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Diverse edition

Previous human: >>484162119

Spoilers ahead, proceed at your own Frisk.


-The Old Game
-The Old Game's Demo

-The New Game

-The New Game's Progress


-Undertale Artbook

-Legends of Localization - Undertale

-Extra Content

-Undertale/Deltarune Text Dumps & Screenshots

-Undertale Image Collections

-Booru (newly resurrected, please help tag)


>Current: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZaYVvltQ_Rmf-ggszf1bwmYDW2NUcfpTYU7JzfyMhVE
>Old: https://writebin.surge.sh



-Wanna change the font?

-Thread Template
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woah look at that funny dog it sure is funny
he's hilarious on the mic

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Bad humanizationposting? Sure
Mario, I feel like something bad is about to happen
Does this imply Ralsei is black (the skin tone) under his hat in this AU
Wokeshit aside what's the point of humanizing characters? Isn't being cool cartoon animals part of the appeal?
He looks scared lmao
Come on get the argument started I'm already bored uh kingy wingy in my tum tum kingfag is a man i'm kraut uhhh fobby wob is wojaktimmy but also berdfag is wojaktimmy also i'm kingfag uhhh toby fox is a good developer dossier huge telling kris is a male i ship krusie ermmm kingkaard is based kris harem crowposting fuck off birdshit uhhh
Can you fucking not
Leave the threadshitting in the old thread please
Objec jec objec
Objec jec -n jec
Objec jec ob ob-ob ob
Ob-objec jec ob-objec jec
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Here we go...
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Lego Undertale? Would you buy it?

Not talking about this "set" specifically, do you like the idea in general?
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never gets old. it's good to be reminded of what's important. a light shining in the darkness.
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the real wojaktimmies were the friends we made along the way.
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I hope the newsletter saves us
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>the real wojaktimmies were the friends we made along the way.
now kith.
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Isn't the newsletter just a scheme so they can get your email and spam you with merch ads and shit?
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>now kith.
It'll have the release date, I'm sure of it this time.
is he nakey under there? in his underwear? who took this picture?
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I just want him to confirm if Chapter 4 will be finished in time to release this year

Please god let this happen
>if Chapter 4 will be finished in time to release this year
Even if it will be released this year, Toby won't tell us until like a month away from release maximum because he's afraid of fucking up his deadlines
He's explained that before
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Our boy Tobert will be turning 33 this year. Shouldn't he be getting married and having kids by now?
That's not QUIRKY ENOUGH!!!!!
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Too busy simping over Japan and ignoring his game.
It's finally July
the gays are gone
erm... what the sigma?
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kingfag just cut herself and posted an image in the old thread
The baiting was like
The mildest I've ever seen too
it wasn't even baiting lol it was just "fat" and jakspam
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Important stuff like Undertale boys (male)
There was a little bit of vore trolling too on Timmy's end, not to mention the tumtumfags earlier in the thread
I think she was already close to snapping and the trolls' victory lap was the last straw that broke her
these OP editions SUCK
bratty is sexo and jockington is funny
everything else can GO TO HELL
No. I only acquire used bins and Creator Classic to build my own garbage, as god intended.
I wonder if larger, brick-built figurines might be better at representing the characters' various body shapes than minifugures would be. More poseable, too.
Not that minifigures wouldn't be fun, of course, but I can't really think of any notable Undertale structures they could come with.
I fucking hate how my fave's name is common enough that it's near impossible to search through Twitter for site-exclusive art of them because the results get completely clogged with random other shit and nobody tags "deltarune" on it
People who like characters like Toriel or Ralsei are lucky for not having to deal with this
Well, you can just find a major artist for that character and then go through their likes to find more- oh wait...
as a catty/bratty fan i feel this a lot
it isn't much better on non-twitter sites
At least some other sites have proper tagging systems that people utilize
For every post about like, Susie or Kris for example that has #deltarune attached on Xitter, there's like 200 that don't and there's no way to separate them automatically
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Susie or Noelle?
"King" is about as generic as it gets, although I guess it's so much so that people know they HAVE to tag Deltarune for it to be seen. Or they specify him as "Spade King" instead.
Could also be Kris
>is he nakey under there?
He's wearing swimtrunks
>who took this picture?
Yeah I realized after I sent the post lol, although it's probably less common than the "Ch" spelling.
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sosig and nool
Yeah!! Yay!!
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friend gang
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This picture is perfect.
not a single man in it.
and the most brilliant minds on is charcoal hotep and his diversity hire.
>the only whites are under the protection of the royal family (the maker even made asriel a prope-orientum mutt and gave him a semitic hooknose.
art imitates life, life imitates art.
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the next chapters can't release late enough
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suffering is a cultural practice on /utg/
I think it would be a lot quirkier if instead of saying all that weird shit about the world being covered in darkness when you say no on the continue screen Gaster instead said WHOOPSIE POOPSIE!!!
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thread is asleep, post arcane knowledge.
(it is an earthbound halloween hack reference)
What a shit OP. Also aren't "genderfluid", "bigender" and others a kinds of "non-binary"? Why "non-binary" is also present, then? It's like saying "Shiba is a domestic dog, Kuro is a feline".
I think the funniest part is that the switch version retconned this into being accidentally transphobic because Mad Dummy/Mewmew is a closer allegory for MTF and he's FTM here
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I hate that there are people on /utg/ that haven't seen that OP picture before but I do think it's funny they don't know it's a bait edit
it also doesn't make napstablook nonbinary (one of the only notable non-human characters who use they/them)
123 sansy street
why is it man and men, woman and women but not human and humen
why is it humans
this language sucks
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>Mann, Männer
>Frau, Frauen
>Mensch, Menschen, Menschheit
Get on my level, lingolet.
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thread song
me on the right
Chara's car cruising down route 99
It's 4chan edit
>Jokes on you, I'm only pretending
Sure thing, buddy.
You will never be a woman
If you mean physically, then yes it's dumb.
If you mean emotionally, then it's to make them relatable.
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>taking apart an insult for logical fallacies
To whom? I'm not of European descend and I'm still not relating to those... "characters".
AU where Sans
>shitty bait op gets shitty bait posters
imagine my shock
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>Look at that funny dog, it sure is funny
>All these dossiers are in my tummy
That may be the particular condition of your Cluster B personality disorder, and does not reflect the wider experience of the people that played Tobias' games.
Everyone brags that Kris is "non-binary", but what the fuck does it even mean? Both genders? Alternating genders? None genders? Rotated ninety degrees on imaginary plane gender?
Kris never confirmed that anyway, y'all just assuming shit.
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>character traits are chosen out of spite of the alternative
>all characters must be brown and/or gay or gay adjascent things
imadjinn moi shawk.
It's literally in the word.
Undertale game does not have those abominations, don't let those delusions get better of you. Anyway, I'm not American, so putting a generic "race" would do a jack shit for me. And good luck putting my obscure ethnicity, lol.
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Just let this thread die already. It's not going to be productive anyway.
I said humanizing them emotionally makes them relatable, neither of those pictures do that beyond an expression. Tobuscus Fox already humanized them in the base game.
You may just be looking for outrage where there is none except your own.
Doctor's orders
So no answer, then? I thought so.
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By "humanizing" you mean human facial expressions? Like how Skeleton Monsters can smile, even though real bones can't do that? How Cat Monsters can cry, even though IRL cats express sadness in another way?
Or you just mean "humans"? Why would relate more to "humans", anyway? Are you a human supremacist?
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cute :)
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new schizo boss reveal
That's what happens when human impregnates a monster
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non-binary is in reference to binary. the word is made from the latin prefix "bi-" meaning 2.
in digital electronics it refers to on and off-states.

so kris identifies as a person with no father figure.
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Adorable even.
Understandable, have a nice day.
Emoting is part of it, but also by the fact that most skeletons and animals can't speak, or don't have social anxiety, and don't know what a pun is.
Are you feeling well? This isn't some deep cut into undertale it's literally the surface concept.

