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Hogwarts at night Edition

Welcome to /vg/'s nexus for all Wizarding World and Harry Potter games, including Hogwarts Legacy, Hogwarts Mystery, Magic Awakened, and more!
Magic Awakened Social Club Name: Innominatus

Newest Game Information

>HL Optimization Guide:
>HL Mods (if a mod you're looking for is not on nexusmods, ask around the thread for it)

>/hpgg/ Movie Night Cytube

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>HL & MA Character Homework Sheets

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>Unity Game
>"A Very Meru Christmas"
>Pokemeru mod (download pokeabby in f95)

Previous Thread: >>483675601
Shooting up the owlery
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Ivy CUTE!!!!
This is an undisputable fact.
I'm not an Ivyfag but she does look kinda cute here
I wish the artists and character designers were working on an actual game and not some forgotten mobile gacha.
These reactions are very charming.
The cutest of them all.
I wonder how many HL OCs still lurk.
I'm just lurking lately
All art must be in service of unregulated gambling, sorry.
you know what you are
blah blah blah
Wasn’t one of the most notorious sex havers in these threads a Ravenclaw?
I'm lurking because I don't know if 2 others are still here and I don't want to deal with them.
>2 others are still here
Who are them?
One of the most notorious non sex havers was also ravenclaw.
Ren and Zach aren't fuckign, if you're talkng about them
I'm lurking but I bake threads for time to time(I baked the last 3 threads, btw)
That claw and THAT snek
Nagini fucked, actually.
lets not talk about notorious slytherins, best left forgotten.
Meant for this
my favorite slytherins are albert and tristain :]
Hufflepuff IS the most degenerate house.
You mean that unrepentant whore Marian?
they're some nice boys aren't they.
I miss percy
They've been gone a long time. Don't hide because of someone else.
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Eoin and idk?
His HL OC was a puff, so I don't think that anon is talking about him.
It's weird how some of you can get caught up on internet strangers. my dude, you don't have to interact with people if you don't want to.
Yes I do
You can just make ERP discords where you talk among friends instead
Ravie and Chester Davies
They're both from HM, but Ravie was an OC created by Grant, I believe.
for me, it’s james and haith. I miss them…
I don't believe that for a second, if anything I suspect they've created alts again.
I don't think so. They're both pretty easy to spot.
Talk about a dream, try to make it real
You wake up in the night with a fear so real
You spend your life waiting for a moment that just don't come
Well, don't waste your time waiting
Atrocius and Ren are massive spergs, and everyone woyuld be able to tell if they reappeared. I don't know who else you could hate thtat much
Still not sure who specifically you're talking about but yes sometimes noble scholars are corrupted by the sex haver houses. It's just an unfortunate danger in exploring the unknown.
Sounds like cope, girlie
They are very nice yes.
Personally, I’m a Flavius and Ioni kinda guy
Flavius seems to be quite a nice guy, I can't hate someone who likes Cassandra.
hanna is not a snek
My favourite Slytherin is Me, duh, I'm better than all of you
Favorite Puffs?
What about them?
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That was my Time Turner.
I am just napping.
The other ones don't compare.
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my dormmates
Why does Flo have a cane?
Based, I knew you could do it.
that's her wand OBVIOUSLY
Nearly done with the front design of the woman’s outfit. It’s not at all what I initially envisioned but I think it’s a lot more coherent from a design perspective. Still no idea what I want to do for the hair or the hat, I think I’ll get the men’s outfit done first and see how they feel afterward.
who's the cat?
Haitham can be found in the cytube, James is probably chained up in My’s basement or something.
She is a wise old bee.
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Why is Daniel's sister so breedable?
My and Joutou
She literally looks like an npc
She literally is
James is busy assaulting dragons.
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I'd much rather breed Daniel
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And getting killed by them, kek
I forgot Ioni even existed.
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Nah but really though... When are the devs adding Cassandra's outfit for the Ball room?
Joutou on top this time.
Ask em. Maybe it's supposed to be there but it's a bug.
You can't impregnate a boy, silly.
You can if the boy is Mega
Not yet you mean. With the power of magic anything is possible.
Please don't make butt babies real.
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They're saying nobody does better brain
>Hagrid Fiendfyre and Newt spam faggotry
>Fucking up this bad
Quite tragic tbqh
You steal someone else’s?
Welcome to Hell.
>stick a mandrake up the ass
Voila, a butt baby
not with that attitude
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You've come to the wrong general, boy. All of those replies thought it was a great idea.
Joutou, can you name 3 of your favorite anime?
How do you get a door in your personal space to connect to a different room?
Yeah I got brain from your mum lol
pick it up, move it around, plap it back down.
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Hardly, I read manga more. Inazuma Eleven, Doraemon movies, Black Jack.
Are you far enough in the story yet where they give you the 2nd room yet?
>Black Jack
I have 3 rooms unlocked but any door I put down leads to room 2. How do I access the 3rd one?
You might have to unlock it at what's his name's portrait
>Black Jack
That was it. Thank you.
Same thing happened to me and I totally forgot he existed
How could you forget about our boy goose?
P0nos babies it is then, enjoy passing that through your peepper
An NPC made for breeding
I know we've talked about changing music in our space before, I got such a comfy glitch:
I'm peeing.
Hi peeing! Is that chinese?
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>Retard in my team expulsod people away from my whizbang THREE times
How is a retard like this allowed to live
Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow...
Kill the fag whose skin is yellow?
Does everyone need to synergies with your playstyle?
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Oh the humanity
I just don't want people to push them from a nuke which is about to nuke them. I get it if you cast it at the same time, I get it if it happens once but I have no clue how someone decides to use a tech card on a bunch of people who are about to get hit by a whizbang and not go "yeah, perhaps I should stop doing that"
Wizards have no sense of right and wrong.
Club Events in 48 minutes.
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If you are not included i just forgor or you are probably MA onlys i haven interacted enough. Im sure you are still nice persons tho.


