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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Pretentious edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-56
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

I genuinely, truly, unironically, not even joking wish the human race would go extinct.
Animation testing for the new model in the prototype scene before I swap out the prototype player capsule one
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This your future on game dev, remember to finish your game before taking the final step.
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Progress anchor reply to this post with your progress so anons can find it easily
BokuDev scammed hundreds
me on the left
to save dozens
start with yourself
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Sunday plog entry #2
Finished this: https://voca.ro/16VK9A40rWLc
I think it turned out neat.
Thanks for reading my plog (my progress blog.)
now you've gained it
Just fyi you can't use music to make up for bad level design
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I can't tell whether my graphics are good or bad. They look good to me but no one compliments them and some aggies tell me they're shit. I'm not sure I can trust the latter group because of crabbing. It could be one guy who hates my game.
I don't want to be oblivious but I also don't want to risk getting crabbed into over-investing in graphics at the expense of everything else.
I guess I'll continue to live in ignorance.
I've been practicing my level design skills a LOT. I still suck, and my DD level (if I make it to DD) will still suck, but I think there's been improvement. I'm excited to share it.
Post your game graphics and find out. What you posted looks like a cute thing for a cutscene or map, but you need to put some 1920x1080 animated in-game visuals for anyone to give an actual gamedev opinion
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Fat fuck 2.0. Tomorrow is mostly going to be a break day for most of it it seems while researching some code.
How? hes daily posting 2 games now while you have none lmao
5×24 HOURS
Pepe Moleneux
>implying he will ever finish either of them
Mole simulator.
This is highest grade professional pixel art by https://www.deviantart.com/fool
No one here could get to that level of skill in 10 years of deliberate practice.
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Opinions about the menu opening animation i did? It splits the screen open from an offset to the middle (offset because I thought it looked better when the character was fully on the screen still). Just wondering if it looks good.
Lol buddy we can all spot AI slop when we see it. Relax
Looks cool, unusual but cool. I like it
Looks cool, but maybe impractical? If your camera is always over the right shoulder of the character, maybe it should slide from the right?
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Maybe I should make models with accessories in mind so they can be easily made and added onto them, or to make alternate versions of a model. But then again I am not sure the best way to handle an accessory system.
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I just worked on adding a simple "look at" system where the player's view focuses on objects of interest based on range and distance
now answer the question
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Would you play as a spider?
unique cool look
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spiders get the rope
If you want to make some cash on the side, definitely consider putting these animations up on the asset store. There's a demand for these kind of animations since people want to make their own survival horror game.
you stole this look at system from dingodev...
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uhmm... actually I stole it from mario odyssey
>kannadev is a bocchiposter
Really mudding those waters, but I know who is the no progressing poster now.
i should work on my game (i wont)
Can you really call yourself a video developer if you don't have Unity or Unreal certifications?
>Unity certification
Dear sir I am for certified please to be doing needfully and buying my course
>first marmo
>then tomo
>then damaskus
>then trainwiz
>now kannadev
why are there so many HITORIBOCCHIPOSTERS
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A, so that was you.
Currently I'm thinking about making a game like the coffin of andy and leyley but I have nothing to show.
Yesterday I finished star driver and now I'm finishing my rewatch of shiki to drown my despair of failing to finish another game, after I'm done I'll start working on my new project.
>a coffin-like
Boochiposters were the third worst thing to happen to /agdg/
What did the bocchiposters ever do to you?
miss Borger Blitz
maybe if i can shot web
I don't see how that is relevant to anything in my reply
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>now pogo's in on it
only cert that matters
blow is back

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any idea why my bones look like this? (the animation still plays perfectly)
>playing the shitmake
no thanks

someone ask him if he has accessed his jhannas today?
that's just what bones look like in godot (sorry there's nothing you can do about it)
Fuck yeah, Riven.
What is the controller equivalent of this in godot? Input.is_key_pressed(KEY_A):" for the left d pad? I can't find anything that works.
oh yeah? but can your game engine DO THIS???
no, it do this atm.

I'm working on caves and caverns currently. Going to watch this video about it:

wow, bummer. but thanks though, i'll just ignore it then.
>check out jon's stream for once
>riven remake
>OC donut steel fanfiction area
>loads of graphical issues
thanks, now I know to avoid this pig disgusting remake like the plague
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ask him about the jhannas. I want him to schizobabble
I love Johnathan Blow.
how are you rendering this?
tortoise and the hare my friends, tortoise and the hare
he's such a naysayer
Vulkan and C.

vkCmdDrawIndirect using Vertex and Index Buffers which are filled by a compute shader marching cubes implementation.
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I hope he eats a little cake on stream
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I haven’t worked on my game in a month. I have no one to blame but myself.
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every day's the same, tonight I had a blackout
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Anyone know a way to make a character model appear to walk up smoothly while traveling up some stairs in 3rd person? Can't for the life of me figure it out bros...
bing "inverse kinematics"
Thanks for reminding me of my desperate wish to make a Coffin clone that will never be fulfilled because I have no brilliant artist-writer wife to make it with. Kit9 is the luckiest bastard in the world.
Kit9 didn't make the game, they're just the publisher. Nemlei did and she's solo.
Kit9 contributes to coding and puzzle design on top of the publishing and community management, and the latest meme is to pretend they're married because it's hard to imagine Nemlei transferring the rights if that were not the case. Even if not true, it's the dream of most devs here, isn't it? Making games as code monkey for artist + writer wife?
>Even if not true, it's the dream of most devs here, isn't it? Making games as code monkey for artist + writer wife?
No. Literally half of my game ideas are only funny and cool to specifically me.
1 month without writing a single line of code.
i'm gonna make it.
I thought about how I want to design my game a lot today. That counts as progress right?
Just got a TOMO8X captcha


Riven with achievements. This is real gaming. Blow loves it.
hey branno, i understand the need for a graphical makeover, but will people be able to toggle the old graphics?
i personally find them appealing in their own unique way.
sounds like
I don't think is applies to what I am trying to do...
i dont want to work on my game anymore
I don't want to work on my game in the sense I want to have already finished it and I hate that I have to go to work tomorrow taking away time from finishing my game.
Look at it this way anon: Working on your game now lets your future version of yourself to take it easy from your game being a success.
Open source it.
im making it godot, it already is
I wish I had idea guy friends to come up with ideas for me
I just decompiled it from your IP.
ok tell me when its finished and i'll get the build up on our steam page
Give it to me so I can finish it and make a million dollars off it while you feel like an idiot
Pokemon x GTA
The Sims, but you can actually kill other sims without having to try and burn them or starve them.
robo dinosaur wrestling cage matches
Monster breeding game but you're Yakub trying to create white people
Have there been any good advantages of using Vulkan over OpenGL so far?
I've never used OpenGL.
Okay, is the ultimate gmi making games that are shit then keep doing it? I just wanna get good so I can make a masterpiece, dip from the internet and work a normal job.
scott cawthon made like 40 games before fnaf and basically no one ever played them and when they did they trashed them. If you have any halfway original ideas and keep working at it you will eventually get something
just make the stairs collision a straight ramp. easy.
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I'm still making game. New NPC. :)
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For some reason just setting to a high value fixed it. Also for stairs I just use a function to teleport my character with raycasts
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>It's not perfect since sometimes I'll end up staring blankly at the screen trying to force myself to come up with stuff before finally giving up and switching off, but I try to make up for this over-counting by doing non-tracked work whenever I can.
KEK! I've done this.
you should be able to do "Vector3(1,2,3) as Array" and "[1,2,3] as Vector3" but you can't and that's shit
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Do any of you guys have this setting on?
this is like 10 lines to add as a function if you need it.
don't sully your code with natural language and hidden overloading crap, especially when it involves different reference types, where casting generates garbage for the collector
I don't use the physics crutch and let my game instead be judged on real merits.
Hey I remember you, god job!