dog, if you can't deconstruct a two word concept that explains itself I don't know what else I could say to you, this must all seem like gibberish by your standard
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where did you find this picture of me and my long distance boyfriend?
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On second thought, I won't interact with the Undertale fandom.
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Uh, the internet?
I tried the ai song thing with stronger than you and it just forgot the lyrics and had a stroke mid-song
just put a piss gargling filter over the gibberish and it's certified splatooncore
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i didn't know that waterboarding minors already had its own genre.
did you tell it to chorus and breaks and whatever
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None of you are escaping the cycle of samsara in this lifetime.
c'mon start the drama already yummy yummy yummy i got king in my tummy and i'm gonna turn him into poo after krautsie called me fatsie telly telly hugey hugey fobby wobby kingkaardy krishatey birdshitey wojaktimmy aussie dossy gutsy cutsy
*punches you in the dick*
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I don't think I will. Let's just talk about theories or something instead.
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today's theory is how did tangy fit such a big kingy in her little belly?
This is why we can't have nice gotes.
in her fat disgusting belly*
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we can have nice gotes if we want to
i regret doing the ur fat shitposting earlier fuck
*pokes kingfaggy's king shaped belly* c'mon wake up, my little princess lolcow doesn't need sleep, get up right now and spit out kingy
>thigh gap
what a slut
>thigh gap
Let's make that disappear.
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What da Temmie doin
not working on the game
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I love me some nice gotes
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let's enjoy the peace while it lasts.
I did that and got a way better one
It ends abruptly though because I can't get it to just end the fucking song and not keep going on in the outro and I'm tired of regenerating it
>>484242983 (me)
Also I swear to fucking god I heard a horse neigh at 0:53? Can anyone else hear that
what genre even is this
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They're such good bros
I had it set to "rock, alternative rock, indie rock" so probably one of those I'm not a genre knower person
i heard it... what the fuck thhey put a horse soul in there ai
>stronger than you but sans is fighting a horse instead of kiddo
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The bestest of bros.
Awful thread
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I hate how my art looks
But I don't know why
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Guess what?
Gote butte!
this thread's a ticking timebomb goddammit
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and you determine what to happen during detonation?
I still think rv pine is a pussy ass nigga for going all "n-no I never intended to trick people into thinking I was Toby by using his alias and speaking in cryptic riddles and ignoring every comment asking if i'm Toby what do you mean!? this was always just my fanmade chapter 3 tracks it was never meant to deceive anyone!"
Like dude. Come the FUCK on you're not fooling anyone
why did he try to pretend he wasnt pretending to be toby? i dont think any sane person would have cared that he was
That's my exact question
He could've just said "yeah I was trying to make it look like a Deltarune leak but it's just my fangame now, sorry for confusing everyone" but instead he does these weird mental gymnastics to pretend he was never trying to trick people
Man you got TOBY HIMSELF coming out and telling his fandom not to fall for fake leaks with how fake-leaky your "project" was you can't go back on that
Speaking in riddlebait being enough to make people think you're Toby reflects worse on Tobert than on the imposter.
I kind of get what he meant
It obviously wasn't a real leak and the only people who thought that were the giga-autists, all he did was misjudge how large a percentage of the Underrune fanbase is just those guys
Yeah he's kind of a little bitch.
What a life you lead
very yugely telly
that's a way to put it. at least this one in particular. this one is very special, to me.
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I still wonder what the shadow crystals are.
Crafting component
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>He doesn't know.
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Given that the schizos have them the obvious answer is that they are the shattered pieces of Gaster.
Seam seems particularly interested in them and will probably go schizo if given enough of them.
If you look through them, it shows you Another World. Ralsei might also be looking at that same world through his glasses.
If the crystals have nothing to do with Gaster, I would assume they are a remnant or relic of previous dark worlds or their inhabitants once a roaring has destroyed them since the game is implying it has probably happened in the past before.
It's not helpful that the bosses holding the crystals don't acknowledge them or tell you about the crystal they found that drove them crazy or whatever with their dying breath.Sounds like Jevil just lost his shit randomly one day and Spamton got a phone call that triggered him.
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it's the pickle jar of Aleksey Tatarov
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I figure shadow crystals are somehow manifested by the schizos rather than them obtaining them and being driven mad by them.
Like palace rulers in Persona 5 Royal having will seeds.
i wonder what spade king would think of the man who cuts himself and overfeed himself for him, and if toby will make a nod to this in the later chapters
I will not elaborate and time will prove me right.
Crystals crystallized inside of them when they learned the terrible truth. They were never "given" them.
Source: my ass
If you dream about broken glass, it could be a sign that you feel disconnected, disappointed, or lost. You might feel like things are falling apart or be confused about your true purpose in life.
Can't wait for Toriel to see Ralsei and get extremely uncomfortable and refuse to elaborate
>is that
>is that a FUCKING DARKNER?!?!?
thought Toriel to herself, calmly
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After reading Seam dialogue I noticed that if you don't defeat Jevil at the start of Chapter 2 he says
>Hmm... so we are now in the Castle Town.
And beating Jevil yields:
>So we are here now, in a new world.
which I'm surprised nobody has picked apart harder because he should still be in the same dark world he has always been in, just a different area of it. The chapter 1 and 2 NPCs are implied to know each other which would not be possible if their areas were truly separate worlds.
>Fate is approaching... and it is not on your side.
Unrelated thought but FATE is the main antagonist of Chrono Cross and Records of FATE are the in game save points that the antagonist uses to control other people.
It's July where the FUCK is the newsletter?
being sexually provocative
4 of july
how can they be a mirror when they're translucent glass in the light world
Gaster's JO Crystals
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goodnight /utg/. i am going to bed now. cya.
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Goodnight gotebro.
The G in Gaster stands for Goon
>I figure shadow crystals are somehow manifested by the schizos rather than them obtaining them and being driven mad by them.
Unlikely, there's a bit of dialogue from Seam that implies otherwise.
>>Oh, is that so? That salesman had found the crystal in the old machine...?
Spamton's crystal didn't come from him, he found it.
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mirror actually makes some sense.

the crystal is said to be made out of "rotten" glass.
rotten can refer to how kris feels about it.
the crystal is also said to have facetes and that the prisms shine like kaleidoscopes, a mirror is a pane of glass that's been coated in silver or galium vapors, the other side can appar somewhat see-through while the other does not.

maybe kris does not like himself very much. maybe he hates being the only human in a monster world.
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Seam also calls Ralsei The Little Prince and everyone ignored the potential implications of that because he is literally a small prince and ignored that it is the title of a book.
>ralsei died on the way back to his home planet
I mean, Ralsei dying is not only tragic but also likely to happen so
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Kris is a little damaged.
The Newsletter will reveal that Deltarune will receive a Funko Pop update
Finally... white Ralsei
George Floyd od'd on Shadow Crystals.
Finally... He's IN...
>storyshift reference
Yeah, right.
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i am just saying: the it was shattered on purpose.
>tfw it is a mirror.
>it represents what kris hates about himself.
>his true self
>assembling the shards creates a mirror in the light world.
>what do mirrors do? show your mirror image.
>in the dark world it does not create a mirror but the mirror image of its assembler.
>the discarded vessel.
>"its symbolic for erm body dysphoria"

I will piss so fucking hard if toby does that.
>cuts off dick
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Considering how significant the mirrors in both games are for heavy handed dialogue delivery you are probably closer to the truth than most.
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This is why I like Frisk so much better than Kris.
Kris is such a fucking bummer, holy shit.
Frisk is just so much more positive, at least in TP.
i'm the opposite because i relate more to being a bummer, at least in the past. kris' line hits harder
what is also very queer about this is that seam just takes them off of his hand if you visit his shop in castle town.

