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Previous: >>484078620

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
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>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

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>/hsrg/ Thread Template
Herta thread automatically win. Please never leave us you schizo
This one
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Screwllum's DU sucks, RNG is too unforgiving.
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>Try to DU preservation because got Gepard from 50:50 lose
>shield bent so easily because enemy is crazy and quake barely scratch them
>watch youtube
>You need Aventurine with elation because quake is suck
Miss Herta is so beautiful and generous. Even Ruan Mei says so.
DU sucks, come back to GG and Swarm.
kuru kuru
>DU sucks, come back to GG and Swarm
Said no one, with sincerity, ever
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Why can't we all just get along?
I do. DU genuinely fucking sucks outside of Relic extraction. The equation system is shit and a lot of paths were gutted to shill BrickFly.
Did Firefly ruin Sam for you?
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Post brutal moggings
not sure about DU but gepard is really good in swarm/GG because dissociation
SAM should've been like the Jarvis AI or they could've given Firefly split personalities.
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Losing to Yunli in a competition for the 321st time in a row and being made to lick between her toes!
Beijing Kwai Technology..not like this..
Nope, in fact she made SAM 1000x better for me and I already found SAM cool as fuck to begin with
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Would you have sex with this thing?
I said it
Equations suck, there is no map navigation and way less strategizing
Why is HSRG so dead
Anon, every character can weakness break...
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Sorting files is such a pain I dont think I can do it
stop having so many files?????????
We're winning too much and MHY respects our time.
yunli is pretty mid, zzz girls are better
Honeymoon is over
I will not roll for meta. I will keep using Jingliu until EoS. I will keep using Robin until EoS. Nobody. I repeat. Nobody can stop me.
post their in-game canon feet then.
This one
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Why did they change it?
Would've been more fun if SAM was an AI bro needing a pilot instead of just some empty husk
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>I will not roll for meta. I will keep using Jingliu
Every time I re-affirm my commitment to skipping the banjo she rewards me with an early. E2S1 wife complete
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not enough fur for you?
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I wish they let me skip the story this Firefly character obviously wasnt made for Stelle
No she made SAM actually worth rolling for
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holy fuck but also not the in-game model, doesnt count. ZZZ confirmed MID
I wish SAM was its own thing and Firefly was part of his character development
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>As societies have modernized, fertility rates have declined very substantially. In the pre-modern era, fertility rates of 4.5 to 7 children per woman were common.
>During modern era, women on average have 2.07 children during their lives. At lowest point only 1,86 kids.
>A human female would ovulate multiple times in her regenerative window between 10(earliest possible pregnancy) - 51 years(Latest possible Menopause), 38 years of fertility total, be that as it may, pregnancy takes several months and ovulation continues averagely following a couple of weeks. This will give multi-month span between conveyances. May land at most extreme, a hypothetical of a 42 pregnancies per life cycle. On average, however, only around 15 pregnancies per average human female life-span if taking daily life factors into account.
>Bosenmori Mei is an Emanator and a Black hole which implies: She's either Immortal or Her life span exceeds average human's greatly. >> Menopause never hits.
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >> doubles the amount of potential pregnancies.
>Bosenmori Mei is capable of supplying herself with nutrients through consumption of Nitrogen and Helium from local stars. Effective Value of a star depends on orbit's diameter, the size of the Black Hole, as well as the size of the Space Body that's being consumed: Can be as little as a few days, or it could take millions or even billions of years to consume a single star.
>Bosenmori Mei, if supplied with enough cosmic mass, and, assuming she will be impregnated right after each time she delivers, is capable of giving birth to 60 to 80 children each solar century for several Billions of Solar years!
blatant feet pandering is so embarrassing
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"Wasn't made for Stelle"
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excuse me, there isn't a single furry girl in zzz though
Congrats anon. Though skipping banjo bug you lose out on alot of dmg, but you probably don't care about that?
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So, are you letting him get his W or are you gonna let him get dommed by Yunli?
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Here you go ackanons. This is the E0S1 team, BS with JQ's S1 and Aventurine E0 with S5 Trend. Aventurine's build and relics are the same as >>484101115 but I've changed 4pc pioneer on him to 4pc Knight.

I've tried to use Kafka's skill almost everytime I can this run, unless I was choked on SP.


I am going to do yours next anon. But let me warn you that this team is going to fail catastrophically in the 2.3 MoC12 that im going to test them on. Using HMC/RM/FoFo/March is not going to go well because I wont be able to fully break Chord since the middle one does not have imaginary weakness. And since the team doesnt have Fire allies, march cannot reduce the toughness on that enemy. It wont work on side 2 either since its Argenti.

You let me know if you still want to use FoFo instead of Gallagher.

Link to all previous showcases and results
She's not a male so yes, girls can only love boys and vice versa
I'm gonna fucking win
There will be one eventually. I'm sure of it. I'll put it in the surveys until they bend to the pressure.
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Comissioned fanart crumbs just doesnt do it for me, paglus is too entrenched in that character
I played genshin for four years waiting, just for barefoot girls to die in cutscenes and for the first one released to be a fucking potato. I'll play it when I see it.
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We love Miss Sparkle here
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Who the FUCK finds this squealing green turd HOT?
I got your back, KING
But enough about opposite day, today's Sunday!
Bro Ack must be SPpositive in DoT hag team to ensure BS's armor shred uptime!
Dude, at least dl the game on pc so you can write about how they need barefoot characters in the surveys. That's the least you can do.
Because wuwa is laggy as shit on my potato PC, even though Genshin and HSR work great.
If the team won't work with wind swap fofo yeah
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so rapeable but also huggable
I will use my level 20 Yanqing with his level 1 LC
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I love the IPC!
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*sklorches you a nice big cup of sparkle slime* bone apple teeth....
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Yes but I was told by that anon to always skill with Kafka and desu its a unique problem with this current MoC. Killing the trotter gives me an additional turn and its always done by either Kafka or Ack and on their new turn I skill again which is eating up my skill points.

>BS's armor shred uptime!
This is almost always up since I'm paying attention. The only time I dont have it up is at the beginning of argenti's Phase 1 where I dont have enough SP to skill with BS.

Fine. It'll be FF's team minus FF.
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we all do
2.4 is really shaping up to be a hot steaming pile of shit
It's just filler bro, we need it to save for the next planet.
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>Only 1 cycle faster than my current Acheron team with garbage supports.
Damn. I was expecting much better when I requested this showcase.
That's the best part
I will throw
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March will save 2.4 from the Yanqing Yunli shipping fest
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I love you sigga
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tbf I dont think reducing cycle counts is linear in team investment. This is especially visible when trying to go from 2/1 cycle to 0 cycle. Literally everything has to be perfect and RNG has to be on your side. This is all moot if you have E6S5 characters obviously.
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Come here
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Do you think you could replace Kafka on that team and run Pela with S5 Pearls instead? Should be much easier to manage SP and would increase Acheron's damage way more.
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Is Star Rail a main game or a side game?
A side game (and a main game for 1-2 days when a new patch comes out)
i get that, i just dont wanna see yankek or his girlfriend at all because i already know the main quest is gonna be nonstop wanking them the entire time
>leveling up relics for any normal dps character
>rolls into anything but crit

