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Feet edition
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Frenzied >>484167220
Finally. A good thread.
Anon who needed help with Astel, you still here?
Romina is the only good boss in the DLC
More feet please
Cheer him up
How would you do it?
stop posting feet
Behead all footfags
>dryleaf seal and set are past golden hippo
My early game cosplay...
>8 new weapon types
>beast claw, hand to hand, thrusting shields only have 2 weapons each
>light greatsword have 3
not autistic enough to compare movesets, but wouldn't be surprised if they were all the fucking same
>throwing blades is literally ONE weapon
i feel...robbed. It's like saying there's more than 10 remembrance bosses and then you have scadutree avatar
I still don't get the whole Metyr thing at all. Like oh there's this thing that just shits out fingers left and right apparently? I thought every demigod had their own fingers or something and that's pretty much it, but apparently there's just like thousands of fingers all over the place? What the fuck do they even do at this point?
By shoving Bayle's Pile Driver into his ass
shitter meme made by a shitter player

game is fine just git gud unironically
sucking his dick
marika was a snake. messmer, melina, malenia, and miquella are asexual virgin births.
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Do you think ranni had big cute feet like her mom?
fap him. he seems sexually frustrated.
Can I join coop even if I'm not a carry? I just wanna fight mesmer again but I don't wanna grief the host if possible. What happens if I die during the fight?
I just realized that he's tall enough that it could probably be done standing up
Reposting help looking for tutorial on avoiding the last bit of waterfowl, need more advice than 'just roll towards her' because it doesnt work for me
Stop posting feet
Take the side entrance through the church district, then backtrack out of the specimen storehouse. Hippo is optional.
imagine talking shit about scadutree avatar as if its a shitty boss.
>b-but it doesn't do 50 ninja flips with 10-hit attack chains
you're a secondary
>finally beat radahn and tricky miq
I love being a PC player so I can use CE to rez those 2 faggots over and over and lightning perfume them to death
Fug >>484184757
What was your SL when you finished the DLC?
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Is my build bad? Moonveil and carian royal scepter
Reddit is directly to blame for this DLC being subpar
What aspect of the fight do you think they will change when the eventual nerf comes?
Radahn is such a visual diarrhea. I really hope that Elden Ring is the last game that Fromsoftware uses this shitty engine that's over a decade old, because I can't stand having to watch the boss play the game for me again.
Completely average DEX/INT build.
Co-op and pvp are currently both ruined because of perfumer bottle nigger cheese. Don't bother until they nerf it to the fucking ground so you don't get people destroying bosses by themselves.
I would only hope so. Genes like that getting passed down are very likely.
>6. delayed aoe
>7. jump back to other side of arena
>8. quick ranged laser beam
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I subscribe to this theory. For real though, it's really interesting and explains a lot of shit and symbolisms in the game.
Gotta pump that Vig to 60, anon.
kiss him on the lips. both of them
Would the virgin births of these demi gods, born lacking another 'half' of themselves mean thats the reason the Outer gods were able to take control of/infect them.
>Messmer- base snake (fell god fire?)
>Melina - GEQ (purple eye)
>Malenia - sealed Rot god
>Miquella - ??? (what outer god is he tied to?)
Carian Scepter is only worth it above 70. At 60 the other Carian staves do better.
I wanted to but at the expense of what? I had 60 vig before but I can't lower intelligence any
>mountain of dex to use blade sorceries
Theyre essentially just antennas, for the purpose of attempting to contact the greater will. As for the fingercreepers, presumably a "Worker" variant of the fingers that exist to maintain the "Colony" and defend it from threats. Metyr is obviously the "Queen" of this colony.

Think of it like an ant colony, or bee hive or some shit.

Only thing i dont get is why some of them wear rings. Whats the deal with the fucking rings?
this is possibly the best explanation
just like how godwyn was always a mermaid
Impossible unless you're Marika or maybe his dad (whoever that is)
Just finished the DLC. The final boss took me more attempts than all the other bosses in the DLC combined, although that was partly because I didn't want to rely on rot after testing it once and seeing how overpowered it was. Phase 2 of the boss was a bit too much with all the shit going on and I expect a future patch to adjust the difficult just like what happened with the original Radahn fight.

Overall I think the DLC was very good, but it had the same problems as previous FromSoft DLC in that it didn't actually wrap up all of the plot threads in a satisfying way. The biggest issue is that all the teasing about Miquella's close relationship with Godwyn went nowhere as the latter was unceremoniously replaced by Radahn even though the same concept of resurrecting a dead demigod would have also worked for Godwyn. If anything it would have been better that way because Godwyn's death was what kicked everything off in the first place so him being revived would have brought things full circle.

Another issue I have is that there was still no confirmation of what happened to Ranni's great rune after she cast it away. I was sure that it would tie into her mysterious teacher that she based her appearance on as that seemed like foreshadowing of some sort of a switcheroo plot point, but instead that whole concept was just forgotten about entirely. Ranni's master could have easily taken Ymir's place to kill two birds with one stone.

One last nitpick I'll mention is that I wanted there to be something new added to the main game in that spot in the ocean hidden by a cloud where there was a weird black square placeholder texture at one point. That location is in the middle of the divine towers so it would have made sense for something to happen there once the player activated all the great runes, including Ranni and Miquella's. Perhaps you could have fused them together for a new ending or boss fight. This is not as egregious as the other two but more like a missed opportunity.
>Rot Dragonman saves multiple Tarnished from Bayle the Bread yet again with his pungent breath and his Bankai: Senbonzakura Aeonia
Don't thank me, just doing my job.
isnt golden hippo early game? that's literally the next boss after Renalla if you do zero exploration in skadu atlus
when's the last time you've summoned a phantom? gonna be completely honest, i don't think i've summoned since dark souls 2, i like getting summoned a lot though.
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Does that mean marika's truest descendant is rya
At the expense of nothing, just put your next points into Vigor.
Is it feet posting time?
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>DMC bosses
>DS2 movesets
What's wrong with that?
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do you guys thinking removing 5 points from my strength stat and allocating them to dex and into to be able to use the weaponsmith hammer?
do the 5 points really matter that much? this is also to use the fire knights sword since its pretty fun and it frees up a talisman slot.
How will FROM ever recover?
who you're quoting faggot
its underwhelming as a remembrance boss, yes. it's like advertising the royal ancestor spirit.
the ring is pink, just like the magic they throw on you. except that the penis looking faggots can do it without one. it's not supposed to matter because they just gave them the same attack because they are all fingers because they pulled that lore out of their fucking ass
Do you think Miquella would've been a villain if his segment actually got into the base game rather than being left for dlc?
if you think elden rings movement is anything comparable to ds2 you're out of your mind
I always thought these were made by the Carians, since nothing in the base game implied the figercreeps and the two fingers had the same parentage. Its possible the magical rings were made by the Carians? Implying Raya Lucaria was aganist the GW and the two fingers, maybe THATS why Marika/ Radagon married Rennela, both had an anti greater will agenda, until the greater will bound the two of them together and crucified Marika. Also do they share a body? Marika turnes into Radagon beofre his fight, then hes turned into a sword, but theres still Marikas body after the fight
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How's this look for a kicking thing? I'm planning on trying to get the poison to proc without consumables then using the "Blooms Twice" ash of war.
Miquella being a villain at all just reeks of """subervsion""". They presented him as nothing but a good person in the base game but now he's Dr. Doom with better hair.
Problem is, 70% of people voting in this poll haven't played any of those except SotE
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>smithscript cirque with raptor of the mist
holy shit this is baller, can even amp the jump heavy throws with raptor feathers + raptor talisman + smithing talisman
now the only question is cold or magic infusion
If Miquella was in the base game we would've just gotten the full Griffith arc where we know him as a nice guy and then he rapes Melina in front of us because he got butthurt we didn't want to crater his asshole or something
That makes sense, I guess the like buff to stuff makes it more til the scaling overcomes it
It's for the sword
Oh right
>They presented him as nothing but a good person in the base game but now he's Dr. Doom with better hair.
Never post on this website again you stupid fucking lorelet retard.
Recency bias will fade.
I haven't played Ringed City but I think Shadow of the aerdtree is better than the other two
Man this "haha now I will jump back for no reason" thing that bosses do is such a fuck you to colossals. Let me land a charged attack for once I don't even mind trading.
I'm a little ticked about how much stuff is clarly remnants of cut content, myself. Gaius leading to a dead end in particular really ground my gears. Scadutree was just another "path goes nowhere, does nothing, means nothing" boss on the fridge full of them.
>nothing but a good person
Anon, I think you've been struck by a Bewitching Branch. Snap out of it.
If that's true then it just makes me feel even sadder for how her quest line ends.
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Me and this guy I had stored in my pocket are about to show NG+ Margit what a real omen feels like.
Miquella charmed your mind. It's working, anon, he has you.
I have no idea what to play for NG+
I went through NG and DLC with dragon communion+bleed but also got the new scythe at the very end
Calling something cut content because it doesn't lead anywhere is really stupid.
Beating Gaius rewards you with 5 Skibidi's.
whats a good remembrance to duplicate bros?
Why do people use poison antspur when bleed does more damage
You think Shadow of the Erdtree is better than The Old Hunters?
miquella is tied to the same one marika is tied to, that's why version 1.00 calls him 'the recipient of the vision'
Blashemous and powerstance Blasphemous Blades
The one that gives the most runes.
why? it's one of the better npc endings
Elden Beast if you're using them just for money
Thanks! I’ll try that.
I only have a +12 weapon atm. I rushed Radahn and Mohg to get a DLC weapon as early as possible.
>boss winds up for an attack
>stays there and stalls before using it
Probably died to this a solid 900 times throughout this game's lifespan and still can't adapt to it, they crafted the perfect solutions to retards like me rollspamming.
Create a dice roll table of the alternate builds that interest you, then let Lady Luck decide your fate.
Without trying to spoil to much else about the DLC can anyone tell me how I can go anywhere else besides Consort Radhan? I've been playing this DLC slowly trying to do everything and go everywhere so it's not like I'm rushing but I still haven't uncovered large portions of the map and I'm at Consort Radahn now which I'm assuming is the final boss of the DLC's story. I tried unlocking other maps but I literally could not find a way to physically reach them no matter how much I looked and it's obvious I'm not meant to be fighting Radahn this early especially when my scadutree blessing is only level 10. I feel like I'm missing half the DLC despite having tried to see and do everything.
Because I don't want to play the same meta dogshit.
we have cut content for the base game showing he was an ally.

