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Previous: >>484088101

/wowg/ op pastebin: https://pastebin.com/YYerc7yy (use this when making a new thread)
/wowg/ op images: https://imgur.com/a/C5zycsV

- This Week in WoW:

- The War Within News:

>Mists of Pandaria REMIX: (May 16)
- Bullions spreadsheet:

>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>May Trading Post
>Summer Trading Post

>General Resouгces
first for new schizo vs m*ye arc
hes back on the futafaggotry
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watching an addict relapse is always sad. alcoholism is basically a huge joke in media but it's brutal to watch someone succumb in person
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Reminder of the best girls of Azeroth
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>disturbed dirt piles return in TWW
Is this entire fucking expansion a literal reskin of Dragonflight?
WoD was the beta for modern WoW up until SL
DF was the beta for gen Z WoW aka nu pozzed wow
where is trollanon when you need him (her)
That's what it feels like. It feels like metzen might have came in with his trilogy pitch when the next expansion was already in developmental progress so they had to shift and change gears but couldn't restart the basis they'd already been making. So TWW is this like DF re-skin filler looking and feeling expansion used just as a story segway.
metzen does the narrative not the slop content design
Yeah you're not obsessed.
>Breaking News: Dawntrail MSQ is fucking terrible

Are you guys ready for the OG exodus coming to WoW this August?
i predicted in the last thread ofc
The only wow players who stuck with OG are people for whom the gameplay is sitting around the same cities year after year
where is the faggot that claimed XIV would break a steam charts record tonight?
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drinking in a dark corner preparing to follow his leader, kek
what does OG stand for?
But that's troll girls.
Regenerating Hymen
that other game
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Honestly, I'm ready for china to take over the world if this is the kind of stuff that comes out of their culture. Pure sovl.
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The nightmare is always the same. The monk stands before the judgement of the Jade Dragon herself. A toothy maw renders a verdict of perpetual incineration. As Pandaria burned, so too does the Mistweaver. The pain is excruciating. The feeling of betrayal, even worse. Forgiveness for the outsiders, but not for her standing up to them? Eternal torture and torment, is that what she is fighting for? Are these dreams even her own? The influence of the Sha is spreading. Despite her lengthy training, bleak thoughts slip ever-more into her mind. She can not stay emotionless while her homeland burns. She owes it to the hapless victims to weep in their stead, to fight for their rememberance, to suffer for their salvation. Still, the Claw of Yu'lon can ill-afford to let the Shado-Pan claim her. Not now. Not yet. Not while the invaders run rampant through the Jade Forest. Not while Pandaria itself is at risk. Weighed down and driven on, a culmination is brewing on the horizon. Either the outsiders will break, or she will.
It's made by Americans.
yeah i like panda
I was told the latest campaign quest gave a free tier set piece
is this information outdated because I didn't get anything from the harbinger shit
not that im aware of just for s4 mastery
There is the catalyst which gives free tier set pieces.
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lmao they made you do the quests for nothing! oh no no no...
you were lied to because all it gives is flightstones and mogmountcheevo
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This general is taking a severe hit... But it's going to be okay because we're going to be making multiple threads a day when Midnight comes out. Mark my words, wowsisters. Our time will come.
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hi guys im here to whore attention because i'm understimulated
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>when you need him
Anyway, I quietly low-effort lurk still.
I skipped Dogshitflight completely, so for me, it's new :^)
I imagine there will be plenty of people like me.

Some of the weapons look cool, but I think I'll mostly be saving my tokens this month.
You can get a yellow recolor of the diving suit in TWW anyways so it's a waste of tendies unless you want that specific color
>diving suit
>no big anchor weapon to go with it
one job
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>800 for the best backpiece in the game

That's the same cost of a mount. What the fuck, Blizzard?
they're pulling all the stops trying to get goyim to buy into the $90 preorder
Do people actually like these things?
I understand backpacks and those bits that look like armor or wings, but these eggs and sea shells with an entire diorama in it seems retarded.
If it were a fully animated fishtank, I'd probably get it.
You think too myopic. This back piece is going to look so good on the playable Naga they announce in Midnight.
It looks completely retarded i don't know how anyone could even pretend to like it.
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Hmm, i did not predict this, so not only is Turalyon going to die, but they are also going to make Lor'themar a evil nazi space hitler and make him die as well to be replaced by yet another stronk independent womyn.
I see that blizzard is going all in this time.
I looked at some trans trooncraft vids on youtube for nostalgia's sake (wanted to see some casting and spell effects for TTRPG inspiration) and I watched ele shaman spam chain lightning for 5 minutes straight
Is this really the way war within is gonna go
God I wish this faggot would kill himself
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:( its so hard for so many people to get jobs in fields they love and somehow people like this walts into dream job after dream job its so frustrating.
Dragon flight was fun
If you're a faggot queer, sure.
I wanna play as a Gilblin and this will help with the immersion.
Unexpectledly +2'd a +9. Now my key is a +11 ruby life pools.
What ilvl do you think is needed for a pug +11? rdruid
You seem to hate fun. You may even be projecting. I’m sorry you’re going through some stuff.
Oh really? Because you've seen a lot of gilblin in game running around with these aquariums on their back?
>If it’s not an in-game 1 for 1 model it’d not real! Gilblins will never!

Tell me you’re an uncreative no-fun without telling me. A cute goblin in the swimsuits from this Tendie drop and a shell backpack with home reminders is cute and if you don’t like it go back to riding a horse and being a human.
I just cant wait for all of the LGBTQ+ storylines. I hope Azeroth becomes a queer titan that gets into a sexual relationship with Elune. I hope more gay centaurs show up to their wedding and I hope they both adopt a half orc half elf nigger baby who becomes the new main character for WoW 2.0.
You can shove this pretend reddit sympathy up your prolapsed pozzed asshole, Dragonshite is a garbage expac and everyone knows it.
515+ if you want to complete it in time.
I feel like they pulled back on that after the absolute nightmare response and drop in players with Shadowlands and how much was push back on the trannie shit. I see a lot less forum posts about how rampant the LGBT shit is
>a gelblin is a goblin in a swimsuit bikini and a fish tank on their back
Lol whatever, freak. Enjoy your retarded cringe RP.
I had a nice steak dinner. I am actually just in a good mood and hope you feel better. I’d probably call you a faggot and to kys if I was hungry tho. Maybe you need dinner. I enjoyed the flight and exploration options.
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Who even clicks vidoes like this?
How do people not realise that at this point even Blizzard knows they have 0 creative talent left and cannot for the life of them create any new characters that people actually like.

