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>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-56
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

I'm almost there.
Holy shit I'm so close.
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I set up a basic computer controlled enemy for when the teams are imbalanced, and I got them to send over the network. The teams autobalance, now I just need a way for the server to kick these computer players when a human joins.
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
Dunkey's publishing is a legitimate indie publishing company. If anything, it creates more space for indie devs to make it. And more publishing companies like this we have, the bigger indie games industry will become(more money, more employment). Comparing it to pewdiepie's cash grabs is insane. Whenever I watch a youtube video with less than 100k views it is always the most retarded braindead opinion ever. Every time.
I can't do it.
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Tomodev feet.
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>> Progress Update
New icons. Still ironing out some issues on the system, mostly animation and UI quality of life.
>make electronic music
>see idea of joining game jams for fun and to force creativity
>look into it
>a million musicians and sound designers offering to join, with years of experience and degrees
>people mostly only searching for programmers
wtf, is this how it actually is?
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no, I've never seen that.
The guy wouldve been able to make it without dunkey.
what's the norm?
I liked it until I heard it, sounds just like AC, its cool you can make it sound like it, almost exactly in face, but I never liked that sound and you have a chance to be original. just a thought.
gimme suggestions
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You despise palworld because you enjoy taking nintendo dick up the ass for breakfast
I despise palworld because it's unreal engine assetslop
we are not the same
inexperienced and young people who have never done anything making their first projects, the quality is typically low. The projects rarely get finished in a jam. If they have music it is a bonus, if they run it is a bonus. Jams are like the snail race from spongebob where a rock wins.
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how the fuck do you animate a dog squatting ? trying to move the pelvis down into a squat fucks up the entire chain, im trying to have some IKs but is so jank... i'll add the foot ik next so they stick to the ground
Add animal sounds
>Mew mew mew mew mewmew
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>multiple demo day players tell me I should add a run button to the game
>playtest the game again recently
>walking speed is even faster than I remember
nice model
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Don't forget your devfuel bros.
Enjoy your Sunday morning or evening, wherever you are.
Oh I guess, maybe something more like these, which I may warn you are horrifying.
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>multiple demo day players tell me I should add a run button to the game
>add a run button that makes you move at the old walking speed
>make default walk even slower
it's all about psychology
>insanely high res picture of eric's coffee mug
how to find teams that will actually finish anything?
also, if music is a bonus then wouldn't it make sense for it to be high supply and low demand
could try that

that's some gluk gluk
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It looks like you're focusing on moving the pelvis rather than using the joints. Obviously the pelvis is going to move, but the legs should bend into a squatting position and lower the weight of the pelvis down with them. What you're doing looks like the opposite, as if the pelvis is moving the legs. I made this shitty illustration to try better show what I'm getting at.
>make game worse
>be surprised when people don’t like your game
Lol, lmao even
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>if music is a bonus then wouldn't it make sense for it to be high supply and low demand
there's a sort of paradox at play with all the parts that need to get done, many are willing few are able. People will try to make music and offer their time, but they make bad music and short painful loops. I don't know what strategy to use to find teams, I just have in the past worked with friends and strangers. If you offer your time you will find a slot, you may have just run into a bit of a fluke.
>mug that triggers tripofobia
why people do this? this shit accumulates so much junk on the inside
but anon, it makes you FEEL faster
You're supposed to wash your dishes, anon.
add a "run" that just increases the FOV
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snailmovementchads, where we at?
No idea. My mug is completely smooth and pure white so that any dirt can be easily seen and taken care of.
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checking in
makes sense, guess I'll just try it out
>nnnoooo you have to add running to the game! My mo- I mean my girlfriend only allows me 1 hour of gamey game time per day!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Don't tell anyone but I'm actually a snail irl. Online anonymity is my greatest ally.
how long does it take an animator to make something like that ?
ok i can't find any good cat sounds right now that would fit but i'll keep it in mind
i'll most likely make a toggle for what sounds to use too or turn off completely
Music and to some degree art don't have as high of a entry level as programming. Most of the devs do art and music themselves, but the programming part can get really hard because you deal with buggy shitty retarded engines and need a decade of experience to deal with them sometimes.
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>make walking speed as slow as reasonably possible
>automatically filter out ADHD zoomers
I see no downsides
If a bitch leaves because I use an android that's good because she's psychotic and I filtered her out
just find a rocket snail and film its take-off sequence yourself
you zoomers want to use CGI for everything
FUCKING BLENDER just crashed and undid something like 3 hours of progress I'm going to shit myself
>tfw no mommy gf
>he hasn't mastered the art of autosaving
Nevermind I recovered the autosave
Shat myself for nothing
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>"people" actually come to this general just to make bait posts over and over, desperately hoping one will attract enough attention to get them those sweet, sweet 4chan upvotes they're looking for
Does this condition have a name?
I don't know but you clearly have it too
She needs to know if you're a mindless consoomer like her though
>>484100062 >>484100076
>he mastered the art of autosaving in 6 seconds
I just like to jump onto shitposting bandwagons
reporting in
For now... But Soon™ there will be faster movement options.
>implying she doesn't break into a full on sprint whenever she spots an unattended young adventurer
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Last big progress before demo day:
I've set up regions for Recast so now the human enemies won't try to run across bridges that haven't been lowered yet.
For now I can only exclude areas from the navmesh. Next DD I'll add another region type that can be toggled so they'll be able to negotiate doors and bridges as they become navigable.
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For me, it's 40 to 60 kids that games enjoy should kill themselves.
>he's participating in Marnix Day
aaaaaand dropped
How new?
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according to another dev, it's not adventurers but other enemies that gotta watch out
>he's participating in Marnix Day
aaaand streamed
sir, that's illegal
Demo Day is a useful deadline and I try to stick to it, drama be damned.

No engine, OpenGL and (very C-like) C++
>he isn't adding the shota companion class
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i was thinking it would be cool to restrict certain interactables by class/species, eg only archers are able to forage off a bush, birds can fly over a chasm ect.

But for this to work i needed to add this selection system where you select what unit will be engaging with the interactables, however it feels a bit awkward since you would expect the guy in the front to be interacting with stuff.
i tried just swapping who's in the front but that felt even more awkward.

I know darkest dungeon does something similar but that game's 2D so it gets away with it easier.
enjoying your progress. I think the way you do it in the webm is a decent solution
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I laughed anon
Thank you. I can now dev.
This is probably the aggy game I'm most excited for atm. Please never change out the animal assets you're currently using, they add so much charm to the game.
>shota companion
Wrong game, anon.
I'm making a (Space Station Silicon Valley)-like
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I fixed the bug with mesh instances.
Uniforms can suck my dick, vertex buffers for life


Why is there so much man lust in these threads?
give me something to draw
Armadillo man with cowboy hat and piece of wheat in his mouth.
Big booty shotas.
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Thank you
Capybara on a skateboard
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>only about 6000 loc

I should have double that. Been slacking. I'm going to eat some oatmeal, then it's time to go hard.
too many tabs open
can't be trusted
still less than what DD57 has right now....
Glad I'm skipping Marnix Day
can i make a good rpg without combat? exploration, npcs, puzzles, platforming, inventory management, but no combat, could it work?
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All the interesting domain names are taken. And it's probablly not worth trying to get them unless you're a huge company.
Is it uncool to use "... games" as your name? I can think of firaxis games actually, but their domain is firaxis.com
lil nigga you specifically (You) Especially YOU can only make a good RPG if you make it with no combat.
1. rpgs don't need combat
2. you're not making good enough combat to warrant its inclusion
3. you're stretching yourself too thin as a one man team for no reason other than FOMO
I increased my follower count by 20% this month
10 flw => 12 flw
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: If I'm lucky, I can finish the update today or tomorrow.
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good morning. today is going to be a good one.
if there's no game, no win state/fail state, then you're just making a visual choose your own adventure novel
which is fine but it's not an rpgame
most people will follow you back if you follow them
you could literally just sift through the /agdg/ devs and get to 100+ followers in a day
>measuring output in loc
fake news. I would probably get 1 follower total for all my efforts
How do I design a goonable main character without making a coomer game
Give her a cute shota sidekick.
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does your game have a story or is it just gameplay mechanics?
It does have a story.
Where did I say self insert?
>self insert?
You mean you won't make both characters appealing to the audience?
i will now play your game
has numerous stories. But you're not railroaded into indulging in them.
Is it even worth trying to dev without a woman in your life? Is there a successful dev who doesn't at least have memories of having a girlfriend to sustain him?
thinking aobut making a godot addon to click a button that allows the players to send text feedback
It's heavy on the story. I found that even drudgery can become meaningful and interesting if it has a compelling narrative to it.
A woman will eat into your free time worse than a job or friends. You have no idea what you're talking about.
My cure and sexy wife helps make 3D models for my game. When she’s not cooking, cleaning the house, giving me head, or playing elden ring.
>men only want one thing and it's disgusting
What free time? My brain is occupied 24/7 figuring out how to get me a girlfriend, with no success.

