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Previous: >>484046993

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

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>/hsrg/ Thread Template
Firefly love!
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Is Jiaoqiu's LC good? Feels like it's just upgraded Luka's cone
This is what no more content left does to me.
>upgraded Luka's cone
Upgraded Luka's cone that you can get in ~70 pulls instead of relying on 4* RNG
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>28% Vulnerability (the same total that Guinaifen does)
Its stupidly good in BSwan and JQ, not so much in other units though.
Its hilariously OP and probably getting nerfed on monday/tuesday
Its 28% vuln
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>Wake up
>Thread had 765 replies
>Page 6 in
>No new bread
I was almost forced to wait 5 mins to bake Fofo bread. We are truly dead, are we.
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I want a nursing handjob from Topaz
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>As societies have modernized, fertility rates have declined very substantially. In the pre-modern era, fertility rates of 4.5 to 7 children per woman were common.
>During modern era, women on average have 2.07 children during their lives. At lowest point only 1,86 kids.
>A human female would ovulate multiple times in her regenerative window between 10(earliest possible pregnancy) - 51 years(Latest possible Menopause), 38 years of fertility total, be that as it may, pregnancy takes several months and ovulation continues averagely following a couple of weeks. This will give multi-month span between conveyances. May land at most extreme, a hypothetical of a 42 pregnancies per life cycle. On average, however, only around 15 pregnancies per average human female life-span if taking daily life factors into account.
>Bosenmori Mei is an Emanator and a Black hole which implies: She's either Immortal or Her life span exceeds average human's greatly. >> Menopause never hits.
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >> doubles the amount of potential pregnancies.
>Bosenmori Mei is capable of supplying herself with nutrients through consumption of Nitrogen and Helium from local stars. Effective Value of a star depends on orbit's diameter, the size of the Black Hole, as well as the size of the Space Body that's being consumed: Can be as little as a few days, or it could take millions or even billions of years to consume a single star.
>Bosenmori Mei, if supplied with enough cosmic mass, and, assuming she will be impregnated right after each time she delivers, is capable of giving birth to 60 to 80 children each solar century for several Billions of Solar years!
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Ahh I see. Well, I hope you aren't an autist like me cause going for the 100% completion is hell.
i was thinking on grabbing this for my BS, if it doenst get nerfed that is, does anybody has the calc on how better this is over her sig?
sovl OP
>bake Fofo bread
Xueyi bread has a Fofo on it at least.
An anon posted it last night as his OC drawing
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[HSR 2.4] About Yanqing & Yunli

Remember how I said Yunli will appear in an assist skill in some story battle? (2024/06/07)
This turns out to be in 2.4, but Yunli will actually be your opponent instead of an assist.

In some mission in 2.4, Yanqing and Yunli will compete with each other. The player will fight as Yanqing in a battle against enemies. (But you will be able to use your own characters).
Yunli will appear on the action bar with fixed SPD 60, with the above icon. Whenever Yunli takes action, she will perform Intuit: Cull against the enemies, dealing massive Physical DMG.

At the end of the battle, if the player defeated more enemies than Yunli then Yanqing wins. If Yunli defeated more enemies then she wins.
it sucks that i got it to spawn 3 times but i didnt get it.
>still dont know what was her supposed to be "unforgettable rewards"
Wasn't it confirmation that her entropy loss syndrome can be cured? Firefly even says that this last attempt gave her hope. For someone searching for a cure that might not exist, that is a pretty unforgettable gain.
>still dont know what was her relationship with us during SH days
>still dont know why is she obsessed with us and why did elio/sw ship us
Sure, they didn't reveal this. But did it need to be explained in Penacony? We will be seeing more of the SH, and the relation with TB is overarching plotline. I do agree it would have been nice to get some breadcrumbs, but not like it's required for Penacony to make sense. Elio's script will come up, and SW just wanted her friend to have the nicest death
Does base chance from LC get affected by character's effect hit rate?
I will lose on purpose can't let yanking win now
It's a 1.5% damage loss for her own personal damage while giving a teamwide 20%+ damage bonus. It's actually the best universal nihility LC rn. I really hope it doesn't get nerfed.
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omw to defeat as few enemies as possible so that (You)nli is disappointed in Yanqing and jumps on my dick instead.
Already know what to put for my 2.4 survey. 1/10. It will flop BIGLY
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>all the pagpags here butthurt that most of the thread regulars are playing the new wuwa patch right now
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noted, ty
so this is best in slot on every nihility?
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If it doesnt say "FIXED Chance" then its affected by EHR
The only issue with it is that you need >160% EHR to consistently get it but otherwise its basically the ENTIRE Guinaifen buff compressed into a single character, its silly OP.
Forgot to mention the 1.5% damage loss is compared to her own S1.
So Unarmored functions like Luka cone, not applying if the enemy has it already. But does this also apply to the Cornered state or does it trigger every attack? And does the Cornered state count as a new debuff? If so, then it does remove one of the biggest weaknesses of Luka cone in Acheron teams, in that it doesn't give energy to her if the debuff is already on the enemy
Hsrg stays winning in japan
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That sucks bro.
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>People acting like they only play HSR and any other gacha is shit
You can't lie to me. I know you're playing at least 2 other gacha games like the little gachaslut you are. You shit on other generals while most likely posting there regularly as well. Double-timing bitch.
No content right now but at least we have zzz in 4 days.
furryshit deserve to flop
Yup really excited for that have been following hsr and zzz since their announcement
Well yeah. What kind of freak of a man would purposely limits himself to just playing one mobile game?
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No thanks
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>Firefly banner is about 2 weeks old and is beating a third day wuwa banner.
Sparkle is still a clingy pathetic friendless loser.
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Gn /hsrg/
I download genshin whenever there's a new update, roll with the 5-6 free rolls you get from the returnee thing and uninstall the game. After playing HSR, it really is hard to get into any other gacha that doesn't have auto battle and stuff. I can't stand open world slop either.
Man, Wuwa already dropping below HSR. They just released their Ayaka and can't even beat an almost two week old Firefly. And where is Genshin? Siggewine+Furina rerun is basically made for Japan
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gonna lose on purpose and be forced to lick yunli's feet as punishment!
What site is this?
You really love tectone
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its funny they keep blaming elden ring and the tranny MMO while completely ignoring that wuwa got a new patch and has a high crossover here

pretty typical of mihoyo SEAmonkeys. as soon as wuwa starts doing good they stop mentioning it and start blaming games that arent even gachas.
I don't like the way the skirt has censorship physics. Let me see her kiddy panties.

You can also see each banner revenue
Day 1 Jinhsi did 1.94bn Yen, for reference Firefly banner is at 20bn yen atm (and top is Acheron at 40)
16+ game btw. In china, too.
wuwa is a pc game that takes a high amount of skill
shart rail is a phone auto battler
let's be honest
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lol. lmao even.
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>but at least we have zzz in 4 days.
so nothing will change...
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Finally the jade marketing starts this week. If we don't get a stonehearts teaser I'm gonna kill myself.
Why don't everyone here just play dokkan? It always got insane revenue
is this the new cope? lmao
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What did this add to the story?
/ss/chad here I can't fucking wait
Other way around
He's going to play that garbage considering his recent announcements.
This but remove the rat on the left
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never again
Siggew is 4 days old. Boothill is 21 days old.
It says it "escalates" it to cornered state.
I doubt you get both debuffs, so thats 18% max.
I doubt thats better for BS than her sig.
Ofc I havent bothered watching any of his footage.
No it has been the cope since the launch of the game
You forgot to mention those stats are for mobile for the least used platform >>484079705
Why are you being a disingenuous retard?
Wuwa is a PC game, HSR is a phone game. That's why poorpags always get butthurt because they literally CAN'T play wuwa at all.
I play HSR, Arknights and Reverse 1999 I hate gacha games that pretend to be real games, but I'm busy playing Elden Ring
>wuwa is a pc game that takes a high amount of skill
It's buttonmasher sloppa don't kid yourself. It sure is FUN slashing the enemy with 10 billion flashy attacks just to tickle it's health bar to death without any impactful hits.
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Ellen and Zhu Yuan look pretty cute. Will try to luckshit them both but I doubt that I will play longer than one patch
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Its 28%.
So WuWa's getting max 5bn this month. Atrocious showing.
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>>484079795 (me)
>>484079809 (me)
btw i forgot to mention i got filtered hard by wuwa. im the crying wojak in this pic
p-please play genshin...
Lol what a cope
I refuse to believe the boob girl right is the new one. Model looks worse in all aspects
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More Topaz puppydog face fanart
/u/ bait and switch marketing tactic that cucks fall for everytime
In the east PC gaming is dead. It's very niche. East is also the highest rev share. So mobile revenue is what matters the most. It doesn't matter what happens in NA or EU these places don't spend shit.
I know you're just shitposting but it's a clear show of the dynamic between Jade and Topaz: We know Topaz is extremely naive despite having climbed so high and still has an idealized view of the IPC so this scene hints at Jade being the one responsible for Topaz's attitude which will be relevant later when the Stonehearts show up again.
>game bad because no fanservice
peak coomer brainrot
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Tell me how you beat DU threshold 5+ so I can patch it in the latest update
>fofo the reddit
>>484079897 (me)
im poor, brown, and my pc cant run wuwa btw
No. Cornered replaces Unarmored state.
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>daily wuwashill melty inbound
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hey guys what is up with this cone?
i thought %dmg doesnt work with break effect?
is mihoyo doing a little trolling, baiting us to get this for Firefly?
Still has a bunch of fan service, even more than most of these games after the changes.
peak poorshit turdworlder take. Remove the "game" part. Gacha either have fanservice or they're not worth the time at all unless your a pathetic mobile only turdshitter.
It's a new character+the first rerun of an archon vs a literal who character that appeared out of nowhere. Boothill is one of the lowest selling banners in HSR to the point where RM's rerun banner by itself has beaten boothill's numbers. This shit is abysmal on genshin's side. They didn't get into top 5 grossing in China and they dropped out of number 1 in Japan in less than a day.
Why is there an wuwashill on our dead general right now? I thought they just got a new update.
Then stop sharing his fucking face everywhere
wuwa really lives in your head rent free
>Topaz is extremely naive
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Nice "skillfull" gameplay wuwakeks
Hoyo mindbroken them. Please understand
Firefly = 4chan
Jade = reddit
She sells her asshole in private to climb the corporate ladder.
She is though? She doesn't know Jade's true nature and it's intentional on Jade's part
>Yunli and Ellen have the same JP VA
Ellen sounds good but I have high expectations for
Wow... I like how complex is the combat... did you see how he evaded the whole fight?
It doesn't matter. Game is butchered and is not what was originally planned. Unless censorship is unconditionally reverted its a femfujo+furryfag bait.
better than another fofoniggers hijacked thread
Jade literally keeps her out of negotiations so she doesn't see her ruthless side. She absolutely is.
Just calling it how it is don't expect it to stay under that boothill after 21 days. It will be much higher than that despite siwne being a fucking brick.
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I'm not brown. And not so poor. But WTF is this?!
It doesn't work with break, I personally believe its a remnant of Firefly old kit where she did ult damage with her enhanced skills and had energy regeneration on HP fluctuation.
At some point they choose to just make her entirely a break dmg support, that cone is "good" in Bladie though. And like 25% worse than his sig lmao
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genuinely rent free
typical tribal mihoyopag
>i thought %dmg doesnt work with break effect?
Because it doesn't. This cone is worthless on Firefly.
>wuwa is hard guys believe me, it's super hard.
nigga your right click simulator is boring af, the first normal enemy that you find in the Elden Ring DLC is harder than wuwa's harder holograms. Stop trying to pretend that your shit game is a serious game.
firefly is lgbt coded
Shart rail could never
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NPCs shouldn't have asses like this
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>Hoyofans on a hoyo general
Are you retarded

