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Previous: >>484226665
Happy birthday to Savage

[6/21-7/5][Standard]6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Vanguard Poncirus, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Specialist Kazemaru (Shop)
[6/21-7/5]The Rides to Lake Silberneherze - 5* Medic Harold
[6/21-7/5][The Sojourner]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Specialist Kafka
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger]Penance, Tsukinogi, Qanipalaat
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger Re-Edition]Carnelian, Leonhardt, Kafka
[7/2-7/16][Log-in]Ansel skin
[7/2-7/16][Vista Celebration]First obtained 6* is an unowned one (Excluding ops released after Reed The Flame Shadow)

[6/20-7/4][Standard]6* Caster Goldenglow, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Caster Aroma, 5* Caster Rockrock, 5* Sniper Greyy The Lightningbearer (Shop)
[6/20-7/4]AK x Sanrio Collab - Log-in event
[6/20-7/4][Crossover]Goldenglow, Lee, U-Official
[6/20-7/4][Achievement Star & Vitafield Re-Edition]Flametail, Kirara, Aosta; Czerny
[6/25-7/9]Hortus de Escapismo Rerun - Insider skin
[6/25-7/9][Arbiter Aequissimus Retro]6* Guard Executor The Ex Foedere, 5* Specialist Spuria, 5* Medic Paprika

>/akg/ website:
>Redeem codes
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
Bnuuy love
What the fuck is wrong with this guy?
I love the fact he just one shots W, then bitch slaps her
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more than half these characters aren't playable
Based on her accounts, Oripathy infection rates among Tarans are relatively high owing to the majority working under conditions of inadequate protection; conversely, the relentless pace of Dublinn's battles sees casualties emerge infected one after another.
Why is Siege such a failure? Taran mutts are still bombing Victorians
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Cunning plan concoction unit
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No module yet btw
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He's fast!
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Your drawpile for this week
Say something nice
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My soulmate...
Post cringe
That Doctor Reed looks like she's not wearing any underwear, the slut
What a cool illiterate fox.
The OP
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Oh no, I can't believe I fell for her vulpo schemes, how could that have possibly happened
Free use for needy older operators...
Operators for this feel?
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This but Indigo is 6 months pregnant
Durin ops.
yeah, with me
You and your preggo quest in your own Aknit universe. This snek in this world bears muh child.
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I mean...
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EX Harold was fucking hard, and I haven't even looked at the CM. Even with two medics and Quercus, I was struggling to keep everyone alive through his multi-hit AoE. Ideally, I'd be able to save GG S3 for when he's about to unleash it, and turn all the heaters on so that it only becomes one hit, but in practice I can't always afford to do that. But I'm pretty sure that with CM damage boosts, I'll be required to.
Any hot tricks for that stage that I might have overlooked?
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This OP will surely bring in more new players and save our dying game.
No, I mean she's pregnant with me. I'm the baby.
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There is a universe where Indigo dances on the poles of every man at Rhodes brothel
>Wait for heater strike
>Blow your load on Harold
>Don’t blow too soon when the unlit heaters are not even reheat-able again
Also chain caster is good. Both Harold stages have 2 heaters that are quite close to each other so with any target between the heaters, you can quickly light both heaters at the same time. A bit inconsistent tho.
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>Any hot tricks for that stage that I might have overlooked?
Reading the mechanics
Forget the Tarans, the Duke of Caster is still stirring shit internationally with no sign of anyone even trying to reeling her in meaning Siege did FUCKALL about the Dukes that started the Victorian shitshow in the first place.
Where are you placing Quercus? I used Silence2 in range of 3 heaters to keep 2 of them running.
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Bring Arturia for atk debuffs
I have seen way too many doujins of him and Mountain together, are they the top couple for furries?
H-Harold-sama, have mercy!
They told me not to roll on nyaturia because elemental is a meme.
>The strongest flinger on ground tiles vs the strongest flinger on ranged tiles
Need pic related but Dur-nar
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wait how did you protect the left blue box where all the enemies other than Harold rush to?
I think GG is still a better bet than a chain caster, and with the deployment limit, I can't have both. Good thought though.

I'll try it. I never actually used her before.