I don't like your game thoughever, clones repulse me
it's one line for each direction
if i had what i think is a really cool and relatively simple concept in mind for a game, is there anywhere i could pitch it that i might get a 5% cut of the profits or something? i don't have any dev expertise or art skills, unfortunately.
Hate to break it to you friends but ideas are worth NOTHING(0)
wouldnt that be the dream. anyone can come up with an idea, its all in the execution when it comes to art
just learn some skill.
Unfortunately for you, most gamedevs think they have enough good ideas, so your idea is worthless to them.
Rather than trying to find that unicorn gamedev who's willing to consider other people's ideas, I'd suggest learning the basics of game development and making a bare bones prototype. With that it'll be much easier to attract collaborators and you can ask for a lot more than 5%.
Anyone using Unity? Currently trying to create the environment for my levels. How should I go about this?
Should I create my 3d environment and assets in another software? or is unity good enough on its own to create assets?
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we do not support that engine here, sorry
I worked on something like that not too long ago. A few things I learned:

>Give your character an array of look-at targets.
You're going to eventually run into situations where you have multiple overlaps going on. It's going to happen.

Instead of directly setting the player's look-at target to the new overlapped entity, add it to an array. Have the player, on a quick timer, run through that array and find the closest valid (not behind a wall) target and set their look-at target to that. You don't have to do it on tick, but it should be pretty quick.

>Use multiple overlap spheres of different size for enter/exit overlap.
Rather than having one single sphere that toggles the head tracking on and off, use two. Have your regularly-sized sphere for when the payer enters and begins head tracking. Use a second, slightly larger sphere, for when they leave tracking distance. Depending on your setup you could probably automate this without having to set multiple sphere sizes yourself.

This will prevent things like an idle animation or something similar from toggling the head tracking on and off while the player (and/or target) are standing still. It also makes things feel more polished in the same way a bit of camera lag makes a game feel less rigid.
Unity has Terrain objects and Probuilder which can be useful for specific purposes, but for the most part you want to make modular assets on Blender and then place them in-engine.
fuck you
the actual question is how do you make the player slip down ramps in 2d
keep it up yancydev
all very valid and reasonable points of view, i appreciate the responses bros. maybe i will look into seeing what it would take skill wise to put together a prototype. and if nothing else, i'd probably enjoy it if i can get it working half decent. lol
he (male) ugly (looks like a tranny who abuses his child)
thats the spirit
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implemented basic projectiles, stats are driven by the turret shooting them so I can easily have different kinds of projectiles, rates of fire, etc.
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
I know that YANCY is derivative, but I think there's a lot of unexplored design space in Zelda 1. The later titles just aren't as nonlinear or ruthless. I want to capture those elements, but with modern, tight action gameplay.

I will never die
>making platformer
>movement is so versatile that the terrain cannot contain the player
How do I stop this?
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Fixing the UVs on all my spline paths was so much god damn work just so I can have the undersides a little darker, have all the textures facing the correct direction and put red arrows before jumps.
Dealing with the consequences of my half assed asset creation but it's done now.
Good work, but don't even bother with that stuff anymore. It's good enough to where you can just keep blocking out new content. The gameplay itself is looking polished enough to pass in a presentation and the only thing that would hold you back is lack of stuff to do as you zip around the map.
Make it less versatile. There is a reason Mario 64 has remained the flagship 3D platformer despite countless slop platformers giving the player too much control and "modernizing" limitations away over the years.
In the same vein, gate some of that versatility behind player progression.
I want to make my own gacha game with cute girls, but mine would have actual gameplay
three options
>make player movement less crazy
>make enemies and level geometry more crazy
>let the player be a god
It's easier than ever with AI, but don't fall for the gameplay trap. Gacha is about spreadsheets and meta.
tutorialCHADS we're gonna be winning
I'm actually a hebephile, rookie mistake
I don't mean that theres too many options, just that if you know what you're doing with them you can basically scale any wall. The horizontal movement is pretty limited but the vertical movement isn't. Im making a goat-like.
>make enemies and level geometry more crazy
>let the player be a god
I think ill try both
>tfw when you do 1-8 damage against 4 health vs 1000-8000 damage against 4000 health
I'm putting pronouns in my game
It would be a far more creative endeavor to make a game with no pronouns.
My game will have two genders. Dwarf and elf.
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touched up my title screen
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Thanks but my level is already quite dense so right now I'm going for the polished vertical slice. Something I can use as a Kickstarter demo is the goal so the red arrows are very important because they give more warning that there's about to be a jump.
nice and comfy in a way.
have gone through like 5 virus/malware checkers on my phone thanks to the b archive being riddled with sketchy stuff that activates the moment you click a post eg >>000000 or a pic/webm nothing found even though it downloaded two files i hit delete on. idk if they're in the trash since files deleted in that disappear just like webp files don't appear at all except they can't even be deleted in my experience. can't really do much else or even gamedev with my focus on that. nothing found but paranoid there's something on my phone

with that said how are you demo's coming along? too busy to work on them and forced to miss demo day or maybe you are ahead of schedule and it's good to go?
>ran find and replace on 7.7GB of text
computer has been shitting and dying for hours now
i feel the same way, looks like a nice place to catch some rest and read a book. probably a little cold but that's alright
Man first person view makes it feels huge and dense but this second overview pic makes it feel so small. Lel how perspective affects it.
wow i love left it's such an improvement! jk i know right is the new. definitely much better feels cozy too but i might just be saying the cozy thing thanks to what the other anon said which i imagined
movement looks fun but what's the context?
Collectathon? Time attack? Seek and defeat enemies? Will other levels be linear, or have puzzles or somehow mix it up? Just a toybox game to move in?
Open sonic-likes never feel like there's a purpose to the movement imo. Like there's always something missing or off about the whole thing somehow. Hopefully you can solve this and make the first good one.
How do I make good logos like this? Is that just a font for text?
I know you read my comment, but I don't think you really heard what I was saying.

The red arrows are good. It's great you did that.

Your level is dense. There are many ramps and platforms.

What I don't see in your clip are things to do in your level. What does the player do while zipping around? What is their goal? Are there obstacles? Are there challenges?

It's these things which elevate your demo level with a cool locomotion system to what feels more like a full-fledged game.
how do i stop being insecure about everything i make not being even slightly good
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>How do I make good logos like this?
idk I got an acquaintance to make the initial design for me, I just polished it from there. from what I saw, she gathered a shit ton of references and picked out what she liked most about them, maybe try that instead of trying to make something right off your imagination
>is that just a font for text
no, it's a custom drawn logo
You drew it by hand? How so clean?
It's good to take breaks, anon. It will prevent burnout.

Maybe tomorrow you fix one tiny bug you've noticed so you keep the ball rolling?
by knowing how to draw, silly. linework tools in the program I use (paint tool SAI) helped a lot
I would cherish a 3D artist gf
is node based state machine is good for 3d rpg controller in godot? any other alternatives?
I just corrupted 10 days of output, feels bad. Thought I had a backup, it only has a few randomly spaced pieces.
All of the above except for puzzles.
Mario Sunshine style where you jump into the level multiple times to clear different objectives.
I think Sonic games are the best when you've played a level multiple times so you get a good feel for it and can really smash it.
My level is actually just one section of a huge level. It was so big that on a first play through, it could take over an hour to beat! So I've split it up into three smaller levels and I'm going to make the giant combined level be an optional level that rewards multiple collectables that only unlocks after you've played each section on it's own.

