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Previous iM@S Thread: >>484141216
Official website: idolmaster-official.jp
Japanese news: imasnews765.com
English wiki: project-imas.wiki
APKs: apk.ksmz.moe
Old archive of materials: sites.google.com/view/yukipobackup
Old FAQ + Resource Links: pastebin.com/icRtaLvv
Material translations + Music downloads: pastebin.com/DebHdukE
Character birthdays: pastebin.com/cLdezeDu
Next thread OP: pastebin.com/A5UGxTuB
>Event/Gacha Dates + Links (July 1st): >>484195368

>Archive of >>484079660: archive.is/OQqBh
- CG Tomo's birthday 2024: >>484112330
- CG STARLIGHT FANTASY Yuuki's VA pamphlet teaser: >>484054497
- GK "The Idols of Year 1 Class 1" event commus sub: >>484170238
- GK Event Update "Midsummer Live Festival" featuring Mao: >>484185640 >>484195070 >>484197576 >>484198525 >>484198861
- GK Sumika "Kimi to Semi Blue" promo: >>484148998
- GK Gacha Update "Kimi to Semi Blue" featuring Sumika: >>484185441 >>484187237 >>484186546 >>484193536 >>484194775 >>484195238
- GK Gacha Update "Another Idol '24 Summer" vol.1: >>484186767 >>484193228 >>484187351 >>484196334 >>484199770 >>484202775
- GK Contest Season (July 1st): >>484149312
- VL Manaka's birthday 2024 (now officially an idol): >>484144339 >>484148387
- VL Manaka Tanabata wish submissions (July 1st to 5th): >>484195853
- VL Beer Bottles: >>484148865
- TD 7th Anniversary in AKIHABARA merch sold out (June 30th): >>484172317
- TD 7th Anniversary Countdown wallpapers: >>484187474
- TD Imagine having your own Ninja Shizuka: >>484149506
- TD Gacha Progress (June 28th): >>484141482
- TOURS Teru is loved by women: >>484176340
- TOURS Haruka lost her eye: >>484200929
- Blast from the past: >>483772217 >>483772448 >>483899521

July 1st, 7PM JST: Theater Days 7th Anniversary "7-Color Party" stream: youtu.be/Pt68BZangGk >>479658456 >>481903067
July 1st, 10PM JST: VL Manaka's post-birthday stream 2024: youtu.be/2dm3Uw2O-1M >>484167451
July 1st: SideM Beit x ScalpD Beaute fuwaly shampoo collab: >>483377645
I want to marry Minami Saki.
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- CG Yukimi nui harem fancomic TL: >>484034075 >>484034745
- GK Sumika/Lilja rudeposting fancomic TL: >>483903149 >>483904203
- GK Sumika virginity thief fancomic TL: >>484151945 >>484152675
- GK Temari aftersex fancomic TL: >>483930942 >>483941743
- GK China racism fancomic TL: >>484053943
- GK Pixiv ratios (June 28th): >>483785976
- SC Pixiv ratios (June 28th): >>483786503
- SC Madoka by Najar: >>483709958 >>483723672
- SC Rinze by Najar: >>483956842
- SC Raw sex with Asahi: >>484100734
- Nico Nico Douga recovery process (June 27th): >>483674635 >>483794406
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Hana my beloved
Kissin' Fujitomo under the mistletoe
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madoromi kara me ga sametara
mune o yurasu yoin
kirameite ssu
Hey that’s where Ayumu’s date happened
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Love my idols but I fucking hate Scamco.
Temari your fat is showing
Which one of you was this?
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I hope the make Hiro's collarbone, sternum and ribs visible like how they made Saki's abs really prominent
Temari's fat ass...
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Good stuff.
You, probably
Saki's perfectly pert butt
>Oneechan who is younger than you
>Imouto who is older than you
I want to fuck a silver
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Imouto who is older than you
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Tell me about Hana's first boyfriend

Wanna smash
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Thousand-year-old vampire onee-san lolibaba
me. i'm also her producer
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Don't do that, you'll turn blue.
Well, he's a little guy.
Must have been handsome for the standards of men in Okayama.
With a magnum dong?
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Hide and Seek In Love Forest
2024-06-28 to 2024-07-05

