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Marika won
>Latest patch

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Former >>484034062
Bumping for Marika /erg/ supremacy
Miq is bad and you should be glad we're killing him.
Praise Ranni, okay?
I choose this thread
the grace to shortcut ratio in Midra's Manse is really really fucked up
It was all a bad dream, I can still hear Miquella snoring in the cocoon.
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>big Dragon Mountain
>madness woods

is it just me or is the South eastern part of the map empty as fuck?
Please tell me there's a Mohg cheese for the current patch? My unupgraded Broadsword Stand Off is nowhere near enough to feasibly do this in under 5 hours.
INT/DEX or INT/STR, which is the path?
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Kneel for you goddess
Cruelty seems to be the theme in this setting. The Lands Between did a good job of hiding the cruelty in dark dungeons, or distant lands, but the cruelty in the Lands of Shadow is on display boldly everywhere. There's even communities dedicated entirely to enacting acts of cruelty.
And North East.

sorry faggot, there's never been an easy way to rush to a From DLC
Well stop it's hurting my feelings and making me want to marry her less. Stop talking please.
so, miquella gave us torrent from the very beginning so that we'd enact his plan by killing radahn and mogh. this plan being hidden from melina, obviously.
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>Another quality weapon
Finally From throws me a fucking bone, and it's a good bit stronger than my Quality Great Katana.
You mean the entire south, the content to space ratio in cerulean coast, madness woods, both finger ruins, and dragon peak is abysmal.
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There's several ways to cheese Mohg.
Miquella wasn't Torrent's former owner, Ranni was.
Int and/or dex is for faggots.
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First time playing Elden Ring since launch. Greatsword+Int or Greatsword+Faith?
What build do you guys use to carry your friends in the DLC?
Ashes of Ariandel?
Do the Let Us Go Together emote during the delay period at the start of phase 2 for Miquella to put you in a reverse piledriver
Dragon Peak gets a pass because it's a gimmick zone. The lack of enemies was obviously deliberate.
The Madness area being fucking massive and totally goddamn empty is unforgiveable though. Holy fuck I loathe that zone just for the waste of time that it is to cross.
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Has anyone noticed invasions where you just fucking NO DAMAGE? Specifically in the Land of Shadow.

I just had an invasion where I was tickling these guys in Belurat for fucking 61 damage with madding hand. I know madding hand isn't very strong, so I switched to flame art dryleaf arts and my fully charged R2s were hitting the host for like 320 damage, maybe 20% of his health. Fully charged GFTT hit the host for 400 damage, which is seriously fucking off. I snapped this screenshot in case the scadu blessing scaling had anything to do with it.
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throw axes at people
The dlc shows him on torrent in the pre release art
>keep finding weapons that seem like they're good fits for quality
>finally find a weapon that looks like it fits with a dragon communion arcane build
The community is going to sour on pro-Miquella lore autists.
I like elden ring but think the player should be able to do cooler stuff while weaving between the bosses cool stuff, the formula feels tired as is. Now post from mechs/pots.
>3 skibidi
I don't think Torrent is an unique creatire, there are "Torrent prototypes" in the Shadow Keep. Marika probably gave them to all of her children or something.
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1/2 The fight is over, Radahns strength was too much and i get sent flying on my back. Radahn raises his twin swords to end it once and for all. "Wait, dear Radahn. She is unlike other tarnished, she has slain many demi-gods. Slaying her would be a waste." Miquella whispers softly into Radahns ear and as if on command, his blades plunge into the ground beside him and walks towards me, I try to crawl away but he grab me by my ankles and pulls me in, my Raya Lucaria robes being pushed upwards, revealing my legs and undergarments.

Radahn grunts in seeming approval, with one hand he pulls down his armour and trousers, his length already threatening to burst forth from his loincloth had he not ripped it off. His shaft is in in full glory, his olive member glistening from sweat in the sun, "No, theres no way.." I think to myself, as I try to deny the reality of whats about to happen, but as if he read my mind Miquella spoke; "be no afraid, Tarnished. You will not die. I am incapable of fostering children. Be proud, for you will be Radahns concubine to bear him many heirs. Ah, but first" Miquella gently moves his hands in the air, shrinking Radahns body to a more "manageable" size "Ah, hes still quite large. It is no matter. You are strong, Tarnished. I believe you can endure him" in one swift action, Radahn rips my robe from my body, and everything I had beneath. He began to move forward, I feel the tip of his length threaten to enter me, I begin to cast Miriam's Vanishing, when my staff is suddenly thrown out of my hands, and I find my arms pinned... Miquella..

Without being able to respond, Radarhn places his hands around my body and forces himself within me. The pain is agonizing, without any lubrication, it feels as if I'm being ripped in half and without giving me a moment to adjust, Radahn begins to move. Thrust after thrust, he goes as deep as possible, each thrust more painful than the last, I scream and scream but "Kindlly Miquella seems to enjoy this.
>As the festival of war concluded, General Radahn's soul met an honourable end.
>But Kindly Miquella wishes to revive it.
>...which is fine by me.
>I know it would pain old Jerren, but war has always suited General Radahn best.
>And certainly far more than any honourable death.
>Endless war to invigorate the soul.
>As befits General Radahn, the great lion.
Am I retarded?
It says that Radahn's soul is gone, which is why Miquella wants a "war" to restore it.
But...would there be any "war" if they all just agreed with Miquella? Like Leda just killing everyone who doesn't follow him? (Thollier, Hornsent, Sir Ansbach)
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The Radah dancer's outfit is Marika's robe if altered. She was a dancing girl, working her way straight to the top waiting for the perfect moment to backstab and steal Godhood. This was the original sin.

And why was the original sin so sinful? Because Marika did nothing to stop the slaughter of the Shaman. She let them be turned into red jelly and be fused together into the Divine Gate, while staying hidden as an unassuming dancing girl. To the point that while her people were literally being piled into a mountain of bloody viscera, she was turning tricks on the spot.

Ever wonder why Marika is half naked at the Divine Gate? Well the Caterpillar Mask says that potentiates are particularly vulnerable to "thoughts of impurity, doubt, temptation, and other wickednesses" while absorbed in divine ritual. Well whoever the leader of the Divine Gate ritual was (probably a fucking snake), she seduced him to give in to temptation and got him to fuck her right there at the height of the bloody ecstasy, then killed him mid-coitus to walk through the gate herself.

This is also the real reason why all her children are cursed. When a woman fucks a man, part of that man's DNA remains in her for the rest of her life. She fucked a whole bunch of things from Hornsent to snakes, and the above plus the fact that Numen biology melds flesh easily meant that her children were all genetic roulette wheels, absorbing the traits of everyone she'd let have a spin.

Naturally this is all why the Empyrean grandam calls Marika a wanton whore.
>have 43 scadu fragments
>there are 4 I can't reach yet in Enir ilim
>and 3 unaccounted for somewhere across the whole fucking map
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Mohg my brother in law
Malenia my sister in law
>probably fully upgraded weapons
This isn't ds3, level up your damage stats.
Is it me or are the Curseblade enemies' drop rates fucked?
I got the Hornsent warrior stuff in maybe 12 or so kills with the silver scarab talisman but it's taking me double that to get the Curseblade set.
Unfortunately it's mediocre as shit when not fighting dragons. Looks cool though.
She leaves a rebirth flower instead of a corpse (identical to Millicent's) and item descriptions continue to refer to her in the present tense. You return the needle to her and she responds by giving you gifts. She's alive. The Future Press guide confirms it.

Remembrances don't mean shit, you take multiple Remembrances from people who are still alive and can duplicate them on the spot.
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Just beat Radahn.

How do we feel about voice acted summons boys? Couldn't help but notice a good chunk of the NPC summons were voiced in some capacity.
Does the bloodfiend lance drop guiaranteed from one of the enemies somewhere or do I seriously have to farm this shit when there are no lance-carrying bloodfiends near any grace
Not a true cheese - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfytsjsKkqQ
Cliff cheese is still working allegedly - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvPV7y4MgZc
i know you want to repost this webm for the 10th time but anon is talking about cheese in the tier of "fall of the map, mohg explodes"
Some of you guys are alright
Don't come to the arena tonight
What's wrong with it exactly?
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2/2 A soft but sinister smile creeps across his face. Was it because a contender has been brought low? Was it because Radahn will have children? Or was it simply some sick pleasure he gets from suffering? It hardly mattered. Nor could I possibly even ponder it, as Radahns relentless assault destroyed any thought, but worse. The pain began to shift. Though still agonizing, it began to feel almost... good..? This feels... Good? No. No. It was Miquella. It had to be! Im not like this, am I? I was meant to be the Elden Lord! But as my thoughts of defiance fought a futile war, my body already surrendered, and my screams of pain warped to moans and squeals of ecstasy until finally I reach my pinnacle. An unfathomable bliss hits me like a wave, I squirm and convulse as the world ceases to exist, there is only Radahn and Kindly Miquella now. In a brief moment of clarity, I look to Radahn. There was no passion in his eyes. No affection. This was purely a means to an end. A means to grant him an heir... Until finally, he achieves his goal.

With a guttural howl, his member grows and unleashes his golden seed into me. I can feel the torrent of his essence splash into me and after what feels like an eternity, stillness. Radahn is panting heavily, his sweat dropping off his chiseled frame onto my body. We both glisten in sweat for but a moment when he finally withdraws himself from me. As I lay on the floor. Leaking his seed onto the floor, the feeling of shame I expected to feel is nowhere. Radahn rises, as does Miquella and whispers into my ear "Let us go together, to a much gentler world."
>acquire morning star, hoarfrost stomp, dectus medallion, antspur rapier, poison mist, smithing bell bearings 1 and 2
>kill greyroll, cheese lenne’s rise night cav
>upgrade weapons to +12
>kill radahn (easy)
>do Varre’s quest
>rot and poison mohg, then use bleed/frost morningstar to burst him down
>optional: do ranni’s quest until you can get +10 mimic tear
This let’s you get to the DLC in just 2 remembrances and is easy enough for a shitter (me) to do it in about 3 hours.
Get farming bitch
Running radially to avoid getting hit by the 4x teleport combo doesn't fucking work I get hit every single time the sl1 hitless videos are a fucking lie fuck you and most importantly fuck miquella until he gets boypregger
90 +17/7, don't want to go to meta levels or beyond on this character because it's just L2 simulator

Just had an invasion where everything worked perfectly fine, so I have no idea what's going on. I need to do more invasions in the DLC areas.
Sacred Spear or Fork?
Sacred Spear is a guaranteed drop from one that's near a forge, I forgot which forge.
Fork is a rare drop.
>the scary woods of a couple scoobydoo fragments and a lackluster dungeon
>the jagged peak of recycled bad dragon fights and random lightning slimes
>the blue coast of recycled enemies and glovewort for the summons you aren't going to use
>the finger ruins of 4 dozen copy pasted hands and leechmen
>the entire northeast corner of Marika's shitty village and a recycled fallingstar
dood it's so le heckin big haha memezaki he said it was the size of bimgrave dood
>would there be any war
The world still has to bend the knee to the new God, see Marika having to genocide the hornsent. She couldn't snap them out of existence. Power was necessary and wars were fought.
DS3 era Chase was more legit
Jee has always been slop but at least during the DS3 era he was happier, he sounds so miserable now
It has less AP scaling than the regular great katana with no infusion.
The ash also sucks.
It gets increased damage against dragons which honestly doesn't even make it useful, cold infusion great katana with zero int investment will do more damage with a decent ash.
If I've got 70 int and 50 str am I better imbuing my weapon with magic or heavy for scaling?
Do the revered ashes affect invader damage?
Great katana moveset isn't ideal, damage isn't very high, ash does squat to non-dragons.
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>but things like Belurat really were a waste. Fantastic setting and music, but you fully explore it in like 30 minutes.
I liked Belurat. It was quality over quantity and had a lot of visual and gameplay variety.
What we need is mandatory keys for the dungeons. From is slowly inching towards having mandatory key hunts like in the old-school Zelda dungeons.
>unleash fully charged palm blast directly into host's face
>no reaction
I wonder if Messmer was a good older brother to Melina.
Read >>484056469
Stop posting this. NOW
it wouldn't surprise me, i've grinded ~700k runes out of the fire knights, got a collection of 9 gauntlets, heads, and legs, but no chest piece. i swear they accidentally gave the drop rate an extra 0 or something.
>The Radah dancer's outfit is Marika's robe if altered.
Already said this is a stretch
>Because Marika did nothing to stop the slaughter of the Shaman.
We have no indication of this whatsoever. Not that she could have stopped it
>ell whoever the leader of the Divine Gate ritual was (probably a fucking snake), she seduced him to give in to temptation and got him to fuck her right there at the height of the bloody ecstasy, then killed him mid-coitus to walk through the gate herself.
Because she walks around half naked anyway?
>This is also the real reason why all her children are cursed. When a woman fucks a man, part of that man's DNA remains in her for the rest of her life
Please don't add in shitposting into your theorizing it makes me want to dismiss it
>She fucked a whole bunch of things from Hornsent to snakes, and the above plus the fact that Numen biology melds flesh easily meant that her children were all genetic roulette wheels, absorbing the traits of everyone she'd let have a spin.
The only child that was cursed without us knowing why is Messmer. Mohg and Morgott aren't cursed, they were born with horns because of the crucible. The crucible is STILL impacting the people of the Lands Between. All that changed is how crucible blessed are treated like. And of course Marika wouldn't stand to look at her children looking like the genociders of her people. We KNOW why Miquella and Malenia are "cursed" (more apt term is vulnerable, vulnerable to rot, vulnerable of mind because of innocent/immaturity), it's because they are the children of one god. Which actually would be further backed by the shaman/numen biology bit at the least.
>Naturally this is all why the Empyrean grandam calls Marika a wanton whore.
Yes because the grandma wasn't extremely fucking salty and wouldn't totally describe Marika properly.
he'd be smiling, not scared
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I keep thinking, "There's no way bosses can get any worse and more insufferable," but this kusoge never ceases to amaze me.
I get the implication that he was the one to burn her body away
AP scaling?
That's a dog shit spread but if you're insistent on keeping it you're best off infusing Cold on a weapon that gets good STR and INT scaling with Cold.
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>finish NPC's questline
>they just die
I fucking hate how this keeps happening in souls games. They either just die, or they decide to invade you and you kill them.
Those elemental horn knight guys horrified me the first time I did a runback and realized it respawned. Favorite part of that area.
Soulful, adds so much more personality to the characters and brings me back to a time when summoning wasn't so loudly screamed about by the tryhard crowd and we were all just having fun. Igon is undisputed bestboy of the expansion and this would not be the case without his stellar voice acting (and that voice acting featuring in the Bayle fight). I hope it continues as a trend but only if it makes sense to for the character in whatever fight
That's not what I'm talking about.
Miquella, for some reason, needs Radahn to come back so he can ascend to godhood. That's when we come in, we fight him to revigorate his soul.
Which wouldn't happen if Leda just went on and killed everyone.
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I’m here for your hand in marriage baby. And also your hat.
How do you fuckers stop the urge to keep leveling? I get the point of being at certain levels, but then my runes start ballooning. Do you just stop giving a shit about them and when you die stop trying to get them, or intentionally burn them by buying random crap?
>When a woman fucks a man, part of that man's DNA remains in her for the rest of her life
Schizo. This was proven false and was just some shit incels were using to cope with not getting pussy.
How should I change it
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>First time playing Elden Ring since launch. Greatsword+Int or Greatsword+Faith?
pls respond
Would Miq let you take his "needle" instead if you asked for it?
>When Azur glimpsed into the primeval current, he saw darkness. He was left both bewitched and fearful of the abyss.
>When Lusat glimpsed into the primeval current, he beheld the final moments of a great star cluster, and upon seeing it, he too was broken.
>When bestowed with this weapon by their queen, the swordsmen swear to find the truth that lies at the end of the procession of stars.
>Onze, a master swordsman who devoted himself to the Star-Lined Sword, realized that only ruin awaited at the end of the procession of stars, and imprisoned himself in order to forestall it.
What does it mean? Is this why Radahn stopped the stars?
See what the other anon says. This will also be why Torrent "trusts" you instantly; Miquella obviously tells Torrent this, whereas it takes some time for Melina to warm up to you.

