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return to shota edition

Previous Thread: >>484014058

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




>/hgg2d/ Game Archive - IPFS Edition



>Nifty translation tool by Anon:

>RJ Gallery SCRIPT

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Please wait for page 10 before making a new thread.
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where the fuck is the monthly update 7thdoor
How do I extract MV games packed into a single exe file again? I have all the tools in my folders but I can't tell which is which anymore.
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This mechanic is really neat. I hope the game turns out to be good (still very early in).
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UniExtract probably.
I tell myself I don't like femdom but then keep seeing games like this and being interested please help
I recognize this map.
Cruel femdom sucks
Ballbusting and torture sucks no matter what
But lovey dovey femdom is great
Learn to accept yourself, faggot.
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It must be a common map, because that map is 1:1 with several other games; it's the last map before the capital in RJ268871

I use EnigmaVBUnpacker, make sure you have the latest version because the one found in the stash of tools that that one guy uploaded is very out of date and doesn't work on many of the exes now.

Thread theme: banana edition
There is nothing I hate more than stock maps.
Stock tilesets? Whatever. Stock sprites? Whatever. Stock maps? Drives me fucking insane.
>stock everything
>AI art
>add NTR
yep, time for keenoh!
FUCK stock music thoughever
EnigmaVBunpacker or if you're on Linux or don't want to use a closed source executable, the python evbunpack package via pip
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
RTP music, yes. Royalty-free stuff off the internet is fine as long as it gets chosen carefully.
Also Dungeon 2 never gets old
Anything out there like Lelie Navigation? Tired of games with 0 narrative to build up the corruption
What narrative does Lelie have that other games don't have?
Lelie herself has a straight up pathology that pushes her towards it and can lead to a very believable bad end for the kind of person she is. If the sex scenes' art wasn't bad it'd be a perfect game
Take me to the dungeon
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okay I will
A good 2d hentai game doesn't exist.
Who the hell is that on the right? Alternate universe Alice blob?
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SEX with Alcy everyday!
Games that let me get fucked by dogs?
She does sex
Does she like anal?
She's a retard, and she has sex.
She's the god of her universe, and she collects water.
yeah she does
Is there water collecting gameplay? Otherwise not interested.
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Yes, anon, yes.
forgot this
Dare I say, kamige?
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indeed is, to me at least
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I only play lolige!
Last question, I promise. Is there a pure route or is it possible to finish it doing a pure run?
yeah, virgin run possible, dont be like that one anon a couple threads ago seething she was "scripted raped" just because he fucked up, its perfectly possible to do a virgin run, no hole penetrated.
I didn't just mean virgin, I meant fully pure. No sexual acts, no kissing, no handholding.
she wont be forced to absolutely anything, anything happening to her is your fault
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pickyourmc soon
More than that In the post ending, if you finished a virgin and start up the DLC as such, she'll be so pure that the DLC won't let her have a single H-Scene at all
That's how pure & untainted she can be lol.
Those are the three choices? Can I be the ikemen and act like a gentleman?
left or right only, middle is the heroine
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im thinking sex with botan
I fucking love pure routes so much.
they will never blob
Fine by me as long as I can be nice to the heroine
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Any other characters that do that face?
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Is xDge peak?
Seconding this, Lelie is good XD material!

We need a retard girl game compendium, those girls are precious.
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you know remember this wall
>xD 32
>Sunday afternoon/evening in America
>Thread is dead
What are americans doing right now? They should be discussing 2d hentai games
I didn't expect RJ257653 to be as good as it is. Made me tear up. Some of the weird rhythm game gameplay was absurdly hard though
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I remember her but I don't remember anything that she did. I think by then I figured out how OP debuffs were and that strat carried me.
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Contribute to eraMegaten.
Genuine question, what are the goodrecently translated NTR games you would recommend me?
None. The last one that was even slightly fun was the time loop one and that was years ago
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>Idols and zombies
This is amazing.
mind luda
Fuck off
shit is shit no matter how many genres you combine
also zombie and idols is not a new theme for jap shit
SotD is pretty good though. If you're talking about the genre, zombies and idols are pretty good on their own.
Where can I find a trustable download for the steam version of My Secret Summer Vacation 2?
(My Special Summer Vacation 2)
Too bad the idol’s VA was actual dogshit and the rest of the expansion was a disappointment.
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Is the h-content in RJ01199136 any good at all?
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I like tentacles.
wiggly appendages typed this post
>Optional NTR scenes
Always keeno.
>Kunoichi Karin
>feel a strong urge to protect as soon as I see her in the intro
Maybe corruption just straight up isn't the genre for me.
it's only for broken and spiteful retards
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Sometimes I wonder how many blobs there are in circulation?
I know for a fact that the original blobmaker alone is hoarding at least dozens of unreleased blobs.
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Do you also count real certified fake blobs?
Is this seed of the dead? The NTR routes actually felt varied enough but FUCK progressing through that game legitimately. Thankfully I found a save that was at end-game max progression with all girls without any of the NTR routes started. I would have taken me 20+ hours of extremely shitty l4d otherwise.
They are placed in a fakeblob folder.
It's a Unity game (oh dear), but playing it as a game, Mad Island is actually pretty good? Without deliberately doing the actual lewds and the whole guro/mutilation stuff, and though it has its own janky weird stuff and minor bugs, it's actually fun playing it like a 2D survival game based on The Forest. Though because I am just annoying and particular about it, I was a little disappointed that the characters and scenes didn't really change at all based on how exposed (or totally naked) Yona and 'Man' was.

The true test of knowing whether you are degenerate enough for corruptionge and ntrge are those where they set you up with a totally wholesome environment, where things are at the stage where girls would talk romance and going all kya-like at the notion of holding hands or kissing, but then You, the Player, appear and take control of one of the characters or is introduced as a new character (game:start). And then, you still have the option to not do any of the corruption or ntr stuff throughout the entire game, but any (or all) corruption and ntr segments must be initiated by you the player, not simply scripted in as events. And then, up until a certain point, you can still opt out with either the character(s) having doubts or being resistant, but you can keep pushing them into the abyss. And then finally it all comes apart, and you get to witness as everything falls into a bad end - maybe except for you as ntrge, anyway.