I suspect this may be a lie of sorts.
The setting and characters are planned
>I found that even drudgery can become meaningful and interesting if it has a compelling narrative to it.
I've looked back at some of my favorite games and their game mechanics are often simplistic as hell but they felt impactful because there was a story I cared about. Like The Last Of Us doesn't do a single thing new or better than other games but the story is a big enough of a hook to keep people playing the otherwise humdrum gameplay.
I don't need a girlfriend to 'sustain' me.
and the memories of my failed relationships definitely do not sustain me.
in a future where the world was polluted by fossil fuel and microplastics, rally enthusiasts colonized a furry planet for the purpose of rallying. the microplastics from tire rubber and the pollution from combustion engine makes the local population very horny and deranged
have you tried just changing the FOV when they complain?
this is true.
I need my time to make this game, the last thing I need is some woman eating it all up.

Then why are you in /agdg/? Go on /adv/.
You don't care about making a game?
I always dev after sexy time with le wife and then she makes me my favorite meal from our Legend of Zelda cookbook
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Me after making it
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what a deranged post straight out of 2012
I need that but with a biological woman instead of a tranny
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My game is 100% story and 0% gameplay mechanics. I'm very aware that this is a bad thing but I can't afford to let it stop me. Deep down I want to be a director and make movies, but getting actors and props and costumes and driving to locations costs money. Money I don't and probably never will have. So instead I'm making what's basically a movie that you can interact with, sort of.
This but instead it's that webm of the Mexican girl stroking her boyfriend's hair bragging about how she's going to have a colonizer's babies.
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based. i dev with my BDSM partner that i met on reddit. she's an artist but she doesn't do pixel art so other than sketches she's kind of useless for me in that department.
You can make films and TV series in any of the major game engines. A lot of Chinese anime are made in Unreal and some actually look really good.
Hateful and insane standards in 2024

How would an addon send feedback? Sending a feedback is the easy part, all you need is to open an URL like:
Or Python or whatever, and then save that output in a text file that you can download, which is the easiest way to do it.
The problem is most devs don't have a server to send feedback to.
the sexual tension in this picture is absolute kino
reminder that pogodev supports trannies
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Recording tender moments in a relationship while looking directly at the camera.

Gross and performative. I hate social media.

Not the way I do it. My lines are stacked.
me in the middle
I don't enjoy long form animation. Meaning I'm not good at it.
>Faggygreen AGP arc
stop the ride, I want to get off.
>this is a bad thing
there are free hosting solutions for standard websites
the op steam list uses one of these services, i used pythonanywhere in the past with bottle python framework where you just copy paste the examples
this "arc" has been going on for 3 seasons now
society has become fake and performative. every single fucking norman thinks they are some sort of celebrity or something. social media was a mistake
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Alright Frog Family, expect some more progress today. I think it would be a good idea to get a start on terrain rendering. I have some code I can recycle.

What is AGP? Accelerated graphics port? Average gross product?

me posting the image
Don't make me tap the sign.
(Yes the guy himself has a girlfriend but his point is still valid.)
I dont need a girlfriend just a vending machine for sex and intimacy in the form of a female body
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Don't forget that grotesque laughter at the expense of her partner. And you guys want to date this?
AI will save us soon sir
I Played the Worst Indie Game for 100 Hours So You Dont Have To (Here's What I Found)
Having the right girlfriend would fix 99% of my problems.
woah I have to watch that!!!
You played Dreams of Joy Departed!@!?!?!?!?!?!1/1111
But the remaining 1% will balloon in importance.
(The last discovery will SHOCK you)
this. I don't want any random bitch from the streets to follow me around. I need the perfect wife that will actually motive me to do great things
>thumbnail with a dude with his mouth open reacting to a completely irrelevant cropped porn image
bro that video is cringe slop didn't you see Asmongold react to it?? He DESTROYED the video.
Because like I said, I want to make movies. Movies are 1 plotline, the audience doesn't get to interact with what's going on at all. Translating that to a video game doesn't really work because players expect their actions to somehow affect the story. In my game I don't plan on having alternate endings stuff like that, it's as close as I can get to adapting a script I wrote for a movie to video game format.
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>start an eceleb career
>name yourself Ass Mong Old
and you expect me to be impressed?
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So I did a little bit of digging, turns out Bodycam capitalized on the Unrecord hype. They made a clone of an already hyped game and released it earlier stealing all of their potential customers. Not to mention that the game barely has any content and is more like a tech demo. They've already made 6 milly at their age so they could just abandon the project at this point.
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LMAO hype culture is fucking UNHINGED
>So I did a little bit of digging, turns out Bodycam capitalized on the Unrecord hype
that required digging? knew it the second I saw all these content fags churning out "MOST REALISTIC GAME EVER" videos
and yeah the only thing the game has going for it is the camera filter with the fish eye lens. otherwise, pretty barebones generic CS clone
Nobody has told me what AGP stands for. Are you guys talking about Autogynephilia? Because I don't get that.

Gamedev is over, pack it up.
Opportunists always win
Opportunists always lose in the end because they live an empty and purposeless life
feel kinda bad for the Unrecord guys, this shit just decimated their hype
It is an RPG. It has to pretend it has a story, the very least.
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>So I did a little bit of digging
What he means is he read the replies from the last time he posted this shit trying to farm (You)s exactly 2 days ago.
Do not engage with /v/tards.
marnix day ?
Being born to the right parents would have fixed 99% of your problem. Having the right friends would have fixed 99% of your problems. This is a dumb metric to use. All the more since divorce rates are 50%, and people have on average at least 3-5 partners before they settle down. The chance for you to meet the "right" one is less than 1%.
ok but where the gameplay?
So what are you doing to achieve that goal of finding the perfect wife, anon?
Tbh I didnt even remember the name of Unrecord (some game that was boasting ultrarealsitic gfx and gameplay) and got it mixed up with this clone. I dont think I'm the only one here.
The audience of a movie also expects the characters actions to affect the story. On the contrary, if you have a movie full of scenes of characters doing a bunch of actions that do not affect the story in any way, you will have the audience asking themselves what's the point of them. It's really not that different. As a game designer you have full control of which actions the player is allowed to perform. If you have players performing actions that demand changes to the course of the story and you have a linear story that does not accommodate such changes you have a game design problem.
Bodycam literally has gameplay.
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reminder that graphics junkies are literally the exact same thing as stage 5 omega coomers - brainrotten chimpanzees with no reason and no self-control
>If you have players performing actions that demand changes to the course of the story and you have a linear story that does not accommodate such changes you have a game design problem.
It's more like there will be actions that impact the story, but that's it. Like for example if there's a scene where you have to kill another character, there's no option to not kill that character. You have to click the button that kills them. So there's still actions, and the actions have consequences and impact, but there's no decision making. It's just an interactive, predetermined story basically
>Being born to the right parents would have fixed 99% of your problem. Having the right friends would have fixed 99% of your problems.
My parents and friends are fine I don't want to change them.
I have a vacant spot for a girlfriend though.
>the chance is small
The chance of being the one spermatozoon fertilize the egg is even smaller yet here we are.
shooting things is not gameplay
>Domino's increased their prices again
it's over...
I didn't even realize they were two different games. But I doubt Unrecord would be any different. Feels to me it will fall short and stay at a tech demo level as well.
>chat are you seeing this? I think this might be THE MOST photorealistic game of all time
>holy shit chat just look at those textures. Beautiful
>My parents and friends are fine I don't want to change them.
I literally met my girlfriend through my friends, you don't have the right ones if you're here crying about a girlfriend.
>The chance of being the one spermatozoon fertilize the egg is even smaller yet here we are.
Difference being the spermatozoon actually swam towards his goal instead of waiting for the egg to come to it.
Show it
relax spermatozooner