Though, Miquella and Ranni do have very similar goals and their plans are functionally the same.
Bloat my stone counts because I keep finding new weapons to try.
Attack Power Scaling
It gets less damage per hit for each skill point you invest than other comparable weapons
Wait until you face the final boss. He makes Hog Rider look like the castle mourne Misbegotten.
You should dump STR or INT or switch to DEX/INT. STR/INT isn't a real build. There isn't a single weapon in the game with good scaling in both and STR does nothing for spellcasting.
The stars are aliens and they're probably really scary and incomprehensible.
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both ways work
I think you answered your own question with that picture.
The war isn't involving the NPCs. The "endless war" comes after they ascend to godhood.
>Torrent prototypes" in the Shadow Keep
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I got like 5 chest pieces but couldn't get the grieves
But it's not that they're dropping stuff but not what I need to finish
It's that the drop rate is just lower
Fire knights drop something every run even if it's not what I need. These guys will NOT drop shit for 3-4 kills until I finally get something.
I like using my magic halberd
By the time I finished the DLC I was sitting at 11 million liquid runes, counting all the co-op and the 4 million I had prior to starting. My build is complete so runes are useless to me however I was just collecting them for shits and giggles. I ended up just buying 250 of each smithing stone and burned them all so that I could just die in peace without having to use the twig Physick anymore.
Faith gives you buffs, debuff cleanses, ranged options and massive numbers of damage types to choose from. I love it.
Int is okay but just doesn't have the same versatility to it. DMG is more an Int weapon than a Str/Int. If Steeple were stronger I'd say it as well.
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And once again, From breaks the game with a madness build that hits through rolling iframes
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Giving Miquella a gender-appropriate buzzcut!
Which halberd?
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>want to make new character
>finding flask upgrades
>finding scadu upgrades
>finding bell bearings for smithing stones
Never mind....
why are you guys taking this so serious
that sounds like a stretch
endless war...in his age of compassion?
But he's cute and Radahn isn't.
Muh dark fantasy.
>no signs at 125
I backed the wrong horse...
>why are you guys taking this so serious
I was interested in the theory until he started bringing up IRL schizo theories.
>procession of stars
They are alive. And they are all coming to see the Ring.
At 100 I felt like my build was complete but Google articles advised starting the dlc at 150. I feel completely overloaded now with any armor I want, more than enough health and damage caps. I just burn the souls or spend them on crabs and arrows now.
I've been a bleed katana cuck for the past 4-5 soulsborne games so I've been missing out on all the fun stuff. Thanks anon.
Nightrider Glaive with magic imbue
I buy smithing stones. If you care about PvP then you have enough incentive to not level further; you stop caring about the runes. If you don't care about PvP then you keep leveling. Both sides solve themselves
>why are you guys taking this so serious
Why does this fag keep spamming it like anyone cares.
I was just testing something like this. On a Carian Thrusting Shield, while 2 handing (for the STR bonus), with 54 STR and 60 INT, Heavy + Scholar's Armament outperformed Magic by over 20%. The only downside is having to reapply Scholars Armament every 90 seconds, of course.
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SF1 = King's Field
SF2: WW = Demons Souls
SF2: CE = Dark Souls
SF2: HF = Dark Souls 2
VS = Bloodborne
SFA3 = Dark Souls 3
SF6 = Elden Ring
I think backhand blades might legitimately be an unwinnable matchup for certain weapons
reduvia; pump arc and vigor through the giant dragon.
Your cheating engine?
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you are a genius.
taking things seriously is the only way to have productive, good faith discussion.
Then dump the STR, it has E STR scaling, that's basically zero. Get 80 INT and the bare minimum STR/DEX and put the extra points elsewhere like VIG/MND/END.
>why are you guys taking this so serious
I'm treating the anon's post seriously, not taking it serioustly. It's a vidya lore discussion after all.
What I find shitty is weaving in shitposting into an otherwise well done post. It makes me want to just dismiss it. Even if I disagree with the theory, it's still valid lore posting otherwise so why throw in that shit that's just going to incite a flame war?
His age won't be of compassion. That's just a lie by the time he's saying it. The world will have to be conquered by him all the same even with his charming powers. She isn't saying that there will be eternal war either, but more that Radahn's soul being restored means he gets back to eternal life and the chance for more wars eternally.
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>invade while testing the deathblight exploit
>nigga bows at me
>two shot him
ok I think I got enough data to start testing it in the DLC areas
Only thing that seems to improve the exploit looks to the weapon level, as when I upgraded from +1 to +3 Somber the kills got more consistent but it also could be placebo, mainly because im not sure how the instant madness proc affects how much deathblight is inflicted when stacked this way.
Even so, the results are clear that is basically deathblight crossbow 2.0 but a bit slower and requires to be better built with all the bullshit going, but much WAY faster than a legit DB build.
I still dont know where to find backhand blades...
It would feel weird though. Hes like thousands of years old but he has the body of a child. It would feel weird and uncomfortable before, during, and after.
Faith also gets an easily acquired catalyst that scales with both strength and faith, it's kinda nuts how many tools Faith got this time.
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>Played so much Elden Ring in the last month that I'm inspired to write fanfiction
>Think about all the flowery language I'd need to write and hesitate. Even Rykard in his unused dialogue talks in the same manner
I'm not cultured enough for this
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Okay, if Ymir is right and the GW has been gone this whole time, why does Marika need Godfrey/The Tarnished to start a new age?
Is the Elden Beast ALSO just acting on a guess for what the GW wants? Marika clearly can fuck the Two Fingers out of shit easily enough. It's only Radagon, controlled by the Elden Beast, that seems to be in the way. Why would they be so vehemently clinging to this age? Why not the age of dragons? or the one of the Hornsent?
You're attacking our wife.
Yeah but he has that much experience too. He can make you feel things others can't for a plethora of reasons
You might be right. I know it isn't optional, I just like how it looks
Freyja is a literal schizo fangirl like Leda. Jerren was literally Radahn's right hand man. Freyja was just another nameless knight who served under him. Jerren knows Radahn and knows that the festival was what he would have wanted. Freyja is just talking about what she thinks is what suits Radahn best, not what he wants. Radahn's soul wants no part of Miquella or his Mohg Golem body, which is why he says nothing and just has a neutral expression on his face. He's a literal zombie. Freyja is basically saying she believes that a good war or two will snap "Radahn" out of it and make him the general she looked up to in the past.
Ds2 Chads we won
How far from the end of the game is Morgott?
What's the maximum ganksquad Leda can have?

For me it was
>Dryleaf Dane
>I think Hornsent was there even though I beat his ass in the ruins of Rauh
from the first line you could already realize where it was going, come on now do better
60-70% base game
Read other posts. He's objectively wrong.
Me, I'm in there as well. I'm with Miquella
finished dlc
finished base game
now it's time to replay all again, as a dex samurai
has this been nerfed in the past? shit's beyond broken... i-is this the real power of katanas?
>from the first line you could already realize where it was going, come on now do better
This is a Fromsoft game. Unhinged schizo theories are par for the course.
I don't understand how many eceleb pvpers can admit to cheating on stream and From Software doesn't care.
Just a little war to end all wars, anon. Come on, just a tiny one. Don't you want peace? Some people just won't accept peace except by force, you know?
Radagon is the founder of GO fundamentalism, why would he want to let his age disappear when he believes in it so much?
If Marika controls Grace, why did she lock you out of the Erdtree after you defeated Morgott?
Dude I'm not saying you have to change your weapon, I'm just telling you to adjust your stats to make better use of it. Those STR points are wasted. Max your INT at 80 and chuck 'em elsewhere.
He's way taller after ascending to godhood. he looks like he broke his curse. Besdies, if he's still a kid then it's weird no matter what with him orchestrating it.
he's too based to be wrong. i agree with him. i think she 100% absorbed the semen of other men and that's why her womb is fucked
>caring about invaders at all
That's why
This may be an unpopular opinion but...

Morgott/Margit is my favourite boss in the game.
Followed by Malenia.
I know, thank you
Unfortunately there is no Souls equivalent of Super Turbo. Maybe the Demon's remake, I suppose.

I forgot

Marvel = Sekiro
Because she doesn't control the Erdtree.
>When a woman fucks a man, part of that man's DNA remains in her for the rest of her life
Why are you guys engaging with an incel that unironically believes this....?
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this is the place where you have an entire ao3 page dedicated for it
you need to assume every long post is actually thinly veiled porn fanfiction
Radagon does, the thorns are Radagon's grid sigil
Claiming that Marika was a prostitute that seduced her way to the perfect opportunity is one thing, even if I disagree.
Posting about how "DNA remains in women after they fucked a man" is asking for a shitflinging, regardless of the validity of the science (which isn't much as the other anon stated but that's beside the point)
The only question is if this theory is too unsavory for loretubers to regurgitate.
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how do I get across and kill the stupid archer?
She didn't lock you out, Radagon and the Elden Sneed did. She controls grace, not the tree.
NTA, but if he really wants to use that weapon, having 54 str and the rest in Int then putting Scholar's Armament on it and 2-handing it will give him the highest AR he could get from it.
She literally made the Erdtree.

fuck I actually forgot Radagon existed for a minute there.
You mean hacking in 999 of the same item?
Yeah I would rather skip to the fun part.
It was neat, but it was also kinda distracting during the fights. I hate when summoning is required to get certain quest gear, but the DLC was good about that generally not being the case.
>Finger build needs 80/80 to work
Kill yourself.
Should I go try to beat Rykard first?
I loved the summons and options in this DLC. Excellently done.
It's funny that miquella's spell gets broken like 20% of the way into the dlc, you barely even get to know any of the freaks that are supposed to be your compatriots.
I'm going to consume your flesh I will tear out your entrails and eat them while you still breathe do not insult her ever again
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get me
the spinning gravity thrust technique is OUTSTANDING.
>Freyja was just another nameless knight who served under him.
Freyja was his most trusted knight and part of his personal guard.

>Jerren knows Radahn and knows that the festival was what he would have wanted.
Freyja never even says Jerren would disagree that this is what Radahn wanted. She just says he'd be sad to admit it.
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>Radahn and Miquella
Morgott is about 2/3 of the way through the game if you go on a critical path
But the areas after Morgott are really phoned in copy/paste jobs and empty fields
There are good side areas accessible prior to Morgott, and 1-2 decent kind of gated behind him (but you can get there other ways) so you might still have half the game left if you didn't wander off track too much

Limgrave, Peninsula, Liurnia, Caelid, Altus, Gelmir, Leyndell, Siofra, Ainsel, Shunning Grounds are all accessible prior to Morgott. Deeproot and Moghwyn are too but meant to be gated behind him, while Mountaintop, Snowfield and Farum Azula are all hard gated behind him
i mean, you're not really going quality for the highest damage, it's mostly for the quality exclusive weapons and being able to use almost any weapon you want. there being weapons that actually do outdamage pure builds with this stat setup is just a bonus, but you're never further than 30/40 AR below a pure build unless you're at the extreme str/dex scaling weapons(greatsword, guardian swordspear)
What's the best way to build around Milady?
I didnt even understand that
What was the spell that got broken just form me getting nearer to the keep?
if he wrote a full fapfic i'd be on board with the theory
>souls has fallen so far that levelling up wherever you want and fast travelling wherever isn’t even though about
Series used to be thought provoking, now it’s nothing more than how to best kill X epic latin chanting boss theme dude that whispers a vague line when they die. I pray it’s the last one, the tone is dead.
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Sorry bro but this theory makes Marika more appealing to me. I like evil women with long-term plans.
>Yeah but he has that much experience too
I doubt Miquella fucks.
quality in this game just means it's a somber weapon with quality scaling that would be better if it wasn't somber and you could make ti heavy or keen
have fun with it though, the ash of war slaps with shard of alexander and icon of godfrey
Why does Leda trust you when she just met you? I’m talking about after the charm breaks.
Miquella is currently prone boning me
Radahn is in the cuck chair
Fedoras & Trenchcoats
yes, it's guaranteed by the guy in the pond.
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st trina retard, for fuck's sake.
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I was sure Radahn and Miquella were going to fuse at the end there. Shame.
Spell that sealed away St Trina
are blue summons sitll active
the one wher eyou get automatically summoned to help someone
i havent tried it in a while
>when two literal fucking bums have a better story of strife in das2
It’s such a mess
No it's wrong and makes her a harlot she's not she is not she never will be die.
Mickey is still losing things as you go through the dlc. The spell breaking is him leaving behind his rune.
it's like console exclusivity, even if it would be better with heavy/keen, it's exclusive to my build and that makes it automatically superior and strength and dex babies can shit and piss about it if they knew these weapons even existed
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Were Ansbach and Thiollier designed to die durign the Radahn fight? I noticed they both had death dialogue.