I think above all else he's a villain in the DLC to justify why we kill him and thus why the DLC absolutely does not affect the base game. everything else is secondary.
>use meta weapon but make it slightly worse
whats the earliest greatshield block build? i just wanna rush down the marais executioner sword
Rennala since both Carian Regal Sceptor and Full Moon are run on pure INT
You can only redeem remembrance rewards once per playthrough.
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Um carianbros? What's the lore implications for this?
unlike the base game, quite a few areas are unlocked via dungeons.
Bleed requires arcane builds, rot doesn't
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I beat Radahn after going back to Moonveil so no
Keep in mind spells are useless here and this is a strictly melee fight
I like feet
Where's Carbonis and Permia?!
The 5 skadoos struck me as compensating for not having anything story relevant to actually put there.
I liked old hunters but like I didn't like any of the enemies in the levels, the bosses were amazing and I loved them but the levels felt like pulling teeth
is that a godskin/blackflame weapon it looks like their sword you get
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>Frenzied Flame is still the only ending that gets rid of the Godwyn death-face cancer
Also, why can I side with Dung Eater but can't with Mohg? I'm literally in Mohg's service.
Like at least I can't serve Miquella because he wants Raddy to be his Elden Lord, what's the explanation for Mohg?
he has a cut ending, but we also have miyazaki saying the DLC is based on shit they had to cut half-way through development, which is WELL before anything that would've shown up even in cut content.
Sorry what did you say? I was kind of distracted.
The feet that delaunched a thousand Erdtree naval fleets and led to several weddings
>because they pulled that lore out of their fucking ass
You're probably right
>I always thought these were made by the Carians
It makes sense to be the carians who made the rings. The rings presumably allow the Carians to control or influence the fingercreepers which is why we see them in the Carian Manor in the base game and with the DLC, now we know the carians are far more associated with the fingercreepers than we originally thought or realised with Manus Metyr and such.
>nothing in the base game implied the figercreeps and the two fingers had the same parentage
True, but the DLC pretty much confirms it. You get the "Two fingers" gesture at one of the finger areas for example, Metyr was trying to contact the greater will and spawns fingercreepers etc, so clearly theyre all related
>Also do they share a body? Marika turnes into Radagon beofre his fight, then hes turned into a sword, but theres still Marikas body after the fight
I have no fucking idea whats going on with Marika and Radagon to be honest. Something something two souls in one body or some shit? Same as Miquella and St' Trina.
Fortisaxx, you really want both of the incants
Inflicting both status effects sounds really cool
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My second run in SotE
I said i'll be a dex samurai and i'll keep it as a dex samurai
>Umm, actually, his bewitching branch description
Bitch. The Haligtree was built with healing his sister in mind. Same as him searching for a cure with the GO fundamentalism. It's considered a safe haven for albinaurics, even frog fuckers who never visited it know about it.
Just by hanging out with Torrent, Ranni and Melina bend their asses to you. If you think that's not being a "good" person then you're retarded.
>a total of 5 fragments in an otherwise empty area
>you can change the ash of war on his weapon
>shitty boss with a glitched charge attack that hits you multiple times, can also get stuck on his own arena
It's not like I've been skipping any that I've come across. Should I be scowering cliff faces or something?
Because you're Tarnished and trying to become Lord, Mohg's thing isn't compatible with that
Nope. Ansbach was right. He's a monster that uses love as a weapon. Little Miq is doing the same shit Marika did with the whole "the road to hell is paved with good intentions". Forcing your brother to be your consort via mind control causing him to gtfo as far as possible only to send your sister to kill/capture him only to rez him in the body of another brother and STILL MIND FUCK HIM....isn't good. Not even in the slightest. FFS even his other half (Saint Trina) was asking for us to murder him.
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throw axes at people
At your stats, Lusat's or Academy staff both outperform the scepter by quite a lot.
Am I right in assuming marikas village and metyr are both on this part of the map? Trying to find a route there
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worse version of mine
Have some feet anon.
>Keep in mind spells are useless here and this is a strictly melee fight
radahn is actually very generous with his openings, I was able to keep my beastial vitality up the entire fight
NTA but shocked you were able to beat him with that setup given Moonveil doesn't cause any degenerate status effects other than a tiny bleed build up which will hardly ever proc given Radahn is on offense 90% of the time. Must be some FTH wizardry with that 6751 damage as well.
he got slipped a mickey
>these fucking lampreys in the finger ruins
these bitches literally one shots you off your mount and snipe you out from afar binding you helplessly where you stand while another lamprey bitch sucks you off HOW do you maneuver through this shitty ass place
>20 mind
>fighting Metyr
>she floats up into the sky, conjures a fucking black hole and starts blasting the arena with Hawking radiation
How do you even dodge this shit? Just run ahead of the beam?
Ranni demonstrates that full power Renalla is fully capable of summoning an army of phantoms, trolls, dragons, knights, whatever she pleases, anywhere in Liurnia at any time. Must have been a nightmare for the Golden Order attempting to invade.
some of the areas are also hidden very sneakily, you have to explore. all the rivers and canyons you see lead to places.
metyr isn't there but you do need to go there for that quest. the way in there is fucking bullshit use the o mother gesture at the marika statue right before the gaius fight
never cover-hopped whilst approaching a sniper in an FPS game, faggot?
watch the beam(s) they go up and down
juicy feet
Isn't he actually still good even with the DLC in your mind then? He still promises compassion, etc. but you're fighting him just so you can be Elden Lord. Whats to say the Tarnished is good and Miquella is evil in this situation?
You can choose to not kill her, sure, but she still feels unwanted because of the snake connotations.
If Marika herself was a snake, then Rya didn't deserve to feel like she should die because of public anti-snake propaganda that was created by probably Marika herself to hide her true origins.
>Check /cm/
>It's like 60% Mohquella art
Those homos know what's good.
The DLC retcon was a fucking disaster holy shit. At least Messmer was cool as hell.
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>using summons
>using a shield (except parry)
>using buffs
>using perfume bottles
>using bleed/rot
>using ash of war
If you used any of these, you didn't beat the game.
You know what I'm talking about.
Any entity that speaks positively of something that "compels" affection cannot be trusted.
the quasar shit?
get away or try and block it and hope the shield break will end before the 2nd and 3rd pass hit you
you have to weave in and out of cover so the purple snags get caught and then work your way to the casters
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Every time I see one of them land their grab attack I think of goddamn Baytor
I didn't beat the game and that's okay cause Nioh is better anyway
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>Those homos know what's good.
those homos need to be on a registry, same as you
I quite literally used every single one of those
Where's marikas village then what
Zig zag with the horsey. There's nothing there so there's no point in exploring.
>Must be some FTH wizardry with that 6751 damage as well.
I forced bleed only twice in the fight and both were in phase 2
My basic plan was
>parry the fuck out of him in phase 1, save every heal for the 2nd half
>summon mimic in phase 2 when I had the chance, I'm not beating this faggot fair
>parry his easy to read combos, dodge or block everything else
I probably could have beat him with Moonlight Greatsword desu
Are they nerfing that fucking fire greatsword truecombo or what
oh gods thank you for sparing me the hassle
Consider suicide
>gay hate in the captcha
I really feel sometimes that people lack basic reading comprehension and can't actually follow a plot. miquella isn't and was never evil. being a god is a prison sentence that turns you into a puppet-bitch for conniving higher powers. even if willing to exist as such, his age was doomed from the start and was never going to be able to fulfill its promises. radahn is a walking symbol if both the violence he wanted to avoid, and the incurable illnesses (omen curse) he was seeking to heal.
>there are 3 finger ruins
>3 finger prints on the shadowlands
Uhhh bros? What does this mean?
>spells are useless
That seems like it took skill then. I had to abandon Moonveil for this fight and go an easier route.
>3 finger incarnation in the center of all 3
Jagged Peak should have been an actual dungeon. You can see that massive thing from almost everywhere, it should have been much more than just a 10-minute linear path.
anon is talking about changes done to his character because of the dlc, why are you mentioning the dlc itself
his entire character in the dlc makes sense, you're fighting le epic fallen hero troupe that miyazaki loves to repeat
the problem is that miyazaki wanted to wrap it up and gave lore to mohg kidnapping him and malenia/radahn fighting, which is what the disaster comes from
>stays in liurnia
>gets massacrated by gideon, gets hunted down by cuckoos
>hey guys did you heard there's one place that they won't kill you for existing
>sounds like a good place, this person is good i guess
how are you assuming that they can't be trusted because of that? it's an important questline for latenna and is also part of loretta's character
is the new "meta" 180 or is that shit just pvenigger nonsense
this is a cope
its very bittersweet but it ends on a positive note and she doesn't die, that's in the top percentile of souls npcs regardless.
You gotta get to the thingy in the middle and blow it. Literally empty areas other than that.
You can save and quit to reset enemy positions and aggro if it gets bad.
>The dude that abandoned his love and everything else to atain godhood and who literally mind controlled people into liking him was not actually evil at all here's why
If she was snake how did she come from the shaman village
the anti-snake sentiment would have derived from the hornsent, the christian symbolism of the snake is very similar to prometheus with his fire, and a divinity-obsessed group like them wouldn't view such an interaction all too kindly.
miquelloids on suicide watch
Do i want more fth or int for necromancy? I suppose int because cold
>summon the old guy
>only makes the fight ten times harder
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>See anons jump to dodge a ground-based attack
>Get hit by enemy slamming their weapon down
How do you dodge this shit in melee-range?
I CAN roll it but it's inconsistent
if that's a black hole what it's hitting you with is the plasma jet, which is caused by the accretion disk
there's no accretion disk, so it's probably not a black hole
a quasar is a luminous galactic nucleus, it's probably a pulsar
I will take whatever stance is the opposite of fucking Vaatividya. If he says Miquella dindu nuffin, then I will say he's the most diabolical character in the story. And that's a good thing.
marikas snakussy....
Isn't the Tarnished Elden Lord a walking symbol of violence given s/he killed every demigod, even a "non-evil" one like Miquella?

Also there were quite a few brainwashed followers who had their wits stolen from them in the DLC, removing their free will and oppressing it may be evil if he does not have some kind of evidence of crimes committed.
there is a discarded snake skin in bonny village, right next to the 'o mother' gesture.
>Bayle drops a heart instead of a remembrance so you can't replicate it
Really, Miyazaki?
ds3 comes out
>rollspam is the optimal solution to every single combat encounter because attacks are straightforward and medium roll has no recovery frames
>people still mockingly call it roll souls 3 to this day
elden ring comes out
>medium roll recovery frames nerfed
>bosses are intentionally designed like champion gundyr to punish rollspam, sometimes even specifically rollcatching you if you roll out of hit stun
>bosses have attacks that are meant to be dodged with a variety of different dodge options: rolling, strafing, sprint strafing, jumping, sprint jumping, there's even specialized options like quickstep / bhs / raptors of the mist if you want to dedicate your L2 to them
>you're supposed to attack bosses during the slow parts of their combos
>the DLC doubles down on this, to the point that the final boss is basically one big "hey did you learn how to play the game yet" check
>people still bitch and moan about it being rollslop, being forced to "wait their turn to attack" even though fucking MARGIT drills this out of you with the daggers, and haven't learned the basic mechanics of the game
i don't get it

1. bell-bearing hunter is weak to parrying, greatshield might have a harder time with him
2. manor tower shield is in stormveil
If you start from the church district does it still break Miquella's rune?
Are you going to be casting sorceries or incantations more? There's your answer.
I have 15 skibidi blessings in my inventory.
How many can I use, and still beat the DLC?

