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JLMG edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-56
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

the battle of the brain fog
Damn it I was too slow to make the thread. I won't have another chance today because Saturday is Lois Lane goon sesh day.

Progress Anchor!! Reply to this post with your progress.
I've got fucking brain haze at this point. I have no idea what's going on. Maybe they finally activated the vaxx microchips and this is the end.
next on the agenda:

making caves and caverns.
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New progress anchor post since most of us filter that guy.
>find games with not even 500 reviews
>higher graphical quality versions of games that came out a decade ago while looking fun
>new one: <500 reviews and high quality
>old one: 4000+ reviews and would have normies complaining about graphics
Is it that there are simply too many games to choose from? That's about the only thing I can think of besides issues with the game. I know for me it's simply
>bleh too many to choose from I'll just replay the old one if I feel like it I don't
It's like I don't even feel like investing time into it due to sheer numbers of options. Why pick this one over that other one that came out a year ago and is even higher quality? But wait there's this other one that came out 3 years and has even better gameplay....

Two cakes.....more like 1 billion cakes and one is more than enough when the first cake did everything to good enough degree. A second cake? You'll have to go far above and beyond the first one.
My allergies tend to fuck me up. I get it from my mother. I've been in and out of sleep for 4 hours. My afternoon is gone.

Maybe drink some tea or coffee, stretch or exercise. The day is not over for any of us yet, lets make the most of it.

Based. Glad to see your progress vulkan dev!

Okay you little bitch :D
>Found an incredibly obscure post on how resetting the battery on some weird thread from 2013 on page four
>Just do this series of weird action
>It work
Thank god, it worked perfectly, we are back in the game.
so is this in your own engine?
Yep, using Vulkan and C.
Should I put the save files under "Save" folder or try to make it a bit more obscure and use something like "Data" folder. This is for a mobile game, so I want it to be a bit more hidden so people can't tinker with the save files too easily.
700 game sales is enough to be a yesdev
unsettling, lizard-like
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I tried doing this before but I fell off from the true path. We will be friendly rivals. (Well in my case it will be Chez Scheme and C with Vulkan.)
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I want to make porn games. I want to be known for making nice porn games like that ntrmam
why even start another project when we all know im not even gonna finish 2% of it
i can never stick to anything for longer than a week
my to do list is complete
i think i will actually rest until dd
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I finished the card minigame the other day.
I've gotten so little sleep this week that I can't even remember.
town's big enough for the both of our games.
It's admirable that you forced scheme in there out of your love for LISP.
nice. do not neglect your sleep, mosca won't be able to come out of the computer to heal you
>demo day gets leaked in a youtube video for thousands of gamedevs
>thread slows to a crawl
explain this, aggy daggy
How do some people keep going even after multiple failures after multiple years? Seen a few dev's like this. How do they stomach pouring so much time into gamedev for years only to be met with constant failure even when the game looks good?
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>you stop the music to pitch your game to these people
And... go.
my "game" is shameful
y-you go to the right
>whispers and sounds of confusion, "who is that -- what did he say?"
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Personally I'm an Eric fan and though I don't see how you wouldn't be one too, I still r̶e̶s̶p̶e̶c̶t̶ tolerate your opinion.
i got nothing else to live for
>town's big enough for the both of our games.

Of course. By 'friendly rival', I mean that seeing your progress will motivate me so I won't get left behind. That's the way I try to think about things.

>It's admirable that you forced scheme in there out of your love for LISP.

Haha thanks. Well lisp should help me out with the development times. I can set things up so that I can modify the game while it's running which is cool. I haven't added that to a git commit yet though, so I'll do that today.
>devs are too busy making proggy before dd in one week
it's almost as if it's not a mystery
Progress for my factory game. I added a bunch of asteroids to have as something to focus on while flying around and to eventually put minerals on for mining. It's volumetric so I can make them deformable (by weapons/mining lasers), but haven't quite figured out how I'll sync those deformations to the clients when there are a lot of asteroids. Webm is from the point of view of the host while the client player flies through the asteroid field
inner circle Aegis Protocol has been activated. all yesdevs report to the tier 2 IC discord for further instructions
make my game.... i can't.....
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>mom knows I quit my job a while ago to work on my game
>just woke up today to a text from her saying she sent me some money to help me with groceries while I work on my game even though I keep telling her that I'm doing fine
I will make it, for her
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My game is a straight-up clone of Thief the Dark Project and I wonder if anyone will even notice
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I know, but that's just how life is sometimes.
What is your game?
prove you're Eric's fan. Post your game with him
based mommydev
based mom
I'm a yesdev and I will never join the discord.
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My mom already does that even though she has no idea I quit my job half a year ago to develop games full-time
no one will notice because you don't have a game
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I should just make a GLITCH HORROR game
0_0 feels like you're making it harder than it should but somehow you seem to be progressing decently fast.
I finally moved out of my parents' house to my own apartment 30 minutes away. This is the first time I've ever lived on my own, but it still feels like I'm at home since my mom insists on dropping by unannounced 2-3 times a week. She keeps making me entire trays of baked pasta and lasagna and chicken parm even though I already have a fridge full of food and I like to cook for myself. What's worse is that her cooking is really bad but she thinks I like it because I always give her back the empty trays.
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ummm uhh girl in the back left and front far right, i think you're both cute, date me? yes? gaem? uh i'll show you later
>progressing decently fast
>still hasn't made it past a terrain example project out of any of the major engines
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Vulkan isn't the most speedy thing to use. His progress is well-paced.
>What's worse is that her cooking is really bad
I pity all you poor nigger souls. Having a mom who's really good at cooking is a blessing taken for granted
a blessing in the skies taken for granite
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>quit waging for unrelated reasons
>kinda sorta gave off the vibe i'm gonna gamedev to the family
>mom doesn't seem to think much of it, rightfully so, i'm terrible at it
>dad thinks i'm gmi, wrongfully so, he's blinded that i can't fail
i already know it's going to fail i don't even want to tell them when i release it. should release later this year or before mid next year so long as i don't increase the scope beyond a certain point. i need a job before then
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The game will change the industry forever. It's a concept so brilliant that it's astounding no one has done it yet. So basically, get this! Yo- (mic cuts off)
What's even worse is that her cooking actually used to be good, but ever since my older siblings all moved out she's stopped caring. She's dropped all of the old tasty high effort recipes she used to make all the time when we were kids in favor of whatever its the easiest, cheapest dish she can cook as fast as possible. She's also recently discovered Tiktok and the many terrible recipes people upload there which have almost always resulted in total disasters.
is he pretending to be a walrus?
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Check out this duck I made
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My mom's idea of cooking: microwaved sausage, microwaved canned green beans, rice, every night.
That's depressing. I'm glad my mom loved me.
is your mom black?
There is nothing wrong with this. This is dev fuel.
"Play as a loli trying to evade violent 45 year old ugly bastards."
he cute
Did you actually make it, though?
can you tell me what you think is the weakest part of your game right now? You don't have to post what it is I just wanna know your outlook on that subject.
so you live on your own and your mom sends you money? question frens, how frequently do your parent's call you?

is this that group collab project? does it have a name yet?
cool, but make two joker skins for him
one dark knight version and one huakeen penis version
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buy your mom a delightful cookbook.
Praise the maker, /agdg/
If you're reading this you're on the timeline that afford you such safety and luxury and technological power, you can sit and work on projects without risking injury in a quarry or on the battlefield.

And you can even chat about it with other people doing the same thing, all over the world! Isn't that amazing?
Clover Meadows was the highest rated name in a poll on our discord a while back
do you animate also?
pls post waddle animation some day
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I dreamt I was Zhuangzi
>how frequently do your parent's call you?
not often, we all kinda hate phones but the love is there without a doubt. My mom is the stereotypical sweet old lady who bakes cookies and is always in a good mood singing around the house.
/v/ manages to assemble a collab while /agdg/ can't. how do we cope?
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There's nothing more depressing than a woman who can't cook. It's one of the only requirements I have for women after being not fat. Nothing beats the woman you love cooking you a nice meal because she loves you back.
No offense to your mom I'm sure she's lovely.
>art looks bad, it just isn't good looking. looks like something a 12 year old amatuer gamedev would draw for a flash game but using pixel art
>code works but i'm obviously limited by my skill which limits how far i can take the gameplay. things like combat are rather simplified due to this lack of skill. i could improve it with my current knowledge but that's a lot of code to refactor this deep in. but it's not just this, there's so much other stuff.
i'd rather just push it out and start something new where my improved knowledge can help from the start without doing stuff all over again. art style would probably be simplified as it's easier to go less complex while still making it look good. while code can be more complex from the start rather than having to dig through what is probably 100+ scripts and hope they don't break something else
>so you live on your own
>your mom sends you money
>how frequently do your parent's call you?
i call her most evenings for about half an hour. but my dads phone has been off since fathers day
>cool story bro
my online girlfriend also talked dirty for me all day so i dont have much progress

sick gif
are butterfly bodies black? it seems more like an eawig/beetle under some kind of leaf
tbqh we need a lot more people
>be a normal kid, full of potential, talented at one specific thing that could make him a good wage
>one fine day in the middle of the night he downloads a game engine
>spreads himself thin over the next decade learning every skill needed for solo game development
I was reusing some paint I left out, never broke out ochre yesterday, just yellows greens blues and black.
he can't see you because he's got a book on his face
dev please fix
literally me
I'm putting no passion or energy into furthering my career, I'm just wasting my time thinking about a stupid video game I'm probably never going to finish. Oh well.
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old vs new

rotating in place has animation now that can handle both idle & aiming state for each stance and weapon type
Is it just a bunch of ideaguys? How many serious contributors are there?
Lurk more and figure it out for yourself newfriend
It only took me two years sound like a skill issue on your part
there's a hole for his eye
Depends on the country
Europeans don't even have air conditioning.
>technological power
Computers now are barely better than the ones in WWII.
me as programmer, another as modeler, multiple others for occasional concept art and ideas
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already been done
Will you guys be submitting it to any demo day or is it playable elsewhere for that matter?