Do you just reply this to every single post asking for help, without even reading or comprehending it?
>It was ulpian that prompted W to become a flinger
Only Harold walks to left blue box what are you talking about?
Wait I'm retarded I mixed up where the enemies go. I mean the right box
Amiya with Yato's help
>Do you just reply this to every single post asking for help
If you did the mechanic you would realize his aoe does little damage.. you are trying to brute force it so unless you're using nightingale S3 or AH with gladiia damage reduction, you're not surviving
I know 2 coomfics that is about Rhodes brothel and they are… okay to read I guess.
Also what the hell does “the pole of every man” mean?
I started playing because of Hung, actually
t. newfag
>his aoe does little damage
>btw you can't survive it without nightingale s3 and ah squad
Truly reading comprehension..
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I managed to beat EX Harold by using Shamare.
Her ATK debuff neuters the old man, you guys should try it if you haven't.
I am well aware that the number of hits, and thus the amount of damage, is based on how many heaters are lit. That's why I specifically described my problem as having the resources to light all the heaters when he's about to unleash it. I am specifically trying to NOT brute-force it, by managing the heaters and only taking one hit instead of multiple; I'm just not sure if I'm going about it the best way.
But actually, yes, even one hit does quite a bit of damage, which is why I'm predicting that on CM, one is the most I'll be able to take. Get it?
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Deggy Wegyy
If you bothered reading his post you would know he's already aware of the fact that harold does additional attacks for each unlit heater
Like this but at the strip club after a lap dance
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mmm nyes nyes
/akg/ cares more about being a smartass than actually giving advice.
It's always the skipkeks telling you to read
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The dukes got what they wanted, with the sarkaz kicked out and the steam knights basically extinct they can just rule as they want and fuck over other countries so caster messing with kjerag is fine with the other dukes since they would likely share anything they earn should they successful invade another country.
Pramanix being recruited into Rhodes brothel…
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What else can you suggest? Harold himself needs little dps to burn him down so all your effort should be having a set up that can chain together to get the heaters back up. Large range ops like goldenglow S2 are the best for this since she can hit 2 heaters at once. Then have an op under those heaters reach the ones she can't. Use your flint on the one GG is at. It's really not difficult if you're just doing the mechanics
If you can control your dps make him go invul just after he uses the snowball attack to extinguish 2 towers, he wont use it again for a while when you're setting them back up to avoid the aoes
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>because elemental is a meme.
Anyone saying that is too retarded to understand how elemental damage works
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Can I mating press Rosmontis?
Oh I know the Dukes are all in it together but I'm saying that Siege has done nothing to try and curtail their dicking around which in turn does imply that the Dukes had a near flawless victory (Wellington getting an independent Tara is not ideal for the other dukes but hey who the fuck is gonna contest him) and even got rid of the contentious Duke Windermere as a bonus. the Dukes won but Siege lost
Can you make a single original post that isn't horny slop?
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you want to mate this?
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>your effort should be having a set up that can chain together to get the heaters back up
If only there was an operator with a large range that can hit heaters multiple times quickly.
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Cute goat wife!
Can I hydraulic press Rosmontis?
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It’s EOS-sama mind you
Goldenpig, nyes
Oh no I'm not talking about you I'm talking about the dickheads that just say 'oh just read the mechanics bro' and leave it at that instead of actually saying HOW people can keep the furnaces on for Harold
>get called out for being an illiterate midwit trying and failing to be snarky
Slit your throat, you worthless shitposter. You're not cute, you're pathetic.
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Shame that the heaters recharge more that more damage they take... someone like kotmontis would have to attack them for ages..
No, but you can pneumatic press her
Be horny
around when can we expect Ray?
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you only to keep one on you retard, your ops inside the range of that single furnace can turn on the other ones faster, and if the set up is done correctly they should be able to turn them on by themselves without you ever worrying about it
Harold could beat Talulah in a fight
There's just something ablut slutty Amiya...
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Harold would job against any fire caster since they can just melt his prosthetic leg.
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Datamines say the 9th
can Reed s3 turn heaters on fast?
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Will you roll for chungus?
Came back for degen and I failed to get her.
How do I cope?
Turn on the heater
I love winter theme events in middle of summer
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They do? I am talking from experience, she gets them up and running in two attacks with module for me.
This being after one attack.
Just use degen S3
Adding akg bros and filling up my friend list...
okay dodging the Faust arrow was pretty fucking cool
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She can even instantly start one with S1.
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Are we looking forward to the friends list update?
Anon... /akg/s bicycle..
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When is that coming, with Ray? Big if true.
*extreme smooching press*
>Tail harness
Perfumer is into kinky BDSM?
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should I get one of these for Amiya?
Never even occurred to me you could teach a rabbit to poop somewhere in particular.
don't think a donkey fits into one
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Safety is an important focus in Rhodes Island
>Putting Poncirus into the safety team
We're gonna die
it only works now because enemies have 0 RES to it
when they start adding elemental RES to enemies it will become abysmal dogshit only good for dabbing on old bosses like levitate
just like how Gnosis was going to be useless because of all the enemies will start to get freeze resist...right?
>girl blue construction '''workers'''/engineers
You were going to die anyway, look up the stats
with walter unless they brought it forward
You've been using this cope for 6 months now
yeah in CM the aoes go form 560 a hit to 800 a hit
you just gotta pray the timings line up and he doesn't do the nuke when heaters are down
you can afford one misalignment since he has a long as fuck route meaning you can redeploy your shit once but it's stll basically RNG
if you don't have texalt or yatoalt to cold start heaters you're basically fucked though
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What happens if Whisperain turns back into the small jelly while she's 6 months pregnant?
better character than your shitty lm7 goblin LOL
yeah? modern bosses are all freeze immune
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Stats are technically like numbers, and we don't do those in /akg/
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You got him mad lol
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You still get a daughter out of the ordeal, just don't think about it too much.
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back to coomposting?
how original
Crikey, it's the thread rozzers
some creatures can just reabsorb their babies before they are born if the situation is dire enough
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Back? We never stopped.
there was a short stop when brainlets got filtered by Harold
who's the motorbike of Rhodes Island?
Kal, she has the mechanical enhancements to be called that
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God I want this goat to do things to me. I want to be her toy.
How old is Degen?
Hortus de escapismo and dolly are still greatest fillters
the Ray event is easy?
Stop calling her metal hips mechanical enhancements
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>one of the sexiest operators in the game
>trash tier
it's not fucking fair...
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Latest 30s to early 50s, since she won three Kazimierz major which take place 5 years apart after having an already decorated military career.
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Dangerous women...
I'm surprised Harold filtered fewer than Clement when chinks rank him as harder but maybe the dregs of /akg/ just haven't gotten to him yet
It says she has 25 years of combat experience so assuming she got into it young, I am putting her in her early 40's or so.
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All this degen posting reminds me most of them are seapags
we have more broken ops now
Foxolate milk...
All this pagposting reminds me we picked up new shitposters because this general never used that word
Mating press
Google "Embryo Resorption"
it happens on humans as well
what stops an old shitposter from learning new words?
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Fat fox.
Post AI operators
Harold filtered more people than they're willing to admit. You couldn't just unga bunga him like you usually do
Last minute predictions for tonight's nyews?
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How did Victoria lose when they have a gigachad like Harold?
Are we even sure we'll get news today?
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Omnibus events are always easy
Do you have to get a scout node on floor 3 or earlier for IS4 ending 3?
Thanks bros
Wednesday at the latest and CN is currently on a rerun, very likely it is today
cats are lazy
Post my waifu please
This is fxo territory.
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Durnar is a big fox
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>Dumb lion girl claims the throne
When's it Siege's turn?
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You have to get it until floor 4 to pick up flower relic on floor 5
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>Verification not required.
You can still sort of ungabunga Harold, it's literally impossible to do that to Clement.
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Victoria always wins because the only thing they know how to fight is themselves.
So when is Gaul going to break away from Victoria and be free once more?
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not waai fu
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I'm going to literally beat the shit out of this boss.
I'm going to take this moment to remind everyone that crushers have a fucking billion hp and Harold does arts damage.
If you job the monthly you have to uninstall.
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I want to do things to her. Like play with her tail and lubricate her horns.
Quartz enjoyers RISE UP
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This boss is going to see cats and shit himself from now on.
Nah, the real one
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Saw this here yesterday
Your anus...
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Choke on your saliva and die already, -3 practice plans per CM attempt!!!
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I want to play with her tail and ears and wrap her hair around me like a scarf on a cold day!
The darkblade!
>You should be able to practice a stage as much as you like
Change my mind
Can fix her. Can save her
Whatever she sticks up there, she isn't getting back.
5th anni makes CM stages only take 1 sanity to quit or fail
Computer, generate "Blemithing": masterpiece, huge_breasts
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Do you like flowers, anon?
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There need to be more female operators that want doctor's seed.
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June is over, and with that, here's our statistics up to the last month.

