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Reminder to reply to and encourage shitposting.

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484180010
i think middies and fiddies should
evil femra.
first for sunsluts on sunslut sunday
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>it's literally just urianger and thancred picking another route to go to tural
what a big nothingburger
We need to have server exclusive meetups while we still can. I want to bond with my true brethren and not traveler or wanderer scum. We have to stick together...
just post the viera
do it
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im a neutral good ferma
Yeah this was hilarious, the Scions are almost non-existent in this story.
Meh. I have nothing against the expansion itself, I just know it would have been way more fun if Maye was still here.
>kicked from FC because I said Dawntrail was just Stormblood 2
why are shills so angry?
Lets be honest, ranking expansions barely matters
FF hasn't given a shit about making a good experience for the most part
They copy and paste what works, then the few times its "good" they very carefully control it
ALL customers have a "lifetime" in terms of subscription
they will always cater to the bottom line, eventually, they learn the formula for maintaining that bottom line and its NOT making fulfilling content its doing just enough to keep people in game ERPing
if they make it good once that becomes their new baseline
they're incentivized to keep things relatively shitty, note, relatively, because over a long time (the lifetime of the game) they will gradually improve to the point its no longer profitable/worthwhile
thats what companies do, thats what rich people do, thats what board members and share holders demand

With that said, lets all fanta to lala immediately.
time to start your own gil printer fc, bro
I dont care Sphene makes me diamonds.
I'm surprised more people haven't pointed out how much of a nothingburger this was lol, so much speculation about how deep this could be and it's just.. nothing
fiddie for my middie, I think we'd make a cute couple
you can join my free company
we can make mmo memories that last a lifetime
>wuk lmao and kahuan ascend
>city raided for the first time in 80 years, king gets merc'd
>let the guy who did it walk away
>guard NPC rightfully mad at kahuna lamata for not being there to lead the defense, but afterwards says no it's not their fault

it quite literally is and they let the dude who did it walk away
can't believe they squandered an exploration expansion on this bullshit and stuck to their storytelling format that clearly works better for higher stakes things.
DT should've been like Majora's Mask
This credits song sucks fucking ass
wish i could join them. koana is way cooler than wuk lame-o
i dont understand monk at all. is there any sort of guide that explains things from level 1 and holds my hand through it all, rather than trying to explain it from level 90
>t. sphene
retarded post
anyway, who is excited for the new savage raids?
>die 5 times in the dungeon
>still get 2 comms
In my free company I think people would kick you for talking positively about it.
I can remember all the key points for all the previous expansions except endwalker where I completely forgot that Minfilia dog existed until I just check my mounts
you mean the guy who can raise himself from the dead and has an army of robots currently mass murdering people with a fucking drone fleet ready to go full Dalmasca on the city?
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Forward and back and then forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward
Forward and back and then forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward
Forward and back and then forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward
Forward and back and then forward and back
And then go forward and back, then put one foot forward
Transcendental (minds unleashed)
Exponential (entropy)
what if you wore that leather set with 2b pants and posted results my queen
cute femra have it easy
w-why are you wearing the bdsm outfit...
play some lower level dungeons so you have less abilities to learn, and then raise the level and fill in with the newer stuff, until you understand it all
the worst part is that they said that it was "spoilers" and "they dont want to ruin the expansion for people" like wtf?
the expansion was ruined when the decided to throw the writing in the garbage, not because i noticed it.
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and they say female privilege isn't real
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Do you like Wuk Lamat?
HBAO+ or GTAO? Most people don't seem to realize how impactful that setting is on their visuals, especially now that we have upscaling.
>the other 3 people were in a premade
perfect for stomping my balls in
natural non clique non coordinated posts btw
he did the trick literally once, and nobody knew he could do it. all they had to do was attack with everyone and when he goes down curb stomp his head in. dont defend marvelslop swarthfeed.
Where is Zenos 2....?
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ive been doing that up until level 60 and still dont get it
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>34% done with the msq
It's over....
Trannies like her. That's about it
how do you feel about the brass blades
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>head on the right doesnt move or animate at all
so the twist is that its dead, right?
im just thirsty for femra i dont even know much about this person T_T
my anal wife
keep reading tooltips and hit some target dummies :) you'll get it soon!
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Seeing as they put the VPR blades on the back, they should have let you sheath your blades in twinblade mode, like a lance. Also should have included an alt pose for when idle in twinblade mode.
Its because they want to gaslight people into thinking the expansion is good. If any negativity gets thrown on people's way, they might start to think and reach their own conclusions.
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who decides the english VA, is it Koji Fox? do you think he's a chaser?
mmmmmmmmmm viera lore

I still have no fucking idea how this works though, biologically speaking
no he's just eepy~
hi :>
bottoms to immortal flamechads.
prefer these brass balls in your mouth though.
What are the closest shoe options to barefoot that aren't barefoot?
Where are Thancred, Urianger and Estinien? Why were they sidelined for the shit scions?
basic GTAO is better than HBAO+ in terms of quality AND performance.
HBAO+ is poorfag boomer cope now. If you can afford a modern GPU then you have no reason to use HBAO anymore
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I finished the MSQ
Which means that this hrothgal
Will now exist.
his head is clipping into his neck that would kill me at least
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She's not too bad, she serves her purposes as a framing device and can be a bit clunkily written seeing as they're trying to write a story not for the WoL, but there's definitely worse out there

Two headed fucknuts was written awfully, or rather his entire story was, at any rate. A villain we can show sympathy for is alright, but he and his father should have received way more punishment for what they did
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>unlock custom deliveries
>literally don't know how to craft
>can't do it without my cheaty plogons
What even is the reward from this expansions custom deliveries?
This MSQ sucks and all you do from start to finish is escort a retard who is like "look at me I'm stupid".
We will now have a rapid decline of players. Screenshot this now.
may i throatslop
theres a bunch of sandals, but that's about it afaik
God forbid someone even gives passing praise to something involving the character everyone dislikes. The fight was fun.
There are no custom delivery clients in DT yet
What if I beat the horny out of you for suggesting that instead?
Personally I think it's actually a case of "real recognizing real", though I'm the only real one there
It's not bdsm it's badass and sexy. I look like I run a motorcycle club and can play pool properly
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I just realized that there's not a single memorable vocal song in DT.
Its hard to say which one is "better" because GTAO simulates real life more accurately but HBAO is a stronger effect that target areas that GTAO doesnt (that arguably shouldnt be occluded) so some people prefer it. GTAO also has a better performance than HBAO.
it was Kate, she's the head localizer for EN now iirc and works directly with ishikawa who oversaw this slop mess. she peter principle'd hard apparently.
hate that bitch
SE should kill her in patch 7.3.
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Duty List:
>Piss in the toilet
>Dispose of the empty bottle of pepsi, the 6 empty bags of doritos and the four empty kit-kat wrappers
>Dispose of the empty bottle of whisky
>Acquire the second bottle of whisky and the second bottle of pepsi
>Sneak one last drink in before bed
>Hide the second bottle of whisky and put the second bottle of pepsi back in the fridge
>Flush the toilet
>Sneak back into your room
>Tilt your head towards the sky and type the following phrase in /say chat "I don't need to vomit, down you go, down down down" while rubbing your belly
>Burp heartily but in almost total silence
>Lay in bed and masturbate to traps/trannies/crossdressers
>Listen to anime and movie soundtracks with your earphones and your phone until you pass out
>Wake up
>Check your youtube "Watch History"
>"What the fuck? I don't remember listening to these last 5 songs"
>Crack open a can of Stella to take the edge off the hangover
>Eat the chicken, lettuce and mayo sandwiches you left in the fridge last night even though the bread is hard and the chicken and mayo have gone yellow and brown respectively
And people say they prefer this shit over Lyse. You didn't have to babysit Lyse....
post something nice about your favorite femlala
thats what I was thinking. Its a death shroud. He died a while ago and now the rot is corrupting the other brothers half.
Yeah sure go ahead
This bitch smokes two cartons a day and drinks enough to kill a horse
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Can someone give me basic gestalt on DT tanks?
I play PLD,but WAR looks extra enticing this time around
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>You didn't have to babysit Lyse....
>want to play a male character
>don't want to look like a drag queen in 90% of the gear
>don't want to miss out on essentially all cosmetic rewards
im sorry bro you are just too low iq
not everyone can play every job wait until 8.0 when every job is the same slop
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Things I liked about Dawntrail:
- Getting to go on an adventure with Wuk Lamat who didn't know what the WoL was truly capable of or what the WoL had done. So I got to play the part of an observer and watch Wuk Lamat learn the same lessons that my character learned across expansions.
- A return to world building and getting to learn about different regions, histories, and cultures of the planet.
- The Scions didn't have new arcs, they were support character and performed their duties well. Only Krile had a vested interest in the events and the other Scions were just doing their thing, because they had already been through this before and left it up to other character to learn.
- When it came down to it, the WoL was still willing to evoke the power of Azem when it was absolutely necessary, but wasn't willing to use it to solve every problem this time, even though the WoL probably could have easily won the Rite all on their ownsome.
- The Zones were really good except for Heritage Found which is too gloomy and ugly.
Koji hasnt touched the game since early shadowbringers dev cycle. It's dangerhair.
Normally I would agree, but the GTAO in FFXIV seems to be a bit fucked in some places.
my favorite femlala is the bar maiden from arr in uldah she was funny
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I'm very cool
Why do female and male viera live together in that village? isn't it against their rules ?
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Lyse was competent and knew what she wanted to do. This MSQ sucks ass from the pre content all the way to when you get off the boat and forward.
and die to W2W pulls because you get an AST healer who has no idea what they're doing
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What the fuck did I just unlock then. Is this just scrips shit? At least I wont feel like I'm missing out. Shows you how much I know about crafting.
umm this thread is so gross and negative fuck you freaks lol
That was Zoraal Ja, just worse at it
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I bet the GC leaders haven't had sex in forever. Or ever.
She also was not a furry
Nah man ruthless unhinged evil characters are fun. I loved Athena because she was just a crazy cunt with too much power.
"muh every bad guy has a deep sad backstory" is fucking bullshit.
>Lyse was competent
Lyse was not even remotely competent and one of the biggest bitching points of the expac has always been that she's incapable of even breathing without the WoL's help
>he didn't do crystalline mean or the EW version
It's crafter story, not custom deliveries
is there a dt zone where it's worth grinding fates for the riding map or should I just skip for now?
FFIX fans ate good this expansion.
they're a different clan, they have a different culture and rules entirely.
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hi i appreciate you. i hope you're having a good day or evening or night
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> Hold off MSQ until my girl comes back form a business trip. This was release on the 28th
> Met her via mutual friends that also play the game
> Do everything else I could do in the mean time
> All jobs to 91 ready for power leveling everything.Even Picto and VPR.
> Today she finally gets back and we both log in
> remember she is on primal and I'm on Aether
> DC travel is closed
> We ain't going to Dynamis since we wanted to be with our other friends on Primal

