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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Pet the mole edition
>Run Energy Changes

>Colosseum NPC Clickboxes & More

>New Slayer Boss - The Araxyte

>I'm new, what should I do?

>Communication & Info
Website: https://osrs.game/
Wiki: https://osrs.wiki/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OldSchoolRS
Chat channel: fart cc

>/osg/ 2024 Skilling Competition

previous: >>484044672
get your hands off of that mole white woman
shes could be the mole
im a f2p uim
can you please not using triggering words like TRIGGER WARNING rape /TRIGGER WARNING please, thank you
final hunllef fight for today will i get anything good
okay sorry i wont say BRIGHTER RAPES OSRS til next thread.
top kek
go back. the thread trannies on /osg/ told me i can't use the word "kek", so a tourist chud like you can't either.
good morning d333cay how is ur throat
theyre making fun of you retard
its not sore anymore thanks 4 checking i cant wait to play tempered ross today
my wife has logged in
2 tanzoo and virtoso videos in 2 days its like runey christmas
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very average. might do another session tonight, would be cool to get 50 kc in a day
my guambank has logged in
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dont really bother with maoster clues
You need to be making more money. Consider reaching out to Jon. He is a good man.
i like bothering with master clues i want the dog with a hat
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*dave grohl voice* there goes my heron
>theyre making fun of you retard

you're mom's a retard top kek
this webm has the makings of a rsmv
oh i liked the name coast malone but i forgot to reply anyways thats my vote
you can't seriously be calling people trannies because they said kek, right?
gm(n) osg i think i will order brisket maybe
>>484168450 thak you and >>484168558 thank you i agree we love our coastie
Wow T A S T Y
do you guys pronounce it karam-ha or karam-ja
karamja with a j
who are you replying to?
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i want to kms
K e K
whys your game look like fortnite
fortnite doesnt look like that are u dumb
no one is calling anyone a tranny for using the word "kek" though? i'm telling you to go back cause "kek" is a wow word and isn't used in runescape
bro said its a wow word lol
kek has been used outside of a wow context for one billion years its just cringe thats all there is to it babe
Kek literally translates to lol on World of Warcraft. When someone from the Horde side types lol in /say, members of the alliance side see kek instead. Not specific to Orcs.
Human Paladin: Dude, that Orc totally just pwned you.
Orc: Kek.
Human: Dude, now he's laughing at you. Kick his ass.
by evapor8ed March 22, 2006

go back if you want to use "kek"
i know thats what its from retard every word has an origin
for me it's lulz is a corruption of lol
go back. this is an old school runescape general, don't use terminology from other games and stay on topic and talk about runescape
how much autism do you have exactly
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kinda want to get a month sub for the first time in years but idk what i'd want to focus on
i think you're autistic and just missing social cues kek is outdated terminology it's like saying epic or trolling unironically you just look like a 36 year old boomer stuck in 2011
lingo change all the time there's nothing wrong with saying what you want
stop talking about your personal mental disorder

this is /osg/ and not /wowg/
okay thats enough shut up now
both of you shut up you're ruining the vibe
im playing world of warcraft right now while i fish monkfish in osrs im about to go do the t11 raids in a 10man luckily monkfish are afk and i dont lose out on many ticks and then ill have alot of food to cook
are there any bosses i could kill other than scurrius (who seems pointless since his rewards are only useful for killing scurrius)
Running up the bags
scurrius gives good melee xp you should be killing it at your levels
jad, calvarion, mop, archelogists, rex
i'd get your combats to mid 80s before you start pvm though
rsn: ece emery
does anyone want to talk about the game with me
ill talk about the game with you what do you want to talk about
um im not sure what i want to talk about so can we talk about what you want to talk about
can we talk about calquats
i think they should add more uses for the calquat fruit what do you think
calquat could easily be hollowed out and dried and used for 5 dose potions i think
why is rsn chuddies like this
a five dose potion would break pvm lol think about how easy inferno would be
they're adding an infinite prayer potion

9 9 S L A Y E R

so make some arbitrary rule like how you cant eat purple sweets in inferno
The prayer regeneration potion is a proposed potion that would be created from a ranarr potion (unf) and a new secondary ingredient dropped by the upcoming Hueycoatl boss. Making it would require 58 Herblore and give 132 Herblore experience. When consumed, the potion would provide a prayer point regeneration effect over time, which would regenerate 1 Prayer point every 12 ticks for 8 minutes, for a total of 66 points overall.
that won't pass the polls
this is rsn Shortys btw
>im playing world of warcraft right now

proof? if you do you can use the word "kek"
uh can you back that up? in my head shortys is a cute amethyst mining twink
it already passed the poll
>this is rsn Shortys btw
idk who that is.is that juiceb0x alt?
i hate that bitch after what he did to my fp
im playing persona 3 not worlo
shortys is midzy anti and midzy anti is shortys
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bro really thought something that isnt a pvp change would fail a poll
>Not specific to Orcs.
But it is specific to Orcish, which is the Horde equivalent of Common.
Also it's likely a reference to the Korean "kekeke."
chud god.. i kneel...
me personally i always thought it was lol fat fingered to lel fat fingered to kek
you should go argue with this evapor8ed guy .
i miss johnhinkley..
why does everything pass now? this wasn't the case 3 years ago
is this new chud the same guy that designed that ugly ass lil anime outfit? fascinating things going on in bros head
that outfit was some shit rsn wee would have a girl wear
they lowered the threshold and covid and mobile brought in normies who vote yes to everything
based chud god

