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Reminder to body cover pictomancers with Maxed out Male Rogaedyn height.

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

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>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484189329
crying from the msq again bwos...

because im bored to tears
where's the afk spot for dynamis...
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im not sure how i got here, i was at the tower of babil
Me on the left
there is none, we're playing the game nigga
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zekowa is so rapeable
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Join Malboro, become ma'bros
The Wolves' Den on Seraph
I hate Dawntrail.

Playing Dawntrail makes me constantly angry.

People defending Dawntrail makes me fly into an absolute seething fury.

No I'm not going to quit, I'm going to continue being publicly angry.
akemi is anal only
Whatever the case may be you better hurry up, Swords of Revealing Light only lasts for 3 turns.
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Do they have a hemipenis
Is it awkward when they have sex/masturbate?
Do you think one of them is gay and the other straight making it even worse?
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play picto
true and real
>play picto
>painting onto the canvas covers your vision and you can't see shit
10/10 design love it
amazing digits
jeez ill probably spend 3 turns just moving...
>xpac literally just came out
>g-guys does anyone wanna afk
Genuinely why are some of you still subbed
me on the rope
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Femhroth sisters, where we at?
el chupachupsa...
one-head mamool ja have a hemipenis, he has 4
BLM stacies we WON
Wrong on all accounts. Their penis has twice the amount of nerve-endings to account for having two brains.
You could make a Ja-Ja cum easily if you isolate both heads.
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Have you ever liked someone who never felt the same way? Maybe finishing the final zone earlier today kind of messed with me somehow.
My Frothgar looks like this
Back in Shadowbringers, my Squadron used to complete missions successfully most of the time

Ever since Endwalker, now my Squadron barely ever successfully completed missions. Even if I have 3/3 stat checks, I can fail. I have gone entire weeks where I have sent my Squadron out every single day, and they have never once been able to complete the mission, despite meeting at least 2/3 of the stat check. What in the fuck happened
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>doing msq in the final zone
>music stops when you clear out the areas
nah i know this is a man because what is that fuckass fit bro
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is she fond of male middies?
I'm sad we can't have more of these two in slutty heels until mods come back
will my friend think im implying something if i craft a choker and trade it to them without a word
A few times. It's a really hard thing to deal with
Theo post.
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2 sets of testicles
yeah me and every woman i ever dated. I really loved them but I wasn't exciting enough for their social media accounts. oh well.
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EU dead so I'm just hanging out till I feel like doing the two expert dungeons
Why are you wearing fetishistic stuff for gachimuchi activities?
cute boy
They're ok
having played several MMOs I can confidently say
alt friendly MMOs where you can only have one job per character are more fun than alt unfriendly MMOs where you can do everything on one character
i think theres one where some condition has to be met or else you cant pass it
>They're ok
Fuck off, bitch. You're ok.
Miqo'te Tomboy or Hrothgar Tomboy?
>finally make a great portrait
>start getting commendations out the ass
feels good
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My fiddie looks and acts exactly like this.
What incredible bait
How remarkably crafted
I cannot HELP but reply to it
because after doing tedious fetch quests for 12 hours i want to relax
>thancred and urianger telling Koana to stop being autistic and show some emotion

was yoship directing this message specifically at me?
does anyone have the golden dawn / crimson dawn framer's kits?
i gotta stop browsing these threads even though you guys put things in spoilers. my ape brain sees the hidden images/text and causes my hand to reveal them reflexively.
In the following duty you will play as a moonie
You have that experience once, learn from it and then avoid getting into it in the future
your fiddie needs my sunnie to tenderize her
wow man thats awesome i feel great for you; so then go play WoW
Every femlala owes me sex
My moonie looks and acts like this
but i do that every duty...
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Every femhroth owes me violent sex
I'm going to take a bath soon, stop reminding me! Just one more dungeon...
this myth was busted already
*nick mullen voice*
In the following duty you will fuck me in the ass
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What do you think of my Turali v
Vacation adventurer plate, /xivg/?
You look like you STINK
yeah, people need to take breaks every so often. doing msq for hours on end is mind-numbing.

if we want an AFK stop, even just temporary one, maybe one of the newer Dynamis servers that have less people? any good isolated spots in Tuliyolall?
You type like you're fat.
Wuk sure didn't give a fuck about her then, for someone muh people she didn't even care for her stand in mom
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if estinien gets turned into an old man and dies im just gonna uninstall and unsub
don't goon too hard or you'll end up like zir.......
based search comment

I've been a Captain for like 4 years now, anon. I never had these issues in Shadowbringers, but my Squadron barely ever seems to complete a mission anymore.
You will play as a girl moonie

a goonie if you will
>Just one more dungeon...
You are truly a... DUNGEON MASTER
How would you fix Dawntrail's Msq?
>if we want an AFK stop, even just temporary one
Log out and take a break
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it was my post wasn't it...
You smell like you farted
I laughed
start something new and ignore it in the future (what they did with 95% of stormblood)
nyo.. please....
Little Alanegro
I think VPR might be my favorite DPS now....
I'm such an easily impressed tool....
Im sorry bros... I think I'm becoming a normalfag....
mierda-coded post
Crunch the early levels, a lot less focus on Wuk Lamat, totally change the ending.
Every malehroth owes my femhroth violent sex.
Any DynamisGAWDS online?
Every time I'm brave enough to let myself feel that way about another person, they either never felt the same way, find someone better and more exciting, or eventually stop feeling that way about me too. I don't know why I keep telling myself "this time, it'll be different."
Second half of the third zone is amazing what the fuck
Notice how catboys suffered from twink death after the graphics update
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do you ever bond with them or do you just send them out thanklessly...
>bakool ja ja kidnaps Wuk Lamat to a rape dungeon and we need to rescue her alongside koana
Best part of the expansion so far.
>tfw RDM
>no matter how well I play, the job's DPS is absolute dogshit
ok hear me out
instead of going to the new world because some dumb bitch wants us to help her
we instead
go there....... because we WANT to
and instead of following a strict path put before us like some kind of retainer
how about we just deal with whatever happens to us when we get there??
eh, probably wouldn't be as appealing as 5 season of naruto crammed into one expansion
This Akemi arc is a bit boring.
Are we going back to the regularly scheduled personal relationship drama after this one is over?
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visions of gravity...
i keep seeing female hrothgar and thinking they're malera from far away
rate my froth, would you tap that ass?
they only look cuter on my screen
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Femlala EB for my Malera
So far my only problem is that SE was too lazy to have Wuk get down on her knees, grab her hands, and bring her eyes up to her to help her try and recognize her

I genuinely blame JP for this, but I can't quite put my finger on why I blame JP specifically
I am
A femezen
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I had hoped to get to Solution 9 tonight but I am sleepy
I'm sorry but, I'm....
highlander male
Then you get nothing.
I want to go home... Then edge.
A reminder that Erenville is built for femezen
Oh and
>onions green is people, except it's their life-force rather than their body we need
I saw this coming
Fix the pacing, world building is fine but a lot of the story was needless backtracking covering stuff you just did a few quests ago, get rid of the follow this npc slowly for 2 minutes while they turn around 3 times quests, have less unvoiced cutscenes showing action scenes and more action sequences that you play replacing that, get rid of alphinaud and alisae being there because they contribute nothing to the plot the entire time and are obviously just there because Yoshi P likes them as mascots.
>yooooo we killed the legendary beast that father could only imprison
>uhhhhmmm ackshully we would never have stood a chance against it if daddy hadn't softened it up for us
I didn't even take you to the fight, fuck off
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damn seeing
alisae get disappointed that we left her behind before going to the final area actually hurt me
My moonie smells like mint
Nothing awkward about a brojob
Yeah but I don't fuck.
its because most japanese are socially awkward weirdos and thus base their entire culture around it.
its why you HAVE TO go drinking with your co-workers even if you dont have the time or money; because forced-interaction is all japanese know because they are too autistic
Every femhroth looks like a man to me unironically. No seriously - the strength of their jawlines rivals male highlander ones.
hi newfag here, have 3 questions
1. how comfy is to play this game on a controller? my plan is to stream it from PC to SteamDeck bc i'm old and can't do the desk gaming thing anymore
2. am i cucked at this point and will never find a guild? is the /vg/ a comfy guild? ty
3. whats fun, easy and unga bunga friendly for a newfag on a steamdeck/roller?
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>all the fucking ronka hints paid off bigly
Personal problem.