With this, the activity increase we saw in April seems more like a fluke and we continue a downwards trend.
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>we continue a downwards trend.

>Revenue in the gutter
>Threads are either dead or full AI slop
>People are leaving
Great time to be Arknights fan
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Doctor...? Um... Betsuni.

Last one, I swear
wtf why this is one of the best times in AK history
is it just the shiny new gacha leeching posters?
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With that we also ended our Q2. In terms of Q2s, we only outperformed Q2 2020, but we did outperform Q1 of every year except 2023 (once more 2023 showing itself to be a huge year for AK), and Q3 2020 and 2021.
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Here's one I prepared earlier.
What a dead fucking thread
there is no coming back from this
I need the prompts
July will be even worse considering ray is skipcore and zzz will steal away all our good posters
A flower in Vendela’s creampied ass
EoS soon...
Trying too hard
>le epik doompost
Tits too small
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I have no idea how we followed such a huge year to this, you can really see the decreased in the first semester of 2023 compared to the first semester of 2024.
All mine.
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Good, don't come back.
>le no arguments to my points
dying thread?
All me.
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I'm still here bwo
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>zzz will steal away all our good posters
Bareback Angelina position
You made points? You had arguments?
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All day.
Go to nudist beach Rosa
Also would interesting to see if the revenue would follow this trend since it was also always increasing. On the other hand we're still between 2020 and 2021 levels, if it falls further though, that will be sad.
Wake up Lapipi
Two sides of the same forte coin...
Where’s the ring, huh?
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Around the base of her tail.
Gigantic tits are great but I'm still trying to break up my limits. This guy is who I look up to. One day I want to generate pics as good as his.
Shower thought I just had. But would Bunny Girl suits be considered racist on Terra? Or if anything they would just wear the leotard, and just call it something else?
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It's not just lack of posts but also the overall quality of posts which is concerning.

It feels like /akg/ has run out of stuff to discuss and this has just resulted in the majority of posts being bait, shitposts, hornypost and image spam.
We used to have regular drawfags and webm makers and meme makers.
Now the original content we get is some aifag spamming his garbage and a genuine blacked poster posting his fanfic.

I'm glad we still have anons like the reedfag and that guy who drew the degen pic taking requests but even their posting is infrequent.
The only relevant meme we've had in the past couple that has stuck has been a crude drawing of an indian shitposter.

Anybody who disagrees with me, I dare you to find one original good post that has been made in the last couple of threads. Think about the last time you saved an image that an anon here made that wasn't kornheiser or aislop.
Spice and Lupo
Stop cautusfacing
We have catface
bro, your cuckposting?
that's quality
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>that guy who drew the degen pic taking requests
post pic
It's not racist. If it was racist, you'd see Harmonie wearing it for laughs.
Didn't reed
r-rate my lineup?
I don't have it saved but it's the one of degen pinning doc up against a wall.
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Amiya designed a MOUSE pad with Lin on it in the chong livestream so i dont think they care
look at this FURRY FUCK
i like it. 8/10
You know I will say since the discussions of this threads quality has been brought up. Maybe it's cause I just started the game this year, but I will say the times I have here have been some of the best I have had on this shit hole of a site for a while. We have a good balance of shit posts, horny posts, and actual game discussions.
One of three Gravel fags
Casual racism with Lin!
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Love these doodles
this was drawn by the mentally ill person
>Think about the last time you saved an image that an anon here made that wasn't kornheiser
Oh god, it's this retard
Good to know the gravelfag is entertained by shitposting and hornyposting, you must have loved this one >>483457372
Which retard? There's a lot of them here
>having a link saved to his own shitpost
Based, hope you didn't miss the Gravel dump yesterday
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Yeah, me.
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>He saves kornheisers
It is (((That time))) of the day.
So what did we learn today?
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>Anybody who disagrees with me, I dare you to find one original good post that has been made in the last couple of threads. Think about the last time you saved an image that an anon here made

