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Peak Character Design Edition

Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Femra Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484258634
I'm brown and I like DT
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What was his problem?
So where is the tomestone vendor in S9?
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some friends are telling me that it looks like plugins are doomed and mods finished
are they bullshitting me?
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Now to await the chasers
When is she coming back?
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Good character designs stuck in underwhelming titles
>are they bullshitting me?
Femroes lost ngl
haha yea it's all over
I'm totally not using plogons since yesterday
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Give me the glamour review, anons. Is Dawntrail going to make me clean out my glamour dresser?
Can you fuck off already
My malera has a hrt extraction gun instead of soul cells
why do you guys use these things and then act like you're too good to join the discord servers run by the people who program them?
if you did this, you'd see them talking about their progress in the announcements section and you'd know that there are beta keys and shit. it's nowhere near finished. we'll probably be up and running in like a week.
i dont have the game installed rn im taking a break for a few months but thx bro
>Anamnesis is permanently broken
Wait what, don't fucking say that I used that shit constantly to plan glams.
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yeah man plugins are dead
He cracked under the burden of expectations since the day he was born. Even to the end he was obsessed with "surpassing the legend" and leaving a legacy.
You are not responding to a genuine post anon.
catboy supremacy
there's other alternatives so anamnesis is no longer needed
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So was this their parallel event to the Second Umbral Calamity?
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uhh xivsisters? where is our promised graphical update?
>Well, if you're not dissuaded by that, then I shall tell you that this bun doesn't really care about the origin or relative size of the dick that is offered to her. She only cares if that person's willing to tolerate her eccentric attitude and likes talking about <insert thing she's currently interested in.>

So you are telling me I can fuck if I'm a good listener?
Seems like a fucking win-win for me, because I usually prefer to listen peoples story rather than telling mine
where do I sign
like what? nothing i found had as good a layout and filtering system for making glams as anam
So is it worth the time to go and still do stuff at the island sanctuary weekly? I imagine those mount prices might fluctuate if a lot of people stopped doing it.
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the other anon was wrong, DT writing is worse than SB because SB was trying something new, DT is an amalgam of previous expansion with bad excution and bad acting, DT assumes you're easily impressionable and its manipulative in nature
Which ones? Are they updated for DT already?
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anyone else getting this?
>get to train station
>find out railroad is borked
>normal person: 'we could use some help. do X'
>...and people hate Wuk-chan more than this gay shit. I am not believe
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Will you accept her quest?
can faggots stop spoiler marking their posts like this
not reading this
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cool blacklist, btw
very helpful
>DT assumes you're easily impressionable
I am easily impressed (not sure you understand what impressionable means or you wouldn't use it in its content, then again if your name is Lyse...) and I still didn't like DT
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are people liking Viper? I tried it for like 5 minutes but it felt TOO simple to be fun
Anam is not permanently broken ignore retards. They said they have new people working on it now.
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>disconnected during dungeon
>700 person queue that barely moves
its over
> he didn't pop for the trolley reference
Did the expansion leave any plot threads for the future?
Like how omega was mentioned in ARR
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I will, what is the quest anon? I'm not there yet.
uh oh DTbros I don't feel so g
rly tho, if they lied about this holy dick that's even shadier than the sweetbaby-supervised "writing"
>2 new jobs
>Glamour system is still chalked
>700 person
the fuck??
what dc?
Has anyone actually chased you?
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yes then id abandon it in her face and gut punch
how does one get the very detailed crystal looking weapons? yellow crystal and white crystal ones
I really like how big the DRK one is
t. sprout
The fuck do you expect, blacklisted people no longer being able to queue on the same content with you ever again? Don't play any games with social interactions you sperglord.
No, because there world was never rejoined. Their shard is a fuck up like the 1st and 13th.
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What's with the massive hitbox? Excluding this, they've been alright this expansion.
I will refrain from unlocking them until we get an ample amount of Glamour plates
how do you get dalamud to work? every time i use the quicklauncher it says plugins arent available
love these little guys
wait what... two viera moms producing a child...?
Yes, the key is still around. And its clearly of Ancient's design since it resonates with your Azem crystal.. Also we dont know what effects that almost completed fusion had. Plus Wuk Lamat mentions some other local problems which will likely be related to patch content.
i expected a normal game of casual cc
can we just get some fat asses as vanilla
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>tfw he fucked your mummy
>why do you guys use these things and then act like you're too good to join the discord servers run by the people who program them?
I'm not that guy, but the reason I don't do dick sword shit is because... well there are lots of reason. I do have a dick sword account that I begrudgingly use when absolutely required, which does occasionally happen because it's 2024, but I do not enjoy doing it, because discords seem to be occupied mostly by hyperactive zoomers and underageb&s and I'm simply too old to deal with that. Plus, what I've learned form 4chan is that dick sword never leads to anything good, ever. For example, you've apparently got all these different cliques here who all splinter off into their own progressively smaller, more cliquey dick sword groups, you've got all these people "gooning" with each other in voice chat, you've got unironic grooming, you've got biological males gatekeeping biological females from "female only safe spaces", the list goes on. There's also the occult symbolism in naming the program "Discord", which by all accounts is something that it readily sows. If I can ever avoid using dick sword, I actively do so.

