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Previous : >>483927123

>What is Brown Dust 2?
A tactical turn-based JRPG that combines the classic gameplay and storytelling of the genre with the visual appeal of modern-day titles.

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Bridal sex with refi
PAWGstia alter kit in a few hours?
>1 hidden post already
off to a good start I guess
Yeah we're getting PA.W_G Justia news soon.
That OP image isn't nearly horny enough for the catalog
>seamonke hours.....nothing but pawg posting
I hope that WG shows her PA in her skill cutscene
All hours are sea hours according to you nigga lol
Mindbroken to be honest
Not SEA, just one mentally ill schizo obsessed with NTR and blacked shit. Best to filter it since he always reposts the same garbage or ignore it.
>sees fair skinned woman with a large rear
>immediately thinks about NTR and blacks
wonder who's really obsessed...
shut up seanigger, you will never be considered a human being
>obsessed with NTR and blacked
you just described standard cmonke's though?
Lil bro thinks imaginary demons from singapore are plotting against his gacha thread lmao
>he used an @symbol to try and post quote
holy shit brudda what you sparking like 2-3 brain cells in total?
i miss the wiggle poster
its ok the cuckschizo will keep you company since he gets lonely really easy and can be baited to discuss or argue about anything at all
I'm from Indonesia.
The anon that keeps replying to his bait is also annoying
>niggerfaggot thread
Kill yourself niggerfaggot
>lil bro
most cringe poster in this thread. almost guaranteed you are an adult 30+ and probably overweight. I bet you are a like a brown version of Jaden but without the charm and rich father
why dont you fucks just buy a window AC
every time its always just shitty plastic fans that don't cool you down in the summer
anyways though John is about to drop 7 new costumes on us with 2 limited plus a rerun of limited porker yusti all within the next 1-2 months. ticket income for anni also looks incredibly limited when you consider how bad Nebris's banner has been for seasoned players
their electric grid cannot handle the load. it's also why many 2nd/3rd worlders cannot flush toilet paper and have to cut their shit up with a poop knife because the standard piping used in their countries even for sewer is like .5"
Can we expect any better packages than the current one? I expected a little more value out of the big ticket packs desu
I doubt it as with anni being 6/22 the best packages would have come with it. the log on one isn't bad at $17 but you are correct there is no big value $90-$100 pack that are any different than normal. I actually think the $90 is a worse value than the one we got during collab which had 140pulls plus other stuff
that's awful, people there just get cooked slowly by the heat, dont they
i really can't imagine living near the equator like that without wanting to kill myself
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7 costume you say ?? Be ready for meta back to back to back its the anni after all
the yusti costume isn't anni though it's literally a regular update as is the next story pack
Makes sense, I will pick up one of the big ones now to DCA it a little at least.
New glutti here, Do we get a 5* recruitment ticket every week with login system? I felt like that was pretty generous but then again I think I already got 1 last week.
What with their twitter announcement about something on July 1st? I thought today is July 1st on Korea already.
Very cool.
What is the property selective draw exchange ticket in golden thread shop? The one that costs 1200.
Whalebait or retard trap. You pick a element, get a random character of that element. You will likely get trash.
No wonder it's so vague in name and description kek. Thanks anon
I got a lot out of it, it's good for spenders. Probably not for F2P however
The only thing you should be getting with gold thread every month is the selector. If the featured character is good that too. So you should have a surplus of gold thread incase you have to spend 3200 in a month. Newgluttis could use it on ancient crystals for gear since they might be in desperate need of ur gear to progress. The other stuff is mainly for spenders who get much more gold thread.
I wonder if the next powder shop rotation will be as stacked as the current one
What about powder? Only use 200 for costume? I don't know which to upgrade for selector. Diana or DJ anon? My Diana is +1 right now and DJ+0.
Is Justia that good? Even with +0?
Well, Diana is most likely in since her banner is ending. The other powerful costumes would be Zenith, G.Rafina, and bride Refi
DJ+1 if you play magic. the SP reduction is great
no only the first two weeks I believe then they become very scarce
Is it guaranteed to be 5*?
It's not as straight forward as that other moron suggests btw. Depending on your goals & how much you roll it's actually a better costume eco option than the selective pick. But obviously you'd want both, in terms of elements to pick I think it was Wind > Light > Dark/Fire? Not completely sure on last 2 but wind/light are the 2 best
We don't know the new alt version Justia kit yet. And her summer Costume is getting buffed. Her other costumes isn't very good
Does max pot zenith + base schera kill idol gran turn 1? Or do I need to throw in another buffer?
It's kinda fun to throw at active banners, I've hit the kickback a few times. Yesterday I spent two and hit Diana. Definitely not the optimal play but just a small perk.
yes random 5* of chosen element
No, I mean the one in powder shop right now. Bloood Justia or something.
Water is that bad huh?
Oh, Blood glutton justia is also isn't very good except if you want to max your evil tower floor 2 score with mono light team. Which is very low priority
In general, true damage can't crit. that's why they're shit. They're okayish for early game and PvP at least
how to farm gold in this game?
BASED ANON. Thanks for funding the game.
Spend rice in goblin's cave and buy it from event shop.
60 rice will net you around 500k gold
Yes. I went Wind everytime, Got a bunch of Lecliss as well as 2 Dianas. (+3/+2 Lecliss).
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No, you always need a buffer (aka just Helena) and only PP can guarantee kill because the first hit doesn't do damage & base loses 33% of its damage compared to 20% of PPs. Also you need a single damage node tear, technically you need 2 (and you need 2 for lecliss) but you can honestly greed the single.
Forgot to mention that's 500k is only if you do it in it's rate up day. they rotates the rate up between slimes and gold each day. With weekend having both on rate up
First question: Not necessarily. Depends on the MRES of the gran. Eleaneer can do it even through high def due to the property bonus however.
I wouldn't buff to kill Gran. Just taking off the buff is enough, you want to be able to kill the damage dealers on the opposite team, or other critical pieces. It depends on your own defenses too and what you need to kill to survive. Justia is a pretty good option as she is fixed and can one shot both MRES and Def characters, downside is you need a built Justia.
Nice. No Venaka in that?
No, I did this before Venaka was up. Right now I am saving enough for the costume enhancement because there's nothing I want to roll much for (waiting for limited news)
That's a lot of work, I'm just going to stick to ppschera'ing the taunt and throwing venaka down the middle to nuke their DDs, been pretty good so far if I can hit a DD but Venaka being one costume is coinflippy. Not like I can do better without nb.eclipse though. Thanks.
>Pack 8
Man I can't believe Gray doesn't wanna fuck that archer girl, she is so hot.
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Nobody can guarantee a kill on idol gran unbuffed even with Zenith, especially since unbuffed usually means you don't have 99/100 CR. Eleaneer doesn't even come close because the first hit is fully blocked
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Reminder for the Newglutties
You might've known it already but you don't need to manual farm the dungeons. You can just one click and spend your rice / torches with this button once you cleared the boss of the difficulty once
What is the use for that auto hunt sword icon besides it? It's like a waste of time.
Not sure what yo tell you, I've killed many 90 def grans on the first turn with Zenith and Eleaneer.
That's fine up to a certain rank but you'll find that you'll die to teams when the Gran is positioned on the same side as your Venaka. All top level grans are positioned so that Eclipse/Venaka don't hit any other units, so failing to kill her with schera will just waste your Venaka cast when you lose the 50/50. Definitely consider adding Helena and use Rou/Sylvia/Diana/Roxy. The strongest option there is Diana + Roxy.
It's a relic from old past where they haven't implemented the skip button yet
Well, it also works outside of dungeon too if you want to farm normal mobs for some reason
Why is Gray so afraid of her again? I don't remember they saying why at all.
My CR/CD is ~67/500 iirc. Rate is at least that, dmg might be a little higher. But crit luck/failure is always a part of PVP. Anyway, like I said: Killing the gran is nice but non-essential. I ran Zenith after Eleaneer for a while until I switched to this and saw more success.
They're not built properly, just because you can do it doesn't mean you kill all Grans unbuffed. The question is about a guaranteed kill, which means your damage must exceed Gran's max potential HP, which is 30k for magic and 28k for physical, and the first hit is always fully blocked.
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Dunno, she is hot as fuck.
Nobody said this word desu, but okay.
Also killing Gran is essential if you're going to use Zenith before Schera because if you fail to kill her it'll guarantee the next hits all go on Gran b/c of Zenith's focus fire.
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You really can't see why?
They also don't tell you why she is so obsessed with Gray too. Gray is afraid of her probably because of that obsession.
It was implied, just like how he didn't specify Gran was 90 MRES but I still knew what he meant. You're supposed to have the ability to extract information like this it's basic comprehension
Just purely first love obsession for Lia.
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They'll tell you why in later pack
>move goalposts
Nice one anon. Just like your calculated Eleaneer build with terrible stats and the wrong costume bond kek
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That's not what moving the goal post means, lurk more and don't just use random buzzwords. Nobody runs elemental damage on Eleaneer for PvP, and even if you did it doesn't change the fact that she's still 8k away from killing. I even threw on a SBA glove so you can cheat the extra crit line. Use a buffer.
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I completely forgot about Focus Fire's psuedo-taunt effect entirely, good shout.
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You have 47% crit rate i don't know what you're trying to show. You would literally fail to kill gran most of the time because not only will you not kill fully built Grans you'd fail to kill them when you miss crit. In fact your eleaneer can get walled by 0 def grans
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>buy a property ticket
>pick water
>"Now, it's time for your punishment."
Since we're talking about grans here post a good build. I got some IVs for her and I'm tired of my defense team being trash. Haven't used any potential crystals on her yet though.
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is it really considered cheating on Yusti if i only do anal with Lia?
there's a few variants to her, at the top levels all split/void gran builds seem less viable than single resist commits. From my own experience, Def gran is better if you want to jerk off and hover masters (aka don't wake up Sunday) but mres gran is better if you actually want to rank (contest challenger). But the TL;DR is 2 pieces of hp % and 1 piece of flat HP (between helm/armour/necklace) and then enough Mres for 90 & all hp %. Fully capped she can reach 31k hp and you can stat check the people who didn't want to double tear their pp schera
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Reply to this post if you wife has:
>All costumes +5
>UR weapon
>All potentials unlocked
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My tigerwife
>he wants the guaranteed build
Good luck
UR unique equipment*
>noooo you need to build 60% crit rate and 300% crit damage instead
>you can't take the property damage! That's cheating!
>you have to buff!
btw just jacking up gran is not necessarily going to sky rocket your win rate, she's broken because she allows you to position your DPS in a safe way and avoid taking certain very unfavorable 50/50's. Your dps 2nd turn still need to be able to be strong enough & have enough coverage to kill on T2 which isn't as straight forward as it seems since you'll only have 8 SP to work with (assuming the -1 SP on Idol). There's also nuances like Eclipse SP reduction you'll want to take into consideration.
It's simply illegal to build 50% crit rate where each crit is worth double the value of someone with 60% crit rate. Also it is mathematically worse according to my google wiki downloaded calculator.
No, I will never post my own characters or rank.
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My fellow Yuri bro...
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Wife and daughter
Justi footjob
No you need 95-99% crit rate because when you're trying to increase your win rate in GM/Chally from 90-93% to 95-98% you can't greed for something like 80% crit rate. Please don't talk if you don't know. Also I've literally changed the bonding in >>484202905 and it still doesn't work so your point is moot.
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NTA but what else can I do for her and what costume should be the one bonded
Well you should be bonded to the resist you want, so if you're defence you bond Void (5% def) and if you're Mres you bond Idol. In terms of improvements you should try to hit your Mres threshold with an HP % armour/helm instead of 2 doubles. You're trying to do anti-eclipse and that's fine but the HP is a bit on the low side. You'd at least want 20k to max out her shield.

