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Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Femra Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484246589
It's not that I self insert so much as that I can only feel empathy for and relate to men.

If you make a female character the protagonist then I'm just mentally checked out. I do not care at all. I don't understand women. I don't want to understand women. Get them off my screen.
i want to pet him
Yawntrail SUCKS!
You do get your aether currents as you do the MSQ right anon?
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My thighlander went Super Saiyan under water.
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>curryshitters so mindbroken by DT's success that they're stuck spamming copypasted forum posts
You love to see it.
Good morning/afternoon.
What glasses is he wearing?
absolutely, who doesnt?
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In the following duty, you will be playing as Macchi Ato
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Holding Wuk Lamats hand...
>zoraal ja has the might of the head of resolve
>and kiana has the intelligence of the head of wisdom
>the ruler of tural should have both traits to rule
That’s it i’m voting for Bakool ja ja.
Any broken spearfishing fish for the aethersands?
Wuk Evu was a genuinely very funny character, the gimmick never got old
are you gay? genuine question
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Did they...you know..?
Coming from WOW is it a good moment to start the game?
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The first EX is pretty fun.
Anyone on primal want to prog it later?
haven't played much in the last few years, and mostly tank/healer... please recommend me a DPS to play in EW based off of these jobs I've played and enjoyed in prior expacs!
I want from loving wuklamat to hating her. You can have the cat.
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What the FUCK
this is so fucking boring
i don't want to talk to wuk lamat anymore. i don't want to talk to that fag erenville either, and what's his problem anyway? i guess i could go talk with krile, even if i don't like her much, because i feel bad for her as the devs apparently forgot she's hanging around and it's getting a bit awkward
Has anyone gotten their greenman gaming codes yet?
This. Dawntrail is the White man’s expansion and if you don’t like it, you’re from India. Apparently lots of Indians play FFXIV, I’m guessing it’s a new thing?
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Good things:
- graphics update
- Pictomancer is probably the second most fun caster right now
- new zones look awesome
- dungeons and trials are pretty damn good
- music is mostly good
- Pelupelu cunny

Bad things:
- horrendous writing, almost as bad as Stormblood
- Viper is melee SMN
- not a single memorable vocal song
- facewear and duo dye channels are a joke
- fat birds are so awful that I'm going to be genuinely upset if they become a tribe quest


No, everyone is migrating back.
I always laugh at the retards getting filtered by the aether compass.
>In the following duty, you will be playing as Macchi Ato
finally some kino
Every femlala owes me sex
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I think DT fucking sucks.
the game is as bad, unless you want a chatbox, then it's better
t.playing both
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My what?
No. But women are such repulsive human beings that I fuck feminine men now. But I'm straight.
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>I think DT fucking sucks.
>In the following duty, you will be playing as Macchi Ato
how am I to finish the duty?
or is it a non-combat duty?

play rpr or smn if you're really lazy
both will have shit queues in savage
I don't care about the opinions of homos that save pictures of shirtless men
Total whitoid and jeet meltdown
Asking for a friend but where do you get all these Ryne pics…FOR A FRIEND
this thread is so negative... i dont think i want to post my femlala here... i wish there was somewhere to talk about the game kindly... you can be less venomous even when talking about things you dislike, you know
>almost as bad as Stormblood
It's FAR worse than Stormblood.
For the first time in almost a decade: no, it's not a good fucking moment. If you played up to EW 6.0 I'd say yes, absolutely, but this fucking last few years worth of content really leave a bad taste.
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>Wuk Lamat haters
no probably on the day it releases we will get them
Anal sex with Ryne while Gaia holds her hand.
bought some magical mystery weed from that tard meena
New world middies.
In the following duty, you will be playing as a Male Midlander.
If you're a white man and are content with the story as it went you're just another shitskin to me.
To be honest, same here. I do not even masturbate when I ERP. I just used the word because it's funny to use.
>middle eastern (non lala) dude that only interacts with lalas and sit around them on a bench 24/7
I should be worried right? this dude has a weird vibe but I might be overthinking it
DT defenders and DT haters arguing on /xivg/
literally saved the MSQ for me
This is literally transbian genocide.
>>484259192 Curry-scented post
you got scammed, retard
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When and where?
It's genuinely one of the worst games I've ever played.
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Here and now.
Debatable. Both have a lot of nonsensical moments, but DT at least has *some* cool story beats and the finale would've almost been kino if it weren't for that shit at the very end.
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gayest thing ive reda
>damn can't wait to see the train and what they improved on it
>they just strapped some logs of trees into it
Infected axe wound-scented reply
Whats supposed to be wrong with DT, im still doing 6.5 quests.
Go finish the story TB.
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sexy lady wow amazing
rape you later
people are mad it's a slower paced story and that the WoL isn't the main focus this time around.
Play it yourself and make your own fucking opinions, sheep[
Nah I like doing them all at once
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those are the inspector's eyeglasses, which don't have a facewear variant because yoshi is a hack fraud who doesn't want me to wear hats
>roedagyn pronounced as roodagyn
what the fuck
>middle eastern
That’s the only red flag you need. All righteous middle-eastern men are now rallying around the holy coalition to destroy the rogue state of israel. They have no time to play games.
Nin/Sam are nearly identical,
Mnk is just a normal DPS job now with faster gcd, Drg feels kinda goofy but mostly the same, blm lost ice paradox.

Mnk just isn't as fun, everything else is relatively similar assuming standard rotations. Blm a little harder to grasp than it used to be.
Sorry no Darkies
gm sar
>FFXIV is the “fag MMO”
>trannies on every corner
>everyone is against racism, homophobia and so on

>FFXIV is the “white man’s MMO”
>if you don’t like it, you’re brown and aren’t allowed to play the game
>FFXIV is unironically becoming farther right than any other politician or party in the world

Why did everything change so suddenly? I thought this was just a “comfy beach episode”? Why is there a race war brewing over a cat woman?
Pregnant belly wuk
see >>484259016
One of the few reasonable posts I've seen so far.
They force a character that is shit onto you and they still haven't managed to come up with other quests than click shit and aim at shit and click. Otherwise its ok
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Not hating, only disappointed with her arc.
Square fucking sucks at writing female leaders who weren't a part of ARR.
White men are trannies and fags
doesn't have the heckin poggies reddit squelch for me to clap to
I know a guy that still doesn't have all his EW currents
what's the fastest way to level gatherers? is it really just doing leves over and over?
Tranny-coded character
brainrot like this needs to be studied
My malezen is radahnmaxxing for his miera consort
the lower stakes, slower paced story that we were told we were going to get was in fact lower stakes and slower paced
this has made many people very upset
they might try to say something about writing quality or character quality, but they're genuinely on par with most of what came before if you're looking at things honestly
A lot of people are upset by Justin Trudeau’s migration policy and are taking it out by calling Dawntrail critics racial epithets. Because apparently that’s what you get for playing the game and having an opinion on it.
Your entire story gets hijacked by a tranny furry, you don't even get to do WoL shit anymore
Wait, people hate Erenville too?
>ass mad vagueposting
>ass mad vagueposting

I don’t see a difference. Enjoy samefagging
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Glazing Ryne's tight butt with my cum while Gaia licks it off of her.
>good things
you're probably used to deriving pleasure from making number go up and road to 90 will make leveling alt jobs easy
there's a lot of decent story in previous expansions to get through
current expansion's combat stuff looks promising
you can play a hefty chunk of the game for free to check whether you like it
current expansion's story kinda sucks gorilla dick, you'll be right at home if you paid attention to dragonflight's story
you won't miss how old jobs were so you won't shit your diaper over blm changes
ARR remains as godawful as ever and you can't skip it