Hmm I see why I am so skinny. A dish of that size would leave me full from noon to midnight after forcefully trying to finish the remainder that I could barely scarf down. So how exactly is she not fat but instead slim with a nice butt if she's eating like this 3 times a day? Also yes I too want a woman who can cook fuck that shit if she can't cook. It's a requirement even if she has to learn.

>daily calls
How???? I usually get called before I even get the chance to make a call. Once a week btw, I don't have a lot to talk about desu.
>arrive at the onset of AGI with a decades worth of technological skill and the ability to learn independently
uh huh and what level of skill did you reach in each uh, profession?
So... 2, sorta. I assume the "modeler" doesn't even know how to rig and animate, which is why you've been using the same T-pose cat-thing for months. It's over...
I'm too old for that shit now.
quite good at modeling but i have to be frank it's quite slow progress.
i can model but i'm really bad at cartoony styles so i can't really do much
I surpassed the skill level of like 95% of /agdg/ (even the veterans)
The only devs I couldn't exceed are people like Trainwiz
luxury and technological power are cheap, but a piece of land and a roof over your head...
Iktf. It's not that I can't learn, I just don't feel like it anymore. I just want to sit back and play video games.
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Been working on a few smaller parts of the game, so hopefully I don't break everything before the demo day..
Added a sound effect for winning a round and a UI indicator.
I've added a back buttons to the single game character select.

Outside of the game I've been trying to make a new game icon for itch.
i want to join a collab...
well what skills do you have
>95% of /agdg/ (even the veterans)
not a high bar
>The only devs I couldn't exceed are people like Trainwiz
skill issue.
You're hired!
If you want I'm looking for minions. (Not henchmen, henchmen get paid)
Trainwiz has over 10 years of experience under his belt and is an unstoppable engine of autism. I feel fine even if I never surpass that.
sure but he can't model and texture for shit
I can model but I can't animate, I'm okay at texturing, I can draw okay, I can play trombone, and I'm learning Japanese
fuck off Froggy, never reply to me again
Trainwiz is a sellout and should be crucified.
You had a chance to make history and you passed it up. Don't forget that.
programming and 3d modeling + ok animator
shut up faggot
Art style is still being decided on but if you have the knack for chill animal crossing like music that would be great
here we go again...
I smile every time I see the last panel
They're just jumping to collabland.
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My pipe-like is still being worked on.
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I don't really play any games and haven't for like 10+ years. I've seen some clips and reviews though.

But I'm looking for anything you'd consider a really decent "spiritual successor" to old Mario, specifically like SMB2 (yeah I know it was some other game, but that kind of weird creativity) and SMW.

Basically trying to find games that have that kind of appeal. Specifically not looking for Hollow Knight or Celeste or Cuphead, some challenge is good but not interested in too much autism, just creativity and surprise and fun. Also not interested in some rando "platformer #13143423" because there are a fuck-ton of them and I don't think "going to the right" is enough to have in common to be what I'm looking for.
I know this is probably a question for /v/ but doubt I would get any real response there.
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The reason why I dislike osur and horbror and their ilk is their insincere personalities. They always ignore me and I'm sure they laugh behind my back. Why is this important? The possible explanations are very few.
1. They do not care about my game despite it's relevance to /agdg/ - this means that they are detached from the community and speaks vert badly about their actual relation to this place and their hidden agendas
2. They are completely aware of my game but do not recognize any potential in it - the only explanation for this can be petty egoism and that they do this to a lot of games to shield their fragile egos from the possibility that there are devs here that are better than them or could become better than them
3. They are aware of my game and its potential but choose to ignore it - this is the worst one of all - it means that they do it because they are afraid of what's going to happen if I get the spotlight. God forbid they lose it, and they know their positions are fragile since they have very little securing them on their ivory thrones. This would mean that they directly undermine devs who are a "threat" to protect their own positions.

Just a little food for thought.
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I find that difficult to scope out a collab, because inevitably you think you have a team when the vast majority of your team actually won't contribute much. Non-contributors really hurt the general moral of the team if there's no strict guidelines on how splits will be done.
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It's over
camera feels too zoomed in, i like the colors tho
a manga where two depressed amateur devs kill themselves at the same time and get reincarnated as notch and concernedape
insincere post
also you're not me
no it isn't retard
all the systems seem interesting but i hate what's going on on the right side of the screen
Relax and post Game zoomer retard
Good, the pipes are fueled by hate.

I'm actually changing it to be more zoomed in. I want people to feel like they are in the pipes.
yeah, i can't manage stuff
my doctor told me that if I don't lose 100lbs in the next year that I could potentially die before 40
if you're that fat it might seem hard or impossible but it's not really that hard to do. You're probably addicted to food and need to do some permanent changes for the sake of your health.
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I've reached PS2 levels, chuds.
make a weight loss game and burn calories while playtesting
kek why not just make it 3d and put me in 1st person within the pipes?

Pipario 3D, that'll be a 10% royalty please
why does she have a Halo plasma rifle crosshair on her stomach?
same as >>484037006
will this be in demo day? been curious to try it
Would hire you in 1998 to work on our launch title
What happens if you do it by two years? Game dev is a great way to lose weight though. All your mind is focused on is making game and not eating.
you are either pogo or ozur anyway, so who cares
I still haven't quite figured out if there's any way to make a collab work with random guys on the internet. I really wish there was.

The animal crossing game is going to be MIT free forever or were you planning to close source it after it starts coming together?
Tomo no!!!! I knew the situation was dire but we can't have you becoming a bitter old hag now. Please just take Cris as husbandt and be hapi! You're both gamedevs as well. You can work on games 2gether. You can sit on his lap too, husbandt and waif and lean upon his latino bod that you secretly desire.
because that's where i'm aiming
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PS2 textures were mostly 128x128 or 256x256 max. All the game's textures needed to tile into a 8k texture cache.
i haven't even added a license to it yet, no real reason for it to be open source either. at least someone could fork it if it dies
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this anonette still around ?
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Here is a webm of using scheme while the game runs. It only takes like 50 lines of scheme code to do this (notice how it switches from the base professional blocking repl to my crappy makeshift non-blocking repl when the game starts).

My repl is shitty so I think I'll recycle my "ribbit console"


so I can tab autocomplete, but replace the lua with chez scheme. But maybe I can do something a bit more fancy so that you can load it with chez scheme.

No thanks, future minion.
Your repo has an MIT license on it, if you didn't know.
there is no LICENSE file
She's working fulltime on the Tower of Kaletomo
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give me a single reason why it's unreasonable to think that the inner circle members would do everything in their power to stop any new devs from rising in the hierarchy of /agdg/ and becoming a problem for their authority (possibly even destroying their positions)

I'm waiting.
if you don't give the illusion there's potential for success no one would try
list all inner circle members and I can line item them.
It's not. As Sultan of the /agdg/ inner circle, I guard it from your kind daily.
Tower of Kalemonvo
Poke All Toads
Goblin Resort
Afterlife Gladiator
The Gun is Good
Age of Brass
Dreams of Joy Departed
Pogo 3D
This literally happened to Damaskus. The inner circle chased him away when his game started looking like more than a shitty asset flip.
>forgot shape of dreams

I should get back to making progress. You will witness me ...
>all the top /agdg/ devs are friends with each other and always occupy the top rows of every demo day it's just a coincidence!!!
If you sit there and try to convince me that there aren't at least 10 games in the mid-to-low rows that are better than Goblin Resort you're absolutely full of shit
>forgot the king and queen of AGDG
boku and chris will remember this
they are not in the inner circle. Just like crumble, trainwiz, and branno. There's a reason why those devs are always ignored and no one engages with them positively
watching underspace get ignored here for 3 years straight should have told you everything you need to know about the fact that this is NOT a meritocracy
Today I played Dota for 6 hours, gooned for 3, took a 2 hour nap, and opened my game for 3 seconds before closing it and going back to sleep for another 30 minutes.
I'm sick brothers... go on without me...
The secret to being a yesdev is networking(collusion)
is there anybody here that DOESN'T play dota
looks more like psp
so what is the game
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You guys do realize that if you just stop giving him attention he'll eventually get bored and go back to playing fortnite or whatever it is kids his age are doing these days
also I don't have discord
I'm over 30
I have a large collection of old games and consoles that I play semiregularly
does anyone have that post saved where someone explained that this being a gay little dicksucking meetup spot and not a meritocracy is completely antithetical to encouraging anons to work on their games because none of the hard work gets even noticed?
Can you post your manchild nest? I'd love to see how you live.
>the simplest Tekken 8 movelist
I swear to god there is something wrong with unity. I have a sprite with transparency. The sprite does not look the same as in the preview panel. Someone help please. The preview shows it correctly but in scene the sprite looks more opaque. I put them together in the third image, top half is from game view, bottom half is from from preview pane. I'm using 2023.2.13.
I want to make a turn-based adventure game / sim