Why do ppl think zzz is bad. I figure it's Honkai but in an Urban setting.
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firefly was supposed to a regular damage dealer (similar to blade)
same with boothill
the free2poor cones don't work on them anymore because dawei decided that it's time to rework everything and shill the mechanic which everyone ignored (due to how garbage it is)
Firefly flopped
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sister general btw
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Did you just say furrybait. How about having the decision to roll or skip characters you don't like vs having to dead with this thing until eos?
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dear anon please come play wuwu wawa with us?
its a cool action game! much better than your turn(un)based kusoge!
No I would have forgotten about that sad excuse of a game but retards like you have to bring it up in anothers game general (not even the same genre mind you) just because hoyo actually lives rent free in you head
Tribalism anon that's all
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they arent wrong about HSR but its funny they say that because they get filtered hard by wuwa which has 100x more gameplay than genshit
But ZZZ is in 4 days..
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SURELY this shit will crush and burn soon enough.
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>HSR is a job you auto
This is what people mean when they say you zoomers have no media literacy.
Topaz is an equally ruthless corp drone, else she wouldnt be a Stoneheart. We saw firsthand that she offered to terraform Belobog with millions of lives at stake even though her success rate is far from a guarantee.
Her trusting Jade is either an intentional character flaw as they have an intimate mentor relationship OR a front that will be explored later. Neither possibility makes her an overall naive character.
This thing suddenly made all the shills furfags. A complete 180 from what they said before. Kekaroo
>No I would have forgotten about that sad excuse of a game
how can you post this unironically in hsrg
see >>484080325
>having the decision
ZZZ Furries are in standard banner though.
Also rent fucking free. I prefer Snowbreak the bare minimum for a gachaslop to be considered "fanservicy"
Wouldn't that absolutely be the new BIS for Silver Wolf?
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>you can lose up to 67% damage with low investment
Sorry for low quality image the video I got this from is also very low quality.
It really puts into persepective how important some things such as traces lvl10 instead of lvl8 (on DPS and supports) and proper set bonuses are. I was thinking I could maybe squeeze by lvl 8 traces on my lesser used units, but I'm thinking I should stop farming relics for a while and focus on maxing traces and levels instead. Most of my supports are stuck on lvl 70 or 75 and with traces below 8, except limited ones like RM and Robin who I've maxed out.
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Didn't you wuwashills just get an brand new patch? Is it so bad that you would rather spend time shitposting on another game general than play it
we won't, firefly took all the budget
what post prompted this
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their game is unironically EOSing in 2/3 months so they do what they can to shill it.
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>Didn't you wuwashills just get an brand new patch? Is it so bad that you would rather spend time shitposting on another game general than play it
Seething + rent free
lmao i just bought it for $317
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yeah, too bad i main three-must-pay-a-price-man. so i have his cone and everyone else is now unlikely to pull for him due to powercreep. :^)
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Firefly is bisexual and is loved by trans people and lesbians alike.

Pride month won.
>Pride month won.
Pride month won.
>Pride month won.
Pride month won.
It's BiS for all nihility support debuffers. Insane LC. We'll see if it gets nerfed or not tomorrow.
Xister this is a HSRG general of HONKAI STAR RAIL
Not Censored 16+ slop general! Please kindly follow your own advice and fuck off to the furryturd general with your covered to the neck muslim!
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This>>484080529 I forgot to link the post sorry
keep coping and dump your same 5 images you post every day that will totally show me!
Pathetic loser.
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>Everflame Mansions
It's comical how hard this game tries to replicate the success and hype of the Genshin Harbingers, yet keeps falling short
Same, I got him to E1S1, its kind of sad how little wind weakness we've gotten in the last months
>"Oh no, you killed citizens and occupied the mine that supports the whole city."
>"Im gonna have to cut your pay a little bit you silly billy"
>Watch me take over your robots and sent them to attack your military.
Her fat ass covers all the war crimes.
Why can’t we get a short haired tomboy in hsr I love ellen
poorpag cope
your pc will never run wuwa (if you even have one lol)
pride month flopped this year, the past 2 years it was everywhere but this one you can't find tranny shilling anywere.
bros they're just factions calm down
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>didn't get a single usable planner in 12 attempts
I'm tired boss......
You already have seele stop asking for for more
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>genshin invented faction trailers
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I'm testing my new Ellen pics but I'll stop after this one sorry
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>Topaz is an equally ruthless corp drone, else she wouldnt be a Stoneheart
Literally everyone, even Boothill outs her as "one of the nice ones" in the actual story. Your opinion of her doesn't matter when the story hand holds you and tells she's not as ruthleess as the other ones. Simple as that. Also her success rate is 80%.

