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Robert Edition

Previous newsletter: >>484045209

Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.


-The Old Game
-The Old Game's Demo

-The New Game

-The New Game's Progress


-Undertale Artbook

-Legends of Localization - Undertale

-Extra Content

-Undertale/Deltarune Text Dumps & Screenshots

-Undertale Image Collections

-Booru (newly resurrected, please help tag)


>Current: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZaYVvltQ_Rmf-ggszf1bwmYDW2NUcfpTYU7JzfyMhVE
>Old: https://writebin.surge.sh



-Wanna change the font?

-Thread Template
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it's the summer of fave
Hello there! When is Deltarune coming out? Is it gonna be a new chapter or the full game?
Its two new chapters maybe soon maybe never
The last newsletter talked about how there's not THAT much work left for the next chapter and development is becoming faster and faster as a result of new hires
However Toby also said the same thing before spending a year going "Chapter 3 is almost done!" so don't get too excited
I hope chapter 3 will make people draw more toriel sex
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I'm sorry but this whole thing of releasing a game by chapters is an atrocious idea(unless all chapters were already done, not unlike a tv show season where they release weekly episodes, which is not the case with deltatroon)

Imagine a writer doing that? Or a filmmaker releasing individual scenes before shooting the whole movie?

A good story is gonna be revised, by putting a chapter out there it locks everything into a precocious final state so you can't make adjustments to best fit the rest of the game. It hinders the development of posterior chapters since you have to strictly adhere to what's been released and even then there's a risk of there being detours that can't be properly setup/foreshadowed because they are creative ideas that naturally occurred later in development.

Deltarune is shaping up to be a fucking mess.
>A good story is gonna be revised, by putting a chapter out there it locks everything into a precocious final state so you can't make adjustments to best fit the rest of the game. It hinders the development of posterior chapters since you have to strictly adhere to what's been released and even then there's a risk of there being detours that can't be properly setup/foreshadowed because they are creative ideas that naturally occurred later in development.
Toby already changed and retconned stuff in chapter 1 when 2 released with it included.
Toby was divinely inspired to make Deltarune so there is no need for revisions
while it may be true that releasing on a chapter-by-chapter basis isn't a great idea, it's important for the game to actually exist at some point.
in terms of practicality, releasing chapter-by-chapter may be the only way for deltarune to exist at all.
How many people are even involved in the development of the game? Do they even have a studio or is each person making their shit in their bedroom?

What can possibly be taking so long? Didn't Undertale development take like 2 years? I get Deltarune might be slightly more technically complex but not by such a ridiculous extent.
Your conclusion is correct but your argument is asinine, have you never experienced serialized fiction in your life?
ugh, that's such bad storytelling. I was under the impression he once tweeted something about how the previous chapters would remain untouched
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Hello /utg/ and welcome back for soda review numbah 57!
Today, we have ASHOC Energy: Swirl Pop (Sugar Free).

It has a crystal clear appearance with no coloration, which can only mean bad things given the history of this review.
It has a fairly strong aroma to it, somewhat overpowering the scented candle. The smell itself is a weird mixture of fruit punch and mango, but it's real similar to the taste of Juicy Drop Pop: Knock-Out Punch. The lollipop part to be more specific.
The taste is extremely bitter, like dandelion. This bitterness completely overpowers the flavor its going for.
As for the aftertaste, it tastes like artificial sweetener.
It contains 200 mgs of caffeine, 50% of the 400 mg threshold stated by the FDA.
Also its sugar free, claiming to have "all natural caffeine and electrolytes" and such.

Overall, not very good. Like I've said time and again on this review, "Healthy" energy drinks usually taste bad. Some "zero sugar" energy drinks, like Monster Zero Ultra, are relatively good. Usually because the company making them doesn't have their hands tied as much. But when a company tries to take it a step further and make a drink with "all natural caffeine" and what not, It's a lot harder because they have to resort to different substitutes that may or may not work as well. So either because of a lack of care, research, or resources, plenty of these "Healthy" energy drinks end up tasting awful. But I digress.
3/10. Not very pleasant.
See you again tomorrow at 7 PM EST for the next review!

I now have 3 more sodas that I haven't talked about.
Also I just noticed I forgot about tiny noelle in this image.
To make up for this big boner on my behalf, the next review will focus more heavily on tiny noelle.
Sorry to all who may have been upset by this unfortunate oversight.
>webcomic: the videogame
Toby really is a hack.
Am I the only one who dislikes Deltarune's combat system? Managing multiple characters is needlessly complex imo. Why would he change it from Undertale when he hit the jackpot with that format?
If you want to see real complexity I dare you to figure out Chrono Cross.
>Toby already changed and retconned stuff in chapter 1 when 2 released with it included.
...Like what? I genuinely can't think of anything that got retconned between chapters 1 and 2. Unless you're talking about newsletter shit?
Why? He's a millionaire who doesn't have to worry about anything, what's keeping him so busy outside of his game? Does he have a wife and kids or what?
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Look, you can say what you want about the combat, but "complex" it is not. It's VERY simple. If you think its complex you probably haven't played a lot of video games.
What are you talking about? There's nothing remotely complicated about the combat system. It's not even much different from Undertale aside from the team synergy stuff, which again isn't very complicated.
It's like a more simple SMT, which itself isn't complex either.
Mario and Luigi has a more complex combat system than Deltarune
no thanks