cause everyone 3 years ago has done everything
just entered my bank pin into a pool of water
i miss shankyism
just entered my dick inside d3cay
stop d333cay is a femcel
shenkansen will be back hes like a cockroach he wont die flip a coin to see what personality he brings back from his camping trip though
can you imagine shanky and d333cay having a baby? lmao it would be fucked up in the head.
i think he killed himself for real this time
i wonder what shenny is like irl i wonder if we'd get along drinking
god i hope he did
I finally got banned on my main which I have been botting on aggressively for the past few months. I got too cocky and starting botting on hours that I would obviously be asleep for. I received a 2 day ban with no reduction in stats. I will get to keep all the progress that I illegitimately gained from botting, most notably being 99 agility
bro is not killing himself he posted a whole suicidal ramble type video in december and then came back
get raped bitch. jagex owns you
once you bot you can't go back, might as well rwt your bank at this point
they should publicly mark your account for bans like a vac ban on steam
he tried working out but it didnt work out for him whatever that means
redditors are thin skinned. jagex would never
Aww my sweet summer child jagex just raped your rng
instead of old reintroducing death mechanics jagex should add areas/bosses that delete your entire inventory if you die to them
they should make it like let it die where if you die to a powerful enemy your corpse becomes a hater and starts walking around with your items you have to defeat yourself to get your body back
omg like at the end of tyyd chapter 4
they dont though. if they did they would have perm-banned me. they are so desperate for my money that they only gave me a 2 day ban. I have them on a collar

Thats a scary thought, that previously banned accounts could get lower rng
juiceb0x here

hows everyone.
i was doing good until you showed up
Luck is a skill and you can train it.
i dont believe it. the real juiceb0x would have showed us a photo of one of his many body parts
i play ironman mode because we are living in a material world and i am a material girl
im mining amethyst
just came back from long break are herb runs still good profit?
no nobody uses potions we all use butterflies now
we have to go back
you anon why do I have the ba team interface at the ge
not sure
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35b btw
d333cay total number of times fallen over at tempoeross because she wasnt paying attention: 10000
leave her alone her programs are very distracting and by programs i mean bbcforsizequeens.com
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>wommy is upside down when open
>cosmic rune is upside down relative to wommy
>law rune is upside down relative to cosmic rune
>earth rune is askew
holy smokes
you know if you want to comment on a reddit post there is actually a comment feature on reddit itself
reddit chads make ya seethe. poor little 4chan boy.
you could get 1k osgs and not one of them could hold a candle to the chad noobletsquid
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omg that labtop cover is painful why did they do that ewwww
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>reddit chads
17 redditors 0 hairlines
osg jelly they dont have this
i am standing at the ge in my prettiest dress
actually meriipu said she is organising an osg meetup soon
still more normal than the troon sissies on /osg/
wtf my franfrog is too thick to organize anything
well they said theyd previously organised one for lolg so i assumed it was her but idk for sure
why are so many of them wearing joggers or sweatpants did they only just get out of bed
im the bronnie james of /osg/
more like the rick james of osg
is she cute?
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this is your average osg meetup
you dont know who dennis rodman is well maybe you should watch more basketball wait a second this is not about sports quick fact you cant get girls when wearing those shorts
dear god i hope so
let me guess, they're all men....
if i was drunk enough i’d consider 4/6 them
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>tfw members expired before i used these
all of them are wearing black except one she must be the leader
she cant be the leader shes one of the two ugly ones
for me it's 4
back right looks like a server i used to sleep with my hips are moving on their own
back left could get it namsayin
two of them look like spook dog lol.
the security camera is freaking me out
its ai powered and surveils for hidden erections
that only makes it harder to stay soft fr talk about a rock and a hard place
*pets cuthbert*
i mog everyone in this photo
i mog everyone in this thread
im fishing
shenny would fit right in with this group. i can picture him there
ur not mogging anyone lil bro
im mining
no one wants your hog mate
im stroking
im still wiating on proof that shortys is >>484186963
id imagine a good chunk of osg mogs everyone in that photo
low bar innit
true, all it takes is to not be fat or have a receding hairline
based on what i've read in this general i'd have thought the average gamer is underweight but after seeing that picture im not too sure
personally i do a bit of noshing yesterday i had 7 taquitos
i think I have hot girl ibs
are you saying you pee a lot
might watch dragonball and be prepare for sparking zero.
snap its neck
would rather have xenoverse 3 my saiyan oc wife needs a revival im fishing amethyst in run escape
im fletching harpoonfish
there is cake in the gauntlet i wonder if it's someone's birthday
how long does it take to do 600 beginners
wtf is this shit
not that long its just tedious and boring with the charlie steps
teh cake is a lie xdddd
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what if volvo and epic GABEN bought jagex omg
i still think it would be worth the investment to bank a lot of charlie items in bulk theres only 8 things he can ask for and then that step will be as simple as running to varrock west bank and back
i prefer bbws for my cars
Where were you in summer 2007
got a cheese whip to match my cheese cape (and my cheese dick, i don’t wash it)
what is this a police interrogation how should i know
i was probably at my house watching the simpsons
i was also watching the simpsons if it was during dinner time
just logged in
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how do monsters drop noted supplies? do they have bank accounts too? if they have bank accounts does that mean they have a home and a family? am i the true monster?
i am halfway to my spirit flake goal
i got a heron recently too but idk if i want to make it blue i still dont have a tome of water so mayhaps i will do some ross
yes come ross with me bestie
should i buy 5 infernal capes so it doesn't look like i bought my cape
i only paid for the one cape but i play with public off and i dont have a clan so i can never see people making fun of me
are you guys joking
are the guys in the thread with us now?
i took dynamic duo and got the worst fucking spawn i have ever fucking seen like 3 guys raping me at the start
yeah im here what's up
why would anyone have more than 1 inferno clear other than pet, ca's, or slayer xp
uhhhh pics? video? i ened to see that please please pleaase
ew i saw the eye patch dudes dick in hotd
im fasting for a week
fat bitch
im not fat i have lymes disease and fasting is the only way to make me feel somewhat normal
venator ring +2
ultor ring +12