I don't
nodes were a mistake
skill issue
notice how Kalemnigger and plundernigger and goblin resort and etc don't post as much anymore. You're welcome
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I only have old pictures, remind me tomorrow and I'll post my actual setup which is not pretty
Wait, I have friends?
sounds cool, do you have any concept art for your game?
Anyone try Pablo's new Uniform app yet?
can you not afford a new TV? wtf are those old ass box things
>Trainwiz is a sellout
Are you not making your game to sell it?
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No just my notes and imagination. I lack art skills—something I'll have to work on.
Pure soul.
Boomer ahh setup
I'd do itfor bitcoin
Yes but I lowkey wanted to be on the timeline that I could get a gf
always thought gotad/egg/shrimp dev was inner circle
he hangs out with todd and other gamedev celebs and pretends like he's too good for us
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I don't mind the zoomers but the zoomerspeak is "lowkey" annoying
fucking KINO
that's cap
i havent played vidya in awhile and 3 hours literally drained me i cant even code now
Every dev that's made it that isn't a fucking nutjob has left by this point, realize that and make peace with it
>delete 3 functions
>play it for 5 minutes
thats enough work for today
Hmm maybe I'll keep you in mind in the future. Personally, I want to see how far I can get on my own for now.
I'm gen-z-pilled, no cap. Zoomermaxing rn fr fr.
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I held a girl's hand for the first time today, bros. It was really nice, better than I could have ever imagined. WAGMI.
How does the demo day thing work? Is it a gamejam type of deal?
you upload a demo of your game on the weekend and then other people can play it and give feedback
Oh that doesnt sound too bad. I thought people were making new games everytime because of how stressed people seem to be about it.
k good luck with your game
the inner circle is pumping my game again, should I be worried?
*ring ring*
dump et
mmm... pumping....
This is a little out of pocket but what are some weird reasons you guys got into game development? I got into it because of "Wilf Life" a nsfw game that is super customizable from the characters, maps, rigging, and so on. I figured I might as well learn Unreal Engine and Blender since making stuff up from scratch looked so similar to game devs.
It's an event to show progress on long term projects, not a gamejam.
You should submit early too if you can afford to because people usually have more free time during the weekend.
Also, people are more likely to try your game if you post progress in the thread.
I'm proud of you, anon.
Are you not working with artists to make your gamedev vision come to life?
maybe i should get a plushie of my game on makeship...
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I'm losing alot of steam for this project, yesterday I spent the whole day just adding dynamic bars.
It's getting harder to add things now because I need to think more about how to tie classes together without extra bloat.
Sometimes I would lay in bed for 10mins at a time to figure it out and I'm still doing it.
Find something you like doing and do that. You shouldn't be forcing yourself to do this.
You should tone down all the "inner circle" jokes. Some newcomers might take it seriously. Remember that one of the agdg collabs died because a bunch of them took the "Godot is selling out" jokes seriously.
can someone draw me an 8x8 pixel fish. it's impossible, thanks
The problem is not the project, it's just my coding skills. I hit this road block alot once I have alot of classes setup. It's something I need to overcome because I'll keep getting stuck no matter what project I'm working on.

I'm just going to scrap the dynamic UI rn because its making it harder to do everything else.
today i spent 5 hours rigging a model because automatic weights always fuck things up and in the end it's still not good enough
what godot collab?

ui should watch the entities, the entities should not be aware of the UI, generally
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based and cavestorypilled
>ui should watch the entities, the entities should not be aware of the UI, generally
Wait I was told the other way around. The entities or in my case PlayerComponents have access to the information to carry out to PlayerResourceUI > Bars.

The assembly used in UI are the same as audiovisual effects since they're kind of similar.
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>avoiding working on my game last 3 days because I have to do the UI

How do I get past this roadblock
I knew there are cultured people here
>get past this roadblock
Call the city or contractors in charge of that roadblock. It's our tax money after all.
my game will die and be forgotten (just like hawken)
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It's impossible.
I don't even bother with manually doing weights anymore. If fiddling with the automatic weight settings doesn't make it properly, I don't care, it'll be "good enough". Tired of wasting time on weighting.
maybe in unity its better this way, but in godot it's advised to do UI watching entities, the reasoning is that UI update logic, like tweening and changing color would be in the UI, and not in the entity itself. the entity could be potentially tested without having the UI as part of the scene, etc.
its fine if the entity has the UI reference and calls an update, but UI stuff should generally be decoupled from the entity themselves
Today I spent 5 hours slightly tweaking my rain shader and in the end I reverted it all back.
the amount of juice in this
those bulcky playstations 1 and 2 made me water my eyes a bit

the model was glitching completely with automatic weights, one leg bone was affecting the other leg, and all sorts of issues
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I'm on vacation and I picked up a random book to read, it's all about trees and now I want to stop making a game and just make the best possible tree and forest simulatior possible. A map making dev tool that I could sell on asset stores that takes in your terrain data and decides where to generate trees and generates all the details autisticly correctly. You set the prevailing wind direction, it sculpts the tree according to those winds, the trunk is thinner facing into the wind and the branches form an aerodynamic shape. Trees lean into open spaces and grow leaves on those sides. Forest clearings have the surrouding tree branches growing into the space before fast-growing species like birch and alder start popping up. Add more wildlife to the area and your trees are more likely to generate with a fork low down because a deer ate the apical bud when it was young... But maybe this is just a passing fancy and the value of being able to generate accurate woodland isn't worth the time compared to just randomly placing tree assets everywhere.

3D Dwarf Fortress dev... Read this book before you add trees to your game (in 2089 when you get that far)
I see people complaining that they don't know what to make, I can't relate, I want to make too much stuff. Read books instead of watching anime 18 hours a day
currently listening to Many Mirrors by Alvvays(animated by Concerned Ape)

were you banned ?
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I wish I had a cute niece I could use as inspiration for my loli game...
One day I will have cool musician/artist friends I met through gamedev (although I hope my cool musician friends make better music than this, this really isn't my cup of tea)
Idk how godot works but when I work with UI in Unity for animations and tweening I always use Coroutines. The guides that I watched placed the logic in the update function.
The reason I prefer coroutines is that the variables stay inside the functions so less global variables.
>at least 10 games in the mid-to-low rows that are better than Goblin Resort
Forget 10, name just 1
Face it, "inner circle" is just code for "devs who have actually good games." There isn't a "inner circle" holding you down, your game just sucks compared to the actually successful agdg games.
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Mine is still better.
Sorry, no demo yet. Its a cluster-fuck of systems and it'll be done when its done.
fr lil bro no cap that bussin ong
not my favorite song but they do have some bangers

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Whoops dropped my screenshot.
The rankings in demoday are largely meaningless, as they're also contaminated by wider itch.io viewership which biases towards coom games. But even then the top games in demoday tend to be the best presented, not necessarily the most fun. The real "inner circle" is being an artfag
you aren't ready for the inner icosphere
My game isn't fun, so I'm pivoting away from fps to walking simulator to try to cover up the lack of fun with text logs.
>Go on a walk for an hour
>Come back
>No (you)s
what's the point?
>he's in the icosphere
Ah you're in the containment shape, the inner quaternion is where the real decisions get made
RIP Peripeteia
Here you go
Here you go buddy, spend it well.
thanks babes (they cute)
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>the inner quaternion
I really hope this post is a joke. What's the point in clearing your mind if you're going to immediately throw yourself back into the dopamine jail of begging for meaningless replies?
imagine living for yous on an anonymous board
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2 hours of bugfixes today bros
You did your part right agdg?
(You)s are how I know if my game is worth working on (apparently, it's not)
surprisingly good looking! the frog is really out of place though.
I'm seeing a lot of mixels.
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time to project hop again!
Which one is better and why in the context of requesting to cast a spell?

if(manaCost <= currentMana) or (currentMana => manaCost?
Too many questions.
I'm fine with answering a survey but it has to be 10 questions or less.
>accurate data is bad because it just is okay?!
why should I spend all this time redrawing my art trying to learn when I can buy an asset pack for $5 that's better than anything I'll ever make?
>why should I spend all this time redrawing my art trying to learn when I can buy an asset pack for $5 that's better than anything I'll ever make?
Thanks bros
you're supposed to enjoy drawing dummy
>water surface is one massive mixel
when you say mixels do you mean only the size or that they are "off grid" aswell? the frog is fucked yeah, the particles are half/quarter size etc. the background paralax layer is probably always gonna be mixel sized. not sure if thats solvable.
wtf is this real??
wtf is this real
it looks good thougheverbeit
This looks good
These are the same thing, retard.
The size, if you're going to go off the grid I don't mind at all but keep your pixel size consistent.
CGI obviously, at at the way the ball interacts with the blind strips. That being said, pretty damn good cgi.
The latter obviously. Why the hell would you ask the first?
>hur dur is the mana cost less than or equal to the current mana when we don't care what the actual value of mana cost is only if there's enough current mana
At least asking if current mana is greater than mana cost means you're checking if there's enough mana to cast the spell.
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added some bloat again
>5 days until demoday
this is sure to light a fire under my ass...
its ok federx
anon... check again...
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you ever look at stuff you did as a kid and wonder where the sovl went
Opinion: discarded
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>at that stage in the art cycle where you hate everything you draw
Why is getting good at art such a grind
You're always gonna hate everything you make sooner or later. That's the curse of being creative.
opinion = paid attention to, listened intently, considered deeply, respected
>noooooo stop you can't use all the pixels on your screen. you have to pretend that we're all still stuck with multi-decade-old displays

make sure if someone ever remakes your game someday they do it right agdg
don't give a fuck
make a good game
>his sprites don't flicker because there can only be 8 sprites on the screen every frame
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How about you just fixels?
suxel my dixel
how do you know which flicker and which don't
with a for loop
Soul is an insult around here. It means your art is shit. Ideally soul should mean that you as a creative are pushing the boundaries of your capabilities and overcoming great obstacles to deliver a pure expression of artistic genius.. . However because the average dev here is largely incompetent and just started making games or drawing 6 weeks ago, "pushing boundaries" for them means they produce child-like dogshit art, and other devs compliment it because they don't feel threatened by it, like women complementing a fat girl.

