it you shouldnt be able to do it in 0 seconds...?
Don't know, but the sperg out was because he was a twitroon so maybe tits jiggling on screen wasn't something the faggot was expecting
What was he mad about on this webm?
>a fag
>seething at women
What do you think will happen?
pretty much my beef with the game rn (im the second anon), the overworld already felt easy since the beginning and neevr scaled to be difficult at all, the only way to try th combat was ther tower and is already getting easy af too, they need to make overworld a bit relevant at least with "elite" enemies because im already one tapping them
>don't roll any characters just max refresh bro
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with Jinhsi, it's pretty damn funny to see
He got flat attack instead of % attack on one of his artifacts
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The reason why Aalto wears sunglasses is because he is ogling Anko's Manko
For some reason they're considered 4* for stats when they have the skin on
Spaghetti code
Why do evil women have small breasts in this game?
>he unironically thought a gacha game would be difficult
lmao. hard games that filter most potential players don't bring in the big bucks. not to mention this is a fucking genshin clone too kek
this is basically just an edgy SAO with even more irrelevant side characters. why the fuck this shit is even popular as a webcomic in the first place.
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you can always increase its size by impregnating them.
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Will it go back to 5* stats if I switch the skin, or is that echo just perma bricked?
Same reason JJK is.
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Reminder that if you can't clear tower and holos its a pure skill issue and has nothing to do with p2wining or whatever
You just suck
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Does Rover smell
cute futa character when
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Jinhsi, my beloved.
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Nice reddit post. Now post yours.
Lmao love this two also Anko's cute scene was really cute
>Watch streamer tackle the middle tower
>Fighting a level 100 boss despite only being limited to level 70

Is it even possible to do it in time?
i kneel to your stamina refreshing skills king
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Lmao what a fag
You should be 50 by now without refreshing stamina a single day, actually not even, you should be 51 today with 1.1
I'm keeping track of my rolls.
Wait that's it? I feel like this arc could have used a bit more Jinhsi interaction...
It's possible to 3* with time to spare
i kneel notepad autist
nigga just use https://wuwatracker.com/
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bro (I) so butiful
you don't get those god echos without though
What is Changli thinking about?
literally me
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>Yinlin is weaker than homo
>Jinhsi is weaker than homo
>Changlis is weaker than homo
It is indeed homo waves.
My granny wife on the back...
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>run powershell command
>get hacked
Not today, chang.
Truly majestic and heroic!
you gave your credit card info to them but a tracker is more of a threat? lemeao
Wondering what kind of strapon she needs on a date with rover
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Xinyin with that lustful gaze towards the Lord Arbiter.
I haven't given any credit card info, I don't even own a credit card. My account is pure f2p.
I think the answer is:
right of the third pillar
face your screen
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should i pull for jinshi or changli
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>Ran out of content
It's over bro!
Game is EoS!
just add pain cage/memorial arena as a recurring weekly activity
for a game focusing more on combat than genshin it's weird to not have more frequent end-game activites aside from the once per patch "event" illusive realm
>Lv 80
You didn't beat the game
Nice edit bwo
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With how they're pandering to normies and fujo I'm jumping ship when the next big thing is out.
You should just wait for the next male banner as you're clearly a homosexual.
Seems like I need to level him to free up some Yinlin vigor
he's level 20 in the vid bwo
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Brover is so lucky
then I only need to get him out of the range where he can get oneshotted during his short field time
t. dodgelet
yumestacey's, your response?
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shiny here
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Thanks xis.
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Stop lying to me
Sis, do not reupload!
New player here, how many shiny the game has right now?
Should I wait until my data bank is high enough to get them?
Summer event doko?
They have a 100% drop rate
>1.1 release 2 days ago
>already surpassed by a 4 year old game with nothing happening, a turn base corridor game, and a unreleased game.

grim...hoyo is too strong...
oh that's good to know, thanks anon.
I got to say that mortefi is overrated as fuck
everyone been hyping him up since release but he is just bad and feels like shit to play and his ult hits like a wet noodle
holy shit hsr 11 day patch is mogging wuwa release already? shit has like 2 days out
44+ Trillion strong indeed
He's mandatory for Jiyan but needs S4+ for anyone else
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I literally went to check this just now to grab him since he didn't show up in the tracker for my daily echo grind. Thanks bwo.