I believe a big part of what made Undertale successful was twisting the jrpg turn based battle format into something far more palatable for most people. This feels like a step back having to split your attention between characters. It's not that it's "too hard", just not as straight to the point I guess
nepeta spotted
Dude even babies could figure out Final Fantasy or Chrono Trigger.
It's also baby's first bullet hell, Jevil ain't shit and he's the hardest fight he ever made.
it’s not even as complex as pokemon
It's barely even much deeper than Undertales though and is still super beginner friendly? Like, idk, did you just want him to copy and paste Undertale's single party member system with no changes?
>what's keeping him so busy outside of his game?
watching vtubers. him being a millionaire just means he has less pressure and reason to try hard. it's not like he needs to pump out deltarune so he can pay the bills
Deltarune at least has the *ACT system that you have to use to figure out each combat encounter instead of just using your strongest attack and doing the same minigame for the whole runtime of the game
I mean no disrespect but most JRPGs really aren't that hard. The more nicher ones are sure, but pretty much every mainstream JRPG is super simple and straight forward. FF7 is like one of the most popular video games every made.
UT's system is fun and good, but it's not really some genre breaking system either.
Didn't the doors to the computer lab get retconned? Single door in Chapter 1, double doors in Chapter 2.
What happened to Heavy
I guess? I don't know if I'd call that a "retcon". Since it's not those doors were made to be unimportant before and then given importance
Do zoomers really?
a lot of Zoomers are atleast 27 at this point, you're gonna want to change your insults to gen alpha now
I wish Deltarune embraced the RPG mechanics more, actually
To be sure we're only up to chapter 2 but the combat actually feels simpler than Undertale's since it's just Undertale but with less complex spare requirements and you can heal and act on the same turn
Of course the franchise is built on "stompy innocent frog boy BAD TIME" so I don't really know what you could add to the mix without most of those options being useless fluff you can't actually use in combat but that's Toby's job and he's one of the highest paid game designers in history
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>Toby is a self-taught musician
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He's still here, just off by my desk.
>he's one of the highest paid game designers in history
No he's not, that'd be Notch
>one of the
Ha ha Anon needs reading glasses
>reading comprehension
I dont think Toby would even be top 10
I hate this
Who would you put in the other top 10 slots besides Notch or FNAF guy
>Undertale has sold over 3.5 million copies worldwide and has won multiple awards, including "Best Independent Game" at The Game Awards 2015.
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posting Susie with increased fervor
>Stardew Valley has sold over 35 million copies worldwide and has won multiple awards
Todd Howard, John Carmack, John Romero, Michael Morhaime, Vince Zampella, Grant Collier, Jason West, Alex Seropian, Jason Jones.
There's a lot of rich guys with wildly successful games and studios.
I bet Toby has no fart shame.
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Kiddo if they bing bing wahoo!
Whelp, that settles it then.
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Don't forget the Sans Taiyaki
Toby lifts his leg when he rips a fat one.
Is Frisk a yellowface caricature? How did he get away with it and not been cancelled yet? Is that why he made Kris blue skinned?
frisk has jaundice
Frisk = Simpson
Chara = Family Guy
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kiddo...stomp innocent gomba........................BAD TIME!
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Kris = American Dad
frigg is a lego person
> Be Sans
> Chillin’ by the lake
> Kiddo shows up, skipping stones like it’s no big deal
> Sans.exe has stopped chillin’
> “Hey, kiddo. You ever think about those stones?”
> Kiddo shrugs, keeps skipping
> “Well, ya see, each stone’s got a story. A family. Dreams of being a boulder someday.”
> Kiddo raises an eyebrow
> Sans summons a Bad Time Blaster, points it at the lake
> “Now, watch closely.”
> Blaster charges up, fires a sharp pebble into the water
> Splash!
> “That’s Stone #42. Had a rockin’ good life.”
> Kiddo gulps
> Sans grins
> “But you? You’re about to learn a lesson.”
> Kiddo’s eyes widen
> Sans picks up kiddo, tosses them into the lake
> “Now you’re Stone #43. Skip wisely, pal.”
> Kiddo sinks, Sans smirks
> “Guess kiddo’s got a new family now.”
> Sans skips kiddo’s body across the water
> Perfect form, 10/10
> The end.
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What does an average day in Toby Fox's life look like?
Kris is a Xiaolin Showdown (psychotically racist chinese caricature)
>wake up
>go to sleep
What if the Underground was connected to the Floo Network, but no one ever tried using Floo powder to warp out of it?
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>doesn't include alphy's true lust
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Undyne AND Asgore are right there though?
why did i have to be reminded of this
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No offense but the playing card theme character are absolute dogshit
>cut to Toriel crying profusely and beating the shit out of Alphys and screaming "YOU ANIMAL. YOU RUINED MY BABY!"
Funnily enough someone actually e-mailed him about that. In short, Toby Fox uses “The Simpsons”to explain his choice behind Frisk’s yellow skin.


Prior to the e-mail, others like this guy thought more in good faith that the choice was more of a stand-in and that yellow is a “neutral” color to represent all of humanity regardless of sex, race, gender, etc. using the examples of the “smiley” face and emojis.

bad bait
Not really, I meant, they just don't look appealing like most others. maybe it's the lack of eyes, maybe it's just poor design
maybe it's the way you're dressed
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what's with the incest thing? context?
>lack of eyes
The only card character this applies to is Hathy, lol.
Rudinn has eyes, Clover has eyes (3 per head!), King and Lancer have unconventional eyes but they're eyes nonetheless, Jevil has eyes, Rouxls Kaard has eyes.
it’s further explained further down in the twitter thread I linked, but basically Toby made a tweet that read “skeleton incest gives me a BONEr” in response to someone pointing out to him that some undertale fanart depicts incest between Sans and Papyrus

Toby admitted to the tweet being real and apologized, feeling that it was in poor taste looking back at it.
What if fave said
and then they carefully grabbed something off of your shoulder and when prompted they produced a tiny deceased fairy of sorts, wielding what looked like some sort of needle like instrument?
he's not wrong
Why does the transgender community loves these games so much?
because theyre quirky
fave was forced to eat cement when they were 6
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As far as Im concerned Deltarune is not(and it will never be) canon
Based Undertale Supremacist
Can you beat Undertale as Ronald Reagan?
besides todd the others are just literal whos anon. cope
If you unlock the Trickle Down Favenomics Ability you can beat any encounter.
would fave still love me if i did all my art by doing a monochrome sketch then coloring it with layer blend modes
guys dont laugh this is important
im gonna cry
who is fave? this is vital
how old was your fave when he stopped wearing diapers?
what if someones fave is diaps guy
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i think john carmack might be the reason we have games as we have them today and most games engines are derivative of his work
i am very happy
fobby wobby and timmy wimmy have been quiet today
Touching grass isn't enough anymore, you guys need to start having sex
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He learned from the "best."
Especially Kraut and Kingfag. Together.
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i decline your offer.
another lie played up to fit the 'reclusive savant' persona, yes
he was literally born with a silver spoon from the get-go, the schools i went to didn't even HAVE that many elective classes, i don't even know what most of that word salad fucking means
oh no theyre not being quiet... lets just say theres a reason you cant hear em...
*points to big round bulging belly where muffled "FUCK OFF BIRDSHIT!" noises are coming from and with a facial bulge of a soijak face*
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The annoying dog FEARS the concerned ape.
You don't have to be a well known individual to make bank.
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I don't think I've got a single (You) all day today
but that's okay, it's not like I made many posts actually worthy of further discussion
This really shows how mainstream popularity doesn't affect too much how loud a fandom is or how much something impact other creators
anyone wanna argue with me for 7 hours about being fat?
/agdg/ pls go
God dammit man you can't say his name it summons him like Bloody Mary >>484174639
Is this meant to imply Stardew hasn't made an impact or have a loud fanbase? Cause both are very much untrue
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Oh please God we don't need Ericposting in here too
This is a Japanese video game, so there will be NO SEX HAPPENING.
bloody timmy bloody timmy bloody timmy
Why is the Spider Donut cheaper than the Spider Cedar when it is clearly the superior option?
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>bloody timmy bloody timmy bloody timmy
kiddo....water energy server farm usage bad time...
I took it to mean that she loves it up the poopchute so much she gives you a 20% discount, which is really hot
Terreria has sold 35 million
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>We take Tobyposting to agdg
tell me about ericposting
Relative to Undertale, I feel it was a lot less. I don't recall seeing SV related memes popping up every few months.
SV probably had a stronger influence on major studios considering all the games with farm stuff, but UT might be more influential on indie projects (including non gaming ones)
I can't recall many games or other media taking inspiration from Undertale myself. Can you name any?
What if Faveman fought the Tobyler?
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hell yeah, that's why Haaru's Muffet is canon and no one can argue against this
Haaru is shit though
the whole boom in quirky rpg about depression?
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the pictures featuring anal are.
he used to make these absolute kino ones with undyne.
The pic wasn't drawn by Haaru tho
I don't keep close track of which artist is which usually. I do love anal sex though.
What boom? Genuinely where?
The only ones I can think of that people keep memeing either came before Undertale or right around the same time. Omori is one exception but that was being worked on before
it's basically a meme on the indie gamedev general. the stardew dev has a bunch of stalkers constantly shitposting his embarrassing high school and whatnot