Do you prefer cooldowns or special meters for realtime action games?
Show what? The story? I can't do that. Not knowing the story, is half the point of having a story in the first place!
i want to see
Show your gaem.
You and me are not the same. I literally don't want a girlfriend through my friends they offered me one, as expected from such excellent friends, but I refused. It's one of the points of the right girlfriend that she should be completely different form my family and friends and detached from them.
>Difference being the spermatozoon actually swam towards his goal instead of waiting for the egg to come to it.
That's what I'm doing by making video games.
shit these brothas funny as hell
this is literally demo day
I tried various ways to despawn enemy but 1 out of 10 times instead of getting removed he will progress from death state to attacking and get stuck in that
Is there are proper way to remove scenes in godot
So far i tried keying a function at the end of death animation
Adding timers to que free after 1,5seconds(death animation time)
Adding await after if statement inside process delta to que free
Its like if it decides to not work the que free will not work no matter what you do
I wish i had more knowledge to understand why this is happening
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>complex demo that's been in the works for a year
>underage anime girl sprite jumping on plaforms
Let me grab some footage that's not a mess.
Is it a waiting game?
Is it the grungy blobber?
something like metroid prime
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indie gmi core:
eyes wide open mouth hand on face
just make a good game
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>I literally don't want a girlfriend through my friends they offered me one, as expected from such excellent friends
That's not how it works captain autismo, we just met at a night out to play boardgames where everyone invited a friend or two, and the result was 2 or 3 friend groups overlapping. I wasn't saying your friends should literally bring you a girlfriend as an offering lmao.
The sooner you realize that the "right" girlfriend who solves 99% of your problems does not, and will never exist, the faster you'll be able to get the next best thing: a girlfriend.
what do you do if you have no friends?
lmaooo this nigga got no friends
Then you try to get friends first.
People expect you to already have friends, otherwise they don't wanna be friends
friends take away from time game dev'ing.
What are friends going to do?
"Lol dude want to drink beer and waste time having one night stands? Wicked sick, bro. Let's call Kyle up and go waste time having one night stands!"
then that is a friendship built on hollow sitcom parroting and not actual joint work toward a common cause.

"Hey, I'm friends with you and I'm just going to ask you about things I don't care to ask because I'm imitating what I was told life should be like at this particular stage. Whoa, what about those Buccaneers? Whoa yea, they scored? Yea I heard they scored? So how's the accounting job? Good? Yea it is accounting. Wow, yea how about those Buccanneeers? Yeah,."
It's literally how it worked for me they showed her some video of me playing piano to a girl and set up a date for me and her but like I said I'm glad you're happy with what you have but that's literally not the right girlfriend that would fix 99% of my problems, it is literally not what I want. The right grilfriend should not make me settle, on the contrary. She should make me elevate myself past the boundaries of what is possible for me at the present. What you suggest is the complete opposite of what I want.
eric wouldn't have such a crusty dirty window

but cheers to cobbee
the people here are better friends than I've ever had in real life.
>testing a function where the police will attack you if you attack civilian npcs that randomly spawn in a hub
>attack a black npc
>nothing happens
>"oh shit is the code broken?"
>attack white npc
>now the police attack me
Wtf, why is this happening?
fucking kill yourself buddy
I know you don't really mean that, and this is just friendly banter.
Alright, the whole thing is too big for one webm, no matter how I slice it.
Every UI element is for function and figuring out how to do things, so they are not in their final, fashionable form. I am not sure about the transparency of the dialogue window in the beginning.
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: One more.
Nice, zombie beat-em-up RPG. Which engine or framework?
GMS2, made it from scratch.
There are a lot of other enemies planned, they are just there for story reasons for the tutorial area. But the essence is indeed beating things up.
From scratch? Isn't GMS Game Maker Studio, isn't that like an engine?
How far along are you in development?
Can you reveal your Steam stats, like how many page visits and how many wishlists and since when?
That's nice, anon
nigga your game looks DISGUSTING
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Notchemgottem and Blowshiesty linked up. Need it or keep it?
File deleted.
Good 2D is timeless, vanillaware games still look good to this day. I can't say the same for 3D however.
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playing with 3D Perlin noise to build caves and caverns spotted a nice overhang.

things are shaping up well.
All glory to King Jesus Christ.
Gamecube games exist, moron.
Sad isn't the opposite of happy. In fact, none of the emotions are opposites of each other. Didn't you guys play Gris? I can't believe I'm sharing a thread with "indie" devs.
>From scratch? Isn't GMS Game Maker Studio, isn't that like an engine?
Oh sorry. It's a turn-based RPG. In the online indiedev circles, RPGMaker is the de facto tool to use. So when I say "from scratch" I mean I've made it with an engine, instead of modding RPGM. You are right though it is not the same as truly making things from scratch.

>How far along are you in development?
As time goes, I have been at it longer than I dare to admit. I've been thinking for a while now, that I am finally in the production phase. When I can just make content. However every time I start up, feels like I am discovering a new bug.

>Can you reveal your Steam stats
I haven't logged into my steam account for years at this point. I am a bit worried to do so at this point. I think I'll focus on a reliable demo first, and getting the placeholder stuff out of the place.
How is this possible? I was told you can't do generate overhangs.
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Happy = that which is delightful
Sad = the imprint of the past

both are vital, not unlike the sun and the moon
3D Perlin Noise can generate overhangs.

It is 2D Perlin Noise which only does heightmap type stuff without overhangs.
How to make do 3D Perlin Noise?
>Actually not quite true
JBlow seems like he'd be really fucking annoying IRL.
nigga I'm boutta go WILD
Glad someone else saw the obvious sun/moon energy comparison. Is this the secret to becoming a successful game developer? Do I need to start reading my horoscope every day?
Actually not quite true
When I port 3d noise from Shape of Dreams to the current project Shape of Fantasy, I'll make sure to post a git lain link instead.
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hard to take anyone who says this seriously
cringe: sound effect on jumping
based: sound effect on landing
>Get something done on Fiverr
>Guy was absolutely excellent
>Tip him $5
>Fiverr adds $3.28 as a service fee
Holy fucking shit that's evil. It's a good thing the guy was excellent.
CS2 added this loud ass grunt whenever you jumpthrow a nade. I hate it so fucking much.
Gimme good crunch time music and you shall have progress shortly
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It also chips down from the $5 you gave them I think. Never pay more than the agreed amount on fiverr. If the guy is semi-serious, he will have a PayPal or something online, you can actually tip him.
You are the guy who's bad at some things right, agdg? That's how you get creative ideas.
But that might get me banned for terms of service violations.
I just took the $3.28 L. I'll skip an iced coffee.
Ive tried looking for artists for some 2D/3D assets on reddit. I clearly stated in the OP what I wanted and I swear these guys didnt even read it, some were just generalist 3D modelers
The trick is not to talk about it in the chat. Just google the same name they are using.
i had a good idea for a game earlier in the week but i forgor
jumping needs a swoosh
literally me
>when you know what you are about to post on reddit will get you downvotes
>you think about not posting it at all because of that
>you post it anyways
>you get shitted on and downvoted to hell
that's why i prefer 4chan, you guys at least don't obsess over mobbing people out of the thread, live and let live
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Concerned Grape
I'm using a royalty free track that has a license that doesn't allow it to be in a game released "for profit", I could've paid $30 more to upgrade the license but fuck that
Thank you anon! I haven't drawn those two fucking yet, maybe I should
If you're at all involved within the US tech scene you've probably heard of shit like this before. These sort of retreats are preying on the new age "intellectual" programmer bro demographic, the sort of people who microdose LSD to increase their productivity. It's not a new phenomenon. Steve Jobs fell into this same trap back in the 70s, but recently it's been growing in direct correlation with big tech's expansion which has allowed startups dedicated to this woo-woo nonsense to make bank.

I'm disappointed that Blow fell for this nonsense, but I can't say I'm surprised. From my limited exposure to this sort of stuff (a company I interned for in 2018 hired a "guru" who would help employee stress through mandatory group meditation sessions) these startups identify and manipulate people with inflated egos into giving them money by telling them over and over how enlightened they are for seeking their services. That's literally it. Hence why Steve Jobs was so into this. Ironically, it's mostly the people who think they're chasing ego death who fall for it. No matter what you do, you can't not achieve enlighten because it's all nonsense, there is no actual mediation in play. They'll keep telling you that whatever you're experiencing is right because they want you to keep paying and coming back.

tl;dr Blow might be a smart programmer but he's clearly a bit dim outside of that if he paid for this mumbo jumbo. Sorry for reddit spacing but this got longer than I thought it would.
There’s a schizo who has been trying to bully yesdevs out of this general for weeks though.
What was the service?
Why did you reply to your own post?
Me except on 4chan and with negative replies instead of downvotes.
no it doesn't
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Still working on the dumb ui. Decide the overall theme and layout for it would be based on deux-ex, but with less slot space, and each item would only take up 2 slots at maximum.
Tangential to this issue with moving things off Fiverr, I've had (multiple) bad experience where the artist started missing deadlines and phoning it in when we moved off Fiverr. And I felt bad saying anything because they were also giving me nice discounts.
So I've learned my lesson and kept everything on Fiverr and Upwork, and I'm very wary of taking discounts. I'd rather pay full price and get full service than save money but have them phoning it in.
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Couldnt get ads to work on the android version of my game which I am working on, so I paid a pajeet the equivalent of 40 minutes of my dayjob to do it for me.
I know last time I brought this up people called me fucking stupid, but in the end isn't that what spending money is all about? To allowed to be stupid?
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You know what? Terrain can wait. I need to tackle the UI beast eventually. I should just do that first. I have some code I can recycle from different projects too.