That sort of thing I'd liken it to how the Overlord light novel presented things. Introduce one or more normal characters, start telling you about their backstory and their struggles, their hopes, and then just abruptly end them just because the 'I'm so beta bottom tier office worker' MC suddenly went into alpha rage mode because 'rrraaagghh how dare you do (something) to my friends' support characters HULK SMASH' and the other characters act on that to kill them all.
I'd tell you but i crash as soon as the game starts, 10/10
is it good anon?
just grab the mtl from fag95
Why would I ever download a MTL of a game that has a real translation
because you're a poorfag
Oh and by the way, I tried the download in that forum for dubious content.
They say it is updated for the steam version, but they left chink spyware cum inside the zip so I don't trust it.
just replay THP, nothing beats it
They uploaded the real translation immediately on ESL95, though. Did they delete it?
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Wish this game had a better translation, the premise is hot but the MTL and the jank kinda ruins it
> RJ01019412
Man this is some really shitty shovelware
not only like a handful only of picture (who knows if AI or what)
but fag literally stole the exact maps from another nukige game
I imagine so, I can't find it.
games for this feel?
Be a good person
Every game using that layout in preview images is shovelware.
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shit gameplay decent h
As expected. Could be worse.
Samefag here. I looked at my history, and yeah, they did.
>You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.
I don't care for the game, but the people who run that site are legitimately fucking retarded.
I found the link to it in the MTL thread
Of course it is dead, someone even mentioned it was immediately taken down in the MTL thread.
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Pink Nidoqueen with wings
new botan ge?
How are the ntr routes varied in this slop?
Himecut supremacy
>shit gameplay decent h
many such cases
where are the good gameplay shit h games
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Different bulls for each girl, each of them uses different ways to get each girl like blackmail, begging, drugs, and bets.
Kinda tempted now but it seems too janky to bother.
who the fuck plays rpgmaker games for the gameplay?
That is not a hentai heroine
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bloodroot is pretty close. though it's not that the h is bad it's just barely even there.
Just play through the story once and use cheats to get the quest items (like the NTR quest items) since they require you to replay stages. Won't take much time
atmospheric kino
kinda love they manage to keep the alien vibes
but tentacle only shit sadly, also quite hard game, are you guys playing this with a controller?
Gameplay is jank shit, one of the most mid metroidvanias
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Himecut supremacy?
this game would be 500x more fun if things didn't spawn literally in front of you
>one bull begs the girl to fuck him

Please, tell me more. Does he genuinely like her?
I didn't think it was that hard. Enemies can spawn on you but you have enough health so that as long as you aren't wandering around lost it's not actually that big of a deal.
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>got an update
Guess I ain't sleeping later tonight
Wish we had more virgin kidnapping/abduction games
Wasn't this guy making a new game? But it was like something completely different?
It's funny you asked, the girl literally asks him that but he answers that he just likes her face and body, and that he just wants sex.
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It's ogre.
more like pic was completely different and he went back to making pixel games
I see. How disappointing.
I really should finish this one of these days. I keep jumping from game to game.
Understandable, but what was the new game again?
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I can do brown, ash, red, purple or blue but green is the color of puke.
Mid roots
Who is this tradwife material?
I genuinely can't remember his games' names to look up the circle and find the ci-en.
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Ero-cute outfits where their panties (or lackoff) are showing because of how short their skirt or outfit is are the best, even better than straight up leotards or being naked.

I am once more reminded by how Terry Pratchett wrote about the religion of the 'desert people' in Discworld, in that they people are all completely covered up not because of some divine will (well, maybe a bit), but because of certain articles of clothing. A beautiful person with a good choice of provocative clothing (e.g. good old zettai rouki short skirt + thigh high combo) is significantly more attractive than an equally beautiful, but naked person, because the naked person is just that - naked. The danger was more of what that's teasingly behind the covered parts of those clothing that made that desert people religion how it was so.
it's a standard "log in to view this content" thing, no different from almost any website nowadays.
some are stupid, but some are legitimate.

brown is the color of shit. I can do blue, purple, white, and grey.
goburins and ookus are cute!
The same goes for excessively erotic outfits. A hint of modesty more often than not makes an outfit hotter.
this game was disappointing. Does all this build up and then she folds after clicking a button enough times. And then its over. I wish theyd make another game with similar concept
I wish you could capture the shitty small titty used goods kouhai instead.
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I love Prickett!
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Who is your favorite Taiwan(country) heroine? For me it's Xao.
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>it's a standard "log in to view this content" thing
Incorrect. I'm still logged in. You can't view it. Do you even try it for yourself before posting stupid shit? Rhetorical.
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Dog hime
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Btw, can you not insert fingers in Dog hime?
Ikusa Megami translations when?
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Mostly the untranslated stuffs
Theatrical Star (male) is the most erotic of these
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>no sexual content
what ruined it for me was that you either took NTR or vanilla, no in between, but maybe Im wrong I only made it halfway
What ruined it for me were the shitty h-system and the shitty CGs.
I think I will wait until the new girl is added to the black panda game... nothing else new right?
There are links in there that have the full kagura version on the mega. What more do you want?
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Looking for great analges, or good plotges with a decent amount of anal.
>multiple anons with evidence showing the thread is dead
>random asshole says otherwise with zero evidence
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This any good?
Any recent dogge?
You got answers already, spamnewfag.
Since I'm finally playing properly Alcy's game, what was some way to lose virginity without her getting depressed?
Fallen Makina
Sex with blonde chad
after thinking about it for a bit, even if she gets depressed it has to be dogs, I think there was some monster dogs
I see only one dismissive reply, wouldn't bother repeating the question otherwise.
Do you lile cohab sims? how to raise happy neet and imouto fantasy have anal training I guess, albeit limited
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>female sub pet play that turns into lovey dovey femdom accidentally
holy fuark this is hot
I used to follow this dev.
>no update in 7 months
it's over isn't it.
Anyone tried RJ308336?
Is this a one man and one woman adventure game?
Looks cu-
>Cuckoldry (Netorare)
What's the next big fetish going to be after NTR?
I love the character design, looks delightfully old school.
Might try it out later.
What was that game with a similar art style set in modern times where you can fuck the girl in multiple areas and you can use time skip and then you can have pregnant sex?
The dev has a lot of games, is it not one of those?
No. Are there no devs with a similar art style?
I'm pretty sure there's a dev with similar art but focuses more on modern setting games.
500 years left until toro release his red hood game...
Why can't I open some game/dev's pages?
It just redirects me to the homepage.
For instance https://www.dlsite.com/aix/work/=/product_id/RJ01101538.html
It looks like AI art but I wanted to check it out and just can't. It shows up in my search but just refuses to load the game's page.
your eroge level is too low
idk the reason, but even despite the credit cards pulling out, dlsite gatekeeps their AI games behind japan-only IP, so you need to use a VPN.
possibly legal reasons (because japan gives no fucks about ai) but as said idk.
apparently we are cucked from AI ge
Honestly that's a good. You would expect good effort spent elsewhere when art is not a concern, but no, it's still the same low effort crap produced anyway
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I refuse
Good thing Im a piratechad, no remorse will be felt when dlshite makes their overseas users jump through hoops to even see a normal game page.
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There are too many games to play...
Pirate assumes you take things by force from others. That's a chad move and all, it's more like you need to wait for others to buy it to share to you. Sounds more like a beggar
Any good Japanese games with female beggars?
violated princess I guess
When does that happen?
>Finish RJ01201951
It's bad. No stakes and the story ends with the MC becoming the dreaming creator of the next universe, give me a break.
Also you have 4 teammates but they are all bit-characters and it doesn't matter if you fail at saving them or take forever.
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I'm finding it a rather substantial improvement gameplay wise.
Though I haven't rescued anyone yet.
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I have played OPge RJ01200621. It was bad.
Gameplay is trash. Very short, probably only takes 30 minutes to an hour. You stunlock normal enemies by mashing attack, it's usually simple enough to run past them and ignore them anyways, and there is an excessive amount of health pick ups lying around. The bosses are okay enough but still boil down to mashing but occasionally having to dodge. Or not since you don't take damage if you just mash out of the grabs, which isn't that difficult. They do all have unique gimmicks like different QTEs and such but it's still not that interesting.
The h is more than 80% foot focused so hope you like foot jobs lmao. There's a couple other things but mostly just feet. I do have 2 holes in the gallery where it looks like there should be more scenes so I may have missed some. Some enemies only show up once shoved away in the corner of an area so it can be easy to miss some.
Overall I give it 2/5 could be worse. I do think that feet are just okay and have no strong feelings for or against them; if you don't like them obviously it's a 1/5 and the game is not made for you.
I have now beaten both NTR legend and the NTRaholic that's on f95.