What spells are people calling shit? I feel like people exaggerate how bad sorceries/incants are. It's mostly the boss ones that suck.
>do you think the Griffith copy would have been a good guy?
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i've actually hit the point where i just block anybody abusing the fuck out swift slash. i'm just gonna wait this shit out until From gets off their ass and nerfs it.
thank you stephen hawking's ghost but he was asking how to dodge it
I think it was fine for what it was, Abyssal Woods should have had a legacy dungeon for how much sprinting you have to do when the area has basically nothing but an otherwise great boss
I will stick with the same opinions I held prior to the DLC because I was right about everything except who Miquella wanted to revive.
Jump back or to the side.
>still trying to play the pvp minigame seriously
I thought that was from one of the Messmer's snakes. The 'o mother' gesture is obviously something he would have been using a lot so I assumed he went to pray at the statue often.
I beat the game at 17.
which flavor of backhand blade do you want?
>i win any time i press the button
>i win any time you press a button
choose carefully
>I love my child
>>Ermmmm wait did you just tell your kid she can't climb into the washing machine?
>Well yeah but it's for her own good
>>wowwww you're really controlling her actions there, I guess you don't really love her
>I do, it's for her to not get hurt
>>Well would you abandon your child and never ever see her again if it meant she was safe
>What??? Yes
>>Then I guess you'd really abandon your love for her safety, hmm I guess you sont really love her
You can abandon your love and compassion for love and compassion
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>Miquella/Malenia twinblade becomes Miquella/Radahn twinblades

How're are you feeling about that? It turns out that Radahn was the most important person in Miquella's life.
Jumping doesn't have scripted iframes, it removes the hitbox from your legs. So gauge your jump timing and position based on that.
Tyranny is shit anyways that will whiff half of the hits because the roar is pure aesthetics and only the lava eruption deals damage exclusively fire damage
The stomp is Dragonmaw plus that deals Physical Fire and Lighting damage at same time
I'm currently in the process of leveling a char for the DLC and I genuinely thought I was facing a hacker when I saw the move (I assume) you're talking about.
maybe the anti-snake sentiment comes from the fact that there's an immortal snake god-thing that wants to devour the world
>gawking at the architecture of Enir-Ilim
>notice the pillars are ringed with petrified corpses
>look up into one of the broken pillars dangling above
Holy fuck
The whole tower is jar meat
Need I remind you about Radahn's horse?
There's precedent for him being a soft touch.
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ive explored every nook and cranny i could find and i still have no idea how to reach anything circled in red
>want to play dlc again in a new character
>need to kill mohg and radahn
>need to get bell bearings, sacred tear, golden seeds
>end game scaling, so +24 weapons are good, meaning you need to kill at the very least fucking godskin duo
>then, you need to collect skibidi fragments
Are you sure you beat the game though
Some could say you didn't.
>how are you assuming that they can't be trusted because of that?
Same reason I don't trust outcasts who join a cult. Yes, they had it rough, but they're still singing the praises of a cult and doing the cult's bidding. A cult that happens to be in cahoots with a walking bio-weapon, Elden ants, and most despicable of all, those fucking scarlet rot tree spirits. Miquella and his cronies have to go, same as the other Lordsworn armies.
Light of miquella needs 72 faith to cast and it doesn't hit nearly as hard as it should.
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I know there's tons of other dropped plot points, but anyone have any idea why Hewg was so intent on making Marika a weapon to slay gods?
Was he just in on the whole plan of hers to bring about a new age? Why is this random misbegotten the one thing Marika entrusts with the task of making a weapon to slay gods?
I'm not seeing a disaster of the Mohg or Malenia/Radahn parts. It's clear Miquella can charm people, he either charmed Malenia (or she did it willingly) to drag Radahn to him dead or alive so he could make Radahn make good on his consort vow. He charmed Mohg to do his bidding so he could get to the shadowlands and charmed random tarnished to endeavor to take Mohg out. Then he had Mohg's body put into the super soulswap machine and out came Radahn.
The fate of Numen women is to be turned into glue to make things out of, just like horses.
It's a blatant retcon and pretty lame too. Miyazaki sacrificed Godwyn to give players the opportunity to fight Radahn at his peak.
15 is a comfortable level to face everything
>The dude that abandoned his love and everything else to atain godhood
why the fuck is this even necessary

the whole thing is so vague and retarded man

Like I said, the boss ones generally suck.
Miyazaki said I did, and I trust Miyazaki more than some shmucks on the internet
Explain how that relates to Miquella abandoning his love and compassion in the slightest
Just grab the lightning perfume bottle and Rolling Sparks.
okay ill just learn to parry him. the low vig will make things unforgiving but w.e
thanks, i didnt think of parrying them cause of their wacky eochaid blade stuff
I used blade of night pure dex build. I think that counts!
but didn't Vaati said he mind controlled Radahn too?
that goes against saying Miq dindu
also most of Vaati thoughts are even his own, he asks for quelaag to do his work or picks shit from lokey
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out of all the armor sets in the game this stupid simple plain robe really fucking ended up being my favorite
really tickles the "vampire hunter" aesthetic I'm so fond of
But by his own admission, Miyazaki is shit at the game.
pls respond
Have people asked Miyazaki if he summons? I assume he does.
It's just a retcon really, so it doesn't affect me personally.
Should have been Godwyn IMO, but we all know Miyahacki would never do something in a DLC that affects the base game
..... I thought it was weird thre was a bunch of corpses trying to scale the base of broken pillars. Man the hornset really had it coming (fantasy biblical jews inspired dont forget)
tl;dr as long as you're in close range he'll only do 1 red sword attack, which is the
>spin spin overhead slam
and it's quite easy to dodge. just stay close to him and he's manageable at any level. i kill the dragonbarrow one on low level characters all the time.
Looks like a spanish priest going to the new world circa ~1600s or something.
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holy based
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I just wanted to be Miquella's consort on my female tarnished and Ranni's consort on my male tarnished.
Why, fromsoft?
I beat it at 18 scadoos. Fingerprint shield on the final boss but str unga bunga until then.
he already said he uses everything since he sucks
because everyone has to be a fag these days
So, how are you feeling about those rumors about a movie/show/whatever? Do you think it could work as anime?
>spanish priest
I was kinda going for that too sorta
idk why my favorite aesthetics are like vampire hunter and Mexican charros
I want to write some short stories about Romina. Does anyone have any suggestions on what they’d like to see?
Unironically the bulk of it is from Moorth ruins. To get to the area beneath Rauh, you go from Moorth directly north, through where you see that water. There's a cave that winds around.
As for Church District stuff, you go down the hole in Moorth Ruins. It looks like it'll kill you, and it will. But there's a super tiny ledge you can land on to just barely avoid the death distance.
For the south stuff, you gotta go through Dragon's Pit Cave. Southwest of the Pillar Path Waypoint site of grace, it's like you go around to where that church is, but it's on the cliff part above it so you start from the upper path.
would be a good look for a faith build
Well, shit. I thought it was just reused spooky architecture, like all those random robed statues huddled together on the Yharnam Bridge and various Dark Souls 3 locations.
The walking bio-weapon who fought her whole life to contain the rot and because of that inspired a lot of people. (sword monuments, marais, cleanrot knights, etc)
All of this is thrown into the trash though, since the reason she bloomed wasn't because of her mental state of fighting Radahn and more because she got horny from the thought of him fucking his brother :)
Ants that eat/make use of scarlet rot. They are next to the lake of rot and antspur rapier literally comes from ants.
>Omen that is proud of his curse and wants to spread it as much as possible was actually charmed all along, Miquella planned even the fucking kidnapping
>Random Tarnished to take out Mohg
Wouldn't ever happen. There's no Tarnished left.
>Charmed Malenia
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this dlc is amazing
The internet might be the worst thing to have ever happened to the human race.
I genuinely believe that.
The level of mental illness I'm forced to confront when doing something as benign as looking up pictures is ludicrous.
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this DLC goes very hard
love from Chile
i hate Miquella so much it's unreal
>>Random Tarnished to take out Mohg
>Wouldn't ever happen. There's no Tarnished left.
But that's exactly what happened
>female tarnished
Bro played himself lmao
You think anyone can be straight after a hard Omenblood dicking?
no it sounds retarded, soul's story is not interesting to carry a movie or even a tv show; for all intents and purposes, the story is always the same "retards mess with higher forces, get fucked beyond belief for all eternity"
>be tarnished of no renown
>go to the lands between
>everything wants to kill me
>find out about kind demigod
>follow footsteps of kind demigod
>manage to reach said demigod
>said demigod wants to bring about an age of compassion with no suffering
>refuse the twink boipucci
>proceed to burn everything down/ fuck off to the moon with a fuckdoll/ fix current age everything despite the outer gods having fucked off/ curse everything/ celebrate skeletons and zombies
I just don't see any compatibility between the two. Radahn was a staunch conservative and defender of the old order while Miquella and Malenia were opposed to it.

The retcons also make Radahn's march on Leyndell feel extremely pointless. If the guy was already promised to Miquella, why did he try to claim the capitol? The only reason for attacking Leyndell would have been to claim Marika and the Elden Ring as his, something that is definitely not necessary if he's already Empyrean bound.

There are many other unnecessary headscratchers introduced by the relationship when the old explanations made complete sense.
I cared when I found it but fighting radahn burned me out so badly that I just don't care anymore beyond ranniposting sometimes.
the snake shit is specifically tied to traitors.
snakes also have no hands and thus no fingers, which marks them as the lowest of the low.
Skimpy underwear peaked with the Zamor set. If that thing was more silver than green it'd be my favorite armor set
Anyone else kinda aroused by the noise gurranq makes when eating
>I fucking love war and violence - the character
>but he likes his horse that means he's the goodest guy

Radahnwank makes me sick, you can't fucking have a character that idolizes a bloodthirsty psycho and warmonger and has his own followers tell you "yeah he fucking loves war" while trying to woobify him into le wholesome chungus.
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>charmed random tarnished to endeavor to take Mohg out.
Never happened to us. Which is why our heart can get stolen during the fight. We just put Mohg down because we love blood more than him.
Even then, it's not even necessary since he's an optional boss.
From Tholier head back to the fork in the road, there should be a cripple screaming about things. Follow the road he's on and you will eventualy come to a dungeon
That gets you the south part
It isn't mental illness, anon. What you are seeing is the true breadth and depth of the mental range of 'normal' in humans. For the most part. You might come across some actual insane people, but it won't be because they have weird or varied pronouns. That's just a me-tooism. Humans are monkeys. Monkey see, monkey do. It's like you were raised in a monkey tribe where they didn't all throw shit at each other and then you found another tribe that does and now you're disgusted by them because they are 'other' and have other cultural norms. This too is human.
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He probably didn't want the final boss to be even more blatantly Lothric and Lorian.
True, real warmongers love war because they have things they want to protect.
Best mace for midgame?
There are other tarnished out there who he calls as we see in the DLC. We just got to Mohg first.
>more because she got horny from the thought of him fucking his brother :)
Miquella mind controlled her.
That's tame
Tumblr is still a thingin 2024?
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Don't get why he's the "pretty" twin. Even with the rot, Malenia was hotter. She was probably a real looker before she really started deteriorating to it.
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That's just the goldmask set though...
DLC was kinda weak for skimpy sets desu. Just pic and it's not even showing much skin.
Then don't do Lothric/Lorian again? Make Miq the main NPC quest and at the end Godwyn is revived but fucked beyond belief so we have to put him down or something.
Like, they didn't HAVE to do it.

