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Thanks Sign Anon Edition

Sign Anon is ignored by Valve: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/481432419/#q481439148
New Community MvM tour: https://oo.potato.tf
Bot hosters are getting banned: https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/37C7-829B-5DE3-CC3B

>Official Sites
Blog: https://teamfortress.com
Wiki: https://wiki.tf

>Frag With /tf2g/
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Ready Up: https://tf2gfragready.b4k.co/
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Mods: https://pastebin.com/8Q6bzADk
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HUDs: https://gamebanana.com/mods/cats/1644 | https://teamfortress.tv/33738
Scripting: https://pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ | https://pastebin.com/R7V4cN8S
Trading: https://backpack.tf | https://trade.tf | https://stntrading.eu/ | https://tf2trade.tf/
Stats: https://pastebin.com/0yaDyWb4
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Creators Leaks: https://archive.is/GeYbE
tf2g's Guide to Heavy: https://pastebin.com/Y7ZWgt96

News & Events: https://teamfortress.tv
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Leagues: https://pastebin.com/UJ9sDAdq

>Previous Thread
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Cheater is coping over losing his 2000 dollar inventory apparently. Bot hosters lost.
No thanks I'm gonna enjoy casual while it lasts
its either a tranny or a furfag
just exterminate these niggers on sight
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The mercs aren’t racist. None of them make fun of Demoman for being black. They make fun of him for being an alcoholic
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>threatening legal action will simply not work, the bot hosters live in places outside the law and if anything happened they would just go into complete hiding while maintaning operations therefore making everything worse
Then a couple days later a Valve janny just makes a tf2 specific game ban page and manually adds some and they scatter like cockroaches
>a tf2 specific game ban page
What does this mean? is there like a place you can see everyone who got banned?
dead game
dead general
So, what are the bothosters unironically doing at this very moment, /tf2g/?
>bothosters get game bans
>not even vac bans
>just banned from one game
honestly makes no sense to me
their entire accounts should be disabled
but no
they can straight up go play counter strike or whatever if they want online
Probably setting up alt accounts so they can strike again. I’ve already saved all of the Skial servers to my favorites just in case Valve casual becomes unreliable again.
see the link in the OP, it's a new support page
>labels himself insane in his profile pic
At least he's honest
their mortal bodies should be disabled
Would the soldier have been a McCarthyist?
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Thinking about Source 2 TF2...
Dilating and hopefully googling how to properly tie a noose.
Here's the mercs being sexist in their voicelines

>"That's a right pretty bra-washer ya built, ya big ugly girl!"
>"Go home, lassie; men are fightin' here!"
>"Ha! Ya fight like a girl!"
>"Scotland is not a real country; you are an Englishman with a dress."
>"You ladies shoulda' oughta' brought some menfolk with ya."
>"Did ze Fräuleins have zeir Mittelschmerz?" (Literal translation: "Did the ladies have their menstrual cramps?")
>"Too slow, medicine woman!"
>"Thanks for the warm-up, sister."
>"You know what you and Jane Austen have in common? You're both dead women."
>"Oooh, got ya right in the ovary."
>"Good Lord! You fight like a woman!"
>woah woah there buddy I might have committed a genocide of people with big noses and funny hats but I would NEVER be a hecking homophobe or transophobe!

Every mainstream villain created in the last 10-15 years
I hate millennial writing
love valves way of banning cheaters
let them feel comfortable thinking they are never going to get caught and then BAM hundreds of dollars worth of items locked away which will 100% live in the back of their minds forever and everyone laughing at them
Almost certainly, hell he already calls anyone he doesn't like a commie
Soldier is too retarded to get politics, he'd support any and all Republican candidates because they're Republican but not actually vote.
ooooooh i see thank you
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i like how back then you actually saw your minigun when revved but now you see it barely like its 90% hand and 10% minigun
He would think General MacArthur had the right idea
Demoman is a black Scottish cyclops, he says so himself. The mercs make fun of him for being a drunk, they make fun of him for being Scottish, they make fun of him for being a cyclops, but none of them make fun of him for being black.
>"That's a right pretty bra-washer ya built, ya big ugly girl!"
Fempyro needs her bra washed after all
>sniper is the most popular with faggots and trannies
>is the character that hates women the most
The only reason none of the characters say slurs is because releasing a game in 2007 in which the characters are running around calling the black guy a filthy spear-chucker would not go over well.
I should note the first line is for medic, and all 3 of the remaining lines are for getting revenge against a pyro
I don't think Soldier actually recognizes Demo as black, he probably thinks he's a very dark tan because he's from Scotland
If he saw an actual negro I think he'd react differently
>game dies because entire playerbase is children on laptops
sfm porn is so sexless and cringe
feels like some cartoon network shit for autistics
But what about Senator Joe McCarthy?
if they do make whateverphobe then its always to a comical degree
TF2 hasn't been low-end for a long time
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Oh that's gay

That's not even porn nor SFM you dumbass
yes it has, adding unusual effects doesn't make anyone's pc explode
t. zoomer who started playing because it was easy to run on my laptop
then why do i always hear about niggas on laptops?
oh sorry to miscategorize your autistic gooner material, why don't you go back to pumping your boyclit my little goonpig?
So how come this game never got cancelled, with all eyes instead being on Valve’s exploitation of play testers, possibly including Uncle Dane?

This isn’t sexist, but a dishonorable mention could go to the scouts line of, “If ya didn’t want me to kill ya, ya shoulda said somethin’!”
>So how come this game never got cancelled
It came out in 2007, many many years before virtue signaling and cancel culture was ever a thing, and it stuck around due to seniority and newfags purposefully ignore the dialogue
sfm porn is for amateurs that dont know how to use blender
>So how come this game never got cancelled
Because troons love it and troons decide what does and doesn't get cancelled.
Also because it's really old and not popular enough.
because it's a parody of the 1960s so when people see the sexism they recognise it's a caricature
same way nobody gets on soldier's case for talking about "pinko commies" because the overall effect is mocking jingoism
speaking of viewmodels
rocket jumper reload animation
detonator has a unique projectile but only when reloading it in first person, it fires a regular flare
Could you link this guys steam page? I play on Australian servers and don't recognise the avatar
>act like a retard, get corrected, continue acting like a retard
>tiktok meme dance is gooner material
Get better bait material m8

That's literally blender
Soldier is stupid in the comics but not in the games or in any official SFMs, he’s just crazy.
Comics are not canon.
It's all of the above.
im not talking about that fempyro video though am i. im talking about sfm porn
when are you Weezy fags going to accept that Weezy got Shorkpilled

>b-b-but the connection with the voice actors!!! we can’t lose that!!! it’s clearly more important than fixing the game!

Shork is literally the only person who gives a shit about the connection with the voice actors because “dance mercenaries! i need muh pay check!”

i don’t even blame Weezy for the snowballing retarded movement that fixtf2 was becoming. If anything it’s Shorks fault for taking advantage of a drugged up gambling addict so that someone else could take the punches of another failing movement instead of himself this time.
Chet Faliszek wrote the former
Jay Pinkerton wrote the latter (except from in a few cases, such as Scream Fortress lines)
I agree Pinkerton is bad and not canon. You can see when he wrote stuff and when Chet wrote stuff.