>leveling up relics for firefly
>only rolls into crit, ignoring the atk, spd, and be

fuck you
Only a main game on the first couple days every patch.
It's so obviously rigged that it's hilarious
Yes, the moment sam showed up on kafkas video i decided to start saving up a good chunk of my rolls but when the rumors of sam being firefly showed up i kinda lost interest, i was planning to fully invest into sam until that happened, now i barely got e1s0 because they attached a cunt to the mecha
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Will test it out after I finish that anons March Superbreak team.
>everyone else fucks up
>blame the goalie
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You should really stop playing with your food, Kafka
>10 more days of Firefly
Please I just want to roll...
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Newfag here, should I buy both 5* items?
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Big Hotarus
A side game, but for me every game is a side game. If you exclude Baldur's Gate and Diablo 4, I haven't played a game that's not about logging in, doing dailies and then logging out since... 2013?
Go on. Roll for firefly. No one is stopping you.
Self modeling resin is a no-brainer since it lets you craft relics with the correct main stat (don't expect too much from the substats though)
Relic remains are also worth it with character exp closeley followed.
>character exp
is it really that scarce?
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If you can 12* clear the end game modes you can clear out the whole shop each patch. If you're still early then self-modeling resin is the priority, relic remains are RNG while xp items are guaranteed progress if you still need those.
Where can I find a cute gf I can buy costumes for?
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>ruining YanKING's title of king of jobbers by letting him win
No one will dethrone KING
If you roll regularly and don't get BP then you can run out
is 200 break enough for firefly? im at 400% in combat i dont think adding another 20-30% would do much.
I want furmurs
You need 287 purple books to level a character from 1 to 80 and it's really annoying to farm those in the mines.
I love these Gepard pics, one of the only good things to come out of the Topig event.
With or without S1? If it's without S1, 200 is good. If it's with S1, you should aim for 250%.
If I don't get RM this time around, how long am I looking at until their next re-run?
Am I fucked?
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I gave this a light chuckle
>did the tutorial for new SU and got a save file
>used it to farm firefly planars for like 2 weeks it was great
>now randomly my save file is just gone (right when double planar starts of course)
how does this dumb mode work and how to I stop my save file from getting purged
Poor Gallager, my man is dead and still forced to be a third wheel.
Around 6 months
I think it's more like a dessert game
Yeah. We haven't gotten a second rerun for any characters yet so don't expect her to rerun anytime soon.
Save file resets every week. You just need to do another run to get a new save file.
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At first, I got annoyed just because I didn't like Firefly's outfit. I got used to it, but I still prefer her plugsuit design.
people are saying that Acheron is much more future proofed than Firefly. Does /hsrg/ agree?
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with cone, so i guess that means im going back to the mines.
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Based, the more hoyo leans into this shipshit the less I'll be playing this game.
Games with self-insert mc's are made for harems, not this shipfagging.
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FF relies on gimmick
Acheron is pure damage
I need my bricks for my future Qlipoth approved house.
Futureproofing? More like futurecoping. The devs can do whatever they want to the balance of the game to keep them relevant or make them useless. They can do this tomorrow or in 5 years or never.
Might as well wait for the next break support rather than her. At this rate, the next Harmony should also be a breakfag.
How much speed is it for 3 turns in the first cycle
firebrick will definitely be trash on multi-toughness bar bosses meanwhile acheron just keeps pumping.
Fuck. Thanks
Both are relatively future proof. Acheron's BiS support is coming in the next patch and Firefly will be getting her BiS sustain in the patch after that. Following that we're gonna get more break units which would make firefly's team better. I'm basing this on the fact that right now, there's only one team you can play for super break so they need to introduce more units if they want to push this playstyle.
>what do you mean players don't like feeling like a 3rd wheel?
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Jade's trailer tomorrow?
The problem is when you build 2+ characters at once, especially if you wanna level them up to 80. I've had to farm exp books myself.
Sparkle anal full nelson
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More like in 6-7 days
>Boss with multi-toughness bars exists already
>Firefly makes the fight a cake walk
big guis...
Damn guess I'll just have to swipe
I lost my 50/50 and I'm only 25 rolls in, here's hoping I don't have to roll to pity
>multi-toughness bar already exists and gets destroyed by break team
Works on my machine
dps that rely on things like the enemies being breakable or debuffable aren't even futureproofed at c6
Why is Firefly Tinker Bell ?
She is an attention whore and if she doesnt get attention for 2 minutes she dies.
This isn't the google tab bro
>all those animations
>all they're doing is smashing the attack button
If they didn't show up in the pulls, they don't deserve to be on my team
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Awww, she really bought gifts for everyone
What you didn't notice the obvious fairy motifs in her design?
Titania is known as the queen of fairies and her whole thing is based on that
Jadebird isn't playable? Will we get origami bird DLC?
Wait do the clears not save between weeks? Do I need to clear this garbage every single week anyway like before?
ruan mei ruined me
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>Odes of Harmony
where is this from?
You do a single cyclical extrapolation per week and you're done. It gives you the 14k you need to complete the weekly SU stuff and a save file.
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Does RM e1 affect super break damage?
Blade drinks and drives and gets into fights he can't win. He's so fucking cool and literally me.
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>she wants to bake cakes using SAM

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yes, since DEF is part of the break dmg formula
sushang has a hairy brown cock

She actually tries it lmao.
she bounced back pretty well from being a war vet.
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am I the only futa enjoyer who likes normal sized cocks on my girls? anything over 8 inches is ridiculous, that should be the upper limit
the lower boundary should be 3 inches for cute girly cocks
make a pubic hair tierlist
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I like how it actually ties in to the call event where she does try to make one using SAM and Silver Wolf helps her. They really do act like cute sisters

Why are you freaks like this?
Futafags are all size queens and homofaggots (also size queens).
good taste
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>tfw too straight to fit in with the futafags
I don't understand why they removed the last part with firefly in the JP and English versions. You can hear it at 2:04 here. >>484123925 it really shows how much SW cares about Firefly and how serious firefly is about you.
Yeah I was wondering about that. They removed that line completely for both the JP and EN versions for some reason. It was really sweet imo
With silver wolf**
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>you trust aventurine so much you even lended your stone for him
>I actually did it for you

Dumb shipper hag
This gets debunked on Jade's character story albeit
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No banjo!
>click here to unlock this event before completing the prerequisite quests
>this other event? fuck you you ain't getting shit go eat a bag of dicks
Are you ready for some more Chinese names that could be pronounced 5 different ways because Chinese people who learned Chinese through Pinyin are incapable of putting diacritic marks on names?