I made that lua console back in February (pic related) with raylib and I have some Vulkan font stuff in another project.
So what was the problem?
I made BrainBot lighter so it moves faster but it moved too fasterer, I'll probably keep it as a bullfighting sprint attack since it looks funny.
Like a bug report button? Doesnt that require some sort of online connection?

So is this game a VN? Something like what Tell Tale games basically does, a bit of interactivity but mostly the plot is set in stone.

>those webms
I really hate these people. Would threaten to dump any women who tries this bullshit of recording our relationship for the sole purpose of online social clout. Disgusting.
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Cutscenes for chapter 5 and Brinkaedea so far. Might have to tweak some numbers later. Much like with Greklovick, I wanted to experiment with something new. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0596pMzJbs
this nigga got raytracing
Not for me, maybe like 10% of my problems. Now money, that'd solve like 60% of my problems. It just so happens that making it off gamedev is definite monetary success with a possibility of a gf coming to me from the fans
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Long list of errors when it refused to play an interstitial ad. Now it shows an ad.
I know that isn't the definitive answer you were looking for, but trying to get ads to work is a headache and a half that's hard enough to understand on it's own.
Attached is an image of the notes I left for the guy.
Yes I make my game on Unity.
Carla's point is kind of stupid because if the goal of consciousness is to trick your mind into releasing hormones, then it's better, evolutionary, to not need that mechanism of consciousness to trick your mind. Just evolve in a state of reflex, not consciousness.
Umm anon we mentioned it a few times like a month ago but congrats on finding you can get rich by cloning a game even before it releases. Now with that knowledge you should realize something very important
>share your game too early in development and a couple of rich kids might just clone it and steal your thunder
rich kids please clone my game and make it very good please please
she was talking about the seeking of altered states of consciousness, not consciousness in general

like people meditate to trick the brain into releasing certain hormones
people take certain drugs to trick the brain into releasing certain hormones

I would swap hormones with neurotransmitters though
what's the difference
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Woohoo I'm rich!
>tl;dr Blow might be a smart programmer but he's clearly a bit dim outside of that if he paid for this mumbo jumbo. Sorry for reddit spacing but this got longer than I thought it would.

Your entire post reads like someone who sits on the benches theorizing why the team you dislike, sucks. Have you given a honest try at meditation? I have. I don't know about all this "1st door to Jhana" stuff, but I do know that you do end up in a very different state of mind where you look at things from a completely different perspective than you do in every day life.

It's like of like Near Death experiences, where if you don't have one, you don't believe it, and come up with all the excuses in the world why it's not real. Then you have one, and are like "whoops, it's real".
Wait, it is out?
>like people meditate to trick the brain into releasing certain hormones

I don't know of any hormone that produces altered states of consciousness. Ketamine doesn't, it changes which neurons are firing. LSD doesn't, it binds to specific receptors and changes how the brain interacts with seratonin. You also have to explain how exactly you're "tricking" you brain to release these hormones. How are you "tricking" your brain exactly? That doesn't make sense.

You can maybe compare it to a runners high with the release of endorphins, but that's hardly a transcendent state of mind.
no, it's twas but a dream
>you can't trick your brain! that's heckin impossible! you have to just like make game! I don't care if you think there's a thing called motivation or that it's too hot!
milk truk just arrive
This but with penis and sex
funniest thing about agdg games being on piracy sites is that you just know it was another anon who posted it. It really be your own people.
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Best way to trick the brain into releasing hormones is having a woman you love and a fulfilling job that allows you to delight people

Simple as
>implying edengrall himself didn't put it there just like auradev and madodev have done to garner more attention
please tell me she's not taller than him
Tall girls are attractive.
eric is a mega manlet
she's not, but close

she's not tall, eric's just a̶ ̶l̶i̶t̶t̶l̶e̶ ̶s̶h̶o̶r̶t̶ fun sized
Wouldn't surprise me if she is. I met Eric after the LA Festival of Seasons it was my girlfriend's idea to go not mine I promise and I was noticeably taller than him at 6'. He's probably like 5'7".
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she's not
tsk tsk, yall viewing eric as a cartoon character again
I fucking hate moving.
I have everything ready for demo day which is good. I might end up spending the next day or two trying to reverse engineer a certain gameplay mechanic.
>found the perfect artist to rip off for my game's artstyle
Later nerds, I'm gonna be the next WoH.
yea because he's so small
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>having a woman you love
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is it a loli artist?
The themes are really coming together, good reveals.
Nortubel deserves to be more of a meme
Guys.. I've had such a bad day. I'm poor. It'll be a long while until I can create a game that might be /makeit/ material.
my tooth broke and I have to pay so much to fix it because the other doc did a shitty job.
I'm so fucking anxious and pissed and sad and hateful at myself and birth RNG
I have nothing and I have more weighing down on me. I'm so tired of fighting to improve, learn, maybe flip my life around.
I have acne on my face and body even as an adult, during times like these where I dont like my complexion I put my worth into my game as if I didn't exist in physical form. This seems to be a viable way
Good shit. You do you, anon.
Does he know?
we are all gonna make it
we will escape the cage
I have cancer and will die in a year or two, it's over
Be healed in Jesus Christ's name.
And if you don't got cancer, then still be healed of anything else you got whether mentally or physically.
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why fix it? just embrace your shitty teeth
Thoughts/critique? I know it currently gets too busy toward the end and the volume's all over the place.
shitty teeth that are whole aren't as bad as broken teeth(that get cavities easily and might hurt your tongue or break further)
I also wonder why they don't fix their teeth in scandinavian heaven.
Sounds like Drawn to Life. When the main guitar kicks in, the second (smaller one) one is the main thing you might want to change the guitar plugin used
>scandinavian heaven
american education
somebody said they were swedish recently
I'm not american
Yeah, you'll be lucky to be above $3 CPM.
You did implement privacy controls for ad personalization to not break any laws and be subject to fines, right?
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Today I'll pause work on my game and learn about geometry nodes in Blender.
my heart cant beat 10 times in a row without skipping one
I finally have it all at my fingertips. I will make this game.
I'm making concessions.
I'm not fighting the engine.
It will be splendid.
im actually hard now fuck you
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>You did implement privacy controls for ad personalization to not break any laws and be subject to fines, right?
Actually, yes. Unity takes care of that for me.
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Romcom about a black guy who falls for a cute black girl but finds out she's into gamedev and since she doesn't fall for his thuggish ghetto persona figures the only way to impress her is to also learn game development. His strikingly handsome white guy indie dev friend takes him under his wing and has to do the impossible: teach an old nog new nigs. Can he make a visionary out of this urban youth in time for the big prom?
Coming this summer: Codemonkey
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>looking through the demo day 57 submissions trying to find something actually worth my time
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And when things get tough, what will you do? When you reach the depths of despair, will you curdle and spall away? No! You enjoy the burden of creation. You have integrity. You push through your difficulties all for the sake of loyalty to your glorious vision. This is what it means to be a gamedev.
chill out marnix
Unity did it right. Google's Admob was dragging its feet for literal years before they introduced a system that handles the entire thing on their end. I guess they were hoping for such an amount of noncompliance to make regulators give up, but instead they made every developer do a lot more extra work.
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>4 days
And basically every question developers had Google was like consult your legal advisor ie fuck you, we don't care.
not participating
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post stuff from abandoned projects
I have none
My projects aren't abandoned just recycled.
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How do I stop overthinking stuff, being perfectionists and having too much expectations.
Why abandon this?
There's so many things I would call cris, a perfectionist isn't one of them
No Tomo, No Demo Day.
it's over. Gamedev will not fix your life.
Who is this sort of content for?
Him >>484143582
i heard a few stories IRL of people who turned their life around at 30
I've already participated in over 10 demo days. Now just isn't the time
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>enginedevs are rich
>enginedevs are smart enough to drop enginedev and become wall street brokers
don't cry Jonathan... please... you've hardly touched your little cakes...
This was my first ever project in Godot
im 23 and i feel like this
it's all relative to how much of a fuck up you are, and how much you have to catch up wit everyone else.
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Jon is fucking brilliant. Love this guy
What game are you working on now?
does nortubel have rule 34?
What does turning your life mean by definition? For NEETs that would be getting a decent job. For me, that would be getting a high paying job or my own business or a gf
Yes but it was made by himself
Dead Sector. It's basically a spiritual successor/project to salvage assets from that webm.
>"There are way too people in the games that maybe shouldn't be there"
He's talking about you guys btw
Zoomer, you have your entire life ahead of you. There is no need to play catch up. There is even going to be technology in your future where you won't have to do or learn all the complex stuff we did.
you're right he's talking about all of them
Demoralization propaganda.
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>im 23 and i feel like this
It's not 1885. You're not gonna die the second you turn 28.
But all I need to get what's left of my life together is a steady income. And I'm unemployable so it's either gamedev or dumpster diving.
I actually know Jonathan personally and he's one of the most racist people I've ever met. That should clue you in on who he's talking about here.
>im 23
20 is the new 10
30 is the new 20
you've got this, bitch
Your attitude sucks ass, that's why your life sucks. Sure, you're gonna tell me that your attitude is only bad because your circumstances are bad, but that's illusionary. Everything in your life stems forth from your state of consciousness. I don't care if you have to gaslight yourself into believing you're a badass, just do whatever it is you have to do to stop being a bitch. Because this fucking self-pitying whining you're doing is fucking pathetic, you're a fucking man, stop being a little bitch, nobody cares about your tooth you fucking whiny baby
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Added a harvesting and inventory system, albeit a little clunky.
Premium grade copium
>Premium grade copium
Relax on the Tate podcasts, anon. It doesn't work in game dev.
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No amount of badassery will turn your skills into something competitive with an AAA game.

