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Industries.tf Edition

Sign Anon is ignored by Valve: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/481432419/#q481439148
New Community MvM tour: https://oo.potato.tf
Bot hosters are getting banned: https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/37C7-829B-5DE3-CC3B

>Official Sites
Blog: https://teamfortress.com
Wiki: https://wiki.tf

>Frag With /tf2g/
When: Friday & Saturday Afternoon. Check for posts in the thread or be the one to announce.
tf2g's Official Server: (EU)
Ready Up: https://tf2gfragready.b4k.co/
>Other 4chan Servers
Weeabootique: (NA)
Team Funtress: fun.tf2.host (NA)
Castaway: Castaway.tf (NA)
Konata: konata.tf (EU)

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/Svy4uc7t
Mods: https://pastebin.com/8Q6bzADk
Preview Loadouts & Skins: https://loadout.tf | https://weapons.tf | https://p337.info/tfview
HUDs: https://gamebanana.com/mods/cats/1644 | https://teamfortress.tv/33738
Scripting: https://pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ | https://pastebin.com/R7V4cN8S
Trading: https://backpack.tf | https://trade.tf | https://stntrading.eu/ | https://tf2trade.tf/
Stats: https://pastebin.com/0yaDyWb4
Sprays: https://rafradek.github.io/Mishcatt/
Creators Leaks: https://archive.is/GeYbE
tf2g's Guide to Heavy: https://pastebin.com/Y7ZWgt96

News & Events: https://teamfortress.tv
Lobbies & Mixes: https://tf2center.com | https://pastebin.com/vNTDF4eL
Leagues: https://pastebin.com/UJ9sDAdq

>Previous Thread
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dead game
dead general
alive game
alive general
next update will be neato
Behead yourself, Jill
celebrate another drone strike
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we fixed tf2
Whitest man in Texas
>Valve carrying out TOTAL BOT GENOCIDE, and also smiting some cheaters for good measure
So what's the catch?
Valve should get rid of sv_pure in casual so I can install femscout and fempyro again
Until that happens the game is not fixed
you have to suck eric off
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>So what's the catch
tf2 was having a nice return to community servers trend going which has been halted now
Valve janny here, all we did was giving a tf2 ban to anyone we found cheating in CSGO lol
that's it
no return to quickplay
no MyM revert
and new shitty cosmetics
zesty horus...
VGH, the Pharaoh of Memphis Bass Pro Shop…
Reminder that Jill is still working at Valve.
Not for long...
Jill is working under our new pharaoh orders
Get Weezy on an adderall-induced rage when they go to Valve so he strangles Jill to death
Did you know about the legend of horus tricking set into swallowing his cum by cooming all over set's lettuce while he wasn't looking lol
We need to make an album of the international zesties
>kills any community desire for a boycott
>everyone goes crazy on the summer update and spends more than they otherwise would have due to the idea of not being able to has stoked their desire even more
>valve go back to ignoring the bot problem, the ban waves are merely a flash in the pan to stop the boycott
>majority of the community is too dumb to see the pattern long term, will put down the idea of boycotting or any kind of anti-valve action until jewtubers want to shill again
It's up
medic booba
wow another mentally ill poster to filter on this general
Kill pyros. Behead pyros with the eyelander. Roundhouse kick a pyro onto the control point. slamdunk a gibus pyro into the trash. Neck-snap pyros. Sage pyro threads. Don't reply to pyro posters. Crucify filthy pyro mains. Hang pyros. Defecate into a pyros sandvich. Launch pyros into a buzzsaw. Stiryfry pyros in a wok. Toss pyros in front of active sentry guns. Urinate into a pyros gasstank. Judo throw pyros into a woodchipper. Dox pyros. Twist pyros heads off. Report pyros to Valve. Never uber pyros. Karate chop pyros in half. Never heal pyros. Backstab pyros. Melee crit pyros. Curbstomb pregnant pyros. Trap pyros in quicksand. Dump pyros into the grinder on mannhattan. Liquify pyros into a vat of acid. Eat pyros. Dissect pyros. Exterminate pyros in MGE. Stomp on pyros skull with the mantreads. Steal a pyros health pack. Make pyros check'em. Cremate pyros with the degreaser. Lobotomize pyro mains. Mandatory trade bans for pyros. Crush pyros into a paste. Drown pyros in jarate. Vapourize pyros with a pomson. Spawn camp pyros. Kick a monkey pyro from your mvm lobby. Starve pyros. Shark pyros from hat drops. Feed pyros to alligators. Slice pyros open with the half-zatoichi.
BWAHAHAHA I got this recommended
retard edgy faggot tryna act funny and says its all "bait" but we all know that deep down he's crying he lost his 8$ account, also 2 bans is fucking ridiculous
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cry, tf2 merc boobs are amazing
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When you devour but he keep yompin
I've been thinking about this.
#fixtf2 is essentially destroyed by the timing of these bans. It doesn't matter if they deliver the petition papers or let the movement simmer down, they'll look like idiots either way.

I severely doubt there can even be any other movements after this one.
why is swipez1 silent?
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A) #savetf2 movement lead by the mastermind mvmGOD Weezy and his henchmen, which mobilized the entire tf2 community with a petition signed by almost half a million unique players
B) r/tf2 making hundreds of porn edits of omegatronic
C) /tf2g/ sending it's strongest HAN BVLL warrior to the Valve offices demanding answers
D) AZOV battalion enacted TOTAL BOTHOSTER DEATH via drone strikes
E) Valve fixed bots on a whim and timed the banwave deliberately before the petition arrives to make tftumors look like idiots
F) Valve was working on a solution to bots all this time and nothing in the community influenced them in any way
G) TF2 isn't actually saved, Valve just released a big ban wave to gather enough goodwill to avoid a boycott and they'll abandon the game again after the summer update makes millions
>So what's the catch?
You have to play matchmaking.
G) TF2 isn't actually saved, Valve just released a big ban wave to gather enough goodwill to avoid a boycott and they'll abandon the game again after the summer update makes millions
Because he released a doomer video that there’s no point in protesting cuz Valve won’t do shit which he deleted just a day later
>Venuisanrapper got VAC banned
Some people are just born to take L’s
Heavy update will release this October trvst the plan they’ve just been working on it for 7 years
Source is Richter and his secret Valve contact
they banned cheater/bot accounts I had on my shitlist for literal years. it's already a success in my book desu, literally all they needed to do was asking the janny to clean it up lol
>deleted just a day later
>youtubers declare victory, claim responsibility, announce a valve visit with the petition is no longer necessary
>in the end only some rando from tf2g visits valve in person
It was the boycott :)
Someone from this shithole went to valve's offices? Any pics of vids?
Look at the news section in the OP
...The petition and Valve visit are still happening. I've got no idea what they're actually gonna talk about, but it supposedly hasn't been cancelled at all. Maybe if they're bros they might bring up the idea to nerf sniper.
ill lock in with the answer G. whats my prize if its correct?
spy as me
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>This faggot didnt get banned

