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/wowg/ - World of Warcraft General


Previous: >>484175563

/wowg/ op pastebin: https://pastebin.com/YYerc7yy (use this when making a new thread)
/wowg/ op images: https://imgur.com/a/C5zycsV

- This Week in WoW:

- The War Within News:

>Mists of Pandaria REMIX: (May 16)
- Bullions spreadsheet:

>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>July Trading Post
>Summer Trading Post

>General Resouгces
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>cries about links being in the OP as a smokescreen for the avatarfag comment
>uses all the links but removes the avatarfag comment
Can we put the war back in warcraft already but try better than the attempt in BfA, im tired of everyone being buttbuddies now
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it's happening
>more than 4 zones
fake and gay
TBC vibez
Big if true
>not posting the detailed datamine
I'll dog in when I can apply for my government mandated nelf gf
what are the implications of gnomes being able to anally take a full sized dick?
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forgot pic
fake and gay
Let me guess. Worgen
chat is this true
think about it logically
Who else would dog in?
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I don't like the avatarfag comment.
I like the links because it helps new people get better acquainted with the game.
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Fuck Earthen, give the people what they want
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you're a genius anon, i thought that the artist signing it wasn't enough of a giveaway
nobody wants this
Wasn't an ethereal raid datamined?
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Will TWW be good?
There already are female kobolds, they have same body, only have long hair tied into ponytails and shit.
we dont know yet (it doesnt come out for 2 months)
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I dont know what this is and I dont think is wowowawa related
>man has breasts
wtf I feel represented
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they look like wallace and gromit characters
It's pretty clearly a critique of Dragonflight's writing
the art design for the earthen stuff is amazing
I have a strange feeling they're going to make EVERY npc gay and disabled, though
thats just not true
Don't you fucking turn your head when talking to me
I say this
how did this pepe switch sides so fast
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high IQ post
stop lying

what do you mean?
I play beta and the only fag I saw is Flynn, who they turned into a faggot in SL and is now a recurring character, who doesn't even mention his butt buddy once, he just does rogue stuff in the spider zone.
I think it's the Chinese influence.
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I didn't find any gay shit and I played through 80% of the quests on beta
wow is healing
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What are the implications of humans being able to anally take a dragon sized dick?
don't ignore my request or pretend not to understand. he's clearly mirrored vs the last time I saw him. either he took a picture of himself and used a computer or mobile device to mirror it, which is absurd as he's only a cartoon entity with no sentience or access to technology, or in that short space of time he re-learned how to write, use scissors etc. with his left hand and has a perfectly symmetrical face which he just happened to have a picture of the other side of ready to go. the picture you attached here at least makes some sense, as he merely got ahold of a climbing frame for the picture or is lying down with his head hanging off the edge of the bed.
ac6 won
cursed image
I read this with a smile knowing that all WoW has to do is come out with something at the very least interesting and we win. All Blizzard has to do is make TWW interesting to play.
what's with people's obsession with going off-world? rather we should go back to a reset where we start off with bigger original continents, but not everything is accessible right away
reminds me of the pictures of those goofy the dog cosplayers
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the loginining.
>give the people what they want
They already talk like Jar-Jar, might as well...
t. George Lucas
every time i click a wowhead link i expect the gay frogs
i thought this was wow not warhammer realms of chaos
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for those in TWW beta as someone who will play an hour or two casually every other day, not doing m+ or raids anymore, what class should I play?
just set up filter for that number and you're gucci lil bro
k'aresh is a compelling place, to me at least, because it's the home of the ethereals
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>Beef says: Wellington! I must ask-
>Wellington says: Beef! I've brought you here to ask-
Wellington pauses for a moment in confusion and then laughs.
Beef errupts in laughter.
>Beef says: Did we just?
>Wellington says: We did. Want to get married?
>Beef says: More than anything. I love you.
>Wellington says: And I, you. More than anything
I just realized that the gay frogs are an Alex Jones reference.
literally does not matter at that point it's pure preference
Any melee class will do. Casters are ASS in delves
fatebound rogue
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I'd like to delve some caster ass if you get my meaning
already saw the naked version like years ago you're way too late
Is Trickster Rogue based or cringe?
trickster is unironically unplayable because the capstone lock your character for like 2 seconds.
I didn't even look at it, I just reverse image searched. World map isn't done until the end of development
i miss torghast
literally fyr'alath
Yes BUT fyralath has a 2m cd right? The capstone trigger all the time.
This is the same individual who floods the thread complaining and samefagging when the "official" /wowg/ images aren't used.
Then he will cope and say he doesn't have meltdowns or seethe about it. Don't let yourself be gaslit.
>he's not watching tarisland's RWF
what are you even doing with your life bro
oh that's shit. I was just lamenting how you can't pop fyralaths on-use in arena without regretting it.
>trigore the lasher in thralls short story
another throwaway NPC made canon thanks to hearthstone.
also note that they didn't kill trigore off in that story, just cut off all 3 of his heads.
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Yeah rogue is pretty rough right now, trickster was reworked because it was like dps loss to play it and now you still can't play it, the rogue dps is so undertuned they got a 20% buff and the outlaw tier is like a 1% dps increase with no sign of fix.
trigore the lasher has been in the game since release, sis
i love watching sellout hypebait streamers
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?????????? I called him a throwaway npc?????? acting like I thought he dident exist?????? ?????? can we get a scientist here
>made canon
she was already canon?
I am a scientist. Ur retarded lolmao.
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>doing rasz
>people dying to frontal cone every fucking time
my god
the npc existed before hearthstone, is the point
in the same vein as sir zeliek. trigore was not acknowledged because their setting was not ready for the implications of a real hydra. now he is here and they will have to acknowledge hydras exist and can regrow their heads whenever they cross a body of water or go near a cave.
look gordon it's a skateboard!
Would anyone like to suck my girlballs please I'm very full today
wut? hydras have been around since vanilla, not by that name maybe, but in maraudon for example
>zoomer tiktok response
oh, I didn't know we were dealing with an actual retarded person
I'm sure you bring a lot of value to The Goodwill Foundation putting around their store and licking all the coats
No. Ranged classes suck in solo TWW it's melee or bust
tell it to your live-in carer mr. not like other retards
You will never be a woman.
>His faggot op gets used
>Still seethes because his gay line is removed
Shows what your real priorities are
cope response. 2 more surgeries and I will be taking bbc like in the vids I watch while you will still be khv.
not my faggot op, this was my faggot op >>483595212
are human males compatible with female blood elves?
what about human males and female draenei?
>two mentions of avatarfag seethe in this OP
Yeah you're butthurt lol.
human males can be impregnated with frogspawn by beef's mating press.
blood elves are just high elves with a different identity, and considering alleria and turalyon have a child: yes theyre compatible
i asked for the gobbo but i didn't post >>484281040
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Unbanned...but at what cost? The fundead porn most flow.....
there is no way you got banned and the futafag doesnt get banned
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Never forget.
lmao whatd you do
I posted this without the black scribbles and said "Class/race for this feel?"
you know theres something seriously unstable about the futafag, if someone started doxxing me id shit my pants and leave but he's got a suicide wish or something and takes pride in people doxxing him
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me on the left tho
Or he's so confident that some crying retard on the internet can't actually do anything other than cry
Let's take a step back and think about how this all boils down:
>futafag posts pics of his character on 4chan
>this makes anonymous very mad and want to cancel futafag
At the end of the day that is what it boils down to
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>Let's take a step back and think about how this all boils down:
>>futafag posts pics of his character on 4chan
I think it plays out a little differently to how your tinted glasses show.
you know it's just some fat bitter faggot who's too scared to leave the house right? if he could actually affect the world around him he'd find a hobby or a source of income, or use it to get back at the people who bullied him. instead he obsesses over one person in the same thread he's habituated himself in since childhood. foaming at the mouth while being too scared to even risk a pseudonymity is all he can do. like me when I bully fat faggot janny for being an overweight fat faggot bitch whore.
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It sucks.
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>Another mystery that used to be left to the imagination like Shadowlands, to be ruined by getting shoved into a probably mediocre patch.
All of the remaining mystery to the Warcraft universe is getting killed.
hes lonely
he likes the attention even if its negative
its probably just some gay faggot humiliation fetish shit
>this is somehow different to the miles of shitposting everyone else does
Need i remind you of the several days /wowg/ was unusable because the new bing AI slop tool was released and every fucking furry was flooding the thread with slop?
Point is everyone shitposts and fucks up the thread. Get over it
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I'm leveling through WoD right now. I FEEL like it would have been a better expansion if Blizzard had gotten the original voice actor to play Gromm. Not that the new one didn't do a good job but he just doesn't have the presence for the character.
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youre based, undead bro
the futafag and his buddies were among the ai porn spammers and are just as cancerous as the furfags
>arguing that one side of the coin is a different coin
the difference is that hes adopted a thread id without using a trip so that you know its him shitting up the thread
the beatings will continue until he stops signing his posts
i think you need to get over it lmfao
What's the point of this?
>it would have been better if...
yea we totally haven't heard this one about WoD a gorillion times already
it didn't live or die by the story, although people ripped on the time travel
>refusing to acknowledge the point
Everyone shitposts and fucks up the thread and you're a retarded jogger if you think not. Seething about le futafag threadhitler all day everyday and documenting every lil thing he does is just as insufferable
>actually adds the old gay frog joke
>actually adds the closest thing to the black disabled lesbian joke
One of my favorite theories is the existence of a shadow dev who came up with these characters to secretly mock DEI.
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I don't think you understand.
The people shitposting relentlessly are all furries, the people who are furry shitposters are all ban evading, the ban evading furry shitposters are actually Blizzard employees.