unironically kill yourself
medic booba
jay pinkerton try not to flanderize everyone challenge
Why do people sexualize the mentally ill axe-wielding remorseless pyromaniac psychopathic killer when olivia is RIGHT THERE
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literally take your meds you puritan puke
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRij8uWsbg0 tfw we'll never have something like this officially
We get it you're a literal homo now shut up and let the chads post
shork just gives me bad vibes
not a "plant" per se but it really does feel like he popped up all polished out of nowhere and nobody had a problem with it
also i remember some /tf2g/ who complained about shork on a completely unrelated video with barely any views and he replied, very weird and giving social-media-manager type feels
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not even adult and already a mindbroken tranny
I unironically wish them a therapist, they are easily influenced by internet
>DUDE CS2 GOT SOURCE 2 in 2023
Dota 2 got source 2 in fucking 2015
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Most people aren't mentally ill pedophiles like you
>I'm a chad for masturbating to cartoons?
>What's that? Chads are fucking actual women while I pump myself off on 4chan?
>uhh well actually you see ermm
also nice concession that it is for coomers
the comics just made tf2 look too silly
i don't fucking care i posted this video because of the map
Shork realised his channel was dying after he stopped making the 'TF2 on drugs' series so he realised he had to appeal to the wider audience of children and trannies
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the best fempyro shit ever has all been made by overwatchfags. no debate
okay okay jeez i'm sorry
shork is that superficial corporate manager that just gives of some sort of vibe you cant describe
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Fempyro is for fag gooner losers, he’s right. This is a FEMSCOUT general.
>tf2 needs to be shinier
i thought we cared about artstyle...
You're still posting the thumbnail bro
I can't coom to this if Gary Schwarz's Ruski self-insert is there
I guess that explains why pl_embargo and pl_phoenix make me feel like I’m in Cuba.
you’re supposed to insert yourself AS the heavies
>Embargo is a Cuban Island under the domain of the evil comandante and his global counterfeit operation. As part of his operation he has been funneling money to sabotage mining operations over brazilium and risks the integrity of MannCo shipments for the next few decades.
i wonder how many bot hosters will spend hudereds of dollars on new accounts, only for those to get banned all over again
god i hope they waste their money and get bans that would be the kino
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You wish. Femscout is totally MOGGED by Fempyro
me on the left
Kill pyros. Behead pyros with the eyelander. Roundhouse kick a pyro onto the control point. Ban airblast cheating pyros. slamdunk a gibus pyro into the trash. Neck-snap pyros. Sage pyro threads. Don't reply to pyro posters. Crucify filthy pyro mains. Hang pyros. Defecate into a pyros sandvich. Launch pyros into a buzzsaw. Stiryfry pyros in a wok. Toss pyros in front of active sentry guns. Urinate into a pyros gasstank. Judo throw pyros into a woodchipper. Dox pyros. Twist pyros heads off. Report pyros to Valve. Never uber pyros. Karate chop pyros in half. Never heal pyros. Backstab pyros. Melee crit pyros. Curbstomb pregnant pyros. Trap pyros in quicksand. Dump pyros into the grinder on mannhattan. Liquify pyros into a vat of acid. Eat pyros. Dissect pyros. Exterminate pyros in MGE. Stomp on pyros skull with the mantreads. Steal a pyros health pack. Make pyros check'em. Cremate pyros with the degreaser. Lobotomize pyro mains. Mandatory trade bans for pyros. Crush pyros into a paste. Drown pyros in jarate. Vapourize pyros with a pomson. Spawn camp pyros. Kick a monkey pyro from your mvm lobby. Starve pyros. Shark pyros from hat drops. Feed pyros to alligators. Slice pyros open with the half-zatoichi.
How will we know they’ll get banned again?
But I'm a 5'7 20yo Englishman with blonde hair, not a gigantic obese bald 60yo slavnigger
Idk how people do it but I'm also not a supreme gooner
me on the right
wow almost as if tf2 mercs arent hot at all in a pornographic setting because theyre fucking cartoons fucking cartoons
Fuck pyros. Get head from pyros. Fuck a pyro on the control point. Airblast a pyro's skirt up. Slamdunk your cock into her. Snap off a pyro's bra. Follow pyro threads. ERP with pyro posters. Cum inside filthy pyro mains. Hang pyros in shibari bondage. Have the pyro make you a sandvich after. Launch sperm into pyros. Fry pyros' brains with sex. Toss a pyro's salad. Urinate into a pyro's mouth (she's into it). Judo throw pyros onto a bed. Blackmail pyros into sex with their dox. Twist pyros' nipples. Report your love for pyros to Valve. Always uber pyros. Split pyros' legs in half. Sexually heal pyros. Give pyros surprise buttsex. Critically hit pyros in the womb. Impregnate pyros. Get trapped into sex by demon pyros from the underworld. Dump sperm into a pyro cum dumpster. Submerge pyros into a vat of cum. Eat pyros' pussies. Dissect pyros' clothes off. Dominate pyros after defeating them in MGE. Slap pyro's face during sex with the Hot Hand. Give pyros health packs. Make pyros suck'em. Cream inside pyros' holes. Lobotomize pyros into sex slaves. Mandatory slut training for pyros. Give pyros your love paste. Drown pyros in mad milk. Whip pyros' asses with a disciplinary action. Camp in the same tent with pyros. Invite a pyro to your mvm lobby. Feed pyros your semen. Give pyros your hat drops in exchange for sex. Fuck pyros like an alligator. Slice pyros' clothes off with the half-zatoichi.
desu I feel this way if a guy is involved in regular porn too
I find your lack of faith disturbing.
I appreciate immersion and believability in my porn, and having the TF2 mercs fucking Fempyro makes more sense than having some random buff realistic style breaking guy fucking her
this but femsoldier
therapists always promote harmful behavior and bad beliefs, the internet does not always do such things
we should make out sometimes
Any Heavy mains wanna pub it up right now?
this but soldier
why are some bot hosters making their account private, do they realize valve owns steam?
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why are you saying pub if you never played comp?
Because the community are inevitably going to laugh at them for it and it's embarrassing and hurts their feelings.
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What's with skiddies and this weird crossdressing gay-not-gay sexuality association?
Tf2 bros our guy TheCHADShow just btfo CS2 sissies
>be terminally online
>associate with other terminally online people
>terminally online people isolate each other into only interacting with each other, or at least excessively
>one bad actor inevitably recognises this and starts the grooming operation
>a new trans clique is born
This is where 99% of troons come from
woah mama
>obvious cheater group
gentlemen, the steam jannies gotta earn their paycheck
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>Gets his unusuals and australiums locked
>H-haha I love y-your attention guys I'm not crying a-at all
cs 2 is anything but failure lmao
casino always wins, baby
its so obvious when you check a cheaters profile they are always in a cheating group with likes 10-20 people always a dead giveaway
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same energy
>this account means nothing to me haha i'll just make an alt...
i've never heard of one person buying a banned account
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>want to drop a link to a known cheater
>don't have proof of his cheating
Do I drop it anyways in the hopes someone here has proof?
Yeah you don't need proof to report and Valve probably aren't giving out false-positives
Drop it anyway, I've been reporting every profile posted without a care in the world
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>names himself after a religious character that epitomizes forgiveness and empathy

His endgame...?
You’d think he’d be happy considering most of the targets are trannys.
Why should pre-mym players forgive Valve
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I fucking hate doomers.
>Omegatronic the moment he got VAC banned
It's really quite interesting how literally all the cheaters posted here have an anime, furry, or minecraft/fnaf profile picture.
>You’d think he’d be happy considering most of the targets are trannys.

Why would he be happy that his people are getting banned?
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>the glory days of 2018
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>the glory days of 2018
Fuck it, here's some I've been monitoring
And this is his fuckbuddy: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198222970964
Some other fuckers I've ran into:
I love this webm so much
>reddit spacing
>glory days of 2018
>reddit guy
Little retard, the glory days were 2009-2015.
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HOW TO #savedragonsfury:
>dynamic firerate is downright aggravating to play with, set the firing interval to a fixed 0.65 seconds, barely slower than shotguns
>when airblasting, airblast is still on cooldown for 1.6 seconds, however you can use the primary fire after only 0.8 seconds, meaning you can follow up a reflect with a shot, but not with a second reflect, which is a fair downside
>reduce the size and intensity of the projectile particle, i cant see shit when i shoot
>decrease the number of dynamic lights SIGNIFICANTLY
i say just add a strange variant
I'll throw out an account that I suspect
dude sits in dustbowl 24/7 with a kritz medic up his ass, but I think he's also crithacking and maybe antibackstab
Already ran into a few bots and one full lobby of them. I told you stupid niggers they'd be back, and you faggots will be #SavingTF2 again and again and again
You can literally jump into casual and see there’s no bots when before it was basically impossible to get a game without 3 or 4 of them.
I get not trusting valve to keep this pace up to suggest this ban wave mostly targeted idle bots is just obviously wrong.
Hot Hand and Gas Passer need improvements more.
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>Sniper rifle can only headshot on full charge
>All body shots and uncharged headshots deal a flat 50 damage

Sniper is balanced
>change nothing at all
Sniper is balanced
He's suggesting the exact opposite; that bots are all gone but the player peaks are still fake idlebots firing up in preparation for the upcoming summer update.
why punish quickscoping
>it's a failure because... because...
>they aren't churning out content FAST ENOUGH
>uhm there aren't map specific skins anymore
>there is cheaters, ignore the big ban waves though
so this is his plan b to get cs players to join fixtf2... impressive...
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bait used to be believable
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ive legiterally only been headshot like twice today sniper is absolutely totally fine when no one is cheating real snipers cannot shoot you in the face while you're shooting at them
If he's not cheating, he won't get banned.
HOW TO #savedragonsfury:
>remove soldier
Give scout a hitscan weapon that can 1-shot snipers at any distance. Now sniper is balanced.
good kill potato pc gaming
Anon, he's not a cheater just an old tf2 fag who has an egirl pocketing him. You don't need go paranoid schizoing/salem witching all it does is accelerate how shitty habits.
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I really don't get why so many people keep posting this over exaggeration.

Zesty like everyone else is happy that Valve is understandably finally doing something but is also being fair saying that we should keep the pressure on Valve.

need I remind you all the pic related
>trust this chart bro nobody is returning to celebrate bots being gone and no you don't need info on how it's actually gathering data it could just be a random number generator for all you need to know
meh, doesn't really matter
NTA, but I am only reporting obvious botter/script kiddie profiles. You can tell because of how cocky they are.
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Yeah but this guy that anon posted is clearly not a cheater, he's a decently known dustbowl gamer... That being said you can tell cheaters pretty easily, they have a certain cocky aura like you sad.