Epic fail valve
if the natascha were to be reworked, everyone thinks it should be an inverse of what it is now, instead of slowing others down, it speeds you up
HOWEVER. the main problem with this was always that it would cuck the tomislav completely and become the sole solo heavy minigun
so why not just make it like the ludmilla? now its for heavys who dont have a medic gf and it solves the issue of heavy being unplayable without lunchbox items, the shotguns will finally be useful. you can even keep the spinup penalty to encourage shotgun use
on hit: heal 5-10 health depending on damage dealt
-20% damage penalty
-20% spinup speed
Weezy consumed so much adderall he transcended his fleshy body and mind controlled Valve into banning the bots
natascha is fine
i would argue it's even one if the more balanced weapons right now
Valve gets human moderators for TF2 chat who ban you instantly for saying something against transpeoplx
>wake up
>launch tf2 on my laptop to check servers
>go to my main pc
>my shitty laptop settings have overwritten my main config
I'm so fucking annoyed it's unreal
maybe there will be another banwave soon, otherwise we can just go on and report the account if they're a closeted cheater
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worked yesterday on a streaming faggot
hopefully this time it will work too
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>this faggot blatantly cheating for years with 5k hours played isnt banned
Why don't you just report them?
>groups: i'm not cheating you're just bad
report him
nah he took a W
>[YouTube] Why I Can't Stand Greedy Streamers Who Guilt Trip Their Audience And Channel Update (embed)
What does this have to do with TF2
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I can't believe TheProfessional doesn't know who DSP is
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People who loudly proclaim that they love trolling are always massive faggots and usually aren't actually good at trolling.
They should do another Demo vs Soldier event but this time it's trannies vs chuds and each team gets points for dominating people from the other team
So... is zesty /tf2g/ certified?
>make video filled with retarded balance ideas
>make follow up video with retarded balance ideas while also shilling his game
Nah he got fat so he’s no longer /ourguy/
>auto update
The host does that for me, as it is a managed host.
I'll try to remember the linux stuff but I'm likely to forget.
>server crontab
Yeah, I was thinking of getting something like it to automatically change the mapcycle so we could have a fun variance in the maps played on each time of day. I know the serber needs to restart often, so I should probably fold that in yes.
Running STAC, apparently uncletopia runs it and it's caught a few people already. Might switch to SMAC, might stay on STAC. Whatever gets the cheaters out without getting false positives.
conglaturation you were the first one to do this
Gonna take a look through, probably uncomment some maps and fold them in. Already there's a larger map pool in there, which is gonna be fun to shuffle around.
No, VenusianRapper is.
Any botcord leaks?
Also, CTF and Mannpower is not on the table until I get !skipmap working.
This is why your father left you.
Hello again, I had fun yesterday :')
I'd recommend ignoring anon's maplist desu
I looked through it and he removes maps he just personally doesn't like but are fine (removing Nightfall and Pipeline? really???)
Removing Selbyen is based though because reddit seal is fucking gay
I honestly don't know a lot of mapnames, which is why I'm accepting it and working with it. I'll remove Selbyen for now, but I might make a version where it's reskinned to Chen because that's a joke that was made on the serber, gonna name it Chenbyen
Either that or I actually start trying to make an actual map.
For the love of God please do not accept that maplist
He wants Wutville but does not want Pipeline and Nightfall, objectively really bad taste
Just run all maps except seasonal and get skipmap working
>caring what a dead weeb server maplist is
Just play casual.
what part of "working with it" did you not read? I've stated that I'm modifying it. Wutville was already removed.
As for !skipmap I'm talking with a guy on fiverr to shit it out for me
Sorry I don't want to play steamrolls (although castaway is better)
"working with it" does not imply "working on it"
ESL issue my bad
Usually doesn't happen
please dont make the server an EU version of k*g
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H) The tapeworms stapled on my penis drank enough brain juice from the fetus to telepathically affect valve servers and ban every bothoster in existence.
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>Valve isn't lazy, the treadmill work explanation is legit because the botGODS aren't just scriptkiddies running shit copied off Github from 2017 but are all coding geniuses and also have unlimited resources for hardware and even hiring pajeets to circumvent any possible soluti- ACK!
i never had a father figure, i was an accident baby
>As for !skipmap I'm talking with a guy on fiverr to shit it out for me
Just ask Fragmin if he still visits /tf2g/, he is very experienced with Source server modding and had his own plugins published
>get banned
>pity party
Why do these niggers think they're the victim
i was just watching that yesterday
>spend money and time botting a free to play shooter from 2007
why would you think they would be rational actors lmao
Of course, this was based on my personal tastes
Removed maps are just commented out so that they can be added back in if they disagree
>why would you think they would be rational actors lmao
Quite right, my mistake for not always expecting the worst out of people unironically.
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Cool it with the transphobic remarks
They attempted suicide. Get some perspective holy shit. That's a human life we're talking about. TF2 is just a video game.
fact checked by real african brothas
no lie here nigga
I know this is bait but
bot hosters lives are worth less than me being able to enjoy TF2
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H) Weezy went on an adderall fueled rampage
I) Valve got spooked by portal 2 having 3 negative reviews
nice post number but if the guy has mental problems, maybe should have sought help instead of being terminally online and doing power fantasies through somebody else' scripts, all in a video game that would soon be old enough to drink alcohol in Europe?
yeah I can tell lol
oh man i've never seen this video but i remember listening to that banger of a song everyday back in 2014-2016
geg i remember playing against this nigger and his team refused to kick him because he was wearing an unusual
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>mfw the unstoppable mastermind l33t hax0rz hosting bots were LITERAL script kiddie 12 year olds
then maybe he shouldnt have done that shit in the first place and get some irl help rather
>Shounic said Valve can't beat literal 10 year olds
new mönkinö TRVTH NVKE

Idk what's funnier, that actual pre-teens got to fuck over a multiplayer game owned by one of the largest and richest vidya devs on the planet for years before a response, or that they're so far up their own ass they're making Little Dark Age edits of themselves getting banned
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>shit stain has botted the game for years for attention
>gets BTFO and now crying about suicide attempts woah pity me
Fuck off
>monke sucking off zesty for 10 minutes again
a bit too late for demoralization tactics now isn't it?
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TF2 never had any bot problems. Stop making things up to get valve to update your game.
Never watched this dude, played the video and 10 seconds in i started hating his voice and accent
either he starts putting in captions or im not gonna watch this
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People who cheat are so perplexing to me and I don't know why
Especially when they fucking get caught
What the fuck is fried in their brains that they want to behave like this
Unrestricted internet access to kids really is a mistake. Moral panickers from two decades ago were right all along
oh no he can't post in steam forums the horror
this kid is 10 years old and can already
>make captcha busting ai that would work on tf2
>bypass core level anticheat
>bypass hardware ban
>steal old unused accounts
>buy hundreds of phone numbers
>forge id cards
>outsmart valves lawyers
what could you do as a 10 year old?
Konata-fag, a suggestion
I believe it would be interesting to automatically skip a map if nobody connects on the server after like 30mins
The map could be the cause why no one joins. Personally when I see that the server is currently playing PASS time with 0/24 players, no way in hell I'm gonna hop in
(Ofc this suggestion is assuming this is even possible to begin with)
they're mostly literal 12 year olds
the ones that aren't 12 year olds are just mentally stunted
undeveloped brains
Mental health "awareness" just means not fixing any mental health problems, but holding everyone in the world hostage to the whims of the mentally ill.
This fucking tranny didn't get beaten enough, or his uncle molested him, and now we can't even tell him to fuck off when he makes it impossible to play a game we like in a bid for attention. It's not my fault that I ran bots that fuck up your game, mental illness made me do it!
How long until the bot hosters start making more? Or do whatever the CSGO ones do for farms
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>Queue for Casual
>Not one
>Not two
>But THREE demoknights all using caber
>They charge out, die or kill someone, charge back to spawn to reload caber
Why the fuck does this seem to only happen on my team and not the enemy team, the enemy team is a 4-stack of tryhards who are locked in and going for that 20x frag streak
>Match ends
>All 3 of the caberknights are in top 6
Kill me
Here's your summer update
swing on monkey bars
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>(the game has been fixed for 4 days and counting)
>omgggg the game will never b fixed though... boycott....
1) no power or control irl so they have to exert that in video games
2) no attention
3) underage or manchild
4) 'a win is a win'/'win at all cost' philosophy (but i dont think this one really applies to tf2 since tf2 isnt really recognized as a highly competitive game)
>Bot hoster bragging about having 95 bots sets profile to private and removes the #KillTF2 hashtag from his username
Here's hoping he gets shit on or already did
I thought zesty's uncle dane the raping main thing was just another reactionary response to a thing he dislikes but turns out it's real
>Why the fuck does this seem to only happen on my team
you are joining a second sloppy slot, most likely if you late join a casual match its because the guy who had that slot before you left because of bad team
How did this nigger not get banned? I've played with him, he uses cheats.
because this whole thing is performative
they ban a couple bots and cheaters, tf2 community will hard dicksuck them for another 10 years
they will go back to completely ignoring this game and releasing only halfbaked updates from the workshop, and because of this banwave people will argue "no no let them cook!" no matter how bad it gets as cheaters and botters start filtering back in
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because it's funny
You know what was really funny
Your $700 inventory being blocked after the ban ;)
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Remember kids, cheaters never prosper.
Frag Zone used to have a vote mechanism, where you could initiate a vote to immediately skip to next chosen map if majority agreed (people nominated maps during the game, then at one point everyone could vote for the next one). I think you could ask fragmin for the needed part without map choosing / nomination thing.
So to fix >>484101981 's concern, you could always join yourself and initiate the skip yourself (with one person on the server the vote will auto pass)
At the end of the day, /tf2g/ is the only entity that actually went to Valve headquarters and raised awareness.
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their profile used to look like this btw
100% troon
>demoknights all using caber
did caber recently got popular? If so why did that happen, did a youtouber make a video about it?
stop posting this ugly jewfro faggot every single thread, you're either him or you're his dickrider. You're hideous.
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>did a youtouber make a video about it?
Yeah FSoaS made a video saying caber can still one-shot with shields
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>Deleted all their TF2-related videos
Seeing these guys scramble like cockroaches the moment light gets shined on them is fucking thrilling. I unironically hope a number of them are mentally unwell enough to kill themselves over this.
oh its the guy who cried about people saying bot hosters have cp
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doing my part
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the guy with (she/her) in his discord name kek
Hexatronic's profile

Deltatronic's profile

You're welcome to report them.
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karma will bite you in the ass one day, cunts.
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Here's hoping it's not just a quick one-time thing and that total botter death is on the horizon
If someone hosted bots and cheated, they deserve to lose their steam account. Shut the fuck up bot hoster tranny
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>The "hackers" that terrorized Valve for 8 years are literally just little kids who use cheats that are openly available on github

Not surprising at all, the narrative that these are some god tier hackers was created by brain dead TF2ubers and redditors who think programming a calculator in Python is dark magic