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>dude it gets good about 20 hours in!
this kind of shit has gone on for far too long and it is the reason we are in this mess
we let people think the game is "good" after ARR "oh it picks up after you do 150 hours of fetch quests bro!"
it's the same shit with dawntrail
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why is this not voice acted but the scenes of wookie vomiting and grunting and shit are

what are we doing here
>All FF9 references in the third zone
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Really sad that Dawntrail have the best map and OST and is gonna be tainted forever bc of this MID MSQ
get and stay filtered
Which races live in Shaaloani and which of them is closest to au ra
Canonically you do that fight as a trust, as you do everything that you don't explicitly summon WoLs with the crystal, or go in as an adventuring party

That seems right
masturbating ISN'T oral silly bun
Someone explain the FF9 references in this expansion, please. I've never played FF9, but I'm curious.
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is he ok
some jobs might not be comfy on controller but the game was designed with it in mind
Im going to krill myself now.
>wookie vomiting and grunting
im sorry...
I can't even say that with Dawntrail because only the middle part of it was any decent, the beginning and end were terrible.
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tacos tacos tacos
that's all anyone talks about
there's nothing to explain; its all played pretty straight. everything is exactly what you think it is.
Biri Biri Balmung
Looks like Jackpot mode was activated.
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EB a femhroth
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my meena looks and acts like this
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I finished today.
anon I beat the msq already and i've been playing this game since 1.0 ...........
we are going to get really bad reviews and it's going to spiral into more negativity
Nope, that's done. Why don't you tell us about your relationship issu-
Oh wait.
Okay give me one to EB.
No, Elk.
you have to wait until they add florida
Ni Bao Odin
Ok. Where are you?
post your character and prove it
If by "krill" you mean "chug a fanta and become the hrothMAN you were always meant to be" then go right ahead!
Damn... when they come back I'll treat them better. Thanks, Sun Tzu.
I don't understand why people are confused about the WoL's strength. We've needed the echo to help us against primals since ARR. Everything that isn't a primal but is still too strong for us alone we use Azem's crystal, or another buff like Hraesvelgr's eye.
>how comfy is to play this game on a controller?
People like it. I never got used to it but it works I guess. A lot of shifting tabs.
>my plan is to stream it from PC to SteamDeck bc i'm old and can't do the desk gaming thing anymore
I dont know if the added latency will be very confortable in this game.
>am i cucked at this point and will never find a guild?
No, you can find one at any point.
>is the /vg/ a comfy guild?
Not a guild. We are sort of a spontaneous thing.
>whats fun, easy and unga bunga friendly for a newfag on a steamdeck/roller?
Marauder is easy and a tank. Pugilist is the funnest. Dragoon is stilish but is kinda unfun until level 60 or so. Healers and gladiator are for losers.
thanks, whats a good unga bunga class or should i just go to WoW for that feel?
this means fucking nothing to me bro what are you talking about. im not thinking anything??
When do we unlock the mablu mount
I wanna have sex with Krile so much bros...
You seem retarded.
Its simple
I have relationships with male elezen
And I have bed breaking, impregnation, pussy gaping, and strechmark making, filthy sweaty plap plap sex with brown futa rava and brown futa seekers.
>game breaks out into insane vocalized music montage for making the train a bomb

what the fuck is going on
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People still play this game?

The gameplay is so fuckin boring like how do you guys even manage to not fall asleep?
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...catboy or miera?
VPR should have a personal mit tool and a raidbuff
It kinda sucks rn :/
>every femhroth is face 2 or 3
Why does no one pick face 1?
I understand why no one picks face 4, but face 1 is cute...
Okay, I dont give a fuck about the story since Square doesn't either, but to someone who has completed it is it actually building to something? Or is every expansion going to be a villian of the week from now on, bouncing around and having someone else upstage our character. I normally skip the cutscenes, but these quests and the intro scenes I have watched have put me to sleep.
>twitch emote
she looks like a child
if you're attracted to femlalas you are a pedophile
>my plan is to stream it from PC to SteamDeck
The game is supposed to run on steamdeck without needing to stream homedog, its how Gaben plays XIV
Need this for my malezen
bros the post shadowbringer quests are making me tear up....
holy sex
>we are going to get really bad reviews and it's going to spiral into more negativity
Watching this unfold is going to be glorious.
why is Kate so racist
>baby starts crying
>wuk clenches her fist
Alexandria is one of the major cities in FF9
Sun Rosa Coeurl
i cried my 2nd time through shadowbringers like the best cry i had in years
they dont know. SE gave up this expansion. after ascians they dont know where to take the game; they're just feeling things out and hoping you give a fuck.
The sex supply is running low
>to help us against primals since ARR
The echo grants us strength but not in the way we've been using it since we got Azems crystal. We are explicitly summoning our reflections from across the shards when using the travellers power, but prior to that, I always believed that we alone stood as the only WoL using the power of the echo and whatever Hydaelyn would give us with it, and had parties of adventurers and our scions with us
Ew, that's Elk?
which patch are you on bro
>will never have closure
>will never have friends
>dt is making my suicidal urges appear again
Guys why is getting the aethercurrents in this expac a pain and soooo much harder than EW and ShB?
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im a kitty kitty kitty
I’m a cat
if you mess with me
you’re gonna get plapped!
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my fiddie is
5.3 is so good. 5.4-5.55 is... interesting.
it's so over...
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am i reading this right... is this a 2000 potency heal?
oh cool, i'm kind of a bitch with performance so i was looking to hold a steady 90fps/hz on the OLED just in case playing directly from it would have drops as expected
>get outleveled by quests
what the fuck
werent you all saying there's 2 jobs worth?
>2. am i cucked at this point and will never find a guild? is the /vg/ a comfy guild? ty
there's plenty of /xivg/-centric guilds(called 'Free Companies' in this game.) it depends which server you're on. if you get the game, just ask in the thread for an invite to an FC on whatever server you're on and there'll likely be someone that can invite you to theirs.

/xivg/ aside, there's constantly people advertising their FC's in shout chat. so you will always have plenty of groups to choose from, even if they aren't 4chan groups.
she has a weird alien face. almost like a femra without horns or scales.
I would keep her around, not to tap it, but because I want a pet in the house.
t. male highlander
still haven't been raped by a femhroth
it's so over :'(
Dawntrail has been great for my sleep cycle, there's nothing more sleep-inducing than the MSQ
Sasaba Saba Gilgamesh
>she has the perfect face
if i had to guess its because she's gonna be super duper extra special mega ultra evil, but you'll connect with her and save her anyways.
japanese are gay retards like that
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You do realize the reason why we have laws against that is because of the mental capacity of a child right?

You realize that having sex with an animal would be more "pedo" than having sex with a potatofel.

Retarded ass nigger
Sophie Yumitori Goblin
like I expected her to do that, try and get her to look at her. but no she just stood there doing nothing
can you show your file? it looks different when i use the preset on my game
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would you play as one of the lizard doods if all you could do was customize the color and head type, and have like 6 outfits
40% mit, kek. I love it.
You fell for the bait.
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>AST feels like ass to play now
I am legit mad.
Can she explain the reason why my Middies PP gets hard when I see her
Mostly the same but Wuk goes and accomplishes getting some stones on her own and simply gives you a brief recap while you go dress shopping with Alphinaud instead. You were supposed to go with Alisaie but she was busy and convinced him to pretend to be her.

The MSQ is split into like 4 instead of 2 at the start, and you can do the first 3 dungeons in any order. The auspice still comes up after the mountain one.
Instead of doing the feats thing, you're just getting to know the locals yourself while Wuk is in the background. You can optionally go up and talk to her (like the side NPCs by MSQ quest givers text).
ie you meet he HanuHanu and they recap what happens and tells you about them. You can get more info about Koana or Wuk if you want but don't have to. The bit of conflict there still happens.
The Pelupelu still teach you how to trade, but it's just as part of showing their culture and not for Wuk. Wuk is doing it on her own outside most cutscenes.
You just explore all the areas in the order you want. Not much real story, just having fun. After that at 96 or 97 it converges and is the more usual linear story but more condensed. The Gulool Ja Ja is moved back a bit at 95 or 96.
Yes, and I would plap catgirls and femra daily
>only mental reasons
You are the nigger.
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no, because then you wouldn't want to plap
>WHM feels great to play now
glare 4 goes pew pew pew haha
I haven't logged into the game in about 2 years and I was married. Is there a way to check if my character has been divorced without me having to resub?
yes because they look like Zakus.
end of 5.4 right now
but basically all of it
please tell me the msq isn’t as slow once you get further into it??
the trading for pel and festival sequence was a snail’s pace
jorking my peanits to val "gyatt" morabella
That's the fun part. Even if you partner annulled the EB and threw away their ring(they probably have) you'll still have your ring :)
Excellent off topic shitpost unrelated to FFXIV and all about your sick perversions. well done fatass.
The thing I don't get about the pedo projectors, is why don't they call fucking catgirls bestiality?
If they think short video game character = actual real life child, why don't they also think that a miqo'te is a real life cat?