Soul is real, but ultimately agdg is shit at noticing it and instead thinks that shit art = soul. The end user doesn't care how hard you worked on something, only that you delivered something of quality, they will not give you a pass like agdg does. Don't be lulled by the agdg siren song of "soul", it is a call to raise your game.
This is good though it doesn't feel like it, it means you have the most elusive and necessary sense require to improve as an artist... taste. No artist is ever satisfied with his own work, you will always be striving and improvong.

To be satisfied with your art is to stagnate and become cris.
>even when the game looks good?
Looks mean nothing compared to how fun it is.
FromSoft has no say in the matter because Sony owns Demon Souls.
This is also why they made Dark Souls next instead of Demon Souls 2. They didn't want to work with Sony again after they refused to release Demon Souls globally even though that's what FromSoft wanted. Hence why the voice actors all speak English.
Also, to add insult to injury the game became a cult classic in the west like they wanted and everyone imported a version from the Philippines or something.
The lesson here is do not give away your IP to your publisher. Especially if it's Sony because they have Bluepoint for the purpose of raping your work years after the fact for a quick buck.
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How do you know how strong an enemy should be? imo
Thanks. I'll keep that in mind next time Sony offer me millions of dollars for my IP (a regular occurrence)
My mom cooks a lot of different things that last for several days. Cook meaning stovetop or oven. It's absolutely important I get a wife who can cook for me while I dev. Would aid in the peak cozy atmosphere I want.

No but if she looked like that and an immersive sim could get into her heart, then I sure would be working on one kek

This looks cozy. Please post PC you dev on. I expect a CRT monitor or whatever those fat bulky PC monitors were called.
They can kill you in 5 hits and you can kill them in 5 hits.
Other publishers do stuff like that as well.
If they have a change of heart about your project they will cut back on the budget to decrease the risk to themselves.
FromSoft made millions when they could have made billions based on their current track record.
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Nice. Closet I had recently was in a dream, a girl I used know was leaning against me. Irl an attractive older woman wagie that was comfortable with me whom I leaned against. It was nice.

Let's see
>to make a game I wanted to see made
>to get rich
New reasons include
>to get a fangirl gf
You unironically have an artstyle I wish I could do. In fact it's close to what I originally wanted only to end up making something else entirely. Are you using shaders btw? The lighting looks really good.
Welcome to game design, pal.

But also are there going to be only one of these bookfags, or a swarm of them? It's something you're going to have to tweak based on circumstances
Rate this implementation.

public Rarity DoctrineRarityGenerator(Rarity inputRarity, float luck)
// Base drop rates
float stockRate = 40f;
float standardRate = 30f;
float specialRate = 20f;
float singularRate = 10f;

// Modify rates based on luck
stockRate += luck * 0.2f; // Example modification
standardRate += luck * 0.15f;
specialRate += luck * 0.1f;
singularRate += luck * 0.05f;

// Normalize rates to sum up to 100
float totalRate = stockRate + standardRate + specialRate + singularRate;
stockRate = (stockRate / totalRate) * 100;
standardRate = (standardRate / totalRate) * 100;
specialRate = (specialRate / totalRate) * 100;
singularRate = (singularRate / totalRate) * 100;

// Adjust rates based on input rarity
switch (inputRarity)
case Rarity.Stock:
stockRate *= 1.2f;
case Rarity.Standard:
standardRate *= 1.2f;
case Rarity.Special:
specialRate *= 1.2f;
case Rarity.Singular:
singularRate *= 1.2f;

// Re-normalize rates to sum up to 100 after adjustment
totalRate = stockRate + standardRate + specialRate + singularRate;
stockRate = (stockRate / totalRate) * 100;
standardRate = (standardRate / totalRate) * 100;
specialRate = (specialRate / totalRate) * 100;
singularRate = (singularRate / totalRate) * 100;



// Generate a random value to determine the rarity
float randomValue = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100);
if (randomValue < stockRate)
return Rarity.Stock;
else if (randomValue < stockRate + standardRate)
return Rarity.Standard;
else if (randomValue < stockRate + standardRate + specialRate)
return Rarity.Special;
return Rarity.Singular;
nobody here knows C#
2/10 - didn't read. If it works it's probably fine.
why do people still give the advice "don't worry about optimization until you need to", it's literally the worst thing I've ever heard in gamedev. When you start worrying about optimization and have to go back and rewrite a bunch of code and introduce a bunch of new bugs and waste 3 months on one problem when instead you could've just done it right the first time

>optimization doesn't matter on modern hardware
I develop on a toaster, which forces me to always worry about optimization.
im devastated. just found out someone is making my game, but actually good, and he's making progress at a rate that i simply cannot compete with
the style is based on assets i bought (x then i add more tiles using their color pallete. i'm not good at drawing but 8x8 is managable.

yeah the lightning does a whole lot. this is what it looks like without lightning. it's done with a shader i wrote
Everything should be such that anyone can copy, recreate, and reproduce with it.
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Made fat fuck mole.
amateurs are too dumb to understand proper optimization
it's better to do it wrong then you'll know how to do it right
>anyone can copy, recreate, and reproduce with it.
You seem to be confusing "freeware," which is like a license for copyrighted work, with "public domain," which is the absence of a copyright.
Worrying about optimization early is like worrying about making your art look detailed when you're just sketching it out
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It doesn't look like a mole.
As it stands, it's merely a fat fuck.
i think they mix up doing things performantly vs optimization. you should always consider how performant an implementation is when working on it but optimization is exactly that optimizing the implementation
It's fine, just write unit tests and then you can refactor with confidence.
That you for the insight.
>the absence of a copyright
Ain't no such thing. Copyright exists immediately upon creation (not publication) of a work. It's different from trademark in that applications, enforcement, registration, etc. do not invalidate the copyright. But you're right, copyright can expire, where it then becomes effectively, "public domain." Registering a copyright doesn't create, it just makes it easier to go after those who disrespect it. I think the only way to truly transfer the ownership of copyright of a work, is to have agreements in place before it is created (like "work for hire" contracts and shit).
outstanding, kek!
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If it makes you feel any better I think it could make a good marmot or prairie dog.
There is such a thing. There are 3 (three) ways for a work to become public domain.
>Expiry of copyright.
>Explicitly dedicated to the public domain by the copyright holder.
>Non-copyrightable work (like computer or animal generated work).
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Quake can slap a 16x16 texture across an entire level and look fine, I do it with a 4k texture and it looks trash
rose tinted glasses
In the case of the first 2, the copyright still exists, but it's unenforceable. In the last one, copyright doesn’t exist just because it can’t, so your point is moot.
>animal generated work
Actually, didn’t that monkey get copyright of the image? I can’t remember for sure. By the way, we can’t actually transfer the copyright itself; only the rights to adapt and/or reproduce.
I guess that would work. Thanks.
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>Actually, didn’t that monkey get copyright of the image?
Nope, in the "monkey selfie" case, the monkey lost HARD. Probably because PETA behaved like... well, PETA ... They footgun themselves fucking constantly by acting way too extreme, kek.
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>Naruto v. David Slater et al.
>a monkey named Naruto
So this is the kind of unparalleled kino I need in my games.
Thanks ChatGPT!
>what's art direction?
I tend to prefer using test harnesses, but I also use unit tests a lot. I think having a fundamental Quality mindset is what we need, and there's no way to automate that. In my experience, there's a huge difference between "software that works," and "software that ships." My test harnesses are full-fat games all by themselves. They are written in ship fashion, but lack the polish and TLC I lavish on ship games. I can write a test harness game in a day or two, fully-functional, accessible, localizable with a non-trivial feature set. However, if I make something to ship, it could take a couple of months (or longer). An example is the game I'm working on now. I wrote the "heart" library in about a month and a half. I made a test harness to run every feature, which was the largest part of the job. However, the ship game is coming to beta, about a year later. Knocks the test harness into a cocked hat.
What a retarded waste of time.
Ok, Blow.
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here's a webm of him
I realize now that you might have been trying to make it look like Monty Mole from the Mario series. Perhaps it's some kind of Japanese mole?
It doesn't seem like it. Teeth like that are characteristic of rodents, and some of them, such as the aforementioned marmots and prairie dogs. can burrow like moles.
They are also fat, that's why some marmots are called "groundhogs".
Animals are wonderful.
>test harnesses
These might also be called integration tests.

In any case tests are soemthing I don't expect agdg to want to adopt, they're boring and force you to write code in a way that is testable, rather than just writing whatever you want and hitting play to see if it works.
Yeah I was trying to make something similar but with some differences. Since the base design is very good at being simplistic.
I want to kill myself, how do I channel this energy into gamedev?
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Which one of these spooky window sets are better left or right
>(YOU) play as the deposed son of a Yakuza clan in cyberpunk Japan
>betrayed by your uncle and left for dead in an alley, you are saved by a mysterious doctor and rebuilt better, stronger, and faster
>now with an arsenal of weapons and cybernetic modifications, you must hunt down your uncle and reclaim your throne
kino or too generic?
Channel it into fixing your life
Doesn’t matter if it is generic. Describe game mechanics to me.
Are you making a game or writing a book?
After much thinking, I believe the optimal price for an indie game is $20. You should only go lower if your presentation sucks and the game looks/feels cheap. If you're confident in your work, you should always go for $20.
Why do you think so many indie games are metaphors about depression?
Same reason there are so many troons in the indy dev space, high prevailance of mental illness
It's best for steam card use
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button with or without the shadow?
Depends on the context. I would say the shadowed one.
with. maybe even add stronger shadow
I don't know which is which, but I like the left.
I prefer right because it contrasts better against the background.
Have you considered a while outline?
Like if Doom Eternal and Hotline Miami had a baby. Lots of enemies in a confined arena where very aggressive gameplay is rewarded and with repeated deaths to figure out the optimal route and rack up a high combo. You can switch between a variety of weapons just like any boomer shooter.