>Her trusting Jade is either an intentional character flaw as they have an intimate mentor relationshi
Then you agree she's "intentionally" naive? Retard.
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If you truly loved your wife you would let her have other men so she can reach her full potential
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All the corporate accounts I follow on X didn't even bother to change their PFP
You might be legitimately retarded. The reason why Topaz acts ruthless in Belobog is literally because she genuinely believes what the IPC is doing is for the good of everyone. She's smug to them because she legitimately believes their propaganda and thinks the people of Belobog aren't intelligent enough to see what she sees. This kind of attitude stems from a lifetime of grooming from IPC elites (Jade more specifically) that are taking advantage of her wish to save planets to get what they want. The final solution they come up with is a huge step for her since she chooses to listen to the people of a planet for the first time in her career and she loses bigly for it.
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>nvidia market cap is ~3 trillion
>entire USA's is ~54
>graphics card guys make up 5.5% of USA's entire fucking market
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this will blow your mind but i play both games
youre the weird guy for playing a 5min/day autobattler as a main game lol
Triple dot is starting to look even better now? kafuka, brack swan, sampo?
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STOP AVATARFAGGING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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fireflybros I dont think we can beat sparkle let alone ackeron
Projection is admission anon.
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Hsr is not my main game but I don't keep trying to shill the other games I play in an unrelated general like you
NTA but my main game is actually real games, not gacha, I like my gachas as a 5 min autobattlers that I can play on my phone.
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Blyat kino
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>beat sparkle
Almost assuredly it happens.
Acheron was always a delusion though, top up bonus is too hard to beat (and super bait light cone)
No shit we can't beat hoyoverse's favourite character who ran during the anniversary and had top up bonus. She's probably gonna end up being the 3rd best selling banner.
Nah, keep posting Ellen pictures. As long as you stay on-topic there is nothing wrong with posting her.
>She's totally naive
>O-oh all those times she acted ruthless?! N-no that's actually from her being naive so it d-doesnt count
I will blade bro sorry again that was supposed to the last one
She's beating sparkle easily with all the days she has left.
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Why the fuck did they have to put the homo in there?
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Reminder that Sigga would've colonized Jarilo in 5 minutes with no remorse if he cared to snag it, but it was much of a piece of shit for him to bother
March has an amazing personality
True, my wife experienced a full body convulsion I'd never seen when she realized her full potential.
I swear to god they made March's tits bigger in her hunt version. Im not schizophrenic.
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Aventurine only gets assigned the shitty jobs nobody wants because you need a miracle to finish them, that's why.
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Thanks bro!! You can have this one
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Is the writing actually this bad or is this a translation thing?
Same, I'm sure mods can fix it but they're mostly lazy half ass edits.
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im the shilling i was conducting a bit of tomfoolery :^)
this >>484080336 is clearly not a serious post.
i think wuwa is okay but its story is too bland and chinese for me. Chixia the girl in the picture is cool tho.
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i started a f2p account, is bailu or lynx , both at e0, better as a healer? bailu heals more but it feels like not having cleanse in current patch is a death sentence
why woiuld you torture youself by playing multiple accounts
silver wolf rerun?
I accept your concession.
Bailu is better unless you really need the 5x threat like on clara
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im not* chilling i swear, the game is a mid wuxia copy of genshin!
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How is this legal and why doesn’t the CCP do something about this?
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In his magazine interview, he said he once helped gain a warship with a single chip, which is pretty cool desu. Also formed a alliance using one bullet.
someone last thread wanted Stelle being bred
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Guess my sex based on my top characters!
It's just safe horny.
I fucking hate the portugese so much that it's unreal bros, please just Kick him out.
SR typically translates very well. When it's bad, the original work is really that bad.
Why did firefly cut her hair?
not with ai advancing at the pace it is
I bought a fuckton when it was still a little below 40 a share
i just auto battle + auto cutscenes while i play another game on the side
what light cone should i use on her?
Stellaron hunter god rule everything
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Do you feel in charge?
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the second picture wont work because the metal dick cant make babies and the other one isnt in her vagina, l2sex nerd
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My COCK is stronger than the CCP.
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Can I use him with argenti?
I'm planning on getting my knigga on his rerun soon
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best HSR cosplay JAV? its time for a goon sesh
Stelle's gf's boodonkers are not that huge
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LOzEbtrOiTE It's a shame I'll never get to hear this often, it's probably my favorite boss theme of theirs.
> 3rd place for 2024 where every banner is a flop except one
Yeah huohuo tingyun and jiao prob gonna be his new bis or one of the best teams for him as jiao buffs ult damage im going to try a no sustain meme comp tho for potential 0 cycle
>highest male is Blade
Must be male
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Why is always Aventurine fucking women?
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HSR is indeed my main game (my side game is RDR2 in the background)
That's a nice foot tbf
>have no media literacy.
Kinda funny saying this when you completely missed how Topaz just wanted to help Belobog.
>We saw firsthand that she offered to terraform Belobog with millions of lives at stake even though her success rate is far from a guarantee.
She literally believed the planet was doomed, so giving it a good chance to survive is always a better option in terms of human lives saved. Don't forget how close the planet was to destruction. They were even losing part of their own city to the fragmentum. And they are still one disaster away of extinction. But the moment Topaz saw Bronya being a good leader and the entire Belobog being willing to work to improve their situation, she backed off and even took a demotion to prevent the IPC taking control. Her experience of her own doomed planet was that nobody had any hope left and just waited to die, which is why it needed outside help. Belobog showed that the situation was different.
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but why do you hate QQ sis....
because he's a luckshitter
kill all luckshitters
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CCP stands for Cool Cheese Pizza.
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technology has progressed nerd
>hoyoverse's favourite character
I never saw a character shilled this much in gacha let alone hoyo games
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She's in top 5 already, very high chances she overtakes Sparkle (and loses to Kafka)
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>listed and ordered 30 characters
male, autistic
>Topaz just wanted to help Belobog
Bro she is there to collect a giant interest on a loan from 700 years ago, which is basicaly a claim for the whole planet.
How is that helping?
it's easy, everyone here is male, it's harder to find your race, let me try.
You like female and male characters and your tastes kinda makes you look like a spic.
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The exact word was 大船 so I thought it was a cruise liner or something like that
Pretty sure Arlecchino got similar treatment
she's a public cum bucket
Its from https://honkaistarrailsorter.tumblr.com/
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That's fine friend, I played wuwa but dropped because I just am burned out on the whole open world thing. chixia is very cute and I like that she is a Sentaifag, here have the e6 art of Ellen sorry for the troubles
Gaycio... FLOP... His rerun will be hilarious because it will show once again that fujos don't spend on the actual game
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wait kafka sold that much? there was this revenue chart site that had her way below
That's actually from one of his character stories, and the bullet alliance is refering to the Final Victor LC.
Record breaking sales status?
Don't entertain that retard
Kafka flopped on CN.
>Topaz just wanted to help Belobog
>wait kafka sold that much
She didn't sell well in china because they're metaslaves and there was no real reason to get her since Jing Yuan already served as a lightning damage dealer during that time. She also did fine on global
I tried it yesterday after dropping it when the story just send you on an errand quest to read books. Started skipping story to try to make it more tolerable, even though I read literally everything in HSR. Even with that, it was still stuck on the stupid fetch quest and sending you to random places. Met monk girl and helped her with a random fetch quest, then suddenly I got a cutscene with the Lancer ripoff guy that was clearly inserted just to sell their launch banner. The part where Scar showed up was mildly interesting compared to the rest, but then he just left and it got boring again. So I dropped it. Thanks for reading my blog, but I will be playing ZZZ instead.

That's Japan chart, they are a bit different in their tastes to China/global. China especially rolls heavily for meta and Kafka on release was mediocre.
It's just JP. And reminder that they are estimates. They can't actually figure out how much rank 1 makes no matter what data they use because they can't measure the gap between 1st and 2nd.
Why did Robin topaz sell I thought robin was a flopbrick
All that shillling and ruining 2.0 story just for this? This won't even bring back what they spent on marketing
>Japan suddenly matters now
>ignoring the fact even chinks made fun of her sales
The absolute state of Firefly defenders
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How are we winning? Their patch came out literally 2 days ago. Dawei... I kneel.
Robin is a 5* Harmony and she has a fucking album
what else would he fuck? numby?
>and the bullet alliance is refering to the Final Victor LC.
I never connected the two, but huh - you're probably right
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I already hit 135% EHR on my Black Swan wish reforged. 160% is gonna be trivial with this cone.
Best Nihility cone for debuffers yeah. By a long shot and best in slot for Silver Wolf (provided you meet her ER needs)
She always kinda had decently sized tits in her base form, especially with her coat pushing them up. Her new form just highlights it even more
because japanese love incest
nta nor do I agree with them but topaz was trying to help in her own way she thought was for their benefit
>great voice
>you listen to her sing in combat
it's no wonder really. I rolled with my dick and she's worth every single jade
kuro is crazy, they still didn't release the drip marketing for 1.1
Japan always matters but so does JP between JP and CN that's 66% of the revenue split near 50/50
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not as much as the chinese
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I'm simply questioning why Aventurine has the highest quantity of fanworks where he is fucking women as opposed to Jing Yuan, Welt, Blade, Sampo, etc.
>barely suroassed Robin despite all the shilling
Lmao even
Pic unrelated? We just had a nearly 7 hour long thread.
KG's marketing is genuinely shit
they don't hype up many of the characters and the trailers release like 1 day before the banner
he looks like a pimp, it was to be expected bro
This just made me realize that the leaks and drip marketing are what make the game dead period hurt less, you are always looking forward to what comes next
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so i built got fireflyE0S0 and used about 1500 energy to build her AND trailblazer. so compared to my blade who ate about 18k energy i barely did anything.
she already kills everything i throw her at in MoC. why do peopüle get her eidolons and cone again?
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Also the warp data from SRS.
Note that this data accumulated a lot over time (RM banner had 10m warps back in February, and now she has double than that for example)
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>Acheron who had fucking Luochud BTFO the list
Too strong.
>well over 100 million USD revenue this banner
>posters here genuinely believe this is bad
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Revenue numbers tomorrow. Firefly CHADS, we will finally have proof of our superiority.
>SR typically translates very well.
>Mute line changed to rock
>Sunday saying Gallagher is a follower of Enigmata missing
>Sampo's height
>Multiple fuckups with ages in the Luofu
>Constant typos, even once misspelling the word Penacony itself
>Changing intent of certain lines, like Seele sounding angry if put in party with Luka.
I mean, the translation is not Wuwa bad but I wouldn't call the SR translation good. I have read fantranslations of web novels with better translations.
NA is the region that matters the least. Barely 14% of the revenue. At this point I'm just going to tell you to kill yourself.
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I don't care, I do this because I just like to record all data, not because I have an agenda to protect or to say X character flopped (or X won bigly)
If I could access CN equivalent of warp tracked I'd record that data too.
>most popular character in Japan
>meta dps
>can’t even beat Yelan
Stop liking feet.
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Aventurine is the perfect example of what attracts females in the eastern hemisphere. He's pretty, not overly masculine and has a feminine side (cares about his appearance and smell, fashionable). I know Japanese women love hairless twinks so they definitely love his type
Do u want me to post renheng art
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Most women are into pretty boys, especially in asia. Think of Aventurine like a KPOP idol. They wanna be fucked by those types, and thus want to see girls fucked by those types too.