Oh I see, yeah completely agree! I have been working towards that. Right now I've only got the basic objective to run to the end and grab the cube, but I'll work on some of the other objectives for demo day.
>Destroy all enemies in a specific area
>Collect the red coins(but not red coins)
>Time attack
>Reverse level
>Destroy roaming enemy
Stuff like that.
if I had a gamedev partner I could get twice as much done together with him/her
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Now on Mondays it hits harder: https://webmshare.com/play/qODor
Alt link: https://files.catbox.moe/4anulv.webm
enjoy the work and not the result
the pedophiles madodev, eric barone, froggygreen/frosch and horbror/horgrunt should kill themselves
So have any of you guys actually ever published a game? Even on Itch.io or something for free and had people actually play it? I have a fear I'd finish my game even though I'm just doing it for fun and not even one person would ever see it
kill yourself and your family pedophile
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need a drawfag to make lewds of the black girl from nortubel
>open random /v/ thread
>50% chance either nortubel or fygoon is mentioned
Is this some sort of advanced marketing I simply don't get?
Sure, I've published games for free on Newgrounds and Itch but for now I've yet to publish something on Steam or Google Play. People BLAMMED my game on Newgrounds though.
Same except Bonka instead.
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i need a number of new assets in the future and i don't want to make 2 versions of each new asset. I found charm in the visuals as well but I think the guy that told me he would rather look at nicocado avocados prolapsed asshole than my art speaks for vast majority of people. A decision had to be made and the level of engagement i've had indicates that the game would have 100% flop if I didn't pivot and team up with an artist.
What does BLAMMED means in your game's MC's civilization?
Be honest.
aggydoubters, your response?
yes. I got like 20 downloads on itch.io. The fear is rational.
Just make a game that people actually want to play and show it atound.
On my game's MC civilization it does not have any meaning.
On Newgrounds it means getting voted into being deleted from the website.
Ideas don't come cheap.
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Trying to make some kind of hotline miamish camera.
My condolences.
happy for that guy
Идeя хopoшaя, нo yж бoльнo cкyчeн и пpимитивeн дизaйн ypoвнeй.
Плюc их cмeшныe paзмepы c чacтoй cмeнoй.
He пoнpaвилocь в итoгe.
You don't have what it takes to get the right one. If you had you would have the right one.
its been millhoused to a point other people do it
That's just one of the many problems getting the right one would fix.
sorry Z I don't speak ook
if my game changed by a lot since last demo day and is basically a different theme now, do I use the same game page or make a new one?
do it
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Why don't games have any actually vile mean chuds as NPCs or enemies?
Senator Armstrong is a chud.
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Chuds aren't enemies
A little reminder that I love you guys
What's the evolutionary reason for humans liking the smell of their own balls?
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which one?
nortubel has like 3 black chicks and a feminine black shota
same except the shark girl instead
Because by smelling them you evaluate their health and possibly take action in case there's a problem, since balls are essential for reproduction and passing your genes this exerts evolutionary pressure. What does this have to do with gamedev though?
what is this shovelware even

why would someone release this
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>I got married, I got married, to a funko pop oh-oh
it's really not much different whether it is done in 3d or 2d
Who's making the art for you?
pokemon + baldurs gate
That's not how it works. You can't have her because you're garbage nobody wants to pick up.
dark cloudlike
This image is kino put this in the game spiderdev
another day without a single CRPG
not sure why I even come here
? there is a crpg
fallout 4
final fantasy but zelda
In my new game, "Bright cloud" you close off dungeons for public safety and bulldoze a cozy town to make way for apartment blocks
why didn't I think of that, that's a perfect game idea...
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I think they're cute, maybe not the best fighters though
ludokino for the seganerds who have been fucked constantly for over 20 years
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I've been working on a new game icon as the last one was rushed for the previous demo day.
array = [vec3.x, vex3.y, vec3.z]
vec3 = Vector3(array[0], array[1], array[2])
wow that was hard
Have one guy who's actually good at fighting, and you find the book on his face is a leather bound copy of pic rel
Bagger 288
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good morning brothers closing and opening visual studio made the errors go away
me 3 days from now can worry about getting his demo finished
wrestler looks like he has his elbow in front of the alien face girl, but his hand is behind her head. Feels a bit strange. Imagine the scene in 3d, how each is posed in relationship with each other.
having both characters arms at the same angle basically touching is causing that issue here.
It's summer. You could be at the beach with your girlfriend right now, but instead you're tinkering away in front of a glowing box in a dark room. Fo' shame aggy, fo shame.
pornhub plus I can just google pics of the beach if I want
That's a problem that could easily be fixed by having the right girlfriend.
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Oh shit, he's the guy who made this back in the day. Talk about a comeback. More proof that slow and steady wins the race instead of trying to make muh billionaire game on your first try.
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It's called seeking for attention
>3 days
so it's safe to say if you arent done, you should just throw in the towel, right?
No? It's possible to make an entire game in 3 days and there's extra days
Hello aggy.

Today is monday, I dev.
nigga you should be making entire games in 3 days
Even if I had a girlfriend I have an assignment due tomorrow for class so we'd both just be at home doing the assignment in front of a glowing box in a dark room instead of going to the beach.
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How many of these did you make? This one and Underspace, what else?
That's it, I haven't had any other ideas. I plan on making one for Afterlife Gladiator whenever that releases, I really like the main character's design.
while you were out having premarital sex, I studied the engine.
Congrats you’ll either be a virgin forever or become a success and get all the pussy you could ever want
>you were out having premarital sex
I fucking wish
be the change you want to see
JBlow shouldve spent a year in bangkok jail instead of doing meditation.
how do i shill my game on /v/ without getting b&?
any shills up right now i can study as example ?
The way Vaush talks reminds me of JBlow lmao
another day another wishlist...
How many USD per month are you willing to donate on Patreon for me to make a CRPG?
Please make one for my game too
this guy spends 70% of the time sucking off elden ring which is one of the most polished and formulaic games around
ecelebs have no soul or personality
I fear not the man who has made 10,000 games, but I fear the man that has made the same game a 10,000 times.
brother, the game is still boring indieslop
his personality is being a pseudo cuck and hes doing it quite well
i fear neither, but i fear the man who spent 10 years working on a single game
this thread is the man who made 0 games 10,000 times
I don't fear the crab who made 10,000 shitposts, but I fear the crab who made the same shitpost 10,000 times.
>exam resits
>bought elden ring dlc
ok i'll really have no time for deving for the next few weeks
I only failed exam because I woke up too late for it
>40 to 60...
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sup game makers
are you ready for demo day?
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a game... with elf girls
nigga have sex
i guess now its just me and my game
Can't fail if you never try. This way I keep a clean record.
except I did test something here and there
Hey don't talk to me with that sort of comments again please

Find something else next time
jonblow reference?
anyone know how the FUCK to do this?
Ok, I will do it.
Sorry yr'our honor
don't be a dumdum ding-a-ling
nigga use fucking input events, what are you doing getting keys?
For this specific thing I need to use keys
Much better
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So excited for demo day, i love demo day
don't do the split. It looked bad when character was split (hand with gun).
your project looks really cool
Excited to see your progress too, stream again, but try to focus on the games and not other shit.
I won't play pogo 3D with tiktok music full volume between every game this time surely
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>actually streamers are go-ACK
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>elf girls
I'd play that!
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40 to 60 games release on Steam alone EACH DAY.
About 350 games in the week around your release.
AAA release? Successful release AAA or indie, in your genre? BOOM you are done.
Also, not only are you competing with other new releases, but the entire backlog of games on every system a player owns. :)

Take all the "indie success stories" you can think of in the past 10 years and divide it by the number of devs in that time who have tried (again, 50 games a day, 1500 a month) and there's your historical likelihood of "making it."

Steam cut, higher self-employment taxes, no benefits, no retirement, AND to top it all off: Your sales diminish over time, so even if you hit this "mediocrity lottery" you'll have to do it all over again in a couple years.