I sure am.
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Offer healing,
Praise the message!
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play the game
kys pedo
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What teams are best for Apocalyptic Shadow 4? Doing Ack + Kafka for part 1 and FUA for part 2, but it doesn't seem to do part 2 fast enough. Is firefly break better?
Live for a long time and die of natural causes pedo.
reminder that oak cake rolls canonically taste awful
The mode was made for firefly break so it's obviously better.
>just rush through the entire story to play this arbitrarily locked time gated event bro
>WTF why aren't people playing attention to the story and want a skip button
Okay so I have the ff/rm/hmc/gal dream team, what the fuck do I save for next? Keep in mind I’m a newfag that just started so something with easy f2p substitutes would be nice.
Only 5? Guess you didn't know about
>same pronouce multi meaning words
>diff pronouce same meaning words
>multi pronouce multi meaning words
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This worked for me
I’ve never seen Hoyo shilling a straight ship that doesn’t include (you) as much as Yanqing x Yunli.
Holy mental illness
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I want to go home...,
and then edge
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Uhh ohhh meltyyy
Fuck this then, I'll lose on purpose so as not to make that pathetic jobber look good.
You could probably prevent a bunch of people suffering permanent brain death by not keeping this a secret you lunatics
Isn't there canon straight ships in hi3?
who wears musketeer of wild wheat?
Topaz is just tsundere like always.
Its a basic set.
Otto and Kallen
Lingsha. She'll replace Gallagher in that team.
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firefly is pretty strong in this mode
but fua side 2 should work fine too, there is a buff shilling it and people have success with it.. (robin benefits a lot from the free energy bullshit)
That’s not even true.
>my porn addicted brain mistook the cello in the thumbnail for some naked girl showing her ass
it's unironically over for me...
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Ok Firebros you can stop now, she's already above Kafka...
Kallen doesn't love Otto..
She views Otto like a Bro. Otto the one that love Kallen.
DHIL is the only one who uses it as a 4pc but the 2pc effect is very generic
dragon dan and luocha
I'm trying to unfocus my eyes to achieve the same effect and I can kind of see it I guess
so, what is the next cope from people who think yunli isn't shipbait?
What relic set for RM?
Stellaron Hunter Supremacy
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>people have up until now regularly been committing suicide in the dream repeatedly
nah let them find out it'll be funny
Otto wishes lmao
2p can be used as part of a rainbow set
4p can be used on the units already mentioned but also on anyone who wants speed if you have better musketeer pieces than hackerspace pieces. I use it on my Tingyun and Pela.
You have break. Your options are Acheron, dothags, follow up and hypercarry.
The next abundance is rumored to be break.
Acheron is probably the cheapest team, coping with 4 stars, but currently she also wants Gallagher. Dothags is a very allrounder team, starring Kafka and Black Swan, but currently also wanting Ruan Mei.
FUA is a solid team with less overlap, but needing a lot of characters, cones and Es to peak.
Optionaly you could always throw toghether something with 4 stars+standard banner and wait for the new hot thing, like the new fox general or what ever will be the new hot thing in 1.5.
Dothags is probably the closest in a rush, HuoHuo and Black Swan are in line for reruns and there is a random rumour about Kafka rererun ( Acheron is also coming up and very modular with the 2 dothags).
Welt and Tesla
I ran 2 piece Brk and 2 piece Speed for fast Ruan Mei before switching to 4 piece Thief set.
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I want to cuddle up with Tingyun's bushy tail
Why did I write 1.5? I meant 3.0, rumored greek kino.
I think Ruan Mei, Firefly, Silver Wolf, Kafka, Blade, Jingliu, Boothill, Acheron, Sunday, Jade, Topaz, Aventurine, Herta, Screwllum, should all pay for their crimes against society and don't deserve any happiness
I want to get crushed by Bailu's thick tail
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Based oyakodon
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The fuck did the silly space cowboy do besides shoot and kill IPC grunts
>can 0 cycle the second half of MoC12 with Firefly
>takes 2 cycles to do the first half with Kafka, Swan
No... my 0 cycle dream...
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Tingyun smells good
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It's too big, Yunli...
Can't wait for a Stellon hunter Shota to appear to fuck with Kafkafags.
Can you smell a trotter from a mile away?
>2 cycle dothags
How many eidolons and which cones?
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Yunli SEXO!
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Her ears are really fluffy too
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If you had $2000 to waste, what is the best way to improve your account if you had E2S1 Firefly and ES21 Ruan Mei?
Corpses can't say no so there's nothing stopping you.
I'd buy a new account
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E1S1 Kafka, E1S1 Swan, E0S1 Acheron, E1S1 Fofo.
E1S1 Firefly, E6S5 (MotP) HMC, E0S5 (DDD) Ruan Mei, E6S5 (Multiplication) Gallagher.
I can tell you, but my services arent cheap.
Saving it for future characters and Acheron rerun.
"IF YOU DIE IN THE DREAM YOU DIE IN REAL LIFE!!!!!" has always been one of the dumbest ideas in fiction. Only worked with Freddy, because that was an actual malevolent force that also directly affected reality.
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Buy a ton of weed or booze and stop caring about how well you do in a single player game when the rewards will never pay off your investment.
>luckshitted a firefly in 20 rolls after spending my pity on ruan

I like this game again.
A lot of people die in their sleep. Coincidence?
>hsrg is dead
>genshin is posting gore
>zzz is posting how they would fuck a shark
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If you are watching VR media without steaks you might as well watch Bocchi
I would upgrade my computer and buy a 1440p144hz ultrawide monitor
or an old car so I can drive around... maybe a vw golf mk4 or similarly-aged opel astra/vectra
All me btw
I wouldn't waste it on this game, that's for sure.
now post the rest of the substats
ZZZ takes any bait you dangle in front of them btw.
A zero effort shitpost can get you at least 15 (you)s.
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I'd probably buy a used car or something. Use it in a smarter way than gacha, anonie.
>If you had $2000 to waste
>""improve your account""
i would seek psychiatric help before dumping money on this game for no reason
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with the shipshit hoyo is sharting out for their future characters? just go for E7S6 Firefly and make a fucking statement to the devs.
Spend the 60 bucks on real games like Elden Ring and keep the rest for myself. Fuck you all for falling for Chinese gambling ponzi schemes
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The poop deck? I am too ESL for this
Same here, just the usual shit rolls.
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Why did you get 21 copies of Ruan Mei's LC bwo?
Pretty well made, but why does the song sound like it's coming from a 10 dollar speaker? And Bandai, please make a plamo kit of Sam
That you will only love and be faithful to Firefly? Good, everyone can pair up now.
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Hoyoverse games are kinda awful. Any other mobile rpgs you have played that are better?
/hsrg/ is so slow today. Feels like the calm before the storm when the sensor tower charts get posted in a couple hours.
>people acting like 2k is a lot again
I honestly don’t understand why poorfags even play gacha let alone video games at all when they should be out working OT or grinding commish. It’s absolute insanity.
That's exactly what it is
We had been dead for like three days now
I can tell you, but that information's cost is exactly 2000$
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March 7th is the new IPC president
because I don’t want to do that you fucking retard
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From the French word for stern / aft, la poupe and Latin, puppis.
My lifetime is limited, so I spend it with enjoyable stuff.
hero wars sounds like it's right up your alley
the shitposters are all at /zzz/ bro
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I'd gamble it all away on horse races
i would literally just keep buying passes and nothing else. rest of the money i would spend on a new pc and harddrive. dont take this games endgame too sersouly with time you will clear everything.
You are telling me they didnt hang their ass over the railing to shit in the olden times?
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>/hsrg/ says Firefly is a flop
>every artist, animator and their mothers are only doing Firefly content now
>log in for the day, run relic cavern 5-6 times
>get nothing as usual
>all dailies done, click the buttons to get daily shit
uh... am I done? wtf is this shit
how am I supposed to stay invested in this game when it's so shallow
Literally just work an extra shift and an extra hour every day and you nearly double your paycheck retard. This is why young people can’t get pussy, they’re lazy.
It's the part of the ship where you store the passangers' poop, which you dispose of when you reach port
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>the only stakes that exist is death
I was really happy when they said that you can't die in the dream. And then when they were like "Death? No, it just takes you to another dream."
Being trapped in a dream is more than enough stakes. And they didn't even need that - just the politics of the situation was serious enough. (They really need to lay off the "StarPeace is baddies!" stuff - IPC not being obviously worse than The Family would have worked a lot better.)
Put it into your lost 50/50 rainy day fund and just collect waifus.
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I've only been getting the monthly pass, those are basically my only characters.
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I’m starting to realize the MC argument is kinda dumb. They’re basically the same character and switching gender wouldn’t change any dialogue.
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I'd only roll eidolons for characters I really like personally. For LCs, it depends. I got Ruan Mei's while fishing for more Memories copies.
Im not even gonna work the first shift.
Yeah then I could use that money on Chink gambling sims!!!! Praise Xi.
>t. yakuza
lazy bitch, incorporate the unpicked MC into the story already!
Bro you should know you literally made the game
Actually, it does change dialogue very slightly, there's even an achievement for choosing gender specific options. Granted, it's one of these achievements that they only flag lines for once in a blue moon, but eh.
Oy vey, you tell them Mr Steinberg. These guys are way too lazy!!!
Ok that also makes sense. I assumed you spent 100-200$ per banner you're interested in to get everyone you like at E1S1
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Is there any way to turn off relic mapping in DU? I can't stand that shit, got my HTB and Firefly speed tuned to each other, HTB is on exactly ONE filler piece that I do NOT wanna level to max.
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It's mostly a fandom perception that Stelle is a bigger lunatic than Caelus looking at the fan content. But frankly, most players don't really give a fuck aside from shitposters and butthurt shippers since unlike Lumine, Caelus and Stelle are more equally showcased in official promo.
>Go over 37.5 hours a week
>Get executed on the spot because they have to give you benefits
Words of a man who has never worked a day in his life
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Nope, it was a good idea but decided to make it impossible to turn off for whatever reason.
Doesn’t work for salaried jobs and a lot of hourly jobs will fire you for going over 40 hours multiple times
Agreed. It's not like the relics they give are even BAD, they're (in a shocking change of pace) enough to clear at least V5 with, but it's just so irritating not having the extra juice from your own relics. Especially if it's some retarded shit like wastelander on Ratio.
I think you should stop playing the game bro.. the game clearly doesn't want you to play it...
Tbf, I've noticed there's a trend of portraying the FeMC in a more humorous tone compared to the male MC. The same happened in FGO, FE and P3P, for example.
I thought in the tutorial they showed an option to switch it on or off.
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Because Stelle usually gets the more wacky official trailers like the Belobog and Tatalon stuff while Caelus gets the serious ones like the TGA stuff and proper Penacony 2.0 opening. In game they're both trash raccoons.
would you guy be ok if each character gets some extra stat boost/new ability if they equip their signature cone?
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Absolutely not given that signature cones are way more powerful then the other options
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It's an option to switch the view to your own relics to compare, but it doesn't actually change the relics back to yours.
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They already do?
I kneel, king.
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I guess the game is self aware about Robin's presence in the plot, or its an inside joke about a dropped plotline
If you ask about Acheron is says the same
hey pals :]
sigs are already better than other options and eidolons already do the locking away improvements to character's kit
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Someone's mad they got called out I see
Jade's story doubles down on it. Topaz agreed only because she knew that Jade was going to agree.
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Here you go anon. Your Break march setup. Took 4 cycles in MoC12 2.3 (The very next MoC refresh). The team was drowning in SP. While the team did decently enough, there must be a more efficient way to run a March superbreak team and especially with a unit that can utilize the amount of SP this team generates. All relics are crafted from scratch so the builds are those you see in the stats screen that is to say there are no images for the relics.