if these relics are so powerful that he knows about them and immediately takes them from you, i suppose that they might cause a completely different route's end.
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You bother me
You're ahead of me
All due to nothin' but jealousy
You're blame-free
Steppin' up for me
And beyond the magic, you're buggin' me
The man in the mirror...
...I look into his eyes and say
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can it be? do my eyes deceive me?
we spoke about deltarune in a serious manner.
i fucking love caravan palace
And you made sure to steer the discussion back to yourself with your avatarfagging
no talking about deltarune in a serious manner i need drama now now kingy wingy in my bingy nom nom yum yum tum tum blarp fart azzy wazzy kraut kaardy kris haters berdplap skinny fat baseball bat ness is sans i smash cans *BUUUURRRRP*
you sound like you have acquired a taste for my piss.
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I mean, basically everything I just said I've said previously so we have not really covered new ground.
Seam having slightly different reactions to Castle Town depending on various conditions and being highly suspicious about his knowledge of shadow crystals, the schizos, and the actual light world that only Ralsei is also aware of isn't even new information.
The Rude Buster leitmotif being deeply within Lantern is probably the most exciting thing anyone has noticed yet and that happened ages ago.
Fave C Weiner?
Aw crud...
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Accidentally a word, deeply buried is what I meant to say.
Seam better get a really cool boss fight.
Route Idea: Never talk to Seam
Deltarune will be disappointing on a metaphysical level.
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Deltarune is about metaphysics, and also psychology to an extent but not quite as hard as Persona went about it, and it will be disappointing how many people miss the point entirely.
Deltarune is about why you should never get involved in anything made by the Japanese.
When is the newsletter dropping?
AU where the time between chara and frisk's fall is actually 1000 years and chara trips into gaster's cryogenic freeze chamber that seals them until that date
July 31st
This route also means no Jevil fight right
Deltarune? More like Deltaprune

(Context: I hate prunes)
Fuck off newfag.
Any freedombrothers celebrating the 4th this week?
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i would argue that we did cover new ground.
last time i dared to ask this question, we just meandered about dumbshit stuff.
but a mirror actually sounds pretty plausible the more i talk about it.

i am actually glad i had this conversation for once.
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How many worlds do you exist in?
that would just be a no secret bosses route, not much would be change you just wouldn't experience the side story.
the anon is talking about how since seam takes your shadow crystals, there's possibly a route where you keep them for yourself and it could be different somehow
but honestly it could probably just end up like an NPC tells you to take your crystals to seam, or you can't experience the side story to it's end because seam never gives you whatever item he'll craft
what if fave joined the Green Party?
Monsters are known to be well-intentioned but ineffectual
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Do you think the launcher chapters will be integrated in the story?
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Explain to fave how me giving the government more money isn't gonna stop Chinamen from stuffing the entire food chain full of plastic
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>launcher chapters
the hell's been going on?
What do you mean "launcher chapters"
They're just making each chapter a separate executable file because Toby's team can't develop games properly
Why do monsters who have been sealed underground for at least 100 years speak modern 21st century American English?
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Waterfall trash contains human popular culture, same reason why Alphys is a weeaboo for animes.
Didn't gamemaker made some special feature about that?
You would need a launcher unless toby want you to have 7 .exe
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>* Have you ever thought about a world where everything is exactly the same...
>* Except you don't exist?
>* Everything functions perfectly without you...
> * Ha, ha...
> * The thought terrifies me.
all the textboxes are written by 21st century american chara
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Remember no man is a failure who has friends
China pollutes because there is western demand for it. A lot of people don't understand supply chain & production. Exports are 1/5th of China's GDP.
If western countries (IE, where consumers with disposable incomes are) stopped consumption of plastic goods, China would stop manufacturing trillions of dollars worth of plastic goods. (I'm not saying that's the solution to all this, just trying to make the point.)
If there was the popular will for it, EU and US could put tariffs or embargoes on any foreign produced goods whose production goes above some pollution threshold and that would be that, China would adapt to lower the pollution threshold of what it makes.
But this is unpopular everywhere because people like cheap goods, and pollution is an economic externality that consumers and governments don't have to immediately deal with so it's just accepted and hoisted onto the next generation.
>jockington will kill ralsei
Fucking spoilers dude.
Why in one chapter, Kris doesn't exist, but in another seemingly Kris does but Susie dislikes them?
There might be more than one parallel lightner world.
I ready China as Chara

Who is the person behind the demon_text in undertale code?
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Consider that separate instances and saves of Deltarune can all be considered canon and happening simultaneously.
I think you mentioned something about monkeys and typewriters, Deltarune sure has a lot of monkeys hitting a keyboard in real life and through brute force will eventually discover every secret, come up with every theory before it happens, and ultimately finish the game. Whatever that means.
Susie probably isn't looking at Kris in that world. She may be looking at the Vessel standing in Kris' position. Think about it; how would Susie act during the first two chapters if she wasn't with Kris who she already knew but with a complete newcomer?
Why every darkworld is called field?
"field of hopes and dreams" music
And second field by gaster on twitter
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Life is a beach, and then you die.
The ancient humans in the intro of Undertale are Mongols from ancient Asia.
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Deltarune will release tomorrow. Change my mind
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>what is happening?
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I would forego cheap goods if there wasn't a targeted effort to lower the entire world's living standards and make everybody poor. Also Europe and America are the only places that can afford "green" solutions, poorer countries demand cheap plastic goods in order to live so the west can't really shoulder the blame, and other factors that I am not gonna go into but I understand what you mean. Said fave after I properly educated him on the subject
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Nomadic steppes peoples had weed smoking fortune telling soothsayers who were probably also gay femboys.
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Cheer up the sad boy with hugs and cuddles.
Deltarune ending will be every quirksoft merged
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Why can't goot cheer me up? That's a rhetorical question, obviously he will cheer me up
Toby's company is actually called QuirkySoft Inc
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Everyone's all excited to fight or become an Angel.
I want Deltarune to end with in a fight with God.
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Cheer up the pissy boy with hugs and cuddles.
>Impossible. It is the future.
>My village, my fellow humans, my cool toys.
>Never again can I be with them.
>This is the best day of my life.
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while both paths are possible, i strongly believe that the right-hand path will be canon.
"god" won't intervene. but when we destroy his messenger, we face the possibility of our whole timeline being severed.

the ambulance's bead rail game describes how futile your efforts are and that you will walk down the same pre-destined path no matter what.
unless of course the blue bead represents kris, not berdly.
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>Asriel should be king by now, which also means Ms. mom girl should either be dust or old and senile by now.
>Now no one can possibly stop me from having desert for breakfast, today just keeps getting better and better.
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Good night, anons. Have a lovely day!
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The person talks like Chara during the genocide ending, except servile instead of domineering.
Likely related to Deltarune as it doesn't fit into Undertale lore at all and was added late like many other Deltarune-related secrets. That probably rules out Chara themself.
These are all crackpot theories, but there's no other way of trying to interpret this:
It could be Kris, talking to the player or to Gaster. Kris as a character is a riff on Frisk and Chara and we have no confirmed voicelines from them, so they could plausibly talk similar to Chara. Kris also has ties to the mysterious parts of the story: It's unknown how the soul got to them when it was just with Gaster and it's sus that they have their weird soul cage wagon contraption set up. They also have unknown motifs for doing what they do at night. They have also ties to Dess.
If it's Kris, the servile tone is probably sarcastic. Kris acts very irreverent with the player and their motif probably doesn't align that much with Gaster either.
It could be another human that hasn't been revealed yet, since plausibly any human character could sound like Chara or take from their design. Maybe Dess, if she is a human.
It could be Toriel, since she has some of Chara's speech mannerisms but is more humble. Maybe it could even be Asriel.
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"How does a part of the world leave the world?
How can wetness leave water?

Do not try to put out a fire
by throwing on more fire.
Do not wash a wound with blood.

No matter how fast you run,
your shadow more than keeps up.
Sometimes it's in front.

Only full, overhead sun
diminishes your shadow.