The real playerbase wants to spitroast blood elf women with their cocks and talk about gameplay, Blizz wants 4chan to be talking about some new gay race they added like vulpera or dragthyr.

Pic related was what the thread used to have in it, but now it's all obese pandas, fagfoxes, and dragthyr. Blizzard saw the popularity of the "problematic" races like feminine looking female blood elves and sent lawyers after rule34 artists and went into overdrive to shill their furfag degeneracy since. This has been a battle raging for nearly 10 years now and they were losing. They had to ruin the gameplay and game design to get normal people to finally fuck off so that only the furfaggots would remain.
It was a pyrrhic victory for them but they kinda won. Problem is even their furfaggot army is leaving them.
okay that's pretty cool. don't care if it's worse than astral shift I'm taking it.
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>Only 1 returning item at the Trading Post

Wtf. This is concerning. I think they're about to double down on finding ways to monetize the Trading Post. Only bringing back one item makes the FOMO feel worse and incentivizes people to want to collect more when they can. Only a matter of time before we see tendie bundles in the shop.
>all day everyday and documenting every lil thing
i dont, i just posted a pic of someone who does and wish you and he would fuck off
furfags and futafags are one and the same: pedophile zoophile subhumans
>how does this make you feel, Gnollboy?
Theres like 4 returning items
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Death to the windrunners
Death to the false horde beasts and new scourge
Death to the pcu pedos
Death to the moonguard futafags
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Death to the living
Sounds like someone should post a worg or two desu
need to goon to jaina proudworg
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>Obese furry with a fortnite dance.
You're just gay and >>484294508 proves it.
But I main a blood elf
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>playing a dirt elf
>using 3D boob mods
>playing a panda
how many furfag ai images did you spam during the peak?
she looks nice
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dwarven thread
dwarven posts
sir, this is an elf thread
all else is cope
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maybe if he didn't have fucked up eyes he'd see all the shit there
god i wish i were my dracthyr
this whole thread belongs in the book of grudges
0 im not gay and retarded
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Never met an honest straight man who wouldn't wanna put it in a blood elf.
Something's wrong with you.
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you lied to us bro...
troves is washed up that's god's honest truth. went from one of the #1 wowg personalities to trying to fit in with the most retarded brain damaged generation yet, who make the socially isolated sex abuse victim millennials he used to hang out with look like functioning contributing members of society.
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13 more characters and I will reach character cap with all maxed level characters. Anyone else? Also what's the best way to make gold using all these alts?
>what if they just, out of nowhere, went heavily into racial slurs and hard swear words in TWW’s development
sure would impress all the 13 year olds who play
it would be funny but wouldn't make the game any better
lol? no it's not
what if Sylvanas came back in Midnight and when she started talking Anduin interrupted with "Silence, bitch"
>Also what's the best way to make gold using all these alts?
Get a job and spend $20 a week on a WoW Token.

Alt+F4 out of the game whenever you think about "farming" because you're not going to beat either....

competition (who use bots)
$ for gold vs your own time
I dont want to get banned thoughever
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fucks sake kek
banned for buying wow tokens?
lmao you are OBSESSED with op
i mean can anyone say OBSESSED?
lol and then again should i say??? OBSESSED?
>cry about op
yep true just as shrimple as that!
you are
with OP
he put 6 words in the op and you became OBSESSED lol LOL i mean just LOL
he has been living rent free in all these avatroonies mind for months now LOl
my boy OP is so based he won BIGLY and HUGE and thats just eht long and short of it bro you avartroonies getting exposed and crying on the daily for MONTSH now ahahaha lol yep rtrue just it is be dat do!!!
nice melty
stay mad avatroon sympathiser
baker - 1
avafags - 0 and still pissing shitting and seething a week after the first melty
>someone cried about OP?

oh i forgot
nice melty
how to make a pipebomb
Every bot that you can download is ban proof, just grab one.
Blizzard only detects the ones in BETA, that you have to pay extra for. If you're using an obsolete public bot you're not going to get banned they only go after the cutting edge ones as those are what make all the real money.
>Meltdown over literally nothing
>This is supposed to make your opposition look bad

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man these false flags are the worst
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>oip 1 and based
>avatarfags? 50 gorillion million obsessed meltys losing bigly since months and never ever gonna recoer their soft mental state awlays losing every time tehy wake up asmashed their mirror so dont have to see recflection anymore
>avatarfags? fagadfafaf namefafs? lole NAMEFAFS lol am i right? name fafs..
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They're not sending their best. Falseflags used to be convincing.
of course HE rears his ugly head while he spams from his phone
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bros my new thunderfury bow is beautiful
Is Barry back?
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Really my nigger? Really?
yeah its definitely a futafag melty, always has to make it about himself
>6 lines in op
>avatartroonie meltdown
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playable demons when??
I, for one, am enjoying the mental illness.
Ogre Pocket Knife
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sup yall it's me your boy asmongold
ya its funny desu
and the avatarniggers and their sympathizers screech endlessly
im a classic chad, but...wow, just wow. might need to check out goblins in retail for some plappage
Futa succubi get this every night.
Kill yourself.
Straight, male Felguards get that every night*
lol look how mad this dude is
how can I know that
I'm actually going to try retail again. Even though I know I'm not going to like it. The delves sound interesting. And the classic community is absolute trash. Just depressing to be around.
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WoW PVP is a mini game and I'm tired of pretending it isn't.
im playing a ret paladin in sod so i can top the dps meters!
fuck pvpniggers and fuck asmonsimps
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If every PVPer says PVP sucks, why do they keep playing it?
>t. casual PVPer
>Token value 335k
>$20 for it
>3 hours of work

You're telling me with an army of alts there's no way to make 335k in less than 3 hours? I don't want to spend half the money I make in a day.
Imagine thinking that playing against an already solved computerized enemy is worth anything. Playing against other players is the only actual game. The true endgame of classic.
I respect your decision and dedication into learning how to fight other players in WoW, but that doesn't mean the developers or community owe you anything. Your classes and specs are designed for Mythic +. Period. That's the way it is, and that's the way it's going to be for the foreseeable future.
if you ever play another multiplayer game in your life you will understand how bad wow pvp is and you will immediately give up on this view. and by the way PvE is also competing against other players, i'm talking about the damage meter of course.
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>lfm dps
>palacuck wants to come
retniggers need to be reminded of their place
classic started to suck ass around wrath. it was great during vanilla-tbc but i'll only go back if they release mop
is this fag wearing an andy sixx shirt?
bros im rifling through my alts just to speed run 1800 for funzies
im on aff right now
ive literally never played this spec
is literally as simple as just maintaining your dots and pressing nightfall procs? as far as i cant tell thats all you really have to do
>enhance mostly unchanged
>another raid buff
they should be removing them
>remove them
>people cry
>add them back
>people cry
>actually enhancement is fine so we're barely going to touch it