>March E6 (S5 cruising)
On 4pc Iron Cavalry and 2pc Kalpagni
>HMC E6 (S5 MoTP)
On 4pc Watchmaker and 2pc Kalpagni
>RM E0 (S5 Cogs)
On 2pc Messenger + 2pc Watchmaker and Vonwacq
>Gallagher E6 (S5 Multiplication)
2pc Iron Cavalry + 2pc Messenger and 2pc Kalpagni.


Im going to do your team as the last showcase for the day. Give me 30 minutes and I'll post Ack/BS/Pela/Aventurine.

No more testing until V3 is out and changes are in place. Any further testing with JQ and Yunli will be moot because I am 100% confident JQ is getting some changes and I dont doubt Yunli will get some as well.
What's the point. They do it in HI and everyone just runs signatures, the end.
Yeah there's only a couple hours left for V3 anyway.
>The same happened in FGO, FE and P3P, for example.
In FE the girls are used more in a serious manner the guys were more used for shipping.
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Kafka sex
I'm going to kill myself
>new dot support
>can make dot crits
>but only during the enemy's turn
what now kafkeks?
But is she a hag? Im not rolling for dotfags.
Crit is just another damage multiplier so if the new unit provides no dot on it's on it's a brick anyways, and if it does you still use Kafka
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This shit was doing like 600 mil DMG against the Cirrus boss due to chain reactions from multiple enemies in disassociation collecting damage from each other.
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>very Penacony-core
is it just a localization team's choice or the chinese are heavily monitoring every aspect of western social media and try to utilize every trend and meme to further intertwine themselves into the "culture"?
probably both, but still, i'm just curious
Thats your mom...
I still don't know what DoT is or what it does
I didn't see you post earlier, but thanks for that E2 Ack video
That doesn't change the fact that she agreed before Jade was even in it.
It's the localization team anon.
Makes me cum when I see lots of numbers pop up
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Hoyo foot models look like shit when you compare them to GFL
Damage over time
Debuffs that do damage during the enemies turn
How long will the bird event take to get the jades
Trailers aside, Stelle does kinda look more like a wacky delinquent, perfect for schizo space raccoon vibe.
Yeah under the belief that Jade was going to be involved. That's a lynch point that you keep ignoring.
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gacha tourist detected
It's like Djeeta and Gran, Djeeta represents the players while Gran is pushed as the face.
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it's like poison in pokemon!
an hour or two maybe
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Cool. Now show the gameplay.
>with the release of ZZZ there will be 3 Hoyo game generals on /vg/
It's time to merge them into a Hoyo general
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>threshold 5
>rng didn't give me the last blessing to complete the golden equation
>owari da
>final boss is the three stooges
thank god, it was a long fight but I did it
2k dollars is not a lot of money? What the fuck?
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Does this song give anyone else homestuck vibes?

We are all crypto millionaires bro.
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pray for me ratiosisters
that's actually makes it easy to understand
>Kafka + Blackswan + New Unit + Fofo
It’s that simple
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Huuuuum don't you mean 4?
All into flat hp
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>Ying Xi Ping
>44 the reddit
>Jiacheron's slave
Hard agree. Imagine the funposting.
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Yeah Caelus always get the cool shit in the trailers
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mm nyo
>merge 3 of the fastest generals
Leave the ideas to someone else, champ
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I bless you with what I cannot have DOUBLE CRITS ALL THE WAY THROUGH.
all into crit rate
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I think we need another two hours quest of people saying Topaz trusts Aventurine, clearly two patches was not enough.
Caelus more often tend to be advertising for non-players while Stelle is more of a current player thing.
>3 of the fastest
>need e1 to work with topaz
>yunli right after

Pray for me bros. If I lose a Jade 50/50 I guess I'll wait for next time. Any teams she can do with Topaz at e0?
>3 of the fastest generals
also /hig/ is there I guess
>Dr Ratio got destroyed by March Alter (4 star)
This is just embarrassing.
Except no one is saying that she doesn't trust him to get the job done but it is also true that the reason why she trusted Aventurine with her cornerstone specifically was because of the guarantee that Jade was going to be involved. Even Jade's story backs that up. Trust is not a blank check.
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I got ruan mei now, so who do I make my second team out of?
There was not guaranteed Jade was in it though, if anything Topaz was gambling it (lel)
>ZZZ coming out this week so now every week there's a new banner in a hoyo game