You can make all the copium tate redpill BS you want, but your game will be just and inferior product to what the industry makes.
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tuna eaten straight out of the tin for dinner
I'm so lonely
Why are you making a game exactly? Did you cope with vidya all your life so you think you can somehow make it just because the time you wasted on vidya?
You must be at least 18 to post here.

Instead of paying for your stupid tooth, have it pulled and instead pay some artist to make kickass key art for your game.
Every single fucking problem in your life can be solved by not being a bitch. Every single anxiety and rationalization you have is womanly and not going to help you. You have to simply stop being afraid and dissatisfied with everything and stop being a bitch.
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Relevant pic.
You're not at rock bottom until you've eaten oil soaked tuna flakes straight from the can on New Year's Eve completely sober.
t. have been at rock bottom
>"Hey man, you need to fix your attitude. It's probably why you're so miserable all the time."
>People flip out
Guess anon's post hit a little too close to home for the LatinXs and Slavs here lmao
You guys sure like talking about people huh. Me? I prefer talking about my game.
No, it's just a stupid, simplistic and dismissive attitude to problems. I imagine you think you sound like some marine drill instructur, but you in fact sound like a 16 year old who's been huffing Andrew Tate's farts.
Post game.
I'm stimming
So do it.
What we need is a next gen Neverwinter nights. A game and engine for making games using tabletop rulesets.

Daggerheart would likely be easy to adapt
tate is an insecure faggot lol why do you think embracing a courageous mindset to face your problems is some kind of manosphere faggotry? It's the complete opposite. The redpill manosphere thinks you can become like an alpha male by plotting, scheming, and mind control which is complete nonsense. If you're not born as an alpha male, you'll never be one. But what literally every man can do is find your inner masculinity and face your problems out in the open and with courage. Because I guarantee as soon as you do this, you'll look back on your whineposting and realize how useless and cringy it was.
It literally is that simple. Change your outlook on the problem, and it will dissolve in due time
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little bit of diffusion progress.
unhinged cringe
nice timestamp
imagine having to reply to yourself
Why not use NWN2 and its toolset? It looks much better than the average aggy game.
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Why do agdg thinks that mental issues are like a skin itch you can scratch easily and it will be fixed?
kek gottem
My game isn't ready for posting
My game has highly detailed lore, to a depth I have never seen in any of the games I have played to this day
>oil soaked tuna flakes straight from the can
wtf I hit rock bottom every day
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>play the last public build of my demo...
>gameplay is clunky and slow, visuals are mid and there's barely anything to do
>play the new build I'm going to submit this demo day...
>gameplay feels much better, visuals are great and there's a lot content.

We are so back
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what the hell do i search for to get those smoke poof sound effects? i have over 200 gigs of sound effects on my pc
>My game isn't ready for posting
My game isn't ready for posting
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I eat tuna from the can with hot water
yeah I'm not sure what he means.
One problem with TANKGAME is that the AI can't properly aim at weakspots, so the damage it did to the player was pretty much random.
The solution I'm going for is to add a player-only tank with paper-thin armor all over but with an energy shield mechanic
that's not ready yet but I did make the player tank and some modular parts for it:
>20mm, 47mm and 90mm turret variants
>No hull gun, chaingun hull gun variants
They're not setup properly right now: they all shoot the default shell and don't impact vehicle movement stats, but the 90 mm cannon does fling you around like some anon here suggested.
another influencer fried his brain with ayahuasca?
Did you miss the New Year's Eve part?
Also tuna flakes are this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNmkgsS0kzI
use a moan whisper in your phone.
It isn't physically possible to playtest it in it's current state. There are no defined mechanics.
Yeah thats more or less what I eat, chipped chunk-light tuna in water. Doesn't matter what day, it's my favorite. I'm sorry for your loss and such, but my rock bottom was different.
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who was in the wrong in this situation?
you need both mindsets and know when to apply them. If motivation is the primary issue than sure gaslight yourself with the 100% growth mindset. But if motivation isn't your issue then you need to know your strength and weaknesses so you know where the opportunities of endless growth are and where you are going to face brick walls from clear genetic limitations. Very few people are good enough at everything they try that they can make consistent progress throughout the years.
I've been around too many passionate people who lacked the natural talent to succeed no matter how hard they tried. I've been that person that tried harder than anyone else but only got average results. I've also been the person that half assed everything yet still did better than everyone. Sometimes you're just not good enough to be a viable solo developer, but you are good enough at enough to make yourself a valuable member of a 2-4 person team. Time is a limiting factor when motivation isn't the issue and I don't have the time to become good at the things I lack talent in.
what? i'm not gonna have moans
nick is, most dev time is spent on art. Any gamedev knows this.
I mean imitating that smoke poof sound with your mouth.
i'm not a sound engineer, that's why i have a giant sound library
Blow didn't do any of the art for Braid however, he was programming while art was being produced by someone else.
bro, just imagine the sound and then whisper it on your phone.
it's gonna sound too gross, i hate mouth sounds
then I can't help you.

maybe look up some public domain war grenade smoke video.
thats irrelevant to the argument that it takes a long time to code though. All the gameplay systems were probably finished in under a year, with a few tweaks and extra things added in once the level designers started building the game. Theres a reason 'programmer art' is a thing, programming is usually finished while most art has yet to be produced.
kek what a scam
it's probably more cartoony, i probably just have the wrong word in my head. just that thing that plays when something disappears in a smoke cloud in a game
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I think he might be right. is he right?
your best shot would be to do DIY fooley.
this. easy way to get around their dumb rules on rights of the produced work when the artist isnt clear about it especially if i want more work done by them without fiverr getting in the way
i don't know anything about making sounds, that's why i have tens of thousands of samples downloaded, surely i have it somewhere i just don't know what to search for
He listened :)
It's not that hard to learn to make sounds.

Most of the times is stupid fooley shit like clapping a piece of meat or stuff you have in the kitchen.
My game's lore will permeate every mechanic and it will have a steep learning curve due to the complexity of the gameplay but the player that perseveres will be rewarded with a lot of depth.
amazing. post a snippet of your lore
Close to start?
The chosen one is on a mission to stop the dark lord.
How do I make magic noises foleyguys? Stuff like blururururuph or bing bawhooshuuu or powpowpow or shwahpboomph.
fart into the mic and edit it until it sounds right
I'm convinced almost every successful western game dev is retarded. They just like the slop they played when they were kids. Most narrow horizons I've ever seen. I hate occidentalfags
making what you want to play is a better strategy than trying to be unique for the sake of it.