all in all it's neither a good nor bad moment
i dont know why they had to change the mp generating fast in ice mode thats the change i dislike the most especially when you dont have umbral soul it feels bad to me
Miera make a certain sect of posters ITT EXTREMELY insecure
i get some of the criticism about wuk lamat but that shit just strikes me as puzzling
Square sucks at writing post-ARR leaders, full stat. Hien still sucks dick to this day.
Collectables give much MUCH more exp than leves, so save those for crafters. Do timed nodes and either hit the untimed collectable or mass gather mats for crafters, or do crafting between nodes.
digits picks my new name
Nta but I have a ryne folder if you're desperate
The story revolves around Wuk Lamat who proves to be completely incompetent and written like a Hildi character for the first few hours.
After that she suddenly has a sudden realization how fucking retarded she is and becomes a 'good person' and qualified to run a country because she's nice, a solid qualifier to run a kingdom.
Also jobs to a fucking mamool ja lizard and a few hours later is capable of fighting interdimensional mecha goddesses.
Other than the shit writing it's an ugly design with a bad voice actor that's stuffed down your throat into being a main character even though she ruins every cutscene she's in.
boring writing, like torturously boring.
The graphics look nice though and pictomancer is fun but thats about it
it's just the boogeyman of the week, pay it no mind
Bland and predictable character who gets everything handed to her by the WoL.
Story would have been more interesting if we were competing against her, and her winning at her brothers wishes.
i don't hate him, he's just boring
he's another "competent straight man" character when there's already like 3 of those
Nee Gurr
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>FFXIV is unironically becoming farther right than any other politician or party in the world
Femra Nation
>muh voice actor
every time
why are they so predictable?
who are you quoting, nobody said that
This. For every black/brown granny there is, how many whites do you think there are? I bet it’s a 30:2 ratio.
I don't hate him as a character, but I hate how fucking boring he is and yet he's presented as the only level-headed character in this ensemble of clowns.
"Top'me For'Gil"
>Wowfugee doom troll forums like /xivg/ and r/xivdiscussion hate DT
>true and honest XIV fans since 2010 like Resetera and Dreamboun love it
Really says it all.
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im a big buff nigger with a 4in penis in the middle of houston eating shrimp not a tranny
this questionably legal cat owes me sex of the freaky variety
I'm going to cumflate Ryne!
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>"Wuk Lmao is a good character"
you'can'tget dubs
He's the ultimate, maximum expression of "meh".
I wouldnt care if I had to literally watch a taco eating cutscene from lvl 90 to lvl 100 but fuck me Wuk Lamat is just not a fun character to watch for this long
>Story would have been more interesting if we were competing against her, and her winning at her brothers wishes.
If you think the selfinsert fags are mad now you cannot imagine the meltdown they would have if you were with another contestant and Wuk still won
You'd have kvetching about Mary Sues for the next ten years minimum
See the following:

We already got our spotlight in Endwalker tho, isnt it time for a change


Im about to fucking soon, creep


So its a vacation expansion, doesnt sound that bad. I dont really think its that bad of an idea. Have to see

So you all who wanted a furry female race got one and on top of that, the new MC is one. What could go wrong
Post it brother
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You're too late, TURD Promise! My brother has depicted YOU as the Basedjak! And Brother has depicted US as the Chad!
If they don’t get mad over culture war shit they don’t have anything
>CBU3 afraid to let people pull more than two packs because it creates even the remotest possibility of failure and animosity
>meanwhile every dungeon in the expansion has at least one boss that will obliterate your casual roulette healer over and over again
make it make sense
Never really liked him. He looks greasy and is boring...
Wait for the next part.
>hoverbikes have fucking cannons mounted onto them
>said cannon gets fired only once otherwise the riders take out fucking pistols and start blasting while riding 1handed
>wuk doing anime deflecting bullets thing for no apparent reason
is he valid
holy fuark bro's
Backtracking is horrible in the last zone due to the terrain's layout. I'd suggest doing at least that one at the same time as the MSQ.
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why did this guy's parents name him like this
More like basedcool yeah yeah
>So its a vacation expansion
not really
it's just not a "holy shit everything is exploding go save the world" expansion
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>So its a vacation expansion
no it's fucking not
ill give se some credit, they actually put some effort into dungeon mechanics this time around
>lower stakes

Lower stakes my fucking ass. This wasn't lower stakes, it was just low action. The same shit as always, except we confronted it in the most boring ways possible.
List of lewd lalas I'd have a chance with?
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I need a pic related version of him and Wuk badly.
>>said cannon gets fired only once otherwise the riders take out fucking pistols and start blasting while riding 1handed
retard, the crystal deflected aether based attacks, which the cannons were so they had to swap to conventional firearms
did you even watch the fucking cutscene or read any of the dialogue? of course you didnt
>We want more class identity
What does this actually mean? no I'm being serious what do people actually want out of their class?
Neg Row.
>”we want the game to be harder! Endwalker was too easy!!!!!”
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posting my carboy
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Can someone please tell me this expac gets better? I just hit the 95 quests and it's actually so ass it's making me wanna unsub from the game outright despite being subbed since HW
the story is so goddamn boring
pretty much all of those things are lower stakes than universe-level omnicide
you forgot to swap out your shoes for that shot as well, poser
i am
a viper moony
It is low stakes because nobody actually cares about fantasy spics
I want to roleplay all of these as Ryne...
Pajeet post.
>Krile has reunited with her parents! So you know what that means right?
>That's right! Wuk is going to start talking about tacos again!
No. I haven't even made it to the southern part of the first zone but I went there anyway and got the AC. It's more fun to explore a new zone on its own before the MSQ takes you there.
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killing the forlorn + following up fate that has an exp bonus
read his tragic backstory, he was abandoned by his real parents and taken in by the people of blunderville
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Not there yet but hopefully soon! :3
That's a cute outfit <3
I want harsh punishment for fucking up
>It's not low stakes because it's not lower stakes than the absolute most highest stakes we've had in the entire game.
So what, you counted the 6.X patches where we stop another calamity as low stakes too?
You're a falseflagging troll. Fuck off.
we just left off an expansion about saving the literal universe
Going from lvl 80 to 100 as rogue is going to be a pain isn't it
not racis, just dun like 'im
simple as
Do you see the WoL crying or stressing out over dead Turalis like he was in EW? Is there currently a threat that is on the course of wiping out all life in the universe?
You might be retarded and black
Zepla is a qt3.14
what? am i not allowed to not like the expac? the fuck are you talking about?
Hot take: people wouldn't be complaining half as much if we bodyguarded Sphene instead of wuk lmao.
Become a ninja first holy shit
Taco taco. Burrito burrito. Taco taco~
Fulfill all your wishes~
With my taco-flavored kisses!
Taco taco~

Holy moly
Orange or purple scrips for the mastery crafter books on savage release?
unironically yes the entire Golbez arc went the same way as any of the ARR primals
the plot beats are almost 1:1 to Leviathan even
that would unironically make the story better considering how much time you spend with otis at the end
>The reason it's low stakes is because I didn't give a shit :)

So, you agree the expansion was bad then?
I keep mashing notPlunge like it's gonna do damage. It makes pulling kinda odd cause I dash in and it doesn't generate any aggro immediately.
did you notice how no one but you said "low stakes", but instead used the term "lowER stakes", which does not necessarily imply that the stakes are actually LOW, just not quite as high as they had been previously
Interesting how the taco thing is one lighthearted joke but doomers literally make up scenes of it to get mad at. They're losing their minds seeing how good DT is lmao
>If they don’t get mad over culture war shit they don’t have anything
I don't see "white pride" "white friendly" or "whites only FC" being spammed in shout chat and PF all day.

We all know who's obsessed with politics and culture war shit.
>I like exploring!
>(has never explored anything in her fucking life)
go suckstart a femra
>2 packs
>a wall
>2 packs
>a boss
>2 packs
>a wall
>2 packs
>a boss
>2 packs
>the final boss
Hahaha yeah they totally care about dungeons
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Monday bunday let's get to it
>Anon considers the internal politics of a kingdom on the other side of a planet to be "high stakes"
Go do a FATE or something nigger
Not any of the ones with human enemies though because if a human dies it's high stakes of course
It gets better towards the finale, only to absolutely plummet at the very last end.
I like the boss difficulty you retard, I just don't understand why they're still sticking us with baby pulls
And risk becoming hokage? No thanks, naruto
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>im a big buff nigger
Hunting trips where? She doesn't know anything about anywhere. Where the fuck did she even go hunting?
do you always try to put words in people's mouths like this
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Dawnkino literally saved the game. We're so fucking back
It's great the whole way through and only gets better at the end. Stop recycling doomer talking points.
Hot take there is a specific scene early in the MSQ that if shitposties actually played the game would be at the very top of their bait pile so all the shitty posting you're seeing, or at least the vast majority of it is just that, shitty posting. People being disingenuous for the sake of starting an argument and sowing discord.
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I would *love* to eat a femhroth's taco if you know what I mean.
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>low stakes
>media literacy
you're a taco thing
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Yep Fino Fanto 14 has officially reached new heights of kino.
Bright Future.
Most of my complaints would still be there, but at least then I'd have something to distract me from them.
Dawntrail is unironically one of the best games of all time and you like it. It’s just a comfy and eepy yada yada and if you don’t like it, just go play other games. Stop being transphobic, brown person.
>I just don't understand why they're still sticking us with baby pulls
because trusts attack mobs one by one and they can't survive having 3 packs beating on them all at once
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So what you fags think of the level 97 dungeon set? I like that you can change the face on it, kind of wish it had more tho
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i lied
>high quality empty inside smile pic
haha, i have been waiting for this post
>specific scene
Nigga there’s a lot of scenes
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>great the whole way through
i just got to the glowing forest area and so far every single questline so far has been basically a Beast Tribe quest but called an MSQ
go carry some boxes, go talk to some people, ok there area done go to the next one
it feels like nothing has happened
>internal politics of a kingdom on the other side of a planet
It's cute when people like you that either don't even play the game or haven't made it past level 95 argue about the expansion and try to defend it.
Graha Tia needs to change his hairstyle imo
ty anons, i guess i have a lot of collectables to do
no one would log on to the internet just to tell a lie
masculine urge to breed a femra as a s+
>We already got our spotlight in Endwalker tho, isnt it time for a change
If I wanted a change, I'd play WoW. This is exactly how WoW does story and it sucks cock.
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>Ummm ackshually saving the planet is low stakes compared to saving the universe so heh Dawntrail is a low stakes vacation story and ummm you're now a hypocrite for asking for it and not liking it when they gave it to you
We get it, you're a seething Wowfag. Fuck off.
At least they didn't name him Beaten Corpse
I just want to remind everyone that being a trans ally and being a white supremacist are not mutually exclusive. Fucking shitskin chuds.
>Stop recycling doomer talking points.
Are you going to complain about "racist dogwhistles" next? Who the fuck talks like that? I can say whatever the hell I want, and fact is that the finale sucks fucking ass.
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Finally finished the Dawntrail MSQ and man it was fucking rough.