But that shadow has been serving you.
What hurts you blesses you.
Darkness is your candle.
Your boundaries are your quest.”
― Rumi, The Big Red Book
gote bote
Asgore wearing a burger king crown.
I don't think he'd say the word though. That'd be rude.
What word?
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Goatnight anon.
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Like in Undertale? Not very creative?
Big Mac
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If there is a single thing I can trust Toby to do, it's not be very creative.
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anyway: one thing that speaks in your favor is that we are supposed to seal in a great power of sorts.
ralsei called it "banish the angel's heaven"?
Deltarune will never be canon.
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deltarune is just an undertale fangame made by the creator of undertale.
We should tweet this at Toby nonstop for several weeks.
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Hyperdeath Asriel's self image of a god was very childish.
I wonder if we will get to encounter his very adult fear of death or his parents aging in Deltarune. Failure and loss hit so much harder when time is not on your side.
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You know what my theory is?
It's that you won't know how the game will end until the last chapter is released.
Won't matter. People are already more invested in the new game's setting than ye olde game's.
By the time Deltarune is fully out, there'll be a generation that has only played it and considers Undertale as little more than a prequel.
How straight will be played the single ending?
My theory is that not even Toby knows how the game will end. Undertale had a very clear point of view/theme/message. Deltarune is a clusterfuck mess
All the monsters speak in A A A A A A TR TR TR TR BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP MAY MAY MAY MAY MAY the handy dandy text box (diegetic) just translates it for you
First page of Horrortale Book 2
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>he doesn't know
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The ending is 100% just going to rip off the True Ending of Chrono Cross with Asriel in place of Kid/Princess Schala and even have an acoustic guitar cover version of Don't Forget play for the credits.
I don't have time to explain the ending of Chrono Cross because it's pretty whack but I assure I'm correct and couldn't possibly be putting heavy importance on the sequel to a game Toby very briefly references in his own sequel.
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1018 days
I'm aware but that's just a crock of shit to make him look like some zany mastermind. Same type of narrative for people who genuinely believe "toby made undertale just so he could lay the groundwork for deltarune"
Is it assumed Papyrus gave him the bow?
Fave C Toby?
Aw crud...
>People are already more invested in the new game's setting than ye olde game's.
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I'm pretty sure Papyrus outright says he gave him the bow, or implies that he gave him the bow.
Deltarune final boss where Gaster sacrifices everything to bring back the boss from chapter 4 at their true full power
Is Deltarune being developed in a studio or is Toby just comissioning people working in their bedrooms? Isn't that dangerous as far as leaks?
All of the important dialogue and music is being done by him personally so the rest of the team is getting projects like "code this funny mini game or unique enemy mechanic" or "I need a sprite of a toilet" without any additional context.
>...and here we are at Toby Fox Studios!
>Where hundreds of pretty girls ink and paint the celluloid drawings that make it into each piece of art for Deltarune!
Welcome to TobySoft! We make games, I think!
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Will Deltarune talk about the Bear and the Bull? https://youtu.be/7ZAlt_KA_K8
What the FUCK is an Undertale?
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I can't wait to know all the iteration of deltarune. How did he vision it in 2011, 2014, 2018, 2024.
How early some idea were thought
I want a 5000 pages artbook in 2030
It's only a matter of time before the Kotaku Oped about Toby Fox's extremely unprofessional work conditions that hindered the careers of and made uncomfortable his almost all female hires. The only question is does it come out before or after 5-7.
>Same type of narrative for people who genuinely believe "toby made undertale just so he could lay the groundwork for deltarune"
That's a straw man. Toby was pretty clear in saying that he first made Undertale, then combined it with scrapped ideas including the dream and the Kanotynes/Card Kingdom game to make Deltarune.
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>Obsidian's weakest written DLC character vs the strongest character written in all of Fallout lore who never even shows up outside of his corpse
>muh 2016 /v/ culture war
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Do you think toby wouldn't rip off undertale with deltarune if he didn't reach the kickstarter reward of "another game shrouded in darkness"?
Oh yeah, Randall Clark is great. I didn't find all of his places because, for some reason, even with YUP, that fucking DLC would always crash. So I kind of speed-ran it a little bit.
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toby is a literal liar
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Weird, DLC locations were usually the most stable places in the game for me but hanging out around Black Mountain and South Vegas liked to trigger crashes especially bad.
Even weird little things like how many caps you are holding can change your odds of a crash.
Are there any black or indigenous people working on Deltarune?
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no, just a bunch of death cultists and women because toby loves to watch temmie fuck.
No, only hard working Chinese slaves captured straight from Manchuria.
I've never read Hellboy but my impression is it's a bunch of 'ugly' monsters who are just normal people basically which I think is cool.
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What if the soundtrack of chapters 3-4 is completely uninspiring
What if fave shot them selves in the foot.
Like actually with a gun and real bullets.
1 and 2 should be enough of a clue that the music will never be as good as undertale's
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If you ever read it, and I highly suggest it as it is my all time favorite western comic, start with Hellboy in Mexico. He's better in stand alone stories that can be a little fun than the mainline lore heavy plot moving stories.
Another good starting point, unrelated to Hellboy entirely, is this pilot that never got picked up for a show. Gets his style, humor, and general level of quality across and the villain is more charismatic than any zombie has a right to be.
half of the year has passed
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If it makes you feel better the Nazis were just there to be used as a historical set piece and stock familiar bad guys wearing black leather and skulls.
Rasputin, the famously Russian monk, was actually the reason why Hellboy was summoned and was part of a much larger plot to unseal some ancient old god type chillin' in space to fuck shit up and cause a doomsday or whatever.
You feel targeted?
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lightner king noooooo
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Ugh, a whole half a year gone, and still no Chapter 3.
He's NOT in my belly and I'M NOT FAT
*starves herself
Fuck off kingfag.
team salvato vs tobysoft
I wanna fucking kill myself man this isn't funny at all
this is what you do right after school/work? or are you a kingyneetyfatty and just woke up so you can spam your vore fetish for another 12 hours
You are fucking retarded leave 4chan forever
close the tab
Do you guys know any accurate sheet music of the games? If not then I'll just keep using the Netcavy MIDIs.
yum yum
in my tum tum
kingy sucked up my bum bum
you have a humiliation fetish though
Kingfag doesn't have a job, she admitted as such.
why do you care about those middle school insults
Kraut and Kingfag both need jobs
>Gasteranon was trolling Kingfag too
toby should hire them, he has no neurodivergent minority in his team
>called himself Gasterfart and talked about shitting diapers
Anon.... Anon you're not this dumb right
that's how he acts doe
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Kingfag I don't know if you're still here but if you're gonna upload another self-harm just save yourself the trouble and let it be
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I was going to type up a wordy off topic response to this but got distracted watching clips of the cool mummy assassin guy.
kingfag you smells and sucks dick
kingfag yous my cutslut
My arm fucking stings
My mom noticed it this morning but mistook it for a rash

I don't have a picture this time but it happened and I reopened the cut from last night
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some creature you are.
good girl now keep eating kingies
i don't remember any of this in deltarune or undertale.
did i miss something?
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hey, doomerfaggot, remember how peaceful we spoke about deltarune theory?
i really enjoyed that.
now we have THIS.
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I want to die, I want to fucking die
get a discord with him
don't do it we love you
if you die then the kingy inside you dies too
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If a couple minutes of us talking casually is the highlight of the thread this place really is doomed but we are only halfway through it so there is still time for the thread to turn around again.
if you die now you can't play the next shitty uncomplete demo of the hack toby fox
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I know... This is the only thing preventing me from killing myself
Nuke /utg/ already. It's nothing but trash. Unsalvageable garbage.
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rals doodle (idk how to draw legs)
i thought it was because you were too heavy with kingy in your belly to do a flip
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You're pregnant? Congratulations!
what if tangys big round belly bursted and king fell out hehe
No, I'd rather die

what if toby is not releasing the game to save kingfag
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Nice rals, thanks for fresh gote.
A lot of art just gives him tube legs rounded off into nubs.
I like the actual goat leg interpretation just because it makes the design more exotic and less 'anime boy covered in fur'
Also, DK is delivering.
can i rub your taut red tummy
i hope kingy doesnt mind
you won't be able to see spade king if you starve yourself.
How does someone like this end up on 4chan and survive for years?
lol these are great, i love this stupid idea
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>i will teach you a lesson kraut
>i want to die!
i think these two sentences are just two days apart.
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>a thousand comments
by voring her prey very carefully (her prey is king spade and she ate him yum yuuuum now she's a fat cow)
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Kingfag, if you're reading this, realize that you "defending yourself and your fave" is what made things this bad to begin with. Trolls love responses, and you bite their bait every single time. I know you don't want to make it seem like you're okay with it, but understand that your responses only encourage them.
spade king only has eyes for his son in a fatherly way, he will never care about another woman ever since queen left him
true and canon!
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I couldn't even imagine having the effort and energy required to respond to every criticism, troll attempt, falseflag, or general completely justified complaint about myself.
Just do the Sans thing and be too tired and dissociated to care.
Trolls don't respond to "STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT", that's exactly what they want to hear. To actually stop them, have no response at all.
>left, self loathing, flaccid chode, race traitor
>right, quirky dancing dabbing homestuck race traitor
why don't you goon instead of this?
let's see Toby do this
Oh calm down you big baby.
your supposed to cut your belly not your wrists. you need to release kingy from your intestines
okay, kingfag. it's time you get away from 4chan for your own sanity. i will start uploading my spade kingxrouxls on my account if you stick here.
leave her the fuck alone jesus christ
kingfag im so fucking sorry they used my known traits as bait fuel, i should've never even gone here in the first place
>go on the internet
>get bullied
>can't take the bantz
>continue to go on the internet
you brought this on yourself