It does, value your emotions better and don't let your judgement get clouded; you clearly care about this game and want to get rid of cheaters; as do I!
i could fix him (if he was over the age of 18)
I keep seeing this cosplay but don't know where it came from. Anyone know who it is?
makes no sense to boot up idling bots right now, matter of fact it would be retard to do it because they could waste their weekly case drop and miss out on day one summer case profit
Izzy A Cosplay
scout, you did collect everyone's pornography?
It's a... picture of me with extremely huge muscles
Same. I'm tired of all the "balance ideas" for Sniper coming from people who can't identify blatant cheaters
>b-b-but he missed a few shots that means he's not cheating!
There are legitimately a dozen different cheating clients for TF2 but most people who play this game think there are less than a dozen cheaters among the whole playerbase.
Looks legit to me
>account made in 2004
>proudly displaying Team ROOMBA
>is an admin in Team ROOMBA's steam group
>obsession over Demo
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Come on Z. Just take the L.
probably legit then, oh well
next to a caked up fempyro
zomg he's part of TeamROOMBA? I loved their old school griefing vids lol
i have... something radiating off of me
yeah those are cumshots! cause he's gay!
I appear to have something leaking off of me...
>yeah, dat's saliva, cos he got vored
I voted maybe because I already have some excess in my wallet and it depends heavily on if anything from the case looks decent, which it probably won't and I'll just go buy some other games.
maybe, just maybe, there will be some cool hats
Name ideas for a Strange Minigun?
No I'm not doing a roll, I'm scared
tf2 is now playable
i will now whale again
I’m gay and my favorite youtuber is venusianrapper
if you want a boring one
konata is my wife
hoovy sandvich man om nom nom
F-Zero GX is Kino
When the hell is the summer update?
I am a little BITCH who is scare of name rolls
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I wonder if they'll push it early July just to try and save face
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Anon, Valve banning people is the Summer update.
2-3 weeks
The whole "the idle bots are preparing for the update" copium falls out the window when you remember you DON'T get case drops until you restart and update the game
You literally CAN'T sit there and wait for the drop
>hey guiz name my minigun
>no I won’t do a roll for it I iz too scawed :333
fuck off
Whatever helps you sleep at night Zesty
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>TheBVLLShow, CHADzy, and ShorKANG: haha petition go brr
lol who made this and why fortnite of all games
>Zesty and Richter
Zesty's sidekick is obviously mṽnkey who released this killer trvthbomb:
cope dotsoi
I made it in only 30 hours using MS Paint.
It would have made more sense for me to use deadlock in place of fortnite but I wanted my updoots dammit, reddit will eat up anything as long as it says “fortnite bad” even though fortnite is actually a pretty good game
bothoster (the same one who sperged out after getting banned) got HWID banned off steam
i can see her butte...
I'm straight

If 5 you have to name it that
fempyro is my wife

if 8 you have to name it that
strange natasha
hey wait a minute she's MY wife
strange minigun
Fempyro's everyone's wife, it's ok she hallucinates every man as her husband
fempyro can be both our wife
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I would assume there's probably an aspect of soldier's characterization that came from Rick May adlibbing stuff.
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why are there no prominent black tf2ubers?
i'm not supposed to say this, but uncle dane and zesty have a way of... preventing that
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They tend to get too drunk on stream and subsequently get banned after yelling 10 seconds of nonstop slurs
I was digging around old clips yesterday and this guy is black
tagg used to be one but he's long since quit
what if it was konata gf (male) instead
what if i am konata?
What if I killed you instead? Would I get the Konata gf?
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>vote with your wallet
aight lets see how you voted with your walle- oh it seems like you have enjoyed tf2 quite a lot for the past 4 years when tf2 has been flooded with bots
Good luck I am made of bulk and won't die easily (assuming we are doing honourable combat with melee weaponry, if you're using guns then fuck you I'll get one too and we're evenly matched)
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i love kkonata
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And we are live
is this the dude who sang chocolate rain
I want to jack kagami and konata off into my mouth after losing a 2v1 to them
no, that's Michael Jackson
this is sadder than lonely kagami
why does this retard keep using the same name
japanese are fucked up, man
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Playing TF2 with your Steam friend
>xe thinks the west is any differemt
Yuri tranniies are a disgrace.
I don't think west has the soul crushing work culture, and people don't tend to see you as an actual subhuman that should die because you don't have a job, these people despise anyone that can't fit the crowd and look or act even a little differently
Yuri trannies are based
ESL and cringe

EOL and based
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some notes about the bot situation that's too big to send normally
You can only be a weeabo or know jack shit about japan if you think its comparable to the west
In there life may aswell be over after highschool with how soul crushing the work culture is and how strongly you're made to conform to the average behavior
>information gathered from youtubers
stopped reading right there
EOL and based

ESL and cringe
Exactly why the jump catcha would never be implemented.
>all the cheaters crying about losing all their shit after the ban wave
all bark, no bite, every single fucking time
damn that is big. turns out tf2 is #fixed after all
What is Konata thinking about?
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>t. is transgender and porn is the joke
bothosters were always the trannies
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thread is finally good again
I'm extremely straight and I hate gay people and my favorite YouTuber is VenusianRapper
The kilt line isn't really sexist imo
t. vitiligo demoman irl
You know, I never thought a TF2ber could give me a boner, but here we are.
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>bots and cheaters dead
>konata porn returns like the truffula trees and animals in the lorax
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Yes, now let's talk about /ourguy/
It's close because a dress is used as an insult, since a man wouldn't wear a dress. So it's used in an emasculating sense
Uncle Dane...
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I personally view it as a cultural attack rather than an attack on Demo's masculinity, doubly so for the Englishman jab in the same line
Who cares? He can always make a new account, which is exactly what he did because his first account was banned too.
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Venusian I saw you fishing for attention on /v/ too go outside nigga
Pathetic faggot cheater that now copes by posting nonstop in this general about himself (he isn't fooling a single person)
any surprise closet cheaters caught up in these bans
maybeeee any sniper main youtubers perhaps or is it just bot hosters that arent uncle dane
Important truth nuke about the bot hosters including the identity of omegatronic in case you weren’t around when that Spanish guy did the detective work. (file unfortunately too large to be posted on this website)
who the fuck is venusianrapper
it is, and the video is from 9 years ago lol
Is there something up with the frozen aurora warpaint?
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Nigger what are you talking about? First of all I'm not Venusian, and second of all I haven't posted anything on /v/
Well clearly you got fooled if you think I'm him hahhaaahhah retarded schizo
he is the most based (and only based) TF2uber
Kick rocks ugly pedophile and banned jewfro kike lol
go beat your wife lmao
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>konat but boobs
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Keep seething about him (and thinking I'm him), it's giving me the entertainment I wanted lmao
A retard. End of story.
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This isn't /a/ you spamming faggots
How does it feel that your parents don' love you? Jewish pedophile
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tf2 = launched in 2007
rucky star = first aired in 2007

just my guess
she's a lazy gamer neet
I think you did a typo, you meant to say "A based chad" right?
>bouncing on a pedo's cheater's penis
wow anon
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Anime website
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>anime webs- ACK
I like my media kino and based silly non animu chuds....
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Says the faggot (and most likely a child groomer) who didn't have a father figure and came from r/tf2 to seethe about an online personality on YouTube LOL
Cry about it kiddo.
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how it feels to play tf2 in 2024 (no steam friends plays it anymore)
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i like her
and i like tf2
Heres a quick rundown
Obnoxious faggot that tried to expose other youtubers as pedo and cheaters only to be exposed himself as a pedophile, cheater and rapist. He would spam tf2g with posts about himself all the time. After getting BTFO he ran away like a little bitch and deleted everything from his channel and went radio silence for like a year. Then he came back for #fixtf2 claiming he was unbannable, inevitable, etc... only to get banned a few weeks later (800$ inventory btw). Now he copes nonstop by spamming tf2g with posts about himself. He got banned from posting two weeks ago and all the venusian spam stopped all at once. Last thread someone posted a my/profiles link as a joke and the retard replied thinking it linked to venusians profile(himself) as if there was any doubt it was the pedusian himself.
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My allegiances lie elsewhere...
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all me btw
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one of the bot hosters (omegatronic) just posted this on his yt channel and then privated everything
are we winning bros???
>Last thread someone posted a my/profiles link as a joke and the retard replied thinking it linked to venusians profile(himself) as if there was any doubt it was the pedusian himself.

I saw that and it wasn't me btw. So which one of us is Venusian lol? Make up your mind. Why do you guys fall for bait so easily?
Yeah, I prefer venusian spamming over moeshittery.
Now we're talking
konata if she wasn't mid
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me too
nobody cares about this venusianpedo guy
post more konat
Yung Venuz is cool and based unlike the jewfro though
He's black, not Jewish.
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But he is literally Yung Venuz himself. He earned that name and avatar. Also that's an afro because he's black not Jewish.
"pedo" A little projection, huh?
>posting a ugly literal who nigger
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>Shoot in the enemy direction
>Get a free headshot
I fucking love huntsman
Learn to respond, newfag. Or what? Are you scared? Come on, at least try to hide the fact that you're a redditor.
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>Kills your LVL3 sentry in 2 fully charged shots
You're the child fucker here Jewish Pedophile. Do the world a favor and blow a hole through the temple of your head so your wife can stop being beaten
Every rifle does that.
Classic should be stock and ALL snipers should follow it's rule of only headshotting on max charge
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>Venusian gets banned so his fans aka himself decide to shit up the thread
It's funny to me
we went from shilling and bootlicking e-celebs to posting futa porn of a shilled moe blob
this general will never recover
but all sniper primaries do that when fully charged
No, you're the child groomer actually. That's why you're on Pedobey's discord server right now lol grooming more kids