Gimme more netorikino or I WILL fuck your childhood blob
I don't reply to retards who post blobs, ge, and (wrong use of) kino.
Tbf the 4 teammates exist for the sake of give you a primary objective to do

The game's primary gimmick is corruption and numbers/sex counts going brrrrrr
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what did blobs ever do to you
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>beat up enemies all day
>some want to join your party
God damn this is cool. I hope more games do similar.
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I think you 'should' be dismissing them when (I think you can?) you get to capture and recruit demon girls. Haven't done it yet, but it seems like that's the eventual goal of the game, listening to the NPCs talking.
I'd have enjoyed this if the girls didn't have balloon chests. Maybe I'll give it another shot just to see the netorase scenes of the last two girls.
This is why I like MGQ Paradox, getting to recruit your enemies is fun
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I'm going to continue playing this even if it's just to find more gems like this.
Sadly the ESL grammar kills it a little. Would love for some more hgames with humor.
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Damn straight
RJ01212853 is going to have something similar, but dunno how soulful it will be in comparison
>numbers/sex counts going brrrrrr
More ge for this?
I'm afraid they are wegs
Any game that's released recently with decent hypnosis/brainwashing scenes? Doesn't matter if it's only a small part of the game.
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Babydolls are the best
Guys.. you're not gonna believe it.. the hottest, most versatile trap (otoko no ko crossdressing) game dropped recently
It's got the best "setting" / setup of any such game, there ton of art, the art is pretty good.. and the gameplay loop is fun..

but I'm starting to struggle. I don't kno the mechanics, if the dept keeps getting higher overtime or not, or if it's because i progressed slightly too far in the game (which I doubt, since.. well lets say I didn't get to unlock almost jack shit yet).

I come to you for help hgg2d. The problem is quite simple, I need this game machine translated to english. I know there's the cirno patreon thing that I think most have been using, but my problem in this particular case is that I want the android version translated. Anyone have experience from machine translating android games? Do I have to buy the PC version and convert that to .apk? The android version with its apk can't be "patched" with machine translation, or can it?

But yeah this is unironically pretty fucking big release for anyone who appreciates otoko no ko content. Seeing how many of these circles seem to be running machine translations for their english version, I might have to drop a message to author and ask if they can do it, because this is work of art needs to be in english (but not for the story)
Blond girl previews look AI generated.
Link to the apk?
Back to f95 with you
didn't read, simply kill yourself
don't fuck with me
>I'm going to beg the dev for a MTL
Dumb esl
i don't care what anyone says i liked dungeon town
Like i said, it's not for the story, it's so I can understand gameplay mechanics slightly better
>android version
I have vr headset I use to play android eroge games while laying on bed
It's a good game. I think some just expected more since it took forever to translate thanks to the engine.
I'm >>484202160. Your time is ticking my man
I dunno, the setting looks kind of nasty.
>whoring out around shitty japan
>working at some hack casino
The artstyle isn't great either
The h-system was too "game" and not porn enough. I can't fap to it. And I don't mean the actual gameplay portion, just the sex part.
>I come to you for help hgg2d
Stop being such a faggot (and that's not even touching the game content you double faggot).
> RJ01065704
> RJ01176785
Looks kind of shit. Anyway, dlsite has that program where you can send in requests for an AI translation. If you really care about this that much you might as well submit the suggestions while you look for more immediate answers.
we even got chatgpt posting here now
Sounds kino
I rather play VH 2.
>see VH font looks weird
>hover over it
>it's a mega link
>click it
>"The link you are trying to access is unavailable because the folder or file was reported to contain illegal/objectionable content. The account of the user who created this link has been terminated."
wtf x2.
did you just noticed it now?
I think half of the post in this thread are AI generated
well I am not AI generated only my cum is
>dlsite has that program where you can send in requests for an AI translation.
thanks for letting me know, i didn't even know about this
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>half of the posts in the thread were me
is... is this an intervention?
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Post future loli games.
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I believe
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I'm 80% certain these are the same artist, funnyari.
what happened to that loli games where they're in some sci-fi prison, and there's mechanic robot tentacles .. I think it was some early-access game on dlsite that never got made?
Is this loli enough?
when the fuck are we getting a sequel to Celia Magica?
Will RJ333022 ever get translated? The last post on their Ci-el was the postponement of a demo of a new game they were working on as well back in March, which they were going to 'release at earliest in April'. I mean, since Eris they've been taking at least 3 years per new release, but still.
>still no preview for cien links
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Quiet Girls, maybe?
If so, dev disappeared and it was a huge never-ever.
But then the dev showed up again, and started posting monthly ci-en updates.
Still no game, but it's at least up to a maybe now.
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>cutest heroine design compared to his previous game
>dev went AWOL in 2020 and deleted the preview page in dlsite

yes that's the one
https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ416147.html is a hidden gem... plays like "poor man's Civ 2" . Really comfy on android too
Are there seals going after your little sister(s) in this game, too?
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What a shame. That girl has peak female form.
this is the ideal female body. you may not like it, but this is what peak female performance look like
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i hope the scene progression in this miko game is better than the last because she is HOT
kiku, is that you?
too old
What's the previous one? I love me some good kissing scenes.
Holy shit, where's this from? Google and Yandex failed me.
That's literally just a man
kiku from one piece