God Dammit Yoshi P, you give sub 20 rolls on almost every stupid weapon coffer roll and now you do this shit.
why do you guys hate animals so much it's rly weird
You want another Zenos.
Megalomaniac villains make for bad writing if they're too close to eachother
God I wish akemi would beat me for being horny
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frustrated and pent up
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Nice to see you're still around /hug
Ah okay. Yeah I didn't do that. Thanks for the spoonfeed
NTA. It's not a lie in the sense that Yda, thus Lyse, has been your friend and ally since, what, 1.0? Wuk Lamat is some new blood bitch that needs to fuck off and die. You don't "babysit" your friends. I felt like I was traveling with Lyse. With Lamat, I'm babysitting.
didnt ask
didnt read
>badass and sexy
You look like a whore.
like woke fagat? hrothgar aren't animals or people.
She was always kicking peoples ass
you didn't bed her, clearly
I demand you acknowledge my post and at the very least reply to it with a simple "heh".

where do people hang out on dynamis
i would let you beat me up anytime and im so serious
>it's not a lie if I try to spin it like Lyse wasn't completely useless
lol, ok
you WILL read it
Don't let her voice after ARR deceive you. She is still very much a meathead.
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Huh, the birds are lookin a little different than I remember axe beaks lookin

Are these finally unique models?

No worries
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I love this zone so much
>So I got to play the part of an observer and watch Wuk Lamat learn the same lessons that my character learned across expansions.
I genuinely want to punch you for saying something that retarded and disingenuous.
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it's too bright in here since the update
just got to 100 on botanist
how much time do i have to farm until bots flood the market with mats, or is it already doomed and it's over?
They should release a paint skin suit for my pictofiddie (male)
in the dupster dumbass lol
Dont show this to Ace La'fey
PVP VPR is fucking asscheeks holy shit
>explicitly, blatantly the entire reason the WoL is there and the game even tells you as such
Start crafting them into lumber for the people too lazy to do it themselves
Bro, Your Hyper Potions?
ohh nnooo nono lyse not like this
like 4chinners or just in general
>have a million gil from doing roulettes
Now what
/pet spinach middie
he's right though that's the point of the first 5 levels
>I genuinely want to punch you
aww, paco gonna chimp out?
I aint got time to drink when I could be blowing shit up with my sword that has rifling but no bore or trigger
get good
all fair but you forgot
- wuk lamat made me a furry
Am I supposed to hate Wuk Lamat? I've been doing the MSQ and she's been fine, I'm not a huge nitpicker but so much of the discourse is centered on her.
Unless I'm doing MSQ, I'm at The Wolves' Den
the dupster dumbass lol
How did you miss the point of the MSQ this badly?
mablu cunny
>already back to "ur brown!" shitposting
where did I comment on her usefulness?
dumb bitch
Yes because the EN VA is voiced by a tranny and trannies are against Our Politics so you have to get really mad right now and spam every XIV thread. Do it.
i think i can learn to like this expansion if i just disregard wuk lamat's bullshit entirely and instead get invested in the tribes themselves
the eugenics going on with the mamool ja have hooked me, i'll probably go back and see if the sidequests for the other places make me feel like that
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That is LITERALLY what happened goofball.
It's people from /pol/ who hate that her english VA is a transgendered. But also she is a strong female lead that proves herself competent in multiple ways which enrages incels.
OJ post
What I offer:
>I will make you feel like the woman you wish you were
>I am very intuitive and empathetic concerning other peoples feelings
>I will provide you with everything you need, food, clothing, shelter, entertainment, spending money
>I'm a good listener and I strive to be a good man even though I know I'm a terrible sinner
>I will take the fall for you, I will take a bullet for you, I will die so that you may live

What I require:
>Your genuine and earnest smile when my gaze meets yours
Since she's the main character, she's the main topic of shitposting and melties. Also something about trannies but who cares
this cat has sinister intentions.
why don't redditors like her either then?
Wuk Lamat by herself is fine, it's just annoying how much she's shoved down our throats. Although I did start to hate her when the finale happened.
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>major male highlander npc introduced into the story
>the entire section is him talking to kids and trying to get them to like him
the allegations
>Urianger of all people telling Koana to just bee yourself
Honestly made me chuckle.
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have you tried asking reddit
Hand of Mercy RPR main
um... hey...
>badguy is immortal
>kills big good guy
"Im GoNnA lEt YoU lIvE!!!1!"

Interns really are unpaid in Japan huh
I hate the cunt, but that's what happens. She outright calls you her mentor and is trying to emulate your actions.
My brother in Christ it's as easy as just stepping away from the computer instead of simping for troons.
can u not do that on 4chan pass cooldown, thanks.
yea that is exactly what happened in the first half of dawntrail.
idk if it was good though. if i wanted to rehash the same message we've already been though i'd be playing the second half of dawntrail.
Main problem I have of her is bad character development. Reminds me of Lyse, but worse. I can't take her character seriously in a lot of the cut scenes. (I am only half way through the MSQ, so I'm hoping she gets better as a character.)
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me setting my toy army men up as a kid
Imagine the sex then
He's a highlander?
He's a scrawny fucking highlander if so
tfw i hate wuk and dawntrail in general but i have to not talk about it becuase the people who agree with me are so insane
I see some people took "Reminder to reply to and encourage shitposting." quite seriously.
redditors want le dark and edgy which sadly this game pandered to despite promising us a "summer vacation", wuk lamat is cheerful and positive and gets over it when she's upset and doesn't brood or say "nothing personnell... zoraal ja"
I shuddered
now you know how i felt during endwalker when trancers were shitting up the thread 8+ hours a day
I'm a tranny chaser. I love failed males so much it's unreal.