BTW Venusian is black and guess what? Get ready for it, this is about to blow your mind... I'M NOT HIM!!!
>even when he's posting 'anonymously' he can't stop seething at voroslav
The least you could do is do the r-word and ignore
Wipe yourself off the face of the earth, preferably with a pistol for highest success rate you worthless post-jungle inferno waste of a cumstain, I don't dickride jewtuber faggots like (You)
reporting worked pre-elections
Not true, see
He's fine you retard
I'm not reading all that, go beat your wife and kids instead of posting on here, that's the only thing you're good at in this life.
cant get enough kills without a scunt assraping me to make it worthwhile
oh my science he unprivated everything
i didn't know someone could do that after privating everything........
Why is she such a bitch
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>mention how he's a deadbeat father and husband
>out comes the butthurt jew
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huntsman followed up with smg does that better
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Nope, the real one is easy to spot based on his autistic typing and seething. hehe xd
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You just proved you're schizophrenic. It's not me.
Is this the same gaslighting strategy you use against your wife after you beat her until she's crying Venusian? ;) You just tell her that she's crazy and that it never happened?
Look at the screenshot retard. It doesn't have "(You)"
Cry about the fact that the voices in your head were never real. Venusian hasn't been in any of these threads.
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I've gotten him banned for advertising his channel a week ago and samefagging himself, then janny deleted them all at once and half the thread disappeared. KWAB
why are we talking about a literal who eceleb?
>it's real
>it's fake
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explain why i was permabanned from a server for having one steam group out of a 1000
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you know the reason why
Get outta here with that FAGGOT SHIT
not cool
He overestimated the hackers because he also overestimated how much valve was doing
He thought valve actually tried banning any of them and they came back, truth was this is literally the first time valve attempted a ban
here's an entire list of cheaters and bots i've come across within the past week
Keep this great stuff up my man
konata general
VenusianRapper general
sucking konata's balls general
team fortress 2 general
I just forced a meme and people like Konata in general so it stuck
Anyone else here think that VenusianRapper's gone insane? Just look at his newest video.
How much did he lose? Pretty sure most people would snap at such a sudden loss of money after thinking they’re hot shit
i jus cummed to konat tf2....
kill pyros tf2 general
kill yourself
I want to lick Konata's balls while she plays Team Fortress 2
The thing is, that video was recorded before he got banned. I think he went insane because of Vorobey's video, especially with it having a million views. You can't help but feel bad for the nigger though, considering that he only had 3k subscribers so he wasn't a big YouTuber at all, and the reason Vorobey made that video was because of the child grooming activity in his trannycord being exposed by VenusianRapper.
terrible post
do better
Some of the evidence in that video was faked too, it was literally admitted by the people who helped Vorobey find it lmao (namely a guy called Beatloaf)
Get in line like the rest of us
Did Radiohead draw this?
>scared to reply properly
i'm doing it right now you cuck
videogames with tf2
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Well can someone fact check this?
haha that's a good one, is the top meant to be the people talking about Venusian? Who's who?
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I didn’t make this and I also didn’t make this one
One example would be the loli drawings, Venusian made a video debunking the whole thing showing that they don't look like his drawings at all (completely different line work for example) and they actually came from a third world artist named allbeatnik. But even after this video, Vorobey still decided to show them like they were Venusian's in his videos.

Also you can tell Vorobey is just trying to make Venusian look as bad as possible.
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as an anon who was on /b/ and /trash/, hello venusian
yes you did make it, nice one Anon
No one here cares about vorobitch or pedusian. This is a Gabber and BigB general
I feel honored that my weapon roll made it into here.
this but soldier
but it's really old, I remember seeing this in 2019 if I'm not going nuts
Gabo is a stuttering slave and fat guy whatever is just a stormfront amuttifat who acts like a 14 y.o. who just found out about /pol/

there are no good ecelebs and you are wasting your time
What was I wrong about lol? I'm not saying Venusian is completely innocent, I'm saying some evidence was faked, that's what Beatloaf said and he's one of the people who helped Vorobey gather evidence so I believe him.

The JaneDome situation was probably true, although I feel like she exaggerated things (remember Venusian only said he "physically striked her once" yet she claims he would keep kicking her while she was on the floor)
>it’s another eceleb arguing with himself episode on tf2g
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that's why I stand for konat posts
Those two are a bit boring, I don't really get the appeal. I liked VenusianRapper because he was actually really funny and good at bullying spergs in TF2.
venusianpedo auto-shill detected
do not interact
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where's all the weapon rolls
game must be dead
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>ah yes I too love the tf2 general yes the game's official discussion forum
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Guys why are you trying to reason with a pedophile, who cheats to obtain victory? The level of slime is just not human...
no one cares about your deadslop shallow god
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i liek
it's amazing how after 7 years nothing about this 2 pics has changed here
Learn to reply, newfag.
Because he's not really a pedophile.
venushitter triangulated
do not reply
How long until all /tf2g/ posts devolve into this transgender garbo?
Bro really out here eating mealworms
cope pedo
I prefer 1000% those posts instead of tranny twitter discord e-celeb drama
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>Same guy who in the same breath hates trannies/faggots (pedos) thinks his flavor of pedophilia is somehow based
I want all of you to apologize to Valve. Praise our lord and savior Gaben.
Kill all redditors.
kys retard bro
Put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger.
Learn to reply, newfag.
Says the one grooming kids in his trannycord server RIGHT NOW.
I hope you enter prison and they find out your pedophile, then they torture and curb stomp your weak scrawny ass, turn you into a brain damaged vegetable that can only go "HUYRRRRRRR DURRRR"
Yeah, you need to die
average "anti-woke" projecting retard
kys pedo
Bros really eating mealworms :Skull:
No thanks, my savior is Sign Anon who made the Valve employees so uncomfortable by being chinese in their white neighborhood, they were forced to fix TF2.
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i got a frickin hat drop today bros
the fortress 2 is healing
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i'm playing barnblitz
i like demo
We just like loli as a joke, anon.
Don't take it too far.
>as a joke
redditor spotted
>why people relate TF2 and Lucky Star so much?
Honestly it's just this board, mostly because Lucky star is part of the site's culture (infact most moe anime were) honestly there is more of a crossover with touhou then with due to both series beings games with a cast that is disproportionately one gender, projectiles being all over the place and all the characters having weird hats.
But real answer to both questions is something only oldfags know.
>We just like loli as a joke
I thought it was because it makes twitter users abnormally mad until their hypocrisy is exposed.
the last 200 posts were completely incomprehensible
i dont think being happy about getting a randomly dropped hat is that esoteric
Seems like you need to retake English reading comprehension
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Lolicon is just pedophilia for people who are too scared to admit what they really are.
I think we're being raided today
3d sucks
that's what happens when a thread becomes nothing but shitposts.
Lolicon is just normal porn for people who aren't pedophiles or Twitter users.
soldier airshot
medic airshot
fuck pyros tf2 general
Refer to
here's your reddit gold kind stranger
need me a schizo arsonist gf with a body like that
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kys pedo
There we go

Then filter out futa nigga
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What does fempyro look better in? Halloween themed stuff or christmas themed stuff?
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>anti-venusians schizos
am I missing anyone
Baste, for all the slop christmas cosmetics have at least the unusual effects are nice like the mistletoe one
I'd say halloween because I'm a monster fucker
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Christmas IMO

>secretly bi enough I kinda like it
Yeah that's the futa audience
The legal thing still applies. They're from Russia and I doubt Russia will be willing to work with any American authorities for the foreseeable future. Especially for something so silly as "cybercrimes"
But those are still scriptkiddies so one ban and they will be gone forever.
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lets just dox the bot hosters and then valve can dronw strike them
drone striking the bot hosters won't work because they're super geniuses with infinite resources and will just hack the drones.......
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They really want me to name something
roll for it
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I forgot where >>484191731
was from, I saved it a long time ago
This is JasonaFex (be aware they do a lot of furshit nowadays, but something like 13 years ago he came to /v/ to promote Fempyro with posters like that when it was new, that's the reason I found out about Fempyro initially)
This is another classic poster by him
You act like it's russia the country and not a company in russia. You'd be surprised how often this shit ends with some phone calls to vpn companies.

"Wow, thanks surfshark for the ip address of this person using your service to attack us, we now know the home ip they use." And yeah, the russian cops aren't gonna arrest them, but the company they connect to the internet by is a phone call away.
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nourishment for the soul
>bot hosters
>super geniuses
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Team Fortress 2 is being played. Can you say the same?
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nta, but thanks for the idea.
Sucking Teto's penis
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I'm playing TF2, are you?
WHY does thewhat hate black people so much
this is worse than the time i was air blasted off the cliff in upward
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mass delete wave /tf2g/ is saved
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we already knew omegatroonic is a pedophile
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holy fucking shit
jannies, I kneel
if you could live in a tf2 map, which one would it be?
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Can I get a QRD on if Valve actually fixed the bots?


>item is listed for $749
>guy adds me and asks my lowest
>say 600 is my absolute bottom lowest
>will u take $575
why are traders like this?
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Phoenix would be nice.