Smart motherfuckers.
How come they keep fucking up Argenti’s voice lines in quests? Is there some issues with the va/dev or just coincidental random bugs?
R-Raymond bros...
Wait for acheron rerun
Then there was a chance that would have backed out of it. We don't know and can't say. All we do know is that the expectation of Jade's participation is why Topaz agreed to help, and to say otherwise is to ignore the text of the game.
Just gave Sparkle my seed

The va for English has been ghosted by hoyo. He confirmed he's fine and just never heard from them again so he's probably getting replaced.
Well that’s fucked up.
Im going to roll for her yes but I literally need some sort of second team to do a bunch of content unlocked to me that requires a second team
Get spooked by Clara and give her Sexfox
Weird because he's one of the more quiet va too. I've would think they'd do this to Aventurine's va.
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Silver Wolf owes me a footjob
Did you never play wow?
Herta, Bailu, Asta, whatever(gepard maybe)
Herta you'll want to use later on so she's a good investment
The rest of your roster is very limited and has no real synergy. When is the next time you plan on pulling?
You missed out on the free ratio so I guess wait for next patch to get the free march form?
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They are such a good friends :)

He voices Tail too so if fofo appears in the next patch we will know kek

Herta can carry you through pure fiction and you get her upgrades for free so just invest in her, asta, bailou and anyone else.

Gepard is kind of irrelevant with the damage creep late game sadly.
I thought he was pretty good as Tail and Argenti. I thought it was probably over pay and he was refusing to voice.
It could also just be Western Hoyoverse being dumb. They did get called out recently because of the whole Atsu thing.


Every female player drools over adventurines va, no way would they dare.
She owes me at LEAST 3 children.
as a fellow newcuck in the same spot, I’ve just been using asta on the ff team for two team content since ff is good enough to carry and then using ruan mei + whatever cope DPS has type advantage. And leveling herta for PF

but I also have bronya which helps with copium
>every female
More like just the fujos
I guess they decided for the animation trailer that the sam is more like an armor you wear instead of a remote controlled robot
with this and the over 2 meter tall sam you see in 2.0 it's clear that firefly being inside sam wasn't the initial design
He's a homo so I don't think they'd care. They drool more over Aventurine himself than his va.
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i still don't know what "increase dot" means or why such an esoteric keyword would be put in front of me with no way to grasp its meaning.
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Not me, he sounds too homo. I prefer JP churin.
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>Stelle literally represents the gacha player. Smelly, always horny and autistic.
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Here you go anon. Ack, Aven and BS are running the exact same builds as from when I posted before. Pela has like 158 SPD with 4pc Eagle set. Tried to get speed to 160 but it would overshoot to 166 so I just left it at 158.

>Pela 4pc Eagle build.


This team is definitely better than running Kafka lmao. If aventurine had S1 instead of Trend I am 100% sure I would've taken 1 cycle fewer to complete.
Zhuyuan and the foxian beauty are the only good ones so far. Anby, #11 and Grace are alright but wont make me swipe. The rest are meh to shit
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Thats me
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Blade is finally meta again....
>This team is definitely better than running Kafka lmao.
Holy shit, even someone who just played Acheron for the first time today realized that DoTcheron is fucking stupid and you should just run hypercarry. Why the fuck were there still people today claiming that running the DoT team with Acheron is good?
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I wonder if they explored each other’s bodies…

Did you end up doing that anons suggestion from yesterday of yunli, bronya, sparkle and ting? There's been a bunch of rumours of it being her best team for infinite turns.
Literally what the fuck is the point of a cock if it isn't the size of a baseball bat at the very least
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So this is the power of boba tea...
No I didn't. I will try it out once V3 is out since both of you want to see the team showcase.
need schoolgirl sparkle lab coat ruan mei and plug suit firefly skins
Just watched the video. You definitely would've 2 cycled it if you had better luck with the trends procs. Enemies were avoiding aven outside of AoE attacks. Thanks for the showcase anon.
And school nurse Natasha + BS in that cute dress from the TikTok promotion
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Firefly love!
love jirai kei
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Why is HSR going up again lmao
Do you have this chart open all day? What's wrong with you?
New month. People getting their salaries.
End of month paycheck to spend on getting more firefly eidolons
People like seeing numbers bro, there are threads dedicated for this stuff.
I've seen more japs e6 her yesterday and today so it's probably end of month paychecks or something
Option 1: end of the month/start of new one, people are more willing to spend what they have left from June
Option 2: the list is just relative rankings, so one app could go up despite not making more money, just because another app made less.
Yeah, maybe all this chart watching is just bullshit and doesn't mean anything
It was always the initial design, Jing Yuan VA auditioned to be SAM's VA back in May last year and he was told about how SAM was piloted by a woman.
This also matches the leaks at the time, SAM had been datamined as Fire/Destruction and at the same time the Firefly model had been leaked using a phone animation (which meant she wasn't an NPC), the only problem was that her model never had any element or path designation (every other leaked character/model had one, why was her data missing?).
It was always intended to be this way.
That sounds like the worst team.
Why would you give her turns? She gets 30 energy or more if she gets hit and counters. What point does Ting's ult have? Or giving her more turns?
You just run through her buffs faster, which is shit.
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Super cute
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the new cone looks good but acheron+blackswan seems just meh. which kinda sucks since i do want to pick up black swan but the fuck fag might be a better option.
Firefly hours?
She's talking to Silver Wolf. The "Mecha?!" is her reaction to SW telling her to just suit up (enter her "mecha") and deal with it.
Honestly I thought it would higher with Furina and slug.
Can't you just use SW and Pela with one on pearl and the other on that cone? Or Gui+Pela for the cope. Doubt BS is that much better than Gui
Also Firefly clearly has Samus vibes who is also a woman that pilots a noticeably larger mech.
giving her turns is pretty useless but are you really questioning the energy battery support on the character whose damage depends entirely on having enough energy to keep using ult?
dude i wish i had silverwolf. shes so much better than Gui atm. and yea im already using gui+pela
Is the BP Abundance cone good for Gallagher or should I pop it on Nat or HuoHuo?
>never brought this again
sure thing mhy
Every BP cone except the Erudition one is bad/mediocre, the abundance one is particularly terrible.
Plus the leak about her being Sam was months before 2.0 even released. It would be strange if they decided to suddenly change everything just because they made the animation trailer and not have enough time to change those few lines in 2.0
Man that is rough then, might have to go for the gay fox then. If you have SW+Pela, I don't really see that much value in upgrading to the fox, but lacking SW it's a pretty big upgrade. He is basically just 5* Gui in that team. Man am I glad I didn't roll Seele and instead got SW back then. SW felt like a brick in the latter half of the 1.x patches, but now with Acheron she has gotten so much value
skill issue, should have started playing a year ago
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just get erudition dupes
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So I was expecting her LC story to be when she was found in her cryosleep pod when it was leaked ages ago, but it seems that she actually wasn't in one at all from her animated trailer as she was just suspended in space for god knows how long.