She always uses a Rebelion glove because she wants the crit, although to be very honest at high levels Gran is always fodder so she never does any damage so that actually becomes less relevant the more you climb.

It's probably going to be too expense for you to mass switch a build but the biggest improvement here would be to get a Hellfire Robe IV followed by a Rebellion IV, and obviously your substats will change depending on your needs. Rebellion III is fine too if you don't have too many to go around. Also Def rolls are wasted if you're going Mres, so make sure you clean up your substats when you get the chance
what if I already buy the hlathel and bhelena? do we know what next dust shop gonna be?
We'll know with tomorrow's patch note
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For reference this is my gran, my gloves are a little scuffed because I tore apart my Mres build to go Def & am now trying to get a better chest piece but you can see it's still possible to hit 110% mres with an HP piece.
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She loves me.
I love you too gray
Schera anon... I kneel...
I can't stop gooning, bros. How do you guys stop it?
You're pretty damn cool, Gray.
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i just cum
They haven't added my wife to the game yet...
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Here's my characters, and this is me on reset:
You use the non-sweep auto battle for the battle exp.

Gray would not let you do that.
I'm trying to go for wind magic team with Elpis, Delvi, Venaka, and Diana. Who to go for last slot, anons?
bro, your bhelena?
A chain stacker like Celia would probably be my choice, realistically it won't matter or it'll be someone with a push pattern for a specific fight
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I'm a big boy now
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A step closer to 26M. I should try PoV Lathel.
Poor pig like me don't deserve her, bro
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1 more to go, hope I get spooked on Justi's banner
How do you get her to +5? I can only +1 her.
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physichads our response?
F2Pigs can't obviously
I rolled 3 dupes of her when trying to get Diana to +5. This is a +1 from the monthly shop ticket.
Shes in the powder shop, get her
Not afraid but repulsed to any subhuman (bunnygirl, succubus, angel). Gisgray is racist.
I can fix her
I preferred the story when Lathel was going psycho about warlocks.
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Everyone have the same opinion
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and are the warlocks in the room with us right now...?
I'd pay for him to come back then have the punchline being fatty is part warlock.
Fuck warlocks
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I just can't accept H.Lathel man... He might have his pure heart. But he's just not the same Lathel as we used to have. It's a different character i have no attachment to...
stop spoiling im still doing Cat Daddy story pack
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JOHN !!!
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Why don't they make more of the "What if" costumes?
Dark Knight Lathel - What if Lathel awakened his terra power but still kept his sanity
Blood Glutton justia - What if justia went full vampire?
Vanguard Gray - What if Gray stayed In his kingdom and become military commander?
Magic Prof Schera - What is Schera became magic academy teacher?
Lathel and Justia are "corrupted by demons" variants, and not "what if"
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Pick 1 to marry.
It's not canon to the main story so it's "what if" And they're not corrupted. their bio still depicts them as the good people.
Are we actually getting the new sp today or will it be on Thursday?
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They're on the edge.
Lathel has voices in the head and Yusti is always thirsty, to the point she doesn't care about anything else.
We'll get something in 20 minutes, maybe it's PV
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Do these stats look fine? Should I change something?
Change main stat to C.Damage if you can. The cap is 700%
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Alright, thanks
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Soon I join the 100m club magic chads. Crit fishing sucks.
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Changed supports and chain orders, much better. Lathel is a beast, poor Roxy.
It's out
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"Lathel" might die again
Can't catch a break huh
Can you post full roster and order please?
>emotional kino
>suddenly granny's fat ass flashes on screen
I'll never not kek at the tone deafness sometimes
Is that Lathel really kill? I'm not up to the latest chapter.
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Go read ch13. She didn't.
Dang that Lathel jr.s-bearing hips...
>'Lathel' will fuse with Lathel to become LATHEL thus the two lathels technically die
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>Following the progression checklist
>"Go clear Magic Crystal Caves so you can dispatch for Torches"
>A single run of Normal gives NINE (9) of the 3100 crystals you need for an outfit
I had almost forgotten this was a Korean game.
Please tell me the higher difficulties give way more.
you get like 260-290 per day from daily torches. There are other sources of torches and crystals, but they either cost money/dia or aren't consistent
You get around 270 crystals per day for very high
60 torches on VH gives you ~270 crystals. You get a fuckton of torches from clearing Phys/Magic towers
Okay, that's way more worth it. I'm close to the CP for VH already, so I might just knuckle down and get those cleared early so I can have the higher passive income of crystals.
Looking over the upgrade system, seems like you get a lot of stats from filling out an outfit's grid, so it can't be a bad idea to do get as much as I can early on.
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6 10 rolls to get 1 copy of dj miku. i get another dj miku from my daaily free roll. THEN i get this from a free roll. a fucking limited character. is this game always so generous with rolls?
>close to the CP
CP is fake there. VH mobs have 2-4K HP iirc, boss has about 35K. You can probably just do it now.
3% for SSR is kinda big.
Also you get 50% chance to get a banner costume every time you're rolling a 5*.
I got bored and decided to roll on weapon banner. 50 tickets for 8 UR weapons, from which only 1 was for a UR unit. Never again, unless they add my wife Nephir.
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>roll on weapon banner. 50 tickets for 8 UR weapons, from which only 1 was for a UR unit.

