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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password
Elden beast'd: >>484150273
Each Marika child has a special curse.

Messmer-- the base serpent within,
Melina-- the past and future burning ghost,
Morgott-- the omen king,
Mohg-- the blood omen,
Malenia-- the rotten,
Godwyn-- the destined fish man,
Radahn-- the defeated by a twink,
Miquella-- the Toys R Us kid.
>can get Mohg to 30% hp
>die to his flaming piss in phase 2
What do?
I just want to play with dryleaf arts early on.
So... Metyr's face is the Godskins Sigil.... Riddle me that fuckers.
Post the full thing you coward.
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How wouldst thou respond without sounding aggrieved, o tarnished?
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DS2 bros are we back?
>What do?
stay out of the piss next attempt
Shield poking is a legitimate strategy. It's baked into the moveset. It's just part of the game.
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does bayle count as a remembrance boss?

i know he doesnt drop one but his heart is basically one and you get the dragon transformations.
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I'm respeccing from an int mage/katana build but before I do, is anything blatantly retarded in what I'm trying next? (Discovery talisman is getting swapped.)
Siluria's Tree has been hilarious for starting fights so far, and Bloodhound Fang seems to give a decent answer to all the aggressive heavy hitters. Godskin Peeler feels a little underwhelming so I'm going to replace it one by one until I find something else that's fun.
I'm planning to move some int and faith around to improve strength and dexterity. Might dump a lot into endurance until I get back down to medium load, but that would take 70 points.
So was the god devouring serpent just the largest abyssal serpent?
Nah that's bullshit, the mimic tear is almost worthless in half the content because it mostly just wants to buff and spam spells.
Proc a rot during/before nihil and play very conservatively.
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Any idea what I could have been going for with this build? I havent played in 2 years. Probably full faith? Is this even good?
It's a legitimate strategy if you want to be a fucking faggot who never learns to play the game, yes.
>Blood sword swings with shield
>Suddenly gush blood from my body
How does this shit make any sense?
does the anti-dragon grease increase your damage against players in dragon transformation?
it's boring as hell though, just summon instead
>shield poking is a cowards way of saying that they're scared of commitment
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Nah I think he was the God Devouring King to the Gloam Eye Queen and together they slew divination with the Godskin children.
Godwyn had human legs he was the only non cursed one that's the point
Radahn was cursed with swarthiness he starts off dark and becomes darker as he ages
Rykard is cursed with crazy
Ranni is cursed with NEETness
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Weak as a kitten and thicc as 2 planks...
I have never used the backstep in combat for as long as FROM games had it.
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When did we get to this point where strength builds think they're the sole authority on how you should play the game?
The Gloam-Eyed Queen and the God-Devouring Serpent are the same thing.
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why did he do it
So did Mohg beat the allegations?
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Posting proof because last time I tested it and I felt betrayed on the fact it didn't work
It's a bit sloopy, but you actually have to aim on the top of his head like where you would hit the ones with protected feet
Makes them a little less miserable to fight (this one didn't die when i did it but the other one did)
does the consecrated snowfield skip still work or did it get patched out
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they should award me with an arc rune every time I kill an invader 3v1
Wait the backstep has i-frames?

Fuck you autocorrect nigger
Trina put Miquellas fingers in the water one too many times while he slept.
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thoiller definitely has joy division vinyls in his apartment
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What's the deal with count ymir?
Why does he obsess over fingers?
I know it's got something to do with the greater will but why does he want to become a mother or whatever?
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>first off, well done
>by the way praise the message!
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>Cant beat Ancient Dragon Senessex
>Two shotted Bayle (with Igon)
What am I doing wrong...
Because https://archiveofourown.org/works/57006073
>because it mostly just wants to buff and spam spells
My mimic tear does the exact opposite. I'll load up my spell slots, equip a casting item, and it will still absolutely refuse to cast any spells. Only glorious melee combat for my mimic tear.
>mind rapes his brother
>dies, and becomes god only to mind rape his brother again
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this guy only has a L2 button on his controller
His son died and he went crazy.
Always had 'em. The new talisman buffs it
>faith for buffs and occasional damage incants
>strength and dex min requirements for whatever big weapon you thought was cool
seems fine enough anon. maybe a bit too much into phys stats early on but maybe there was a high requirements weapon you wanted.
what weapons were equipped?
You can really tell most of these people saw a message on reddit and just started spamming it. NPC behavior
I thought it was fine. There's very, very few things in the base game that are attributed directly to the Greater Will, two or three off the top of my head, so it always seemed like a fairly hands-off god with most of the shit that happens being more due to Marika and her family. The Ymir/Metyr stuff is just a more direct confirmation that yeah the fucker is not involved (and was probably never even really paying attention) with the major revelation being that the Two Fingers aren't weird avatars, they're literally just making shit up.
>with igon
senesSEX would be easy with an NPC carrying you too
stay close to him.
When he jumps up in the air and throws piss down roll away from him / it and roll so you end up close to him when he comes back down
yes mimic tear I'm a scrub ok leave me alone
Sex with Miquella
Sex with Prince Lothric
Sex with Gwyndolin
Sex with all pale twinks
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We hunted Bayle together and he's been repeating this same skill for 5 minutes in celebration. I don't care what anyone says, the fight is 1000x better with this madlad on the field.
Learning and using a weapon's coded moveset to your advantage in order to beat the game isn't learning to play the game?
Raping St. Trina while she sleeps
Scadu blessings level?
Anything less than 14 is a bust bro
Why do people just not use the fucking tools they are given?
>Senessex is too hard :(
Use the goddamn dragon-hunter katana you were given just moments ago
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Nothing about this boss makes sense, in a bad way. Just a random creature with a random name and random lore.
is that katana actually bad? i did wanna use it for a build.
>mimic tear
Hah scrub!
very based.
Total Shieldpoker Death
how the fuck do i avoid the move where radahn puts his swords into the ground? i can avoid it in phase 1, but in phase 2 i never have enough time to roll away before he does the holy aow
It also controls a microcosm. Meter is a shitty warped gay degenerate echo of the GW. The lore revelation that TLB is just inside a microcosm that GW is ignoring was PROFOUND.
Marika looks like Cloud
Like 12 I think?
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He's perfect
St. Trina should have a bare ass sticking out of the other side of the plant
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Nah, it's just the ones that start with M are born with a fucked up issue.
>Messmer - Snakes
>Melina - Fire vision (also possibly GEQ or Death or some shit)
>Mohg & Morgott - Omen
>Malenia - Rot
>Miquella - Unaging & Charm (called "Abundance" in the V1 text)

The rest were fine initially and encountered fucked up shit over time.
>Radahn - BTFO by Malenia's rot
>Ranni - Met the moon
>Rykard - Met the snake
>Godwyn - Stabbed with Death
River of Blood? Used to be OP as fuck but it got severely nerfed several times
Not sure how it is these days
Rob will make people shit their pants in fury if you’re good with it from the bad rap it got at launch. You can chainsaw people and they won’t get as mad
ARC bros, what weapon(s) have you ran thru the DLC? I'm having a hard time picking any of them. They all seem so fucking cool.
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yeah it's awful
Leda, couldn't you have let me say a fucking word before unsheathing your sword?
Just because grace is guiding me doesn't mean I'm actually doing what it wants, I'm not a threat, I'm just on my way to suck on Kindly Miquella's toes, you fucking bitch.
That summarizes the entire game.
What's all the microcosm shit about anyway? I know what the word means but is the microcosm the planet TLB is on, or does said planet literally exist in a tiny universe?
Even if his AI does nothing in the fight like mine he's a mandatory summon for his voice lines
oh i thought this was rakhashans great katana.
>kill metyr
>ymir is now angry
Why the fuck did you send me to the place where ringing the bell forced me to kill the hand monster then you cunt grandpa
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When people speak of who messmer and melina's parents were why does everyone here seem to ignore her own dialog? Specifically saying she was born at the base of the erdtree and that, about boc, normal births(impregnated etc) is uncommon and that most are born through the erdtree itself and that she herself wasnt born through sexual reproduction, meaning messmer likely wasn't either, and we have murals ingame depicting these exact births? The game pretty heavily establishes that sexual reproduction while possible isn't that common.
Pot calling the kettle black
Okay, never mind, he's actually retarded

Which one? The one where he creates a shockwave in phase 1, and a holy AoE in phase 2? You do the same thing as in phase 1 (roll to either side of him), but instead of walking away an inch before counterattacking with a charged R2 or L2 while he's pulling his swords out of the ground, you just have to roll right before he pulls them out to dodge the holy AoE. You should have more than enough time to roll it.
Interesting, so she should've just not given them names beginning with M
>every fromsoft game ever
He expected you to die, Mr. Bond.
Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword
yeah anon ive been on this board since before demons souls existed and i am here to tell you unless you are rolling naked with a club anything you do is cheese
and if you invent any new ways of playing the game that arent being naked with a club, its cheese
particularly if it isnt 2h-ing and dying 500 times to a boss because you refuse to adapt
get on my level shitters
so how long until the discord faggots finally leave this threads and go back?
the only arc/dex weapons we got was the rot halberd so i just put bleed on a m'lady and ran with that
What are some good Dex/Arc based weapons right now? Primarily looking at pre-expansion, since I'm on a new run right now and am not there yet.
Doesn't matter, ER lore and story are all over the place.
I wouldn't doubt that "at the base of the Erdtree" could be some total mistranslation from Japanese.
Why does this thing have an ARC tax instead of an INT tax, seriously

So true, sis. I can't wait to go back to
>noxfag attention-whoring
>poopa filling his diaper
>erotic fan fiction
all this gameplay discussion is making me dizzy!
morgott sword
I really wish the DLC had been all about the alien stuff instead of little michael
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>Remembrance Boss
>No unique ost
You rike?
It's Gnostic shit. Gnostic Christians claim the true God is an extrauniversal force that fractured itself. A fragment went ahead and made the universe and rules it as a "god".

I think "microcosm" is just a classy way of saying multiverse. TLB is it's own realm with a whole cosmos but putative that cosmos is a great void dotted with other microcosms.
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this ash of war is my new wife
It's the same thing in Japanese actually. Also the dialog is and has always been recorded first in English. It's the item descriptions that the Japanese comes first.
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Miyazaki's game is up, we all know he just makes it up as he goes along
>Pekora finds a new weapon
>She tries out its skill and thinks it looks cool
>She sticks with it for a while
>She gets destroyed by a boss
>She goes back to Giant Hunt
The cycle of Pekora continues.
>ARC tax
it actually scales a lot better with arcane than you'd think
I could barely pay attention to him during the fight, but the times I caught a glimpse of him he was using and missing dragon incantations. I think I did 90% of the work, but it was still amazing.
>fighting Rellana
>realize I'm not doing as much damage with my maxed out Backhand blades
So you really do need to find those Scadutree Fragments. I'm also playing pre-buff
>level 150
>started DLC on NG+7
>meager STR build with broadsword, middle shield, and 2h claymore
>got my shit kicked in, but had so much fun
>reached the final boss 2-3 hours ago
now i want to spice the game a little and also want to ask some things:
1) would a deflecting tear/barricade shield/block counter build work with a middle shield? if not, do you have viable greatshield options or am i doomed to use the grey turd that is the fingerprint shield?
2) the most Op build right now, the One that breezes you through anything
3) your favorite builds
how do you dodge it? it keeps sucking me in no matter how i roll
Literally an angel.
Why would she bother with anything else when giant hunt gugs is still good
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Magic and Occult infusions are bugged as fuck in some weapons, pic related on the same character. Noticed it happening only with Backhand Blade, Milady and Fire Knight's Greatsword, but there's probably more. Infusing them with either Magic or Occult inexplicably vaporizes the physical bonus when the same doesn't happen with other weapons.
>watched for 2 seconds
holy shit this is insufferable, how did we get here
bloody helice
rivers of blood
eleonora's poleblade
morgott's cursed sword
Fuck off
We actually know what it says in Japanese. The kanji used says she was born out of the erdtree.
Anon, the dialogue is written in Japanese first, then translated for English VAs as English is the default language. But Miyazaki and his team are not native English speakers. The dialogue writing starts in Japanese. Which is how they fucked up the Ranni ending translation and why they can't fix it or else they would have to do a re-recording session with the VA.
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This is a thing???
>So you really do need to find those Scadutree Fragments
Yes anon the entire expansion is balanced around the assumption that you're getting those
There are people ITT who thinks the entire world getting brainwashed into decent human beings by this cutie would somehow be a bad thing.
what's a good stat spread for an arc build?
What's your crackship? Why do you think they work together?
If you don't have one, what's the most out there one you've seen? Why do you think it's an odd pairing, do you think it works?