If there's 2 dye channels, yes. Malera wish they looked like Zazool.
>Bakool Ja Ja's character twist
Well I wasn't expecting that.
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>finally mess around with my new limbals that I hate
>the colors that look good in the dark do not look good in the light
>the colors that look good in the light do not look good in the dark
After so many years, I think I have to finally just turn these off
>Namikka? never heard of her
>Would you play as a race with limited customization options
I'll have to think about that one for a bit.
quite a darling, in my opinion, bit of a trickster though
What races were you in the past?
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Who the fuck are you quoting? Is he in the room with us?
S.R. post
whos namikka?
im liking the dash on it its already saved me from eating shit a few times
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nay, just a friend, maybe aquaintence is a better term though

You pretty much answered your own question, they aren't into bestiality or cat girls, so they don't need to project.
God I want to have sex with Erenville soooo bad
>The Gulool Ja Ja is moved back
I meant the duel is moved back. Doesn't need to come as soon when Wuk wouldn't be as annoying at that point with those changes.

Is it just me, or did G'raha and Eistinien not get a face update?
>rabbit with a catboy name
Its been like a couple of days without WoL's dick being sucked and he knows that. In fact he has planned for you to be all pent up - look at that confident smirk.
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i feel like part of the fantasy of playing a monster race is just kinda choosing a colorful skintone and the color of your gear, kinda like how a lot of monsters are reused in RPGs with different colors names and elements
Midlander boobs need to be bigger.
>Visit the last zone
>Gorgeous prettiest map in the entire expansion
>Goes to shit right after
what the fuck Yoshi
imagine him getting topped by koana lol
just finished MSQ
pretty good video game
god i already am
All me
femlalas aren't real
if you're attracted to toddlers with the brains of an adult you might as well just say you're attracted to toddlers
also, it is physically harmful for children unless you have a micro dick
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my instant loss wife
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im surrounded
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If I'm chasing a floating TV, I will use my hopping TV
guys did you know wuk lamat gets sea sick haha
ne1 else feeling moonierific
just got some head as a male character
life's good
this single image has more SOVL than dawntrail
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Don't worry, theres no way we won't be able to restore it somehow
this cat for my miera
It really was the icing on the shit cake. Especially because the zone right before it also looks like ass. What the FUCK was Yoshida thinking?
>You pretty much answered your own question
Yep. You caught it.
I wonder why it's repressed pedos that feel the need to project all the time but there aren't like repressed beastphiles doing the same all the time.
damn which quest is this glam from?
>Giving a race with low magic a magic based class
What the fuck were they thinking
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dont be hatin famigos, im smoke this kush and pray for ya'll
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i would punch ur boob
race? i need to give more head
I don't consider Erenville black because I am racist. He's just a white man with dark skin.
>level 97 MSQ
>kinda like how stoically Krile has taken all the reveals about herself so far
>get to the part where scientist tells her they might know who her parents were
>she suddenly starts rambling about wanting to know everything about them and gets uncharacteristically worked up

I unironically imagined gently squeezing her hand to steady her, I'm deeply in love with this fictional character bros
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>If you are attracted to pixels on a screen you are ____.

Im guessing people who are into midgets are also pedophiles?

How about if we come across an alien race that looks very young? pedo too right?

Lol why don't you go ahead and take a swig dude, you've earned it.
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>why don't they call fucking catgirls bestiality?
That's pretty simple actually.
Crystal queue CC casual @ 12:40 ET
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it was from a better series..
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imagine how flustered she get if she told you how she felt or vice versa
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i like the Yak Tel music
Alot of the unironically are.
I'm too scared to shitpost in piss chat now because of the new blacklist buffs...
Yoshi-p found what liminal spaces were
My moonjuice is depleting
But you could make this same chart except it's a real life picture of a child that says "pedophilia" and literally anything else is "not pedophilia".
I love when everyone else in a scene is cooler than wuk lamat.
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i won
>the boss from Wanderer's Palace Hard was one of the breeding program babies
No meme I would fuck the shit out of Woke Lamutt's voice actor's bussy but I don't care about the writing of the character itself
I'm going to be a face 1 when I get around to fantaing
but gotta wait for the queues to calm down first
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theres more to life than minmaxin effectiveness, sometimes you just need to have a goofy lizard (i have the pass) in your party to keep spirits high
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I fell even more in love with her this xpac
If I ever had to take a femlala wife as a femlala, it's her.
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I can't decide what to use my free fanta for
You look like you get dommed by malera. you're definitely not cooler than wuk.
Now that's a stretch and you know it.
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Shadowbringer and its consequences have been a disaster for the MSQ
much better
>all these ff9 songs at the last area
i cant wait to get the orchestrion rolls
Raping this moonie too
It's mostly just sunnies and midlanders, so take your pick kemosahbee
So am I the only one that noticed Wuk Lamat's boob jiggle when she would run in cutscenes?
bro I was 2-3 levels above MSQ for literally 60% of it, what the hell did you do
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I'm sure they are man.

Seriously though, take a swig.
you can go ahead and vaguepost about my femlala...
do you honestly think that somebody could look at peter dinklage and think he's a child? midgets do not look like children, retard.
if you ask anybody who doesn't play ff14 to look at a lalafell guess what they'll think? if you have to come up with this many copes to defend your fetish its time for some self reflection.
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Now the real expansion begins
Elezen if you're a weird incel and want no one to ever talk to you. Miera if you're socially stunted and need your race to do the heavy lifting in interactions. Catboy if you're a real chad.
Make sure your balls are empty before you chose. Don't let your cock dictate your choice. You may regret it later.
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Which one
>SEAniggers arguing pedophilia is ok because catgirls
Were these hours always like this or is it just our new pajeet friends?
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Is this normal for how long it should take or were my team mates just fucking pressing 1 button the whole dungeon?
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are xivalexander and dalamud alive yet i aint buying this shit until i can actually play this old ass janky game with plugins
left, and come hang out with me
neither, what the fuck are you doing
What about malidsterlander
What the fuck are these colors
elezen and eb me
xivalex is working, yes
Both of them look pretty ugly but if I had to pick left without the facial hair
well you can't even play for another 2 days so
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This part of the zone is great.
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gn sirs
you are white irl
bros... im starting to think plugins arent coming back this time....
>15 minutes of MSQ passes
>expect Wuk Lamat to begin to complain about something again
>happens right on cue
i forgot they existed to be quite honest
Literally every time I have ever seen clips of midgets talking about dating, they always talk about how so many people who are into them are into them because of their size and try to infantilize them. Cope all you want. That being said, I don't give a fuck about if you like Lala's.
White highlights is a red flag so go left since you considered it to begin with
you can buy the game rn and play the early access