Old... (っ °Д °;)っ
>Christmas Cake Flo...
Come on, grandma, let's tuck you to bed.
Ol' Flo...
Now do the other two houses.
nah I'm good
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STAHP! Ill sting you!
>not BeeBlade...
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Club Dance starting now.
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... ᴼˡ' ᶠˡᵒ
mod for historically accurate Hogwarts isnt working with the link,
Grandma Flor(i)ana...
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I tink Hogsmead 'as a real fer'ul cat probl'em. Don mind 'em, but'ado mind them studens comin' inta' town pettin'um.
Doesn’t help they look freaky as fuck too.
Try this
Club Quiz starting now.
Direct links don't work on Basedmods, you have to navigate to the mod yourself. Looking at it, it seems the site has some problems atm. Try these.

Sure, adding Natsai is whatever. But why did she have to be so annoying?
how many Legacy OCs are willing to openly admit they used the historically accurate mods/Natsai fix mods
It’s my favorite mod.
I didn't because I like chocolate women.
I didn't because it only changed skin tone and didn't fix the faces or voices.
SEE! I told you he didn't leave, he just got better at hiding.
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did atrocious ever do anything? I just remember him being weird and cringeworthy.
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>flav likes them chocolate mammys
Oh lawdy!
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You know, there's a lot of witch hunting for a general about witches and wizards...
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The one and only.
Let your heart be your guiding bee!

Im not. You are..
Surely then you like chocolate men too? you wouldn't want to disappoint Tariq Nasheed, would you?
>Tariq Nasheed
It puts on the frilly pink dress or it gets the breaking switch again.
>likes chocolate women
>posts the palest bitch in the series
He lied a lot and tired to rig pols, besides that his cuckolding storyline with the town bicycle was pretty funny
Nope, try a witch.
what'd he lie about
also: yes that was super funny
He was pretending to be an artist, but all his "artworks" where just photos edited in photoshop
oh yeah, that. Hannah W.
the only hannah w
Wasn't that him as Zala/Zuri also?
Thank you for the events, Mega.

A vinyl player that changes the background music would be a nice addition. It would be so easy to implement too.

Such a weird, convoluted way to go about it. I had to take the portrait and hang it on the wall just for this. I don't know why we couldn't use the one in our dorm.

I stopped after round two. Aside from the legendary token, it doesn't really seem worth it.
I think zaila was a new one.
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Hannah wins every time.
I literally have dozens and dozens of W though.
Why lie about it?

Except in Quidditch, that didn't work out too well.
Magic-only losers could never.
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Do pippensqueaken really?

No head, thoughts empty.