You realize that's a sweat shop for children right?
yeah but i dont care about that, i just want to stare at the swirly thingie
>why are traders like this?
because they know that their recommended prices are complete bullshit, so they pay what the items are ACTUALLY worth then use bots to shove their overpriced listings in people's face for months on end until a sucker bites
They have some sort of thing set up with manual Steam jannies banning accounts, and some level of automation where new bot accounts are getting insta-deleted/banned, so for now it's fixed
Seems like Valve has banned a few of the bothosters and things seem to have calmed down a bit for now. Who knows if this will last. Traders or some people in general are also subhuman, if you want the value you advertised then it's just a waiting game. People are cheap all over the place.

t. sold a few vehicles privately and other shit
ya but i took $150 off and said it was my lowest to be nice and he still lowballed me
Nightfall, Sawmill, or Mountain Lab would be very cozy.
it "costs" them nothing to try so theyll happily spend 15 hours a day trying to siphon items off people who either dont know any better or want to sell their items that year
bread space
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Thanks... wait a minute, she got into Valve HQ back in the day. Maybe this is the key to getting Eric to finish the Heavy update?
Redbull is terrible for you, it has too much sugar.
part of third world countries culture to barter down prices (see price tag -> ask what lowest the person wants to go -> offer slightly less than that)
we all already said sign anon would've worked better if he was a girl and did femscout
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I'd play with you
so I should have just been a dick and that would have been "normal"?
Just stick with your guns if you want the full value of your item. If you're not in a rush to sell then I don't see why it matters.
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Wutville reminds me a lot as a kid and whenever I stared our christmas tree and presents and imagined what it'd look like if it were some sorta town of sorts.
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tf2g lost
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Chat, is this real?
Shut up nigger. Can't use my post against me. Kill yourself, now.
I have no idea, google it.
ill give you 50 bucks for whatever it is youre selling
um tf2sisters? sniper is actually balanced and doesnt need to be nerfed at all + get good?

Why did you post your own frag vid
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>frag video against fresh installs/casuals

embarrassing, what i'd expect from a sharty tourist
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>tfw still don't know if normie LMAOBOX users are getting whacked by this new initiative or if it's just the most egregious ones who are "ragehacking" in the same fashion as bots do
SnowVille because of the aurora borealis
>Enter into casual matchmaking
>Go to 2fort
>Nothing is going on, basically everyone's out in the middle of the map either chilling or fucking around

Man it's kinda weird how 2fort has just became that map where you don't do the objective and just do whatever. I wonder if any other multiplayer games have their own version of 2fort where nobody does the objective.
generic tf2 sniper frag montage slop
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what are some good EU servers that aren't uncletopia/skial?
I think FragMasters is in the EU
wutville and its not particularly close
my greatest fantasy has always been to live somewhere it snows year round and i dont think grown ups appreciate how much snow forces the people living in it to be kind to one another or at least makes evil harder
its why the middle east is always at war and why canada's wars can be counted on one hand
gonna wait 30 mins before opening because ip grabbers, thanks
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I dont get why people are still dickriding him when its all but proven now that he was lying or at least wrong about all the shit he said about valve ignoring him and planning to totally abandon tf2
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they're alright, I play on there occasionally

how often do people play there? usually when I look at it, it seems dead
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>i dont think grown ups appreciate how much snow forces the people living in it to be kind to one another or at least makes evil harder
>its why the middle east is always at war and why canada's wars can be counted on one hand
Russia is cold as fuck and it snows there all the time, surely it must be the paragon of peace and progression where everyone loves each other.
dns leak
Nothing he said was incongruous with what ended up happening, retard. The employees getting orders to ignore him doesn't mean he was lying, nor does it mean they couldn't have been working on the ban wave in secret.
>planning to totally abandon tf2
He never said that.
i don't have that problem, seems like operator error on your end
>truth was this is literally the first time valve attempted a ban
Wait so are people more or less applauding Valve for doing the job they were supposed to do years ago?
NTA but most of Russia's wars are happening in relatively warmer parts of it. Nobody is fighting in Bumfuckiyagrad, North Siberia. I think that anon is mistaking cozyness with peacefulness desu. Being snowed in is ridiculously comfy so long as you have supplies and a source of warmth. I think it's why a lot of kids have good memories of winter and seeing the snow fall outside while you eat a snack and play vidya or something in your bedroom.
yeah, having snowball fights with my cousins or learning how to snowboard with my dad were peak desu
>Cheater/botter genocide starts
>One of the most prominent botters who was bragging about having 95 bots to #KillTF2 just a day ago sets his profile to private, as if that will do anything
>He deletes all his TF2 cheating and botting videos off his Youtube
>Even removes the #KillTF2 hashtag from his username
>Like a fucking cockroach scrambling for darkness
>Gets banned anyway with his $2000 backpack because shockingly, setting your profile to private doesn't stop Valve jannies from doing anything
>Immediately changes his Steam URL
>Persona goes from a she/her with an anime elf girl profile picture to a femboy
>Profile description gets some shit about "every time I get a kill my vibrator goes off"
>He also claims to be 16 so it's possible he's been botting since 11 years old
Praise be unto Gaben for smiting this devil, mashaallah. I'm torn between being pissed Valve didn't just do it from the start and laughing because these people grew to feel so secure in their invulnerability that they cheat and bot on their main accounts and now have lost thousands of dollars of items. Fi sabilillah, may this turn out not to be a one-time thing and Total Cheater Genocide continues, praise be to God
its 1:30am are we still bot-free
Then people just rev up the bots/cheating again. Because pruning that shit is what any company that does the absolute bare minimum for their product does.
everyone claims to be a child online because its less embarassing than being 30 and trying to ruin a game that you presumably once enjoyed
no jimmy neutron child exists who has both the knowledge (read: not intelligence) and resources to begin cheating at 11 years old
its 0730
>cheatnigger i recorded from a month ago just got banned
also why do literally all of them have the same profile?
no its not its totally dark outside get ur clock fixed
Landfall or any of the snow maps.
theres sunlight outside my window
Do you think they’ll ever make a tf3
No and that's a good thing. Nu-Valve is incapable of making good multiplayer games.
“Nu” valve doesn’t even make games how do you already hate them
i choose lumberyard just looks cosy
He literally said Valve abandoning tf2 was confirmed top down decision wtf are you talking about?
Kog is pretty unhinged right now
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They can't even get CS2 right. That's like fucking up Mac n' Cheese. How does one even fuck that up?
wut are you talking about
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He LITERALLY didn't you complete retard. You absolute tool.
>Valve's radio silence for #FixTF2 is a top-down executive decision
>/radio silence/
He never said ANYTHING about abandoning TF2. Only keeping quiet about what they were doing. You are inventing false scenarios to be mad at.
Nothing he said is proven wrong.
more so than usual? I haven’t been on there in months, what’s going on?
/pol/ has incarcerated into a single individual.
I haven’t really played since 2016
How has the game changed?
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me with fempyros booby juice
still has the same shitty casual matchmaking #bringbackquickplay
also me
>You can't unbox unusual miscs now
What the hell, why'd they change that?
loadouts were horrendous/too many particle since people would usual wear a unusual misc with a unusual hat
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>play on upward
>full server
>map changes to harvest
>only 3 players remaining
>leaving on harvest
don't worry, that lobby was full of people with absolute plebian taste. you're better off not playing with such scum
I was one of them. Fuck SHARTvest
Gentlemen, now that valve actually got off their ass, are you going to change your negative review of tf2?
my review stays negative until MyM is reverted
If they keep it up after the summer update.
Our demands are clear:
Remove every bot and bot hoster
Revert the Meet your Match Update
Release the Heavy Update
Bring back the old Sandman and Ambassador
Release a new MvM operation
Remove all weapon skins
We shall not back down until all our demands are met.
>Radio silence even when they do get off their ass
They should at least say something
>Be me
>Top frag in a casual lobby
>Be not me
>Caberknight, 2nd frag
So is this guy really good or is the entire rest of my team just shit?
I just destroyed this jump map
Don't forget revert the sv_pure change so I can use Fempyro again
wtf fix it
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as much as i miss it, i don't think itd be the same with the CURRENT tf2 YouTubers
Isn't that just some e-celeb tf2g doesn't shut up about? Also not your personal army
Harvest would be a perfect map if it weren't for the fact that you can't see snipers inside of the ground level building entrances from across the map without a scope.
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I had so much fun playing as fat scout, i thought it was a meme and not a legit play style...

wait can soldier play as slimfat scout?
Using shotgun as primary but using rocket as support?

Whats a good loadout for army scout?
Yukon shouldn’t be in the game. Not only is it a boring map, but it ruins the immersion. The tf2 mercenaries would not be fighting to the death over worthless Canadian territory.
Justify Yukon’s existence.
Protip: you cant.
most maps downfall is horrible sniper sightlines
I should make a map that actively punishes people for playing Sniper. What are some designs that punish Sniper, other than placing a kill box in spawn rooms that kill Snipers
An indoor claustrophobic map like Junction
i like the tunnels and how fast i can get from my spawn to the enemy gamers spawn as the scrout
Junction is a great map. I don’t know why retards hate it so much.
>Open map area = bad sniper sightlines
>no sniper deck/higher ground
>more visual obstructions (fence,rock etc)
>flank route
Thats what i could think at the top of my head
>indoors which limits blast jumping and sightlines
That's really it, now Snipers seethe because they can't dominate the map, Soldiers and Demos seethe because they can't blast jump everywhere
I only play Junction when I want to play Phlog Pyro and turn my brain off
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I just remembered a better example, Laughter put pumpkin bombs on every Sniper perch so you can one shot anyone standing there
Another reason why it's the best Halloween map
Last time I played on that map (whenever it was added to the game), it ran like shit. Is it any better now?
I call it Scouter
>zesty calling base jumper one of the most weapons pre nerf
no one used it pre nerf wtf is he smoking
Yeah it's always been fine for me
>t. newfag
When it came out every single Soldier was parachuting around with it and the Air Strike (myself included)
I like Carnival/Pier aesthetics. There's always something so comfy about them.
Agreed, the art pass on Laughter is so comfy
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Still waiting for that guy who said he would record himself topscoring with the brass beast and the sandwich
Nta but thats kinda easy just pick any payload map and sit on the cart
i genuinely always forget that vanguard is in the casual rotation
such a forgettable map
fruit shop owner
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>allows you to spam chokes and doorways with little to no aim required
>sends enemies flying if they get hit by it, making for easy follow-up hits
>completely brainless shoot feet playstyle
pic unrelated, talking about the rocket launcher of course
i top scored but it was also a game where we were losing horribly to a stack so i just deleted the footage
just make literally anything other than a payload map and put some walls up and you've done it
soldiertrannies...our response?
pyros only get to speak when their best method of attack isn't wiggling at people
tfw no gf
Just move out of the way lol
it's a slow projectile
>wait can soldier play as slimfat scout?
Soldier can play as true pocket when you wield shotgun. You initiate with shotgun as medic gets close to 100% uber to deploy it so you always have spare rockets. Since you don't ditch medic to die, they'll be healing you often too.