dianzas quiver +4
infernal cape +8

pegasians +0
prims +5

ferocious gloves +14
z vambs +2

why does jagex hate ranged
that sounds scary i remember seeing this schizo lyme disease woman om reddit comments a few years ago
thats an odd thing to remember
her comments were absolutely deranged it was very memorable
that might be me soon i've been losing my ability to speak and comprehend i can hardly form thoughts anymore it truly is hell there's not a day i think back to when i had a functioning brain
is that link safe to click
it really isn't
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Should I make an ironman or should I look for someone(s) to group iron with
well now i want to click it
gims only work if you've played an iron before
ill play gim with you but you have to bond my account and im only going to gather resources like a skiller housewife
i played a gim for 4 months until i de-ironed it because my partner quit after only a month like a jabroni
I did miss having natural goals instead of farming gp after though
lumbridge cook gave me some bear feet
*bites lower lip* unf...
i was watching fauxs farmer ironman group series and the only thing the biofem did for a month was fish and cook
found this cool cape in some boxes too
never play gim unless you're close to them irl
online niggas be straight running your shit no cap
why is that cape almost 2m
as for me personally i dont think that cape is very cool
yall are just schizos its so easy to build trust even in a random gim
dont listen to her eala your cape is cool and you are cool
um i didnt insult her so dont put that on me i just think i could name 5 capes cooler than that one at least
ok name them
i asked a tgirl out and she ghosted me and i asked her again and she said she wasn't interested how do i recover im in really low spirits
max cape
ardougne max cape
team-8 cape
jester cape
rainbow cape
is this about autumneev
my collection log says i have a jester cape but its not in my poh or bank so i think its lying and cape x is cool but a cape of skulls would be cooler
no it's about eala
eala is taken obviously i think shes edating someone from across the ocean even though she cheated on them with d333cay at the tob bank
does anyone wanna join a hc f2p gim
no that sounds awful
she didn't tell me she was taken :\
why we could do quadrolo obor it sounds like fun
obor is instanced though
thats why its called quadrolo it stands for quad solos
does obor respawn or do you need a key for every kill
What are you impying?
the seas are safe thanks to me btw
ty for your service ily
what the flip does that mean im anxious now thanks
youre welcome maybe we could share a sandwich on the shore to celebrate. maybe go for a dip in the calm ocean. lmk
means she's a houthi keeping the red sea safe from israeli ships
>pride month over
Hopefully they remove the event this wednesday so I can sub and play again
the event is actually staying permanently in the flower field south of varrock
im setting up a botfarm that follows you around wearing pride capes
im gay and i play osrs
it would be funny to make gangstalking bots
im girlplaying osrs
bed time gn osg i love you
Im just a girl~
that you will never be
she can be a girl if she wants to don't be rude
of course shes a girl why would there be guys in the girl thread
as a chud since tranny month is over i won't be posting til next june.
im an honorary girlie
do you even play the game lol
d343cay post your soles
yeah while i play with your mommas pussy
no im still weirded out by that guy from earli ow my buckets
lol bitch eat that wave
that creepy guy is gone
why are you so immature
whats immature about having sex with your mom?
are you the guy that makes half a dozen mom jokes a thread
stop being transphobic we are all sisters here.
A real b appreciates Jon's offer.
He does a lot for the community.
OSRS GENERAL FlLTER LlST: https://pastebin.com/JELkxvc9