it doesn't help that concerned ape himself is also a confirmed lurker adding fuel to the fire
i don't think you have anything to worry about then. papyrus probably draws with his tablet vertical of a horizontal screen or some absurd bollocks like that.
Name 5 things wrong with anal sex, said Alphys
Anal is based though
I feel like I'm being gaslit whenever people come up with this cause what was the last game you can think of that fits this description?
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if i liked fucking assholes that much, then i would be either a faggot or had a greater sense of compassion for myself.
put cock in the pink or you are effectively gay.
The only thing wrong involving anal sex and Alphys is that I'm not having it with her right now
oh, i've seen some of the SUN AND MOON posts and so on in /v/ threads, that explains it
he seems like a cool guy if a little on the spectrum so hopefully he takes it in stride
What if all the characters in Undertale were Bill from Left 4 Dead what would change?
Go fuck someone in the ass and stop bothering us berdfag.
>no one has noticed that Sans's whole bit about a janitor's salary is an obvious reference to janitors Doing It For Free
Burgerpants' origin story is an obvious reference to Mom's Spaghetti greentexts so I'm not surprised
What if Toby just went on Twitter to say he was done making games for creeps and is never heard from again
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remember his dog.
the only shit here is your taste
I know, I follow both of them. But Haaru is the one who usually does the anal-only pics with her
Why do you love thinking about dog bestiality so much
it'd been his ultimate winning move, the fans don't deserve deltarune
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Fuck off birdshit.
How is this schtick still going
>the preparation to avoid making a mess
>the hemorrhoids
>the problems you run into if you run out of lube
>the STDs
>the farting and shidding afterwards
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>anal incontinence
>prolapse via tissue damage
I get twitter fags overstated this, but it happened.
The nature of indie stuff is that a lot will go under the radar. I remember stuff like Heartbound who came out and didn't draw much attention. And definitely more of them you can find on itch.io and similar places. And also other kinds of games who were influenced by UT in some way.
Toby is a creep.
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we work with furry logic here sir
is that the game that was a VN about not-kris and not-susie
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shit on your cock
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>having to deal with dipshits who refuse to acknowledge the very real inconveniences of sticking things in your bum
pure, unbridled autism, and lack of enforcement against spamming/flooding or avatarfagging
Just wear a condom, you animals
Furry logic means that all anuses are clean
didn't that guy on Grilby's say that monsters don't digest food the same way we do?
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canon Undertale logic does too
all the food they eat is magic and produces no waste
their assholes are clean and fuckable without having to worry about anything
Monsters have a magic spell to clean out assholes.
>Anus Kadabrus
monster FOOD doesn't get digested the same way real food does
if monsters eat real human food, they have to shit
I was talking about this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIZ95Rc-aEs
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What happens if a monster with wonky ass anatomy like a tsunderplane eats human food
Does the airplane monster have internal organs that can process food and turn it into doodoo
now this is shitposting
I won't deny that there are games that are directly influenced by UT that are mostly under the radar, but at the same token there are definitely more than a few games directly inspired by Stardew. And quite a few of the indie RPGs are more directly inspired by Earthbound.
I don't know, I think it's a bit much to say Undertale changed the indie landscape as much as you say it does. I guess I'd need to be convinced of it's impact on the indie media landscape, like, what other kinds of games can you say were definitely inspired by Undertale?
I won't deny UT has had a bigger overall pop cultural impact than most indie games aside from maybe Minecraft, though
stop asking questions
Berdly is dead.
exhaust pipe
Undertale? More like Underfail!
Guys I don't want to alarm you but in a few months it will have been a full year since FOBkun started his antics
I've never heard of this game until now
I still feel like internet nerds drastically overestimate Earthbound’s influence on literally everything
what if fave used a magic spell to remove all your internal organs and you just had a single tube form your mouth to your anus
you can still eat and live but the tube stays perfectly clean for anal
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post yfw you will never be as sad and autistic as fobby and his multiple identities
it's already been over a year
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depends on what you mean. I think it'd be hard to deny that a lot of indie devs were inspired by it
Minecraft is just a whole other level, matched by only a few other things.
Earthbound is like the Citizen Kane of gaming, not many sales or mainstream recognition but so much stuff can be traced back to it in some way.
I honestly can mention any other, by the time I saw Heartbound I just started to ignore these types of games. But I'm sure there was a period they were popping up often.
He started in like April of last year didn't he?
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Just the fact Mother was an influence on Yume Nikki makes it an indirect influence on a whole lot of stuff.
BDS (Berdly Derangement Syndrome)
Only whores get THOSE
The farting and shitting an hour later is annoying
indie devs must stop getting inspired by that lame ass sleep pill known as mother saga
I'm shitsing
It’s probably because, for the most part, they’re only like Earthbound in really broad ways that you could honestly find in several other SNES JRPGs (in an alternate timeline maybe we’d be calling them “Final Fantasy 5 Depression” games instead)
The fact that some random anon edited my image to have Berdly getting his brains blown out by a spam bullet still makes me happy. (And that people are using it)
The "random" anon in question is a frequent shitposting /pol/larper so maybe you shouldn't be so happy
When you realize that every game is an Earthbound reference just like every anime is an Akira every reference, life becomes easier
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don't be dumb.
berdlyfag doesn't post on /pol/
they'd vore him alive.
Earthbound: The Game Carried by Smash Bros.
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Safe pass on the long path.
>reading comprehension
that's why I want Ninten to be added
is crying all you do?
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ninten is the goat of the mother trilogy
and ness is the skeleton
Undertale IV: Quest for the Fave-atar
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and lucas is the uhhhhhhh *cries*
ness is the quirky and lucas is the depression
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Fave thinks Gourmet Race 2 is better than Gourmet Race 1
>bigot night funkin
i feel bad for gay bottoms who have IBS
god truly hated them when he did that to em
berdshit doesnt care about berdly so snowgrave doesnt bother him
what does bother him is ruining his goon sessions by bringing up the fact that shit comes from anuses
can you take like 2 minutes to read something before making an ass out of yourself
i feel bad for us people waiting for deltarune
it's really made me understand what a love/hate relationship is
AND asriel and nice gotes standing next to kris and asriel AND gotes
Looks like this post struck a nerve
>F-Zero and Starfox in the corner:
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Would you leave him locked inside a hot car?
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i could, but peaceful options are not on the table right now.
Looks like this post is going in the dossier in my tum tum
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imagine being an adult and spend your time in a thread of a dead videogame with a dead fanbase just because you're caught up in drama between thread personalities or trying to bring a new conversation where there's no more themes to talk to, instead of living life and spend your days to the fullest
oh how pathetic this thread is, please let it die.
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I am pretty sure that he has uttered phrases that imply that he is mildly aroused by shit.
if it's an ai singing to the bone's lyrics to another fake song again i'm going to shit down your neck
starfox is carried by furry pornography
Berdly is very pissed about the nuking of Shady Sands in the Fallout TV show, and Monster Kid is making fun of him for it.
Noelle you fucking idiot you already have a tail there is literally no reason for you to use that
a shame I can't find the alts on kemono party
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no its story of undertale this time