This isn't actually BBBoggartxVarre, I just thought it was at first and gives the idea
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kek i thought miquella was a girl
what's with all these female characters people have which are summoning me for coop called Amy, Laura, Emily etc?
Again, different scaling/requirements between PC and console. It's bugged
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>int faith 11 on every build to equip smithscript for throwing wep utility
I fucking hate this shitty meme
it's not bugged, this happens because the smithscript weapons have innate int and faith scaling on their physical damage. So a magic smithscript weapon gets int scaling on both the magic damage and the physical damage, while a normal weapon doesn't.
It's a new addition that got added prior to the DLC release
>5 hour livestream
>no timestamp
buy a fucking ad and kill yourself right after
thats the funny part, you dont. it has a nearly true combo from the r1 into the ash, which largely depends on latency and how badly you panic roll. i think the only way you actually get out of it is a well timed LIGHT roll (or BHS). it seems to catch mid roll almost every time, which, conveniently, nanaya torch sets up perfectly
Out of and at the base of is quite a different implication.
I thought being lvl 5 was good enough but I guess not. Guess I'll go around looking for more
Upgraded I have an envoys long horn and 2x magma blades
Suck my balls
>1) would a deflecting tear/barricade shield/block counter build work with a middle shield? if not, do you have viable greatshield options or am i doomed to use the grey turd that is the fingerprint shield?
I used a brass shield to parry and block when I wasn't confident in what I was seeing and got the job done. Shields are very good against Radahn, even medium shields without upgrades, worth mentioning the brass shield has a great Holy reduction
Probably, but it's painfully obvious that he took whatever Martin wrote and passed it through a blender then fed it to chatGPT to come up with this sad excuse of a plot. I still like to think that the real plot of the game is Melina and Ranni trying to birth a new age.
You dont HAVE to use the arc-specific somber weps ukno. You could just use any of the new "basic" weps, with some arcane affinity on it, be it bleed, poison, or straight up occult. Thats kinda what im asking too.
Maybe a great katana with bleed is a fun time, idk, thats why im asking.
I fucking hate it too.
You're right but read
The jp version of the game outright states erdtree is where people are born from specifically the sap. Barely anyone is actually born from sex. Melina's dialog for boc in the Japanese version also says this
Oh I see now, that makes sense.
Would the NG+ screw over the whole efficacy of It?
Varre saw Boggart killing giant crawfishes and feel in love. But Boggart is definitely calling him a faggot.
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Direct thy maledictions, thine ire, and thy grief towards me alone
Given their description GRRM wrote the backstory of the characters and world, but I highly doubt he wrote specific in-game dialogue NPCs say.
You WILL watch Pekora and you WILL have fun
53 arcane for Bayles spell and then whatever you want.
Enough faith to cast every arcane spell which is 28.
Enough strength to 2 hand the meteoric collosal sword which would be 24 or so, enough dex minus 5 with milicents for all the dex arcane weapons, I suggest 20 or something lower
What was the deal with the blue wiggly dudes, anyway? Are they just random fauna or did I miss a dialogue/item description that explains any significance they have?
You know how people say that the Internet lets freaks who would otherwise have their freakish tendencies beaten out of them by society find other freaks on the Internet? Yeah.
probably unless you nail the parries, it takes 3 to get a riposte
I just beat Morgott and I'm level 123
by the time I get to the DLC I don't see how I could be under 150
They're land of shadow's spirit jelly equivalents
That could actually work REALLY well
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what about mind?
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malenia should have embraced therot
She seems too good at the game and doesn't really rage or complain or stir up drama about the difficulty level of the game. I'm interested to see what will happen when she sees Radahn and if she finally finds something she cannot overcome that easily or if she finds some magic way to beat him.
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>Yet Midra, like others before him, was too weak to become a Lord.
This line makes absolutely 0 sense in the context of just about every other item description From has ever written, because it sounds like its written from the perspective of the Lord of Frenzy.

Midra never gave up until we came and fucking killed him. He was the OPPOSITE of weak. The only thing that would claim he is would be the thing trying to corrupt him. As far as I can tell this is literally the only instance of an item description being from the perspective of something else.
I did just about everything in the DLC and went from 140 to 190
yes these work, though i probably would not guard counter and you need to always dodge the last hit of his combo chains or he will knock you backwards out of melee range. the shield from moore is a good alternative to fingerprint but it doesnt have barricade, though you dont necessarily need it if you dont want to.
chicken wing with bleed infusion and endure is probably the most OP thing out there right now if youre talking things that arent bugged. for things that are bugged, free aiming rolling sparks perfumes directly at the ground
anvil hammer was goated for me throughout the entire dlc, only had to switch off it for 1-2 bosses. if you want a new perspective on a STR build, go as hard as possible into utilizing the ash, which will stagger every single boss in the game in 2 full hits of the ash. playing around right now with milady and backhand blades, which are also quite fun.
How do I beat Crucible Knight Ordovis + Crucible Knight?
yup it works the same way with other weapons that are infusable but have innate magic stat scaling on physical damage, like erdsteel dagger
there's a similar weird effect with arcane weapons like mohgwyn's spear, rivers of blood, eleonora's poleblade, where the fire damage scales with arcane, and the physical damage scales with both physical stats and arcane, so the arcane scaling ends up being a lot higher than it looks. But that's just a weird arcane thing.
The real problem is party crits never being worth the time in terms of damage
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It's strange how the rot shifts from red and pink flowers and butterflies to just red meat and sludge with no in between.
>I still like to think that the real plot of the game is Melina and Ranni trying to birth a new age.
Isn't that what happens? Miquella give us Torrent so we can explore and oneshot the bosses with +9 somber weapons in less than 2 hours, same as entrusting the Spirit Calling Bell to Ranni so we can summon Mimic Tear and enter sleep mode. Melina is related to him (or Torrent, whatever) since they are walking together and both are burned, she's important to actually burn the tree. And Ranni is there so we can get a nice cutscene in the end.
Seems like he couldn't defeat demigods and collect great runes.
Summon a spirit ash
Be patient to separate them
the "vtuber anime uwu voice" that literally all of them seem to use is the most abhorrent nails-on-a-chalkboard shit to ever exist.
I really don't know what to tell you. The jp version is much more literal and what we have from it explains how births work. Melina's dialog in jp for boc says how it works so do item descriptions. People come from the erdtree they aren't born sexually for the most part, and melina specifically was born from erdtree amber similar to the egg rennala holds. They don't reproduce like us.
Can you get that frog tongue crucible spell that the one black knight uses?
looks like an arcane build to me. 17 mind seems ok, otherwise move points from endurance to that
they do little damage but it at least gives you time to take a sip or reassess your positioning which is still valuable against a boss that doesn't let you breath
Of course not
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how little endurance can i get away with? is arsenal charm sort of a given for every build in the game?
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The fashion in the dlc sucks
It's a PR article. What do you expect them to say? "Yes we fuck up translations all the time, we are dumb"
Is she naked on the right? Provide full pic
I'm >>484169741 please read my post the jp version of the game states people aren't born through sex.
>Marika hated Omens and decided to banish them when she ascended to Godhood
>in a cruel twist of fate, 2 of her first 3 children were born with the omen curse
>got so upset by it that she decided to run away from her first husband and decided to use her powers to assume another identity, Radagon
>waged war against Renalla and, after seeing how powerful she is, decided to give up on fighting and marry her, having more children
>realizing that she could change genders and still have children, she decided to test if she could do it with herself, giving birth to 4 new children, which in turn became her most powerful heirs
So thats basically the lore in a nutshell, correct?
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Does being good at elden ring translate to being good at armored core?
Only indirectly as one of the black knight spirit ashes uses it
You fucking bitch, I was planning on going to sleep soon
my favorite arcane weapon is the bloodfiend fork because it has native bleed and arcane scaling and can be infused while retaining arcane scaling.

you can use this to do anything you want, you can make it a fire weapon, a cold weapon, a magic weapon and it will benefit from your arcane build at D scaling
Biboo is more amusing, since she has the mental fortitude of an actual rock; by which i mean the boar barely got a
>This is kinda unfun
before she continued on for 5 hours more
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It's actually pretty good.
The giant arena jar x Diallos
Its an impossible to reach height/strength that Diallos wants to achieve and is frustrated and excited and infatuated with the idea
>The lore revelation that TLB is just inside a microcosm that GW is ignoring was PROFOUND
elaborate for lorelet
Not really, it's easy to make a busted AC6 build and you don't have to "re-spec" anything
Are aoomers really like this?
Please read my pic and remember how the english version has the most editorial oversight and how that makes it the primary source.

Nah. Fact is the translators get a shitton of chances to ask questions and shit. The English version is most canon, most overseen and most valid.
jesus Biden looks baaaaaaaad, isnt this elderly abuse; from when its that?
No, we actually have 0 clue about when she and radagon were the same entity, when they were split and what the fuck is going on there.
And she didnt leave Godfrey because of omen kids, he was just done using him for her conquest of the Giants so she told him to fuck off.
2/4 get in here and FIGHT
META fashion sucks everything else is pretty good
>It's the same spider-scorpion enemy you already fought..but this time he has wings!
This is actually pissing me off. I'm going to note every single fucking enemy on the DLC and put them on the map just to see how much variety there actually is
I like 35 because I like having more than 110 poise. I can see you're the same. Maybe 20 mind is enough? I have 20 mind and 35 endurance but you could have 37 if that suits you.
Don't take my advice I'm bad at pvp.
Oh so Ranni is going to create a thousand year voyage of despair and loneliness I guess then eh? Sounds like a real Good End there.
>The Mother received signs from the Greater Will from the beyond of the microcosm.
Prett simple. GW is an extraversal super god that presides over the creation and guiding of many universes. The one we're in is old and gay and he doesn't check on us or talk to us anymore.
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you can't even coop this massive faggot
it's anti fun

I'm deliting my radan marika stake
but the flying scorpions are cool
you are autistic
She is truly rock-brained for never changing her Vergil build once.
Neither could Vyke, which I presume is one of the others its claiming to be weak. Still none of Vyke's gear says
>He was a weak fucking bitch
Which is what the Incant is saying. Its like the Frenzy Flame threw it in there out of spite in some kind of bizarre fourth wall break.
>scorpion woman who inflicts rot
Ah, I was wondering how come I hadn't seen this anywhere
That's the general idea but no one knows for sure.
2/4 GET IN
It will be a cold journey into darkness and knowledge in the cosmos. At the end of that our order will be so far removed that we can never tamper with it or even really see it again.

It's fine. It's edgy but ostensibly "good" when compared with many other options other thanb maybe Goldmask who just does a workaround to not need the moon and to depart for the cosmos etc but still have an order we can't tamper with.
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If you read both versions they rit together and don't contradict in any way. One is more flowery in language the other isn't. They both largely say the same thing
3/4 JOIN
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Hide your runes, hide your arcs, the master is coming!
The entire DLC boss roster would be improved massively if the player could Bloodborne dodge, they were basically designed around it but you can't do it. Wouldn't fix the garbage camera, but baby steps.
>using the games mechanics to your advantage is beating the game
ok I'll use a shield and a spear

I tried to beat miquella "fair" for 2 days, finally switched to fingerprint and gaius spear and beat him on my first try with 8 flasks left.

I beat the fucking game.
Sliders for that character? I wanna play as Arthus
anon youre really gonna make me go unlock caelid colosseum
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100% but ESLs and braindamaged zoomoids who were educated in clownworld aren't literate enough.
>Worse than Golden Vow in every way
How would you fix it?
3/4 curse kicking in
I think they're fine. My favorite sets are Leda and Rellana, but sadly it looks like everyone is using them
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>Doll of a tanglehorn bairn. Uses FP to summon vengeful spirits around the caster that autonomously chase down foes. Tangled horns are a symbol of spirituality, but most young born bearing the oversized horns meet a frightfully early demise. These fetishes are made to memorialize them.
>A stone mask surrounded by curled horns, depicting the fell god of fire that haunts the sagas of the hornsent.
>This visage is carved in the image of the evil spirits that haunt the Omen in their nightmares.
I find it interesting that specific aspects of hornsent culture persisted among the Omen
I'm not. I'm just tired of ghostbirds or the black enemies for the 50th time.
Imagine if you entered Leyndell and the only thing you had were commoners, that would piss you off.
The boob plate makes me mad.
the carian children were fine, they were spared from the curses because they weren't technically from her lineage.

and godwyn's curse was that marika traded his life away before he was born in a classic "sacrifice your first born son" way.
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He's a big boy now. He decides his own nap time.
they are slightly different, but in a way where anybody who's literate knows what the english one is talking about.
I wouldn't do a single thing to it. I would listen to what it had to say. And that's what no one did
>It will be a cold journey into darkness and knowledge in the cosmos. At the end of that our order will be so far removed that we can never tamper with it or even really see it again.
That isn't what it says in English though. Casting the order into the chill night where it can't fuck with people is different from "Here beginneth the chill night that encompasses all," which sounds extremely ominous
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fellow barefoot female fighter enjoyer
So we're in agreement that those who misunderstood the English version are esls or retards?
I'm a coomer so I'm chilling
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>which sounds extremely ominous
This is what we mean. The flowery language confuses ESLs and illiterate niggers.