None of the 4 claimants aside from maybe Koana were interesting. Zoraal Ja's motivations made zero sense, Bakool Ja got abruptly redeemed after committing a terrorist attack that somehow didn't disqualify him, and the only thing I like about Wuk Lamat is that she became Dawnservant, because that means she'll most likely be written out of the story just like Lyse.

The first half ends with us going "Welp we saw the entrance, time to go home!", then the invasion happens in which somehow only 50 people died despite the enemy army being incredibly advanced, we let Zoraal Ja walk away after killing Gulool Ja Ja because why the fuck not, and in the second attack the tides turn completely because Tuliyollal entered a military alliance with Radz-at-Han over night? What?

My favorite part was unironically the first part of fantasy America despite being 100% filler content. Erenville's and Krile's scenes in the last zone were nice too, but that's about it.

I really don't understand how it ended up like this.
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I love a cute c@ that can handle themselves
>you counted the 6.X patches where we stop another calamity as low stakes too?
Yes, I didn't feel threatened by any of those clowns at any point in time.
sorry sis I watched all cutscenes and the early ones are all a blur. It seems my brain is memory blocking them to protect itself.
Your argument?
>they're already reduced to just spamming buzzwords
yep, looks like Dawntrail really is good
yeah that's the name of my wife
Even the cumflation one?
>complaining about the expac not living up to past expectations means you're a falseflagger or a wow player
can you stop being so defensive and just accept not everyone likes the expac?
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Your reaction when this happened?
The brown shitposters are losing ground
Anyone who doesn’t like zoraal ja is a fag
Only the Turali said that about Valigarmanda. Realistically Vrtra could absolutely stomp it.
He's not really interesting. Maybe he might be one day, but they tried to force development onto him in the last part of the expansion.
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>brownoids raping the price of mats again
I like your carboy
literally every msq since ARR
I don't care if it's low or high stakes, because both aspects are badly written in DT. It's neither a good vacation adventure nor a good big epic battle.
Yeah actually nobody in the Void quests was a remote threat to us or anyone we care about at any point
Man what a dumb bitch
Compared to a threat that has ended hundreds of planets or Calamities that end all life on a shard and threaten to end all life on the Source, a techcnically-not-a-primal, a potential war, and some localized genocide are kinda small time.
I went "ugh" but the actual mechanics of the fight was fun.
>saving the planet is low stakes compared to saving the universe
that's how comparison works, one thing is different to another
I'm proud of you for figuring it out
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Me when my trans wife goes missing
you are, quite literally, a nigger bunny
plugin status?
calling all c@s
what is your tail length?
by number I mean
Sorry Erenville. I'm gonna have to fuck your mom.
They get paid by the week, I noticed that in /tv/ when those fucking pajeetoids shill for movies, after one fucking week, they all fuck off
truly fascinating
When did fucking Reddit and Twitter users get here? Sorry that the game isn’t as good as before
Do the MB plugins work? To price check, etc?
It used to not matter for trusts because their damage scaled up over time as long as they were in combat and would start barely doing anything and then start doing like 10% per hit. I think they changed it though
So true sis. We like this. We previously liked cumming inside of hot sluts but now we like Dawntrail. Notice how we’re always on the right side of history? That’s because we’re based.
Wuk is my cute retard wife
Femhroth here. 100.
You werent supposed to open with Plunge anyway anon
/xivg/ is always slow on the uptake and stubborn.

At launch of Endwalker 95% of people ITT were defending it, now you'll struggle to find 60% of people defending it. At launch of Dawntrail, barely 20% of people are defending it. A year and a half from now, 95% of people will admit that Dawntrail was absolute trash.
max length
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but i.....
Fuck off. You're not a real fan, this is probably just copypasts even
Acshually the universe was already dead outside our star.
>”hey come to my homeland with me and help win the throne!”
>expansion comes out
At least the scenes after this gave us the WoL just staring the big bad down while walking towards them menacingly
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lamati'y axe get
>So what you fags think of the level 97 dungeon set?
it's shit, i dislike all futuristic garbage
the scene afterwards is even better
>wait an entire day and everyone just assumes she is retarded again and fucked up the most simple of things again again again again again
you have to wait 3 (three ( III )) times before anyone thinks about something else might be going on
There is no way you could be able to prevent me to fuck your ass and fill you up with 2L of suncat juice
Looks like you're realizing that people aren't free thinkers and are easily blinded by goyhype.
>trans ally
I'm tired, boss, put me out of my misery. This newer 4chan generation want to be pretend racists but actually think men can magically become women. Put me into a coma and wake me up in 10 years when they all get their shit together.
I like that what they're saying is essentially that they've already checked out of the game and it will never be good again, since they've all responded with complete and utter apathy and asked why they should care about every single plot that's smaller than Endsinger.
Yeah it’s pretty obvious it’s blizzard jeets it will probably amplify for a couple of days whenever their gay expac comes out. Looks like they paid for 3 solid days. Right now it’s just the last vestiges doing it for free
In what universe is saving the world "low stakes adventure"?
Why do contrarians keep saying the 4th zone was their favorite part? It was objectively a filler break after the peak at the end of zone 3.
I’m not doubting you, but: why has FFXIV exploded in popularity in India? Isn’t there address verification now that prevents them from playing? How do they fake addresses? And given that they’re being paid, is there an agency or something?
If "doomers" are roughly half the playerbase you better start worrying and take them seriously

Low=/=Lower anon learn your words. 9 billion is lower than 10 billion but its not a low number.
Sorry but you have the wrong opinion
Correct. Cuteness sells.
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Power ranger armor is pretty sweet
it's actually better than it was for the past few years, but hey, agree to disagree
As someone thinking about returning to the game after being burnt out would you say Dawntrail is fun to play? I don’t really care if the story is that good or not honestly but I do care mainly about if they’ve added in fun content to play through. I mainly played Dragoon/Reaper so I would probably focus on those two again if I did come back.
>we let Zoraal Ja walk away after killing Gulool Ja Ja because why the fuck not
it was pretty funny how everybody just sort of stared mutely as he was being killed off
This my WoL, Erenville and his mother.
Saar do not redeem!
It’s people skipping through streams and seeing there’s less wuk
I skipped again
sis, your textures...........
The music is pretty good but the two story parts are fucking boring and you can easily skip them and not miss out on ANYTHING useful. https://ffxiv.tylian.net/ex5/BGM_EX5_Field_Sha_Day.mp3
Is that from the first dungeon?
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>Tokusatsu-ish armor

zamn i didnt know gettyimages was freaky like tthat
Especially that one...
Why do you guys have these schizophrenic imaginary arguments with yourselves? I bet you argue with yourself in the shower too
Yeah the content is good. Job balancing is kinda whack, but the content is good.
You can have fun low stakes action though. People have no problem suspending their disbelief when you go from fighting the god of sorrow to fighting some wolves. The wolves mechanically can still kill you, and only a small number of losers actually go "Heh, realistically these wolves could be snapped out of existence by us given our power level-"
>because why the fuck not
hey I remember plapping this cat, it was kinda awkward but i can't recall why
How did they get just three days when subscriptions are for a month? Is FFXIV sold differently in India? And do you know who’s behind all of this?
The thing is, Wuk is still a solid claimant to the throne. She would have grown better without us babying her around, and instead, guided by Urianger and Thancred.
WE, as the WoL, are just here to enjoy a "vacation" while helping a protective brother out. Both sexes would have loved that.
It'd make sense that we would inadvertently make things easier for Wuk, but not so much as we did by playing babysitter.
It would have been better, to then, share the title of Dawnservant to Koana after that.
Or outright passing the title to her brother since she knows she needs more experience to lead.
Just listening to the people doesn't make someone a good ruler, which is why she shared the title in the first place.