ok retard
imo people make the best female characters when they're horny as fuck
dalamud is working and some plugins are already updated
i've been using YesAlready all day
we really run shit from the shadows…
Catgirls don't even look like kids they look like they have fetal alcohol syndrome
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oh... it wasn't muted...
there's just nothing left to play...
>Last area is actually the only good area in the DT
I'm only 91 but why does the entire MSQ feel like a fake bullshit scheme?
like everything is just going "too well" for us. Is this entire "dawn servant" slop just an AI construct and not real?
Is Tural even real or just a simulation?
do you guys think the babyfaced elezen from the boat left his home because he's gay
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>250+ FATEs done in a single day
That's enough brainrot for me, gn bros
I was going to say dead game but then it popped as I was taking the screenshot.
>missing the part where the comparison is that if lalas = pedos then catgirls = bestiality
Holy fuck this is funniest looking carboy I ever saw
I'm at least 20 percent cooler.
>reee why aren't you an ebin
Ok left it is
yeah none of thi swas fionna be actuall it's all just a video game inside a video game inside a video game Dawntrail is the Star Ocean of XIV
it looks like one of the zones from wow shadowlands
>dalamud is working
Why lie
I love the new blacklist system now I can hide black players
>daytime in Tural isn't night in Eorzea
how SOULLESS is this game
dalamud beta, bro
The puke green with the tomato red skin looks bad bro, use less clown colors and more natural ones.
holy fuck you're old
what should I put in my search info?
eorzea is flat
XIV only works on 2 axes, which is why we can't gapclose over gaps
It makes sense that the world is one cycle
Can I get instructions on how I only remember how to change the keys..
the world is flat retard
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Pretty bold of SE to sell life sized sex dolls of Alphinaud and Alisaie
the world is flat
Earth is flat and so is our star, retard.
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(final zone spoiler)
bros..... it was just supposed to be an aether current quest......wtf.....are they all like this....?
just go into the dalamud config, key is empanadas and kind is apiX
just search for "key" and "kind". don't forget to put quotes around them.
>i've been using YesAlready all day
same man. it's the one plugin i missed on launch.
the faces are so weird and uncanny it scares me
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When it's daytime in new york is it night in california you idiot?
rock hard from sphene, now erenville's mom's JP VA? I'm diamonds bros
do you guys think the other beast tribes speak like retards on purpose too
Is the MSQ basically Naruto?
"nigga sneed
best 2 ever do it"
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Now that there's been an entire expansion, what was the giant thing in the ocean that was present on Athena's version of Etheirys in p12s, but isn't present in the current-day Etheirys?
Anybody saying Dawntrail is bad has no taste and/or doesn't read a single word of the story. This expansion was peak
is oce still dead? idk if i can go through another expac playing with 180 ping
For sure, out there in some pub they are all probably having a good laugh about how gullible we all are.
Wait, what?
still waiting for SE to have the balls to add a dating-sim side game in ffxiv.
i dont understand why the WoL is forced to be celibate. they don't even have to show sex scenes or anything but at least let me take ali for some tea and a walk at the park or something. maybe give me a portrait accessory and a title for my troubles. maybe an ali to act as a servant in my house?
i am a femlala irl
Why in the fuck does Erenville's mom sound black as fuck????
for like 4 hours of the day yes
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Dawntrail flopped.
The planet is flat, dumbass. There's a reason why there's no othardians in the new world
I like the side quest chains that stem from aether current quests but I don't want to do them right this moment since there's MSQ to do, however if I put them off they'll get lost in the sea of regular side quests. and if I pick up the first quest in the chain then leave it undone I'll forget the context of the quest! what a conundrum.
Need a cool name for my cool malera
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double twincest....
Because the voice actor is black you fat nonce.
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The queues pop fast enough as tank that it doesn't feel dead
but if you're DPS you're probably fucked
>nigga is pure black without a father
>why does his mother sound black??
That Nigga
During the zoom-out mechanic where she makes the arena a half-sphere, the bottom half is Etheirys. There's a gigantic, small continent sized thing in the middle of one of the oceans that just isn't present anywhere else or mentioned.
I search everyone's name anyway.
Ray Pist
It was your mom.
Do you have a video?
Chad Buduga
The cowboy zone music better hit like this.
you're supposed to date the other players, anon
Oh wow. The DLSS tweaks thing really does make the game look great.
she was a field nigga
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All but two of my glams fucking broke but hey at least I don't look like a groomer now
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it's a double dps expansion, dps queues are fucked on all data centers
Good morning, anon.
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this guy and the kid are the only npcs ive liked for 2 expansions
Burp Jezus
I don't, I'll try to dig up a screenshot but it's been like a year so no guarantees.
Yeah, but by virtue of the tiny population on OCE, queues can already be 15+ minutes for any job, depending on what you want to run
DPS will be triple-fucked by virtue of less people in queue so less instances popping
>press randomize twice
>collect (you)'s
nobody like malezen, why the fuck am i still alive
you look like you fuck catboys
otis is great
I queued for healer once and it was all I needed to know that you niggas dont deserve a healer
your continued suffering is kinda funny to the other races
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Why does Wuk sound so monotone in every cutscene? If you were to ask me which emotion she is showing I wouldn't be able to tell you. Sad scenes she sounds the same, funny scenes she sounds the same, happy scenes she sounds the same. It sounds so soul less if you ask me like a robot.
I keep getting distracted giving head (irl), this is why I'm not that far in to the story despite playing all day (gay btw)
I dont understand why reaper still has so many skills that aren't follow up buttons when they can only be used as follow ups.

Why is plentiful harvest not the replacement for the party buff button when you can only use it after using the party buff?
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>the Bakool Ja Ja twist
What the fuck you guys told me this was a relaxing vacation expansion.
EN dub I assume? Well the thing is that's it's a he pretending to be a she, so of course they are going to have problems with their voice.
The run animation for Swift Sprint is bugged if you have your twinblades combined.
Lately I've been getting blota'd every single time I use smudge, and at exactly the same instant. Its giving me PvP paranoia. I hope its not plogon user crap, and maybe they are just fast or psychic.
I don't fuck anyone
i tried everything else, nothing else looks good to me so i just continue suffering
How you get the config to work? It's missing from my menu.
can someone post the webm of our vauthry getting told to kill himself after warning the thread
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The final zone is really pretty
nice image of you AFKing in CC, using this to report you btw
The narrative now is that it's a horrible edgy expansion when we wanted a relaxing vacation expansion, try to keep up.
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The VA has a very small range. There's a scene near the end of the MSQ where Wuk is lifting a giant robot hand that's trying to crush her and the VA is delivering lines as if her and the person she's talking to are just having a normal conversation. It was bad.
it's a shitfest, I hope you brought an umbrella anon
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Looking again I realize it's probably just the lighting from the marker above it clipping in a weird way... that's disappointing.
She worked very hard on her voice training, be nice sis.
i got rabanastre yesterday and some catboy viper just kept eating shit on every boss
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I love malezen, I am already eb'd though, good luck finding some
Should be a T-pose, missed opportunity.
Oh, you're approaching me?
vipers have somehow managed to surpass reapers in their capacity for retardation
Fiddies should
switch to japanese, if you haven't already
what happened to him? feel like i haven't seen anything get deleted in a while, and i haven't been warned or banned in months.
sounds Japanese to me, seems like a personal issue on your part
be brainwashed in solution 9
what do we think about elves
hot. . .
sorry, i meant the config file
go to %appdata%\XIVLauncher in windows explorer and open dalamudConfig.json
the beta key and kind lines should look like:
"DalamudBetaKey": "empanadas",
"DalamudBetaKind": "apiX",
instead of saying null
then you'll have to restart and launch via xivlauncher, it should update to the beta version
>yeah, people need to take breaks every so often
That's when you log off and do something else
*equips pictomancer job crystal*
*starts painting swirls in front of you*
I wouldn't fluster her, I would build up to the confession slowly and passionately
I have six screenshots from this scene
femezen stocks have skyrocketed with the graphics update desu
rule of threes were a fucking blight to video games
male midlanders...
My femlala would never fall f-for...such...
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Half the english VAs are shit, Alisaie also sounds like shit in english, Y'shtola as well, I'm honestly now concerned with how many waifufags around here have been using the english dub this whole time, surely not that many of you can have such shit taste?
I really like Sphene. She is really cute. I want to _be_ Sphene.
Should..... what?!
well played
very happy with mine
not as pretty as moonies themselves, though
I felt the same way yesterday, because teams were either super highly coordinated and rolled through instantly or absolute hot dogshit with no in between.
>Y'shtola as well,
I used to love Y'shtola, but when she finally appeared in DT I couldn't shake the feeling that she sounds like a chainsmoking granny that is desperately trying to sound younger.
He's a big guy.
rub their massive woobers all over my face
thanks bro
>I have 6 screenshots of her from this scene
I've been doing the same, she's fucking gorgeous and her VA has been doing the anxious brave voice extremely well
run this shit
it's a man trying to act like a woman, must be difficult
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>make the best looking zone in the game
>ruin it permanently to end the xpac
I really paid money for Yoshi P to take a steaming post Taco Bell and whiskey shit on my chest
>1000 woober stare
This expansion is putting me to sleep. And I am normally up for another 5 hours.
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I think they're pretty neat
>chainsmoking granny that is desperately trying to sound younger.
thats actually her character she lies about her age
do sunn*es really?
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Common problem with DT.
why did they hire an animal expert to look for the golden city

this reeks of shitty writing
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I don't know what to tell you anon she sounded just as old in EW, the way her voice cracks attempting to do the water water froth and foam thing in english is disgusting
they're having sex
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>armor goes from shiny metal to dull plastic if dyed
i am so sad, so very very sad.
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Any Yurohomies up for an expert roulette?
I know, but to my understanding we are talking about something like 30yo pretending to be 20 still, not fucking 80yo at end of her line.
he's the self insert cat oc's friend
>Finished the MSQ
>Doing FATES in the last zone
>"OMG this area is so gorgeous"
>Everyone looking off the dock at empty ocean
>"there's our big plan to get to the moblin place"
>literally nothing there but fog
He wasn't an animal expert until he went to sharl
He also wanted to find the golden city himself years ago, which is why he went to sharl to learn to be a gleaner and how to track down the mysteries of the world
what the fuck do you mean
just use metallic dye retard
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MSQ done, Expert unlocked, Flying in all zones unlocked