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Reminder that this is the best weapon in the game
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>fought the cosmos; won
>learned magic as to keep his horsie around
>liked cats
>denied homossexuality and had one of the strongest, if not the strongest, demigod nuking his land because her brother wanted his immense cock or something
>fought her head on, likely knowing that it’d be his death, and won so badly she had to be carried half-dead back to the Haligtree
>"survived" on sheer fucking will and his thrist for battle, died in a festival commemorating him
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Why did they add magic and fire crest shields, but not a lightning one?
>Slow weapon
>When status build-up is flat per hit
>Leda is a Fujoshi
I knew it, that schizo bitch
Fujos won
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Anyone else treat these games as murder sims where you kill everything until the credits roll? I actually hate following stories and lore in gaming, and have zero clue what goes on story wise in any Souls game. I feel like I had a ton more fun with the DLC than most of lorefags for these reasons.
Much doubt, very unbroken

yeah, I think I'm dropping this DLC. why the fuck does he have 50,000 HP? I'm ARC, and nothing I fucking use does ANY damage. honestly playing through this DLC has been fucking miserable. I loved Bloodborne and Elden Ring main game, but these bosses are the absolute worst.
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Is there any way to cheese Midra? Trying to get the sword and I want to run through the DLC with it so i'm tackling him with almost no blessings.
>getting filtered and pissed off at arguably one of the best, coolest, and fairest bosses in the dlc
im so sorry anon
>Jobbing to Midra
Anon chan...
>tackling him with almost no blessings.
Very dangerous, extremely scary, do not proceed
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>after 9+ hours of attempts with a colossal GS
>got to plap prime bussy while malenia cheered them on with her cleanrot knights singing his praises
>Best fight in the DLC
>You're complaining

Just beat rellana at tree lvl 3 130. 9 tries. The fight was actually getting pretty good at the end once I began learning which combos had punish windows instead of just trading through her weaker attacks. I did it like 40 minutes after my workout though and now my hands are numb and tingly. Her using her carian grandeur move twice on the second phase came in clutch.
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They really need to fix the necks on their female models.
I literally killed him with my Frenzy build (with 60 ARC btw)
yous just a BITCH
Git gud, Midra is prolly the most honest boss in this DLC
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get Leda's armor and roll stab him to death
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Imagine if From cared about Melina at all. She's one of the most popular characters and was treated like absolute shit by the company. I will NEVER forgive Miyazaki for what he did to her.

yep, these are the replies I was expecting. I'm not doing a ten minute boss fight. that's cool, I'm glad you had fun facing him. this isn't for me anymore
He's low poise.

Phase 2 start guaranteed stagger combo:

>Onyx Lord's CGS
>Roll into/past the first wave of fire, strafe to position behind
>Do Charged R2 into Charged R2.
>At this point a single R1 will stagger.
This and simply reaction rolling instead of panic rolling will save you. Focus Talisman+ anti-status physick is good too.
I'm honestly disappointed in myself.

I caved and ended up looking up how to get to three(3) places and they ALL turned out to be through locations I made a mental note to check out early on and then forgot about

I really wish I had just stayed offline completely and did a thorough exploration run on my own.
There's nothing flowery about that line besides the "-eth."
frenzy torch is way too op, i'll stop using it lol
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madness is too strong...
i went and unlocked it and now MM is stuck at 3 combatants left.
for how disappointed I am with the DLC, I really liked Miquella's writing, aesthetically
he's both Christic in action and Griffith-like with his looks and charms, I only wish they'd have done more with him on screen but he's definitely interesting
Is anyone else having trouble with Shadowplay when playing ER? Mine keeps shutting off for some reason and it only happens in this game ever since the DLC.
What skibidi level
looks exactly like I thought he would
It's very flowery. TShe wastes a shitton of time just blowing smoke and pontificating about "chill nights" and shit. It's flowery and right there he admits he got lost in her being a dramatic and spooky goth GF and forgot that all she said is
>"I'm taking the order and putting it ontop of the fridge where you brats can't reach it"
Why does Miquella have 4 arms?

I do Guard Counters. I know he poise breaks easily, but the critical hit does NO FUCKING DAMAGE.


12 Scads. I was using a +25 Bloodfiends Fork with Spectral Lance. I have 53 ARC.
>went through the whole fucking DLC without knowing about this
Goddamn it. Int got so little shit too.
More hands to jerk off Radahn's new Omen Lord cock
Then up ya scudduddies or use dagger talisman or something.
An actual biological woman was able to beat the boss you guys are complaining so much about btw
I notice people have weird rules for themselves when they play these games, some of which are extremely inconsistent. Like one guy was grinding Radahn for 5 hours with over 500 deaths, didn't summon an ash. Then he goes and fights Gaius and summons mimic. What causes such madness?
>filtered by midra
come on dude
imma need to uncock caelid too now...
Is carian slicer any use on a int/dex build? Like you already have a sword
Any tips for Gaius? I've gotten close a few times but it feels like I am just praying he doesn't use specific moves or vortex me.
so apparently messmer's mission wasn't so much about the genocide, it was about being a diversion from marika for the hornsent to focus their hatred and revenge on. she deliberately wanted him to be the scariest, most malicious piece of shit he could muster.

the question is why? was it important to her 'shatter the elden ring' plan?
Try restarting your computer. Shadowplay is a piece of shit. Mine was doing that when the DLC dropped, but lately it's stopped.

Weird. How much does an R1 do on average?

Maybe he liked fighting Radahn but didn't like Gaius.
He's incredibly easy to parry. Like Gwyn tier.
he grew out of his crossdressing era, realizing it was kinda cringe in retrospect.
Just parry him, you can probably beat him at 5 blessings if you're good. I did him at RL80 +17 with 10 blessings. He's very easy to parry, and then you just hit him with a strong R2 / L2 on wake-up.

He's very fair.
>fth fags just get a shitty new lightning spear and their best new spell is a bunch of shitty stink lines homing in on enemies like mosquitoes
>int men got the ability to open literal black holes
wow fth "chads" you just keep on winning lol
His rock blades super move is bugged. If you can't dodge it by just running in a straight line away from it, you're getting hit with a bug and might wanna wait.

I have MASTERED the fight and that move is sometimes just undodgeable BS where stuff that is meant to be spaced out over 3-5 seconds all happens instantly and you can't dodge it.
>Only one new Frenzy spell with 2 new pseudo ones in the form of a handshake and a torch
I feel cheated
>build planner not updated for dlc
>Moore is a slav
Figured as much

Which helmet lets me pull of a Doctor Doom cosplay best
Not really. It's "le highest dps" if you actually had windows to spam it, but you don't in this DLC.
>actually that's probably a mistroonslation :)
has become a massive crutch for people spouting bullshit. The greatest example I can think of is SmoughTown's embarrassing
>the Outer Gods aren't actually aliens and have nothing to do with space they're just nature kami

I can avoid his stuff, besides his transition with his nuke. My issue is I'm doing no damage. I wonder how this person was able to do this, I think I have the weapon

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Okay, so what the fuck is the Scadutree?
Like, actually what is it? You could just call it the Shadow of the Erdtree but that doesn't really make sense. Why is there two stems? Why is one seemingly strangling the other so it bleeds gold?

We get barely anything in the item descriptions:
>Scadutree Avatar Remembrance - The Scadutree is the shadow of the Erdtree. Born of dark notions that bear no sense of Order, that twist and bend its stock, rendering it brittle.
>Scadutree Fragment - It is said that when the Scadutree crumbles from its core that it will scatter across the entire realm of shadow. The people of the Erdtree collect the splinters and use them in prayer.
>Sunflower Weapon - Much like the Scadutree itself in appearance, a second stalk winds tightly around the first, almost as if in a tender embrace.
>Scadutree Sorceries - Sorcery of those who abandoned the practice of incantations after devout faith rewarded them with only despair - The image of the twisted Scadutree is an edict: Denounce their ways. Do them harm. For they have abandoned us. - The image of the misshapen Scadutree is an edict: Spurn all that exists. Wound all that exists. For we have been abandoned.

Also the dark thorns from the sorceries are what block out Enir-Ilim and you get rid of them by burning a sealing tree in Rauh with Messmer's flames.
How does this all come together?
So I beat up the worlds angriest sunflower and for some reason it dropped Miquella's rune. Can I power this thing up like with the others, or is it just fucked now? It looks like it's broken from the image.
I'm like this too, idk fully why but it's kinda like I want to experience the 'full' amount of some bosses like big spectacle bosses and stuff like that but like for smaller bosses or ones I don't care about like I'm fine woth using the summon because like I don't care about feeling the full movement.
Same reason why even like if I'm avoiding summons, I'll still use all the summons during vanilla radahn because like I want the full spectacle like of running towards him with a dmall army
Messmer Soldier helm, but I think it's the mask of silence that's the best? It's the Preceptor Hat without the hat
NTA, but are you talking about his big phase 2 slam? That one seems super bugged, because I can roll into it just fine and just hang out while it seems like there should be a lingering hitbox fucking me up.
I didn't mean to reply to you, I'm sorry, but thank you
that weapon can bleed in a single charged R2
Except the Ranni mistranslation articles are used to make her ending sound good when it sounds bad. You don't think the Ranni ending is bad, do you anon?
Now that the dust has settled and people are no longer freshly triggered by her fight, can we admit she was a good boss?
They're fujos now
Just sprint away from the nuke.
>I wonder how...
He doesn't show his level or blessing level, and that weapon bleeds like crazy with charged R2.
You're getting the bad ending now yee
You forgot frenzyflame perfume
Eh, she's alright. It'd be nice if she would stagger more often
oh yeah, that too
Even after beating Radahn, she's still shit. Bayle, Romina and Midra are the only good bosses in the DLC.
The huge fields of rock shards. I don't know anything about on foot but on Torrent you can just gallop ahead of the wave of shards and it's kino and easy and cool and you can go towards gaius while charging an R2 and SLAP him.

OR it bugs and every single wave of the attack happens all at once in a huge area around you in about 1 second in two waves.
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Is this right?
>mask of silence
Oh yeah that's a good one. Way better than the Guardian mask I was looking at
Someone can be both
hitboxes seem a bit...large
Cleanrot Knights are still cool and canonically the strongest undefeated knights of the Shattering. Just wish they had a better helmet. and a FUCKING NPC REPRESENTATIVE IN SOTE Miyazaki's a fucking retard.
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>sword of light
>sword of dark
which one bros
Ranni's ending is disgustingly selfish

I have the weapon, assuming that that is the Bloodfiends Arms. I have lots of Arcane and enough STR. I made it Poison affinity and it didn't seem to be that powerful.
I've utilized torrent in the fight which makes dodging his super slam move pretty easy. There are a few moves I have found impossible or nigh impossible to dodge:
>Holds his lance up in the air and causes rocks to spring from the ground. Get off torrent or it'll hit you twice.
>Gravity charge while in the air. Straight up impossible to dodge.
>Charge when not in gravity mode is dodgeble but really really difficult
>He does a sweep, and then the boar does a sweep. The boar then stands on its hind legs and does a stomp. Obviously meant to punish dodging but you have to reaction dodge the rest of his stuff so you are hoping he doesn't use this.
My main problem has been just getting put into a vortex by the boar and him. Its like a fucking gank squad.
No she sucks. Any boss that does delayed attacks combined with "is this the 2/5/6/15 attack string?" is bad.
You end up having to play so passively it's so fucking gay. So many attack windows wasted trying to figure out if she was actually done or not.
It sounds like it if you read it plainly. When in reality she and the Tarnished are the ones going on the lonely journey to take the oppressive order away
>playthrough and finish dlc
>will to live suddenly drops
Literally just dont use 3 offhands 3 mainhands dumbass.
>int mage/katana
>Str beats dex
Just continue doing whatever your doing its unfixable.
They drew this https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10553743
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This chest goes so well with my favorite helmet. Love it.
Gently brushing Miquellas hair as he sits in my lap
I'm at work, I'll look at it later
>Looked it up anyway
Yeah, figured you were lying. You might as well google rather than ask this place sometimes.
Both are nice but I personally prefer sword of light
Which summons should I use? My usual go-to, the great-shield soldiers, aren't cutting it.
It never would have worked.
Still, you had to try
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Why are Bayle's incantations such a fucking meme
I do but that's because I think Ranni is a retard with a dumb plan, not because I thought she was literally saying
>I'm going to make everyone despair and fear in my dark evil night for no real reason muahahaha
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Weapon tier list (pre-DLC). Do you agree?
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>Struggle for hours against Dancing Lion and Rellana
>Even had a hard time with Putrescent Knight
>Stomp Messmer in like 20 minutes
Did I overlevel or something? Cool fight tho.
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>54 Str, 40 Arc Blood Infusion
>proc bleed in two hits
I'm scared of a nerf, bros. Its damage without bleed procs is pretty weak so I'm hoping it was intended to be a weaker colossal with fast bleed as a gimmick. Rocking this and swapping to the Meteor Greatsword on bleed immune enemies has been fun as fuck.
He was cursed. Always. It was just never apparent. On death he corrupted everything. Thats his curse. Anybody saying otherwise is just a lying sack of shit
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Killing myself
Girl we're literally playing at the same time as you, it just came out, most of us don't know either
Oh and one other thing. In phase 1, you can ride torrent go opposite his weapon hand. He literally can't do a single thing about it. That said, if he knocks you off you are good as dead in phase 2.
Someone should edit Radahn out of the picture.
>Get off torrent or it'll hit you twice.
That's the bugged one. When it works you can just gallop away and it goes off right behind torrent and it's REALLY kino.
>Gravity charge while in the air. Straight up impossible to dodge.
The big dash is easy to trick up close but at anything but beyond max range or up close you're gonna eat shit.
>Charge when not in gravity mode is dodgeble but really really difficult
Untrue. He can't outpace you, the attack animation runs slower than Torrent. What you do is wait until the boar starts to wind up his tusks, start your attack, then tell Torrent to turn 180. The charge will whiff and you can slap him with either an easy R1 or if you're a timing god, a full charge R2. The other charge you just have to run away from until he changes his posture. If he's coming up on you in a fucked up crooked posture, it's the undodgeable charge but he can't maintain that state forever so just run away
>He does a sweep, and then the boar does a sweep.
I think you're talking about his combo attack with about 4 parts no? That one is easy to read and if you get hit by the first hits, you have lots of room to flee. Space it right and you can charged R2 him in the face after he does the big lance slam