>Blizzard makes an effort to push and promote Lor'themar/Thalyssra & Turalyon/Alleria as the two relevant couples of WoW
>Lor'themar/Turalyon/Alleria especially relevant to midnight given their history in the second war and how they fought to save Silvermoon and Quel'thalas
>Bellular: uh yeah actually they are LE BAD and LE EVIL and must die
Gilblin, and until they give me my allied race yes. You guys are very hostile and angry. I recommend taking a hot shower and having a glass of whiskey and enjoying some old content.
They did but now doubling down on women and niggers being the only competent protagonists. Sick and tired of it. All of the leaders are women, all of the villains are women. This game does not appeal to the main customer base anymore which is straight white man. They are making the game for third worlders and women, which will never be a sustainable customer base.
>I just cant wait for all of the LGBTQ+ storylines
Tough shit for you, TWW has none of that so far.
Women control over 60% of consumer spending.-
Yeah I'm sure you enjoyed all that pozzed slop, queer.
Which one is you favorite faggot couple that you were made to unite and cheer on?
I guess I don’t notice since I play horde side. So I’ve always had to deal with nigger-adjacent and femoid leaders. You never know what young blood they’ll have to start bringing in though, Zoomers who are still into games are pretty harshly red-pilled unless they’re furry porn fags. Which considering some of the races… IDK man, why not stop supporting Blizzard and enjoy a game you like?
I've got many luckydoos.
Lmao, why do you put so much energy into this?
And also faggots are more likely to buy something if it has a rainbow on it.
That's how the kikes see it, but what they don't take into the equation is that pandering to these specific groups drives away the otherwise faithful normie.
Women don't play video games.
Candy crush and animal crossing will never be real video games.
Twitchthots and onlywhores will never be real gamers.
And most important of all, you will never be a woman.
I dont play WoW. I just shitpost on /v about WoW.
>Wastes his time for no reason.
Pathetic, kek. That won’t become a huge regret in the future.
Half the regulars of this thread waste their time in that fashion, thats 4chan vidya in a nutshell.
The online forums fill with bitter wizards by the droves. There is a choice to fill ones empty time with fun and joy and people still shit their pants instead.
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The main story literally revolves around Anduin and Alleria in TWW, are you seriously complaining about this when they are 2 generally well-liked blonde hair blue eye protags who have been around for decades?
Yes. Again, that's 4chan in a nutshell.
No board is full of people that actually like the thing the board is about. People lose their shit over literally nothing.
Alleria obviously dies at the end as foretold by N'zoth, and Anduin will obviously give up his throne to the nigger bitch with one arm.
Alleria didn't exist in game until Legion, and then she metaphorically vanished again until now.
/ic/ and /diy/ are filled with people who love what they do. And sad-sacks, maybe not so much on /diy/, they’re just figuring shit out half the time. Maybe I’m just not used to /v/ or /vg/ anymore.
Its an obvious bait and witch tactic. Start the expansion off with 2 really white protagonists that are well liked, then once Blizzard has your subs and money, they kill them off at the end of the expansion and pronounce the nigger retard lady the queen of Stormwind. Sickening liberal ideologies.
>crybaby femboy anduin and sylvanus color variant 2 with karen haircut
yes i am certain twitter crowd is excited
Or that could not happen at all. Do you understand how miserable you purposefully make yourself trying to see into the future? Do you think /pol/ is always right still? Cause I’ve learned that it’s not always right.
You arent real so I dont care what you say.
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>Alleria didn't exist in game until Legion
She existed in WC2 but sure I get your point
>and then she metaphorically vanished again until now.
Sure if you played Horde, she was involved heavily in BFA on the Alliance side and showed up at the end of Shadowlands with Vereesa to watch Sylvanas go do Maw dailies.
holy midbroken, get off the internet for a while
>Or that could not happen at all.
Have you played wow?
Go outside, son. Get some fresh air, enjoy a healthy meal, some kind of protein and a bunch of vegetables, clean your room, and take a shower. When you’re all done go to sleep. You’ll feel like a new man tomorrow and maybe you won’t feel as bitter about the world being out of your control. Tomorrow will be a better day of gaming.
She didn't do anything in BfA what are you talking about? Showing up for 2 seconds doesn't count. Baine technically was present for the entirety of Shadowlands yet did literally nothing except get broken out of the maw by me then sit around. Metaphorically, he didn't even exist.
Yes and every other NOC was supposed to be a tranny brownoid in Dragonflight but it’s not. You’re just drinking Tang instead of Koolaid, try for a nice middle ground of fresh squeezed, homemade juice. I’m telling you to stop thinking in extremes the world has a pendulum that swings, but it’s going in the opposite direction a bit now and you don’t have to be so high strung and pessimistic.
oh no i am starting to feel deradicalized, just two more gaslight posts and i will kneel to the lgbt+ flag
>but it’s not
Trannoflight had plenty of pandering
I’m not telling you to like LGBT shit, but I am telling you to chill out with Doomposting.
I really haven’t noticed, but I also don’t hyperfixate on trannies and faggots.
The way you post is feminine. You are a gay man. Gross.
>Go outside, son. Get some fresh air, enjoy a healthy meal, some kind of protein and a bunch of vegetables, clean your room, and take a shower. When you’re all done go to sleep.
I do all that, but what it does it makes me see the faggotry even clearer.
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I had a look on the wiki and I guess you're right, I thought she was more involved.
I distinctly remember seeing her a lot, I guess like Baine she was just present at important meetings/places/stood next to the mission table so she had a physical presence, even if she didn't actually do that much other than standing there and looking important desu.
>just realized it's last moments of June, the faggot months in the US of Queer
Explains the fagmaxxing itt, you homos feel like kids at the end of the summer? lmao
>trading post has night elf themed wolves and horde themed sabercats
>gays stop existing at the end of june
i diagnose you with profound mental retardation
Nelf or Draenei Monk
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you are so innocent and don't understand how corrupted californian minds are. just wait and see.
BfA was all about Jaina and a little bit of Anduin.
It was hilarious how they completely dropped these big names that appeared at the end of the Legion.
You might have been thinking of Umbric cause he showed up in BfA and opened some rifts to murder some goblins for a couple of quests.
I just found out about MoP Remix do you think it's too late to play since it ends in a month and a half? I'm finishing Erdtree and then Nier Automata so it might be a lot to fit in.
I just started and I hit max and already bought out all the mounts it seems they super buffed rates
I had originally made a trial character at launch and it was insanely slow, now they just throw bronze at you and retards while leveling
the suits stopped them from killing off marketable characters anymore, regardless of how fucked in the head the californians are
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BFA was about Anduin, Jaina, Sylvanus (all Christie Goldens pet projects) with addition of Sourfag and wuwupera furries putting Horde as a faction three feet under and completely and indefinitely taking over the franchise.
This was felt the most in Trannyflight with the very same twitter degen which made wuwuperas went on to create dracthyr.
So no, nobody here is doing a heckin "doomposting", these are hard true facts, you are the only one here seething about this and trying to gaslight people.
just resubbed after quitting in SL. what the actual fuck is this crafting system? there's like 50 fucking optional reagents all from different sources and you have to pick the correct one's or you just wasted your money
fuck off toughpaw
they're definitely not killing anduin, he still needs to marry faerin and make a brown baby with her because obviously that needs to happen
Nigger I was talking about the Alliance side and btw I'm not the same "Anonymous", in fact most people here aren't in case you're new.
surprising there was never any beeg anchor axe or hammer during BFA when all the kultirans stuff had anchors on it not to mention the sea giants using stuff like that
Only a matter of hours until we are officially BACK, shamanbros. FUCK the chuds saying it isn't /ourturn/. WE are BACK.
Tens of thousands of hours maybe.
Who will compose the ost this time?
We haven't listened a single score yet.
they currently gave elemental a 30% overall buff on the beta right? do you think they will revert that once they mix them up a bit?
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ETA on Ogres?
Never ever, same as always, you fat retard.
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what's the problem with faerin marrying anduin?
everyone knows choco kweens are superior to spiteful white roasties
>It's not going to
You lost.
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trust the plan.. trust christ metzen...
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from the @ it looks like it was probably some faggot pandaren
strangulate animation maybe asphyxiate not positive
is she ok?
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I want Brawler's Guild.
You'll have to watch it until the end to find out.
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Shamans have so many issues that I can't imagine Blizzard fixing even a portion of them. I'm expecting a cleanup of the talent trees and not much else.
Confirmed to be brought back as an evergreen feature in tww patches
>lightning bolt no longer casts while moving
god I hope they have a change of heart and give this one back now that cata classic is around to remind everyone how sick it was.
I want more wow porn fics
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Goat gang.

I've really fallen in love with Ret. This class was designed to be played with zero brain. It's oddly relaxing, and yet you top damage with minimal effort.
>wow porn fics
There's so many, and scarce few really good ones. I'm lucky to have someone to RP with from time to time to get my fix.
Hunters were sort of in the same place and everything changed within 1 beta build
HunTARDS were always the go-to class for retards.
Shamans were always whiny bitches.
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Good. Now bring it back for this shitty expansion too.

I want to start roleplaying again. ;_; Even the ordinary kind.
Roleplaying's really fun. I don't do it as often or as much anymore, and only roleplay with people I already know. Makes for fun stories instead of pissing around Stormwind doing jack shit all day.
>Who even clicks vidoes like this?
>How do people not realise that at this point even Blizzard knows they have 0 creative talent left and cannot for the life of them create any new characters that people actually like.
They can. You are just jaded, buck broken and unable to move on from a game you no longer find enjoyment in.

>Blizzard makes an effort to push and promote Lor'themar/Thalyssra & Turalyon/Alleria as the two relevant couples of WoW
>Lor'themar/Turalyon/Alleria especially relevant to midnight given their history in the second war and how they fought to save Silvermoon and Quel'thalas
We can assume so
>Bellular: uh yeah actually they are LE BAD and LE EVIL and must die
He didnt said that. You lack basic reading comprehension
this isn't actually in the game right
blizzard wouldn't put a racist in their game right
I mean
Hunters had a real bad talent tree but didn't suffer from a mountain of fundamental issues like shaman. "ranged shooty man" has worked for them from the beginning while Blizz has struggled to figure out what any of the 3 shaman specs are suppose to be.
didn't get the memo?
you can't be racist against whites
and you can't be sexist against men
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damn, that's hot
This is early Shadowlands, you're a little late to the party, Anon.
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I haven't done it in a few years now. Not sure why, at some point I just lost most interest in it and it doesn't help that Argent Dawn is filled with mostly reets. I just want to go on adventures, develop characters and maybe occasionally screw the brains out of a gobbo-cock hungry blood elf.

But mostly the adventuring and developing part.
Any examples of new characters that are well liked and popular?
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>Sabellian (he was a minor non character before that, lets be real)
>Sindragosas Simulacrum was cool
>Senegos and the blue dragons introduced in Legion and featured again in Dragonflight
the fuck is a reet
>all of the examples are one off characters that existed for like 5 minutes
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I'm much the same way. I want adventure, world RP, plotlines and character development. A little bit of sexxo with night elves and I'll be right as rain. I got sick and tired of Moon Guard's majority being insufferable to RP with. I strongly like regular RP much more than throatfucking elves... though I of course want that, too.
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It's a type of enemy from Anarchy Online, a fantastic MMO though its combat is sorely dated these days imo. It makes WoW look like Quake in comparison.