Lore-wise, I guess it's because Aventurine has alot of connections (all but 2 of his voice/partylines are with women btw)
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Calm down, Silver Wolf. You cannot just scream YUM every time you see feet on the screen.
Because they can, its that simple. If I had money, to burn, I'd go for e2s1 just because I could.
Hang yourself piece of shit. I don't give a fuck what your agenda is. You are numbers posting which feeds shitposters.
based fuli pathstrider
quickly, reply to yourself with a footpic, saying "no!"
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...how did you know I was spic? what the hell
What was the give away?
I did this one before Firefly and Jade, Firefly should be top 1 and Jade shouldbe around 22/23
1. Seele
2. Bronya
3. Silver Wolf
4. Jingliu
5. Clara
6. Ruan Mei
7. Herta
8. Fu Xuan
9. Pela
10. Sparkle
11. Kafka
12. Xueyi
13. Topaz
14. Hanya
15. Huohuo
16. Guinaifen
17. Serval
18. Bailu
19. Acheron
20. Hook
21. Lynx
22. Sushang
23. Black Swan
24. Asta
25. Qingque
26. Robin
27. Stelle
28. Himeko
29. March 7th
30. Natasha
31. Yukong
32. Tingyun
33. Blade
34. Gepard
35. Gallagher
36. Argenti
37. Dr. Ratio
38. Welt
39. Boothill
40. Luka
41. Sampo
42. Jing Yuan
43. Dan Heng
44. Imbibitor Lunae
45. Misha
46. Caelus
47. Yanqing
48. Aventurine
49. Luocha
50. Arlan
triggered tribal poorpag
what art
fuck no, just in case
>he doesn't know
Much better taste
>How is that helping?
First of all, it's ordered from higher up to collect that loan. Do you think debt collection agencies are just collecting loans for fun? Second, Topaz is using that loan as justification for the IPC to step in. Her world view is that people of a doomed planet aren't willing to do anything to prevent it's extinction. So her using that loan allows her to push for what she believes has a good chance of saving the planet. Notice how the loan isn't a big problem anymore to her the moment she decided that Belobog will do fine on their own.
I mean, I agree that Topaz way of helping was retarded and very close-minded, but all her actions were consistent with her reasoning of wanting to help the planet.
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Your IP
Unironically your taste in males, It screams spic.
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guess its the same as buying SUVs, as soon as certain people have some money, they have more money than sense
I'm genuinely convinced every different sets has stat bias. What are the odds this DOESN'T have ATK? Not even solid value ATK?
Is the starting Lv.0 substat pretty much set in stone and I shouldn't rely on surprises?
how does /hsrg/ feel about the current state of this general where only fireflyposters remain
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Knowing that he canonically smells like some lame expensive cologne is funny. They should do a collab with him one day.
It's an ideal world. Like a dream, even. Maybe Sunday succeeded after all.
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Liking Bladie, Screw, Churin and EL GENERALISIMO is spic core? Color me surprised.
I genuinely thought the giveaway was Firefly desu
Also Hanu is so cool...
Belobog was a (badly written) lesson on having hope, hence the hamfisted encounter in the end with the little bear that was thought to be extinct.
You kind have to be retarded to think Topaz always backs off this easily yet still somehow made it to the top.
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>lame expensive cologne
God for such a gay looking ass twink he sure has the taste of a straight man I swear
would be cute. do you know the cologne?
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Kakavasha was built for femdom
perfection. homos and mutilations fucked off to zzz general
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double footjob from these two sluts
Well later they had Jade say it was a good trade anyway because they now have the favours of the AE.
Liking Firefly is universal bro, she' s my favorite too
I'm spanish so I know your tastes too well lmao
God I hope they have more interactions
He deserves to be lovingly dommed by Jade
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Doesn't say unfortunately
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shut up nerd, ill give you ham fist
Today is like the calm before the storm, enjoy the comfy threads because it's going to be a warzone. Either Firefly flopped and we will get people coming to laugh at us here, or it made a massive amount of money so people are going to counter-shitpost here after their threads get invaded
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>Honkai: Emotional Rollercoaster
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>Lost to Bronyers and GODlu
Not bad.
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they say 80+ pity is statistically extremely improbable yet i see it all the fucking time in this general
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I''m so glad I dropped that piece of shit in 3.6
>t. ex gigger whale
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It already happened but I doubt it was lovingly...
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What are the upcoming reruns we're getting? I need to know who I can save for.
Getting below 20 and 10 is also extremely rare and yet it happens a lot in the screens.
E1 makes a world of difference on economy and makes the engine run so much smoother. E2 is mostly for speed clears, I imagine.
E0 Firefly has to balance your SP tightly, trying to make sure you always have 2-3 on her turn so she can burn it. E1 can just spam her skill, so you can afford to take stuff like multiplication off gallagher, and always be using skill on TB so you get that 2 turn upkeep.
ofc its a dehyafag ragequit'd the game
no one knows for sure, rerun leaks are not very reliable
>all thst just for 5 pulls
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Its very unlikely but it doesn't mean its uncommon like 85+, I've yet to see a single 85+ in this general.
Its also just like getting a 5* in <10 pulls or getting a double.
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I have got it my last 4 pities and lost my last 9 50/50s
Gallagher will solo support Firefly. Even at E0 SP is not a problem.