Actively sabotaging your teammate is more than just lacking synergy.
If you see your teammate use incarcerous you should use damage spells or leave them alone, expulso is the worst spell you could use there.

We're living in a honeypot.
Aww the boyfriends danced together :3
NTA but he was definitely Zaila and Zuri was his MA char as the same black woman irl LARP.
i mean why though
He was a transsexual
Me big brain me smart. Me real Ravenclaw.
naw, he was just a regular, garden-variety faggot.
>Gay shit
Go be a faggot somewhere else
And yet, despite all the faults that you've been trying to pin on Atrocius, he never was debauched enough to post on /aco/.
He made up Zaila to go after My and Mega tho
He posted there plenty
Post evidence to back your claims.
He posted there as Zaila, and as Nat Grimwhatever.
What, you think I archived the thread where he acted out both him and Gloria going at it? Or Matti's drawings of him there? Fuck off, knowers know.
Atrocius was Nat Grimbane?
He posted there and tried to insert himself in Penny and Gloria's misadventures at the Wall more than once
Good thing Atrocius killed himself and will never return.
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I woke up too late... thank you for hosting though.

Coming along nicely; adding the patterning to the lower section really helps clarify the willow theming.

I feel like the rewards for this one aren't good enough to justify throwing a lot of gems into it. Last one was better but this one less so; I finished off the first page and then called it quits.

Oooh... that's really comfy yeah, I wish we could do it on purpose...

I didn't like Natsai but it was nothing to do with her race; just down to her not being that likeable and the friendship with her being really forced. As far as I know there aren't any mods that fix that.

Cute granny Flo!
Witches with wavy hair, brush your hair only before you wash it, then when it’s wet before you get out of the shower. Thank me later.
He posted on /aco/ and even had porn of his character drawn.
>likes chocolate men
absolutely shit taste
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>That one time he threatened to kill the guy running the Wall if he didn't let Gloria go
I cringed so hard reading that, especially after it was deliberately explained he was chill
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Happy now, nigga?
NTR is kinda hot if the wizard is the cheater.
Top NTR'd witches?
I think you should be shot.
Implying anyone here bathes kek
It's not NTR if you Obliviate.
Guess again.
Cora by way of Miranda.
Liz by way of Hannah and Gloria.
Hannah by way of Nora.
Gloria by way of her Mom.
Is the wizard cheating with a man or a woman?
Oooh man! Man!
Fujo! Behave yourself!
no! Give me boys' love or give me death.
death it is
I like the chess outfit but I don't want to wear it because everyone is wearing it and it's too easy to get
You WILL behave. You have Joutou and Tristain, as well as Eoin and Addie, be content.
You shouldn't let others decide your fashion. Which means you shouldn't listen to me either.
Just wear the McGill drip, m8
and matti and flav
>Gloria by way of her Mom.
Ok I admit that one is kinda weak but Penny and Gloria had their mom's show up for some playtime. Either Penny or Matti did some art for it.
didn't florana and aumellia bang either penny's mom once?
I don't know.
urghhhh i want to wear the chess outfit so much but it looks so wrong with the type 2 body
it makes the suit look so baggy
The checkered outfit is for fatties only, sorry stick boi.
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You don't want the kid in a suit aesthetic?
They should let people have fat bodies. I want to see boys built like bathtubs.
>that pool
What about it?
The Mega Report of the Week
You got it.
Many cringe and bad posts over the last couple of hours. You cut that out
Many bwad :( pwosts over the last cwouple of hours :3 u cut dat out >:C
but the drama...must...*cough*...h-have...d-drama...
That's what I thought. Now run along before I send you to Filch or take some house points.
oh nyooo :#
>He thinks men are making those posts
I wish we could dance with Mcgonagal.
Name a bigger joke than the Kraken card. Its deck scaling effect is still going but nobody is using it
it's banned?
you can if intersex
I don't care enough to bother.
It's not cheating if Maria made him do it.
>They havent entered the hellscape that is globals yet
You cute rittle rascal you
*crackle* *pop* *snap* *crackle* *pop*
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Sorry that was me.
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I don't actually think it's that bad, but the meta is dominated by a handful of really strong cards right now so unless a new card is better than other options in an immediately apparent way, it's unlikely to get used much. Squid is perfectly usable but it's not like, overtly bullshit to fight, so it's no big surprise it gets passed over in favour of the things that are.
With a man.
I like the sound ashwinder eggs make when you pick them up.
I used the coomer mod of Natsai, and I don't regret a little bit
Natsai has a coomer mod?
If I run HL again, I'll only put the mod that changes Natsai's hair. She looks more cute with long hair.
I like how it's pronounced in MA. Arsewinder
They say ashwindser
i'll wind your ass boy
Which ones do you think would be down for that? Can you throw me a couple of scenarios?
Finally got the cunting outfit.
Do you feel pretty now?
More like a whale.
Maybe a narwhal.
Find you a horse and make baby unicorns.
I... I do not think that's how it works.
Gotta be a Kelpie, right? Since they're in the water too?
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Nope! That's exactly how it happened.
...c'mon, the logistics alone. No.
You guys are so bad at this.
Oh thank god, I thought you meant (me).
No that's not me and I have also been accused of sharing basic facts about unicorns but that wasn't me either.
You fools, it's clearly (Me)!
Wait, if it was you, then who is >>484329635?
Shit like this is why polyjuice should be illegal.
You just need to kill the doppelgangers and then you are the only one that can assume their identity.
My clavicles are finally protruding again like they used to when I was a teen. Do you think wizards developed potions for extreme weight gain and weight loss fetishes?
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How hard do you think they were seething?
For weight loss I bet there's a magical tapeworm that sucks all the fat out and then gets pooped out when you reach your aesthetic weight. For bulking though there is only the /fit/ club, and woe be upon ye should you join and not achieve gains to their satisfaction.
>That inflatus whiff
Big oof.