If you ask in this thread, people tell you the answer. There's no need to join the dick sword.
Wish she would tired of her shit takes in cwls chat and I can't go hang out on crystal
I want them to die irl, yes
what's the point of blacklist if it doesn't actually block the fuckers
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When screenshot timings go wrong yet hilariously right.
aether, gilgamesh
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>goes back to being a failed male
oh noooo
when she sits on my moonie's +
my kinda homo
There are retards here deathly afraid of making accounts anywhere and that includes discord.
yeah man plugins are dead
mfw only using it for the auto-wep throw rangecheck and having storm's path/eye on the same button lul
its not quite primetime on a monday, and the full game hasnt actually released. This weekend is going to be crazy tho
90% of the complaints wouldn't have happened if all the characters were humans/humanoids and attractive. Instead its some who cares lizard people
>auto-wep throw rangecheck
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Not happening buddy
>its not quite primetime on a monday
it's not even 3 PM on the east coast yet, it's not even close to primetime
Neglected biological son of a father who seemed to favour his adopted children for all intents and purposes.
Constantly struggling to devise an identity for himself beyond just being the biological son of his father.
This led to him resenting his father and his adopted siblings, as well as the rest of what his father had made.
This bitterness led to him forming the belief that his people were weak because of his father's prosperity and that they needed war and strife in their lives in order to teach them a lesson.
So while he wants to destroy Gulool Ja Ja's peace in order to spit on his legacy, he also wants to do it as a way of strengthening his people because he believes that this peace has made them weak and self-centred.

In a way, Bakool Ja is a criticism of Endwalker's message of "strife and suffering gives life meaning" and he is that message taken to its logical extreme, a "good times create weak men" warmonger who wants to bring about an era of misery out of bitterness and jealousy.
No. There's the sci-fi armor that only looks good on fending/maiming, and the Mad Max armor if you're into that. The rest is bad/recycled.
When you nut and she keeps on sucking.
>this got updated before sloth
Does your character have a gock?
>how dare you expect this feature to work as well as it does in literally every other online game!
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He needs it.
name one game where blocking someone prevents them from being matchmade with you
maybe not june, but kaori has.
My male midlander says "Prostagma" when you click on him.
pic related its me
Just finished, MSQ was probably a 6/10. A little slow in places, some not so great jumps but overall not all that bad looking back. A fun enough journey where the WoL takes the backseat and is kinda loving it.
It's in Tuliyollal, "Painter on the Hill". I don't know exactly when it's unlocked, but I just did the first trial.
in case youre not sure what impressionable means just looks at Wuk stans, yes they exist
Anyone ekse noticed that they added meracydia on the map? God I hope we don't just go there on a patch, hoped this would be the next expansion
Of course anon, obviously, why else would I have made that post?
is this track used anywhere? i don't think i heard it and i did mostly everything
Dawnservant candidates
>I fucking love war!
>I fucking love racism!
>I fucking love science!
>I fucking love my adoptive brother's big catboy cock!
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i know it's unrealistic to expect them to update the graphics of every single armor piece in one patch
but why the FUCK did they give ugly old gear to major npcs with lots of screentime? is there seriously not a single other nerd robe they could've picked for him?
I really wish he fucked me instead
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trutrans don't play futa
....Zoraal Ja.
Bakool Ja Ja is the two-headed bully.
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this man watches the palace
anon what the fuck are you saying
I'm just actually from 4chan. I'm not from any of the other websites.
Patata is the +
99 trial
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More falsehoods
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The MSQ finally got good!
when the names are so fucking alike, you can't blame me for mixing them up like that
How do I unsubscribe from your X feed?
They literally, literally tell you in the slide when they said the new blacklist feature would happen is that it will not prevent people you’ve blacklisted from matching with you in duties. If you get in a match with someone you blacklisted after 7.0 they show up as Unknown Player, not their actual name
Good joke
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You poor, confused creature.
A feminine penis does not a futa make.
What kind of retard shit is this
The catboy's biceps are too big without mods so here we are
>huge tits on alisaie
I don't even know what that is
Only subhumans complain about non-human races.
as far as i'm concerned every lizardman is named googoo gaga and i will not put in the effort to tell them apart
i miss old spongebob
its a special kind of irony that scouting contains both the hardest and easiest jobs now.
ja = 1 head
ja ja = 2 head
you fucking RETARD
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>I fucking love war, for reasons I cannot quite put to words!
>I fucking love racism, but it's just a cover for my insecurities!
>I fucking love science! No, for real!
>I fucking love friendship and diversity and things I've self-admittedly never actually experienced in my life!
>What kind of retard shit is this
i envy your innocence
in fact, i enby your innocence
>no one told me it was nasty
>it was still nasty
>came here to tell others it was nasty only to see others say it was nasty
>uhm ackshually they told you it was going to be shit beforehand!
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Those new MNK gloves look cool but uh...
imagine if this bun started wearing the solution nine helmet and it started pulsing spirals and calling him a good boy and
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This but for the name of every single location they've told me this expac.
You being flustered over June is adorable. You two must truly be good friends, or really clingy!
you have aids
*swipes a magnet across your face*
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I'll kill you.
where do i get those sets by the way they're really fucking cool
>I fucking love war!
"The world must learn of our peaceful ways BY FORCE!"
post your msq achievement
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Bros... I just got to The land of Levin, and my patience is running dry. I am reaching the point where I sort of just wanna start skipping and getting trough the MSQ.... Does it get better from here? Looking at the Wiki I am only 68% Done with he story but I am already halfway to level 99
There is a distinct increase in the amount of smelly shitskin pajeets that are trying to sexpest my WoL since dawntrail came out. Where the fuck did you faggots come from?
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That is a 4channel tab. You seem lost.
i'm a solid state rabbit that doesn't hurt me
Fucking kek.
>it's another "make girl call it boy"
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>me 30 seconds after part two of the expansion kicks in
as the op i'm more annoyed at the chat/ignore spam than being on the same team with them
they're also in my top ten, which means it's been so long ago i can't be assed to remember why i blacklisted them to begin with
i'm assuming just another revivalfag
"I cherish peace with all of my heart. I don’t care how many men, women and children I need to kill to get it."
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She's lived in Turiyollal for all of her life, she has experienced true metropolitan diversity and multiculturalism for a long time now.
What she doesn't have experience of is the in-depth culture of the different races in their heart of their homelands.
Lyse makes my dick throb even if it's not the gigglelyse poster
about that topiic, I reached ala migo and fought fordola in my msq and finally the msq is good, the entiire expac was fuckig trash shit, it felt so fucking filler-y
Yeah, we have been best friends for nearly 14 years...
>tfw no hypnotist EB who makes it impossible for me to pug by turning "o/" into a trigger that drops me into trance
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This is how I feel but whenever Ryne is posted
How so? If anything he was seen as the golden child by not only Gulool Ja Ja himself, but also the citizens of Tuliyollal. Him being the biological son of Gulool is by itself acknowledged as a miracle since Blessed Siblings are supposed to be sterile, and he also inherited almost all of Gulool's physical strength despite only having one head, which is why he was appointed as the head of the royal guard.