Multiplication is not only best for SP gen, its also best for damage
So no counterpoint? Just saying it's badly written and saying trust me bro I know better than the writers. Literally everything in the game points to Topaz being naive, but since she made it to the top she has to be corrupt? Literally called Topaz of Debt Retrieval, meaning she could have easily risen to the top just by helping other planets in similar situations as Belobog.
Eh the thread is dead, at least this was some fun discussing the story. But looks like his arguments have run out and is now in the sperging phase
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Some are saying Black Swan and HuoHuo but I hope to god it's gonna be Ratio and HuoHuo, I can't afford to roll 2 new + 1 eidolon and 1 LC
>flora bad
What is this anon's point?
I'm just waiting zzz
the guy above you has an 86 bailu
>now I need to roll homo fox AND his LC for my DoT mommies and Acheron mommy
Such is the pain to make waifus hit harder
Let me walk you through this.
A 700 year old loan is ridiculus.
Look at what her goons do, the very first guy assumes he should just kill us, until topaz notices we would actually fight back and stops him. Her other goons occupy the mine, which is the lifeline for the whole city.
She then basicaly starts a civil war between the robots and the guards.
Her feel good story about the terraforming is how much better her planet does after everybody entered into life long servitude to the IPC, never mind the little detail that it could fail and end the whole planet.
She only backs out after she sees that Belabog is not a third world shithole, but a third world shithole with a giant combat mech.
Look at the actual actions and intentions when there isnt A&T to sweet talk you.
Both factions are followers of preservation btw.
Why does Hertaschizo hate Huohuo?
Blame hoyo for switching the target audience, it is what it is.
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Nothing wrong with walking away from people who straight up hate you. Not everyone's into cucking you know.
jiaoqiu/black swan
>waiting for zensored
It's funny how hard the devs swept this under the rug with every action since solely positive
No. Not Black Swan fuck you. Ratio, take it or leave it. I need more funds.
how do you eat food in divergent? I got the talent unlocked
Only for non-Torturous difficulties.
You can't eat food in V+# difficulties (protocol mode).
Only in weeklies/regular V difficulty
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Sorry bro. It's been confirmed by Uncle Gura who is said to be Da Wei himself.
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Me literally on the left
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New Fuqing
>switching the target audience
pretty sure the first 5* hag euler was also shit since her release
but mihomo is also developing HSR
damn that sucks. ty.
Yes. the game looks comfy and fun
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>mommy enjoyer
Supremely based taste
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My funds... My gems... No way I can get HuoHuo, E0S1 Pink Fox AND E1 Swan.
I lucked god since Acheron banner it's bound to stop somewhere but I'm so close to having reached all my dreams and never having to pull again...
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If halovians can read minds of people within 10 feet does Robin know how much I want to bend her over my Steinway Falcon for a quickie?
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What’s the difference between these 2
It's amusing how people just forget about the concept of being responsible for people at your command and always ignore the fucked up shit IPC soldiers did on Belobog. All of them, together with Topaz herself, should've been executed.
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Stelle sisters, are (we) too cocky? Our destruction form is shit, and the other two are just supports...
>E1 Swan
Not needed, getting fox and his LC will do more for her than an eidolon copy
Cyclical is a weekly challenge
Ordinary is just the full RNG mode and has access to protocol extensions (V+X difficulties with inflated stats)
cyclical gives you weekly shill equations, weighted curio and blessings
Rotating weekly fixed curio and equations
Do it once per week to max your herta points
Does not change weekly
Do every threshold level once and then you never have to touch it again
You can easily hit for 400k+ with the E in the harmony form...
Cyclical's boss is always the same and gives you a preset handful of equations and blessings at the start. Cyclical changes every week and kinda wants you to play their fixed paths/units.
why would you get the fox man?
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We love the IPC here, sorry chudcels. Your propaganda won't work on me. I will be enjoying my gifts and special treatment from my best friends who will never betray me
Are you just doing a bit now
Literally everything points to her having had a career of being a corporate goon like her peers, ready to risk a planet's fate, and Belobog only ended up being an exception because the game neededs to tell its saturday morning cartoon story of having hope.
You unironically have no media literacy if your takeaway from all this was she's a naive little princess.
>a fucking bird
vietnam flashbacks incoming...
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They DID bribe us with 5% of the profits from their latest deal, how could they possibly be evil?
HMC puts the HARM in Harmony and is not a real support.
Ruan Mei is a break team slot now, so DoT will need him.
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I already have Black Swan signature. And Pink Fox is my Acheron's onahole.
Funny broken kit and makes Acheron even better for MoC and especially PF without having to run DoT with her so I can run it on the other side.
Thanks bwos. Guess I’ll keep doing the top one on each threshold level
>Literally everything points to her having had a career of being a corporate goon like her peers, ready to risk a planet's fate
This. There's no telling how many billions or trillions of lives were forced into effective slavery because she wanted to climb the corporate ladder.
>A 700 year old loan is ridiculus.
It's a loan made with the government of the planet. It does not belong to a single person, but the ruling body. Same as how many countries in the real world have debt, despite multiple switches in who is actually in charge. And Belobog fucked up by not specifying a time in the contract when it would become void.
>Look at what her goons do, the very first guy assumes he should just kill us, until topaz notices we would actually fight back and stops him. Her other goons occupy the mine, which is the lifeline for the whole city.
And every time Topaz intervenes and puts an end to it. I do admit you could view it as her using underhanded tactics and secretly ordering it, but at the same time it also fits in her naive personality. So it's not really evidence for either.
>She then basicaly starts a civil war between the robots and the guards.
You mean after GODpard went full terrorist on her? And she only restrained them, Gepard is still alive.
>never mind the little detail that it could fail and end the whole planet.
Svarog litterally asks Topaz if she believes "If the IPC does not intervene, this world is doomed.", which he confirms to be "Emotional readings indicate that your response is sincere and accurate.". So yes, Topaz at least believes a 63% chance is better than 0%.
>She only backs out after she sees that Belabog is not a third world shithole, but a third world shithole with a giant combat mech.
The giant combat mech that is currently not functional and in the process of being repaired? What is that shit going to do? The point of showing the mech was showing how Belobog has something worthwhile, so the higher ups in the ipc could be convinced
>Look at the actual actions and intentions when there isnt A&T to sweet talk you.
I can see your interpretation on some points. But all those points could also be explained by her being naive. I at least hope you can also see that this is also still a valid interpertation.
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I might have to skip Black Swan.....
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Pink Fox LC is better than her LC. You're wasting your time rolling for eidolons for her is my point. Unless she's your waifu or something.
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>hah im not waging for a couple dollars an hour for Bossman Mcmoneysack!
>grinds chests for cents/hour in a chinese zelda clone
I should make a gacha game.
mate i just told you i clear all content with little effort, what do i need E1 for again?
80% of this characters power comes from her supports, who cares if i cant spamm skill of HMC if everything dies anyways? THINK, anon THINK!
I get wanting their character to be really strong but this game is too easy for really getting into it.
You need E2 for his dot to count as a dot. So at E0, he's actually not that good for DoT. Just use Pela or Asta. And actually rolling three times on the fox is kinda gay
They won't be there for you when you need it btw
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I already did.
I only use DU to farm Plannar, the rest is just so dogshit and my favourite paths were gutted.
Thank you Miss Herta for providing the superior Extensions and also rewarding 20 gems per occurrence instead of being limited.
>SH giving Stelle a better room than the AE crew
Yeah, I'm thinking I'll stay with them.
Feels kind of weird how people just ignore Jade exists. Shes such a filler charafcter.
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>mate i just told you i clear all content with little effort, what do i need E1 for again?
The same reason the legal limit for most places is no more than 80mph, but some people want cars that can comfortably go double that. It's neat to see how far you can push.
Sure, Gallagher can if he's running laps around the rest of the team in terms of speed and you're not always using skill with TB/going for two turn ult cycles.
I'm not gonna be some retard that says it's unrunnable at E0, but between taking E0 and E1/2 friends, it is a literal world of difference in economy.
>All those Hags and C2R1 Dehya
My nigga. Also dropped but at 4.2, when my cope reserves exhausted themselves.
I wouldn't roll E2. He's still buffing the team sans Ruan Mei, she was used for that slot so you don't lose a support slot.
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I swear to GOD I'M GONNA DO IT
>Wasting rolls
Anon I'm literally getting Jiaoqiu so he's gonna be using his own LC. I'm not gonna run him in DoT, I run the old team with Ruan Mei. I'm just missing HuoHuo and I wanted her E1 since her first run but I wanted Sparkle as well.
Oh shit I have to do my su weeklies thanks for the reminder herta bro
This is what happens when the game forces two new five stars per patch in order to maximize sales.
Jesus, Topaz's outfit looks so ridiculous and sexy. It's practically a bunny suit.
Still not gonna pull her tho
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>And Belobog fucked up by not specifying a time in the contract when it would become void.
They were being threatened by inevitable and ultimate destruction of the entire planet. They couldn't even use the resources they got from IPC. The contract is null and void.
>And every time Topaz intervenes and puts an end to it.
She's directly responsible for every single one of their actions.
>You mean after GODpard went full terrorist on her?
You mean when he exercised self-defense against a literal invading aggressive force?
>muh belief
Contrivance for the sake of telling a story for children and make her look better for brainlets. Means absolutely nothing.
>The giant combat mech that is currently not functional and in the process of being repaired? What is that shit going to do? The point of showing the mech was showing how Belobog has something worthwhile, so the higher ups in the ipc could be convinced
So what you're saying is that she's an opportunistic corpowhore?
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Please tell me there's some achievement or something for maxing this out, I definitely won't get it before I finish all the (visible) achievements.
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There isnt, you do it for autism points.
>He didn't rush Hunt first
Oh no no noooooo
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She does more than Topaz did in Penacony, she's far from "filler". She's just DOA as a unit, only relevance she has are with her more popular children
She's a character literally only useful in PF but nobody has issue with PF cause Himeko and Herta are free and hard carry.
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disgusting, i will tell your poor father about this. think about what youre gonna say to him when he confronts you about this.
Would you believe me if I said I picked hunt literally every time it came up because I had heard it had the least?
Okay, then I just get this 100 dice roll for propogation and then it looks like I never have to touch Swarm again. Thanks, anon.
I'm getting her on rerun with E1 so I can run her with TopASS, her sex toy.
bruh, you don't need Ti for 1080p. And if you have 1440p then there are better value cards for that.
Sexo bug lady...
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Señor Yang...
G&G and Swarm are super tedious and absolutely not worth the effort beyond just clearing the basic levels.
>Topaz intervenes and puts an end to it
Because we are around and dangerous/influential, thats how those guys usually act, claiming otherwise is just silly.
>GODpard went full terrorist
Sry what? The governments local townguard was trying to stop the guys from space that suddenly claim the whole planet belongs to them now and they have to assess everythings value?
>I can see your interpretation
Thats the surface, the writers have to sell the characters and not get clapped by censorship/their boss.
Whereever you are coming from, this is a critique of how murica or even china (currently in africa) is doing unfair buisness with predatory loans and unneeded infrastructure projects in poor countries.
I believe you Anon. Hunt is genuinely disgusting to farm here because it has the least amount of choices and you can brick fast if you didn't get it plane 1.
I had to abuse to Trotter occurrence with Hunt Path to get choices.
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Doing every dice at V+10 (or V+12) is extremely painful, I quit from doing it after spending an entire week trying to get Amber Barrier to V+10.
Thank god DU is just a one time in treshold V+6 and then you can do everything else at base V.
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>Able to overwrite blessing
>plane 3 is longer than normal SU
>somehow it's harder to get 16 same blessing
Banned path when? how can you move forward 1 step but backward 1 step one patch later
4060 is 400$
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I love underboob
If you wanna make a character so Independent for the sake of omnipandering the MC has no part in their story roles, at least make them broken and must-have gameplay-wise.
Otherwise just as much as your new hotness removed from the MC they'll be removed from your player's collection. You want your writing decisions to have no impact on sales, make MMO or MOBAs instead.
V6 is as tedious to me as C10 was in GG. Especially since it's so easy to just completely kill a run.
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For the last time, stop shaming your IPC friends for having sex. They're people too
More like 2 step backwards since you have a lot of paths gutted. And the break shilling is just insufferable.
>waste 2 days doing the planar bullshit
>gain absolutely nothing of interest
>when I could've just grinded traces as usual
Idk why I even bother.
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C10+ was fine depending on the dice, event extrapolation and the capitalism dice are very consistent at winning, ditto for curio extrapolation dice, amber barrier is the absolute worst dice.
I did V+6 in DU first try, but I was also using Firefly, I tried using my RRAT team but it just feel so fucking bad, they didn't need to shill Firefly quite like that.
>They were being threatened by inevitable and ultimate destruction of the entire planet.
If you take a loan when going bankrupt, then that loan is still valid if you managed to save your company. Same reason here, if they didn't want the planet to repay the loan after 700 years, they should have put that in the contract.
>They couldn't even use the resources they got from IPC
Which the IPC didn't know. If I take a loan and burn the money, it doesn't make the loan void
>She's directly responsible for every single one of their actions.
>You mean when he exercised self-defense against a literal invading aggressive force?
Huh, so Topaz is responsible for her people but Bronya isn't for Gepard's actions? Both Belobog and the IPC were friendly at that point, either both leaders were responsible for the act of aggression or neither were.
>So what you're saying is that she's an opportunistic corpowhore?
Sure, if that is what you got from my post then I also get why you think Topaz is evil.
You're supposed to save Herta coins specifically for it. They tell you beforehand. You have have had 8 this week and then the 4 tomorrow. Planning is very important.
Hard agree on the rolls though because apart from a crazy 7 speed piece for Gallagher, I got nothing at all on either set.
I am simply never doing conundrums or any equivalents. Grinding a hallway simulator isn't gameplay to me.
I grabbed it for 35k rubies, Ti is just not worth it
>Both Belobog and the IPC were friendly at that point
Did you play that mission? The IPC was occupying the planet during negotiations. No matter how you try to spin it, thats a fact and not very friendly.
Yeah I get what you mean and that's exactly how I felt.
Can you clear without Firefly? Sure.
Will it feel 100 times weaker and more tedious? Definitely. DoT just felt so fucking bad even with the right equations and I couldn't manage to get 16 Nihility, the rerolls cucked me at 15. Also I have yet to meet Ruan Mei 3 event, I only ever got 2.
So that's what honkai means in the title
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Can Kurara soloclear high DU protocols? She looks rather stwong...
you realize the hunt blessings that make firefly strong in du are also in the old modes and even more powerful there
I pulled her just for that. And it was worth it, when I'm in the overworld using her I just pop boners seeing her running around.
>>If you take a loan when going bankrupt, then that loan is still valid if you managed to save your company. Same reason here, if they didn't want the planet to repay the loan after 700 years, they should have put that in the contract.
Ok. Now watch me pull a gun to your head, force 100 bucks into your hand as say that I will come back tomorrow and demand a thousand times that amount. That's what IPC did, effectively.
You are coping, just admit you like evil bitches and be done with it.
I'll pull her when we get a competent FUA that doesn't require Ratio and Aventurine.
Not really, the hunt blessings had the "defeat an enemy" clause modified so it says "defeat or weakness break", without that second clause you can't quite infinite turn Firefly.
Though Pyre and Hell is other are still good, and for G&G/SD you can use Propagation path because the resonance is extra turns.
Also the reason she's so consistent in DU is because she only needs two ecuations to pop off, those being the two Nihility/Destruction ones which let you do extra superbreaks, on top of the hunt ones, other team comps don't got the same treatment or their resonances require more curio/blessings to actually shred the enemy team.
>The governments local townguard was trying to stop the guys from space that suddenly claim the whole planet belongs to them now and they have to assess everythings value?
The government that is currently still in peaceful negotiations relating a loan the past leader have signed and are currently considering the proposed deal? So why is the captain of the Silvermane guards suddenly attacking? His position is high enough that he knew why the IPC were there and that Bronya is currently in negotiations. Yet he decided to attack because of his personal feelings. It's obvious that this is literally a parallel to what the IPC grunts did.
>Thats the surface, the writers have to sell the characters
The writers have shown no problem selling their characters when they are perceived as evil. People hate RM, yet many people still pulled for her. Sparkle's banner was when she was clearly antagonistic, with her only interacting with TB sending them to a dangerous zone. Aventurine was a boss during his banner. Ratio is still an asshole. Jade is the next banner, yet is way more evil. If this was Genshin, then I could understand the whitewashing. But HSR has shown no problem selling evil characters, but for Topaz it's suddenly a problem? As for getting things past censorship, they have gotten away with much worse shit. The IPC is basically capitalism, why would a critique of America be stopped by Chinese censorship?
Your jade?
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I said competent. Not copium garbage.
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You can use her as the dps but main issue is, have fun getting an abundance run going. You need Gallagher + Luocha because the healing is SHIT in DU compared to normal SU for stacking dewdrops and also luckshit the 3* Dewdrop on heal blessing + Annihilation bomb equation by the time you hit the first boss.
uh no, both du and the old modes have action advance on break and kill. the only difference is that the break one in the old modes also advanced the entire party when the target is an elite
She relies on getting hit and high difficulty SU and DU deals way too much damage for me to be comfortable doing that.
DoT felt like hell.
FuA is actually decent.
Abundance runs are pretty cringe but they kinda work.
Acheron works but she was definitely gutted a bit.
Again so many things wrong with this mode.
Now post the other one.
>No matter how you try to spin it, thats a fact and not very friendly.
I mean, they called it assessing any potential value but I do agree it was a dubious move. But Bronya didn't stop it and was still negotiating, so a captain of the military shouldn't have taken matters in his own hands.
>Now watch me pull a gun to your head
But the gun wasn't the IPC, but the anti-matter legion. It's like giving a starving man 100 bucks to buy food, but say he needs to pay you back. You can discuss the morality of that, but the IPC did not force anyone to take the deal. Belobog could have refused and fought the anti-matter legion on their own.
This isn't even true. IPC posting hasn't stopped.
>t's obvious that this is literally a parallel to what the IPC grunts did
Do you know how time works? Its usually really important who does the first agressive actions, occupying a planet came first, then Gepard wanted to protect the citizens and planet from that.
>why would a critique of America be stopped by Chinese censorship
Just look up what the chinese government is doing in africa.
They give out unrepayable loans for unneeded infrastructure projects and then muscle that for huge benefits.
I tried her once in G&G5 with elation. Was a fun run, but very stressful. Her HP just constantly fluctuated between full and almost dead, her damage was between doing nothing on her turn to almost oneshotting the boss sometimes. I don't get how I won, but it somehow worked
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So when are we going to get proper full Lingsha and Feixiao kit leaks? I need to know what to roll on.
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been retrying the 2nd stage for 2 hours, fuck RNG and fuck this mode
>what is extortion, the post.
>fought the anti-matter legion on their own
And they did and had to use the Stellaron while fucking up their planet in the process because IPC niggers had fled the planet without explaining how to use their robots and Belobog couldn't actually use anything they got from them.
About a week before the next patch releases I think
Last day of 2.3 most likely.
what are some non ff comps that can defeat VI
Ridin' Bussin-imori.
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I hate this gif. It makes me feel sad every time I see it. Same with that image of Acheron chibi sitting all lonely on a battlefield or something like that, I dont remember.
I hate when cute things are sad. I may be autistic.