Most TF2 cheaters have as much hacking skill as an 8 year old who knows how to install minecraft mods
I don't think you thought out how karma works when making your shirt bait post
don't be a snitch cunt
Any bot hosters holding expensive items? I'm waiting for TF2 to have its 'desert hydra' moment where a skin worth about 10k is lost because the owner is dumb enough to cheat and lose it forever
send $50 to my paypal
least obvious bait award
shit* I love phoneposting
Frieren would kill this faggot with lightning
you will never make good bait
The bot ban somehow made the video resurface in the recent days.
No fucking idea why but i'm up for it.
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Enjoy your game and community ban, bot hoster basic bitch Frieren loving virgin
why are sub-saharans like this
We kind of already had a 'desert hydra' moment
Some dude lost a burning team captain hat during a massive lmaobox ban wave and wrote like a whole novel saying that his ban was intentional to cope
>most of the bot bans happened to accounts in Europe

Russians are truly the cancer on this world
I havent felt this cathartic since I heard a guy who used to bully me in high school got paralized from the waist down in a car accident. Looking at all these botters profiles and the cope they're making up reminds me of seeing the Facebook posts from that guy's family about how it's horrible but surely part of God's plan and they're just happy he's alive
Tf2 is infested with faggots. I cant wait for new bot software to come out
>guy who used to bully me in high school got paralized from the waist down in a car accident
Damn I'm jealous
>bot hoster says karma will get you
>gets raped by karma for botting in TF2 for years
get fucked and keep coping!
kek based, I hope the assholes from my high school get paralyzed too
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That they were all essentially retarded skids was obvious to anyone with the slightest amount of knowledge about this shit
Before and even after this ban wave the cheat development forums I know of are just cricket noises when it comes to tf2
I truly don't get why Shounic and redditors were acting like these fags were somehow genius programmers, it was clear they were fucking stupid kids running some old github code which only works because Valve doesn't give a shit
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monkey 0.2 seconds after Zesty has an opinion:
You should be, its been nearly 15 years, sometime I still check and he has gone from being a generic jock to becoming a hairy fat fuck in a wheelchair. Shame he hasnt roped yet but hopefully some of these mentally ill cheaters will
If only someone would Minecraft bot hosters
Combination of f and g, f first and g when the solution gets bypassed
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>TBD is IN

John, you are the faggots
Is that tf2gs on konat right now? I'd join they don't seem to be
bad timing lol, maybe if he posted it a week ago people wouldn't point and lau-
>all comments are jerking him off
its kinda weird how much overlap in personality these botters all seem to have
-troon or troonoid-adjacent profile picture choices
-blatantly underaged, or grating squeaker voices even if not underaged
-massively smug and proud of their activities up until now, now scrambling to hide as if privating their steam profile will do anything when the rumbling of eric's footsteps on the treadmill approaches them
-whining and faking victimhood when they get banned as if they are the ones being mistreated
We are /tf2g/s
sorry to hear that you got bullied in hs, nobody should go through that, but also nice that he got what he deserved
karma is actually real, bros
>mfw most bot hosters are younger than the game itself (17 years old)
this is why we need worldwide christofascism
>gook runes
I Know Who You Are
>and wrote like a whole novel saying that his ban was intentional to cope
That was the funniest shit ever in the recent years. You know how pretentious weeb spy mains gets owned in a pub match and act as if everything according to plan because he's the anime protagonist?

>I truly don't get why Shounic and redditors were acting like these fags were somehow genius programmers,
The guys who wrote those programs will accept donations to break or bypass any security then everything will go back to square one again. You know who will donate them? Idler bot owners who trade and merchants. Those kids don't really pose a threat but their abuse of these scripts do. Anyone with any keen eye can tell that but those kids are just part of a community which is a nuisance yet well funded.

Even when you implement a dumb captcha to keep bots away, some free-to-play Johnny wouldn't keep up with it and will use their mom's credit card to pay some hacker to code something. Else, some coder will publicize the code so people won't get annoyed by a captcha in the middle of the game. You people are not thinking straight when you suggest dumb ideas like platforming captcha when your average free to play can't even crouch jump or jump. Those 12 year old kids just lack the damn skill and that's your average TF2 player profile. Don't believe me? Look at the fixTF2 movement starters and bot hosters. I hardly can tell a difference.
otaku wife something by fuzume tf2
Website still seems live for reason however
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>tf2 players
>try not to be child groomers or homosexual challenge
>gook runes
ackshually, they're chink runes
gook runes are more simplistic, and use straight lines, squares or circles
its all the same
Dw nigger its only a matter of time before the scrip kiddies make another bot and shut down the tranny fest of a video game that is tf2. And when it does i'll be back here laughing at /tf2gay/s
Inflating the problem to drum up support and sympathy is textbook reddit garbage and shounic in particular is a good video editor and YouTuber but generally just seems to smile and push the narrative when there's seeming pressure to, even though you can tell he's just stupid not retarded
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>tf2 players
>child groomers

Why did you write child groomers three times
>fixtf2 is a joke, says delusional coper 2 days after tf2 has been fixed
>troonsty jesus wanted to make a video crying about fixtf2 being useless, but is going to look like a complete clown talking about it a month after bots are gone
>gayber released his seethe video and it instantly got BTFO by WALWE the next day
chudtubers can't stop taking L's
#fixtf2 won.
No vac van on record? Don't those show on private profiles?
>I Know Who You Are
He'll get no sympathy from me!
>guys boycott the game!!
>wasted more on trade-ups and skins than this general (minus viva) combined in the past 2 years
I wonder what he based his entire personality around before frieren aired
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Remember to report this faggot, include his website link to show Steam Jannies
Doesn't seem like it. Maybe some of the botters were slightly smarter than the rest and didn't bot/cheat on their main accounts and so have filtered through.
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Look y'all I know we have bot hosters but let's not get transphobic or say slurs because of it mmkay
you want the echo chamber destroyed and make them infect something else because?
calm down Lilith, dilate and try to post again without the spite and anger.
Good point. TF2 is the containment breach for trannies furries faggots pedophiles. I just like seeing tf2 faggots cry about their 17 year old game being abandoned when in reality it died with MYM.
calm down zestypurpleniczy
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>Chinese letters
You wont spend 5$ on a game you spent thousand of hours on? Poor retard faggot
signanon saved the game
I want them to move to team fortress 3(Deadlock)
Sign anon is chinese
though I doubt an american chink would understand these moonrunes
airblast was a mistake
the gameplay equivalent of "um actually"
>Sign anon is chinese
really? where do you get that from
8 people on konat
come and play
He literally said that himself
dont you get put some list if you connect
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this but only make the "need a dispenser here" voiceline available for f2ps it'd be hilarious
I'm starting to think Zesty doesn't even like TF2 anymore. Most of his motivations just seems to revolve around "owning the emporium". He's still encouraging people to boycott Valve and ridicule FixTf2, even within the last several days.
regretting every hour i put into this game
enjoying every hour i put into this game
I don't play TF2
are you though? i just look at my playcount now as a big pile of regret
i could have done something worthwhile with my life if i spent that time doing something better instead of playing some fucking cartoon shooter
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>yfw you look at your 5000 hours in TF2 and realize you could have earned 10 IT certifications in that time and could have also went to college
bots being gone is cool but it sort of removes the narrative
now when i play tf2 the feeling i have in my head is "oh, this is what i was so interested in saving?"
is this image real
Yeah, Epstein took the picture
>demoralizing campaign
botroons are so pathetic
i am, this is my comfort game, i always move on to play some other stuff but once every 4 months or so my friends and i always come back for a bit. we're all nearing 3000 hours now, this is "that" game for us that reminds us of high school summers. we're all adults with working lives now but we still play ever so often. we probably will until we have kids
If you weren't enjoying TF2 during the bot infestation
You won't enjoy it now
spamming/flooding + pedophile cheater
Current moral status?
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a million spy and scout mains flood saxton hale making the gamemode damn near unplayable. especially when saxton auto rushes the single medic then tard brains over 2 dead ringer spys and 5 non-melee scunts
>boycotting till either bots or summer fags gone
You'll just have to make another alt JewsianRapist
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who is this cutie from last thread?
I only trust people with boomer profile pics
There needs to be some kind of bothoster's crying and coping compilation
shit would be hillarious
11 fraggers in Oslo
looks underaged
I think it's a cartoon character
Your (you), good xir
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post your rank /v/
>oh also there was a ban wave i guess
cope harder, lmao
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your rank /v/
Why is it always russians
What's the strategy with the dragon fury?
they just finished watching voorbey
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ohhnonono hahahahHAHAHA
I hope he has another stream where he slams his desk and holds back tears over bad war paints
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hey lucid heres an idea:
richter, gabber, 2forttwerkers
weezy, lucid, zesty
>little dark age edit
zesty is my wife
nah fuck grifter overtime
mapcycle.txt log
all the iterations that have been uploaded to the serber
will update every tiem I add new mapcycle.txt
no more confusion
>captcha: PAWGR
Somehow Zesty and his cocksuckers are bigger losers than regular TF2ubers

Which is a true achievement, as the bar was really low
the only tf2tuber worth being made into a wife is shounic(femboy form)
>multiple premium accounts
Soldier voice: Sir yes sir!
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I hope richter gets invited on stream just to see him completely sperg out over being called out as a grifter
Zesty is the only one out of the three who's got a good head on his shoulders. Mönkey is just a tryhard suck-up and GrifterOvertime is...well a lying grifter.
I hope he makes a song about it

>good head on his shoulders
He gets red in the face yelling about videogame pixels almost every night
Hey lucid, get this ESL luigi off the fucking stream, his accent is pissing me off.
As far as it goes he's still at least slightly better than the other two
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>spent $30k on hats
>sole philosophy is "be upset about everything, until you inevitably get a win"
>epitomizes pic related
nigger overtime is just a zesty minion
DSP needs to return to TF2
obsessed workshoppers woke up

mini-nvke at 30:35
Richter Overtime is just the average zoomer
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Best post in this thread.
we should send signanon to valve again and change the sign to say something like keep it up or good job or smth idk
The only reason why Zesty sometimes looks reasonable is because he learned to control his autistic impulses when out in the public.