Leave this website forever and close your DMs on other sites
Took long enough Jesus Christ.
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King poster, why are you posting on 4chan if this brings you so much misery?
I'd understand if you were attracted to one of the teen characters, like Ralsei or Susie so you couldn't openly talk about it on Tumblr on Twitter without getting torn to shreds, but you have a crush on an adult, why don't you post about your crush on other places where there are no trolls?
Its the reason why i can hold a discussion with you, because you don't melt like a sugarcube in the rain when i call you a faggot every now and then. the truth can't hurt you if you are deaf.
but at least i cant still hold a pleasant conversation if need be.
nice. more euclid-class SCP lore.
picrel is spade king and lancer in the dark void of kingfags belly
Mom kraut is slobbering on doomerfags cock again
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Jesus Fucking Christ what's wrong with this place?

Genuinely fuck off, this is all your fault
people like you disgust me. you come into a thread, begin to assert what should and shouldn't happen with a fictional character, then self-harm when things don't come your way.

why are you like that? you should get psychological help.
gaster poo poo shit his diapy
inside it was a spade king
he took turns eating him with kingfag
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What really works my shaft is getting talking about indirectly.
It really para's my social if you know what I mean.
You need a rangeban desperately.
>getting talking about
You lose
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>getting talking about
I esl'd myself. Excuse me while I take this L.
This has gone too far for too long. Someone with more knowledge of it than me, I implore you to go on the IRC and inform them of what has transpired. Action must be taken for the evil to be banished once and for all.
its okay she got banned now :3
>spade king grinned at his new pawns
>a purple demon girl
>a cute goat
>a blue boy
>he decided to make them part of his harem
>a certain orange cat is tied to a post to watch it all, unable to do anything but scream
>the trio actually enjoy what is happening under their lusty king, but not a certain cat
The trolls need to be banned as well. Why hasn't it happened yet?
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Do it yourself you underaged idiot.
shut the fuck up, genuinely what is your motive
I am not underaged.
>spade king told the orange cat to die
>the orange cat was too busy eating lasagna
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Spade King held the hands of his most precious servitor: Rouxlslr. The two shared a night of passion, away from it all.
and the thread was at peace
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i am not worried that kingfag will kill himself.
he can't even cut deep enough to cut for attention.
Why are you still at it? You chased her out. That's what you wanted, right?
Wait no, I almost forgot... You won't stop until she's dead, will you?
Simply, like so.
On a serious note though I think you might've put the knees too high up (the legs might also just be too short in general, or they might be starting too high up idk how to consistently draw good legs either man)
its hard to believe some of you people are real and weren't born yesterday
Kraut, listen to me.
These types of posts are only going to push her to try cutting deeper. It's a cry for help, and if no one is listening, she will cry louder. You're making a big mistake by taunting her. Even if you won't be able to see it yet.
dude your gf is calling for help, do something about it
fucking kek imagine kingfag seeing all of this voreposting going on but being unable to reply because he's banned
Yes, she.
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Then why are you too STUPID and ILLITERATE to just FUCKing use GOOGLE to figure it out.
I did, and it said I have to register a nickname with my email which is fucking horseshit
then imagine king exploding out of her womb but she's banned and can't post pictures of it and she calls 911 and they tell her they can't send paramedics because she might vore them too
i don't know what will get her to leave at this point. people like her is the reason why i don't do worse.
the ending will include screenshot of kingfag posts and kris will decide that's time to destroy deltarune because fiction is evil
Why do you want her to commit suicide?
Your behavior is not normal. She may have severe mental illness, but so do you.
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It often happens that the real tragedies of life occur in such
an inartistic manner that they hurt us by their crude violence, their
absolute incoherence, their absurd want of meaning, their entire lack
of style.
They affect us just as vulgarity affects us. They give us
an impression of sheer brute force, and we revolt against that.
Sometimes, however, a tragedy that possesses artistic elements of
beauty crosses our lives. If these elements of beauty are real, the
whole thing simply appeals to our sense of dramatic effect. Suddenly
we find that we are no longer the actors, but the spectators of the
Or rather we are both.
We watch ourselves, and the mere wonder
of the spectacle enthralls us.
Fuck off birdshit.
you didn't save kingfag
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>in before kingfag learns to ban-evade because she must have the last word
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this is an actual call for everyone on this thread that wants this spade king fan to end her own life just for shits and giggles, no, better to everyone that still frequents this thread, all of /utg/, favefags, drawfags, writefags, shitposting, thread celebrities, and I say it with no irony.
go on, slit your wrists, get that rope, drink that bleach, end your wasted, oh so wasted life that you hate so much and only can live through images of fave, an unexistent fave in a game that already died before it even came out, it'll never come out, it's over, drop all hopes about this small game to stop being in constant development
do it, do it now, right now, post with timestamp or whatever I don't care at all, just do it.
you'll do a favor to everyone you know and love, and to everyone you hate. actually everyone who knew you will get better on their life at least a little, without your miserable, oxigen wasting less than human deformed body in it.
end it. now.
fuck off goatsharter
that goes to timmy more than anybody, end yourself now
The people who pushed her into doing this disgust me. They target the most vulnerable individual they can find and break her beyond repair for their own sick kicks.
I get the impression that Kingfag prioritizes her favorite character's life more than her own, to the point where she would lose the will to live if King were to die. Sociopaths in /utg/ have taken advantage of this and exploited it to cause her physical harm. And the worst part is that they face no punishment for it.
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a few years ago, i actually felt bad for him and i wanted to cheer him up, tried to give him pointers on what to do, told him that i know that heartbreak sucks but that one needs to pursue new relationships, that insisting on what makes you feel bad or giving in to fantasies will only worsen your state.

all of my well-meant concern was rejected.
>no! only king can make me happy!
>sex is yucky!!

i don't find it hard to believe that someone that can't cum gets to develope long-lasting psychological problems because that person doesn't even know where to put all this horny.
i give you five bucks if you kick him in the ribs!
pillars of our community
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how poetic.
>kingfag disappears
>it starts to pour here
how poetically beautiful.
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Has she and radiation ever been seen in the same room?
they're dead, anon, they're been dead for years now and had tried to hide it from the fans
Everyone is different. Not everyone cares about or wants sex, even if they're a small minority for it. Although Kingfag certainly wants a romantic relationship at least, her fixation on King makes this an impossible task.
However, there's more to life than that. Did you ever suggest other sources of happiness for her to pursue?
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Please I'm begging you people play something else for the time being.
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None of this would have happened if deltarune was just never released.
>soulmate flowey has tears for the lost of his love
very poetic
at least there will be no weird route where we kill king
None if this would have happened if Toby released Deltarune on time
toby will never release a new chapter/update
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“Nothing's perfect, the world's not perfect, but it's there for us, trying the best it can. That's what makes it so damn beautiful.” ― Roy Mustang
the fact that chapter 1 already happened and had no weird route
and the fact that chapter 2's weird route doesn't kill Queen, so chapter antagonists are probably safe
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i didn't tell him that you're only happy with cock up your ass.
i told him to pursue friendships and relationships, but it was denied - i think the root cause was that he was cucked a few years ago. (a decade maybe?)
it fucked him up so fucking bad that he copes by having a "relationship" with someone who will never leave me. someone who will always be there.
a fictional thing.

after all these years i know that anything positive will fall on deaf ears, i cannot help him. he does not want help, he wants to live out a fantasy and does not ask, but demand that everyone plays along.
recently he called out a personal jihad and tried to dictate terms of discourse to me.
and inbetween "i will teach you a lesson!" to "i want to die" was like 48 hours.