Also RIP to the homies.
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Why is Malenia like this?
His entire existence is charming people and he craves being an adult. Why wouldn't he fuck
And even if he didn't fuck, a thousand years of everyone wanting to fuck him still would've taught him more than you'd ever know even if you spent your whole life fucking
Miquella’s charm over Leda and the others. Miquella surrendered his great rune and broke the spell they were under.
i want to like INT but the only fun INT weapon is MLGS. I'd say go FTH/STR because you get more options.
Do you really feel comfortable against Miq at that level? I'm trying but it's just so wildly unfun compared to my 150 run
Nah I feel ya, both are just so satisfying to do once you understand their moveset. Has such a nice webb and flow to it all. And also agree with Malenia being slightly below them, not even an issue with waterfowl but because she suffers too much from longer combos, which aren't as dynamic depending on your position like Margit/Morgott.
in the hall where there's a bunch of creatures hanging, there's one that looks exactly like torrent, but bigger
>When a woman fucks a man, part of that man's DNA remains in her for the rest of her life
Saw a leddit theory/headcanon that I kinda liked

The reason why Empyrean shadows are dogs is because the dog is likely one of the first shadow puppets you learn to make
Either or, doesn't really matter
God, shota dom is so fucking hot
I desperately wish that the fight opened with the phase 2 cutscene and then moved into something new. It just feels wrong ending things on a reused boss.
If I think about it, why did we even kill Messmer?

I would say that we got tricked because of Miquella and his minions leading us astray and saying that we must kill Messmer as part of Miquella's plan to unseal Enir-Ilim so that he can use the Divine Gates to ascend to godhood, BUT Messmer breaks rune as we're approaching Shadow Keep and the hold on all the NPCs break. A big part of all their quests is talking to them at this point to see what they're up to now that they're no longer brainwashed, and they'll tell us that they were brainwashed.

So, at that point, why are we killing Messmer? Only NPC that actually wants to kill Messmer is Hornsent. Everybody else is just doing their own thing.
Share your most tinfoil, retarded headcanons
>melina, geq
>was following metyr; the gleaming finger "god" wit the black flame symbol as her face
>messmer and maliketh defeat her

workable headcanon
so torrent is a GMO? he's not organic?
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>Radahn and Miquella
This isn’t dark souls.
he killed billions
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Miquella didn't fuck, not even Leda, and that's why she's like this.
That girl is a down horrendous shotacon with nothing to show for years of hardcore simping.
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what a fun fuckin fight
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>be part of marketing promotion
>does nothing 99.99999% of the game
Because he is there. That is more than enough reason for a fight.
torrent was probably modeled after that creature that's hanging in there, yeah
he aint natty
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Hell yeah just 1v1'd Messmer. inb4 1v1 doesn't count because bleed
Because its like one of those "everyone wants me, so why shouldnt I settle for the best?" kind of deals.
there's no reason to even do the DLC in-universe. You get nothing out of it.
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Malenia is a canonically a fujo. She bloomed and asexually reproduced at the thought of her brother and radahn fucking.
She wanders around and stabs people.
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>no ARC-scaling, bleed inducing weapon worth a shit in the DLC

guess im using MSS all the way baby, thankfully they didnt buttfuck Bloodboon Ritual too bad
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Yeah it's pretty retarded. I just wish FromSoft would've focused more on the Miquella crew as the ultimate plot. Every bonfire should've been some new interaction between at least two of them and it leads to the final fight. Or in some alternate universe, you lead them all to fight Miquella in yet another base game Radahn moshpit fight, or you join Miquella after all the other NPCs broke the charm and that's a different reason for you to brawl with them

The rune breaks too early and you learn nothing about them. Like what the fuck even is Moore. It's easy to miss his shallow as fuck quest line. Even if you didn't miss it, you go from convincing him not to kill himself to him suddenly throwing pots of shit at you
I should really use raptor of the mist more. In the base game it doesn't feel necessary pve wise but for fights like Radahn and Messmer it seems not only useful but stylish.
Mesmer was so fucking disappointing.
I expected to get ass raped for the first 15 tries like it was with Renala and Lion but he turned out to be super straight forward
Even the snake attacks werent that bad
original script he wanted miquella to be god and knew you were on the path to lordship.
What do you mean you killed Messmer? Why would you do that?
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We regret to inform you that Miyazaki has decided that today your roll will arbitrarily NOT get you out of Radahn's gravity pull kill zone, and you WILL be getting one shot from it.
She has a nice multistage quest as an NPC around the whole time to talk to and is part of a cool boss, what the fuck anon
Doesn't count because it's post-patch.
Your build sucks don't ever show your build again.
1v1 doesn't count because of bleed, faggot
No, but I think they canonically take part in the fight anyway.
>Why do we fi-
You are a murderhobo, shut up and do your job.
And the one bloodflame spell is bugged and doesn't even stack bleed which is presumably its one use because the damage is shit and the animation lengthy
How's bloody slash do? I thought about it but it didn't seem worth on my scavengers.
it breaks at complete random too, it's not like you personally do anything that sets off the chain of events of everyone turning on each other, you're just along for the ride
Not any of the relevant anons, but I some how doubt science is seriously considering the possibility either. Genetic permeability is proven between mother and child, so the mechanism is there, at least. Whether or not it is also involved between mother and father is unknown.
>Like what the fuck even is Moore.
Isn’t he a kindred of rot in human form?
isnt Bloodfiend's Arm literally the best weapon in the dlc?
the vastness and void of space would break the minds of humans if they could see it all.
>has like two meaningful dialog
>immediately changes to I DONT TRUST ANYONE after rune breaking
Hello /erg/ would ranni be upset if I rape rennala?
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So hypothetically speaking, what changes if I give her the creepy potion? Does Seluvis have an extended quest if he actually gets his new fleshlight? Do I get anything from him?
triggering it when you get near the keep is just a game mechanic. Miquella is just doing it "offscreen"
Y'know what, anons?
I'm starting you think this Marika lady is kind of a bitch?
I didn't use it at all. Bleed procs faster with a jump R1.
The npcs WERE actually called by Miquella and want to find out what is going up with him. The problem is they are all from opposing factions, Miquella brainwashed them so they wouldn't kill eachother, but the majority of them DID come there to seek out miquella and to do that they need to get to the divine gate, aka burn the sealing tree. While not everyone there supports Miquella becoming god, they all want to seek him out.
To do that, we kill Messmer to get his embers and burn the sealing tree.
Yes they're there dead regardless of if summoned or not and if they survive the fight or not.
I don't really understand how I'm suppose to believe the same Godfrey we fight is the same Godfrey that slaughtered hundreds of Fire Giants by his lonesome when the crippled one we kill is like one of the penultimate bosses of the entire game. Godfrey degraded so much that he's barely stronger than a Giant that can't use his fucking legs? Doesn't make any sense.
Leda should have had a line about how she once challenged Malenia psychotically accusing her of disloyalty but was defeated in less than a second but Malenia decided to spare her after a light spanking and a laugh.
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Okay, here's the full story of the Lands Between (Source: My Ass)
>Everything was just the One Great
>Greater Will comes around and splits everything (big bang)
>GW then sends out feelers into the microcosm
>One hits LB, Metyr
>She signals home that this place has life (Crucible)
>GW sends the Elden Ring/Beast next to create order and guide evolution alongside the Crucible
>GW peaces out after this
>Metyr left confused and wanting to get in contact again
>ER gets picked up by dragons who are the dominant force at the time (dinosaurs)
>Metyr/ER decide "this sucks"
>Uses the Crucible to evolve new dragons while evolving beasts into men
>Crucible makes Bayle to fuck over Placi and get rid of the dragon god
>ER winds up in hands of the hornsent, those who evolved from the beasts
>Hornsent worship Crucible and want to contact gods/divinity by "reaching the heavens"
>Hornsent doing horrible shit to do so, including shoving Shamans into pots
>Metyr still trying to get contact with the GW, grows the Erdtree from the Crucible to act as a relay
>Erdtree needs to be set, nourished and protected
>Marika, a shaman, gets guided by the Fingers to seduce the Hornsent with promises of being able to reach the GW through the Erdtree
>They work together and make the Gate of Divinity to create a full new god that'll reach the GW
>Marika kills the current holder of the ER and takes it for herself, becoming a god at the Gate of Divinity
>Fingers guide her to kill the Giants and remove Destined Death from the ER so that the Erdtree can grow strong forever so they'll eventually reach the GW
>Follows the script, rules the land with the Golden Order, which is told to last forever
>With everything set, Metyr and the Fingers sit back and wait for daddy to call back
You fail her quest and get a shitty ash of her.
You can give it to Dungeater for an ash of him instead.
you don't
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First thing Miquella will do after our fight is heal Malenia and fill her with cum. Just like how Marika banished Godfrey, he will do the same to Radahn.
"Malenia is daughter to Queen Marika and Radagon, and her Great Rune should have been the most sacred of all." - Radahn has no chance. He's an ugly ogre.
Marika really is the best.
the human mind quite literally can't comprehend concepts such as infinity and higher dimensions, and trying to grasp those things leads only to insanity
>deathblight cheese
honestly that shit is too slow even if it procs blood in one hit for a good amount of damage
zero followup potential, can't get in small punishment gaps, range sucks, no movement
its just a big dumb grug stick really, it feels FAIR

its nowhere close to broken like swift slash, nayana's torch, rolling sparks, fire knights sword, etc
Absofuckinglutely. She's responsible for her boss fight having a phase two because she wants to protect her mother's honor. She's the only member of her family she seems to care about if you don't count Blaidd and Iji as family.
You can buy a Nepheli puppet from him, he gives you a charm, you become best friends, and you plot sex crimes together.
doesn't work because metyr is very strongly implied to be the source of the erdtree. the game also implies the GEQ is tied to hornsent considering their constant use of blackflame.

my headcanon is that the hornsent had their own ayylmao that was the elden ring, that metyr was tired of being subservient to, so she manipulated marika to facilitate a coup that allowed her to become the new elden ring.
what does including a homoerotic spanking between two women add to the plot
Yeah? That's where everyone gets to explore their real motivations. Then the quest line branches apart and you get to interact with everyone in it except Dane.
Your chicken wing ser?
More like the BREAST haha
>Godfrey that slaughtered hundreds of Fire Giants by his lonesome
he never did this.
Okay there, Lovecraft.
The most upsetting part of elden ring for me is unlocking a shortcut and a bonfire at the same time. They really do still have interweaving points you unlock that shorten the level, but putting bonfires every 10ft makes the shortcuts redundant.xdtvv
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>Long time passes
>Marika realizes she's been used for tree development and decides to do her own shit finally
>First, revenge for her people, she sends Messmer to go fuck up the Hornsent
>Seals the Land of Shadow cause she's disgusted by it.
>Second, fuck the tree, she sends out Godfrey and the Tarnished to go, die, come back stronger and take back the ring from the Golden Order
>Fingers don't want this "perfect" setup to end, so it manipulates Radagon as the part of Marika it can control, looking to make a new "god" to replace Marika
>Shit doesn't work out, kids come out fucked by other gods sneaking in
>Ranni pulls the Godwyn murder scheme (possibly with Marika's assistance)
>Marika uses the chaos to shatter the ER
>EB goes into defense mode and has Radagon lock shit up and try to fix the ring
>But Marika already sent out Melina to lead someone to burn the tree and stop the EB
>Doesn't matter who it is, she just wants this age to end.
does the dumb lion have any weaknesses?
She gave rykard a charm to help him beat maliketh pre snake vore so she likely cared about him too. The only member of her family she doesn't seem to have any connection with is radahn. Maybe she's a homophobe?
I'm probably exaggerating based on second-hand sources, but he did go around slaughtering Fire Giants, correct?
a homoerotic spanking between two women
I dont even know where Moore went to be quite fucking honest and i just found the Finger Ruin in the south after meeting St.Trina
>pond by a forge
Huge help, thanks. I'll go hunting.
I'm pretty sure if you put Godfrey up against any boss he wrecks them. Someone did do that, and he will just suplex the Elden Beast to death. Maybe we should have just let him be Lord again.
Recently replayed das1 and 2, and man it really does feel like they had a pure vision compared to elden ring. You were a part of that world, it was close and choking, traps and close calls. Elden ring is waking about in a pretty park until the boss goes sekiro on you. Souls bosses felt like and epic bout between man and a rotting god.
You get combat fuckpuppet of her and miss out on two ancient dragon smithing stones and one of the very few NPC good ends in the game.
>crucible makes Bayle
I somehow doubt it.
He’s weak to mimic tear and leveling your scadu blessing
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For me, it's Fortissax.
Stopped reading there.
basically yeah
that part of the lore is pretty Lovecraftian

infinity isn't big numbers tho that's the thing, you can't conceptualize it because it never ends and our mind is not wired to deal with that
Ranni is calling them faggots, 100%.
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The Greater Will is just a bullshit noosphere shinto imaginary thing that doesn't bestoy force but merely is the accumulation of all things in relationship to one another
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Yes. But canonically her ass is more impressive than her tits.
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how do I get down here? I'm tired of looking
we needed his kindling and as soon as we walk in the room he says "a tarnished? becoming a lord? no way my mom would stoop so low, I'm gonna kill you."
You can get the charm via any of the uses of Seluvis potion. The only reason to give it to her is if you specifically want her realdoll.
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I suppose you could count that, but I'm willing to guess she doesn't care much about him as he is now. I don't have much to base that on, just the Rykard isn't exactly the brother Ranni grew up with anymore.
I will never beat radahn
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That was the most miserable experience I had in this game, and I invaded open world sections 1 month after base game release. Next time I do it, I'll just fuck off back to base game after Leda's fight.
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>Miquella/Malenia posters still exist after the GRAND KEKING AT THE GATES OF DIVINITY
Why would you even ascribe any positiveness to their relationship is beyond me.
It's all Malenia/Finlay tragic romance where Malenia's constantly mind controlled by her brother for me.
>canonically her ass is more impressive than her tits
Nah the phrase is "MARIKA'S TITS!" not "MARIKA'S ARSE!", canonically her rack has all the hype.
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Okay but she's there, sad, depressed, longing for her missing children, surely she'd understand if I gave rennala a proper child? If we're planning on fucking off into the stars forever wouldn't it be morally right to leave a parting gift for her mother? Like a belly full of my kid(s)? She'd have something to remember me by and it may help heal her broken mind. She probably won't even react to being penetrated her mind is so far gone. She may even like it. Tell me why ranni wouldn't mind that?
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In the black keep there's a place with water. Look around there.
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Stopping a rival sociopath God from ascending
I'm retarded I just realized Ive already been down there
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Dungeater is a gross weirdo and I’m not a fan of his style of sexual violence. Not sure if I want him on my roster.
A charm you say? Best friends? Sign me up!
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She's willing to marry a type B so I doubt she's a homophobe.
Because it's rape and elder abuse. Just give her grandkids.
if you want i can pretend that my guy did it while you weren't looking.
It'd be hot if Miquella was mounting his mommy's behind while dressing up in the same outfit as her.
The thing is... he can only get this far in ascension because we kill Radahn and Mohg. If we never kill them, Miquella is stuck doing jackshit.
we help him ascend bro
its pointless
This is cope bro. Miquella loves radahn. Get over it.
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Go up an elevator where there's one of these cunts up there ignore the fashion it was for a meme pic for a friend
Immediately out of the elevator take a left and then see an area to drop down. Follow that drop down area.
Being honest, this shit is about as lame as dark souls 3 dlc to me. Just hey here’s some shit kill it, hey a boss listen to the hey ho ho haaa chants isn’t it cool. I don’t thing these games have had good dlc since dark souls 2, they weren’t always of high quality but they had a very strong theme that tied into the gameplay of each and they had a nice little tie in to the main story if you did them all. This is just some twitch reaction farm shit
My favorite crackpot theory is that Fortissax is Fia in disguise, or rather that Fia is Fortissaxes human form.
Just like how Fortissaxes sister turned into a human to "commune" with Dragon Cult Knights, Fia communes as a deathbed companion to turn her old boyfriend into an Order of Life in Death.
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Gonna try making a fresh character Carian Thrusting Shield build after seeing that its an A rating on heavy for some reason. Whats the level range for the dlc now? Is the Immutable Shield worth 10 levels?
Those are man feet
Anon... I am concerned about you.
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>guy on here wanted to trade for the shitty Scarlet Rot rapier a few days ago
>"eh sure why not, it's shit anyway lol"
>I now realize why he wanted it
It'd be based if you could get Dung Eater to defile Fia's corpse.
I have 24 endurance at RL150. Is that too high for the top players of /erg/?
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Radagon fought the Fire Giants.
Guys I fucked uop.
In one of the forges, there's a central shaft you walk up and down to get to all the side rooms, and a lever switches the shaft around to access the heart of the forge and clear the dungeon.