If this post is annoying please add this to your filter: /osrs general filter list/i;boards:vg;op:no
when do you girlies think the new filter update is coming out
shut up troon sissy
>troons dilating rn
You love to see it
you love to watch trans women stretch their holes?
what did she mean by this
chuds be parroting words they don't know the definition of and saying some zesty shit
uh oh the looneytroons are lashing oyt, dilate status?
i hope troons aren't doing that right now cause that would smell extremely bad...
I drop rope around everyone wearing the flag
I play both games, taking a break from time to time to switch from one to the other.
You know I thought you guys were bad on this osrs general, but having just read the rsg general and I have concluded you are not so bad after all. If you go to /rsg/ there are post after post about assfucking, jmods having anal sex, gay sex stories, and someone they call big daddy jagex. It makes you lot look respectable by comparison. So I think I will just stick to osrs for now
i just want to clarify whether he was calling filter anon a dilating troon because thats pretty funny if so
Atleast you're right, it's a hole. Not a vaginz, it's a wound, that the body desperately tries to close. It's so "natural" that you have to stop the body FOREVER in closing it up. It's just a flesh wound.
i asked.
just beat elvarg and told some tranny wearing his cape to off himself, this game can't get any better
based dragon slayer. trannoid got owned lol
The government should monitor this thread and pick out fags like this. "Men" with this thought are a danger to society
d333cay and i(her secret bf) are playing chained together together
i thought that guy was kidding wtf is up in /rsg/ they're all talking about anal sex
the fbi is monitoring /pol/ and /r9k/ why would they monitor a butch of rune chuds and rune troon sissies?
it is up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4VDgBMropg
already watched it boring video tldw you could lure people with poison and venom damage from the clan pvp ring saved you 12 minutes
Yo whats that troon streamer that has a male voice but goes by she/,her, always cracks me up to see that pathetic vermin trying to act normal and the few redditors defending him
This general is objectively worse you retarded fag. The amount of offtopic and troon rp trumps 99% of other generals
this guy sounds badass. he's like the woox of bug exploitation, like a modern day guy who used to exploit runescape bugs and stole the rotten potato from a jmod.
None of what you said is remotely true.
This, this is by far the worst general on this board lmao. Its full with autistic trannies farming attention
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will i ever get full guthans or dharoks?
no :3c
no??? well i still fucked your mom
the transformers that post here don't even play the game they just think this is their lgtv+2 safe space its disgusting
im bi so i don't mind the tranny rping i do wish this general talked about the game though i've seen dozens of legitimate quesitons asked over the past week and 99% of them were ignored or had a snarky or obvious remark
im not even sure how many people here play the game
I have 2 dads. That makes you gay :3c
ill talk about the game with you what do you want to talk about
at least it's not as bad as the trannoid that made a bot that talked to itself on the guild wars 2 general like a few years back or something lol
<>< lvl?
They did they here too except it was some schizo who made it so the bot would take posts from the previous thread and repost them randomly in the most recent thread
Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm a straight white male. Maybe the next guy will be a troon sissy and maybe she will be willing to date you? :3c
i'm sure you are troon sissy, but i still fucked your mom though :L
nice im 95
i step away for half an hour to brew coffee and run duolingo and this place goes haywire
Post ur gw2 toon anon
the chuddies are out to play they are taking their anger out on us cause theyre getting frustrated at barrows (end game pvm)
im pretty sure like 60% of posts are from one schizo i remember there a ban last month and like half a thread was deleted
all me

i don't play that trash game, nor do i post there,i just heard it from anon talking about it once years back.
why do you space your posts like that
he thinks this is r*ddit
no i actually enjoy barrows, but shitposting about trannoids on /osg/ is fun when doing afkable stuff
Who are you're top 3 osg toons?
because why not?