Skill: Find it, the gaze of love (Visual Motif)
Every 9 seconds, there is a 40-60% chance that Perfect notes will receive a score bonus determined by the team's Visual appeal for 4..6 seconds

Leader skill: Resonant Makeup
Every 9 seconds, there is a 40-60% chance that Perfect notes will receive a score bonus determined by the team's Visual appeal for 4-6 seconds
China is so fucking cute.
No, just some little guy. Who lives in a blue world. And all day and all night. And everything he sees is blue, like him inside and outside. Blue, his house, with a blue little window, and a blue corvette, and everything is blue for him because he doesn't have anyone to listen to.
No that's >>484204651 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argyria
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So cute you would date her?
I'd be too worried about pissing off her gramps, unfortunately.
what's with the look on her face
she's studying
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I don't have enough to yolo roll
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Who's the bigger loser, Saki or Temari? Or does Kotone being poor just automatically makes her the worst.
Then I suppose that man is also blue da ba dee da ba di da ba dee da da blue da ba dee da ba di
But I thought prpr was for heso?
holy shit, new sumika is op
Fuck, Yoshino got me horny.
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It's just general licking onomatopoeia. Stands for "pero pero".
You're the Sakier! You're the loser!
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Does masturbating to Yoshino count as a sacrifice to a goddess?
I can't fap, I must catalyze this sensation into something greater.
prpr risa waki
What did they win?
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Now I'm even more confused. Is ykm's cat named pero because he licks things or is it because he's a cat and pero is spanish for dog?
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They have to hide their armpits while traveling abroad
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mishiro mondays
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mishiroPro's Petit Mademoiselle
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The former I assume.
Good thing I can still smell them from afar
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Currently at 20% spark. Around four months till completion. Just enough time for whatever half-anni or Christmas event they're planning.
Then shlick.

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The exec cock carousel
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Mademoiselle always felt like the whomst've version of Madam even though it's perfectly valid and I know all the latin roots in it.
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imagine the honeymoon
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how the fuck did i get a trouble at 2% chance
that's so fucking microscopic it resembles the chance of a koebuta hooking up with his idol's seiyuu
this shit is more rigged than the world cup lmao
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>want to check out the current borders
>can't view them because don't have a twatter account
fucking bastard muskrat
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Gakuen iDOLM@STER is still rocking.
Doesn't it just mean "little Madam"?
2% is 1/50, anon. That's actually kind of high with repeated rates.
We are so back
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Reminds me of this card:

I am apparently not able to post that card directly on 4chan, I've tried saving it from the wiki and kirara. Bizarre. I've had this happen with imas official art before though, wonder if it's some weird color format.


Rice soup and potet seems like an odd combo.

> Riamu with water and Caloriemate
Hiro would have fun with her.
Hell yeah. We're not gojover
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tintme and their groomers
Is the new banner limited?
So what actually affects the amount of card rerolls you get in GK? Sometimes it's 1, sometimes it's 2, and once I even saw three.

Middle school Tamaki is going to seduce Umi?!
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Lucky Goomy
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Umi, Tomoka and... Juri???
Rio I think.
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Letora will stream VALORANT again on July 2nd, 8PM JST.
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I can't believe Japan lets Letora carry a gun.
All thanks to GK, they are carrying this franchise
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>open twitter
>Japs posting about Saki abs again
Fuck you I'm not rolling...
Oh this is that classic manga with the loli assassins.
You get 2 card rerolls from Bond levels, and 1 more for having the card at max uncap.
Idols who would Bond burger your sister.
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Oh and you have a baseline one from P-levels
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Okay, that makes it all make sense ...what do the notebooks you can select at the start of a run do, then? The item boost one is easily understandable but I can't really figure out what that other one does.
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Did they use swords in that? I thought it was only guns. Though there's also the one with Aya's and Miria's VAs where they're part monster and get shunned by society because of it.