It's also my own slang for retard.
>I just want to go on adventures, develop characters
>But mostly the adventuring and developing part.
So join a guild or a community that does that? There are all manner of smaller adventures happening all the time and AD had several major campaign in the last months and several upcoming ones already announced.
>the avatranny is replying to itself
These are good characters I agree, but people are beyond delusional if they think people care about these characters as much as characters that have been apart of the story for over 2 decades
Is the PCU even a thing anymore? As far as i am aware it fell apart
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NTA but the problem is the kind of people that populate the majority of major realm RP events and communities are completely, utterly, braindead drooling retarded and un-fun to roleplay with.
Well, yeah. Duh. Of course people will care more about characters they know since their teens than for ones who fist saw the light of days 2 expacs ago. Thats just how it is.
there are pcu pedofurries posting in this general every day
So avoid playing with randoms and find a group that fits your taste. Stormwind has different people than duskwood, than Stromgarde, than Gilneas, than Bel Ameth, than whereever the horde hangs around
So? Some guys posting on 4chan doesnt mean they are currently a dominant force on AD right now
How to spot a pcu pedofurry:
>worships windrunner sisters
>hates garrosh and greymane
>plays undead, vulpera, worgen, pandaren, tauren
You're part of the problem.
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The levels of irony on display here...
I've never been more glad to not fit in with most of Moon Guard. I hear too many horror stories about sleazy, cringey freakazoids on this cesspit of a realm.
>windrunner sister spamming fags are also the furfags of the general
Makes sense.
The PCU was a blight upon AD that tore the realm apart for years.
>erptranny thinks his input on this has any value
You know RP realms were actually fun when people did casual RP without thesaurus and most importantly, being fucking degenerates that drive anyone else away?
ERP has literally never ever driven away anyone. You think AD or MG are so popular because of the ordinary RP alone? Kek.
>I hear too many horror stories about sleazy, cringey freakazoids on this cesspit of a realm.
Because people tend to meme about the retards. Its fun. People rarely brag about the quality RP people pull off so from the outside view it looks like a bunch of furfags doing cyber sex only
Yes it did, you delusional faggot.
What if I like Garrosh, the Windrunner Sisters, Pandas and don't play any of the races listed?
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What a silly take. You are silly.
That's a good point, yeah. It's more fun or memorable to joke about "that one time with that one weirdo" rather than the deep, compelling RP story you constructed with your friends over a long time. Fair enough, I'll grant you that.
Prove it.

I'll meanwhile look at AD still being one of EU's most popular realms.
>N-no... t-that thing I don't like...!
>It killed RP. IT JUST DID OKAY!!!
>Erm. No. I don't actually RP... or play on RP realms... but you have to believe me!!
>"Urm, list all the people that quit on the account of erp faggots shitting up the realm. You can't? Guess I win, heh!"
Yeah fuck off.
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everyone likes the cumrunners
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make realm transfer free and i will move
Yore gay lmao my ass off
I do all of those things but im not a pedofury, wtf??
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imagine hating hot elves
I would rather play on kazzak than argent dawn
There's a large number of people out there who like to roleplay but avoid those servers because of coomers, degens and sexpests like you.
I know of at least 3 women irl who enjoy playing DnD and writing fanfics of their characters and all 3 of them quite roleplaying on mmos because of freaks like you.
Have fun with your femboys and gooners or whatever the fuck you fags call each others these days.
>less women in video games
thank god
>Women don't shit up roleplay with their blatant self-inserts and shit-tier anxietyfagging
>This is supposed to be a bad thing
Nice flex retard
just dont go to goldshire
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also imagine good elf fap fics
>I know 3 women who won't play because of you
Anon you were supposed to point out the bad things.
As a prominent roleplayer: I am glad the PCU is dead. Fuck those faggots.
me like women in vidya it makes mmo fun
Irrelevant, the damage has already been done.
Yeah, exactly. People will remember that one "serious" human female character that got herself a futa potion to impregnate her night elf wife and then raised their half night elven child or some other bullshit. People at large wont remember the conclusion of the 5 year old arc of your guildmates character arc, or how that one guy had an epic last stand. Or how fun the campaign was you and 3 friendly guilds had back in mid SL. Because most folk either dont know or cant relate because they dont know the people involved or understand the emotional investment and the personal stakes. Best you get is a "Oh, that happened? Cool, i guess."
Every tourist ever thinks Moon Guard is only Goldshire and nothing else. When the simple fact of the matter is you can put "No ERP" in your TRP and the brainrotten coomers typically leave you alone.
I could throw in a jab here about worgen being the worst of the offenders, but I will not.
By saying "like you" it pretty much stamps into my mind anon has no idea what he's talking about and has never roleplayed with me.
>how you act on le 4chan is how you act in le normal society
Ecks. Dee.
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i always am
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This thread? It's bussin
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cute art
Based. Moon Guard has the "SLP" Stormwind Law Project which to what I understand is pretty similar if at a much smaller degree.
>how you act on le 4chan is how you act in le normal society
a lot of people don't get this though. Most of social media is trying to shove interactions you have irl into a digital space which just doesn't work and ends up being little more than glorified texting/phone calls.
Right I forgot most of you were unironic incels. Since men are what you are into, I know a lot of them into DnD and all that crap who avoid those servers too if that makes you feel better.
>Knowing people irl is a flex
Wew. Case in point.

Anyway, don't let me stop you from enjoying your futarded coomplay.
>Knowing people irl is a flex
god that is so fucking sad. How the fuck are they supposed to develop as a person without regular human interaction?
Looks like a Wizard101 NPC. Absolutely dire.
You are being judged based on what you show everyone. You sound like a whore who dresses like a whore and cry that she's treated like a whore.
Posts like this one >>484212086 is why people consider you part of the problem. It's a repellent to anyone who legitimately enjoys roleplay.
>Knowing people irl is a flex
I know plenty of people that don't want to play MMO's for a variety of reasons, nobody cares if you know women that don't want to play because they might encounter people wanting to roleplay sex.
You're completely right. This problem exacerbates itself when online interaction is the *only* kind of socialization people have.
>glorified texting
This is what so much of casual RP has become at least on Moon Guard. It's unbearable. It feels like an AOL chatroom, not a vivid world of unique characters. Just the other fucking day I saw some void elf crime family guild RPer sucking on a vape pen in-character. Like, emoting that she "hit the vape".
Erm... anon? Aren't you impressed? He said he knows 3 women. Kneel.
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Meltie-kun upsetti he wasn't the lucky elf...
facebook wants your drivers license lawl
PCU was based because they caused trannies to seethe.
>Just the other fucking day I saw some void elf crime family guild RPer sucking on a vape pen in-character. Like, emoting that she "hit the vape".
What's the problem? Not enough horse cocks involved? For someone who dedicates so many hours to smut texting other men, you sure like judging how other people roleplay.
Wasn't PCU filled with trannies though? The kind of vile tranny that forces others to bend the knee and rage when they don't?
you know there's a person behind each character, you dumb fuckhead shit for brains
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dreanei sexo
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Forgot image.
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You're goddamn right.
Are you seriously triggered because I said I knew women irl? Next time I'll make sure to take your feelings into consideration and I won't mention their gender ok? Point being, you freaks definitely are off putting to a large number of people.
>oh no i've been found out, quick start spamming porn to derail conversation
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Picrel should have been the pandaren racial mount instead of dragon turtles.
>Screaming in all caps doesn't count as derailment though
seems you're right
haven't played since like WoD though so I am not ashamed to say I am out of the loop

my god how far things have fallen since I last gave these people any money
I mean this kind of shit was probably brewing and this cunt must have been on the payroll for a while before people found out about her but for it to be so public is surprising

maybe one day elon might ban them from twitter
MMO's having people that want to roleplay sex is far from the biggest problem the genre has to turn people of any gender away from it, retard.
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What dicks do you guys like sucking in roleplay?
I have very few Draenei pics but I like what you post.
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even more amazing is how better off the world would be if they shoved butter knives into power outlets.
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This shit goes right up to the WoW game director himself.
no thats just what I naturally do
Uncut ones.
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And this shouldve been the worgen mount
Again, don't let me stop you from enjoying your futard adventures anon. You said this shit wasn't turning people off from roleplaying, I gave my opinion. I'm just an anon disagreeing with you on the internet. You'll be fine.
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PSA please make casting spells in wow more interesting
pic rel
How old are you?
Unusable thread aslong as this avatarfag is here.
what the fuck is the PCU???
I wouldn't fuck you with a stolen dick.
>Hiding/Ignoring posts is too fucking hard for my autistic mind to continue posting
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Some cucks who groom children on Discord and pretend to be anti-ERP. They're a nuisance on Argent Dawn, and they shit up the thread from time to time.
ban all children from MMOs.
>Not being an autistic avatarfag for the rest of my life is too hard for my autsitc mind to cease
ban all gooner trooners from oxygen
>Implying you wouldn't start samefagging your own posts if nobody gave you attention
I want the bitter femcel biofems ITT to leave and stay gone.
It posted several times last thread with samefags and adopting new gimmicks then when they were called out they said "i only made these posts" and linked a total of 4 posts, with only 2 having an avatar attached HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAH he thinks we are all stupid.
No, I would just ramp up the bait
Fucking RIFT had casting animations more interesting.
It cries every night about the thread being about him despite all his bitching suddenly making the thread about him.
just having the animation be different isn't really what I was going for.
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this general is shit
>living rent free in some butthurt tranny's head after this many years
name one PCU player whos still active on the realm