you seem like an expert maybe you are from there?
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midzy is ramping uwu ~
hide chud threads ignore chud posts do not reply to chud posters
these are d333cays cc constituents btw they are not sending their best
*hides /osg/*
sigh.. i can't post in here anymore.........................................
Here they don't even use a bot to do that, they will just write out every single thought and post it, it's their only way to socialise.
she quit the chud cc shes reformed
Bear slippers are comfy
actually i dont post every single thought or id get pkd by a janny i talk about the game
>hide ch-ACK
please be patient i have autism
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who is midzy and why do we care about him
is he one of us?
honestly the jannies on /vg/ are pretty chill, i've said the same shit on other boards and got a warning or banned, but almost never on /vg/
midzy owns this thread :)
>some troon owns this thread
uh okay
>you seem like an expert maybe you are from there?
no sorry im not tr*ns
almost like this is a containment board or something
how does the skilling competition work does everyone train the same skill or like what can someone give me a swu?
im trans and i play osrs and we exist in the lore and we are supported by the company that develops the game =)
no it is based on efficient hours played
is cg the best ironman money maker if you don't have 95 slayer
it's most likely because the jannies on /vg/ don't actually play osrs so they can't be bothered to ban someone in this general unless multiple people report a post.
whats a tr ns?
not for long since you freaks keep killing yourselves lol
>whats a tr ns?
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is this true? is this why you fags keep talking to yourselves on here?
who are you talking to use the reply function
a trannoid??????????????????????????
a what
im never going to see d333cays soles with all these chuds weirdos here
yeah this is all really on topic cheers lads
She is obviously with Jon
You are being played
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my wife
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how is your runey day bestie as for me i only have 633 flakes left until i can blue my heron so im taking a short break from tempeross to make a hot blackcurrant drink for my health
are you cooking or fishing only
why cook
i love those drinks i wish i was sick so i could have one we call them lemsips here and theres blackcurrant flavours too
she's rather unattractive
im cooking and fishing becaus i think that gets more points but im not sure i havent looked into changing my strategy since i maxed cooking im resistant to change
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actually when the chuds are around decay gets even more desperate for attention.
i dont think thats true if that was the case shed post lewds when theyre around
no she doesn't she only posts lewds for me personally when the chuds are gone
my drink that i make is riga black balsam and ribena and honey and orange juice its healing properties are far greater than the inferior lemsip. old school runescape fishing 40k per hour at tempoross
girls don't just post lewds out of nowhere
sis is NOT getting ehp at tempoross thats for sure
i've noticed that too she's way more active in the thread when someone's chudposting
well yours doesnt have paracetamol in it im mining in old school runescape 60k per hour
Sounds like you got your ass fucked once too many times by big daddy jagex hehe
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i kind of feel bad
im not a bondie so its impossible for me to get lured
christ sorry ill let you get back to your offtopic transphobic spamming shall i
what are you doing in osrs right now
you can't fool me chud
if you post something provocative youre simps will drown out the chuds
try to keep up with the conversation babe
she just got better and you pester her for lewds in the presence of chuds have some decency
*raises hoof* ummm excuse me may i ask a question?
i love answering questions apparently that's an autistic trait
poor little aussie boy
do you guys believe in the afterlife
yes you get reincaranted at lumbridge castle courtyeard when you die
why do i appear at falador then
for me its edgeville
i woudl like to be reincaranted at edgeville but its too expensive for me rn
jarvis put on my sad indie playlist the chuds have ruined my mood and i feel like crying in runescape
there there
sis is jamming to angus and julia stone
do you think its 2011 she obviously means phoebe bridgers
oh fantastic another gay icon(straight woman)
thats not me
um the playlist is mostly faye webster and eartheater and mxmtoon and clairo and strawberry guy and men i trust in osrs runescape im making big swords
as a chud i will apologize for all the other chuds for making you( a troon sissy) cry.
as for me it is a weirdcore drums monday evening if you must know
for me its a folk punk morning
this thread belongs to the chuds now but the troons can stay because we're all united by our love of runescape
oh and laufey >>484208501
and me? it was a discover weekly night but now its a post-emo phoenix indie sunday night
Regina spektor
discover weekly stinks i dont even bother with that crap anymore
i think sewerslvt coming back has been the highlight of my year so far other than maybe fox pet
what a vile name
sewerslvt made a remix of my fav kpop group once
Where is heartist

He was so popular with all the girls~
pleas kindly link it
i am the regina george of osg
everyone i have a big announcement to make ok here goes i just got a new max hit
stop asking questions bitch no one is here
why are youre music tastes so femcelcore
Gz lil anime
as an actual chud i hope my presence makes you feel so bad that you take your own life in real life not in game
huge gz

thank you this is nice i love you and i love sewerslvt
do you read posts like that and think they are sincere in any fashion
shes esl her culture hasn't invented sarcasm yet
they all dress like children, but most of them have receding hairlines and large bellies...
post fit and hairline
that's not very nice even if you are a chud that doesn't mean you have to be rude
is trouble brewing really 150k free fletching xp/hr?
only if you duo solo it otherwise its 100k and its not fun at all
This might shock you, but about half of men start to lose their hair once they hit their late 20s

Zoomer faggot
ehehe chud fight
well i have a main i can play and i want 72 fletching for the new hunter crossbow thing i think mayhaps i will check it out tomorrow...
RS1 pking was better than 07. You could get easily into it too.
>but about half of men start to lose their hair once they hit their late 20s
sounds like bad genes
balding is a choice with modern medicine anyways anyone born after 2000 is going bald by choice practically you are the last generation that will be baldies
i think baldness is going to become fashionable once hair replacement becomes accessible enough that no one is forced to go bald
people will be shaving their heads though not letting it fall out naturally
let me just say that it isnt just a big coincidence that male celebrities known for their looks by and large arent bald or balding..you can just take finasteride or get a hair transplant
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DMM Allstars finale should have been a multi fight.
bro thinks this is a hunger games movie or something nahhh
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Is White Guthix Sleeps coming this Wednesday?
finished mining my emergency sandstone so i'll do the rest of my mining at the gem mine
he looks like a praying mantis or maybe a big ant the guy in the picture i mean is that you
omg an emergency are you ok
I am a simple lvl 3 mining amethyst
next wednesday
the emergency hasn't happened yet its incase i decide to get silly and blow glass to 99 instead of ever doing cg
why do people PK? its like their parents didnt love them
announcement i only need 110 more spirit flakes
We have opportunities available for blue heron players.
you coulda just turned youre spirit angler back into regular angl t and used those sprit flakes
regular angler is for eggless hags
no i worked hard to make sure i never had to have that ugly ass outfit even touch my bank again
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4th kc in blue gauntlet hehehehe
Gz lil anime
:) bird
why is your bird blue
Gz lil anime
you cant just ask someone why their bird is blue
gz post ass
you look like you have a lazy eye in this pic
D333cay has the attention of the betas now
Thats what she wanted
She is with Jon
It is obvious
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guy looks like a monkfish himself lmao
gz blue heron looks nice i kinda want one now
>>484213414 thank yoiu no