...now what

Bro has an absent father - and you're surprised the single mom sounds black?
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>dubtrannies finally facing reality
What took you so long? Too much fluoride in your water supply?
How long was her soul in the first? Maybe her body is catching up on age, or having to spend aether constantly to see is wearing down her body
How long until I press buttons again, I had more fun leveling my Viper in Bozja then this.
nta my fiddie does
Gatherers, crafters, and fates.
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Ok why is HE in my room now, what with this family, should I expect the blue lizard in my room soon too?
>mixed reviews on steam
is it over?
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The second half of Yak T'el really reminds me of Zangarmarsh and I'm really comfy in here lads. It's like a warm blanket wrapped over me.
do all the FATES in every region now
they hired an animal expert gleaner to help them find the golden city
if only the game had metallic dye
The Living Moonie...
It's pretty fucking good man
THey asked a childhood friend with an interest in the golden city
to help find the thing he was interested in as a child
and his whole character motivation for becoming who he was
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She's far more tolerable and spunky in the JP dub, she even curses all the time and maybe the only reason why I came around to somewhat enjoy her in the end.
XIV will be kino when I can kill an enemy and they leave their corpse behind for my botanist to harvest
the water is turning the middies gay
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>should I expect the blue lizard in my room soon too?
Knowing you you'd want that.
Very very long... Honestly all the dungeons and trials have been some of the best in XIV so far, but I do wish most of the story between and before them simply didn't exist, or at least were different.
It reeks of you being a cutscene skipper, he's an animal expert, knows a ton about plants as well, has traveled the entire world, and is a native of the new world and friend of a claimant to the throne, he's a better survivalist and adventurer than (you) who are literally just there to be brute strength which you are mogged out of by wuk half the time anyway
Builded to breed catgirls
holy FUCK femezen WON
do femezen like maliddies btw....
did it occur to you that they're limited in hues
there is no metallic brown and metallic red is downright pink
i wanted shiny dark bronze, there's no way to achieve that look
>girlfriend of several years passed away a few months ago
>reach the final zone
>going around seeing all the npc dialogue bubbles pop up

i think i will take a break for tonight, there is a profound sadness in this place
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Does this mean Emet is still alive?
>why did they hire an animal expert to look for the golden city
well he's pretty damn good at it considering how often those skills come up
cutscene skippers won
I have no idea what they're going to do with the rest of the expansion patch content, but theres still lots of material for future expansions that would be far more entertaining
>Rebuilding Garlemald; Zones like the inner city, borean forest, ice shelf, tundra, snowy mountain and crystal caverns
>Some kind of wild tribal war between not Australians and dragons in Meracydia
And what do you think would be extremely prevalent between tuliloyal and the city?
howd they die
No you asshole I sat here and watched all this slop where this jackass who never mentioned tural or being from there or the golden city turn into our guide despite us already having a person in our group who grew up there her whole life
You just know
Emet lives on as long as r/ffxiv still exists.
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Sure you did
Yeah but only to correct him, I actually want to redo the trust trial so I can run the tankbuster to him
I was feeling bad about a relationship gone bad until I read this. I'm so sorry anon.
Meowdy everyone!
I would much rather have Erenville simping for my wol over graha. And I'm a grown fucking man.
That's hilarious.
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they did this on purpse, yoshi is trying to crash the game so he can go work on other projects
sorry (it will happen again)
Reminds me of Ark
I wish the WAR one applied the HoT when the effect started. 15 seconds after activating I would have just been healed up by then. The other ones provide more immediate effects.
yeah pretty convenient that all our problems revolve around animals and plants funny how that works almost seems contrived and written in reverse
man your shader is fucked lmao
it is not meant to be that color
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>How PVP MNK SHOULD feel but doesn't
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I love the Ryne poster so much. ty for the catboxes....
Too many burgers?
I'm going to marry Sphene
Missionary, hand-holding

By the way, shit story irredeemable garbage, if you like this crap you eat shit, and get mad at other for not eating shit.
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there is a way to bring it back go into the zone and start a new game + in arr. you can turn off the ng+ whenever
Honestly getting my character based off myself called ugly regardless of which pic I posted really sealed the deal that I had made the right choice to fanta to it, now the game's more immersive
eating froth tacos
>ty for the catboxes
post the full list
repost them please. . .
turns out encyclopedic survival knowledge is pretty handy
This is one of them
looks like when the nuke goes off in terminator 2
'fraid so.
Would you have to do the whole fucking game in ng+ until you reach your desired point, or can you just go "I want the original zone X!" and bam you are in the original zone X and don't have to waste half a year?
was it male? follow the flowchart
>Male: Ugly
>Female: EB Status?
Just say hrothgal unless you wanna imply you have a penis.
Seriously though - do fates while the people are still doing them at the start of the expansion. It will be a pain in the ass later.
Post STRAIGHT miera glams I need inspiration brothers.
car accident
in a cosmic way, yeah
Wuk aside, this expansion had some good hroth and roe representation finally. I like Ketenramm's gigachad face.
>going around wild ass South American jungles
>"wowee it sure is contrived that we would need to deal with plants and animals"
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>sphene is just an alternate reflection's wuk
>there is an alternate universe where we helped sphene claim the throne and then stayed behind and married her to become king of the new world instead of following some retarded furfaggot abomination around
just go to new game plus in ur settings and hit on and turn it off whenever lmfao. that pic is me just turning it on now
>15 seconds after activating I would have just been healed up by then
it's worded very strangely, but it activates when you take any damage.
so basically if you use it in a pull you get your 400pot regen instantly, and it's very good right before a tankbuster
even better than DRK and PLD because they have much lower potencies on their heal/barrier
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>who never mentioned tural or being from there
you mean during 7.0? i'm not sure he has to, it was already made really clear at during post-endwalker that he's from tural
Ketenramm's face is unironically too good for the game even after the graphics update
>south america jungles
>terraced peru style farms and ricefield slop
>some weird river dolphin asspull just as we have no way to get further up the island

again very convenient that this random asshole was from here all along
Oh ok cool. I have never used it in XIV so didn't know, usually ng+ means literally new game from the start so I was afraid.
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>people who speedran the expansion are back here and are shitposting because they are "bored"
Did you not learn from SB? (I say SB because it was a shit story xpac)
if it was the catboy/miera posted earlier it's because your sense for color choices is bad
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I know this cutscene is a big dramatic moment and all but I can't help but think about the new eye tech
>car accident
end of msq spoilers
so we really just killed an entire shard's worth of people huh?
it's better after msq imo
Allied Societies*
people here hate males unless it's some fucking gay ass male viera or catboy who takes cocks on the regular, then they'll like it and claim they aren't gay
it'll be out when it's out!
yea never did it before either but looks like its changed and its literally just and on and off switch
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I now know what we do that makes the queen a big bad in the end