Well done MR Bricker.
we need to stop Schera if we're to protect our dignity...
Are the 3 daily board quests any important? The rewards for doing them is pretty low...
Some are kind of kino story-wise, just do them once every storypack to complete the good reputation achievements
afterwards only do them when season pass asks for it
They aren't. You do them when there a task in the character pass.
I'll take comfort that it was Venaka's weapon and I got enough crystals to refine it as well. Now watch me pull it again from daily rolls.
>+5 UR migger can't max out pride fire challenge
guess I need more Teresse dupes...
[SPOILER] Is OG Lathel ever coming back? [/SPOILER]
It's him on the right >>484216278
How many golden threads do you get if you pull a +5 4*? It's 2 for 3* right?
Isn't that apostle Nox?
Why I only get 250?
Luck issue.
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>looks like Justia alter wants the new sig weapon and can't use the old one
OK, i get it.
You finally get it. Nox is Luther
Stop trolling newglutties...
New Justi will have pure damage (True damage that can crit) like Idol Ventana. trust
Lathel, you mean.
Trust the plan?
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I hope her animation focuses on that tight tithole dripping with sweat...
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The devs already confirmed that the apostles is going to be playable after certain point in the story
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underboob queen
for me though, it's
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>Best thighs in game
>Monumental hyper nuker tier damage
>GF has an apple on her head

Yeah, Fatty won't be competing with Ventana. Ever LMAO
So they are good guy after all?
Dunno. It could be playable bad guys too
is nu-Justia going to merc Nox?
What is John even thinking at this point? It's beyond obvious no one gives a shit about the Apostles, aside from my wife Apostle Blade.
So far, they are the bad guys. John could be playing the long game and reveal they were actually good all along or had good intentions (idk how, but that's still an option I'm keeping open)
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>What is John even thinking at this point? It's beyond obvious no one gives a shit about the Apostles, aside from my wife Apostle Blade.
Do those tower reward ever reset or I should just take my time with it?
no but they pale to the fuckery Fabian gets to later, and the fuckery the Octos bring
Apostle Bricky
My wife Alec...
Um who are that again?
>t. Apostle Blade (male)
Basically 8 strongest Demon Lords from the Underworld trying to take over the world
Imagine the size of that futa cock...
Alec's black panties...
just letting y'all know I'll be +5ing apostle blade and morpheah and they will be milking my cock every single day, that's all
It's out
B-but what about Noah? Does he get your glorious cock too?
>2mil from 1,1 mil
Collab revenue, eh?
he can watch and clean up the creampies, anything else and he'll have to do that genderbend thing
This is good, right? I mean BD2 is a pretty niche game.
This is it then for BD2. We'll never recover from this damage.
we lost
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It's very good desu. Not sure if PC revenue is counted as well as it is a googleplay integrated system, but even if it is, that's quite good for a game like this.
~400k is good enough desu
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Bros.. I can't believe Gray is part of the squad...
Baalbuddy originated from 4chan, right? He sure made it big
Gary is not tanned enough
this is so fucking good, can't wait to see how this shakes up the game
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It's official fellow brownies, Free Dalvi almost doubled the monthly revenue. Fox chads win again.
>fat man
>little boy
>demon core
Gyaruo and Faceless Muscleman are unofficial members.
what did john do in july
That is pretty much launch month as it came out late in June.
BD2 ended up above Astra somehow
Eventhough Astra got way more advertisement
Nigga, we did better than english FGO, those niggas are in their 7th anniversary and have a massive IP behind. BD2chads won.
What are they going to do with that money? I also play Azur Lane and they rented a cruise ship to promote the game.
>Octavius I
It's No-Roll season in FGO right now. Even retards aren't rolling, because we're about to get slammed with 3 months solid of powercreep that everyone has had 2+ years to save for, and most of June's banners were frankly not good.
That pretty good, especially with the fact that content clearly wasn't ready for the anniversary and the collab was rather low budget.
The game got higher revenue than during the 6 months anniversary despite the fact that it was way worse than the 6 month anni.
The game probably have a way bigger player base nowadays.
The devs are really putting in effort. I've been around from almost the start and the qol updates alone have been very good. I hope the game does continue to grow.
Holy fuck please kill yourself.
For starters, look at the latest PV for story pack 14. It's significantly high effort compared to the previous ones.
I want them to add animations in the character packs like they do in the story packs. Hope they make the packs longer as well.
Also maybe do more advertisements as well, I've been getting azure lane ads for like 5 years now but haven't really seen much advertisements for BD2.
so if alt justi is separate unit, that means she'll get more costumes, right? will she get fat too?
>Also maybe do more advertisements as well, I've been getting azure lane ads for like 5 years now but haven't really seen much advertisements for BD2.

Yep. The only reason I heard about this game is because some anons in /v/ were shilling it. They really need to advertise more.
she'll get a pregnant costume
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I am not doing all that shit for 1k gems John.
A chance of 1k gems at that. And it also asks you to take a picture as proof of sharing, as if linking the tweet directly isn't enough.
Ecchi Lathel will impregnate Justia and she will give birth to OG Lathel's reincarnation. Screencap this.
>will impregnate
no, she will unbirth him. Accurate otherwise
Tower of Pride resets every 2 weeks, every other tower has one-time rewards only
B-But... the preggo Yusti costume...
where can I read about this?
>20 people
All that for a CHANCE lol. If they really want people to share stuff, they should give rewards to everyone who participates/shares. 1K is not that much and a lot of people just won't do it because there's no certainty of winning (I know I won't.)
Dalvi bros, since /ourgirl/ is officially carrying this franchise, when will we be getting our 3rd costume?
pregnant dalvi costume soon
children of the pool
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>The game probably have a way bigger player base nowadays.
I know I'm contributing to that. I picked up the game during the collab.
>maybe do more advertisements as well
lmao i started this game with the usual
[deleted message] shilling in other generals
Schizos seem to be a better ad than the company itsefl
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>it's possibly more than 4m actually
I need to see the big numbers
White Dustia II
I am going to link to my 4chan post for the giveaway and there is nothing they can do about it
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Will report back if I win it
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This is so stupid, it'll work. Enjoy the reward lol
>not /bd2g/
autism. . .
Is idol ventana that good? she showed up a few weeks ago but I never paid much attention to her
Now that I think about it, I have a few 5*s I never really looked into
I bet johns will swing by out of morbid curiosity and see one of our schizos having a melty
You brownies better be on your best behavior from now on
UE weapons being so defensively enabling is one of the rare things that pisses me off in this game. Granted it's just pvp stuff but meh
Why are retards so sure new justia will be fixed damage. The whole point of making an alt is so it's not the same as the original character.
>new Justia is literally just a Granhildr cosplay
Gray x Lia is the canon pairing tho
the justia alt is going to have PAWG type damage
SP11 word exchange between both implies things tho
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Granhildr's tits are kinda fat here...
She's got 2 costumes. 1 that greatly buffs her own attack and the 2nd does HUGE damage if the target is marked. Zenith provides this mark and Zenith herself increases an enemies incoming damage with that mark.

Zenith + Ventana = NUKE. So much so, these 2 can destroy plenty of bosses if they work together.
Someone post her animation without her clothes. It's so HOT
I can't believe I laughed at a P*WG shitpost
I hope zenith is in tomorrow's cope shop
Max Teared Zenith's skill costs 0 SP by the way. Also she's excellent for chaining in Fiend Hunters.
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Her base one?
after watching PV I realized again how much I love Lathel's VA bros.
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Yeah, Angels are a thing in BD world. Gran isn't the only one
She's the only one-winged one though
my disfigured and mangled angelwife granhildr!
Nice vagina bones
I think I heard Gray's VA in some seasonal isekai slop
Those are valkyries and are all females. Angels exists for some other reason
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Brown Dust 2 anime when bros? I can't wait to see the trump card soldiers rape scene.
Hello anons, lovely thread you got here... I saw two gifs with tits and boobs of this game and got me interested, how much "for (you)" level does Brown Dust have?
Just random fanservice doesn't cut it anymore for me
Unfortunately for you, There's no self-insert in this game
Your kind is not welcome here
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>how much "for (you)" level does Brown Dust have?
there's none, begone.
Anime style game with a random fanservice. Go play nikke or snowbreak.
Alright thanks, enjoy your game anons!
depends on your mental gymnastics
no characters are for you but they aren't for anyone else either
I, for example, am married to Eclipse and I rape her tits every night.
imagine having no loving family so you have to search "for you" in fucking gacha gaming
It might sounds harsh, but it's the truth. There's no for (you) content in this one. For real
Anon do you feel romantic attraction for your... parents?
And personally I would enjoy the game less if it had one.
Nah, the problem is that there's (You) pandering but there's no (You) actually. Just look at Nebris' cutscene.
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Eh, it's just Your usual viewer PoV shot
>Just look at Nebris' cutscene.
You are literally seeing the POV of the banana
??? That's the point. PoV shots in gachas are always (You) pandering. The devs are sending mixed signals. Just look at OG justia cutscene, we went from that to mostly PoV shots nowadays.
I wish I was her banana so yes
I don't think that's a problem at all actually. Just a bit of visual fanservice but doesn't affect the writing like other gachas have.
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Good morning cuckgods!
Did we get news today? And are we pretending our hotwife dalvi is relevant at all when sensorwife literally got all their accounts frozen for the entire duration of her event?
This isn't (You), Celia reacts this way to anyone that approaches her that isn't Eclipse.
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Damn, they made this scene more graphic in the story pack 14 trailer
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>/v/ thread is up
>all the cucks are coming here to show how cucked they are
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stupid jellyfish-looking ass hat
what if we raped the apostles into submission
She looks like a jellyfish
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So, is this real or not?
Patchnotes are tomorrow
Doesn't look real untin then
>>>/bant/ where ESLs belong
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>Maid Impossible rerun but no maid Liatris rerun
can't wait to send porn on the guild message board
It's my fat fingers, fuck off.
Step away whore. The only person who gets to step on me is Queen Glacia.
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little short white dress... EROTIC
T o T
my bad