>He thinks that indie gamedev can provide a sustainable primary income in 2024

I thought Zero Combat RPG dev was the streamer?
I make my protagonist an attractive female because I'm afraid of them irl.
of all the shit-posts in all the world you picked this one.
that pic is not real you idot
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Long way to go.
there are many of them usually
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im not submitting to demo day.
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My game is too good for demo day
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I don't have a demo ready. All I have been doing is implementing character states and fixing bugs.
im fine with pirating games completely but if you are a streamer with any modicum of success and you are pirating games you are genuinely subhuman
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Progress Posting Time

Started working on the DD game, got the main menu, the hero selection and the intro walking animation done
I'll start with the monster encounter today and hopefully tomorrow I'll get to work on the combat part of the game.
he's fast
How good is too good? Is it as polished as brass?
very yummy chocolate women
>Cant figure something out
>Watch tutorial
>Implement and comment code
>Improve it a bit
How many Godotters do this?
I'm submitting to demo day, but the new version will be probably much worse than previous one, except for few new features
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Has anybody noticed the sun keeps dimming/flickering? I swear this didn't happen as a kid...
they call him Jon "Blow" cause he blew a solid 20 mil on developing a fucking sokoban game over a 7 year period
change the light bulb in your room
No way the witness took 7 years to make. Did he have a team?
I'm talking about his current game
but the witness took 5-7 years too if I recall correctly
Check outside for clouds!
he's in for a rude awakening. Journalists cant suck his dick this time around because they know he's a misogynist. Sokoblow will be a train(wiz)wreck
JBlow would've made a game like Eastshade
he's just a truth teller
True, but that's still the label he's been given. Now if only he was honest with himself...
chudathon blowjob
gamefeel this gamefeel that. How about you put some fucking gameplay in your game?
>can't stop thinking about dicks
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>>can't stop thinking about dicks
I'm need to juice it or lose it. Lord YouTube told me so. (Shake your phone while reading this for more fun.)
Added money and the contract system to the game.
Gameplay doesn't sell.
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why didnt you assholes tell me that all that matters for sales is your capsule art... you... you... really why...?
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Capsule... Art...?
The player character model?
Gamefeel sells for a month. Gameplay sells for decades
stupid ass bitch kill yourself
I’m so excited to release my game. I am starting installment one of a decade long franchise. I will surpass Bethesda in scale and household name
Gameplay doesn't sell for even a second.
same thing
why do people still play Starcraft?
This but unronically
I play Rocket League for the porn you're right
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>gamefeel niggas when a game from 2003 outsells their game during its release month (they forgot to add the gameplay)
Wait I like Rocket League for the physics, and their ability to be "felt".

I'm entering a rabbit hole
for me it was when "fog" over water was flat PNGs fading as you go through them
I screamed laughing when in the ending of Obduction explosions are flat animations

absolute joke devs eternally making the same game and getting funded by rich boomers who remember their old games fondly.
They're 60 now, they only need to remake the other 3 myst games and it's easy cruise until death
For the gamefeels
what is gamefeel
I fear neither, I fear only the man who has sold the same game 10,000 times.
Such a man would be terrifying!
when you hit an enemy and there is bing bing wahoo
>gameplay is this easily forgotten
Meanwhile gamefeel chads making unforgettable experiences
You have never released a game
Brinkaedea levels so far.
Nortubel was previously at 14 cutscenes and 34 levels, now we got 4 more cutscenes and 7 more levels.
You don't even know what a game is
it's when you remember something embarrassing you did years ago while playing a game
uhhh I think you misread that post backwards champ
I think you forgot what that post said about gameplay but I don't blame you since gameplay is so easily forgotten.
And the furtive gameplay... so easily forgotten...
>furtive gameplay
Stealthgamechads where we at?
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Hang on, you're telling me I don't need anything more besides a title screen in my game to make it sellable?
Ever since preorders were invented you don't even need that you just need to generate hype somehow
my game is the polar opposite of comfy and cozy, which is why i failed and losed
are you retarded?
are you?
all the lasting indie hits of the last 8 years were pioneers of gameplay. Try to remember you're arguing with contrarians who don't believe a single word of what they're saying here
all the lasting indie hits of the last 8 years were pioneers of gamefeel. Try to remember you're arguing with contrarians who don't believe a single word of what they're saying here
this, Vampire Survivors, Brotato, you name it
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Do you have any secret messages in your game? No, I don't mean some moral take-away, but literally a coded/encrypted text somewhere in your environment.
every singe one of those are successful because of the gamefeels, not because of the gameplay
fotm trash that already became irrelevant
I said "lasting"
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my current study material for caves and caverns:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSa5O6knuwI [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ob3VwY4JyzE [Embed]
The sole purpose of gameplay is to support the gamefeels. Without gamefeels, gameplay is pointless.
Happy new month anons. I wish you a lot of progress. I couldn't reach my milestone that I set for myself in june.
Do give me feedback, since I'm not even sure if the Linux build for example is right.
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>HOLY HECKIN SCIENCE a-a-are those?! BRIGHT LIGHTS AND JUICY SOUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Before I go through building the ui, /gedg/ has brought to my attention some aspects of my code needing sanitation. I will make sure my code is squeaky clean.

Make sure to join Progress Day!!
4 days, 10 hr left
Juice it or lose it, chud.
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Get to work!
>NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO how the fuck am I supposed to appeal to my audience of 9 year olds without the fucking GAMEFEEL!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Super Mario is one of the most popular game series in the world
Contrarians think popular = bad
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gamefeelchuds are fucking cooked
What makes a game 'Feel' good? Well let's 'Jump' (mario_jumping.wav) right into it!

Nothing like a new buzzword to start my morning off right.