Stone Club
its clear the gods and demigods are all retarded pedophiles
I don't really care one way or another, but to suggest that Miquella, who explicitly abandoned all of his positive qualities, is kinder than a guy who mastered gravity magic for the express purpose of sparing his favourite horse is absolutely retarded.
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Anyone tried a Sabretooth build with all these new claw weapons?
Bloody Stars (Greathammer mace)
Maybe Ringed Finger
The Euporia twinblade doesn’t even mention Radahn
Miquella fags will say that the taint of Radahn's rune corrupted Radahn and made him go back on his promise.
But did you know that Radahn learned gravity magic just so he could ride his horse? He did all of that just so his horse could accompany him. If he wasn't the bestest bro in the Lands Between, why would he have spent years mastering gravity magic just so he could be with his horsey childhood friend?
the ascetic ankle guards are from the dlc
>oh hey the Roundtable Hold has a Misbegotten smith, he's pretty good too
>I'm going to appear to him either in person or in a dream/vision and scare the living shit out of him and task him with crafting a godslaying weapon, ensuring whoever's the strongest Tarnished gets it
Post build Dragonchad
"Influencers" repeating this meme led to this DLC
>Don't get why he's the "pretty" twin.
Imagine not wanting to cum into his hair.
Why did Godfrey randomly leave to nowhere and only return at the worst possible moment and then pointlessly oppose you rather than help you?
Reminder that the Tarnished is a demigod (you can hear the bells from the walking mausoleums during the intro where you are being revived. That means, in all the endings except for one, you are committing incest. You are welcome.
Because Marika wants the Elden Beast dead anon
>get the new claw weapons
>keep wild assault
>go full arcane
>make them occult

brother it's fucking amazing
Miquella tried to heal rot
Miquella made a Haligtree
Radahn is just a warmonger that idolizes a genocider like Godfrey
she phoned in a pick-up order right before closing
I have an incest fetish and wanna fuck my mother Marika
Because Godfrey wants to be Elden Lord again too?
>tear a path through The Lands Between
>discover the Shadow Realm, and Leda's band of simps
>tear a path through the Shadow Lands, because why not
>standing outside Miquella's HQ fog gate
>suddenly leave, go hit the blue sign and start The Age of Stars
Imagine the seethe.
I just scroll through thw searches lol
Yeah, why wouldn't it be? It's so much better since they banned the porn
A crown is warranted by strength. You got to prove yourself if you want the crown, boyo
Light Greatswords currently do less poise damage than rapiers lmao
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What does the giant fire belcher drop in darklight catacombs? I'm not about to reload this dungeon for a fucking mushroom.
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I fucking said it. He can mind control Mohg and his sister, except Radahn because (headcanon). I get it.
The only other Tarnished is Thiollier.
Reminder that his team is composed of 4 people (Freyja, Leda, Thiollier, Dryleaf Dane). And you're supposed to think they would be able to take down a demigod alone. Who all require an entire army to defeat (except us, the deus ex machina)
Moore and Hornsent he mets in the Land of Shadow. Don't know where or when did Sir Ansbach joined him.
>demigod even doe the tarnished is a weak bitch only capable of roll spamming
Godwyn somehow coming back would literally be a bigger retcon
Anon you could at least try to come across as genuine. No one is going to seriously debate you if you sperg out like this
Marika is spanish for Faggot
I-Frames are his demigod ability
spirit ash slab
It's a great ghost glovewort.
Hard skip
>randomly leave to nowhere
Marika made him gtfo
Great grave glovewort
Great ghost glovewort.
>Elden Beast: why can this motherfucker simply roll through my waves of eldritch gold!?
I don't use summons anyway. I was hoping it was a helmet shaped like the gremlin.
Miquella did thosenthings before he literally discarded his love and timidity.
And like an anon said a few days ago: those things just make him look kind of fickle, since he never really follows through on either project:
Malenia still suffered from the Rot; the Haligtree just kind of fell into disrepair.
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Is Leda fixable?
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Ooh, I like the way you think!
all evil women can be fixed by 2 or 3 children
Was that weird molerat hippo thing in the red flowers are the hippo everyone was talking about?
Because that was extremely easy to kill
Yeah, I marry her.
How do you deal with Radahn's 3-part X Cut combo? Rolling either side hits me with the followup, into is the same deal. Away too.

Do they expect you to parry the startup every time or just eat guaranteed damage?
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Someone gets it.
Correction will not help but I will perform it regardless
It wasn't random. Marika was using you to clear the board for Godfrey. With the tree burned, she called Godfrey back in the hopes he'd get to the Erdtree first. The Tarnished was never really Marika's preferred lord, it was always Godfrey.
Is it wrong to say that the thought of having a fuckdoll of my sister makes me erect?
You get a gremlin head in another catacomb, but no cannon head.
With rigorous plapping, yes.
heh heh, go to shadow keep and find out lmao
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Put her in the Camel Clutch, make her humble. That is how you fix her.
All you need to do to ascend is the elden ring and an elden lord
I dunno what was Micky boy thinking
Marika seemed to have placed a lot of faith in the tarnished to resolve her little conundrum.
Piss off, faggot.
Your cultural revolution is a joke.
What do YOU think, anon?
It's functionally undodgeable in its current state. Just bring a shield along for that move or something. There's no good answer, even the autistic challenge runners just block it.
this is the funniest shit I hope they don't fix it
I think I'm gonna masturbate again to Ranni porn. It's hotter now that she's my sister
unleash the beast brother
sleeper OP weapons
Then why does Marika keep reviving me to kill him?
get help
I've been saying it for years. He probably got Marika to break the rune too.
Anyone else sympathize with Morgott the most?

I know he's ugly so no one cares but I still found him the most interesting demigod.
>(fantasy biblical jews inspired dont forget)
i thought that was the albinaurics, they even fight with battle menorahs
I weirded out my friend by saying that I thought the idea of my brother lobotomizing me with an icepick to make me into a sexdoll was weird so yes that's probably wrong
he could have just went in and fought radagon, he was waiting for you honorably
Anon, Morgott is unironically one of the most morally right demigods among them. He only cares about the Golden Order and keeping Leyndell safe.
Every piece of flavor text about him implies he did nothing wrong and was more than reasonable considering the oppression he faced but also he attacked me and called me mean names so fuck him.
Cringe if a woman
EXTREMELY cringe if a man
As a long time Internet user who was there for the golden age shut like this makes me actually excited for the age of AI we're entering. I don't know what the age of AI internet has in store for us, but it can't be any worse than the politics age we're thankfully at the end of.
He's the only actual good person out of that buch lol
what does dryleaf dane say when you fight him? i remember him mentioning war, the battle was too chaotic to remember
How is it cringe? I understand how it can be weird, but cringe?
He's the boss I respect the most. I always enjoy his dialogue. Even the one about putting my foolish ambitions to rest
There should be a Charisma stat and it should let you have dialogue with enemies and bosses.
The Tarnished is too determined/ambitious/angry to die.
oh no people want to identify as nothing
oooooo so spooky
regressives are so weird
like you're over here yelling that humanity is moving forward in its understanding
you were the guy advocating that slavery continue
then you were the guy saying gay people should burn
now you're here
the world is moving on without you
I miss when this community was smaller and it was all about stupid shit like giant dad
the speed at which information travels about

these games is too fast now, everyone has moved onto the lame greatshield meta already

there is no sense of mystery to elden ring
Nope, he simped hardcore for the very things that didn't give a flying fuck about him and want him dead. Poor guy is on unreachable levels of copium.
Because the thought of my little sister saying that to her friends makes me cringe
id sympathize with him if he wore more than a ratty burlap sack
>you can hear the bells from the walking mausoleums during the intro where you are being revived
But >>484190159 doesnt???
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that would also explain the greater will, as you can only see a pulsar when its poles are pointing directly at you
I feel this honestly
I try not to look anything tangentially related to gaming so youtube doesn't immediately show me 10 vids about Elden Ring every time I log on, its unreal
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Behold, a Charisma build in action.
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can uncharged R2s break poise?
What are the best weapons to pair with a dragon communion build?
Barbarians of the Badlands will be the second DLC.
You niggers really think that anything is justifiable under the banner of "progress".
The Whigs believed in the inevitable arc of human progress, and they're thankfully extinct.
Utopian faggots are a fucking blight.
>playing pretend like a 4 year old and threatening everyone else to participate, then equating it to slavery
it's not like slavery because you SHOULD be whipped
Any attack with at least 1 stance damage can break poise
every single attack can break poise if you do enough of them fast enough
Weird. Here, just piece it together:
>https://www.you tube.com/watch?v=Wm jo72GiLRk&t
=8s&ab_chan nel=ZayftheS cholar
...second DLC?
Will Killing Morgott lock me out of any side quests? Is there any reason I should delay it?
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Need to fix up the nose. Feel like it's a smidge too thin.
I still don't really get how death works in this game. I know how it works in Dark Souls, but those same rules don't apply here.

So Marika removed the rune of death from the elden ring and created some system for rebirth from the erdtrees right? But then the shattering happened and that system fucked up and now people are half-dead or dying forever or something.

But then why do we as a character keep coming back when NPCs can die permanently? It's not just cause we're tarnished because a bunch of other NPCs that die are tarnished.
They ain't going hollow so what's the deal?
fire and bleed and occult weapons
don't worry, i got it the first time.
i'll get back to you after i watch it
No. Hes a mid-point and required to progress the game.
>Is there any reason I should delay it?
If you are getting your ass kicked, you should wander around and explore more
Ive explored 90% of the map but I'm still only at lvl13 scathatch blessing, are the rest on random pot enemies hidden in alcoves or something?
Any notable recommendations?
Ansbach has really turned my opinions on Mohg around. I'm pretty convinced that the excesses his blood cult indulged in were Miquella's fault.
Those that can see the guidance of grace come back. Most NPCs lost the ability to see it long ago.
The shark enemies were outright unfun and honestly I do struggle to think of any normal enemy I found interesting. Definitely a low point of it. But honestly the environment and lore going on was so good I didn't care.
Why did they make the character creation so terrible?
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I'm lost, I'm at the last boss but I've only found one catacomb and haven't been at the bottom layer and 40% of the map is covered in fog.
Ran around every ledge looking for graves to jump down on, found them but can't get over to the other side.
The real boss was the shitty map and exploration.
>t. explorationlet
How do you see how much poise damage a weapon does?
Varre permanently ruined any possible image for Mogh and Ansbach won't do enough to fix it.
Also he's still a blood cultist, I don't trust any nigga that worships bodily fluids.
>guys what if theres some secret
>entire game is already leaked and datamined before even release
Marika has no direct control over those aspects of the whole GW process.
You are a blind retard
Kill Gaius, he's hiding 5 skadoos behind him
Marika doesnt tolerate layabouts and sometimes she'll have a woman moment and decide some people don't get to revive.
According to St. Trina, godhood is a prison. So 2 things are possible, Marika wants a weapon capable of killing the Elden Beast, or killing her herself, as a form of release from said prison.
Damn. The Hippo died to Carian Retaliation combo. Crit. Carian Retaliation combo. Crit. I love this AoW.
Pretty sure there won't be any more DLC for ER, unless you want the Rizzelfutree blessing system to be created
>Anon is annoyed that people bring real world politics into vidya stuff, in addition to the other mental disorders listed
Do anons really?
>getting shit on by camera angles rather than boss mechanics again
will this meme ever end
you found the illusory wall in shadow keep
Varre is acting on Miquella's orders (through Mohg) to eliminate Tarnished and Finger Maidens before they can be come competition for Miquella's Lord plan while he waits for Radahn to finally die so he can start his revival.
Its only because of grace. Being able to see grace constantly is basically your willpower to push through everything. The strongest will always see it and be guided to become elden lord by amerika and anyone who loses their way won't.
My understanding of it is

The shattering didn't break the system, it's just that the system sucks.
How it normally works is that if someone is 100% truly dead and body is mangled beyond recovery, they eventually regrow at the bottom of the Erdtree once the wrdtree has gotten through its queue, prioritizing important people. If you just die normally you're also eventually healed.
Like it wouldn't regrow a random guy before it regrows Godfrey for example.
You, being able to see the grace, are prioritized above the people who can't.
The demigods are mostly all like spurned by Marika so they aren't granted grace, and so you resurrect before them
Wow, Divine Beast is such a shit fight and not fun to learn. Please tell me the later bosses are more fun. So far I have mixed feelings about the DLC. A lot of enemies are not fun so I just avoid or bonk them. Those big fire guys are such a brainless easy fight but take forever to kill. I want more Mohg, Crucible Knights, Malenias. Those are interesting and fun fights where I don't mind dying till I learn to dodge and punish the entire moveset with an unupgraded weapon. But no DLC fight has left a big impression on me so far.
Is Ranni now imprisoned? Maybe that's why she said it would be a bitter, dark, lonely place
how would you change the sleep status to keep it on theme but also make it so it isn't dogshit?
>illusory wall
did they hide an area behind that?fuck this im googling
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It kinda reminds me of the DaS2 chargen moreso than the DaS3/BB one.
That nonbinary faggot hates Israel because they're mean to le brown people.
I hate Israel because it has Jews in it.
We are not the same.
Yeah I find him cool but people give him too much credit about being kind etc. just because he is nice to his pet. Hell Rykard was arguably more kind with how he actually had noble goal and how he treated Tanith and Rya(?).
I beat the game.
The Miquella fanart is all retarded. He's not a bottom.
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Varre is not even real, bro.
What does Carian Retaliation Combo mean? I'm not familiar with that.
Yes. He's more likeable than Redditahn and Fagquella.
Maybe, but you're with her so there's that at least. Maybe too that the godhood rules of the Golden Order is different from the godhood rules of the Moon Order.
It's funny to see their golems turning against them
Theres another divine beast, 3 ghost dragons, 4 wyverns, 1 regular dragon, and 2 deathbirds waiting for you.
Also a red rune bear with Horah loux moves.
He literally lays back and lets Radahn do all the work.
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I think we should wipe out both of them desu
the grace of gold and the removal of destined death are different systems.