Both Koana and Wuk Lamat also looked up to him since childhood, and it's likely that this only piled up more burden onto his shoulders, hence his autistic insistence to maintain a strong stoic demeanor in public, and why he cackles like a maniac when he's alone and realized he finally had access to the power to surpass Gulool Ja Ja.
I've been playing this game almost every day for 3 years and playing the DT MSQ made me lose any sort of connection to this game whatsoever.
How did they fuck it up this bad?
Ok that was pretty funny.
>14 years
This is a brown general anon
upset they dropped his "These people dont appreciate the peace they have so let start a war to make sure nobody forgets!" to "WHAT DO YOU MEAN IM NOT STRONGER THAN DAD!"
So let me get this straight. Cahciua was alive before the dome hit, then sometime died inside when 30 years happened inside of that right?
I once dropped my friend in the middle of a deep dungeon. It was funny.
I mean that reason was literally him coping anon.
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this is why we got rid of all the indian names for everything
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Personally whatever it gets called is immaterial to me.
Right, I will admit that I know exactly what it is but do not give it the credence to have any bearing whatsoever.
I need a bath after reading that pun.
bitch I can't eat literal shit that fast
even if it "gets good" I'm still here still eating piles of shit
I'm a pale femlala and I don't like DT...
that's really hot and it makes me even madder that i'm seemingly incapable of going into trance...
Hypno in ff14 is distinctly more difficult than in other e-sex games like VRC. However the results are admittedly very funny regardless
I mean he thought he could beat his fathers shade, which was Gulool Ja Ja in his prime btw, by himself and got smoked when we show up in Mamook
Yes, that's why her soul was uploaded to imagination land
when THAT anon is on... even if we're not spending time together, I'm still happy
just knowing that you're in the game somewhere
This msq is hard for a sensitive malera like me. You wouldn't get it if you don't have blue eyes irl.
How exactly would they have followed up on that though? It's obvious it's a self-contradicting excuse.
Hypno isn't real. It's shit women made up.
>"These people dont appreciate the peace they have so let start a war to make sure nobody forgets!"
this is unironically fucking retarded and if they had kept it as his actual motivation he would have been the dumbest character in the game
even zenos' battle autism isn't as nonsensical
Thats when it starts to get good
foray quests will save the expac
Femlala eb...
Emotionally neglected by his father. We get plenty of scenes with Gulool Ja Ja doting over Koana and Wuk Lamat, but nothing for Zoraal Ja. This leaves me with the feeling that while Zoraal Ja is seen as a miracle and admired for his might, he isn't actually loved and is instead heaped with responsibility and expectations.
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I wonder how different the discourse in these threads would be if the leaks didn't cause a horde of redditors and discord troons to flood the general a few weeks ago.
>he says, while begging for attention on a social platform
At the very least she survived long enough after the initial encounter with the Alexandrians, as she definitely used a Regulator and became an Endless.
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Getting there slowly...
this but unironically @ my friend
i hope he's enjoying dawntrail
>the leaks
I agree on this. The names are so much that its impossible to ever remember them.
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Genuine desire to be friends.
Ability to compromise.
To know that there will always be ups and downs with others and you can get over most things.
To be brutally real and honest when it's needed as well.
It's all about training and repetition from my experience with people who struggle to do it. If you do it once, you're all set. It was pretty fucking hot but he got really flustered so I haven't done it again
Is this supposed to be a gotcha? How many games exist where you play as the squire to a knight? The guard to a hero or royal? Im sure they exist but they're incredibly niche for a reason.
>kids don't remember how bad war was
>we need to fight another war to remind them! that'll fix everything!
>20 years later
>new generation of kids don't remember how bad war was
need this
need this badly
I miss your femra....
he comes from a warrior culture on a continent crowded with rivals and apex predators where the king is the strongest fighter, and is unable to reconcile that with the comforts of civilization and rapid progress. he is basically programmed to never chill out for any reason even if hed like to
then again, his father was in the same situation but apparently had the vision and foresight to avoid going to war with an entire planet and make many alliances.
so i guess hes just an asshole
hey, isnt the music good though?
please get past level 92 before commenting on the MSQ
>Yeah, so we hired this consultation company to make sure our story about latin-coded countries is respectful and shows them in a positive light!
>The consultation company:
Gay, but true.
My fussy little bunbun
just a reminder that eastern wisterias ARE a personality
someone was leaking media tour tooltips
I was gonna give my thoughts but they summed it up even better than I could.
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>even Japs don’t like the story
What the fuck bros…? I thought only “jeets” had criticisms?
i feel called out..
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Need 1 more, on Crystal
I haven't done it before but I watched an unsynced guide.