No, these websites just don't track PC sales because they can't.
zzz bros it's our time!
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Does this mean /wuwa/ will be comfy like /bag/? Based
Massive Yangyang breasts...
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What poster is going to do a naked dogeza tomorrow as part of the humiliation ritual?
Are you ready Wuwakeks?
1.2 leaks where?
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Metafags in single player casual games are gay af. Its like admitting you cant really really compete in direct competition, so you gotta prove yourself on CPUs
We are busy playing the game, zzz release is close so they talk about the game.
HSR has nothing right now and you can farm on auto so people have time to talk in their thread.
Genshin got a cunny so they probably talk about that and how much the game is bad lmao.
Elden Ring and FF got a brand new expansion so it's not surprising and they player base is far more than ours.
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which of these is better? for jinhsi, i have her weapon
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Response to what? Also I'm a guy
What casual? ToA is casual now?
Both trash. Recycle and reroll.
left by a huge margin
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From casual perspective instead of metafagging are those usable?
Compared to a 1v1 fighting game yeah its fucking casual. Youre either in 3 spots: 1. Impossible to dps in time.
2. Possible but you need every counter
3. You just shit on it, press anything.
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thanks bwos, i am getting there with her
im just waiting for kektone to cope making excuses and jump ship back to hsr and then zzz when firefly put all the shills on their place, he already knows wuwa wont last long and pretending to like zzz despite shitting on it months ago, also genshin mogging wuwa by double revenue, someone screencap this for the shills
yes, casual should go for minimum of just 1 crit rate line but ideally any echo with both crit rate + crit dmg is great and any additional substats from there are extra
bwos, I keep getting bugged out and lose all the effect on the screen
anyone know the reasons?
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How do I touch this spot, bwos?
Danjin is so fun
I'm so good at dodging bros
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>they nerfed the amount of monkeys that spawn outside the monkey boss teleport by a half
it's over
WuWa is DEAD
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I really need to level up Baizhi
she's a waste, don't do it
>farming echoes for a homo
lol, lmao even
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Hmmm, I think I will do some more side quests and continue NEVER doing the yinlin quest. Stupid ugly bitch.
>ask for better echo rates
>sure here's a food item you can exchange your already dried up credits for
>also the number of enemies will be reduced
Money's Paw indeed.
don't do it bwo, you will get hit...
This game sure fell off huh?
why are you gay?
eat it fucking monkey
Like you and your mom after high school.
oh god bros i bricked my account by rolling jinhsi weapon
took me almost hard pity fuck
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>powercreep your yinlin
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Why do blue and purple tuners exist and why can't I turn them I to something useful.
Look up
nobody tells him
that's 1.0 meme retard bro
you can synthesize them 3:1 into higher tier
>bocchi the reddit
don't reply to obvious bait
god I NEED THIS THING. hes so fucking hot. give me my onigiri
I'm not gay, yinlin is ugly and a rude cunt.
Different anon here. I will not argue whether Firefly flopped or wether WuWa is going eos, but saying rich peoole play on their phones is absolutely retarded.
the thread is slower than watching the grass grow
>outclasses TWO 5*
>can even be played as lvl 1
he is too OP, somebody stop fedora man
Why are Jinhsiturds (Pink) like this?
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Fucking hell xis. Arigatoe.
hidden 1.0 op and >b of WuWa?
>why thread slow when there's no content
Did you know water is wet?
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is this worth it
Why is gfg faster than wuwa rn
It's just phonefag cope. Everyone knows that they're playing on their phones because they're overworked wagies, not because they're rich.
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First of all, it's not your money and never will be, the company having more money means jack shit as shown by GI, a game that is still stuck in the same state it was in 2020.
Second, HSR is a boring ass TB game with 2 skills per character, i know because i played it from day 1 till Ruan came out. I have no idea how ppl still whale on TB gachas to this day.
Three, a company making less money is the best for (US), THE PLAYER BASE.