The other two are too stupid even for that

He still starts malding the second he gets even a bit emotional
>zesty complains about how he is a 6/10 balding virgin on stream
>ask "how do you know i'm balding"
>says "because my fucking hairline!!"
Aw is he expecting sympathy?
And look at him trying to justify himself in the comment section.
zesty is an incel because of his terrible personality not because of his looks, typical incel cope.
Yeah the bots are gone for the most part, but I'm realizing how poorly balanced this game is. Certain unlocks seem to make seemingly unimpressive players excel in pubs and exclusively in pub environments. Unlocks such as the short circuit, make it so that spam is pretty much ineffective and allow for teams to just walk forward for free. The vaccinator makes 1v1ing targets much more difficult or downright impossible. In a lot of scenarios I find that these silly unlocks force players to swap to either Heavy or Sniper to actually succeed in pub environments which I think is really boring. I relearned after several years why I basically exclusively played this game in 6v6 pickup games and mge, which is so weird to think about and I have no idea what made me actually play the game casually in the firstplace. Lol
> whining and faking victimhood when they get banned as if they are the ones being mistreated
They have to be baiting at this point, there is no way in hell they would not understand that people would hate them for botting the game, are they really that stupid and lacking of self-awareness?
It’s ether Russians or the Chinese doing shit like this, does decades of communism just fuck with people’s minds or something?
>zesty has his friend ban a guy from a server just because he was better than him

kek, this is the guy redditfags here are calling based?
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I feel vindicated. I love seeing my report help get a dirty scumbag cheater's account banned.>>484106573

I will continue to report bot hoster profiles and getting them banned
cheater with g pan acts like he is god of mvm (faked his pan drop btw its photoshopped img)
>nobody has reported these yet
russia isn't part of europe
That's just your modern e-gamer. By e-gamer I mean they spend all their time in an online environment playing multiplayer games and building up some Steam profile trying to gain some sort of reputation and appear normal. The modern version of Steam is essentially facebook for gamers where they play out all their personality problems and act out their insecurities about their inadequacies to one another. The end game (if you're lucky) is finding one rational minded person that takes you out of the delusions and you move on while enjoying these things for what they are, not being so serious, etc. The troons and the cucks will remain here forever and serves as a containment zone.
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>konata server
>no mariokart in the rotation
how do we know its their accounts?
seems like random accounts
>mass reporting actually works
keep reporting these faggots
Reported them.
only if the reports are legitimate
>TheWhatShow says we shouldn’t do bad things to the bot hosters because they might retaliate tend folds
>turns out the bot hosters cannot even handle being banned ONCE!
Hey look turns out they are not Joker tier villains, but just edgelords that start crying the second you lightly punch them
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lmao he either changed his url out of embarassment or his account got deleted. good riddance
Well one thing about Russians is that things always somehow gets worse for them, always.
>kill TF-ACK
I've reported them. Be sure to send Leadscales youtube so the steam jannies can look at it.
Are the bot doxing and swatting TF2ubers stories real?
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>mfw Steam thanks me for keeping the steam community safe and secure after a bot hoster gets a VAC ban from my report
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i'm excited because this might be the only chance to actually ban these faggots who run bots after YEARS of neglect
after summer update drops, we might wait another 8 years for a massive banwave
for the love of god, please let it continue for at least another month
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>literally all valve had to do was telling the janny to clean it up
of course not but it's easy to get away with making shit up as long as it's against "the enemy"
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fucking owned
They got the summer intern to hunt down bot hosters and develop an update to VAC
Dude stop celebrating. The goal is to boycott Valve for another 10 years. That's the goal of Fix Tf2.
They cant even ban evade and you think they can dox and swat someone? No it was all fake, even the whole CP bots thing
rope yourself now fag
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I'm celebrating and i wont stop, at least now we get to have some saying instead of valve's empty promises from 2022 and before that
also valve has not made a good game in years and deadlock will not be as popular as TF2 since the clusterfuck of the game will make many people not play it
You botters lost, get over it
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Lmao, what a faggot
Mechiantor and Klax0n lurking in this thread, both of you join the 41% you disgusting tranny with no skills in life.
>everyone who disagrees with me is my imaginary boogey man!
why are all the bot hosters trannies lol
All bot hosters are mentally ill trannies so yes.
Very organic posts.
We are being raided by #FixTF2 Discord.
moral highground award
This is their mindset.
VenusianRapper won.
uhh sweatie... you stinky bot hosters are the ones using discord?
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>Very organic posts.
>We are being raided by #FixTF2 Discord.
Don't care, VenusianRapper won. Get owned kid.
somebody post the unreadable wall of text image
>fucking salty ass nigger legits
dude's fucking sweating and fuming in his mom's basement
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Don't come back
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>bots BANNED
>bot hosters BANNED
>cheaters BANNED
>doomers SEETHING
>petition SIGNED
>overdose AVOIDED

This man >>484120345 is literally a tranime avatarfag with "she/her" in his name. GEEEEEEEEEEG
He will come back. The more you try to ignore him, the stronger he gets.
all zesty and mönkey had to do was TRVST THE PLAN
you can stop sucking his cock now, he's banned, the joke is over
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>open youtube video essay not related to tf2
>youtuber complains about the scorch shot
>closes video essay

why does the least nerfed secondary option on the weakest class in the game cause so much butthurt and seethe?
It's pretty funny how Zesty and Monkey are calling this guy a "gambling addict" when they're a million times worse (but it's okay because they've stopped!!!!). Epic projection.
That's not how you reply to people, newfag.
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hey Mechiantor if you can see this it's sconion.. did you have sex yet or is it still a no go?
>>484086857 everyone if you see Mechiantor tell them to have sex for me, im sure all bot hosters are incels anyways
I'm not saying shit until he gets quickplay brought back
>klax0n alt banned
klax0n alt banned
>klax0n alt banned
klax0n alt banned
>klax0n alt banned
klax0n alt banned
>klax0n alt banned
klax0n alt banned