And your game, which you’re totally making, has no story?
>Like if Doom Eternal and Hotline Miami had a baby. Lots of enemies in a confined arena
Just say "vampire survivors clone" next time
Doesn't matter if it's generic. There's not really enough to discern it from CP2077
lol? Why would anyone play this when cyberpunk 2077 exists?
Ghostrunner already exists.
>cyberpunk 2077 but with vampire survivors gameplay
The idea guys are not sending their best
Guys. My games story is VERY important OK? It is crucial that I work on this before I actually make any kind of gameplay prototype. No I am not an ideaguy or a /lit/tard, talking about the minute details of a game's plot IS game dev
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Story's not important, you can make your game's final boss a gay guy the player already killed and people will lap it up
>prototyper with no story cope
>FPS = vampire survivors
>cyberpunk 2077 invented cyberpunk
Oh, so this general is just for shitposting, got it.
imagine not being able to stand the crabbing ngmi
this webm has negative soul
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I got an alternate animation for them to waddle.
Oh cool the asset store guy is posting again. Hey man all those paid assets that you dragged and dropped into the level are looking soo fire bruh ong frfr!!
>without lighting
Is that fog in the background? Yeah the lighting certainly adds some extra, juice idk what to call it. I haven't much of a clue on shaders. Any resources you for getting good at shaders for 2D games?
Learn how to 3D model or something
3D modeling's not important, you can make your game's model a capsule the player already killed and people will lap it up
And yet every 3D project here is just unity store asset slop and the “dev” tries to pretend they “created” it
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this guy gets it
Unironically would still sell better than the average agdg slop, and that’s a fact
Ontologically, copyright doesn't exist. Copyright is an epistemology. If copyright could exist, then a copyright for the copyright must be able to exist, and it would be turtles all the way down. This isn't nitpicking. Copyright, as intellectual property, is entirely made up as all other intellectual property is. Saying copyright exists is as laughable as saying intellectual property is as non rivalrous as the chair you sit in.
>Story's not important
It does, even just a little bit.
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made new vfx for the pistol wep, the older ones were, uhh... not good
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I will surpass you.
Looks like a cum shot
Don't you only see this from the top angle though?
No one is playing that dogshit either don’t kid yourself little guy
Explain this flicker issue. Why would sprites flicker if there's more? Is this some sort of engine that has this issue?

Kek, Hinata my beloved. She's one of my top tier waifu's. I've been considering doing a huge collage of all my waifu's. I get the feeling there is a pattern there to be seen once they're all put together. This includes agdg anon's girl characters. Idk if I could share it here without being mocked.
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you say that as if it's some sort of achievement

yeah but it still looks alright from that angle. it's a really fast projectile so I doubt anyone would get a good look at it but I wanted to make it cooler regardless
>Idk if I could share it here without being mocked
You should not be allowed to share that anywhere without being viciously ridiculed
He's clearly making a legalistic argument. IP as a whole is legalistic gobbledygook used to justify intellectual monopolies.
Looks like a yellow cumshot now
This anon gets it. A world without copyright would be a better world.
>steal some superior person’s idea and work
>get sued and lose everything
>”wahhhh IP like isn’t even real, man, wahhhhh”
But I'm just trying to see the pattern between the ones I like and seeing what anons think of my taste and proceeding to use that knowledge I discovered to make top tier waifu's for my game's.
can't tell if you are genuinely trying to make a game or just implementing random things and sharing it because its a fun thing to do
Ideas are not property and thus cannot be stolen. Copyrights are monopoly grants used to prevent others from using their property.
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In Unreal I can drag/drop photoshop documents (.PSD) and it just works, don’t even need to export as a .png
the best ones are
my first guess is that the preview is using a different blend mode, ie additive instead of multiplicative
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You might not need it anymore so I'll just post it on itch when I finish it, sorry for taking so long, been on some stuff. Need to do some texture seams, but it's pretty much done. The normals can easily be turned down so the veins could be toned down heavily.
Sorry again.
is the texture being loaded as compressed or uncompressed? what color space is it?
Unreal is the superior engine for superior game devs. The reason anons here don’t use it is because they opened it, got confused, and were immediately IQ filtered down to a lesser engine such as poonity or godont
Post game.
>anon posts art
>by some miracle, someone else likes it and ask for something specific
>anon disappears for weeks and finally posts the wrong art that wasn’t requested
If you’re wondering why you’re a failure, this is why. If you’re interested in improving you need to figure out a way to act professional. This should’ve taken you a couple hours max
Already have, in many threads. You’ve probably already glazed me and given lots of (you)’s don’t worry
>you need to figure out a way to act professional
this is amateur game dev general. fuck off please
my bad.
>never wanting to improve
Never apologize to a crab
You don’t have to say “my bad” or anything really, it’s just a piece of advice. If you want people to take you seriously. Act serious. It’s that simple and you will get good results if you do this
I know, but he's right, this is taking me too long and I have no excuse, I usually tell people to fuck off, but I know what was expected from me and I messed it up spectacularly, this is one of the instances where I won't act like I commonly do, like a wet bitch.
Holding someone to a higher standard in the hopes they will do the same for themselves makes me a crab? You’re a fucking loser lmao
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Unreal is amazing and the technology/features only grow release after release, but you sound insufferable. Unity might be sterile dogwater but Godot at least updates and improves with consistent updates.
Is it perfectionism causing you to take too long? Have you thought of trying to set hard cut off dates? This actually helps perfectionists a lot, because those last minute tweaks take the longest and often aren’t even noticed by the average person
Being an amateur still implies getting stuff done.
Also, this is a great opportunity to remember Heinlein's rules.
>1. You Must ~~Write~~ Dev.
>2. Finish What You Start.
>3. You Must Refrain From ~~Rewriting~~ Refactoring, Except to ~~Editorial Order~~ Feedback.
>4. You Must Put Your ~~Story~~ game on the Market
>5. You Must Keep it on the Market until it has Sold.
i still remember the webm where you show the black girl prone and it ends with you "rubbing" the cursor over her butt kek
>programmers: ..... Marmo
what? i didn't know he worked on this game. in fact looking at this list i think you asked for too little on the kickstarter.
Okay, first person shooter, but you're in a time loop. Your goal is to go parties and kill everyone and you don't advance to the next party until you kill everyone and escape before the police arrive. It's called Elliott's Saturday Night.
Whatever happened to the dude making TF2 but with black women?
damn that cell phone tier lighting is great (cool new animations)
literally in this thread mother fucker open your eyes
>can’t handle the enginebantz
With shadow. Also consider an outline instead.
Ah, man. I fucked up the formatting.
It would have been cool.
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Gabe personally met with him and referenced Triple Town vs Yeti Town, threatening to take his game from under him. He silently stopped production and refunded backers. It's over.
Pointless. You aren't writing enterprise level code bases.

Yes, write a test suite for your drop rate algorithm. But you don't need one for your animation system or UI.

I write tests for edge cases. Anything else can be tested in game. Game Dev is not rocket science.
Truly, PlayStation has no games
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Model updates!
she is beautiful and cute. her line delivery was spot on
dinosaur wrestling
Not really, personal stuff, I had it almost ready but life happened. But yes, you are right, aside from whatever I go through, I never know when to stop.
I am aware that I am unprofessional, been on the same situation on normal jobs, it's not an excuse, but it takes me a while to settle.

I cannot express how much I appreciate all of your replies, it really helps me a lot.
why is bro a eunuch?
Giving them defined eyes seems like a mistake.
That being said, I'm glad they look less and less like Medarot as development progresses.
The dick is added on in the 2D modification stage of our 3D to 2D animation pipeline, because it is too intricate and important to be handled on the 3D side of things.
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Expressive eyes are easier to work with. I do think they're solely textured in 3D to give an indication as to where she should be looking, though! They'll still mostly be tacked on during the 2D stage of our animatino process, as far as I can understand it.
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did some online testing, working well
you guys overblew it a bit, it's not like I'm addicted to drugs. I take one pill every couple of weeks because I'm sad or can't sleep.
the colnazepam?
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Marmo is a good girl. He helps time to time.
>in fact looking at this list i think you asked for too little on the kickstarter.
if we kept our game the way it was when we started KS, it would'd been enough. We're making a brand new game at this point.
many lessons learned.

if you mean the Fog of War, it's on the list to be improved and smoothed out.
currently using very low-resolution texture to project decal.

attached is just for you
They know deep down in their heart of hearts they will eventually make it.
my scripts are a mess I can't make heads or tails of any of these functions
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me on the ground
Damn, tricky madness is popping hard. 3.4k twitter followers.
wonder how many sales it translates to. he says EA release this summer.
The eyes are the window to the soul, but restrictions like that can make a character design more interesting.
Just a comment, I'm not really recommending anything.
It's meaningless. Twitter users =/= game buyers.
is "DPS" a well understood enough term to non english speakers? can i use DPS as a shorthand without translating, or do i need to translate it?
(chinese, spanish, portugese, russian, japanese, german, french, italian)
Imagine still thinking that twitter followers are real in 2024
Where are your comments?
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Fuck that's a lot of awards for such a flop.
If sale number on Steam are ten times the number of reviews, is there an equivalent for reviews on PS5 and Xbox X/S versions?
What went wrong? Concept looks good.
If you look closely, you'll see that those "awards" are pretty much all just participation trophies.