Mihoyo will never, because they can just keep releasing slop with brand name alone like ubishit, shittendo, squareshit, and other "AAAA" studios.
just accept who you are lil fag
its so bad, why would they give such an important character such a shit skill. compared to yinlin whos gets dmg boost and 10 crit rate
Jinhsi is Jue's slop. No reason to roll for her when the green homo is stronger, xis. Changli mogs her but her banner isn't here yet and she's shit too.
firefly has the biggest problem of any character. they were advertised for half a year. everyone wanted her. so, what did they do; they saved and got her for free.
honestly someone really hot and random thats also good has a better chance to make more
Are they gonna do any events for 1.1? If not, people are gonna run out of content and get bored by the end of the 7 weeks
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Total Jinhsi love.
So Havoc rover should be C3 now? I've not missed anything?
I have both characters + jiyan's sig and he's definitely worse
Bros how come Yuanwu is a good team mate for Jinshi? (I saw it on prydwen is it reliable or a scam?)
Should I build him?
I'm still new to the game, didn't complete the 1.0 storyline yet.
And the two random crits that are fair and balanced?
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YES anybody saying otherwise is a dumb nigger.
the prio is as listed.
Only ultra dedicated waifufags saved for Firefly. HSR is a haremchad game.
so uhh, do leveling directly increase the damage you deal? is the formula like in genshin?
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sex, pure sex
0 investment for very good support
>switch in
>press E
>fuck off
Jinhsi do the rest, fastest gauge building for Jinhsi
He's amazing for Jinhsi until a real 5* Coord character come out
DON'T BUILD HIM, use his skill and switch to Jinhsi, that's it, he works at lv.1 just fine
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hidden chest here bros, pick the 4 lemon grass and it spawns in the middle
his totem generate her stack, he's good for faster stack but taoqi also an option
He can still deal okay damage if I do level him, right? His special talents look useful even for a Jinhsi team.
It is important since her whole quick swap thing is big part of what make her character so goddamn retarded
>taoqi also an option
Not for a new guy anyway
Oh I see, thanks for the info anons, should I use Energy Regen Sonata Effect or something else?
It's very last in that very prio list though...
no skill damage? id pass or cope with it on rover at the least
male banners where...
He takes 0 field time >>484099902
unlike Yinlin who's a bad subdps and hogs field time. Jinhsi is only top dps if she gets max stack every rotation. He's still 0 dps and not a good support but he's all we have right now.
As long as the dicks don't touch.
>actual literal bis
Ideally give him a Rejuvenating Glow geochelone set and use the healing 3 star gauntlets on him
wdym sure..
the last is basic. are you blind or just being disingenous? its 3rd. Forte>Ult>Intro(therefore get the skill for it to do more)>skill>basic
it's not bis until you see 10.5% crit rate and >20% crit damage substat
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Honestly, Changli looks like shes built for NTR so I am not rolling
Hum, I already use Verina tho, should I still use Rejuvenating for him?
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>no hidden chests
Nice change.
1.0 chest finding experience was miserable.
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thanks bwo
there's another one near the peak (under it) where you have to break 3 ice blocks and a chest appears
Give verina Moonlit Impermanence Heron set instead but if you don't have any of those he's fine being echoless, he's just there to place a pillar and nothing else
you won't get me to level basic attack
Noted, I'll do that then.
this is the gf2 waiting room
how do you get the last windchimer im stuck at 97%
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are the ice wolves bugged? they one shot me for some reason, their tail swipe is doing like 4 hits of dmg instead of 1
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get used to it
I would never NTR Changli...
Look at their level bwo, the DLC enemies are on a higher lvl than us
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Not bugged, it's 1 hit and 6 projectiles, check out their echo
From my limited jp knowledge even i can tell the chink says inherent skill 2 bro...
Yes that's >>484099304 and it's last on the list of priorities.
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A Jinhsi's rotation is 6000% damage.
You niggers are telling +50% more damage is worth it?
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much better
someone is modding out yuanwu's reddit mod look?
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>farming bell for healing bonus
>that piece of shit that shit keeps giving me crit rate/dmg stat
>not even a dump stat like ATK or HP
Stupid turtle drop rate is RIGGED.
Holy fuark, they should make this his lost brother or something
Right is way worse xis.
nah, keep him old. they just made him look old in a weird way. if they gave him black hair/eyebrows instead of blue and kept everything else the same, he would look 10x better
Yeah you're right I'm retarded too. I actually got gaslighted into thinking the first post was about leveling intro skill too. I'm not the anon who posted the prio image btw.
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changli works with a full molten rift set right?
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So true sis!
Honestly I'd have been okay with him if his hair color wasn't so awful.