grace of gold isn't immortality, it's rebirth using a similar but much more potent system to that of the deathbed companions. basically when you die, marika injects your bodussy with grace and you revive. the player likely has a special attunement to this that other tarnished don't have
Elden Ring having such lame Samurai Armor after Sekiro is funny to me on a deep level. Literally just import one of the armor sets Miyazaki. What are you doing?
Question: Why is godhood a prison?
half of the map is inaccessible if you aren't meticulously searching for illusory walls and walls hidden via emotes that you may or may not have
some are at the end of dungeons that give 0 inkling that it opens up in another area
Rellana and Bayle are better, all the others I've fought have been worse aside from hidden dungeon enemies or the mausoleum enemies
>le alpha twink demoralization meme
When Leda confronts you, she says that the Erdtree guided you to the Shadow Lands. Thens he says that she supposes it's what "his eminence" wanted, a clash between those who would be lords. Who is this "his eminence" Leda is referring to here?
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>Scathach blessings
varre is absolutely mindfucked anon
He's literally on top.
He also thinks of his eternal youth as a curse because he's not a ~uwu fuck me daddy~ shota in his own self perception.
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You think FROM could ever make a game with a LIVING world rather than something collapsed and dilapidated?
Something like Dragon's Dogma, with towns and NPCs and the like
>But Sekiro
In Sekiro the country is overrun by enemy soldiers and bandits

It's pretty good imo, my dude character is pretty hot
Eyes too yellow, reduce the saturation so they don't look like mustard.
>Wait for Radahn to finally die
He ain't dying bruv
And even then, who was he going to use to kill Mohg? Malenia has no idea where he is and is in a coma.
This retcon "plan" is shit Miyazaki shuffled in last-minute so they can justify reusing Radahn's model with Pontiff animations.
Knight's Lightning Spear is now the best general purpose damage incant?
the way I see it, you may be a god but you're still acting on the orders of someone higher up. i.e. marika and her superior, the golden order
Miquella abandoned his love/kindness but still made sure to have one Misbegotten Crusader protecting her. So yes, I would say he still is kinder than someone who's entire personality is war
You can theoretically do anything but if you do too much everyone will rely on you for everything. In the event that something comes up and you can't manage it, all the carefully placed pieces you worked on fall apart.
Its a prison of responsibility and emotional indifference.
>w-what if he identifies as an adult your honor
Miquella as you are a direct obstacle what with you either seeking to become elden lord, simp for Ranni or set the world on fire
That’s all headcanon

Grace is the accumulated karmic guidance the Tarnished amasses so that he can fight everything perfectly without dying. The times you die are just alternate realities that feed into your canon actions (everything you do between graces that makes you survive)
>general purpose
No such thing but we still won biggly.
>Tfw first time replaying the game
Knowing that leyndell is next for me kills my desire to keep playing.
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Can everyone say that Radah won.
Then why does he seem pretty much normal in the battle?
Ahh I suppose so.
>walls hidden via emotes
this is bullshit, thanks to the other anon I found the coffin in shadow keep at least
compare miquella to ranni. miquella has a spirit inside of him, but ranni IS the spirit. by killing herself she bypassed that influence and substituted an empty puppet for the vessel.
There's a second deathbird? Where? I found the one in charos grave
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hello hagchads
any of the banished knight stuff
anything with inherent status like flamberge and antspur(you'll have a minimum level of ARC so may as well take advantage of status effects)
theres some dlc items that would fit too but I imagine you aren't there yet(more spells really)
the shattering happened 1 month before the start of the game
>Canon actions
No, spiderverse zoomer
All he says is "Kind Miquella, in godhood you shall rise" when you defeat him
eternal child brain makes it hard for him to plan anything out rigorously
they could and it would be immensely better, sort of like dragons dogma almost. but they wont, ever again.
Dude, Miquella abandoned his body way before he became a god.
That's basically being human. You have a boss. Also the Greater Will hasn't been in comms forever, shes basically on her own.

This is an interesting take, although its also kind of like being human only with more power.
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Mohg, would you kindly kill yourself?
Problem solved.
Leda could probabaly kill him too, I guess.
>shes basically on her own.
Well someone managed to imprison her on the cross thing so there's still someone higher up on the food chain
I suspect they see the bleak desolate world as part of the Fromsoft game identity now.
it's an aristocratic position within a cosmic hierarchy. you are a god for 1000 years, and you cannot step down until your term is up. your power is limited to what they allow, and if you go out of line they will LITERALLY try to kill you if you're LUCKY.
>Exploring final zone
>Super Hornsent warrior shows up and starts a weather effect
>Run into nearby room to grab an item before returning to the fight
>Hornsent warrior is nowhere to be seen when I exit the side room
>Gain a bunch of souls a few seconds later
>Happened twice
Do these guys just despawn or fall off ledges or something?
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Yeah, the Elden Ring/Beast.
I don't care about Elden Lord I just wanna put my load inside all the demigoddesses
how do they fix this
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fucking nigger boss
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Fia did nothing wrong
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>And even then, who was he going to use to kill Mohg?
Don't forget that the only way to reach Mohg is by a random shitty teleporter in Consecrated Snowfields (that was clearly added in because the odds of someone killing Varre early is high) or by, again, teleporting using his medal.
He will be reduced to a bara character.
Actually fans say marika is good now too
No has justified those Revenant things to me yet. Worst fucking enemy in FROM history.
>But you can kill it with Hea-
Shut the FUCK up. Having a "Kill" button doesn't make it good
slow cast time high cost obscenely, extraordinarily high frenzy-buildup nuke attack
>cosplay build has trouble when 99% of the enemies are immune to the cosplay
you did it to yourself
make it like the actual eye of sauron from frenzy village
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for me it's
It pretty much played out exactly as expected with the degenerate groomer fetish shit.

That's literally the only reason why Radahn was included I guess
It's a madness spell that does more madness buildup on you than anything it hits
It was doomed from the start.
Literally. She's the second most morally correct person in Roundtable after Enia
I dont like bara, I want him to be more lithe
the canon on miquella's body is so absolutely fucked up its not worth talking about
possible but you'll get rope burn
you'll get super AIDS
she would rather burn herself alive than touch you
Kind of sad when we learn the reason why Marika hate Omen, like, I wonder how hateful she look at him when he/Mohg born.
Though he less simp for Marika but more for Golden Order itself I guess.
It's making shit up hours
Just turn it into his phase transition nuke. It's not too late.
Hey /erg/ wanna know something neat, idk of that grandmother in the tree is her actual grandmother BUT if you look at it and compare it to the face on marika's damaged(not corpse) body the faces are very similar.
The one who mentions war is Ansbach. "Ha-hah! How readily the sensation returns! The runaway spirit of war!"
Should just deal massive damage constantly in an AoE for how expensive it is. Like Howl but it actually deals damage.

Also its absurd that with massive focus boosting armor and the +2 focus charm I STILL almost frenzy myself with 30 mind and its only dealing 300 fucking damage a bolt.
no i literally just hate that fight it's so fucking shit. speedy lion swordsdude and slow chunky crucible bitch pair together way too well
SOTE is GOTY I'm afraid.
The Elden Beast, but the Tarnished mopped the floor with it so wouldn't Radahn just defeat it in a case of Elden Beast trying to boss Miquella around?

The fingers have lost comms with the Greater Will, so I would kind of agree with anons that the only actual check right now is the Elden Beast.
>speedy lion swordsdude
just smack him
>slow chunky crucible bitch
just parry him
youre supposed to fight the misbegotten as close as the fog gate as possible so that the crucible knight doesn't try to attack you
Thanks Anons.
I'm getting my ass kicked by other bosses and I much prefer methodilogically exploring levels to fighting the same boss over and over. So I might as well bang my head against Morgott over and over instead of the twin gargoyles or the two crucible knights, and then come back to those ones with more upgraded weapons and summons.
Okay how do I fight the big sword horned guys? The dual sword I can parry
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>doing faith/dex after a faith/str run
>first tried Gaius with this bad boy and Dungeater
Is there seriously no way to get the 7th brood cookbook after mick breaks his rune? I didn't go anywhere near the shadow keep, it fucking broke while I was reaching the last brood guy.
If you were going for gold eyes, add more red to them.
With new set, finally I can be a proper death knight for her…
Not give muchshit about twlid tbqh (since they never give us sympathetic/sentient example) but I do duskborn for her.
Unendurable Frenzy, Frenzied bolt and Flame of Frenzy all deal great damage even if they can't inflict madness. Only Howl, Midra's, and the grab are truly dogshit.
So hear me out:
>horned faggots are obsessed with divinity
>they abduct people from Marika's village to stuff them in jars to turn them into "saints"
>they actually get one success
>said success is Marika and eventually ascends to become a god
>now that she's a god, she gets her revenge for being stuffed into a jar
Sorry, I'm an idiot. I meant Carian Sovereignty. Sovereignty gives a huge charged overhead Greatsword slash which has a fairly quick followup horizontal sweep. The combo is those two hits. It has very high regular and stance damage. It's very slow but has a hidden passive ability that gives it hyper armor when placed on Greatswords. Effectively a massive glowing colossal sword (massive even for colossals) for Int builds.
Don't be stupid,dodge their retardedly long and highly telegraphed combos, watch up for their kick, then smack them a few times.
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Then why didn't he right after I killed Radahn? What's the point of delaying?

Also, who was going to kill Messmer? he needs him dead too.
Malenia can't make it, she's in a coma.
>He wants the player to do it
>Tarnished proceeds to ignore the DLC and become Elden Lord with his own Mending Rune
Great fucking plan bro.
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Miyazaki is such a stupid piece of shit. Where the fuck is the fun of every other enemy being a fucking miniboss with infinite poise that tanks everything and just power armors through everything you do, hitting you for 50% of your hp with every single fucking attack, and just spamming non-stop?

That inbred motherfucker made 90% of gameplay styles just fucking ass because you have to pick very specific options to overcome the terrible shit he put in the game. Fucking idiot.
They're super honest. Just stay close, watch their combos and dodge into them.
why does every enemy get to perform 10 attack combos and I'm lucky if I can even do 1 attack
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It's fiddly, but I'm pretty happy with how most of my characters turned out.
You can, but you CANNOT tell the autist to kill himself or stop caring or whatever the options are. He'll stay there and you can still grab the books.
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This is so incorrect. Fuck yourself. Mohg was a victim of Miquella, but he was still the leader of an evil cult. He's sympathetic in that a lot of his personality was formed from abuse and child abandonment, but he was still a very bad guy (which was likely why Miquella targeted him to begin with, better that an evil dog be your sacrifice). As for Marika, just because some of her evil was justified does not mean that all of it was. Remember that almost every curse her bloodline suffered was the result of her genociding another group of people. Everything in game points to Marika being an authoritarian control freak (or patsy of the fingers, who were control freaks themselves). As for Radahn, dude is just Alexander the Great, with gravity magic, and has all the good sides and bad sides of being a war loving charismatic classical era king. I'm not going to defend Miquella or Ranni since they do a lot of fucked up things (which the chart correctly points out). I will say that Miquella's ends are really bad despite his altruistic motives (probably the least selfish and most self-sacrificing of all the demigods), while Ranni's ends were largely neutral but highly selfish.