so uh... this can't be refuted?
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what the fuck, that's hot af
What are you smoking? There's hundreds of good posts. I save images from here all the time.
4 years on this general and I can count the amount of art I've saved made by anons on one hand.
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>quoting yourself
Not gonna lie, that's kind of cringe
Skill issue.
Slow /akg/ is comfy. Fast /akg/ is a nest of shitposters and bait. It's all about what hours you browse in
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Post the last one you saved and when you saved it
>rampart samefagging starts
Yeah, it really seems to be
>Slow /akg/ is comfy
all I see is AI slop posting
Is that comfy to you?
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>Anybody who disagrees with me, I dare you to find one original good post that has been made in the last couple of threads. Think about the last time you saved an image that an anon here made that wasn't kornheiser or aislop.
Do edits count
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Some anon edited this yesterday and I saved it
Either it's mediocre or I don't like the operators. It's that shrimple.
Good old Euro time.
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Like 3 days ago my man
I do miss the drawfags and the writerfags but I think people are just nostalgic towards the old /akg/
Quality /akg/ content
All those examples you posted? They don't count.
What's wrong with that?
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>>rampart samefagging starts
There's a difference between the quality of this general and the blue archive one just at the difference in our drawpiles for example
My hero.
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Ah fuck, I can't believe you've done that
Anon I tossed your team into a run just to see how it'd go with a Protector and it wasn't hard, just borrow a Nian or Hoshi and the map is pretty easy. Hell unironically you can swap NG for a good ST medic like Eyjalt/Lumen/Silence 1 and instead of Saria, Shamare on S2 for doll to make Harold barrage deal jack shit damage.
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Fan of good boys?
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I did, but a few previous threads later, I now have new ammo.
I want to make Shu my wife
There are 5 AI images in this thread...
Out of 130...
Grow up, woman.
Salami Press
Genuine question - did you count the jerboa ones?
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>schizo was an esl all along
...Should I have?
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Last OC I saved from here, am easily amused
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2 days ago
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>765361696496043056774.png (3.47 MB, 1152x20
LappGODS are smart and handsome, this is an edit.
I question what kind of person wastes time doing this
Meant for >>484244864, I am too retarded to link correctly. Still the squad has good leeway, you can see in the image I wasn't paying attention and Harold got the last barrage off with low heaters and killed everyone and he still died. Just stall his bum.
Yer hired.
Same people who browse this site hoping to actually "own" people.
This image really offends "them"
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Forehead fixation is a strange phenomenon
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Happy Birthday Swire and Hung!
No, Doctor. Pregnancy is not a way to cure alcoholism from lupos
Ok but imagine if swire was hung
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Like 20 to 25 cm?
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she's the best
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-3 Drill Plan used
Why do headpats kill her?
Funny how it happens during these hours
Smooching Heavyrain on the forehead
Arknights only just released recently. let them fix the bugs and skill balance first and then theyll tweak Practice Plans and other QoL
Basically all of Europe/Africa/India is in peak internet hours right now. That's a lot of people that all hate each other.
The problem isn't that these people hate each other, it's that they hate themselves.
Sweet Penance, bro. Although I have to say that something tells me you were rolling to get Lee......
No it isn't
It's an escape from their shitty lives I guess. Try to make fun of other people to make themselves feel better. That's why it always stops when those places go to sleep and it's just burgers and australia posting.
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Did a little more of the nuzlocke and I'm into chapter 1 now. Genuinely ashamed that I've already lost 3 operators to my own stupidity. But hey, it's a practice run.
You didn't take of the hat first, it's an important step
Did you make a new account for this?
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Got me.
>genuine /int/posting now
Goddamn, we're going for the whole bingo sheet today?
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Yeah. If I could sweep everything with Mlynar and Surtr that'd kind of defeat the point.
I'm just curious about the logistics... burner email?
Do you count practice plan deaths as real deaths or no?
Guest account. For some reason if you log in with yostar you can have two accounts one client.
No but in a real run I'm going to limit how many I'm allowed to use, I was thinking max like 5.
You are a scalie
my RS-8 started failing...
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based Gokubro
Ore wa Bejita da
I've never watched dragonball, someone just suggested the name.
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>we thought it was the face of a sea ayylmao
>it was just its pinky finger
Making the official 1-7 tier list was pretty fun.
I wouldn't know how that feels, mine never worked in the first place.
Holy shit
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What the fuck AAIIIEEEE
No just you, why would a face be jutting out haphazardly from a tentacle/branch?
Idk why do snakes exist?
>playing permadeath
>names account after guy who comes back from death several times
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haha knew it. If it was because he got that Sanrio collab skin then you'll get another chance before it releases in a year. If you're just collecting all the furries then iirc Mountain will be on a Joint Operations banner in Nov-Dec.
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NTA but I also thought it was some weird TFTT like man based on PV4 image showing it kind of like a body due to angle
Because god hates people live in tropical and subtropical climates.
Hey, he did well for a while after getting Ultra Ego.
Doc is cool for being loose and chill. He jives.
Typhon sex
>after /dbg/ put us down
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I just don't see it
Shit did I miss divegrass this year?
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I'll give it a 29/37
>>we thought it was the face of a sea ayylmao
Only retards did
Good news: /akg/ didn't lose a single match
Bad news: /akg/ didn't win a single match and died in group stage
Litteraly a Lovecraft gingerbread man lookin' thing.
that's more embarrassing than losing..
I mean if I squint real closely I guess you could see kind of a face where the tentacle is pressed up with ears and "hair" coming out but still maybe some just can't see Mount Tai
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How would you fix /akg/?
Bring back zero san hours
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Ask Harold to do it, he's a veterinarian or something.
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Yeah well Zero Sanity was abysmal dogshit. I think it's the first cup where he didn't score a single goal. Even the roach did more than him.
we'll do better next cup on PES17 where strikers actually work
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By posting Asky
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>that AI Rosa earlier in the thread
congrats on missing the point of her beauty, her body is supposed to be slim yet curvaceous and graceful
the sense of aesthetics is lost with you people
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By posting more lupos
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For the record, I thought it was pretty clearly just a tentacle limb, but if you told me to go zero sanity and look for a person in this picture, this is the best I could figure out that someone could see.
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Wiping GMT+2 through GMT+8 off the face of Terra
Genocide elf posters
>Save /akg/ by causing the greatest disaster in history
A bit of a drastic measure no?
Nice, got the attack pot.
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Actually Rosa's appeal is feeling tears on your shoulder.
Can't, Im at 130 pulls, need to guarantee for dragon lady and both r6s banners ;-;
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So how much do you guys care about powercreep? Do you guys think it makes the game or your experience worse? Asking because there's so many broken ops coming that I have to wonder how absurd the ops of next year will be.
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just lost an IS4 run at the boss, because i used the 50% hp foldartal which spawned a shieldguard and i had no ranged ops to break the ice.
the boss stunned the shieldguard and leaked bears before i could reach it by opening the right side with texas.
thanks for reading my blogpost.
Actually Rosa's appeal is watching her reaction after you lock her and the rest of the burrs in a confined area without food for a week and say it was just a prank when you let them out and Istina isn't there anymore for some reason.
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Forcing janitors to do their work, at a gunpoint
Ops I like being the powercreep is good.
Ops I don't like being the powercreep is bad.
It's that shrimple.
Shame that I don't like her skin and will have to wait like 5 years for her second one if I'm lucky.
Not really a problem if the kits of the crept units aren't badly designed and unsatisfactory
Harold is simple but pretty annoying
The tl;dr is that sensortower stats didn't count stats between 14th to 24th of june for any gacha game because the stats were frozen. The degenbrecher banner stats for global weren't captured. You can confirm this yourself by checking sensortower arknights and other games like wuwa.

