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Dark Whispers Edition

PC trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuCfkgaaa08
PS5 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wW4Fdh6zFM

Patch 6: https://baldursgate3.game/news/patch-6-now-live_108
Patch 5: https://baldursgate3.game/news/patch-5-now-live_99



>Q: How often should I long rest?
>A: Many companion and romance interactions occur when long resting. Some early lower priority camp scenes can also be missed if higher priority ones are queued. To advance companion quests or romances, make sure to long rest often.
>Q: Can I recruit Minthara without going down the evil path?
>A: If you knock her out in Act 1, yes. You do miss out on the sex scene, but otherwise the romance remains the same.
>Q: Underdark or Mountain Pass?
>A: Either, or both. It's recommended to clear both on higher difficulties for the experience and loot. Both connect to the same Act 2 map.
>Q: Is The Dark Urge essentially "Tav+"?
>A: Yes. You get additional content, BUT there are points where if you've chosen to resist the Urge and/or don't complete quests the "right" way, you'll have to pass additional checks to avoid losing companions.
>Q: Are there any consequences to consuming tadpoles?
>A: No, for the most part. However if you've consumed any tadpoles, there will later be a DC21 Wisdom check to reject the Astral-Touched Tadpole, which affects your appearance if consumed.
>Q: Should I enable Karmic Dice?
>A: Karmic Dice will avoid streaks of very low or very high rolls, both for you and the enemy. It is recommended to disable it if you're specializing.

>Romance: https://strawpoll.com/NMnQ5kJXYn6
>Race: https://strawpoll.com/kjn18WPzeyQ
>Class: https://strawpoll.com/eNg69DKKjnA
>Companions: https://strawpoll.com/bVg8o8l3VnY

OP pasta: https://rentry.org/bggpasta

Previous thread: >>483888787
Good evening. I love my husband Astarion.
Fun fact: Orin doesn't talk to Minthara once.
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Holding hands with Turkish men
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Good evening. I love Shadowheart.
Shipping the victim with the abuser is NOT okay.
I want orin to by my abuser and I will let her fuck me silly.
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The ratcatcher that became a lord.
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she's fine
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That the best you could come up with?
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Nigga shut your coon ass up. If you wanted more Orin art, just ask nicely.
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Good evening. I love my wife.
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I unironically love this whole silly little community
this is truly lighting in a bottle for me, /bgg/
Good night
>good night
I'll believe it when I see it.
2-4 short sentences about who she is, what her personality is like, etc.
And her name, don't forget her name.
is my epilogue bugged? i didn't get any ending cinematic, just withers mocking the dead three after the credits roll then kicked to the main menu?
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(yes that is the post)
The epilogue should happen between your romanced epilogue scene (which is after the docks scene) and before the WIthers scene so if that didn't happen it either bugged or you're on an older version than patch 5.
Her name is Shadowheart and she's a high elf cleric of Shar. She's a kind soul, stuck with the wrong crowd.
It's a good post. I'll allow it.
Since you're going to be annoying like that I will just tell you outright that it's the eldritch knight throw build
good night bgg
apparently it's because I flew away with laezel on the dragon so it skips lmao that's dumb. maybe i'll load back just to stay behind to see what happens
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I fucking loved this mod
>no scar
>ears too long
>blue eyes
Try again.
This is why Minthara hates Viconia, she is ugly as fuck compared to Viconia
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Every throw build is a meme, regardless of its actual strength. Imagine passing on the opportunity to be a GWM melee menace so you can chuck spears.
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But my Shadowheart literally looks like that
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This image never gets old
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Not even a competition
She looks like a bird lmao
Birds are cute
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I like the nu-Viconia desu
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Why is this shit so expensive
You're right.
She is a cute bird
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It's just underpriced on Tactician and below.
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My fucking sides.
That's lame, if Withers can call Lae'zel back as an astral projection then why can't he call both of you if you go with her?
>Karlach raped Myrkul with the orthon bombs
that was really stupid and really funny.
when lae'zel attacks from stealth and she whispers "htak'a!" i smile so big
The Swenster must be busy, he hasn't been posting relevant tweets for weeks
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I'm glad.
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What laid this big ass egg? Vlaakith herself?
what the fuck i've never seen this location before
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Post men, especially elves!
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God he's ugly
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that's our boy
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Do you think they ever
she hates to see an under-elf winning
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I genuinely got a little flustered the first time I saw her do that
Half of my life's problems would be gone if I could touch his shoulder
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This but I wish she touched me like this instead
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Did I win?
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>everyone who stands to benefit from you believing illithids have no souls tell you that they have no souls