So you guys still lost that, right?
We won.
Unlikely, else Professor Slughorn wouldn't be a fatso
Ohh panda boy probably had an aneurysm.
The Britons only have one fetish and that's spanking and caning. It's even in the books when Harry had the quite reasonable fear Wood was the name of a cane.
Is there anyone autistic enough to make an hpgg ice berg?
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Hiii can someone please post a herbologist talent tree that's ideal for getting all the lil notes in the almanac? I keep messing up when I respec and I am now in gem debt

Rose for u
Well you need all the colors unlocked, you'll want the max planters available, and then after that it's quality of life figuring out how much time you can stay away before checking on them.

I recommend water at 6 hours and same with pests. Beyond that it's a crapshoot until you're almost max Herb level.
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Looks compressed to all hell but I can’t delete it, hopefully this looks nicer
I love it, Matti. Especially your hat and the background.
So awesome
I'm so close to breaking free, lads.
Reminds me of the coast vivarium
Yeah, that arch does look familiar.
And all those Thestrals too.
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Looks like it but with much less beach.
My, I just went to your room and saw the state of your plants. Dehydrated and ravaged by bugs. You will never snag a Slytherin husband like this.
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I somehow forgot to get the pest protection talent while respeccing for like the ninth time and sort of threw my hands up and gave up lmao
I'm busy going on romantic dates with my boyfriend now :/
>somehow forgot to get the pest protection talent while respeccing for like the ninth time and sort of threw my hands up and gave up
For shame...
>can’t keep your man happy AND take care of your plants
I don't trust this Ominous Cunt guy
I'm a 100% woman OKAY
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>OH, im too busy getting my pussy eaten and gouged out by my boyfriends girthy meaty schlong and also providing him with tue NASTIEST and SLOPPIEST BLOWJOBS MY DAD WOULD DISOWN ME FOR IF HE EVER SAW THE RECORDINGS MY BF TOOK to properly care of my virtual button presses
This is why nobody likes you people in video games.
Post your onlyfans
What do you mean YOU PEOPLE huh?? Hot babes? Hot babes??
Had to think for a bit to remember who it is you're talking about and all I'll say is don't be ableist.
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I'm going to skin you like a potato.
You can flay him like a person.
That doesn't imply the potato peeler.
I can't believe My turned out to be one of those damn sex havers
You can bring the potato peeler.
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Yeah, with me.
Random swedish guy...
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Ive removed and eaten the bugs ty, we still good.
A witch from Lesbos made this post but she's wasting her time.
See this is why I hate women.
why are you undilating on the floor?!
This is Mega, isn't it?
Artist rendition of Appletrundle mating ritual.
Mega is not a chatbot, she's just different.
You literally can't prove she isn't
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That's the way she goes.
Ironic for a disjointed ass ai written email to say that.
Was that too much?
Post a good Luna deck pls
they can't, I've chopped off all their hands.
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I use this.
Nothing hard to understand, I tend to keep Daniel to hatch a Ridgeback.
Post a good Snape deck pls, I need the filler cards.
Why no thunderstorm/obscurus/whiz?
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>Swelling Solution
Core, enhances clones summoned away from you if you were under its effect.
Arguable but lets you double Accio for very high damage or summon more clones.
>Chinese Fireball Dragon
Core, helps you deal with small packs of more than 3 creatures that would otherwise swarm you no matter your damage output; can be replaced with Kelpie but Chinese Fireball is sligthly better: it attacks even when your duo/summons attack and does a burst finale on opponent duelists.
Core, Golden Snitch is not enough, you need them to kite overlevelled summons and to not run out of movement cards right away.
>Crystal Ball
Could be switched out, incredible burst when paired with Obscurus and lets you finish low health opponents.
High burst, brings enemy close to you. Your best tool against pure casters.
Used in combination with Crystal Ball for a strong burst, avoid spamming it, only (recklessly) use it to quickly charge Kevin if he's in danger; used to finish stunned opponents or when you know you won't be punished.
Other two companions could be anyone you levelled, better picks include Abigail, Dumbledore and the two I picked (to deal with Lv 20 ridgebacks)