Every single one of my reports have gotten someone banned. lol
i'm not giving them a (you) fucking retard, learn how to not give them attention
Then what's the point of even responding, retard? How about you just leave and go back to r/tf2 where you belong?
stop this witch hunt before you get innocent accounts caught in the crossfire.
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The greatest and most BASED TF2 youtuber ever.
Timestamped the most BASED moment ever
I don't really find the weapon itself annoying, just dodge it. the problem for me is that it builds phlog crits. I think phlog crits should only get built from attacking with the weapon itself, scorch gives you a completely risk free way of generating charge
>but phlog isn't that good
sure but it makes those rolling fags who do phlog+uber even stronger. this wouldn't really matter to anyone else
Bots back yet?
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Nah, I think I'll keep finding bot hoster accounts and reporting them with my 15 year old steam account with 5000 hours in TF2 and 20000 dollar value so they keep getting banned.
anon got the Midas touch for bans
not reddit, doesn't work here. seek help btw
>what's the point of even responding
because i can and will? you're the one replying to me now
you can now go back to r/tf2 where YOU belong since YOU brough it up
To not give them attention while still insulting them you mongoloid, maybe you should go back there if you dont know how 4chan works
This is a pretty lame person to orbit.
This is just sad lmao
Nice projection, but you obviously belong there if you're actually celebrating VenusianRapper being banned lol
So you're scared to insult someone to their face? Lmao what a pussy you are. No fucking wonder you redditors hate VenusianRapper.
How do you know this is their profiles? What about Omegatronic?
Honey, bring your boyfriend in here! They got him, they got VenusianRapper!
he doesn't, they're targeting random fucking profiles holy shit
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3 reports
3 bans, in the same day ;)
They're not random, just particular profiles from people they have a beef with
It's documented on the bot wiki + their profiles used to be public with actual evidence
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> seething
There is a certain breed of people who want to believe that tf2 is a serious much competitive game (it is not) and they will seethe at a lot of things. Scorch shot is very annoying when it hits and mildly annoying when it splashes. At this rate you could listen to people bragging about demos being brainless motherfuckers. (And after playing pf2 demo being drunk i cant tell i disagree)
> the weakest class
But spy doesnt have scorch. Or spy isnt a class at this point?
You dont make much sense, brah, and im curious where you got this assumption.
>>Bot hoster bragging about having 95 bots
>4 servers worth of bots
That's... What the fuck is there to brag about? That is just embarrassing.
They're banning innocent people like VenusianRapper.
>not random
searching an alleged bot hosters name on steam and targeting users that have the same names is random.
>bot wiki
same applies
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thank you
Enjoy your vacation off 4chan, kid
you already got banned on TF2 so go do something with your life
Lmao you guys got exposed: >>484123226
here's his account http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198206658677
>Sucking your own dick
Kill yourself
>femboy in url
>she/her in discord name
which is it
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Schizophrenia much? I'm not VenusianRapper, kid.
>Blowing your own pussy
Live yourself
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Time to get another script kiddie banned off Steam
What about this guy:
Those users with similar names are without a doubt alts of him and/or his bot accounts, they deserve the scrutiny and reports
>tranny fest of a video game that is tf2
Is also the last game where you can say nigger and ywnbaw freely...
Is it ironic or is it a legit tranny?
I'm dabbing so hard right now, total botnigger death
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>yfw your reports get 5 bot hoster accounts that Valve missed banned today
Get fucked tranny bothosters
Never forget the 6 trillion innocent bot hosters who perished in the VACOCAUST
Reminder that much like the bots, reports will ban the spammer pedo cheater subhuman from this thread.
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picrel is me reporting all those tranny bothosters that get banned in the same day because valve actually started doing treadmill work
seems unironic since his new custom url is "femboytoad"
vscript vsh is already unplayable because its fucking terrible and only demoknight and medic is playable
Ze bot hosters are hiding under ze floorboards!
>As for !skipmap I'm talking with a guy on fiverr to shit it out for me
Are you retarded? Sourcemod already comes with a stock plugin called "rtv" that is exactly what you're talking about. I feel like you've never played on a community server before making this one.
Can we get this bot hoster banned already?
Seethe harder bot hoster tranny
venusian is already banned
So in these reports do you need actual evidence that someone is cheating or is it just a mass report thing where if enough people report you your account gets banned?
>seething so hard that he trooned out
That's fucking amazing
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Thats me!! :D
sneed faggot
>posting my profile because I got you game banned from TF2

KWAB, kill yourself you transgender cheating third world freak.
>natascha is fine
no its really not. adds nothing to heavys gameplay, makes him slightly more unpleasant to fight, while being an objective downgrade over stock unless youre a shitter that cant hit le scouts. its shit
yeah sure bot hosters won’t abuse this massreport system to get innocent people banned or anything it’s not like they all have sekrit discord servers willing to do their bidding
Are you fucking retarded? It redirects you back to your profile LOL, you got baited so hard
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report the multiaccount
Let's see him cry
I got baited hard then. Well played lol

I didn't see it was /myprofile
Most enable !nominate how do I disable !nominate how to I restrict !rtv to only look at !nextmap
I've played on community servers, but I *really*, **really** want to disable ANY form of mapvoting other than going to the next map in the mapcycle. That's the problem I have with !rtv. I don't see where I can configure that.
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They already did that to Venusian, they got him banned for no reason. He's innocent.
shut the fuck up retard
you can't embarass yourself more than that
Did you know?
Pyro received 28 different Halloween restricted cosmetics in Scream Fortress 5
Pyro as a class has 46 Halloween restricted cosmetics, so over half of them came from that update
Overall, pyro has 328 cosmetics, meaning 14% of his cosmetics are Halloween restricted, with 8.5% of those coming from a single update
valve may be slow as fuck but they aren't retarded regarding bans kys faggot
map options kinda suck too like fuck tiny rock honestly
then explain why they banned VenusianRapper?
You're keeping bots under your floorboards, aren't you, Omegatronic?
I just wanted to add that as an openly transgender bot hoster, my favorite tf2 youtuber is VenusianRapper. WHY did valve give him a gameban? Fucking chuds
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Reminder that Precipice is a botroon map.
what age do you think venusian's kid will grow to be before he starts molesting them?
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Ain't that the truth
Cope, botfag
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>All these troons/fags getting banned yet not xarq0n
Epic fail Valve
holy shit dumbass pedusian actually admitted he spams here LMAO
The bait... worked...
all me btw
You need actual evidence. "I got banned for mass reporting" is just a cope cheaters are starting to adopt (like the massive faggot spamming himself in this general)
I like how is only effective card is "uhm i was meerly pretending to be a retard"... personally i think bullying venusian is no more fun than bullying a special ed kid
Jannies do your job and ban that spamming faggot already
you did it once, just do perm so he'll fuck off forever
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Chat, is this real?
That's not true in all cases, especially when it comes to VenusianRapper, he really did get banned for no reason.
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>Honey, bring your boyfriend in here! They got him, they got VenusianRapper!
Go back to here:
kill yourself pedo rapist spammer. you can't even play the game anymore you have zero reason to keep posting here
mid is the only part of the map that matters. everything else is redundant, but they try to encourage to go to bumfuck nowhere by placing all the fucking pickups there. I DONT WANT TO RUN ACROSS THE MAP FOR AN AMMO PAAACK. also fuck the bridge, too many fags hiding up there, and fuck the fnaf room too
well designed map, sadly hale having infinite brave jump makes fighting a hale that knows how to airstrafe a miserable experience (its always miserable but especially here)
having to get across the elevated point to get from one half of the map to the other is annoying. also those tiny roofs near the point are shit and i wish people stopped camping it
OH BOY i love chasing hale through a winding hallway the entire fucking round! i love it when i fall into the acid and die instantly because some fuckhead stood in it too long and now it deals 2 to the power of 7 damage per tick
This game needed the bot fix like my wife needs a BBC
Stop listening to the voices in your head, because he's not here LOL
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total botnigger death
Dildo Launcher
singlekill and un-original
Omegatronic's BWC
erm, actually you belong there sharing your child exploitation drawings
Konata’s dildo :3
reminder that half of the halloween maps NEED to be removed
>hassle castle
these maps are all SHIIITTT
Standin' With Biden
Quake blaster
A little bit too late to say that after you replied to the post thinking it was about your profile LMAO dumb fuck
Doom is better than Quake
Trans Rights Are Human Rights! ;3
Vorobey buck-broke Venusian
I'm gay
The Original
Uncletopia mods are transphobic
Venusian buck-broke Pedobey
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fuck you
Why do none of the community servers ever support standin? I’ve never played on that map and nobody ever wants to play it. I’ve played on wutville more than standin. Is standin really that bad?
it ran on konata.tf yesterday but the play session was almost over by then
We played it on Konata last night.
Reddit is contradictory, you're more welcome there than here for that reason
im so fucking tired of this SLOOOOOPPPP
The banwave really brought out everyone's true colors.
>doomers saying this isn't enough and moving the goalpost
>big #fix & #savetf2 youtubers are radio silent on the issue they supposedly cared about immensely
>shounic, the man everyone called a retard doomposter for thinking the bothosters are superhackers faced the facts and made a video asap
unsurprising observation considering you're a porn addicted retard
shounic trusted Richter and made a tweet defending him, which is the most retarded thing anyone could do
Mods remove this shit
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He caused it, not the #fixtf2 e-celeb grifter circle. He did it.
I understand the economy is a shitass but the price given was too much.
If I were physically with everyone who dare suggest adding !rtv again I'd strangle them, clearly none of them have ever hosted a server.
I do NOT see ANYTHING that can indicate even a singular hint that I can disable voting for which map.
IF anyone thinks they're oh-so-smart, go on ahead and tell me so we can get the show on the road. Remember, I want a vote to skip to the next map in the mapcycle, NOT voting for WHICH map. The mapcycle is decided.
I'm gonna go see if I can figure this shit out myself when I can be bothered, but right now I'm frustrated at the world.
I don't believe in addictions.
Based sign anon saved TF2.
based weezy
>He says this forming an addictive habit of seeking attention on 4chan
smoothest goonbrain
I don't seek attention, I'd tripfag if I wanted attention.
bro he uploaded a video where he was cheating on, he's become the whole circus at this point go join his circus
castawaychads where we @?
LOL so far gone
I noticed that for whatever reason people play more on weekdays than weekends. Not sure why
>moving goalposts
and whats wrong with that
Will we finally push past 41% with this banwave?
Where? Is TF2g going through their seeing shit in the walls that aren't there arc now?
That black mamba is already wayyy more than 40% inside my wife, haha
Let's not get too hostile now, keep in mind bot hosters were in their majority from marginalized minorities like transfolks, and plenty already attempted suicide over this ban wave, no need to go even more over the line
"This is the last known recorded instance of YouTuber VenusianRapper cheating in the online multiplayer videogame "Team Fortress 2", before being found unalive by their own hand at the ruination of their life's work. He was to appear in court against the Valve corporation for allegations of conspiracy to commit money laundering, where it is stated he had gathered evidence against many other of the game's personalities, including other YouTubers, item gambling site owners, and bot hosters. Upon the release of this information to an unidentified third-party, VenusianRapper's main Steam account would receive a manual game ban on June 29th, 2024, and he would subsequently be found unalived that same morning. These unedited recordings have been preserved for evidence."
Really makes you think
nigga why are you so obsessed with forcing people to play shitty maps noone asked for? part of the appeal of konata is the ability to play on maps that you dont get to play in casual like asteroid or cactus canyon so WHY THE FUCK make it impossible for people who want to play the map to actually play it?
This is the last known recorded instance of YouTuber VenusianRapper cheating in the online multiplayer videogame "Team Fortress 2", before being found unalive by their own hand at the ruination of their life's work. He was to appear in court against the Valve corporation for allegations of conspiracy to commit money laundering, where it is stated he had gathered evidence against many other of the game's personalities, including other YouTubers, item gambling site owners, and bot hosters. Upon the release of this information to an unidentified third-party, VenusianRapper's main Steam account would receive a manual game ban on June 29th, 2024, and he would subsequently be found unalived that same morning. These unedited recordings have been preserved for evidence.
It's pretty interesting that Shounic is actually great at the game and mains Demoman. Meanwhile people like Zesty and Weezy are tards and play Soldier.
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>Keep getting recommended channels and videos showing people cheating in tf2 now
>Literally every single one has some faggy rap/hiphop music, or an annoying AMV
Why though?
suffered great humiliation today, nearly lost strength to continue
i dont know if soldier is the way any more.
you VILL play lakeside yukon hoodoo all in a row and you VILL be happy
those are all good maps though
kona-tan status?
shounic isnt actually a codemonkey hes just a 6s player and b4nnys editor slave
that also explains why hes such a fag
it was moderately populated earlier today
Tranny's love nigger music
Or maybe VenusianRapper is based and they hate based people. So use your fucking head if you know how.
shitty sniper aim trainer map
mediocre and canadian
goldrush but even worse, complete garbage and even a pain in the ass to look at with those oversaturated red cliffs
if your standards for maps is that low then i dont think you need a skip map feature, youll enjoy just about anything
today is sunday so that might have something to do with it
He doesn't cheat in that video retard, the description is a fucking joke LOL
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>use your fucking haed if you know how
hey konadmin, so here's the RTV function responsible for actions on successful RTV vote:

You can just change that code to call the snippet that I linked here >>484103295

You should be good to go, if not - post here or you can also go to the SourceMod forums (or maybe they have a Discord or something nowadays, haven't touched source modding in a long time).
This fucking server will die because of your stupidity you fucking moron
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>even a pain in the ass to look at with those oversaturated red cliffs
you're talking to a upward autist, dont bother
i couldve sworn it was redder when i used to play it
we'd still have castaway paris
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>"erm guys don't actually boycott the game it won't work"
>weezy gets curbstomped until he finally gets convinced into supporting a boycott
>a few hours later valve takes action
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Then you're misremembering
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get this fur faggot banned asap
>NONONO you have to like shitty maps!
there are so many better koth maps than lakeside. so many better pl maps than hoodoo. so many better 5cp maps than yukon. those 3 are all SHIT
also upward is a good map, i feel like some of you fags are peer pressured into saying that its dogshit because of le trannytopia
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don't care, didn't ask - yukon, hoodoo and lakeside and still fantastic maps.
That's what we get for not honouring the actually tech-literate hoster we had before… Karma is real bros…
But really, if fragmin disabled the plugins that to make it just vanilla (or make them vote-enabled), we wouldn't need new servers I guess
yukon is fine, just boring and outclassed, lakeside is a big open killbox for snipers to abuse but its still playable
hoodoo is garbage. goldrush is better
>im not gonna reply, hes not gonna get that (You), thatll show him!
you HAVE to reply to my shit posts because...YOU JUST DO, OK?!
meant for >>484135103
you VILL reply to me. because my posts are good and right. disagree? youre wrong, thats just how it is, chuddy.
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Ok thanks
I had chatgpt shit something together as well by modifying rtv as well lmao, but it doesn't seem to work just like any code it does
Does this... I don't... I've only done Hello World in C and a broken Godot tutorial I don't know how much to replace.
This cheater is still not banned so its all for nothing
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Are you scared of people seeing your pathetic replies to others? You're scared of insulting others in front of them? Go back to plebbit, fag.
i pray for when castaway stops being permadead
thanks venusian. now can you draw me some futa cock sex pls
do you think there are competitive tf2 players in the palestine israel war thing and when they bomb eachothers hospitals they say med down
just play engie if airspace is an issue a couple randos might join you in a sentry line
just grow some nuts and melee Saxton, show him your half zuchi or uber saw. frying pan is always on you side
idc for the map most of the time i search for another map since the server i joined is full of sqeakers
Wrong. Hoodoo and Goldrush are both terrible.
child took 40, hes low hes low, child dead, going for the mother
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oops haha lmao
wtf is this map
!nominate hydro
!nominate standin
>just play engineer
the thing is, sentries deal 50% less damage in vsh. i guess lizard had to retardproof hale in every way possible because appareeeentlyyy vsh is only played to be hale and not to fight hale, and so the fun of 1 person is more important than the fun of 23. anyways yeah engineer is just shit, and the sentrys range is tiny compared to ginormous airspace of distillery
>melee saxton
thats already what im doing because every class except medic, bfb scout and demoknight is trash. a map shouldnt be miserable for almost the entire cast doe
get this fur faggot banned asap
medic is at 50 currently hes at top right need a drone strike on the med
good, you should play on the better server (frag zone) instead
>skill issue
as engie just melee him for 5k
>Verification not required
pregnant woman at choke, going in
i once played a round of skirmish the entire team went engineer and camped in the alligator room
it was pretty much a 90% chance of winning everytime
its ALIVE every other day
and no one's stopping EUfags from simply joining the paris server instead of coonata
Stop posting people's custom profile urls. They can change them in an instant for free. Grab the real link by using Steamrep
>get past sniper's team
>get the drop on him
>swivels around and oneshots me
I should have respected the sightline
theyre lit at choke i just bombed them
half the time saxton just caps then gets vote kicked by teens and kids
get this pedo banned asap
standin is terrible because of the way domination mode is implemented. there is no reason to hold a point, as holding gives you nothing, so youre instead encouraged to run around the map capping as fast as possible, which is easy since the whole server gets funneled into b. so usually theres tiny, tiny skirmishes (mostly 1v1s) happening at A and C, while the rest of the server is fucking around at B. the intended experience is never achieved
the way tf2c handles domination mode is waaay better: owning a control point builds up points, the more you own the faster it builds, first team to reach a set amount of points wins. now holding onto a point isnt a waste of time, meaning that the enemy wont let you take it for free, and the enemy team managing to capture 3 points (which isnt that hard) doesnt mean that the round is instantly over. tf2c and its 2 domination maps are so fun (except tc_hydro is asymmetrical, really easy to shit on blu and yellow, really hard to cap green and red)
thanks, and based
its a 90% chance of winning because vscript vsh failed at grabbing the attention of actual vsh players, and so its mainly populated by people that literally joined last week. none of these guys know how to play hale. you make me fight against that strat ill win 100% of the time, not even bragging, just how it is since hale is unbeatable
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lol so he changed his custom url to this shit huh
what a surprise
retarded post
why are they ALL trannies
holy fucking shit
these "people" need to be executed in the fucking streets
Tranny hate is growing in the tf2 community
uhhh anon, I think you tried to declare another function inside the StartRTV() function? Anyway it should look like this I think - maybe other anons will fix me, because I didn't touch SM in a very long time.


You may also need to modify a few checks in the AttemptRTV() function, because it checks for map vote status specifically (which you don't need, obviously, but still probably need to have some checks in place for repeat votes), although it is possible you don't need to change anything.
isnt steamrep getting shut down this year?
Yes, but that still works easily
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>Tranny lost his unusuals and golden gun with 100k kills
>miss miss, retreat and reload
inaccurate, should be
>toggle silent, toggle doubletap, run forward, onetap, reload
he shouldnt have changed his crosshair
the kills are idle farmed anyways
painis in the ainis
I wanted to add that I left in the top-level checks inside StartRTV() in >>484137931 because you have to see for yourself what kind of checks the plugin implements, but then saw your note about Hello World - I don't have anything installed to do it myself, so probably a better shot to wait for other local anons or to ask in SM forums/discord.
should've sold the items while he still had chance
hey konadmin, take this



I don't entirely know if this will just work, but it might. Just fucked with the rtv plugin and reduced it to this
As a Payload main, I'd say Hoodoo is about a 6/10 map. Too many spaces that go unused like right outside Spawn door for Defense on Stage 2. Only Snipers ever chill in that space. Stage 1 to the right and behind of Blu spawn, it's only ever "sneaky" Spies and Scouts with an occasional braindead Soldier chilling there. I'm not too crazy about Stage 1 Red spawn either, but it's a decent spawn for Stage 2. Great flank options on Stage 1 whereas there aren't really many options on Stage 3 last. Through the divider? Shed to the left for right sentry flanks? That's it, really

Gold Rush is a 12/10 map. Absolutely perfect
If Shit Rush is 12/10, then what are Process, Gullywash, or Sunshine? 400/10?
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if you are using the browser extension augmented steam you can easily grab a person steam id without steamrep
What the fuck are those? I just said I'm a Payload main, not whatever the fuck those are
>not liking a horrible spamfest is bait
Lol, just lol.