>Using shotgun as primary but using rocket as support?
Can do that as well if you care to use Reserve Shooter or Panic Attack but usually stock Shotgun is better than trying to pull flashy tricks that is unstable.

For PA, I think you can make it work with anything as long as you swap weapons in between shots. Any rocket launcher except Beggar's, Blackbox and obviously Jumper, would do fine for Panic Attack loadout.
You can juggle anyone for RS if you have precise aiming while circling them. For consistency I suggest you to circle strafe them, which diminishes your options to evade an incoming fire if they expect that. Shoot the ground but try to estimate their movement and aim for damage splash from a rear angle from front side or back end but not too close to them. This is like a playing pool or bowling
You’re going on a 12 hour road trip (euopoors can’t relate), which vehicle are you getting in?
>Sniper’s Van: Sniper, his kangaroo wife
>Medic’s Ambulance: Medic, Heavy
>Soldier’s Tank: Soldier, Demoman
>Engineer’s Truck: Engineer, Fempyro
>Spy’s Fancy Car: Spy, Scout, Miss Pauling
Spamming chokes as soldier isn't viable if the enemy team has a pyro with enough braincells to press the only other giant button on their mouse
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>Engineer’s Truck: Engineer, Fempyro
Without hesitation
Me in the back seat with her while Engineer's focused on driving
the problem with the dragon's fury is why would you ever use it when scout and soldier are options
that would be significantly better though because holy shit i cannot ever fucking see when people use it
soldier and demomans tank roadtrip would be wild
>gold rush
>black guy on mic
>"One whitey two whitey three whitey four, thas more than I think I ever seen before"
>smells like piss & dog
>gay, cramped
>gay, cramped, kind of awesome
>most sane mercenary, normal vehicle that works well for the task, fempyro
>cramped, bad mood & worst personalities
Gee whiz, what a tough decision
furfag sisters...its over
Pleasant, comfortable drive, lots of space if you want to relax or take a break, probably some pleasant chats with Sniper and his wife. Sniper canonically knows how to use turn signals, so I trust his driving more than anyone else here. Only thing bad might be a slight scent of urine and a lot of pee breaks.
An okay drive but Heavy would probably make a lot of noise if he talks. Also Medic likely carries a lot of medical horrors in there so it would probably not smell good or be particularly comfortable.
We would all be dead or gunned down by police for driving a tank on a public roadway. If somehow we're allowed to drive, Soldier is probably god awful at driving. God forbid Demoman takes the wheel and the tank ends up in the ocean. It would be a hell of a ride though with their personalities going at it, but absolutely not safe.
If it's a two seater, you'd be forced to be on the bed, but I'm assuming it's just a big truck with back seats. I also don't know how Fempyro is fitting her massive ass in this truck. Engineer is too respectful and would not let you fornicate with Fempyro during the drive though. Engineer would have riveting conversations, and likely would be able to do it effortlessly given his intelligence. Also a huge worry that Fempyro blows the truck up by lighting a match during a stop at the gas station. If that doesn't happen, a decent drive.
>Spy's Fancy Car
An absolutely insufferable drive. Scout would constantly be blabbing to his dad, flirting with Pauling or talking about dumb shit and being a narcissist, and Spy would repeatedly threaten to stop the car and toss Scout out (or just kill him). Pauling is a woman and even if she's more level-headed she'd still likely bitch about a ton of things. Also cramped, as there's three other people in there with you and I can't imagine it's a big car.

Sniper > Engineer > Medic > Spy > Soldier
also not so fun fact the dragon furys fireball particle count is 1000 and lags my fucking game everytime i fire it or someone fires it at me
>I also don't know how Fempyro is fitting her massive ass in this truck.
That's okay, she can just sit her massive ass on my lap.
>permastuck at 0 kills because soldiers keep raping you
im very excited to play tf2 tomorrow i hope its still bots and cheatersless
we had a very exciting day today bros okay gn love u no homo
>ermm theyre like, dead gamemodes, chuddy, no need to have csgo content in cs2!
Thx for the tip. What do you call the subclass? Shotgun soldier? Sarge like in doom?

I always ignored shotgun but after play fat scout I notice something. I have a hard time kicking the dopamine with shotgun. They just fall over after sneezing on them. Even top fragging I felt nothing. Maybe if I turn on hit sound or get custom ones it’ll fix it.

I’ll keep testing RL scouter.

I think I’ll stick to stock. I should get a sexy skin, should get a name tag and roll. What your guys fav shotgun skin , specifically for soldier?
plez boycott
I got gf but she not good at shooters. She enjoys overw*tch and Val but struggles with csgo, apex, doom, titanfall, tarkov and other shooters I play.

Even if you get gf, slim chance you can tf2 with.
Oh right… I’ll stick to my stock stock
Well do you have favorite skin tho?
I've been too scared to put tits on a conscientious objector in case I get VAC banned or put in a YouTube video for fifteen years now
>What do you call the subclass?
It's just pocket soldier as far as I know it. If you want to call it something else go ahead.
>the wars are happening in the warmer parts
i like dont skins at all except the top shelf and coffin nail, its a shame they cost a fortune
harvest is a cheatertranny map along with hightower
When you put images on your objector, it literally tells you that the most can happen isthe image being removed (hasn't happened to anyone ever in 15 years btw). You cant get vac banned if you arent cheating in a vac banned match.
not really. I have a steel brushed shotgun which is nice, but my pc is shit so I can see the texture loading in. They're all pretty ugly to me.
I haven't dabbled in skins, they seem expensive due to the scarcity of the good ones.
>why dont you like my retarded spamfest!?!?
gravelpit better
Didn't they remove a bunch of cp from objectors some years back?
I call this one “reverse trolldier”. Fire charge shots from the Cow Mangler at your enemies’ feet to launch them high into the air, then hit them with your Reserve Shooter for additional mini-crits.
What if the medieval version were played more often?
it's not loading
the problem with pyro is that why would you ever play him when soldier exists
pyro was always designed to be an ineffective but high skill floor class, which made no fucking sense for tf2 because soldier exists, is effective, and is unironically easier to start off with than pyro, since nowadays pyro gets raped unless he has perfect reflects
sadly, pyro will never be good, you cant undo 20+ years of a class being shit. the best one can do is soften his weaknesses with unlocks until hes on par with everybody else, which is what valve tried to do with ji but failed because they somehow made every single pyro weapon shit
imagine, that buffed df, combined with a passive, double-jump activated thermal thruster that launches you at high speeds towards the direction youre moving. neato.
nigga this is retarded. not even fun try actually doing this
learn to screenshot nigga
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skins only exist because valve was trying to turn tf2 into a cashcow BY 2015. noone cared about skins until now, because aussies have always been the shinier reskin.
skins are also redundant for tf2, as each weapon was already designed to look fine and unique on its own, rather than being a plastic blank slate of a rifle like in csgo. to add to that, hats paints unusuals taunts etc already add enough customization, the game didnt need any more. this mindset of always needing more is why i now have to look at like 6 sparklemercs per match
Metafaggotry is a form of mental illness
How else did I get the picture?
This is from before I learned about Steam recordings and the need to upload one’s content to Steam before actually using it, so please cut me a break. If you want further proof, here’s an actual screenshot I took of myself in an 18v18 comp match.
>valve was trying to turn tf2 into a cashcow BY 2015.
>TRYING to turn
Newfag bantoid
bait or mental retardation? I sincerely can't tell
This is why I don't respect anyone who owns or likes skins.
I really don't understand why Zesty who claims to care about tf2s artstyle and legacy is a massive whale of TF2 skins, when they are the biggest spiritual rape of what old tf2 was, even moreso than nu workslop cosmetics.
And yes, even the og skins, any talk about them is just pure cope, skins are a csgo thing (i would argue they raped cs too but thats another thing) NOT TF2 and never will be TF2.
Honestly they are most out of place addition in the game.
That wascally walve
CSGO is the only game that managed to get skins somehow good/fitting within the game. Every other game either tries too hard to be cool and unique or the concept of weapon skins stick out like a sore thumb when you compare them to the rest of the game's art.
My main issue with skins in cs is that it turned the focus from the actual game to the skins.
What makes australiums better than skins?
Weapon skins will never do it for me man. Model swaps like the lugermorph are cool but texture swaps are pretty lame aussies included. I wish the botkillers looked cooler, it was a good idea but poorly executed. Especially the botkiller knife which is so lazy its almost insulting. The only one that's really good looking is the wrench.
Nothing, gambling addicts just convinced themselves they're better because of artificial rarity. Truth is they're as gaudy if not gaudier than most skins.
Since when did the Australium Amby turn people into statues? I saw this happen on a Skial trade server the night before last.
That's a skial plugin, it doesn't do that normally
its shiny and gold, perfectly engineered to appeal to whales as much as possible
hilarious how valve added it once they realized mvm on its own had no staying power
sadly, aussies break the artstyle and look like shit even in the trailer, on default mercs.
i dont care if my gf plays tf2 or not
i just want someone to cuddle with
tf2 forces you to use the meta by making everything non meta as unfun to use as possible, including df
>sometimes deals a third of what i expected, very cool
>have to instantly change up the way i aim as soon as i hit someone due to the increased firerate
>miss once, cant shoot for 2-3 business days
>airblast once, cant shoot for 2-3 business days
>think my range is long, get outranged by everyone
this is not fun. soldier is fun. direct hit is fun. so ill go play better pyro with better df
It’s better if both. Clutching/winning a game = super cuddles (her idea)
there is lore behind them
90% of skins are undesirable garbage
im so
its amazing how in 2 posts i can tell you're a bottomfragging retarded faggot in every pub