We aren't about to eos.
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>mfw I thought they ate her but then I realize there's no bones and she's actually clinging to the ceiling holding a piece of broken glass like a shiv, waiting for me to return.
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What the FUCK
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Her base design is extremely hard to surpass in cool and coom
Imo texas-alt(+yato-alt combo) will forever remain the most broken op, I don't care about w-alt or logos being strong. Fast redeploy just fundamentally breaks the game, and when given stuns, arts and more nothing can really counter it.

>Do you guys think it makes the game or your experience worse?
You can choose not to use them here, there's no pvp so it's fine. I just have more an issue with ops like texas, or surtr causing them to rework how they design stages. After surtr bosses suddenly started having more RES and a few had instakill tile mechanics just to counter her. W-alt is counted by bosses needing mechanics like harold instead of just being HP sponges
single player game, doesnt matter just have fun using whoever
>Fell for the oldest trick in the book
Should have read more of those books, Doc.
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It's funny that they chose to shit on Phantom of all ops when he's still better than like half the ops in the game now just by virtue of that class being broken as shit. There's just not much reason to use him now since they made a better one.
Phantom getting featured in high risk clears is enough for HG not to care about buffing him.
Not that even he counters Walt much, her being a Flinger means she has fantastic range to pop heaters, she can activate a few, pop skill to make Harold go into nuke mode while all heaters are up, and then deactivate skill when he is about to chill them again.
It's your first day at your new highschool and you have to sit next to this girl
It's known that IS5 will directly include measures to prevent FRDs from being undeployed so they are about to start shitting on them now.
>reedfag and that guy who drew the degen
They're the same person.
>I dare you to find one original good post that has been made in the last couple of threads.
There was that anon who was taking pen and paper requests at least + >>484278891
Time to transfer out
Fuck you, faggot. I just love huge tits
yep, yep.
slop posters once again negative iq
Reminder to always keep active originium on you at all times to ward off elves. Keep it in your place of residence so they can't trespass. Scatter as you walk so they can't follow you. Hide it around town so they can't enter it. Create a circle of it around your nation so you need not suffer elves benefiting from your tax money. Embed it inside of your acquaintances so you know that they aren't being influenced by elves. Never allow a situation to develop in which you need deal with one of the abominations in your presence.
>It's known
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
>and Istina isn't there anymore
Istina is a cold hearted murderer, she would have killed the other bears when she realized they were locked in before the others realized they were trapped
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i love this gremlin
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Scoot over to give her a bit more room because she clearly needs it.
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Which 4star skills are worth to M3 the most?
but the delta module with nervous damage and the clone not taking a deployment slot...
I'm sorry but I refuse to have sex with any infected operator
myrtle S1 and ethan S2
The delta module is going to go wild and make Phantom not take a deployment slot (the clone still will).
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that's cool and all but my project partner is kinda cute
This >>484284174
Totter S2 and Jaye S2 are nice for IS
>We want the female audience
Fuck this one was easy. Why do I keep putting these off
blue archive collab when
What happened to it?
hello mister snogger
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.... the entirety of /akg/ is isekai'd into a high school setting with all of the operators.
You bump into your wife on the first day, right on your way to school. Later on, she is in your class and you must sit next to her...
Blue Archive collabs will likely be limited as they're prone to having psychotic meltdowns if their girls are sent to other games
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EVERYONE, stand back.
I will... destroy it.
There's no competition
Now that would be a good way to kill both generals
Oh no...
The most popular and beautiful girl in school...
Peak "that girl everyone ignores"
Is the Sewing club Ace, Lappland.
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... is Susie Glitter!
I lock everyone in the building and make sure no more food can make it in. 3 days in I sneak in an assortment of metal pipes scattered randomly and enough food to feed 5 people for a week and leave it sit in a prominent location.
IS4 is so fucking shit.
I suppose that+her little summons help keep the heaters on. S3 will just waste the shots on towers though since she has no priority targeting. Having a map like blacksteel with vents can counter w-alt in future if they want, she will burn her S3 shots on said map structures rather than enemies.
Dr. G would be the weird kid
>the urban fantasy that arknights could never accomplish