I fought him for 7 hours at launch scudu level 7 or something. I am a master of his horse fight.
Why? Are you retarded, it's literally central to it
will Bloodfiends Arm still proc bleed if it's Occult?
Yes, the off hand spot is best and he can only swing once when attacking that side so any offhand side attack is a huge punish opening. You should be trying to stay there at all times.
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Post who you beat Ramadan and his child bride with
Because I don't care about Radahn or his cock. Just Miquella.
Just torrent run in smack its legs. Run out, repeat til dead hit and run it cant si shit if u dont stay near it. Literally just back off for 2seconds
God i wish that were me...
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Finally got the DLC niggas, also love the new hair, helps my Samurai Dragon Slayer stand out specially with his new Katana, gonna be these dragon niggas nightmare.
Replace him with Mohg
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The moody, somber music playing in Shadow Keep is by far one of the best atmospheric tracks they ever did
Perfect for the atmosphere
"Here beginneth the chill night that encompasses all, reaching the great beyond. Into fear, doubt, and loneliness… As the path stretcheth into darkness." should be " To all, you may consider the chill night as banished far away. Into fear, doubt, and loneliness… As the path stretcheth into darkness." Not exactly a hard fix to make the translation make sense as positive rather than negative.
i cant beat radahn i cant beat radahn i cant beat radahn i cant beat radahn i cant beat radahn i cant beat radahn i cant beat radahn i cant beat radahn i cant beat radahn i cant beat radahn i cant beat radahn i cant beat radahn i cant beat radahn
3/4 pw erg
The scadutree itself feels like a very major victim of either
>This was going to be more important early on but it got left behind in rewrites
>It's just a set piece we really didn't think about it
It might be the Erdtree's septic tank? Like when souls get reincarnated through the Erdtree, all the bad shit gets filtered out and shunted to the Scadutree? Or that shit that got sifted out then grew into the Scadutree?
It feels like the sort of thing that should be in a dark twisted mirror world but the Shadowlands aren't really that, they were just a regular place until Marika sealed them.
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So Goldmask ending fucked Marika the hardest right?
It literally enforced the “order” part.
nah. you get
>combo strings with crazy hitboxes but generally doesnt chase you down (radahn)
>punishing/powerful combos and chasedown but the boss has huge openings between them
pick one
rellana is too much of a shitfest
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Crucible Knight and his golden homies (one with that scarlet rot rapier and the other with lightning perfume, lmao)
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Miquella The Kind(a sorta rapist)
Miquella doesn't care about you, just Radahn and his cock. Sit down little cuckboy.
It's a common theme. He is too hard, as he forces people to adapt their builds to him even if the builds were good enough to get them to the final boss of the DLC.
3/4 GET IN
>ymir was the only dlc npc i liked
>his story ends in a fucking mpreg fantasy
what the FUCK man
Are you implying that Miquella's love is misplaced? Are you disagreeing with His plan?
Who cares, the happiness and stability of the Lands Between is more important. The laws of reality should not be beholden to women.
There is none. This DLC wasn't made with enemy variety in mind.
it's useless as it does not account for level range limitations
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Tender(izer) Miquella
... yeah?
the literal entire dlc
That was even Miquella's arc before the dlc, only reversed
What did yoy expect? And what's wrong with that?
Miquella's giant hips...
Source? He looks so cute
this post right here officer
Marika and her retard family were exactly why order needed to be enforced.
>We've got a pretty good set of metaphysical rules here we could operate off of
>What if we just did that instead of letting screeching demoids interfere with it all the time
How odd that all the kids inherit their name's first letter from either Radagon or Marika except Godwyn.
I feel like I'm going fucking crazy, how do you get to the southern part of the map?
>following the 'rules'
Bitchmade post.
It's underground
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Does anyone get low fps on certain places in the DLC with low gpu/cpu usage?
if I travel to Castle Ensis Checkpoint I get like 15 less FPS that my usual FPS target, but not my cpu nor GPU are maxxed
what gives
why does split scaling damage do less damage than raw physical on STR/DEX despite the AR generally being higher
what southern part
still thinking about the fact that Miyazaki reads these threads and actually generously gifted our local beloved dragonbro a beautiful canonical dragon waifu
Because it follows the Golden lineage, being related to godfrey
Do you remember early on, you may have seen some fat fucks fighting with soldiers on the other side of the bridge?

It starts there
More interested in knowing what the fuck Enir-Ilim and the Divine Gate are. Were the Hornsent the original wielders of the Elden Ring after the dragons or something?
I don't think there's a more beautiful weapon than Milady, why does it need to suck so much
When Radahn does the super-duper-ultra-divine-nuke my FPS goes down to about 5
2nd phase Radahn destroys my FPS, generally every boss with heavy AOE attacks kill it too
>It feels like the sort of thing that should be in a dark twisted mirror world but the Shadowlands aren't really that, they were just a regular place until Marika sealed them.
Marika made them into THE DARK TWISTED UNDERWORLD by starting the GO and sealing them dumbdumb
well who does
Find the injured guy that shouts and curses on the road. Then keep following the road

Wont spoil the rest
Idk! You could try asking online
Don't know. It feels like we're missing pieces because there's so little that has to do with the Scadutree specifically.
I wrote up a very long post, but in doing so I think I came closer to the truth than I thought I would, so I decided to delete it. Fuck you, Vaati.
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Which do you prefer?
the rules are not for me, they're for the directionless sheep so some populist wahoo don't make them accidentally the whole nation out of impressionable aimlessness
Yeah I'm following that path now, I guess the ghostflame dragon must be the indicator
Bayle, Midra and Messmer are the only good ones as far as I'm concerned, but that may be because Rellana, for some reason, was the only boss that gave me constant, unending FPS problems.
follow the road south of castle ensis
Sorry I didn't mean to reply to you, I was trying to get clarification from that person, I was trying to ask the person who didnt know if she meant the bright red part
Nta but my leading theory is his curse gave him a deep connection to all life, like a weird Celtic druid and upon his undeath it was mutated and altered into what we see ingame.
>host summons me to kill bayle on skibiditree 6
no fuck off retard
For the last time, it's only the R2s, it has no innate bleed
The whole realm is emblematic of death. Its what she removed ftom the golden order when it was founded. Messmer is only there to be a distraction.
>mpreg, futa, scalie, incest, feet, malexmale, necrophilia all in one dlc

i kneel before your genius michealzaki
bros you need to unlock the colosseum on EVERY FUCKING CHARACTER
what is this horseshit
>Saw some guy saying that Ranni killing Godwyn was to spare him from Miquella
>Miquella does call Godwyn "Lord brother" in the sword made to commemorate his death
>Then maybe after Godwyn was out of the game, Miquella tried going for Radahn
>He no way fag's him and goes about his way or gets mind controlled by Miquella into agreeing (someone pointed out the statue of of the bigger figure that's possibly young Radahn embracing the twins is wearing a circlet similar to the status effect that appears above your head once you get hugged in the fight)
>Then Ranni with her knowledge about the stars suggests Radahn to freeze them to delay Miquella's fate as much as possible so that he doesn't become his consort while buying Ranni time to study a way to free herself from the control of the two fingers and go about her plan of the age of the moon
You know what, I'm going with this until a better explanation comes up down the line.
Considering how we were supposed to remove the veil or whatever and it didn't happen, they just scrapped everything about it and called it a day
I like parriable bosses and two of her parries are nearly identical to two of Malenia's parries so I thoroughly enjoyed her fight.
Maybe it was becasuse of Igon but I didnt think Bayle was that hard
I dont even know where his Health went and I was only treelvl 12
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Maybe it was a dropped plot point. That actually could make a lot of sense.
>The Scadutree is actually two trees, the Erdtree's "shadow" viewed from the lands and a shadow tree trying to kill it
The one in the middle bleeding gold is much closer to how we see the Erdtree in the base game. The one around it is more of a dark shadowy thing that's wrapping around and seemingly trying to take it down.

And who do we know that can apparently make shadowy tree shit? The Hornsent that use the Scadutree sorceries and the Scadutree Avatar itself. As the text describes, they are of those who "abandoned the practice of incantations after devout faith rewarded them with only despair". There's two possible groups that fit that in the Land of Shadow
>Messmer's soldiers, though everything we read and see implies they never gave up even without grace
>The Hornsent who were betrayed by Marika
The same Hornsent that are hiding in Enir Ilim behind an impenetrable wall of shadow thorns.

I think the Scadutree is a curse by the Hornsent meant to try and kill the Erdtree and release the seal on the Land of Shadow.
The shadow of the Erdtree
The people who aren't down with Miquella sex are the kind of people who deserve to get raped.
This makes perfect sense. Legit well done. You figured it out.
Is PKs horse Leonard?
Giantsflame, the trajectory of the cannon is weird.
The fat spear bois drop an infusable arc scaling weapon with built-in bleed, the meteor sword is great if you want to be dante and putrescent knight's weapon is a spin to win stunlocking machine. If you want anime ansbach or any new katana is solid. Arc was given a buffet with this DLC.
they're not taking oppressive order away, can you explain exactly how they are doing this? what you missed or lost in Ranni's calculated flowery language is that she is telling you she only intends to distance anything godly (herself) from the lands between so that without the certainty of a godly being physically being there, the faith and order HOPEFULLY dissipate, but it is a naive and shortsighted excuse for what she really wants, which is to run from responsibility and hide, but her fucking off to the moon doesn't exactly dismantle the golden order theocracy's grasp on the population, or what you really thought that you two would be heroically fighting villainous aliens up there? please, you are likely to have a whole side of the moon to yourself while ranni runs and hides like it is the only thing she knows to do
It's only missing a decent hilt really, then your longsword fantasies would be complete.
Shame about the weapon being ass, though. Literally less AR than a Katana and its damage + poise damage motion values suck because so many attacks are multi-hit. The r1 pokes on neutral and running are also deceptively shit. But good news is that I'm pretty sure it may have its AR/motion values buffed in the future.
Right now I find the best way to wield it is lighting infused with Blinkbolt. Blinkbolt is a tricky AoW to use but it actually flows well into Milady's r2 chain.
If he's not a rapist, what was the point of bewitching branches and sleep pots?
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Elemental resistances are usually higher than physical ones
Get in what
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that was so sick
>Abyss Forest is SUPER easy to miss

I thank the person that told me to KEEP FUCKING GOING DOWN when I found the River grace and said it will be worth it, but goddamn I dont know if I'd would have found it on my own at all.

Did the base game even have any area that was locked behind a shitty catacomb?
>why do the magic and faith builds that have access to goku-tier ashes of war and spells have drawbacks when competing with the "press r1 and then press it again" builds

gee boss i couldnt possibly fucking figure this one out myself anon
I found everything but Rauh Base and the final 6 scuds without help.
>Did the base game
no, maybe only the consecrated snowfields
Both miquella's jp and english item description says radahn was miquella's first choice. This is all cope to make godwyn fit and ranni seem less bad
I'm just paraphrasing a discussion on the comments section under a lore video I saw. If you have a better explanation for those events then go right ahead instead of replying like a woman.
how can you miss rauh base if you found evreything. it's just north of that river chokepoint that leads you down to the coast.
Too bad Abyss woods is the worst area in the game.
okay what's the secret weapon against Bayle?
and I don't mean the dragon great katana
it fucking sucks
Kys retard, if it's always solely men that reply in that way then how is that "replying like a woman", that just means you're tacking on something unrelated
>Miquella sex
It would be very cute
Because if that's the ONE spot ya never saw, you would take hours to exhaust everything and find that last spot.