I only plan on having subliminal messages that brainwash lesbians into becoming bisexual goth tomboys.
i'm not repeating myself three times for every line of (de)serialization
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oooohhhhhhhhhhhh myyyy Goooooooood
how many of you are zoomers?
zoomers are my target audience
who the fuck cares about gamefeel just make your game liminal and they will eat it up
>arguing about gameplay vs gamefeel
Ngmi unfortunately
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Will you make it?
No, I will fail.
zoomlenial here, worst of both worlds
I'm a zoomlenial too but the best of both worlds
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Can't decide if a single room game like PVKK or full imsim with EVAs like Voices of the Void is better for a space station management game
Single room that's juiced to fuck with multiple monitors you focus on
See you tomorrow devers
Yes! I'm making it as we speak.
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>2 days
it's almost 4 actually
unreal bros, in inherit-chaining bad? if so, why exactlt? does it affect performance a lot? I'm doing a small slop project with 4 plugins that all want the playerpawn to inherit from their specific blueprint class. So I just made my pawn inherit from plugin bp class A, which inherits from bp class B, which inherits from bp class C, which inherits from bp class D, which inherits from Character(C++). It just works, almost too good. Im a bit confused rn.
too bay demo day is all the way in two months. I really wanted to show off my game
>*makes it despite your seething*
>Mario Sunshine style where you jump into the level multiple times to clear different objectives.
Smart. As an indie you'll only be able to make so many levels, so best squeeze as much value as possible out of each one.
I'm making a CRPG (the one with pink placeholder main character), but for the last few days I've been working on "Core" (or back-end, business logic, whatever you want to call it), so nothing to post here.
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I have 3 days to try and make it possible to catch a fish.
the bar for success is pretty low for me so based on that I'd say yes unless I completely fumble the release.
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imagine how productive you'd be if you didn't have to think about inheritance and object hierarchies
>over 100 joined on DD
Is there a place like AGDG but less crowded?
you'll see in time as the complexity grows. A class will need a specific field, this other final class only doesn't need X. You can put them all into a List for Y...except those two classes, you need to check if it's not one of them (...)
things become an exception nightmare, it's better to separate those into smaller classes rather than inheriting
how many whodevs will show up this time around?
>452 Joined
it's over...
Marnix's discord has a huge channel of like 300 people talking about entering, so I'd imagine quite a few.
so called free thinkers calling their bow ability "Aimed Shot"
Is Marnix really going to play every game there lol
entering OUR DemoDay?
Wtf, we can't allow this to happen. From now on if you're not posting progress on agdg AT LEAST solid two months before DD, then you're not allowed to enter
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actually thats my crossbow ability
Good idea, will now add a skill called Aimed Shot
The boat coming from the dirt spooked me.
My game will have "Unaimed Shot"
But I want to use DD like a jam and make 2 day games? It killed the actual AGDG jams so I have this right
People with DD history are free to do it obviously, I'm talking about literal whodevs that didn't post anything here or another DD and their previous games weren't posted to older DD too.
>It killed the actual AGDG jams
And that's a good thing. If I want to do a game jam I can just join the millions of other game jams. Plus game jams is for weak-minded people who lack vision and need a "theme" just so that they can call themselves "gamedev". DD actually lets you show off your long-term project that (You) wanted to make.
I so miss tomo. I want to finish our volley ball game together but Tricky Madness has me to tied up anyways.
Same, I wanted to make an Immersive 3D RPG with her. She disappeared after submitting to v3 back in May
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Im not seething, if you think gamefeel matters more than gameplay or vice verse you are ngmi
Why is it a good thing given the existence of AGDG jams doesn't stop you from doing the things you mentioned and DDs don'g have money prizes like some AGDG jams had?
nigga you're about to inherit an ass whooping from yours truly
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how likely is to make half of minimum wage with a mobile game?
/gedg/ progress day
There are two kinds of people who make video games. People who have a vision of what they want to make and grifters.
Grifters come in two flavors, too. The first kind is the obvious one, who are in it for the money - either to shit out cheap shovelware phone games or have deranged dreams of being the next big hit and becoming a millionaire overnight.
The other is the one that doesn't care about making something but wants to get into gamedev for the perceived social status. They are the retards you see all the time who are like "I want to get into gamedev what should I make? What engine should I use?". They are the ones who flock towards game jams because they tell you what to make (giving you a theme) and offer low commitment (few days to a week at most). This general is already infested with the first kind of grifter, it doesn't need a flock of the second.
What games are we most looking forward to in Demo Day 57?
Great fucking work, looking forward to playing this again.
what about the ones with a vision who are in it for the money?
That's still fine. At the end of the day gamedev is work so it's not unreasonable that people want to get paid for their time. But there's a difference between "I want to make this thing that will bring in some money" and "I want to get money and I heard indie games can make it big"
Nonsense. There's all sorts of different people that makes games for different reasons they don't all fit on your two stereotypes.
Name them then.
Not mine cause I ain't participatin'
the glowing pulsating RGB light on my new mouse is blinding me
>watching vocaloid godot tutorial in japanese (don't ask)
>helltaker reference in the first minute
Man, I don't event want to be rich, I just want my game to become an internet cultural phenomenon like that... Just imagine opening random videos and seeing people reference your game for a brief second in it.
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>buying gamer meme shit

you deserve it. real devs use real pcs
Impossible, there's too many. Some examples are people that make games for fun, people that make games as uni projects, people that make serious games to help other people etc
The numbers don't lie: I am NOT good enough.
Cover it in duct tape?
If it doesn't come with a cute Japanese fan gf I don't even want it.
i imagined it. im sitting at my desk, the vtuber mentions my game and i go "huh" and move on. doesnt seem like a particularly appealing scenario to me.
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My opinion is worth as that of 10 000 men.
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trying to make a game when the basics of your hierarchy of needs are not fulfilled is too taxing on the brain. I want to dev but all I think about is that I need money to pay bills and eat.
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Imagine what he could make if he didn't waste so much time working out
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if that's his home gym, I'm jelly.
why does he nothing like how he looks, like his voice boxed is being pinched
cause he's a gay little nerd
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pls rate.
Published 85 days ago
Is cris living proof that intelligent life does not exist in america?
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For me? It's Thomas "Visionary Genius" Brush
Fuck off
isn't it a little funny how so many posters here are unitedstatian but almost no inner circle members or prominent devs here are unitedstatian?
Kalemnovo - Croatian
Horbror - Swedish
Tomodev - German
Auradev - German
Azurdev - French
Cosmicalldev - German
Branno - Australian
Bundev - Bri'ish
Dead Engine dev - Bri'ish
Fur&Fangdev - Irish
Nortusmell - Portuguese
Crumble - French
Dirkdev - absolutely some type of ESL
ZCRPG dev - Russian
Edengrall - Brazilian
Mongoldev - Romanian
Penguindev - Nordic
Me - also not american
pretty sus
based. Twister Tower will sell 300k copies
Wdf is Pinstripe anyways? Was it actually good?
Perhaps it has something to do with how bad americans are at anything creative.
We Swedes understand the hearts of struggling women, this is what makes us powerful.
>Penguindev - Nordic
amazing how gamedev unites us all in the common struggle against the american disease
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where are all the fellow spicdevs besides cris?
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But I'm an American yesdev. Looks like your theory has some holes ...
Bokudev but he's an american citizen actually
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sorry, i am not croatian. nice try
sorry I meant Bosnian or whatever
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Me and the hubby at the Stardew Valley festival of seasons
haven't you heard my voice in the streams? i'm an american from Iowa
that's a fucking lie. Why did you go around telling everyone you were Croatian for 3 years? Why is your game called "Kalemonvo"?
Just the ones that make any money. IvySly is American. What's madodev? I don't remember if he ever said, but he's active NA times.
> inner circle members
So, what is the story about this schizo shit?
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allow flash guys
Trainwiz is also American.
Real story is a joke on osurs stream a few demodays ago, he streamed with poke all fairys dev, gobbodev and that nude woman fighting game dev. The picture for the stream had the text "inner circle on it". This began the tard-posting.
being top of the losers aka being top of /agdg/ means nothing.
Notch - American
Eric - American
Hopoo - American
Toby Fox - American
Jon Blow - American
Edmund McMillen - American
Scott Cawthon - American
of course me as an American, will be joining these ranks soon.
The inner circle is a group Eric created after he saw my success with /gedg/. It has the best /agdg/ yesdevs on this board.
Kalemonvo is a deep state glownigger stationed in Croatia to undermine their society and enforce american interests. Learn your lore before embarassing yourselves newbabbies
Lol, notch is swedish.
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Oh sorry, I actually just asked ChatGPT because I don't keep up with eceleb bullshit.
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>inner circle mentioned
>they start lying again that they are the ones who created the term that I originally created to expose them
>Dirkdev - absolutely some type of ESL
foreskin status?
That was before he joined the inner oblate spheroid, we are talking about after.

Love your progress and the atmosphere of your webm. Tell me about your game.


I'm a victim of Kellog and the Jewish influence, like many.
do every day what you wish you had done ever day for the last year. nobody ever said "man i wish i would have done less work in the last 365 days. go all in.
i'm a slav

>"what should we name our stream?"
>>name it the inncer council of demo day, it'll be funny
kinda regret it since it enables thread offtopic posting but it's too late now. should've just called it DD50-whatever stream.
Conceptually, is asynchronous multiplayer like Helldivers a good fit for an indy game?

Effectively, each player has a single-player session - but their individual efforts contribute towards a server-wide effort.
stupid moron I would have worked hard to expose the inner circle no matter what you named the stream. This isn't a new phenomenon. It was obvious for years that something is wrong in this place
>likes trains
>is american
Tough luck
Yes. By God’s power.
Mark 11:23-24
Mark 9:23
>lay the groundwork
>forget my ideas and lose motivation
Sometimes Godot feels like engine dev.
amazing how nobody still knows which country I'm from
You guys sure like talking about people. Me? I prefer talking about my game.
no one cares about your game
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post progress
I hate talking about my game
When someone asks me about my game I try as hard as I can to change the subject
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Yes, killing an inner circle member and eating their brain is how you become a new inner circle member.
Based user of metaphysical abilities. I've been doing the same thing. Communing in the spirit is an integral part of my process.
guys how true is this
I... I don't feel so good...
With all of this lore around, when will the AGDG wiki be made?
It's entirely true. That's why you do it for fun, and to have something that looks good on a resume: "I'm not like the other devs. I've tard wrangled contractors. Managed AWS. Run a business. Done some tricky software (especially if multiplayers)."
I care about my game.
I'll do it
You'll see
>Deltarune in development hell
>Haunted Chocolatier in development hell
>JAISokoban in development hell

why does this keep happening?
that's successful dev privilege, they don't have to worry about rushing their games now that money isn't an issue and can focus on making something that's good.
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Been thinking of taking the assets of retro NES games and remaking the games in a modern engine, and releasing it open source.