raping big tiddy mikos
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>Nigga posting rough sketches of a 2026 game
Vanillabody bros...we lost.
>download game
>get to menu
>menu buttons don't work
>unplug controller
>shitty keyboard only controls
>no options to lower loud ass sound
>keyboard controls make no sense
>plug controller back in
>up d-pad goes right, right d-pad goes down, down d-pad goes left
>up d-pad doesn't work
>Lo fucking L
>close game
>playing hgame with gamepad
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NTRge for this feel?
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way more comfortable imo. you can bind keybord keys to the controller too if the game has shit mapping like anon said >>484208567
I wish fear and hunger was an H game. It looks so depraved and degenerate. My kinda game.
Name all the RJs that do this so that I can buy all of them. (You can skip MV and MZ games since they usually support gamepads out of the box)
chatgpt post
Shit is more ergonomic and easier on my hands. I either play mouse operated games or whip out hitbox because playing games KB only makes my hands hurt after few hours.
I was just thinking while going through yet another game installation, how the fuck would zoomers even be able to do this?

Iso within rar within rar, plus another rar for some patch, plus being able to navigate the menus that are entirely in japanese, its all so cryptic.

Let alone if the game wants admin, or worst case scenario, jap locale and admin, shit is fucking retarded
>>484210239 (me)
there's not enough black souls style games. I wanna go around and rape shit in a grotesque and depraved worlds. For examaple, there's a black-souls-like npc-rape game that I kinda enjoyed (bad translation). There was a scene where you find a girl in a tent with a bloody amputated leg and you can rape the shit out of her. That was great. Please bros, tell me there's more games like this I haven't been able to find.
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Yes, the man with 6 different unfinished game projects
Evil blobs like you...
Ah, the wegdev approach. Is he milking $ from all of them?
Imagine a Lyrsitia and Frostia ge but...without ryona
No, he only posts to his misskey and twitter
Kettle, Pot. Don't act like I'm weird. Black souls is this general's most goated game.
Just because Black Souls is the most goated game doesn't mean people were evil while playing it, anon...
You are just pure evil, and evil always loses in the end, always...
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What is this expression trying to convey?
What do you think the main appeal in black souls as an H game is? I can tell you it wasn't the few consensual sex scenes...
Dear retard, if you can't find the latest version of a Kagura release anywhere and just so happen to have an old version, download the patch of the latest version from Kagura's website, extract it using Universal Extractor and overwrite the game's files with the new, relevant ones. You're welcome, retard! This may also work with other meme publishers, such as MTL Plan.
>didn't asked
That's the best part! Now eat shit.
Red's lovey dovey sex was the best part of the H, obviously...
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i don't agree ryona is one of the best thing ever...
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Hey /hgg2d/. Now that the VGL's over, I apologize for screwing up that last game. It was perfectly winnable even without the penalty shootout, but I made some wrong calls and ended up disconnecting. As for not subbing out the medals, that was intentional, even without any stamina they still play better than a regular player. It was good to bounce back after nearly bottoming out last time, but I know we can be much better than that.

But what I'm happiest about is the continued support for the team. I was afraid that I had tanked interest by doing so poorly last time, so seeing lots of people still turn up for our games made me really happy.

In the meantime please choose who you'd like to send to the /vg/ roster for the Summer Cup. The good is news that since we placed highly, there's a chance our rep will actually play as a striker this time around. Poll closes either tomorrow or when the thread archives, whichever comes later:


The other good news is that after 2 years of begging, someone has finally stepped up and offered to help me out. So if all goes well, I'll finally have a comanager who can back me up if shit happens and wrangle me in my dumber moments. Maybe next season is the time we break out of the Ro16 treadmill?

But even so, more help is still appreciated. If you're willing, then contact details are in the poll once you've answered it. If you prefer to use email, do bear in mind that almost everything is organized through Discord, so it'd be more convenient to use it or to create an account.
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Nacht was good so I have hopes for this one. There'll be no pregnancy though.
I hate flipfags like you
Good! Fuck you too!
Ryona is good, but the progression sucks because all of the rape and suffering isn't connected. It's just separate little scenes all over the place and that's fucking boring. The dev's art and style are top tier, but he can't write a story or create a game for the life of him. What he should've done, and this is a simple matter, is to progressively increase the heroine's suffering during combat or on defeat, instead of going all the way to 11 at the very first fucking scene.

Where are her coping scenes? Where's the trauma? Where's her having panic attacks and wincing at enemy incoming punches, terrified of getting hit? Fucking amateur devs who don't understand psychology and buildup. All they know is to create simple over the top reactions. Entirely superficial crap. 0/10, would not associate with.
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Bros I'm falling for it again, I'm hyped for a recently started project, the dev is translating it even, convince me to be sceptic again if needed
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Is Curse of Kubel+ DLC Exapansion worth it if you didn't like the base game? Are there more scenes with the Innkeeper? She was the best part about the base game and now she has a talking portrait. Does the DLC expand past the game's base ending or is it just extra stuff with Magetano throughout the game? I really don't feel like slogging through it all over again...but the innkeeper...
No pregnancy and rimjobs confirmed? Im thinking kamige.
The core plot is still unbearably retarded so no.
That's easy. Just look at her body suit. It's practically transparent. You can see her nipples and pussy in HD over it. That's ALWAYS a sign of a shit game and a lazy fuck dev. If he had any taste and if he wasn't so lazy, he'd create multiple arousal layers, coupled with perhaps clothing damage too. The hornier she got, the more would become visible, instead of it all being seen from the start.
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I really wanna enjoy this bitches game but like how her scenarios are written and how her games progression is is kinda shit.

>Theres no normal adult male character for her to fuck ive seen in the game. Either its ugly bastards,rapists or old men
>Theres a SHITLOAD of rape and she barely struggles in it despite the game saying she is very well built
>Progression with the characters who dont flat out rape you takes ages so rape is pretty much your go to for action
>Rinko herself doesnt seem to progress no matter how manu cocks ive made her gobble to increase her sex stats
>No option to skip already viewed scenes outside of the masturbation
>Overworld map is soulful at first but the tedium of traversing it kicks in quick