avatarfags deserve the rope even more when they bring their retarded grudges to fucking 4chan
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Good! Now repeat after me:
"I am sorry for the invasion of Pandaria perpetrated by my people. Pandaren lives matter."
Slave screams - thinks she knows what she wants.
Slave screams - thinks she has something to say.
Just take the filterpill >>>483597252
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Just filter all the avatartrannies since they are ban evading and the jannies gave up.
he looks much better though
In RIFT, the characters would use their weapons to cast the spells.
As opposed to having the staves just strapped to their backs constantly.
Same with any other caster weapon.
Not asking for some overdone shit with flips and pirouettes that XIV has though, just use the weapons, kinda like paladins and death knights point or raise their weapons when casting spells.
I wish I could filter you both.
this reminds me of jeet comments on instagram
is /wowg/ confirmed to be a bunch of street shitter sex pests?
i played that game, it's good overall, but the casting system is clunky as fuck and a lot of the times the spells dont even fire off
plus having to memorize and draw like 10 patterns in the heat of battle is fucking retarded anyway
yeah that would look cool but I am thinking more so about changing the gameplay of spellcasting hence why I posted Arx Fatalis pic.
drawing some runes or shit would be cool. Having to memorize another made up language to learn spells would be interesting.
No, just the avatar "roleplayers".
>Need to draw five circles and three dicks on the screen just to cast Ice Bolt
>Have to do this once per 1.5 seconds
No thanks.
/wowg/ as a whole isnt, but the likes of maye, toughpaw and their freakshow circus of discord troons fawning over futa cucks qualify as sex obsessed pahjeets

they treat this general (and several others) as their playground to flaunt their pedo futanari tendencies while jerking off to their futa and furry commissions on the discord servers that havent banned them yet
yeah the execution of that system was off definitely
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Nazjatar expansion... what could have been.
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you know, you can swap porn with pol in that picture and it would fit even better
but i bet that doesn't bother you as much as hot wow girls, does it, you fucking piece of faggot shit?
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Oh that, in that case this should be more up your alley.
not saying copy it as is
>you can swap porn with pol in that picture
are you trying to pretend that the faggots that cry about muh avatars and muh erp aren't the same ones that go on long tangents about political trash in wowg?
kill yourself, newfag
>What it could have been
Your image.
>What it would have been
Tyrande's been kidnapped! We need to go save her from the Disney palace that Azshara lives in! Yes, the palace is underwater, but there's still breathable air in there somehow for some reason. Also, 80% of the storyline is about Night Elves again.
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And then this autist gotta come complaining about it every five posts like anything he complains about happens constantly.
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I grew up with warcraft women giving me wet dreams. It is a part of me now.
wat dis
Fantastic point.
He's not wrong. If you can't see that, may I suggest, opening your fucking eyes?
"I am sorry I didn't invade Pandaria sooner.
Bend over."
>piece of faggot shit?
I think the more correct term is chud
the only ones on the spectrum are the mindbroken trannies playing dressup here or any other MMO general and then shitposting endlessly when others dont worship their brainrot

the best part is their RP concepts are also putrid dogshit that have no place in Warcraft as a setting

the gas chamber awaits you
this nigga wakes up each morning thinking jews run the world I bet
why do you type like a redditor
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Favorite dances in the World of Warcraft? For me, it's female Tauren. Simple, sweet, effective. An instant classic, very recognizable. Nice and traditional, plus it fits Tauren as a whole!
Did anyone ever read that fanfiction.net WoW/Club Penguin crossover where the Horde invades Club Penguin and kills the penguins? It included Garrosh and Gallywix having sex for some reason. Just looked it up now but I cannot find it.
One time I opened /wowg/ and someone was posting something I didn't like. How could Anonymous do that to me? Why aren't they considering how *I* feel and what *I* like to see posted? This is really frustrating. I've never had this happen to me before... I am the main character!
You are the one derailing threads about gay sex you absolute subhuman. People filter you because you're an obese terminally online homosexual freak whose only joy in life is to derail threads in vg. Every step in ur life led you to this outcome. >>484219586 was literally made for you, you sick fuck.
my brother in christ what the fuck are you talking about
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Every thread, every post, right on cue, regardless of whether any 'futafaggory' actually happens in the thread at all? Just because one person exists?
Yeah, complaint registered and acknowledged. You can go ahead and hide the posts and shit up the thread less now, you seething retard.
Good you get it. Now do the same with his posts you histrionic retard or get a room and fuck already.
absolute nutjob
The dranny will always play the "my picture is a hot woman from wow so me talking about men having sex is not off topic"

I remember very clearly one time where the mods were post camping him for an entire week but they eventually gave up and he's still here.
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Never mind, I found it.

I do have posts hidden, I just agree with other anons here, not sure why you'd personally go out of your way to defend someone you don't know thoughever. Is it that you are fond of seeing the same shit and slop day after day? Is it that you enjoy creating and furthering discontent among anons? If you had noticed, the thread was doing fine until certain 'people' showed up.
I haven't thought about WoW dances in years desu with you lad
The filter list posted a couple threads ago actually works fine, I see complaints about the posts but not the actual posts
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Male Draenei.
Love Tunak Tunak Tun.
Watching big men move so much and so cheerfully is hilarious to me.
Good for you bud. How's reddit these days?
Theres no overlap in my case, I only come here to look at TWW spoilers and the last thing I need to see is some deranged tranny spamming the thread LARPing as their character or posting screenshots of being cute while they are usually grown men IRL

You are legitimately cancerous in every community you and your archetype have ever graced and I hope one day youll get drafted and sent to some obscure country to die in as fodder
I'm glad it makes you seethe, faggot
Where in any of what I said was I defending someone else?
I'm telling another guy to shut up cause he's just as annoying. Lately moreso than the faggot he's complaining about.
This is not a side-choosing situation.
I'm not the one who gets triggered by words and pictures on the internet.
You're a genius, I filter it because it makes me angry, now fuck off and go suck a dick
The dracthyr dance is the worst I've ever seen and it single-handedly stopped me from resuming my sub (which had been dormant since legion) for over a year.
>If you don't like seeing off-topic discussion with endless avatarfaggotry you are reddit
4chan is that low, huh?
I see the trannycabal is here, late night US hours always are. I invite you to notice a huge uptick in game discussion once certains posters have gone to bed for the night.
Use your eyes and see, I speak the truth.You can believe your own eyes, right?
I think you can't use your eyes, there is always more than "another guy" in this scneraio, the fact that you think it's "one person" that complains about it shows how little you really do see.
Sorry anon, maybe you're due a trip to the opticians to get your eyes tested? Oof, jeez, sorry you had to find out this way.
Btw, do you feel in charge?
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you're fighting illusions you retard lmao
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>You're a genius
I have my moments.
It's funny when you think about it, that each race and sex is locked to one specific dance, because that's how it was back in 2004.
Not that I care, I would prefer if they added different stances (yes, like xiv has).
No, he isn't. Role-Playing communities are rife with mentally ill aspies and trannies who invest far too much stock in their OCs and then start chimping out when others tell them to fuck off.