I hit the lever before I finished exploring, not realizing what it would do. Now several items are inaccessible, because you can't pull the lever again to undo it.
I personally subscribe to the Marika/Rennala pairing. They can have lady yuri romance after I fuck off with their daughter to the sky.
whats the current meta level for coop in the DLC? I know its 150 to start but i dont know what people are pushing end game. im rl200 and i get fairly regular summons but its always to scadutree avatar, bayle, prutescent, gaius. never for rellana, dancing lion, messmer, consort, etc
Anon she's a weird NEET chud. Like every other weird NEET she likely doesn't mind it if SHE does it. She just hates gay men. Marika does too. Think about it. Her grace can guide you along ranni's quest but she sends you to kill her gay sons? It's clear she doesn't mind if someone takes her place as a god, she probably just hates gay men too. Remember scientifically people have the same reaction to seeing men kiss as they do worms. They don't care if women kiss. Its clear marika and ranni are the same. They're hetstacies and yuristacies
Carian Thrusting Shield (and the normal Dueling Shield, too) are unironically the strongest weapons in the game rn, I'm so glad Youtube buildfags haven't caught up to them yet. They're literally easy mode. Infinite shield poke that does the same damage as a colossal weapon.
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>opponent has backhand blade with blind spot
There is quite simply no counter to this. It's like quickstep if quickstep did damage.
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The same bitch Miquella helped to kill? Alongside all the Cleanrot Knights in the Swamp of Aeonia fight?
Face it, anon. Even if Malenia loved Finlay, she also loves her brother. And now, that's the only thing she has.
Welcome newfag
Miserable emotionally or miserable game play wise?
I thought it was almost fine except for fucking HORNSENT because the dodge timing for his dash filtered me and his fucking nu-pursuers were a guaranteed one shot even at 12 skadooshes.
Moore's rot pots were also annoying but him just throwing them into the fight like some cheap red was too funny for me to get mad about it.
Now that the dust has settled, and all redditors and loreniggers went back to their pedodiscord, what is the level most players are *playing through the game* at? (at what level do i make an invasion build to catch the most mid-late activity?)
>Dungeater is a gross weirdo and I’m not a fan of his style of sexual violence. Not sure if I want him on my roster.
>"No... I am... the Dung Eater... I am..."
Puppeting him is absolutely his worst nightmare and the best retribution you can mete out to him. But if you don't care just have Gideon deal with the potion for you.
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I just look at the in game model and can assess for myself. That said her tits are EXCQUISITE
Anon want to know something
jp descriptions and names for items/enemies in the files confirm that not only did radagon and godfrey know eachother but their relationship was sexual. they were both around back then
i got some breathing room then. thanks
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it's a lenient pseudo parry that gets you into a low stance when it misses. great for figuring out what you can duck under but very few players actually want to find out what they can duck under or jump over unless it's obvious like a shockwave move. if you aren't using a weapon with a good crouching attack and jumping attack it's kind of pointless. I think there's only a few bosses in base game where you want to hit them mid combo with something like a jumping attack.
>this is it!
>the ultimate souls boss fight!
>roll roll roll roll stop roll roll HIT
>roll stop roll RUN hit roll roll stop roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll HIT roll roll roll RUN
>or just block hit hit
I hope this is the last game they ever makes using the souls 3 formula, it wasn’t great then and it feels boring as shit now. Please, sekiro made lots of money, bloodborne made lots of money, armored core made lots of money. Please no more of this basic trash
Nah because
1. I killed that little twink bitch
2. I saved Malenia (no killed, this is my headcanon please respect it) and then gave her her wife's ashes
So it's fine and dandy on my end!
Explain this

>base game has dick tons of copy/pasted dungeons using either cave or tomb tilesets
>all of them are boring, repetitive, same enemies, same traps
>only gives you useless weapons/spells/ashes and ash materials you weren't going to use anyway
>game is improved by simply ignoring that they exist except for a few you can blitz through just to get bell bearings
>ONLY area gated behind a dungeon is a single divine tower just to activate a rune you aren't going to use, so it doesn't matter

and then

>DLC has multiple entire large sections of the game gated behind dungeons
>the dungeons they use as gates are the boring cave/tomb tileset copy/paste jobs
>one is excessively long and boring and begs why you'd ever bother with it if you didn't know exactly where it leads
>introduces two new tilesets for cold car jails, and hot forges!
>except the latter are all just boring mini-mini-dungeons with only 2 enemies and no bosses
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holy fuck these are so good as a utility weapon, ESPECIALLY while mounted
There's actually some possible evidence for it, though it is certainly a stretch.
Textually, it's only that Bayle's heart is specifically described with "horn-like" and horns are the big thing of the Crucible:
>The biatrial heart of Bayle the Dread. Dotted with horn-like gravel stones and glistening with deep-red liquor.
Visually though, he's got some traits common from the Crucible
>Multiple large curved horns growing out of his face
Other Ancient Dragons have horns, yes, but theirs are just a smooth part of their head. Bayle's horns are coming out of his nose and shit and he's got 6 of them all framing his face similarly to Omens/Mohg.
>When he gets to second phase, he flies by creating temporary magical wings
This is something we've only really ever seen in the Aspect of the Crucible incantations. I don't think any other boss creates these kind of magic animal limbs.
It's okay if it's yuri
That's right. A beautiful, breedable, female man.
so uh, what's the deal with radahn's second phase? I'm a little peeved off at the moment fro getting 2 shot by every move/combo
>built differently from the ancient dragons
>covered in twisted horns
>can create body parts magically
Doesn't seem like a stretch
Anon either malenia is a cuck or a fujoshi. Your malenia x miquella ship has been confirmed dead. Let it go.
int/fth bros...
fth/int bros...
are the smithscript weapons finally ours?
Dung Eater is an angel you take that the fuck back. I will pull your soul straight from your butt.
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Magma Wyrms looks like Bayle, don't they? Are they cursed to look like the one they were supposed to kill?
I remember getting a shitload of play at 60-90. It slows down until you reach DLC thresholds (so basically 150+)
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>Beat Saint but haven't burned tree
>Just found Church District
>Upper right of the map completely unexplored
>Just found Finger Ruin Rhia in the south
>Ran into Igon and found the dragon dungeon at the end of the path, but havent done it yet
>A few more dungones like the forges and whatnot
>Have met St.Trina
>Havent beaten Midra
>Met Metyr at his(her?) church but havent found the ruins in the map they gave you yet

What % of the DLC do I have left?
If you really want to cheese with a dueling shield, use hidden weapon on it so opponents won't even know wtf you're doing
You're just holding your arms in the air, blocking every hit and taking no damage or stamina loss while dealing damage
They’re shit unless you’re all in on faith or int. Claws of night are the only good the throwing knife option for non cheese set ups
Because the DLC was almost ready at the base game's release day. It's just a bunch of rejected assets from the base game.
bad ending unlocked
What the fuck did you do, anon!?
Jesus CHRIST! Put it back!
They needed to add caves and catacombs since you had them in the base game. Same as mines, that's what the forges are.
The only difference is that instead of ending in a dead end they now connect it to another part of the map. That's all.
But the Tibia Mariner summons a Royal Revenant instead of skeletons? It's obviously different?
hope you found all the NPCs and talked to them already :)))))
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Im actually acquainted with a girl who had this happen to her. Being drugged and violated by man, I mean. I wonder if it was as easy to drug her as it was for Nepheli.
A bit late for that.
Every time I lost to the final boss, I imagined Miquella teabagging me and it fueled my desire to win
I lost for like 10 hours
That's 10 hours of mental teabagging
It's over for me, he won even if I won
>he broke it
Oh it’s so over
Jumping is good for avoiding damage (it removes your hurtbox from the waist down), shield ashes are great, deflecting hardtear is great. Use your fucking tools.
Is INT hybrid build ever viable or I should just go full magic?
Our big thing this DLC is the staff the Finger Mother remembrance gives you, that serves as both a combined staff/seal
you fucked up
Don't worry anon I had the exact same reaction.
The NPCs you've met were previously frozen but are now going to start moving around: go talk to them and get ready for the classic From quest design.
>only expansion the game will ever get
>well maybe this makes sense
Wew lad
It's over for you.
Never start invading, anon
The questlines for the NPCs, assuming you haven't already met and gotten to know them all.
If you have, head back and talk to all of them. In particular, make sure you know Thiollier, then talk to Moore and hopefully he'll have a thing for you to give Thiollier. This is the only time you can get it and it's a big step in a questline to literally cuck Placidusax.
There's 10 remembrances in the DLC.
How many have you gotten?
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REMINDER it's entirely possible in lore that both rennala and godfrey were ass people and had radagon and marika respectively sit on their faces.
whats the best radhan great sword, lord or light
Can I use Unseen Form to sneak past those unkillable fucks in the Abyss?
I'm too shit at parrying to actually kill them.
i'd rather they give the side areas purpose than make them entirely boring and meaningless. entering a cave for the first time expecting another lame mine, and then opening up to fucking JAGGED PEAK (which linked up to 5 different areas and opened up a side path around Rellana) was awesome
Run is bricked, reload save
I'm sorry but no they aren't, the daggers have less range than poking with a greatsword lmao
they might as well be melee

at least the axe and hammer and spear all have reasonable thrown range, daggers disappear a few feet from your face
no, they are a pure faith or pure int weapon, for using base stats + 80 caster stat and hitting 900+ ar when infused with that type
there is no fai+int scaling infusion
Your save is bricked
>there is no fai+int scaling infusion
Do they hate dark/hex fags that much?
I’ve beat without gimmicks, besides quick step. Awful fight, awful music, awful visuals, awful rewards. I hope they stop with this series now
Is there a single reason why we can't have infinite larval tears? It just encourages cheating and it's the only reason why I ever installed CE.
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Your heart got stolen. You can watch in the corner, though.
"saved Malenia" headcanon - very based. She deserved better.
Yes. It's not perfect, they'll notice you if you get too close in the open but it still makes it pretty easy to sneak around them. Assassin's Gambit does the same thing.
Do you think rennala ever used a spell to give herself a magical glowing cock? Do you think she used it on radagon? Do you think rellana wanted to do the same to messmer? Do you think ranni does that to the tarnished while they're in space
It adds to Malenia's character in showcasing both her martial prowess and her mercy (calling back to the end of her campaign in Limgrave where she beat and spared Godrick) and explains why Leda didn't seek her out for the mission (she knows Malenia would disprove of her zealous approach and doesn't want to get spanked again in front of the others).
I really like Leda's fight, it's what comes next that I hated.
it got me through the dlc really nicely.
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the game literally tells you how to get around them, just crouch in the tall grass like you're playing a worse game than elden ring
No, faggot.
You can't steal something given freely. stupid fucking dlc.
>Is there a single reason why we can't have infinite larval tears?
I think the amount of respecs is too high.
That's kind less than I thought...