I'm starting to think any site can make up their awards.
Any guy can make their own website and post reviews. Awards don't mean shit.
It's not fair. All these stupid people bought a game made by an artist that barely even works.
I only get 3 bot follows a week and they never like shit. he has 500-1k likes a post.
walking sim gameplay. graphics is the only thing it has going.
Is it bad I use youtube tutorials and AI for my gamedev project?
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is this real?
how do I learn actual good game design advice? like actual resources instead of Raph Koster ramblings.
If you're understand what the code does and are able to use it with other projects it's all good.
Someone got pouty when this video was posted, even when it's been viewed by millions.

Total noob question here. I'm making a very basic 2D platformer, and when the player hits the space key, I give him a negative velocity in the Y direction. The problem is that in order for him to jump high enough, the velocity has to be so high that he basically just appears at the top of his arc; he doesn't really "jump" at all. I can decrease the velocity to slow him down, but that also lowers the height. How do I decouple the height and speed of his jump?
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soul vs soulless
Any sane dev here would be pouty to see a useful game design resource shared here. Seriously, don't feed your own competition.
We are not crabs.
>if you're understand what the code does
Okay that's good. I always sit down to comment and research what the code is doing. I always go back to comment everything after a major implementation.
What do you think hoopoo's next game will be like?
I'm gonna bet on not-roguelike but still gameplay focused(rather than plot)
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I started something
rape her
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Of course, anon! Even if you were, I am giving my artist free reign in the design of things. Thank you for your feedback, either way!
Yeah sorry reddit/discord text formatting doesn't work here and your advice is shit anyway so maybe you should go back to the places where that text formatting does work
make gemu
Are there rape mechanics?
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Alright lads, take a bet what those mistakes are.
>guy moving across the screen
considering gearbox is publishing it probably it will be gimped
Posting on agdg
>start making a boomer shooter
>realize I suck at game design and can't make fun gunplay
>pivot game into a first person puzzle game
>realize I suck at puzzle design and can't make fun puzzles
>pivot game into a walking simulator
>realize I suck at writing and can't make a compelling story
What the fuck do I pivot to now?
hoopoo sold RoR to Gearbox, not the studio. he can make any game he wants and is not owned by them.
>not a triangle
But enough about bokudev
>not marketing
>not playtesting
>reinventing the wheel
>not doing any market research
how many did i get out of 5?
Stop trying to design. Great artists steal.
You pivot to copying everything from chat gpt even the ideas
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oh cool thank god. Is he still working on ror2 or is that just gearbox "devs"

Pivot to getting good at some of those things.
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He moves
>No mental health
>No planning
>Not teaming up sooner
1. Overscoping. Caused him to work on projects that are too big (like a MH clone) and never finish one for 7 years.
2. Perfectionism. Self-explanatory.
3. Neglecting mental health. Burnout is real. Depression is real. What helped him most is connecting with other people and talking about his game with other devs instead of just working completely alone in his room with no one knowing about his game's existence.
4. No planning. "I'll deal with it when I get there" mentality can lead to avoiding core problems/flaws/timesinks in your game/development instead of meeting them head on.
5. Not teaming up. For some reason he stubbornly believed he should do everything alone, but handling every part of your game is a huge stress and cognitive load. Teaming up completely changed his life and work speed and now he could spend more time polishing level design or other fun aspects of the game instead of ending up with mediocre everything.

1/5. Only grifters talk about marketing and market research anyway.
Explosive boolets?
Cool asset flip you bought from the store and dropped into your project very nice
Remember to:
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>Depression is real.
Depression is indeed real, but yeah, you're not going to get it from gamedev. Anyone claiming to get depression from gamedev is faking.
Are you applying gravity every physics frame during the jump. It's the gravity that creates the smooth jump arc
This is true. Instead, it's everything around gamedev that makes me depressed.
I get the feeling it's one if thise videos where the mistakes are bs sounding
>my game was not fun (has 20+ vids with a clickbait title like "my game was not fun but now it is!")
>the code was just terrible (has 20+ vids on him refactoring it all)
>i was unfocused and had many things going on in life (yet has weekly videos for years kek)
>i suck at art (game has been high quality for a long time)
>i didnt have a vision for it (first video literally ssys what he wants it to be)
Stuff like that. Excuses thst dont actually always sound like mistakes, solely to make yet another video
HD render vs in game makes it look worse but yeah. The soul is gone, I'll make the old design in to an alternate skin. At least she isn't a hammer head shark anymore.
I want a wife who does this stuff in private solely to turn me on. This was mocapped wasnt it
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this but only if she looks like this
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>if you put a double ## comment on top of your function it gets a description in the docs
holy f*ck
Btw i watched it all, may have briefly looked away for like a second
why do you need docs for your own code, just fucking read it
At first I told him I liked right. But seeing them side by side, left is better. Where to met girls who dress like that, like the one on left, especially hair?
>Why would you want this convenience?
what if i get a gamedev partner some day...
>5 x 24 hours to day of the demos
oh boy
im not gonna make it. i give up.
I can't get over how the right one looks like a shovel ware version of left, lol
Nah just placeholder fx for testing.
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>I write tests for edge cases. Anything else can be tested in game.
In my experience, this is a trap. The demo almost always becomes the product, because you see the demo, and say "Hey! I'm almost done! Let's ship!" This is how you end up with gigantic Frankencodebases. These days, my test harnesses and demos are "ship quality." It also means I can mine them for snippets to post on /agdg/ without holding my nose. I've spent a great deal of time, however, practicing to write top-shelf code by habit. My test harnesses are churned out very quickly.
Cite your games.
I look like and react like this
Best philosophers to read to make my game super deep?
What is depth?
Heidegger, Kant and Hume. Fine choices.
She bangs
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>> Progress
Wrote a logarithmic algorithm that curves rarity probability nicely. There's a few things that still need wrapping up, but this sub-system is nearing completion.
if you love your mom you should tell her how it tastes.
I say its too salty or too bland.
Would you want other people talking shit about your mom in the back when you can tell her straight to change her recipe?
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It's almost tuesday Timme gimme gimme
I don't know why more tutorials don't go over this. I learned it only after I read my fourth or fifth book on Unity.
Header and Tooltip
This is one Godot feature that is like almost entirely useless for me. I don't even use it except to note something small down. If I want to write paragraphs, it's in a text file.
yeah, RIP. coincidentally, I did add a proper conversation log
I can only think if you're testing you're game and forget what your variables but want to modify them. I imagine many aren't creative with names at first.
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Can't believe I'm spending so much time on a promotional image but I redid it. What do you think, bros?
I can't recall, is this 3D UI or prerendered?
just look at JS gravures retardbro
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Old one for reference
I don't personally find this useful but I can see how many would find it to be. Thanks for the tip anon!
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Why even move out if you're going to live so close? Your post reminded me of this from Everybody Loves Raymond. Semi liked the show but disliked how bitchy his wife was which turned me off from the show.
I think that your game doesn't have mass commercial appeal so spending time on promotions might be a bit of a waste if you hope it drives sales.
So is this for promoting it outside of agdg or is this solely for demo day. If it's the second one, I think you're wasting time desu.
I kind of like it with the thicker outline more, but both are very good
The monkey girl appeals to me
do I even need to say it?
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Because when I'm not posting here I spend most of my time fighting them so you can all make progress in peace.
I wish I had her as a fangirl. No big tits but I think she's really cute, it'd be nice having her encourage me irl to keep making games.
>The monkey girl appeals to me
that wasn't what I denied.
Will you buy his game?
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worst downgrade I've ever seen. jesus.
>investigate up and coming dev
>it's actually three programmers, a musician, and two artists
every time
>investigate up and coming idea guy
>it's actually chat gpt
every time
>This was mocapped wasnt it
You can tell it was captured from a man.
>investigate up and coming retard
>it's actually cris
every time
man if i had this and they're competent, i know i could make it assuming they all work for free and i get all of the profits. if it's evenly split we're gonna have to pump out several games for me to even get close to making it. at 6 people you need slightly more than 6x the reviews compared to a solodev to get $1m. even then as the lead i'd definitely be taking the lions shares of the profits, not a chance i'd be splitting it evenly while managing all the other aspects. probably give them all like 5% and keep 75% for myself.
How long did you have to practice the choreography for this dance, anon?
The game is gonna be free. I legally can't sell it but even if I could I wouldn't want to. So I guess it's not so much a promotional image as it is just something to do for fun.
This will be on all my social media stuff and maybe on certain other boards where I share monkey related art.
Based monkeyfucker. And seeing them side by side now I kinda agree. I think I should've just corrected the man jaw and eyes on her and called it a day. Thank you everyone for your input!
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You guys are actually quitting your jobs for this shit?
I believe in you. You can do it.
You him? One game I played long ago, one of my waifu's had a really cute moveset, dance? Idk what to call it, turns out it's one of those things women suck at being, cute for guys along with cute movements. CEO got in a mocap suit and did it KEK! Iirc there was webm circulating of him in a mocap suit possibly even a side by side of him doing it and the character model doing it. I've been looking for the webm but can't find it at all.
Just have to make it before savings dry up in four years. Totally possible right?
lol retard
For me it's more like no one wants to hire me for anything but low paid labor even though I have a college degree and some experience. Now I simply neet and hope I make it off gamedev or some other financial venture like stocks. Don't think I will make it and have to get back in the cage. Idk how long I have until I fully abandon gamedev, I can't do this for decades with constant failure, it simply takes too much time, I need a good reward to keep this up.
I wish I had a soul.
Don't worry, you can vicariously experience the human soul when you play my game.
Everyone has a soul. The Lord Almighty doesn’t miss. Simply pray and you shall be able to feel it. Place it through your games and everyone shall feel it too.
Lmao absolutely not. I'm not going to become one of those /r/gamedev sob stories where I'm staring at the sales numbers on launch day and my wife has to touch me on the shoulder and say "honey you're not gonna make it, you need to find a job or we're going to lose the house."