This is the exact same reaction from avatarfags.
Dance studio when?
Jesus Christ that is horrible
I love it
I don't even know what it is and I'm glad for that.
Literally use the filter, that's why the dranny is malding.
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>there is always more than "another guy" in this scneraio
Yes, and the flipside is that everyone is Maye. Entirely provable and extremely obvious because someone says its obvious. Because clearly nobody can think both sides of the petty thinskinned shitfest are autistic and annoying.
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Well /wowg/? What is he saying?
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you're talking about yourself in 3rd person my man, you're gone
Ok you proved that you think everyone is autistic and annoying. You can go away now, avatarfag defender.
That he likes Gallywix's flabby body
>everyone disliking avartrannies is actually the same person
And you proved you hate Maye.
You can kindly shush now. We got it.
I didn't prove anything I was just defending another anon since you are obviously defending someone else. You can kindly shush now, embarrassing mistake! Again, try making an appointment with the opticians, you need it!
People who don't play retail know more about why retail is shit than people who actually do play it, always funny to see
Not even the same Anon.
And this'll be a neverending argument. So how's about we both shut the fuck up.
Which will of course be provable that we totally do that.
You thought it was a cute girl?
It was me! Garrosh-chan!
You figured out how to make people talk about you non stop. We got it. You can go now.
Seeing that faggot dragon in the cinematics was enough to put me off, seeing the humanoid drag queen looking goobers just sealed it.
I am going to post in /wowg/ and i am going to have my own opinons irregardless of what you might think or want. Go see an optician.
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I don't know how to say "I didn't start nor am I perpetuating this ridiculous thread argument" without it sounding like I am. I am straight up just watching this all happen. Dudes blaming muh ERPers and muh avatarfags for basically the fuckin' Holocaust.
This was my previous post.
Like, anon wants to say "it's more than one person who hates you" but it's very clearly more than just me who is holding the conversation afloat.
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Why exactly should worgen get a worg mount? Just cause the name's the same? That's dumb. You're dumb
Go get a prostate exam, you seem unnecessarily butthurt over nothing.
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>Makes a better story than Blizzard.

Heh, nothing personnel blizz.
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Hi guys, reckless avatarfag here.

It's fine to absolutely detest the Horde and commit genocide against them. Particularly if they play Blood Elves, Vulpera and Dragthyr. Total Horde Holocaust saves Azeroth and the WoW community in the long rung.

That is all. Have an excellent Monday.
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I really appreciate you posting this
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Shit like this is why everyone here finds you to be an unlikeable faggot. You come in, start shit then when you get what you wanted you proceed to act like a victim. It's fake, it's gay and everyone sees through it.
cute dog
considering your track record as a twofaced tranny-obsessed cunt how about we dont believe anything you vomit onto this general and treat you as the attentionwhore that you are rightfully labelled as
I didn't start shit you demented, brow-beating retard. You did. Right here actually: >>484218125
One image was all it took to set you off on this explosive tantrum. Kindly drink bleach.
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I might have actually subbed for Dragonflight if this is how the Horde responded to the tranny and faggot characters.
That's not my post you mouth breathing retard. I find both you and that schizo to be annoying faggots.
>I didn't start shit
Of course you didn't...
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The idea that people can get this angry at words/pictures on an unhinged website that has spergs all over the place by design is honestly unbelievable to me.
I can't fathom the sort of mental damage they must've sustained in life.
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I'm LFR-watching.
>the avatranny cries out in pain as he shits up the thread
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But why are you naked?
I was merely pointing out his tired routine that has been seen before. I don't give a shit about him avatarfagging. It's a fucking WoW thread ofc people are going to post pictures of shit they do in game as they should.
What's fake and gay is the shit flinging he does immediately followed by the bad victim act. At least you Aussies own up to being shitposters.
That's not me. I set my camera to first person for LFRwatching.
>I didn't start shit
>erm... wtf... why are you playing victim??
how are you not pregnant yet?
god fanfiction.com is so much worse than ao3
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>At least you Aussies own up to being shitposters.
Comes with the education.
Still though, you also seem to just ignore the idea of how easy it is to falseflag as someone. Hence the 'everyone is Maye' statements.
He probably has started his own drama. Perfect excuse for people to jump on that and do it. Others have also posted his pics just to rile you up.
Hell, I've falseflagged as him once or twice back in April just to piss people off for a laugh. And it worked. Because its just that easy.
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i swear there was a more detailed image somewhere that they showed when worgen were first announced but at some stage a worg was their idea for the worgen mount
That's my point. It's shitposting for the sake of starting shit so why cry when shit gets thrown back at you?
That looks like a hog desu
what the hell is that
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>so why cry when shit gets thrown back at you?
Because the second reason to falseflag for shits and giggles. It rallies other idiots to either side to think its serious.
It draws people in. Make a stink about it and everyone drops their two cents nobody asked for.
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I've got a bow, and I'm not afraid to shoot where it would hurt the most.
That's what she said
Hi yeah I'll have the beef and brocolli
Bratty panda requires correction
This bitch DOES look like a turnip punching bag, lol.
this is the retard you are replying to btw >>484221403
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What's wrong with WoW players?
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i had to get into my bikini to get my Archmage title.. wtf Blizzard?
where is he looking
Gonna assume this is about M+

If every mob in the dungeon isn't constantly farting unavoidable aoe damage then healers just become a 4th dps anyway
finally, a tednie saving month.
In other words, attention.
he's keeping an eye on both you and bellular at the same time
Not quite, starting a shitstorm for a laugh isn't the same as doing it for attention.
The credit for who starts it tends to go to Maye and/or Schizo-kun.
spent a while looking and couldnt find the image i thought existed of the worgen mount concept but i did find a bunch of other cata concept art that looks cool
so how do i get the class hall mount? i got the title and the achievement telling me i completed the class hall campaign but got no mount
You expect me to believe your friend isn't doing it for attention? C'mon. If it isn't for attention then it's the former but that would also lend credence to the accusations that he's starting shit for the sake of it. Neither cases are a good look.
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the mount questlines were added in a later patch when the campaign questlines were already complete, so they come after you complete the order hall campaign
Class titles were there at Legion launch, mounts were in a later patch, you might need to advance some other quests, sometimes a relog does the job if a quest doesn't appear.
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gallywix fucked femtroll slaves. canon
>Could have had this
>instead we get the bri'ish
I will never not be mad.
I never said he wasn't. He could be. I can't say or prove he's not and I'm not even going to try. I'm saying that I, and others, also stir shit up and/or have done it because of how easy it is. Entertainment when bored. Hell, its why I even made that image >>484221403 just going along with the other randos that get accused of being Maye. He doesn't have to even be around.
I will not, however, be convinced that several of the people constantly bitching about him that also for some reason save some of his images haven't used said images to falseflag as him. Watching how people react to an image of his character has shown to be too effective to ignore, and they will either stir shit up for their own amusement, or to summon people to their side the same way there's some mythical discord group for avatarfags that immediately flock to defense. Which I'm tooooootally doing now because of said Discord summons, you can't prove I'm not.
fuck tinkers give me ratcatcher class for goblins and gnomes
Pipe Piper spec and Pesticide spec
>avatrannies are actually the ones who are normal, its the people complaining who are unreasonable nutcases
aww yes gaslight me harder daddy
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Blizzard writers are hacks.
>Blizzard writers are hacks
tell us something we don't know
Australia anon is still a faggot even when he's only pretending to be a faggot, and also he's still a faggot even when he's not a faggot.
Just so you know. You are a huge asshole, so is your 'friend' and so is everyone else here that takes issues with 6 words in the op.
Post id's can't come soon enough. I will relish in the day that we get some form of ID here to stop you and maye shitting up the thread constantly, anons will be proved right, they always are.
Even when TWW releases you guys will still be flinging the shit and scaring everyone, new, or old, away. Uhhhhhh BUT MUH ERP DIDNT HARM ANYONE.
>create completely arbitrary associations between diffferent expansions
>get mad about it for some reason
why do this to yourself
Why does an informative OP make you so upset?
This is out of order
>completely arbitrary
Are you seriously telling me you can see no major similarities in the core themes of TBC & Legion or WotLK & Shadowlands? Retard.
You didn't read my post.
You tried.
Good job.
Try harder next time.
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Imagine still playing blizzard games after this
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no im saying those similarities have no significance and dont contribute to any sort of point you apparently think you are making
personally i'd argue WoD is a better parallel to tbc based on your description of it but again it doesnt actually mean anything to say "WoD is kinda like tbc" its just a pointless observation
Am i wrong though? Your posts will have an ID attached so you wont be able to go HAHA I FALSEFLAGGED OH HAHA NOW THEY ARE ARGUING THINKING IT WAS X BUT IT WAS LE ME, LE GREAT TROLLE :^)

Your life must suck.
I admit I'm struggling to comprehend the "6 words in the OP" part, which (to me) makes it sound like you don't like an informative OP, and I've noticed there's been a little bit of shitflinging between an informative OP and a "nothing" one at the end of the last couple of threads, that's all, so I'm confused.
t. someone who isn't here that often
Yeah, I'm sure the whopping 13 posts total I've made in the last 10 threads will be on full display to shame me. What a faggot I am.
ID doesn't prevent people from samefagging my guy
wasnt that game outsourced to a chink studio
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ni hao -.-

yes but it will expose them

It's the first 6 words in the op that these trannies are having mental boom about for weeks now.
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Shut up you filthy avatartroon
fucking kek
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fine ill do my fomo dailies even though I dont want to, fuck you
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I got one good shot last night, and that good shot was a mistake. I'm trying to find more good mistakes by snapshoting quick. I bound screenshot to my 12button.
If Legion had released directly after TBC or if Shadowlands had released directly after WotLK, the player base would have been up in arms and complaining because the plots and themes of the expansions are too similar.