People are literally expecting an entire rework of these specs and blizzard is just cleaning up the talent trees a little bit. This is not going to go well.
To be fair they said this is not all they are doing
>Our goal with this buff is for it to fully replace the Windfury Totem buff previously brought by Enhancement Shamans and grant Elemental and Restoration access to a raid buff to encourage their value in raids.
>New Ability: Skyfury – Harness the fury of the Windlord to grant a target ally 2% Mastery and empower their auto attacks to have a 20% chance to instantly strike again for 1 hour. If the target is in your party or raid, all affected party and raid members will be affected. Learned at level 17.
I never said I wouldn't
Only real hyperboreans can perceive posts from Yakub, guess you didn't make the cut chit
I mean if their mentality is "this is mostly fine" then that's very bad news, my guy. It means they have no idea what the problems are or what people have issues with. They're way out of touch.
The odds of them now flipping their mentality and beginning work on a literal ENTIRE REWORK and tune it up all in like 2 months is next to zero.
>last post 21 minutes ago
>the absolute fucking state of that shaman rework
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Literally every thread would be improved with a couple of worgposts
small reminder that avatar or signature use is still against board rules
dummy, individual zones are bigger now since dragonflight so they'd just combine two zones under one name
give me more
my class is bad in mythic+ thobeit
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who set the squirrels on fire
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>elemental was pretty much pigeon holed into storm build which means farseer will be completely unusable/ignored by 90+ percent of players
that's a big con because I love the fire build but at least we got better defensive capabilities and a raid buff
>She looked like Li Li...
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>"This is all definitely one person!"
Hey look, I can see my post in there.
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Tinker class
WoW wins
guys im gonna main ww in tww, hope celestials is good
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>WoW PVP is a mini game
Everything in this game is a minigame. Point me to a single "game mode" in this that could ever compete with the average popular multiplayer game. You can't, hence why it loses to everything popularity-wise.

The reality is that WoW's ONLY unique strength is its big, persistent, shared world, everything else it does is done better by other games. Why would I sit in a 10 minute queue for a BG or arena if I can just go play League of Legends? Why would I do Mythic+ if I can just play PoE or Diablo? Raiding is the only mode that hasn't been ripped out and done better in a standalone format, but it also has the highest barrier of entry and is the least frequent.

The day they stop tripling down on this retarded segregated design where everyone just sits in town queueing for their preferred activity without ever engaging with the rest of the content is the day this game can start growing again. It will never happen of course because redditors shit blood every time they're forced to step into arena or BGs, but it's nice to think about. Maybe WoW 2 will happen someday.
if the talent tree leak is real it's over there's no hope for enh or resto
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I already miss the inn's from beta.
I want to pet this worg on beta
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they are nice
i meant 11.1 fuck
What year are you living in?
Mythic + is the most popular thing to do in WoW. Everyone in this thread knows that's the truth.
Yes, $16750 gold per dollar is an incredible steal.
Just buy the tokens and buy what you need so you can play the game, farming is a meme, farming is done for.

Bots are normalized and your 47 max level charuckters are not uncommon, and the simple process of logging in to each and every one of them every day to do your "dailies" or whatever the fuck you have in mind would take at least an hour or more, where you can earn more with an hour of real work.
All the good moneymaking methods become botted instantly, then no longer return profit to be worth anything close to the rates you'd get just buying a token with $$$.
This is by design.

The only "real" ez-money scheme in this game is to become a Blizzard employee and start selling raid carries while you find ways to ban your competition trying to do the same but that requires effort.
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aff lock is retarded fun in solo lads, really enjoying it
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slop posted
>watching favorite vtuber play OG day 2
>she sounds like she wants to kill herself in Minecraft