Keep a save before the end, since the next patch has additional epilogues for the evil endings.
Alright guys, Voss refused to show up after I massacred the Creche and the game didn't force me into a long rest and an event with him prior to Act III as it is allegedly supposed to do so. Am I locked out of the Orpheus questline path essentially? Lae'zel is in my party and always has been if that is of importance.
see what happens you'll probably still run into it in act 3
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Did you go into the artifact?
I hope so. Unsure if I'm actually going to pursue this path, but Lae'zel being a retarded bitch still simping for her kween after she tried killing us is retarded.
When Vlaakith asks you to? I did, yeah
Maybe it was a giant hook horror.
Try going back to the mountain pass and long resting. I don't always get it the first time I leave.
No way to do that, already in Baldur's Gate. If all else fails, I may load up an older save if I have one, picking up the game again after a long hiatus anyways
>Keep a save before the end
Yep, this is a save from my friend and I's co-op run right before killing/dominating the brain. A neat thing is my origin character (Lae'zel) could still interact with anyone else at the party instead of skipping ahead to the ending cinematic. It's likely an oversight but it's really funny how other companions especially romanced Minthara doesn't seem to give a shit about what happened to Durge.
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Ngh... my head hurts...
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gods, I wish she was my insane wife
what the fug i've never seen this nest before too
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Berri and friends have slain the bulette and the spectator, but Glut died to the bulette. Now she is slightly concerned about the duergar fight.
what the frog*
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Good night, Inwe anons
What about the Dal and Elin and Mizora and Skoona and Anon's Tav anons? Do they mean nothing to you?
What about all of the gnomechads?
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a freak this time
She looks cute, would date
run into the ground and not funny anymore
Frog off
Frogs are not freaks. They are beautiful and we have much to learn from their culture.
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Anyone remember what the hatchery frog looks like or has a picture I forgot his name
no such thing
Varsh Ko'kuu
Where the fuck is the spot slider for gith? does that not exist??
>Local Githyanki Distraught Over Fixed Face Spots, Blames Larian Racism
I am livid
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Starting the run off well
It's reassuring that I've now seen this happen to at least two other people besides myself.
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No fucking way
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Don't put yourself down like that !
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whacha doin there dror?
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atleast she knows you tried
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Only drinks sparking water
Doesn't need to drink water
Has a Brita filter
Has a Brita filter, but has never bothered changing the filter since he bought it a year ago, most likely drinking mold
Only drinks out of puddles because clean water is for the weak
Has never drank water, only drinks beer and soda
Thinks that "surface water" all tastes like surface rot regardless of its source, drinks wine and herbal tisanes whenever possible
Only drinks Shadowheart's [REDACTED]
Has a well, drinks unfiltered well water exclusively
Drinks out of rivers and lakes, immune to most water-borne diseases due to repeat exposure
Let's make the thread a place of silent reflection, okay?
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What do you want to reflect on this evening?
He's so fucking cool...
I've been reflecting on how much I love my husband
cute radiant frog

mister bee double o zee eeee
cute frogs
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I changed her hair
the first one or the second. I kinda like the wavy better
looks like she was born in the same clutch of eggs as Lae'zel
I like this one more.
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I went back to make sure i wasn't using a modded face it's the same one the student has in the hallway I think
I like the braided one more since that seems to be the theme with female githyanki hair, but I think this color is too light for her skin tone
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I would like to keep the frog blonde what skin tone would you reccomend I've been fighting with it for awhile getting one that looks okay.
I could just make her more of dirty blonde
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6 Tempest Domain
6 Way of the Four Elements