As a nitpick, it's missing Malenia, who people have very colorful opinions of. Reddit in particular keep calling her a terrorist, which is pretty hilarious.
Level your fucking vigor.
>It's pretty good imo
I'm a modded skyrim chad. In elden ring you can't change one feature without changing something else
you still have to answer to metyr and the elden beast, both of which are still alive.
I have another theory
The Saint that succeeded is the gloam eyed queen
We know she was opposed to marika
Her rune is identical to marikas in shape
Her sigil the non blackflame one comes from the shaman village
It's possible she was pro hornsent while marika was antihornsent, hence their conflict.
>we want people to explore the world
>so we will add in secret areas that are very easy to miss and the easiest way to find them is by searching online
>and balance the dlc around fragments you need to collect
uhhh, okay i guess (except that they kept the world empty and with shitty rewards)
He's still here but how do you get him to give you book 7? He just keeps asking me about his depression
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Thanks again!
FP regen talisman + Taker's Flame spam + cowardice.
sneak in some attacks in between those 10 attack combos while dodging. you feel badass when you receive no damage but still manage to deal some
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Ahh, completion.
Rannis end is selfish but she gives me my favorite sword in gaming. I always side with her because of that. She's evil but based. Same with her step mom. Evil. But based.
tha depends on your weapon though
>couldn't roll out of this entire fucking attack because of the dialogue box
Thanks, From. This invader is a devious cunt for doing this.
Stats and weps you used?
I'm doing a Dex/Fth playthrough and all I found was Winged Scythe and Magma Sword
Also kinda stumped what ratio I should go with
Note: That death was after I wombo comboed the fuck out of that retard, didn't let him fucking MOVE for 99% of his health bar, and then when I went to finish him he did the fast 2-hit heavy attack and each hit did 50% of my hp in damage despite me having 60% physical damage resistance and 40 vigor. He fucking 1-shot me in 0.2 seconds after I steamrolled him.

FUCK YOU. Health sponge bullshit is bad game design. I shouldn't have to gimp myself in every single ACTIVE area of the game just to have a slightly bigger PASSIVE buffer that takes 3 or 4 hits to deplete instead of just 2.
was it fun?
gloam eyed queen is almost certainly the hornsent queen, most of the fucking hornsent use blackflame magic.
Can you get your Tarnished to have black sclera like some of those pics of the pre-war Carian demigods
It's so fucking fun against Romina
Mohg may have beaten the pedo allegations but here still a blood fetishist who built and lead a cult of crazed murderhobos. He is not "good."
to be fair, as a tarnished, do you really have any incentive to help the lands between when everything here wants you dead on sight?
Look, retard. Get more health or get the fuck over the fact that you have less room for mistakes. Nobody cares that you don't like it. You have more than enough stat points to make 60 vigor work.
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>died to moonveil 2
Wow, first real try and I came with in a hair of beating him, and with out even my main weapon, still kitted out to fight the gargoyles.
you can have whatever colour eyes you want anon
>Then why didn't he right after I killed Radahn?
Why would he need to? He's got a massive body of fanatics through Mohg and time is completely on his side.There's no consequence to putting off his journey a little longer to see if he can line up his dominoes better.
He's got his jrpg party who will deal with him eventually.
I'm upset that it'll get nerfed. Easily one of the most enjoyable weapons.
I invaded and killed a host and his summon so fast I barely noticed what appeared to be an item on the floor. Can invaders take items? Maybe I should try if that ever happens again
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>Marika is forgiven.
t. coomers who never played the game
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You can do it pham. Believe in yourself
I was gonna say Roderika but I like Enia, she's cool
>undead aberrations DESERVE to live because.... THEY JUST DO, OKAY?!
>Can invaders take items?
you used to be able to get tons of cool shit OLPWs were dropping for noobs
try church of elleh and first steps
22 str/50 dex/25 faith for now, the rest is vig and end.
I'm hype
Don't say that, don't speak that evil into this world. The DLC weapons SHOULD be good! I took like 12 hours to get here!
Who was Charo and why did they hide his grave?
I'm willing to forgive her hornsent genocide they deserve worse
However yes she is not forgiven.
She's kinda gross, and although compassionate I have doubts about her solution.
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Who is Messmer's dad?
What is a Lim and why does it need such a big grave?
Oh and on the way I used Magma Sword and Coded Sword with a heavy faith/incantation focus but I respecced once I got the sword (thank god the fifth knight killed dropped it)
Honestly yeah. I found all but 3 just via normal exploration and the ones I missed were pretty simple to pick up afterwards
>Grab all the books (Do not tell him shit yet, he will leave)
>Give him an answer after you've gotten all of them and talk to him again
No idea if there is a 'right' option in this case, but 'Put it behind you.' had him give me the book.
marika would be forgiven if she took the knot
That's what I think, she's either the leader of the hornsent, that old hornsent you meet(her file title is empyrean btw), or a shaman that the hornsent actually turned into a proper Saint and they took a liking to eachother based on that
nobody, marika birthed him asexually cause she's a snekk
uhhhhh yeah? have you ever tried to just talk to a skeleton? they're pretty cool once you get to know them.
Some random snek Marika shoved in her cunt as a dildo because she is a dirty slut.
>red hair
Radagon is his momdad and the gloam eyed queen is his dadmom
I would say Radaggon because of the butterflies. Also his twin is Melina, because those with the letter M are twins (Malenia and Miquella, Morgott and Mohg)
Thematically I feel like it would make sense if it was a fire giant.
>There's no consequence to putting off his journey a little longer
>Deathblight cancer taking over the lands between with no cure
>Tarnished takes the title of Elden Lord/Moon Lord and changes the rules of the world
>Or worse yet, Lord of Frenzied Flame and torches the whole lands.
Yeah, no consequence to waiting.
all the dudes with horns are empyreans, including the animals. the title seems to just mean somebody has the influence of a god within their flesh.
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its not the eye color, it's the eye whites
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cosplay makes up for being able to liquidate the funny tree spirits
Thanks I was hoping to not have to fight him but I want that fucking book.
Is that anywhere in game other than filenames? Because From leaves old/discarded ideas in filenames all the time.
>Deathblight cancer taking over the lands between with no cure
Pretty slow and it's not like he has a plan for it
>Tarnished takes the title of Elden Lord/Moon Lord and changes the rules of the world
If one makes it through the blood assassins he can sic Radahn on them
>Lord of Frenzied Flame and torches the whole lands.
He'll stick 'em with a needle.
Who is the based snake?
Could it be Baldachin? Both seem to be related to death and blessings
did I stutter? maybe try opening the editor instead of being a little faggot
If it is Radagon that makes Marika's later actions seem strange. She marries him because she sees that he produced normal children with Renalla, but if she already had a cursed selfcest baby with him then why would she think it wouldn't happen again?
It could've been the fell god. I always assumed the guy was an outer god of some sort but now I realize he might've just been some guy who used the divine gate before marika.
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What the HELL does this mean? I feel like I'm having a stroke
>weak to fire by 90% because it's a fucking tree
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>put the helmet back on
>she's ugly
are they right?
So any pvp autists around to confirm

if I use nana-hey-hey-goodbye's torch weapon art to build up madness, it scales the status with arcane right? And it builds up super fast and can 1-3 shot madness proc people. Does this give enough time with latency for me to switch weapon hands to 2H a greatsword of damnation and use its plunging command grab for a guaranteed kill? Is the greatsword plunging + madness proc + chip damage enough to guarantee a kill, and what does greatsword WA scale with, is it pure faith? because that would be both faith and arcane needed.
assuming I'd use both shard of alexander and dagger talisman to buff its damage, anything relevant to use with the torch?

I'm figuring it would just be:
>walk towards people with torch left greatsword right
>soon as I see madness, switch to 2H, perform plunge
if its a real true combo it should be lethal I assume
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Fuck you. Passive health is fucking garbage. I shouldn't be fucking taxed just because Miyazaki is an incompetent hack that thinks it's ok to design fuckers that hit you for 50+% of your hp in rapid succession when you have NEARLY 70% DAMAGE MITIGATION.

Plus, for some reason this fucker can land hits I can't. Like if I do a leaping heavy he can sidestep it, but if he does one and I roll or sidestep he just auto-tracks me in mid-air and hit me.
Is the damage of throwing attacks on smithscript weapons primarily determined by int and faith? Because I'm trying to use one while just barely hitting the requirements and my jump throw attacks are doing like barely 250 damage, even with the talisman equipped.
all of the hornsent and the horned animals were called empyreans before all the names were changed to hornsent, the grandma being called an empyrean is a holdover.
Messmer is the based snake.You can tell by what he's doing to the Hornsent, dangerously based even.
fat face
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>I am having a stroke
You are so close to getting it.
they don't hit me for 50% of my hp because I levelled vigor
thanks anon

can't open the game atm since i dont have it installed on my laptop
Imagine the old lady smell.....
If that's what you want, snack on a lot of dragons or hug the spicy fingers.
You know what? I'm fine with that, there's no reason for everyone to be sexy under their helmets.
What does this post mean!!!
>overjoyed when he became an empyrian for the golden order
>needs to mind control unwilling brother to get a lord
>gets whacked by simp who refuse to be hugged
>seethed when she became an empyrian for the golden order
>gets a simp when she gives him a fancy bell (that enables easy mode) and become her lord
>gets married by simp who whacks
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You sound unreasonably mad at those who live in death. Got a bone to pick with 'em? Skeletons getting under your skin? They're pretty humerus once you get to know them, tibia honest.
You're going to have to improve at the game if you want to keep having 2 hp.
>aaaaah my horns are growing into my brain through my eyes I can't think so good
That's what it means.
Messmer was cursed by the Fell God, not Radagon's genes.
>He'll stick 'em with a needle.
Everyone is fucking dead
It's all burned down
I dunno russian bear wife isn't entirely unappealing
For future reference, the ONLY thing the rune shattering should break is Dragon Priestess, and thats IF you don't have Thoiller's death juice. Everything else can be recovered. AFAIK the only other brick that exists is if you bumbled into Mesmer's room without knowing, which locks you out of the talisman you can get for killing Hornsent.
turns out having horns randomly growing off of your head has downsides.
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You people are inconsistent.
I think that besides scaling with weapon (I don't know int vs faith / etc or if its just flat weapon damage) it also has damage dropoff at range, so targets further away take less. Which would impact any attempt to test it and screw up your numbers
I tested it and found the arrow reach talisman does not improve the attack range or arc on any of the weapons (dagger and golem fists still have pathetic range, shield is still busted) but it may reduce this damage dropoff rate
A snake that Marika made a deal with.
The frenzy animation is immune to grab attacks.
Also the torch doesn't scale with arcane its madness buildup is just stupidly high.
I hate them both
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would FUCK

Nobody with a brain considers Ranni to be "good". She's somewhere between Chaotic Neutral and True Neutral. All she wants is for the traditions of her family to reign supreme no matter the cost.
Someone got over-excited with their thesaurus here. I believe "tallies" means "corresponds" in this context. So "This transformation corresponds to the state of a denizen of paradise."
Why no Marika feet?
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Ranni is a villainess, but she allies with you and I'm a simp for powerful evil women who make an exception for you. Still probably would have picked Millicent/Malenia had that option been available though.
Ranni has been completely hijacked by delusional redditors. There's not even a point in talking about her because the headcanon waifu version has overwritten all actual factual information.
If you could marry miquella people would call him good. No seriously that's the only reason.
hmmm and any damage source is going to knock people out of the frenzy animation then isn't it
not sure if rolling sparks would work, if the big explosions hit enough frames would connect to be lethal before iframes of an instant roll counted but chip damage might hit them first and save them