Anon AS bosses have buffed resistances vs. non-weak elements. Trying to brute force is stupid, the dps requirement shoots sky high when you're starting from 60% element resist on the boss.
when the next beta starts
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Gallagher is infinitely more effective in side 2 because Argenti that beautiful motherfucker has such a short window to deal with his toughness bar. Side 1 gets you *just* enough points even with only Firefly as the sole breaker in that party.
I dont think we ever said the contract was unlawful.
The occupation certainly is unlawful from our PoV atleast.
We are aguing about morals the whole time, because the claim is that Topaz is a good girl and nothing is her fault.
This is universal in gacha games
Even in FGO/BA in which all the characters are for (You), some characters just exist and your immediate reaction is 'Who?' whenever you see them
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I think they're cute
>Square still insists turn based JRPG won't sell & young people only play action games
>Meanwhile Fromsoft is considering making traditional JRPG for their next game
What a timeline we live in. Persona and StarRail shows there's still demand for turn based games with heavy narrative. I think FromSoft is onto something here.
SW eliminates that resistance, doesn't she?
>Its usually really important who does the first agressive actions, occupying a planet came first, then Gepard wanted to protect the citizens and planet from that.
The point is that Bronya didn't declare it an aggressive action. And the IPC used wordplay to also make it not seem aggressive. It's pure politics, but the point is that surface level it wasn't occupation. And Gepard still acted without orders, making Belobog the aggressor. And Bronya as the leader is responsible for the acts of a captain.
>Just look up what the chinese government is doing in africa.
I'm aware, and it's actually disgusting how little attention it gets. But the IPC is clearly not a representation of China. Instead, it appears to be a critique of Western countries colonizing. The post I replied to even said how it's primarily a critique of America. If they wanted to get it past the censor, they could have just rewritten some parts to make that more clear but keep the original conclusion. But instead, they changed the conclusion and added all those scenes to whitewash Topaz? I find that pretty unlikely, especially how much shit they have gotten past the censors before and afterwards.
No, she only has 30% RES Down, AS bosses have 60% RES AND they receive only like 10% of the damage as long as they're not weakness broken, you're never going to bruteforce.
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See, the image you posted is weirdly ok with me, maybe because it has some comedic undertones. But that gif, and especially this specific frame just makes me uncomfortable. I don't know how to explain it.
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I managed without Gallagher with Topaz and Clara, I guess Clara isn't as bad as breaking bars as I thought, she's just a lot less useful when they actually get broken
>Jiaoqiu's cone on BS will make DoTcheron the best Acheron team
>There would be no reason to roll for Jiaoqiu if this happens

Yeah that shit is getting nerfed. There's no way it's surviving V3 beta.

She lowers the resistance just like she always does. Except if you actually used on element dps you'd be facing a boss with 0 or negative element resist instead of 30%. The time of brute forcing with SW is coming to an end with the constantly increasing boss HP and buffed resistances.
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I will save the gif to post it every thread now
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>that image of the cute anime girl exited to try her burger and the patty slips out onto the floor
I don't know why that one always makes me really sad......
You are autistic
So should I roll this for Pela? I only have S4 Pearls.
Don't worry anon. The culprit has been apprehend and I will make sure to correct her
I got 3600 points on side 2 with Firefly and yet my first team is so shit I can't deal with Cocolia in over 3000 points. I really want Acheron's cone. She feels like complete dog shit without it.
Yeah. Pela's "everyone's EHR increases by 10%" trace should help with the requirements too. You need 150%~ EHR.
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Which characters are the best to hit these little shits? I know that HMC fucking SUCKS at it, and FMC too, PMC is good.
Anything with big horizontal attacks is good because you don't need to aim as much.
>Gepard still acted without orders
Can you source that for me?
Does "protect the citizens and town" need to be reordered, when its the silverguards mission statement?
Bronya was backed into a corner, so at worst she didnt officialy decalre what was being done? Just like the occupation and terror on the populace was just a assesment?

Also while we are on the whole lawful thing, is the mine state owned? I remember the veins are finders keepers? Is the art museum? Is all the citizens property and houses collateral too?
Does the government own the city? The planet? Do the people?
The original claim was that Topaz was naive, not that she was good though.
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Rolling 2 of these cones
Jiaoqiu buffs doko...
>And they did and had to use the Stellaron while fucking up their planet in the process
Yeah, it was immensely stupid to take the loan and then use nothing from it. Whether it's because Belobog leadership as too stupid to operate the machines or if the IPC fucked them, it still doesn't matter to the discussion on Topaz actions. She was surprised when Svarog showed her that the weapons never got used, so Topaz didn't know this.
>We are aguing about morals the whole time, because the claim is that Topaz is a good girl and nothing is her fault.
I wouldn't say it's arguing morals, the whole discussing started because someone claimed that Topaz is actually not naive but instead secretly an evil mastermind that takes pleasure in enslaving planets. If you want to discus morals, I fully agree that Topaz was in the wrong, very stupid, self-centered, self-righteous, and conceited. However, her intent was to help Belobog, and she fully believed that she was doing so. This got stated multiple times, even by Svarog that is able to detect this.
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He really doesn't need buffs. His LC is busted and his kit is good as is. Don't know why people are calling him a brick.
What are you smacking them for? Maybe Kafka and Firefly E?
I don't really hit the ones on my ship, they're just happy I'm their captain. The ones at Golden Hour though are a different story.
Wasnt his whole arc how his math is wrong, because he doesnt account for the power of friendship?
I swear that whore spends a week on the planet and undoes every single thing we worked for in the story.
>been posting for days talking about how busted Jiaoqiu's cone would be on other Nihility debuffers