Wuk Lamats english voice actor can't voice act to save his (her) life and constantly drops the accent and cannot mantain the same emotion or intonation even within the same sentence.
She often feels a little too quirky chungus. That's really my only complaint so far. I vastly prefer her - and intentionally being a sideline/mad max/mentor character to her - over Lyse's wild ride and the boring fuck that is Lord Hein and all the boring ugly shit in the east where I'm both expected to be the big main hero of the resistance AND still have zero agency.
Hate is a strong term, which means there's something driving your hate, rather than general apathy or simply not caring.
fuck me val
where the fuck is this fonjeantaine motherfucker
why does yoshitpiss hate SAM?
this is just the ending segment of that one shitty sonic game with the character creator
I will become the goonie of resolve
what were they thinking
This is a malera, do not approach
All his promises are false
on the beach shoobie
under the pier by the beach
hope you're enjoying the expansion
phew... thank you, sis... i almost fell for his ruse...
I dunno Lyse feels really egregious because she is actually experienced to a degree and should really know better generally. Wuk is Lyse if she actually was just a pampered princess character.
>blue zoomer cat samefagging again
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
You did NOT call that guy a shoobie
>brownoids raping the mat prices again
This expansion sucks man
that would make less awful, but it's a grown ass 40yo man
I haven't been here in like a week.
did I miss anything funny
skip everything until patch content. there's no point in getting invested in content that isn't going anywhere
>constantly drops the accent
I fucking wish this happened but the whole time
same with all the other 3rd NPCs that got introduced in EW
just speak in normal bing bong or american
that apu shit was god awful
I have to simp for troons.

Modern women are THAT bad.
>Upon speaking with Wuk Lamat, several cutscenes will play in sequence.
>It is recommended that you set aside sufficient time to view these scenes in their entirety.
Small question
Does the MSQ ever provide an answer regarding the cause of the meteors ~80 years before?
>depressed loser takes his frustration out on "brownoids" instead of just not playing
this general sucks man
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Which sword should I use sers
Left is more katana-like but the one on the right has dual dye channels and the secondary dye controls the color the tip of the blade glows
i genuinely hate her as a character yeah, in the same way i really didn't like zero (and to a lesser extent lyse). she just absorbs all the attention and screentime, which would be fine if she was a really good character but she's just a very uninteresting pastiche of shonen MC tropes without any rough edges in terms of characterisation and she goes on the most dull and predictable journey of discovery type story. it's frustrating becuase i'd just rather hang out with the scions instead
your seethe just makes me want to undercut even lower <3
miau miau are you going to pose fucking the cowboy shota catboy
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I made it back.
No thanks to you!
No I dont. Stop trying to tell other people what they want as a coping mechanism.

fact is that Dawntrail has ZERO interesting characters and the story is at best c-rate shounen slop. nobody gives a fuck about "muh arbiter" anymore, the time for aliens alrady passed
Act like a shoobie get called a shoobie
Simple as.
The Garlemald expansion died for this
left looks better and fits your glam aesthetic
You should use your pork sword on my femlala 's flesh sheath
the Arcadion will save dawntrail
that would be Endwalker
The (proper) void expansion too.
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how do you act like a shoobie
Do not, smoking's gross
There's not supposed to be enjoyment in taking an ass kicking
At least I don't act like one, like you
that would be 8.0
...and that's a good thing
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>"They wont put the red cactbot notifications in extre-"
which zone is that? it looks the same as every other. turd mountains and cloudy skies.
i dont think i've got a single "sunny day" the entire time during early access. every zone is just grey and cloudy.
For your glam, the right one.

The left has a very harsh and almost matte grey that clashes with your very dark black and red glam wheras the weapon on the right has subtle details along its black handle and even gradiates from red to white to match your glams colour scheme.
Would you rather do DT or deal with Ala Mhigo shit again?
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Reminder that anyone who disagrees with me is the darkest shade of brown and has never read a single line of dialogue in this game.
However anyone who agrees with me is a white, blonde, blue eyed angel who has personally overseen the writing process and had an affair with Yoshi-P.
>hated zero
>wuk lamat happens
perhaps i treated you too harshly
I hope they're in savage too
>There's not supposed to be enjoyment in taking an ass kicking
if it's a cute femra then there is!
I genuinely think there's some weather bug so clear days always look hazy.
I love a woman that can kick my ass.
the furry character compared you to their dad
I play with JP voices
She's just a poorly written character, it doesn't matter who is reading it
>But also she is a strong female lead
literally every single city leader in this game is female except ishgard
>that proves herself competent
and every single one of those other leaders are significantly stronger and more competent
Her dad is based so that means I'm based.
Literally this 100% unironically
It's the ff9 expac
I see
So i'm a vistor logged out on balmung... I'm just dead huh?
Some people sleep inside their offices from the unpaid overtime they do, its bound to rot their brains.
Ala Mhigo 1000x over. I literally dont give a single fuck about xualapuchamachawechi thats having trouble in hualalalalpechxua'latil because his taco isn't spicy enough

this is the most goyslop expac they've ever made. i dont know if i'll even keep up my sub next month.
>I love a woman that can kick my ass.
I'm a man and I love ((((((((men)))))) like you. I'll rape you till you love me, faggot.
why are you playing BLM?
DT, but it's sad that we have to resort to such a comparison in the first place.
So were supposed to feel sad for Sphere who is just another psychopath that wants to destroy the whole universe for her specific people like an Ascian-lite just because shes sad about it?
she iq on my braax til i tuliyollal
uhm. anon?
how many layers of jew is this meant to describe
like triple jew or what
My femlala PCT paints woobers of guys she likes for fun
and then brings them to life and lets them plap her
Every expansion from now on will end with a rehash of Emet Selch and Amaurot, I hope you rike it
DT and it isn't even a contest. Ala Mhigo will always be the nadir of XIV's writing.
She was endearing and an interesting character until the writers forgot they still needed an antagonist after the lizard haha whoops time to turn on the crazy ignore all reason mode despite listening to you before
i think square enix went full retard and stopped trying because they know everyone is just gonna use reshade anyways; which i will now because SE sucks at ambience.
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the artifact gear looked cool and rdm still doesnt have a personal barrier
return home
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laid bare
YWNBMM (you will never be my mistress)
so what kind of penises do these lizard people have anyways
This person is white.
I want to have sex with Lyse.
You were supposed to think about Emet but somehow not notice how this whole situation was just a really lame and gay copy of that same plot point.
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>doing the stupid unknown imperial quest in EW
>button mash time
>game fucking freezes
>kicked back to broken glass
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I can't wait for these two dumb cunts to show up again I want to fuck Gaia's mouth so bad.
or in a two-head's case, quadruple
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srsly why does my femra's hand have vitiligo
>didn't capitalize White
>Merlwyb "Admiral Jobber" Bloefhiswyn
>Kan-E-"does literally nothing, ever"-Senna
>Nanamo "somehow a child despite being an adult" Ul Namo
>Lyse "literally who" Hext
Sharlayan is ruled by a Forum of mostly male nerd elves.
Radz is ruled by a male dragon.
Garlemald is I don't even know what. Do Alphinaud and Alisaie rule it? Pretty fucking sad if so.
I think Doma is ruled by that Lord Whatsis guy we hung out with on the steppes.

Wuk Lamat is high tier as far as female leaders in this setting go, maybe because she's smart enough to appoint a man co-ruler.
yeah i'm not clicking that link man
>proves herself competent
the WoL is the only reason she wins
WoL should be the ruler just based on their actions
honestly I really liked her character until they dropped the ball with the final trial; it was very interesting to watch her progress through the developments, but the final trial completely undid that and it basically ruined her character
she's tragic for sure but they really fucked it up
you don't watch enough kung fu movies if you don't recognize it
>Radz is ruled by a male dragon.
Uh oh, someone forgot their lore already!
These posters have one head
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why does he hate red mage so badly
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Explain the "A"
Anal sex with Lyse until we're both utterly exhausted and can do nothing but moan and pants and kiss.
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fun fact: athena did absolutely nothing wrong!
you're probably right, i don't know that scene very well
"This feature is down for the time being due to congestion" Or something
Built for Dove soap commercials
the next enemy you aggro will have a B next to it

figure it out
>radz is ruled by a male dragon
No, yes, but no
yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap
>yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap

it's like a solid hour of yapping after the train cutscene starts.
What was the reception like for the Endwalker and Shadowbringer raid plot? I've never done things when they're relevant because I'm usually working a lot and return too late.
carry over from 1.0, unironically
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I am a femlala
who likes being called cute
and will (probably) give you nothing in return
Oh you might have to just keep spamming it, or try waiting for a time you think the queue would be low
What shield?
The Cornservant questline is the highlight of the expansion.
>crying about /pol/ because some people don't like a character in FFXIV
Imagine what Gaia's crotch lips look like.
Athena decided to be a woman when her aether formed
She absolutely did something wrong
you're not subtle
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>In the following expansion, you will be playing as Wuk Lamat!
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I don't use a shield
thats how the expansion started too. like when you start Dawntrail you have a solide 45 MINUTES of cutscenes and then another hour or two of non-combat slop.