>Saint Centipede Girl
>Midra (meant to say beat him, not havent)
>Orphan-wannabe before St.Trina
6 I think?
What is the utility? The fact they vanish in midair is bullshit when the other smithscript weapons have an arc to limit their range.
Because it absolutely never made any sense whatsoever for a melee weapon infusion to reward all-in caster stat investment. In every game that's had an int/fth infusion it's ended up being the meta infusion because that stat spread lets you do literally everything.
If Fortissax and Godwyn fucked, then yes that is entirely plausible.
Why haven't you embraced MGS3?
how would you balance curse/death blight for pve if they ever decide to make it affect non-humanoid enemies?
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I've tried to beat ng+7 consort radahn for about 3 days now for like over 30 hours
do I just give up and re-spec to all endurance like everyone else?
I think pure strength is the best way to go like always. Big fucking weapon crashing into people
My wife pegs me irl it's actually really fun. You should try it
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I'm weak to retards who don't know why their friends left, like a dog who doesn't get why his owner doesn't come back home anymore.
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> lets you do literally everything.
implying there's anything INT builds can do that FAI builds can't already do better lmao
Hm. Those are good points I suppose. But the other thing is that the crucible just blesses beings indiscriminately. There isn't necessarily a way to harness it beyond perhaps closeness to Enir-Elim since that seems to be the physical location of the crucible/gates of divinity.
So while he may be crucible blessed I still question if he was somehow a being developed specifically to kill Placidusax
And of course, all this I don't subscribe to the "Placidusax had the Elden Ring when he was THE Lord" theory. I never will. There isn't enough supporting it and I simply don't think it'd make sense narratively/world building wise. Those Lords that hold the Elden Ring were Godfrey, Radagon and (you) if you pick that ending. That's it. The ER is SPECIFIC to the Golden Order and the Erdtree.
Heck the Erdtree isn't even the Crucible anymore. That's been proven utterly false. So the part where the GW/EB co-opted the primordial Erdtree isn't true.
Any changes would just make it be bleed
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it's good until you get to dlc bosses. it's why moonveil was so popular, as it's basically unsheathe with extras.
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>Miquella was a great big Griffith reference
>The crucible seems to maybe have been some sort of unchained uncontrolled primal life giving force
>The Greater Will is basically the the Godhead and TLB and maybe the Badlands too are just part of a microcosm that it's ignoring/bored of
>Melina has gloam-eye origins much like her brother Messmer
>Greattree doesn't seem to exist or possibly is the Scadutree
>The Shadowrealm and Scadutree is basically an underworld/spirit realm and equivalent to the Qliphoth in Kabbalah

How'd I do boys? Also /r/equesting this pic but with Gideon sprinkling runes or glintstone or something.
objectively worse than putting wild strikes on a cold infused weapon
it gets style points tho
Best it. Say i’m coping if you want but I really do think the core gameplay of these games has gotten too fast for the fundamentals to be interesting. I love speed, would always go super light in ac4/fa, but with the tools we have it’s starting to feel like a fan mod. You can do it no problem but it’s not interesting, more a puzzle fulfilment. Bloodborne dodge speed and recovery would have helped but man this shit feels dated
When exactly was Marika crucified? Because all the statues depict her that way are really old. Much older than the shattering.
Same way they balanced poisebreaks for big bosses, make it only stagger/damage for 2 procs, then finally trigger on proc #3

They'd have to replace the animation with something like 'thorns surround the target as it performs a normal death animation'
The only thing you missed is some Ansbach lore about Miquella abandoning St Trina and bit of unique dialogues from Leda and Hornsent I think.
Oh, and if you've not beaten Dancing Lio and Rellana you don't get Freyja/Leda as backup for those.
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>running r2 turns you around and throws both daggers in a single spot
>Blaidd is 2x our size
>Can still be summoned, speak normally, even use flasks
Why couldn't they give him a kindred of rot model?
do the horned warriors have infinite poise or just very very high poise? also, why? seems weird that I can stagger things as tall as skyscrapers but not a dude smaller than an omen
*lick lick*
I'm respecing and going NG+.
Is there a way to quickly upgrade everything to +24/+9?
I think even From said that this is it, as far as they can go, feels like an apt if somewhat disappointing conclusion. Let's see what they do next, maybe they pull something like Sekiro that brings some life back into it.
>Your heart got stolen. You can watch in the corner, though.
Nah, I had his rune. He tried to mind control me but I used the rune every time.
Get fucked and bleeded to death with the chicken wing twinky boy.
You have left:
>Skibidi Avatar
All optional except the last and not very far from the beaten path
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>sellen and nepheli dolls stored in a private room next to a bed
You know I forget how explicit the implications were here.
no fire or holy
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>including shoving Shamans into pots
Why would Marika keep the jars around in her new order if their origin is such a horrific reminder? Wouldn't putting bodies in jars be a heresey? Where are there any jars in Hornsent towns? The ghost isn't shoving anyone in the jar, he's telling them "You might as well die and get it over with since you were born a loser"
>Fingers guide her to kill the Giants
She goes to war with the Giants to try to cure Messmer of his curse by killing the Fell god >>484060093

>First, revenge for her people, she sends Messmer to go fuck up the Hornsent
She sends Messmer to hide him so people don't find out he's cursed. She grants him grace, or purpose, so he has a focus to help contain his "demons". Description on the Blessing of Marika says she made them for Messmer, she was visiting him there once he had gone to Scadu. Once she was locked in the erdtree she stopped bringing blessings, his snakes started showing and his men rebeled

>so it manipulates Radagon
Radagon is Marika's blind faith in the Golden Order that she divests her self of, similar to Miquella divesting his love and compassion and it ends up St Trina. Radagon likes the GO. He studies it while in Caria married to Renalla even.
Farum Azula clearly has iconography of the Elden Ring though? It looked different back then, but it is clearly meant to be the Ring. Over time it likely changed from things doing things with it or the runes of it spreading among life on the planet.

The GW sent the ER to the Lands Between, but it is just meant to embody Order. Whoever has it is that Order. Placidussax didn't have the ER itself, his dragon god did. That dragon god fled when Bayle fucked shit up, leaving the ER to fall into other hands and a new order.
This continues till Marika gets her hands on it and fucks with it to make an Order that is supposed to be eternal.
From should attempt to make a proper RPG with actual gameplay diversity instead of roll-roll-roll.
So... why did ranni need the finger-slayer blade if the greater will fucked off and the fingers are just shat out by some weak boss?
>protects st. trina, who tells you to kill himself (him?)
>doesn't hide his rune (who stops his power)
guys i think miquella (forma before god) knew about the possibility of him fucking up...
soulslop needed to end in DS3 but the FROM simps ITT wont admit it
They're staggerable
She's a moon cultist and doesn't habeeb Ymir's knowledge and dissent.
>rolling sparks lightning perfume
>2x seal giantsflame take thee
>darkness weapon art
>unblockable blade (cipher pata version)
>light of miquella sniping
>rot breath
>greatsword of damnation command grab

How much "eating good" can faith builds have in a single game lmao
sorcerers are off slitting their wrists when night comet is still their best damage source
When he did the death bullshit I just called torrent and then did drive bye attacks on the frogs. Once they were gone I continued the fight normally.
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Gravitational missile is so fucking goofy in pvp thank you miyazaki
so we just cross our fingers and pretend he isn't around while he continues to charm people to do his bidding?
I hope they look at sekiro and as dumb as it might sound as6, going fast and having lots of options to defend and attack makes the crazy fast bosses an engaging challenge and getting around big vertical worlds fun. That or go back to dark souls 1 and 2, if we’re to be slow bosses should match the pace. In short fuck souls 3 and elden ring, good games but from have done so much better in similar formulas.
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>Divinity is right there
>nah that's a bit of a hard climb innit bruva?
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>The crucible seems to maybe have been some sort of unchained uncontrolled primal life giving force
But that's literally what it is. The ones that lost were the "GO co-opted the Crucible which was in the form of the tree and it became the Erdtree" ones.
>The Greater Will is basically the the Godhead
Not true. Never was, isn't now.
>The Shadowrealm and Scadutree is basically an underworld/spirit realm and equivalent to the Qliphoth in Kabbalah
100% proven false. It's the central parts of TLB hidden away through Erdtree magic. You can LITERALLY see the Veil coming off the Scadutree (which is just the Erdtree in a shadow form). The Supression Pillar outright confirms it's located "at the very center" of the lands between
And also pic related.
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Wanna know a secret? If you look at the pot people they try to perform a similar pose, she only gets crucified at the end. The crucifixion thing was just a symbol of her people she tried keeping alive. Elden beast did it as ironic punishment for marika.
Based cat poster
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Bro and sis.
HOW do you dodge Gaius boar charge if you're not on quickstep/bhs?

It's the only way I've found to consistenly get out of there at any starting range that he does it in
from wanted to outdo the shitty meme boss fights made by brazilians.
>>darkness weapon art
That thing is worthless
The AR is fucking ass and it's extremely short for its class.
The WA is kinda lame in pve but idk maybe it has some kind of broken pvp combo or something. Otherwise it's mega poop.
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Tenderly kissing Malenia on the lips.
Now try aiming it straight down :^)
yeah he's a real dirtbag
Is any one of the Great Katanas good
Radagon is Marika. Godfrey had sex with Marika.
Coop bros, any status-focused build recommendations for SotE? The bosses feel like hard mode when I get summoned to help, they have so much health.
The fingers are still pretty powerful. My headcanon is that the FSB is basically just Ranni twinking herself since she can't fight them normally
She probably didn't but thought she did.
Agreed, 3 already felt like it was pushing daisies with its gameplay by the end and it’s dlc. They’ve done so much better since. Elden ring feels like the ultimate versions of dark souls 3 but being bigger makes it’s bad side stand out so much more
Hop on torrent and dash away
Now that comet azure is dogshit what is the most broken sorcery?
Raptor of the Mists
>It looked different back then, but it is clearly meant to be the Ring.
That's your take, not the truth. It makes no sense for Placidusax and the dragons to in any way be related to the Elden Ring, when the Elden Ring is GO specific. Also
> That dragon god fled when Bayle fucked shit up, leaving the ER to fall into other hands and a new order.
No proof of this. Placidusax was simply the lord (and potentially the god) of the dragons. That simple.
How'd he get the bed down there?
Doing my Dex/Arc run now, is Messmer secretly easy or something? I summomed my first playthrough for the quest but fighting him now with Great Katana Lions Claw I beat him in 2 tries and first try got him to one hit. Lion, Rellana, Putrescent Knight, and Saint of the Bud all took longer than him this time and its my 2nd run.
Complete garbage and ruined by the ability that the R2 doesn't boomerang throw it.
>>Melina has gloam-eye origins much like her brother Messmer
This is still schizo headcanon. There's zero connection between Messmer and the GEQ.
Complete newfag here, where do I start with equipment? Just beat the nearest mobs until they give me a full set?
rock sling
because he's wearing player armor and a kindred wouldn't fit in it.
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Oh shit you're right.
>rolling sparks lightning perfume
bug. the rest is inferior to int stuff from the base game.
>Albinauric woman has Gaius' pants
>they were fucking, stopped mid coitus, you gave him blue balls and then killed him
>Skibidi Avatar is right under where the erdtree would be
I'm not a lorebeard so I don't know if it relates of not
If they were both active at the same time, were they both at the War with the Giants? The tomb does say "champions" plural.
Messmer is a good fight but he's honest and after dealing with all the dishonest shit in the DLC you're primed to fuck things when they give you a turn.
he throws his great rune away anyway, his team would fight between themselves and/or lose to messmer
you should have all the bell bearing for +24 weapons at this point.
>quickly upgrade
>It makes no sense for Placidusax and the dragons to in any way be related to the Elden Ring, when the Elden Ring is GO specific

>The worship of the ancient dragons does not conflict with belief in the Erdtree. After all, this seal, and lighting itself, are both imbued with gold.
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>The ones that lost were the "GO co-opted the Crucible which was in the form of the tree and it became the Erdtree" ones.
Yes. That's me.
>Not true. Never was, isn't now.
lmfao, did you even fucking talk to Ymir or read the finger items?

>The Mother received signs from the Greater Will from the beyond of the microcosm
This makes the GW the godhead. Fucking sit the FUCK down.
>It's the central parts of TLB hidden away through Erdtree magic
Yes but the RESULT is that it's the underworld. Marika just happened to be part of making it such.
> The Supression Pillar outright confirms it's located "at the very center" of the lands between
You're such a fucking faggot. All we're seeing is a mythology playing out. Marika MADE IT INTO the underworld. It's both.
>She goes to war with the Giants to try to cure Messmer of his curse by killing the Fell god >>484060093
How does any of that say she's doing that to help Messmer? Everything points to her getting rid of the Giants so that the one fire that could burn the Erdtree was gone:
From the First Church of Marika:
>In Marika's own words. Hark, brave warriors. Hark, my lord Godfrey. We commend your deeds. Guidance has delivered ye through ordeal to the place ye stand. Put the giants to the sword and confine the flame atop the mount. Let a new epoch begin. An epoch glistening with life. Brandish the Elden Ring, for the Age of the Erdtree!
Radagon supposedly was cursed by the giants thus his red hair.

And the Messmer incursion stuff was clearly something intentional she sent him to do. The Furnace Giants are literally built with the corpses of the Fire Giants as part of it.
>it's ended up being the meta infusion because that stat spread lets you do literally everything.
Assuming you can actually make the build work at the pvp meta level
99% of the time you can't
DaS2 had a meta level 50 over where dark casters could play without sacking their defenses. But fuck casters anyway in that game due to launch Crystal Magic Weapon Moonlight Great Sword
What the fuck were they thinking
Roll diagonally forward.
yeah runes and stones aren't the issue but god damn it takes ages to upgrade now.
Goddamn, that's a lot of slime. There's so much slime in the Shadow Realm that St. Trina even hired the Legendary Super Slime. How the hell is there so much slime?
I like some weapons, I like the jump, I like the guard counters and I like some of the weapon arts, if I had those in DS3 I'd play Elden Ring even less than I do now.
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Is it ok to do farum azula before the DLC? i don't want to brick anything with Melina (i heard there's nothing but i figured i'd check first)
the ice greatsword thing for me
not smart to disturb the old one when you're not invited
>Made pants with wheels as a joke
This is like, some cruel shit. It's like giving them a bike as a gift.
You use them as lube.
I also waited, didn't even beat the Fire Giant. Literally nothing changes.
>There's zero connection between Messmer and the GEQ.
He has a black fire snake inside him. Godskins are snakelike. That schizo who said the thing Marika reaches into is a snake is right.