please meet me in a pub, please play your so called "meta" playstyle and watch as i sodomize you with the "bad" loadouts, you worthless bitch ass nigger
It's easy to get a TF2 gf as long as you don't mind the penis
Playing pyro makes me feel gay but the other mercs don't. The whole playstyle, his voicelines, everything. Plus people shit talk you a lot more when you're pyro I've noticed.
all my gfs had penises...
faggot lol
is there actual lore other than "australium exists in the universe, therefore weapons made out of this incredibly valuable and magical material purely for cosmetic effect definitely makes sense"?

YOU are forcing yourself to use meta loadouts because you're taking the game too seriously. You don't have to aim for the top all the time. Accept that dying isn't the end of the world and find joy in the smaller things, like getting a kill with a bad weapon
>claims not to be a meta slave
I know what you are
>yeah, fuck the meta
>hope I meet you in a PUBLIC GAME so I can beat you in a PUBLIC GAME as opposed to my based COMPETITIVE LOBBIES
Compoids can't help but reveal themselves.
yeah, it's a game
that is a man
Dragon's Fury is great, I have no idea what you're even talking about. Pyro mains are just whining to make it more broken than it already is.
i topscore everywhere. you couldnt handle my GODislav, you VILL go sniper just to counter me
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Fuck this ballsack. I hate this hat.
>bro die repeatedly because youre using a shit gun
i want to frag. everyone wants to frag. thats why noone wants to use shit weapons.
"its situational" "its not meant to be as good as stock" "you take the game too seriously" this is all sugarcoating the balance catastrophe that was mym, ji, and blue moon.
99% of skins suck.
I only liked high roller and few hana.
Wish their was solid emerald green or neon blue
yeah it is broken, not in a good way. thats why no pyro main uses it, always better to abuse reflects than to be a shittier soldier
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Picrel are the only paints that look genuinely good and aesthetic on more than a handful of weapons.
>miami element
just got a call from retardville, they want their mayor back
The call was for you. The retro 8-bit and neon design looks great.
>8-bit neon slop looks good in tf2
yeah okay
i cant wait to see niggers like you get put on suicide watch when summer update comes and its more sloppa again
okay, come on, far right looks okay at best, not good
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The scorch shot is a stronger weapon than the rocket launcher in many realistic scenarios of the game. Scorch shot isn't affected by fall-off, and the projectile is faster. Scorch shot can do 80 damage at long-range with one shot. Not even accounting for the fact that it does mini-crits and can hit multiple people. The scorch shot is a primary weapon that happens to be in the secondary slot.
mercenary park paint looks bad
>you dislike my favorite warpaint?
this is how emptrannies react to negative feedback. youre a workslopper at heart
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>just got a call from retardville
People do bitch a lot at pyros.
95% of pyro mains are degenerate furfags.
playing pyro is like babysitting the entire team except you cant heal anyone and 90% of the time faggots scream at you for not spychecking, even though you usually kill the spies quickly but of course carol.gonzalez2013 or FurryFutaLover dies to a random backstab and they try to kick you for being idle
I am the 5%
Don't forget about the fact that Scorch Shot jumping is almost on par with Detonator jumping, which is nearly as good as a rocket jump. And since you aren't limited to a clip size of 4, you don't need to sit around reloading anywhere near as much.
Comparing a secondary weapon to a primary weapon for a power class fundamentally demonstrates how retardedly overpowered it is.
Imagine if Sniper's SMG was as good as the minigun and the argument was
>Well Heavy's minigun does this too so it's okay
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>i main brass beast heavy
All it really shows is that soldiertrannies are for some reason immune to criticism. Squirt shot is annoying, but it is inferior in every single way to the rocket launcher, fires 5 times slower, does 3 times less damage and yet is the most unholy heckin OP braindead weapon of all time. I think it's just because afterburn makes retards man, because dying due to it 5 seconds later is bad, but a soldier killing you in 1 second without aiming isn't a problem.
>ZMOG SO RETRO 80/90’s
Get that shit out of here! Fucking meme trash skin
no its because you dont relentlessly hunt down the dr kunai spy when thats your only job
>scorch shot jumping is almost as good as detonator jumping
Again, Soldier is a power class who specialises in high damage splash.
The fact this is a comparison at all just proves me right.
>The comparably medium damage close-range class's secondary does a little less damage than the mid-range power class specialising in high-damage splash so it's totally fine
It's objectively a poorly-designed weapon, the mechanics are not fun to go up against at all. Soldier is balanced by requiring a close-range for the rocket launcher shot to matter, not including a few exceptions like Cow Mangler charges or Direct Hit.
And, no, I do not main Soldier. Maining classes is for fags.
Can’t kill with SS, I never seen someone directly kill a non afk player. Finishing off sure, at most it just annoys you.
Rocket at choke is deadlier than SS.
Maybe you’re just bad, fag
>not fun to go up against
>Soldier is balanced
let me guess tranny, you cry about sniper too
Soldier is a class that specialises in everything because he's overpowered.
phlog. thats it. thats the only real problem with scorch
and i guess its way better than the other flare guns while requiring significantly less skill to use. no reason to even go for directs, missing a direct is a miss, but if you aim at feet you cant miss, and double hits are cool and all but again, shooting feet guarantees damage
just make it explode on contact instead of bouncing, remove the damage penalty since doublehits would no longer be a thing, make it have a small splash radius if it hits map geometry, and a much larger splash radius if it hits a player, properly incentivizing good aim
sniper is balanced
soldier isn't
retards demo is better than soldier
both soldier and pyro are braindead chimp classes
Where did the "Soldier is a le jack of all trades but master of le none" meme come from? He's a jack of all trades and master of many.
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>sniper is balanced
>the wojak spammer is a soldiertranny
Buying backpacks

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>game starts
>get insta killed
>die 5 more times
>get dominated by a huntsman sniper and a caber demo
>look at the scoreboard
>people at the bottom of the enemy team have more points than me
>look at my team
>I'm top scoring
Here's why Machina is the best sniper rifle and everything else is trash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gAlX63UZAk
t. 400 hours with the Machina
two niggas said this yesterday, keep up
Can't wait to die to Hardscoped snipers instead of tanking quickscope headshot and pulling fists of steel to retreat as heavy weapons guy
The only class it can’t one-shot with fully charged headshots is the heavy. Even then, a body shot that’s halfway charged would be mini-crit boosted and would kill him anyway.
I have a bunch of they aren't tradable, SAD
when summer update?
But quickscoping is much easier on the Classic.
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>allows you to spam chokes and doorways with little to no aim required
>sends enemies flying if they get hit by it, making for easy follow-up hits
>completely brainless shoot feet playstyle
>secondary weapon
pic unrelated, talking about the wrangler of course
>sniper is balanced
>both pyro and soldier are shit
>almost nobody mains heavy
why just not remove all of these classes, hell, remove all of them if you hate it so much
either stop crying and get gud or uninstall
uncle dane the lolicon main
ask me how i know you're a soldier main
anyone with half a brain knows that machina is the best rifle
Extra damage and penetration with no real downside
the scorch shot isn't overpowered, it's just annoying due to (guess what) being effective at long range with very little counterplay
The salt generated by one shot bodyshot kills is great.
>isn't overpowered, it's just annoying
Pyro as a whole basically
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When you struggle to play well and feel like you let your Steam friend down
Bread Space is actually pretty fun
muh painterly style
Tell me why I shouldn't main Demoman, when I find him the most fun to play.
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no it isn't
>TheWhat releases a video about how Valve ruined CS2
>no video about banwave
So that was their plan B for real. When do you think they all start a community server because Valve is so "mean and rude" to them? As in plan C...
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>I main medic
I can walk myself, thank you very much. If there's no one worth healing on my team, I'll go Pyro and topscore and annihilate the enemy team as I often do