wtf was yoshi thinking?
are you a furry?
It's weird how some shoes look better than Bibo and some still look how they used to be. But at least I'll never need to install that piece of shit mod again.
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>Cutscene with fight
>Just instant die
>Click very easy
>Save myself 20minutes
Fuck you Yoshi I'm not going to respect the content
This isn't what Jesus wants for you anonymous.
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are you still f+?
like rotten subway
Sphene's deal is undercut not by being similar to Ascians but because she has to be a grade-A retard clutching the antagonist ball for dear life to be any sort of threat. The "fake" persona where she was opposed to Zoraal Ja's warmongering made actual sense, but once she isn't committed to some moron's vengeance quest anymore, she now has an entire undestroyed and fairly scientifically advanced (Sharlayan exists) planet next door which can easily power her stupid brain uploads, but the writers make her go LA LA LA NOT LISTENING any time someone starts a sentence pointing this out
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>I know everything is kinda shit
>but here, have some hot chocolate
based af
this but whenever they make me play an NPC
yeah i have no idea

i dont even mind dialogue. previous MSQ have been cheesy or a little melodramatic sure but for what it is, it was enjoyable.

im unironically going to sleep early because this is boring me to dozing off.
>Level 94 solo duty
Hate these.
People were hyped during Shadowbringers because we didn't know at the time we'd get significantly less content than the expac just before it. It was only after we had a year of literally nothing to do that opinions soured on it. A lot of that carried into Endwalker with expectations of more, the MSQ felt a bit rushed but was pretty well recieved but opinions were mostly disappointing by the content to follow and the absolute slog of post-msq REALLY ramped up the shitposting.
respect is earned; not given. and nothing about dawntrail 7.0 is worthy of any respect in the slightest.
honestly stormblood was better. Lyse was a much better character than Wuk.
Both were received pretty well, Eden in particular had tons of positive memes in the community.
I always liked her desu
im begging i need to make new friends here
I was about to shit on you for being a modbeast until I realized that's actually 100% vanilla including the new gear. I hope you never install mods again because this can't be topped.
Oh shit did they make it so the chocobo leans into a turn a little bit as you ride it? Is that new or have i just not ridden a chocobo in so long
>le dragons are genderless
Kill yourselves trannies, Vrtra is a man (male).
This fag doesn't appreciate a well endowed cunt.
good morning sirs where are the dawntrial target dummy?
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guys i really like otis even in zone 6
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raising 6 shitters in an ally raid is enough for SE to believe that rdm has to be permanently terrible
Girls don't have woobers and that is a fact!
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>Zoraal Ja gets to tap this
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>Lyse was a much better character than Wuk.
What a horrible opinion
They added banking for all the mounts basically. Some are more prominent than others.
hot cocoa makes everything better :)
I wasn't even thinking that way, for the most part doesn't Vrtra stay out of the running of the city?
Give me details on Astro now. Is it good? Worth swapping back to it from White Mage?
Guys I feel bad about skipping through all of DT MSQ
I think I am going to redo it
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do malera really
it's peak contrarianism
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>Wuk Lamat
If we get one more insufferable female I'm fucking done with this game.
Zero was always cool. The autistic shut-in with a noble cause is a great hook. To be honest the main reason I hate Wuk is because Se CHOSE to have Wuk be represented by some disgusting tranny demon.
If SE let Wuk get VA'd by a cute tomboy then none of this would be a problem, but she's not, so its a major problem for me.
>already got a bingo on my card and I'm not even halfway through the MSQ
This is just shit.
*kneels out of respect*
*also pisses a little bit out of fear*
you have brain damage (furry)
he used to be hands off and delegate to satraps but during endwalker he assumed direct control and is still in direct control
>get to the desert area
>no wuk lamat
oh my god what a fucking releif. will things finally get good again? how long am I free of that fucking animal?
Lyse glazers are some of the most deranged people in this community and that is saying something.
Does the game disable your "shield" abilities if you don't have one? I'm assuming no, but would be sovl if there was a check for that.
Astro is identical to how it was last expac except cards are somehow even MORE annoying to use and take MORE hotbar space. I don't know how SE managed to pull that off but they are absolute idiot savants.
Fun for big pulls
Way worse for everything else
Not worth the swap
Post your character
>hi-tech WAR
>ungabunga GNB
>evil knight PLD
>good knight DRK
should i go through
Zero is pretty.
Wuk is furry.
I fucking hate having to fit 3 separate keybinds for cards and learn what they do
>crafters and gatherers all finished
>2 combat classes lvl 100
>both extremes cleared
i love good dialogue, but we didn't even have a dialogue. It was just Scions & Frens YAPPING nonstop without our input for nearly an hour.
I thought I was getting punked and then we reached the Main City and it didn't stop.
Yes actually, shield bash I know specifically turns off if you take off a shield, but the rest probably don't.
I will never open a spoilered image again.
hahaha.. you have the zone and it's probably the shortest of them all
Evil knight PLDs are rare
Ignoring all the people who play with non-english voices so that your flimsy argument can make sense again, are we?
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>compliance implants on everyone
>everyone happy
Is this Psycho-Pass?
just shield bash i think but yes.
in 1.0 shield was its own class, this might be a relic of that
You aren't the first. Not even the first malera to do this.
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Holy kino
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over/under on this being a restoration kinda thing? maybe a tri- err, society?
>draw, redraw, play, and astrodyne
>become play 1-3 and astral draw
where is the extra hotbar space?
You know you can use Emperor's New Shield as glam... right?
>uuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh u dum and wrong
mind explaining? how is Wuk a good character? I want to see you justify your position. What has Wuk done thats made you go "wow, this is such a great compelling character that im really invested in" go on, tell me exactly which scene and line.
If you cant do that, then can you at least give me the bulletpoints?
Are malera the most based beings on this planet?
proof though?..
they're basically the same character except lyse doesn't get shoved down your throat the entire expansion and isn't the complete main character while you get side lined, both are completely useless do nothing characters that undeservingly get credit for everything unearned despite that

I would take lyse over wuk lamat 10 out of 10 times I don't want to see either fucking character on my screen and lyse learns to leave my fucking screen, she's also an actually established character that has at least earned a place in the story, this dogshit furry got introduced the last patch before the expansion with no build up and gets no character development at any point from then til the end of the expansion
you're supposed to skim
This was my initial comment on DT story.
It's not the writer's fault it's like this, it's the director's. It's YoshiP's fault.
He dictates that nothing happens until level 87.
He dictates you split into 2 zones at 90, then do a level 91 dungeon, then a level 93, 95, etc.
He dictate that it's such and such length and paced the way it is.
The writers could for sure have written a more open ended island vacation expac where you could do 3 different dungeons in a different order to start with, but YoshiP says no.

The writing is the best it's been given those constraints. It's the constraints which dictate all this filler. And it's hard to blame the writers for not always having their heart in it when YoshiP says nothing can really happen at level 91, and then they need to write 5 more hours of filler before nothing else happens, then 5 more hours of filler before nothing else happens, then 5 more hours before finally something happens.
Vrtra is not biologically male but he's male-presenting, his self-designed avatars are male, and his pronouns are he/him. He's for all intents and purposes male by any perception of any of his subjects.
Also the Satrap is(was) unambiguously male too.

Retarded brownoid however
no, because I always liked her
the community should apologize though
I demand a failed male catboy/male viera EB for my malezen.