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Nighty night /bgg/
Finally did the Minthara romance, thoroughly disappointing, not sure why people like it here. There's nothing there, you basically have to write it yourself while you're playing, it's imaginary content. Even Karlach is better.
Careful the namefag is gonna write you a 12 paragraph essay about why you're wrong (you're not)
Probably one of the more yellowish ones like sage tone 1 or olive tone 1, I also like the gold tones
I'm so fuckin' ready
>getting fingered in the ass is better than drow ear rubbing
bunch of homos ITT
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went with your suggestions, it definitely matches better, I have a hard time with unnatural skin tones thanks anon
cute frog
Nice frog
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I love using gale like a dirty bomb
I like how in the Shadowheart romance you can hear Halsin making her queef right next to your tent
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CUTE !!! Please post more of your githstacy tav
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Is this game worth it in its current state or should I wait for the next and final patch they said the game would have, honestly I'm mostly interested because of pic related but I heard she had a lot less content than the other characters
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will do!
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People are interested in her because she's an empty box they can fill in with their own fanfic. It's like romancing Tav.
The next patch won't meaningfully change the game. Some new evil endings are going to be added so I guess that counts if you want to be evil on your first playthrough, but otherwise I doubt it makes a big difference whether you play now or in September.
Minthara has less content, yes, and you also only recruit her halfway through the game. I never really understood that content argument though, you romance whoever appeals to you the most and that's what matters, not who gets an extra quest or 10% more lines.
Cute frog.
A sex scene isn't a romance, coomtard, that scene is all she has going for her and half the spineless fags itt don't even see it because they're too pussy to raid the grove
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Well groomed froggy nails
I just remember reading she had like a whole pregnancy thing that was cut out but I guess they're not adding it, I did hear they were adding mod support so maybe somebody will restore it
Yeah, no. That's not going to happen.
She's no Merri but she'll do *unzips dick*
If you manage to succeed the perception check, you may be able to sneak behind that magic guy and sneak a susser bloom into his pocket, trivializing the fight.
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and that's how lae'zel ended up killing a clown, a djinn, and the rest of the circus
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what the FUCK larian
Cute mysterious gnome
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This game is more worth it than most games in recent years, as long as you have a passing interest in rpg's, dnd, turn based combat, or any of those sorts of things. It's a fun game.

Minthara is a very fun character because she's one of the only evil companions and she has several very well written scenes. She's unique among the cast because no one else has the perspective of a former cult member, no one else is drow or from the underdark, and no one else is actually evil for realsies. A few other characters are evil but not really. You'll see what I mean when you play.

She only has a few hundred fewer lines than other characters, people exaggerate on this topic a lot. On top of that, you're going to think someone is cool or attractive pretty quickly, so it doesn't matter at all if person A has 4500 lines and person B has 3900 lines. This entire line of reasoning really doesn't make sense and isn't how you should think of things, so if you see someone harping about it then that person is trying too hard. In other words, if you like someone more or less on the fact that have fewer or more numerical lines in the game, that's a soulless way to make that decision.

That was an early stage of production. The voice actor recorded lines about being pregnant years ago. They decided to make every romance player-sexual early in development, and that content didn't mesh with that, so they never implemented it. That's technically different than being cut. Even early access gamers never saw that, since it was decided early to not have unique romance content.

We can talk about the opinion that not having unique romance content is a lame decision, but we understand why, they wanted things to be the same for everyone.