TBC > Legion
>Another Legion expansion?
>Another expansion with Illidan, naaru, Khadgar, draenei, Maiev, Arator?

WotLK > SL
>Another death themed expansion?
>Another expansion with Lich King, undead, Arthas, Uther, Bolvar?
>Another Scourge Invasion pre-patch event?

Cata > DF
>Another dragon themed expansion?
>Another expansion with Deathwing & Dragon Aspects?
>Another doomsday cult?

It just seems like Blizzard decided to rehash old popular expansions. The fact that they follow the original order too with the exception of BfA/Legion just adds to it. I guarantee that the next expansion after The Last Titan will be another one that rhymes with WoW & BfA so to speak. Might be even be a WoW 2.
>yes but it will expose them
Ever heard of a phone?
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>think i'm done with remix
>realize there are non-robe versions of a couple robe sets from raid ensemble vendors, and that you can only get them from remix
i don't think you understand the magnitude of what's happening in that image
this is the equivalent of nazi germany outsourcing panzer production to nippon, only for them to draw a portrait of hitler with shaved moustache and tiny scribbled dick on his forehead
you DO NOT touch the samwise icon
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More astolag the seeker.
Tranny mad that nobody will EVER want them. So mad in fact he made this image.
Posted from my Xbox connected to my neighbors wifi.
I'm slopmixmaxxing right now.
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Thinking about reading some of the WoW novels while I wait for TWW, any recommendations?
there're a ton of raid and dungeon ensembles I haven't bought, but honestly fuck that, I don't care
mounts, heirlooms and the class specific stuff are the only stuff that'll be gone forever after the event
already read the recent TWW short stories?
>any recommendations?
yea dont
Club Sanguine.
I read the recent moira one and the alleria one and I think they were decent desu
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I found English in another lfr.
Have you read any of them before?
Yeah, you can always get the raid sets in Retoilet
read an actual book instead
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Yeah this one is pretty good.
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I think I want to create another alt RIGHT NOW just so I can do more lfrslop.
The only ones I have read before were Tides of Darkness and Beyond the Dark Portal since I never played WC2 and wanted to know what happened.
thread filled with trannies and faggots
just like the game
We're happy you can feel at home.
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I hate Stormwind RPers so bad like you wouldn't believe.
that's not an RPer, that's an ERPer
Miss him yet?
And that's fine to just be an ERPer. But why's it gotta be so... gross?
Do ERP profiles only exist on Moon Guard? I'm on Emerald Dream (ostensibly an rp server) but I don't have the rp addons so I don't know.
If you read ToD and Beyond the dark portal, I'd also recommend rise of the horde (which is among my favorites of all the novels too), Arthas, generally speaking, the WoTA trilogy, The day/night of the dragon series. Lord of the clans is alright, so is cycle of hatred.
They don't, but the regular/good ones aren't particularly worth bringing attention to because this general is obviously, for, all of the content of the game generally speaking, not lore/writing specifically so only the ERP profiles or the really shittily written regular profiles get posted here.
>The day/night of the dragon series.
I've heard people call Rhonin a mary sue in these books, but I'm guessing they are still good regardless?
It really depends on your personal threshold for this stuff; I'd say that he's probably a bit of a sue, yeah, but not any more than any other major lore character is, especially in recent years. The stories are decently written, and I don't think anyone should pick up a WoW book expecting a masterpiece or anything in the first place.
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What are the chances the prepatch event ends up being faster leveling than remix?
probably pretty low unless they add some % buff
but i wonder how fast it will get with warbands because each alt gives you a 5% account wide xp buff up to 25%
>each alt gives you a 5% account wide xp buff up to 25%
I don't think that starts applying until you get characters to 80.
I've heard the Legion prepatch event was good for alt leveling but Remix is kinda in a different league when it comes to fast alts.
nah they're pretty common
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These are the kinds of sexpests that chase people off of roleplaying. Don't get it twisted.
What addons do I need to see these?
Just TotalRoleplay v3, AKA TRP or TRP3.
Right, they're so hard to spot and blend in with the crowd of profiles that make you consider RPing.
what does nclhc mean
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>Actively looks for roleplaying profiles that make him mad
niggers can indeed love chinks
How can I see other people's profiles?
Nigger you do the same shit stfu.
>butchered sylvanas' character to a level that had not been seen since what they did to kael'thas over a decade ago
works every time with 100% efficacy >>681369597
you degens are so incredibly easy to spot
especially the terminally online aussie retard that's full of himself and thinks hes capable of trolling anyone
he didn't write SL
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All the trading post sets look great on forsaken it's not even funny
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my visage quand to that this info.
no cock like horse cock
isn't it obvious from the description?
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Uh oh! Pedo tranny Lilifag meltie!
>Actively looks
Dude. They're everywhere. I don't hunt for them, they meander on my screen. I post here to laugh at the weirdos.
I have zero interest in playing a rogue but I was clicking through the character create screen and the random settings of this vulpera struck me.
>I'm turned on by children and animals and I'm offended
Didn't ask. Why did you need to tell us every little thing.
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they do. check out this set from TWW
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>terminally online aussie retard
Most active and most posts I've made in about three weeks, but yeah okay, you go ahead and keep on spotting me everywhere.
>le epik diddlekids just like muh lego legends
dumb and cute dog
Vulpera are great if you can ignore the furry angle
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>510 ilvl mistweaver
>want mount from fated raids
>have 0 clue wtf is going in these raids, have only bigwigs
>get invited to pug group rather fast
>people are dying to most obvious shit like circles on ground, Raz breath or running away with stack circles
>didn't do it at the start of the season when the competent players were still around
bricked account
shit-tier list comment filters
use this: https://pastebin.com/vwS4kC0U
shit-tier because a couple months of experience only, thanks bro
>Foxxo, king of wowg !cgvXCqIeKc
Isn't this just? >>484234942
Gotta admit I filtered "Turalyon" and "xal'atath" because I was sick of spoilers
works in /wowcg/ too
na, trollanon is always based
foxxo is retarded
and only sometimes based
> /wowcg/
go back
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No, my Vulp is this idiot, he's not Foxxo.
Nigga I ain't playing cata, thanks for the indirect reply tho
new trading post is kinda mid desu
The voice is weird.
the diving suits
fish mount
the backpiece
blub pet
the purple staff + thunderbow
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Aus chads are just too powerful for the amerifats to handle. Your seething is understandable because you will never be a woman and you will never get to taste a HSP at the end of a long hard day at work
which one of these is the most fun, but still viable for 2.4k solo Q and higher end mythics:

arcane mage
BM hunter
shadow priest
enhance shaman

free repair pet/vendor for fags that can't afford the yak. cute
bm hunter
>that can't afford the yak
With so much gold inflation how can anyone NOT afford the yak?
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>tfw soloing the raid boss in heroic for the first time by whaling on it/spamming my self heal for 5 minutes while the wiped team watches
I think I broke one of the keys on my keyboard but it was totally worth it.
I made a female vulpera and the voice is even worse.
Pet is good, can't mount in all places.
Kinda puts Engineers out of business for Jeeves though.
I'm still sitting on the same 150k gold I've had for years.

There's a tradable repair bot available right now.
>have to reroll two of my three main classes to dracthyr in tww
The male voice sounds super normal, if slightly on helium.
It's kind of funny to me how normal they sound compared to Worgen, Tauren and Pandaren. Or even just most of the Horde races in general. Makes me wonder if all Worgen are just voicing all growly to try and sound edgy, cause smaller canine people seem to have no troubles talking properly.
>There's a tradable repair bot available right now.
Oh really? Shows how attentive I am.
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>they keep adding tednie post items which match the judgement sets, both goldblack and purple
rev up my human male paladin and my elliot rogers poster
i'm sitting at 11 hours, wagmi
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Why is neet anon like this?
shaman rework tomorrow bros
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sending my energy to empower the devs
but i'm playing honkie star rail right now?
I play with sounds muted and so should you
>surv hunter bombs are like ignite now
Oh no wonder why they are so fucking strong.
>I play with sounds muted
When you have to listen to sounds from outside of the game, God forbid watch stuff on another screen, that's the signal you should take a break from the game.
Wuk Lamat makes me appreciate Anduin tbhiet
Trying out level 10 chars in remix is fun.
>monk gets a ton of abilities right away, including an aoe
>hunter can sick the pet to oneshot one mob while fighting another
>rogue gets one single target filler ability, and one single target 30s cd
Nah the sounds from the game are just gay as fuck. At first I only used the ambient track at 100% and the rest at 0 because old Blizz sound design was kino but now that I have Mynoise I just mute everything. Also Valdrakken doesn't even have an ambient track last time I checked, nu Blizz doesn't give a fuck.
It's really funny how disconnected TWW is from the rest of the saga, it was definitely Danusers Baby with the OC island, magic root shit and Earthen rebellion. And then Metzen made them start doing revamps to salvage it
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So how hard will it be to get this thing and unlock all customizations?
I love furshit.
Just sounds like the Dragonriding customizations.
So easy, though with some customizations being stupidly harder than others to get, often likely being RNG heavy.
a few things have been changed to rolling damage like ignite on beta, Ret Pala's blade of justice dot is one of them unless they undid that
It was also very telling how as soon as Metzen comes back, the plot basically picks off from where he left it, regarding Alleria and Locus-Walker, ignoring almost all the shit that has happened since legion otherwise
there's a void glow skin for it as the seasonal delve reward, like KSM for delves.
gotta be world revamp or Kalimdor for 14.0