I just can't believe how they fucked up something as simple as a MSQ. All WoW has to do is make an interesting story and we win.
i didnt realize bl*zz employees posted here.
Chris Metzen
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coming back from 10.07 and there must be 100 quest markers in valdrakken alone and about 20 campaign quests instantly in my log. i already want to quit
turn anti-aliasing in the graphics settings to 8x
turn render scale to 200%
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they really need to lock quests to be linear
its insanely overwhelming and discombobulating to have literally 30 quest chains that overlap and can be done in any order active all at once in the same area, and every patch makes it worse.
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already was 8
i think it looks worse and it killed my frames at 200
undead paladins when so we can ethnically cleanse stormwind
it shouldn't look that jagged something must be broken
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>Azure Vault run
>Get rooted by casters and die to ground AOE
>Everyone's waiting in front of Azureblade for a good 10 seconds
>Me and tank ask to Shaman healer rezz me
>Shaman cops an attitude, demands someone else rezz me (???)
>Shaman spends rest of the run bringing AOE on top of me such as the trash mob charge, frog leaps, Telash ice bombs and icy devestator, etc
yeah brother i cant imagine why a really low res screenshot would look so jagged
shit doesn't even fill a quarter of my monitor like get real fucking retard
Shaman have the best kick in the game. That ice root should never go off. Part of me wants to max out my gear but even running +6 at this point feels too heavy.
I mean me dying was my fault, I just played it poorly. But randomly getting a bitchy attitude and bringing AOE on top of me was a completely bizarre series of choices.
+6s feel like a tedious drag.
Just wait for next expansion where the dregs will be trying to do +9s for crests yeeeehaaaawwww
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I resubbed a few days ago and I've already done a timed 8 for each dungeon, with a couple of 9's and a 10 for good measure. 1828 rating, will inst-hit 2500 when Tuesday hits. Feels good to be rdruid.
probably my shitty tv desu, i want to upgrade to a monitor with less delay but ive been playing on a 40 inch tv for a while now haha
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>Update Weakauras
>They all get deleted
Thanks for reminding me to back up my weak auras.
Are there any weeklies I should do before Tuesday?
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>using WEAKNESSauras
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yo, any white people left in this game?
NOOOO you don't understand I need to track stacks of Sun King's Blessing! My Ritual of Ruin! AAAIIIIEEEE WHAT IF I GET A PROC I GOTTA TRRAAAAAAAAAAAACK!
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white people are playing dawntrail, wow is a brown man's game
Why would I need weakauras when Hekili does all the work for me?
>tw everyone at the table with varian is dead, except greymane
i did all my shit on tuesday/wednesday as per usual the other 5 days of the week are for arena/other shit2g8a
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whiteoids do love flocking to their slop, after all
all the negative reviews are saying to get rid of the tranny VA in the game.
based if you asked me. cringe they allowed a tranny to VA in the first place.
Kael, Kalec, and Arthas surrounding Jaina is always amusing.
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accept fox into your heart
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Now that the dust has settled, was he really that cool? I mean he seemed okay.
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And you, Jinyu? You turn against Pandaria as well? You harbour our enemies. These people are not your friends. They have murdered, butchered, rampaged and enslaved their way throughout our home. The Jade Forest burns because of them. Yet, you would see them as your allies? Have you gone mad? Has the whole world gone mad?! They will use you and abuse you! They will chew you up and spit you out! How DARE you host these mass-murderers?! What do you think they will do when they run out of Pandaren to slaughter in droves?! You are signing your own lives away, and not simply by making an enemy out of the Temple of the Jade Serpent. Let this serve as your one and only warning, FISH. If I sense even an ounce of their presence in your village once more, then I will hasten the destruction you bring upon yourself. To stand with the foes of Pandaria, is to join fates with them. They brought this war to our continent. Choose your side wisely, lest I show you the horrors they wrought upon my people.
no one asked
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the only thing I like this month is the fish
Proper rendering would still make the ears look fine, there's literally a gap in them.
Something is wrong.
i think the toughpaw copypastas are pretty good
if anything he puts a shitload of effort into them
i will not give him a you because he is also a futafag but he puts FAR more effort in than our other resident futafag
I want to make autismposts like that but I just take premade copypastas and swap words around
our thread is dead
/pol/ has been shit for at least a year
not even going to bother hopping over to /v/ during the summer
you fags got any interesting or entertaining youtube videos or series to share? something like luetin09s videos or similiar?
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>Looks like you could all use some resources. Hmm, there's a saying for this-- survival of the fittest.
>Looks like you could all use some resources. Hmm, there's a saying for this-- survival of the fittest.
>Looks like you could all use some resources. Hmm, there's a saying for this-- survival of the fittest.
>Looks like you could all use some resources. Hmm, there's a saying for this-- survival of the fittest.
>Looks like you could all use some resources. Hmm, there's a saying for this-- survival of the fittest.
>Looks like you could all use some resources. Hmm, there's a saying for this-- survival of the fittest.
bitch has the dumbest voice
>you fags got any interesting or entertaining youtube videos or series to share?
No, but I did rediscover a music video that was made alongside an Oddworld game from the early 2000's, and it is just... quality early 2000's.
As trash as DT is we've had so many bad expacs back to back that I feel like a battered house wife and can't imagine that the lore and writing team will actually manage to pull out anything compelling this time around. But I pray, my god, do I pray...
How old were you when you relized """"people"""" hated Nathanos Blightcaller because he was le heckin meanie to player character, not because he was self-insert OC and massive cuckold simp?
I hate worlo wawa players so god damn fucking much its unreal.
I liked Nathanos as a charcter, him being a dick to the player fit his character and who he was in his past life.
I also liked that short story about him, where it shows him talking to Sylvanas when she was still ranger-general and she had come to visit him at his home.
The fact that he was a literal self insert of the massive faggot who is now gone detracts from this, but I still think he was a good character, albeit due to his interactions with Sylvanas
Isn't it even funnier that the author's self insert is so mean to the players that they hate him? Just shows how likeable that clown is. Also most people don't have a reason to know his behind the scenes story.
I completely disagree with you and think Sylvanus is the worst character in the entire warcraft universe.
Maybe that has something to do with him constantly yelling at horde characters for no reason whenever they random a seething shore BG or fly near a BFA world quest
That's fair, her character was completely destroyed in BFA onwards, some would argue from cata onwards desu.
I mean it was already obvious from your first post but yeah, you have brain damage. Even if you don't like her, there are obviously way worse characters, you just have mental issues.
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I love the puntable marmot.
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Yawntrail is unironically real.
How the fuck did you all predict it?
I don't play h*rde, so I never interacted with that character.
I just hated the fact it was Danuser's blatant self-insert, and not even that on its own warrants the hatred (take Thrall, who is Metzen's self-insert - some of it is cringe, but I don't hate it), it's what he did to the game's story AND the fact it was very likely him, who was responsible for the change in the ancient cata quest dialogue (where Garrosh calls Sylvanas "bitch") and that the "social contract" contains a note that "you will not mock characters".
wow won
Yeah, WoW won, but the fucking horde didn't - Jesus Christ. Midnight will save us all.
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Poor little vore quin.
It is extremely funny how xivtroons are now silent.
You just know the expansion sucks shriveled tranny cock, because otherwise, they'd be all here shitposting about how great it is, but they aren't.
it wears a football helmet because it's retarded and will hurt itself otherwise so you are bullying a retarded animal.
the fact night warrior tyrande couldn't kill him at darkshore and needed her bf to come save her was just... lol
> Alitards are the real Garrsoh fans
>Theyre most likely just WC2tards who see the world in black and white and just despertely want to play an "objectively morally correct" faction so they project their dellusions onto the game
Who couldve guessed that alitards are mentally children, huh.
>night warrior tyrande couldn't kill him at darkshore
Oh yeah I completely forgot about that, also how they added the valkyrs helping him only after people bitched about it, because before then, he would just fucking solo her.
I wonder what would wow be, if everyone let him go unchecked lmao
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>seething about WC2 out of nowhere
holy rent free
Your weakauras are in your WTF folder though?

This but unironically.
>"uhh no you see, everything is actually GREY"
Do we got live Danuser itt?
should i use 340k gold to get a token?
I noticed that a lot of Aloince fans are just wc2fags who really just want some beasts to slay. Horde now being portrayed as real people with their own reasoning and emotions confuses them.
WC3 is all about GREY and its a way more important game, sorry.
based, drown all alliance rats in blood
Only chinks buy game time with gold.
gonna miss her
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Female tauren are built for dreamtalons.
Why should i feel bad about killing the goldshire faction?
Nobody cares, Steve.
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>"social contract" contains a note that "you will not mock characters"
wtf chat, is this real?
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It's peak.
Yeah I think it's right where the big buttons are on that pic.
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what does their tranny VA sound like? Because our lispy nonbinary furry was awful
Alliance is the objectively morally correct faction, so what's the issue?
Fun fact, only american voice actor is tranny, others are actual women.
Also white, faking spic accent.
I thought that is verboten now, but I guess being an unpassing troon means it's okay?
>objectively morally correct faction
There's the issue, this type of marvelslop writing is boring, capeshit retards should've been gatekept hard from fantasy genre. The story would be infinitely better if alliance was led by characters like Daelin Proudmoore, Edwin VanCleef, Othmar Garithos and Aedelas Blackmoore.
>inb4 alliance babies would scream and shit their diapers
Typical horde nig mentality, trying to bring others down to their level.
>nooooooo we would never do a heckin war crimerinos, we are just like wholesome chungus justice league!
rope. now.
I like being able to play alongside heroic, morally good characters on one side and then morally dubious, if not outright evil characters on the other wise isntead of it being a sea of morally grey slop like danuser would want
>play ww monk in shuffle
>3 caster - you lobbies
>play lock
>3 melee - you lobbies
wtf is this bullshit
solo shuffle is where anything good you are able to feel goes to die
The issue is that Thrall obviously wasn't looking to conquer Azeroth with his new Horde and even helped saving it. Alliance being dellusional zealots only drove more people to the Horde and made it stronger. So Alliance is basically the objectively retarded faction.
Nigger, he was the leader of the disgruntled stone masons.

And how are Proudmoore, Garithos and Blackmoore "morally bad" when all they wanted to do was protect their people?

The only Marvelslop there is is this "everything is ackshully grey, we must unite against greater evil, set aside our differences blahblahblah"

Nobody rolled horde because they wanted to be le morally grey noble savage or mizunderstood undead who only wants to unite with his living family.