I promise to degrade you racially and sexually and then cuddle you afterwards so you feel conflicted and confused and stay with me even though I abuse you.
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is there a way to get umbral hearts while in fire??
honestly? I like wuk lamat. shes...wait.. why am I.. why am I turning brown?? bros???
Garlemald fucking sucks
>lyse doesn't get shoved down your throat the entire expansion and isn't the complete main character while you get side lined
tales of adventure buyer spotted
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my moonie just died using this and a clone has taken her place
Huh, neat, I did forget about the dragon lore. Thanks for the insight, anon.
The Endless need life force, souls, not aether like Voidsent to sustain themselves. There is nothing Sharlayans could do in that regard.
Too bad they did fuckall with that hook, huh?
we've been gone for like a month, due to time dilation in norvrandt these two should be in their 60's
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>he thinks a few zones worth of worldbuilding at the start of a new storyline negates this kino
you're all dumb
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Guys the DT msq is super exciting SNNNNGHHKKKKHHH
Pureblooded Anglo-Saxon here, Vrtra is a man, and you will never be a woman.
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I have a confession to make... msq got so boring i had to stop and jerk off... I was in the middle of a stream... They thought it was a pee break... God I feel shameful.
I might skim here and there but I need to go through this one properly
I am missing out
What? Lyse stole the spotlight in every scene she was in.
How many pel, in the thousands column, are you worth, xivg?
Malera are the only players who grow from suffering.
I haven't even unlocked the first dungeon yet...
the story's kinda lame and boring and I've just been leveling a bunch of classes, crafting, gathering, doing the fates of the first 2 zones...........
and I'm having fun and making lots of gil
but wish I had a cute EB to share these good times with and spoil....
Wuk is a good character as long as you keep her in the narrow category of "dumbfuck overconfident tomboy that does cute things sometimes"
Wuk as a character fell apart when they tried to take her super serious. You can't make a comic-relief character and then expect the audience to treat them with brevity
>Pureblooded Anglo-Saxon here
>t. Pravindesh Kumar Rahoongi
The way this expansion has been going I wouldn't be surprised if they just fucking abandon that zone entirely and have Wuk Lamat take a shit on the remnants while complaining about how spicy that taco was.
1, if that :(
stop posting my moonie
about tree fiddy
pedotroon detected, LB candidate ignored
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I'd breed Wuk Lamats boy pussy.

But zhe can't voice act to save zher life. It's a simple fact. It's a diversity hire by the pink haired SJW, nothing more.
I hate that we're still sticking to that exact script I hate it
Even EW, the xpac that was touted to be the end, wasn't allowed to go off rails.
We have huge swath of time and actual story in Elpis, but then the blueprint says we need a dungeon at this exact moment and instead of saying "fuck, why are we sticking to HW's story pacing, it's a completely different story" we just highspeed rush shit happening so a dungeon happens. Then the fate of the entire world is decided in like a 4 minute cutscene followed by tons of filler that could have been used for story instead, because we HAVE to go to the next area WE JUST HAVE TO OKAY
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dont look..
I've been playing this game longer than you

you get breaks from lyse in stormblood

lyse doesn't force her way into the last trial and make it about her

you get one filler segment break from wuk lamat and it's the best part of dt msq for it

the point being she wasn't in every single scene
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but the tranny voice actor
I will bear the unholy blade.....
honestly wish the level 100 skill was like a complete twist and was an evil/dark spell... maybe like a spell followup to goring blade, or a replacement entirely
now i know why your girl left you
i don't even make it out of the tens column...
You're having me whether you pay or not. You can't deny me. You can't get rid of me. I'll be around every corner. In every window. In every nightmare...
Sex is penis and vagina. If he has a penis, he's a man, if he has a vagina, she's a woman, if it has neither, it's some fucked up monster that should only be referred to as "it".
How do you go about leveling DoH/L to 100 now?
What do you mean? They accomplished exactly what a HOOK is supposed to do. You've been lured into the story.
The post-endwalker MSQ was way better than whatever the fuck Dawntrail was supposed to be.

I thought Dawntrail was going to be the Merycidia expansion, but fuck that i guess. I guess fantasy mexican NEETS are more important than dragons or demons
>The library of alexandria
Nobody tell her it's been burned down
what were they thinking making the paintings have a cast time in combat? picto feels way too slow
uh, wtf is that glam? Your color choices are awlful.
I have sex with your mother.
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I refuse to say bros or sisters
I'm also 500% less pedo-coded/likely to troon out than you :(
Did Wuk Lamat redeem Warriors?
Vrtra has neither.
having a second and third play button means keeping that button near your other two (play/minor), whereas astrodyne could be left on a less frequently used/less important button, and redraw was mostly "if you really needed it/gave a shit" depending on luck and thus didn't need to be near your other plays.

This also fucks up Play macros where you put a hotbar next to your party list and you can just click the button next to the party member and instantly play to that slot without having to change targets. Now you need 3 hotbars to do the same thing stretching way the fuck out in width from the original set.

Or perhaps i'm just the autist here.
Nvm, this wasn't so bad. I was expecting it to drag on like the shit we saw in previous expansions.
>mixed reviews, negative reviews catching up
Has any other expansion packs ever been rated this bad? Even Stormblood remained mostly positive.
gang this dt story is boring as fucj and im barely at level 91 can i start skipping
undyed sch af gear??????????????
are you stupid on purpose
Ahhh holy fucking sex
Finally FF14 is healing, Jesus Christ superstar
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yeah I guess (it was a massacre)
sowwy bwo DON'T OPEN THIS ONE TOO OK i'm sowy
>Sex is penis and vagina
>in a discussion about a race that has neither
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Nice puff bitch *slaps* boioioioioing
you don't actually and unironically speak like this do you?
zoomer detected, opinion disregarded
I'm really horny and pent
got any lewds to share that I can make use of?
>play macros
You're the autist
Make the play macro a mouseover and hover the target
Dye it diaperfag those colors don't work with your lala at all.
opposite. in fact Troon Leman is the reason I just payskipped warrior and played viper instead. I wanted to do warrior this expansion until tranny opened his mouth
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>"Other blessed siblings have fallen before... Molaa Ja Ja of the Silverscales travelled across the salt in search of conquest, only to be overcome..."
haha thats crazy i wonder who did that... ha... ha........

>can't even read a single sentence until the end
>What has Wuk done thats made you go "wow, this is such a great compelling character that im really invested in"
I don't like Wuk, but she's not worse than Lyse. Thinking that Wuk is worse than Lyse is the completely wrong opinion to have, the ultimate contrarian

You did exactly the same Wuk shit as you did with Lyse, except Lyse came out of literal nowhere and she stole Raubahn's exact backstory and character arc. And then at the end of the expansion, they gave Raubahn a resolution as if he had completed the character arc, when in reality it was Lyse. Her being a ruler for Ala Mhigo makes no fucking sense at all, but Raubahn being its ruler does make sense. Lyse is infinitely worse than Wuk because she has all the same problems as Wuk, but Wuk is working through those problems and growing, while Lyse is just girlbossing through it, and to top it all off, she usurped Raubahn's entire preestablished character. He spent 3 expansions talking about Ala Mhigo and he got his arm chopped off, but does he get to do the Ala Mhigo shit? No, Yda gets turned into Lyse, they retcon that Lyse's backstory is Ala Mhigo, and they have her steal Raubahn's entire redemption arc

Lyse is the fucking worst, dude
I hate mouseover actions...
The first 2 areas really suck, but I think it starts getting a bit better after that.
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You see, in order to get an alpaca we need to trade this wool, for a poncho, then trade the poncho for a hatchet. If you simply follow the Great Material Continuum. We will receive everything our hearts desire.
I loved that look we gave for that line like "Oh, uh, hmm"
I'd really like to just let writers be in charge and yoship and gameplay directors forced to adapt the gameplay to the writing. I don't think people, even in their position, value how difficult writing is and how much harder these constraints make it.

They could have given us 3 level 91 dungeons, and just made it so doing a lower level dungeon gives bonus exp similar to leveling roulette. So no 93 and 95 dungeon, but when you do any of the three 91 dungeons at 95 you get an extra 1,000,000 exp or whatever. Just let us explore the areas as we wish, in the order we wish, and it would have felt sooooooo much better.

I haven't made anything new for like 3 weeks.
Is that edited at all? i dont recall any mods looking like that
not only a cast time, a super fucking long cast time where even if you use swiftcast you still have to wait for the long ass recast time before you can do another action
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i looked now what
>responds to original post in brainrot fag speak
>accuses me of being a zoomer when I retard my language to match his
you're probably younger than me....
Holy shit that pussy looks ripe for the taking
I LOVE shared fates *coughs blood and dies*