I'm actually disappointed at the lack subversive storytelling. Everything was clear cut and predictable, especially with how the reveal of the golden city.
"You know, there was one area we never bothered checking... it could be the golden city!" And upon reaching it, there was no enticement. Just another checklist in the story.
Dungeon design, other than the pulls being limited, has been pretty enjoyable. The trials are both pretty good. Looks like this is the combat expansion and they're focusing on it.
most of the job changes are decent (most, MNK is fucked)
the dungeons and trials are definitely above average and dungeon bosses can actually kill you now
honestly its my fault for clicking the link
Yeah I like the zone and the music. The plot wasn't even bad it was just a side story break. Nothing in DT felt like the abomination that was going to the moon and being trapped in rabbit hell.
I genuinely have no idea what people were expecting
the WoL has been more or less a side character/ walking WMD for most of the game, it's only EW and part of ShB where they really get shoved into the spotlight
yeah, it's the WAR axe from the first dungeon
I am 100% serious. Dawntrail is a breath of fresh air, and any time I open up this thread to make a post about something these past few days all I see is people harping on and absolutely none of it has any merit.

Also unrelated any time Wuk Eva says Gulool Ja Ja-sama I crack a smile. I don't know why but I find it super cute.
max and fluffy
the azimborean foray will save DT
Sales and reviews determine if something is good, especially for a company who you rely upon for further content. Yoshida will clearly see DT's MSQ as flawed and course correct.
For one bright moment I thought Wuk would sit on her shitty throne and that I'm free of her unwanted presence.
Alas, the moment was very brief and it only got worse.
But the story IS the content. That’s 90% of what you’ll be doing. Granted, your opinion on that will depend on nationality. If you’re from the global south, you’re not supposed to like it, but if you’re white, you will. I don’t know why Square Enix racially segregated the player base but apparently we like this.
are you retarded? what makes you think they even have the game installed in the first place, they are just subhumans working either from home or they smelly scam centers spaming shit they are paid for, and will move on after their contract expires, you truly never visit other boards do you
I think the new jobs are the best set since stormblood
We were kind of a side character in HW too, except that MSQ is actually well written so it doesn't feel that way. I know you're very insecure about people not liking a shit story in an otherwise good game, but get over yourself sometime.
>Sales and reviews determine if something is good
>DT has the highest preorders of any expac and btfo EW's sales
So DT is the best the game has ever been? Thanks for agreeing with me.
That's not low stakes, those wolves could be very fucking high stakes if they happen to be playing with a mininuke in the middle of a populated area like it's a toy ball.

The strength of your enemies is not what dictates what the stakes are. In case you forgot the single most damaging villain in the whole game that managed to cause us the most harm was an angry refugee with a sword.
B-bros... that Hrothgal Milf told me I could do it without protection... why does my woober hurt all of a sudden...?
Low-ER stakes, compared to what came before
this really isn't hard to understand my man, I shouldn't have had to repeat this more than once
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recreate this pic with your bun's buns please
hrothgar have barbs
it will all burn
Picto is a real fucking woober class with those sounds
Yea that was extra retarded because of all the important stuff was going on but this is fine in FT because we just relaxing.
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Will give your Ryne the cream filling of the century
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i have razor blades implanted in my holes >>484261883
wasnt me but that probably happened
FF16 was a flop. FF7R was a flop. DT is a flop. Constant gachaslop is a flop. The future for SE is grim.
DT had the biggest launch in ffxiv history. Now time will tell sub retention, but the initial numbers were good
>Zoraal Ja's motivations made zero sense
Did you even see his trial lol, all of his story is in his trial boss fight
Why does this strongly anti-racism expansion have such incredibly racist supporters? What makes someone go "if you don't enjoy this story about racial diversity and friendly coexistence, it's because of your status as a brown-skinned racial inferior"? I do not understand.
But how did they scam the Steam reviews? Because it shows if you’ve bought the game or not. Does the agency make fake Steam accounts? And they’re also on Reddit and the official forums as well.
Don’t you have a /v/ thread to be in lol
But we were complaining about the premise before even arriving. Its a bad premise, not just a bad implementation. Our character needs to remain the MC and focus. Thats just what people in general like in media.
Ok thanks
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I want the full set for every job.
i want to slamfuck creampie krile's mom in front of krile and her dad and then delete them both from existence
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primal urge
>I'm actually disappointed at the lack subversive storytelling.
why would you expect this from a game defined by sticking to formula
she looks like she fucks chocobo
shut up shitskin
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FINALLY the MSQ got good.
>because why the fuck not
Because the last time in the setting someone tried to fuck with the guys having super high tech capitol ships hovering above them, this happened. >>484261867
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story skipped
what a boring msq
wait a minute.. I was going to do that tail length with my fantasia...
this but Erenville's mom while we both deadname him
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This becomes relevant again.
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don't you feel it in the air
{Inner Release}
Honest question, did they add chat bubbles for players or not?
>Low-ER stakes, compared to what came before
That's not what people asked for though.

A bunch of people wanted LOW stakes, not LOWer. LOW stakes. And they didn't get it, and you pretending like they did get it makes you a twat.
>asking if someones gay in an ff14 thread
Why ask a question you already know the answer to?
I don't want to kill these people man, can't we use all that energy at the dead ends or something or hook them up to the prayer machine
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Wrong reactions.
FFXIV is an anti-chud game. Yoshi-P already made sure to emphasize how evil Garlemald is to prevent rightoids from enjoying the game. You're not welcome in our community.
they have to be retractable in order to.......
Wuk had a better character arc than Lyse. DT's MSQ is way better than SB's MSQ.
i think its still fun
People who like the story are “true fans” who watch every cutscene and read every word.

People who don’t like the story are staff members of an Indian company that raid every website and social network to post negative comments about the game.

Yep, got it.

Do it, better than being a 69 length shitposter, and not everyone needs to be tailmaxxing.
I don't give a shit if you don't like it
I'm actually just confused by why people are hating on it so hard, it makes no sense to me because it's pretty much how it's always been in my opinion
I am moist for Bakool Ja Ja
The Garleans were more ruthless than the Alexandrians under Zoraal Ja. Ironic, considering he calls them simpletons at some point.
Only good post I've seen so far about DT.
You forgot to fill it out again.
Not exactly but this is a close approximation
i am going to waterboard you
Not yet
My favourite part is that they call you "brown".

Not paki, not pajeet, not shitskin. "Brown". As if they can somehow pretend to themselves they're not racist, while being racist. It's so weird.
Dumb take. I wanna be the MC again. Wasn't the main character the whole time during 6.X. Went from Zero to Lamat. The MSQ isn't even a vacation or whatever. It's babysitting. I wanted to actually be an adventure in the New World. Not some bitches servant. Doing the side quests is a far better representation of what was promised. But even there I'm "Wuk Lamat's companion" and not "adventurer" or "character name".
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It is an expression of pain.
maybe I should do 60 instead...
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Nice try TURD Promise, but I have already depicted you as the soijak and us as the CHADservant.
how does it make you feel that i am part of a pro-tranny static with none of them knowing i judge them for their dumb lifechoices?
i'll be around here forever you streetshitter
>Krile's puppetmaster keyword is 'golden city'
the way they did otis was absolutely fucking retarded. my boy deserved better she just teleported away after that wtf. what was the point????
People who like the story are staff members of a Latvian company that raid every website and social network to post positive comments about the game.

People who don't like the story are "true fans" who watch every cutscene and read every word and want the game to be better.

Yep, got it.
>when it slips in
>vomit is better than diarrhea
and people are complaining that the story is boring and there's not enough action going on
you're telling me they wanted even more nothing to happen? because it really doesn't seem like it
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Would you do it?
>killing savages from beast tribes that are barely more sentient than monkeys: BAD
>killing off hundreds of thousands of beings from some super advanced civilization that don't even need bodies anymore: GOOD
ffxiv as a setting has fucking souls (even fragmented ones) chilling and they're treated as actual people. it's wack that you just wipe them all out because... I dunno, Alisaie disliked them or something
Sar can you do the needful and stop vagueposting on cooldown
People who call it "forced" are extremely disingenuous.
>>DT has the highest preorders of any expac and btfo EW's sales
This keeps getting parroted here but was never cited. It was an offhand statement made by Yoshida that "sales look good so far".
some of these made my dick twitch
Where do you want to meet up?
Just trying to remind the lyse glazers of their place.
I have no feelings or thoughts whatsoever about you.
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Sure, that way I can bully you for having a shorter tail than me.
you keep talking and yet my malera's nuts are already on your chin
World visits are fucked right now
no hesitation, she's asking for it
I'm not reading contrarian posts
This MSQ is ass
the most reasonable thing you've posted so far
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in order to wha
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you do know your xiv history right anon..?
how are you going to get that to happen in the short amount of time they had before the world started getting harvested for souls
gem post
>writes a contrarian post
Otis feels like a character and plot point that was supposed to be more important but it got axed and replaced with something else. Felt like he was supposed to be our guide through a story that was only about alexadria and its reflection merging with the source. but they coudlnt make it all work so they stitched it onto the rite of succession story after that finished up.
Very subtle FFX reference.
>Bending over
Literally asking for it