Finally other people are seeing the light. Fuck rolling for Jiaoqiu, that cone is a way better pulls for your account.
What did QQ do wrong there?
Where's Huohuo Star Rail General
Is Yunli's counter a single damage instance or multiple?
I have some good fua set pieces to spare
They make annoying noise, I really hope hoyo adds a setting to mute the trotters shiver noise and the billdboard tap tap.
Stop making annoying noises aaaa
without his LC he's worse than his 4* "sidegrade" for everyone but Acheron
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But that one is funny and lighthearted unlike picrel which is just sad...
>that fucking flap of flesh under their eyeballs
I swear every fucking chink cosplay I see pronounces those for no fucking reason. It doesn't look cute, it's disgusting and unnatural.
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next thread for sure
>advertisement board
All right, I'll get the pink fox LC for my Pela then
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Kidnap Sporgkle
I use Ratio. I hate that the ship billboards are way harder to hit.
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Congrats anon
>Wasnt his whole arc how his math is wrong, because he doesnt account for the power of friendship?
Sure, but what has his prediction of the future to do with being able to read emotional fluctuations in people? And his math wasn't wrong, Belobog was doomed. Just that he needed convincing that literally aliens from space would be able to a big enough factor. Which is why we fought him, and why he became helpful after we defeated him. He wasn't wrong on the math, he just missed one variable in his equations
Is everyone gonna roll 2 copies of it? It's also BiS for Sex Wolf and competitive for Black Swan.
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I get tempted to roll on the cone banner but then I remember I could potentially put in 60 rolls only to get Yanking's 2* ass cone and I give up. Seriously remove Yanking from the game entirely. He should not exist.
but he's not off element?
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Yep I still hate it. I want to take this little thing and keep it warm and safe.
I don't know if I should, my SW already works fine with the Tutorial LC
I don't have Black Swan
I'm getting one copy of it and putting it on BS for my DoTcheron team. It's only a 1.5% damage loss for BS's personal damage while both Kafka and Acheron get a 20% damage boost.
>>Jiaoqiu's cone on BS will make DoTcheron the best Acheron team
You would literally just roll both his LC and him so that when you want to use DoT you can use BS and slot fox for acheron. when you want to use Acheron you use BS with the cone.
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I might roll it for SW because I wasn't playing for the event cone and this is a stingy nigger kike game that has 0 good options for her unless I have S10 sweat for both her and Pela.
he should exist but he should be buffed to be as strong as Acheron and Firefly
Firefly stole Ruan Mei from DoT team so I'm putting the DoT hags into my Acheron team. Firefly one side and DoTcheron on the other side should comfortably clear all content for a while.
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this is why I no longer play games or watch things in spanish
This. I want a jade refund for having that 3* guy's E1.
Idk I'm just gonna e0s1 the homo so i have the flexibility to do both.
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I love Spanish so I could never switch to EN permanently.
Everything I read in this language reads like the person is shouting. It's hilarious.
happy for you bro
Herta can hit all 4 at once
She didn't steal anything, just don't play Break Teams alongside DoT.
Investing in every archetype is what allows me to never touch units and steal.
It's more expensive jade wise at first but worth it in the end.
I can't see the word "luciernaga" and not think of that chavo del 8 episode
>se fumo la luciergana
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Spanish is such a meme language I love it so much
This is an adult
I doubt using a stealth bomb was part of Bronya's orders, nor part of their normal procedures to protect the citizens.
>Bronya was backed into a corner, so at worst she didnt officialy decalre what was being done?
My point is that if you say Bronya had plausible deniability, then the same should apply to Topaz with her grunts. The occupation was done under the justification of assessment, acting like a terrorist and bombing unsuspecting people was done under the justification of protecting the citizen.
>is the mine state owned
The mine were the products were transported to the overworld?
>Is the art museum
Pela, a silvermane guard is working there. The silvermane guards are investigating the stolen property. Reopened because the stellaron disaster being solved freed up manpower. Established as a memorial to the first guardian. State-owned museums is pretty common
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Some Spanish translations are great but mihoyo's are always fucking half assed and stilted so I just play in English.
only the lvl 3 counter has enough hits to max it, lvls 1 and 2 are 1 hit for each enemy so 3 max, it's still cope and the new set is best for her
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Shes legal
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a pity...
>His LC is busted
Anyone can use his LC. Just pull it and slap it on SW.
>his kit is good as is
He is barely an upgrade just based on his debuffs in his base kit. Might even be worse than SW+Pela depending on the content. His biggest advantage is replacing a 4* LC on your sustain. I would call him an upgrade, but only a minor one for a single team. You need to pull E2 just to be able to use him in dots.
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Damn brat
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ok, now that I got her, it's time to build her
is this a good cone for her? I have memory of the past on HMC
I love Raiden Bosesoundsystem Mei
If you don't have her signature, yeah that's her best options since MotP is better on HMC.
>wuwaggers are shitting up your thread too

I somewhat understand doing this in the general of your current competitor you have a massive inferiority complex towards, but towards a game that isn't even a direct gamplay competitor? Wuwaggers really are the absolute dregs of the gacha game community
Date with Acheron one day. I can feel it
Gensh*n spanish translation is extremely good, shame that HSR didn't get quite the same treatment.
Just about everything in Genshin was CN -> ES, and the translation sometimes pickups details that the EN translation didn't put into (and Spanish translation also translates everything, so you don't end up with Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto unleash the Musou no Hitotachi's Musou Shinsetsu Art, applying the Ogosho Technique of Tenkabito-za from the Yagyuu Munenori of the Yagyuu-Shinkage!?)
In HSR it seems that they went for a much cheaper approach, everything in main story is EN -> ES, and everything else is MTL'd from CN, kind of a bummer, but at least they try to keep everything in Spanish.
Mi novio, mwah.
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
Hmm I guess I have to start the wind soaring grind after finishing my Jade traces. Maybe Feixiao will also benefit from it but it's still not that good since I have no real use for the other set
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Based high-empathy anon
They're a fanbase literally built on having an inferiority complex over Genshin so they overcompensate by lashing out like children.
Alright anon, then maybe a slight tweak to his numbers.
The healing needs to stay gone though, you can't have someone having obscene buffs and heals. Healers are balanced around giving smaller buffs, HuoHuo being an outlier with 40% Atk and busted ER refund. Nihility having both would make him a must pull for literally everyone and kill Abundance even more.
huohuo is balanced around her ult uptime being complete dogshit
you could always build Xueyi if the break shilling gets too annoying
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For me, it's Trainwife.
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Big bronya should wear Silver wolfs outfit.
Maybe people will like her more then....
>The healing needs to stay gone though, you can't have someone having obscene buffs and heals.
I don't expect them to add it. And it was already kind of useless, because either he replaced sustain so why is he not abudance then, or the amount healed was so small that it didn't matter. It could have indicated a new direction of going 2x half sustain instead of full 1x sustain, but would be difficult to balance. If they do change him, at least make him usable outside of Acheron teams but even then I still won't pull for a gay pink fox
>products were transported
The miners that trade with the government for food? Doing trade with the government doesnt make you state owned.
>silvermane guards are investigating the stolen property
So the police wouldnt investigate theft of private property? Ye Im a bit thin on the museum, but still.
>plausible deniability
Deniability that the actions are ordered.
You trying to paint the guards actions as bombings and terrorism is so retarded, do I actually have to argue with that?
The guards modus operandi is protecting the citizens, so it doesnt have to be a direct order.
The goons occupying the city and infrastructure is modus operandi and didnt have to be directly ordered. What had to be directly ordered, because its out of the ordinary, is the goons not terrorizing the citizens.
Really gives you the big think.
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Damn this image goes hard
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Yeah I was thinking about Himeko for the Firefly shill content and Xueyi sounds fun too but isn't it kind of weird since enemies will be broken for so long that you can't really procc her fua after the initial break?
>huohuo the rock
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What's the best 4pc set for Hunt March? She'll probably be Feixiao support anyway so I have an extra 2pc Izumo set already prepared from Acheron farming.
New skgl_thx just dropped.
Is it just me or did he dissapear for most of June? I swear his last drawing was back in like early May
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our heroes
you either go all in on damage with the supports to if not kill before you run out of steam atleast hurt the enemy enough to finish them off with skill crits or pair her with HMC so even if the initial damage is lower you still have good damage after they're broken
Make the fumo BIGGER
Nah he posted his V6 clear and talked about the story but he only drew one Boothill comic and that's it I think
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>forgot the pic
I'm retarded desu
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I know you're just fucking around, but that cringe tier song will be the future of HSR
Lore accurate Sparkle size
I remember being so confused about a Fire Emblem x Persona/SMT game being about idols, also funny how the UI got reused for SMT V
who's butt is this?
>You trying to paint the guards actions as bombings and terrorism is so retarded, do I actually have to argue with that?
>The guards modus operandi is protecting the citizens, so it doesnt have to be a direct order.
>The goons occupying the city and infrastructure is modus operandi and didnt have to be directly ordered. What had to be directly ordered, because its out of the ordinary, is the goons not terrorizing the citizens.
My point is not that Gepard is a terrorist although I do enjoy the GODpard memes. The point was that both factions acted out of line. Bombing people being modus operandi is kinda strange, just like the grunts acting aggressive. If you say Topaz ordered or is responsible for the grunts to terrorize, then you also have to say Bronya ordered the bombing. Or you could just view it as Topaz being naive and believing too much in her grunts, and Gepard acting too zealous in his defence of the town.
Now I won't feel that bad for getting scourge drops, thanks anon.
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Who knows.
>His LC is busted
it's fucking BUGGED
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There's an awful lot of Infidel Peace Corporation apologists in this thread
Even if they are meta them being completely divorced from the MC resluts in them being forgotten the moment they fall out of meta. See also Jing Liu. This works two ways because it also means that their story will be forgotten about as well.