People rolled horde because they wanted to be edgelord "badasses", just like people rolled alliance because they saw and liked LotR film and alliance was exactly what they wanted.
Keep crying, nig.
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be cultured
they cant all be curbstomp matchups
i still think they should segregate melee and ranged, i hate playing like a faggot against 3 ranged and shoving a pillar up my ass the entire game
alliance babies having the main character syndrome, not even once
This right here is a perfect example of an alitard, holy shit. A 12yo mentally.
I play the game for PvP but haven't played since WoD, worth coming back?
I'll probably be playing priest.
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nvm I found it. Good lord I'd rather listen to chromie or selistra
I bet you play a fucking belf lmao
i dont really cry about this shit on my ret but god damn this shit is miserable on lock, i stomped several of the monk lobbies but i literally cant cast ua or fear on my lock it just feels terrible unless its mugambala, then im taking at least 4 games
post your belf sis
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he is a cuck to anduin
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How did blizzard manage to create the most based character by complete accident?
Could be worth, the gearing is easy, the gameplay is alright. I don't know how shadow is but Holy is bussin'
sounds like she is choking on cock
you ever see that experiment video where they tried to make everyone believe garrosh was the good guy? lol
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I miss Garrosh so fucking much it's unreal
Why the fuck would anyone want whatever you want to call the freakshow the current Horde is over Garrosh?
If you want to be good just play Alliance.
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Is there another way to get the items the turtle wow leveling challenges give you?
I've never played wow before but I might go slow or vagrant to get a special item if not
I havent played caster since MoP when destro had KJC but yeah it looks absolutely miserable when Im in a lobby and only one of the dps is ranged, almost feel bad for them. But then half the time the other melee on my team is fucking stupid and tries to kick the moment the caster starts a cast or kicks when i kick. When the casters on my side I do everything in my power to peel off but theres only so much you can do as a ret (even worse if your healers a hpal)
Also while I'm here, can I tell fags to kill themselves for being fags in turtle without having to even think about getting banned or muted?
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fuck it I dont even want the horde to be evil I just want to play the villain goddammit. Let me be evil I don't want to save the world anymore.
pic rel
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>turtle wow
Did anyone read the new Thrall short story? PLEASE tell me they're not setting him up as Warchief!
>PLEASE tell me they're not setting him up as Warchief!
you know that's obviously what they are going to do
the "warcouncil" is such a wet fart
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let me have this fantasy
you VILL bake cake for gay couples
you VILL pet the cute ducklings
you VILL feed the starving tuskarr children
you VILL take selfie pictures in stormwind
you VILL be shoulder for anduin to cry on
turdle are actual unironic troons
I only read a summary and from that, I would say they're setting up his son to be the next "Thrall".
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Don't forget to punch the bigot Odyn in the face, that is also very important!
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>turtle wow
Jesus I fucking hated that quest. So awkward as a warrior
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I feel so conflicted as a warlock playing this game lol
>Alliance are supposed to be the morally good faction
>Yet here is a screenshot of them enslaving horde children
Uh, alliance chuds, explain?
So which server can I express my unironic sincere hatred of troons and pedos in an alliance town square in and get compliments and donations rather than bans?
Please answer seriously as I want to test it out to make sure early on
I also want to have an offensive character name
fuck off toughpaw, join maye in a gas chamber and just end yourself
Baby Ape only spawns when it's raining on Jaguero Isle in STV
>icefury is getting reworked
fucking finally
I'd like getting shoehorned into Sindragosa's breath more if it didn't visually look like shit
nobody should be playing on a 1366x768 screen
why are you doing this?
I unironically use a cheap flatscreen as my monitor, works fine on my machine
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1366x768 is not fine
and 1920x1080 is available for $12.99 on Amazon every day of the week with free shipping
You're choosing to do this
and your screen probably isn't even 80% sRGB or above 700:1 contrast
Unless you start your own server, you will always risk some overzealous troon janny or simply power tripping moral crusader.
A lot of pservers use server-side censor, so your message containing no-no words don't even get sent (unlike official servers), but even if you bypass that, you risk the wrath of the tranny janny and/or his janny friends.
>So which server can I express my unironic sincere hatred of troons and pedos in an alliance town square in and get compliments and donations rather than bans?
I dont even have a desk, I game on a comfy floor mat on some persian middle east shit. One day Ill upgrade and have a reason to use that cheap chink gaming chair that sits in the corner of my room I use as a fancy coat rack. 0 back problems with my current setup btw
PSA trove tally has lied to me. it's had me chasing a non-unique shield model. so I looked through and quite a few models added by the addon developer aren't unique to remix. it's also failed to check those items off when I collect the equivalent item in retail.
Maybe I have to go back and finish setting up Azerothcore
But those fucking DB scripts won't stop shitting the bed it's like the last step and keeps fucking up for some reason
Real? Actual?
Can I trust you?
Also how close is it to classic, I am hoping to play something like that to start out with
mythic + killed wow
>Also how close is it to classic
It's the "classless" server that afaik works on Legion client, so you do the math.
>Also how close is it to classic
It's the most "classic+" thing imaginable.
>afaik works on Legion client
Ascension is built off the WotLK client. They just use the updated character and creature models from Legion.
please just get a 1080p screen anon
stop fuckin around with this copium
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2k is the way.
poorfag cope
1080p or 4k or 5k or 8k are the suitable choices for wowarkwaft

1440 is for meme FPS gaymurs who want 6gorillian FPS
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I would but I just bought a car
the french VA got me BUSTIN
Jerk off on the windshield to save some washer fluid, congratulations you just saved the money for a 1080p screen.
pretty grim
and to think the entire story is about this character for the first half of the expansion, with very little combat/action
What's a good SOD server to roll on for Horde that's not Crusader Strike
if eu lone wolf
wild growth is fine but more alliance there but it is pve so it wouldnt matter.
>8 hours til great vault
i looked at it yesterday, they all look like they're horde favored
What about US?
I really liked that one line in that dungeon last season where chromie said "close the portal. close the portal."
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I can tell these are moonkin feet.
Isnt that from wc3
I hate midget tinkerers and I thinke very game with them sucks.
Vulpera weigh more than gnomes.
yogg saron is the most successful and important villain in the series, right?
that tail packs a punch
In what way?
Wouldn't be surprised. Especially if they're both wet
Are any of the novels worth reading
The name reminds me of yoggscast and yoggscast was the most successful and important letsplayer from 2011. They also made the song diggy diggy holy which was recently revived by a fag-metal band.
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he will save wow
>and 1920x1080 is available for $12.99 on Amazon every day of the week with free shipping
not him but what do ou mean
Wasn't that Pewdiepie? And no, Yogg is pretty good but there were better villains in wow.
All of them imo
buy a new computer monitor with 1920x1080 resolution, also known as 1080p FullHD
I fell for it again!
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Hey, whoever made that pastebin of filters last thread, you're the best. Thanks. Combined with the racebait filter of /lolg/, it's made things a lot better.
i know what 1080p is but $12.99? for a monitor?
Degree of success and long term consequences of his actions
and being born a villain who does the corrupting himself, instead of a hero that falls
oh. so I'm reading that the trove tally author decided to add all unique item IDs to the addon, with no way to disable them. so you can't just filter models which will go away after the event ends unless you download an earlier version of the addon. retarded nigger.
He couldn't even escape his prison so idk. Even Nzoth is more successful in that way.
thinking about it the old gods dying is probably the best thing for them since they get to escape that way
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I wish WoW would do another horror questline
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Who do you dislike the most - Turalyon or Alleria?
I like them both
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The filter was for you, you fucking retard
did it matter? he still created flesh and the nightmare.
And Nzoth created n*ggas
This makes me laugh to almost tears every time. Genuinely too fucking funny. Good caricature of my character.
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But twitter and reddit hate them
So use it idiot.
Everyone has been switching to 1440p or 4K for like a decade now, high end TVs are now 8K with the richfag toys being 16K.
Content is normalized to 4K even on streaming services these days.
Freefaggot content (YouTube, music videos, most TV etc) is generally 1080p though and 4K is for paid streaming/blu-ray.
Every website is designed assuming 1080p or greater res. Any less, and you have to scroll a lot more than you should have to.

Refurb/used monitors are fine and brand new 1080p screens are usually like $50 on sale so refurbs and used are less.
If Tyrondian was black they would love them
nagas and saving azshara are pretty dope
I still have the nzoth eye for my characters
this looks like an expac designed by a mmo autist that played tbc way too much lmfao
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im getting severe outland vibes
They are both great
Only the mentally ill hate them due to them being a white blonde hair blue eyed couple, and blizzard clearly likes them as well
>mobile retail wow knock off
I was hyped for Tarisland... but alas t'was shiite
If there is every gonna be adaptation of WC2 you just know they'll make Turalyon black
do people not post pictures of their characters constantly here anymore
Wasn't the "orced poster" throwmatic? Someone that got ran out of wow/wowg
No, it offends the sensibilities of the delicate people that can't handle images on an imageboard.
Ill get back to it when prepatch is out
This guy was the orced poster
He doesn't post here anymore
I'll save this updated one kek
what? when has anyone gave a shit?
do we know when that's gonna be after all?
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Kek. Now THAT's a banger. Though I like "dogging in" and femdead anon even though femdead anon doesn't like me.
I still post but not as spammy anymore.
I'm not ashamed to admit I've saved this image and it's variants. It's very good.
>But twitter and reddit hate them
that's just not true though
that recent video of them painting portrait of one another was well praised/liked, with the usual few seething
i've never heard these names before and the archive looks like it's almost entirely lolg posts so I don't believe you
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I dunno, I'm not much of a creative, I just want some spooks. The pentagram kids in goldshire were always a pretty typical/low tier kind of creepy but the music really made it.
>>484348573 meant for >>484348163 excuse me.
>Literally never even seen the first comments at all in comparison to the first picture
Are you getting mad at shadows, anon?
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You're a newfag
He was here before he was there.
Go dig some more, you might learn something!