How is it retarded? It's literally happening in the world right now. Russia forgot how shit they are at war and how bad war is and they started one they can't win.
It's something that has commonly happened throughout history, that every 2 generations people start to forget how much war sucks and they start inciting war again.
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Grape Flavored Cat checking in! Nya~~
Fucking shitskins even play on JP
So, how likely is it that we get to bring some life back to last zone of DT? After completing MSQ it feel bad going there when the current version is such a downgrade to what we had before completing MSQ
I hope they doubled VA pay in order to make up for them having to say so much bullshit.
>chud tantrum
: /
>chud tantrum, japan
: O
>Can't believe they made the MSQ into one really long beast tribe quest
nailed it kek
i have finished the msq and i had the same problem with it that I had with every msq of ffxiv
there is a lot of good, but there is also a whole lot of nothing, and going into a cutscene you have no way of knowing whether it's going to be 15 minutes of absolutely fucking nothing, or 10 minutes of good, important, plotbuilding and characterization
even voiced vs unvoiced cutscenes doesn't help because they needed to use the budget on wuk going "mmm tacos" every time she ate something in the story
i was prepared to nolife the msq 48h straight, but fell asleep before getting ot the first dungeon and just went to bed
Anon I know how to pronounce it but I dont want to. This will have an adverse affect on people's appreciation of the MSQ. Nobody is going to be talking about the time they visited the Achhoqumalupox'ata for the Mawafufutaxotlatl. They'll say "Yeah the cooking competition in that village whatever it was called was funny"
If the SB 2.0 trends then the post-patch will be kino 11/10 contentpilled sexyland.
yeah i think my problem is that finding an actual person to do it is impossible (i'm unfortunately straight and i've never met a hypnotist woman who wasn't just doing it for the money) so i have to cope with pre-recorded files where repetition doesn't really work
I NEED TO CUM!!!!!!!!!!
I NEED TO CUM!!!!!!!!!!!
>It's literally happening in the world right now. Russia forgot how shit they are at war and how bad war is and they started one they can't win.
Yeah but there's a difference between that and wanting to start wars on purpose for the sake of reminding people about war. That's fucking stupid.
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my catboy staring at the moonie - across the street
Wish I could help but I'm too shy outside of people I've known for a while.
I’m gonna mating press this cat into wine.
So I'm still in Zone 5, I'm digging the story of DT but have they introduced anything remotely related to the next big bad or large overarching plot by the end of DT at all or are we just going to be getting what feels like standalone expansion packs from now on?
Endwalker really did feel like the End of the story and adventures for FFXIV

The whole point of that zone is to point out that you can't cling the past and that sometimes you just need to move on. Living Memory is supposed to be a wasteland, not an unnatural paradise for the hollow ghosts of people long dead. So a wasteland it has become, and a wasteland it will remain. It's better this way.
I did, and this guy has nothing interesting going on, so I made it up

And countless other fucking retarded names in your country
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>picto is too hard
>viper is too easy
They couldnt kill Wuk it would unironically be a huge scandal in the west. All the gaming outlets titles would be like "Yoshida adds trans VA then immediately kills her off. Was he a chud all along? Boycott SE!"
man fuck femra

just fuck em
Not reading the post, love Felix
>blacklisted people no longer being able to queue on the same content with you ever again?
it should, and the devs agree as seen by how blacklisted people can't join your PFs. its clearly just a sphagetti code issue or that would have been implemented with the blacklist potency upgrades
this is definitely an outfit
Venat groomed you to kill the big bad her retard society created. Wait for Gabranth to return.
I liked krile
a rarely used background character who was sad she's never involved in the action

now I hate krile
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Dunno if he's gonna pull a JRPG "it was just a farce" but this is, at face value, literally retard logic up there with the accelerationist tenet of "if only things get bad enough somehow things will get good after"
Whats wrong with standalone? People were getting sick of everything being orchestrated by Ascians. The last thing we need is some new big bad being a puppeteer from the shadows.
I mean, does it matter? It’s still better than WoW and you’ll still pay for it no matter what. If you don’t like it, that means you’re from India. So who cares what they actually put in the story from now on?
Yeah you do have a point but it's not completely outside the realm of logic and reason still. Especially for people of another culture.

My assumption is Sareel Ja Teledji arc and he gets killed on screen

I was hoping that'd be the gathering set. I saw an NPC in it early on. I like it.
People will shit on these names and then pog at Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch
see >>484269616
>Dunno if he's gonna pull a JRPG "it was just a farce"
He doesn't.
>Loves Felix
Whats your opinion on niggers Anon
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That's okay, it's an intimate process and I can understand not wanting to do it with people you barely know.
Won't stop me from fantasizing.
man i gotta play sekiro again, that shit was peak
PIC is gonna be kino when XIVcombo is up and running
Hey Americans.

How come it's Kansas and you say it like Cans-Us. But Arkansas is Ark-n-Saw?
Why was occlusion culling removed?
you're telling me pictomancer can sprint 50% of the time.
20s on sprint
and 10s of smudge sprint if used on CD
Then why don't I have any friends?>>484270751
I like black people
>"it was just a farce"
It's just a farce because his actual motivation is feeling undesired and excluded and having no place in his own culture
Kinda yeah but at the same time there is no big "weanwhile in garlemald" style cutscene for 7.X patches
Blud that job already has a built-in xivcombo
primal and bad takes always go out hand-in-hand
The weird goblet-key that is used as a method of fusing shards together. It shines with the symbol of Azem, the same symbol as the memory crystal that the WoL uses to summon allies to fight beside them. The WoL now has it, and this will likely be used to explore the rest of the shards. There's also the mystery of how this device was made at all. My personal theory is that we might end up with a subverted villain Azem who is still around, in some shape or form.
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it's only been a couple days...
>Walla Walla
tfw didn't finish msq before weekend was over
I’m curious, what does xivcombo do and why is it used? Does it solve button bloat or something?
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Why do they hate DT so much?
Someone tell me how the FUCK do the backward/forward halves work in Everkeep extreme
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is bro okay
Have you been under before? I'm a bit curious now.
>New York

thank you sometimes-based autistic japs
yeah its the gathering set, the crafting one is nice too
block that psycho
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If we get a good Azem every single woman and trans woman would drop their pants for Yoshi P
Any new lewds?
Mildly at best, I've done it with files and definitely been in a state of relaxation and mild dissociation but I don't know if I've ever been under someone else's control.
People who like Dawntrail are just in denial that, after 10 years this crap is what they got for their troubles. Remember how WoW was good and then very quickly it wasn't? Break the cycle anons. Play something else.
>your evil alternate self is the ultimate bad guy
Oh fuck off with this literal Rick and Morty bullshit.
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>the japanese hate it!
which fallacy is this?
That's nice! At least it sounds like you wouldn't have trouble going deep if someone personally guided you. I hope you can find someone to turn you into their hypno-toy, anon!
Speak with Wuk Lamat.