you nerds ready for arknights to die in 3 days when zzz releases?
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Lappland would be THAT kid, always causing trouble for the sensei, destroying his car, shenanigans and whatnot... but deep down, she is the sensei's favorite student.
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I suspect she is more likely to be the PE teacher or something.
Myrtle S1, Sussurro S2 maybe Vigna S2 and Gummy S1
ZZZ is post apocalypse stuff
Degen would be the star on the wrestling team.
Ah Myrtle is already M3 because she is also part of my regular squad with 6star ops.
It's actually not for IS, I like to play the event stages with 4star teams
and I don't have Totter :(
I heard Roberta is also very good, are her skills worth M1/3ing?
Front row
Back of the classroom
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Hello Dokutahs!
Just finished all the new wuwa content and am ready to come ba-
stay gone.
...please stay, this is the only Hung thread we've had in a year.
we're all in /zzz/ right now bro
Kendo, fencing, or somehow both at the same time.
Do not bite that
You will die
yeah. Fuck, probably all of them.
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>Front row
She's not that much of a nerd...
>I heard Roberta is also very good
Where did you hear it from? She's not very good unless you need a portable mudrock shield, which is very niche.
Anyway based on your use case you should M3 Jaye S2.
>I don't have Totter
You will get him eventually when you roll on more banners
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>>>>>She's not that much of a nerd...
All while also doing HEMA on her off time.
Really, you're going to judge him on his birthday?
Blemiartificer the 6* roberta
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Who are the scene kids of the arknights high school?
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Take a month break and the general is in shambles. I have to do everything around here
Post better looking art for the birthday boy
I'll be fine so long as it's not during the music class. That canonically doesn't go well. Though it would be a good conversation starter
>Where did you hear it from?
Some generals back. I asked about good 4star in general.
Oh yeah, let's not forget track. Hell of a sprinter.
Thorns and Horn skip class to get baked under the bleachers.
Maria is your highschool gf (and later wife).
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She's a fine 4* in the IS mode, because she's a durable ground unit on a supporter card. But outside of IS the classes don't matter as much, so she becomes more of a gimmick unit for her shields while you can get better blockers.
She's still tough though, I used her to tank the Gardener rocks without any issues
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the fabled Maria gf?!
Mating smooch
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That's a part of the healthy GF experience, yes
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dogtor! i heard you missed frostnova, so i brought her to you! look!
The CeobeGF...
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Fuck yeah.
BRO?! You can't say that! /akg/ is touchy about premarital sex
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fox classmates
i heard the word yeah and i came here as fast as i could
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Centaurea gf......
It's a well established fact that some ops are built for out of wedlock sex. Not even premarital, that implies that marriage is coming afterwards.
My wife is also my GF but she is also my wife...
Going out with Maria and Centaurea at the same time...
Hell yeah
Hell yeah.
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I started watching the anime yesterday and it's hard to look at these serious doc pics now. I already knew about the twink face but I never expected the twink voice.
She's not her auntie, she'd prefer it that way
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Long Nyontis
Smyall Nyontis
Who is this girl (female, not mizuki)?
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non-canon director headcanon.
Lappy gf...
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it says their names at the bottom
I still prefer imagining him sounding like Aizen from Bleach, though I hear he actually voices Hellagur.
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Why are you just standing there?
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Yes, Aizen is Hellagur.
I don't use this general anymore but I would like to point that the OP sucks
Hell yeah
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I shit my pants and I'm waiting for everyone to leave the room so no one notices...
How much does Doctor weigh?
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I hate how much of a twink he is in the anime. He should be a cool as fuck mystery nigga
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ez event
Honestly I've always imagined Doc and Hellagur both sounding like this guy.
Wait, the Arknights anime is still going?
I just imagine his voice as that of someone in his 20s. I dunno, like Noir Corne or something. For some reason that's the only male voice I can think of that isn't that of a child or an old fart. I'd say Totter but he also feels too old for Doc to me.
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I still havent beaten EX-8 cause my whole squad gets fucking nuked at a random point
I like the anime doc, I just pretend the serious doc pics are just the operators asking him to act that way for a photoshoot
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Just be glad the anime will never reach the Victoria arc where he gets beat up by evil women.
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doc when he gets on camera
doc off camera
At least the animation is pretty good, I was expecting bottom of the barrel Studio A-1 tier slop.
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Thanks again for the guide. I finally survived the level, not a perfect clear but I'll take the win especially since it gave me the achievement. I found it strange that Hoshi seemed to tank Harold so well, hardly a scratch, then bam, dead in the blink of an eye
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Do I get to have sex with Zofia?
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I can only self insert if the MCs is at least a half as strong as me. I can probably pulverize Rosa in hand to hand combat