Also there doesnt seem to be much variation with sex either. If someone fucks Rinko they get 1 CG and thats it. Its pretty repetitive.
Anon, stop obsessing over dumb shit. Download the thing and get a full gallery save, jerk off to whatever scene gets you off, then archive or delete it.
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Delinquent Reinsertion Forces, currently doesn't even have an RJ, but it's made by PabloTron on ci-en
The game's got two main girls, and they both have multiple costumes, arousal states and dynamic portraits based on the current situation so I'm not worried about laziness at least
Then worry about him being overambitious instead.
Which neverever are you most salty about? It's RJ322976 for me. Blonde twintails + virgin + perfect body type + silhouette NTR scenes. It even has 10k favorites. Fucking dev.
>NTRfag getting cucked out of shit he likes
Followed the dev, looks promising. Also looks like another neverever.
Forgot to mention the tanktop. Very important. Fucking dev.
This game felt like it had so much potential. What happened.
It's an island of ugly old men for a woman that wants shota. That's part of the point anon.
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i get you, i just have low stantard for ryona
when i was a kid i spended HOURS playing ocarina of time on N64 just to watch Link get eaten by zombies and vored by Like-Like
Blonde Makina
Tiina 2
>multiple costumes
>all are transparent or string bikinis that show everything underneath
Yeah, I remain unconvinced.
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Any games with great fingering scenes?
Brother, those aren't neverevers ...right?
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Megrim could learn a thing or two from this artist.
Theres plenty of young guys around though. Besides thats no excuse for the rest of the problems. Especially with how ssssssllllllloooooooooooowwww sexual progression is with the younger characters and any with Rinko which is probably there but I sure as shit havent seen it.
Sure feels like it.
she looks like she does a mario jump
>Stock young anime girl with age lines that would be negated with some photoshop
>You after sucking some small asian penis for that: "GODrim could learn a thing or two from this artist."

Nah neck yourself swine
>IQ bar
So this is where we're at now? The more she cums, the dumber she gets?
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>f95 forces me to change password or else I lose account
>can't remember new password and I lose account
Thanks, f95. For keeping my account secure.
same shit
had to mail them to get my account back
>average f95ers
Perhaps you should go back there.
rape can't work without niggers or ugly old men, this game and VP proved that
>Not using Bitwarden
>request people renew their accounts to purge the mass amounts of bots and 3rd world shit posters
>why am i being punished!
it's your own fault, fucking write down your passwords if you're too stupid to remember them off the top of your head
Glad you're alive, we thought the yakuza got you
nta, but i had a similar problem
my account was tied to an email i no longer have the access to
so it was really stupid to have a forced password reset like that
>too retarded to click "Forgot your password?"
I think I've just lost my faith in humanity.
Round and Round Train was pretty good iirc. Any others?
>my account was tied to an email i no longer have the access to
How is that their fault? You should've fixed that before it became an issue.
You're in the coomer general, what did you expect? Most coombrains here just want to coom and think of nothing else. They're the ones asking dumb shit that's already been answered in troon95 threads.
you shall be awaken
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I'm not contacting those fags
I can't anymore...
password managers are insecure
Oh wow, why didn't I think of that? My problem is solved, thanks anon!
We expect people to read the fucking OP when it comes to technical issues here, because it still answers most of them. fag05 should not tolerate those retards shitting up every single thread either.
it was never an issue until the forced reset happened
i would be fine with it if it was something they did regularly, but i think its the first time they did it
it's not something you can just expect to happen
Why are frogposters always so shit? Is there a significant correlation with something?
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My bone is the bone of my rape Full metal demon Muramasa! *gong* *middle schooler gets raped*
>Japs thought this was profound in 2009
killing bad
rape good
>password managers are insecure
Sure, then use it only for garbage accounts like F95.
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I swear there's another dev with a similar art style that mostly does modern setting games. Anyone know who that is? Does this dev actually have another account? iirc, one of the games was married woman ntr with her neighbor. Please tell me I didn't just imagine it.
>it's not something you can just expect to happen
You totally can, and you should. Forced password reset is a standard procedure in case of security incidents or security breaches. This one is totally our fault, as >>484217787 pointed out. If you use inactive mailboxes or e-mails you lost access to, you have to expect to lose accounts registered with them, plain and simple. It's your only recovery option.
Cutting saints good
Cutting demons good
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games with cunny exhibitionists that get kidnapped and turned into sex slaves?
I am so excited to be back
for a hentai site?
bro come on
it's just inconvenient
What happened to this chad
he was the west's only hookup for translated cunny games
i love pears
Welcome back anon
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Can you remove the mosaics with BepInEx or are they hard baked?

Recommend me kino WEGS
>for a hentai site?
Yes. You think fag95 does it all for free? For them, it's business.
>mass purge
>literally never posted anything
>literally just taking up space so I can see download links
>didnt get requested to reset my pass
maybe it's because I made it within the last 6 months
Gojo san.... you play WEGs now?
Who the FUCK cares about a faggot95 account, just make a new one? You only use it to see download links, right?
It's the principle.
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witness the four cornered gachaslop being killed by Nanakek from the game Violent Heroin
I dont play past the defloration scene in NTR games
oh fr?
retard got banned and no he's back at it again
>Not playing past defloration scenes in NTR games
Same brother, and not just for NTR games. Which scenes of which games did you enjoy the most?
>deleted post
See ya
ain't no way
give me office lady ge
i have a bunch of bookmarked games there
finding all of them again by memory will be impossible
name one game besides the bob one
Which defloration scenes have black men?
eroflash club never disappoints
Pretty obvious based on the amount of (you)s the reply got. I don't mind if it gets a discussion going, but it doesn't seem to be the case.
I've never bothered to remove mosaics ever. Vaginas are ugly.
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colored imouto looks extremely cursed
I wish he'd make a longer game for once.
Too bad. You can remove them at times from some Unity games, but not all. It depends if the dev hard bakes them onto the assets or if he just uses a filter. IVAV dev got yeeted off DLsite because he refused to hard bake them. A dumb business decision but really fucking based at the same time.
Looks boring. I don't see the appeal in Inusuku's games. His best one was Sister Travel. Everything after is just mid and shallow.
Why is her hair white...Isn't it meant to be brown?
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Looks lively. I see the appeal in Inusuku's games. His best one was Sister Travel. Everything after is just actually great and deep in terms of story.
she do look better with the moles
Add a mustache or an eyepatch!
Anyone? Was it all just my imagination?
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>magical girl romances a simp who adores her