i only meant well with him. but i don't want to be his crutch to help him be miserable but help him be happy in the real world with all of us in it - as different as we may be.
>word salad
No, kingfag's obsession would've still come into existence even if the game released all at once, the only surefire solution is one where deltarune's existence never got released to the public at all.
If you actually cared you wouldn't misgender her. I know you're weird about the existence of women on the internet, but if you're trying to show you care then at least do that much.
Hey man, I thought the previous little prince post was just insane deltarot symptoms of attributing normal things to these games, but you might be onto something. The Seam dialogue does seem suspicious when you look at it that way.
>(When you step into the light, you'll return to where you were before.)
It reminds me of the book's ending where it's unclear whether he went home or died. I don't think it's too far fetched to think that this could be foreshadowing or important in some way, like how although the ?????? area's eyes appeared more often on the walls, they were also part of that eye puzzle, and later showed up on the Titans. (But I may just be looking for excuses, personally that dialogue always seemed like it could be important.) To me it may be something on what will happen were Ralsei to enter the light world. Obviously it could be the same ambiguity applied normally through other means, but I also think it could apply to the Titan Ralsei theory - if he enters the light world it would be when the Roaring occurs and he bursts out of the ground, "then the world was covered in darkness", the same text upon giving up at the game over screen. And so, it's our choice on what happens: if we don't continue, that second option happens to him, but if we do continue we will return to the start; where he was before as a typical Darkner literally back to the Earth from where he came. Could also see it as foreshadowing for future bosses akin to the Twilight Zone theory (On the first six planets the little prince visits, he meets a king, a vain man, a drunkard, a businessman, a lamplighter, and a geographer.)
Don't know if you've done this already, but I suggest taking this to the /v/ threads as well, they talk about the games more from what I've seen and could throw more ideas at the wall.
toby's dream is a world without mother
in deltarune we will kill mother
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“Roy Mustang looks dead sexy...in a miniskirt!”
― Vic Mignona, voice actor for Edward Elric
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did i misgender him?
Asgore being arrested for killing those six kids.
My bird wife
She was angry with you recently because you showed her hostility. And this hostility towards her (and the infamous 7-hour argument that followed) is what led to trolls playing copycat to upset her even more.
Even if you had good intentions once upon a time, you've since given up on them. But instead of simply ignoring her upon deciding she was a lost cause, you chose instead to directly worsen her problems. I recommend that you reflect on yourself.
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I hope kraut and doomerfag die of liver failure having never made sick disgusting attentionwhoring self-aggrandizing self-important directionless stupid substance abusing avatarfagging 'love' to each other.
If you really want to deep dive the connections I suggest reading Problem of the Puer Aeternus by Marie-Louise von Franz which is a series of psychology references mostly focusing on The Little Prince, the author, and a couple similar characters and authors from that time as well.

This is an excellent read for all you, for lack of a more polite word, manchildren who obsess over fantasy and struggle to fit in to society and get a job and the sense of wonder inside of you has not died yet. Reading it I realized "holy shit this is just Toby Fox and Deltarune is his The Little Prince" but I I don't have the time or energy to do some fuck effort filled thing to convey this realization. Maybe I'll do a youtube video in essay format or something if I really think I'm getting somewhere with this faster than anyone else. The book can be read at this dropbox link I stole from reddit.
defend the pillars
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>psychology references
I meant to say lectures.
The tl;dr is that not only does Toby have some obvious mother issues, possible latent homosexuality, and a lesbian fetish, but it's possible that Deltarune is the last connection he has to who he used to be and how he made sense of the world and he's actually in pretty serious danger once he completes his vision and has to deal with reality or the snake at that point.
Imagine a thread where people appreciated nice posts about Asriel and friends instead of this
go back
Thanks for this but I'm struggling to take it seriously when you're posting a bastardized basically-an-OC version of Ralsei.
to the world where people appreciate nice gotes?
>he's actually in pretty serious danger once he completes his vision and has to deal with reality or the snake at that point.
he will release UNRELATED then
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If I took drawing parallels between quirkcore indie game developers and a dead french author who was also a plane pilot like the character in his story very seriously that would make me a silly person. I normally just post youtube links to music and porn, to keep the silly away.
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you don't understand how done i am trying to humor the delusions of some fucking retard that does not know when to quit nor when to listen to sound advice.

he wants to be unhappy? i'll gladly help him.
this is what he wants.
he chose poorly.
No, this is not what she wants. She's expressed this recently >>484215471
You need to filter her trip and let her go.
When Kingfag left for about a month (IIRC) I genuinely thought that she had finally learned
If you refuse to filter, then you must develop self-control to ignore her presence. Please, for both of your sakes. Your obsession is just as unhealthy.
Literally 95% of /utg/ needs a permanent ban, including me
I think the local orbiters got bored and spammed kingfag on twitter until she came back
Wasn't the story with Undertale's development that Toby just walked up to her and told her that she's making the art for his game now despite them never having talked before
Goner Kid's dialogue is the single part of Undertale that has stuck with me the most.
No, he messaged her on tumblr asking if she would be interested in collabing
at least this month we will have a newsletter to discuss
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better idea: tell that to king and see how far you get.
>you HAVE to
put your left index finger in your ass and lick it to remind you in what regard you are held.
Do you truly believe any normal person thinks you posting at all on a Tunisian Bull-riding forum isn't "silly"? Or you only talking about the quirkcore game in the quirkcore game general when it's to talk about something else like a JRPG or book in this case. You're not even really anonymous, why not just go post in some discord server or something when you have this much of an aversion to the contents of these games?
See, Yuki?
We really are elevating ourselves :)
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I like Kingfag but there comes a point where you're just responsible for your own demise
before king, we talked about deltarune.
now five simps try to tell me to entertain the retarded shit that made the schizo unhappy so the schizo wont throw himself headfirst down a flight of stairs.
you’re talking to the same guy who went bonkers and flooded the thread till image limit because WAAHHHH TOO SLOW, common sense doesn’t apply here
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It's angsty and boarding on edgy but it feels like it was something real and personal and hidden from the main playthrough for a reason.
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you mean bordering?
there really isnt anything wrong with kraut
I see no elevation here. Only a swift descent into Hell.

You would have been able to continue discussing Deltarune if not for the bloodthirsty sociopaths flooding the thread in another Kingfag murder attempt.
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>get such Deltarune withdrawal I start a PnP campaign in the setting
>making all the maps and sprites is actually fun.
It does make me wonder what the fuck Tobys team is doing though. No my stuff isnt the same quality but Im doing this next to a job and other responsibilities/shit I have going on. Not as my job.
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I meant to say planking this time.
I'm such a fuck up.
Is Gasterfaggolini just Yukitenshi without the tripcode
you have the option to not interact with her. that's always been in the cards.
He has the exact same problem as Kingfag, he always feels the need to respond to things.
He's obsessed with her and lurks just in case she starts posting so he can harass her ASAP
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I'm posting weed until this cursed thread is dead now.
It's a favor this thread has not earned today.
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>36 deleted posts
Threads like these are the best when eating, it’s like having a real-time circus
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>if you ignore the manic depressive psychopath, there are no manic depressive psychopaths.

god, i fucking hate you so much. you are the reason life is so shit.
Not enough!
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Well pardon us, Mr. Gucci Loafers.
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who are you quoting?
If you don't swing at the hornets' nest, you won't be swarmed by the hornets.
Someone got wiped and it wasn't just Timmy.
>common sense doesn’t apply here
Ain't that the truth... I just want a glimpse into the mind of this type of person. Who takes away the anonymous discussion part of places like these and just leaves the shit-spewing raunchiness. God, it's genuinely making me consider putting myself out there and having less leeway to make certain jokes or share certain ideas, but getting real responses in return. Off-site, there's art uploaded daily and fun crack theories I'd probably know more about if I were that person's mutual or whatever. I'll stick it for now but at some point there is no saving.
Pick Up??? OK!!!!
Picks up Spamton and throws him against wall
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It's a damn shame my weedposting bro isn't going to be awake for another five or six hours at least. You will get anime opening themes instead of the usual discourse.
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i'm not the one getting stung.
someone else is adamant about hitting a hornet's nest, true, but you ought to put that wisdom on someone who actually needs it.
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>Someone got wiped and it wasn't just Timmy.
and what exactly have you been trying to accomplish regarding kingfag?
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Maybe some ending themes too. Those are pretty good too.
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getting him to leave. not three days, not a week, not a month. forever.