>>484213978 okay sorry

>>484214214 thank you perhaps youd like to join me at anglers sometime if you dont have the heron yet
Teeehee silly boys~~~
i have the heron but i already wasted all my flakes at anglers
the gem rock sound does my head in need to figure out how to remove that. gn(m) osg
No posts in 25mins is further proof this general is just two dudes talking to eachother and it's always exposed when one goes to bed.
i love my best friend Other Dude
that was eala she only posts about the game
anyway stupid its always dead at this hour because americans are sleeping and europeans are just ramping up
i think i might have saw u during a clue step, idk there was some retard with a fox pet fishing anglers, rsn?
not telling
a great stench follows me from room to room
girlstench or boystench
does it make a difference
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how do i make money
Iron or normal human being?
human being
Buy feather from shops and sell them on GE.
back in my day you had to kill chickens and sell their feathers on sals realm forum
Molossus literally means a massive cock in Finnish.
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i hope they sell
They will sell eventually. You can pick steel plates from lava maze while waiting.
hmm its bed time gn osg
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what the fuck
bro failed the try not to die challenge

why do you crop your pictures so badly?
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is this a scam? im so desperate for money
she is hiding her rsn and also being coy about the fact that she just reached 91 slayer but that wont stop me from sending her a big gz
i keep clciking on fish before clicking on bank and eating them by accident this is costing me millions
>a bond costs 13m

where did it all go so wrong?
putting a berserker necklace in d333cays butt
?? youre not shelling out for anguish?
dont want to ruin the shine
i want an rsdivorce
alright osg where do you find people wanting to do a GIM
i do and i listen though they are not mutually exclusive
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theres no fucking way
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>bank gone up 100m since I last played
i cannot tell what the fuck you are replying to
ass n titties
its mcdonalds monday
what do you even need money for lol
im a sooooo sleepy runey player x.x i yawn and i yawn and the tears flow
How do I get splashing gear with 1 defence?
you can use the f2p splashing setup on the wiki or amend it to your personal taste
its like bronze chest dhide chaps green vambs bronze hat its not hard but youll regret not training normally because youll have low hp if youre going for max pure
>would like to learn the chambers of xeric
>don't want to watch a movie length guide
it seems i'm at an impasse
this but tob
gnomonkey did a 4:1 olm guide short this is basically all you need to know https://www.youtube.com/shorts/NT4vCQa_JPU
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Bad content is bad and not playtested by the devs wow who knew? What were you expecting from a company that simps for no life streamers
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Popped a stiffy
greetings 0_o
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uim moment
Love these. Any raging content?
dino is the pokimane of osrs
just got my first hydra task, is it worth doing alchemical hydra?

i don't have a very big bank
I wish I still enjoyed Runescape, getting my first 99 felt amazing in 2009, but now it's like who gives a fuck, everyone's max level

Hydra is good money and good melee exp if you have lance.
Just don't treat it as a competition. That's what I did when came back after like 17 years.
get 200ms instead
is there a big difference? most videos im watching now are just using range gear with blowpipe