I don't see any /v/ thread
He's talking about the gacha revenue one.
Has anyone been keeping track of elemental season?
Which one is next?
Or are we assuming its light because of Justia?
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>Sensortower had their accounts frozen for the later half of June
>Meaning Eris+Roxy collab made 2m alone without counting the disappointing anniversary
I'm glad the Koreans liked it I guess given that the trannies on the western side spent every day crying about it
I think you can check in the announcement thing in game
What the fuck
it's wind again.
We had dark (light Gridlin FH), water ( fire Talos FH), fire (wind Berserker FH), wind (water Octovius I FH)
Light is next
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Huh, it's real.
I guess the boss will be physical this time
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wtf gros you told me the anni patch was on july 4th
how could you lie to me like that???? I thought we were fwends????
Collab was more disappointing desu
July 4th is the new story pack patch
Yeah but some shill kept saying how you're a retard if you say the anni was a massive disappointment because the big anniversary patch is on july 4th
kys retard
Perhaps they're letting the new players have fun for a month. Since they'll mostly have and raised S.Venaka, S.Nebris, S.Dalvi, and Diana and have no other DPS raised
Because it is.
Why do you care anyway? You aren't playing this game.
>Release new Justia alter (Light)
>Nothing to use her in because world buff is wind
Oh baby, I can't wait for more disappointment
New Yusti is wind
Farting Justia (Wind)
She's gonna put the brown in brown dust
Please don't. I already farmed the light crystals
Guess that brapper ain't just for show
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Damn, P5X is steadily falling since it's released. I though the big IP will make it popular
That's not including all the google play store purchases after June 15 as well.
The number should be much higher.
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Dalvi Dust 2 bros. She did it.
Yeah so that means its mostly all collab revenue
Let's not win too hard, I don't want annoying people to join
>I don't want annoying people to join
>every thread is just cuckshit or some tranny having a melty over loli on the last months
Pretty came compared to the average twitterfag
>Dalvi single-handedly doubles the revenue
Mommy fox..I kneel...
>t. samefag cucktard
Fuck off, nobody cares about you.
"It could be worse" doesn't change that the thread is mostly annoying people now when it used to be so nice and helpful
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Origami's risque bet worked
It never was. You're outing yourself as a tourist.
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>advertise to seanigs
>thread gets taken over and dies
happens to every gacha game I play....
my queen
I, for one, appreciate our schizos because a /vg/ general without schizos is no general at all
Nah, they mostly advertise to the japs. The physical posters and advertisement trucks are in Japanese
go shit on your streets instead of the thread thanks
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Of course she has that effect on people
Probably talking about the constant /v/ spam and the cuckschizo shilling the game on every other general trying to help him shit up the place and not about the JP/KR that would never touch 4chinks
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>+5'd collab characters

Dear god.
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>not even his best wife
>doesn't even bear the strongest child
That's because MT was behind the story. John Dust and CO were afraid of fucking something up since it was their first big collab, so they let them handle it.
surprised there's people with taste still using this shithole
Are there always so many banners or is it just for the anniversary? I kinda like it.
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Perhaps. But it's not the first time they've done collab. The first game does it a lot.
They also got Rean collab
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>1k gems for 20 people
The generous gacha
John said so during the pre-anni stream. MT was their first BIG collab, who the fuck cares about DJMaxx (they collabed like 3-4 times), Darling in the Franxx a year or two after fotm buff or Destiny Child. Only "real" collabs were Rean and Slime, but they weren't as big as MT
I do not care for collabs.
Pack up all the collabs and email john about it
The king of the universe said he doesn't want collabs so stop talking about them

fucking retard
>Game on verge of eos
>John reruns Bikini Schera
>Revenue almost doubles

The only collab I want is me and Refithea's womb
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meanwhile fate celebrates 3200 days of being alive and gives their fandom a generous 10(ten) quartz that is enough for 3 rolls. bros, I'm so jelly.
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Any suggestions for pvp?
>+1 PP Schera
>+0 Eleaneer
>no Glutton Yusti
Ummm.... Kry and Samay are good in lowranks...
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>My Zenith isn't +5.

Bros, the shame is destroying me. Max teared, UR gear as well. Only +3. The guild won't let me join, will they?
roxy silence + putting a well built 9 cross or skip 3x3 nuke in middle lane and pray. Not amazing but gets you through your dailies without feeling like shit
3* is 2
4* is 20
5* is 300
>only +3
Why would you need more?
bro she's my wife. I need +5 or people will laugh at me.
You'll get her in 2 months bro...
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It's just a Discord users predictions. It gets updated all the time so no, it's not ifficial.
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I'll never get over how garbage proto-Eclipse (Left, second left) looked. So generic she could be an NPC. Nu-Eclipse saved this game singlehandedly.
>far right
Nihilego is that you?
Morpheah's underboob...
Anyone who isn't discussing Apostle Blade is probably gay.
Apostle Blade = Sumata
Apostle Morpheah = Paizuri
both = naked dogeza with folded clothes next to them after being defeated
The mask stays ON though
>after being defeated

Blade calls in Morpheah for support. Both still lose to Alec.
Sumata is cringe
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Sorry anon but we had already established that Blade is the boob Apostle
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BARE thighs are asking for it
rape apostle blade's thighs
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god I wish I was Lathel
Imagine dying and the last thing you feel is Pigstia's tears and snot dripping on your face
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that's a chance at 1,000 gems where you compete with the 300,000 third worlders vying for some free gems
I wonder when does Alec actually become known, no one that isnt retarded or his master would actually think they have a chance against him if he was already famous
She looks like shes about to eat him
She was soaked through at this point. No one can convince me otherwise.
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I've been telling the retards claiming anni patch was 7/4 that they are retarded for weeks now. the story pack update is just a regular update
tldr on alec?
THE strongest human
>That's not including all the google play store purchases after June 15 as well.
where are you getting this from? I see people keep claiming it but have seen no actual hard proof
that's it?
It came to me in a dream
honestly considering the Apostles have Lathel/his body Justia is gonna mindbreak hard when they have to inevitable fight him
Can't imagine a cute girl crying for me
I have 2 of Nebris' UR gear (one for each hole lol) Do I try to get her? Or should I save my tickets? I really want that limited ass coming our way.
wait until patch notes tomorrow at least
kinda pissed off. Still don't have Venaka's UR gear and she was the only one I wanted to get out of all the banners.
Please respond
Usually there's just 2 costumes on rateup. It's jsut for anniv yeah
Why are you rolling on scam banners bro...
man i remember when we got full costumes from this shit, i got RH Rou
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He's wrong about the timeframe, he heard 15 days so he probably thought it was the last 15.
Android revenue rankings didn't update at all from june 9 to june 26.
People are assuming that means that all revenue information during that period was unavailable.
It's unknown if Sensortower still got information from unknown sources or just used what they had and extrapolating missing data, which they do a lot.
Honestly all mobile revenue data is largely just retarded guesses from various sources based on very likely next to nothing.

Like imagine trying to guess the amount of money a game makes in a day just because its 4th place in a ranking.
b-but my gacha is doing better than yours! Eat shit
cope, your game makes no money
Lil bro filtered it so you have to add punctuation between the letters
riding a banana
brown dust x FF Tactics when?
That is when I drop the game desu
I hope never. Tactics is just WotV now, and Gumi killed it with grind and powercreep.
Gray was raised to be king and in doing so, he must find a proper queen. His teachings remained even though he shirked his duties.
Looks too good
Machos naturally fear the girls that could dominate them
ff tactics sucks, they should collab with FEH or something good
She sleeps hugged to that banana at the inns
Speaking of that notFFT gacha game looks solid,
Banana is (me) btw
Alchemist Code was better, I miss Acht cunny
that's cute
next collab should be with either hololive or overlord.
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I like WotV more because its artist is a thighfag, shit makes me kneel.
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You mean Konosuba. It's literally made for this game.
gary bros, it was a genuine mistake.
John said that he wants to find an ip that will give them some artistic freedom because Mushoku's ip holders didn't let them do what they want without a ton of corpo bureaucracy shit.
my man
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Tactics and Tagatame at least had gameplay though