we all say "haha touch grass incel XD" but i really mean it with kingfag. he needs to find people that care about him that he can touch and whose heartbeat he feels when he hugs them.
Suicide baiting
Just 4 more months and it’ll be finally ogre
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Can we fit this into the dossier?
>random posts about Papyrus got deleted
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If everyone is not special, maybe you can be what you want to be.
kingfag has been here for years. you're not very good at your job.
this kind of strong emotion is addicting. you're not encouraging kingfag to leave. if anything, you're doing the opposite. and judging by what you said earlier, you don't expect her to commit suicide, either.
Wojaktimmy did say that he was a regular poster and the wojak shit is just a persona. I think someone in here has been pulling our dicks for a while now.
No one is obligated to deal with the problems of anyone else, regardless of whether or not those problems are psychological in nature.
Anyone who genuinely thinks the contrary is a complete narcissist.
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Sometimes I wish Kris was canonically a girl so people could ship this in a normal route way without someone (Me) getting frustrated with the fact that there's a 50% chance the shipper is a secondary/has a shitty headcanon/doesn't understand how sex-based attraction works
Like seriously, can Kingfag just not use twitter, reddit, tumblr, etc. instead
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then everythingi do is morally justifiable and nothing i do has consequences.

ba-da-bing ba-da-boom. the best of both worlds.
She did and then /utg/ followed her there and spammed her until she came back
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underrated banger alert only real ones know
cancel internet
>one of the posts was about the alley girls
that is even more disappointing
I'm pretty sure it's Tasquefag.
how the fuck did you get to that conclusion? i'm sincerely flabbergasted. what the fuck are you talking about?
This is huge.
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Thread IDs NOW
because if nothing i did did anything, then nothing i do really changed anything and that makes it morally okay.
in short:
>everything positive i could say is ignored
>everything negative is consequence-free
wow, a netto of 0.
Wrong. You are morally reprehensible. If she will not leave, then it is just senseless torture.
If someone is immortal, and you mutilate them, it doesn't become okay just because they are unable to die. If anything, it's WORSE because they can't be put out of their misery. You making them suffer eternally.
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>wahhhh you have to be nice to thread personalities!!!
Did anybody care when we clowned on ESL Berdfag in comparison
No, it's "stop abusing the mentally ill you sick fuck"
why am i surprised to see the person coming to his defense is a spoid.

what is this? mental health awareness week?
if you were of any help, you would actually fix anything. you are worse than help.
we wouldnt have these retarded fucking posts all day made by you the retarded little sperg if you didnt make them dipshit
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how can you have the energy to shitpost so much to be a thread personality in /utg/
ESL Berdfag deserved it doe
The only reason they care is because kingfag is a """woman"""
Ooh we should make a list of all posters and try to find which one he is in a cool detective hunt thing! It would be just like epic mystery shows!
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regardless of the effects of your actions, you're being many times more of a threadshitter than you normally are when you poke kingfag. it is itself threadshitting, it agitates kingfag into throwing a hissy fit, and it accomplishes nothing.
i get that you're not being serious right now but jesus christ can you try to make your strawmen slightly less idiotic?
I'm TRYING to fix it right now!
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Why are all you people trying to build a personality and a legacy on what is supposed to be an anonymous website in a thread about an indie meme game and demo?
yet another W for the infobrokers
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>start a PnP campaign in the setting
does it have sans and papyrus?
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oh man these profile pictures
i am laffin
Wojaktimmy is FOBkun btw. The real catch is figuring out who FOBkun is.
>Add it to the dossier
>This is huge
>Infobrokers we got him now
Yes to all these things.
There ARE consequences. You're looking at them right now.
well i hope you get somewhere with it, because you better fix it before i fix it for you.
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he's right you know
The work I put into this dossier feels unrewarding sometimes
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Buddy, I've been asking myself why and how those kind of people end up on anonymous boards to begin with for many, many years. I still don't have an answer.
I'm sorry but this needed to be asked:

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Consequences? This is hilarious
I hate both equally
Berdlyfags deserve it.
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every /utg/ personalities is the real me or at least a part of me
Don't make another thread after this one.
bridget my beloved
Kingfag's self-harm is a consequence. The hours of arguing about this are a consequence. Not being able to discuss the actual fucking game is a consequence.
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Hello /utg/ and welcome back for soda review numbah 58! As promised last time, tiny noelle will have the spotlight for this review (don't worry, it'll only be for this one).
Today, we have Monster Reserve: Kiwi Strawberry.

It has a crystal clear appearance with a pink hue.
It has a fruity aroma, accompanied by an almost alcoholic bitterness.
The taste is very sweet and tart, almost overwhelmingly so. It, however, works in tandem with the bitter energy drink taste.
As for the aftertaste, there are hardly any hints energy drink. It's just strawberry and kiwi.
It contains 160 mgs of caffeine, which is 40% of the 400 mg threshold stated by the FDA.

Overall, It's a very solid energy drink. How the energy drink bitterness was handled was very well done. The caffeine isn't super high, so there are minimized drawbacks for the most part. The only thing I can really complain about is how sweet the taste is, and how it makes it a bit hard to stomach down at times. It's a drink you have to take your time with, but it's worth it.
8/10. Didn't even taste sulfur in this one.

See you again at 7 PM EST for the next review!

Alright so I've been thinking about the percentages I've been putting down for these energy drinks.
Right now they don't really mean much, so I though up a little system to try and "categorize" them by strength.
0-25%: Mild
25-50%: Moderate
50-75%: Strong
75-100%: Very Strong
100+%: Heart Palpi-licious
It might need a bit of work, but you get the gist of it.
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there's only two kinds of people in the world
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>literally cat-scratches
i mean, we heard it from him.
his mom knows, but even his mom doesn't give much of a shit.
>blood-curdling screams for vocaroo
>no one asking "are you okay? do you need help, dear?"
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In the midst of the night I survived
Where the moon and stars could not be found
Now I see the brightest light on my way
What if fave started a youtube channel called 'Epic Bacon Time' and wanted you to be in it.
They're going to have an episode where they make a velvet cake with lard frosting and bacon sprinkles on it.
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Are you living in the real world, /utg/?
tiny noelle...
Funny how you assume her mom doesn't say anything just because it's not in the Vocaroo. You don't know what happened afterwards.
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If i were a loving parent, i would pull the fucking plug and do something. ANYTHING.
kingfag is just a less popular and more localized CWC
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They're so fucking cool bros
I just want a peaceful thread. No trolls, no bait, no spite. Just anons making wholesome posts about their favorite characters and looking forward to the next chapters. Why is this too much to ask?
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>profile pic
copy that big papa bravo
Kraut does have a point somewhat though. Kingfag's mom HAS seen the scars and has heard her crying before but nothing seems to change. Like at what point does her mom say enough is enough and take preventive action? If my parents caught me damn near killing myself over this site I would be on constant watch.
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maybe tommorrow
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See >>484295991
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Nah, Im going with the Yellow philosophy: Canon Characters are reduced to basically Background hearsay and at beast easteregg stuff.
Because if you start adding in canon-characters two things will happen, even if your audience is just a handfull of fellow autists: Needless discussion if the characterization is right, and Toby will release a new chapter that will make everything you did with them utter horseshit.
If I keep the setting but fill it with my OC donut steels (since the players are playing their original the characters aswell) its easier to keep shit consistent. Worst case,a Gaster did it.
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Ralsei would NOT smoke weed.
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This thread is trapped in a loop.
All the guys I knew who disliked Undertale ended up quitting their passions to pursue /pol/ posting
cool story bro.
make him deal with his problems or i will deal with kingfag.
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Not only would he smoke he would also share it with you.
Undertale atracts autists.
Tranny hormones are like crack to nerd communities: Ruin them and introduced by the CIA
>cut to Ralsei volunteering for a D.A.R.E. function
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I'd love for Kraut to deal with his problems. But the first step is getting him to acknowledge he has problems in the first place.
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not all pots have a lid, anon.
i am not supposed to be happy.
but some people are forced to live in holes, while others crawl into them by their own volition.
kek, true, especially here
Kraut needs sex.
among us
Kraut needs to fucking kill himself.
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Please don’t hurt yourself Kingposter
( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;)