Don't get your hopes up too much with mod support, it's not going to be like bethesda's creation kit. It's smaller scope than that. There will be cool stuff, but let's temper expectations.
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I love my wife High-Wire
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The mod support they're adding is what we already have via unofficial tools, they're just taking the multi-tool and sticking their logo on it.
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Remember to hang
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Your wife is an insane schizo who cant even dump you for rejecting Bhaal even though she wants to since it reveals how weak you are to her. She is nothing more than a token performative evil paladin drow now, you never really loved her only the drow paladin evil gf comcept. It is written, scripted, directed and acted canon.
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cute frog
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I think not-Yy'rul is a pretty cool frog. She scares owlbears and doesn't afraid of anything.
Pattyfags gnomemogged eternally
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I don't think you can really call ladydrow victims. More like temporarily inconvenienced abusers. Vampires too for that matter.
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Aaaand Ragzlin's dead. Funny thing with cloud of daggers is that neutral npcs don't immediately aggro and try to leave the AoE to heal. Also, dropping a chandelier doesn't proc Surprised, so it's best to start off with a sneak attack to get the free turn.
I'll probably do some some extra encounters at Ethel's to clear the way for next long rest before calling it off today. I'm not sure if she or I'm prepared for Lae'zel's advances...
Yeah, show that creaky frog what's up, Lae'zel !
Frogs are so versatile, both in combat ability and expression
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Lae'zel, more like gay'ashell
Lae'zel is the straightest companion
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The straightest companion is almost certainly Gale. He's the only one with a preestablished major relationship and it's heterosexual, and in early access he openly flirted with Shart multiple times but never did it with any guys.
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Say that to my male gnome Tav that got gay sexually assaulted by Gayle
Meanwhile the straightest anon definitely isn't you, faggot.
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Lae'zel "if you're brown get out of town" of Kllir
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>gale didn't recognize his own cat
Why does every girl on Seeking have this piercing now, so obnoxious
He was distracted by a cool insect
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Lae'zel is disgusted with weak tiefling kids...
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>why do people play short races
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is that orin masquerading as astarion
I love this cute and furtive gnome
Everyone in the game has the same ass. Shadowheart, Lae'zel, Karl, Bex, they all came from the same ass factory.
I love girl ass!
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Ass do I.
This is one of my favorite moments.
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>male drow
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>I know you stopped the goblins, but I can't stop looking over my shoulder. Makes it hard to sleep at night.
Who are you?
Good morning. I love my husband Astarion.
You know. I'm always here, guiding this general towards my own design. Sometimes I decloak, sometimes I don't.
Not what I meant
A gnome
Why did Balduran ball?
i played this at launch.
so the game is finished now right? i was going to replay it with an expansion pack or definitive edition but it seems that isn't happening.
is there enough changes to warrant playing it again?
Honour mode's legendary actions are where most of new gameplay content's is at. There's also an added epilogue that might be worth playing for if you felt launch's ending was lacking.
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There definitely have been some changes.
I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
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You should crop this so that the top of her pubes are in frame
No, after three years of early access and a year of post-release early access, the game is still not finished, and in fact in some ways feels less finished than it did a year ago. Each new patch sucks out more soul and replaces it with more player feedback slop and bugs. Even the meager pathing and choice/consequence content is being stripped away so that redditors can have everything in their special snowflake runs.
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Good morning, I love my wife
This but unironically
Goodnight I love all gnomes and also Karlach
sleep well
I love Karlach why is her quest so short and simple
She was the victim of a lot of rewrites and was revoiced by another VA at the last second plus the area that was dedicated to her quest has been cut from the game to make console ports lighter
Thoughts about gently squeezing balls?
>the area that was dedicated to her quest has been cut from the game
Is this just upper city cope or do you mean something else?
>upper city
I'd rather not, it's a very vulnerable place for me.
What if it's done with a soft, feminine and loving hand?
i woke up with a jolt at some point last night and i couldn't figure out why but i think maybe it was because i sensed that someone here mentioned varsh ko'kuu
She's an ass fingerer
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It's tame as fuck compared to the rest of the cast's fetish
maybe, I'm no sure...
That's the spirit, now you get it.
From experience, it still feels weird regardless of how soft the hands are.
only if it's my elfwife's hand
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This is probably going to be uninteresting but recently I had another dream where Orin and I were contestants on a game show and she started getting increasingly mad at me for getting the answers wrong even though the questions were impossibly hard and then when we came back to the motel room we started arguing about whose fault it was because she got some answers wrong too and it escalated until she murdered me with a kitchen knife and I thought well I deserve it for not knowing the capital of New Zealand.
Act 3's greatest flaw was definitely the way it treated Orin and Gortash
as far as orin dreams could go, this was pretty mild
I'm still not over the twist that everything up to act 3 was just manufacturing an enemy to justify turning baldur's gate into a police state.
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imagine cuddling her though, she probably stinks really fucking bad but in a good way
The Absolute faking to be controlled was even lamer
Cute frog, ugly gnome
Shut up retard
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Good morning /bgg/
Waifus, Husbandos
Love & Harmony
And stay hydrated without going out in the hottest hours in this hot summer in Baldur's Gate