How about just 2x R1 true combo hits out of a fire knights greatsword
I'm trying to figure out what the highest possible damage I could fit into that ~1.5-2 second gap of a madness animation could be, and if you can't grab them I guess that rules out greatsword
Ranni doesn't try to mind-control the Tarnished. Simple as.
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i hate twitter faggots so much
So if this Radahn is just using Mohg's body, then how come he still looks like muscular, human looking Radahn and not a slender black Omen? Is there a piece of lore I missed?
What Ranni wants is based and worth it
What Miquella wants is cringe and not worth it
fuck off furry maliketh gets what he gets for being a rat shadow of the jew fingers
Miquella god powers something something
You could argue the same about Miquella, Malenia, and Radahn. Redditors are really bad at literary analysis, mostly because the punchiest, most meme-y, and surface level interpretations get all the upboats and are recycled around.
he still got some omen horns sticking out of him

retards can't rub two brain cells together enough to comprehend the basic plot of the game.

miquella was never evil, he's a naive child who got in way over his head, and his death is a mercy killing. radahn is the warmonger who took advantage of him for personal gain because, again, miquella was a naive child.
The only headcanon related to her I ascribe to is that, based on rellana carian women tend to be lovesick and that if IF ranni actually loves you she's much like her aunt and mom. She's still evil mind you. And while the deaths of iji and blaidd can be explained away as not her fault, adula's can't. She's her dragon and she just let's her die to you. There's no good reason to let her die besides her serving her purpose and now being thrown away to you to kill
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>steal land from Placidusax
>fuck everything up for stupid reasons
>too prideful to ask for help
Enjoy your self-imposed suffering, gracefags.
They play Radagon's theme during his fight, so there has to be a reason for that
game is 2 years old and people still don't get that silver tears are a basic building block and that basically all life can reshape itself given the proper circumstances. character recreation is canon.
so you're saying our cock keeps her in check?
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>radahn is the warmonger who took advantage of him for personal gain because, again, miquella was a naive child.
Radahn was mind controlled. You can tell that the 'vow' is against his will because Leonard is not there in the final boss.
He still assaulted Leyndell.
>Ranni is for (You) and isn't gay
>Miquella isn't for (You) and is gay
>Ranni never mind controlled people for her plans
>Miquella mind controlled people for his plans
>Ranni's plan mostly makes sense
>Miquella's plan is fucking retarded
>Ranni is supported by Marika (Grace)
>Miquella isn't supported by Marika (Grace)
>Ranni claims to be detached from everyone, but clearly loves a lot of people
>Miquella claims to be kind and compassionate, but abandons everyone
It's that simple
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Well that sucked. Took a fuckton of tries and had to cheese my ass off but thats omega twink down. Was really hoping to use the npc summons for the lore but that shit scaled his health to the nines. Also fuck all that light bullshit in the second phase, absolute raw cancer.
>You can tell that the 'vow' is against his will because Leonard is not there in the final boss.
Source: Reddit
He can rebuild with Leda.
How do the new perfume bottles work? Are they consuming mats in the background everytime you attack with them?
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My favorite ranni theory is ever since she was a child she's been fused with/possessed by the dark moon, all of her actions were actually that of the darkmoon, her turning into a doll essentially is her becoming what she was since she was a child, a puppet for a spirit(the dark moon) and at the end the darkmoon shows its true Visage to you but still speaks through ranni. Basically you've never actually met ranni and she was snuffed out as a child, it's always been the moon and you end up marrying the moon
>>Ranni is supported by Marika (Grace)
then why black knife assassins attack iji and blaidd?
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>Leonard is not there in the final boss.
I will say that I've grown to love supervillain Miquella. He already had shades of being a mastermind in the base game. I only wish he didn't die at the end. Actually does he die? It's kinda hard to tell.
also I'm digging into the frame data

it says that for example
golem fists deal 100% damage with R1, 105% with their R2 uncharged but only 50% at "far" range, while charged R2 deals 125% but only 60% at "far" range. Other fist weapons are 120% for R2 uncharged, 150% charged
when 2H its 92%+92% r1 (same as other fists), 105% with 50% "far" uncharged but a weird 78% with 43% x2 charged (I guess for 4x projectiles? I need to count the animation). Way different than other fist R2s
the way the motiondata is presented there's no reason to think the basic R2 ranged attacks are anything but a % modifier of the weapon's base damage, same as melee attacks, unlike weapon arts which might scale with whatever

same thing for the other smithscripts. Spear/axe both do 105% (40% far) for uncharged throw. Not sure how dagger or greathammer work
he's a fucking rapist
In what universe are Marika's actions against the albinaurics, omens, and misbegotten justified?
Please never post this again
The description of the circlet you get from his makes it seem like he's super dead
Because loose ends need to be snipped.
Medium shields are so fucking bad in this game even with Barricade Shield, it's sad honestly.
The “Torrent is actually X” theories always bust my sides. Just a bunch of Tarnished grabbing their horse screaming “who are you!?”
Omens and Misbegottens are horrible creatures and should all be eradicated
You're on a right-wing website buddy. Ethnic cleansing are always justified.
Could they be going after Ranni an her friends for gaoling them?
If Miquella turned Mohg's corpse into Radahn 2.0, what happened to Radahn's original corpse? Still rotting in Caelid?
>hot goddess commits genocide just because
wtf I love Marika even more now
Miquella really is like Gojo, he's fucking more dead now than he was before when we all thought he was a big zombie arm
alexander ate it
Horrible cursed creatures that should all be killed. Reminder that the Dung Eater having the "soul of an Omen" meant he raped and murdered everyone he came across.
Exist to give me runes
why would miquella use a corpse rotting in otherworldly rot that even he has trouble dealing with
Where are people getting the impression Ranni wants to be a god?
The truth is miquella and ranni were never evil. The only actual evil beings in elden ring are the hornsent, shabiri, and dungeater
Ranni wanted autonomy over herself, and through her actions, planned on giving others the same autonomy without being controlled by a goddess, the elden ring, or an elden lord
Miquella genuinely wanted to better the world, we see in the dlc his powers aren't full on mindcontrol, it's still manipulation however, they're fully aware what's going on as we see with Leda, its more like thoughts being added to their minds like "hey killing your allies is bad don't do it" than him turning you into a zombie. All he wanted was for nobody to suffer anymore, he wanted to be the savior everyone saw him as and he was willing to destroy himself for it. I've said this multiple times, the closest to the ACTUAL miquella we see is st trina, the newborn god is miquella without his positive emotions, the very thing that drove him to fulfill his dream while not being a despot about it.
thanks for the info
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Alexander ate it.
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They are just pure elemental scaling weapons, there's no function difference between them and wearing claws/fist weapons that deal pure elemental damage, just their moveset which has slightly persistent hitboxes and a trail along the ground for running R2
They consume no materials or FP for normal attacks, they just deal pure damage of their element which means they scale well with +% elemental talismans/tear, as well as a free +20% buff from perfumer's talisman which really puts them over the top

moveset is overall like fist weapons, free power stance dual wield for ~2x damage, and they seem to deal really good poise damage too. They're slower than fists/claws/daggers but higher damage and the R2 has a huge spread to hits a wide arcing area

Having such good base damage + scaling can make them hit like a truck even with minimal buffs like just golden vow + tear flask (no bloodsapping) in webm related
Albinaurics: attack me when I've done nothing to them
Omens: attack me when I've done nothing to them
Misbegotten: attack me when I've done nothing to them
Sounds safe to say all of these groups are giant violent niggers and them running amok makes the world worse
noo my doll waifu can't be the puppeted corpse by an moon otuer god.
I will say I like the idea but we can see Rannis soul with her half ghost face, and she has very human emotions (like how hurt she is if you betray her) to be anouter god. I prefer the headcanon of the Moon being an outer god that wants to be left alone and must be sought out rather than being looking for hosts and gods of its like like the Rot god
Ranni wants to be free of the cycle, but her actions to achieve that quite literally destroyed the world. Even Marika didn't do that.
There's no ending so he just dies like a normal boss and nothing happens. And St Trina dies, too.
This picture is so good. He looks rapable here.
She has one of them imprisoned. Ranni does. They likely turned on her. Blaidd was always going to go mad, he was a creation by the fingers. Oddly iji has blackflames on him not destined death flames, it's unlikely he was killed by the assassins.
they work great, especially with barricade shield, unless you're trying to turtle in which case a greatshield is just better
in pve, in pvp shields are worthless unless you're going for parries / fingerprint cheesing
So, in Enir Lim we discovered that those status/humanoid petrified bodies sprouts from the end of the pillars, and even begin to sprout of the ground to the path for Divine Gate.
It can only means that those are the husks of the sacrified beings used for god ascencion on Enir Lim, can safely say the same for the Eternal Cities? and consider that those giant skeletons on the thrones are failed tries of creating the Lord of Night? maybe thats even the heresy that made the malformed stars crash into those cities and burried them underground
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It's okay so long as you're hot and suck the hero's dick.
Keep in mind golem fists stupidly list a huge nerf to damage at 'far' range but have the same absolutely mindblowingly pathetic projectile range of the dagger which is shorter than a nagakibi poke I swear to god
at least it kind of makes sense for axes/spears to get nerfed at max range but I can only assume golem fists tickle beyond their melee range
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Look, man, I don't know how deranged, lovestruck gods think when they're confronted with their boyfriends' diseased husks.
right! thank you
>Ranni wanted autonomy over herself, and through her actions, planned on giving others the same autonomy without being controlled by a goddess, the elden ring, or an elden lord
she caused a civil war / super cancer after having a woman moment and murdering her brother for the lolz
>in the dlc his powers aren't full on mindcontrol
they blatantly are lol
>my first character was unironically argonian
I think I mindbroke the poor thing
Thats why I mentioned merger, it's possible that, much like shabiri, that ghost is meant to be the "voice" of the outergod in its interactions with others based on ranni.
Why didn't Miquella just marry Malenia again? She's strong, she's kind, she worships him, and she's always by his side.
Hell, why didn't he just put her soul into a non-rotted body?
deflecting hardtear great katana is super fun
Miquella has to kiss someone to steal their heart so clearly people who imply that Miquella's age of compassion will have every living being in the lands between brainwashed suggest Miquella will be running around kissing people. It's very important. He's doing it for power you see.
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What skills are red mane skills? Only ones I know of are lions claw and flame of the Red manes.
He's got the gays
Now tell me how marika is "le bad and ebil" for wanting to maintain her religion she made and defending herself from the fire giants
That's his sister you degenerate
Pleas keep posting pictures like this. She's so pretty.
How the actual fuck are you supposed to beat commander Gay-ass? He keeps spamming his stupid fucking charge
I don't think she is, her woman moments are much more easily justified than Ranni's
>Marries his brother
Miquella doesn't love Radahn
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Because uhhh ehhhhh
Incest is allowed
I can't kill the big fag that drops the physick tear.
Does deflecting hardtear not actually give you 100% block / stamina reduction on deflections
I swear I've been trying it with beast claws that have almost zero base block / guard and even when I land it against a big knight I've had times I get guard broken without taking much or any damage so I'm thinking it grants full damage block but NOT full stamina block which means you can't actually use it with such low block melee weapons or you just get your ass stunned anyway