Just make a good and fun game that you would buy.
Well, of course.
My point is that their inspirations almost always consist of bog-standard sanitized slop.
Low IQ take. Many games are just based off of Ultima and Wizardry which are just based off of D&D. There's nothing wrong with liking things as a kid and wanting to see it again done in a fresh way.
Do not quit your day job to make a game like Super Metroid by yourself
I for one can't stand Japanese games. Art direction, mechanics, writing, all absolute garbage. When's the last time a Japanese studio made a good strategy game or a sim? It's all 3rd person console trash.
Here you go, Godot sisters.
You are welcome.

you're right, instead I'll make a game like Symphony of the Night
>buzzword buzzword buzzword
you will never make a game
society would improve if twitter didn't exist.
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does this work? there's a few variations in there
learn2synth :)
Fire Emblem Engage came out last year. What is a sim game? Like Harvest Moon?
Hitoribocchi no Marmaskuseikatsu
Welcome back Damaskus dev!
higher attack, less sustain, and higher pitch. shorter too.
how to avoid the weird artifact sounds that anon has in his thing
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When I'm a rich and famous game developer I'll agree to give indie solodevs funding if they dress up as Bocchi and play the guitar in a crowded public area.
he's running noise in, so you could do a clamp on it before the in, or a filter after the fact.
Furthermore, they're generally quite uncultured, and worse, out of touch with the real world.
It's rare to see a great game moved by the world of the living.
The other day, I heard of this being called the "otaku problem", primarily in the context of the endless fields of garbage produced by the anime industry. The issue being that the people making these stories are antisocial geeks, and it leads to uninspired, forgettable heaps, and stories which fail to grasp their potential.
This applies to video games, I feel. AAA or indie is irrelevant, it's across the board.
Post game.
is this a meme or real? if so, good that game sucks
damn that's craazy
absolutely based
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I might have no game.
Game is done, not really finished but I decided to work to another project.
Vampires cannot reproduce normally but they can create other vampires by turning others but each level of descendants is weaker until they become just as weak as normal humans.
>post game
Is it not ironic that the game I'm working on is a prime example of this soul-crushing phenomenon?
I wish I could be more passionate about it, but with the writing out of my control, it's tough.
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I was working on this last year. Unfortunately I could see that the company I worked for in my irl job was going to release a lot of developers.

I had to put my energy into finding a new job and then doing well for the new company for the probation period. By which time I had lost direction for the project. It was a lot of fun to work on.
yes, good job
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When did you guys grow out of your "I hate everything that's popular" phase? For me it was embarrassingly late, around 15-16 years old. Thank God I wasn't really posting on the internet at that time.
I don't even know what's popular these days, I just make games.
oh okay, hope I like your next game more, frenchie
>What is a sim game?
i never did
everything that is popular IS bad, you just bent the knee and became a normalfaggot.
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I'm still in the "I hate everything I make and I'm worthless" phase
Explain to me how someone becomes this unhinged, agdg.
it's not human
Hitman but you have sex with the targets.
Probably just underaged. It is summer after all.
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Wait, what game are you making? I've been looking forward to you coming back for years.
looks good
looks like mobile slop, good call
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Yes I love the games from back when I was a kid but I didn't play any of them until I was already 17-22
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Once this level's closer to being done, I'm going to turn it into a fast food cathedral and add some little dining tables, soda fountains, trash cans, etc. throughout the building. Having fast food restaurants be cathedrals fits really well into my game's lore, so I think that's what I'm gonna do. I'll need to give my Lardee's level a visual upgrade with my new lore in mind.

Thanks for reading my plog (my progress blog.)
Im spurdo dev. I started working on spurdo shortly after I abandoned that project in the video, then a pixelated pokemon-like(abandoned) then a RTS deck builder (abandoned) then a pokemon/Baldurs Gate 3 hybrid (abandoned/on hold), and now am working on this 3rd person schizo shooter >>484128992
So I know Godot's forward axis is negative Z, but if I just pretend it's positive Z, how badly will that back fire? I know there are some work-arounds I'll have to do, but anything major?
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xoomers might be the most based generation in existence
>single handedly invented PC gaming
>ushered in a golden age of video games after boomers wasted an entire generation just making electronic toys
>only generation to produce such a high saturation of genuinely skilled engineers and competent visionaries
Jon Blow and Peter Molyneux are both xoomers
oops but they also invented Dungeons and Dragons guess they are pretty garbage too.
Damn. I never made the connection. You've been here a long time so I don't think anyone knows all of your games.
the boomers made dungeons and dragons, dipshit
Oh nice, I'm on the path to success as a westerner.
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You bet
begone whodev bitememe tourist
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This is how I visually represent splash damage, the swords coming down (coloured based on element). If you have a problem with that, you can have a nice day.
>30 is the new 20
its really not... people don't live longer with a better life, they just extend the suffering of old age
xoomers wouldn't be where they are without boomers making those electronic toys
xoomers are the people who wants to make more toys for some reason
what do you mean by genuinely skilled engineers?
we have zoomers and moomers who can do that too.
same with visionaries.
xoomers only really get first mover advantage because boomers are out of touch with gaming, they like boring stuff like chess and diplomacy.
zoomers and moomers are possibly even more creative and skilled then xoomers because they grew up with so many video games and better technology.
>JBlow is 53
I always thought he was in his late 30s, early 40s max.
He acts the same as he did 10-20 years ago so that's not wrong.
more like stenchtroon
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>Damn. I never made the connection

Yeah, if you play Spurdo you can actually see that among the meme-statues in the heaven level, I included that hammer wielding character from the cancelled project, kind of as a homage to that being being abandoned as the reason why Spurdo was made. If you read the plaque in game it says "A hero who never was"
>return a + f * (b - a);
This is my lerp() function. I'm trying to smooth out the camera's movement, but it's still kinda fast. No matter how small of a value for f I use, it never gets any slower. What gives?
Did you wind up earning any money from Spurdo?
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> Linear animation interpolation
Make it snappy dude
2 nigga cents
is fantaswat finished ?
You're a great dev. One of my favorites for sure.
Good homage. That's dev passion right there.
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I'll come back, I swear.
nigga your game is older than dinosaur dirt (marmoreal)
I'd rather you just work on your new game.
I don't enjoy play testing my own game. Does this mean I should throw it out?
i hate everything
t. 30
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>mentally a teenager at thirty
oh dear
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Robert "Toby" Fox (Undertale, Deltarune)
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kneel before a dev who was been on DD 1
looks very faggotish and womanlike
>set a 240 hour work quota for June
>at 194 hours
Well, June was a failure.
when I was a teen I was full of hope and love
twisted and empty I became
a mental downgrade for sure
that's cute, I'm at around 480
>he doesn't press shift+ctrl+s everytime he makes a change.
How in the fuck are you so productive
>he doesn't have windows recall
>he doesn't know about the texture paint cache
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How do you keep track? Do you just set a time and not do anything else? I tend to do things like work for a few minutes, browse 4 chan for a few minutes, go back to working for a bit, etc. etc. so its hard to track your dev time doing that
when did you give up
I use a time tracking app. Switch on whenever I start working and off whenever I stop working. It's not perfect since sometimes I'll end up staring blankly at the screen trying to force myself to come up with stuff before finally giving up and switching off, but I try to make up for this over-counting by doing non-tracked work whenever I can.
what gave it away?
I do this full time + I'm passionate about it + it's all I do from waking up till going to bed
Kekd and poor little monkey, its like he was looking for something to eat but found nothing he wants after all his effort
because I saw the game on twitter
>a few thousand lines to make an engine on par with Unity/Gamemaker/Godot/Unreal/Construct/Stencyl
KEK! Yeah maybe if you're super skilled and even then it'd probably take a lot more than just a few thousand lines.
Post results
A broken tooth is not the same as crooked teeth. Yellow isnt even harmful.
According to those numbers, doesn't sleep much, doesn't eat or cook, doesn't do any house chores, has no real job, and probably doesn't shower.
Are they bri'ish?
But wait isnt this Heroes Gain? Does that mean you abandoned the ~10 years in development hell game?
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Extermination Shock is out now https://store.steampowered.com/app/2510820/Extermination_Shock/
am not dev but dev posted in this general about it before so at least one other person here must know about it
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Everything that makes you unattractive to women is harmful.
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Incredible capsule art.
That explains why Ive aged like shit despite living a healthy lifestyle.
we need more social media and connected handheld devices to fix this lack of social connection ; )
The few months I tracked my best time was like 120 to 150 hours. Idk the exact number.