I wish I was fucked right now though...
By LB metrics yeah it was. Wind up Palom had around 510k instances two weeks pre EW. Zidane was at 540k
zoraal "people expected a lot of me so I'll commit genocide to show the world I'm stronger than daddy" ja
Do you know your xiv history?
Make you bloated and full like octomom or bigger if you desired
what was the point of him in the end? sphene just teleported away after that. im so fucking mad
just crafted a moonie
just synthesized
a moonster

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>start grinding DT trusts on my RPR since queues are snooze
>all the dialogue relied on Wuk Lamat so there's barely any without doing duty support ver
>no cute interactions either
the soul... gone...
>Yeah I quietly look down upon everyone in my social environment but I also would never dare let them know. Are you not impressed?
Uh huh.
>that gay song plays during the prepping the train scene
what the FUCK is going on
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if i see this one more time i might scream
i am playing a video game right? not a movie? did i accidentally buy a movie ticket to a shitty b-movie?
>hypnotizing people with even a slight chance of failure
easy, don't hypnotize them. Because a Shiva-like sex god primal that is basically just yourself, temper your victims and they'll obey you no matter what. The only one it wouldn't effect on this list would be Krile as per the Echo.
>If you’re from the global south, you’re not supposed to like it, but if you’re white, you will.
Because whites are a weak sissified people on the middle of a civilizational collapse.
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I stand behind Wuk Lamat! are you with me?
new world ravaboy save me
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I'd like to think I know a good chunk of it, not everything but a good amount.
Curious George is based, have you done the dark knight quest line?
>i have razor blades implanted in my holes
if you take them off, would you die?
I wouldn't say "way better", just barely better, which is not exactly high praise.
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Ooooh, Taco Bell, Taco Bell, product placement with Taco Bell, encherito, nacho burrito!
grown ass men btw
you could straight up behead her from behind before she noticed there was something wrong
correct, homo
>just started endwalker
what am i in for
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Do you have any albums of Ryne getting fucked?
Damn right I am
built for my tranny chasing malera
hear me out
english dub
but recast with a cute country bumpkin girl who has a texas accent
would be pretty fucking funny
Story-driven MMOs were a mistake
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Is it too late to switch over to the innovation guy?
Luring femlalas with a delicious plate of xibruq pibil
Some, allegedly, bad va delivers line poorly and you're now an npc for once.
sex with my femra
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This was hilarious though.

>"Damn, Gaius is so cool, Garlemald gets all the cool armours and technology"
>"Hahah, yeah kill those dumb bird men, I fucking hate those dancing fucks, yay Varys, you're so cool"
>"Damn, he just BTFO every other Eorzean leader single handedly, Garlemald did nothing wrong, Varys is MY emperor"
It's good at the good parts and BAD at the bad parts /pet /pet /blowkiss
Oh, that explains it.
Uh, I don't think we like EW anymore...? We REALLY like Dawntrail. And since DT is the antithesis of EW, it makes more sense for us to say we hate EW. So you're not in for a good time. Sorry bud. But if you're brown you'll like it (opposite of DT).
A pretty good expansion that stumbles from time to time, but when you think about how they have to bring like 10 years of story to a point you're just going to end up glad that they didn't majorly fuck it up or something.
>its low stakes
It certainly started out low stakes, escort a royal through a non-lethal contest touring their lands. At most we would have to deal with some rowdy bandits and local wildlife. Stakes went up as soon as the auspice bird was released, and they kept going up until the very end.
Yes. Fray is very schizo and fucks over the templar knights which is based.
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sorry i had to get that out of my system
Huh? >>484260139
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*puts women on your screen*
It's somewhat uncommon to see somebody so proud of their own cowardice. That's all.
pretty cool highs
catastrophic unrecoverable lows
there are more lows than highs
it's from twitter
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Do do do do do do dooooo
Going from hype to cringe to hype again by the end.
>slower pace
We're literally shotgunned on a disneyland ride spoonfed the favored Talking Points of each culture as fast as possible because ultimately none of it actually matters and they needed SOMETHING to fill the gap on the way to level 100 finale.

They tried to cram ARR-sized worldbuilding into 10 levels and we're all worse off for it.
Cowboy zone is peak.
the start is really fucking slow. good time to toughen up for what DT is 90-97.
then it gets a lot better, but pacing is still kinda fucked.
loporrits suck
that's alright, sweetie. you can yell and scream all you want~
I don't get it
FF14 would have been infinitely better as a single player game, but since it's an MMO they have to keep it going despite the story being over. Now you have this.
It's the usual "legitimate son gets displaced by younger stepsiblings" background. He was both envious of the cats and mad at his father because he wouldn't just pass on the throne to him by birthright (as it's supposed to happen in monarchies, mind you).
Because its shit
>being stupid enough to publicly state bannable offenses for no reason other than to piss some people off and cause yourself a giant amount of inconveniences
okay, bro
Interesting idea.
Let's say you go truly coom-brained and amass enough crystals to become a sex primal. You are allowed to temper and enjoy 3 targets of your choice, if you choose a fourth- heroes with the echo inevitably find you and slay you.
What is your tempered harem like anons?
>Male character prancing around as a DNC or drawing fruity colorful magic like a PCT
Fucking homos...
saw someone riding around on a black horse with red armor/dressing, anyone know what mount that is? i want it
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i accidentally set 2 sets of alarms, does anyone know where to disable the daily timers? its not on the Ctrl U window for timers
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i dont think so i mean the 1 guy 1 jar guy was ok right?
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>I have no idea where to begin!
>What about the thing we're looking for?
>Oh right! I was totally going to ask that!
I love this dumbass
I hope you like playing babysitter
>What happened to the Yoshida who immediately killed Moenbryda? Please kill Wuk Lamat I'm begging you
based JP
>and people are complaining that the story is boring and there's not enough action going on
You can have a low stakes story with tons of action in it.

Low stakes doesn't mean "nothing happens", it means what's on the line isn't the planet or humanity or the sun.
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I ask no pardon for my superiority.
You have my attention.
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Silence Garleboo.
>Stakes went up as soon as the auspice bird was released
"two people got slightly hurt" - stakes went up
File deleted.
that one evil viera girl from the dt role quests
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This one? its Juedi, you get it from doing HoH 4 times iirc
yes that one!
>HoH 4 times
The sad thing is if she were to die, she will go down as the worst character in ff14
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If you pay close enough attention she leaves a message for you in your journal! But you have to figure out how to see it...
endwalker is pretty great don't listen to the doomers here that were loving the fuck out of it on release
none of the scions died in EW so EW was low-stakes?
I'll take that over the male middie pld that doesn't know how to use mits or malezen samurai that stands in every aoe
A nuanced take? In MY /xivg/?! Are you so EAGER to be FLAMED?
*cocks cock*
there's not enough place for non-impregnated fiddies in this town, pardner
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picrel pretty much sums up the story
Lastly, I would eventually give in to taking Mother Miounne for myself. However, there is no way this doesn't end with me dying. So I'd do it when it has been deemed "worth" dying here.
Wait a second...
I never got any Chel-coded natives!
I was tricked!
should be zoraal ja but yes
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>People still trying to shield the writing with "You just don't like it because it's lower stakes" and "Mad cuz WoL isn't the main focus"
The writing is meandering, the themes are as shallow as a puddle, characterization is boring and predictable, the pacing is horrendous, the tone whiplashes all over the place (we go from making tacos to dead baby piles in the same zone), there is no urgency, the story actively sandbags itself during what should be the climax with pointless nonsense.
Get the fuck out of here with low stakes and self insert defenses, the writing is trash at a core level.
Even alive she is the worst character.
what level can i start doing fates to level my alts
He’s saying it’s over for xiv
Sure. You're free to do whatever seems most convenient to you. I am simply baffled by the fact you thought this was something worthy of boasting about. "I follow rules I don't want to follow because I'm afraid of the consequences" seems like a strange thing to be proud of. There's nothing exceptional about it.
I can't take it any more... please, post modded viera asses...
I feel like the food arc could have had better drama if wuk had been paired up with anyone who wasn't the 1 guy she gets along with
https://www.twitch.tv/tytykiller this guys group is trying to do every raid savage blind from coils to current
Man, not even the forums like Wuk Lamutt
Very based anon, I'd give you plenty of prayer to feed you aether
>shit goes down in EW: an entire country got destroyed, most of what remained get mind controlled, you go to fuck up what you thought was the Big Bad and instead of it getting better literal fucking end of days start happening
>shit goes down in DT: two people got slightly hurt, later on an entire futuristic invasion happens with the aim of genociding everybody and like 50 people die
>we go from making tacos to dead baby piles in the same zone
What? That was based, showed that the game still has some teeth and not everything is/was hunky dory.
The single player game CBU3 made was not good.
so you missed the entire point, seems about right
I don't know how letting a mad queen genocide and steal life force from all other reflections is low stakes, but okay.
Ryne in her Minfilia form
Ryne again
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PLEEEEEASE stop designing quests like these
running aimlessly around a map until i see a guy with an icon over his head isn't fun for fuck's sake
FF16 is pretty good to me
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The monkey's paw curls.
yeah bro the end of the world in 2 zones is CRAZY!!!
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Vow of Reason and Vow of Resolve
I'm gonna keep it a buck fifty. There's zero chance a good chunk of you aren't homos or trans. This perpetual baiting for attention with your female characters is impossible to understand otherwise
Reminder to include spoiler warnings when discussing plot points. People who didn't preorder haven't even had a chance to play the game yet, let alone complete the MSQ.
>"You just don't like it because it's lower stakes"
The funny thing about that argument is that the stakes in the latter half are pretty fucking and it's still shit.
I wouldn't temper them because that's fucking mean and deprives them of will and the choice to actually love me and I don't want that but for the sake of playing along with the post
Are browns capable of hitting the reply button?
I don't get the problem, post more
Yeah the back half of that zone was great in of itself- but going from an episode of master chef and singing kumbaya straight into it is massive tonal whiplash and bad story construction.
bro said the loud part out loud
God forbid the game makes you look around an area instead of following the Adventure Line™ right to your destination.
Just look for a bunch of players with the cinema icon on their heads. It's that easy.
it certainly is, compared to a legendary beast out of legends doing less damage (property or otherwise) than a drunk ala'mhiggan
>Reminder to include spoiler warnings when discussing plot points. People who didn't preorder haven't even had a chance to play the game yet, let alone complete the MSQ.
Get off the internet if you don't wanna get spoiled.