Marika did some shit accidentally or onpurpose SOMEHOW and somehow took the "snake and black fire" aspect of GEQ and gave it to Messmer and the death bird gloam eye shit went to Melina.
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What's the Blasmphous Blade of the DLC?
Basically a bad DS3 weapon that escaped from DS3
Is Metyr supposed to be easy? I struggled on every boss but first tried her
>double titjob from marika and melina
>Not passionately jamming your tongue down her throat to proc Ailment Talisman
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How accurate is this level range thing? I'm making a new character and invading and co-oping as I slowly make my way through the game and because of this I have a massive excess of runes to use.
Yes I know it's fextra
what the fuck the second divine beast doesnt give anything for beating it?
that's not the crucifix pose retard, that's the rebirth pose.
They're both girls though
Full int lets you one shot more shit. Hybrid gives you more toys to play with but they're technically weaker unless all you do with full INT is buff your

Still the Blasphemous Blade.
Is there ANYTHING good about Martial Sharts aside from Palm Blast???
Perfume AoW cheese is the most broken thing in the entire history of the game.
The Blasphemous Blade.
The scadutree IS the Erdtree, just heavily "shadowed" because of the veil hiding the lands of shadow.
It's like looking at a thing through a thick curtain. Obviously there's metaphors and such but taken literally, it's why it looks different.
>lmfao, did you even fucking talk to Ymir or read the finger items?
I did. Ymir's a schizoid that wants to become a "mother" in the literal sense because his son died and he wants to give him life. He rants and raves at Metyr and Marika because of their motherly qualities and status because he's LITERALLY jealous of them and their ability to give life. He outright co-opts Metyr's power to birth fingers for his boss fight. Nothing he says concerning the nature of the world can and should be trusted.
>This makes the GW the godhead. Fucking sit the FUCK down.
No, it makes it another outer god the same as the rot god or the formless mother or many others, that acts through Metyr. This has changed nothing. We already knew it was an alien being from the fact the EB came from the sky
>Yes but the RESULT is that it's the underworld. Marika just happened to be part of making it such.
No. if anything the entire Lands Between is the underworld since death energy coalesces there and then centralizes at the Suppression Pillar.
>You're such a fucking faggot. All we're seeing is a mythology playing out. Marika MADE IT INTO the underworld. It's both.
Not it isn't. Miyazaki outright said in a fucking interview the Lands of Shadow are a literal place not another underworld
It's the literal central part of the Lands Between hidden away. It ALWAYS had the tendency to accumulate death energy. That's why the crucible, is there, why the hornsent jar'd people and used the energy of their deaths to power it into the gates of divinity.
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>And of course, all this I don't subscribe to the "Placidusax had the Elden Ring when he was THE Lord" theory. I never will. There isn't enough supporting it and I simply don't think it'd make sense narratively/world building wise. Those Lords that hold the Elden Ring were Godfrey, Radagon and (you) if you pick that ending. That's it. The ER is SPECIFIC to the Golden Order and the Erdtree.
I don't understand the dragon timeline either
Placidussax is specifically called an ELDEN Lord. That's pretty direct in saying that he was Lord to the Elden Ring of the time.
And his god is 100% a separate entity, because his remembrance outright says it fled.
>The Dragonlord whose seat lies at the heart of the storm beyond time is said to have been Elden Lord in the age before the Erdtree.
>Once his god was fled, the lord continued to await its return.
The Golden Order is specifically the Order of Marika and the Erdtree. Doesn't mean that Order didn't exist prior.
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Yes but I'm not willing to latch onto that until I see better proof. I'm almost 100% that "original sin" means Marika fucked a snake. GEQ being that snake makes sense. Maybe Radagon fucking that Gloaca.
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Metyr is just Ebrietas but without the punishing BB mechanics that made that fight hard. There's basically no curveballs to that fight except the Quasar at the end and you can just facetank it with a few skibidi.
>endless war...in his age of compassion?
yes? do you think other powers will bend the knee?

miquella is being a manipulative faggot and you can't see it. he'll brainwash his followers to be free from pain (see when the NPCs are all doing well when you meet them, then when the spell breaks they go back to who they are).
>Avoided the Story trailer
>Turns out it didnt have any big spoilers and was actually pretty hype seeing Leda and her pals

I should have watched it before doing the DLC...
naw its alright
Messmer's fire is scarlet, not black. You're reaching. Hard. By this logic fucking Rykard is connected to the Godskins.
relatively accurate imo
when i was starting out the guide told me i should go to dragonbarrow right after caelid
boy did i die a lot
youre supposed to go there in the mid-late gamd
Without knockdown there's nothing overpowered about it anymore.
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You ARE dual wielding the Sword of Light with the Miquellen Knight's Sword, right anon?
>Godskin Noble is literally RIGHT THERE in volcano manor
Uh huh. Huge stretch.
>Bro look I cast 8 billion buffs at +20 skibidi to one shot a random mob meant to be fought at +3 skibidi
Lol okay
>I did. Ymir's a schizoid that wants to become a "mother" in the literal sense because his son died
lmao, none of that matters. You're a moron. Disregarded. You're as bad as the "Valtr is a madman, his dialogue is meaningless" goons who deserve the be flayed and dropped into lemon juice.

Stopped reading here.

>Lands of Shadow are a literal place not another underworld
Did the scadutree exist before the erdtree? Or are they one and the same?
Originally destined deaths flame was the same as the godskin ones, they changed it for some reason. They forgot to change the flame on Iji's corpse though
all the really good armor is found in specific places
armor as a whole isn't really important enough to be worth grinding for at all even if good armor was from drops, let alone the shitty godrick knight armor
Miyazaki forgot to put the answer to your question in the game, sorry. Writing is hard.
>Hayasaka looks like THAT?
DLC feels like it's missing that final talk thing.
Bloodborne had the final chat with the doll about Gherman finally sleeping soundly.
DS3 had the painter.
Elden ring feels like it's missing a little epilogue for it's DLC. It's just kill miquella the end.
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Nice to see /erg/'s messages again after that little misadventure, it doesn't change a lot but it feels kind of comforting to know you guys are out there and in my reach.
Sword of Light weapon art comes out instantly and does the same damage. Its way better than the dark one
I actually wonder about the Scadutree.
It is certainly the "Shadow of the Erdtree", but the fact that it's a weird entwining tree in an "embrace" is weird, isn't it?

Was thinking about it and what if the Scadutree is actually the remains of the Greattree being subsumed by the Erdtree?
There's no direct text saying it, but there is the fact that the root resin, which was originally only about the Greattree roots, is actually abundant in the Land of Shadow in greater results as knot resin.
>Now Rykard is connected to the GEQ too
You people are mentally ill. The GEQ is just a dropped plot point that will never be expanded on, let it go.
Rubbing Miqqy's tummy after he ate too many raisins.
>Messmer's fire is scarlet, not black
It has black in it and his eye socket was pitch black and he called himself shorn of light. Black flame is fire without light.
600 hours and i still cant dodge more than 2 attacks from a combo
how? ive never managed to stagger them without outright killing them
Aside from the Radahn and Mohg requirements the Base Game and DLC don't interact at all.
No. I'm wielding two staffs of loss and a carian regal scepter.
>frenzy castle
>endlessly spawning frenzy bombs, vampire ghosts, beast knights
That isn't proof enough. It simply uses the same terminology of names.
It doesn't prove he's an elden lord in the sense of being related to the Elden Ring. The old lords related to that are Godfrey and Radagon.
>helping people with last boss before I go into ng+
>oops out of rot and bleed arrows change playstyle
There really is so much about elden ring to hate
>>Miquella was a great big Griffith reference
Nobody won. Im so fucking sick of all the berserk references.
Closest I had was talking to the old lady hornsent after all was said and done, still something's missing and the ending in general felt weirdly anticlimactic
did you lorepost here a lot a little over a year ago? this post sounded really familiar.
>he said the line he said the line
okay no buffs then, not even flask
its still dishing out DAMAGE

sword of light does like 10% of the damage
What if there was a spell that scaled INT/FTH/ARC?
>going full discount Havel defense with a greatshield is good again for the first time in 10 years
Never could have imagined. Also, looking up DS2 release date to make sure I wasn't misremembering only to find out that that it was 10 years ago gave me conniptions
>wanna play the dlc again
>dont wanna kill radahn and mohg again
can i cheat this somehow
>stopped reading there
Concession accepted.
Also won't humour your "IT'S THE UNDERWORLD" schizoid rants either. Enjoy being wrong.
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I just beat the second divine lion and jumped down to the area past it, is there no way forward/out of here except warping?

This area is fucking terrible. The lion didnt give anything at all.
nah it's based. I like how Radahn is basically Guts but this time Griffith had mindrape powers. It's a fun twist on it.

I'm an oldfag who's been here longer than is reasonable. Yes that was me. I've been posting in lroe threads since before /dsg/ and /vg/ existed.
gideon could have given us this but apparently they forgot he's the one who urged us to find miquella in the first place
Just cheat and instakill radahn and mohg
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Greetings from /k/. The Shaman Village is really pretty for being such a tiny side area.
I wish they'd added a GEQ boss solely to shut all these "MELINA IS THE GEQ" retards up. Now we are gonna have to listen to this retarded headcanon forever with no confirmation either way.
only if it builds up frost, madness and blood loss at the same time
>I don't understand the dragon timeline either
nta but Placidusax was the dragon equivalent of like Godfrey etc. The dragon god wasn't an outer god but was another dragon who fit the Marika role.
Placidusax's dragon waifu queen got fucking annihilated and he weighted in a place beyond time for her to return (she never will)

Whilst this happens, new blood roles in, the dragon's get their shit rocked, eventually bend the knee, and establish cult. We know communion is a result of ancient drakes feuding with their shitty lesser halves.

The dragon stuff in the DLC is the least changed compared to the main game. They just added a face to events so instead of assuming it was ancient humans or maybe rival dragons that ruined everything it's now Bayle, and Dragon Communion is eating Bayle's brood.
The timeline makes sense as long as you try not to slot it too hard in the new established order of events produced by the DLC.
>nah it's based.
Nah, its cringe.
Can hackizaki come up with something original for fucking once?
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>Radahn had to die for his soul to go there
Okay lmfao. Cope harder.

She isn't the GEQ. She's more like Malenia and the Rot God. GEQ is affecting/cursing/empowering Messmer/Melina.
Holy fucking kino.
>okay no buffs then
>character still visibly glowing red
>still casting it on a +3 skibidi mob when he's +20
Lol fuck off.
Spells don't scale with stats retard. Catalysts do.
>host dies 5 seconds of entering boss
>they were a VIGlet
Melina is at least related to the GEQ in some way due to her gloam eye. Maybe like how Messmer got an eye inserted into his socket by Marika, maybe GEQ's eye got inserted into Melina's eye socket for some reason by Marika. Wild speculation but that is all that is left now.
Cute teddybear. Also the shaman village was the prettiest spot in the dlc.
>can't find a single person to summon at Belurat or Ensis
wtf I'm only a week late and it's already over?
>it took aggy 6 hours to beat rellana with sekiro tear+parry
I thought it was good?
>get two dragon TFs
>get dragon waifu
>get the best voicelines of any VA
>get incants that are powerful out of the box
>get an entire dragon area
>get to canonically serve Lord Placidusax
>Malenia was sent to collect Radahn's soul and failed, getting discarded afterwards
>Radahn was spiritually forced into pedophilia.
>Mogh was physically forced into pedophilia.
>Godwyn, Godfrey nor Ranni were not even part of the DLC
>The Frenzied Flame forest was empty and not scary at all
>The Fell God was relegated to AoT wickerman shit

DragonCHADs won.
>character still visibly glowing red
I'm curious, have you tried actually playing elden ring before shitposting in the general

>noooooooo you aren't allowed to use talismans that's cheating
>Spells don't scale with stats retard.
Okay? You know what I meant. You're gay and probably have intestinal parasites.
Sekiro tear is only good if you're good.
What RL?
>Admitting to using the ritual sword talisman to buff damage
Yikes. Either way still waiting to see you use it on a proper enemy.
>OHHHHHHHHHH amazing things happened here
>play epic battle
>So many bigger than life characters fought
>epic battle continues
>If only you could have seen it
>game begins
>walk around empty areas with 8 spread out soldiers
Factually worse than skyrim farms, fucking cringe.
>get to canonically serve Lord Placidusax
I don't think you have any connection to Placidusax (other than using his fucking dying gasp as an attack) if you use the heart. You're a dragon priestess but Placidusax is certainly not your lord.

Not in the way that we become the Dragon Priestess'
Also they need to fix her scaling, I really want to use her right now but she's hitting for like 98's on a dragon claw. Most of the DLC summons are oddly scaling like shit right now.
>"MELINA IS THE GEQ" retards
isn't she literally called "melina - gloam eyed queen" in the game files?
do you guys ever do anything but argue and post random bait to start arguments?
nigga you actually complaining about ritual sword talisman
its the dlc
Isn't it "Daughter of Marika" or something?
>Yes that was me.
i read that post and it gave me a ratatouille flashback of some lorebeard having a month long back and forth with one specific ESL that he always sniffed out, without fail, solely by the poor guy's writing quirks. regardless of whether that was you or not it was the peak of erg to me and i hope everyone from back then is having a good time playing the dlc.
It's solid for general pve (aow can completely lock down fire knights) but pointless in any boss fight worth its salt
Gooning to Torrent currently if you must know
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I just wish the Berserk references had some more effort put into them instead of just being "Here's a Guts, a Griffith, and maybe an Apostle." Would be cool to see an environment as scary as the Eclipse or a God Hand fight or, hell, even a ripoff of Ganishka.
50, I made a new character for the DLC. I thought someone said RL didn't matter or something only the scadu level
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Jumping into the conversation here but is it possible the Gloam Eyed Queen was Placidusax's Dragon Goddess? Maliketh and Godskins are all right there.
How can Pidia even fuck something he probably can barely crawl around
No, I clearly let that one go by asking you to go use it on a proper enemy. That talisman is a meme for hardswapping trannies but I don't care if you want to waste a slot on it just to pad your damage for an internet argument. Show me it on an endgame enemy.
What's the best weapon to use for 99 str if you have little else? Giant crusher or Ruins greatsword? Something else?
how many beast claws are there?
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"Yet having done so(seal Messmer's snake with an Iris of Grace), her(Marika) fear compeled her to secret away her child within the realm of shadow. (marika sends messmer to scadu to hide him) Hidden away keeping company with the original sin (hornsent killing shaman village) and a hatred that would not be confined (snakes trying to get out of him still)

>And the Messmer incursion stuff was clearly something intentional she sent him to do
She sent him there to hide him, where he found out what happened to her and started the Crusade
Heavily implied to be the same.
holy shit it is you.
godspeed you fucking weirdo. good times.
You serve Lord Placidusax by killing Bayle and any hearts you ate along the way were justified.
So can someone explain why the feet in elden ring look so good? Besides red dead redemption 2 I can't think of a game with better looking player feet. What gives?
50 isn't going to get you any coop. Everyone does the DLC at 120-200, usually 150. Why the fuck would you go in at 50?
As for why the Crucible may be against the Ancient Dragons, aren't they described as being made of stone? Or at least being stone-like.
Perhaps this is counterintuitive to the Crucible's ways. The new drakes that come to be are more fleshy and "alive" compared to the Ancient Dragons. The Crucible wants the cycle of life while the Ancient Dragons were too stagnant, so Bayle came to be and was blessed by the Crucible to take the fuckers out.
Metyr is the easiest remembrance boss by far. Rellana the hardest because Radahn's difficulty is only in regards to the eye cancer you get from fighting him.
For completing it maybe, but most (i.e. normies) are taking their endgame characters into it which means 90-120 is more of a starting point.
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I will always be here. If I had a trip I'd be a legend around here. Not an egotist but you remembering me made me feel good. Thanks bud.
I ate those hearts cause I fucking wanted to, not because I wanted to serve that nigga
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>Melina has gloam-eye origins much like her brother Messmer
Modded Skyrim, my friend
Did Marika and Ranni collude to do the Night of Black Knives?
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Bro the end of Old Hunters was so kino. With the fish dude talking about the curse and it's like "ohhh so that's what happened..."
Meanwhile the end of SotE is just kind of *shrug* "well I guess Miq and Radahn had a big dumb plan I guess..."
Guess I'll VIG dump some levels then, it hasn't been too much of a challenge at this level so I thought there would be at least a couple people
Its why they annoy me. Its not even subtle. Its just "Heres another berserk reference"
Man what's with the Japanese and eye squick. There's so much people pulling eyes out or eyes being used on other people and eyes being replaced.
>action role playing game
>never get the option to ask why
These kinds of games should never get more than a 5/10 purely from a choice of genre flaw.
I like that theory but isn't Messmer's eye a Marika Soreseal? It looked more like this than those magic contact lenses. Surely I'm not doing eye surgery on Jolan or Queelign, but inserting a contact lense.
They're there to kill Placidusax.
Also because Miyazaki's a cunt and wanted to make a gank boss.
Nothing to justify
The few ancient dragon's that came at us had it coming. It's fully acceptable to kill and eat him
>Lord Placidusax
I refuse to address him by that given that I weaponize his dying gasp.
I wish we had gotten his heart, I'd have eaten that too.