He'd still look like a fedora incel redditor
they have a shotgun ability, stand close and you get hit by 5 projectiles instantly
you're a buncha redditors
>Encore but big
We all use reddit anyway, don't lie.
At least I'm not a faggot, xis.
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Character level is miles above anything else since there is a dmg penalty fighting higher lvl mobs
Stop acting like you're a woman
Girls don't play wuwa
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I just spent like 3 hours locking usable and merging worthless gold echoes and it's been one of the most miserable experiences of my life.
hhhhhhmmmm but redditors are faggots.... so you must be a faggot
Only when we need something, not because we live there 24/7
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get the fuck out of here nigger
zzz thread died real quick
Factually incorrect i'm not a newfag

Edit: Not implying you are one either, just saying i'm not one. You can stop unvoting me now.
why is /wuwa/ pinoy central bros? they are so many of them here
I like the mini gacha
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Girls play wuwa (sponsored)
wdym worth it? shits free
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she's literally british
go back
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I found like a dozen of chests at least after 100% some regions.
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Ok incel. but seriously we do, i'm probably better at it than most of this shithole
You're lying if you say you've never used reddit. Why do you lie so much? Is that how your mom raised you? To be a lying piece of fucking shit?
>yuanwu after he loses his reddit mod privileges
You didn't beat the game
Get back to making guides Sweetily
My time is not your mom >>484099304
Speak for yourself, faggot
You know the rules
Post yours or suck my dick :)
Thought so
nta but I literally never used redit
Shut the fuck you, you lying piece of shit. You've all used reddit, don't even deny it.
one weekly mat which you get 6 a week minimum + 40 stamina
how is that not free my man
Any anons who look like femrover ITT?
God just publish the game already...
>level 80
>Liar has to remove a d so that he's technically right since there's no such thing as redit
Clever but that won't work on me. Stop lying already.
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I'm playing HSR
I'm playing Wuwa
I will play ZZZ(don't know if it will stick)
We all play multiple gacha, so get along!
wuwa thread rose up quick
>I play multiple gachas
>therefore everyone else does
>I use 4chan and reddit
>therefore everyone else does

the fuck is wrong with you retards?
Die HRToonZiggerWuggerTROONSBIANbugMeischizo
Tits or gtfo
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I'm playing wuwa, genshit, and GF2. AMA
hmm nyo shan't get along with furries from zzz
Speak for yourself nigger.
Just because you suck dick, doesn't mean everyone else does
Nobody looks like femrover irl
stop shilling your shitty cuck game fag
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Looks like you're the one doing the sucking
>Dicks out of nowhere
Except you do. You're projecting it right now!!
There's nothing exceptional about rover
Like I said, it's not shilling when no one (except me) can play it. It's just bragging
Not that guy but you beat some cpus lol gj
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hsrg kinda turned into gig 2.0 bro idk
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why'd they make femrover so hot wtf
Not that guy but you sound really bitter.
Bragging implies you have something desirable. You're just being an insufferable shill.
Only pags say cpus. No but seriously, who the fuck says cpus lmao
Somehow I get the feeling that there's been an influx of newfriends here since 1.1.
Sorry xis, did the mention of cock reminds you of your lost one?
You sound like a zigger with how much you talk about cocks, are you a zigger?
I want /wwg/
I do and again, it's not shilling
Erm where's the new thread?
GF2 waiting room
/wwg/bros.. When are we coming back home?
ok fag
Advertising or begging
Also offtopic
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Wuwa sure fell off huh
I can't believe this is the last /wuwa/ thread...
Wuwa sure fell off huh.
Everyone prefers /wuwa/. It's cute
I fell off my bed
Her thigh squish drives me wild.
/wwg/ pronounced wuwagee
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Sorry. Making a thread is too much pressure. I could mess something up and then everyone will be mad at me...
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I only bake for my dead generals that rely on me, not for generals like /woowah/
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here you lazy fucks
Add new codes bro
This it I guess. I wish I could have max const Sanhua before /wwg/ died but it is what it is.
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Bwo... where's my base crit
Only normalfags use that term in the first place.
i mean it was this board saying firefly would flop and how yinlin and jinshi would clap her in sales, what happen to that wuwakek? already coping before the revenue even comes out? what happen to pagfly and flopfly?

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