> Yukimi can kick doors open
She stronk
>start produce mode
>game crash
gakumas pc client when?
Emulators aren't perfect, after all.
you mean ones on the bottom right? They increase drop amounts of Support points and uncap items by 200% Always worth getting if there's no event ladder
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Different MVs. Pistols are heart-boiled wars obviously, don't know about the sword. They're all from the guy on twitter who posts like 20 MV clips a day in Kaoru's tag. I should probably try to preserve the source in the filenames better when I convert to .webm.
Yeah, the one that looks like a set of notebooks was the confusing one. So it's a Produce vs. Support difference.
> Different MVs
I meant the series with the little girls being groomed as assassins/child soldiers like Leon the Professional but mass produced. Trying to remember the name.
gunslinger girls
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Aw yeah that's the one.
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right after they implement good optimization for smartphones
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The face of a killer.
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Takagi must be feeling pretty generous to send his idols all over the world.

The final day will be in space.
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GK swimsuit banner got first, huh.
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would your idol forgive you for cheating?
Gamer idols look down on cheating That's not you beating the game with your own skill.
narcolepsy nymph
Chihiro-sama! Our stocks?
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eFootball bros our response?
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Done with the event commus
Found them to be rather mediocre. There's a few seeds of a good story, but the emotional development is undercut by the way too fast pacing. There's a decent idea behind Mao and Rinami being a bit melancholy that this is their last summer in Hatsuboshi, but it's resolved too quickly that it doesn't really have an impact. I hope the event commus from the SSR will improve on this, but I don't expect much.

That said, the event puts a LOT of emphasis on this being Mao and Rinami's "last" summer. I wonder if this means that GK is actually going to progress the timeline before next year's summer event because it'll make this event retroactively very silly otherwise
i'm using my phone, not emu
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Also the event reveals that Rinami is a real onee-chan, she has an imouto at home. Maybe if they progress the timeline, she'll be made producible?
Making the cards besides Sumika's SSR instead of SR was such a jew move honestly
They're really drilling in that this is the 3rd years' last chance, last HIF, last summer, last everything.
They've gotta make them graduate for real in 2025.
Maybe they are going to dump them into 876Pro
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Nah, Hatsuboshi has an attached agency, 100Pro. If they're joining anything after graduation, it'll be that. Or maybe they'll join the college's idol track
They don't need to graduate in a year. The timeline will just progress slowly like Bang Dream's.
>Roll Saki gacha
>Get Kotone
>Roll Sumika gacha
>Get Saki
I see how this works.
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Somnambular Señoritas
Doesn't the Juo family have their own agency/production? That or they could just have them stick around, maybe try out being a producer (because they get inspired of (You) helping them so they want to return the favor to other students) but end up in a situation like Anime Ritsuko where they still pitch in to do idoling.

Then, have Asari-sensei be producible for an April Fools event with that excuse.
next year will be their next last summer and you're going to like it
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They know how to pander, huh.
That's just the setting, you retard.
Regardless, this *has* to be Mao and Rinami's last summer. Maybe next year's summer event will focus on Saki/Temari/Lilja who stayed behind in school but after that they'll have no choice but to advance the timeline
>Doesn't the Juo family have their own agency/production?
Yes 100Pro Ju(10)-Oh(Zeo) productions
I've played a bunch of high school gacha, they never emphasize the 3rd years' upcoming graduation, they know they'll stay 3rd years forever
FGO is an actual plot game that supposedly has time progression and they're already in their 6th 2018 Summer, their 5th 2018 Christmas and their 4th 2018 Halloween.
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You'd never guess who these two are
Bang Dream? I already brought it up, but Bang Dream progressed 1 year forward, and the third years (Afterglow and Pastel Palettes) graduated. But 1 year in the game didn't equal 1 year in real life, it took like 3 years for time to move forward.
Don't roll?
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*angry weeb noises*
Is it true that Mash fell in love with another servant and not Gudao?
It's emphasized because it's a key story element in their routes. I can see HIF or whatever comes after ending with a graduation cutscene for third years, but they're not actually graduating in any real sense.
But does FGO ever talk about that this is their last summer the way they did in this event? I mean, just look at Mao's last speech here >>484213194
>Ah this is..
>The last summer at Hatsuboshi
>A once in a lifetime...
>A summer that won't happen again is going to end...
>Or rather has ended
>But I don't have any regrets
>This last summer--- I enjoyed it as much as I can
That is some thick emphasis on this being the last summer.
No, she got amnesia and they made her think that she was the wife of a lion guy from the fairy country, but they never did anything and the lion was afraid of her.
Every single FGO event in the past 4 years has been about how the end is near, and you're at the end of your journey, and you must make peace with the fact that everything ends yet they keep making up filler so the story doesn't actually end.
They've got fucking time travel and alternate realities, they can have as many 2018s as they want.