I doubt it. Assuming 30 full days (includes all of today), that would be 16 hours every day. I highly doubt this even as a neet living with his parents. You'd have to purposefully reduce your sleep cycle to at least 6 hours just to include basic things you cant just skip out eg taking a dump, peeing, eating eat anything that makes your hands messy enough or requires both and its not easy to dev at regular speeds or even just a quick go to the kitchten to grab some water or request food from your mom.
Is this the enginedev game? That guy hasn't posted here in at least 2 years if not 3.
Everyone's tiptoeing around it but it really means having satisfying romantic and sexual relationships, literally nothing else.
cool unity asset you bought from the asset store and plopped down into your project
Hmm strange, release date shows as today, June 30th on mine. Style looks familiar but I dont remember it too well.
probably not because he posted about it this year in january according to archives
Doubtful but to some degree yes loneliness can have a negative impact. I still look like a kid tho, thanks to my parents both being youthful types in terms of facial aesthethics

t. Had crooked as fuck teeth as a kid, had more interest from girls back then than I do now
Cool story bro
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Is it good I die in my game in like 40 seconds, or is that bad?

Or is a skill issue?
Uhhh close up on the lass in the back?
This was boring to watch. I started three times and the longest I held out was to ~20 seconds.
Honest feedback, do what you want with it.
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I've been fiddling with my shaders and accidentally made this cool ghostly effect
>Defeat ALL of the enemies!
This is what made Sonic Heroes the worst one.
omg what if we could all connect our brains to a centralized AI system that would detect when we're feeling unhappy and immediately trigger a release of dopamine so that we never feel sad or depressed ever again? It could even detect uncomfy thoughts and remove them from our minds for us! wouldn't that be AWESOME??
there's a dash button, but I'm simply too noob to play it.
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It's almost tuesday bros we're gonna be eatin' good
post you're predictions
>low poly environmental asset #48
>bitcoin implementation
>miscellaneous old folks home animations
>sicka cover fabric
>the sounds of donut
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What exactly stops me from making a linkedin "unpaid remote internship" job offer for my "game developing" company and just make my "interns" code the game for me?
combo that with a constant stream of tiktoks and an IV line for clonazepan
>Be German
>Want to make porn game
>Literally can't put it on Steam because my government feels the need to babysit me and blocks all adult games on steam

So what are my other options here?
Just go the patreon route like every other WEG dev does?
Your lack of game.
didnt stop aura
Although there's nothing wrong with making a game just like you used to play when you were a kid, they do tend to have that "lol I don't know how I got here, how this happened" goofiness(?). Not knowing how to handle the success, and the money etc.
When ze Germans occupied my country, they starved us and at the same time legalized prostitution. Good times.
We need to band together to make a game for Runa. I'm willing to dedicate 10 hours a week of free label to help make her gamedev dreams come true!
niggabros... we fucking cookin'
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Timmy will put an apology saying he blew all the funds for that months free assets. 5 games for free, one for every week of July. 1 game is mine, the other is my brothers, and the other 3 are unreleased games still posting on aggy daggy. He'll pay us in non typical fashion and simply give us each $250k
She already has enough simps. Work on your own game, make a better game and dominate her (professionally).
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Some progress for my automation/adventure game, I'm working on turrets the players can link to control terminals and control them remotely. The webm kinda sucks because I had to keep switching between windows but what I'm trying to show is how the turret aims in a global direction, but retains its 'up' vector relative to the ship. I tried to take inspiration from planetside, but it still might be too disorienting and I might just make it optionally entirely global
So does he stream and play games while frequently sipping on popeyes and eating tendies?
holy kino
Be like me, make a game that showcases the nazi flag. Obviously banned in Germany

:^) i put it up on pirate sites, completely safe exe, even included german translations jk but if I was rich enough Id consider doing that, not like Im german
are Germans fucking sane?
what the fuck
>NNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO is that a motherfucking nazi flag?!?!? You might........ you might summon the ghost of hitler back from the grave or something
looks very interesting
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This jump is next-to-impossible to make. What is ultimately the problem here? Is it the gravity? The jump height? The horizontal speed? The placement of the platforms?
You reach the apogee of the jump in 0.000001 seconds so horizontal movement is hard
How do you not see that?
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10k hrs in blender
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Trickydev? I thought the models were commissioned.
Tricky xisters, its never coming out, and he's pozzed now too!
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this probably demonstrates better why it might be disorienting, the alternative is to do a global rotation but then I would have to deal with gimbal lock the global Y axis and I'm not thrilled about that either

well it does look a little less derpy, but why?
please please please add a cute Peruvian girl from the Andes
>4 days
i should get to it then... chop chop... wakey wakey.... andale andale....
Uhhh anon you ever play any games? You reach max height wayyyyy too fast
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I can't make a professional game.

I can only make a shitty crappy game with crappy art and shitty music with a single level and 2 enemies, that will take me 2 months to make.

Is pointless to keep trying to make games when I can't make something good.

I give up.
>but then I would have to deal with gimbal lock the global Y axis and I'm not thrilled about that either
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I just never use Fiverrr off of principle.
Based. I find the "average" Peruvian female to be the most attractive
You're genuinely the most unintelligent person I ever interacted with and I wish you'd rid us of your presence for good
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Im changing my characters into mechahumans so I wont have to animate locomotion, I can just make them lean towards the direction theyre moving.
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congratulations for giving up the third time this week
your mother would be proud
how many days until you come back like the crack addicted degenerate you are? I'd say tomorrow morning.
Nah, I had a 3D artist helping here and there but they got tied up with irl stuff. They mostly helped with the animations and my topology spaghetti.
My concept artist has been MIA for 17 days. I really need him too. :(
Just for the sake of improvement.
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I probably could use quaternions for that, you're right, too bad I'm too stupid to understand them beyond converting to and from euler angles which I am doing currently to rotate it based on mouse input. It's probably not that complicated though, I'll give it a try
i dont want to give up!
I really wanted to see the game that MC was for, the artist behind it posted some neat animations here.

post your game, anon
why are music production threads like 1 post per 2 hours. yet agdg is like 1 post per minute?
same for programming, drawing and 3D modeling threads.
why does gamedev attract so many posts?
Our minds are too fast for our bodies to keep up
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Is Vaush more of a yesdev than you? How can you allow this?
80% of the people here are just shitposters and e-celeb faggots
>this is your competition
Why does everything but gamedev get a board? Why is this the only gamedev community too?
Because these other threads actually produce content.
This general is full of coping nodev idea guys who can't produce decent assets worth a shit.
Gamedev is completely overrun by posers and grifters.
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Part 5's levels so far https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bD9m3q8SL_I
Men should not be thinking about sex they should only be thinking about war.
>My concept artist has been MIA for 17 days. I really need him too. :(
Do you pay him? Or does he do it for free?

More variety. When its one specific thing each poster can devote much more time to one piece and it'll likely come out much higher quality thanks to not beijg a jack of all trades.
holy schizo
>[YouTube] BABE WAKE UP NEW FEATURES JUST DROPPED | Vaush Unity Game Dev Progress Update (embed)
asian > white >>> latina >>>>> niggress
>Do you pay him? Or does he do it for free?
He's loaded and in early retirement. Won't let me pay him no matter how much I try.
this thread is 1 progress post every 4 hours
The last girl to be designed will be "not Zoe". Does that work for Peruvian girl from the Andes?
>tfw this idiot, who argued there is literally no argument against posession of CP, is going to sell more copies than me
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Here you go, anon. This is all you need to have a working platformer. Put this in your step event for the player. For the function playerJump(), either define that in a script, or just put the code where I have the playerJump() function run.
Any blue variable should be defined in the create event for the player. And don't forget to set the player's gravity (the built in variable) also.
For the global.button stuff, replace that with whatever control you want to use.
It's a weapon wielded by federal agents and by spammers to take down websites, not to mention that censoring shit makes people fail to realize when it's actually happening.
Vaush looks like a faggot but maybe he's right
>This is your competition
What happened to Godot's Environment fog options? In older versions, there was a way to set (non-volumetric) fog to have a start distance. It looks like this got removed. Why?
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I got bored of working on boring stuff so I made a flightless drone (frone).
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it still hurts..
intensely transcoded
Linear was removed, then readded in 4.3, if you are already talking about 4.3 then idk since I haven't tried it.
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Excluding Eric Barone, which agdg celeb would you want to play our games? Timmy, Runa, Jon, that one vtuber that supposedly posts here, someone else entirely?
if Marnix plays my game, I would be happy with never getting more than 5 reviews on my game
With audio: https://streamable.com/fcflxm
my mom
I want Totalbiscuit to play my game and complain about the max 30 fps
welcome to brazil, i'm at the same boat
>Excluding Eric Barone
isn't he dead
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I need to invent a new medium where I can make a product in 8 weeks.
delete this post immediately
no, last I heard he's hanging with hitler in argentina
>then readded in 4.3
Ah, gotcha. Okay. I'll wait until 4.3 is out of beta. Fog is not mission critical at the moment
do you think being a hack is good because you just focus on what you want to get done? or do you think hacks never make it because they are too easily discouraged in practice because they lack deep interest in their craft?
I want Masha Babko to play game.
Imagine you die and there's an afterlife version of Youtube and it's all the same Youtubers doing exactly the same shit. And same actors are in afterlife movies and everybody listens to the same music they listened to while they were alive. When I think about it, why wouldn't it be just like that? Assuming there's a need for entertainment...
wow you are so hardcore!
>5 rows 8 columns
Ok, rows will be 01 23 45 67 89, penultimate digit.
Last digit: doubles gets me to pick from that row.
Otherwisem cols will go from 0 to 9 skipping th e double. If it's an 8 or 9 beyond the column, I'll ignore that digit and go with second to last and so on.