Just guidefag dude it's not that hard
Only if you let her peg you.
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big woman
Hello. Advice on how to charm the Moose and get her to let me cum inside her?
He does the nuke at health thresholds, lights up like a fucking Christmas tree beforehand, not remotely random.
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Any new leaks or news?
Especially regarding Cecelia
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Y-your lying
convince her you'll pull out then don't
No. Now fuck off
Just don't ask and if you survive it means she's okay with it.
Maybe tonight. We've entered early July so the PV needs to be soon.
As if Rowrighto won't animated his flawless second act to the masses.
Im already dreading it.
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>Breezes through the operator physical exam while yawning
>3 years undefeated and strongest duelist in an entire country known for their battle capability
>Saves pinuses from avalanche for leisure
>Complete mastery of all forms of physical combat
>Could kill you at any moment she wanted in a mere second
This woman is s-sure something... haha... g-glad she's on our team...
for you
We'll be skipping Victoria arc and going straight into arc 3.
>CC5 is about Kazdale
>Doc (R6) is heading to Kazdale
I know we're going back to the past, to see the shitty place that sucks ass, but it'd be cool if we say him somehow ran into him there as a node.
Oh I didn't know you could get different themes. Are there more?
I mean we could always have Logos tell her to kill herself.
Having danced with Gladiia already, she's really nothing special
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>PV tonight bait
Oh no. Not this time
I'll check tomorrow
>I mean we could always have Logos tell her to kill herself.
It doesn't work like that
Thanks for the info!
Post your squad, we can help you.
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Name a more sexier operator than Mudmud
>cumming on Reed's bare chest flame
>watching it all sizzle and evaporate
that's kind of hot
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Don't say I didn't warn you
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80kg/177 lbs like me
Very portable doctor
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Why does this bitch keep telling me I can go do something else?
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Noooo... I need Victoria! I need two season of flirting with Asky!
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I like cumming on my wife's tongue and face
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game Doctor kinda sucks too since apart from his intelligence and tactical knowledge he is a normal person in a world full of absurdly powerful people and creatures. I really wish that motherfucker had an ability or power so he could just Black Flash a dude or something even just to briefly get out of a situation
Ohhh I see in the same menu as the background, cool.
I'd rather want a good Domain Expansion
I like her cute little tail.
i doubt it, writers are very proud people and whoever wrote the second arc probably thinks they did a good job so we have to suffer through it again, it would be really funny if the anime adaptation ends up being less boring due to the studio cutting unnecessary parts.
>I really wish that motherfucker had an ability
Doctor could always carry around active Originium to stab/spray people with
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He needs Sideroca's training for that
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Doctor is a perfect rape victim. No need to ruin it.
That's a lot of cutting...
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Doctor rape...
>it would be really funny if the anime adaptation ends up being less boring due to the studio cutting unnecessary parts.
>Ascalon, all reunion stuff between chapter 9 and 13, and most of the glasglow gang scenes get removed.
Could be pretty peak
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Enough of this slander! Doctor needs to find the baddest bitch and rape her to set an example for the other female operators.
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would make Doctor too OP unless it was just some sort of support like healing or durability boost. He needs to have an excuse why he's just an idea guy if he was actually powerful
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Clown can't be removed because she serves as plot armor for several characters including Doc and Amiya.
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Blaze love!
Et tu, Kroos...
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I want to touch her tail and see if she lets out a cute little yelp like Asbestos!
But she never has to be on screen aside from chapter 11's ending and the one scene in chapter 13
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>fate/stay night anime doesnt work because they have to cut all of Shirou's internal monologue to keep things moving
>victoria arc anime works because they have to cut all of Siege's internal monologue to keep things moving
would be hilarious
Here I thought she had green eyes.
You'd end up getting rid of a bunch of unnecessary fluff like Lettou and Golding
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don't worry man I just suck at the game. I also only tried it once and finished with a 2 star rating by leaking Harold
Hai haaaaaaai, Kroos desu-yoooooooooo~
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>Siege just stands around staring at stuff and getting yelled at
You need her plotline to explain Cluster trying Logos's suggestion.
>You need her plotline to explain Cluster trying Logos's suggestion.
I wonder if we will ever know.
If the game is profitable it continues and you never get the ending.
If it isn't it gets sunset without concluding anything.
Lettou is arguably required to explain why the sarkaz are in Victoria too.
Doctor couldn't even rape lupo in heat...
no man could satisfy her...
is there an image out there of kroos with sharingan/ one of the other naruto eyes
not sure if thats something i've seen or just thought about drawing several times
I want Lettou to have his own dedicated episode because I want to see a pathetic loser job and Doc can't be it.
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Doctor, doctor!
We will see Siege doing nothing but press a button for an ep for the next arc
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why does this exist