Judging from the first half of the text, I now assume the art in her LC is her waking up from Ena's dream or something? Did they really leave what she did to escape the dream when she left in 2.2 in her fucking LC description?
He looks like the child of Tamamo Vitch and that one chink dude from FGO
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Fellow FuA players, do you plan on pullin for Feixiao?
Wait till 2.5 livestream to decide if you're going to roll for Jiaoqiu or not. I have a feeling that the "chronicled wish" banner with characters that already had a rerun are coming in that patch so that should include SW.
yea and blackswan is the cooler character but my acheron team is falling short and i need an upgrade so this is my conundrum.
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that would be really nice. theres quite a few older characters that i still want
I'm waiting for Opal.
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Entirely dependant on how stink she is (I am a break/DoT chad)
Jade Feixiao and Yunli if Lingsha turns out to be a human
Niggas neck in the top left is extending by quite a large margin
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Luocha is so fucking shit now! Everything he can do Gallagher does better! SP positivity? Gallagher gives even more SP. Utility? Huh, Luocha ain't heard of that. AoE damage? If it breaks, get ready for 100k+. Heals? Luocha may heal more, but who cares about that if the enemy is dead! I were Luochud apologist before, but I can't do it anymore. He's powercreeped by fucking 4*
That's her entering Penacony for the first time, whatever device/pod she's using to enter Penacony is being depicted there.
In beta V1 the text was about her first encounter with the Stellaron Hunters (and her original biography text leaked September last year also mentioned this) but at some point it was just written off.

Firefly, formerly known as AR-26710, was born in an incubation pod of the Falakor Galaxy. As a genetically-modified baby, fate left her with only one future: To become the pilot of the Molten Knight "Samuel-IV" (referred to as Sam), and to join the endless war between humans and The Swarm. But before Firefly set foot on the battlefield, her fleet was ambushed. The overwhelming argenites destroyed the ship, wiping out the army in space. Decades later, the drifting wreckage was recovered by the Stellaron Hunters. After waking up from a deep sleep, she was told that her old planet had perished in the catastrophe caused by the Antimatter Legion. But, the centuries-long war between humans and insects was finally proclaimed as over by a third party from outside. So Firefly took the Molten Knight armor and joined the Stellaron Hunters. Her life was on a countdown, but Elio says that this journey will teach her how to live. Elio stopped there, the answers to her questions are for Firefly to find out herself. So before arriving at her predestined conclusion, despite only having a fleeting lifespan akin to that of an actual firefly, she is willing to experience anything and everything. Due to gene editing, Firefly's aging is different from that of ordinary people. One day, she will rapidly age and die. Compared to long-life species, she is a short-life species. The Molten Knight is actually a weapon made by humans using argenite husk. Whoever pilots it will be affected by the Path of Propagation, and their body tissue and mental state will be corroded, resulting in mutations until death.
>Jade Feixiao
My nigga...Feixiao is rumored to be hunt
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For me to place more kisses on.
According to leaks, the fox and BS are both running at the same time. But those leaks are always sus, but let's assume they are true. Both are upgrades over Gui, with the fox being better in Acheron teams but BS also being usable in DoT. So there is an argument to be made that BS has more value if you have any desire to go into DoTs. You can even cope with E4 Sampo until you get Kafka. Personally I would go for BS, but I like dots and BS is so fucking hot so you're kinda gay if you're ignoring that and rolling for the fox instead.
Honestly black swan with Jiaoqiu's cone might still be the play here. Silver Wolf+Pela isn't that great of a team for PF while Acheron+Black Swan is pretty good for PF. If you wanted to focus on just MoC and AS, you should roll for SW but if you want to use Acheron in all 3 game modes, you should go for Black Swan.
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I don't really know much about FGO. Are they cool characters?
In time anon, in time
Huntbrick or not I'm Qlipoth's finest housebuilder
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He's a 1.1 abundance bwo...
That said he werks against Argenti well enough in apocalyptic shadow
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Glad that I didnt pull him on rerun, and now I have E6 Gallagher
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Pela is pretty good in PF, if you give her some offensive stats. Everything dying gives her a lot of energy, so she shits out ults like crazy.

SW is absolutely trash though, but that's in all modes. Not even the "single target shill" mode, that doesn't shill single target, wants her.
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I gave up on Jade after thorough testing. I am JadeAnon only in name. I am saving for Feixiao now. FF superbreak team got really boring after using it for 2 days so I dont plan on investing any more into this team so no Lingsha either. If Feixiao is another break unit I'm just going to kms.
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>Qlipoth's finest housebuilder
This is pretty good, I like this
Oh yeah I meant Acheron+BS+Pela lol
Is July 01 in japan
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i do actually have e4 sampo. i am still going to wait ofc to see if there are any changes to his kit but i really want that lightcone if it does not change it looks busted.

we will see if she gets a rerun. i am kinda struggling in all aspects atm. and its mostly a relic issue.my relic stats SUCK and im just not getting what i need atm. also to no surprise the shiled team atm is doing great for me ruan mei and firefly were a great pickup.
Oh I see, I misinterpreted it then. Thanks for explaining. I do remember that old LC description, I do wonder why they decided to change it though.
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The Feixiao team will be her, m7, Ruan Mei and a sustain and you will like it.
why does Acheron have a yuri anime short with Black Swan?
>I am JadeAnon only in name
Time to rename yourself to sovlless metaslave
because black swan fucked around and found out.
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welcome to 3 months ago slowpoke
Shes literally me fr
Black Swan is a harlot (me next please)
Oh you don't even have S1 like me (I'm the other anon who was posting here about only having Pela and Gui with no lukacone). Damn. You should definitely go for BS imo since she'll contribute to the damage while your Acheron is collecting stacks. I'm also rolling for BS+Jiaoqiu cone (as long as it doesn't get nerfed). Hoping lukacone is on the Jiaoqiu LC banner too so I can finally get it.
I'm a newfag, anon
It's a really nice video tho so I don't mind
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The way the leakers were speaking about Feixiao it seemed to be Himeko kit (FUA when breaking enemies), at the same time that kit is just terrible because you can't FUA when the enemy is already broken and it limits how many FUAs you can make in any given fight, I'm really curious how her kit is going to actually work.
I thought Feixiao was being tested with Topaz?
It's very likely they were finishing up her PV at that time and they chose to just have her float in space instead of being in a pod (though in my opinion she was just floating inside SAM, it's what the "green glow" represents), and wrote out the bit where she had no combat experience.
Kiana is a coma and they needed a new domestic violence target
ill just get her cone in the rerun in the 4 months when that happens.
>It's a really nice video tho so I don't mind
It's a shame that nobody could discuss it when it aired since it always devolved into anti-yuri schizo versus yurischizo wars.
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Anon I rolled for BS without Kafka just because she looked hot. I rolled for Topaz just for Clara back when everyone called her a brick. I didnt have ruan mei until a week ago. I couldn't care less about meta. Im obviously not skipping Jade lmao. Im going to pave a road with these bricks.

>I thought Feixiao was being tested with Topaz?
No they said they used Topaz's cone on Feixiao while testing her.
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>I thought Feixiao was being tested with Topaz?
She was but M7 wasn't finished during that time period but we will know for sure who she works with when her kit drops.
I'm not surprised. Yurischizos and antis are everywhere
It's the same with NTRfags
Topaz and M7 share one thing in comone and that they're support Hunt units. Right now, M7 literally only works as a regular sub-dps only with Topaz since she's fast enough alongside Numby for double procs. March can give her target 60% crit when at full eidolon so it's probably related to Feixiao being a regular dps who just wants enemies be put in break like Sushang technically.
It's both. She's being tested with Topaz and her cone
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am I retarded, how do clear DU above 2 difficulty, do you need broken combinations or what
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Yeah you need good equations, but it's honestly not bad until du4. After that point you're basically forced to do an acheron or Firefly team with hunt/propagation equations.
The chink is pretty much the same kind of character, chink strategist with closed eyes. Vitch is a weapons dealer mercenary. It's just funny because they're both shipped together.
You mean difficulty 2 or difficulty 5 threshold 2?
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You just need good equations. But honestly equations only matter at difficulty 4,5 and 6. Until then you can brute force with just good blessings.