I hate this word. None of the talent "reworks": have been actual reworks. Call me when a class plays fundamentally different. Talent shifting is not a rework.
that will never happen again so the usage of the word has changed iydm
Who's idea was it to change the cover art style from the soulful consistent style for BFA?
hunter was reworked
monk was reworked
ret was reworked
lock was reworked
mage was reworked
These are not reworks. A rework is what SoD is doing.
nah those are reworks
I think he's talking like. paladin gains holy power, or sv hunt becomes melee. I sincerely doubt such a rework will ever happen again, even garbage specs only need 1 old talent returned for them to suddenly be needed.
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>m+ has been removed from the game
thank god, wow is saved
WHAT THE FU- https://youtube.com/shorts/fYJlKFHM6KA
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I really wish they did more with Horde trolls. More screentime and development.

If I could add something to the world, they should be the Horde's "guy who knows a guy".Really old connections stretching back to when they were part of the Gurubashi empire, and when the Gurubashi were part of the Zandalari empire. They would posess secrets and favors from gods that not even the night elves can remember.

Like when the orcs can't muscle their way through, goblins can blast their way through, and blood elves can't magic their way through, the trolls set up an altar and make a deal with a voice from the shadows.
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You could have had Amani trolls with Zul'jin as their racial leader, that would have been kino desu
Nothing personnel, chuddo.
*Transitions behind you*
>twenty seven fucking minutes
Trolls and their Shadow Hunters could easily serve as the SI:7 equivalent. Infiltration, recon, assassinations, etc. Especially now when the heritage line had the Darkspears renew loyalties to the Loa that the Shadow Hunters gain their power from.
Primarily healers as well, because Witch Doctors, been that way since WC3.
They are the jack of all trades race, and Blizz never just throw them in appropriate role slots that the average Orc/Tauren/Elf wouldn't do. There's both magical and physical roles they can slide into as that big Horde stylized x-factor.
damn now that i think about it priests should be alliance only and witch doctors should be the horde equivalent class. think of the soul.
dude what if paladins were alliance only and shamans were horde only
How is is that roleplayers are consistently the most dogshit writers
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my face mfw when i react to this info information ation.
moi visage quand when
lf AI that will give me a rundown on these essays in a tiktok format video, including an episode of family guy and footage of a gta5 race alongside.
yes just like that... think about it witch doctors could have a basic healing spec, their own dps shadow spec and a second dps spec based on curses and poison
they are usually enabled by their own community and encouraged to sprout their creative wings even if they are stupid or dogshit at anything creative, then call everyone a hater, pcu or nazi when they get criticized
I was gonna read but I got lazy and didn't. Sorry bro I'm sure you put a lot of effort into that post so have this (You) instead.
>still feel very new with a class
>check my time /played
>9 days and 15h
it just hit me, in what fucking game you play 230h and still feel like a complete noob? elden ring took me 80h and in the end i felt like i mastered it, same with terraria and a lot of other games
shitter is a state of mind
really the only way to make naga playable is to introduce an illidari faction but this should have been donne way earlier aka before the outland expansion now they kinda wasted their chance
they'll say it needs to make sense in the story, then add new darkmoon faire carnie nagas that appeared on darkmoon island 30,000 years ago if they feel like it
they have, can and will retcon lore to do whatever they want anon
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>look mom i posted it again
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I hope they bring back the Naga and picrel in midnight.
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High Elf
Gnome (2.0)
Darkspear Troll
Goblin (2.0)
Blood Elf
Draenei (Broken)
Mur'gul (2.0)
Undead & Night Elf are eventually introduced as neutral races
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>has the other original wc2 races for alliance/horde
>but no amani troll for horde
??? We already got azshara kinda helping us AND they didn't kill her. It's a matter of time before she becomes an ally.
because it wouldn't make sense
in warcraft 3 prologue Thrall actually expressed disgust at the fact that forest troll used to be part of the horde.
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>high elf
never ever faggot HAHAHAH
they wont kill azshara. They will probably give her a redemption with the whole reunifying the elven tribes as metzen puts it.
Could've at least given us Drakkari Trolls for the swole Troll option, and keep them inline with the Darkspear skintones.
The Drakkari were pretty much all wiped out from the Scourge, there's one dude left just chilling in Zuldazar. Could've implied that there's A FEW left at least and were desperate enough to join any tribe since they had nothing left, joined the Darkspear... Swole Blue Troll appearance unlocked.
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surely azshara will be there, right?
THe Drakkari tribe may be extinct but there are still Frost trolls around, the best candidate for Horde membership would probably be the Frostmane
I can see her appearing in TWW already with Hallowfall neighboring a gigantic body of water that's home to underwater monsters.
>Gnome (2.0)
>Goblin (2.0)
I express disgust that black people used to be allowed on white people's property. don't care if it was as slaves, blacks go home.
first expansion dummy
Yeah, speaking of, they just kinda randomly met up with and joined the Zandalari during MoP so probably should've had them already... Unless they just decided the bad Zandalari of Cata and MoP are irrelevant in their alliances.

Would love to know how that happened as well, even if it was just a random scenario plot point to make Moira and the Dark Irons a more reasonable faction.
Fuck knows theres lots of ways into mountainous range of Dun Morogh that the Gryphon and Flying Machine happy Dwarves and Gnomes wouldn't be able to see enough of a group of Zandalari waltz in and rally the Frostmane to be a 'legitimate threat' for the region happen...
i expect undermine quite soon
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didn't ask + don't care
Dawntrail was shit. I'm sorry /wowg/. Please let me come back.
Who did then you lying nigger
Typical WC2tard
depends on who you are
Go away Jeremy.
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kind of rich for thrall to feel that way considering a lot of his orcs were part of the literal demonic horde that came through the portal to rape and kill everyone in the eastern kingdoms, but turns his nose down on the trolls whose land was rightfully their own getting nig'd by the elves
lmfao what the hell is that pic
I would assume it was Danuser
WoW has infinite skill ceiling.
i know that number by now, ain't working
really puts the "mid" in midnight lmao
How much time have you spent really trying to improve your play? WoW has a lot of non-obvious mechanics where you don't get intuitive feedback on what you're doing wrong.
Take typing on a keyboard as an example: even though I've typed for thousands of hours, I'm just an average typist because that's good enough and I've never put in the effort to hit 120 wpm.
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a remnant of N'zoth making the Nagas rebel against Azshara to help the player characters would be the most kino option
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>the distorted laughing pepe appears in the optional hard mode of the Faerin's Duty encounter, where she refuses a prosthetic arm and uses her stump to guide Beef's frog cock into Wellington. While Beef is performing his Gay Frog Mating Press, ace combat 6 can be seen with "stupid nazi chud" written on his forehead being beaten up by Pelagos, who is wearing a protect trans kids pin.
pezado mentioned over huns? wtf
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August needs to be a weak month from the trading post, because I'm broke as fuck now.
The game is easy enough that you could spend a thousand hours pressing only 4 buttons out of order and still be able to finish your quests and get carried through dungeons and low difficulty raids. If you don't ever actively try to improve then you'll remain a shitter forever.
august was leaked on tww beta right? it's shit iirc, loads of red/blue low res models and a korkron nightsaber / night elf war wolf
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My nigga - this is awesome. Thanks Anon!
To add to that, there are people who download the game for the first time (or after only playing casually years ago) who go on to do MDI or get gladiator or join world first raiding guilds in their first modern year of play. So it's all about how much effort you want to put into gittin gud.
Oh yeah, that's right. Forgot I could just go on beta and check. Yeah, shit month. Time to save up.
>butterfly wings if you're gay
>wristwatch you'll never see
>cindermane charger you can (could last time) steal by refunding
>purple lightning recolor of the dwarf stormhammers
it'll only break your bank if you're a mount completionist or like the low poly stuff for some reason. or if they change it because it was leaked.
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>Standing around on my Dracthyr
>Minding my own business
>FemVulpera comes up and starts sucking me off
>Fuck her throat until she's chugging my nut like water
So how's your day going, /wowg/
I don't believe you, Horde ERP doesn't exist. Anyway I did a single +12 on my Mistweaver and then logged off to watch the footy.
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time to gank people at the vale of eternal blossoms bonfires for the next 12 hours
what are you doing under those covers Uncle Chen?
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lynris coded webm
Does it mean we're going to the Magnetic Chasm and Molten Eternium Sea too?
should update this with m*yes pics instead of dranny
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I suggest you pay the 5 bucks to get all the extra tracks forever, they're great.
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Why is there no alliance version? How am i supposed to roleplay as super mario kart driver on my gnome?
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Time to dog in and take care of my whelps again...
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Just make an Orange Vulp and you can do Crash Team Racing instead.
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Give elf gf
Goblins are gross.
t. elf
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is this supposed to be goblin maye?
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if the find away to bring back those decoded blingtron messages as actual lore that would be based
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> trading post mount is a reskinned store mount that looks better than the actual store mount
> diver suits are pretty HQ

tendie bro's we eating good this month

Any egregious parts from this new short story? Im allergic towards nublizzard writing.
im normally against in human beasts, but even i think thats fucked up.