Megumi and Hinata?
Hot, right?
how's that any different than GK really? a few weeks ago everyone was talking about parallel idol timelines and shit and no one batted an eye
I was thinking Kamen Rider. https://kamenrider.fandom.com/wiki/Kamen_Rider_Zi-O
I was thinking more of Power Rangers Zeo myself, specifically their theme song.
woz and ass kind look AND sound alike a little
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Kotone's delicious flat chest!
Why can't I get any audio in GK without my headphone? I'm on ios.
Try Android
Would anyone like it if I drew Mio Honda?
draw Tadakatsu Honda
>using iShit
Miow Hondnya
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we love mio and rin and uzuki!
I would appreciate it.
FUCK, please let me get Shinobi Shiz on tomorrow's roll
Shibunya Rin
I rolled three shinobi shiz
Do you like udon?
Just roll kotone then
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Log in now nerds, you get 2500 GK jewels because of top sales ranking.
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you did it Mao
Thank the paypigs
Mao has the least to do with it. She isn't even in the gacha
I've just been buying the pass each month because I actually have disposable income now.
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We fucking did it bros, we hit the number.
iToddler BTFO
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If I log get them now I'll just roll them off instantly. I'm in trouble.
She's on the picture right there next to the big 1
Thank you whales.
>Using yaruki flower also activates fan
>Perfect all the things
Gyaru power...
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
w-what are they laughing at...
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Lilja just showed her gaijin ass in front of thousands of people.
Are all swimsuits other than Sumika's and Rinami's permanent?
The descriptions make it seem that way. Only Sumika's has the "limited" notice.
Gigawhale Maofans who want to max her out need to roll for the event item drop bonus units
I knew about Fuyuko and Yuka but I didn't know Hiori's VA also voiced a Dead or Alive...
They should've made GKPs gender ambiguous
oh, it's because her character is new and just got added to the game a few days ago lol
guess this means reirei is slowly but surely getting back to optimal condition
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So true, xister!
I'm saving for China yukata. I will not roll until China yukata.
I think those are called qipao
Goddamn yaruki attacking is dummy powerful
i dont play gk so i keep reading yaruki as haruki
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She looks so determined but somehow I imagine that Madoka is fucking terrible at bowling
I wonder what weight hinana uses
I want madoka to thrust her nails into my nose and drag me like a pig
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What the final villain Saki looks like.
No, P should be male regardless of branch. Even anime SideM had a male P.
I don't care if the idols for the next branch are robots or enbies or aliens. That branch's P must also be male.
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5ch as usual was going full anti bamco over the shit gacha and felt that they were scammed, but very quickly changed tune once the 2500 jewels hit.
It's okay, she can rest now
The DS producers were women
And that's why DS died.
A lot like the anti spiral except redder, cuter, and lewder.
No it died because of Scamco being Scamco and forgetting they even made the game.
And P not being male was why Scamco wanted to forget DS in the first place.
Is that one who left Ai for her mother?
Built for platonic hugging.
Why would they change their tune over 2500 jewels?
You need 10x that to have any chance of getting anything
Ah, thats why va-liv exists right? Retard.
Why do you desperately pretend va-liv has anything to do with a 15 yo game? Need attention that badly?
The only reason they threw them under the same production as DS is to bait oldfags to give them pity views. Not that they want to bring Ai and Eri back.
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Get in nerds.
If they were a rational and logical group of people then gacha would never have taken off to the behemoth industry it currently is
Happy birthday Kanade!
It's probably the same guy who made a chart list and put one of the VLs in the " Dearly Stars " section.
Free gems are fine and all but they really need to introduce value packs and/or monthly login pass. The battle pass sucks so fucking much.
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Got my first ever S thanks to Sumika.
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And now it's only 9x left.
Or 19x, if you're going for the spark.
I forgot to mention, specifically under 876, a branch that barely has Ps in the current year from being abandoned. Placing them under any other production could have caused an uproar. Except for like Ayas.
My god those idols were in the audience.
DS is just "easy" to add to.
The VLs don't fit SC, ML is practically closed, and CG alrewady has pre-voiced newbies.
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hey toru finally won something
See? This is why imas is dying. Useless gatekeeping to make this place an echo chamber for schizo to lewd post and shitpost the same shit over and over.
Guess I'm going back to BA.
The next Va-Liv group will be a five person unit.
They don't "need" to do anything. They are already winning.
Why would they make a move that benefits you but hurts them?
Cheaper gems means less whaling.
And people buy the battle pass whether it sucks or not.
You should just ignore those /v/ slang using retards, fucking everyone in nipland use an iphone.
Fucking everyone in Japan uses Xitter as their primary social network, that doesn't mean you should too.
>lets give tour another bridal alt!
ToruPs need to be found and shot at
You had a point until the last part
go back.
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ToruPs have half the brain cells of their idol.
no one is stopping you from same fagging your narrative
it can't possibly be an echo chamber
the fuck is this lmao
fuck mao?
I thought Toru won a ton of things
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Their Twitter (currently known as "X") accounts have been restored.
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motto motto
kakin shitai!