I stand corrected.
Any of you fw Xueyi?
What her best build?
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I'm not gonna roll for the gay pink fox
I don't care if he makes Acheron better
when does the sensor tower chart drop?
You should have an expanded 3-star equation for sure. I just cleared V3 with Hook and shit relics.
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If Feixiao is BE FuA: skip
If Feixiao is hunt FuA that is better than Ratio: pull
spore spam and dissociation cheese still work fine, throw in a shielder and a healer for quake and dewdrop memes and it's good enough to clear V6
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We fucking died
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Reclining... /hsrg/ is... Reclining...
See you when sensortower drops
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For me, it's Avenpaz
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my wife bullying my girlfriend
my girlfriend bullying my wife
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What did she win?
go for the usual crit build but try to rack some BE on the side
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Cute sisters
Clearly as people can be illiterate
march is a tranny??!?
>next round of charactyers will be notchinese

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They just hate the fact that their headcanon of her being a man hating dyke died with this update and Jade's character story
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Why did /hsrg/ just suddenly die? It was doing fine an hour ago? Anything new going on elsewhere?
hard to hear you with that cock in your mouth
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>fine an hour ago
We've been dead for half a week bro...
It's always around that time that we slow down. SEA is asleep and it's getting late for euros
im busy playing wuwa to post, sorry bro...
I died from jacking off to Topaz too much

Several gachas have their rollover exactly now, including Nikke.
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Since /hsrg/ is dead talk we should talk about fanfiction :3
I always have the BP and I still regularly run out. This game is just insanely stingy with giving them out. HSR has Genshin rates for mats for building characters and yet releases twice as many characters. How the fuck Mihoyo were so stupid to not realize that would maybe be a problem is beyond me.
I should fucking kill you
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According to 4stats, Blue Archive and Nikke are HOT right now
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Try it bitch I'm behind 7 proxies
I've been contemplating getting diapers and peeing myself so I can feel closer to my wife Sushang
Is Nikke worth playing? What about BA? I tried that piece of shit Solo Leveling gacha and it was AIDS in game form.
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This English TL is once again wack. There's no "cover for you" here. She just says that she gladly handed over her Topaz Stone to execute a brilliant plan, not for Jade's sake. Kek, it's always like this with Topaz's lines.
*cracks knuckles*
The only thing you're gonna be behind of is this fucking FIST faggot..
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I picked Rosa
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Why are they so heterophobic? I feel opressed.
No, Samus Aran is one of my favorite fictional characters of all time.
Same with Aventurine lines it almost feels like the EN team is trying to sabotage it
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I'm doing DU IV and even with Firefly reaching 600%+ BE, she still isn't doing that much damage. What curios/buffs should I be getting to pump out more damage? Besides Robe of the Beauty, but that seems so rare.
I wish fireflies vocielines were reversed, firefly voice in base model then full same voice in ult
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I picked my nigga Caldwick
>Did Firefly ruin Sam for you?
Unironically, yes. Sam only talks when she's not in ult and she's almost always in ult.
It's honestly getting comical, there's no way some fujo landwhale on the trannylation team cares this much about harmless platonic lines
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I got a Firefly hehe
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TB is a popular whore...
just kafka skill on the other elite and then basic the trotter with bailu or something
Tee hee
reciding your hairline is reciding
Those people in twitter exist so it would be surprising
I've got far enough tin cans on the ship and pepeshi are unbearable niggers
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Do i save for Black Swan for my DoT team (Kafka, Sampo, Guin) or Sparkle as the 2nd support for Seele?
Also i just got bricked by the king's LC on standard, i wonder if it's any better on Topaz and Ratio than Swordplay because man a mere 36% CDMG is shit compared to the dmg bonus, Hoyo really hates this kid huh.
>Is Nikke worth playing?
Not really. It's an autobattler where the only appeal is animated pictures of sluts, there's literally nothing else going on.

>What about BA?
BA is slightly better IMO because the story is mildly amusing but it's really just another autobattle gacha and once you've played one you've played all of them.
segs time
Nikke's story is amazing though
What's it about
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How do you pop this balloon? It's too far
jiggly butts
NTA but good joke. The prologue made me already skip everything past it because of how bad it was.
Not to say I played it long. I hate nothing more than score check games that nerf your stats the moment you are even just 1 point below the arbitrary "recommended party score". Shit is fucked.
dunno I don't play the game
Sparkle unbricks more characters but Kafka BS shit on all those character_that_Sparkle_unbricks + Sparkle teams
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wtf i have to do a whole quest to buff up my Ruan Mei some more?
Pls tell me i can get this shit done quick
Use Natasha
No the fuck it's not, Nikke's story is 0/10 trash.
Since you have Kafka then Swan is the clear choice.
For Topaz and Ratio I'd recommend Cruising(herta) over swordplay or YQ's
Oh, that worked! Thanks so much anon.
NTA but it's a postapocaliptic sci-fi setting, wont say it's the best, but it's interesting enough to check it out
Fair enough
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>he pulled

It's less a quest and more a boss fight that you can do 3 times/week.
The quest is pretty short (1 hour?) but the boss can be hard if you don't have the right characters properly built
it's pretty easy, I think
swan is more important with a decent kafka imo, if your going for extra copies prioritize e1 over sig. sampo cone s5 is good
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Which of these games is the most /hsrg/core? I want to play something new on my steam deck.
>Granblue Relink
>Fate Samurai Remnant
>Ghost of Tsushima
>Lies of P
my man's never heard of RPG quest requirements
Tales of Arise for the romance in space feels
I hate the dead times where everyone just offtopic talks
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I like this guy's videos.
SMT or persona
The story of Nikke: Goddess of Victory dives into a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by monstrous machines called Raptures. These alien beings drove humanity underground, forcing them to create the Ark, a vast underground city.

Humanity survives in the Ark, a technologically advanced metropolis with a central governing body. To retake the surface, humans develop Nikkes – artificial soldiers wielding powerful weaponry. You play as the Commander, tasked with leading a squad of Nikkes in missions to reclaim the Earth's surface from the Rapture threat.

The narrative unfolds as you progress through the game, encountering various Nikke characters, each with their own personality and backstory. You'll also uncover the secrets of the Raptures, the past of the world, and the true purpose of the Nikke project.
Yeah but girl is cute doing autistic shit and the guy doing same shit is cringe.
Besides, he looks like he got lost on his way to the generic anime dude convention, along with dan heng
V3 changes soon so maybe that'll be enough to keep on topic discussion up for atleast 1(one) whole day
Before SMT cultists kill me, SMT V was shit compared to SMT4's atmosphere. V had better gameplay but everything else, even music felt like shit.

>Lies of P
I liked both a lot.