Speak with Wuk Lamat again.

Speak with Wuk Lamat yet again.
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How did they manage to make the yok huy so soulful in an expansion with such a slop story?
Why do I have a subtle desire to swap from maliddie to femhroth and smash cunts with wuk lamat?
Appeal to Weaboos
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Never watched Reddit and Memey, what does that have to do with that anon's premise?
>WoW was good and then very quickly it wasn't?
hah, no. It was slowly losing quality for years until people just gave up on even marginal improvements. It took the better part of a DECADE for people to quit even if the last time they really had fun playing was MoP, and blizzard was spitting in their faces the entire time.
Fuck Wuk Lamat.
I like Dawntrail, it's ok; like mid-tier for me, what does the rest is that it has little to no Ascian shit or it being super depressing
We get to goon vacation and herd a cat for an expansion

Sounds good to me
>best story
>best area design
>best music
>best combat design
>best sense of adventure
>best characters
if you disagree with this list you are confirmed as a brown angry tourist
Is it just bad translations or do the Japanese really say shit like:

>This is a disrespect to the Japanese people, my ancestors are weeping, this game is truly a product of [insert obscure group/tribe everyone looks down on]
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are we back bros
did we get it all out
Nigger, FFXIV is already knee deep in parallel universes and time travel and nihilism and shit, it's about as Rick and Morty as you can get.
I really don't like the last 3 levels of quests so far, the whole golden city shit is just dumb imo.
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>not posting the full highlight reel
>best combat design
There's a rumor that in femlala circles that they're almost all led by a femlala princess. She usually makes them all eat her taco. Well, no more! I'll end this cycle and make everyone eat my taco, femlala or not!
Yeah.On a surface level, it's little more than what the devs introduced in 7.0. On a high level, you can do your entire rotation with 1 button. But most people go somewhere in between.
It's great but I dont think I'm going to use it anymore.
joke's on you, I intentionally acted retarded and false flag-exposed myself for teh lulz
the cum-on knees sliding thing makes me wanna go to a waterpark though
>best combat design
rettarded nigger monkey
Let's try that again
FemHroth anchor?
I like this silly lil thing
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Why haven't they fixed viera hairstyles yet? Anything that's not a racial style sits too high up on their heads. It goes beyond fivehead, it's like elevenhead. It's someone with end stage norwood 4 trying to wear their remaining hair like a k-pop idol. It's ridiculous.
Mablu needs to be impregnated
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Thanks anon, I hope you have a good time with your hypno-toys too!
how do i get the aether current compass?
I want to see this image, and post but from the JP player bases perspective on their opinion on what our opinions are of the expansion
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Used my fantasia to go form a lala to a viera and now all outfits look sluttier and all caster and healer animations look too gay.
To me and a bunch of other people I know and played with it very quickly turned to shit after WotLK. We all quit playing after a taste of MoPslop.
2m meta is a good thing, accept it already
im lvl 100 now but still on the 2nd dungeon/1st trial of DT, can i start earning the new tomestones or do i need to wait for full access/finish msq?
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>when they said ishikawa was supervising, I bet what they really did was dogeza in front of her asking to borrow her name to salvage what they made
>Rick and Morty invented those concepts
You can go back anytime friend.
Why are we leaning on this line of attack so much? Wasn’t Dawntrail supposed to be the multiracial Brazilian expansion? But everyone who likes it claims to hate brown people. Why is that?
Nah, its Viera mom bringing her two kids to her date with WoL (big power move, WoL can't resist)
Its in your collection.
Good thing I have 10 years of content to still grind through after finishing DT now. Started in Endwalker. It seems to me they hate veterans over at Square Enix.
>Doing MSQ
>See friend on my world in a party
>Oh i wonder who they're playing with?
>look over
>it's me, i'm in their party
The msq is such a singleplayer experience I forgot I was even doing it with someone else because it takes several hours to get to each dungeon and trial
>”When they said vacation, did they mean including to other games?”
Ok this is fucking hilarious I’ll give em that
Evil twins weren't invented by Rick and Morty either.
Anyone noticing the general length of MSQ quests (and role quests) have gotten way longer than even the last expansion?
oh is this new? i thought it was in key items
Because you keep saying that only Indians and Filipinos are criticizing the writing. Yet thousands of posts on 5ch say otherwise. What’s your next cope? That Indians immigrated to Japan?
Based, they hate the nigger lizards too!
Hmmm this will drastically shake up the femlala rankings...
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I'm a femra.........who is a femra............
>Reach 100 on summoner
>It gives me another button
Umm what is this? How am I meant to press more buttons?
yeah they moved it
game pretty much requires huge hitboxes for melee to be able to hit and do most mechanics at same time
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I think not
I am a femlala
who is fuckin dippin nic pouches rn bwoi
git r dun
mostly button bloat removal
consider something like communio, which can ONLY be used after enshroud, and not in any other condition. there's a setting that replaces enshroud with communio while it's active, and it pretty much works the same way like viper's reawaken-ouroboros skills, which is really how it should've been from the get go
>slightly defending WoW by saying it might have been good ten years ago
Uh, excuse me?? Did you just defend the worst game of all time? We fucking HATE WOW AND BLIZZARD. Remember Shadowlands? Torghast? Garrisons? Breast milk in fridge?? NEVER FUCKING DEFEND WOW. The only reason why we all came to FFXIV in 2021 was to defeat Blizzard. That’s the entire purpose of the FFXIV movement. And that’s why Yoshida copied Cata, because it was WoW without the bad parts. Yep, that’s right, FFXIV isn’t just a game, it’s a movement. And if you’re not with us, you’re against us.
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New. Hair. Colors. When!
for my catboy it's zyn cool mint 6's
I don't even understand the appeal. "Hey everyone the character I play has a penis!"
I really don't get it. Not only that but self inserting at the catgirl
You'll have to accept reality one day that you're not a catgirl with a penis
I just hope it won't be difficult
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i am done with tacos for a while
i have eaten 24 since DT opened
>When they said vacation, did they mean including to other games?
Holy fucking kek
Philippines and Japan have many cooperation programs, Japanese is being taught and there are many Exchange students going in Japan to study.
aren't you little shits fucking hyper enough already you DON'T need nicotine
Why is the ending theme a black church gospel song? This doesn't feel like Final Fantasy at all
>xhe bought cruise chaser on release
Are they bloating the dialogue to stop people speedrunning the MSQ in 3 days?