tommorow im gonna just spam a bunch more utg postsv in it with no real instructions
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yeah berdly would be a fucking NCR-fag.
he would constantly blather about "erm they are democratic" as if that is a metric of surviveability.
Do Ben Shapiro talking about Undertale
Undertale is a visual novel/walking simulator sitting on the shoulders of a bullet hell while they wear a trenchcoat and pretend to be a turn based RPG.
I was happy when Deltarune chapter 1 seemed to be more of a standard RPG both in the mechanics and story, but chapter 2 made me loose that hope.
True and honest facts and sodomites hate hearing it
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Hey guys
i don't care for that image but their grungy susie ass worship set was A++
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good early morning /utg/. how was your pride month?
It was hot, it rained all the time, I didn't have any sex
Can't you see
Your posts just bring more focus to Berdly
And I just think your bit is gay
Even more than the porn artists that Berdfag pays (uh)
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i'm just glad its over.
Screw being a pacifist
I think I'll squash a roach like a roach
I'm feeling evil think I'll kill a roach
Any neutral ending enjoyers here?
Bitch, I ate one roach and I made a lot of money
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>veterans get a day
>faggots get a month for fucking assholes
your country makes no sense.
neutral endings are mid
>thematically appropriate non-meta ending
>final boss is a tragic figure that loomed over the story from the beginning and not someone introduced in the last 20 minutes
>most characters have their arcs resolved without being dragged out into quirky caricatures of themselves
whats not to love
why did you reply twice
Black people don't even get a full month
I have no strong feelings one way or the other.
Gay veteran supremacy
But there is a veterans month, it's called Military Appreciation month and it's in May

Black history month is in February dude
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we can still get back together if you want

aren't you an asshole though? so wouldn't that month be just for you?
>your country makes no sense
And faggot month is what got you to this conclusion?
Google is free bro
Holy based
If Toby really wants to be Japanese then why don’t the heroes shout the names of all their attacks
Queer youths are overrepresented in media
Especially in Undertale
>rare numberbro W
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Calling Kris exclusively by their real name (Chrysanthemum) to annoy them.
What if Deltarune was pure boil?
the joke is february brah
ai was made for this
Nobody needs a whole god damn month for anything.
Least of all blacks, gays, and fans of Deltarune.
The Asgore fight is impactful and the Flowey fight is fun to watch
I don't hate the other two but Pacifist is too saccharine for my taste and Genocide pushes the meta stuff to an eye rolling point.
>quirky caricatures of themselves
I do have to mention that you can still do the dates, but that's optional of course. The downside is that you can't access the true lab at all on the neutral route.
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Queen Youths (Adult) Are Underrepresented In Media
Especially In: /dev/sda3/home/Pictures/
it does music so good its scary
ive been fucking around with it and its real good at making backing tracks
id bet there are people uploading the stuff they make on soundcloud and no one can tell
Wrong, I need a month, give me a month
Ok, your month will be called Frembtuarytember
Stupid Smarch weather
I thought the AIpoop phase of /utg/ was like 8 months ago
I think a lot might be that music is one of the least generally understood artforms in terms of theory, the laymen can fancy out AI art since it's based on sight, movies/vidya's commonly talked about enough. But song? Most people can probably give a reason why they like a song but never go deep into details/specifics for the theory of why they like the track.
hey guys i'm new, is this the undertale / deltarune general where you discuss the games undertale / deltarune?
Ascafag has been keeping it alive, for better or for worse. Mostly worse.
Anyone here like Night in the Woods?
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My mother's cryin' blood dust now
My mother's cryin' blood dust now
Mother's cryin' blood dust now
i need a month for me because i'm cool
you can also drink detergent
>id bet there are people uploading the stuff they make on soundcloud and no one can tell
I exclusively get my weird forgotten music from the mp3.com lifeboat archive to ensure it predates AI generation.
commie game
Deltarune is literally a mass hallucination. The game never existed and you're wasting your time. Go ride a bike or something.
Are you guys spamming this because it's the last day or something
Aw too bad
They become straight again at the stroke of midnight.
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Spam is a single drawing? Also I'm pretty sure the f!Charafag is straight
's okay
mae is hateable and gregg is a piece of shit and i'm pretty sure the overlap with susie fans is very close to 1
selmers is best girl
Frisk chugs a whole bottle of laundry detergent and shouts "Now I'm filled with detergentation!"
im just having fun getting it to make spooky atmosphere for my drawing playlist
>the laymen can fancy out AI art since it's based on sight
I always giggle when AI makes characters look abnormally smooth or really oily looking
frisk if he 2018 zoomer
Berdly will not forget to change his Discourse profile picture at the stroke of midnight, mark my words
Wang Dick Gaster.
ai cant do pixel art

also papyrus's gloves get turned into skeleton hands if you dont specify hes weary gloves
lots of weird things with art
music is almost impossble to tell
>imagine being an adult and spend[ing] your time in a thread of a dead videogame with a dead fanbase just because you're caught up in drama between thread personalities or trying to bring a new conversation where there's no more themes to talk [about], instead of living life and spend your days to the fullest
Oh, but Kraut, you don't have to imagine that either, now do you?
>oh how pathetic this thread is, please let it die.
You first.
>wake up
>gooning sesh
>brush my teeth
>ask Hussie to make me some breakfast
>turn on vtuber stream
>gooning sesh (while watching stream)
>play my favorite furry eroge visual novel
>gooning sesh (serious)
>order some takeout
>gooning sesh (interrupted by wrist pain. Need Hussie's help to finish)
>play one note on piano (with feet. Wrist pain too stronge). Closer and closer to composing my next masterpiece for... what was my game called again?
>ghost Temmie begging me to work on my game
>gooning sesh (via prostate stimulation. Easier on the wrists)
I can't wait until ai eventually implodes and none of you guys care about it anymore
ive become autisticly hyperfixated on it so thats not happening
get a better hyperfixation I beg of you
i don't think it'll ever do perfect pixel art desu
What's the most intelligent joke Toby could make in Deltarune?
You cant put the cat bag in the bag once its out anon.
wubba lubba dub dub
*walks away with a Catti-shaped bag*
y'know I'm starting to think the whole purpose of the deltarune IP is to make a collective hysteria case where everyone thinks the game is finally finished, so Toby's team would do nothing, take the money and leave internet while the whole fanbase hallucinates about a game that never existed.
mark my words.
* Finally.
* I was so tired of being a pickle.
*walks away with a burgerpants shaped bag*
ascafag seems like the kind of guy to generate sans shota ai slop because no one wants to draw it
I think he actually is into shota
he's already shota sized though
Will Joe Biden be in snowgrave
super secret sexy sans shota stash
im currently on digimon and omori again as of right now so its over for me
nah i dont like ai porn
also i can think of a couple artists that draw suspecially childlike sans's
He will never make a more intelligent joke than the Spamton Neo pacifist defeat
Will Joe Rogan be in snowgrave
super secret drawfag discord server.
i think i may be weird for this but as much as i enjoy it i dont jerk off to it... i just like looking at shotacon manga anf fanfiction and stuff
not what i look for when jerking the old noodle though i prefer BIG woman and buff men
dont know if thats like traits of a psychopath or something but eh
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Just realized I had the image and decided to post it considering the occasion. And as >>484185748 said, I'm not gay at all even if I do have some yaoi/yuri on hand (vibes be too good to ignore). Do have another image with flag but I think it's parody? Or maybe I'm getting another porn that had the flag for the fuck of it?
*walks in with a heart-shaped object*
Will Joe Budden be in Snowgrave
That would require Toby to know anyone intelligent(more intelligent than the writefags we have here, at least)—considering who he is, that's unlikely.
something about water polo idk
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*wwalks into thread*
i was about that make that exact post
I've Reformatted Your Room
Just Kidding There's No Room Left To Format
Some Guy Broke In And Tazed All My Butlers
Will Joe Pesci be in Snowgrave
sans doesn't shower
i'm here to lick ass and chew cum
and i'm all out of cum
sans showers but he has a bad habit of falling asleep while doing so and running up their water bill
Show us your drawings. There's no need to fear being off-topic anymore.
sans drowned
Papyrus and Ascafag have an autism battle
BERDLY BERDLY is a legitimate troll name.
It’s time to chew gum and eat ass. And I’m all out of ass.
now i wonder which skeleton swims better
Would Berdly be into Homestuck?
Seriously replies only.
I choose to believe that Berdly is his last name and it's one of those situations where everybody just calls him by his last name and never uses his first name
literally who?