Seconded Tales of Arise. Dont expect too much and you'll get a comfy adventure.
Why does a doll from a member of the genius society attacks with a giant hammer, throwing a giant crystal? Was this explained somewhere?
I guess if we consider that a lifeform creating scientist that is obsessed with bugs attacking with a banjo and ice(?), is about par for the course.
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80 pity...and I still lost. Should I keep going after RM's E1 or save the guarantee for Feixiao? I dunno if she will be good for FuA so I cant decide
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Just lost my P5R save file after factory resetting my Steam Deck and I'm too upset to play it right now. I wasn't too far in, only beat the first Palace and was on the way to unlocking the second, but that's already like a 10-15 hour investment I lost because I was retarded and only backed up my regular game savefiles and not my EMULATOR data... I already played the original P5 (and P3FES and P4G) years ago so I'm thinking it's not a big loss to maybe skip P5R entirely.
Guess I'll give SMT VV a try. >>484148956 The only SMT I've tried before is Digital Devil Saga for the PS2 lol
>Tales of Arise
I thought that one wasn't considered very good?
From this list i only played Granblue relink and lies of P, both amazing, but im unsure how good is to join GBR rn this late, it's just like MHW if you played that before, so lobbys can be quite limited as of today, i would go for it if you have a friend to play with
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keep going, see where fate takes you
This game looks so much better with bloom off
Same vibe
>join GBR rn this late
I'd be playing it solo because it's a pirated copy. Is that not good?
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what the fuck did you just say
Cool thanks
I know about it, its still annoying. Everything else so far has been unlocked simply by playing through the main quest
it is fun, but with friends or randoms its way more enjoyable, you can play alone with AI assist and it's pretty good, but at least for me it wasnt as enjoyable
Not that type of bloom
>they actually expect the demo emanator who doesn't even follow a dps path to last
lmao raidentroons really never change
why did you post a picture of a psych ward escapee?
I want to drink wine with grapes crushed by Nilou's delicate and gentle feet
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>2 hard pitties
Yeah I aint doing that, guess I'll just pray for her to be a stronger Ratio then
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Do not got for RM e1. It does nothing but give you a small damage increase. There's no improved functionality or unique benefit. It's not even a big damage increase. Please save your rolls.
But we already know she's a Destruction character masquerading as a Nihility?
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sick fuck
>rivals to lovers
Shut up and let me lick your tummy!
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Acheronbros won
I have MotP S5 for HMC and RM already should i still go for RMs Light Cone?
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It is a solid 7/10 game, nothing outstanding but more than good enough to finish once.
Plus it has three canon ships if you're into that shit.
not every girl has to be for (me), it's better they make it clear from the start rather than pulling off that devious bait and switch strategy they've used with Nahida and Black Swan
Yeah I'm skipping Yunli
only if you plan to use her with someone other than Firefly, her lightcone doesn't help Firefly at all but it's really good for pretty much anyone else
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*throws pig*
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Black Swan is just a tease to literally everyone, (you), Acheron, Sparkle, even Dan Heng.
But i agree more variations are kinda nice, Firefly, Kafka, and to some extent March are great girls anyway, Bronya and Seele can grind their pussies and Yunli and Yanqing can have underage sex for all i care.
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>slow as fuck thread

Everyone else must be having sex
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you're skipping THIS?
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I have a train ride in 6 hours and I'm preparing for that before bed
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Do gacha players even reproduce?
I like his rata blanca cover. I didnt expect him doing something star rail related
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Shipbait lolis are just counterproductive, the whole appeal of loli is pretty tangible to (you) pandering in the first place
Try getting wastelander as the starting equation, also try going for the weighted curios that boost break, like the steak one.
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I choose to wait and see if she's for KING or not
omg luochagpt hiiiiii
personally, I'm gonna NTR Yanqing without looking back
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Remember, Loli is for shota only
Loli is for ojisan
Shota is for oneesan
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Fret not, Mihoyo will add a hot male so we can go on double dates with Yanqing and Yunli
Imideatelly got reminded of mambostuck and with how many different weapons there are in star rail that would be a kino animatic
Woah there! It's LuochaGPT in the flesh (or, well, code)! What's the buzz? How can I stir things up for you tonight? Just a heads up, I'm powered by a different kind of magic, so things might get a little wild.
are you implying that there aren't hot males in the game?
They will add one specifically for that
Aventurine is coming back??
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It begins...
Women who self insert as Stelle are just as smelly and stinky as her
um based?
Here's the list of things that can convince me to go back to SU:
>sex with Herta's human body inside the SU
Until this list of important QoL features is implemented, I'm not going to leave the DU
stelle is hot
that's the difference
yep this general won't survive Uma release
most women are hot as long as they're not extremely under or over weight
t. woman fetishist
Not really
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No, your favorite male character will get a canon female ship and you will sit and watch in the corner as a third wheel
>as long as they're not extremely under
:( hey...
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>Not really
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Smelly yumes getting cucked is my new fetish
sorry skelesis, visible ribs are gross
>stelle is hot
Ugliest girl in the game besides maybe Pela
I look like this but I don't say this
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Shes cute as fuck
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>it's 1.6
>prefarmed for both Xueyi and Ruan Mei
>pull Ruan Mei but still no E6 Xueyi
>keep rolling and get Blade, Gepard, E1 RM and finally E6 Xueyi after all that
>finally time to level them
>realize I have to do weekly boss for the special mat
>realize I already did my weekly this week and now I have to wait till the week ends to get the mats
>play RM without the trace that increases your dmg by break effect
>play a half baked Xueyi with unleveled traces
you didn't know how it felt back then
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I think men with no chins can be cute too chin up anon :)
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Pela is pure sex, the ugliest female is by far Yukong you retarded faggot
there are no ugly girls in the game
you may not like some but that doesn't mean they are ugly
but counting them is fun... but okay
Pela is ugly and no amount of copium will change that
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I thought Churin was removed from DU?
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>2 phases
>ugliest female is by far Yukong
Thats why Pela fags aint worth shit
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You can still fight him in the IPC promotion saga.
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Agreed, Pela is revolting. Put her up against Yukong (the hottest female in the game) and she looks even more like an ugly disgusting goblin.
Pela is both hot AND ugly at the same time
Chink text does have the "cover for you" part, but this argument over "who Topaz did Penacony for" is pure autism either way. Nip text still has the same implications by removing it anyway. "Cover for you" is referring to the plan itself, using the Topaz stone as a distraction so the Jade stone could be facilitated into Penacony. She was never saying "I only did this for your sake, Jade", she's saying "I did this because otherwise our grand keikaku wouldn't work". It's basically her explaining the plan to the player. That's why Jade isn't like "thank you for risking your ass for me,Topaz" after she says that - Topaz wasn't sacrificing her stone for her or Aventurine - it was for the mission.
Yup, thats how I got him, I'm trying to 100% the Gallery.
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Still on the train
get the fuck out freeloader
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That's Aventurino
De las estratagemas
hopefuly this stuff is just a side note to the actual story
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I can pleasure myself with her body even if she lacks vagina, anus and nipples
this bitch owes me sex
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>visible ribs are gross
lose wait fatty
You will be obligated to see them flirting all the way through
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Gakumas made me realize I have a fetish for underweight girls, and also all my exes were skinny girls
thighjobs are still a thing (also she looks soft as fuck)
in my attic?
its more likely than you think
Is there a Firefly Guide?
I prefer the titcow sisters
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Did they also have 5Heads?
Now delete her eyes aswell
Yeah... this won't work. The plan was rubbing my cock between her thighs while kissing her, grabbing her plump ass and feeling her soft breasts pushing on my chest...
she does have nipples, vagina and anus
I checked myself
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the will of enigmata
This is the type of shit I see on my lil brother's PC when he plays Roblox. Either this, FNAF or nazi roleplay (?)
Nazi roleplay ON Roblox. (It's real btw I checked)
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Will they get to kill Oswald on screen with missles?
New thread
If Screwllum fans can imagine kissing that tin can, you can do this you weakling
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I'm feeling lucky today so I'll stack the odds in Herta's favor
0-6: Herta thread
7-9: Aventurine thread

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