I just want the stupid new umbrella
>Thinking that Wuk is worse than Lyse is the completely wrong opinion to have, the ultimate contrarian
and yet after multiple posts of seething you cant explain WHY.
How is Lyse worse than Wuk? explain.
We have a lot of WoW grifters now, and we're not currently riding a hype train.
>The post-endwalker MSQ was way better than whatever the fuck Dawntrail was supposed to be.
I think the DT MSQ was pretty fucking shit but no. The whole Golbez arc was unbelievably bad and has actually ruined dragons in this game for me.
Bartering? Where's the profit in that?!
>my caster has.... LE CAST TIMES?!?!?
seriously what the fuck do you want
some of those potencies are stupidly strong too
>skipped ew originally
>loved shb but was just feeling a little burned out
>now I get to play ew and dt as a viper
>just finished the post shb msq
What am I in for
500 people don't matter either way
>Alisaie: It doesn't matter if Wuk Lamat's scared of alpacas or gets sick on boats. It doesn't change who she is or what she means to people.
This line pisses me off. It DOES matter that a would-be leader is cowardly or weak, but more importantly, why the fuck does she mean so much to so many people? She's adopted royalty in a time of enduring peace, why should anyone care who she is?
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Why would you sell dye for that cheap? It'll be almost 1mil in a month.
Val’s soles
Interesting, so I guess you weren't a WoW healer at any point in your career then. I can see why setting your bars up the way you did would make it easy, though, and it's something I never considered. I think if I go AST I'll do mouseovers myself and put the play button on my thumb buttton on my mouse so that I can just hover it in the party list and not have to worry about it
endwalker main MSQ is good, the patches are mid, Dawntrail is skippable.
Read my post you stupid fucking shitposter
It's dogshit, just quit at ShB
I thought EW had a better story than ShB. A perfect conclusion to the entire story. Lots of twists.
Is Dawntrail the Joe Biden of FFXIV?
>I haven't made anything new for like 3 weeks.
got a twitter or gallery somewhere? I don't have your pics saved.
You're in my top 3 for the xivg sluts, fyi. you deserve to get fucked proper
Silence woman, or else I'll try to become a decent person and marry you by proving to be a level headed individual who respects you yet tries consistently to make life exciting and engaging.
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Tasteful, ambitious.
Why are miqote and middies that larp as foxes always extremely mentally ill
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I have to do the role quests to do that and I'm more focused on leveling pct, I think it looks fine

wuk lamat does not grow she is a naive child who's only personality trait is "I love my people and I want peace" that never changes at any point she's inept and obnoxious and gets way too much screentime, I don't care if lyse was a worse character when she was on the screen, she was on the screen way less which makes me infinitely more tolerant of her
I mean, personally I don't like the expansion myself and this is coming from someone that been playing since 1.0

Feels like they lead directors for short while or something?
Maybe because Yoshi'p was working on FF16 while this was being put together.
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if wuk was hot, no one would care, wuk ugly, hroth ugly, furries...ugly!
Don't show this to June.
i'm late in hearing the tullioyal music for the first time but it sure has put a smile on my face
that doesn't happen often enough nowadays
>ooki himaa
does world travel work?
Now that I think about it... yeah, you're actually right. I know that there were vocal songs but I can't remember a single one, wow.
Lyse was hot and people still cared
>"I love my people and I want peace"
how do you account for her whole speech about "i want peace but sometimes you need to kill someone"
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The miscegenation will continue
Where is the new clique hangout location?
>I don't care if lyse was a worse character
I accept your concession.
Do i have permission to skip non-voiced cutscenes? I hate them so much. I’m not playing a game to read a book.
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Anon what do you have in that computer of yours this isnt about eepy joe
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>if wuk was hot
post more or else
its not only this, but the ENG VA is literally a Man. Replace the Man with a Tomboy in 7.1 and I will love Wuk again.
Until then I'll just play Jp audio and have an ambivalent opinion on her
I just stockpiled all the venture coffer ones I had gotten so I'm not out anything. I don't think it will be, it was 700k before the expac came out and it was down all the way to 390k today
self-hating trannypost
I dont like this game anymore.
It's because World of Warcraft. Yep, that's right, it was WoW. Yup.

Good morning saar, play any WoW today Pajeet? Poo in loo!
yda was hot
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MSQ completion screenshot! I loved the last area very much, This msq has left me really satisfied overall, can't wait to level all my jobs to max level and all the content the expansion still has to deliver, overall I'd rate it just as good as Endwalker MSQ. but worse than Shadowbringers of course.
What gear is the best for the ex trials? Since there's no crafted gear yet
Development of all aspects of this game is extremely formulaic - so much so that you can know exactly the kind of content you will get in patches for whole expac with exceptions of odd experimental additions like pvp rework or island sanctuary etc.
Ack Lemao is the worst character in the entire FF franchise bar none.
It looks really bad. Like I already think your lala is disgusting and I feel unwell whenever I see it (it gives off vibes of being abused) but this is just making it even worse.
I tried WoW once back in vanilla like 15 years ago or so because a friend begged me to and uninstalled it after a month because it was too dog ass ugly and boring, and I went back to playing Ragnarok Online instead.

I don't actualy use the play button macro but I saw it on another AST's screenshot and thought it was a cool idea. Right now I have to have my play hotkeys right next to eachother though and one of them has taken up the spot where Divination used to be and its annoying as hell. Doesn't help that the remaining 2 cards are borderline worthless and you clip so much fucking more trying to actually use all your cards that it'd be more beneficial to just ignore them.
Unless a person is japanese, anyone who has an interest in any kind of fox is just mentally ill in one way or another.

Owning foxes as a pet? You have to have something wrong with you to ignore the smell.
Wanting to be a fox? A furry.
Interest in kitsune but you're not japanese? A weeb
Sphene is cute.
People said this about Lightning too.
Many people myself included have gooned to Lyse yet people can't decide which is worse as a character, her or wuk.
>look to see what this is
>its a mid modded cat
I want my bandwith back from all of you

You are good you dont have to give me anything >>484194350
>Where is the new clique hangout location?
(You) weren't invited for a reason
Mating press with handholding
are you a grown ass man?
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Sphene is a whore.
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>Their titanic battle with Valigarmanda raged for ten days and ten nights.
Is thing this a FF XI notorious monster?
the torn leggings were some mod by noff i think but the rest was edited a bit to get rid of all the AA and pixel smushing
The goblins in dawntrail are so souless
>Indian trying act american
Don't you have a business scam to handle while playing PSO2?
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Theres any way to mute mount OST and let the OST of the map play instead?
>diaper lala cliqueshitter
>unironically likes the story
So is this how the next three years are going to be?
I'm not a furfag. I'm not. I just like Femroth.
>hating on my wife Fang’s wife Claire
nope, VI
unironically seeing feds in my city this is a warning
This expansion would be 10/10 if Wuk and Sphene swapped places.
Lightning at least had some edge. Wuk is just a Mary Sue that everyone loves and if you dont like her you get banned. YOU VILL LUV ZE TRANNY CAT
>overall I'd rate it just as good as Endwalker MSQ
I don't even hate the DT MSQ but you're out of your fucking mind.
straight jorking my peanits to this orange cat
yes that would make her a little more tolerable. and if her VA wasn't ass
Ack is way worse
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Sure, I'm taking a few pics rn anyway
I'd rather have two Sphenes instead




Should've just been a new race, not a goblin reskin. Make them some teapot mice or something
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WTF When did Roes start looking more like Humans than Ogres?
FF6 primal/esper (was localized as "Tritoch" originally)
No i mean the actual vulva
seems shopped/ai
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maybe 1 pel at least...
Save my pics then wtf.
It will annoy people if I repost them too much.
I don't have a twitter or gallery, no. There's one I haven't posted cause it was quick and boring. https://files.catbox.moe/nkr6jd.png
>you deserve to get fucked proper
I generally do the fucking...

Formuliac was literally the first thing I said the day of launch, yeah...
But that formula is dictated by the director and not the writers. I think what the writers are doing within the constraints is good and it's the constraints that's the issue.
Shadowbrigners was a great 3 hour long story that was stretched into 50 hours.

I think the formula is fine for things like ilvl adjustments each patch. It's not fine for the MSQ.

I don't think it's going to change unless someone scolds YoshiP in public over it and calls him a coward for repeating the same thing over and over. I think he's just sticking to what he thinks works when it really doesn't and it's not why the game is successful.
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Why can't middies look like this? I would EB one immediately.
I liked her bulge
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goo d because i dont have anything
>city gets slaughtered
>speech to the city afterwards is the literal same exact copy pasted PEACE. TURAL FOREVER! response from random bakers who just got their shit rocked by power rangers.

I don't mind a positive message but i think the one thing that gets me is that it doesnt seem like any obstacle is treated with any gravitas from wuk lmao down to random street urchins saying they're not afraid of star destroyers over their aztec city. nothing means anything at all.
>legacy modbeast
>because it's old it's now somehow new so we like it even more
When they sculpted that custom face and hair for this one guy.
She's not even the worst character in XIV. The worst character(s) in XIV are either the twins or Lyse. Wuk is not a good character, but she's kinda cute if you play with JP voices. There is nothing that can save Lyse or the twins.
Stop fucking killing my gathering margins.
How many aether currents can I get in the first two zones before needing to come back?
i haven't been active in here for years i doubt anyone remembers me
Please bite me repeatedly until I bled and ask you to stop but don't and thanks anon the pics are appreciated
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A cretur
No, you wouldn't. Stupid wallflower.
Important story NPC privilege. Not the first or last time NPCs are allowed to have facial features players don't have access to.
The real Gil is in the materia dummy
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>xivg is full of unironic chasers
>the tranny VA is somehow bad to them
''Missed'' a lot of Dawntrail OST while listeningg to basic mount chocobo music...
welcome to leftism. nothing means anyting so everything means the same.
turns out Endsinger and Nihilism won.
around half, only the ones in the intro area just like in every other expansion
That's literally just a female viera face frankensteined onto her.
You know, like how Zero has a male viera face (and body) stapled to her.