It's not my responsibility to protect your Dawntrail virginity.
Is Endless pussy still warm?
Just one more.
Yeah I'm trans you caught me
im a virgin gooner incel
yeah that's why they make the best softcore porn, AGP weebs playing with dolls make fantastic coomtent.
>Lamati'y and Koana hire Pap and Yda respectively
Better expansion
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anon can you tell me about this guy? What's his deal?
I don't think your thoughts are particularly deep or difficult to grasp. Craven, juvenile antisociality is quite shallow and remarkably common on this website.
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the food arc isn't just about wuk, it's also about Koana learning to not disregard traditions that people of Tural hold dear. He doesnt get this characterization if he's not teamed up with Wuk who cares to learn about the different cultures during the rite.
I want Shale to stick her tongue in my ear
wrong one, it was a sparkling speck on the floor actually
shuuuuuuuuuut the fuck up with your patronizing bullshit, there is nothing enjoyable about running in circles looking for shiny shit on the floor of a town
nobody's in this town for some reason
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gee anon
ya think?
He stands on high gazing down to see the endless gardens.
We never get to meet the Whalaqee either, even though they have the most stereotypical Native American aesthetic.
and yet you still completely missed the point that was made, speaks volumes
>no replies
Funny how the paid shitposters ignored you because you're right: that's comparable stakes to Endsinger.
>Already leveled a dps and a healer.
bros... i dont think plugins are coming back this time...
pits please
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That guy has a kick ass theme
>People finally finding peace in this life
>The one Elezen couple finally reunited
>People who may have died from debilitating diseases or were born blind/paralyzed can be fully healed and enjoy a life they were robbed of
>Gone because Sphene only saw one quick solution
>None of the archons or the other super geniuses thought to use any of the power sources we know are out there like the useless moon base that could convert energy to Alexandria
This hurts
Sphene could've run a low power mode to retain the memories until we got it working then booted them all back up using the new source of energy we hooked it up to. This was just cruel. And having us get closer to these people only to pull the plug twisted the knife even more. I hate that we didn't even try to find another way to keep them going.
Patronize this retard *farts on your nose*
Dawntrail is "low stakes" in a similar way to how 6.1 was "just some adventurers following a treasure map".
Anyone with any interest in the game pre-ordered. It's just a gimmick SE does to move sales into the pre-order column on their books, no one's actually starting the new expansion on Tuesday.
It's not difficult to highlight text when composing a new message and press Ctrl+S. That's all you have to do to create a spoiler tag. And others will appreciate the courtesy.
>can you tell me about this guy?
Literal bugman.
>What's his deal?
He loves fighting and conquering, but never accomplishes anything.
This would be acceptable if they ever once showed Koana's desire for progress over tradition actually leading to any sort of negative consequence beforehand.
I don't have that on hand and am not interested in that in general. Sorry.
bun butts...more...
I don't really need any other, but I could also take ryne and uhhh... maybe sphene due to her controlling all the high-tech shit which would make for a neat home
boutta nut in solution nine call that solution wine nad dine
Trust me, you aren't alone with this. The writers are unironically bad at their job since they lack the creativity to make that work.
Remember, we didn't need the keystones at all, only to find the golden city itself. Needing all keystones for the gate is one thing, but at least make it entertaining in earning them.
Wish we were with Koana.
69 and 31
Really cool primal who loves fighting and talks a big game but really not very relevant and strictly inferior to Susano.
slap her ass
with both hands
get a really big arcing windup up and behind your head
make full palm contact with both cheeks
That first dungeon was so fucking good. I specially loved the part where Thancred and Urinager block your path. The battle music is great and the bosses have fun mechanics.
Please tell me that dungeon quality remains consistent going forward. That was the most fun I had in a dungeon.
They got a brief mention as you get the tour ride through the ceruleum fields. I was actually disappointed we didn't bump into them. Crossing my fingers for the Lv90 BLU update in the far future.
not a typo finna
>The writing is meandering, the themes are as shallow as a puddle, characterization is boring and predictable, the pacing is horrendous, the tone whiplashes all over the place (we go from making tacos to dead baby piles in the same zone),
this is all xiv expansions thougheverbeit
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>bro just transfer the parasite (no matter how well meaning) to a different power source it's fine
I have a hard time believing the Pandaemonium guy wrote 6.x and 7.0
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Maximum and Fluffiest!
I think one of the saddest moments of my life was when I was 16 and I went on an errand into town with my mother.