I was hoping that we'd just accept this is the way of their world and find a way to uncouple it, find a way to lure blue boy out of the dome, and kill him while he's disconnected from the system that way
but we're taking down this entire system because we don't agree with it and also using it as a means to beat him, enraging the queen in the process because we're effectively killing her already long dead citizens, aren't we
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Which one did you take?
If by post endwalker you mean the 3 quest buildup to this expansion then sure. There was a whole expansion prior to that buddy.
Which one farted?
Something like that. Do you feel like a hero yet?
the only one you can be sure of is the grape flavor
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>Dubsissies hate Wuk Lamat
>JPchads like Wuk Lamat
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my genitals are burning
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Being colonized and called degrading slurs by foreigners.
yep, pretty based of the wol and crew to just do that
do you like white boys
and also I just checked, the regen overall is a much bigger heal than GNB's increased total HP pool, but that may serve a different use like surviving a particularly fat tankbuster
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Isnt PLD/GNB the best for tankbuster since you want more total HP to survive the hit in the first place? While WAR's is once again best for packs. Either way thanks for letting me know.
they were already dead and their souls consumed by someone else, those were just data ghosts
>Update made my characters boobs bigger
so which shard is solution nine from
Painting this cat white with my femra+
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white hands typed this post
sorry for your loss anon
Look up contrast
>despite us already having a person in our group who grew up there her whole life
Wuk is literally braindead and does not know a single thing about the local tribes or culture or landscape, Erenville is a seasoned explorer who worked gathering shit from all around the entire world for years, no he didn't mention being from the new world because he was only in like 3 EW cutscenes, it's called introducing a new character and fleshing out their backstory, you are either a dumbass cutscene skipper or dumb enough to think that if a character doesn't tell you every single detail about them in the very first second you meet them they don't exist
>kill him while he's disconnected from the system
except that he doesn't get disconnected when out of the dome, since his dad fuckin smashed his ass and he got back up
12th, the one that had the lightning umbral calamity
they do have that going for them, yeah
but WAR remains the absolute king of self-healing...
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Ryne is for anal only
Bunboys are for anal and cocknursing only
9th if I had to guess based on the heavyhanded way SE do things
Your lifelong passion and your homeland are two pretty fucking basic things to tell someone.
Tell me at what level I can stop skipping every single cutscene.
I was in your shoes during endwalker, we played from ARR up till ShB and it felt shitty seeing the end of the story arc by myself, sorry bro, hope you can pull through
she's a sheltered extrovert that loves to travel, but never left the capital. If you stop to think about the story or the characters you will just keep finding more problems
Yeah it's a really tough zone to be in. Sorry for your loss buddy
I met a cute sunnie+ today

Good sunday
Why is no one talking about the difficulty of these lvl 100 dungeons?
Gay sex with turali hroths
if you know them, sure
he barely ever associated with WoL at any point before this expansion
I didn't know you guys were pansies who believed fake internet stories...
lul this is the greatest shit. thanks, non-faggot OP
no, i meant in 6.4 when he specifically called his upcoming trip "a homecoming", specifically the quest "going haam"
THEN he comes back in 6.55 with wuk lamat and mentions tural by name
at what point during 6.0 should he have namedropped tural?
So when you meet someone in real life you immediately say "Hi I'm anon this is my home address and I'm addicted to posting on a video game message board that primarily spends all day talking about tranny porn!"
She is for breeding
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>WoL talking about how Bakool Ja Ja motives dont absolve him of his crimes.
>Meanwhile Golbez walked free after Planetary Genocide
>Not even a comment from the WoL

Ishikawa just hate ugly people huh
how bad are they, I've died like twice in the leveling ones so far
Wait a week or two until the dad gamers and casuals are there then you'll see this place and reddit flooded with complaints about the lvl 100 dungeons
Heterosexual, baby making sex with Turali Hrothgals.
That's why I added the uncouple their world from ours, the implication of that action being that it would sever the connection because the gate has closed.
link me a youtube video of JP wuk lamat

i want to know what she sounds like
look up how to accent with colors, picking multiple vivid clashing colors for the overall design and then and using a hairstyle with huge highlights looks bad, the only way it could be more garish is if it had heterochromia
because I haven't done them yet, queues are a little long at midnight
Because many people aren't nolifing or skipping everything?
harder than the levelling dungeons for sure
Sure, but as the other anon mentioned we only met with him a handful of times and it was always just business. It's not like I'm going to start telling the store clerk about my life goals.
yes bro people dying in car accidents is extremely unbelievable
go outside
Genetically compatible breeding between hrothgal+ and sunnies
diort diort diort
Yeah? You think the average person celebrating cinco de mayo has any fucking idea why that date might be important? Same concept here
/xivg/ defending golbez being forgiven because he has the same name as a character from another FF game despite having a completely different backstory is still one of the most baffling things this thread has done
I think having oneshots is okay
McFucking kill yourself.
This character is comically ugly.
Golbez didn't cause it cutscene skipper
He did do horrible things but the planet getting BLACKED was literally the corruption of faggots via being drunk on power from the memoria shit
>posting big boss
>people dumping 3000 of a material on the market for 50% price
it doesn't actually rely on the connection between worlds to function
Nah. You don't go outside. You believe everything on the internet. You're a fucking idiot. Eat grass.
Textools only though, and the body mod i'm using is just the beta for DT.
One-shots NEED to stay and deaths snowballing into an enrage also NEED to stay
I'm tired of people not pushing their buttons. They will learn in DT
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it's just as easy on gunbreaker to play in dynamis CC...
If it doesn't I really hope it gets explained why, because that's some bullshit
I hope those moans wont affect the current direction of battle content because I've liked the stuff during leveling dungeons and normal trials...
link me absolutely nothing bad wuk lamat jp thread
In the 87 dungeon the last boss was the adventurer/whatever from the cutscene when the robots attacked and killed everyone?
I defend Golbez because he's gigachad.
because I want my money NOW and am willing to accept making less of it for expediency
Shut the FUCK Up
she is for breeding anally
Do the role quests tie into the MSQ like in ShB at all or is it better to just do them as their own thing when I am not focused on other storylines?
Wait until you hear about how my dad died of pancreatic cancer
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Uh oh. Conflict.
I KNEW no good could come of this. That or I'd get giga busted like Goku.
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>Golbez didn't cause it cutscene skipper
He literally admits and apologizes at the last cutscene, are u retarded? Everything went to shit after he killed the watcher in the Moon, they could still save the whole planet.
When the fuck are you supposed to paint in a 100% uptime fight?
You're an attention whore. That literally didn't happen.
i prefer when xivg is slower because people are more likely to respond to my posts about the game
was this shot necessary?
Okay I'm trying to be very positive about this expansion because its my first "new" expansion since I began playing right before Endwalker; but what the fuck is going on?
I'm half way to 100 and literally nothing has happened. Is the "le halo 3 arbiter" moment worth all this bullshit boring slop? is the future scifi stuff worth all this bullshit?
And by 87 I mean 97.... Numbers hard and fingers are fat.
>biggest dream is to kill himself
I'm sure you do find him aspirational troon
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haven't done them yet
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*hands you a sanctifruit*
yeah it does explain how the shit works

they're their own thing, totally unrelated
Golbez didn't step on the WoL's tacos, that's why
I defend Golbez being forgiven because it's good writing. "Bad guy gets punished even if he's sorry!!!!" is modernslop writing
>Watch videos of the streamer speedrunners who cutscene skip
>Who is this lizard guy again? haha why is he all blue this is wild why are we fighting on this place again formula 1 or something haha
>What the hell is this yellow place hahaha this game is wild makes no sense cant wait to just hit da raids
the potencies make up for the time needed to paint, what the hell do you mean
Yep the world is a flawless place free of suffering
1. Because most of us aren't filthy SKIPPERS like you
2. Because most of us are already dying on all the other dungeons leading up to 100, multiple times, some they're all difficult
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I can fix her
Whenever you don't have to do mechanics? This isn't rocket science.
>lets pretend Golbez wasnt planning another Planetary genocide by sending everyone from his shithole to the source.
How do you even have the balls to call someone a cutscene skipper
wait a minute we did this plot already...
Veena bros and roe sisters it's over, I'm back to being a catboy and for good.
Hey wanna do me a favor and quit fucking yapping?
Asmongold started playing again?
>got so used to queue pops bringing the game window back up that I missed my dungeon because I'm using the official launcher for now
Anon like 99% of the normal population havent reached level 100 yet were not all stinky poopsockers and cutscene skippers
>"Bad guy gets punished even if he's sorry!!!!" is modernslop writing
Literally the exact opposite you retarded troon, "bad guy gets away with everything because we need to consider his circumstances and mental state :)" is modernslop, strict adherence to rule of law and justice/morality is old
>accuses others of skipping
Post your zone maps, let's see all those crucial, lore-building side quests you skipped.
it's not as bad as endwalker patch quests, but it's not that good. Wuk is a cute seinen protagonist, and that's about it. wouldhugheadpatandmarry/10