>praise somebody wholeheartedly
>get sarcastic insults
Eat shit retard. I chanmged my mind, your theory is gay.

No it doesn't.
>looking for FAI/ARC weapons
>get Jori's spear

I'm excited for it, which means it will be SHIT
It contradicts what both versions of the game says
I'm team Marika after reading up on the lore.

Hornsent deserved their genocide.
Ranni is a vile cunt, and deserves her soul to be blighted and hewn to Godwyn like Rogier
you can infuse bloodfiend fork with fire and its FTH/ARC scaling
>bump and grind on a literal godkilling furnace sword
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This Deathblight Dancing Lion is driving me insane.
Miquella is a rapist, it wouldn't be "cute". He would try to mind break you.
Its funny how mad people got when Asmon used a shield to beat Radahn
Work Smarter, Not Harder
Winners win and losers lose
Its just that simple.
everybody is always like, 'X is a snake! Y is a snake!'
but I never see anybody ask why marika's rune, marika's EYE, is the only one with a vertical slit.
Have you never seen videos or fantasized about using a gun as a sex toy? It's like that
That's exactly what Frenzycels want. What's the problem?
Everytime I post something here trying to start a legitimate discussion I always get hit on with passive aggressive replies, and yours did sound like those. I apologize if I read it wrong, but here's >>484176919 what I mean.
It's always like that.
I don't think there's anything really connecting the Hornsent to the actual Elden Ring. Dudes seem to have been far more Crucible focused and just fascinated by the idea of the divine as a whole. Enir-Ilim was their Tower of Babel and the Divine Gate their way of looking outside of TLB so they could peek at God, or become Gods themselves. I imagine that the gate kind of leads to somewhere out into the cosmos or out of the 'microcosm'. If Marika ever went through it then perhaps that's what turned her from a regular Numen into someone powerful enough to actually use the Elden Ring. That or turning people into Gods isn't really its intended purpose, given that the Hornsent apparently never used it to do that themselves, and Miquella (and maybe Marika's?) use of it to do that was a perversion of it.
I keep seeing anons here complain about this dancing lion and I don't get it. You have your horse for this fight. You can basically just mounted charge r2 and hit and run him. That's what I did.
I hate feet shit. It is always so fucking off-putting, and takes you out of whatever media you're consuming.
Like, you're watching a Tarantino movie, you're fully invested in the story and the dialogue, then hard cut to an extreme close-up shot of the nastiest dirty foot you've ever seen. It has no reason to be there, yet it immediately demands your full attention, despite the complete lack of symbolic interpretation that can be derived in relation to the story currently unfolding. Just an unrelated dirty foot, a cold reminder that "yeh, this is what the director finds hot. He furiously beats his dick to feet porn on a regular basis".
Miyazaki, stop with the feet shit. There's no reason for feet platforming to be a thing. You're sick.
What you said wad infinitely more passive aggressive
He cheated souls to level 333 and still died to Radahn a couple of times. His filthy gameplay and reflects his filthy soul.
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Read the rememberance. It does you retarded rannifag. You will never whitewash her to make her a better person. She was wrong to kill godwyn and miquella wanted radahn since he was a child pre shattering before godwyns death. Fuck off you fucking lorelet rannifag cuck
I understand but.... maybe relax a smidge. I didn't even use a rude pic or greentext.

Your logic is strong and holds together the apparent Miquella+Godwyn shit with the NotBK AND Miquella+Godwyn AND as a bonus helps contextualize Ranni targeting Godwyn.
It's funny how people like you think putting 15 dollars worth of quarters in the machine is more fun than 1 cc-ing it.
It's amazing innit. Should flip it back on them.
>it took you 11 hours and 226 deaths to kill radahn so you didn't beat the game
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Radahn and Miquella
It kind of begs the question if the Scadutree was just there anyway as soon as the Erdtree was or if it was intentionally put there later. It seems to be the thing Marika has used to seal the shadow lands off, so did she make use of an existing tool, did she grow it for that purpose, did she use something the Hornsent had made, etc. Given that Messmer's guys wear it on their emblem and it's still associated with holy stuff and gold, it doesn't seem a true verboten tree satan but rather something that still has its place in the intended way of things.
I love feet.
What was wrong with Fire Giant's limbs? Burned, rotted?
yea why do all the women in this game look like they have a double chin
How do I get to the top part of the map? I need to get to the second finger ruins.
No i haven't and probably never will
I hate Ranni but it's clear Radahn reneged on his promise and Starscourge Radahn would not want 1000 years of peace, and Miquella making Radahn look like what he wants instead of Radahn at his prime as the Starscourge is a narcissistic red flag.
>Miquella saw in Radahn a lord. His strength, and his kindness, that stood in stark contrast with their afflicted selves. And so Miquella made his heartfelt wish. That Radahn would one day be his king consort.

Literally not a single line about being the "first choice".

As a hardcore Greattree guy, I imagine maybe the curly one is what MArika did and the bleeding big one is the Greattree.

Can't prove it though. Copium vibes abound sadly.
Use your harpoon to riddle holes in his rotten hide.
And don't forget to curse him.
This is the equivilent of "keep your nose to the grindstone" Losers grind, Winners bend the rules
Winners Win
Losers Lose
Its that simple
>You have your horse for this fight
You do?
I didn't know that
Oh god
You can sorta see Marika pulling her Great Rune out of the Divine Gate in one of the trailers, whatever the fuck that means.
gonna switch bills real quick
His fucking youth as a child it says. Do you not see that.
continued shit elden ring boss design. a boss that can extend and mixup combos is ridiculous
radahn deserves being cheesed.
Is Leda's sword a cheaper Law of Regression?
through shadow keep
He means the "other" Dancing Lion in the open world. The main one doesn't let you ride Torrent
I think that's you being weird, yeah
The Japanese are funny like that. It's always "genocide bad" but then they put in a bunch of backstory that strongly indicates that they deserved it.
He literally cheated doebeit.
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To be fair, Radahn is hot
He already lost when he only went back to a game he hated.
it also says that radahn is a kinder person than miquella, which puts a lot of credence on him being a little sociopath after getting rid of st. trina
Why are there two??????
man fire knights gs is brutal, r1 r1 combo is silly af
Doesn't mean he didn't think Godwyn was better, it's just that Godwyn is dead. All the description said is that as a child he saw Radahn as a kind fellow and tha's why he chose him as a consort.

Literally nothing there says he hadn't considered or never later considered others or whatever. Godwyn was a gigachad, he fucking made peace with the dragons and shit. He was truly golden and maybe Marika's only child to be fully worhty of the Golden Lineage of Her+Godfrey.
Hi I'm budding in here's what it says
"In his youth, Mikera saw a king in Radan
Strength that they, the fragile ones, did not possess
And kindness too
So Mikera earnestly wished
Please become my king"

The kanji for youth also means child.
The "fragile ones" here refers to him and his sister when they were children
Meaning he selected radahn pre shattering while godwyn was alive.
The number two is a recurring theme in this game.
So wait, did Miyazaki make a DLC to force his fanfic of Guts and Griffith banging?
Dear, kind Miquella... so tender and delicious... marinated for 12 hours in secret sauce before applying a herb and spice meat rub...
the stone carvings show the double tree with additional branches. if they did anything, it wasn't growing a new one.
I can't even begin to imagine the smell of people who actually watches Assmongol's streams
Is Messmer the top or is there another way? I already came from the other side and emptied the flood.
>radahn is a kinder person than miquella
it also shows how its fucking bullshit garbage
>the only one
take a look at Messmer's Eye
The bleeding one matches the Erdtree we know best. It's perfectly straight, but tilted to the side with a large gash in the middle.
It's the entwining one that is dripping shadow that seems to be breaking and pulling it down. That's why I think it's actually the result of the Hornsent cursing Marika and the Golden Order.

Then again, it is also likened to an embrace, so who the fuck knows.
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>miquella meat rub
Rubbing Miquella's meat
Yes, but that only proves Hornsent were Scadu worshippers. Could be thjat Scadu is like a Greattree with an Erd Shadow parasite on it.
The Scadutree is the shadow of the Erdtree
just eat the mystery black pellets
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Seeing the Japanese versions of names, such as Miquella to Mikera really makes me hate the gaijin even more
You naturally start playing their own game once you get hit constantly with the same kind of treatment ad nauseam.

Yeah. Again, I apologize.
But none of those sans the last part is really something I came up with, I was just picking up stuff that made sense and organizing it in a coherent manner.
Tough I do wonder why Radahn kept holding back the stars even after he went feral, if it was related to him fearing Miquella so much that it became basically part of him even after his mind was broken, since Ansbach does say Miquella's way of taking over someone is terrifying.
Is this not the place that the highlighted painting depicts? Where the hell is the painter?
did you even play the game? it's not a real eye, its marika's scarseal.
>he can't accept that miquella chose radahn first and that godwyn is just velka
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Well, I've been beating every boss in the game in 2 or 3 tries at most, so I imagine I'll figure it out one way or another.
Why did no one tell me Vow of the Indomitable is so damn fun? It's really strong in PvE because it throws off enemies that read your inputs, letting you mix up with a slow, close range ash of war/spell easily. I haven't really tried it much in PvP but those are autistic gankfests anyways.
there's like 5 ways out of shadow keep and none need messmer dead
if the death knights can accept godwyn in his Prince of Death form then i think we should, too.
sorry goldmask, but i have some skeletons to engrave into the code of reality.
>no tower
Burn the thorns then come back
Why would he stop holding back the stars if he's gotten in the habit of doing it?
what? you realize all this shit is english-canon, right?
FUNFACT for the game files a shortned name for their boss is MikeRad
this is what the christmas song "silent night" always makes me think
>tender and mild
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I could accept it if there was proof.

The proof you have is
>because it happened when he was young, this makes it "first"
as opposed to just a memory of Radahn's kindness that later in life led to a decision to choose him. You have no proof, no logic, no argument. You have nothing. Shut the fuck up.
Miquella is the correct romanization retarded fag.
Did Messmer even have anything to do with Miquella's plot? I can't recall anything that actually links him to Miquella's whole plan. Miquella just seems to have stopped by his library to drop off an arm and peruse the relevant literature before moving on again.
I know
>dude was minding his own business and you just came in and murdered him
is a real meme for these games but it especially seems to apply to Messmer. You just kill him because you need his kindling.
Really even killing Miquella feels kind of like that. Leda misunderstanding why you're in the mausoleum and advising you to go to the Shadowlands is the catalyst for the whole thing. Stopping Miquella was never part of your mission nor something you have much motivation for, it's a very 'blundered my way into it' situation.
>"here's this thing that I had a man say to me, a man, and that I then also did back to him. Why did women do this?"
Restore the tower then come back
The fujos are to blame for this
Please don't overdose on the copium bro we're worried for you. Be safe
>baked-in ship names
Miyazaki you madman
gotta run FC boys but ggs and thanks for host
based fujos
Holy shit the finger is kino
We have to kill him to burn the thorns.
Even though we don't really need to since helping Miquella ascend is against our plan :)
We don't know how he holds them back, if it's an active thing he has to keep putting his mind to doing or if it is a passive thing that he did once and is set in stone up until he is killed or he wishes for it to stop.
If it is the former then it could be motivated by fear, if the latter then he going insane doesn't play into it.
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If I download a save from the internet, is there any way to keep the face presets I have on mine without having to screenshot the sliders to manually redo them?
>one (1) rot breath
>bone bow with some bleed arrows
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Shut the fuck up retard.
Which is the greater 'wow it's nothing' conclusion to a From DLC?
>Beating Radahn just to get a memory of Miquella asking him to be his consort, which we learn from the remembrance anyway so there's no actual information in that cut scene
>Beating Gael to get the blood of the dark soul and giving it to the painter girl just for her to say 'cool fuck off'
Just screenshot the sliders or record a video of you flipping through them, there's not that many
the area is so fuckin huge lmao
That happens in every souls game. Your dumb ass just walks into a dumpsterfire of a world and starts cleaning house and killing gods because uhhh... seemed like a good idea at the time.
>I could accept that
I don't think you can man. You'll try to explain it away in some other way.
Miyazaki made his ship canon
is there even an opening where i can use my ash on war on radahn? im uising messmer's impaler because of my build
use latenna here
Atleast the blood of the dark soul thing had the painting be more completed when you came back and left speculation as to what it meant/if there was more secrets
what proof do we have the ranni doesn't have a body count in the millions and is perpetually filled to the brim with human jizz?
oh there's nothing in the game that specifically disproves my theory? better fucking call vaati, we've got the next video right here
No. If you had proof, it would work. You don't, so it doesn't. Simple as.