I'm fine with gradually building a side income to allow myself to dev full time but I'm not retarded enough to live on savings just to do this. For me this is literally a
Tomodev?! You're back? I don't know if this is really you but I just wanted to take a moment to confess something that's been on my mind for a while. Tomodev, I have to say, I'm totally smitten by you. Your creativity, passion, and dedication to game development are truly inspiring. It's amazing to see how you bring your ideas to life, and I can't help but admire everything you do. Will you marry me?
>5% profit share
Yeah bro and Bethesda paying them $40k yearly and firing them after the game comes out while reaping in a profit of $200m off the game sure isn't jewist. At $40k and 200 wagies that's $8m in one year/$16m in 2 years. Not even 10% of the profits overall value. While I'm handing away a whopping 25% to 5 people while keeping 75% for myself kek.
just fill your game with autism instead.
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That is a big yikes from me!
where is quoteposter when you need him
perfect opportunity
no way he is making progress right now he’s a nodev
>For me it's more like no one wants to hire me for anything but low paid labor
You still get paid so you can spend money on assets, musicfags or other stuff you need, and it's better than having a big hole in your employment history.
Technically I have 4 years as well, but the timer hasn't gone down once in the last- several years. Why yes I live at home, clock doesn't start counting down until I either get kicked/or something happens that requires me to leave Though I'd actually get a job. Probably something part time so I can extend that 4 years to at least 8 years. Partly because my current game is NGMI. I still want to finish it. After which I want a short break to think. And then eventually decide which one of my many ideas I want to do, probably something that looks like it's GMI.
>fake tomoposting
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thoughts on this vibe
>where is quoteposter when you need him
>perfect opportunity
>no way he is making progress right now he’s a nodev
Why do you want to finish a NGMI game?
Pointing at a bigger jew doesn't make you any less of a jew.

>While I'm handing away a whopping 25% to 5 people while keeping 75% for myself kek
No you're fantasising about having a group of skilled specialists willing to work for you for free for 5% and no pay. You don't have any revenue to share and you don't even have a game
can you pull it off?
It's a little too late for that. Probably looking at minimum wage manual labor tbqhwy so I can jump back to some terrible office job without having to deal with roasties questioning me hard on the unemployment and refusing to hire me because I look like a risk for not being a good little prisoner and staying in the cage. Had one such interview when my employment gap was nowhere near this big, lady outright said she didn't feel comfortable about hiring me because of how far away I lived. She didn't say anything about the unemployment but I suspect that was part of it and not just the living far away part considering how many people commute that level of distance in the area. It wasn't even anything amazing either, bottom of the totem pole office job where I typically get treated like shit.

At this point I'm just accepting I'm never going to move up in the wagecage. When I was a good little wagie I never got promoted. So I have to work at escaping it with the forcibly limited funding I can get from it. With what I have saved up right now I can probably contract a few people to really spruce up the in game art and even improve the code. Music and sfx is the cheapest to get ime which I've paid for in the past. But idk if I'll get an artist to improve all the ingame art for the current game since it just feels like a money pit in the making. It's already a sunk cost, no need to make it worse.
a game where you go to the left
you can’t do that, only go right.
I'm not a communist bro
I stupidly told others about it and it has been years in development. I have eyes on me, if I abandon it now I'm probably gonna hear about it hard.
>Family: NANI! You want to make another game after just abandoning this multiyear project! Get your ass back in the wagecage!
>A few randoms I told: That's so unfortunate anon *proceed to talk negatively about me behind my back to feel good about me failing* (Because they already shared that I was making a game behind my back so no doubt they'd share my failure too)
calm down knightsneed that's not tomoko
>At this point I'm just accepting I'm never going to move up in the wagecage. When I was a good little wagie I never got promoted. So I have to work at escaping it with the forcibly limited funding I can get from it.
If this were actually your plan, you and many others in this thread would be better served learning a trade. Every directionless manchild and troon wants to make videogames, nobody wants to be an electrician, and no electrician is out there wondering if they're going to get replaced by AI in the next 5 years.
the twist: you're in a mirror world and have gone right the whole time
who is going to hire a 40 year old electrician in training? even being a game dev seems less delusional.
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both. Those cute greebly parts are a prerendered plane but the intentory items are 3D.
This is genius.
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>the situation grows ever more dire
>Tomo runs to and fro with no man in sight
>she becomes full of ire
>in a fit of fright
>she offers /agdg/ a chance to sire
>a child for her delight
Be honest, if Tomo got that desperate and she wanted to go on blind dates with all /agdg/ anons willing to participate, would you not participate?

I don't really have a lot going on, I'd participate for funsies along with a fun trip to Europe. Would be cool to get a gf though.

Would any of you work on developing an immersive sim if you knew it'd improve your odds? How hard is an immersive sim anyways.
Sweet. I was thinking of doing 3D items for my inventory as well, but it might be more than I can chew to use 3D items when 2D suffices.
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I don't blame him for not posting here anymore.
>who is going to hire a 40 year old electrician in training?
Same people who hire a 20 year old electrician in training... Qualified electricians who need another set of hands.

I've had a pretty non-standard life trajectory and been in a few classes full of people of all ages, people have career changes all the time.
Are you 14 years old dude? This is the cringe level I expect from middleschoolers.
worse, he's 30 and balding
he still posts, but he doesn't avatarpost anymore.
Maybe he's not that different from me after all.
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I have my camera as a child of my CharacterBody3D. Whenever I move around at high speeds, my character remains smooth and consistent while the world around me appears jittery. Is there a way to fix this? Can't seem to find a solution online.
People say how marketing is important but I've yet to see a good game that failed because of marketing. I saw a plenty of small indie games that had ~900 followers on twitter and after release they made $1M+. Only shit games need marketing.
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Status effect testing. Things rotating really activate the neurons.
Please refrain from posting hippie nonsense like this and go take your place in the industrial society machine already. After all that society has done for you, it's the least you can do. You should be grateful for the opportunity, really.
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Damn. Imagine being 30, balding and not cultivating any alopecian wisdom at all. It's no wonder he simps over a g*rman person who doesn't even post here anymore.
Thank fucking god I did not quit my job to go full gamedev a year ago.
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The grind is paying off … only a few dozen postings in we got our first referral from twitter
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stop beating I'm already dead
this looks great
The player looks smooth because the camera(and all child nodes) by default will inherit the transform of its parent. So it's smooth because it's basically taped to the character at all times. So what you do is make the camera top level, so it ignores its parent's transform, and have to interpolate to its target. Or at least I think that's your problem.
>he doesn't hear about games that don't market to him
damn that's crazy
>I saw a plenty of small indie games that had ~900 followers on twitter
>I saw
So you saw their marketing then. Retard.
>Can't seem to find a solution online
Bing: Godot 3rd person camera controller
I'm lurking small niche games at super early alpha pre-alpha stages that has 0 marketing. It's super obvious from the beggining if the game is good and will not even need any marketing.

The only example I can think of is among us that almost failed until a random youtuber discovered it.
>I'm lurking small niche games at super early alpha pre-alpha stages that has 0 marketing
Anon posting about your game is marketing, people aren't out here buying ads on the sides of busses
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>So it's smooth because it's basically taped to the character at all times. So what you do is make the camera top level, so it ignores its parent's transform, and have to interpolate to its target. Or at least I think that's your problem.
Yeah that is it. When I set the camera to top level, the world appears smooth while my character appears extremely jittery. I will give your implementation a try when I get back home.