Idc, this is my roll mechanics, you guys really need to make it more roll-able. Rolling for that one qt waifu.
new agdg cares you don't belong here anymore we took this place already
*trying to understand my own rules* I guess that's penultimate waifu from second row? Eh, I can't tell if it's a girl, but it could be worse.
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How much vertices/polygons/triangles is too much for an npc? I'm working with unreal engine and want everything looking nice but I need to make sure potato computers can still run my game.
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Is he the greatest gamedev of all time? I'm inclined to think that he is.
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Just use your engine's built in lerp tool
I'd start by figuring out at what poly count the characters start looking noticeably worse.
/agdg/ tell Ericnigger to come back here and stay here
how are you calling it? If it's every frame, you might need to use delta time?
not the real ericn*gg*r
>how are you calling it? If it's every frame, you might need to use delta time?
Every frame, I get the position where the camera should be (which is just the player's position minus half screen width and half screen height), then lerp between that position and the current position. I guess, since it's only moving very, very tiny amounts each frame, that's probably why lerping doesn't do much.
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Is godot 4.3 beta usable now or are all the regressions still fucking everything up?
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>voice actress delivers her lines like she's trying not to wake up her parents
I was retarded and should have asked whether it's in an update using a fixed or variable timestep. If it's variable then you might need to multiply your "f" value with delta time to keep it consistent, and would explain why it's unexpectedly too fast since some engines run that variable timestep update as much as possible
you posted this before lil bro
get new material
Did I? Fuck.
My dementia is starting early...
did you read the part where I said I haven't tried 4.3?
why does he sound so pretentious
isn't this the communist that jerks off to AI generated loli beastiality?
Isn't this the guy who got caught with a massive collection of loli porn on stream?
A well known secret is that every man has a hidden stash of loli porn
now now lets give him a chance
You should try not projecting. Embarrassing.
This thread goes to shit around the same time every single day. I really need to stop coming here during that window. I'll most my progress tomorrow.
Calm down, no need to get so defensive.
Redpill me on that window anon
hmm so i was right the rabid undertale/toby fanboys really are here. i knew it the way they quickly defended him the moment i'd talk smack on him. enjoy the schizo although its not just him who posts eric

kek'd! sounds adorable tho
I don't think steam is that great for porn games anyway
you could always work with another anon on a game!
>I don't think steam is that great for porn games anyway
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Makes me want to look for my ancient sprites somewhere in my harddrive
*clicccck ccclick clicck cliiick clickkk*
translation: that is rascist against africans and blacks everywhere on this planet how dare you talk like that of us! you will see our games and see how we will soon become a superpower on gamedevelopment triple N gaming!
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I would say Steam is better suited for safe-horny games such as The Coffin of Andy and Leyley
I've yet to hear figures on it and it never seems to be a key part of any strategy, patreon/subscribestar seems to be more important.
I'd love to hear more about it if there's evidence.
Later afternoon/evening in central to west coast America
Someone explain to me what zoomers mean by this meme.
hmm looks like im still in it, ill probably grow out of it at the end of this year
Who should I hire to say the title of my game at the title screen?
Who have you guys got?
Safe horny = Overt sexuality and fetishes without any outright nudity or porn.
Any thoughts, lads?
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Is it possible to make a successful platformer nowadays without spending a chunk of money on assets?
Big Man Tyrone, of course.
Aminal well
it's fine but your scene file thumbnails will face backwards
quitted my job to learn how to code and make a game
i wanna make something like bayonetta or mgs revengeance
just downloaded godot wish me luck
maybe if i relax and play some games i can come back refreshed, calmed down, and focused on my own game.
interesting. gonna see the game and try to find out why.
you should start off small by making the shooting mini game in bayonetta
Just quit my job, sold my car, mortgaged my house, left my wife and shot my dog to focus on making my dream game: Dwarf Fortress Morrowind of Warcraft.
Just downloaded TempleOS, wish me luck!
Start very very small, just make a small slice of the game, like the first levels and a bladewolf-like boss. and give the player the option to play as a bayonetta-like or raiden-like.
Just saw a trailer of one of my inspirations because I was feeling out of it.

Motivation = Restored.
don't be mean
also, i'm single

I will try, thank you!!
why don’t the job quitters ever collab together? your chances of success are higher
Me and my non-binary wife quit our jobs to make our (progressive) dream game
we all want to make our own game
just quit my life and now I cant make games anymore
the majority of them want to make the next hollow knight so its not a bad idea
I forgot to add, you should also start small and start a company and get a logo. And start small and hire a few people to help with graphics and sound. and start a small youtube channel advising other how to make games. just those things and you will be on your way.
Make a shell company in the US, easy as that
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If Eric is such a good game designer, why didn't his mobile game take off?
Because mobile game success is about skinner boxes and compulsions for people killing time during a commute, not about making good games.
because it was a desperate attempt at making some quick money while he neets for years to have something more immediate to show for. meanwhile stardew was a labor of love that came from the heart
Who said he's a good game designer? Air Pear is proof enough that he is not.
If there's anywhere people are gonna buy a porn game, it's gonna be on Steam unless they literally can't sell it there for reasons. Unless you're willing to build up years of trust, people aren't gonna download your game raw without thinking it's a virus first.
maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan id be happy with a mere 100,000
>people aren't gonna download your game raw without thinking it's a virus first.
That's why I don't touch anything on itch.
Do you have to do the AI thing on Steam if you used AI to help you program or is it just for AI generated art?
You don't have to do anything. They don't have the resources to investigate AI use. Or rather they don't give a shit.
My net worth is 300k my lifestyle is no different than when I was broke
Only assets.
The only thing AI does is pull stuff from stackpoverflow.
same but im referring to 100k lifetime revenue from my gayme
>My net worth is 300k
So you inherited a one-bedroom house in a bad neighborhood?
Why do you say it like it's a bad thing? Gentrification will save us all. Any new game dev wanting to play the long game should know this.
theres no way for people to know youve used ai for code
you are safe
Same. I think it's because once your net worth gets above the 100k range you come to realize how little money that actually is in the long run. Life styles don't change until maybe around the 10 million range.
300k for that? Are you nuts, where the fuck do you live, the middle of nowhere? that's 1,000,000 in LA
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Search in the archive "what do you guys think of my cool new game", but there are so many I have never shown to anyone.
I've been thinking I should just give up and follow the family business.
lol no? I never inherited anything or received anything at all outside of payment from direct labor. Weirdo
margedev? what are you currently working on?
Yeah must be that. 10 mil is where I feel like I could live a little more lavishly, but I probably wouldn’t because I don’t have expensive taste
Made a basic main menu early so people won't complain this time around for complete product features early in development like main menus, settings, file saving etc. I remember making bokube's early demoday builds in here and everyone complaining about that kinda stuff so i rather not go through that again
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I'll show you if you show me what are you currently working on,
This was the trippy Yume Nikki-like right? That was kino.
>get good
is such a 2015 thing to say. Update it to
>skill issue
copying mechanics from another game isn't game design
The only time you need to mark it is if your assets look blatantly like AI, or if you didn't know how to remove AI markers from them.
not him but i prefer get good
One of those hobbies is fun.
>releasing during summer sale, when AAA games are on sale for 5$ or less
Because this isn’t actually a game development general. People don’t make games here. This is a thread for shitposting about making games.

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