"As a child" doesn't mean "This was his first choice". Now please kindly pour some saline on your PC and go walk into a busy intersection.
im going to fuck off from the fc too bros, was fun ggs
>painter of the Belurat road on fire shows up just fine without the ongoing fire being in your world state
>painter of the Divine Tower won't show up until you update your world state EXACTLY how it was in the painting
ok Hackazaki
doesnt it still lose to swift slash spam
Save them to favorites
Killing Miquella/Radahn is basically if you killed the Elden Beast and had no option to actually end the game, that's how it feels like.
Killing Gael you're supposed to go insane by the mention of the Dark Souls™ and by the fact that she will paint a new, better world.
i'm sick of the pederasts in this thread.
Anons please, he's just a bit slow
Can the new imps in fog rift catacombs drop their heads?
You can literally see miquella in game, he's giant and lanky, he's not a child
Das1 DLC ends in the exact same way as ER DLC.
>He's this mad at the thought of godwyn not mattering
Imagine if Miquella was like Gael
>Gives you a cutscenes like Gael to go into the Shadow lands instead of a fade to black
>Could help in a couple of boss fights
You loot it in a Catacomb so I doubt it.
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lads... I leveled up past 150 today. I feel so dirty, but I wanted to do some Faith with this Arcane build. I've never gone past 150 in Elden Ring. please forgive me.
havent encountered that yet, invasions generally dont have too many pvp players and mostly just have sorcery spam shitters
the ash has a high amount of poise, so its possible that it tanks the swift slash and still latches, but you can just teleport all over the fuckin place with swift slash so who knows
Cope by losers who let their egos get in the way of success
Winners Win
Losers Lose
Its just that simple
that's obviously for the sake of saving a few bytes on the download file size i swear there's nothing gay to see here
You're given pretty definite missions in all of the base games even if you only have a very flimsy idea of what's actually happening around you though. The DLCs do tend to be a bit more 'idk I'm just here man' but there's still some reasoning as to why the player character would go all the way through the shit and then kill the final boss. SoTE really feels like
>I'm only this far in because Leda misunderstood things and I thought I was going to meet Miquella
>Leda has freaked out and decided I'm here to kill Miquella
>While I'm here I guess I might as well kill Miquella for the sake of it
Though I guess the little bussy boi does attack you first.
I don't care. Godwyn got super badass lightning blinking death knights in the DLC. That's enough for me.
After he tries to grab you
I was in the same situation, dony worry about it
Most people are doing it and like the relatively low-ish amount of runes tou get but enough to squeeze in some like makes me think you're supposed to
Don't bust a gasket
>what proof do we have the ranni doesn't have a body count in the millions and is perpetually filled to the brim with human jizz?
She's a non-lifelike doll. Not only would it be dripping out of her I doubt she even has an orifice down there.
>Cool fuck off
she literally painted a whole fucking other world for people to flee too that wouldn't be affected by decay like the previous ones
how the fuck is that "wow it's nothing"??? just because it doesn't give a scripted ending at the kiln? fucking brainlet
gloves are off for the dlc anon, most people said they were STARTING it at 150. most people will take a few more levels, at minimum, to wield a specific weapon and not be carrying around 5 million runes to every meatgrinder boss
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Do none of you fuckers use damage resist talismans?
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Man this is easily the best "cosplay" build i've ever done in this game. Everything about the fire knight gear is amazing.
Even farming all this shit at base level was surprisingly easy.
imo its still relatively under the radar because of leda simps who don't read dialogue
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>Didn't get to bring the drip before it was joever

rip gg
Aota ended with you saving Dusk of Oolacile and Elizabeth closing things out by saving she'll remember your deeds forever to honor you.
Skibidi ends with nothing.
for hard fights sure
Nta but it's implied he had a similar spell as vykes/dragon priestess' meaning a dragon was in love with him. Implying that the dragonwar ended because, like vyke, he may have dicked one into submission
Is there a point to leveling END past 30?
I wish the hood was a little less bulky and concealing, it and the cape are really pretty besides
It's a weapon of Marika's. It's main job is to throw out super-turbo blessings to Messmer's forces and be an unremovable stick in the mud againest the Hornsents.

The forces of Messmers said fuck the Erdtree after Marika abandoned them so they turn to exploiting the fuck outta it to survive. Sealing tree is just to seal the tower in/keep people out. They lost all motivation to finish the crusade once Marika slammed the door on them.
>that vig bar
surely this is bait
>the fucking girl painting the fucking world says so in the game dialogue
If you want to midroll with fingerprint shield and heavy armor
Painting Worlds are only inhabited by freaks who didn't fit in the real world anyway. It's nothing. It's as nothing as the painting of Ariamis being replaced by the painting of Ariandel at some point in the past. Her painting will eventually need replacing to, just like the real world will eventually cycle into Dark and then back to Fire. It's nothing.
Yeah that adds up. Quelled a war with dick and charisma much like Radagon.
If they made a "Hornsent of the First Sin" premium Elden Ring release, would you buy it?
>reading comprehension
>full game remix with better harder/lore friendly and Next gen only enemy placements and shit AND some new content and lore
Yes. Immediate full price day 1.
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You shitters complaining about DLC difficulty are truly something. 6 tries, 6! That's all it took for me to kill Radahn.

And no, I didn't use a cheese build. I didn't even use a rune arc. I used a meme weapon I found (bloodfiend arm) and no summons except mimic tear.

Get good.
bro it's literally stated in the game that the blood of the dark souls has special capabilities and that's why gael sets up like a retard to collect it for the painter girl
how the fuck do you guys think this is the same as the other painted worlds is beyond me
Am I stupid or does Messmer not throw his spear during the fight? I got pretty quick at getting past his first phase, so I might have missed it. Did they just decide to slap the new mechanic on a marquee boss weapon?
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still amazes me how good this game can look
>beat the entire dlc without being hit
>assumed the game didn't have hit boxes on any attacks
Hmmgh, yeah I think I'm done with elden ring.
You post that pic as if it's proves anything lmao
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those new weapons are silly
that's a level 1 tarnished
>iron jar aromatic
>Verdigris set
>Verdigris shield
>Shabriri's Woe
Oh yeah, tank time
>He used the chicken wing
You didn't beat Radahn
Anon, I think you missed the joke
I didn't use a rune arc because I used them all on Malenia
>I didn't use a cheese build
>used a glitched cheese weapon
>didn't use summons
>except mimic tear
You ok there bud?
>full bullgoat
>cheese bleed arm
>Blood chicken wing, the strongest pve weapon in the game
You're funny anon.
It's a base level character
>heavy armor
>14 crimson tear + 12
didn't count
>and no summons
>mimic tear
RL 150 is dead. When people were arguing about 125 vs 150, the main argument for sticking to 150 was a matter of intuitively grasping people would be around that level bracket by the end-game. Now with Shadow of the Erdtree, that point of contention holds little water. Personally I'm happy to stick to 165-180 over 200 though.
Don't worry anon, I got it

alright, I'm sold. marika was a literal snake at some point. that's why her depictions include the twirling cloth. that's why the stakes of marika have the long, legless torso. she sealed messmer away because his serpentine nature gave away her true lineage.
>getting one-shot by Dane in the scadu altus duel
Dude just palm blasted the soul out of my body.
can somebody clarify to me what counts as beating radahn
i'm in shadow keep now, will i fuck up any npc quests if i kill messmer?
>Want to use my fist weapons on Rellana
>Forget that this isn't Nioh or DMC and the boss won't stagger after 4 hits
God that hurts, finally I get what I want and I can barely use them.
Press circle
Is that weapon OP or something, I haven't leveled ARC
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We all agree that the correct ending is doing Ranni's quest, saving Milicent to get the needle at the Haligtree, then doing the Flame of Frenzy ending up to the Kiln so that Melina leaves you and survives, then using the needle and getting Goldmask's rune and finishing the game with either Golden Order or Ranni's ending and turning both Ranni and Melina into your concubines?
This DLC exposed a lot more shitters/redditors on this board than usual.
i miss when people wouldnt take obvious bait
>inb4 the response was the real bait all along
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>Miyazaki made the twink be evil because Ranni must win
Fucking hack bitch
why does the head look so big
>Lamia Marika
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Far from the best graphical fidelity right now, but the artstyle will make it age well anyway.
Convincing him to be your Lord Consort without charms
>cragblade or barricade doesnt stack with scholar's shield
well thats irritating. doesnt look like grease works either. thrusting shield bros, what have you settled on? im still slowly building this new character up so i havent got immutable shield to test yet but im expecting more disappointment.
RL1, no parry, no roll, no block, no summons, no upgraded weapon, melee only
if you actually played the DLC you'd run into the NPC that literally tells you to kill miquella
sl1 no summon no ashes no healing no armor no talisman no weapons
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>taking that obvious bait hook line and sinker
Ansbach's Longbow with the new arrow/bolt talismans is pretty damn strong.
no summons
no sparks cheese
no fingerprint+antspur respec
But they tell you to kill Miquella because it would be bad... for Miquella.
You didn't beat the game unless you went fists only.
No bleed
No rune arc
No perfume
No summoning
No greatshield
fucking Miquella in front of him
No the right ending is doing the Prince of Death route then having a schizo breakdown when you can't find fault with Fia's desire for Those Who Live in Death to live in peace and harmony whilst still being a devout follower of the Golden Order, so to reconcile this internal contradiction, you resolve to destroy all disparity through the Frenzied Flame as you venture deep into the darkest pits of Leyndell in search of your light.
scholar's shield
we help him ascend just to kill him anyway the entire thing is stupid
Radhan's bloodflame attack mogs my brain so hard
>dodge it in any direction
>gets caught by a follow-up attack
The fuck
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Who's winning, faith or intelligence?
does the heal on consecutive hits not work on that weapon or is it not worth it now that everything hits for 1000 hp?
who cares they all die anyway
Yeah, the joke is literally everything about the build that you can see on screen is super powerful
Based one-handed R2 Ghiza Wheel enjoyer
also don't talk to hyetta after taking the frenzied flame to not burn her to death, that way you have +1 maiden in your royal harem
I like Magic Carian Thrusting shield with Glintstone Pebble. Left handed with a carian glinstone staff in the right for Scholar's shield and carian sword shenanigans. You can use L2 when onehanding it in this state and still get a three hit combo swing like the WA it came with.
Any setup where you actually have to learn his bullshit moveset should count. Yes even if you're using %dmg like cold or bleed. Fuck his HP bar is huge.
nice i cant wait to beat him with my medium shield with barricade on it and iron balls infused with cold
thanks anons
Beating him up with your bare fists while naked and RL1
>People telling asmon to be humble because he didnt waste a hundred hours of his life on a boss
Losers will often tell winners to be humble because they refuse to admit their own failures and shortcomings
Winners Win
Losers Lose.
if you don't parry the initial thrust just roll forward twice and it won't hit you
ok give it to me straight.
im trying to fight radahn with no shield and just a regular dex build but i keep dying to phase 2

am i just a shitter?
well faith is a million times more fun especially in the dlc
i hope no one is unironically calling turkey leg "cheese." finding windows to use the charged R2 means you've mastered the fight.
Ranni only did things for her selfish desires and never did a single selfless thing for anyone. Meanwhile Miquella tried to cure rot, make the Haligtree, and help the oppressed. Ranni is a net negative to the world and killing her would make it a better place.
Is he dead? Yes? Great, you beat him.
What the fuck
So who banged her snakussy to make Messmer?
I thought he was INT/FTH... or maybe Gods don't rely on stats the same way weak pathetic useless Tarnished do.
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She died
>because it would be bad... for Miquella.
this is enough. there are also many, many context clues that it would be bad for everyone
>we help him ascend just to kill him anyway the entire thing is stupid
that's the earliest we could find him, it can't be helped.
Rannibros didn't seem to like that post, people are ripping Miquella a new one in the replies .
are you talking about swaddling cloth? because yet, it works on ghiza's wheel 1h strong attack, it just doesn't trigger on the ash of war. you can see it here >>484180602
Well Miquella seems 1000x more competent I'd say Miquella would soundly win. He actually did become a god through his own efforts.
INT got shit compared to faith. I'm speaking overall too not even just spells.
idk which is greater, the seethe of purists watching people cheese radahn or the seethe of people being wildly insecure about having cheesed him
Faith has more fun spells but INT is still practical and has arguably the best weapon in the dlc
Did you shat yourself again, anti-Ranni schizo?
>every person is one poster
schizo retard
Simply entering his bossfight breaks a few quests
Melina isn't lacking something here I can tell you that much.
i'm still pissed that we didnt hear from gideon after finding miquella, his great rune, and (technically) two other demigods
ah thanks, what a weird exception
When has that ever stopped Marika's family from fucking shit up?
>Snakes are capable of parthenogenesis, asexual reproduction that's more commonly known as "virgin births."
I mean the voice actress
>marika was a literal snake at some point.
The biblical allegories write themselves.
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What a strange image. Miquella is husband to Radahn, not any tarnished. Ranni is the only one whose finger you can put a ring on. She wins by default, but would mop up any competition even if she had any.
I would say intelligence is stronger overall, but faith is more versatile and fun. Faith got a lot this DLC.
Mostly you should be one-handing it only for mixups and tricky shit in PvP or when an enemy needs to be bullied.