Oh how I envy you, a sweet dream with our sweetest, dearest littlest sister.
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Ugly as fuck
Why do shortstacks keep filtering homos?
>was just manufacturing an enemy to justify turning baldur's gate into a police state.
Sort of but that disregards that the Dead Three were essentially ogling at world domination.
Taking over Baldur's Gate was merely a stepping stone.
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I actually like this outcome more. Sure I can just reload the fight and hope that Isobel doesn't get crit by Markus, runs off and gets attacked of opportunity by a winged horror which leaves her paralyzed and then gets crit again by another horror BUT I already got the potent robes and finished all the other Last Light quests so I have no reason to.
Only humans can make true war.
Only humans can make true love.
Vote for a strong humanity.
Vote for a great Baldur's Gate.
Vote Enver Gortash for Archduke!
I still deeply appreciate the fact the Illusive Man expy in this game doesnt fucking turn on you for no goddamn reason, unlike some games I could mention (such as Mass Effect 3).
>Mozzarella Mario hours
I'm leaving.
Nobody cares, I don't even know who you are. You should probably wander off to die.
I care, because (You) do.
A Definitive Edition would have been killer
This post has no goodwill.
Bhaalspawn Orin, the grand princess of Baldur's Grave
Orin should've just been an actress, she would've enjoyed it more.
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i suspect she's about to get a whole lot gayer. shart's writer said more gay shit is coming in the next patch and this fucker has been incessantly reposting shart/frog art during pride month. prepare yourselves
I'm glad they keep ruining Shadowheart instead of giving Karlach and Minthara some love, really cool, Larian. Fucking epic.
wouldn't that be on karlach and minthara's writers to push to give them more content? shart and frog's writers are determined to make their dolls kiss for political reasons
I don't think it depends just on their writers.
The lead devs have the final word on what gets and doesn't get added though, Larian would rather keep shoving Shadowheart down everybody's throat than pretend to care about Minthara. This blows.
They don't hide the fact that Minthara is the unwanted child desu. Not getting Karlach more content is a weird choice though, she's quite clearly top 3 most popular companion overall.
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It's probably not in a good way though....I'm all for Orin romance and happy ending route, but let's not pretend dead bodies and that meat outfit of hers aren't stinky

Part of the Orin redemption path involves starting to take regular showers!
i mean what is the lead writer gonna say? "no ew i don't want more gay stuff"? that would get him cancelled and to be honest, minthara was written by the lead writer and she's already pretty damn gay herself. bet that dude was jumping in joy to add more
Did shart just say your drow tav smells?
>Larian would rather keep shoving Shadowheart down everybody's throat
And that's a good thing
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Shut your ugly ass up. Making Shadowheart a dyke after the whole Act 3 shitshow is yet another proof that John is a porn obsessed freak whose sole purpose in life is to cater to twitter.
cute but sad frog
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Just give her a miniquest, send LVL10 drow assassins once you kill orin, give her the drow flue, ANYTHING. FUCK. Let's not even talk about Karlach, but hey, at least Shadowheart can peg Laezel.
I would be satisfied if they gave her a soap to wash those dirt marks off.
my guess is they're just gonna let them bang at the goblin party. it was already cut content so they're adding it back in to get media brownie points
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This is the lamest addition possible. It's SO gonna happen. We're cooked.
well yeah. it requires no effort on the developers part and they're gonna get praised by retards on twitter that think its totally new content
They could just change nothing else, and give a journal entry and quest marker about killing Orin with Minthy and that would be her act 3 quest and her act 3 bossfight. These are already her companion questline but apparently some people need a journal telling them that.

But yes, something new involving Lolthie assassins would be a nice touch. Give the player some choice&consequence, if you fail to protect her she actually gets poisoned and is out of combat for a few missions, or the assassins keep coming and will actually show up randomly in the city and even in shops or in camp. Make them fully kitted out level 12 rogues with the entire array of poisons on their knives just like the player can do. This game has endless opportunity for some actual drama but they keep choosing otherwise.

That would be way too soon. If they actually do that, it would be kind of lame and I see why they originally cut it. They're supposed to hate each other at that point and if they remove that to make another carebear scene then this game would be losing one of the only contention points it has left.

Oh well. I just hope Swen's next project is a bit more realistic/engaging.
you made me look up what the capital of new zealand was
Wait what did I miss, Shart is getting more content?
>That would be way too soon. If they actually do that, it would be kind of lame and I see why they originally cut it
i guess you could argue shart is tipsy or something. after all it does only take half the normal approval to get her to romance you at the party than it does in her regular dialogue tree
What if they add new homo content for Minthara too, anon?
The game is done retards all we're getting is a single cutscene 3 months from now and we'll never see new content again stop coping
how do you make a playersexual character "gayer"? is shart going to try to fuck karlach and lae'zel if you don't? if they have time to add her cuck writer's fanfiction into the game why can't they add back some of minthara's cut content instead?
Brother I'd take anything at this point, you know what? Make one of Minthara's ex a drow mercenary who was tasked to kill her in honor of lolth, there. Boom, here's her Act 3 quest.
They said that they didn't reveal everything that is going to be added in Act 3, retard.
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Mostly hearsay, supposedly the writer has been hinting at something at some LGBTQIA+ gaming event that there may be more coming.
So some people speculate that it's more Shart / Lae'zel origin specific stuff as that has already become the writer's shipping playground for these two.
How often does Larian games go on sale and do they give big discounts? Any chance of it lowering even further than 20% in like 6 months?
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>First time playing