I wanna jank his tailbone as hard as I can
skeletons probably are... not great at swimming considering water would pass through them if they tried to push against it
maybe papyrus since his outfit has more surface area
Fave watched Bible Black at a young age and was never the same since
i think papyrus would straight up walk on water
If you play Undertale then you like Deltarune
Berdly Berdstein
Shut up, Toby.
Berdly and Noelle both would be. Berdly doesn't know she is- he once compared her antlers to candy corn horns and she had to act like she didn't get the reference, because if he knew it would be the physical and mental death of her. She has made at least one trollsona with horns in the shape of antlers, however. No one must know. NOELLE HOLDAY is a valid name length.
Susie once saw some Scourge Sisters art and was all, "Dude, look! That's literally me! That's... hold on, what the hell? Actually 'literally' me-" and then the Annoying Dog crashed through the wall in his car and destroyed her computer in a stock ATHF explosion .gif before she could say anything more.
Kris has the entirety of Jailbreak and most of Team Special Olympics memorized. No one knows the former and he can never mention the latter for obvious reasons.
Relevant pic
inb4 *they
fuck the police i post about kris once every 12 months
I don't know if that really counts as a joke, but that is a good moment.
at least half of kris and noelle's friendship was based on sweet bro and hella jeff references that no one understood much less caught, much to the chagrin of both of their older siblings
it took every bone in noelle's body to not write her hidden blog post to the title of, "intoducing the newf friend....... SOSIE"
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...what is it?
Andrew Hussie is the reason there are no horses in Undertale.
; )
>he doesn't know
Andrew Hussie is almost 50 years old in case you were feeling a bit existential lately
based chara sprite
Andrew Hussie is the reason there is 1 horse in Undertale.
Seems like you're gonna ruin the culture of this small town
Andrew Fox
Toby Hussie
Temmie Gay Dear
I Punch Chang
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Your fave gay
My fave gay
You know what I'm thinking right?
>doomerboomercoomer didn't get banned for gr15 after posting pony porn and a youtube link of a pony
mods are dead
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i'd hug it
the worst part is that means he was already 35 when writing homosuck
un Dee tail free download
Ryan Green and KC North
yeah no shit dude
Spamton says that friendship is the greastest deal of all, then immediately dies.
It might be just me but I can only understand this as a mockery of Undertale's ideal.
This is how I looked the other day
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I look like that and sound like that roughly 1/4 of the time
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despite being a raging homo I don't really have any positive feelings about pride month, it's pretty much the same as every other warm month, except online where memes get more annoying for a little while, and lefties go into overdrive trying to convince the normies that their movement (communism in various team rocket disguises) is somehow about freedom and acceptance. They only use us and other random minorities for optics, they can and will throw us under the bus whenever it's convenient, and frankly I'd wish they'd hurry the fuck up and do it. Their meddling does nothing but worsen the relations between whichever two groups they've decided to cast as oppressors and oppressees. I'm convinced that the only political creed that's actually beneficial for us bundles of sticks is libertarianism. There's no need for a bunch of hyperspecific discrimination laws that turn my dwindling number of straight white normal male friends into second class citizens, just replace that bullshit with the NAP and every group that exists will get exactly as much human rights as they deserve without needing a dedicated propaganda month. Anyways sorry for the rant guys, back to... uh... "undertale/deltarune discussion."
I hate summer so much bros, why can't it be chilly and overcast all of the time?
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Might like this?
>why can't it be chilly and overcast all the time
I'm here wishing we could just have perma full moons with blood moons as our monthly occurrence because fuck that could be hype. Get good skygazing and also set a vibe if you and fave decide to try some outdoor gaming, one thing to play a horror game without light but imagine playing it outside while owls hoot and wolves howl.
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wtf based berdlyfag?
Berdly does sound more like a family name than a name for a specific guy.
>imagining a race of bird people where everyone's name starts with "Bird-"
Actually no Toby would definitely do that.
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haven't seen a single thing that berdlyfag has said that is based
all of the dogs have dog in their name
even the amalgamate
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anything that pisses you off is based thoughe.
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you could try fucking your dog again
I wish there were at least some fuckin trees around here to cast shade, summers in cities sucks dick
Shut the fuck up I'm not reading all that stupid shit
if endogeny was made up of all cats instead would it be called catastrophe
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What are Toby Fox's pronouns?
Kill yourself
she prefers she/her but doesn't mind he/him
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now this is innovative thinking.
uchi I'd guess
Posting a political rant that ends in "libertarianism is da only gud politik" along side a berdly pic is super funny but i somehow doubt it was done ironically.
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what the fuck could the titans actually be?
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Berdly's mom: Berdilyn
Berdly's dad: Berdrew
Berdly's uncle: Berdtholomew
Berdly's cool older brother: Jay
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Where does Berdly 2 fit in
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LGM25c Titan Rocket Systems.
July is here and there's no newsletter Tobias lied
Reminder that the red Grillby's bird is female
It's sound advice for sodomites across all deltarune political spectrums.
Development of the newsletter is going well. (laugh)
then you should ask toby...
why did july to me?
he's a cousin who lives there. his parents are divorced.
I don't think this is the usual berdlyfag cause I don't believe he'd say half of this
I never mustered the courage to watch this whole thing. What a repulsive human being
Cousin: Berdecai
ok fine, it's berdly's mom, whatever.
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It's not but "berdfag" can be anybody at this point.
This is huge
there will be a newsletter with information about the newsletter soon
writing of the newsletter is going smoothly, but I won't give a release date yet
the red bird is just nuclear throne chicken
Bro what prompted this robot response I wasn't even trying to
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He posts while I'm asleep. We work in shifts to make sure fobby never gets any rest.
Did you mean to say
Ralsei is a robot?
Aww I love your robot it's so cute. #AndroidLove
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this is worse than minecraft with gadget
I'm gonna do a genocide run just to spite him
So you're the cringe libertarian self absorbed berdfag and the other one is the butthole gay berdfag
Very telling. Add it to the dossier.
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Why are you guys so mean :(
Seeing a lot of bad posts lately. I think it's push ups time.
butthole gay commissions pedophiles berdfag*
You say you're a lesbian girl me too -Berdly
they can't handle this level of basedness being contained in one lifeform
i kind of wish i could enjoy susie
where are all the posts about gote and friends?
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They mysteriously disappeared while the anti-berdly posts go on
I also wish I could enjoy Susie if you know what I mean (I'm talking about having sexual intercourse with her).
The guy hasn't commissioned in over half a year though. Also I find it funny who much you push calling him a pedo despite half of the thread gooning for deltarunes and the charafag
heh *snort* nice one bro
>The guy (me in third person)* hasn't commissioned pedophiles* in over half a year doe*
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actually what
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Fobkun why are you like this
If I ever make it as a big shot game dev I want to have a general as cancerous as you guys <3
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maybe its too late for gote and friends
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what went wrong
My Earthbound depression is gonna change the fucking world
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my fave is dead
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>the lesser berdfag is a pedophile because he just is okay
How about you back up that claim with a source?
But it's true? berdfag hasn't commissioned stuff lately.
once you commission gay furry anus porn you are a gay furry porn anus commissioner for life
Shut UP wojakfagwad
the underground has fallen. billions must roar.
16 different versions of sans do not make a good cast of characters
This shit has been going on for like two years now when is enough enough
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they should have done what they did with x tale and gotten different AU undertales
like maybe a fell papyrus or a swap alphys or something so its not just sans
i mean i wish she was written better so i didn't hate her
I miss Super Fave Quest...
im just now realizing fresh ink is in this image
this series really lost its way but i guess it was doomed to not last past its prime
i wonder the same thing
fobby ruined my nice berds 2022 and appreciation for kris and berdly and berdly
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>playing Deltarune
>finished chapter 5
>forgot to backtrack all the way to that early puzzle room to talk to an NPC that only shows up if I defeat the secret boss by using an item only available on chapter 3
>the dialogue I missed contained vital information on the game's lore and the characterization of the chapter 6 secret boss
my favorite AU is big booby chara with hoodie mmm yumyum
I do too... I just can't focus on anything these days.
I guess but its weird to keep bringing it up
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Nerve? Struck.
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Fuck off birdshit.
Just recognize him as a troll and report him for trolling on sight.
Very telling.
Dossier? Added to.
This thread needs a hero.....
>wasn't here for the anti-japanese berdfag episode
You need to catch up on your /utg/ lore, he also might be slammed with calls from based department.
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look its frik and friends from the 2015 hit indie game Undertale
2015 is not 2022
if it's not 2022 it's not wholesome and berdly
>andasrielguy got mindbroken by people memeing his posts and is now reverseunoing it
very trelling
i like how andX's fags posts are so fucking schizophrenic no one even knows what he's mad at anymore (other than other people not being pedos)
project 2025 will delete all your fat shotas Alhamdulillah
my favorite AU was big jevil and human spamton, that hater that is still here won't take that away from me
That was like a year ago at this point
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you got it wrong
I'm the one posting gote and friends tonight
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she's genuinely really hot and she should be more popular in the fandom again
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sometimes there isnt enough gote to go around
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Dead bird.
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Introducing the newest AU, /utg/!Sans
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/utg/ Sans is the embodiment of kiddoposting
where is berdly?
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Berdly isnt in the hit 2015 indie game Undertale so he isnt often featured in fan art of gote and friends
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Is that male Dess and a swap!Noelle
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this is very sad
i wish it was 2022 again
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No, it's young Rudy and C.
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they arent really friends when you think about it
I really like the fact that Noelle isn't a lesbian, her true fetish is to be completely dominated and forced to obey whatever someone else wants.
That is why she was attracted to Susie's bully persona, and why she instantly starts obeying Kris after he pushes her around.
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Why does Carol look like Noelle if she Berdly
AND berdly
She lusts for female santas
she is hardgay
Being a pushover doesn't mean she's inherently attracted to people who command her.
>Based on my aunt
*stuffs a comically sized pilled into your mouth*
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You're talking about storyshift.