Alas, my team will let me down as always and it'll feel like a 1 v 12 match
bagboy will annihilate those unbagged groceries
Soldiers until Pyro presses M2 at them
you should make a medic youtube channel
Why not get your crossbow out and snipe people from a balcony?
need... food
need... water
need... BBC
What about that post makes you think I am?
A Sniper player is talking. Listen.
I already stream my Medic attempts. 90% of the time, I join a server, take a look at the classes, get disgusted at all the Demoknights, Soldiers and all the other dogshit classes, leave within a minute to server hop. I repeat until I give up and just play Pyro

Cashiers do the bagging themselves. There's no such thing as a bagboy in NYC

Because I'm a Medic, not a Sniper. I wanna heal the team and pop Kritz on a Heavy and push the cart and win. If they made a class like Moira from OW a thing in TF2, I'll gladly main that and pop off with damage orbs while keeping the team healthy
I've been in bed for the past 4 hours scrolling /tf2g/
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no, sir
It's 2PM on a monday
why are you unemployed, get a fucking life
What time does your next shift start?
I don't want to
I'm unemployed
But why do they make body shots deal exactly 173 damage instead of 175 to allow us to one-shot pyros and demomen? They could have at least added an additional downside of longer charging time or slower movement speed. It’s like Life of Boris’s Pavlova cake: half baked and leaving us wondering where all of the extra effort went.
Oh, God. How embarrassing. How long has it been since you were last employed? Is your family happy of your decision to be a NEET?
I just left what you would call high school so technically I've been in education since last week
Because you don't use the Machina to kill pyros and demomen. You use it to annoy snipers with bodyshots and occasionally scouts and spies.
Mods, ban the underage poster
Which was your favorite post that you found during that time
I'm eighteen , like most people leaving high school
tripfag you nigger
depending on a country, high-schoolers can be even 19 years old
This one >>484222838 I liked the cute conga pyro and it's fun to use the scorch shot like a primary. I did it for a while although I don't play much pyro
I think all of the other sniper rifles in the game kill light classes with one body shot.
fake tf2 artist spotted, her right hand isnt mechanical
they make exceptions for mentally disabled immigrants such as yourself
>finished high school
tell me how i know you're retarded
>medic misses the crossbow shot when you aren't even moving
remember to report the multiaccount faggot
he made a new account to cheat in TF2 again
>accidentally kills a low health enemy or cloaked spy
>1.3 hours on TF2 earlier today
Kek I think these niggas have unironically developed some level of dependency. Imagine being banned from a game so you make a new account to play the game only to be banned from that game so you make a new account to play the game only to be banned from that game so you make a new account to play the game only to be banned from that game so you make a new account to play the game only to be banned... Which account is he on now? The 4th or 5th? He makes an account and immediately tries to play again? At this rate if Valve keeps banning his alts he might really kill himself.
>Comfy coastal town with a carnival nearby
Sounds like fun
I see a profile posted in /tf2g/ i report it for cheating
Simple as
I thought most folk were 17 when they finished lol. It's been like 13 years since I finished

I keep thinking they're gonna keep walking forwards :(
>using konat as a profile pic
if you do that, noone can make steam friends here...
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>Lost 2000 dollars of items
Kek its literally the crying soijak wearing a smug mask meme
did he actually get banned?
what a blessed day
>redditors complaining about people misgendering the bot hosters
what the fuck kek
The funniest shit has to be that not one, not two but MULTIPLE cheater and botter accounts tried setting their profiles to private, changing their usernames, etc as if they thought it would actually save them. Literally underaged scriptkiddies who have no idea how anything works beyond grabbing code off a github and running it after being handheld through it by their botting discord. And youtubekeks were happy to blow them up like secret elite superhackers.

Please god let this turn of events last more than a few days, I want the valvejanny Eye Of Sauron's flaming glare to burn these niggers out until we get at least a handful of suicides from these worthless cockroaches
I might understand if it were $500 or $5,000 per account or so, but if it is just $5 per account, then they would be able to afford to set up new botnets if they have already paid thousands to set up their old ones. Forcing them to spend hundreds of thousands or even millions may be the only way to set up a financial deterrent.
Who the hell would want to make friends here
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will mvm idlebot hosters meet their doom
That's based though. Fuck faggots who need to use credit exploits and cheats in mvm.
new thread?
Look sweety just because you dislike botters doesnt mean you can be a hecking transphobe like Z*sty ok?
I mean just imagine if one of them or an innocent transfolk bystander suicided over such mysoggyknees
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>their team's points

>your team's points
unironic humiliation ritual?
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I think Gayben deserves some of my money now that bots are gone
>check post history
>mentions tf2chuds
>new alt got konata avatar
mentally ill tf2g user
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I'm a little disappointed, not gonna lie
The bottom 6 guys are 3 spies, 1 sniper, and 2 soldiers that went AFK before the game started
>Opening crates
>Instead of just using loadout.tf to figure out what you want and then trading for the items you need on the market
Unironically why? I swear this isn't a shitpost, two of my friends will pay to gamble the crates that have items they want inside instead of just buying that item outright. Even when the item costs less than a key sometimes on community market
Gambling is a mental illness, there is no logic to it
>I swear this isn't a shitpost, two of my friends will pay to gamble the crates that have items they want inside instead of just buying that item outright. Even when the item costs less than a key sometimes on community market
kek i know that feel bro
>scout jester mask costs like 3 dollars on marketplace
>a steam friend of mine spent 50~ dollars gambling for it from the crate instead
>and he didnt even get it
could have waited until the summer update brochacho
Nigga I ain't poor
I can afford 200 more crates
KEK one of the biggest bot hosters had to wait his next paycheck to afford 150$, it's all children and/or literal third worlder subhumans
these are not good cases to open off-event
you can unbox actually valuable stuff if you do it during the update
if you unbox those cases now, best you get is a orbiting fire hat rofl
tf2 gambling is pretty mental. sometimes it feels more addictivr than csgo case openings
The Alien crate is good because it has weapon reskins (bat is very fucking expensive too)
So what, I open them now because it's fun and I can later exchange unusuals on tf2easy
>$50 down the drain trying to roll for sloppa like he thinks TF2 is a gacha game
you use it to hit the medic through his heal target and make the server wide noise. works great on payload too.
What's funny is that even if you're lucky and actually unbox an unusual, it might be a shit hat/effect that even if you sell it you still won't have made a profit with all the cases unboxed prior
Assume ALL third-party traders, bots, Discords and price-fixing syndicates abruptly vanished tomorrow. What item's price do you guys think crashes hardest? In other words what items do you guys think have their prices kept artificially inflated the most?
Stop looking into my wallet you faggots
I open crates because It's cool, go fuck yourselves
because, most of the tf2 personalities who are average or worse at the game have nothing fun to show us through gameplay, so they have to fabricate fake rage topics to get that little autistic fraction of the playerbase riled up.
Anyone who is subscribed to zesty is lacking in nutrients or parental care
rocket jumper and panic attack
bonus: dont market garden, just discplinary action once and immediately panic attack said fucker
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I got hit by a random crit on pl_upward and the sudden spike in blood pressure caused me to have a sudden nosebleed. Holy shit. I need to exercise or I'm going to fucking die.
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what if mossrock got turned into a payload map
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at least I got a cool loadout!
poot thread here
Deploy a dispenser HERE.
If this refers to anything theyve made in the last decade other than Alyx then theyre just embarrassing themselves
someone make a new fucking op already and this time dont dicksuck with it
It's about Alyx, from The Final Hours of HLA
alright this does not look good here uhmmm
>aim ahead of moving teammate
>he suddenly stops
Remove comp again on the next OP please
they arent even right because hla is so clearly written by that fag pinkerton
why they scrapped kleiner for this australian wheatley clone, ill never understand
Half Life ended with epistle 3
HLA is not canon
anyone remember when Valve shills told us we cant have a game with Adrian Shepard because Valve would only make a game if its revolutionary?
hla is a revolutionary game that failed to start a revolution because vr sucks
my theory: butterfly effect of a late cookie delivery due to traffic in a different timeline where eric smith killed, butchered and ate signanon during lunch break. quantum entanglement has caused some of the downwind effects of that to ripple into our reality
HLA did what it was supposed to do, be the best, highest quality VR title on the market
Funny how nothing has even come close to it, VR is dead
Make it a Tracer X Scout OP.
vr remains dead until theres a breakthrough allowing cheap, lightweight, high capacity batteries. As long as they cant be used wirelessly, VR headsets will never have mass appeal.
Volve only makes a game when new tech is starting to take off. Not the first one to set a standard but not too late to be irrelevant in a sea of hundreds of games for that tech. HL1 and 2 are perfect examples.
>links previous OP
Don't you feel a little silly? Don't you feel stupid?
TF2 is fixed. /tf2g/ no longer needs to be kept around. Let us fade off Page 10 and into oblivion, we can rest now.
Yo this Gabber guy's actually pretty based

so no new thread?
holy shit
is tf2g finally dying
>Bots and bot hosters get killed off
>/tf2g/ dies
what a coinkydink
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Banana Bay
i think this was made before the engie update
yeah he roasted all you venusianchad haters
Me. I wanna be friends with all the Heavy mains so we can pub together and annihilate the enemy with Kritz pops galore

55 to 40 is extremely generous. I'll often have 30+ points more than anyone else on the server, unless it's a Demo/Medic combo on the enemy team. They'll have 200+, I'll have 140+ and my team with be worthless shitters

I stream some unboxings sometimes. People enjoy seeing someone make bad decisions
What are some based TF2 youtubers? Last time I asked a pedo was the only one that actually answered.
How about VenusianRapper?

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