DHL is the best unless you have a tbow. Wiki is incorrect about it.
I might go for all the steam achievements because I'm a completionist autist now, then see if I still want to continue after
steam achievements? do the actual in game achievements
just tbow? if youre a main theres no excuse not to have a tbow
I'm building a collection of perfected games on steam. I'm just using it as a benchmark, maybe I won't want to continue after getting all the steam achievements.
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we did it reddit
Wow what happened?
i farded
they are actually banning bots.
maybe they figured they can make even more money by making bots buy a bond, but then banning the bot after 1 week so the bots have to buy even more bonds
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uh does anyone else think this dialogue is problematic
i dont have any human friends so im not really sure
when is this shit gonna crash do you think? its been the best alt method for a long time now
looks like the price of blood shards increased
the sweatlords who alt vyres do it year round, so supply hasn't really increased, but summer means more kids are doing cms and stuff so demand is higher
the answer is always "it's summer" for these kinds of questions btw
bro thinks kids are playing osrs
please dont call me bro i am a girl
afab cis?
Half grats (post rsn for a full grats).
a fat ass bitch can initiate sex
im mewing
i am jelquing
how come women get so much attention in this thread
because women are goddesses who deserve to be worshiped
fkn moids asking so many questions
that'd be a solid theory if 95% of this playerbase wasn't over the age of 24 and worked year round
yesss another crystal armour seed only 2 to go
but thats just a theory
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Guess the account type.
ultimate ironman
why are you outlined in red
thats her aura
it makes her look stinky
if d333cay were my gf id ban her from taking showers
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It was a blue helm
people buying seaweed in 2024
i can't decide what i want my first 99 to be
thanks for the tip
is this a good drop?
chatgpt what does it mean if my heart beats faster when the guy working at he coffeesho- no nevermind instead do you think the DWH will keep falling in price? I bought at 27m and feel ripped off but I made money on venny bow.
i would ask jarvis instead
no thats a really bad drop
i just shoo'ed away my cat for the varrock dairy. i feel like a psychopath
that was a test. you failed
I scrapped the black ice in my ice box for my lumbridge elite dairy :x
dumbass you spelled diary run fucking retard
i meant wrong not run
bloody benchode
2200 shamans no dwh..... literally can never get lucky
we hate a bitch complaining about drops before hitting droprate
An actual 1kc leather? :o
i high alch'd your mom and she was worth 1 gp
bros mom is a feather
What's the osg channel now again? Wasn't it osg? I forgotz zamnnnmn
fart cc
midzy fc
Be real bro
it got banned by jagex
i feel like a uim juggling all these clues
Alright, thanks man
its july why is jagex using a rainbow profile picture on twitter still
does the attack skill also increase magic damage?
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My secret to getting almost 1000 Vardorvis kills this year is to hit the dab pen 278@76(5 times beforehand & think about his loyal story likers
im a new player to osrs and runelite, i have a kotlin background and it turns out runelite plugins are all made in kotlin, and that the API is actually super extensive and you can do all sorts of cheaty shit with it

what sort of cheat plugin should i make
im thinking a jad 'which prayer to pray' addon first
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Anyone using RuneLite on Linux? I have the AppImage and I made a .desktop file so I could get the right Icon etc but when I open the program I only get a cog as an icon (pic related)
stfu dweeb ass nigga
I piss on your mother's face
how could jagex stealth nerf the tbow
>uses linux
>can't figure it out by himself
why the fuck this scythe just spike without any new releases whats oging on
idk sorry i just use bolt installed from the flatpak because i have a fagex account and it just werkz.
looks like you gotta hack the mainframe
New chud video is out
who would spend 30 minutes watching someone rant about fags in runescape
i wish magic was better for damage. but i can still understand why it isnt
>cries about jagex promoting oda
>promotes palestine (a chud nation) in his pfp
wow chuds really are retarded!
This dude got camped and ran back to Lumby.
jad already tells you what to pray
>names are called, and bigots seethe.