Fuck off.
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What do I do after dogging in? Just dog out again, or is there anything worth doing outside of Remix right now?
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Get off my Twitter weirdo.
you really are a woman, I'm so proud of you for passing
Whoa wtf you actually made a mog that doesn't look like shit?
I could scarcely believe my own creative genius too.
Ive been in this thread for over 11 years
you're just roping in some random lolg fag because you saw your little crush go there once
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>calling someone a newfag while posting about nu lolgers
grim grim grim
go back to your blacked spam
looks like i upset the little retard and now he is posting his furry folder
Wowo Wawa?
Worgen faggots are easily offended.
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post lewd images
Instead of division wowg and xivg should put aside our differences because the tranny jews are taking a shit on us both.
Blessed worg poster, please drive out the horrendous demon haunting this thread.
what do troons have to do with squeenix writers being talentless hacks without their one competent writer at the helm any more?
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Don't worry, anon! I'm a professional ghost buster! You just leave me alone in your house for several hours straight, with all of your valuables and food left unattended, and I'll make sure that no more ghosts or demons will ever haunt you again!
I trust this worg with my life. (Worst mistake of his life)
>doesn't post here anymore
well someone did post orced in the previous thread I think it's more than one guy.
Nice mog
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Sounds like someone absolutely trustworthy to me, how much do you charge an hour?
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Thanks. You guys like this more than the white and gold armor set?
I like this worg a lot! Would hire
As a master of dogging in let me enlighten you:
1. Dog in
2. Dog things
3. ????
4. Dog out
that simple
i do yeah. it's really clean and the pieces match well
this is a fantasy game a goretusk can gore your fucking eye out of your skull and a troll can eat it, shit it out, and a harpy can then shit in its remains before a goblin eats the leftovers, and a healer can just get you your eye back for 17 mana

yet you willingly choose to be blind in one eye?
you people are such fucking cringe
the moment WoW added this gay shit you faggots went crazy and took the bait, you all look the same and you all are retarded
you will probably be in a wheelchair once they add those as an option

but it'll be cool! because one side will have a tire and the other will be MAGIC! or something
doesn't that sound cool? cooler than, idk, getting healed and being fucking normal in a fantasy game?
fuck you
and your stupid furfag friends
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I charged a rat once. How do you charge an hour? The clock's all the way up there on the tower...
unfortunately it can't fix your character being ugly dogshit
Why /ourguy/ Towelliee is playing...
cute dog
foolish mammalian creature of low intelligence
playable worgen and it's consequences have been a disaster for world of warcraft
holy shit the retard furry is malding
billions must yiff.
fat bastard abbath
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See, a dog this retarded literally cannot possibly think up a lie to tell you. That's why I trust her implicitly
Explain literally any character death.
>avatartroons get their posts filtered
>they destroy every thread out of spite
>they ban evade

Great job with the filter, you made them even more obnoxious.
Does anyone have the pic of the female worgen with the tarecgosa and the cheeseburger?
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Bea's eye is a deliberate character flaw. It's not a battle-scar, it's a curse put upon her from a necromancer for her hubris a few years ago when she was a hothead thinking she's indestructible. Many people have offered to purify the curse, and she's declined them all. In her words,
>"If you can just wipe it away, then it's like the mistake never happened and I'd've never learned my lesson."
>"If I never survived the scars on my body, I'd never learn the techniques it takes to keep myself and my friends alive."
Of course a rational, reasonable person would just get it fixed. Bea isn't all that rational. The scars on her arms and chest are just as important life lessons as the curse on her eye.
I don't like perfect, flawless Mary-Sue type characters.
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You're not thinking of that vore one are you? I didn't save that demonwork
>and the cheeseburger
>Remembers the original fem worgen faces that were all awesome as hell and varied
>Think about how the furfag playerbase threw a hissyfit about them and now we're stuck with same-face cutesy anime bullshit
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>negromancer was so mid all he could do was curse an eye ball
fucking LOL
screaming perhaps.
maybe a lmao
Based. Fuck low IQ faggots who don't understand the importance of character development.


little furry faggot is straining himself so hard he's gonna shit his fursuit diapers

keep on ip hopping you little faggot HAHAHAHAHAHAH
>Sure my character is awesome in every single other way but they have SCARS (that don't even make them ugly, btw) because I don't want them to be a mary sue isn't that super cool?
Sex elf boob elf sex pusi
I miss the snarl....
It was posted officially by blizz.
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>same-face cutesy anime bullshit
What the dog are you on about?
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idk i really like the way worgen look now compared to cata ones. cata ones were very low poly and looked weird
>pcu pedofurry is now completely mindbroken
my work here is done, continue to dance for me monkey
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Bea caught the necromancer raising more undead in a town under siege. She cut him down and the zombie soldiers with him. As she marched forward to the rest of the town, she turned her head over her shoulder for one reason or another. It was in that exact moment that with the necromancer's dying breath, he fired a sickly green ray.
She just barely dodged it. Just barely. It struck her square in the eye, hexxing her vision and making her exceedingly vulnerable to shadow and void powers. Haunted by night terrors, so she operates at night and sleeps in the day. There's a host of other flaws yet undiscovered by the curse.
>"I learned two valuable lessons. Never leave a job half done, and never look back."
I use the Revenge icon as "Revenge" for her once-green eye.
You guys get it.
Scars are badass, cope.
Bros who is he talking to?
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You really want a wife with knifes?
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In that case go for your life king, although I'm pretty sure that's unwise
is this the horseshit maye-tier writing?
Is this considered good by moon guard standards?
How would she cut the meat on the plate of food that she's prepared for me without a knife?
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What race has the most powerful mages?
with her claws
Mine. (eunuch)
It's not kino or based, it's retarded. It's one of the things about his lore that makes me laugh the most.

Like this guy's entire character's lore is centered around being a former citizen of stratholme and trying to solo the vanilla dungeon and getting wrecked by a random trash mob.
A random nameless cult of the damned mook decided to throw a curse at his left eye specifically. So stupid.
By your idiot logic, Arthas was always an irrelevant pussy-bitch that was never a threat.
Explain your leaps in logic to get to that conclusion. That makes no sense.
You're acting like player power is an actual factor for a roleplay aspect. A 'random trash mob' of Stratholme is apparently still enough of a threat that the order of light wielding Paladins didn't dare enter the city.

So since random dangers in the ever-burning cursed city that Paladins don't dare enter are just shitty trashmobs, the Lich King must just be a non-entity since we can backhand him to death in one go now.
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It's magic. I ain't gotta explain shit. :^)
Someone post the worgen cheeseburger pic. It was a cata worgen.
She would cut it with her teeth and then you would lick it directly off of her dog tongue.
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the legion made him do this
why did you stop posting little diaper shitter
come on show me your furry folder
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What is it with demon huntards? Why are they always the worst party members? Is it because they can only be elves, or because their class fantasy attracts children?
How can you heal with those tiny frames?
You're being ridiculous. Yes of course they didn't want to go into the city, because the entire city is overrun by zombies. The argent dawn wasn't a strong or large force and they were spread thin across the plaguelands for an all out assault on the city.
That's why going in all by yourself as some random warrior is extremely stupid, which is why it's comical that is part of his lore. Just because some of the lich king's forces are weak mooks doesn't mean all of his army is weak and he himself is a weak mook, what a dumb leap in mental gymnastics.