You’re still my friend!!!
krautsie <3
She's banned, repost this in like a week (assuming it's not a permban)
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you drew king getting killed by a shotgun
which tobertsoft character would you team up with if the two of you had to fight 5 gorillas barehanded?
It was a rock first and foremost and second of all not my fault
>It's already been 6 years since this aired on Toonami
I hate time
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>mintbrap smells blood in the water and circles in for the kill
That's not an excuse to drag others down with you.
If you want her to crawl out of her hole, give her a good reason to. A positive one, not filling her hole with dirt to bury her alive.
You said you wanted her to seek friendships, right? So answer me this: What was stopping you from being that friend for her?
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I was rewatching it and actually got nostalgic for "how good they made animes back in the day" which is a terrible feeling for something that recent.
this implies minty is like a shark, he's more like a big whale
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now that i think about it i'm not sure there's any choices that don't result in your death here
Kill yourself.
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is god of hyperdeath asriel cheating because i think he'd work
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Nobody likes you either. Go away.
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“After The War, They Won’t Recall They Ever Were Human.”
see that'd just be flowey+souls. having the souls would violate the 'barehanded' condition.
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>That's not an excuse to drag others down with you.
>If you want her to crawl out of her hole, give her a good reason to. A positive one, not filling her hole with dirt to bury her alive.
>You said you wanted her to seek friendships, right? So answer me this: What was stopping you from being that friend for her?
you still think this is about me or some "woe is me" type trauma, when in actuality i would pass a kidney stone if it meant that i made someone happy from the bottom of their hearts.

but all i get is this dumb shit of people wanting to be coddled by things that make them unhappy and if i dont dare to play along, i am the villain because your emotional intelligence is "damn you made me think about how terrible my situation, should i fix it? NO ITS YOUR FAULT THAT I FEEL BAD"

please suffer a stroke.
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Gulp ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱
Me personally, I just miss when anime characters were shaded worth a damn
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No. You not only gave up on helping her, but enacted revenge on her for daring to be comfortable in her fictional marriage.
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Dossier Inside Me
Dossier Inside Me
how many hoops of mental gymnastics makes fantasy a good substitute for reality when you are about to cut your wrist into the general shape of the insides of a chef boyardee sauce glass
Happy Straight Month
You're straight now, /utg/.
I like 'em all.
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Please stop fighting guyssss (ó﹏ò。)
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if only it were that easy.
we cant have nice things, can we?
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>kraut talks about the games
>anons/newfags freak out about kraut
>nobody talks about the games anymore
many such cases
You're half the problem.
Come on guysss I made up with Kingposter just make up pleaaasseee we can all be friends!!! (˚ ˃̣̣̥˂̣̣̥ )
case in point >>484303413
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Its important that all good things are do are ignored and all bad things i do are remembered forever.
>constantly bullied by real people
>"I just don't get it guys, why doesn't she want to interact with the real world?"
Come on now.
Sure, it's an unhealthy degree of escapism, but harassing her for it will only reinforce her beliefs that humanity is evil and dangerous, pushing her further into her little box.
Mint is my favorite cartoon character, truly a guy who switches personas based on what the writers want per episode
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you speak with awful confidence on things that seem rather confidential.

is there something you are not telling us?
>kraut talks about the games
avatarfagging isnt talking about the games
Just thinking logically here.
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Alright I'm bored now. See you nerds later.
>choice 1 (and shame on all retards)
Undyne, picks up a boulder with her own raw strength, even without magic she can bunch a gorilla inside out and the magic could be seen as barehanded because it's power coming from within, it's not like she brought a spear to battle, she just natively has a spear (to deny her this would be like to deny a dragon her breath). Toriel could also be seen as a decent choice but relies more on the magic discussion whereas Undyne is natively strong as fuck without pulling spear hell.
>choice 2
Chara depending on how we deal with soul bullshittery, Frisk was inhabited with a second human soul so it's possible with her we have determination and shit.
case in point >>484303918
all of those things are easily extrapolated from things kingfag has said.
Undertale: No Pants Edition
I remember you!
you are the "adress this!!!" guy!
i think you are jumping to conclusions.
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Guys pleaaassseeee ૮ ྀི◞ ⸝⸝ ◟ ྀིა
okay but consider: after finishing the gorillas undyne will probably try to take your soul
Did we review the dossier?
nazi flowey edits arent discussing the game
I wish jannies didn’t hide the IP counter, I bet there’s only like 20 people left
Nobody thought my gorilla post was funny… (¬⤙¬ )
Alphys your bra is kinda falling off
prease understand the viral marketers really really really wanted to stop getting their samefagging called out on /v/ and paid me a gorillion buckaroonies to hide the ip counter

NTA, but isn't it still discussing the games regardless of the image?
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She accepts her fate
i have to be honest i didn't understand the joke.
Gorillas are the 2016s boomer
No having arguments about distilled water and pedophilia while posting nazi flowey edits is not game discussion
Alphys your fucking bra fell off put it back on!
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I appreciate that you're being nice to her.
But uh, the bait posts from earlier weren't you, right? It's not another bipolar episode I hope?
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To be with gorillas we are already on the surface, I can do the 1-2 punch of pointing her in a direction of humans more worthy of losing their souls and then showcase how humanity's still cool with more anime/anime-inspired stuff (even if ripping the band-aid that anime isn't our real history). Monster-human relations doesn't need to be war, there can be peace (and she can learn more recipes than grease fire).

Kraut hit the nail on the head here >>484303569
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you fuckers are magical to me.
What are some of Krauts good acts?
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if ralsei were real do you think hed want to watch 6 hour long oneyplays compilation videos with me while we jack each other off under the covers
should've drawn an ape instead then
oneyplays is peak gaycore so probably
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he either understood the assignment or is the most retarded person around
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No!! I took my medicine today and I made sure to take it at 0200! ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
Of course not.
Listen, if I'm going to keep paying the rent, I expect you to not fucking walk around naked!
Okay that's good! I'm glad your medicine is helping.
You will die in seven days. •ᴗ•
imagine needing extra clothes just to hold up chest fat
Thunder, rain and lighting
It's such a baab
Thunder, rain and lighting
Thunder, rain and lighting
Thunder, rain and lighting
It's sus

:( why not
doobie ralsei stopped being funny like 2 years ago.
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That's one of those things that sounds hot in practice but would quickly become really terrible if you had to like cook or sit on furniture or something
if ralsei were real he'd like to service the town as a public toilet and make you watch
I’d jerk you off under the covers during a six hour oneyplays compilation
૮ ྀི◞ ⸝⸝ ◟ ྀིა
Fave walks around in their underwear all day around the house
couldn't be me in a month after my top surgery
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i'd shoot you for free.
OneyPlays obsessed fave always trying to come up with dumbass hypotheticals
i knew krautsie would only jerk off under the covers with doomerbro
smiling friends fave
awww, thanks sweetheart :3
id do the same assuming you have a peanus as well and are similar enough to the gote
fave but it's both a shota/loli version of themselves and a massive gooner (gratification disorder) and constantly wants you to fuck them and if you don't like it, they'll call an ugly bastard to do it instead and make you watch
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the normal response would be to question the nature of the behaviors that attract all this negative attention, or at the very least to try and find a different set of people to interact with
>kingbaiting still hasn't been deleted
What a sick fucking joke this is
Do you think i'm trying to come on to ya? NO! I want you to put..... some..... CLOTHES ON! Okay? jeez.... anyway I'm going to lay down, i got work at 3.
nuh uh
Ralsei wouldn't watch YouTube at all out of his own volition
You are the only good part of this thread.
Kiss me uwu
mwah!!! >W<
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Hug fave and remind her she's beautiful, not just sexy, summer can't pass soon enough.
⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂)⸝
Sure. And you can do that without trying to get her to kill herself.
Last time she temporarily escaped, threadshitters still kept trying to bait. Eventually it led to her getting lured back with King art right into a trap.
If you want her gone for her own wellbeing, stop bringing her up while she's not here, stop baiting, stop doing anything that someone might snitch to her about.
this ralsei is about to inject his daily ozempic

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