I fucking love this setup.
>Look up Sister Travel
>"sister-like" companions
>fake incest bullshit
>waste of time
I wish NTR games draws more cutesy imouto girls like this
tired of hags with exaggerated tits
Some wegs are better than jegs and vice versa is also true. But the vast majority of both eastern and western h-games, are dogshit.
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>But the vast majority of both eastern and western h-games, are dogshit.
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I can't masturbate to HeartCatch. It's a 名作.
Anyway, any games with that setup?
shitposter is back
it is strange how all loli ntr games are considered at best mediocre
Star twinkle had the most fappable cures. No precureges unfortunately.
fair point
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>my cunny instincts start beeping
>eh? is there a female child nearby?
>no, better check hgg2d
>hmmm check torrent sites
>ahh new black panda release
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Smile Precure*
Sorry, typo
Absofuckinglutely that is the case and I can prove it. Go to DLsite, game section, and sort by rating. Go to last page, it's 301. That's a lot of results. Now go to page 50. Games rated here are still below 4.5. That means that there are over 250 pages of games with a shit rating. You can do a similar experiment on faggot95, excluding JP games & VNs from the filter. 284 total results, 86 pages of abandoned games, 3 pages on hold, and 101 pages of incomplete games. 95 pages of complete wegs. Sorted by rating we go to page 45 and everything's already 3 stars or less.
Anon, it's literally the file name for the image...
What's new about it? It looks exactly the same as his previous game with those two girls. I thought it was some kind of remake.
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If you coomed so hard your stomach hurt is it safe to coom again the next day?
Asking for a friend.
i miss THP posting
You just had a muscle cramp. Take a magnesium supplement but not too much or you'll have diarrhea.
Well that make my cum go off in metal detectors?
It will literally turn your penis into a magnet.
I definitely felt a little scammed by this when it came out. It got a demo months before release that made it seem like way more of a corruption game. Game finally comes out, and it's 99% instant rape.
The story also quickly devolved into a psychotic mess without any foreshadowing. Not gonna lie, the developer kind of seemed like a schizo.
Yuck, good riddance.
is something wrong?
ugly old men > black men
stfu faggots
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high definition child
now we're playing with power
RJ for this webm
Eh? Could you elaborate? Is it just a remake or does it feature new content?
try this one
fumika's game
Any games where the girl is still cocky even if she's being hypnotized or blackmailed?
name ONE
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from what i gathered, it has voice acting now, some quality of life features and a new character.
didn't play much to see if it had new scenes as well with the two starter girls.
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Yesterdays NTRfaplog!
Broken as fuck. If you do play this only do one route at a time.
It was fun at first but the thing chasing you got more annoying than scary after the first time and it keeps happening! There aren't enough scenes either of best girl either.
>I Put a Mosaic on My Mother's Pussy ~Mother is a Debt Slave
Ended up being a VN but it wasn't too bad, the scenes are a bit too long though, I didn't finish the other route but it's about 5 scenes so maybe it gets better. I wanted mommy incest after she becomes a cock slave but that didn't happen (So far)!
Anons shitpost recommendation was shit. Please give me a refund on the time I spent getting to the latest update.
>BowserXPeach Super NTR
Started this because I just beat paper mario and I'm playing TTYD right now.
The cellphone only mode is a life saver. Trying to play mario while getting messages and fapping is harder than I thought possible.
Kidnapping route is garbage except the footjob scene. The naive Peach route is hot and ntrkino. It's too bad some of the scenes need touching up.
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It's mild humorous that out of all the resident schizos in the various generals on /vg/, the hentai game schizo is one of the least disruptive ones. Guy is mildly annoying at best while the Fire Emblem schizo will just routinely dump dozens of gore images.
Dunno but its a good idea, i'll hang onto it for mine thanks anon
Porn games are just that good. He probably played a few so he still respects the thread to some extent.
Is it at least FE-themed?
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kino for this feel?
So it is a remake and he's double dipping? Holy fuck... I had no respect for him already and now it's in the negatives if that's possible.
am i suppose to laugh now?
She was late because she was getting NTR'd
no she wasn't
yes actually, he makes schizoid collages featuring fire emblem characters with scat and gore, and also futas for some reason. it's really quite a sight and he does it in literally every fire emblem thread on /v/ and also sometimes on /feg/.
yes she was
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I need it.
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>the hentai game schizo is one of the least disruptive ones
He used to be worse but he's actually scared of the mods now.
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So july is here, what games is there to look forward to?
WHO is this
None, as always
RJs for this?
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invest in robotge
ge where a girl cucks the guy just to hurt him
there are none, well actually, theres the one where youre playing the girl and fuck your dad despite your brother being into you, but FeMC NTR isnt real NTR
nigger, you haven't been to /gig/ /tesg/ /xivg/ /drg/ /ddlc/ durimg prime cuckposting hours
Nope, white that is regaining color till it becomes blonde.
i have been in /raid/
July is a backlog month.
I'm going to need an RJ.
I like getting cucked out of proper NTR.
Loli NTRges don't exist.
what is THP
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>backlog month.
It's been this way since what May? There's no games...this what being a sonyfag feels like?
an exception to the rule
RJ212823 I think, its in the bin
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There is one.
It's a backlog year! I just want a big title to shitpost about but there's nothing worth it!
be the change you want to see
I also just downloaded THP since I never completed the true ending
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I played it years ago but don't remember any NTR
Invest in Rioge
> the future of hentai games
>big title
it was meant to be D&B but that game is forever delayed till next year.
You will still play it just to hear the voice acting.
I'm buying headphones right now!
I mean, neither would one consider all these "busty nextdoor milf is abused by her husband so I give her a good dicking" vns, its just not written as NTR
Technically Kozue NTRs her mother, as his father will eventually prefer fucking her over his own wife.
who is the most vile poster in hgg2d
Reverse NTR is kinda weird and makes me think of Prickett.
main game fucking when
>she is older in that
shame, but i can deal with it
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>There's no games
There is, if you knew japanese.
Mtool knows Japanese.
I played everything and there is no gaems now!
What are you guys getting?
no one likes to study a dead language. For me? it has to be English
I even got Genki 1 and 2, im never gonna make it
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>wasting your time
Did you play the new Tsukinomizu game
You english faggots can't even decide how to pronounce tomato
youre posting on a taiwanese crocheting board talking about how learning a language with around 120 million speakers a waste of time
>kagura version
Wasn't his last game dropped last year?
English won
Naedoko? Yes.
yeah we're waiting for kagura to translate it
There is a scene in the gallery with kozue, her mom and some dudes.
I'm betting they give the flatties huge boobs.
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Recommend me kino games y'all
let's not be cynical
I was looking on the bright side.
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flattie future is the bright side
this general is pretty chill especially compared to gacha generals you fucking tourist
oppai loli is more powerful
you can't stop them
its just 3 people talking to each other
Are there other NTR games besides TechnoBrakes where the heroine drinks NTR mans cum without knowing? Bonus if she sucks dick without knowing too
Excellent choice!
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i never really liked loli games
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Based milf enjoyer.
yeah it's funny that he realized it would cost too much money to buy passes to evade in his third-world country while getting ass-raped by mods over and over.
but how can anyone suck dick without knowing??
You would know, fag
hell nah
>My mom found out about my mom x son incest folder