This is a two-handers build that has surprising spice when onehanding.
But he's right and Ranni unleashing TWLID is one of the most evil and disastrous things in the setting and for that, Ranni deserves unspeakable eternal agony.
of course it does. guess i'll just avoid him for now, still need to find st trina but i have no idea where i'm supposed to go for that
If you have miquella's great rune, will that let you into leyndell?
Go clean yourself already you're making the whole thread stink.
Yes, Miquella already has a ring on his finger. There's no room for a second one.
No, it's broken after he discarded it.
no radahn is fucking retarded, only masochists fight him without a shield
nice projection
You only need two Great Runes to get into Leyndell, don't you?
You have to have 2 to enter the DLC, Mohg and Radahn.
I simply just want the largest player pool available. That's why I'm still at 150.
Oh yeah
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Miquella no diff.
I'd also like to add to the previous theory, the dlc tries to make miquella mirror his mom in certain ways. And similar to marika seemingly rooting for us and godfrey, I believe miquella wanted BOTH radahn and godwyn to he his elden lord. We know godwyn was close to the twins, and from the remembrance radahn was too, we also know that radahn idolized godwyn's father, it's not out of the realm of possibility that radahn and godwyn were close as well. It's very possible that the "we" part of the vow miquella mentioned, was that, early on, before the shattering when marika's golden age ended, miquella, malenia, radahn, and godwyn all made an oath to eachother, to enact miquella's perfect world and for either radahn or godwyn to be miquella's elden lord, the other serving as their third in command behind malenia. That once godwyn died and couldn't be properly killed(miquella wanted to give godwyn's body death to match his soul) he couldn't go to the land of shadows, like he agreed to, so miquella called upon radahn to be his elden lord, as radahn promised to be, and he either agreed and demanded an honorable death, or told him to piss off, either way he and malenia fought and the rest we know.

Basically I view it as a version of that childhood promise a group of friends make to eachother that's common in Japanese media.
It's doable, but you basically have to block one hit of his cross chop with your weapon, and odds are you won't run from the giant nuke in time so use raptor of the mists or something.
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I'm gonna play through the game using primarily the Scaled armor set - to reach 71 poise, the Fingerprint Shield, Great Epee sword and a few incantations to switch the damage type depending on encountered enemy or boss.

I think I should be covered for most things this way and have a safe (but boring, I know) playthrough that will not rely on summons.

Am I missing anything important here?
The fuck is the timeline here?
>Miquella bewitches Mohg
>Sir Ansbach tries to fight Miquella, gets charmed
But when does this thing happens? Miquella is in the cocoon the whole time? And going by their dialogues, they never found Miquella in the first place in the Land of Shadow, they are just following the crosses.
I doubt most people are going to go beyond 150. It's probably still going to be the most active level. If the Skibidi fragments weren't the DLC's completely parallel leveling system it would be otherwise but that's how it turned out.
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This is just getting even more kino. I apologize Miyazaki, you did show us Marika's origins. I fucking KNEEEEELLLLLLLLL.
ansbach attacked the cocoon
What makes you think RL200 isn't as populated, or even moreso?
>I doubt most people are going to go beyond 150.
Reddit is not proof.
why 71? the pve breakpoints are 51 and 101
Has anyone tried the kick martial art with poison and bloom twice? I'm trying to make it work with the kick tali and having some issues. I'm really bad so I can't tell if it's just me or not.
breakpoints for poise are 51 and 101
meant for >>484181030
I've seen anons post here with mixed responses. Some saying they still get a bunch of summons and some saying it takes a little longer compared to 150.
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>"Chicken wing doesn't proc bleed, it's R2 just dumps it out no matter what"
>blood chicken Arm says 220 Blood build up
>occult says no build up
>but still does bleed with R2

im so confused with which infusion im supposed to use for this monstrosity
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>"Greattree" existed before the "Erdtree"
>Marika seals away the middle of the lands between, and with it, the Greattree
>The lands between need a tree, as its vital to the flow and functions of energy, life and death etc
>Greater will capitalizes on this opportunity, thus comes the Erdtree and the golden order to fill the void
>Greattree is now sealed away - the disruption of its natural flow is probably why its leaking and brittle etc, and probably why the shadow lands are full of the black shades of people who "Cant die" and are instead left to linger
This all makes perfect sense as far as i see it, but
>The second tree entwined around the Greattree is...?
I think the shape of the second scadutree is important somehow - it doesnt have the massive canopy the other two do which implies it is either simply younger, or a different type of entity alltogether - which then begs the question, if its a different type of tree, is it natural? On the other hand though it does look similar enough to the other, more straight tree so its hard to say

Theres also the possibility the second tree was actually created to hold the more straight tree up, and prevent it from falling over, in the case it was dying due to the disruption of its natural state

The scadutree chalice may have something to do with the collection of seeds or fragments, meant for the purpose of growing the new one to hold the greattree up. Also worth considering that the circling scadutree is actually growing from almost directly near the chalice, whereas the straight tree starts from further out into the sea. If this second tree was grown to hold the original greattree up, it would make sense it originates from as close to "shore" as possible. Could also be argued this is why this area was hidden away and guarded by gauis (not sure why an albinauric would be guarding it though)

Anyways this is just schizo rambling fuck this shit im going to sleep
How are the digger sorceries?
He was defeated by a cocoon
the WHAT
Oh, I had no idea.. Guess that frees up some points in Endurance letting me use another armor set.
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This is just shitposting, right? You all do realize she's got that "slit" as her symbol because it's actually a kind of cross, with a line going into a rune arc, symbolizing the upper part of the Elden Ring, and matching the pose she's always depicted in, right?
Consider a regen spell too for shieldpoking. Also don't forget lucidity, it's not totally worthless in Midra's land.
Probably (you)
yeah her whole quest is just fucking with her two fingers. she would just go to space alone after that. it just so happened carian women are sluts who marry the first 99 str chad they find
the game made probably more than a billion dollars, it's impossible for that to happen
Fuck off Vaati.
Just the fact that most people will think their builds are complete at 150. It's a pretty rounded and intuitive level to stop at. I started the DLC and at 150 and was thinking I was massively overpowered for it while exploring the Gravesite Plain. It only gets harder when you meet the bullshit enemies, so it's not like people are going to feel under leveled for the DLC. It's all about the skibidi frags anyways.
Marika is Sauron?
stop trying to make sense of ER's timeline
no one except Miyazaki and GRRM know the order of the events and every time >we try to reason anything it just ends up not making sense
Stepping on miquella's soft skull with my bull goat boots and cracking it open.
>im trying to fight radahn with no shield
It turns out shields are actually good in this game and you need every tool at your disposal to beat Radahn
You don't need a massive shield to stand a chance, for whatever reason medium shields sustain a lot of his combos
>asexual reproduction called virgin birth
>abductor virgins, with snakes inside, controlled by the serpent king
>mirrors the statue of marika in messmer's boss room
this is explaining way too much. what the fuck.
shut up you frozen maggot
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I just use AI-vision for dark places (my monitor is pretty cool), so that's not an issue. The regen is a valid point though.. How about I replace one of the spells with Bestial Vitality?
Rock Blaster and Shatter Earth
The Scadutree Chalice is literally just a bowl to catch fragments for Messmer's army. That's why Gaius guards the path to it. It's positioned below the Scadutree so it can get the bits that fall down.
can I use light load in pvp or do I need a fuck ton of poise?
would a cold infusion ice-themed sorcery build work well or no
I'd like to add my alternative to rannis role as another anon said last thread, godwyn is specifically called a martyr, and if he's correct about the kanji, then his was a willing sacrifice, I believe godwyn assumed the night of black knives was actually miquella's plan to kill the revive him in the shadowlands but it was in truth ranni's scheme. With the new lore I wholly believe ranni specifically rebelled against the fingers not the greater will, she never mentions it, only iji does, but she's really REALLY anti-fingers it's likely she figured out everything with metyr and wanted to be free of it, to do as she pleases, even if it's to replace marika, but under her own terms and not within the terms of metyr, her kids, or the elden beast. So she enacted the night of black knives, had godwyn killed, godwyn thinking it was miquella's plan let himself die, and became the prince of death to everyone's shock.

I think this fits with grrm's writing as well, with schemes upon schemes meshing with eachother, crossing, and ruining other schemes.
Better than nothing. Maybe consider using Rykard's rune and Taker's Cameo to keep resources up. Shield grease is good too so carry lots.
oh no they're not very good
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Faith has always been stronger than Sorcercy throughout the entire Souls series. The sole exception is Bloodborne where Faith did not exist. Ergo, Miquella is the strongest character in Elden Ring by far.
Miyazaki doesn't go for the low hanging fruit, man. It would be too easy to just write this off as a Jesus reference.
The entire shit about Miquella and Radahn just happened too and you already forgot.
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As a host what builds on phantoms make you go "fuck yeah"?
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Dude, I thought Lucidity was the torch spell lol.. My bad.
Good point! I had completely forgotten about the grease.
Both are incredibly useful for surviving gankfests.
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I'm not trying to make sense of it, I'm just pointing the holes.
Imagine slowly feeding her into a woodchipper.
Taking after Radahn quite a lot. Nice biceps, Miq.
Poise and defense are still more important at the end of the day for most builds. Light Rolling is only good if you intend to run away or play a mage/range character or something. It's going to get you killed if you want to engage in close-quarters-combat, but if you just want to be annoying and run away it's very good.
Consder 138 instead of 135
you're understanding of artistic symbolism is very shallow anon, the good shit will intertwine 2-3 different meanings and concepts together to create the narrative meaning.

that said, runes depict an iris anon, this was theory for a while but all but 100% confirmed by leda's rune. so why is marika's iris a vertical slit?
>I just use AI-vision for dark place
Great you can see your guy get frenzied in 4k with perfect clarity. Lucidity is the anti sleep/frenzy spell.

Yes. This makes a ton of sense. Especially Ranni being Ymir tier knowedgeable and that's why she's such a hater.
I'm not dead set on the level, I just ended up that way when I put the stats into a calculator. 138-150 or even 200 would be OK in my book.
why is messmerfire so edgy looking

is it a different type of magic or what
I'm not gonna lie
I dont really pay attention while summoning them, I just grab whichever ones pop up first
I guess anything that uses a regular size sword, since most other things are "Well yeah, of course"
Anything arcane-y is cool, and like anything yhat buffs/heals the power phantom and I is like really kind
is Marais Executioners Blade good?
>Gold Rune with Miquella's crest in it
??? I've never seen this one before
>Great you can see your guy get frenzied in 4k with perfect clarity. Lucidity is the anti sleep/frenzy spell.
Yeah, I fucked up. It's 4 AM here and I have brain rot.
Anything that isn't slop. Even if you have "(Name) (Title)" already makes me more likely to summon you. Will never summon mages, though.
its shadowfire.
it's fine lol, the icon looks exactly like Starlight and Miriam's Vanishing just differently colored.