...anyway, Blaze love
Is that... SSJ Elite3 Amy?!
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Clown can't be removed because she applies all the Theresa tension till chapter 14.
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I wanna rape Doctor
Ca- wait that doesn't actually narrow anything down
It's simple. We remove Hillock County.
Nearl would never...
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man ch 9 is fucking weird it basically only sets up horn and el banana for the victoria arc but then when it has a direct followup in firelight thats not even intermezzi
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remember her?
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Her needs are not that complicated
>thats not even intermezzi
Well it doesn't have anything to do with Sarkaz/Babel/Precursors
There's Mandragora too
No, we rewrite the following chapters to actually connect to Ch 9.
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Best Guards:
-Mlynar (#1 spot taken by Degen I think)
For general use.
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Game for HagChads
Translate it, Chinks.
Bros??? Your maxed Degen??? I thought everyone here was pulling but I check my friendslist and no one has her???
I've only been playing a few months, what's the existing meme here about Weedy being cringe?

Her face is kinda... squished down
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It's either QB or Thorns desu. If you have Logos they even get a little crazy.
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I only have a S3M3 one.
Ch'en isn't a "hag". She is a young Eastern beauty.
Silverash is offpanel holding an originium slug that Lappland tricked him into believing is the Doctor.
Dr. T...
Because you have no friends
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>what's the existing meme here about Weedy being cringe?
She's just a weird nerd
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News regarding Cecelia
She played with some rocks
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A hag blessed with good genes
Laterano is not intermezzi
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>people actually rolled for this male
Explain, Arkeks.
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>why does this exist
To show off Doctor's butt
Harold deals massive arts damage even in melee. The thing is he has very long attack interval and frequently interrupts himself to turn off heaters. Hoshiguma has dodge, so she can just flat out ignore some of Harold's hit, but she is not more durable against Harold than most other high HP units. He has no attack windup whatsoever, so if be gets a hit off right after his nukes, he can just flat out delete whoever he is standing on. The best Harold tank is a Gladiia boosted Skadi under Nightingale or Quercus.
I have never seen that man before in my life. Also what happened to his eye?
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If SA can't differentiate between originium slug (Doctor) and originium slug (real), is he really our sworn ally?
He's busy kissing it to transform him back, you know like a frog
Smooching Ch'en
Chen is becoming old and childless.
Ch'en is getting pumped full of seed now
It's Hoedoctor. His eye got poked by his vtuber gf, n-chan
I can fix the latter problem
You're welcome.
You're welcome.
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Soon to be canon wife
You're welcome.
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Ch'en Hui-Chieh pleases old men for money"

Make absolutely sure you don't copy any other part of the email. I'll wire you the money when I see the post.

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Why do you fags pretend to be attracted to Chen? What's the objective?
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We just stopped pretending to hate her
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it's nyover... eos soon...
Bros, what's Chen3 going to be like?
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Starting a public relationship with Asky. Most people don't notice because of her perception filter arts!
She was my first pump and dump
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For (you).
Isn't she a virgin?
If THIS can't get laid then I don't have any chance
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Used to be
VERY cool daughter *smooch*
also cute montis
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second walter tier operator after talulah
why is she bnuuy
Well if you still can't get it by later on with 3 stars we can lend a hand. Good luck bro.
I would imagine whatever Wei can do since they probably kill him off to give her some reason to go full power and he gives her the secret technique to use attacks from her fingers. This also makes Wei look good as he passes on.
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>they probably kill him
Wei will never look good after he and a room full of the strongest people in notChina got clowned on by a single twink.
Thank you... my Sworn Ally...
What if I killed this thread wouldn't that be super funny haha
Oh this also makes his wife single again and likely playable.

There is no reason to keep him around at this point.
Blaze wasn't was one of the only elite ops who doesn't remember pre amnesia doc right?
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Condom belt doko.
>wasn't was one
She wasn't an elite operator before Doc lost him memory
This except Degen or Kjera
soon to be deadpile once the last few artists leave.
>Blaze wasn't was one of the only elite ops who doesn't remember pre amnesia doc right?
Nope, only Logos and Mantra and possibly Radian know Babel Doc.
Also Ace and Scout, but...well
We fuck Chen now?
All the drawings are really high quality this time.
Remember that we're voting for Chen from Arknights to return to the divegrass team.
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You can't vote for someone to return that was never on the team. You would have to vote for Chenfromarknights instead.
And I'm voting for Be Racist.
Ace is still coming back, right bros? He just got trapped under some rubbled and got lost in Chernobog. I mean, if Guard can be back then surely Ace survived. Right?
Only if we make her full Rabi, since /e7g/ was too gay to ever make a divegrass team
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>if Guard can be back
He can only come back if we can fucking torture him forever.
When does the voting happen?
/akg/ is healing...
Late October, after the half anni stream as usual
That bitch Talulah burned him alive.
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Mating press
I'm an enmity class. I can't be healed
do not mating press the rice dragon
That's not your daughter anon...
Mating press
Yeah, but she is hot.
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Fox (Full Power)
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Skipchad here, why do we hate Guard?
Should have killed Guard ourselves
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Say what you want about Talulah, but at least she is hot
Making the rice dragon into the mochi dragon, if you know what I mean.
>Wei dies
>Chen cuts off and takes his finger to dual wield with her sword
I don't understand...
Dracon these nuts, Horn.
He kicked Ceobe
Wait, did he really?
But that is what I want to say about her
Look up how mochi is made.
Mochi is pounded rice.
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Yeah see >>484298681
He ran off to Ursus afterwards
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so what did we learn today /akg/?
We love Ch'en
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Maria is /akg/'s gf.
chen is for fugs, not hugs
Maria is for premarital sex with her loved one
why not both?
wdym you learned that today
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don't want to make things weird. she gets a lot of ideas in her head
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who is the retarded fucking chink that made it so the ending 3 prophecy sometimes doesnt appear on floor 5 this shit wastes so much fucking time
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Egg2. You may now go schizo.
I was sleeping when it was revealed before.
The /akg/ harem...
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Very cool.
I don't remember. I woke up in some shed.
And here's the floofer
Very cringe.
Have you thought about Ansel's big bunny cock today?
Emptying my balls into Myrtle.
Rude, Ansel is a girl.
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she doesn't have much capacity
If /akg/ was a harem, that means the childhood friend anons lost already
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Priestess bros...
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our daughter is bnuuy
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This time it will be different...
We want to fuck operators in school uniforms
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Around elves... watch yourselves.
Who are the Miquella and Radahn of Arknights?
The Doctor can use Cursed Techniques and uses the Boogie Woogie to deploy and retreat operators
Mumu would never rape...
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Matterhorn and Ethan

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