In your code I'm assuming the target would be the player character am I correct?
Nice The Witness clone
>yawn just finished work on a feature lemme take a break
>break lasts infinity
can I at least be productive during breaks?
Jitter might also be caused by using _physics_process() to move the player but using _process() to move the camera, or visa versa.
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Make UI elements without self-harm thoughts challenge (impossible)
>In your code I'm assuming the target would be the player character am I correct?
Yes. And my first suspect for the jittery player vs world is that your player uses physics and thus only updates on physics frames, so it's out of sync with the process frames. There's several ways to tackle that, I use a visual interpolation method, but you could also change your physics step to match the rate of your FPS, etc.
kill yourself defeatist faggot
There is purpose in it even if you don't finish it.
I'm serious, Tomoko. I'll always listen and respect you. I'll also share what I'm going through (but not all). That's a great way to "break the ice." I'll see you through life's challenges, like marriage, child issues, whatever. I'll make sure that we can keep working together, no matter what. I won't withhold any information from you, because quite frankly, it's your business too. I hope this will endear me to you. I won't keep secrets or manipulate you in any way. I'll be honest if you haven't noticed I'm "on the spectrum." I Just. Can. Not. Stop. Being. Autistic. to save my life, but the code I write and the art I create is nothing short of miraculous. I'm the best dev you'll ever work with.
Yeah I have my camera updating on process while the character moves on physics.
Yeah its definitely that. Didn't know there was a handy addon to tackle this. I'll also save that for later.
What happened to that guy who sold his house to make a game?
If you want to google more about the subject for godot, it's often referred to as "physics interpolation". Good luck with it.
No, I want a gf that loves me specifically, not one that simply wants a man in an general sense and any will do.
Wtf that looks cool
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Im gonna make my first commercial game in May 2025 and release it in May 2027. What do you guys think? I want to release it in 2026 but on 2025 I just want to fuck around a bit and enjoy my life. I'm graduating from compsci next month and I have a job lined up with decent paycheck. I wanna use my free time just going to the gym first and buying fun stuff, hanging out, etc for the time being.
damn, he sold 2 more houses to make that game?
lol no. 5.5 years in savings and i'm not touching that shit until i make some decent money while it's a hobby
nah I found it youtube.com/@sasquatchbgames looks like he barely progressed
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why is your collectible a log of Babylon.js
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Started to animate only to realize I was adding stuff to the wrong animation. At least it was just a few images and lines.
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Is there any benefit on learning how to code curves like these rather than use the engines interface to make them? Unity has animation curves but its all visual.
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Worked on this knight model all knight. Thinking about making the knight get naked when hes 1 HP similar to ghouls and ghosts
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please animate them manually
i hate ugly jrpg mocap
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Not sure if the helmet mask taken off is cooler for the facial expressions during gameplay but helmet fully on is kino too
i came up with a really funny gag I haven't seen in anything but i dont have a game so I can't actually use it
give it to me then
>take sine
>cut it off after a certain point
>add variables to alter how it functions
get creative anon.
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I think I might be too autistic to function in society but there's no NEETbux in my country so I have to keep trying
no, I came up with it and I won't share it with the world unless I feel like it. until then it's something I can enjoy and laugh at and no one else can even comprehend.
I’m on neetbux it’s a trap that makes you depressed and unmotivated
>legally can't sell it
Uhh why?
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your game doesn't need to be perfect, just "perfect enough"
your game doesn't need to be good
just "so bad that everyone buys it to shit on you"
my game doesn't even work anymore and i have no clue where to begin fixing it
i cant even concentrate on it for more than 5 seconds at a time
That actually looks fun, no way he made this. All hes got is a clone that seems meh. Nothing new just a clone in a specific subgenre where the game seems to offer less than the one he is cloning. Who would even buy that?
God modern Fire Emblem is so fucking ugly I hate it
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I have suspicion that Hopoo's next project will be a revival of his old necromancer prototype. Possibly borrowing from Vampire Survivors


I could probably get neetbux but idk if I want the stigma. Not the stigma about getting neetbux but the stigma the issues associated to me create. Anxiety is pretty bad
Hoe poo go away, you keep bringing him up but Im sure its just yourself. Go chat with your friends at BLM or the failure ALM due to the stats showing who does the most violence on asians.
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>Healed to Death

back from vacation in the UK. I got some dev done during the downtime.

>A room with a shop is now added to the Choose your path Area
>A room with a treasure chest is now added to is the Choose your path Area
Choose your path is sort of like how the map works in slay the spire
>Can sell armor and npc spells for soul fragments
>added undispellable buffs
>Added the Dispell spell & various Upgrades
removes buffs from enemies or debuffs from friendly targets
>Added the Ray Of Light Spell & various Upgrades
It's a 0 mana cost spell that heals the target over a channel time of 8 seconds with a 8 second cooldown
How do I learn to live without love
I dont remember ever seeing a UI in your game before. What do you mean by path?
Fall in love and realize it is worthless.
I just got this ad and it brought me here.
>vacation in UK
Why would you go to the UK to vacation? What is there to do there for two weeks? I like some of the nature but idk how I'd spend 2 weeks there. You brought your laptop to gamedev?
Kek liar, i clicked it, it took me to /trash/ and searched for threads with the word hunger
you can also just find any easings library on GitHub for Unity, which should include most of these curves in your ss
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where can I hire an artist?
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Can your game even compete, /agdg/?
I can't see necks like that without thinking of penises.
castles, cathedrals, old pubs and nature basically. I also spent some time in Vienna to see my cousins. Old buildings are novel to me since Australia.
I've had my fill for a while and was ready go home. I brought my laptop because there's always downtime where you don't want to walk and just want to rest. I was burning 500-1500 calories a day so dev breaks were rather nice.
Artist websites like artstation, pixiv, deviantart also xwitter
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>you make a player choose between two factions
>players keep changing thier minds and restarting game from the start
Oh okay that makes sense. What were the castles like, are most just basically ruins nowadays? What about the cathedrals, are they really, really big?
Bad game design
Yeah sounds like something Id do if I cant choose the middle path or if neither side is all that alluring. Eg stuck as a loner in Stalker although it felt like I was roleplaying and I like the idea of being a loner.
Player freedom > balance seems the be the right approach for non pvp games these days.
>these days
Always has been
They're hot. Do they fug?
Worrying about balance in non-PVP games is retarded. Obviously you should try to avoid super OP weapons or abilities that make the gameplay trivial, but at the same time it's the player's own fault if he decides to abuse broken shit to speed through the game. That's like playing a puzzle game and looking up all the solutions online and the complaining that it's too easy.
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Im thinking kino's on the menu
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A fat cock and bong sock
Rabbeldabbeldubbel doo
This song's a hot bot, not
All for you
also, I prefer the thinner outlines
I get bored easily if the game doesnt force me to have to use those tools given to me but I think I'm in the majority here.
My brother in Christ you have a dungeon siege like on your hands. Please do not destroy it with some generic anime artstyle
the art needs anime without it, it will suck. Especially waifus.
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When I realized my game would take twice as long than initially planned, I didn't cut my scope in half, I cut my sleep in half. Lower your tone when talking to me if you don't have this level of dedication.
this was the issue for me in multiple projects
Good morning, /agdg/!
wonder's as close as you'll get
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Goooooooood morning mister! How's the weather in Denver?
Good morning friend
I'm about to have breakfast and make some cobbee
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>When I realized my game would take twice as long than initially planned, I didn't cut my scope in half, I cut my wife in half. Lower your tone when talking to me if you don't have this level of dedication.
>Watching some low view count video about game design
>Looks up his name on google
>Finds out he made Noita
>waking up at 5:30 on a sunday
eh, nani?
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Hempuli (who made Baba is You) and Olli Harjola (one of the devs who made The Swapper) also worked on Noita. Hempuli was still a university student when he joined the Noita team.
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honestly this is just a red flag they used google translate, there's no way they found someone willing to translate into fucking basque of all languages lol
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How would you fix it?
The only way I see it possible is making you to choose one, but letting you befriend/destroy the other one later.
by destroying I mean not just erasing this faction, but also giving you their bonuses
I WILL provide an authentic Basque translation of my game and find a cute Basque fangirl who wants to be my wife.
My tooth broke after root canal..
time to nodev
SteppeCHAD is already living his dreams in mongolia
source: he stopped posting
I'm going to provide a Finnish translation too, don't worry
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>full audio
love the psyop going on here, well done crabs
>Bootleg anime
>Bootleg Disney/CalArts
get fucked, marnixbro
I can translate my game in 3 languages by myself. What about you, amerimutts?
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I like right more
>Why even move out if you're going to live so close?
Well, for one thing I don't want to live with my parents anymore. I'd prefer to have a life. The biggest reason is that it's closer to my workplace. I can't do the 45 minute morning commute anymore, then the hour commute back home during peak rush hour.
what if you use someone elses code.... like a library or a plugin...
>wake up
>thinking about making game
>shitpost in /agdg/
>get high
Goon to aggydaggy porn?
Things take time to get better at
wtf man, pixel art is hard, you guys lied to me
>stay at home dad
Why aren't you making games for kids?
>not coding and gooning at the same time
>4 days
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Whats the point of releasing shit on demo days and game jams people are just playing your unfinished product
It's almost 2:30... I should probably get out of Bed and try to be Productive.
Have you checked your twitter or youtube feed first? Might be some cool things to watch. Maybe browse /v/ or your favorite 4chan board a bit? There could be some cool threads up right now.
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In godot how can I differentiate from a collision on the left of a collision box from a collision on the right? Ive tried something like this "var collision_direction = (area2d.position - area2d.global_position).normalized()" but it wont work for me
I have to complete a stupid fucking exercise sheet about an algorithm I don't understand before I can dev or I'll fail my course and then my masters.
Also I'm thinking about taking 6 months off after finishing my degree so I can dev full time, but only if I have a proper game idea ready
How is your AI development going anon?
My game AI is working as of just now, I'll post progress in the next thread since this one is dead in a few posts. My non-game AI is stagnant, barely learned anything today.
google what global_position means.
grab the colliding area/shape and substract that position from yours, then check if the x value is pos or neg.
i hate it but it is what it is, i need money so i need these basedfaced cucks to play my game in front of their braindead audience
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I turned off history in my youtube account and now they don't suggest me anything, I just watch my subscriptions(and they upload once a month). My productivity increased a thousand times
Not good....
Welcome to 4chan, newfriend.
>That one /agdg/ game that got its way to rule34 xxx
Ive tried that but for some reason that just makes it so left collisions are all at 0.50 and right collisions are all at around 0.80
Ugh I need a goth girl who says aggy daggy
Share shader/material or the tuts you followed pls
if you take time off and do nothing you will fall into a trap and never get it done, just so you know.

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