I want to play more stuff like that with meaty gameplay and actual strategy or decisions instead of just porn and bouncing titties
hello bwos, it's canada day, say something nice about your fellow leafs
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Like this?
Yeah that looks amazing
I miss FFT so much
Well the gacha games coming out soonish.
No idea if its good or not
Steam apparently has a 10-hour demo?
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It was like that at first, but this quickly became "just have the newest unit lmao". Also being a ftp I burned out quickly (I played for 2 years from day 1) by trying to gather all the shit you need to clear and farm the endgame content, which is just an auto grind for 2-4 hours per day to craft some newest fomo shit.
>It was like that at first, but this quickly became "just have the newest unit lmao"
Still more gameplay than the average game tho because a grid SRPG means you have to think about where to move your units or get memed with the fire emblem classic where your best unit dies horribly for being in the wrong place

Most gachas at the endgame devolve into mindless autoshit with barely any thought. Some games that look like they have no gameplay manage to actually get you to engage with the game and plan out strategies while games like Brown Dust 2 look like they're going to have tons of gameplay but you're just mindlessly bruteforcing with the same teams.
>Reach pack 10
>Finally start to get my ass kicked
Time to start crafting.
It also needed like 400 fragments or shards or whatever so you had to grind like a motherfucker every event
It has auto. You just place your super uber grinded full UR gear cost 100 unit and press one button so the job could be done for you.
Buying unit shards for gems was a pure cancer.
Any “tactics” game that lets you play on auto is no tactics game.
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I want to feel Glacia's soft, slightly moist feet on my face btw!
Brown Dust 2!
Most gachas have this problem of "inverse difficulty" where the longer you play the easier the game becomes.
eh I don't mind auto/sweep for easy shit
I'll lose my mind if I have to play farming stages manually

Just give me actual content that requires brain activity. It's the main peeve I have with this game atm because the core supports are the same for every team and damage dealers just swap out depending on season so the endgame is just
>Go into FH
>Do the mechanic
>Nuke for big damage
>Sleep and just press quick complete for the other days

Hopefully the roguelike mode gives that. Devs also said they want to break the 3x3 grid and go full FFT but idk if they have the budget or knowhow to do so
I like the way Blue Archive does difficulty because torments are annoying every time and there's new raids/mechanics every year to keep you on your toes
newjutti kit tomorrow?
Towers and FH are kinda giving you that feel, but BD2 really filters brainlets.
You can butt your head to the wall for some hours only to check YouTube and learn some no-brainer strat that doesn't require whailing out.
less "brainlets" and more "newfags"
The game feels really hard when you're new and limited on what you can do but then you finally got your hands on the core supps and have a damage dealer for every element then difficulty just vanishes
Eh... this is literally my experience this FH. Day 1 player btw...
I remember when I first started. Couldn't even figure out how to do a normal battle. Feels good being semi competent now. Clearing Fiend Hunter level 10 is natural now which is nice. I think you're right though, being new and having limited characters is really frustration.
reading the mechanics isn't hard....
I slacked the first two days because demotivated and made it to lv9 yesterday in one go when I finally sat down and bothered with it and I only started few months ago
Biggest issue with BD2 is that the devs have no spine and are deathly afraid of changing anything due to possible backlash so the core supports will stay core forever, your best gear will stay evergreen forever and the only way to progress will be refinement gacha to squeeze more damage out of your runs.
Yeah but then you have to play Blue Archive
would Rou watch skibidi toilet?
I wasn't able to clear lvl 10 without a teamswap trick, tried to build two teams for an hour or two. That one YouTube video really saved me in the end.
my daughter is showing me these new memes again, I can't take it anymore
I don’t think that’s the biggest issue, imo. That’s actually fine for me because powercreep IS actually the biggest issue in gacha. See WOTV. It started fine and now it is ruined due to power creep in two ways: strategy is reduced to having the latest unit and PVE in campaign/story mode was long obliterated.
The most enjoyable way to play BD2 unironically is story packs where you have a fixed set of characters and levels and encounters specifically designed for them. That way you are forced to think strategically to overcome specific challenges using positioning, push (long time I don’t use this anymore because no longer needed) because you can’t grind or use your cookie cutter meta team to nuke everything out of existence.
No one cares if you incels don't like the game. Go play competitive StarCraft if you want more difficulty. Go play Astra if you hate large female asses all much.
You’re moronic.
So I heard that it's not recommended to hunt for goblin gold. It's either slime/materials. So which materials should I hunt when it's not slime time?
You slime on days where it has 2* rates and then hunting grounds or goblin on others. I usually do 50/50 since goblin/slime don't count to the daily hunting ground quest.
Powercreep is fine but the game has to change too or handled correctly. Gumi just didn't handle powercreep correctly and the game died but other companies are able to handle powercreep correctly and scale endgame to these new units or add new difficulties.
If you just release stronger chars but don't release stronger enemies or stronger bosses then yeah you just get the issue we're having atm where it's super easy to breeze through.
Any idea how the banners are going to plan out going forward? Luckily I've already got Schera and Diana at +5 so never really needed to worry about them. But 4 seems a bit much.
This is the definition of powercreep though - all the content is designed to match the power of the newest units, so your older units are becoming useless. We had this with Diana actually, the 100 floor tower is unclearable without her.
Devs learned that they're playing with fire and now trying to patch this with an old unit replacements like B.Refi or M.Teresse and reruns - we have the second Diana rerun now.
Summer Justia and new Justia are guaranteed to have banners, we'll know more tomorrow.
Powercreep is necessary though else you stagnate
The thing with powercreep is knowing how to manage it because too little and your game stagnates but too much and your game dies so you have to keep it in check
BD2 has a lot of newbies now so it's okay to stagnate a bit, or only whales and day1 players will be able to compete.
Ideally - give newbies some strong units so they could build up faster.
Is there a Pub recruitment priority list?
your wife > diana > olstein > liatris
Power creep implies vertical progression. The trick is to figure out horizontal progression.
powercreep is only gay when the units are limited. even if you're a lucklet, you can always get diana from the pub, recruit her randomly from pulls, get more copies through golden threads/dust shop, etc.
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John you asshole. Just give me a limited bikini Celia without the mask. I want that scar in full view.
>BD2 has a lot of newbies now so it's okay to stagnate a bit
No it's not
Best time to drop powercreep is now so the newbies can roll the new strong units and don't have to worry about old shit
I hate that I share the general with people like you. Absolute shit taste
Maskless Celia animation
It's Eclipse's pov as she strokes the scar gently
This is how everyone with taste feels about you SE-tards kek
Should've gone back to Trails collab.

Rean will boost the game popularity!
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John pls
>SE-tards kek
Square Enix?
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Say nice things about the goddess who saved this game.
How do you change the difficulty on hunting grounds? The game says I can do it after defeating the boss on the entrance but I did so and it didn't give me the option to change it.
You need to clear that pack on hard/very hard difficulty first before the sign lets you change.
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Say something nice about the whore that gave us the worst anniversary in all gacha
What's in her bag bros?
but sir that goes to genshin.
That explains it.
idk if its funny or sad seeing an anniversary be this dead and low effort
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>Worst anniversary in all of Gacha
I won't tolerate this comment. Genshin worked hard for that title.
It's sad bro.

This is just the usual event with free +5 costume reward and more paid banners.

Where's the 5 star & UR selector!?
I don't play genshin (too poor to afford anything to run it on lol) What did they do to make the anniversary so bad?
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shut the fuck up /hsrg/
>Where's the 5 star & UR selector!?

Everybody in this general has the golden hand achievement several times over. Who needs a selector lmao
>What did they do to make the anniversary so bad?
They gave their players 20 rolls and they wanted more.
The actual anniversary stuff wasn't bad since they did a big event with tons of stuff, a concert, some notebook thing that revisited everything you did in the year and lots of stuff but hoyoverse has always sucked dick in the rewards department so every year is basically >>484278397
>UR selector
the day they add weapon UR dupe ascension
I actually don't get how that game is popular, specially in the west. The playerbase literally gets excited for shit like 100 primos, and its like not even a full pull, not to mention every pull before soft pity is diluted. I played grubble for 5 years and it honestly felt better.
It's simply a high quality game desu
Because gameplay > rewards???
If you're a gambling addict where the only thing that matters is how many times you get to roll the slot machine then games like granblue or brown dust are the best yeah but if you want a high quality game then homoverse makes pretty nice games
also neither hoyoslop games allow you to skip the story. it's a fucking dogshit story & their writers have as much creativity as their character design department i can't believe people aren't just allowed to not waste their times

no pvp/gw, no gameplay
>i can't believe people aren't just allowed to not waste their times
gold how the kid that spends 12 hours a day whining on 4chan talks about others 'wasting their time"
This is exactly what I want because I need zenith +5 Bhelena +5 Hlathel +5 its a lot so but with dalvi venaka and eris I manage fine for now so lets hope they give some good costume this summer instead of me having to pull for old ones
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lets not project too hard here lmao why the fuck are you spending 12 hours on an image board
>no pvp/gw, no gameplay
I laughed really hard, thanks.
Have you checked the thread we're in? It's like some AL player crying about other games having no gameplay. Hilarious.
It isn't. It's just 3d open world chinkslop than you can play for free and on your phone/pc/console. So it's very accessible. Many casual/normalfags don't get how predatory the gacha model is and spend too much money on it. They could just buy a switch once and $50 for xenoblade 2 for a high quality game with better waifus.
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Reminder that "Sporty" Loen will be a 51% magic resist debuffer, completely ruining Venaka shitters forever.
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bwo no you dont understand watching the webm of dalvi's tits bouncing is totally the peak of gameplay and hoyo could never
No modern game has any gameplay. The golden age of grinding vanilla wow, runescape, ms and then unwinding with some gunbound/gunz is behind us
I always believed in PAW-Goen
400 Primogems. Which is barely 2 rolls, and is only 100 more than what people get for maint downtime.
When people complained, they bundled in some rewards that were originally intended to be handouts for players that attended a live concert they were holding for the anniversary, as well as some more Primogems, but the total rewards excluisvely for the anniversary didn't even amount to 10 rolls. Maint/Version Update shit does not count.