It's over...
what about papa
So did you fuck her?
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seanigger hours
who hurt you
Anon is his own papa via time travel, he just doesn't know it yet.
Loli TL soon
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kill all pedophiles ITT
>Bonus if she sucks dick without knowing too
PLEASE elaborate
how come theres no game about that
>Bonus if she sucks dick without knowing too
this is a good plot for loliges
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I'm back!
With headphones!
Kuu blob save us.
Is this game anywhere near done yet?
versus blob save us
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Any h-games like Zelda?
you see, the easy option would be hypnosis, but that is boring
the other option would be the classic "try to guess what im putting in your mouth" game
or it could be done as "this is a medical procedure"
I knew this would be the answer but I'll keep asking anyway.
He must be making a killing off of patreon.
he really is turning into a weg dev
>takes months for a crumb of updates
>redoes the entire thing because "its better like that"
>removes netorare entirely and only focuses on the netorase despite all the work being already done and no one asking for that
eeh?! Did you not have any headphones before today?
For what purpose? Isn't that only good for listening to music?
>removes netorare entirely
what the actual frick. WHY
I guess it kind of makes sense.
Netorase eventually turning into NTR is kind of hot. *inb4 you must increase your subscription for NTR*
I had some a while back but they fell apart.
I was playing a bunch of hgames yesterday and I'm staying in a hotel for work so I had to keep the sound at the bare minimum and even then I felt like the other people in the hotel could hear it.
I still fapped for hours tho.
I dont know this is my first time trying a wireless headset.
I do enjoy my DT 770 Pro for the epic soundtrack in Black Souls, good headphones/earphones is a must to experience H-games properly. Let's not even mention the ASMRs
It looks like it can also be wired with usb-c
It's russian hours
you would know russnoid
Who signs up to a site like that with a real email? Everybody, now that they forced it, but before that there were probably tons of people using throwaway mail options
it will never turn into netorare
pretty sure all the netorare were gonna get in the game is the sidestory of the other two adventurers
I'm Canadian saar
If you experience too much lag through the bluetooth, check if it has at least 2.4 GHz wireless bandwidth and use that. Otherwise you should be able to plug it in directly I think as a last resort. But 2.4 should be fine, that's practically wired speed.
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it's a literal remake, no new scenes
>I felt like the other people in the hotel could hear it.
They'll just think it's a prostitute and that you have weird taste in music.
Is there anything else like the imperial gatekeeper?
Unfortunately they didnt come fully charged so I'm going to have to wait a few to test them out.
She was screaming in Japanese. It was super lewd too. Some of it was straight gibberish and pig noises.
did anon drop it in the thread somewhere or do i have to do the thing
>no new scenes
but it has a new character? so at least there is that
it doesnt, not yet anyways. She's post-launch content or DLC
I prefer not understanding anything because I can come up with a better narrative that way
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the fuck?
i thought this unlocks when you beat the normal game once or something
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any games you liked in the steam sale?
use mtool to view it
No, it says append
NTR games where you spy on your wife cheating on you?
I need all the RJ's please.
Keep up the good fight. Don't let nippon chads bully you.
mothafucking HPMF KINO
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Nice work! Link?
I want this too.
god dammit
so it's not worth it yet
Wish there was a japanese game like succum brewery.
dont think it'd be worth it even with the new girl
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Fumika could literally oneshot anything in gantz
The main character and his girlfriend, Arisa, have just started dating.
Today was supposed to be a fun day as it was their first date,
However, someone suddenly kidnapped him and he found himself in a strange room.

If you can't escape, you will have to live in that room for the rest of your life.

How is this NTR if they haven't even finished the first date?
I fucking hate these fucks!
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for real?
I'm going to have to give it a shot because of silhouette scenes but it's going to be an angry fap.
is thp in the bun uncensored?
Just a warning: that 4.16 rating is that low for a reason. The dev reused scenes in all of the routes. You don't really get a whole lot of new content by choosing to go with another NTR guy's route. Lazy cashgrab.
Finally an anon with some good taste.
RJ136304 (MC from the last game is a guest NPC in this sequel (The old heroine is now his fiance). But if you played the previous game then it should count)
RJ333014 (Technically this only happens at the very end of the NTR route, since the rest of the time you as the player has a bird's eye view of the map and can see it)
RJ146643 (Happens only at the very end when you buy her DVDs or they get sent to you, can't remember)
RJ181456 (Doesn't technically happen until the very end, and you play as the husband's brother, but he also in love with her, so maybe it counts)
RJ01102514 (Not 100% sure about this one but the preview thumbnails look promising)

There's several more if you want to include girlfriends, and not just wives/married women.
The ntrgod does exist!
You are a true hero.
>There's several more if you want to include girlfriends, and not just wives/married women.
Anything with virgins that get their cherries popped by the bull?
>There's several more
can I have these too? I'm about to have a two week vacation and need to prepare for it
>download wolfrpg game
>doesnt work
ah guess it's the same procedure as with rpgmaker games?
Damn. The island survivor game and spy mission were good. What happened?
use mtool, it will run all wolf games and install what you need if you dont have it already
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kino for this feel?
Wireless isn't good for anything other than portability
>church of NTR
what are the other religions?
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How did RaiOhGar become Solgante?
How is the gura version?
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I summon satania fag and games with hers?
there are no itoddler hgames, get btfo
upload RJ01213668 onegai
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Despite the low sales I enjoyed this one. The cuck sense going crazy while you were out there risking your life mowing down zombies for supplies was hot and there was a "fuck you, whore" ending.
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where there is edge i am there
where there is no edge i add some more edge
Fuck off /vn/plebs.
I'm calling the ojisan to mind break you.
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you can't defeat me
>"If you don't let me smash I'll have to go outside and rape women"
>"I guess it can't be helped just use a condom okay?

Cringe af instant uninstaller
having trouble with finding this one
AS nyaa and adspam sites are failing me
where there are fake rabbis, I have sex with them
>if you dont let me fuck your wife you cant come into the camp
the art and scenes werent even good enough to warrant the grind
Name one ntr/corruption japanese 2d hentai game with good writting.
THP unironically
Forgot some earlier but here:
RJ323674 (You do all the setup yourself)