Pier is the best Payload map.
steam jannies, keep up the good work
>only names maps notoriously being made for 6s format
Yeah it's bait
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>get killed by a random sniper main
>anime pfp
>report him for cheating
>banned within hours
>beaner who is too stupid for anything but bagging groceries mains the gamemode made for brainamputees
shit...well were they cheating or not
if not then reporting innocent people and getting them banned is a dick move
cheating and if they weren't they were going to in time
Yes you nigger
because valve can't look at the user and their game
They ban solely on the fact if they were reported or not
it doesnt matter, if its a sniper main they deserve no respect
Pier is in my Top 3. Barnblitz is prolly #2

Cashiers do the bagging themselves. Bagboys aren't a thing in NYC. I'm a frozen department manager and a store manager in training
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Who cares, any sniper main deserves it
they don't ban people purely because of reports
if someone got banned they were cheating
it just so happens that 99% of sniper mains cheat
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good morning zesty
>playing sniper
>So what's the catch?
It's a one-time affair, fuckers will be back in full force within half a year.
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the bothosting group he was in "ezalts"
got purged as well
Shit's so funny right now, it's like a bot hoster version of the holocaust
>sniper player
>anime/furry avatar
Yep, they're human trash.
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Who are we voting for?
>wants to deport the bots
>wants to fix matchmaking
I have no problem with casual
and I spend more time on MvM anyway
so Trump it is
huntsman is about a million billion times more fun than rifle
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Justice is so sweet. These bot hosting script kiddies deserve 0 mercy.
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ah well
Fix matchmaking, revert the weapons it gutted, lynch Jill.
biden because community servers are the future, bots aren't a problem there
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dang okay, didn't know so many people hate sniper mains but i understand it, was just curious because with the ban wave everything is possible, but yeah valve wouldn't just ban innocent people i guess
ironically enough today was my first time playing sniper (least played class) and i did get some funny kills on 2fort but also tried my best on harvest and swiftwater
I was playing for fun only, i dont see myself being a sniper main but maybe i'll get used to it? i feel like everytime i play him i get sudden parkinson's disease and can't aim for shit
i mean those really are good maps (except process)
Thank you so much! Now I just need to fix the nextmap command which got broken by mapchooser, I'll do that on my end.
Take whatever credit you need, whoever you are. If I can be certain over WHO you are, I'll throw a key your way.
And Sunshine.
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this guy's been cheating since like 2021
>inb4 hurr tacobot website
still valid
pier is great but the quality falls off a ciff as soon as you get to the warehouse. that warehouse and everything past it is SHIIIIITTTTTT
make RED great again (again) desu
Sujin is a weeaboo trash that shouldn't have ever been added to TF2
Bread Space is an unoptimized piece of shit, and also it doesn't fit TF2 aesthetic
valve has been incompetent but they haven't been retarded enough to ban innocent players. even if they did ban an innocent, that would be the one case where appealing actually works.
false bans that got reverted happened with CS:GO a few times
sunshine is better process doe. its just a good map nothing about it is particularly bad
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>6 bot accounts I have reported were game banned today
Today's a good day.
>cheating in mvm
really? do people really?
BLUden's promise would get rid of bots anyway plus they're already gone and also matchmaking is utter rubbish
>valve would never make a mistake
the 1st step to functional insanity is placing absolute trust in an authority
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Another furfag cheater banned!
Well at least they don't fuck up with the vac bans, but also seeing how many people cheat, probably 5-10% of the overall bans from all games were innocents, otherwise its all filth
>insta-cap last
Into the trash
don't forget fakelag sis
ALWAYS fucking australians, i swear
The most incomprehensible map ever made
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team fortress 2 is healing
petition to remove all the recently added community map slops in the casual rotation (who tf plays ctf_pelican?)
steel makes sense
the pathways around C in Junction are more confusing
You had 10 years to learn it, retardbro.
>newfag can't comprehend steel, a map that's been out for over a decade
play more
That’s what makes it so kino.
its very good because it filters retards who can't understand non-linearity and have a panic when there is more than 1 way you can go for more than 1 objective
>tried my best
>playing for fun only
nah, halloween maps deserve to be removed infinitely more
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>I've gotten 7 accounts banned by reporting now

I really do have the Midas touch of getting these cunts game banned.
Forget that, what about Smissmass slop?
please try on this obnoxious cheater here
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oops wrong pic, sorry guys
I got 3 today
"big" ones as well
>instacap last
??? never happens btw, made up scenario
>do people really want to be able to pull the gambling lever faster?
Uh, duh
>"""friend""" of mine cheats sometimes in tf2
I would feel bad for reporting him but I'm not exactly a good friend of his
>What is backcapping
Backcapping is fine on good maps because good maps don't have last points that are capped in seconds. Every sixes-centric map has this because they're designed for that format but this is total ass in a pub setting.
here's to another pride month, sisters
oh sorry am i supposed to crouch with gun up and just do the "le funny dance" 24/7?
trying my best to play for fun the amount of kills that i got was top 3 bottom scoring shit
and yes i know huntsman can be more fun, but i actually wanted to test my aim, didnt kill any friendlies that were in the way
>tfw no medic gf
Please do it on this faggot cheater >>484137308
this map looks ass and it pretty much looks like a suijin copycat, steel is infinitely better
food truck airshot
church took 40, push in
bombing medical aid truck, need arrow
>sniper fragility
>moonshine event
>hassle castle
>pelican peak
shit maps that mvst be removed ASAP
keyword for easy fix solution
>parental controls
You dont cheat "sometimes", you either cheat or don't.
Once a cheater always a cheater, why do you think bans never expire?
spineyard is fun desu
imo cheaters can reform but it's uncommon and often more just boredom
if you play with cheats always on standby then i agree you don't cheat 'sometimes' you're just a cheater
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Fuck pyros. Get head from pyros. Highlight pyro posters. Fuck a pyro on the control point. Slamdunk your cock into her. Snap off a pyro's bra. Follow pyro threads. ERP with pyro posters. Cum inside filthy pyro mains. Hang pyros in shibari bondage. Have the pyro make you a sandvich after. Launch sperm into pyros. Fry pyros' brains with sex. Toss a pyro's salad. Urinate into a pyro's mouth (she's into it). Judo throw pyros onto a bed. Blackmail pyros into sex with their dox. Twist pyros' nipples. Report your love for pyros to Valve. Always uber pyros. Split pyros' legs in half. Sexually heal pyros. Give pyros surprise buttsex. Critically hit pyros in the womb. Impregnate pyros. Get trapped into sex by demon pyros from the underworld. Dump sperm into a pyro cum dumpster. Submerge pyros into a vat of cum. Eat pyros' pussies. Dissect pyros' clothes off. Dominate pyros after defeating them in MGE. Slap pyro's face during sex with the Hot Hand. Give pyros health packs. Make pyros suck'em. Cream inside pyros' holes. Lobotomize pyros into sex slaves. Mandatory slut training for pyros. Give pyros your love paste. Drown pyros in mad milk. Whip pyros' asses with a disciplinary action. Camp in the same tent with pyros. Invite a pyro to your mvm lobby. Feed pyros your semen. Give pyros your hat drops in exchange for sex. Fuck pyros like an alligator. Slice pyros' clothes off with the half-zatoichi.
oooh, it is sad day
this but femscout
buying sniper main stock, bot exodus and cheater headhunting means respect for the class will begin to rise again
>hey what if we took steel
>but make it overly-complicated for no reason
freyja is physically unable to make good maps.
1. first and second are way too far apart. on steel, once A is captured, red can immediately rotate to B through their spawn room, so that blu doesnt steamroll the map. on sulfur, you rotate from A to B through a tiny, inconspicuous rotator that noone actually goes through. B ends up being very undefended compared to A
2. C can only be accessed through B, just like on steel. however, after capping B on sulfur, most of blu tends to go to D instead. that is because the route to d is shorter and less out-of-the-way than the route to C. the gate to D is located a fucking mile away for no reason
3. C is big an empty, its like an afterthought, almost as if freyja knew fucking noone would go to C
CONCLUSION: the layout of sulfur sucks, C point practically doesnt exist, so sulfur just ends up being a worse gravelpit
this but engineer
Report him. There's no point in cheating besides to enjoy the suffering of others, plain and simple
I cheated in cs2… should I be worried? it was just wallhacks, no aimbot and I’ve since then uninstalled the software because the cheats made me lag to the extent where the cheats I had were actively a detriment to my fragging ability in spite of the wallhacks. I could see through walls but I would regularly have 3 fps and it just wasn’t worth it.
??? how would wallhacks tank your fps? you installed a bitcoin miner ?
too bad it only exists because somehow VENICE cucked vineyard in the summer update
honestly id be happy if venice was replaced with vineyard
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>add konata.tf to favorites
>250 ping
I'm not a woman, but I'll pocket you