Sargeras was extremely powerful but even he had weak mook demons in his army. Vol'jin died to a weak mook demon and he has never lived (lol) it down, he's been resorted to a joke because of it.
>his lore
is this another futa tranny character by a resident avatarfag?
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>summ pls
>That's why going in all by yourself as some random warrior is extremely stupid, which is why it's comical that is part of his lore.
Well at least you understand it. Bea grew up in Strat', she's been livid all her life over what happened. So in a fit of frustration that nothing's ever done about her former home, she goes in on a one-person suicide mission and gets clapped for the hubris.
She isn't masterfully intelligent, she isn't a most rational, flawless superhero. Just a troubled, flawed person with a chip on her shoulder about the size of her sword.
Worgens have huge claws.
What does that have to do with anything I was saying...?
since when HC means heroic?
oops didn't mean to replyu
/wowg/ - Tranny and Furry ERP General
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I like them. There's something old-fashioned, traditional and comfortable about them. These are characters from another era that simply cannot be created in today's climate.
Are we playing dk knights in tww within?
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>You're being ridiculous.
Good start, person criticising someones pretend story being inline with a universe full of characters dying for dumb reasons. It's almost like Warriors are berserker raging idiots to begin with.
The flipside to this situation is a fuckton of others trying to find that same balance of making their character competent -class- with no scars to show for it tend to sound like Mary Sue's. Particularly ones that canonify that their legendary/artifact weapon like they're special enough to have that main character energy.

From player character perspective, barely any zone is supposed to just be a free ride just because -this- random mob in this place is a joke to us now. That's kind of why any story reasons we travel back to previous zones, or former threatening factions, for current problems have their threats upscaled.
We love worgen tongues in this general.
I am playing my huge black orc nigger warrior with his huge nigger dick to shove up every h*man bitch's asshole in the tww.
For me, it's worgen pits.
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I think anon is having a hard time separating gameplay power for in-character roleplay. Being all-powerful with nothing bad or flawed about them the easiest way to make a boring, uninteresting character.
Umm, technically because I posted 50 pictures of my ugly w*rgen I can now derail the thread and shut down any discussion. If you ban me, I'm back in 5 minutes with a new IP. Also, I'm here 15 hours a day. What are you gonna do about it?
rape your character until it dies from a rectal infection
Worg posters won, as always.
Is that really your interest? It sounds kind of memey.
What a weird way to flex your own mental illness.
oops i farted a fart out of my asshole
resurrection pending and NPC/player is AFK

as for story it is implied that "killing" requires preventing resurrection so killing an entire group and not ressing them will suffice
or killing and capturing the body and destroying or burying it in a way where nobody who wants to res it has access to it works

do you not know how many characters were "killed" and brought back numerous times?
death in wow is rarely permanent

lmao even

The "mary-sue" characters are the retards with the same exact backstory explaining why they used the "be blind in one eye" checkbox just like you
and they all have the same lame ass backstory as well with the muh IMMA MUH SCARZ N SHEEIT reasoning for not accepting heals

having both eyes in a world where healing limbs and regrowing body parts is commonplace is just you trying to be not like other girls, and it is cringe
can't do a good character without MUH EYE!! MUH SCARZ!!
Same world where you can get a casual buff to your intellect and you're still a retard.
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Oh okay anon here's a flawless character who's never done anything wrong :^)
archaic intellect
blessing of kangz
mark of the while
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More like Hunklinka
worgens licking
Have you ever noticed that world of warcraft actually sucks and is shit lol
my character is obese because he's too retarded to stop eating. he has physical flaws like being ugly and having low IQ, and flaws of execution like shitting his pants and raping people. in the grand scheme he's not that important he's just a mental hospital patient. kinda annoys me other RPers can't write their characters down-to-earth like mine :/ I guess coming up with realistic flaws from both sides does take some experience so I try to be patient.
post your character
im not doxxing myself on anonymous
How can you not at least try when they get fookin mounted combat
Yeah its permanent only outdoors because muh balance in instanced conteny, but the fantasy of that alone is unmatched so far imo
>my character is obese because he's too retarded to stop eating.
Sounds popular with the vore crowd.
what they look like, not your fucking character name
It's kind of creepy that you based your character off of maye irl bro
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You can call me retarded, a bad RPer, a mental patient, insane, a schizo, a faggot... but FAT???!!! I'm not fat! I'm a twig.
wish malfurion wasn't such a useless fuck in WoW but atleast he got a happy ending desu
What's the idea of hiding characters? I saw this sentiment spoken in an earlier thread and it has me noided. I'm scared to post screenies with my char's name. I don't know what could happen.
they finna FUCK
He's cute - what's his name and does he like wearing a gimp suit?
They find people's logs and shame them. One of the most disgusting avatartroons was a vulpera who was literally parsing 10 in normal raids so he got bullied out of the general. The dranny and the worgen subhumans never raid so they got nothing to fear.
His little boy pussy is built for big orcish cock.
Does that mean WoWg is full of top parsing mythic raiders?
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wow won.
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It's not too late is it moonbros....
Locking “steady flight” behind Pathfinding is an accessibility issue. At the moment, steady flight is still locked behind the Pathfinding achievement, while skyriding is rewarded after the first few quests. This is an accessibility issue. Not everyone can manage skyriding, and I know Blizzard knows this because quests that require skyriding have an accessibility option. So why are people with motion sickness and other concerns punished with the old Pathfinding achievement before they can unlock flying?
She broke the helm of domination effortlessly because she eats big green orcish spinach daily.
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Realistically, how does an undead female tear apart a solid steel helmet with her bare hands? She isn't even a warrior.
goon time?
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sylvanas is is not goonin over.
>"Realistically, how does the magically super powered living corpse do [x]"
dumb anime poster
Sylvanas is exactly the type that would keep you edging for hours
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W3 for me
KT is the best character in this game
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it did make a shit ton of money
Tyrande was actually cool for like 3 seconds in this cinematic
>Lich King
*Zovaal The Jailer
idk the continuity of the world keep breaking with every expansion
That's the face orc chad makes when he slips his big orcish meat rod inside mayes tight boy pussy.
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Is that it?
I only do m+ and I think I'm not too bad. I came back from s3 and have done 8's in all dungeons within a few days. When the reset hits I'll be 2500 easily. I'm not a furry but I am basically a furry. I'm not gay but I love men. Specifically the spirit of man. I need a stage.
yeah I saw that they needed a pathfinder achieve to do old flying. Very strange. I think having steady flight at all is kinda dumb. Make taxi service relevant again instead.
Something about this orc looks off to me. Can't place what, though...almost reptillian.
if i made a dracthyr now and don't level it does it still turn to level 10 after the prepatch or only for fresh ones made after the patch? not sure i wanna burn myself out with leveling this shit for the class mounts
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you had me until "inside mayes tight boy pussy"
replace with night elf and we are good.
you shut the fuck up dont trigger me man
my 3 knotwives
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I'm still calling bullshit on her duel with Saurfang, casually blocking a full muscular Orc arm swing with her flimsy Elf/Undead arms.
I mean god damn, you had agility or something to easily explain her getting an upper hand, but no, she's totally just physically strong enough for that.
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found maye's discord, ama
I have a level 60 dracthyr that's halfway through the tutorial. I should remake him in remix but I can't be bothered.
>I like them. There's something old-fashioned, traditional and comfortable about them. These are characters from another era that simply cannot be created in today's climate.
They stand out so much from the other characters now it's nice desu.
Are they and Khadgar the oldest characters (IP wise) still active in WoW?
There are a few people who raided mythic here at least during SL. I remember one anon showed CE Aberrus and he got bullied for still raiding mythic. Pretty sure we have at least a couple of autists who are in sub world 300 guilds.
wasnt the canon reason that she was already powered up to Super Saiyanas Level 3 by the Jailor?
the same way she was able to not get instantly killed by malfurion
j'lor powered her up
screenshot or pls go
Jay'lor was the best villain this game has ever had.
that is the screenshot
>casually blocking a full muscular Orc arm swing with her flimsy Elf/Undead arms
Why build muscle at all in this universe? They are meaningless.
>Are they and Khadgar the oldest characters (IP wise) still active in WoW?
No, Garona is. She made her debut in WC1.
just your typical tranime things
ripped gigachad = impotent retard crybaby
small kawaii school girl = herculean murder machine
Bro said "active", Garona ain't done shit in like over a decade
And what has Turalyon done recently? Besides being a seat-warmer for Anduin.
I didn't play it so idk I figure he was/is active during Legion, Alleria's active now too.
Why did they make dungeon portals piss easy to get this time around but raid portals require you to be the top 0.01% of players?
same with irl. the time spent building muscle could've been spent earning an alternate type of power, let's say money, which can do just about everything WoW magic can except resurrect the long dead. women prefer skinny abercrombie & fitch looking smbs. you're decreasing your mobility. if someone with large muscles attacks you irl there's a million things you should've done beforehand to notice them and prevent them from ever getting ahold of you.