>>484278591 is talking about the most recent anniversary, which is the first anniversary that was able to be directly compared to HSR's 1st Anniversary. They are right that Mihoyo's generally dogshit at anniversary rewards, though. HI3 also hands out like 10 rolls for their anniversaries, and that game has a competitive PvE leaderboard.
Aren't Genshin gacha odds notoriously bad? I've heard that they're incredibly low by most gacha game standards. Is it true?
>Loen will fumble and come last in the Diet Rush race
>Between her crying and her sweating, she'll have liquid coming out of every orifice on her body

Once again, shut the fuck up /hsrg/.
>400 Primogems.
wanna know how I know you just watched a tectone video about it and didnt actually play the game?
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Imagine having an anniversary so bad and a game so mediocre that the 1st anniversary thread just devolves into honkai vs genshin

Dalvi's ugly ass really killed this game
I don't have time to play gacha games and I was wondering if there is any resource where I can see all animations of Brown Dust 2 ? I think this gacha has the sexiest females, though I might be wrong
here now you dont have to suffer this ""game""
anniversary? who is having an anniversary? Gen?
No, it's just the mihomo fanbase is so bad they ruin lower the quality of every gacha thread they are in.
Damn Hoyoslurpers to this day are still at it you guys should be studied by space niggers
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No, some retards are claiming Genshin had a worse anniversary than BD2 and that they only got "400 primogems" but hoyo communities have a lot of autists that document everything so it's extremely easy to prove those retarded claims wrong.
Thx. Does it not have combat animations like in Nikke ? And does this get updated often ? I was wondering about a more organized and constantly updated resource. I rlly like character designs in gacha games and want to stay tuned
>2.0, the one-year anniversary patch
>Clearly lists "In-Game Events" as 6.5 rolls.
>Apologems/Web Events clearly listed as 4.5 rolls.
>BARELY totals to 11 rolls if you completely ignore that both totals have things other than the Anniversary handouts.
Are you being paid by Mihoyo, or are you just not reading the chart correctly
Brown Dust 2
Because it's a good game and nobody has ever cared about what you think. If you can't see why a game with gigantic budget like that is magnitudes bigger than an indie game like this where the main draw is bouncing tiddies then you're blind.
So this is the level of mental illness that is achievable today. Incredible.
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2.1 was the anniversary patch with Raiden, also known as the patch where they reset topups because anniversary. It's extremely easy to keep up on which patch is anniversary since every x.1 is anniversary for both Honkai and Genshin.

Hope it helped fwend!
I have Diana at +1 and enough draw points to get another copy of her. Should I do that or use the dust that you can get to get someone else?
I just started yesterday and I'm using Diana, Dalvi +5, Celia, Refithea, and Elpis +3 as my main team for now.
The other 5*s I have are the ones you start with and Rafina.
Stop posting Rou. Rou is for me and me only.
july 4 will be the real anniversary and john will give us amazing events and rewards instead of a rerun and scummy paid deals.....
>I just started yesterday and I'm using Diana, Dalvi +5, Celia, Refithea, and Elpis +3 as my main team for now.

Too many buffers there boyo. What you want to do is get as many on Banner Diana's as you can. You won't see too much out of her early on. Tower content, Fiend Hunts and usually bosses is where she'll be a godsend for you. Anti Dystopia Diana is good, but I would honestly get Helena and Lathel in the shop before her. Helena buffs magic and is better than Elpis, when you get her to +5.
>amazing events and rewards

Limiteds will be amazingly good. People will seethe when they get fucked on the gacha lmao John can't win.
theres no limiteds bwo
justia is perma
>I would honestly get Helena and Lathel in the shop before her. Helena buffs magic and is better than Elpis, when you get her to +5.
So, would it be a better idea to get Helena over another copy of Diana for now?
I'd get the Diana from pity and claim the 10 free tickets from upgrading her. Elpis will do you just fine for the time being. If you can stretch to it, try to get B rank Idol Helena before she goes from the shop.
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Don't ask our cucktard what anniversary could be better.
He's shitting the thread becausd he's bored again. Literally everyone else is okay about the 1st anni.
He does this in some other threads btw. My favorite moment was when he got banned for shitting in /nikg/, this made /bd2g/ pure and non toxic for an entire day.
>Literally everyone else is okay about the 1st anni.
Translation: I'm fine with it and you should be too

For anyone that doesn't speak seanig
>thread was calm
>starts swinging at the voices in his head and starting thread wars
can you fuck off back to /nikg/ then?
retarded tourist cunt
>"aiieeee stop noticin thingsss!"
>shits about the same shit at the same time every day
Looks organic
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Have I irreversibly bricked myself?
You'll do okay without 42k refining dust
>Literally everyone else is okay about the 1st anni.

You and anyone else should stop doing this kind of shit.
"I found Rome a city of brick and left it a city of marble" - Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus
How important are Diana dupes as a newbie?
+5 Diana is required to get through the midgame and she's relevant in most fiend hunts
don't be shy to max her out, you will regret not doing it now
>+5 Diana is required to get through the midgame
I hope that's an exaggeration because that sounds completely horrible.
It's a 200% dmg buff on property, pretty necessary desu. Other option is chain maxing with Refi and good chainers which can be better but that is also +5 Bride Refi (plus you probably want the 3x3 tear)
>+5 Diana is required to get through the midgame
What? I got through the entire story with her at +0, and didn't even use her half the time. Unless midgame is something else
by midgame I meant the 100floor tower up to floor 80 or something
>I won't tolerate this comment
When you think about it, they didn't even get an anniversary. They just used the normal event rewards AS the anniversary gifts.
That day was extremely funny.
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I wasn't strong enough to finish fast, but still, feels good clearing the whole thing 3 months after I first started playing.
That guy is exaggerating. +2 Diana is the budget option, but it is true that either a +5 Diana or a +5 W.B. Refi is a prerequisite for clearing lv10 fiends for max tickets every 2 weeks. So now that she is being rerun you may as well get her as high as you can, as she'll make any elemental content (H/VH difficulties of packs, Tower of Desire, challenge event battles, fiend hunter) a lot easier.

Nebris is mid, pp Schera is pvp, Venaka is just a nuker DPS for pvp and fiend. Given the current banner options I don't think you can go wrong with investing in a viable endgame unit. But if you'd rather save some pulls for July/August you can always settle at +2 and elevate her over time with the monthly selectors, powder shop, etc
Almost a day 1 player here. Played casually for a few months, then took things a little more seriously. Still haven't beaten floor 100, so good job. I'm just lazy though, so I'll do it eventually.
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Thanks, the team I used wasn't anything special, if anything, makes me regret I didn't roll more copies of Eris.
Don't forget Venaka is now a key unit to maxing tower of pride unless you want to invest in gray and employ the most ridiculous dot starts
That said, they're probably nuking that tower mode soon so who knows if this is at all relevant
You can also easily clear F100 with pp Angelica or Ventana if you have them
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>Day 1 player
>Beat 100 the month it released with tremendous crit fishing autism, took me literal hours
>Couldn't be bothered to do the new towers and only progressed as far as I could beat them on auto
I need to find that spark again somehow...
I do, both at +0, no tears. I tried using them but they were too expensive and didn't hit hard enough. Zenith into Eris for 7 chain combo + Lia was enough to wipe the whole top part, leaving the easy stuff to deal with.
>tremendous crit fishing autism