Can't remember if this had spying or if it was reports from the wife:
Recommend me games with big black chocos NTRing white cucks. Kino for this feel?
i am downloading it all!
NTRbody ge that aren't NTR?
Been a while so can't remember exactly, but one of the endings the wife leaves him to become a pornstar. But the husband either tracked her down and started watching her AVs, or he was led to find her. If the DVDs were delivered, then it doesn't count. If he tracked her down himself then it probably counts as spying if we stretch it.
Is THP good for you?
Taimanin Yukikaze
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Don't @ me you fucking cuck
speak english
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Someone report this to h-game devs now!
Hero Party Must Fall
total wegger death
mic drop holy fucking KINO
we all share the same hentai games
The NTR surprisingly makes sense for the situation it's presented in, and the world it's from. In fact, it probably makes sense for most ntr stories where the wife previously had a lot of experience or was a whore in the past. Games that start out with pure vanilla girls tend to have head-scratching reasons for cheating so it's not as convincing.
>having sex makes you happier
nobody tell this nigga there's a similar study about the lack of human touch affecting our brains permanently
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Futa games soon.
Less low-effort meme-speak/buzzword spam, more high quality eroge recommendations.
thank you
>triggering the wegtard to spam his unfinished vn
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Nitrolith's game
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I really like her modernized art style. Still got traces of the original design but also looks modern enough
once male sperm dies everything that it was once made up of dies along with it. there is no absorption, anything that enters a woman's vagina leaves it not long after with her period. it literally tears the inner lining of her womb and drags along with it any excess that's left behind and that includes the microscopic decaying residue of sperm
wegs for this feel?
>high quality eroge
that's a tall order
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I only play h games in Japanese.
Too bad no NTR game is ever gonna come close to starless' abortion-via-horse
Hitler lost btw.
Please don't include racism in hges
to be fair condom sex isn't real sex
scientifically accurate H-games when?
In Mad Island, can I romance the female protagonist as male protagonist? Can't feel the rape without NTR.
total wegger death
no, best you can do is romance the friend iirc
kinda sucks you cant just immediately rape the mc baka
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Now we're talking
Brown loli sexo
It was actually alright but I had to drop it since there wasn't anything of the best girl at the time.
I won't look at his game until it's finished now.
all these NTR games yet we still dont have a game where lesbians get NTR'ed
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actually i know some
ge where a lesbian gets NTRd but ends up losing to the cock together with her crush?
ge where a gayman gets NTRd but ends up losing to the vagina together with his crush?
there are actually quite a few
>Why are you booing me, I'm right
How isn't RJ01217253 NTR?
What's the matter fuckwit?
Afraid of posting in /vn/?
It isn't NTR if she doesn't like you bro
ge where a whiteman gets NTRd but ends up losing to the bussy together with his crush?
well are they translated? thought so
is RJ269035 good?
RJ01218753 is NTR
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Why do you want me to leave
>filtered posts keep showing up
>he filters post because of cocks showing in games
many such cases
Pregnancy games either take 9 real life months for pay off or make a impregnation into immediate birth, no inbetween
ask /vn/
RJ sauce?
she dies
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I liked it, femc design is cute and gameplay was decent. Battlefucks are pretty decent and there's preg content but i might be wrong, been awhile since i finished it.
any info about the game?
did you just spoil a 16 year old book for me
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Fuck you samefag!
RJ? Must be kino
i find it funny how Fumika still appears constantly in this thread despite it being a minor game all things considered
Wait, is this a new fumi?
snape kills dumbledore
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she is my angel

Do you have a checklist of all the h games you've played?
still none mentioned
>posting /vn/ spoilers here
peak evil
I braindump them after I coom and accidently replay them a week later thinking they are new so I never run out of games.
>No direct download link
Why are you so bad at your job?
I saw that one already but it was two catgirls. Now I know the culprit.
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>bad ending spoilers
Humans are Forerunners
nitro+ is dead
Games where I end up in a tribal village full of virgin women?
New NTRge:
I know games where you end up in a tribal village full of used up hags
what's making karryndev seethe again?
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jesus christ of all the companies to be bought by
And my complimentary rimjob?
I'm not paying you extra hours btw.
do you job slave
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But that's the good ending she survives, because robot spiders don't die by getting stabbed
people probably dont even remember why JAST are faggots
post them. I love the setting of a "Civilized" man ending up in a unknown tribal culture climbing the hierarchy until becoming the tribal leader
Unless you are a loli, I am not giving you a rimjob, freak.
but shes a cute girl?
robot spiders
really, again? they already used that gimmick once
magic magnetic field manipulation to turn herself into a hot brown elf with a vagina so she can get wrestled down by her brown elf tomboy mother.
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Recommend me shotages
Good morning bros
What are some good kinoge?
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Thug Hunter Party (NTR)
I mean, she's a robot spider from the start until like 70% through the game. It's not exactly a reveal, the reveal* is that she can turn into her old body.
*more of a random extra feature then a reveal
I mean straight shotage /ss/
bottom right looks like from the doujin where he gets fucked by his futamom
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800 dollars for a donut
this has to be ntr
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Y'all! recommed me some fly western erotic games
hell nah my girl fumi be saying this thang?
>bitch doesn't know about microchimerism
Would make a good NTR game to be honest.
>mom becomes futa
>impregnates son
would be pretty funny to read
mpreg is a thing
>Genuinely enjoy game
>Feel awful I prated it
It's been a while, but you shall get my money, dev.
microchimerism only exists with cells that aren't built to die, sperm expends all its energy trying to swim and fertilize an egg. once that's done or it fails it dies and its dna begins to erode into nothing until it's flushed out into the toilet in a pulpy, bloody red mess

go back to school
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>the game actually records your good deeds and bad deeds
guess I shouldn't go around picking up items found inside houses
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>he lacks the information
>doesn't share what ge
Evil blob
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Need help finding RJ236374
ryuugames have it
I saw it there but I can't click their links without disabling adblock.
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use noscript
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English(fan translation?) xd
https://pixeldrain com/u/euchCbyz
bro, it's up on Fag95. Just get it there
Thank you xd
aight thanks homie. preciate it. F95 rocks
I want straight shotages omg guysssss
how do you remember all of these?
and my rimjob?
it was posted last thread
Use jdownloader2 and do a deep analysis of the links.
i have to search between 750+ posts?
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your shota game saar
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yeah, I'm going to the /h/ thread instead
no wegger spam there
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death to furshit
is ths NTR or NTS?
>no new thread
>no sauce
>no rimjob
it's over
Now when the fuck is it âge's turn?
has age even released anything meaningful? they rode the revival hype with Schwarzesmarken but that's been about it, now theyre just launching kikestarters to localise the rest of the franchise
the muv luv anime was an abomination from what i heard
I seriously can't find it, i read through the last thread, please
>has age even released anything meaningful?
Nope. Supposedly Integrate is already completely written but the parent company doesn't want to work on it and would rather burn money on the dying gacha instead.
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new bread OP RJ01221126 or RJ01221235
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>I was afraid that I had tanked interest by doing so poorly last time, so seeing lots of people still turn up for our games made me really happy.
Some eternal jobber teams still have great interest so you shouldn't worry about it too much. You're doing good.
Use azure instead
she doesn't even have a game
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>File format : HTML + (Image)
this is a CG set, not a game
Make a new thread
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Fucking secondary!
Everything has its time, /hgg2d/ is no different.
I liked her a lot, shame her game was a linear disapointment
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