>minor spelling mistake

Good night /utg/, hope you all have comfy dreams of fave and get to make the most of tomorrow. I love Chara
A pill you say...what color?
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Can Kris solve the mystery?
The mystery of why anyone still posts here?
Green and purple.
for kris and berdly standing next to eachother
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T-Thanks doc...
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get to your "the thread heroes are saving us from the gote menace" bit already
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>can't fucking find the based on my aunt macro anon made in this style
I'm either starting to fucking lose it or I'm losing files.
Kill yourself
They’re actually just Ed, Edd, ‘n Eddy
there are no thread menaces right now except fobby
we need a hero that can save us from him trying to stop us from enjoying nice berds and berdly
AND asriel and gay furry kris haters
Kingy and Kaard <3
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I'm having a comfy night posting nice gotes and friends
What are you doing here?
why would I do that? being alive is pretty cool.
It'd save us the oxygen
It's a common theme within Krisshippers if the recent news is anything to go by
This is huge.
there's plenty oxygen to go around don't be selfish!
This is huge like the DOSSIER in my gummytummy and azzywazzy stimmy timmies carefull of struck nerves and berdfoobies
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Kris and Asriel
a Krisriel of sorts
What lore did I miss
*liquifies king into soda pop and drinks him*
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godfucking dammit does anyone have it i searched all my folders and searched for line stickers and based on my aunt in the archives and can't find it
Kingfag's not here, you can chill out now
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Carefully stack objects with Kris and Noelle
*turns you into pure liquid and drinks you*
Please tell me this isn't gonna be another field trip...
That one krusiefag artist komu strung along a depressed dude and he killed himself
what the fuck
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i will make a gote and frens post just for you :)
and alphys blob haters
AND kingy in the tum
>bot post
anyone notice how fobkun and timmy have been almost completely silent today
and how they're both the most active when both of them are on at the same time
and how they rarely talk to each other and try really hard to convince everyone else that the other one is not them
and how they're both on for hours at a time and don't seem to sleep at all
and how they're both annoying and have similar posting habits
we should add this to the dossier
Somehow I missed this arc. When did this even happen?
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ralsei looks so happy to be their with his friends
Do you guys think Toby stopped caring about Deltarune?
Stop noooticing
Is Burgerpants into fat bitches or has he just settled for them out of desperation
sing this to the cory in the house theme
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i gotchu brah
This is telling. Slightly telling. Somewhat telling. Quite telling. I'd even go as far to say that this is very telling.
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i know right, i love seeing my boy ralsei happy
*inhales and exhales into your mouth*
new horrortale is coming out today
waiting for deltarune is the real horror
Don't forget that they have very similar typing styles.
kingfag get the fuck out the baiters are on
>she’s here
*krautsie in the tum
Based on my aunt could be here for all we know...
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no anon I meant this, the line sticker someone made
I found it at LAST in the fucking archive but there's three different versions? and presumably the rightmost one is the 'correct' one since it's got fixed eyelashes and a cleaned-up outline, but it's also only showing it posted as a repost/with a file randomizer and if the artist has been shitposting that makes me sad
genuenly i BEG you go away right now come back later
Absolutely retarded ship idea: Queengore
Fobkun and mintkun in my tum tum yum yum
Like last year, but news didn't really come out until like yesterday.
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You are all horrible, soulless demons who must be sent back into Hell.
Like a moth to a flame.
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this is huge.
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Fuck off crowposter.
so true kingsis
is this "the crow post"
I've never actually seen a real one
"I've never been in this neighborhood before. Aunts could be anywhere," he said to himself out loud, as the $7 vodka coursed through his powerful veins and washed away his (merited) fear of being alone. "I love my aunt."
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>Like a moth to a flame.
Baiting someone into self-harm and suicide is not a joke. It is sickening, putrid, disgusting. You don't have to be the victim to recognize that fact.
CrowtimmyFOBsie in my tumtumsier we got him n- ORIUGYFHHHHHH MY BOOTY HEURSHHHHH doomin love he this is careful huge
I agree
very telling times
>vert te- *shoves you up daddy sansy's urethra*
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>all of you are horrible
i am a good boy though, don't put everyone in the same accusation, it's just makes it look like hyperbole
Ain't no party like a fobby party
fave watching barry and getting scared at the tonal shift the final episodes of the series take
>He doesn't realize that threatening self harm is a common manipulation tactic.
Go back to the 90s, fahgggoooott
kingfag please just leave when they bait you
That song is turning 20 years old next year, bro. It's older than most UT/DR fans.
these are both true