Stasi style organization like Jagex and Youtube would never allow an opposing opinion.
smoking on that freaking chud pack how do you like them apples chuddieboy
is there any way to assure i dont get attacked in the wilderness agility course?
it's the wilderness..
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how much is defense boosted by? and at what hp?
kids don't play this game anymore grandpa
another massive jaytroonie down the pipe!
i still dont have any of the protection prayers
this shitty joke is as funny as the talk to oziach joke, kys
lighten up chuddo
what the fuck is a "tonzaltics" like is jagex just fucking make up words now
stupid ass anglos
half the names in this game are made up wtf are you talking about
um yeah that's kind of how fiction works
whats made up other than tzhaar shit
just pked rsn tzuyuwu at black chins
Gee anon, considering varlamore has heavy aztec and roman themes it's probably some portmanteau or slight bastardization of some weapon or concept from one of those two languages, most likely the nahuatl language, fucking myopic retarded faggot. It's also a fantasy game they can make up whatever they want
just letting you guys know that ill be gone for a week in august
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you can do 10 per day in like no time
way less effort than idk agility or slayer or some cring sweaty skill
thank you for that info furry pink woman
*turns around and walks out of office with visible erection*
literally plop up a cannon at goblins and you have 10 on the ground in like idk maybe 15 minyoots then just do them one by one
just juggle them properly so they dont respawn
nooooo you cant like trump do the frog quest!!!!!!!
plap those gobbers with your big dwarven c
you're saying to plap the goblins?
how many of you do not play the game?
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why is the lgbtq event guy called 'kid breaker'?
he likes to groom children into participating in unethical medical experiments
how long did it take you to get your voidwaker?
i don't have one
is quiver harder than blorva
new rsn new me
first quiver is jusr RNG until you get good wave spawns
>log in
>vote yes on everything
>log out
I did my part :D *salutes*
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mfs really buy gold or grind vardorvis for 200 hours instead of just learning to sell fighter torsos for 24+ m/h and get the penance queen pet at the same time..
ummmmmm why was the chud jimmy invited back to gg but not hannanie? this is very disturbing.
Now that's a reason to watch GG.
who wants to play 2004scape with me
>foid handwriting
>dig site quest
>first time you ask the students for help they all need some insentive (items and what not)
>second time you ask for help, they just help you
>third time you ask for help the two men are complete bros who help you without question
>the vapid cunt woman needs an expensive gem to help you again
what did jagex mean by this?
what the fuck do you think they meant are you legitimately retarded they're saying women are needy christ you guys are so stupid you put everything together but can't come to the most BASIC conclusions
it's up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atCZM9ZTyTU
>foid handwriting
bro that's just cursive
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>playing any private server is incredibly risky to your online security
ive heard multiple people state that everyone that plays vscape is put on an fbi tip list and that its akin to signing up for a cp forum which i think is a bit of a stretch but still
yeah that's true my dad works at the fbi
are there still club penguin forums
If OSRS does die in the near future, it'll be because of the non-stop catering to trannies and Redditors. It drives too many good people away from the game.
i also voted yes on everything but then i did my first farm run in weeks
the giant dwarf cutscene is kino
well vscape is shit regardless
it can't be that easy if its 24m/hr. if it was tons more people would do it and drive the price down
but you can say the nword in vscape!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kkCORVRJO4M uim in thumbnail might be good
>it'll be because of the non-stop catering to trannies and Redditors
it'll be because of non stop catering to streamers first, and the other two second. 0 people want PVM/PVP challenges that are the equivalent of slamming your cock in a car door repeatedly, coming out every 4 months
just woke up from a nap just logged in
ew.. vscape is abhorrently inaccurate in every single way
the engine and tick system is wildly wrong
hi >>484270708
just got crashed by some ehp virgin while i was training slayer god i hate those sorts
why does that matter
blud really thinks scurrius is streamer content im ded on god
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if u want to play an abomination im not stopping u
osrs will die in the near future bro just ignore that its more popular than its ever been bro just trust me
cry is free
who are you talking to, use the reply function
bring back the watermelon anime
It will die, imminently. There's a maxim in the gaming industry: "go woke, go broke". If Jagex want to run obnoxious pride events and trample on 20 year old iconic random events just to appease trannies, then the end is very, very near.
pride event started years ago and the game gets more popular year after year, seethe
blud thinks he's an anime antagonist im dead
did jagex not know that it was mens mental health month last month? why did they choose a pride event over mens mental health?
who wants to be my new best friend
ok rsn?
i just heard a rumour about boxee im not sure if i should share it though...
im not midzy that guy is a pedophile
I really want to know what some of you look like
my redwood has grown
im 200m wc so my redwood is probably the biggest in this thread
200 meters? wow!
you mean in general or specific people
thats not how it works if anything yours is short and stubby from all the trimming you did on it meanwhile my 200m farming redwood is large and majestic
what if they added a new skeleton boss and it dropped bonemeal and you could make a tree grow instantly like in minecraft
ur retarded
The 3-4 people that make up 90% of the thread's posts
one of those is me :3c
im kinda cute ngl but i look pale and sickly from spending the last decade inside playing rune
are there any quests where my character has to have sex?
isnt that first guy a pedophile?
my redwood has so much sap
never proven
im only still playing because im addicted, but ive almost replaced it with another addiction...
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has midzy addressed the accusations
midzy doesnt post here
just voted yes to everything without reading a single question
newschool runescape
there's a maxim in the online industry: "two more weeks"
sisters, if you found 3rd age on the iron, would you drop trade it and sell it?
depends which piece but if it was over 500m then yeah
there's a maxim in the threadgirl industry: You gotta give 'em that 'hawk tuah' and spit on that thang
lmao this is like national thresure when they clank the spade in the middle of the old library museum
meriiqueen would you steal the declaration of independence with me
I would also steal the table in the office
does anyone want to bingewatch zoepancakes' old runefest vlogs with me?
zoe panckes looks like she would live in varlmore not ardounge i dont like that
no im watching the euros sorru
what the hell does this mean
shush zoe the men (threadgirls) are talking
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what should i do while bird houses level my hunter up? i will never level rc, ever, unless its immediately required
also how does one get into boss/raid content?
i've pretty much only ever done barrows
is there like a recommended order, or do i just pick whatever looks interesting and work towards that
buying worms from the worm guy anyone want anything
I'm maxed btw
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I am down with the cluss if I hav eto say so myself
99 runecraft is required for the max cape
kill scurrius
making the romance in throne of miscellania optional is so bizarre
this quest makes no sense unless you're romancing but they clumsily rewrote the dialogue to obscure that fact anyway
actually the romance period came long after the medeival period in which this game is set
I have a max cape in my osrs bank
thats not proof thats repeating the same thing
*pets the princess*
actually the game's setting is highly anachronistic as despite the general medieval aesthetic it also features sextants, complex machinery, chemistry, and gay sex
the only princess id pet is meriiprincess
I haven't clogged on to the logged on on the osrs in quite some time what are holiday items at price wise? I have stacks of them I'm maxxed btw
whats so funny
just beasted
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ermm what the sigma
thats when i turned them in to death for deaths coffer on my maxed helmie which is maxed btw im currently wearing a max cape

do the quests, then do the achivement daries, then look at tob/toa/cox/cg

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