join the church of Asobi now!
Apparently being the face for half anni and her unit being the most popular in SC wasnt enough for them
Not last year. Her Ps probably have a grudge.
Remember to buy jewels from Asobi.
>whaling on stream
nothing is off limits I guess
What was SC's half anni stuff again? I don't believe that guy
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Momoko works for NASA?!
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ssg pro
Very Kuuru
God damn this song cums
nice banger
Sounds like a Straylight song.
nerds at NASA must be enjoying MMK's professionalism
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Sayoko no I'll fall in love!
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Ranking Subaru, she's Supika this time around.
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with pleasure
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Haven't you heard?
Idols are universe-level now.
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Points Sayoko
Rank Soob
Points Sayo
PSTrust13 is 13 because it's the dice trust event, but limited to the 13 members of the Stardom Road series so far.
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there's no way that I'm making enough to secure Sumika during her banner, even if I were to use THAT, right?

Hypernova MV
Yukiyo pits
New Roles:

Supika - Subaru
Ran - Sayoko
Naru - Arisa
Jinguuji - Chizuru
Kuroe (New) - Karen
Nope. Better pay up.
Airu event finally coming.
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>High Unemployment Rate Linked To One Idol With 42,000 Jobs
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What do you mean?
If you use THAT, you can secure whatever you want.
Surely you've got at least a thousand dollars in your bank account right?
Julia is locked to this song and will always appear.
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Rank Basa
Points Juliano
Idol Grand Prix new information
Ew miki
Didn't fucking do anything to help during that arc
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Idol Grand Prix mode finalized, the name remains the same. This is a solo 1-1 producing mode with no external competition aspect, that is it's a single player game mode you can do at your own pace.
You can choose your P gender in Idol Grand Prix mode!

There's your FemP.
You can also be woke and be neither
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Are you a boy? Or a girl?
ugh Shiho's private life
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Idol Grand Prix gameplay flow. Doing well unlocks an advanced commu with her.
Looks like this is a completely separate thing from the TD world, it starts as if you're producing her fresh.
TDP can shapeshift into a FemP?
Looks like we will know Shiho's backstory in details.
>Airu is coming
TD is so back, stronger than ever
Most of what's seen here was already covered in her main commus, but in advanced commu form. And more lines, of course.
Still no release date, but they have stuff to show off at least.
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>ML is now WOKE
Just kill it already
TD got a FemP option before SideM for some reason.
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ML 10th Act-2 Day 2 Digest
At least I can say that TD produce mode is going to be better than SS Aipro
I've had terrible luck for the time this game has been out, but now im fucking winning!
39-idol Refrain Relation coming.
REFRAIN REL@TION 39-members utaiwake!?
Idols were warping, but that explains why they had the audience shot in 13-idol 7Days if they did this already.
The RR outfits are available via gasha. Mirai has the SSR.
Or neither?
Getting Mirai's SSR gives you 5 exchange tickets to give the outfit to other outfits. So there will be more in this series.