most people accept >>484200169 as fact which makes people who >>484200407 even worse scum
true, my first gf did this a bunch of times when i tried to break up with her, it stopped working after the 5th time (she never actually hurt herself or anything it was just manipulation btw)
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its curtains for this thread!
Okay, that's fair. Apologies.

Firstly, it's not simply "threatening", she has done it and posted photo links on multiple occasions.
Secondly, it is a symptom of severe mental suffering and should be taken seriously.
AND berdly
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oh my god ralsei is so cute
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ralsei is in my tum tum in this picture (my tum tum is square because i'm minecraft)
Wheres his clit horns
AND funkoplapsriel and diapsie and berdly and doomersei and moloch and goku
I don't know how to break it to you but scratching yourself with a pin is hardly "self harm." I also thought that she was actually hurting herself until I actually looked at the images and realized that they didn't even break the skin.
It's no use. She unironically likes the attention. There's no other explanation left at this point. Her hobbies include drawing King and baiting people into bullying and/or defending her. She likes feeling like a victim who needs protection. It's the primary reason she posts at all. She lurks the thread becomes active as soon as she notices people talking about her.
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uhhh what
The last time DID break the skin though.
you forgot THE PICKLES (fat shotey wotey azzy wazzy fuzzy tummy gotey botey and a shimmy)
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it can only be very telling for so long before it all becomes very told
So? It's still barely self harm. A little bit of blood is nothing, to be honest. I've seen people get hurt worse when their cat scratches them.
AND krisriel
ralsei in my balls
Making posts like this only increases the chances of her harming herself even worse next time.
You have to take it seriously immediately, or else it may become too late.
Interesting. It's somewhat hard to be totally sympathetic towards an internet person named "mexicanjewlizard" ngl but that sucks I guess.
That little rant about krusie porn felt kinda random though but those guys can be pretty weird when it comes to that
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And anytime you feel the pain, hey, Jude, refrain
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder
Na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na
churn gote into thick dick splooge~
>stealth gay furry kris hater post
I'm sorry but I'm not going to pretend that her current cuts are actually that bad in order to make her not hurt herself more. It will only cause more harm in the long run. You shouldn't try to go along with her delusions.
said noelle about her balls
I don't know what that means I'm just listening to the Beatles right now
el nachopete fan de homosuck moment
You are a fool.
>Fobby and timmy suddenly went silent
Very telling.
I never learned the deal about that thread arc and I'm still sad the full original image was never revealed, only the shitpost edit.
And you're an enabler of harmful behavior.
You're enabling her self-harm by not trying to stop it.
You cannot stop it.
You have no power here.
What the fuck do you want me to do about it? Hunt down the people that troll her and beat them up? Go to her house take the king pin she uses?
nigga what can you do to stop it
tell people to stop when they make kingytum shitposts? that'll just make them do it more because it not only gets reactions from her but gets reactions from defenders
You stop it by driving away the source of her anguish.
*walks in with a roboking shaped azzy and kris*
>drive away
>She actually goes through with the threats.
Same difference. I've experienced enough of that from someone I know irl to simply not care anymore. Ultimately she's doing it to herself to illicit a reaction from others, it's nobody else's fault.
>posting your fave/avatar on a cross while white knighting
your ego is huge lmao
she's not gonna fuck you bro
*walks in with a dossier-shaped belly*
add it to my dossier
*starts vacuum voring anons into my tummy*
And when the broken-hearted people
Living in the world agree
There will be an answer
Let it be
For though they may be parted
There is still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer
Let it be
infoGODS? We won
Either that, or find a way to teach them morality.

You sound like the stuck-up Berdlyfag. If it is you, then your ex-boyfriend you love to complain about so much is not an excuse to let victims continue suffering from abuse.
>gotekubros completely silent rn
very trello
Do you guys ever stop and realize how ridiculous this entire thing is
Wake up babe, gasterbro is finally building a dossier on berdfag
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japanese menheras. not even once.
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i am trying to eat my breakfast right now, cannot make too many posts right now while i am busy with my breakfast, also i will probably start playing videogames right after the breakfast, so i won't be posting that much today.

also i never fully understood what the
>this characterfag type is silent rn
even is supposed to communicate
You're a fucking retard. There is no going around it, there is no using nicer words, you're just an actual retard. Timmy was right about you in this post https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/483957540/#q484021141.
yum yum breakfast in your tum tum
the breakfast is kingy
Stop trying to incite suicide in the mentally ill.
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don't tell anyone, i want my info safe.
stop trying to incite kingy vore in my tum tum
At least I'm not drinking Brian
all rise for the threadshitzer national anthem
Lean on me
When you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on