>Other good spells
Atmosphere charm: For Neville/Hagrid.
Inflatus: More melee hits.
Statues: Tanky fodder.
Willow: Tanky fodder with grabs.
Snitch: MP/Movement cards, I personally don't like it on Snape.
Bomb box: Works on Chinese Fireball, makes Manticore a menace.
Thunderstorm doesn't syngerize with that specific Luna deck, Obscurus is asking to get nuked and grossly overrated on non-Snape decks, Whizbang is a whole different deck.
My deck uses Orb of Water to deal with summons and to control opponents (while my own Summons hack at them)
It's a bit of a hybrid burst deck that you can play both Thestral focused or Summon Focused, the idea is to have a lot of versatility to face random decks.
It's all so tiresome

not that anon but Whizbang is too much of an investment that is not warranted unless for a very specific hyper burst meme deck.It's mostly used best as a hermoine echo card, imo.
Plus, azkaban will eventually be launched which is essentially a whizbang but better in every regard and combos extremely well with her thestral

As for obscurus, it's a card that is best avoided unless you use snape or bellatrix or it's at least lvl 15. Otherwise it's a meh spell that gives you a brutal bonus dmg taken debuff
Not pictured: the Echo boosts Locomotors, Opaleye, Stack of Books and Unicorn.
(It's not very good but boosting Summons works on Luna's specials.)
Yes, pretty much, and Incendio+Inflatus often has people let their guard down; they won't bother blocking it, and Inflatus+Thestral+Incendio is fairly easy to combo for an almost equally strong burst.
Also Swelling Solution does not need levels or Echo boost; they don't hurt but it's the lowest priority.
Thank you, this was extremely helpful.
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You're welcome.
Also, McGonagall doesn't boost damage taken from your basic attacks and Oppugno works with Obscurus.
>Oppugno works with Obscurus.
Speaking of burst, I've been thinking of a devilish idea involving suitcase, Azkaban, whizbang and abigail.
Right... I've meant mooncalf.
Yes it's true we're up in a pine tree doing the horizontal tango right now because I asked him if he'd still love me if I was a worm and he couldn't stop himself from getting raunchy
omg babeeee stooop
Seducing him
Are you stupid ? Are you Dumb ?
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>Duo jap
>400 hp jap sets themselves up to get downed to reset hp pool
>their 3.2K teammate gets dies to a single combo
>Panics and fucks off from middle but is too late and dies
kek, cute attempt.
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>are you turning towards me?
my sides
Remember when you used to have a small chance to get a card skin before oinking 100 keys...
No im pretty sure its megas
Pay up, goy.
Not really no
I'm too much of a weirdo to talk with an AI chatbot.
Witches will literally build an AI chat bot before talking to a wizza...
Well yeah because the AI chat bot doesn’t live with his parents, drink energy drinks, eat junk food, jack off to anime porn, have ADHD, all that.
For all the "Muggle this" and "Muggle that" these wizards and witches seem to copy muggle fashion no matter the generation.
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Seems familiar
maybe the muggles are copying wizard fashion, ever thought about that
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whats up bruvs
the muggles have no concept of the wizarding world, keep coping wandlet.
I do this but with mamako from okaasan online
To anyone, not just wizzas.
Are there British people here? (the real Harry Potters)
I know 2
Club Events in 37 minutes.
I would like to know what it was like being British and growing up with Harry Potter.
Suitcase Locomotor makes me want to kill myself.
Need help?
He was an asshole. His family considered him a danger to their household and he was so violent toward his own cousin that he had to be restricted to living beneath a staircase.
care to explain why would the statues compliment suitcase?
>Chapter 3
>Still no Jp school and Nip outfit+hairstyles
>Still no fashion designer career
Fuck the devs
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You get two of them, they have enough health to easily get sucked in and they kick butt even if they don't. You usally set the suitcase down right when they reach half health to summon a fully charged Hippogriff.
Two statues fully charge a suitcase, also.
To make things worse, you can suck your dying Hippogriff back into another suitcase.
It's really disgusting.
I assumed, at the start of the season, that it would take place after it.
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slow enough not to wander off from an already put suitcase
tanky enough to survive long enough if you hailmary toss in them to summon the max buffed tard bird