We stopped to get lunch at McDonalds and sat down and had nothing to say to each other. It wasn't awkward but it was just a sudden realisation of "Oh, right, we've never done this. I've been alive for 16 years and you never once tried to get to know me as a person".
The second dungeon is even better imo. The last boss has a really cool but simple set of mechanics.
ye the DT dungeons are good shit
The negative consequences are him not being able to connect with the people because he doesnt care about their traditions and wants to just get rid of them for sharlayan innovation.
There are plenty of things to criticize this expansion, but the dungeons and fights definitely weren't one.
are we allowed to wear backpacks yet
damn nigga.. that was really unprompted. you good?
A lot of people who play this game are American and get to live those negative consequences in their daily lives
>First Tempered
After contemplating the self-summoning of a primal to temper those I wanted, I'd spend a year keeping this to myself as some delusional fantasy. I'd consider it harmless, but after long enough I'd start to wonder if it's actually a tangible idea. As a bad reaction to some happenstance that befalls me, I primal myself up, then go undercover to the streets of Ul'dah and pick myself the nicest more athletic street dancer Miqo'te I can find and whisk her away into what will become my hidden from society. I never bothered learning her name, so I call affectionately give her J'nane as a fake name.
>Second Tempered
While I will not grow tired of my Miqo'te trinket, I begin to long for the unobtainable. Now gifted with this power, I conclude that if Pandora's Box is place before you, fate dictates that it is just that you open it. Thus do I scout the realm for the hottest, most unobtainable women to pluck and claim for myself. While my sights were set on Fordola early, I wind up capturing Yotsuyu after killing her entourage. Doma is reclaimed in her absence, I claim her.
>Third Tempering
I recall my mortal days longing for the Jewel of Ul'dah, F'lhaminn. I remember how she was the object of every man's desire in her youth, and that she never truly lost her charm. I use my J'nane to act as an aspiring dancer that wants to learn under F'lhaminn to lure her out towards my lair. Where I claim the final girl for my harem.
The only part of that dungeon that I disliked was the boat ride at the beginning. It's cool and scenic your first time, but when you're doing it for leveling EXP later it gets old so fast.
The level 93 dungeon forces you to pull packs of 2 mobs multiple times in a row
>It's not difficult to highlight text when composing a new message and press Ctrl+S.
It's not difficult to not open 4chan and not open the /xivg/ thread. Take responsibility for yourself.
>I specially loved the part where Thancred and Urinager block your path.
Yeah I also enjoyed the one single moment when Thancred and Urianger and their supposed friendly rivalry with the WoL were relevant in the entire expansion.
Why has this duty lasted 1944 hours...
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Leviathan, leviathan, endless
Leviathan, leviathan, send us
Leviathan, leviathan, breathless
Leviathan, leviathan, deathless
Leviathan, leviathan, restless
Leviathan, leviathan, test us
Leviathan, leviathan, tend us
Leviathan, leviathan, mend us
Drifting in the realm beyond all knowing
Forsaken, shedding tears of glass
Now tumbling from the boundless heavens, taken
White moon drops, burning indigo
thats where most of the budget went. the fights.
budget for the story however.... lol...
Anyone posting pre dawntrail screenshots will be murdered
It gets better if you are more skillful than a drooling retard. Otherwise, you will suffer. People are constantly calling DT Stormblood 2 for a reason: shit story but cool battle content.
I liked Koana's arc of being the "enlightened" native learning that just supplanting your culture with someone else's isn't a good thing.
>>None of the archons or the other super geniuses thought to use any of the power sources we know are out there like the useless moon base that could convert energy to Alexandria
kek I haven't even thought about it but loporrits already HAVE a sizable power source that does nothing but collect dust since we didn't need the moon-sized spaceship
maybe it'll be some plot point in the post-quests, since I refuse to believe squeeniggers put in all the effort into making living memory look cool only for it to be blacked at the end of msq
2024 and they still can't give the mob packs between bosses even slight mechanics? Like something that isn't me walking picking up 2 packs and just spamming AOE while dodging 1 orange marker in 2 minutes
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i thought you guys were joking about the whole "power of friendship" writing but sheeeeesh, could they not do it in a subtler way?
There is no point worth engaging with. You fear the (ultimately trivial) consequences of freely speaking your mind, so your outlet is to mouth off anonymously to disinterested strangers on the internet. You expect these strangers to be impressed by the resentment you hold towards your peers or by the fact you quietly bottle it in. The strangers are not impressed, and so that leads to our conversation.
my femlala
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i'm going to log in
i'm a cute sex-addictedcatgirl trapped in a grownman's body...
More memorable than anything in DT even though he's only there for like 10 minutes.
I did too anon it was really good. Him even admitting he was wrong at the Rite ceremoney was *chefs kiss* great 10/10 character arc
I just triple commendations on Worqor Zormor as a black mage. I feel like I'm on top of the world (pun intended).
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>change colors a million times, but no matter what
>my femra doesn't look quite right with the new limbals
>and she doesn't look quite right if I disable the limbals either
and to top it off, the packs are smaller than ever. they are forcing you to grab less, and they do nothing.
my femlala pictomancer looks like this
stunning and brave
Dawntrail is Stormblood 2.5 imo.
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they really put a zoolander scene in this story huh
Amazing how this one plot point so consistently filters out social rejects and narcissists.
Same sis
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Go on. Take me out. You'd be doing me and everyone in this thread a favor.
>mommy issues
please be a cute femboy
That's absolutely not enough to justify "character development"
"Oh boohoo the poor autist can't relate with people :( " is not an interesting exploration of the theme of technological progress versus tradition. There is no impact on the wider world or on the overarching story, and it's resolved with no conflict besides "Oh guess I'm not cut out for leadership /shrug"
>become my hidden from society
become my lair, hidden from society
holy ESL my bad
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based actual Koana enjoyers who paid attention to his existence beyond "hurr wuk bad give me other guy"
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Why did this bitch let Otis die instead of swapping bodies just like she did 1 minute later anyway?
The story you play through once and then have no need to revisit. The fights are what last. We're still running Alexander in roulettes years later.
I see that you've become too frustrated to continue our discussion. Have a nice day Anon.
>Endless mentions "lali-ho!"
>do the emote at him
WAR, bro. The answer is always WAR. It's so absurdly overpowered in casual content that it doesn't even need the rest of the party. You remember back in Shadowbringers, there was that one WAR who solo'd on-level Paglth'an before you could even unsync it. It took a long time, but a level 80 WAR solo'd a level 80 Expert Dungeon. That's what playing WAR is like.
Watcha waiting for
Put your back in it
Just a little more
>please be a cute femboy
I'm a hairy man with a receeding hairline who jerks off exclusively to trannies.
WAR. It's literally no contest. WAR won bigly in dawntrail.
Want to get my viper from 87 to 90. Do I spam Zadnor or Trust runs of Hyperboreai/Aitiascope?
Yeah but it's also the only one without a sword.
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Because Otis death needed to make us sad
Zenos :^)
It's called Maize
is your femra at least cute
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bozja southern front is faster xp retard
bitch is so black she looks like a locked fighting game character
Bro...come on...

I play a Malezen.
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>"Oh boohoo the poor autist can't relate with people :( " is not an interesting exploration of the theme of technological progress versus tradition.
It is though he was determined to throw away tradition for innovation that people of tural didnt necessarily like. We see this in Ok'Hanu when he just pours a drop of that aetherically charged liquid into the reed pool which makes them grow instantly and it cuts to one of the Hanu elders having a mad look on his face. He also admits during the Rite ceremony he was wrong on trying to toss out tradition wholeheartedly.
Bitch is blacker than Wesley Snipes
>not the alo savage weapon
dont care
>WAR won bigly in dawntrail
how come?
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i have GOT to get my dick stepped on
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>he's back
I love him so much
he is literally the only part of DT that has made me smile
i don't care that the joke's overdone i love it
this place is bad at the game (unironically) so ult weapons trigger sour grapes here
grim. i hope you will ever forgive your mom because theres no universal guide on how to be the best parent like in your ingame guides. happens sometimes dont need to hold a grudge or be upset it. rather grow from it and do better when you become a father yourself.
Oh wow, he made some people mad by giving them what they wanted through a mechanism they didn't like. Then cried to his bodyguards about it, then instantly accepted he was in the wrong.
How compelling.
What does Gaia look like now?
will half the soundtrack cd be shit from 2.0 again
I really want to shoot the nigger that ordered that
stay ESL bro
do you like suncat woobers (medium to large sized : around 8 9 ilms)
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man fuck you
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My fellow sharp-objects brother, I didn't like the axe at first either. I've been playing RPGs since the NES, and as a kid I always self-inserted as "the sword guy", so WAR was the last Tank that I leveled to max level the first time I ever got to max level. I do not really like axes that much, but fucking trust me dawg, WAR is the truth. Just find an axe that you like.

Anamnesis is permanently broken, and Glamourer is currently broken, so it will be hard to sift through every axe in the game to find one that you like, but once you find an axe that you like, the comfiness of WAR is completely unmatched.
seeing posts like this randomly pop up amidst the autism flame wars is like encountering a metal slime
I left home when I was 22 and I haven't spoken to my mother in almost 10 years. I don't hate her, I just don't care about her or any of my blood relatives. I will never have children of my own, I don't enjoy life myself so I refuse to subject anyone else to this.
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bleaching erenville's mom with my aryan malera cock
That joke was much better than Wuk Lamat's sea sickness.
I accept your forfeit, enjoy your slop.
no wonder i got a couple replies in the other thread screeching at me when all i did was ask a simple question....
I need him biblically.
>in universe measurements

damn that's hot
Yes him realizing he's disconnected from his people because he wants to force innovation they might not want is good character development actually.
>omega raids: a computer has you fight in a tournament
>eden raids: a weird computer has you fight in a tournament
>??? raids: computer people have you fight in a tournament
weird how often it happens
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What a sexy mom, I like Erenvilles mother.
Just use your Minos Lux, nerd.
imagine being at computers
so fat you look and see raids
2 hours no lean
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>Minos Lux
Too small, not "elegant" enough. The sword bros want an elegant weapon.
May I goon to moonie feet
I thought this game was about plapping and gooning

30 hours into the msq and I have not plapped or gooned once
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I love solution nine so much
PLEASE can we move the Thread Jerkoff Spot here after everyone's done with MSQ please please please please please
cute face 4 *smooooooooch*
male midlanders
go to ul'dah
Hear feel think?
more like
Plap goon rape.
cutscene skipper, it's clearly stated you fight a weakened version that ran off to recharge
Koana grinding on my hroth cock
I feel like I'm the only person in the world who cried so hard at the whole story with Wuk Lamat's nursemaid. I might have projected my own nursemaid who passed away recently whenever I see her on screen, and I keep screaming at that stupid lion to give her a hug because I didn't get to give the woman who I saw as my second mother a hug on her deathbed.
my femroe... lost.....
leveling with FATEs or Bozja?
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There's also the insane amount of dynamis energy Meteion built up at the dead ends and the Prayer Machine that the 12 left us. It's not like these memories were just constructs reliving select moments over and over aimlessly they were clearly building new memories and interacting with each other, making connections. Fuck.
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Hypothetically speaking, where would the best place be to find a slutty cat girl or fem roe eb?
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>amh araeng 2 is back
your bun looks like one of those bald negresses who wear wigs 24/7
Yeah because huge shapeless metal paddles are totally elegant.
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So where is this from?
not sharing eh?
You like it?~
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But... the saloon...
why would you want your eb to be a slut
The 1990s.
that's his mom retard not my character
The problem is in the construction, he doesn't do enough to make it an interesting sequence. On paper it's a good plot point, but the only thing that happens is he gets a slight cold shoulder for one or two scenes, and that's enough to prompt him to realize he's in the wrong.
No one gets hurt from what he does, there's no realized negative consequences, just "Oh I guess people don't like me doing this, okay then"
mhm mhm so alot self blame, guilt and hatred you dont realize you have but the the bigger problem is your depression. better get that cured first before anything else. its probably the worst part you have right now that is ravaging your life. its never too late unironically

btw this is not a medical ovaluation but my own opinion (teehe i dont want to get sued)
That's why no one wants me...
>he wasn't at his best because he had a cold
you niggas don't give up, huh
I wish to have carnal relations with Ketenramm.
Insanely good self sustain that helps in both casual content and hardcore content. This was the case as well in EW, but it was so good that people thought it'd be nerfed in DT. It was not nerfed. If anything, they doubled down and gave even more healing options because now your defensive cd got turned into a self heal as well at 92. Bloodwhetting and Nascent Flash are just really fucking good skills and the fact that they're still here, along with shake it off's groupshield/regen, its burst potencies, and holmgang's low-cd no-bullshit invuln, it's just a solid choice all around. At the beginning of an expac like this, you will regularly find yourself the last survivor when your random team all dies, and you'll keep yourself alive with ease and get shit done.