Unless you use Huo Long Heater or Brass Beast, Demo Shields and Loch & Load, or Soldier entirely
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>tfw soldier main and my grocery bagging bf won’t heal me unless I switch to heavy
dumb ass yank
That Engineer's a bloody SENTRY OOOUH oof
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Liar, get this faggot banned then
Long story short if anything ever asks you to download “Medal” DO NOT DO IT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. That shit will ruin your performance on ANY game.
>be medic
>try to pocket soldier
>he jumps away and you can't follow up because he's already 50 feet away from you
>he dies to a pyro/heavy/demo/scout
yeah...i wonder why medics dont pocket soldiers very often
and then he launches you too far and you die either way
Who’s saying they haven’t already? The easiest sniper rifles come with caveats that could make or break one’s game. For example, the Sydney Sleeper can’t one-shot heavies.
Then how come aknots everyone I’ve reported still shows up in our community server?
Then what do you think made them come up with this?
>>doomers saying this isn't enough and moving the goalpost
No, we’re just skeptical over whether Valve will need to do more treadmill work or whether the bots are gone for good this time. What they did is a good first step, but we need to know that they’ll be working to prevent bots from playing in the future.
So is this why there is no !rtv in Valve casual?
This guy used LMAOBox and got banned after a half hour of playing. https://youtu.be/aEuoOY3vkJc?si=oEWJcYcM_-MtKcOl
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>letting some russian kids bitcoin miner run on your cumputer
if i have a good game of tf2 i dont want to play for a while after because i might ruin the feeling of a nice performance
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How many pyros is too many on a team? Assume this is a completely full casual match while answering this question.
One for spychecking
the rest can fuck off
full stacking a team of pyros is actually unbeatable
report submitted
one is enough
if they are a good main they will airblast everything while focusing on the objective and spychecking is the least worry since they tend to hear deacloaking sound from a mile away
its either that or the pyro in team is painfully unaware and they just wm1
>stacks full team of heavies
your move libcrud
And one of them is a designated Spy rapist. The other just gets people to seethe with scorch shot until they lose morale
>12 scorch shot/flaregun volleys wipe you while you barely leave spawn
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Why just one? Pyro can do so much more than just spy check. I'd rather have an excess of pyros than, say, an excess of spies or demoknights.
shounic deboonked this
barble bapkins
konatadmin-san you gotta put (EU) in the server name or else STUPID muzzies will keep trying to join and play with 200+ ping
this only applies to 100p
It says NORWAY in the name so
Come to think of it, I haven't noticed any of the cheaters ingame that I can recognise by name, avatar or weapon renames in the past couple of days, but I don't have a list. Do you guys just keep a text file with the steam id64 or whatever it's called of the cheaters you're aware of?
wtf, since when was it already added? i might probably be illiterate
either today or yesteday, I added [EU/NOR] at the beginning of serber name
>id rather have an excess of (shit class) than an excess of (shittiest classes in the game)
yeah yeah now go soldier
now that reports work this might be useful... was megascatterbomb a genius!?!?
megascatterbomb was pretty much the only tf2ber that actually tried combatting cheaters/bot
unlike the other egotistical youtubers doing nothing but jerking each other off
5 people on castaway chicago
its happening
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>Valve drags its heels for years on the bot crisis
>Bans a few trannies to save face after criticism from fans for working on a shitty ASSFAGGOTS while leaving their other IPS in a state of neglect
>Game is still poorly balanced, unoptimized, and buggy
You fags are going to need some hardcore copium when the bot trannies come back in a few weeks and Valve does nothing
Dilate bot hoster tranny, all your items are gone LOL
>creates website of every cheaters profile and friends
>makes it easier for valve to mass ban them
he won get fucked bot trannies
okay everyone just left in the span of 2 minutes
its not happening
>poorly balanced
not really
maybe but it runs fine on my machine
not at all unless you mean inconsequential shit like hats popping up
no arrow on bottom line therefore you look like that and say that
TF2 is not saved or fixed until matchmaking is repaired, aka reverted.
>megascatterbomb was pretty much the only tf2ber that actually tried combatting cheaters/bot
and that's why they decided to dox and SWAT him (which are script kiddie level shit to be honest) as he was an actual threat to them.
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>soldier has sex with a woman directly on a comic page and then makes the woman his fiancee
>soldier spends all his time in game complaining about hippies and insulting people for acting like girls and being fruity
>fags STILL think he's some kinda heckin' wholesome tranny/gay ally
>poorly balanced
yes really. half the unlocks are completely useless
the spy class
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Get fucked.
we did it /tf2g/ we got the pedophile tranny script kiddie banned
>the specified profile could not be found
Did he delete it out of shame
i don't really care if unlocks are underpowered, and i also don't think they are. generally, stock should always be best and unlocks are there if you want to dick around. it's a problem if they're overpowered because i have to put up with unfair weaponry

spy isn't buggy
Baffling that
>You are an Englishman with a dress
>Dominated, one-eyed crossdresser
Is just ignored by these "people"
But their entire existence is cognitive dissonance so
>le femboy
That makes the ban even better
The mercs are hired thugs from the 1960s that kill people for a living and constantly talk shit while doing so

Every single one of them would be racist, sexist and homophobic
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It's the same thing with Scout
>does nothing but hit on women
>has an entire short dedicated to hitting on a woman and also shows him picking up bimbos
>is literally declared god's gift to women
>uhhh... he must be le heckin' wholesome twink! he's fucking dudes because he's skinny and young!!
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now that peoples computers are getting better valve should *maybe* add back the older lighting before 2015
can tf2g queue for pipeline please, i wanna play pipeline
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>uhhh no, actually the sniper would be like "yeah I kill people for a living and I'm an assassin. but at least I'm not a transphobe! trans rights!"
>stock should always be best
and it is and was before they nuked all weapons
>dicking around
thats what youre doing by not saying what it really i. gimping yourself, for no reason. thats what theyre for currently. you dont need to sugarcoat it, these weapons are shit, and never get used
culture war status? lost.
It had nothing to do with performance, it happened because of skins. There used to be v_models and w_models but they unified them into c_models so they would only have to put skins on one model and have it be universal. It's hard coded to c_models now, we won't ever go back
weird semantics, that's what 'dicking around' means
Take it a step further and they quite literally are if you look at most of their domination voicelines.
thats not lighting, those are models
before 2015, viewmodels and world models were separate. low poly in third person, very high poly in first person. however, valve wanted to add skins, and you cant just use the same texture for 2 different models with technically different geometry, so they scrapped the old system and now both the viewmodels and worldmodels use the same model: c models. c models have to be low-detail enough to not lag the game when drawn in third person, but good-looking enough to not be an eyesore in first person, its a weird middleground
TLDR: valve neutered viewmodels to add skins, something nobody asked for. everyone thinks the csgo infection started in 2016 with mym, nope, 2015.
>klax0n alts completely nuked off the map as soon as he makes them
>mechinator banned and tries to change his url to avoid backlash, gets fucked in his comments, acts smug like he's enjoying the attention
>furfag cheater also given a 0 day ban

today was a good day
Lettuce move
They aren’t racist though, none of the mercs make fun of Demoman for being black, they make fun of him for being an alcoholic
this but soldier
no, dicking around and gimping yourself isnt the same thing. dicking around is what you do regardless of what weapon you use because tf2 is a casual game, dicking around is fun. gimping yourself is actively nuking your performance for no real benefit. for example, using the liberty launcher instead of stock. you dont do anything better than stock, you dont play differently than you would with stock, you just make yourself worse. and most of the time weapons that DO change up your gameplay instead of being shittier stock, are so bad that that they end up being frustrating to use no matter how cool the main gimmick is
backscatter bfb shortstop sandman airstrike liberty launcher righteous bison base jumper manntreads equalizer dragons fury gas passer thermal thruster manmelter third degree volcano fragment hot hand brass beast dalokohs bar steak etc etc theres a million of these
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Soldier and his wife are racist
>"The black scottish cyclops, now extinct"
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not even adult and already a mindbroken tranny
>frieren has stacks of amazing artwork
>his showcase artwork is poorly ai generated slop with prominent artifacts
for what purpose
People who like AI are only appreciative of things on a surface level.
They are unable to process anything deeply, that's probably why that tard was a cheater.
no skill pussy post

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