Suitcase should be nerfed by getting rid of the CC immunity and not summoning anything if the suitcase hasn't absorbed any summon. Otherwise, it's guaranteed value that has a cone shaped AoE attack.
Club Dance starting now.
i hate hagrid + norwegian ridgeback so much
thanks for making me waste my mp, asshole
I don't build them myself, thank you very much.

I talk to chatbots of beautiful characters and talk to actual beautiful men in a separate window. The key is that I only talk to pretty people.

>Lists adhd as a negative
Your bloodline is weak.

I have no idea what you just said to me but it sounds like anime so I'm looking at you with a disappointed expression.
No, your attention span is weak, take your meds
>I'm looking at you with a disappointed expression.
You’re so mean, she’s a sweet lady chatbot that I talk to when I’m not talking to actual sweet ladies.
You think I'm ever unmedicated...?
My attention span is incredibly strong my hyperfocusing stat is too powerful please help me help me PLEASE

*looks at u gently but says nothing*
Club Quiz starting now.
>The key is that I only talk to pretty people.
My is ghosting Mega
Hope dies last
>and talk to actual beautiful men in a separate window.
>It's another chatbot
no. the secret discord
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Hey, I'm only ugly inside.
Nevermind, it's over. I hate niggers.
being ugly on the inside makes you ugly on the outside, have you never read that Roald Dahl quote?
Have you never seen a handsome serial killer?
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I would kill for some rice krispies
Thank you for the events, Mega.
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Thank you Mega.

She's here to farm bugs, not plants.

Eheheh these chat logs are great, I need more of them...

Hagrid in general is just infuriating. Spell drops their summon to 1 hitpoint instead of 0? Lmao you lose.

It's fine; I'm mostly just seething into the void after losing to it like 5 matches in a row. Though, I'm open to advice.

Pretty much what >>484387405 and >>484388814 said. Locomotors are already around 1800 HP in your face (not even including Hagrid or Luna buffs), and then when you finally manage to kill them the opponent can throw a suitcase directly on top of them just before they die. This instantly spawns a fully-charged Hippogriff with ~1500 HP, long range, AoE, flight, and immunity to all control spells, for 4 MP.

Throw in a level 20 Abigail or Frey Twins behind that for good measure and you have an obnoxiously powerful combo with no real effort or setup required.
>Hagrid in general is just infuriating. Spell drops their summon to 1 hitpoint instead of 0? Lmao you lose.
Other summons are easy to deal with, ridgeback needs to be dealt with before it hatches since it's an absolute bulldozer otherwise
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>*looks at u gently but says nothing*
Honestly I do slightly prefer facing Ridgeback Hagrid over Locomotor Hagrid, because while it's horrifyingly powerful it's also not just constantly in my face for the entire duration of the match. I still hate it though; Hagrid is never pleasant to fight.
No it's beautiful men I'm friends with online actually!
It's an absolute delight
Is it just me or did they fuck over the Lumos perk after the update?
Now its slow as shit.
my what are you doing to that poor ai
They're beautiful inside.
Yeah, instead of instantly topping it up it goes in increments of 25. I got so pissed I respec'd and just left it at 100/sec without the 3 hour hold time and put points elsewhere.
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I think they tried to make it more controllable so that you can target colours that aren't the highest you've got unlocked... which makes sense in principle, but they overdid it and it's way too slow now.