Is this a good plan?
Maybe I can get a following and make a patreon.
I mean they literally took the joke from the thread and ran with it on the stream for the lolz, which I can respect, but I'm surprised at the fucking ego on them to pretend they came up with it.
same goes for notch.
and silksong
the best gamedev fuel is desperation and complete, utter, abject poverty
when you become economically safe, gamedev becomes a hobby.
art cannot thrive in a hobby environment
art demands blood, and suffering
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I'm working on a multiplayer securities trading game with a friend who is in finance. So far we've got a universe of 3000~ stocks, and eventually they'll have their own bonds and options as well. There is going to be some character building type stuff too. The idea is it's a grimy cyberpunk game with where you'll be in some corporate faction in a market that spans the solar system. You'll be able to start a firm, get leveraged from a bank, get margin called, etc.

The server(s) are written in Clojure, and among other things, they emit ticker prices over a websocket that Godot clients connect to. I'm wondering if anybody has recommendations on one-to-many faucet-style connections and if I'd be better off using RPC on some other transport. I saw a video recommending SSE but I don't think Godot 4.x's HTTPClient fully implements HTTP/2
>2/3 of those games are enginedev
Enginedevsisters, care to explain?
Adversity builds strength.
Eric worked 14 hour days on Stardew while also driving a shitbox car and working nights at a theatre.
If the game wasn't successful he was fucked.
Haunted Chocolatier doesn't have the same constraints so he probably isn't working as hard.
Who is the best artdev of /agdg/?
Who has the best lore?
Who dev the best game?
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The best form of making it is to make it enough that you can last a couple years but still have to try.
all me
Be thankfully they are even bothering to make another game when they could just say fuck it and just enjoy the rest of their lives work-free
>so he probably isn't working as hard
when making stardew valley, he smoked weed and played video games all day when his girlfriend was at work.
>Who is the best artdev of /agdg/?
Unironically me but out of the people who actually post their games, SpaceDementiaDev, easily
Eric literally admitted to goofing on some days not doing shit. He was no better than most of /agdg/ in that regard except he actually managed to finish his game somehow.
Some things are worth waiting for
Toby Fox propaganda
/our guy/ Eric never skipped a day
this may be a situation where QUIC might work well but I'm not sure how viable that is for you, interesting idea though, I'd probably play it
>Toby Fox propaganda
>/our guy/ Eric never skipped a day
How evil would it be to insert random drops to 1fps for my journo difficulty mode?
>I've got all the core systems built out, the rest should be a breeze
>Spend an entire day tweaking styling for one UI element
nvm I did some cursory google searches and this isn't a solution, good luck though
I optimized all my models today.
A YouTuber brutally destroys agdg in a few months
I don't know if I can use QUIC, to get the full advantages of it I'd need Godot 4.x to support HTTP/3 (and they're still implementing HTTP/2). Perhaps ENet would be the next best option?

Thanks for saying it's interesting I keep worrying it's too autistic and people won't care about a finance game
I'm sure he made everything himself and it's well polished game that is rich in content. /s
Find something that is superficially related to your game, say whatever that thing is, when compared to your game, is complete garbage, then shill the fuck out of your game.
But did he make his own engine? Is he spending time autistically inserting the const and restrict keywords in his C renderer?

I think not.
Why am I not allowed to make realistic games in realistic settings? I don't quite like scifi or fantasy so why must I stick to making those?
Shut up Faggy, post game
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holy shit 3D animation is pretty fucking easy
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I'm autistically adding restrict and const keywords to my source code right now.

Not me. My art is SHIT. My lore is SHIT. my game is SHIT.
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I am thinking about making a fishing game.
There is a really big fish that is the final boss, and if you are not prepared enough, it can capsize your boat.
I just now got the floating objects to rotate with the waves in the water.
Id sooner kill myself than play that
people blow things out of proportion to make themselves seem mighty.

Then others get crabbed by it and repeat it. Then it is oral tradition.

See the waves of people who haven't even touched Vulkan repeat the "hundreds of lines to make a triangle? I'm not dealing with that!" line.
I can't wait to play roles in this game.
Personally I just think 3D animation is hard.
ok this is certified ludokino sovl.
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Is nathan from gdquest a greasy scammer?
You can work out 40 minutes a day 5 days a week and look absolutely shredded. Most gym rats spend way too much time in the gym, doing exercises they don't need to or taking too long breaks.
>Shilling your own thread
It's impossible for him to scam, he gave us Sophia. Anything he takes hereon is an underpayment in face of the good he has done and so does not qualify as a scam.
You are a man in a purple suit with a roosters head instead of a human beings head. You wake up and find yourself near a small island on a fishing yacht. You find a fishing rod on the boat and figure you should catch some fish. You catch some small fish and sustain yourself and explore around the reef of the island in your boat for a while until you find a message in a bottle, explaining that you must catch the big monster fish. You then go out into deep waters and catch the big monster fish.
Get back to work, Nathan.
oop is just fucking awful
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I will now play your game
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picture a third row that is me, and im diggin thru 4 miles of diamond layer, to get to that picture of the guy peering thru the atmosphere around the earth to gaze at the stars old school style medieval painting
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because they don't want people to realize that they are right via narrative juxtaposition
see >>484217734
oop is so fucking good
There's a reason the big three engines use it
>As a Greek girl that made me laugh ... good job
I wish I could make Greek girls laugh...
i don't think edengrall are brazilians
beaches are overrated. usually packed full of brown people and trash, 103 degree weather, sun burns within the first 30 minutes, and salty ocean water that cures your skin and dries out your eyes. basically hell. i got AC and a flesh light in here
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What's your social media marketing plan?
You're wrong, but why do you think they aren't Brazilians?
today, let's do it for the games.
how bout it guys?
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i cant even decide what to make what is wrong with my brain
for Marnix.
Once my game has reached a playable demo I'm going to start posting updates posts and videos on social media and make the demo available for download and try to build a following this way.
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inverse kinematics more like inverse cringematics. Miss me with that gay shit nigga
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>2 days
When you can make anything you end up making nothing
Give yourself some limitations
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Hire fiverr girls to pretend playing my game. Then shill the videos on TikTok
>make the game
>post it in one of those weekly threads on /v/ that go nuts over the fact that the genre is completely barren
>wait for the cash inflow
Contact youtubers who are known for making videos on Souls-likes (my genre) and offer them cameos in my game.

Like there will be a Vaati voiced character named Vyti The Unwashed who will show up at Firelink Shrine at some point.
My body is very tired today. The thing I want to do is mostly taking in variables and then putting them through a bigger script with random variables for randomization. But before that I have to figure out a fuckload of things for stuff like personality types and certain items before starting it, it requires a lot of planning to go well.
"good game" is not a genre
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Eric "Concerned Ape" Barone, my idol
How will people find your account/posts?

That's actually a good idea. For my game it doesn't even have to be (or shouldn't be) girls. Do you have any idea how much that costs?

My game is mobile so /v/ thread might not be suitable for me. What's the proper way to shill on those threads? Directly saying I made it would be okay?