It has blackflame in it. The abyssal serpent inside him is GEQ shit.
i just wanna do a basic straight sword with quick load build, does that mesh well or not
It's red
it's fire damage, but
I always like a good Faithchad that has a bunch of buffs and Lord's Heal in reserve.
>so why is marika's iris a vertical slit
It's a T-shape resembling Marika's crucifixion, not a reptilian slit.
is it a bad idea to just play through the entire game exclusively for gameplay then watch a lore video afterward? does it add to the game to follow along with the story even if its vague as shit?
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WHY do Light Greatswords have less damage and poise damage than a fucking regular KATANA
It's fine. Just know with Lucidity you can even just run from the Ageless Ones and not get fucked. Mostly it's nice in PvP tbqh
If I'm understanding scaling right, my desired main attacking stat's max cap differs from weapon to weapon
For example, if I'm using the Blasphemous Blade as my weapon, I want 80 faith to max its damage, but if instead I'm using a Sacred Claymore, I might only want 50 faith instead?
>vibe checked hornsent at the church
>mogged thioller
>sent frejya and ansbach on their way
>got moore's cookbook
anything else i need to do before i burn that lil shadow tree?
That's basically how I felt. Anything past 150 felt like I was able to do too much and get way to strong in the general sense. It was not longer focused.
I dont get it
>Radahn into twunks
Dayum is her pussy slit T shape too?
What about her buttcrack?
>all but (thing that it is)
how do i stop getting annoyed by this? if something is ALL (everything) BUT (except) then it is not whatever you write after the "all but". item descriptions do this too and it annoys the fuck out of me.
lorewise it's apparently one of the only unalloyed runes in existence

you're dodging the question anon. human eyes don't look like that, and per the lore that is literally what her eye looks like.
Honestly, the things that make Ranni look so bad aren’t just her crimes, but the facts that
>1. She’s a cunt about it
She’s unrepentant about murdering a good man for her own convenience and starting a literally apocalyptic war. She in fact brags about. She has no hesitation or second thoughts about discarding or abandoning her helpers. She only starts feeling amorous for the PC after they’ve proven to be a mindless tool that unquestioningly does everything for her to achieve her goals after she gave up doing anymore work herself.
>2. It was all unnecessary
DLC makes an explicit statement that the Greater Will never communes with or dictates mortals. It was all just Metyr making up bullshit. At any point Ranni could have searched for and just killed her. Destroying an entire continent had nothing to do with anything. Not even that stupid fucking Fingerslayer Blade serves any purpose, the Mother of Fingers is completely mortal and vulnerable to mundane weapons. Things are as bad as they are in game only because Ranni is a coward, an incompetent fighter, and listens uncritically to a subhuman conspiracy theorist.
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Things that make me chuckle
Read stuff in game and interpret it yourself. It's what mike intended. Afterwards you might as well get your lore theories here because that's where loretubers get them.
They aren't called light katanas, now are ether?
It's not that vague, it's just that some character motivations and exact details of events are up to interpretation. Watching a lore video means that you'll be getting someone else's interpretation, it's better to come up with your own theories and more fun. For a small example that isn't too spoilery, you end up finding out that a character killed another character. It's fun to theorize and come up with your own headcanon as to the exact details involved
But if you don't like that you can look up a video, but I reccomend atleast trying to come up with stuff yourself and engaging a bit, even if not like reading every item description
Because you can hit Milday's R2 and hit twice in the time a katana could hit once
it means that something is not 100% objectively confirmed but that there is so much blatant evidence for it that you'd have to have brain damage or be intentional contrarian to deny it.
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Anyone have a version of this with the colours that would be used when cast rather than just the black and white?
>Gourmet Scorpion Stew
Was I supposed to give this to someone?
Did I fuck up a quest already?
pve or pvp
its finnicky, i couldnt get it to work in pvp
poison flask ash can give you instant poison build up on many enemies
the ash has a really weird distance requirement and works best when youre pretty far away from the target
A bunch of sorceries are basically like "just throw stuff at yhem" and it's a joke saying like "are we really that different from the dumb demihuman sorceress who just like throws her staff and shoots stuff in random directions?"
I saw a guy named "Ballsack" and all he had on was the Godskin Noble torso
I gave him about 5 lords runes and left
>switch to Bloodfiend's Blood Arm
>kill Radahn first try
lol nice game faggots
Well thats basically what i said. Theres nothing saying the fragments cant simultaneously be used for multiple different reasons - judging by how many fragments we find at the chalice that are unused and just sitting around, it seems they are somewhat in abundance, so
Oh also like to add on to more fo what I said here >>484182779 , the lore adds to the gameplay too since like it's cool to like slowly learn details about a demigod first before FINALLY fighting them
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I finally fucking did it lads, after hours of suffering I beat him with a regular build and only 3 talisman slots. What a mess of a fight with the worst offender being Miquella's hair covering half the screen when you're up close.
Is there a mod that respawns bosses if you want to fight them again?
>Not even that stupid fucking Fingerslayer Blade serves any purpose, the Mother of Fingers is completely mortal and vulnerable to mundane weapons
To be fair, that may just be that our Tarnished has +25/10 weapons canonically at that point, and we know those are capable of killing even gods. Ranni has considerable resources like Blaidd, Adula and her sorcery, but she doesn't dare try to fight a finger head-on without the blade due to some vague invulnerability they have. She may have had an easier time killing them if she just asked Hewg for a +25 weapon.
>did you already clear castle ensis? if not, you can let ornsent fanum tax you for it
>>Gourmet Scorpion Stew
No it's just another item cheaters will use when they're mad or desperate.
Light Greatswords are the same size class as katanas. They deal around the same damage and poise damage except a couple of their heavy attacks have bugged stagger right now.
Ranni defense force here to defend the honor of my dollwife.
>She’s unrepentant about murdering a good man
Every other child of Marika is fucked in the head. For all we know Godwyn was intending on Deathblight and Ranni took advantage of the situation.
>She in fact brags about
She should. It's very impressive.
>She has no hesitation or second thoughts about discarding or abandoning her helpers.
Trolls are artificial lifeforms and Blaidd isn't even real. Both are fine with being left behind.
>Not even that stupid fucking Fingerslayer Blade serves any purpose
It kills the fingers. They fear it.
>the Mother of Fingers is completely mortal and vulnerable to mundane weapons.
Wrong. You fight it a little and it teleports out. Watch from the timestamp in this link.
>he thinks grandma's food is currency for le epic gear
Does it actually affect his quest at all or is it just for some dialogue?
>same size class as Katanas
nah, heavy thrusting swords.
I'm focused more on PVE, planned on coop once I actually got the hang of it.
dialogue and some crafting materials. it's not a necessary step by any means.
Pretty sure a lightning Katana has more AR than 666 like lightning Milady. Hell Milady at 80 Dex is at a pretty laughable 570 AR while any Katana easily breaks 600 on pure physical. But what makes you say there's a bug?
>3 talisman slots
i kneel
i see your sekiro tear too. kino sword blocking.
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Host is hiding behind this door in Shadowkeep's main plaza. How do I get to them?
Do you really have to correct me over such a small difference and embarrassing me and show me up in front of all my friends? What the fuck bitch
>Is there a mod that respawns bosses if you want to fight them again?
i really wish you could just fight the bosses normally again, i don't want to spend another 30 hours to reach mesmer
Why are sorceries so fucking bad? Do you honestly expect me to use these shitty blue comets over DragonKINO?
Congrats you actually beat him
Also you can respawn the bosses with CE IIRC but I don't know how, just remember an anon saying you could
>Finally get Dane's Footwork
>the running, rolling and jumping attacks are completely recycled from Dryleaf
>as are half of the normal attacks
What a letdown.
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Her questline supposedly should end after giving her the Fingerslayer Blade.
>My thanks. Finally, all the pieces are in place.
>Soon must I begin my journey. Upon the dark path only I may tread.
>What is it? You may go.
>I, too, am to depart on a journey. Upon the dark path only I may tread.
But I wonder: since you can hit her after "marriage" and she doesn't seem to be that "bothered" by it, it makes me imagine that it's more like a forced contract. Same as Iji saying "Now Lady Ranni is in your hands. I pray that you serve her well, unto the very end.", as if he expects us to follow her.
>So, it was thee, who would become my Lord.
As if she had no choice at all.
I mean not that Ranni even had any idea that Metyr existed anyways.
Neither do I cause idk who Metyr is
>But what makes you say there's a bug?
The jumping heavies are set to a damage level 1 tier lower than they should, which means they don't flinch things that are normally flinched by any jump attack larger than a dagger.
>spend half your FP to deal the damage of 1 comet after a 10 second windup
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I had no idea INT players felt their sorceries were shit, I've only really played FTH and always felt like more than half of them ranged from completely useless garbage to mildly interesting - SPECIALLY if you're not playing dragonfags.
fate. hers is moving again so she knew she'd get a lord after she stabbed the fingers.
you think the omensmirk mask depicts the fell god? fascinating.
Meter, Mother of Fingers
she birthed the Two Fingers, the finger creepers, and maybe even the Frenzied three fingers
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>Hornsent's caterpillar mask description
>It's what they wore while torturing and stuffing Marika's people into jars
>Hornsent wearing the equivalent of a klan hood while confronting Messmer
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Greater Will = Big Bang/Godhead/Azathoth/One Great/etc.
Primordial Current = Just more of the Greater Will
Mother of Truth/Rot God/etc.= Save me Niggerman
Crucible = Primordial Soup/Fantasy Evolution/Progenitor of Life/Font of Life
Metyr and the Fingers = Knowledge and Frontier Operators
Ancient Dragons = Ground Zero Entities could have existed prior to the Crucible
Elden Beast = Elden Ring/Manifestation of Order
Placidusax = First and Longest Reigning Elden Lord
Beasts/Beastmen/Humans = Unga bungas
Divine Gate = Tapped into a Crucible Current/Spiral is an analogue for Evolution
Bayle = New "Generation" of Crucible-influenced Dragon
Hornsent = Largest culture at the time that Worshipped the Crucible
Nox = Worshipped the Stars
Numen = Shamans/Black Knives/Marika/etc.
Gloam Eyed Meme = Meme/Hornsent-aligned Empyrean/the Death to Marika's Life
in hindsight, when she says "I will not be controlled by that thing" it kind of makes it sound like she's talking about a 3rd party and not her two fingers
maybe she knew about metyr seeing as she studied a ton about ways to free herself and might've stumbled on the revelations about the mother of fingers
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Fucking Radahn fans. I just wanted a Miquella fight, without their fanfiction character stealing the show.
So which ending is the objectively correct one?
>Always had 'em
Prove it.
Why are there just a few random Tree Sentinels around the Shaman Village?
Most are inferior to DMGS and other ashes. But the sniping/aoe is more efficient and that's all you really need spells for.
How would he fight you? He's not physically strong
I'm in NG+ and I defeated him in 3 trys.
They were left there by Marika to watch over her home village
cuz they're THE guys
THE defenders
Would have taken that over seeing le hecking wholesome reddit fave any day desu.
Ranni ending, because she gets a unique cutscene, and a ending that is open for a sequel.
Frenzied Flame also gets a unique cutscene.
you're being greedy anon, most weapons don't even get a fraction of the effort of those weapons.
By god standards. As far as normal people go he's pretty super.
beat the entire game and dlc with a banished greatsword and impaling thrust. it wasn't even hard
It's more likely they never thought about Metyr at all, let's be honest. "Hell yeah, I'm free and killed my Two Fingers. Let's leave to space now." Except that she would continue to birth them.
He made incantations? Spirit ashes? Probably Rennala but faith.
Just the jump heavies or neutral and running r2s too? Shame since the r2 is literally the most usable attack on this sword.
End of the thread so I'll post my GEQ theory here, I think she was an empyrean from her village. Her sigil if you look at it is identical to marika's and that sigil is from the village seemingly. Not the black flame one the other one.
If she knew about Metyr, why did she need the fingerslayer blade if we can clearly kill GW fingers without it?
According to Leda he had "blinding strength" before he divested it.
beat the entire game and dlc with a dagger and quickstep (not even bloodhound's). it wasn't even hard
>You fight it a little and it teleports out
Then how do we get its head and tail as weapons?
I would think that if that was the case, Ranni wouldn't have ended her quest at just killing her own Two Fingers? Or maybe she thought that was enough to get Metyr off her back.
The Tarnished can kill gods, so he's not a good metric to judge Ranni against.
I might just be a retard but I'm having a hard time getting the blind spot dash to go where I want. I see the no hit autists getting it to go perfectly where they want but my fucking character just goes wherever the fuck he feels like
Greyoll's Roar and Pest Thread Spears. You beat the game.
Support from behind whatever members of his NPC team are still loyal.
Perhaps it can survive without them.
her finger seems to be particularly special, it's called the 'celestial hand' and it has its own church and everything.
considering the way the war and the vow of marriage was handled, it might not even be related to metyr at all and was an alliance even on the ayylmao level.
I'm happy for you
i found rellana and messmer both significantly tougher than radahn
Three fingers is objectively the best ending
Metyr doesn't die but flees through the blackhole it creates
They are designed on (you)r memory of it. "Remembrance," remember?
metyr's death is debatable because of the black hole vacuum, and remembrances from non-dead people is established via renalla
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What level were you when you finished the DLC? I started at SL175 so I've been avoiding leveling, but with the scadoo blessings maybe it doesn't matter anyway idk
Just hold left or right before pressing it
the obvious answer is that the devs didn't want to spoil metyr's existence like that
but seeing as metyr is (was) just a medium between the lands between and GW, Ranni thought that just starting a new age without the GW influence would be enough since she already free'd herself of their clutches by killing her two fingers and they would have no power to oppose her since she would just leave after
Whoever coded Ansbach's AI was playing a sick joke. He's so bad on the Radahn fight.
whats the earliest greatshield block build? i just wanna rush down Elemer for a build.
okay so I bought the dlc, it installed, but I don't see the NPC that's in front of the cocoon. I've killed radahn too.. anyone else experience this?
a medium shield with barricade shield is good enough for blocking his attacks
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Whoever suggested the smithscript cirque last thread that thing's fun

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