Oh yeah, and some of these tanks actually had their gapclosers removed or had the potencies eliminated or some shit, but for some reason warrior didn't. To me this wasn't a huge factor, but I thought it was funny anyway. TL;DR warrior has basically no downsides atm. It's tanky. It's supportive. It's powerful. It has a great invuln on the lowest cd in the game. It does it all. It invalidates your need for a team in casual content. It's stupidly helpful in harder content. sorry this took so long to write. talking about warrior got me excited and I had to stop and jerk off for a minute.
Are you from the 1800's? The fuck you mean you had a nursemaid?
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Now that femhroths exist, can the literal faggots kindly leave my race, please?
sprint should have no cooldown in towns
You finna know it
You might be putting a little bit too much into this game, anon.

I'm sorry that you weren't able to send your nursemaid off like that. I'm sure she knew that you loved her despite that, anon.

Well, if you're not dissuaded by that, then I shall tell you that this bun doesn't really care about the origin or relative size of the dick that is offered to her. She only cares if that person's willing to tolerate her eccentric attitude and likes talking about <insert thing she's currently interested in.>
Forehead looking bigger than Peyton Manning's
I wish roes looked that handsome
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this is not a debate we will be cowboys brothers.
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Point me to the sluts.
>side quests are way better than the MSQ in DT
Explain this, "everyone who dislikes the MSQ is brown"-posters.
oh so THAT'S why erenville has been oddly bitchy sometimes, he can anticipate I'm going to fuck his mother in the future
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It's an abstract kind of feel.
stop being a slut?
that hair line is so awful lmao
hmmmm nyo
Did Kentenram and Gulool Ja Ja.... you know....together....?
>random stranger wants you to help them become ruler of a place you've never been
why would I help them?
The yellow quests with pictures on the header are much better than the msq, despite them not having any voice acting….
bros I'm unironically butthurt
I can't stop bleeding out of my ass I've been sitting on my toilet for 40+ minutes because blood won't stop gushing out of my ass
like, everytime I wipe there's a shit ton of blood
how tf is a femra meant to stop this?? I don't want to get up and have my panties full of ass blood this is so disgusting
Fuck off, you're a moonie anyway.
>just "Oh I guess people don't like me doing this, okay then"
This is literally all you need though. You dont need people getting hurt from the innovations for there to be character development from something like this, he's already hurting because he feels disconnected from the people he's meant to rule. Remember the nation is built on bonds their father Gulool Ja Ja made, that was the entire point of Wuk Lamat explaining the stone tablets that explained the Tuliyollal Saga when you first get to Tuliyollal
>huge shapeless metal paddles
I'll have you know I EXCLUSIVELY use Odenta Kai in my glams.
...Just because, okay!
spitroat Cahciua? absolutely
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Got a fucking problem, nerd?
Several ebins are penta and quad legends though
>all-expenses-paid excuse to go fuck around for a few months in a tropical paradise
I mean, why wouldn't you?
Because otherwise you don't get to play more FFXIV ever again, okay? That's why. Fucking help or you're not welcome again.
it looks like one of those cope hair transplants where a 50 year old man thinks he'll look natural with a perfectly straight hairline which starts halfway down his forehead
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the real answer is paladin
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>y'shtola spends half the expansion having sex with hung shotas off-screen
someone fucking stop her.
Because it's a low stakes adventure, which means we have to get involved in dangerous politics that will affect an entire nation.
she's come recommended by your good friend erenville, whom you trust
and you also spent a whole day getting to know her
just do it, okay???? make her president!!!!
mablu is adorable
>why would I help them?
that's the fun part
you don't have to
if you don't think the plot makes sense and your character would refuse then you simply don't buy the expac
Yeah you don't -need- it, but just because something is realistic doesn't make for a compelling and interesting to watch story.
>"I am sad for two scenes. I will stop doing the thing that made me sad. Now I'm happy!"
Wow, what fucking interesting story writing, nothing but loads of emotional hooks here
The stakes are low except with the key itself. One dragon basically could wipe out all of Alexandria in a day.
My parents had to move around a lot because my dad is a cop. They were stationed in far away places and there had to be a person to raise me when they were away. And it was her.
That bracelet. That bracelet scene broke me so hard and I legitimately wanted to personally strangle and torture every bandit involved in what is supposed to be a humorous scene. 8 months before she passed away, we gifted her some jewelry as a parting gift for years of her loyal service. Even though we urged her to stay because going back home was her own request as she felt she was already getting too old. As it turns out, she had cancer... and when she died, the jewelry that we gave to her was stolen by her son, and nobody knows where that bastard is now.
me on the right
Because your WoL isn't you, they're a kind-hearted adventure addict who will do anything to experience a new adventure.
On top of that, Wuk Lamat explains that she's an advocate for peace and that one of the other candidates is a warmongering brute who dreams of conquering the rest of Etheirys.
And to boot, Krile wants to go because she wants to track down some of her guardian's past and find out what her grandpa was doing over in Tural.
Koana is a shit character
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salty because I'm stylin' on yo ass
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>mfw dawntrail is the racism expansion
hell yeah!
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>35 minutes into expert roulette queue
>Position in queue 17
Because it sounded fun.
ok, want to get eb'd now?
>Because your WoL isn't you
Shut up bitch
Except we don't do that. We do pretty much the exact opposite of that, in fact.
Anyone want to do the 100 Trial if I put up a group on Crystal?
what level can i start doing DT fates for xp
She didn't because the hung shota is me after getting turned into a kid with magic and I was too busy babysitting the actual kid team
She can get it now that I'm done though
Holy shit that's a nice PCT weapon. Where from?
I'm doing plenty of fucking around here I dunno about you
Ktisis Hypoborea
>This was the case as well in EW, but it was so good that people thought it'd be nerfed in DT
Nobody but dungeon heroes thought so, and squeenix always balanced around savage rather than normal
>holmgang's low-cd no-bullshit invuln
shorter invulns were totally irrelevant in both 6.2 and 6.4 after how absurdly good it was in 6.0. not ONCE did the lower CD matter, unless you count literally 2 autoattacks on p12p1. if anything, it being not a true invuln (and keeping you at 1hp if you kept getting attacked) with no self healing makes it kinda shit compared to others.
>some of these tanks actually had their gapclosers removed or had the potencies eliminated or some shit, but for some reason warrior didn't
irrelevant as potencies were shuffled around and IR doesn't buff non-IR skills since EW

tldr only people who spam dungeons think WAR won bigly, nothing that's new in DT is particularly notable in savage
If those retarded trannies could read they'd be very upset with your post. But you wouldn't have had to make it because they'd have known all that already.
jesus christ anon
Might have been sharing too much, but also I hope that justice is served.
Why fucking do anything retard? I hate questions like that.
cutscene skipper
the hroth that saved dawntrail
At the end of the thread, no one will know I want both Koana and G'raha Tia to fuck me at the same time
>she's come recommended by your good friend erenville, whom you trust
>and you also spent a whole day getting to know her
It's funny because I didn't get even one day with Erenville to begin with before he introduced us.
They've already spitroasted my femra
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>Taking political actors at face value
I see we haven't learned our lesson after the Crystal Braves
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The DRK cope squad has arrived
We know Ooki
The WoL is retarded, this is known.
the crystal braves arc was written when xiv was trying to be a game of thrones ripoff featuring Deep Ambiguous Politics
the political aspect of the story turned into full shonen "we'll solve this geopolitical crisis with the power of friendship!" during stormblood and it's never recovered
It's not like you have a 9-5 bro. Gotta keep yourself occupied
suckle the milk
Anyone ekse noticed that they added meracydia on the map? God I hope we don't just go there on a patch, hoped this would be the next expansion.
You'll get a shitty trial set in meracydia and that will be it.
probably relegated to artifact weapon grind
they did say they were bringing back a eureka/bozja type content right?

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