Assuming you care and intend to read it all, you can only read so much in a day before your brain turns off and you need a break. I wouldn't put it past them to be doing this to artificially lengthen peoples playtimes.
this game desperately need another 'Nanamo death friends gone' for things to feel important again
Bluecoat cat my beloved...
Thank you.
think i might 'oor 'ash some tacoz tonight
is there a point in the story where the game will force you to do the role quests
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It’s just Indians/WoWfugees/veterans/newfags/fake fans who hate the writing. Everyone else loves Dawntrail.
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The compass does not detect any nearby moonies.
why did they go so hard on the night city aesthetic
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>been playing my main job without combo plogons
>i was a no-mods chad for years so I can actually do it
>kinda kino, but the full range of keybinds are more effort to press

>update plogons
>combos back
>job feels way more comfy, but also more soulless
>kinda want to just disable to plogons
Maybe I only use this for leveling jobs I don't like from now on. I might be cured.
No. I never even did the EW ones.
Not at all. They're there only if you want to dye the artifact gear.
Does this post still exist on the sub-reddit, I want to just chime in the Lizards on this content are suppose to be the nigger replacement
Yoshi P hates niggers so whenever he has to put in dark skinned races he instead ops in to turn them into ugly beast races
NOOOO, pls dont laught at me
Im not doing some injecting shit ill wait till its officially released
eh, picto feels fine to me as-is
no not that
domain expansion
ghost of chemo's past
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This story actually picks up about halfway through, hell yea.
But thousands of people in Japan have complained so far. How many students does Japan take in? Because FFXIV must be extraordinarily popular among that group then.

Also, one of your friends said earlier that a staffing agency in India was responsible for all of the negative comments, not the Philippines.
My femlala rankings are dead
My femlala did not survive the graphics update
I'm an ugly little slampig who is going to fanta off the race so femlalas like Sun Rosa and Hihimi can dominate uncontested while I figure out what I should be since my femlala of 6 years is now fucking ugly to look up due to the botched update
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So when do I say "to hell with this" and turn him into paste
they literally have this man in the execution pose right now
But I thought the tranny VA was the problem and that the game suddenly turns into a 11/10 once you change to JP?
I've only eaten two tacos since DT started. Alisaie's and Wuk's.
Honestly the motifs should be replaced with muses. Its just bloat.

It has way too many needless "Press this to unlock this but its a separate button"
Here we have it again guys, the coper, the toxic positivity, the "Don't criticize my coom game"

When even japs start talking negatively about it, you know it's bad. They never complain.
I wish I had one femra around right now~
parse trannies need to die
how do i get this thing
That’s the neat thing, you don’t. This isn’t your story
smackalicious my slizzla
closest thing to zyn we have readily available in the JewK is nordic spirits (vgh... trve aryan brand...)
fuark ye brudda
just you wait until my No Energy Drank 2024 is ogre, I had a total of 747 energy drinks last year (exactly 50 were Bangs, 49 at 3GBP, 1 at 4GBP (I bought it in Leicester Square)) and I expect to at least 1.5x it
AND hopefully I get my dexedrine prescription some time this/next year (NHS doodoo in certain fields)
I will become [myname]4 (eg. Joe2 become Joe3 after completing significant life upgrade)
CE dawntrail
The implication is that you'll frag him if Wuk loses which is why the WoL's reaction to the entire thing is just chilling and watching from the sidelines
You can see your own character in the solo instance
Ya it's still there. I'm rummaging through the 5ch threads through Google translate right now to finds more gems.
Someone really should explain to these people who we are.
It feels like you just wanted to throw EW a bone for the sake of seeming balanced, but nothing about EW was particularly good.
>town full of cowboys brutally mogged by autistic elf with a spear
Yep, kino is back.
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Well thank you anon for your well wishes at least <3

I hope things won't be difficult in your life as well! At least as little as possible, since life will sadly always be difficult in general.
I find it amusing how no one knows us and how strong we are or our friends with us
I just chuckle at it all
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a bunch of drama mongering grown men
let this be lesson for (you)
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is...that supposed to be how it's pronounced
also why did they make an npc so handsome
injecting into the game is how dalamud works
it's the official beta people are using
Did anyone actually like all the forced Krile shit? Who was this even for? God. This shit is so boring
>btw ur name is Maya
Why an entire quarter of the game for the garbage
No femra left to fuck, zero NPCs in the new world and the players are on suicide watch (more than usual)
Is this a good char hair?
>named grape
>has melons
Literally a gray skinned Gigachad
I wish we could just warn them in advance like "try it and I'll burn you and your army to the ground, continent and all."
oh no he's HOT
where get lvl 100 artifact gear
best way of powerleveling crafters and gatherers 91-100?
Im gonna save this. I know its gonna come in handy later.
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>Stop forcing me to watch an unskippable cutscene where literally nothing happens, I'll kill you
it's legit one of my favorite parts of the MSQ
EW had you being a fucking celebrity everywhere you went and you had stupid shit like letting the Satrap die because lalafell cucked us out of having actual animations
In DT the WoL has literally no stake in the conflict and nearly every dialogue option lets you be a smug cunt to everyone
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Seems more like they wrote the story then realized it was only 4 levels worth of content at most, there's so many single use npcs that get way too much attention that I struggle to care even when they go back to the relevant characters
>cowboy filler arc
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story might be bad, but this is kino
she doesnt even look bad
Do you ever take lewds of your Xaela? She’s pretty.
>solo instance
fuck me man, i hate these
they don't even let you rebind the buttons to something comfier
GC turn ins, turn in 1 HQ item for each class a day