Sounds expensive. They'd say you're benefiting from their fame.
Why not write shit down goofy bastard what does godot have to do with you forgetting
Even after the huge success of the game I'm about to release in a few months, I'm still going to dev with small cycles built around a tight core concept. No sequels or rehashing, I'm going to treat each title like everything depends on it being awesome.
I'm just gonna shill my game in all of the online lolicon circles
I have two options for my Unreal based game. It's a procedurally generated action RPG.

1) Have full procedural generation, use Lumen for my lighting and suffer the performance and hardware limitations of that. i.e. Only people who own a 2070+ will actually be able to play my game

2) Procedurally generate a few hundred versions of my levels and bake lighting for them. The final game would just pick a version of the level at random. This would lower the hardware requirements and double performance at the cost of true proc gen levels.
>What's the proper way to shill on those threads?
you don't seem to get it. My game is just the type of game that would immediately get swarmed by fanatics of the genre. There's no "proper way". Some games are just made for it. You drop the game once and you're done.
>Sounds expensive. They'd say you're benefiting from their fame.

Possibly. I dunno. I have a feeling many of them would jump at the chance at being in a game and having some creative control over their characters. Especially the mid tier youtubers or people like Let Me Solo Her.
Post something new
>How will people find your account/posts?
They will be recommended to people with interest in them based on the tags and other algorithm voodoo. That's the point of social media, right?
why are you simping this whore so hard?
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if only you guys knew the hardships and sacrifices I go through for my game. I know it will pay off and that keeps me going though thanks for sharing the struggles with me /agdg/
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>Post something new
3) hand-craft modules that each have their own baked lighting which you then use to procgen some levels.
That's not correct. Where capsule art matters is pulling in organic traffic in Steam. After that your game's trailer and screenshots need to be interesting enough that they'll stick around and go through them and hopefully that will turn it into a sale.

The goal is to get as many eyes as possible on your Steam page and for that Steam page to be enticing enough to make sales. Of course you can get eyes on your Steam page from outside Steam, where capsule art doesn't matter much.
I'd do that if Unreal supported it but their level instances don't have baked lighting implemented.
wtf im straight and I want to have sexo with this person. that hair looks so soft
>That's the point of social media, right?
Yes, of course. But,
1. How will/ why would the algorithm pick up on your post to recommend it?
2. The volume of possible recommended tweets/posts is too high. And there are many devs that expect that to happen just like yourself. Your turn might never come to be picked up by the algorithm even if it picks your account/posts.
Isn't baked lighting literally just vertex colors? You can do that in blender if you want.

Maybe you should use a production ready engine like Godot
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You could bake the lighting externally but then dynamic objects wouldn't be affected by it and you wouldnt' get reflection support.
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It's videogame programming a good fit for an ENTP?
>Isn't baked lighting literally just vertex colors?
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Baking Brioche
Gameplay doesn't matter if gamefeel is shit.
what does the N stand for?
Not a good game (stardew valley)
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Melonjam filled Melonpan
not by Chucklefish
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Delightful girls
One local gamejam I participated in had this cool game where you sat in front of a console with a radar and a bunch of buttons and you'd detect incoming threats and launch missiles or something to defeat them. What I hate is that by the time I remembered it again the link I was able to find was dead so I couldn't play it again and now it lives on as some fever dream in my head.
make it
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N... Jas
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nigga I'm lowkey boutta SNAP
I don't remember it well enough. The jam was 10 years ago.
Norturbel of course
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Demoday in 3 days, is your demo ready?
I know it's set in modern times but why did he make every love interest so disgusting
Never give up
i can smell it. they are not
I think it's a matter of making interesting posts that will get likes and follows. Even without making any interesting posts I already got 20 views on my last post.
I imagine if I can make interesting post that will make some of those 20 people like my posts then it will start snowballing into more views due to the algorithm recommending the post to more people since it has likes and more users liking it due to the increased exposition to more users.
As for the competition with other devs, there's no helping that. I have to make a better game than them.
nibba that's crazy

no, but I'll still submit
You guys all have Chez Scheme installed, right?
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why is she so prevalent in the /v/ "c" threads? does ape know about it?
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>>Toby Fox propaganda
>>/our guy/ Eric never skipped a day
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looks like he used to shower back then
the inner triangle is extending in the shadows.
we will strike soon.
be careful this demon day
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My loli will one day join the C-Team and stand alongside Jas...
Depends how often the levels reset I suppose. If you had 1000 variations and the player played each variation for 5 minutes you already have more than 80 hours of gameplay without repeats. If the player only played for 10 hours it's unlikely they'd ever play the same level twice.
Showering wastes valuable dev time.
I shower once a month.
conceptualize the aroma
I hope haunted chocolatier has good lolis like jas
>testing something out
>Awful movement controller compared to a universal good one
>The good one in engine you cannot see how it's actually written for no good reason even if everything else is open sourced
>Only way is to go to their discord
This is already pretty cancer
requesting a drawanon to make an agdg version of this image
You made a mistake attacking American pride so close to the 4th of July. America devs rise up
ill get the forklift ready
based, wishlisting now for my fellow bostileiro
also PaTdev - Spanish
make a YouTube channel, tell the Gospel on it, make Devlogs on it, maybe play some aggy daggy games on stream as well.
shhhhhh that was my fucking strategy
I... actually like this.

t. guy who thinks 99% of music in /agdg/ is shit, even stuff people think is good (horbror, you are called out)
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>he needs UI/editor in his engine
do u want mommy to hold your hand while you pisssssss tooooo
What is this called? I'm trying to find it on fiverr, how should I search? There is Influencer Marketing but it's not exactly what I'm looking for.
>do u want mommy to hold your hand while you pisssssss tooooo
>The stuff they have doesn't even work
>For years
>For a basic movement system
>That every other engine was able to have and can be made in seconds
>Can't even get that right
This isn't going to be fun if at an already low bar it's like this.
Blitz3dbros... we win
>"you are responsible for your own success"
>take that advice, try hard
>still can't figure out how to get successful, because i just don't know how to
>realize the advice is just bs
What is your game? I want to see how hard you're trying.
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Should I take up dancing to become a better gamedev?

>Blow is an avid dancer, and went out dancing several nights a week during the development of The Witness.[1][109] He discovered that dancing helps him generate ideas, and during the 1990s took a notebook to clubs to write down programming ideas that would come to him on the dance floor.[113]
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Okay Frog Squad, I've made my autistic changes to the source code.

Now I work on ui.
I tried trying once.
It was awful.
Never again.
if i have to read one more blowjob tweet im going to <i>blow</i> my head off
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Gamedev is a lottery. Sorry.
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dance is an underrated art form that needs more representation in games and by dance I mean ballet
>It is driving me completely insane
/agdg/ was right all along, he's unironically losing it
I'm going to play your game for my youtube channel and there will be nothing you can do to stop me.
ever laptop I've ever owned has been a piece of shit. fullstop.
doesn't matter if it was made 10 years ago or yesterday.
HP, dell, asus, acer, whatever. they've all been garbage
I'm gonna make it without the incel circle and then destroy their oppression.
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did somebody mention dance?
My game will have dancing, and by dancing I don't mean just ballet.
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shield mechanic implemented complete with UI
Values will be tweaked later
Everything is a little rough but it'll be ready for DD and then I can use feedback to decide what to keep
i'm gonna make it into the inncer circle and be remembered forever
bokube's theme song
the incel circle doesn't accept unvirgins, sorry
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¥100 / $0.62 doesn't sound bad for a cute loopable Japanese song for my game.
I might pull the trigger on this one.
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He's still complaining about laptops. Why is he insisting on using a laptop for gamedev??? Am I missing something? This is what happens when you have too much money in your hands. And there IS a such thing as too much money for some people apparently. I remember posting something similar to this just yesterday. Many of these "successful" indie dev truly don't have any idea what to do with the money they have. They are good at what they do but in other aspects of life they are totally dumb.
You need a laptop if you travel a lot.
Meanwhile I'm not successful despite knowing exactly what I'd do with the money... It's not fair...
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Why would you travel? I haven't left my house in 14 years.
Are you a fellow giant golden statue chad?
Imagine the smell
Field research for my game. Getting atop castle walls, palaces surrounded by mist, that sort of thing.
Don't do your devving on a laptop. Clearly it's not working out for you. How many laptops do you have to throw away, how many thousands of dollars do you have spend to understand that? Just like the quote, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.". No wonder he's "going insane"

>I have spent about $30k on complete dog shit laptops in the past 5 years and it is getting very old.