Omnipandering doesn't mean that you are writing for fringe groups, the moment you think that fringe groups matter is the exact moment that you've fucked up.
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Ruan Mei spotted!
I love the despair in FF eyes
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Honkai Star Rail...is reclining...
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Alpha stacey
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It's sad, she just wanted everyone to give up the Path system but she ended up being a Nihility's slave essentially.
We really need a playable Doctor of Chaos. Being a Self-Annihilator sucks, a Doctor has definitely cured one.
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Do I need mod to do this because everytime I tried, it became like this >>484089491
cute diapers
>doing worse than the rerun
what's the excuse for this Firekeks?
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Thats the original banner
that's Ruan Mei's first banner sister........
You are conflating the weapons used, manualy operated bombs, with terrorism.
The bombs are only used against arguably armed military ipc goons, thats not terrorism, its asymetric warfare at best.
Billabong is a sovereign nation defending itself against off world occupation.
I concede that topaz might not have directly ordered the violent actions of the ipc goons, but if thats their default mode, it puts into question if Topaz is generaly good or if the behaviour we saw was a outlier.
Her having to order them to not terrorize the populace, shines a bad light on how they usualy treat the planets they land on.
The guard are military fighting military, the goons are military attacking non combatants.
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I thought she would go no pan...
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Skill issue. Also you can look lower on NPC characters than when you try to look at your own.
I support Palestine btw, if that wasn't obvious enough
>4chan notifications
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I support him too.
Unironically based.
Either they replace the kikeniggers or they replace YOU in your first world country.
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Any characters you want to see interact that would make no sense story wise?
Ratio and Sushang sounds very interesting to me.
I don't understand why latinx people always seem to be only ones complaining about a game being translated into their language

Everyone gets along fine except the latinx
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I love penacony's songs, but I wish we'd get melancholy kino songs too
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Israel is an illegitimate state, and i pray on its downfall
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Is it just me or are there more anti-huohuo schizos than before? Where is Tingyun schizo btw?
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Any achievement god here?
imagine wanting the ccp to win
not that israel aka USA is any better
both should disappear imo
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the only good thing to come out of the anime
i await the BDs
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I hope this loser doesn't follow us to the Xianzhou, She's already making PomPom uncomfortable with her loser aura.
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Raiden C Mei will use the maid model and has twintails
Are you a registered cheevogod?
god shes so BUILT for harapan
sporkle kinda looks like pompom in human form if you put them side by side
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taking a break (indefinitely) from swarm SU achievements.
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No, I only have 786 or so. I'm not particular on SU achievements.
Why can't I reroll blessings and choose my starting equation
fuck this RNG dogshit mode
After seeing the Argenti, Boothill, and Qingque trio I now believe that anything is on the table. Also yeah I want to see a Sushang, Hook, and Dr. Ratio arc
I assume he's a based quixote expy? God I hope so
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Too much content and too many other games to play and real life work so I stopped achievement hunting
you can reroll them at the cake bench
I refuse to do SU achievements and I've skipped a lot of characters, so I'm stuck at around 790
Sampo Aventurine
Ratio Sushang
Acheron Jingliu
Gui SW
Natasha RM
Bronya SW
Bailu Clara
Serval Robin
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I'm not a big fan of the government
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it's busted because it's only supposed to give you 18% vulnerability, the 28% is a bug
>I refuse to do the only achievements that should be called such
based retard
>Trusting space AIPAC.
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You mean they basically made it additive instead of transforming? Lol.
Silver Wolf and Seele or Bronya
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Anything I should double check before the month rolls over?
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This. Now that Firefly wank is over please make her appear again.
Shall not roll for shitskin huntbrick
How early is too early to travel and meet with someone you're in an LDR with?
Honkai star railing
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pray for me cheevofrens...
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I've been in one with someone for at least 10 years now and still have yet to touch them so probably earlier than that.
>I concede that topaz might not have directly ordered the violent actions of the ipc goons, but if thats their default mode, it puts into question if Topaz is generaly good or if the behaviour we saw was a outlier.
With this, I'm already happy. I'm not arguing that Topaz is holy and can do no wrong. The entire argument started because someone said Topaz wasn't naive, but actually a secret evil mastermind. Yet these actions of her IPC grunts could still stem from that naivety. I just find the Belobog story with her much more interesting if Topaz is actually naive, since it shows how someone despite the best intention could still do morally questionable things. And there is not really anything in the story itself that directly contradicts that she is naive, so I also believe the writers intended her to be this way. I do see your guys points that the IPC grunts are acting evil, and I'm not denying that Topaz was morally wrong. But I made the comparison with Gepard to highlight how both leaders might or might have lost control of their subordinates, yet that is only used as evidence that Topaz is actually evil. If you believe that, then you must conclude that Bronya is also fighting some political battle with secret orders.
If I have to put in work, it's not worth it for the 5 jades.
There's also a new one
>obtain 50 characters
This type of relationship always fizzles out
10 years?
How did that happen
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This is a friendship not a relationship
I was a NEET for a while and the one time I went down to visit them, I wasn't allowed to touch because they were afraid of getting me sick.
Women tend to stop developing at about 16. Have you ever gone grocery shopping? You'll see about 6 Sparkles with a few kids within 30 minutes.
that's the first one on the spreadsheet
>f you believe that, then you must conclude that Bronya is also fighting some political battle with secret orders.
But if Bronya uses secrecy and opsec to "fight the good fight" and keep an out for the safety of the planet.
That still doesnt make her equal to our hypothetical Topaz.
Bronya is defending the planet against injustice.
from what people are saying it transforms into the new effect but you can also reapply the weaker effect again which shouldn't be the case
I mean
Do you like, love one another?
There's all kinds of relationships but this is a new one
>ran out the doom beast mats for Himeko’s traces
>my account will forever be bricked from 3 FuA sets from Sunday
It’s over
I hope there is a clear cut and there is no financial gain involved.
Are you sure you arent a beta orbiter comfort pet?
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Soon I will be free
We do.
I don't regularly give them money beyond when they absolutely need it(paying bills and the like) if that's what you're asking.
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>long distance """relationship"""
>not a beta orbiter comfort pet
I pity this dead thread filled with beta males
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>the absolute state of /hsrg/ user
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Remember to save like 5 or so purples, since the next even is going to give them out
Bronya and Xueyi have a similar serious vibe that could be cute and funny
>12 double planar runs
>0 energy regen ropes
>0 FOUR STAR energy regen ropes
how is that even possible?
I refuse to farm perfect artifacts in genshin, star rail or wuthering. I refuse. I'll keep my okayish sets and clear 1 cycle slower. Stop being autistic with meta in gacha.
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3 months or she'll cheat easily
I don't know but the same happened to me
>Hanya and Seele stalking them during that
I can see it
AI broke you kek
we warned you about ERR% ropes bro, we told you dog
>ratio and sushang

shadow march...
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is it wierd I find this type of drawing more arousing meaning my PENIS than something more detailed?
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Anyone down for some candy crush?
why did he die?
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my wife and side piece are so cute!
cringe overload
Silver wolf rape
the stupid was too much for him to handle
Stellar Shimmer I guess? I totally forgot about that event and thought we had nothing left ths patch.
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This is what the strongest DPS look like
>MHW gameplay footage
so you just let your energy overcap or what?
>Bronya is defending the planet against injustice.
But again, that is a moral judgement. I'm not denying that was Topaz was morally in the wrong, just that she acted from the believe that she was doing a good thing. Road to hell is paved with good intentions and all that. And you could still discuss the morals if the story was between a naive IPC employer and an inexperienced leader. I just take issue with saying they are both ruthless smart and evil masterminds playing some political game to one-up each other.
if the relationship is mutual, then there isnt really a "too early." you should try to meet up at your earliest convenience. theres definitely a too late tho, so dont take too long
why does this game have no content when it has no content?
Wait at least 1 year…
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>2 highest selling banners are expies
Wyell wyell wyell
what is LDR?
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Because it has no content
Seele is only up there because she was the first banner.
>wake up
>fap to sparkle
>want to do it again already
The rope you need doesn't exist in HSR but rather in the trunk of your car.
odds of rolling the proper set 50%
odds you roll rope and not orb 50%
odds for a rope to have err mainstat are ~5%
odds you drop an err rope of a specific set whenever you drop 2 relics are slightly below 2.5%

4* err ropes are fucking trash btw, they often do literally nothing unless you get hit
just craft the err rope if you need it
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I understand
This has not helped one bit, but thank you all for your input regardless. I'll just ask her I reckon
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Lana del Rey :3
Anyone on EU with a built YQ? I want to get the Wardance achievement and I can't be arsed to reset DU until I get his boss fight.
or craft your own relic piece because you get to choose both the set and the part by sacrificing 10 shit relics
Breeding Ting
return to monke
Loving Danheng Rape
you are literally me wtf????
>Moved to a pagpag country
>I now have to wake up super early to watch my oshi stream
No wonder Firepags are so bitter.
LDR means you already failed.
plap plap plap
I don't remember posting this?
Can someone translate what this guy is saying to English?
Something something about pegging?
definite "built", I have him at max level but talents are still sitting at the base level pretty much
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retard moved time zones and has to adjust his entire sleep schedule to watch his fav vtuber live. Not very Honkai Star Rail of him tbdesu
I only have one top up left, the $99 one
I just rolled a Bailu trying to go for E1 Firefly (I do have RM already)
Not sure if saving for Yunli would be better now... hebe bare feet cannot be passed up
Long distance relationship.
It's where two people fanfic (schizophrenia) what the other person is actually like based on internet conversations.

Imagine an IRL relationship where you can spend hours formulating a perfect response versus having half of second.
They end as soon as they meet and it typically costs $800+ for the one who was dumb enough to buy a plane ticket and hotel.
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Ratio & Shushang
Ratio & Boothill
Ratio & Argenti
Basically force Ratio to interact with the dumbest mother fuckers in the galaxy to see who would break him first.

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