In 10 days you'll be capped for the low cost of like 5 minutes a day's worth of work
So did they forget to explain how the fuck he survived being stabbed from behind in a cutscene and recovered without any wounds? Was that scene the victim of a main plot rewrite? Was he supposed to be a cyber zombie too at one point?
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Thank you anon, I’m glad you noticed
it's like a kid showing you their drawing and you pretend it's incredible
i'll hang his army up on the fridge, why not
leves and collectibles. You'll be done in a few hours.
there are two dalamud betas up currently:

betakey "empanadas" and betakind "apiX"
betakey "burrito" and betakind "stg"
I just want to be able to put my hand on their should and smirk
the first half of the msq is worse than doing beast tribe quests
>The implication is that you'll frag him if Wuk loses
More and more reason to neck him.
Im on their discord and didnt see anything posted about an official open beta
>our wol literally munches on gods for breakfast at this point
>have killed the fucking incarnations of light and darkness
>instead of giving us a new threat they instead say HEY SOFT RESET HAVE FUN DELIVERING JARS
what were they thinking? either end the game at endwalker or continue the endless power scaling like dbz
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He just got bonked, he didn't get stabbed
Zoraal Ja likes doing that
The story is even worse than you might think, I'm sorry.
>see guys look the Japs hate it too *posts cherry picked examples*
>also ignore that half of these posts read like they were straight up ripped from 4chan and badly translated to Japanese before being translated back into English
I don't get it. Why did they make my femlala ugly?
There's something seriously wrong with the anatomy on this
The WoL calling Bakool Ja Ja a coward and him getting PISSED was great
shale is my fucking wife
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>What you mean you want to like bring the world under one world government or-
>But we have peace right now what-
fuck off retard not everything needs to be a marvel movie
join me on alpha, light
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If I have to catch butterflies I'm going to melt
Erenville should plap Mablu
Sister... Your sharpening... My eyes hurt...
Neither works for me, no idea why. It's over.
You can audibly hear a slashing sound effect though.
>nigga is playing a mmo, on top of that, a final fantasy mmo, and thinks that spectacle and fighting larger than life threats isnt the modus operandi
kill yourself
Zoraal Ja had no logical reason to leave Ketenramm alive. If anything it probably contributed to his downfall.
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>called the "Gift of the Magi" twist in this sidequest long before it ever reached that point
So do nu-writers just expect the players to have never heard even the simplest of stories before? I know it's just a sidequest, but come on...
Everything's become too cosmic in scale, it's boring
is the latter bleeding edge or what? apiX seems pretty stable, and when i launched the game today it came with a whole "brand new update" splash, which it definitely didn't do yesterday
also i'm noticing the apiX branch got deleted from the github so maybe i'll check the other one out and see what's up
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You can visibly SEE him getting PUNCHED after the #2 lizard said PLEASE DO NOT KILL HIM
I know most people won't believe me but I played WoW at release and I called out TBC as being hot garbage.
you can also insult him by saying that you the scary adventurer wont do anything
one of the few times you can actually say something cool....
Didn't Zoraal Ja try to kill him though? I remember Ketenramm saying "if it were anyone but me he might've succeeded."
The writers clearly looked at Endwalker's philosophy of
>suffering and strife is required in order for life to have any meaning
and said
>yeah no that's bullshit
They couldn't end the game at endwalker, its their only solid revenue stream
I know, it's too much but I like it.
did you miss how everyone shits their pants the moment the WoL looks their way
We are talking about Ketenramm
Zorall Ja failed to kill him, why? idk
I was referring to Ketenramm's "assassination".
yeah nah sorry one of the main things people were bitching about at EW release is how they couldn't escalate further without it being beyond retarded
Nobody wants to play DT with my ugly femlala
Meowdy, partner.
>it's boring
>its clapbait
hope you like watching wuk lamat play pretend naruto while trading jars for shekels for 50 hours instead because thats exactly why i play a final fantasy game
>or continue the endless power scaling like dbz
please stop posting
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>Zoraal Ja wins
>you immediately assassinate him
>Tural still needs a new king
>expansion restarts
you likely need to nuke your config, some other anons mentioned they had luck with that, backup your old just in case
staging will be their "private" beta, apiX was for plugin devs to get early access
I believe you and you were right. TBC was hot garbage. They did Kael so dirty.
unironically yes i would rather have menial MMO bullshit than more retarded anime garbage like Elpis
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Character and song?
i definitely feel like my femroe lost..
Show her sis
Post your rare Wuks
Here you go bro
This was me at the start of the expac but I grew to dislike it by the midpoint
Then the WoL becomes king.
she ugly
And who’s responsible for that, the Indians or the Filipinos?
>retarded anime garbage
where do you think you are? what game do you think youre playing?
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I skipped the previous posts, deliberately
male midlanders
Then the writer is a brainlet who didn't understand that the whole point of the EW ending was Zenos and you dabbing on the nihilist bird.
EW had a hedonist philosophy.
froth+ ing this grape...
I bet shes mega cute
Same shit
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You know...
its probably a good thing we didn't go here for the expansion...
I think that would have been genuinely funny if the opening bit was some warmonger about to take the throne and you just instantly delete him before the rite of succession actually starts.
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Why are Filipinos brought up in this topic?
>crafter meetup was removed from the OP
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This bothered me at first for the same reason, but then I realized the WoL's whole mood for this expansion is "I could kill you instantly, but lucky for you I'm on vacation."
It went from joseikino to shounenslop.
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Final Fantasy XIV
Not the assrape of this game to appeal to normalfags, but the actual Final Fantasy XIV I started with a decade ago
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My femra looks older which reminds me that I look older which reminds me I soon have to kms............................
>best story
>best storytelling
>best area design
>best music
>best combat design
>best sense of adventure
>best characters
Your femra looks autistic
I kinda hope we put it off still. I want a snow expansion finally.
》 ReSanctuary updated to v1.4.0.0.
》 Sonar updated to v0.6.4.3.
》 Emote log updated to v1.1.3.0.
》 Hunt Helper updated to v1.0.0.19.
》 Market board updated to v1.6.0.0.
dumb hag lizard
>south tural is full of authentic and lovingly crafted homages to indigenous south american cultures like the mayans and incans and aztecs and so on
>north tural is home to fucking cowboys and oil barons
that was a choice
raping this autistic hagra
>>best characters
And by this I mean the azim steppes
My femlala is literally Queen Sphene
You reminded me that the final battle was literally on Shinryu's back after Zenos opened a dimensional gap to let him in. Fuck, that was cool as shit.
does she like miera
>retarded anime garbage
anon you are playing an anime game where grown ass men can larp as catgirls in maidsuits while posting on an anime website where everybody pretends they arent the former.