I don't even fucking like furfags
My poison frog wife
>think i'm finally done with the padding section of the story at level 98
>more padding after the big quest
You know what's the worst thing about you? You're a fucking coward. At least attach your character to your posts.
Gorrl Karryor
So many unvoiced cutscenes are they unvoiced because of Wuk? Is it like this in JP?
Wifey, if you EB me I will teach you how to play the game properly.
Can we talk about the 2nd boss of Vanguard? How the fuck is a caster supposed to do any damage on that fight?
This but femezen, it was a good run mierdabros
Jealous they get paid to play video games while you pretend to like this terrible MSQ?
>2. Because most of us are already dying on all the other dungeons leading up to 100, multiple times, some they're all difficult
How? Literally just don't stand in the AOEs I'm 99 now and haven't died once and I'm a slow retard
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>people are buying the Tree large house for 60M Gil
holy fuck, I need to unlock flying in Shaaloani, thats all I need to start crafting this shit
Incorrect brown person. Classic literature always puts an emphasis on complex moral nuances and outcomes rather than just "satisfying outcome where bad guy get killed." I recommend reading a book, your idea of "old" is Batman movies.
>it's not as bad as endwalker patch quests
I honestly don't know anon. Even after suffering through 6.x I was still shocked how much everything sucks in DT.
I lied
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Veena supply just went down
Demand is up!
>using the official launcher
Golbez/Durante was a good character tho. Wuk Lamat is not.

Durante was a young man with the world collapsing around him, with the most Heroic of Saviors to guide him on his journey; and then when the person that guided him and showed him the righteous path died of some unceremonious indignant death, it broke him. He wanted to become the Man he admired more than anything in order to make Him a HERO for the world to remember. He gave up his own life and identity in order to become the Man he believed could save the world. Its only that much more bitter when you realize the true Golbez is just the 13th shard of Azem.

Durante/Golbez is an infinitely better character than Wuk could ever be.
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>Classic literature always puts an emphasis on complex moral nuances and outcomes rather than just "satisfying outcome where bad guy get killed."
List 'em.
Built and made for aggressive huffing
Name a single book that isn't the rigveda vikram
i stock white paint for bullet hell :)
>2. Because most of us are already dying on all the other dungeons leading up to 100, multiple times, some they're all difficult
I've picked up the mechanics of those very fast while enjoying what the devs have come up with. I guess you dont actually play this game very often...
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Damn this is the most emotion I've heard from anyone this entire expac
You are talking to someone that just idles, that's how.
I have 200k gil but I need 500k gil to buy an apartment. Very sad.
because I haven't bothered to update XIVlauncher until just now
speaking of, how do I get Dalamud working again?
What happened to the first promise? He lost the last challenge then disappeared to nowhere? Strange how everyone in his family doesn't care where he is once they crowned the tranny femhroth as lion king
I can't post my character, retard. I don't have one.
Are Dawntrail dungeons a step up in difficulty compared to past expansions?
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Le Miserables
Crime and Punishment
Count of Monte Cristo
Merchant of Venice.
im gonna be honest bros idk what EN dub wuk sounds like but the JP va is not bad!
The grape one as I am a grape too
yeah they need some work. its the shoulders for me desu. smaller shoulders and fix the jaw and gg we all furfag now
the bhagavad gita.
He goes to the golden city to get Halo 3 powers and massacres the capital after you leave when the ceremony is over
Daddy says they are okay, bring technology and 'crop rotation', would marry one.
Do it Krile
Kill your parents
Post it
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Bro??? Are you a pajeet or a bigot???
I only just started though!
I did not SKIP the side quests, I simply postponed them. I'm busy saving my vacation resort
t. dumb tanks thinking you can make fun of me because I play the most complex job in the entire universe and everything is more difficult for me, yet I still prevail. PATHETIC.
anon why do you keep falling for these traps? don't you realize it doesn't matter what you say? they are just waiting for you to post so they can keep shitting on you.
Kinda sad. Was gonna play it as my main healer this exp. Sage it is.
Yoshida delivered on "we will make the game more challenging"
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>reach the level 90 designated emotional manipulation zone
>looks like there's 3 or 4 main stops
>already crying halfway through the first one
I think I will wait until tomorrow to finish this
Genuinely how are you people already at 100 assuming you didn't skip the msq? Did you just poopsock for the past 3 days?
just from leveling i'd say slightly more difficult than shadowbringers, the first boss of the 92 dungeon was a good wake up call after endwalker
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Of Mice and Men fits as well I think
>I guess you dont actually play this game very often...
wow. she sounds like a genki tomboy type here, it's so much better than the tranny VA we got.

i suddenly get it....
>crying about anything that happens in slopfail
are you brain damaged or something?
Whoops I meant the level 100 designated emotional manipulation zone
His girlfriend died eating microwaveable ramen. It's not funny.
Pretty sure the last time I saw BLM it shitted free movement out of its ass. Are you glued to your hotbars constantly? You dont know what to press? You need to look around during the fight, you know
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The lo-fi music that plays in here is fucking cool, what track is it?
This thread is way too white, stop melting over people not being jaded
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my femlala just wants someone to explore the new world with...
Do it then, pussy. Slap me.
yeah a little. didnt see anything gay like deadends but they're gay in a different way, yknow? challenging for sure. only done the first two btw kek about to get shit on in the third according to my buddy
If you aren't Luxon you are my enemy.
I offered my femlala's hand and you slapped it away...
I loved the part of the story when the lizard said he had no father and so he couldn't be a father to his son. It made me think of black people.
is it bad that every time i see erenville's eyes i think of elden ring
You seem fat for some reason. I just get that impression from your posts.
>This thread is way too white
That's not possible, it's barely past noon in SEAland, pajeetland and burger neets are still up.
Nobody will know I'm a gay suncat.
i know... give me another chance, i'll be better this time...
>Le Miserables
Who's the bad guy in this story, again? I think you got the wrong character on mind.
>Crime and Punishment
Raskolnikov gets fucked, though. That's the entire point of the book.
>Count of Monte Cristo
The entire story centers around revenge. Dantès doesnt kill/further ruins Danglars out of magnanimosity.
>Merchant of Venice.
Okay this one I'm not familiar with.
The game has 5 expansion worth of MSQ
So I believe it makes sense for it to expect even a little bit more from you
>miss 3 mines in a row
Yeah sure fuck you Yoshitpiss
give me your address and I'll be over asap
stop fucking zooming in on their hands while they clench them into fists, the models still look like early ps3 trash u idiot devs
Kurzick Gang all day every day
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A remake of this ff9 song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWCTy_FwPvU
No.. you must commit to your decision. Find a nice catboy or lalaman...
Wait a second

This city and shit has been around since the ancients?
How the fuck- what?
Solution 9? Can someone explain?
This is so fucking retarded
>>miss 3 mines in a row
Welcome to competitive pokemon
>Looks like
It is.
I'm sorry... I don't want any of them... none of them make me me feel like you do... please...
i realized that i can make the chat box 200% larger and i'm enjoying the story more

really wish we would have organized something where a group of anons agree to do the MSQ at the same pace, or roughly the same pace.

regardless, just having someone to explore the new zones with for the first time would be amazing.
Will there be mastery books for crafters with the savage patch?
>>already crying halfway through the first one
oh man
>Who's the bad guy in this story, again?
Everybody from somebody elses point of view.

Javert is probably the only actual innocent character in Les Mis, now that I think about it
What makes you think there would not be?
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Hey bro mind telling me why I was able to find a picture of your wife nude on google image search
didnt ask
my femlala started skipping all the dawntrail cutscenes after a few hours
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>chat box
i meant the dialogue box, not the chat window
they talk about it in the story bro.. another shard merged into ours in the barrier area basically like when the crystal tower went to the first. so it brought their super advanced shit over+time moved at like super speed 30years? or something passed in a few days.
>Javert is probably the only actual innocent character in Les Mis, now that I think about it
Yeah, that was what I was implying.
They got shipped off to oklahoma because their tribal lands were on ceruleum fields
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You made me do this

i knew from day 1 that this dude would have a redemption at some point
>in the first 4 hours and 2 zones you fight a total of EIGHT enemies with 5 in one zone and 3 in the other.