Every dragon you meet fucks you up merely for the crime of sightseeing.
Do Leda's Rune and Marika's Rune unlock anything unique or are they just regular-ass rune consumables?
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Best infusion? This thing has a A strength scaling
But it's a bleed weapon, so Occult or Blood are also good?
I'd say ffxiv feet look better modded. But I'm specifically talking about unmodded feet. Elden ring has the second best unmodded feet ive seen in any game.
i just shot down a pot in the recluse's river and it looked like it had something in it, it fell down the ravine. what was it?
The map is insanely empty and I'm surprised reviewers didn't bring this up more. There's so much fucking wasted space.
As that other anon said the mountain is fine and works.
The abyssal woods
The cerulean coast
The hidden grave
Both the finger areas

Just so much nothing.
Anon, there's so much that clearly shows that the crusade was on Marika's command. That's why the Hornsent hate her specifically. It's why Messmer makes himself such a monster.
>Black armor of Messmer the Impaler. Draped with a red cloak bearing his crest embroidered. On his mother's wishes, Messmer made himself a symbol of fear, undertaking the cleansing crusade she desired. "Direct thy maledictions, thine ire, and thy grief towards me alone.
This literally says it's HER desired crusade.

Yes, she did hide Messmer away in the Land of Shadow, but she also did want him to go about burning the whole place down. It's a two birds one stone thing.
>mid-late activity
How is this "mid activity"? RL150 is NG+2 territory.
the story is so bad and filled with plot holes.
the putrescent knight is called knight of the gloam-eyed queen in the files.
Occult or heavy/keen with bloodflame, putting blood infusion on it is a complete fucking waste. It already has bleed.
Man what level were you when you beat the game normally? I was just using runes as I got them and ended higher than 150.
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Are you an explorationlet?
(Yes I used a guide, fuck you)
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Like it even breaks like it's a talisman, not flesh. I don't like this at all.
i was left wanting after trying str infusion, but fun as fuck with occult. i imagine they'd be fun with bloodflame too
i thought the godskins were trying to gank maliketh? there's always one around some death related stuff
No you fucking twat, why would she send somebody away to hide them but give them a giant fucking army to go along for the ride? She sent him there to burn down any trace of the old order AND get him the fuck out of her new one, and shrouded it so he was trapped. Messmer just stopped prosecuting the war actively to lock himself in the keep and listen to Linkin Park albums in the dark when he realized Marika had cast him aside. Also the Iris of Grace isn't what was used to seal Messmer's power, it's a little bump of grace that the priests in the crusade cooked up to help the troops cope with being cut off from the Erdtree.
Anon most people finish the base game at RL150, if you do ALL the content in the base game you end up around 170.
Nobody cares that you speedran to the end like an ADHD riddled zoomer.
Messmer's second form should have taken 15% less damage
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The left eye isn't the same color and the irises are different. Same with messmers eye
If you ACTUALLY look at messmers eye is a saorseal it even has the shape of one. Same color too. This theory can easily be disproven by PLAYING THE ACTUAL GAME
No matter how many builds I try for an invader that has a bit of a theme. Old reliable just never fails me. That being pyro lad. Flaming slop/giant hunt on a knights GS, flaming skewer on the FKGS and a handful of spells that can aoe, area denial or chase down.
Favourite spot so far is the specimen store house. More often than not you’ll invade above the host making tacking them easy. Verticality let’s you take em by surprise. The opening book case area is perfect for harassing people outside of their reach.
Lots of knock of potential and gravity kills and to top it off, a tanky and mobile mob who frequents the whole dungeon and comes with their own ranger arsenal.
Is 137 too high or can I go higher. Considering cosplaying as a fire knight and just invading here over and over.
Pretty sure there are multiple. Digging into all the cut content and stuff that was rewritten is going to interesting. Whatever happened really butchered stuff and the fact that units were apparently fully modeled then renamed suggests some pretty late changes.
>Placi being specifically called Elden Lord and a shrine of an Elden Ring in farm azula are not enough proof
As a whole, I actually like SOTE more than Old Hunters but I agree on the ending. It's night and day. Like I look at Orphan of Kos and it's kino and I look at Radahn and it's cheap fanservice. Thing is I was not even a Radahn or Miquella fan so it's not even that for me. It's just retarded.
You can reliably invade everywhere in the DLC at 150 and also catch Farum Azula.
>erm messmer is a really good fight ackshually
Why did you bastards lie to me?
Messmer's spear has some fun to it. The final hit of the ash catches a lot of people off guard for some reason. Plus it just has a great style to it with that first hit.
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Makes me bitter about what could have been
I've been catching a lot of people in Mogywn palace for some reason. Even the ones that aren't already already on the elevator, I usually just sever out. Not going to ruin someone trying desperately to get to the DLC.

Yes. Agreed.
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Reminder that Miyazaki loves BL and also really loves reusing boss ideas.
>Is 137 too high or can I go higher.
You should be at least RL200, the vast majority of players has leveled past that, and virtually nobody is making a new build in this 200 hour long RPG. What you invade in DLC at RL137 is a bunch of new players speed running the game, jeanine wannabes, and arena rejects trying to gank.
how did i access the cathedral underground early on my first playthrough? i only had the one ruins found
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I wonder if all these people killed themselves because they don't know you don't have to be at a grace to teleport and can do it wherever.
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>MV chart has all the new weapons but no values for them
Fucking redditors. Is LGS poise damage good? The guard counter does 2 hits
More or less empty than the fucking Consecrated Snowfield?
>staying low sl
>for pvp this shit
Why kek
Wait did people seriously have problems with the Lion that was piss easy, Rellana is 20x harder
If he loved BL he would have let me rail Miquella until I got him fagpreggers. Luckily I'm into girls too and Ranni still exists, but damn it this was supposed to be the femboy slutwife expansion, it's not fair
no idea what that is
occult, blood and heavy/keen with bloodflame infusion are all pretty close to "optimal". the first 2 are probably a little better in PvE while the last one is better in PvP, and that's about it

it doesn't seem great if you don't want to focus on bleed though
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can you coop and invade in these places?
none of them have a boss right?
light greatsword
You realize the "Marika outfit" you're referring to is fanmade right
>Is LGS poise damage good
Radahn's plan was to be a fucking dope general like his dad Radagon and his hero Godfrey. If you believe Miquella didn't mindfuck him into making that promise then it could easily just be him going "sure little dude I'll be your lord-king if you become a true god" not thinking that it would ever happen. Radahn in game we only see as a rot-addled vestige of his former glory and a puppet of Miquella.
>Golden Crux
Oh god this is going to get nerfed, isn't it?
They seem comparable to straight swords. The two hit counter is enough to poise break enemies with 30 Poise and a lot of moves like Piercing fang do slightly more poise damage, but less than great swords. (Almost exactly in the middle, 33 VS 30 and 36)
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wish there was a samurai set with a cloak of some kind

closest thing is the kaiden set
>st. trina herself is literally right there
>still no merchant exists for sleep arrow ingredients
fuck me
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I wish I could slap Miyazaki across his retarded face and explain to him why it's not "challenging" when you give an enemy 10 different abilities that allow it to go from standing 30 yards away from you to punching you in the dick for 50% of your hp in the 0.2 seconds it takes for your character to lift their flask.

I wish I could chain Miyazaki up and make him watch me play, and every time an enemy does some bullshit that makes no intuitive or physical sense, like a 2,000lb boss doing a 180 and leaping across the arena to hit you with a 3-hit combo in the 0.3 seconds between when you start to lift your staff to cast a spell to when the actual spell comes out, I could pause the game and stomp on his balls and tell him what a fucking moron he is.

That's not "challenging". That's trial-and-error.
That doesn't require "skill". It just requires you have the patience to get your shit kicked in until you learn the choreography and can do all the tedious little dance moves at the right time.
Even a fucking inbred with an IQ below 70 could beat these tedious fucking bosses after 20+ attempts. Because they don't take skill. They take memorization.

A good game can be cleared on skill alone.
A bad game can be cleared by trial and error alone.

That makes Elden Ring, especially the DLC, a bad game.
Luckily for Miyazaki, people can still like bad games.
Regular consumables as far as I know. Marika's can be gotten in two places which fits its description as something she sent with the crusade to give them strength. (One is at the grace just before the Scadutree Avatar, the other one I don't remember the source of but I know for sure it's not the same one because I got it on my first playthrough where I didn't even find that area.)
Looking back the end of Kenneth/Nepheli's quest is so out of place.
Surprised you don't walk into the throne room and just find them both dead.
Trying use a finger, that'll tell you.
What's funny about this situation is I was actually in the camp that thought Lothric wasn't in a gay incestuous relationship with his brother. I thought people put too much into it and added subtext. I thought they need to interact like that because they are crippled and the magic and blah blah blah. But then Radahn x Miquella boss fight happens and it is blatantly told to the player in game that it's gay incest. And then I have to go back and admit defeat on Lothric situation. From Software is more gay than I like to admit.
??? have you met yura?
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>hate creepy crawlies
>exploring Rauh lower level river
>turns out a cool lightning spell is down there somewhere
Miyazaki, you son of a bitch. I couldn't finish Bloodborne because of my irrational fear of spiders, either.
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Because it makes no sense thematically.
What's the enemy supposed to do, just sit there and let you sippy? Stop trying to heal when it's dangerous retard.
I knew messmer was gonna be fujo bait
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>Filtered by divine meme
cloaks are gay
have you tried not being a fag
Bell bearing probably, you'll be able to pick it up later down below. There's a few around the world.
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>It's a fun PvE run to do shit legit at low level
>Low to mid level areas aren't a breeze for low to mid level hosts and different from the shit you find at higher level
>Fights are a bit more balanced because the host doesn't have a gazillion estus to burn through
The PvP is shit I know but it can be sorta fun every blue moon
now that the dust is settled why did miyazaki make his favourite character a gay rape victim
20/20/20/20 STR/DEX/INT/FTH is secretly the best base for any build. You get all four first major damage softcaps, access to all of the good utility spells and incantations, and still have a ton of points to spare even for a RL125 build. I hardcringe when i see people at RL150+ running with 12 DEX or 9 FTH.
Those black spiders in BB were legit creepy. The ER ants gave me a similar vibe
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Why does Malenia and Malekith still beat up the DLC bosses?
ronin set exists
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Literally no point in putting levels into stats you're not going to use.
>Malenia whispers to Radahn to PLEASE GO FUCK GRIFFI-MIQUELLA's horny bussy
>Nukes his ass bigtime
>Spends a decade walking around a desert eating the corpses of his enemies and allies alike trying to stave off death to avoid becoming Miquella's puppet and keep the stars frozen [this still isn't understood; why exactly he wanted to halt the stars and protect Sellia etc]
Radahn DID NOT want any part in Miquella's plan. He was fighting against it to the end.
lothric was just a twink, miquella being canonically in the body of a 12 y/o boy makes it 1000x worse
heal on hit
% damage
it's a video game, have you tried not being a fucking bitch
lifesteal and %hpdrain onhit
How has there not been a trapdoor spider in Souls yet?
This is now my headcanon.
okay buddy
If you run the scorpion-spiders win, do you want the scorpion-spiders to win?
>Stay clear of Agheel Lake. A great dragon roosts there.
>And it's as fearsome as it is majestic.
>So, unless you're mad, or wish to be burned alive...
>stay clear of the lake.
holy shit the kino foreshadovving
Lorewise, it's because they're the two strongest. Gameplay wise, it's because of what others here have already mentioned.
haha poop sword
STR/ARC is the most based build.
the intended player experience is as a barefoot caster girl with summons.
you get like 6 weapons to use dude
Because you are playing dexterity meme builds.
Me after taco bell
That's how Miyazaki plays the game.
>Meteoric Ore Blade

Hell yeah it is
You are missing out on low-level spells and incantations. Instead of pumping DEX from 50 to 80 to gain like, what, 40 more AR, you can grab much more marginal utility from the other 3 stats. After all, most damage comes from weapon upgrades.

You retard. Like I said, it's trial and error. Not skill. Unless you run ALL the way across the arena to drink. In which case it'll take the boss an extra 0.9 seconds to get to you. Fucking ridiculous.

I beat it on the 2nd try because this time I knew some of its bullshit.
It's still fucking retarded that I couldn't walk in there and beat it just with skill. It's fucking retarded I had to go in there and get assfucked by bullshit game design once before clearing it.

It added nothing to the game to include such bullshit.
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I see your screenshot and raise you mine
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cloak, coat, whatever i mean

yes, i used that set for the whole endgame and DLC, but it doesn't really feel like a "samurai" set. its more like a japanese-themed murderhobo set. kinda wish i could get its cloak and put it on the either of the reed sets
I agree
your infusions sweaty?
Why the FUCK don't miquella and malenia have shadows like marika and ranni do?
This pisses me off so much.
I feel your pain, they could have given land of reeds at least one more set.
why not just go pure arc > occult

better variety + generally much stronger
>summoner complaining about skill-based design
last night I had a dream where after killing miquella, I got an item that let me ring a bell, revealing a hidden final structure in the sky. Inside of it was some boss like "vestige of Marika" or something, and after beating it I was able to enter the Gate of Divinity and get an ending where the tarnished becomes a god. It was all very vague, I remember enjoying the end because the credits rolled with a nice song. It's kinda dumb, but dreams be dreams
hey anon if you want to learn the moves then play defensively
I didn't have any framerate issues at all until the final boss

that big miquella AOE attack is nuts, it dropped my game to like 15fps
Their poise damage is pathetic
Sounds like you learned its moveset and got good. Great job anon.
I just got hit with the new eternal sleep status in pvp
It genuinely just leaves you asleep forever. Somebody definitely didn't playtest this.
I have no evidence for this, but I strongly feel that God Miquella has a big cock and would be as sexually active as his whore mother.
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It's only a "schizo theory" in that schizos started to talk about it.

It's a standard unproven pseudoscience element writers like to throw into stories to explain some plot element. Ignore that and the exact same thing is explained by Marika's nature as a Numen, when copulating with people part of them actually becomes part of her. With the Numen and Hornsent being different races, there's no particular reason why Marika's children should manifest Hornsent features.