oh ya, it's DnD time
>Mostly hearsay, supposedly the writer has been hinting at something at some LGBTQIA+ gaming event that there may be more coming
Seems like a retarded move, why is Larian just letting him do what he wants? Guarantee you if you pulled stats you'd find that 90% of players that romance her are straight males self inserting into their Tavs, so why make exclusive content for a small minority?
Larian has always been pretty jewish about their game's sales but christmas is getting closer so you never know
Not him, but probably because she got LGBT character of the year. The dykes came out en masse and she somehow won that award. She even won it over Dame Aylin and Astarion, which is pretty bizarre
yeah they didn't reveal the full cutscene, only parts of it
I see. I'll probably sleep on it, I'm too tired to play it if I buy it today anyway.
With Patch 7 being packed full of bug fixes and new features we’ve yet to go into detail on, there will also be a closed beta on PC where a select number of players worldwide will be given an opportunity to test the latest update - which we’ll talk about more in the coming weeks!
>violent bull dyke that hates her girlfriend's father
I'm surprised Aylin hasn't won too.
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>christmas is getting closer
That is likely referring to the mod tools, which are being given to select people who already mod the game.
There are things that they have not revealed yet, as in there are things other than evil epilogue cutscenes and mod tools, but we don't know what they are.
I think tempering our expectations would be correct in this case though. It's probably not anything amazing. The primary two things in this patch are mod tools and evil epilogues.
Anyone have any good difficulty mods? Or are we just waiting for Patch 7 for that
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I love humanzora
Her story was pretty mid and you can't romance her
Yeah, I was surprised Aylin didn't take it, but from what I see, only one character can take that award.

Then again, these awards are more a popularity contest than anything. More women want to eat Shart's pussy than Dame Aylin's, so she won
>why is Larian just letting him do what he wants?
Because telling a writer
>stop adding gay stuff
is begging for a shitstorm, as some employees and fandom are quite vocal on this stuff.
>so why make exclusive content for a small minority?
Generally speaking, not everything needs to be made for everyone.
We can also make fun of the few people playing midget races, which arguably had a much bigger impact because they had to dedicate / restrict certain scenes / interaction just for those races - especially romance scenes.
Same can be said about people playing Dragonborn or maybe even Half-orc, i think those races that deviate too much from looking a human / elf are usually not very well received in RPG's, yet they are playable.