I really wanted to do a playthrough as a full dragon form beast claw deflecting hardtear as only defense, fuck
also beast claw guard counter hurts less than an r1 so there went that idea anyway
Both are justified. Both are my wives. Both are currently worshipping my tarnished cock(I married ranni then did age of fracture)
eye/brow sliders? they always look off when i try
just summon bro
cousin marriage was and still is super common, sibling marriage has always been taboo it's that simple
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>Both are justified.
dual wield your biggest weapons with raptor of the mists, claw ralisman + raptor feathers, poise break physic
don't bother with your horse, just mist raptor everything and spam jump attacks
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>invade and instantly hear perfume bottles
>look around the corner and see one of the summons blast the mesmer guard with the point blank instant kill
>start to barrage them with cannon of haima and every single one hits
>they start rushing in but shoot off gravity missile point blank and kill one
>the host backs off and the perfume guy acts like he's trying to duel
>keep poking him with great kana and dodge his spam
>he runs off and heals and tries to do it again
>take out swift slash and start shredding him
>keeps trying to spam the insta kill but keeps getting knocked out of it
>the last slash he points down and dies like a bitch
>throw a turd on him and kill the host with great katana
I guess this is why it's called the specimen storehouse.
Doesn't it only last a few minutes? How can you get through the game resting every five minutes
I wish my food flied straight into my mouth like that
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>host summons me out in the middle of nowhere with no boss around
Do these niggers really expect me to run for miles in an area where you're supposed to have Torrent to get my rune arc when they're probably gonna die right when we get to the boss anyway?
deserved it
deserved worse, actually
i deserve a state-assigned albinauric gf to carry around
Yeah they're justified in taking my tarnished seed
can i use rot on consort radahn in phase?
giant hunt
flame of the redmanes
flaming strike
lions claw
I didn't kill the bloody finger that drops mist raven jdimsa
been using that for the whole dlc mixed with some archery, very fun to have the option, just wish it existed in talisman form
that's why you don't activate non-boss summon spots
There's no challenge in enthralling someone who already loves you
nice valkyrie outfit
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There's a Malenia version now as well.
Yeah they're my wives and therefore justified. It's that simple.
The summon that made me post that is right by a Night's Cavalry boss, but it was morning when he summoned me.
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Have any of these games ever explained the "button mash to get out of grabs" mechanic? A friend didn't know about it and I realized it's just something I've known about since DeS and never thought about if the games tell you anywhere.
Sauce right now anon.
God the Horned warrior armour variants are all fashionable as fuck
Finished a strength/faith run using the beastclaw greathammer and magma wyrm's scalesword. I want to do an arcane focused run now but it really seems devoid of build variety beyond dragons and infusing a weapon that causes bleed with bleed for just more bleed. Really annoying that the rot and bloodflame incantations scale with faith and not arcane. Any interesting options available? I know that poison moth flight with either antspur or venomous fang. I feel like I would just be better off doing another faith run and this time making use of fire themed shit as much as it disappoints outside of buffs
How many buffs and scadutree do you have on wtf
Nope, never came as close again. What was different? I don't know.
Maybe I'll find a third summon to carry me. Meanwhile I'll practice with Melina at my side.

I've found it's pretty easy to get him so seize over for a special attack. But I can't always putt it off. How does it work?
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I think you are coping. Marika and Radagon married and had children. It doesn't matter.
this is one of the worst fucking stories and a horrible way to end the series. It's amazingly bad if the gameplay is fine. Just so fucking disappointment that THIS is the end.

With all the rewrites and changed file names I really wonder what their original story was going to be.
I didn't know of it until it was mentioned in some random youtube video I watched years ago
Radagon is both of their father. They're half siblings.
It's because Miquella wants Radahn but Radahn clearly doesn't feel the same way, as he was going his own shtick
i like occult venom fangs w/ the new ash of war that's basically just poison moth flight but way better
the poison hand is also pretty cool too if you want to keep those on your offhand
Just finished the DLC as an INT main using a cold infused great katana. I'm sick of fucking INT now so what's something neat to run next? I was curious about bloodflame or something different but fun. Any suggestions?
>Marries his brother
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*blocks your path*
>It doesn't matter.
Malenia and Miquella both came out cursed retard
Your own fault for activating them.
Thanks for the 40 dollars gaijin now I can make game that I actually enjoy
>RADAHN YOU GET BACK HERE RIGHT THIS SECOND AND FUCK MY BROTHER! Please Radahn, you promised when we were kids, don't think we forgot about that! Just the tip, Radahn, please just the tip is all he asks for, you're so much bigger than him that's all it will take! Look you made him really upset right now, please just fucking do it RADAAAHHHHNNNNNNN
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Jesus Christ, what were they thinking with the scuba tree? This shit is such a headache for multiplayer.
Anon, it's hard to give advice when it's vague so you know the classic: git gud
dlc has more cool fth shit desu.
there's a staff from one of the bosses with an ash of war that shoots out golden bleed arcs
Can i use creampie to install shadow of the erdtree, if so can i use it for multiplayer???

Melena pits for your troubles :D
>Thanks for the 40 dollars gaijin now I can make game that I actually enjoy
That game better be open world Bloodborne.
>He says, clearly unaware of the extremely high rate of inbreeding in shitskin countries and among kikes
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Malenia came out strong and Miquella came out cute. Everything worked in the end.
Nope, none of the games ever actually tell you about it in any way. It's one of those things you have to learn by word of mouth or accident.
There's no rot. This looks nothing like malenia.
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>Miquella and Malenia fucking each other would have been more dignified than what we got
It's almost funny
>bitch, the two of you are crazy. I'm fucking off to caelid, don't follow me
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how the fuck do you even fight swift slash spam?
they actually managed to make something worse than old rivers of blood
sorry I meant greatspear. it's just called a staff
>open world bb
pls no
this a mod or does the base game have detailed feet
I thought "why can't I pull off the special attack on collapsed Morgott" was a pretty specific question.
I don't know the answer to your question but you posted a pretty girl so here's your (you)
no it wouldn't
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I had never heard of that until this post.
I've played DS1, DS3, and Elden Ring for thousands of hours combined.
The avatar? Yeah, it's complete cancer, it just flails all over the place. I just deactivate that summoning pool unless I feel like going full fire giant/blackflame incantations.
Answer me honestly, whose retarded idea was iot to add at least 2 fucking stealth sections to this fucking game?
Yeah I was looking at going faith because everything cool in this DLC seems to scale with Faith. All the INT stuff was massively disappointing and I just ended up Carian Slicering Radahn to death.
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It doesn't seem that bad if you can outtrade it.
I found Blind Spot to be more annoying.
No I mean the shitty fragments.
Dumb frogposter. You can straight up take no damage from most grabs and break free of them incredibly fast.
>faggots cheesing basic pve enemies with rolling sparks
you're doing god's work killing these subhumans, don't even care that you're a siwft slash subhuman yourself
what if the reason miquella was able to discard his body despite his body being in the cocoon is because the being in the cocoon isn't actually miquella its malenia's discarded male half taking his place
>out trade it
Nigga they aren't fucking there for 2/3 of the animation
Are you trying to crit him when he's choking then releases his vomit curse everywhere? That's not a crit opportunity, that's him switching to phase 2. You can't crit him so don't even try. Just wail on him a bit them run back
Anon this is just audio!
>Battle of Caelid started because Malenia wanted Radahn to fuck her brother
>She nuked Caelid because she wanted Radahn to fuck her brother
>She lost her dignity and had to get dragged back to the Haligtree because she wanted Radahn to fuck her brother
If you're talking about pvp, the scadutree blessings don't apply to that.
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>summoning pools
Elden ring and rdr2 have the best unmodded female feet of any game.
I was convinced you guys were trolling but even steam discussions confirm this. WTF? I played everything but bloodborne basically and never knew.
I mean it for fighting bosses. I keep getting goobers who are trying to fight Bayle at lvl7 or Messmer at lvl6. It's driving me up a wall.
Post more desu
I only pull out swift slash when I see another faggot using it rolling sparks or trying to do that shit to curse with the shotel+madness torch
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At the very least the poster girl would get mentioned in the DLC about her brother.
Try a different browser.
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she's so incredibly pretty. with the mold removed she'd be stunning.
>tfw my first reaction to getting stunned by the 3-1 jailers was panic mashing
I feel like this was intentionally supposed to be discovered this way.
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This final boss is the worst fight they've ever designed. I'd rather drag my balls over molten glass than ever beat this again. First boss they've made that I'm actively avoiding. Congrats to them on finding my filter I guess.
by just resting every few minutes?
4 temporary buffs and looks like 15 skibidis
Nope still only getting audio.
You people need to let go of that moon god meme theory, Ymir's hat item description explicitly says that the moon's only remarkable quality compared to the stars is its closeness to the lands between:
>Though Count Ymir instructed Rellana in the sorcerous arts, he abandoned his allegiance to the moon.
>"It was merely the closest of the celestial bodies. Nothing more."
Miyazaki's foot fetish has been well known for several games now.
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>The only headcanon related to her I ascribe to is that, based on rellana carian women tend to be lovesick
Hole shit, the Carian's carry the yandere gene
It's "perfect guard", not block, meaning you have to bring your shield/weapon up a split second before the attack hits. Holding it up does nothing.
Ymir's hat explicitly gives us Ymir's viewpoint on it and nothing more
Just kidding it's working now. Based coomer anon.
Works in chrome for me. Have you tried to download the file and play it?
I got it to work. You have anymore?
>Let's/makes you kill Adula so the tarnished can feel ike a dashing prince resucing a princess from a dragon, to try and make you feel the same for her and she does for you
>Didn't bother to tell Adula that you're working with Raani and she didn't expect to see you again after killing that shadow before the Lake of Rot, your sudden unexpected apperance to propose to her is what makes her fall in love with you
both kino
Biased as he may be, he surely would have noticed if the moon was a literal outer god, that's not something you'd brush aside completely even if you think the fingers are more important
He's dismissing it in interest of further celestial bodies but his dismissal of it need not be founded in "higher understanding" of it. He can not know things about it, having looked past it to study further things, thinking those are more important. He took a path and is rationalizing why.
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Carian girls = Best Girls
>off model
>no penetration
>thigh job
Disgusting cringe.
I've got 80 faith and 80 strength. Heavy, flame or flame art?
Dung age is the closest thing to siding with Mohg right?
heavy + electrify armament
Does death knight set buff electrify armament?
I'm going for more of a fire theme, is there flamify armament or something like that? Alternatively how about Messmer's grease.
there's bloodflame blade but the fth scaling is pretty bad and you pretty much only use it for the bleed build-up
the new greases are good, you can buy string and resins from the merchant now and the drawstring ones last 30 seconds
How about the Flame Spear weapon art? That does have a flame effect after use and is buffed by my helmet.
Scratch that, seems that Messmerflame grease adds more damage than the weapon art.
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Marry rape kill on elden ring npcs.

Marry up Ranni
Rape up Malenia and suck on her butthole
Kill patches for the 9th time.
>miquella gives torrent to melina to give to you
>miquella gives the spirit summoning bell to ranni to give to you
he was playing you from the start; he knew you'd end up getting into a fight with mogh (who was brainwashed to fight you), and the festival to kill radahn. they're also demigods, and collecting runes is your job.

not a coincidence that his and ranni's plans are quite similar.
So his plan was to be killed by the Tarnished? Lmao
no, that was for him to kill or charm you. which happens.
>kill something stronger than all other shard bearers and the most likely candidate for the throne
He did not think this through.
What’s in the jar?
So you didn't actually beat the game. Try again friendo.
i guarantee the k:d ratio is in favor of miquella.
>weak bitch
>defeats every single demigod, legendary creature and warrior
>Defeats four Lords (Placidusax, Radahn, Godfrey, Radagon)
>Slays multiple gods (Miquella, Elden Beast)
>becomes Elden Lord/Has cosmic adventures/Destroys the world
The Tarnished CHAD you mean.

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