Go look, it's uncanny as fuck once you realize where it came from.
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Pretty good taste
I'm not in any cliques bro.
I try to be very objective when it comes to msq quality, truth is even though I think DT's MSQ is just as good as Endwalker's I like Endwalker's a lot more, however the writing in DT was good, even though Wuk Lamat was a bit grating at first her character grew throughout the story and unlike Lyse I can somewhat like her in certain situations, so yes DT's story is good.
but Wuk is a nationalist
Don't forget the uplifting music playing while you can see a child crying over the smoldering remains of his mother like a few minutes prior.

Oh sorry, what I meant to say is I'm brown, /pol/, yadda yadda.
how do i farm it
Didn't we agree that Ndja was the only one who actually hated Wuk's VA?
I was thinking it was a reference to AV too
but it's probably just a random number they threw out
Is Sphene sexier than Ryne?
The only difference between her and the average fiddie is the eyes: big, rounded, and with large iris, giving off a moe vibe.
QUESTION: are there any thick leather gloves just as big as (or bigger than) the Anemos gloves, but without the design? I just want plain, thick, big leather gloves that I can transmog as a Viper.
>he thinks these men like trannies
anon, xivg is prison gay central. the sooner you realize this the better off you will be.
I love trannies, but I HATE froths
I like being relatively nameless in this expansion. It's nice to do quests and not have every NPC go "HOLY MOLY *GULP* IS THAT T-T-T-T-THE WARRIOR OF LIGHT?! *EYES POP OUT OF SKULL*"
Like half but you get back there WAY sooner than you did in kholusia, laby, etc
Specifically after the first dungeon
and the viera nose
and viera fetal alcohol forehead
I am
A Frotgar
On Dynamis
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>she's got shoes on
She can't be the big bad
im pretty sure the noff leggings used tnf or eve as a base so it looks different from bibo, i didnt redraw it
god she's so cute bros
so then why cant we do that?

because Asian autism? why can't any race have any face? most faces look ugly anyways
A new expansion released and mods are dead, so this is not the tranny den it usually is. You are getting a mix of real opinions right now, rather than a discord cultivated clique-approved safe space
same but it's called a pubic mound
Amateur's Smithing Gloves
it's not character growth to see there's no peace to be made with a cold hearted killer that will go through any means to get their end goal

you're actually such a tranny

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You guys have families like this........?
I gotta sleep and can't rape anymore
>we will never have those shoes + leggings
tuck me in
let me die
>I try to be very objective
>I think DT's MSQ is just as good as Endwalker's
Of course it's a lalafell avatarfag too.
>zones finally have secret flying-only areas again for the first time since ShB
Looking good.
my beloved..
Infinite Rape.
Hitting timed nodes repeatedly with level 100 gear
Can variant dungeons be soloed?
but I don't wanna kill Sphene
farm stuff brownoids can't farm if you want to make any decent gil
there's lvl 100 gathering gear?
Sphene outfit in mogstation when?
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>we just posting spoilers now
a lot of people ITT don't which is why they are the way they are
>wanna be lizard guy
>go malera
>but also want to be american
>have to be cat, big cat, or groomer bunny
>giant literal lizardpeople unplayable
Fuck's sake Square I'd play them even if I never got to wear headgear
What exactly was the point of the Moblin village part of the story?
cute trannies are cute
most of them have really weird voices and they should just look cute and suck dick without talking
>you're actually such a tranny
I accept your continued concession.
share a lewd
she's a scaleless blub, look at the eyes and face shape, they did the same with a stormblood NPC
me when I play black mage and don't die
Why are you here if you give even a remote shit about spoilers, you cannot trust these people
I zone out while listening to my mom emotionally dump on me and just agree to whatever it is that's bothering her because after two and a half decades of it I'm a little dead inside. :)
I have thought about completely disassociating from my family. Fino fanta 14
would u bang maya be honest chat
>farm stuff brownoids
Brownoids can farm everything.
>"muh brownoids
back to /pol/ /uhg/ies
its been that way since the patch was downloadable
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Quickest way to level a Gatherer to 100?
that's just because they do it to someone else in your party instead. Seriously, they have no idea how to do it without that trope.
giving WoL a chance to actually do something
>however the writing in DT was good
Yeah, I really loved the constant inappropriate changes in tone and the soulless attempt at recreating another Amaurot moment.
I would agree if it wasn't "HOLY MOLY *GULP* IS THAT W-W-W-WUK LAMAT?! *EYES POP OUT OF SKULL*" instead.
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xer voice is fucking shit
I already did
hit tree
hit rock
hit fish

Wuk Lamat, more like useless stupid cunt.
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>watched a lightning rod actually get hit during the lightning storm
Alright that's a nice little detail
Paladin still has too many buttons bros...
brownoids are gonna be brown
this but ironically
not a bad look, anon
I refuse to believe there is someone whose pc is so shit they have to run it at THAT resolution willingly just to play
That's simply how the weak-minded force themselves to capitulate with the concept that there exists those who can separate reality from fantasy, while you get fooled by reality TV.
They're trying to make you feel all sad and guilty in the last zone but they're all basically just ghosts. Clones with memories. They're not even real people, just like the things in Amaurot.
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>[seething about videogame characters being positive]
the brownoid is mad LMFAO
>relatively nameless

im convinced now that SE sent shills here that dont even play XIV
The gathering quests and leves between them.
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I mean if you're game, so am I
Glad to provide pics Anon
Zodiark, Light
>it doesnt count... because i said so!
lmao yeah but at least it isn't me.
Yes, we know. Which is why the finale is even more retarded the more you think about it.
>He wasted his precious data thanks to my urging
All of those replies (including your own post) are me btw
the leggings are so fucking pretty bro, I need them for my fiddie
>kicked from the miera cwls
no wait guys please i was gonna fanta back
I don't like how much the pictomancer leylines takes up the arena even with reduce visuals on party. Why do I need to know they got that shit up
tip of the bell curve iq take
do the timed gatherer collectable nodes
so you can bait spread markers on them
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>91 dungeon gear is recoloured Paglthan gear
oh cool does that mean it's gear swapped so I can wear the casting set on-
>no lol
Nothing can help you, anon.
PLD is the easiest tank to play.
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Based American Texan Gay Catguy
Can we get a HEEHAW for this guy? HEEHAW
>and the soulless attempt at recreating another Amaurot moment.
Don't forget about Talos moment, but with trains.
mhmm now start posting drone gore (tural style)

>y-y-y-y-y--your'e lke dumb and stuff
you faggots ruin the story more than actual spoilerfags.
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The only happens like twice most people just think you're really strong. That's why I prefaced it with relatively.
leves + normal gathering
because it buffs you
ITT: faggots
I'm leaving so I'll be gone by the time you faggots read this
also you have AIDS
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Good one
AIDS is a nothingburger now
What is a human being if not a bundle of memories?
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I kind of want to level my DOH/DOL to 60 after I finished HW's patch MSQ, shit's been awesome for the most part, but I feel like I'll just drag out the story and I'll eventually lose interest if I consume too much story at one time.
with the skyraider headpiece
>only happens twice
why the fuck are you trying to lie to me? half of the fucking quests in the first two zones are just WOL-worship slop

why do you retards assume nobody has actually played the fucking game you try to shill for? you make me want to kill you.
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just hit my first level 100 bros
It's like AST bubble, just the cast gives the buff. You don't need to stay within it, only the picto does. Thus it's useless for allies to have it take up the entire arena visually
You think you are smart but there is one character that constantly keeps reminding you every time you go shut down a memory terminal.
The voice itself was fine, delivery was bad, especially during some of the more emotional parts. Nailed it in the Bakool Ja Ja fight but other than that definitly lacking
We are having fun with the expansion so far. I just need to chew through one more day of work and then ill have the rest of the week off to enjoy the game. I just finished the Hanu quests and are working on the Pelu now.
>they're not real people
This is like saying the spirits in the Aitiascope aren't real people. They're souls that cannot return to the aetherial sea, bound to the world of the living. They're basically in purgatory, a world of constant unchange. You are fucking retarded.
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a-all cops are bastards means.... even him... sisters....
>grrr im gonna do a heckin violence!!!
simmer down retard
>I hope you never install mods again
Still leagues better than the situation of that one guy here who cranks down the dynamic resolution to the point his game turns into crusty pixels.
I'm surprised I never see anyone ever wearing the Gaia outfit when it's both a slut outfit and an edgy outfit
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holy moly....
Actually he's based, and he's not an official cop, I don't think? The dawnguard are the order of the land, but he's got enough authority and respect locally to run his own show I guess
>textools in 2024
It's not even dyeable lol
>The voice itself was fine
no it wasn't, why do you think it was fine? wuk sounded like a mexican twink and not a tomboy; which was the intention of her design.