I've been there. Worst part is, I was crit fishing with like 10% crit chance back in the day, because I never had decent enough gear or characters to pull off anything better.
Crit fishing with just base crit and HLathel was something else.
useless senile oldgluttis...
Back in my day you beat the wind floors with just Lecliss and Gisgray-sama, you kids with your fancy Dalvis and Venakas don't know shit about hard work.
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Aside from a 10 kg weight gain what else are we expecting from Justialter?
i like seeing PP Yuti use her ult and just plop onto the ground with her fat belly in display
main reason i even bring her into my party
>he had Gray and Lecliss
What a spoiled kid, I had to tank them until death time...
Yuti alter will be the first absolute damage costume.
Always crits.
Non-elemental but acts as the superior element.
Ignores any form of mitigation, immunity and energy guards.
Dispels all buffs.
Killed targets cannot revive.
Hope you saved 400 tickets for your new goddess that will make the other 5* costumes look like 3*
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bro where's the "counters 100x damage taken"?
You forgor chain x10
Always has elemental advantage
And cannot miss, just in case a certain cat gets uppity.
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Got my last copy of DJ Sexaka
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>certain cat gets uppity.
Rather than SP all of her attacks require food to use
125% physical buffer for whole team costing 1sp. Officially removing Lathel from the game forever.
Choco cocktail farming bros, we're so back..!
>Farmed the cocktails
>Did the mayo exploit
>Didn't get caught and got the compensation anyway
New players won't know the satisfaction of stealing 300k gold from John's grubby hands. 300k was a lot in those days, ok...
newglutti here
stop gatekepeing the exploits and lemme use them tooo AAIIIIEEEE
>the exploits
What are you yapping about whippersnapper
Too late bwo, the game is fixed
>doesn't know about the lost art of quick clicking
You never had a chance.
Quick click works, but only once
>5.8m on last night
So close yet so far
Show roll count
well I threw another 10 pull at her and got her +1 now
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i had to spark twice. 400 total...
We still have one more free roll before Venaka's banner ends, right?
Can I safely scrap my low rarity exclusive gear?
Bro you could have bought the last copy from shop...
I tell myself that I keep the stuff I haven't done as emergency resources.
i only got the 4th copy at 180
yes 1 more day for fh too
Diana and venaka go to powder store immediately after banner right?
>got +5 pool party schera
>got another extra copy of pool party schera
Nooooo, the pity points have been reset. Curse you, sexy pool party schera.
Got that thread though.
>getting upset about getting TOO MANY SSRs
This is some next level shit
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Bwos I just want Venaka...
Oldglutties your time is over
Leave this thread.
NewCHADlutties run this place now. We will kill you on sight if we find you.
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At least it's only the one you can recruit from the pub and not the maid one, which was what I initially thought.
Then stop hoarding
Can someone explain to me why silence doesn't get rid of Idol Gran's taunt? Am I just retarded?
Surely some time between now and EoS they will add a use for weapon dupes right?

You need to dispel it.
Ah right, cheers
They already said there will be no plans for weapon dupes during the anni stream, and you can dismantle them safely.
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Should I officially be scared?
I can get Helena with that dust now, right?
>be me
>play since launch
>over 3500 pulls, 4000 if we include select banner
>best I got was three double pulls
>newgluttis just casually get golden hand all the time
Fuck this game
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Damn that's kind of insane
My dream pull maybe one day
Newfag here, how important are dupes in the game? I know people heard the game is pretty reliant on dupes, but I don't know how much is "enough".
is it worth upgrading the event equipment, it looks like shit
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Thanks free rolls.
Sorry, but what does golden hand mean?
+3 is enough for most costumes
if you have to ask, upgrade
it's a title awarded to people who roll 3 or more 5*s on the same 10 roll
The big stopping point for dupes are the -1SP reduction, usually at +1 or +3. Anything more is just extra numbers.

If you don't plan to buy the upgrade mats from the event shop I wouldn't recommend buying the event gear at all.

Achievement for three 5*'s in one ten pull
is the sr event gear worth buying if i i'm a new retard with no gear?
otherwise gonna buy slimes
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Diane dupe asking newbie from earlier, was lucky enough to get up to +4 at exactly 200 pulls
Thanks for helping again
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After my VT4 from yesterday I finally get my first IV staff
Did you account for the one you get from story
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now what, lucklets? got her for free today, now she is +4 I only have to buy 1 more from the shop later, ez game.
ofc I did anon... whoops
do we know if the new justi is limited?
post the card coward
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What do you think? B-rank idol Helena or Homo Lathel?

I don't any of them btw. My main team is magic but I want to get my phys team stronger. The only problem is I already have +5 Elpis for MG atk buff. I'm not sure if getting only 1 Helena is worth more than a Homo in my case.
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see you in 3 hours
Both, roll more and convert all ur powders rn
She wouldn't do that.
aside from diana and olstein is there anyone else i should be saving my recruit voucher for?
or can i just follow muh dik
Lia, rou, celia are all good options
I got Angelica because she is sexy and I lucked her UR weapon from a free draw
>just started playing
>1 day left on event and some of the banners
Fuck, this is gonna be brutal. Also I was too slow getting through the intro and wound up unlocking rolling just after daily reset
don't sweat with the event
just do the story quests for now and save for the new justia getting released in 2 days
I love that position... fine its time to do the needful
venaka sex.
How is Teresse?
She was super cute on the story.
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where's the ASTRA spammer now, kek
What element do we think is gonna be the next fotm
Justia is going to have the PAWG element. Effective against everything but weak to orc type enemies
you deserve unlimited male seed for being a hoarder fag with no paid gems
her nurse costume is god tier
your rates will be bricked from here on out. I've noticed that every time you hit a multiple straight after all pulls will go to pity or close every single time. you can never get one over on John. I used to get a 5* every 31 pulls average over 3000 pulls, however when I got a golden hand now all my pulls go to fucking pity since
Not if you are new. The rates basically front load when you are a newglutti. Keep playing and soon you'll almost never get anything hitting pity every time and then off bannering like 70% of the time anyway
But /bd2g/ told I'll brick my account if I don't save for the limited summer costumes
bro you don't want the golden hand. I had around 3400 and got my first and now my rates are bricked beyond belief. went from pulling 1/31 5* to now hitting fucking pity or close 90+ for a 5* every time
20 SP cost, we did it yustibros
lathel your dead....and dreaming......
Try Langrisser Mobile maybe? It was simply too much work for me to keep up with, personally, but I played it for a few years before seeing I don't have that much time for gacha anymore. Still one of my favorite gachas despite dropping it.
How many hours til patch notes?
Got dayum Nebris lobby animation got your boy bricked up
I know what I'm beating my jr to tonight
Isn't BD2 one of the best gachas in terms of change? At least, when I'm comparing it to a lot of the big ones, this one feels like it's had the most change throughout its year with a lot of new additions beyond just new story, event and new characters.
do a tribute and record it
>dis nigga beats his dick to gatcha games
son your life sounds sad
5 minutes
Are you really laughing at someone for being a coomer in the Brown Dust 2 thread
That's not the flex that you think it is
Origami said he sacrificed his career for the summer costumes. You're literally permabricked if you're not saving.
So despite the claims that sensor tower somehow didn't record the data the estimates for revenue for the collab are $2 million which includes both global and korea/jpn. Honestly pretty low when you consider that pc spends are now also included as they were the prior month due to the official play client. So the collab net about 800k more than the previous 1.2m which isn't that significant a jump. Game better figure out how to monetize better or it's a rough road ahead. Who the heck wants to spend when you have monke's with 10-100k stashes and hundreds of tickets with everything, never seen a game that self cripples it's monetization. Especially considering the 'anniversary' packs were lame as fuck and actually gave less value than the collab packs right before.
>Pack 10 takes my Diana away
chat is this true
Be the change you want to see.
character releases during fiend hunts are locked to paid dia only for the duration of the fiend hunt, and become available afterwards (to be powercrept next time the same fiend rolls around)
PC spends are included in the sensor tower? Isn't it just Android and IOS?
I am I was spending about $400 a month but I'm no longer spending above $20 a month as there's literally almost no point except to accumulate dupes faster on new characters. I'll buy the two monthlies and that's it from here on out
the official client being on google meaning purchases are through play store means they get counted under android
I'm ngl they really need to do something about getting a dupe past +5, the 300 threads isn't good enough, even if it's like 1/10th or 1/15th of a pick selector it'd be at least better. It's pretty demoralizing losing about 25% to 40% of my 5 star off rates to nothing, and even the ones I hit at this point are kinda just bad costumes I don't want.
I feel you dude it's totally fucking bunk for long term players or people actually supporting the game spending. They also really need to do something about UR weapon dupes I have a ridiculous amount of 5* UR dupes and I haven't even spent that heavily on the weapon banners.
> @