In fact the existence of Omen among the Erdtree population makes a lot more sense if you consider that in Marika's village, the "grandmother" is clearly a woman grown into a tree. The same thing can be seen in the Divine Tower, and in fact in the Haeligtree too. So if we assume Marika grew the Erdtree based on this preexisting relationship, Marika's own genes would be present in the Erdtree - And from there, the entire Erdtree population, because they use it for rebirth. Meaning Marika herself could be the vector by which Omen features began to spread, which actually aligns with the way in which Dung Eater was trying to curse people by infecting their reproductive system, with the Age of Despair being that but made a feature and not a bug.

>Yes because the grandma wasn't extremely fucking salty and wouldn't totally describe Marika properly.
To call her a vile betrayer, or a murderer, or a tyrant, or a demon would all be understandable insults considering what Marika did to them. But to call her a whore implies more context.

Anyway it's no fun if there's zero shitposting involved. We need some chaos.

Anon, she has an actual official render you know.
Probably Godwyn and Ranni were the favorites to likely take the new mantle so they got shadows and Malenia and Miquella didn't yet
i had a full-on panic attack when i saw that first one descending from the ceiling when i was trying to get to belurat
but then i slapped myself a few times and just ran in and fought them and they all died incredibly easily, and they didn't look nearly as bad as i thought they would up close
spider-scorpions are bitch-made and easily dealt with
also for some reason the bloodborne spiders never bothered me, don't know why, they look more like actual spiders than the spider-scorpions
they're content to never tie proper game endings to DLCs for whatever reason
like, would it have been such a big deal to animate a cutscene where you walk into the painting with the kid at the end of ds3?
is that a designated street in uttar pradesh
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>I wish I could chain Miyazaki up and make him watch me play, and every time an enemy does some bullshit that makes no intuitive or physical sense, like a 2,000lb boss doing a 180 and leaping across the arena to hit you with a 3-hit combo in the 0.3 seconds between when you start to lift your staff to cast a spell to when the actual spell comes out, I could pause the game and stomp on his balls and tell him what a fucking moron he is.
Anon stop you are arousing him.
>eternal sleep
>makes you sleep forever
>umm this is unintended actually
anon are you okay
Because you grab 45 ARC + 54 STR, and make a bleed Giant Crusher or the Gus Greatsword with a specific roar. You retain 95% of Heavy AR, but with huge bleed. This is much more efficient than any pure STR build.
I was hoping for a phase 3 of the fight where Mohg's essence would tear its way out of Radahn all juiced up on Mother of Truth blood, Instead I got Miquella being just like Seluvis and playing with puppets.
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I want to lock a fromsoft employee in a dark room and not let them out until they can beat consort radahn with just a claymore and medium rolls
I tried hitting people with it and it's really hard to build up. Maybe people will meme with the pots or something.

That just gives me an idea to troll people with.
Godwyn wasn't an Empyrean
He literally doesn't have a physical body anymore.
cant speak for others but abusing the chicken wing is fucking hilarious.
me as the fromsoft employee (I starve to death and you have to bury my body)
>Somebody definitely didn't playtest this.
PvP was never tested. The only reason it's still in the game is Miyazaker's power. Since he is stepping down his lead game design role, this joke online mode will not make it into any of the next FS games.
So the former Castlevania producer IGA had a 'rule' - in order for a boss to be in the game, the designer of the boss had to beat it without taking a single hit. I wonder if Fromsoft devs could beat Radahn under those stipulations?
Godwyn was to replace Godfrey and be Ranni's Lord
they played through the whole dlc using deflecting hardtear and balanced the game around it
not their fault you failed to play sekiro ring
Wait, could you theoretically put someone in eternal sleep then just leave? What does the host do at that point?
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I DID. That's why I was standing 30 fucking yards away to heal.

I was already good. All I did was learn 3 or 4 bullshit moves it had and just avoided them. It took no additional skill on my part. No real adjustments to my gameplay. I just had to jump over some ice and dodge roll some lightning and the fight was trivial.

They just cranked all the damage and health and speed up on the bosses and said, "lol that's challenging, right? no need to come up with fun mechanics or engaging fights, right? all we have to do is make these stupid fucks super punishing and force players to lose once or twice and that makes it a challenge, right?"

They're fucking scamming us. You know what other game devs do this bullshit? MMO RAID DEVS. They design big fucking hp sponges that hit like trucks and give them some gimmicky mechanics and you go in with your raid and trial-and-error your way through them, then you never lose to them again.

That's what FromSoft has given us here. MMO raid boss fights that require nothing but tedious trial and error. It's shameful.
I would fucking murder for a talisman that lets you just have damageless 2-handed weapon blocking at all time, not even the boosted guard counter damage. Why oh why does it have to be tied to a tear?
That sucks. What about great katanas?
Considering they disavowed golden order fundamentalism and went to go do their shit a long time ago they probably just killed them.
Because there's literally only one boss where it's a problem and said boss is gonna get nerfed.
the zweihander is pretty good, r-right?
could you build it up with the glitched madness torch?
granted they will probably die to madness before it procs since it can trigger madness near instantly
>not using a greatshield
not that defensively though
5 minutes is long enough to kill anything worth drinking flask for
fire knight's GS mogs it
This post reeks of reddit
Yes but there is no reason to use it anymore now that the Flame Knight Colossal Sword Exists.
What if I just want to casually explore areas with it?
i think its more that miyazaki doesnt give a fuck about it

the only time the pvp was actually thought out and semi functional was in ds2 when he wasnt calling the shots
Good poise damage, good actual damage, bad moveset.
It was until the FKGS showed up, now it's irrelevant.
>run up to host
>eternal sleep
>walk away

would be kino with a better camera


wasted potential

>found a talisman that gives your backdash iframes at the cost of taking more damage
this is cool, but I don't know why it doesn't have i frames to begin with
is it a pvp thing?
option a: I use my invincibility timer to either attack or get some distance from the gank squad
option b: I durdle around in my menu until all 3 are on top of me spamming shit
If you had permanent deflect in any way the entire game would have to be designed around it. If it's not deflect and just blocking, yeah there could be a talisman that raises weapon guard specifically.
>all of them
>your post
What is next for From Software?
>Thought out
>When Soul memory exists
I mean the arenas were cool though.
Lothric has never outgrown his own baby clothes.
Sunflower was perfect, PK was good, Romina was also good but she had shit buildup and lore and is truly just here unless someone can craft some incredible revelation about her.
You can't even access your menu while slept because you're in an "animation" so it's a genuine hostage situation.
That was before the DLC dumpstered a ton of weapons with STR/ARC scaling.
How do you think Conosrt Radahn should be nerfed? Just less damage? Make the effects less flashbanging?
A My Little Pony roguelike dungeon crawler, published by Hasbro.
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there's no way they drew this scene with the intent that the growling JRPG demon lord was defending himself from rape.
Kings Field Remastered
It's a "we can't let any good ideas from Dark Souls 2 get iterated on" problem
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>start new run
>end up using the katana or morning star
every fucking time
Less damage, less health, longer punish windows, less AOE spam.

It's overtuned in every direction.
looks like radahn doing a lothric cosplay
No it's a "we're scared of implementing any good features from DS2" thing
That talisman transforms the game
You don't know that
Metal Wolf Chaos 2: Reelected
DLC2: the gloam eyed queen
More like because miyazaki forgot
Confirmed trolling, get better bait next time
try the highland chestpiece mixed with samurai arms or the dryleaf arm wraps
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>fromsoft devs after making a cool boss that's enclosed in a shitty arena with 4 walls that are guaranteed to fuck your camera instead of just making it a pavilion with low railings to prevent you from rolling off accidentally but which still allow the camera to stay where it needs to
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Romina is fun though.
Its not rape if someone consents after being mind controlled
That's like saying rape-by-deception should be enforced as a crime

If I go to a bar and pick up a chick claiming I'm an air force pilot and she sleeps with me, she can't say I raped her the next day when she finds out I scrub toilets at taco bell
to this day i think soul memory must have been like a last minute addition compelled by someone outside the project because of how badly that fit the game and how they tried to fix it later
Miyazaki uses mimic tear unironically
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Given how many bad bosses like this they put in the base game, I refuse to believe that half the bosses in the DLC aren't like this.

Damn, I'd have to take a break for a while and go watch some JAV femdom bdsm and pretend Miyazaki was the "male" character if that happened to me.

Wait a minute... I forgot this shield was weak to lightning damage...
Romina is too easy and comes out of nowhere. I'm not saying every boss needs some epic cutscene but she's literally just some scorpion lady in a destroyed church with no relation to anything.
I don't doubt it. Probably someone brought up "But what about twinks?" and quickly put in a solution.
sunflower looks cool and has a unique fight, even if not challenging
How bad is the damage penalty?
Hivemind. It's the truth
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at least every boss has a flat, obstacle-free arena this time. definitely a step up from godrick's arena.
radahn's first phase honestly isn't bad, it kinda reminds me of gael in a way in that once you get the timings and such down he's pretty enjoyable
it isn't until the second phase where miquella hops on his back and everything becomes a fucking bullet hell with gpu-incinerating particle spam that it completely and utterly shits the bed
Decently bad. But I've played the game like a million times so I'll just take it in exchange for a transformative new gameplay mechanic
I'm using the character I played through the dlc on to play through the whole game beginning to end NG+ with it on, and actually using backsteps and backstep attacks is a blast
it's fine
-15% I think? Same as Crucible. Talisman of All Crucibles should have been -15%. Why does FROM think 1 extra iframe is worth taking that much more damage anyway.
I'm not gonna lie I think a lot of the new arenas are pretty boring, Godrick's seemed like a good balance between aesthetics and usability.
Just less damage and that's it
People would have a fair time learning his moveset and dodging them if you didn't get hit for 1/2 of your health by every hit of a 5 hit combo and 1/5 of your hp by its trailing light rollcatches

Look at Gael in DS3, he was a fair boss, he dealt respectable damage and you had to learn his moves and not just tank them but he wasn't constantly shitting out waterfowl dances that will 100-0 you if you don't dodge it perfectly.
CHADrick is more memorable than most of those meme bosses thoughever.
I never said her Numen biology doesn't lend itself to freaky shit but the fact is the only son of hers that's cursed in any way is Messmer.
The twins we now know aren't cursed. Heck we always knew because we always knew horns and such weren't a cursed, they were merely VIEWED as such because of the old connection to the crucible. And now we know why the crucible would be disliked given the genocide against the hornsent. The entire populous would have likely grown to hate it, and of course Marika herself has personal reasons.
As for Miquella and Malenia, they're not cursed. As I said the more correct word to use is "weak" or "malleable". The Jap translation for Malenia's remembrance uses that terminology. Malenia's weak or malleable so she was open to the rot god's influence. Miquella's weak or malleable because he's immature. He's always be a young boy.
Funny enough that lends credence to another anon's theories a few days ago about how Radahn was in on it and took advantage of Miquella's childish naivety that he literally cannot grow out of.
Here's the translation
>Miquella and Malenia, are children of a single god
>because of this, the pair are god people, but, their lives are frail
>one, is forever immature, the other carries rot
>got it but missed the talisman that gives your roll attacks better damage so I'm constantly going to be thinking about that
Where all are the one-and-doners and returning retards? Invasions have been so fucking sweaty tonight, everybody's in their fucking menus
That's a shame. I'm tempted to give a go at just 2-handing the DMGS with it and the deflect tear for my NG+ run.
>spend like 20 attempts learning radahn phase 1
>finally get to phase 2
>immediately switch to greatshield and lance
margit had the best arena

messmer's stage should have had some exposed ledges
imagine if the monster hunter series tried to do a human-sized opponent how much it would fucking suck
now apply that to every time the souls series tries to do a monster-sized opponent
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Just beat Radhan, that was genuinely the worst Souls fight I've played. Who the fuck were you supposed to dodge those mirages? It just felt like all I could do is roll and pray.
Well there was that Witcher 3 crossover DLC.
Funny you mention that. Wild Hearts true true final boss was a human sized opponent and that fight sucked dick. It was garbage. I hated it. Worse way to cap off the game.
>Forgets Bayle
>better hoarfrost stomp
>better lions claw
>better giant hunt
>better carian grandeur

what other ashes got better version?
put bayle with lion
I know there's a lot of Numen lore and some Draconian lore, but do we have anything on the Nightfolk? They're the one player race I'm really curious about.
Get fucked, redbaby. Go back to the colosseum
Did any of the bosses end up being anything besides ANIMAL + ELEMENT shit?

The Redmane fire one.
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>marika is canonically a numen
>everyone thinks she's porn model beautiful
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>from doesn't care about pvp
oh yea, then how come they gave me this based prattling pate to troll hosts with?
The screaming one? Try doing that in Abyssal woods.

Yes, it's a soreseal, which is why he's beholden to Marika despite resenting her for abandoning him in the shadow realm after everything he did for her - only cursing her openly when he dies.
>Solemn duty weighs upon the one beholden; not unlike a gnawing curse from which there is no deliverance
This is basically Messmer's lore: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wog-z_Esnw4
The Celestial Dragon.
Aesthetically it's probably one of my favorite fights against the entire genre of hunting games.

It does a pretty overdone schtick in that each bracket of the bosses invisible health causes it to cycle seasons. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Final form. Each one changing the entire battle arena as the seasons passed which also altered the bosses moveset. The spectacle was great and for a giant shitmon the mobility you had in that game allowed you to have a pretty high uptime while it remained just threatening enough that people got to wipe.

I'm a bit sad the game stop being supported before that fight got it's obligatory super hard version. But, not as sad as I am that the game never got it's OST released. You should play it if it ever goes on sale for 10 dollars*
Provided your computer is a literal fucking monster rig because it's poor as shit optimization
Easily had some of the hardest fights in the genre for it's end game. But like, hard "fair" for (almost) everything.
fucking kek
Personally, I don't like this interpretation very much. Feels less decisive in terms of motivations
We literally see her face at the end of the game. She's made out of rock, but she's pretty for sure
>The screaming one?
oh shit. no. i didn't find that one. i meant the "Boohoohoo" one.
where do you get the screamer?
Lamentors Gaol. I forget where.
I'm more sad that it failed because it won't make Capcom step up their shit in any way. The "genre" needs a real (if only distant second place) competitor to Monster Hunter.
>can't i-frame Midra's phase 2 transition slam entirely with Midra's Vanishing
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i did it with no summons yay

not as bad as everyone says lol. i think ppl just need to get their blessings to max
are the talisman that improves dodge roll but gives you increased damage taken considered unfair?
no I'm wielding a bloodfiend's arm or freyja's sword (luv lion's claw)
>soreseal and godrick's rune this late into the game
I beat the base game with them and had no idea they were basically suicide in the DLC. I swapped them out and suddenly the DLC is ezmode. I'm such a fucking idiot.

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