Please swallow your pride
If I have things you need to borrow
For no one can fill
Those of your needs
That you won't let show
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I wish I knew how to get the IRC working.
This is huge.
But how huge can it get before it reaches critical mass
ooh lala i want in on this gossip
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Unlike you, gassy, I'm not a chauvinist. I don't think that women are automatically victims just because they're whining about something. If I care enough to do so, I'll analyze what they're whining about and decide whether I should consider them a victim or not.
>waaah I don't like it when people do something with some particular fictional character I'm fixated on! if you don't stop i'm gonna cut myself! (paraphrased)
Hmmm... yeah. I don't care.
critical king vored in my ass?
I take sacks to the face whenever I can
Her sex is irrelevant. If she was a man instead, Kingfag would still be a victim. It is still a cry for help.
Don't lie, we all know that you're only defending her because she's a woman.
azzy bazzy maggoty waggoty
but kingfag is a man
and he's fat
No, I've seen the photo. She is dangerously thin.
Ah yes, let the control freak be a control freak, that's good precedent for the general.
>where are we at.png
It's July now where;s the newsletter
fake news
now argue with me for 7 hours
What a life you lead
she's built like an average twink.
you look like an effeminate man.
She's doing the equivalent of an Alphysfag being suicidal because someone's posting Alphdyne, if this anon were to exist would you posit to ban Alphdyne posting?
It's not the ship bait that makes her suicidal, anon...
Kingfag is very similar to someone I knew who liked going on Futurama threads and complaining when someone posts Fry and Bender instead of Fry and Leela
Oh my fucking god
>noo help they're posting jpegs I don't like!
...said fobkun.
This is indeed a gender neutral form of retardation. I don't care either way. No victims here, just idiots being idiots. As for Kingposter's case in particular: She certainly needs help. Psychiatric help, and you aren't giving it. You're enabling her behavior by giving her the attention she wants. She's going to keep cutting herself if she knows it'll get more people like you defending her. Action -> Reward. Action -> Reward. Action -> Reward. You are literally conditioning her to do this more.
Kingfag needs Christ and I don't even believe in God
>...said fobkun
Add it to the dossier
Nice try kingposter but that won't work on me since I like men.
how did you even fall for that
im not even kraut and i posted >>484203705 like as a direct admission i dont actually believe that and its to make fun of how long you argued with him for
i thought it was fucking obvious
you like men? he's right up your alley then.
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More like up your ASS
can someone make an alliance chart of all the /utg/ conflict so i can see who to support
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my once wholesome autistic queen hath posted images of her bare naked body on the 4chins... it's so over...
kingposter in my bum bum.
Can you just
NOT fucking do that? Given how stubborn Kraut is I thought you were actually him
I'm already stressed the fuck out as is when I realized the v*** threadshitting was being brought back for the dozenth time

I'm not a man.
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It's not worth taking that seriously.
can you not spend 7 hours arguing with somebody you know is a troll
bro just google it
Kill yourself

Don't listen to them, babe
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>I'm not a man.
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It's no use trying to understand it anymore. Just sit back and watch the fireworks go off.
>berdfag left the (You) in his wojaktimmy persona post
anon wojaktimmy adds fake (you)s to his quotes all the time he's done it to my posts before
Jar Jar is the key to all this
tsk... very telly~
It's not timmy. Notice how there's no arrow between "kill yourself" and the next post's number.
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>>>>484204814 (You) (You)
>>Kill yourself
>>Don't listen to them, babe
you forgot the arrow in the middle, little buddy
>berdfaggywojakly self deleted it
too late, oh no no no no
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We're so close to the next newsletter, guys... Why can't we go just a little while longer without self-destructing the threads?
Are they being willfully stupid by calling the imthejokerbaby guy Berdfag when it's been established several times this is a separate dude who constantly rambles about how he doesn't care if Kingfag kills herself
>That OP pic
Are you guys ready for Crow thread #2
AND 2022
shit thread image, i'm sitting this one out.
Whats the difference Kingfag adn both the atomic bomb's??
Kingfag isnt a Little Boy!!!
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>Whats the difference Kingfag adn both the atomic bomb's??
>Kingfag isnt a Little Boy!!!
God DAMN IT Timmy beat me to calling you ESL
I'm too slow
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>God DAMN IT Timmy beat me to calling you ESL
>I'm too slow
Hey guys Peter Griffin here to explain the joke.
The first of two atomic bombs in Japan was called Little Boy! And the punchline is that Kingfag isn't that one. Which when you add that with the second atomic bomb...
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>Hey guys Peter Griffin here to explain the joke.
>The first of two atomic bombs in Japan was called Little Boy! And the punchline is that Kingfag isn't that one. Which when you add that with the second atomic bomb...
>>484210113 said the difference between Kingfag and BOTH the atomic bombs. The joke is that she is neither a Little Boy nor a Fat Man, but she is just as explosive
No, I'm an underweight female
Shit like this is why I told you recently that I don't like sharing these threads with you because you're mean to me sometimes. Whenever you see someone harassing me, you tend to join them and it turns into dogpiling... I wish you were nicer, Timmy.

I'm skinny, fuck off
That's what my husband is. I love that he and I are opposites.
Ah yes "Forbidden or Private", iconic song
Pepe is king and the wojak is kingfag
I reopened #/utg/ on Rizon months ago. Are you talking about selfhosting?
No, Pepe is Pepe and Wojak is Wojak

Ok? Leave me alone all of you
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>No, Pepe is Pepe and Wojak is Wojak
>Ok? Leave me alone all of you
You're supposed to imagine that the crying one is king and the other is kingfag here
I'm skinny
Stop harassing me
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way to tear down a good mood kingbuddy
I'm skinny I'm skinny I'm skinny and Spade King loves me for being skinny he loves how my bones feel against his skin and he loves that I only eat 1 to 2 meals a day so he can have extra food all to himself I'm skinny I'm skinny

yeah but you should tell king to loose some weight.
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meds now
I have a new medication that I take in the mornings.
It doesn't prevent my breakdowns but I do calm down a little faster now
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take a chill pill kingschizobuddy
Genuine question: Why do you call me "buddy" even though you enjoy bullying me so often? Is it just a wojak culture thing?
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you're my little buddy
I presume he thinks of you as a fenemy and that's why he calls you "buddy"
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I wish we could cut out the "enemy" part and just be chill.

I dunno... It doesn't feel genuine when you join in on the dogpiling. Maybe it's all just a joke or game to you and you enjoy making fun of weird people, but its hurtful to me. It goes too far. But it doesn't have to be this way, I'd like to coexist peacefully with you Timmy.
Jesus Christ, even im not that obsessed with sans.
Hey Kingfag I know it’s not the best time to tell you this but Kraut recently said that he had been falseflagged a few days ago when you got into that pedo argument with him and Timmy so it wasn’t actually him kek
Sorry if you already knew this
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I didn't know this. But how did you even find that out? Where did he say this?
i don’t remember it came to me in a dream
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>i don’t remember it came to me in a dream
Ok well I'm gonna have to assume your claim is fake until there's proof that he said it was a falseflag... Sorry...
does it help that i was just fucking with you and don't actually think you're fat
i mean you'd have to be stupid to think that after you posted yourself twice
I guess it helps a little bit, but why do you think this is worth doing at all? I don't understand what you guys get out of this...
Like, it's just so tiring. I hate everything that comes from this.
I hate how frequently this happens, I hate that I'm so fucking sensitive to stupid words, I hate that physical pain is the only way to distract myself from strong emotional stress, I hate that people find this entertaining somehow, I hate that my fave gets involved, I hate how personal it feels at times, I hate that I get shipped with Kraut, I hate that people think I enjoy being abused (I don't like this at all! The reason I always respond is because I feel the need to defend myself and my fave, or else people might assume I'm ok with the horrible things being said), I hate that it gets treated like a meme, I hate that nothing ever fixes it.
It's a fucking nightmare.
This is what Undertale used to be about
He said it here, but who knows if it's true or not >>483825487
I see

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