Jesus fucking christ
Actually no, Javert, Fantine, and Eponine are the only innocents, sorry
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Damn your wife is a freak
wake up at 4am on first day, set scenes to auto on fastest so that I can catch the jist of what's going on in the non-voiced cutscenes and watch the voiced ones. Take a break after a few hours to gym and touch grass, nap for 4-6 hours go agane the next day. First day was 94, second was 97, third was 100. Easy as. Doing the role quests and all the exploration and aetheric quests had me 100 with the entire last zone to go.
>noooo complex morality is modernslop!!
>arguing about the complex morality of Les Mis
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What the FUCK
>wuk lamat's only weakness and sense of self-doubt is seasickness
give me a break
This is storybuilding. We like this here. Don't like it? Go somewhere else
the mamool ja story and that dungeon was the only time I felt anything this whole xpack
can froths change their fang length at the aesthetician or do I have to live with my choices
she's also afraid of heights
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good nigh noeverybody
caelynn lynnwood please put your feet on my face.
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i hate seeing all my friends queuing for new dungeons without me, but this story fucking blows and i haven't wanted to do it at all
good rape
don't bother arguing with the kind of person who thinks the antagonist should be a big evil guy called The Demon Lord who says 'GRR NOOOO I AM DEFEATED' at the end when the good guys win
sure, if you ignore everything else that she's not good at, that's true
My femlala looks so ugly in Dawntrail I can't stand it
my femlala's special ability is yearning
Don't get me wrong, my initial reaction was like whiplash
but the song makes me think of a Maplestory remix of the main theme and I'm all for it
>everything she's not good at
ok so riding boats? She succeeded on the first try at everything else
post her
Is the last zone any significant or can I just skip it?
please enjoy your 7.1 patch where you return the whalaqee back to texas after traveling the line of lacrimation and woot lmao kills andrew jackson
How many solutions until the Final Solution?
No. I'm super upset at how ugly my femlala looks and I want to cry
i doubt she looks that bad sis
Depends on your alchemist level
ugly slampig femlala. . .
#12 is the final level so..
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This thing seriously got reskinned 3 fucking times bro..
It's pretty fucking useless so just get to 100 and start crafting like a normal person.
>My femlala looks so ugly in Dawntrail I can't stand it
i hate it. i think the main issue is the lighting but her hair constantly looks dirty. turning off shadows on self helped a little bit but it's still pretty bad.
also her eye color is a lot darker than it used to be. if i use the fanta, it'll be just to change her eyes a few shades brighter i think.
and none of them are for real jobs
Dawntrail is just a reskinned Stormblood so this makes sense
They ruined the facial expressions
My portraits will never recover
this post unironically made me laugh irl
where are you at in the story? i'm a little bit behind everyone too and it sucks kinda going through this alone
it's criminal you can't wear it as GNB or MCH
me too... it's like she was stung by a bee or something... she just doesn't look right. she doesn't look like my femlala
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Damn pitslut!
lol imagine if people started making AI pit art of her right now lol...
>where are you at in the story
why does this matter? why cant the story just be entertaining from the start? why do we need to get a certain level for the writers to wake the fuck up?
They are
>I've faced worse, it's fine!
>fucking dies
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I'm sorry to hear that, sis. I hope you either come to terms with it, or you change to something you like and you feel better for it
why can't I look like a fisher as a machinist
an actual child made this post
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What top is that...?
my femlala's hand belongs in yours...
I'm on the level 92 crap. Trying so hard not to skip, but this shit is like 90% ass. There were a few okay parts but it's hard to give a shit.
This I agree with. I can't stand the "it gets good at level 97" defense.
They were asking so you could try and experience it together if you're in the same general region of the story you absolute fucking nonce
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People being ecstatically in-love gets me, so seeing shit like this when I know what's coming crushes my heart into dust
Yeah I've thought of at least one thing that's dramatically obligated to happen and I'm probably gonna cry until I dry heave when it does
uh proof bro?
it gets worse at 97 lmao
your femlala was already ugly to begin with you'd never understand my pain...
typically stories have this thing called "build up" where it starts out relatively tame and then gradually works its way to a climax
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Good burn, and it doesn't stop me posting her, so by comparison your femlala looks better than mine, so you should post her anyway
but you won't
Because you're not actually a femlala
no she didn't
That guy wasn't me, but this is: >>484205208
I'd much rather do this alone though. I don't like feeling pressured to keep up with anyone.
Either wait until the pop up or make it
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On the Hroth? Heavensward Blaksmith AF body.
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>follow and repeatedly talk to these npcs as they recap things that happened 30minutes ago
amazing quest design yoship
God I hate this condescending defense so much, like a grown man doesn't know what "build up" is in a story. Come off it.
This game's "build up" takes like 30 hours for a miniscule payoff. It's dogwater. Even normie fans are noticing that it's considerably worse.
calm down
femlalas belong to femlalas
You're a dumb fag if you think build up means boring and bad. If the first hour of every movie fucking dogshit but you sit through it until it gets good?
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Didn't PSO2 look like this at some point?
Not Wuk, obviously, but you know what i mean right?
i don't think it's worth going into why the first half of dawntrail was never ever going to fit into the 6.x patches, but it's pretty funny what a non-solution this is
because if it had, then there'd still be a part of the story you wouldn't find entertaining, it would just be a different place
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Problem is that typically XIV expansions have had at least 2 patches to build up the next expansion, but for some reason they decided to skip that with DT.
lmoa u dieded nerd
yeah except the story I didn't find entertaining I didn't pay an additional 40 bucks for and bog down my expansion launch
For REAL dude. It actually blows my mind how they spent 6.05 - 6.5 doing filler and then introduced a whole ass continent in a .55 expansion. What the fuck were they thinking.
I love how you just assume any critique of this game's story is a bad faith attack. Fuck off, fanboy. It absolutely could have benefited from better pacing.
the beginning of DT isn't bad though
ah im at level 94, so not too far above you. if you need someone to do duties with or you just want to take a break and explore the zones with someone come to dynamis.
we all thought with the introduction of the void that we would be getting a void expansion but no, they just wrap it up and bring out this vacation expansion at the very last patch with no buildup
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I feel your pain bro, my femra feels profoundly wrong
Usually I take screenshots of her reactions to things in cutscenes, but I haven't even done it once this expac
I hope there's a change in the pipeline or it might unironically kill FFXIV for me
>the only people happy are the furfags and coomers
you'd pay 75 bucks for it instead
>It absolutely could have benefited from better pacing.
yeah, obviously
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any sidequest enjoyers? doing them while doing the msq, and cornservant is based as fuck
>introduced a whole ass continent in a .55 expansion
the New World was introduced as a concept years ago
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I liked the Endwalker patch quests
That's actually quite far ahead. I just began the 92 stuff, so you're considerably further than I am. Best of luck to us both, but I doubt I'll catch up to you in time. Thank you anyway.
I feel this. Mine looked weird when DT dropped. I had to change her hair style/color a bit and make new glams around it. I think it's also the lack of mods if I'm being honest. Waiting for glamourer to come back before I use the free fanta.
>nooooo you have to just play through 6 hours of boring bullshit because "heh muh new cast/ new continent"

i dont remember shadowbringers or heavensward or stormblood having a 6 hour bullshit "introductory period" where nothing happens
I actually feel bad for the skippers because they are skipping all the unvoiced cutscenes which are actually story relevant and have even less of an idea of what's happening.
You know what I mean. The entire concept for the expansion was dumped in a .55 patch while we spent post-EW fucking around with zero in an arc that didn't accomplish anything. Wuk as a character, her homeland, and the whole succession thing should have all been built up to from 6.05 onward imo. Have us meet her early. Have us come to like her organically. Drop breadcrumbs of internal struggles in her homeland. Have her come to trust us. Then in .55 have her finally ask us for help. If you want to hinge an entire expansion on whether or not I like your character, you have to be really careful about it; you can't just drop them in a 3 hour final update patch and hope for the best or you get the mixed reception DT is getting right now.
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this nigga is too slow
>i dont remember shadowbringers or heavensward or stormblood having a 6 hour bullshit "introductory period"
because they were all built on previous expansions and world building/characters
DT is not
>Are Dawntrail dungeons a step up in difficulty compared to past expansions?
I feel like they used criterion savages as sort of a beta test for dungeon difficulty in DT.
i believe you
whoaaaa scared me a little
femra gang
femra gang
Hearty kek
But yeah seriously: who's the fucking mother?
That zone makes a good job at making me feel a lot of things: wonder, anxiety, depression, and seethe. I wish it stayed black and golden...

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