>Got pool party angelica dupe from the worthless negris gacha
I won
Please kill yourself revenue chart slurping chink. I dont get why you faggots read those fake numbers and pretend like you know how much money takes for a game to be successful.
Yeah maybe something cool like a cosmetic effect so people can see it in PvP would even be fine with me, could make it so that every copy you disassemble you get shards that upgrade it so they can retroactively give it to people who rolled a lot for powder. The only real use right now is for certain characters who need a specific set for PvP & PvE and most of the time you can manage to make both work.
I've gotten UTs fucking Fred's shirt and Glynts gloves over 6 times each and thats been entirely from free dailies. They really need some kind of selection for weapons like the monthly upgrade, but then that might make it too easy to get
OK poor seamonkey. just remember when people with actual money quit spending like myself the game enters it death spiral you poor retard
>Yeah maybe something cool like a cosmetic effect so people can see it in PvP would even be fine with me
even that would be cool with me. shit even change the animation color whatever. this guy is actually correct here>>484269136
the devs are spineless. even if people were dismantling them they'd still have pull records and could figure out who dismantled what and award them shards or whatever the dupe system could be. it's a total cope out saying they can't do it. they don't want to do it because many ftp are incredibly vocal and would talk shit about it.
exactly, I like your idea even just adding a fucking selector so you say choose 5 potentials for a UR would be better than getting the same fucking useless equipment again if they won't add some sort of dupe system. or at the very least let me exchange them into some new 'gold' powder of cope or something that can be used on active banners. I'd even be satisfied with getting 10 'gold' powder instead of the UR dupe. at least that way they'd have some fucking value.
>$400 a month
Thank you for funding the servers.
awww but anon think of how unfair it would be for those who already dismantled their stiff :(

or how unfair it would be for the day1 whale that has +5 everything if he has to roll for another support the poor thing
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don't listen to them anon, your rolls are now forever above average because the outcome of these rolls don't affect future ones
Question about the one day remaining for the events, is it one day left or one day then a 24 hour countdown?
should I +1 Venaka?
do you have her weapon for free? If you're just looking for +1 for utility you can probably just powder her in 2 days
yes, the sp reduction is worth it if you can +1 her. no reason to build higher unless she's your sexfu as she's non limited and the beachside angels (2 limited) and Loen and Levia are coming up
You remind me of a seapagpag that quit Nikke after putting 100k in it and he kept on complaining about "end game" you think your opinion with a measly 400$ matters
Lmao get a grip
>Levia are coming up
Levia was broken on bd1, I guess I'm gonna save my pulls
>nikke again
someone tell /nikg/ to come get their schizo
Based positive outlook lai lai~
Guess that hit a nerve 400$/month seapag
which one, it's hard to get all of them in 1 go
what if no1 in this thread actually plays bd2g and we're all just /nikg/ schizos
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ackshully i'm a /hsrg/ schizo
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all /nikg/ schizos are also /hsrg/ schizos, me included
300 threads is 1/4th an element selector :^)
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nice COPE, $400 probably more than you make in a year. so nut up and post your transaction history or shut up as an irrelevant seanig
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can't buy them fast enough, even buying 3 tears I have more thread income than I use, and the thread shop costume is usually something I don't need or have maxed so 4,700 threads usually becomes 3,100
non spend cannot comprehend how much thread spenders actually build up even buying out tears, selector, costume and often property tickets every month
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im retarded i just saw selector i didn't even read that he was talking about property selector lmao but yeah that property selector ticket is basically 'trade 1200 threads for 300 threads' just not a very good deal if you ask me
also when are they going to increase achievement levels as 49 is literally nothing. there should be a 5* selector at 50 and then more rewards to at least 100
I... I have not been very diligent about my cooking or controlling homeless fiends
I got a better idea. How about they give us a 5* selector every month.
I think it makes sense to add more achievements and a higher max achievement level with new content like the roguelike mode and guild content.
I'm still only at 41... How the fuck have you guys reached 50?
49 is the max now but that's easy as fuck if you do dailies every day should only have took you like 4/5 months max
The 1st anniversary packs are shit even the $90 one is worse than half anni or the recent collab. Like where's the special value for anni? and giving me 1,000,000 gold with it isn't it. Should have had 140 pulls, 6k dia, 750 rice and torches plus a 5* contract for good measure
Yeah they're really missing the mark on these $100 packages, they seem to be tailored to new players, should really be torches instead of rice + gold. Or just have the package just be completely about pulls and give us good $ to pull value.
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this guy has hit me 7 times in 30 minutes and is just getting farmed, i feel really bad i'm not even sure what he's trying to do because it doesn't take 30 minutes use up the free cocktails, is he trying to get ranking rewards on second day
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Don't listen to them. I doubt many of them are at the max unless they spent tons of time hunting. I'm a day 1 player and I'm at 44 with some time spent getting cooking/selling/money achievements. So many of them get ridiculous around the 54 - 60 xp mark. I can't imagine the few tiers after for this one.
maybe you just suck? I played during summer for like a week and quit after not getting pp schera and came back during refi banner and am already at 42 just playing like 2 months steady...
dis you?
is there even any point to upgrading Venaka's range? it seems pretty fucking pointless outside of fiend hunt use
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the last batch of achievements aren't easy, they're either incredibly tedious or shit like 'rank 1 in x fiend hunt'. I'm a day 1 player but I haven't really gone out of my way to do achieves & im pretty much around the same level.
It's good for
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I've played steady less than two months and am at 42.....
It's really good for PvP & it's needed for magic tower 50 3*. Not to mention new glutti's can use her to cap tower and the extra range is needed to hit more targets.
post your fully teared venaka +5 or shut seamonkey
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I mean you have 2 people telling you it's not straight forward, like how would you even 'farm' achievements like this. You're just gated. I'm probably missing a bunch regarding crafting lower tier gear but it wont take me to 49.
Mamonir is so cute. When will they implement her? I only briefly played BD1 and my only Dominus Octo was some plain evil hag.
so you are just poor, got it
not fully teared yet but she will be in a couple of days
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i mean ok you got it little bro
post your payment history, either nut up or shut up cmonke
post on costume screen so I can see where you are really at shit talking retard ala pic related
post on costume screen showing dupes you retard pathetic bitch not pot nodes fucking monke. and pic related my own just to show never listen to monke's trying to give shit advice
lol retard
use your eyes retard
nice cope monke
Bro, come on... it's right there
literally nothing on there shows that you fucking legit monkey tier morons those are tears not costume dupes
lmao I don't even have a smug enough anime girl for this
its okay I'll spoonfeed you little retard
OK poor ass sea monke stay smug while you live off less than $100 usd a month and I spend more on coffee a month than your family lives off
Jesus, are you for real?
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brudda hahahaha ha you just quoted my own fucking post showing it you absolute fucking retard......like holy shit bro you fucking dumb. like straight up fucking retarded
You both have +5, but this anon have her Exclusive gear
Do you have her weapon?
hahaha sorry I was laughing too hard at your retarded ass being this riled up
its next to the bonding stats cutie
yes i fact I do OH NO BRO
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Not having my Diana and having to deal with enemies with magic defense made this pack very hard.
diana isn't some sort of insta win button anon
post prior month spend history
>Getting Diana from the pub counts for the event mission
Neat, free 10 tickets.

It is for me since I'm a newglutty.
Diana is no where near as good as endless brainless repeats say she is parroting 'add her to every team'. She's useful when you can use property damage and in FH but you can clear all other content without even using her
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still waiting for patch notes...
Still hours to go
patch notes are going to be here's a new character yusti with a new evil sword UR spend all your tickets or swipe piggus. almost certain she's ticket bait just like nebris to drain people's sack so they fomo swipe for beachside angels 2 limits/2 normal swimsuit costumes
she's great, don't get me wrong but she won't make the next chapters any easier for you if you don't level your units and craft gear.
Is this game fun?
It's an old school JRPG themed, turn bases tile tactics. It doesn't have self-insert
>It doesn't have self-insert
Bro... your Lathel/Gray?
You are still seething little pagpag 400$/month faggot
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It's JOEVER for me bwos GARY SEEDED
should I upgrade my SR before dismantling it?
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notice you never nut up but also never shut up. typical straight poor seanig behavior. in honor of you I just dropped another $90 pack for no reason except your personal seethe
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alright this took way too fucking long b/c for some reason i thought it'd be easier to extract my google play history but i had to learn how to do this shit through notepad++ and the PythonScript extension; either way i really shouldn't indulge retards like you but here you go, the number is in Yen. I don't spend that much but it's not nothing either
nigga if you expect that an editable console window is proof you are literally a 80 iq max seanig. takes two seconds to screen cap your actual play or apple purchase history fucking loser retard
I only self insert as penis of vengeance lathel
it's too long to screen cap everything what, i literally looked up whether that's possible and other than some shitty 9 year old script to run on your browser google doesn't support it, they say to export your data which is what i did
why not upload to catbox or litterbox?
So like tactics ogre
nice cope retard. a fucking 50 iq nig monke knows you can edit then screen shot a console window. again proving your iq is lower than that. it's honestly fucking LAUGHABLE YOU TRIED TO POST THAT AS YOUR SPEND PROOF
you seem to have an unhealthy infatuation with south east asians and black people, but I doubt you interact with either on a daily basis
Wait for patch notes first before making new thread.
patch notes is in 3+ hours this thread can't contain the shit posting
does it matter? just move over and keep screaming racist insults or discussing cuckshit/polshit since its not like any of you play the game anyway
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:( theres no content for me to play

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