No another color.
So we need to roll this gacha to get those REL@TION outfits?
M@STERPIECE outfit sets swapped between AS and Theater (AS having the dancer outfits, etc).
>having to roll for Mirai to get outfits for the rest
Isn't that illegal?
Yet ANOTHER ML anime theater airing. But Misaki and Akane kigus will be there.
ML is really getting all the big push eh?
Mio Honda SSR?
No? Gacha comes with bonus shit all the time.
If you're thinking of compu gacha, that's a totally different thing.
If you had to roll all the others so they could Captain Planet themselves into Mirai, that'd be compu.
Because then they could make a bunch common and one rare, so you keep rolling thinking "I'm so close!"
Which is a bit less of an issue now that everyone shows their rates, I'd imagine.
They're finally fixing the Another Shader to be less dark staining.
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New birthday set will come with a private order pose in gravure mode.
Inb4 they fuck up Hinata's birthday again.
Every date outfit is so fucking boring
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We're so fucking back
You are boring
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New outfit is My Only Ensemble.

Seems they're adding new poses to the Gravure Studio. 200 jewels from what I saw.
It's tradition at this point
Bit of a dick move to put the poses behind paid jewels when there's about three good poses in total but "gotta make ends meet" or something
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Remaining monsters.
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New premium SR gasha starting in September is uniforms.

One of them is police uniforms.
Who even want to going to karaoke with Kana?
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Oh no...
I don't understand the mentality of rolling for base SSR reskins. All of these SSRs are essentially free given enough time.
Didn't the recent ShiniAni screenings have literally one person? MLPs love the anime but I dunnow about having a fourth (?) screening.

va-liv's accounts are back.

Manaka's planned replyfest is cancelled due to the risk of having her account suspended again...somehow.
MLPs will watch it no matter what, that how dedicated they are.
Nah I'd Win acrylics
That sounds really repetitive. Like when normalfags do repeat viewings in theaters.
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Shumai Sisters collaboration in Chinatown.
That ringo is cute.
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chat is this real
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Stream detailing ML 11th with the VAs of Yuriko and Roco. And JUNGO and Umeki.

7/18 20 JST.
If it comes while rolling for the limited, it's cool, but yeah rolling specifically for them is a scam. They should be SRs or doing the event should give tokens to unlock 1 or 2 for free.
I have no idea who these could be.
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Suction Power
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Deramas again in November.
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More YumeIro Otome prettygirls in Lalaport.
>immediately roll
>still no Sumika
Half a spark into the trash...
ML keeps getting more and more stuff....
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>fat bitch is fucking eating ice cream again
I mean, it's their anniv. SfP and SS will get just as much, if not more.
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They were less than subtle about pride references in June events for as far I remember desu
SfP sure, but I'm worrying about SS
Yukiyo's no sleeves are very distracting.
>9R 1SR
LM@O get fucked Yukiyo
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SS will probably have a last hurrah finale event for it's 9th anniversary, then a new game next spring.
Sayoko's VA won the contest, so there will be a drawing of Sayoko? in a Western superhero outfit.
>Sumika also has abs

I'm surprised he hasn't had a 3D counterpart yet.
So the 39-person MV isn't Seven Count...
Shiho's batsu game
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Very kawaii Tenchan
I don't trust him entirely after his last video.
>after his last video.
You either die a hero or you live long enough to become an ntr artist that draws fat men having sex with Rinze
Well that was fun, running for a day with no sleep is going to suck though.

Monji YEAH
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>added all anime songs except for one
>just in time for the 7th anniversary
>the song is literally titled Seven Count
What went wrong?

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