poor gobbo.
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>all characters backstories are in some fanfics

So, no animated short vids this time? Lazy, Blizzard, very lazy.
I just hit 60 on BFA. What do I do now? Can I not level to 70 unless I buy DF? Should I just wait for TWW to do anything else
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if you buy tww you get df
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I never have to go back to blackrock foundry again
you get DF for free if you pre-order TWW
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In 49 days she will be released from MoP hell and can be your gf
what if I post-order TWW
Congrats little fox
built for anal breeding hourly by the ugliest most retarded bull orc to glance her way that morning
then you would also get DF for free but you would have to wait 2 months
>built for anal breeding hourly
Yes but only from futa goblins.
>anal breeding hourly by the ugliest most retarded bull orc to glance her way that morning
the fate of all blood elves
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They normally bring those out closer to release to build hype.

i have no idea who the main characters of war within are except alleria so im guessing we will get an alleria, xalatath and maybe somebody else video.
It's focus is mainly on Thrall and his son.
That'll be egregious depending on how much you can stand either character
I specifically made this elf for you after you said you were sad a month or so ago, we are both AD-EU
>Making a specific character for a specific person
Hahahahahah oh nonononono
>she doesnt feel the spark of joy in doing things for another
That's very nice of you, but I don't even know you, anon!
Unfortunately I don't think the blingtron zone is on Azeroth but yes
You seemed cool and sad and i wanted to get to know you
Yep I got both and I'm very conservative with my tendies (I was at 9k+)
Ackshually, I do. I just also know that doing what you've done for strangers is practically a fool's errand doomed to failure unless you're already particularly close.
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you ok bro?
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I appreciate it, but you should've asked first! How do I get in touch with you?
I will appear behind you in org in 49 days and grab your ass and there is nothing you can do about it
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thats okay, i didnt really want to finish these quests anyways.
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i crashed a group of boomkins mob farming during BfA and got a poorly worded death threat in my mailbox later that day
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>bots openly farming out in the world in the most flashy and obvious way possible
>never get banned
>finish these quests
why the fuck are you leveling in BFA while Remix is still going?
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my favorite part are the cute perfect 360 spins they do every 30 seconds
they are banned in waves and I reckon by the time Blizzard goes through one wave the next one is ready to take up their spots a day or two later
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>Badly worded
that Venezuelan family has to eat anon. You're basically killing children
because remix sucks and you are stuck there until it ends
why havent they released cm sets for remix yet? theres no reason to log in right now
at some point you gotta deal with the reality of the situation anon
yeh but then some Fomo faggot would cry on reddit about " muh accomplishment"
>he didn't play mop
>kung fu panda dude so wacky haha
>b-but muh mogu
>literal boring-ass terracotta warriors who had no goal and achieved nothing ever

Fuck off
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>>kung fu panda dude so wacky haha
>>b-but muh mogu
>>literal boring-ass terracotta warriors who had no goal and achieved nothing ever
>WoWsloppa pretending like they give a fuck about lore or setting
MoP gameplay was PEAK.
in order to set up a lvl 20 twink for pandaria remix leveling do I need to multibox?
How does that work honestly? I've never multiboxed
>thrall short story
>le old horde was bad :((( and I am sad :((( but le family gives….le hope!!
Who could have predicted it. Only the 10,000th time we have seen this story played out
What are some obscure and lesser-known scenes on retail? Twinks, etc
Horde roleplayers are a myth
Weren't they on Defias Brotherhood EU?
i think you group up with your main
this tendie post sucks
I know they used the "it's just x character's POV" excuse to poorly disguise their retcons, but you could apply it here if you were an optimist. thrall admits he is old. he spends more time in meetings than outdoors. this happens to kids raised by old parents, the parents themselves take less risks and so the kids are less likely to.

the daughter with her old father and mother for guidance naturally sees the world through their lens. and naturally will try to please her dad with her musings while they're on a walk together. but who's to say her peers see it the same way? maybe their songs about war and violence glorify the adrenaline of battle and the feats of gratituously strong and violent. maybe thrall just chooses not to read into that, into the darkness implicit within every orc's soul, because he's scared of the implications of him never truly understanding nor mastering that in his lifetime, of the reality that he's slowly dying and leaving his horde with its old thirst for blood festering underneath the surface unanswered. but it's just as likely they are trying to sanitize him, idk.
>step back and ask yourself if you'd ever actually want to mog a diving suit for any reason outside a couple hours of novelty
>think the anglerfish is ugly
+1k tednies thank you
free tendies for simply going to the post too
>if you'd ever actually want to mog a diving suit for any reason outside a couple hours of novelty
Big (You) problem
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Place your bets for what shaman are getting tomorrow
no more storm/fire division for enha
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This would have been a good time to put it on the TP! Look, the handle is blue!
depends on when you started obviously? a lot of classes got drastically changed over the years
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>more milk less cocoa
that's not an improvement
fucking germans
I’m really hoping for this if it gives me more flexibility on which hero talents I get to use. I really like the elementalist build, but totems aren’t very exciting to me
totemic is kino tho but yeah they should get rid of that shit is too constricting and the thunder hero talents are unplayable as fire.
base tree all 2-pointers removed and whole thing set up plinko machine criss-cross like every other class

also some shit like:
>stormstrike makes a crash lightning hit the target at 25% effectiveness
>crash lightning echoes 1 second later for 50% damage and 2 seconds later for 25% damage
>elemental blast makes the target shoot 2 lava bursts at nearby enemies 3 seconds later
>crash lightning has a 3% chance to shoot elemental blast when it deals damage
the end result of which is every single button press creating a rainbow vomit on your screen. some classes already have this issue on beta.
what do you mean? is there some update happening?
the fish is cool
shaman talent tree update promised for TWW beta tomorrow.
oh ok. and if i remember my bueller update videos, theyve been relatively ignored so far?
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don't look
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shaman rework
we'll get one new glyph for something that doesn't fit any race that can play shaman
and we'll also get a buff to stormstrike
yes. and the other relatively ignored class, hunter, got all their trees overhauled with many new spells and interactions to play with, and many spells removed.
example, marksman got a talent to shoot 5 separate rapid fires at different enemies.
yeah, but hunter doesn't have a history of being promised something and getting given a garbage single ability or pruning out abilities to the point that they don't even make sense
every other class is playing in the year 2024 and shaman is still the same as it was in 2007
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love rain me.
someone explain the new transmog system
will I be able to mog anything I've unlocked regardless of class restrictions, or just what my warband has unlocked?
You unlock mogs regardless of the restrictions.
Meaning you will unlock cloth mog as plate class, but can't use it.
However, your cloth alt can.
you can collect anything on one character, you can't mog anything which you can't already on live.
you unlock mogs regardless of the class you get it on

say you run a raid on a cloth character and a plate item drops
it immediately gets added to your collection, but you can only mog it on your plate wearers
armor restriction/character class still remain
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So if i do a quest I will unlock the appearances for ALL possible rewards and not just ones my class can use? I believe currently it's the latter
>So if i do a quest I will unlock the appearances for ALL possible rewards

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ayo im waiting do loremaster now
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They get what they fucking deserve
Kino dwarf
yea i was about to say, few races capture that fantasy look as good as dorfs
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We're almost at cap. Who's making a new thread? I'll do it if no one else wants to.
I don't get it, what's that icon?
fear ward. in vanilla pretty much every priest on alliance was dwarf because of how strong it was
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use this hot gobbo
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>Only 1 returning item at the Trading Post

Wtf. This is concerning. I think they're about to double down on finding ways to monetize the Trading Post. Only bringing back one item makes the FOMO feel worse and incentivizes people to want to collect more when they can. Only a matter of time before we see tendie bundles in the shop.
not my problem
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KEY TIME!!!!!!!!!!
>20 hours ago
What addon for the name plates? I use Neat Plates but that looks like something else.
noob healer
>if you're not a coomer you're a tranny
both coomers and trannies are freaks that ruin this entire board. go fuck yourself.
looks like plater
I am extremely confident that it's going to be retroactive.
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what can i say, it was a push week

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