And honestly, as long as it remains restricted to the origin playthrough i do not care.
The fact that this whole shipping thing between Shart and Lae'zel runs on the supposedly "sexual" scene them trying to murder the other is odd to me already.
There are enough straight guys around that get horny from seeing two chicks fighting each other, yet i haven't seen many claiming that this scene made them horny.
And i'm beating the dead horse when i say that i don't see them really being into each other beyond that, Shart has barely any positive remarks about Lae'zel outside of an origin playthrough - where you can literally bend the characterization to your will.
>More women
lmao it wasn't women who voted. actual women who play the game want gale or astarion, the 'lesbians' you see online are literal trannies
Yes, ''women''...
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Good morning. I still love Astarion.
My job has a lot of ex-military so we have a ton of dykes and bi chicks here. Every single one that played BG3 romanced Shart. Think you guys are overestimating the tranny influence
>My job has a lot of ex-military so we have a ton of dykes and bi chicks here
sure you do anon
>if something goes against what I think then it's fake
Unironically this.
Next time Minthata gets an update, there will be no recovery. Not only every character in BG3, but every character in every game will become Minthara and her dialogue will be completely bugged.
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There's this https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/9907
Remember when Minthara was so buggy she spoiled all of Act 3's twists? I remember.
Baldur's Gate 3 is good because it has a bunch of gf options that are not normie girls. I would KILL to get a non-normie gf. I dont fucking care what type as long as she isn't a normie or vegan.
Aww i thought you liked the nicknames they gave you
This post made me lose a few braincells. Get the fuck out of my general.
This post has no goodwill.
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Mizora's Mizoras.
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I bought a bunch of games in the steam sale but I want to play bg3
>spending money and not waiting until the end of the sale to buy them if you aren’t gonna play them
zero self control kinda pathetic
massive mizoras
>Every single one that played BG3 romanced Shart.
I wouldn't even question that, it's just that i haven't read anything specific why Shart has this appeal towards lesbians beyond that her VA is one.
>conventionally attractive
>actually a sweet / nice girl
>wants to settle down and live a quiet life
straight guys are into that as well, so my best guess is that some small minority has issue with being into the same type / thing as straight guys, therefore it must be something totally lesbian coded that straight guys cannot see.
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>conventionally attractive
>actually a sweet / nice girl
Actual women who played this game wanted Gortash.
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Not with that nose, no.
Loud minorities mean nothing, besides they’re talking about lesbians right now
Even dykes want that Gortcock
I have seen a bunch of self identified lesbians in his tags on tumblr but that doesn’t make them lesbians.
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Shadomwah is pretty
Lesbians are attracted to pretty girls
Lesbians romance the pretty Shadowkiss
Shadowlove is not evil and doesnt need you to kill innocent refugees to have sex with her
I'm just keeping it real, if gith had normal noses, they would be much more liked
Only two more months.
Sextash turns lesbians straight
The only reason Shadowheart is popular is because she's the only white woman you can romance.
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She should've been a companion, not stuck with Wyll.
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I did it, I beat the game.
No you didn't.
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>let's give the hottest character in the game the worst sex scene ever made
Her sex scene was so ass even her VA thought it was too tame
It's always about SEX in this general.
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I mean...
I didn't even have sex with my wife yet. We just hugged.
But it's never about Bex...
these, i struggle to call them people, are hopeless.it’s always sex sex sex.
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Everyone wants to be as lucky as Danis.
lots of you people suffer from characte invisibility and it shows
The latest patch added dick physics, you picked the wrong game to obsess over.
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>all this talk about sex
I'm gonna stick my hand in Shadowheart's strange hole!
roll initiative
Her writer is 100% a sex pest
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You’re a sex obsessed FREAK and I’ll make sure you are dealt with
I'm the purest thing since Gortash.
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he has no soul btw
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Yeah he is :)
I love his winning smile
2 months until we get companion Alfira, Artificer class, Felogyr's reworked quest, Nightmare difficulty and an explorable Upper City!
>"Hello, I need to talk to Wyrm's Crossing HR"
I intercepted one of Swen's carrier pigeons. The note said that patch 7 includes Gort as a companion in durge runs.
All the chosens were supposed to be recruitable at some point
All of this 'tash posting is making me think he's actually not bad looking. Is this how it starts?
for me it's 'lach posting... oh wait, no one posts her.
i used to joke about how ugly I thought he was the first week after i played the game because i think i was embarrassed about finding him attractive.
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*posts the 'lach*
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My man.
Human paladin enjoyers rise
Looking sharp, Carlos
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pic reaction:
Is this Minthara's undies?
White human male paladins*
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Bex with sex...
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Oath of Devotion to human pussy
5e turning paladins into oathcucks is the gayest thing about 5e
Funny thing is that pretty much every npc Paladin you meet is sworn to some god or at least claims to be.
Very cute
Every character should have the option to select their patron deity, it's just that simple.
Even Gale talks about the god that gave you divine powers, Larian doesn't care about 5e retcons and that's a good thing
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they're mid but I like them
Larian hates her for some reason
the frog is always peeking over someones shoulder. is she shy?
I'm not into Gort, I wanted male Karlach
Astarion is the only man I want.
any DOSchads here?
what do you think the canon ending of 2 was?
what will 3 be like?
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no one to answer her call
>what do you think the canon ending of 2 was?
Can't have a DOS game without source so it's probably one of the origin companions rejecting divinity
>what will 3 be like?
The timeline and lore of that entire fucking franchise is all over the place. I genuinely don't think Sven actually cares about the worldbuilding and continuity of that setting. I think all the DoS2 characters were supposed to come back in some cancelled spin off game but who knows.
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Beautiful smile
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Which party would win in a fight
white human male fighter, ranger, cleric and wizard
female githyanki paladin, seldarine bard, wood elf druid and high elf sorcerer
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