I'm genuinely angry. I'm trying my best here with a 12 year old computer, where you can't even find rams for it properly. I changed my psu at least twice. Two hard drives, added rams. It's become like a frankenstein's monster. Meanwhile this dude throwing away 6,000 dollars per year. And this guy is the "smart" one among accidential richs, making his own compiler and shit.
Imagine e-stalking a 53 year old man

Oh also I preordered braid with no hesitation. And this fucker is just blowing it on laptops repeatedly like a dumb food drone which gets stuck on sidewalk.

He's supposed to release a programming language and libraries which would make gamedev easier. That's his significance
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today I will remind them
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Preperations for part 6/Lahiurn.
Oops forgot link https://git.lain.church/Frosch/SOF
and to reply to anchor >>484186470
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>A game about teaching and managing a group of cute little ballerina girls
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does anyone know of a free pack with clean/colorful/cartoony/stylized textures?
T-Teaching them what?
you can try itch.io, most free stuff tends to suck tho

yeah i've gone through many pages, biggest issue is that it's so fragmented and combining multiple artists will clash
Do you have any game design icks(practices that give you "the ick")?

For me it's definitely procedural generation. It makes me squirm in disgust
new schizo has arrived?
Kek just got shilled anons game Genome Guardian while going through the discovery queue for a card.
>similar to games you played: first ones irrelevant
>more like this: bunch of irrelevant games
Abysmal. They really just want to shill you games that have good odds of selling to normies rather than showing actual relevant games.
>tries to replace a desktop with a laptop
>get surprised when it sucks
How fucking stupid can you be? My laptop experience has been fine because I never expected them to replace my desktop.
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Finally. Just a little bit further...
It's been ready for weeks
yeah same. i'll just use my phone if i want something portable. at least those run fast compared to a freaking laptop that is somehow bigger yet slower
To visit the wilderness of other locations. That's the main motive I have for doing a lot of traveling, but I've almost done no traveling whatsoever. Depending on what you consider traveling, the last time I traveled was like 16 years ago.
Don't sell me a laptop with a 3070 and an i9 if it's going to be an overheating piece of shit with a barely functional trackpad.
>I'm genuinely angry. I'm trying my best here with a 12 year old computer, where you can't even find rams for it properly. I changed my psu at least twice. Two hard drives, added rams. It's become like a frankenstein's monster.
Personal computers are modular. It's no monster. You using it poorly and/or buying cheap hardware expecting it to last is what caused your problems. A quality PSU will easily last a decade.
Is this a good naming scheme for an abstract class?
StatusEffectBase.cs (abstract)


I went with SE instead of StatusEffect because it just looks better.
With how many replacements you've done, couldn't you have just done what I do, buy a whole new PC instead of wasting time upgrading every little thing?

This. "good components" and yet ime they typically function like garbage. Like it's completely throttled. When my phone can open a browser faster than it, something's just not right about them.
I don't know who sold you that shit but it's on you for falling for their sales or marketing. Think about it for a second what it takes to cool this hardware on a desktop and then you expect to keep the same shit cool on a laptop without it getting hot enough to cook on?

Get a laptop with low power parts and it will work fine for ages.
who gives a shit? nobody will care how you name your classes, just use whatever that works
I want to learn from people that are smarter and have more experience than me, I want to do it the right way and build good habits.
>it's your fault for getting scammed not the fault of the billion dollar corporation for scamming you

fuck off boogie
I dev on a very shitty laptop. I do so because it forces me to optimize my game to run on low end hardware. If I make my game's performance so terrible that it cooks my laptop and forces me to buy a new one, well, that's just me having to pay for my own incompetence.
He could literally just buy a top of the line macbook pro and run a windows or Linux vm with VMware, what a total retard
This, my biggest moments of inspiration when I'm stinkmaxxing.
O-oh ok that makes sense
apart from the very basic convections for the language you're using if you ask five people on how to name things you get seven different answers
I'm fine with that, hopefully I'll find some commonality between those answers
3070 on a laptop has an 80-120 watt TDP, on desktop it's 220.
Yea this is actually smart.
It's part of the reason why I don't even care to upgrade my GPU.
I dev on a desktop from 2016 (i7 6700 and a 1060) and I'm not planning on upgrades any time soon. My gamedev triumphs will be even greater, and my computer will be in a museum for centuries after I'm gone.
Personally I'd name them StatusEffect and PoisonStatusEffect SlowStatusEffect and AttackBoostStatusEffect.
Thanks, is there a reason you dont use underscores to seperate the name and the inheritance class?
Underscores look retarded and amateur. Like a kid in his first programming 101 class
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is it pyossible to install windows on a mac? not vmware
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acab on my twitter profile stands for all cops are based but nobody will ever know it
Thanks, thats good to know
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i5 6600 and 970 here. My game runs at 60-100+fps so I'm guessing I don't have to optimize much
This is where your Braid: Anniversary Edition money is going
Ye look into dual booting
Wrong. Using the way he is using is the norm in languages with no namespaces. Nothing wrong with that unless your team determines that as a rule.
Where is he getting this money from anyways? Isn't he basically broke from the Braid rehash?
>Isn't he basically broke from the Braid rehash?
no? are you retarded?
>Underscores look retarded and amateur. Like a kid in his first programming 101 class
>Isn't he basically broke from the Braid rehash
no that is an /agdg/ meme
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Oh cool it has a 75% discount for the steam sale. I'm guessing after many years of being released it's finally worth putting it on a heavy discount for people who waited to buy it.
He/him stands for huge engorgement/huge inconvenient member
Good call. Ignore anyone asking for the old art, or a toggle, or any retarded shit like that. Also, fix the name. The name is absolute poison nonsense right now. Sounds like a shitty free flash game from 2004.
Because I use them as replacement for / when needed and it made it ambiguous when I had "Directory/A_File" and "Directory/A/File"
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testing bigger shop interior
I just use a stack of books. I wouldn't trust a flimsy box like that.
>not even 2 months
>already 75% off
He's desperate, very desperate. The irony that game's now adays are becoming more strict on discounts. Literally not a single one on my wishlist over 70% and it quickly drops below said number in less than 5 games. Iirc years back I'd see 80% and 90% or so I think.
I just use a queue of books. I wouldn't trust a flimsy box like that.
Who is JBlows target audience anyways?
That is not the reason and I do use underscores but on different contexts for instance when using Hungarian notation.
imagine having bought this game about a month ago and seeing this
There is basically 0 reason to ever buy a game full price on steam. Steam sales and daily deals occur often enough that you can wait 2-3 months and get it for minimum 25% off.
Development record, Day #822

Apply new build hash script to game
Begun rewriting every single build script
Started effectively using project manager to track my gamedev work
Abandoned development record scoring system since now I have more accurate metrics
Maybe even the record itself is obsolete now
This might be the final record
>he doesn't understand the basics of capitalism
Yeah it unironically is your fault that you got scammed by a billion dollar corporation. They're out to scam you. That's their whole business model.
Why would I replace my whole computer retards? Also I don't have the money, that's whole point of my rant.

>A quality PSU will easily last a decade.
Well it didn't you fucking idiot. It happens. Things break down.
Poorfags are usually poor because they make poor decisions with their use of money.

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