at least in warcraft people build muscles /as a byproduct/ of physical labor and weapon training. IRL in first world most people will build muscle for its own sake.
>in warcraft people build muscles /as a byproduct/ of physical labor
Big cats have incredible muscles and they do jack shit all day. Some species are just born swole.
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>if someone with large muscles attacks you irl there's a million things you should've done beforehand to notice them and prevent them from ever getting ahold of you
the absolute fucking state of this tranny general
should I play restoration shaman or holy priest?
feel free to explain why you went to detroit and let a roided up nigger get you in a chokehold in the first place dumb frogposter
running into human kt in old hillsbrad was something
i want them to go back on the CoT concept and give us more wc1/2/3 kino
I want remakes of WC1 and WC2, just imagine a cinematic where Turalyon disables Orgrim with Lothar's broken sword
yea they hyperfocus on wc3 but there's so much more kino before that which they could bring back with cutscenes etc
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>This post
Or when Alleria throws the decapitated head of a troll at Anasterian's feet to force him to officially join the Alliance. So many cool moments, but not a single visualization of them.
tried demo on the beta, honestly feels really quite great.
tried beta, feels really bad
>we have THIS anon's endorsement
top: op baker
bot: avataroonies
nvm its so over
virgin is right and no amount of impotent seething changes it. he wins every time. chad gets thrown in prison for assault and raped to death.
are we not allowed to say positive things about the game at all anymore then
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giwtwm (any of the 3)
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>Garona ain't done shit in like over a decade
she is a rapper
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wow nice art
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Is that Tina?
>art spam
>dressing like a nigger
>gyrating in a way that pleases niggers
>interested in media made by niggers for niggers
that settles it orcs are american-coded
I too am having fun, we should all pre-purchase The War Within! For Azeroth, fellow consumers!
When are the going to reveal that Valeera was actually the secret missing 4th windrunner sister? (and then hook her up with anduin)
pre purchasing is heresy
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Christ Metzen done a cookin' , kino comfy sovl is back on the menu!!11!!!
what are your mains going to be if you play TWW guys?
mine is pic
>Khadgar dies
>Garona is nowhere to be seen
>Turalyon doesn't even care
>give the money in advance
>they have more money to go into the pot towards war within development
>they can buy more 3d assets, trading post items, more buildings for the new zones, more quests, more skills
>game has more features now
>more people preorder because of your money
what's wrong with that? I think being an early adopter is noble.
awful bait
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I'm banned for posting furry porn so I couldn't post my retarded apu alongside it
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I don't treat blizzard as a small indie company I trust.
Even more so now
Same characters I always main because I'm attached to them and don't care what the state of their class is.
She's a demon in the sack.
I am the same. I love my edgy characters
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>i'm attached to pixels on my screen
jesus christ, and then people claim that zoomers are lost cause
I actually have headcanon for my characters and write little stories for them too.
you're a lost cause lil retard. think you're god's gift to trolling when you're just being an annoying faggot. it's not the same thing, it's not entertaining to anyone but you, and this place / your parents would be better off if you died.
how old are you?
an adult who never grew up
So edgy bro
Same. I always play as my prot pally who has an extensive background since vanilla.
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Warrior, but it could be marks if they stay good or if blizzard shits gold with the shaman rework its going to be enhance.
Now this is the /wowg/ i remember, not that faggot reddit shit that has been made by the MMOC autists raiding /vg/ and being butthurt over Spoilers being posted here and avatarfags calling them and that pedophile felplague out
Nope, ESO WON, through many losses it won.
Now hope the DLC's are good because the entire Ithelia shitshow being one of Kirkbride's ideas as Fargrave was funny though.
Rent free
>if blizzard shits gold with the shaman rework its going to be enhance.
Anon, I...
That fag was posting here?
I headcanon that all my characters are in an adventuring group and go questing togethet
that should be livable now right? Didnt they add using alts as npcs in normal dungeons?
thank you for not answering me
talk about me talk about me please talk about me
most likely we'll get warbands as followers in delves/dungeons
iirc they’ve said they’re looking into it for TWW but it isn’t live right now
Yes, he hates this place and keeps trying to sabotage because people here exposed the entire MMO-Champion as Groomers, even the faggot that was arrested.
>MMO-Champion as Groomers, even the faggot that was arrested.
Dang, I left the game and everything around for 3 years and that happens...
Or are you talking about that pedo Elvine?
Elvine and Dr Pizza
Idek who these guys are but they're obviously irrelevant now so why are you bringing these guys up?
Why would Anduin talk to his wife like that
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>a sexual deviant was arrested, so let's never mention him again lest it damages our brand :)
I meaen it's 3 year old news at this point
you dont get to just not be in the thread for 3 years, bring up old news,. and then act like everyone should know what you're talking about
people move on and other people werent here in the first place when that shit happened
anyway its irrelevant
just thought i'd let you know :)))
you can go back to having fun being equally as irrelevant now boomer!
Why are you so upset about it though?
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Upset? These boomers are weird...
Just talk about something relevant, ok? No one cares about 3 year old shit that has nothing to do with the thread today.
It's so funny that thing got you so riled up instead of just ignoring it.
It's funny that anon thinks anyone cares about his irrelevant 3 year old drama
there's not really much record of the felplague drama. just some hearsay on pedo websites like tumblr. hence why he was able to come back and carry on doing what he does annoying and harassing the community. he will never be relevant beyond that so. karmic justice I guess, you get out what you put in.
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There are unironic PCU pedophiles posting in this general, what did you expect?
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wheres that OG retard bashing WoW for anduins wowhead viewer
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Wrynns are Jewish
Dracthyr footjob
are any of the toys worth getting from midsummer event?
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What are some playable race suggestions you wish more people were asking for?
>if resto sham rework is good it will be fotm
>if its bad I'll be forced to play hpriest or rdruid both of which are beyond terrible atm

No salvation
Man who gives a fuck
hpriest is bussin, though.
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I want to play californian race
making races more distinct than just extra abilities
im gonna be playin ancestor resto for those poggers bubble shields
>rend on a 1.5 minute cd
>Cance to not consume consumables on use
Holy ESL
minor typo faggot
cat girls
Just returned to wow after long ass break and i've been doing only remix.
>Anything I should focus on later before new xpack? what mounts/xmogs I should look at from dragonflight other than curve?
>what do you anons think about remix event?
People have been farming some of these things for years, leg cloaks are now 8 hour toys.
scarcity of everything from pandaria is gone and I wonder what they will do next. Hope they will do legion so I can grab mage tower apperances for all classes.
>Even MORE humans
FUCK OF. It's already awful we got yet another set of fucking dwarves after the goddamn mecha gnomes
im not farming invincible anymore, if they remix that shit and everyone gets it ill kms so I would rather just join the remix masses instead of seeth.

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