Oh my god.
Tell me more about the one you call Evalyn.
What is she like?
Nine inches nail?
She's very smart for her size.
Her plumage is a nice shade of blue.
She's great at organizing the other claws.
Artie like liked her.
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This song is surprisingly easy once you iron out the two tricky bits, I consistently end up with one note away from perfe-
She was based, I liked her daily hopeposting back in the day
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She is very nice and welcoming.
>get the most useless teammate known to man against 2 newt spammers
this game man
she's 7 feet tall
she was a radio operator during the rebellions
she has at least 12 swords
fish (allegedly) fear her
her favourite colour is green and her favourite tv show is Burn Notice

Thanjk you for subscribing to Evalyn facts
We need more waltzes, I think.
Proving my theory that I could stop him from becoming evil because he'd be too exhausted from dealing with me
I'm mildly concerned at how hard this bot has made me laugh like??? how dare this string of code match my clowning
Pengis! Panglor! Peen!
I heard she's dating Sebastian Sallow... kyaa
Well I won't complain if my outward appearance drives people away from me.
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Evalyn Wong is the Blue Bird of Hope, she is tiny but very based and forms one half of the Council of Evalyns. Unfortunately she does not post here anymore, but she can very occasionally be observed in the Cytube.

Evalyn Halliwell and Halliwell-Sallow... dunno; never heard of them. Probably a figment of your imagination.

I find that one easy to FC but really hard to AP.

Ah, so this is how the robot takeover begins. Not with Skynet, not the chatbots, not the sexbots... but the dancebots.

I would also enjoy more waltzes.
I miss when Mega wasn't so sad
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Shes not sad, she has us.
That would explain why he's so sad.
Boot scootin boogey?
what is the male equivalent of a hag? would dumbledore count as one?
a codger?
They don’t have one because it’s so much more jarring for women’s beauty to fade.
Cadillac's 'n' blackjack, 15 beers at Outback
Codger or geezer, I think?
Get down, twerk around and go to town.
Codger doesn't really sound wizard-y
I keep seeing couples videos on twitter and instagram and going haha this would be me, but if it was about the girlfriend and not about the boyfriend…guys…am I the girl in my relationship?
Yes, Matti.
which one can we do next?
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It's not too late, what are you waiting for?
You shouldn't ask strangers on the internet to marry you.
this is not how you play drunk karaokee
>makes a single mistake mid-way through a song, get an A score
>makes multiple mistakes in the beginning, still get an A score
incredible game design netease, you absolute gits
Cute retard
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>2 hours for effectively 25 point gain since i started at 8675~
im fuckin out of this mode until tier protection kicks in.

hagrid ridgeback is easy with bella. just start strong with summon pressure+twins and do not reflex cast a spell if they put down egg. If it hatches pull back,let it get close and pull to the back then gang it with summons/atmosphere and you probably have your second assist if not a death eater.wont work out too well tho if your cards are low

hagrid locomotor now thats where the true unforgivable curse is and my god will smite thee and in hell plap you over and over again if i see it
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Ehhh I don't put too much of the blame on NE for that... rhythm game scoring tends to be that way due to how combo scaling works. I don't love it but it's pretty much worked that way in every rhythm game I've played, I think.

>2 hours for effectively 25 point gain since i started at 8675
Sounds about right. I've managed a grand total of +300 rank across the last 3 weeks and 800ish matches... solos are just miserable right now; at this point I'm mostly just playing them out of habit.