do you think men are women or something? why are you playing goalie for a tranny? do you need to die too?
is anyone else getting barely enough xp from MSQ to level one job? (blue quests and running dungeons once each)
Endbabies dont know what textools is. They've used penumbra all their lives.
they're real people and they need to die anyway
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>Be me
>Maxed height male Black Mage Chad wearing robes
>See Pictroomancer cringe catgirl wearing slutty outfit
>Walk over
>Stand over her so her model is completely covered by mine
>"she" moves again
>I stand over them again
>Happens 3 tiems
>They leave the dungeon
Doing my part for the 41%
>legacy modbeast
hoping we get another wizened martial artist with zero aether or godlike powers but he beats you up for 80% of the expansion by knowing martial arts really good.
>sit in dungeon queue for 16 minutes on viper
>remember I have msq
>remember I have picto at 90 already
Wait a minute, I don't care
textools is fucking great now
can batch update mods to be DT-compatible and doesn't fuck with your actual game files anymore
It's so fucking over for me
I wish I transferred to Coeurl before DT
I'm never going to get to EB my crush Sun Rosa
This didn't happen. Stop being fat.
isn't that how it always is?
the only good thing from the msq is the ff9 references.
shut the fuck up tranny you're gonna kill yourself long before i put my hands on you; which im going to if you dont jump.
literally nobody gives a fuck if a troon dies. you should just kill yourself.
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Awkward sex with the autistic old man hroth
Kys nigger
SR is an alt bro, you probably won't even see em until a bit after raid cycle
If Shadowbringers msq was a 10 and Endwalker's msq was a 9, how would you rate Dawntrail on the scale?
>doesn't fuck with your actual game files anymore
damn that's some pretty big progress
unfortunately i am not going to restart my game every time i mess with something
>it finally does the thing that penumbra has been doing for years
will my friend think im implying something if i craft a choker and trade it to them without a word
Can you install mods WITHOUT restarting the game now??
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The only good reference in this whole expansion was the Salt Vampire reference in the zone with the Giants.
ONLY if you perfectly greet him according to tradition.
So Zanaki, then
no, in EW/SHB I leveled 2 jobs easily
Has its moments, ultimately falls quite flat.
yeah is penumbra running on DT yet bro
a 4chan incel is more likely to rope lmao
Zanaki is gay
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what if we discussed the game peacefully, without cuss words and put downs?
>s-s-s-s-simmer down
lmao tranny cope. you're losing and you WILL have your skull smashed in by the same people you simp for.
>If Shadowbringers msq was a 10 and Endwalker's msq was a 9
I would not consider either of them anywhere near that
shut up and strip
You think this formality fetishist isn't?
I don't like the voice. "WE'LL BE FRIENDS FOOOOOOREEEVER!" Was god awful and I refuse to think people actually believe that sounded like good voice acting.
I hate Dawntrail.

Playing Dawntrail makes me constantly angry.

Anyone saying anything to defend Dawntrail puts me into an absolute seething fury.
i'd put endwalker and shadowbringers both at S tier
heavensward right behind it at A
stormblood and dawntrail at B
ARR at C, if it included UcoB it would probably be at B with stormblood and dawntrail
no but i'm not dropping all my shit for the busted up ass textools like it's 2020
so true
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Join Malboro.
So stop
but you won't
because you can't

I'm an ausfag, swear words are filler, not insults
>muh incel
lmao go to bed Wuk, you have a rough day of dilating tomorrow; alphi cant help you with that.
why does erenville the american rabbitman from the wild west have an icelandic accent
I'm going to be honest bros, this Sphene stuff is too Marvel for me
I just want to coom to akemi in peace.
Do you happen to like +'s?
when your the MT 8)
>expansion where 2 dye channels was one of the "big" things
>reused gear can't be dyed
Does Akemi like anal
god i could go for a rainbow paradise right about now
>the village he was brought up in is more mud hut than wood
>some kind of more native american lifestyle, being part of his race
>spent a lot more time on the other continent growing up potentially
It's a mystery
You WILL put on the Solution Nine Hypno-helmet and you WILL be happy.
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what the fuck does that even mean
because they probably hadn't decided that he is from the wild west until they started writing 6.5 and dawntrail
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>add americans
>no au ra
>Wawlika says fuck it, we're making the train a bomb

based. deep voiced texan hrothgar, well he's based.
cause it's hot
I really don't fucking know. I won a piece when I did it for the MSQ, and I was like "holy shit now I can dye this thing!" and then I tried it on and it's just an uglier color than the original and also you can't dye it. I don't know how this is okay
will my static get mad when I need a 1 minute prepull timer for AST
i'm sorry... that ur gay LOL
reminds me of Athenas "TRREEEMMMBBBBLLLEEEEEE"

XIV has the worst Voice Direction of all time.
american catboys can't stop winning
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Try being white and you'll understand it Javier
>scene with the end part of the llamas and getting the keystone
>not voice acted
we just don't give a shit huh
That hrothgar voice does things to me I never thought could happen
>make girl
>call it boy
everyone likes anal, eventually
i haven't gotten to the wild west zones. are there any voiced niggas with country accents?
my wol moonie girl is actually from the wild west who travelled to uldah in a crate
she is canonically american
So what do you call this, a Royal Flush? Assembling Exodia? Yahtzee?
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I am sorry my man, but maybe you could be satisfied with one of the following options instead:
yes. you better hope they fix that on AST before the tier because nobody is gonna respect a 1min pull timer every pull
raping this slut
i like him
Viper status?
>didn't capitalize White
SHALOM MOSHE, were you paid 5 pels in the thousands column for this comment?
Fuck that I wanna be American, or at least African American but nooo we can't play as Mamool Ja, can't have shit
>how to get your general thread deleted.jpg
This but unironically
I'm not posting in that obese thread.
I dont have it on hand but pretend I posted that webm of the guy from the Simpsons.
On the left he's shaking his head no, on the right he's nodding. It says "There's 'trannies', and then there's 'trannies'," and it's the standard American golem on the left and hot ones on the right
End of the thread
so no one will know
I'm going to have so much fun posing a certain middie with my fiddie as soon as the tools become available
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Okay yeah so she's going to go full "I do this because I love my people" and genocide anyone that isn't her people
Which makes sense because fucknuts the lizard doesn't care about HER people, which is why she wants us to deal with him
Meant for >>484196865
I don't wanna be a groomer bunny but fuck I want to be proud of what little heritage I've got represented in this game
How am I still at level 93? I have been playing for sooo long. Why does this drag on for so long?
it's because there's no combat at all or dungeons or instances or anything in like the first 5 hours
because its a poorly paced boring visual novel.
It's a conservative/republican thing, they outwardly hate trans people but then that's almost exclusively what they jerk off to, it makes no sense at all but you can't argue with the extremely obvious pattern

Kind of like how they also go on and on and on about drag queens being groomers or pedos but you can scarcely even find five cases of that, meanwhile you look for conservatives/republicans who have actually been documented with evidence of grooming or molesting children and you literally can't find the bottom of that rabbit hole, it just goes on and on and on

I think Wuk Lamat's doing a pretty good job, she's no better or worse than any other XIV voice actor. The fact that they are hyperfocused on her compared to any other VA as soon as they find out the VA is trans is just yet another manifestation of the bizarre conservative anti-trans derangement.
My malera was actually born and raised in Xal Tural, on the prairies of Shaaloani
He's the new deputy of the Dawnguard, they call him boss
Yes why the fuck wouldn’t there be??? It’s crafted
Kinda fucked they uploaded Erenville's mom to character ai and i have been erping with her
spare a card fir the cardless
it's xak tural you retard
I wanna slap her until she cries and begs for mercy.

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