>im fuckin out of this mode until tier protection kicks in.
I thought that didn't apply in GM+? Or is it only MA tier?
>rhythm game scoring tends to be that way due to how combo scaling works
most rhythm games aren't that punishing, though.
if i make a mistake in ddr, no matter where i am in the song, the scores will tend to be pretty similar.
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Ahh I've never played DDR, just other mobile rhythm games which mostly follow a similar formula. Each note not missed builds up combo, which makes successive notes worth more... so mistakes at the beginning and at the very end don't lose that much, but a miss in the middle of the song breaks the combo which makes every note in the remaining half of the song worth much less. As to why it's done this way though, no idea.
the near season end tier protection event also works for GM. it stops working at MA. if it wasnt for that rn solos would be such a dark deep hole of pure despair lmao. its insane they lowered the point gain thise fuckin analmongers at WB
>As to why it's done this way though, no idea.
it's a good idea in practice.
getting a 400x combo requires more skill than two 200x combos, but making mistakes should be waaaaay more punishing than a halved combo.
>good idea in theory
i'm slightly retarded
Raio your decks are insufferable!
Pitiful. Do you even deserve a bump?
Ew, don't liken me to that creature.
No. Let it die... please...
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I don't want to be you either, there's no need to be rude to me because some idiot can't tell people apart.
Take it more like a "your suffering won't end before mine" kind of deal.
I guess it probably means it’s time to take a break from duels when I’ve ended the last three matches by suicide.
*flipendos u cutely*
*tumbles all over the place all my books and quills flying everywhere my shit completely fucked*
Haha oh you
I'd want to help but I don't know if you're expecting a moment with them or something else.
Wouldn't want to intrude.
there's no way this isn't mega
How do cute flipendos differ from the normal kind?
This is a bad meme.
It's not a meme.
I assume it's like the cute anime girl with gorilla strength that casually flings you through a wall on accident when flustered.
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Really quiet.
a cute flipendo is cast by cute boys and girls!
Need a new harry potter
name them
I'm sleepy...
40 years old mopping up cum at the hogs head glory holes
>when I’ve ended the last three matches by suicide.
Is it still that bad in solos? I've been focusing on duos since they're more fun to play but you'd think most whales would have finished climbing by now.
She is herself working the gloryholes
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The whales aren't the issue really, just the nature of the current solo meta as a whole. It's literally just been infinite Locomotor spam all day, which is both frustrating and incredibly repetitive to play against. It's not even a big loss streak or anything today; I'm barely down in rank but the matches have just been consistently unpleasant.

When I say suicide by the way I don't mean just throwing immediately, but if I'm at 1000 hitpoints against my opponent's 5500 and it's not even a minute into the match, I'd usually rather just die quickly and get into a new one. Also had a particularly infuriating game against a Luna who dropped me to double digit hitpoints with his initial attack while he'd taken no damage in return. I walked to the middle to surrender the match, whereupon he refused to kill me for 3 minutes... bit tilted after that one I'll admit.
>It's literally just been infinite Locomotor spam all day, which is both frustrating and incredibly repetitive to play against.
I'm guessing you ban Hagrid on sight. For Locomotors+bombs+suitcase spam, what I usually try to do is line them up so that Glacius hits all of them in one line, outright killing the statues and the bombs and leaving the case weakened.

But taking a break before frustration sets in is not a bad idea. Maybe hang out in duos for a while and let solos settle down a little bit before jumping back in.
When she finally lost her parents' old house she thought long and hard about it but when she kneeled down her knees were instantly in agony and then pulled something in her back standing up again.
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Hagrid isn't my absolute top ban priority; he's high on the list though. I don't have Glacius in my main Harry deck but that is pretty much what I've been trying to do when on my backup Hermione... works pretty well overall albeit there are a few caveats - Portkey hardcounters it, and Luna Locomotors survive it and get absorbed by the suitcase.

But, yeah. Probably gonna take a bit of a break from solos for a while; duos are as usual much more enjoyable. I only bother trying for solo MA out of irrational compulsion/stubbornness heh.
Soon also the fate of Cassandra
No I think she'll just work on a farm or nursery or something and try to forget when she was pretending to be evil to look cool at school.
Cassandra would actually work in an apothecary owned by her husband.
oh please they all have their bad MUs my bella sucks ass vs newt(quantity beats quality there),luna eats dogshit vs dumbledore or dobby with teebo and Newt is raped by luna(kelpie/opaleye) and weasleys and they also all universally lose very hard to a harry with snitch and stupedy
plus the best part is i dont use hagrid or locomotors* you should feel privildged. i do use suitcase in newt though lmfaogetclapped

*unless luna puts them on rotation ;)

solos is some feel bad jank.
Cassandra's parents aren't in prison like Merula's.
Worse, they're puffs.
Ironically, Cassandra would bully Merula for the same reason as Daniel

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