im not the person you replied to but lets not pretend this is something it isnt
That's why I haven't really been bothered too much about it, I know I'm still the WoL. The game still knows I'm the WoL.
>>north tural is home to fucking cowboys and oil barons
Burger here, this is EXACTLY how I want my culture represented
You can't keep doing this man.
You can't just keep evading admissions of a honest mistake by masking them with a veil of ironic humor. It's not healthy.
america....LE BAD!!!!
brazil...le GOOD??
How do I check my character’s appearance data. If I use a Fantasia but don’t do anything would that work, without consuming or?
*and by this I mean the namazu
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He's literally me
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Never forget CLG
last zone spoilers
Why the fuck are these big important terminals that completely turn off/kill the endless in that quarter of the city TOTALLY unguarded just because the main terminal is doing some big update?????
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>》 Sonar updated to v0.6.4.3.
Ayy thanks bro now we're in business
SHB has better music than DT so far
literally no one said this you dumb nigger
Umm, sis, that's imperialism and it is NOT ok.
Damn right
Luv me namazu
I thought I was going to have a fun little beach vacation and venture around in the New World... instead I got raped my Shaaloani Mieras and turned into their outlaw gang's sex slave.
>north tural is home to fucking cowboys and oil barons
That's based though.
Are any of the new DT beast tribes good for xp like fairies?
Endwalker should've massively nerfed the WoL.

Yeah, I know the blessing of light is gone now that Hydaelyn is dead. We're still like 75% of the way there to being an Ancient after all those rejoinings. Instead of wishing the scions back to life in Ultima Thule with dynamis, we should've had to burn up a shitload of our soul to use as fuel. Make the WoL 30% of an Ancient. Still stronger than a bandit, but you're gonna get your shit pushed in by a full power primal.
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Made her look like me(2019)........
Now she looks like me(2024).......
if the solo duty has you playing as a character who is a job you already have unlocked, they should just GIVE you your own fucking keybinds
for fuck's sake they put my gapcloser on 5. what kind of psycho shit is that
go to the char selection, back up char data, make new char or retainer and load that data
or ploguine
Does anyone actually pay attention to the story? The power levels in Endwalker really aren't that high.
Welcome to the streets, bitch
Fiddie, femra, or femezen post?
At what MSQ quest level do you reach S9?
The Namazu really are the best tribe they've ever made.
it's just fucking weird when you've got aztecs and incans and stone age motherfuckers who don't even understand metallurgy right next to the fucking wild west with garlean-tier tech
damn (you) must be cute
Ok ty
98 or 99
>they really just gave us a one piece filler arc and called it an expansion
They should at least let you move the binds around
I do not care.
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They're not out yet
This is genuinely one of the best parts about the game. Like, Endsinger flew straight in a direction, was unlucky, and concluded everything was fucked. It's a lot smaller than it feels.
Wait til you learn about General Custard and his conquests
That's also an authentic and lovingly crafted homage
It's exactly how Americans see themselves. They even copied the most stereotypical spaghetti western speech patterns with the corrupt "gentleman" having the same drawl as everyone else but randomly injecting fancy words into his sentences to sound smart.
i mean you have the huge wall and gate that you need the dawnservants special privilege pass to pass right?
the savages are gatekept....
you are one blind retard
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Were not really gonna keep letting have their soul recycling system are we? that shit is unsustainable
Its why i dont get why people are so mad about the "Im not the focus!" thing. The WoL is clearly just having fun hiding their power level. For me it was the scene when you're saving Wuk and they just walk up to them with a "fuck around and find out" attitude to them, not just from how strong they are but also cause they know that Thancred has this as well.
why the fuck did they leave the last zone like that
Dalamud has fallen, Eula.
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Take a guess!
Erenville's mom is a milf wtf
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She wants me...
>Its why i dont get why people are so mad about the "Im not the focus!" thing. The WoL is clearly just having fun hiding their power level.
because it would be a fun gag for a couple of hours but instead they stretched it out over the course of a 50 hour expansion story where fucking nothing happens anyways
100%. also, that anon is a fucking retard. the only thing SB did well was underwater swimming shit, dungeons, and not-japan
i will fuck your femlala
>The power levels in Endwalker really aren't that high.
There's a bird girl at the edge of the universe singing a song that will make all life die. She throws planets at you when you fight her. Hydaelyn is, for all intents and purposes, God. She gives Zenos like 12,000 years worth of accumulated aether. You have a stone in your pocket that holds the memories of one of the most powerful beings to ever live, and it lets you perform magic no one else on the planet can perform. They specifically introduced a new asspull form of magic that lets you reshape reality to your will and revive the dead.

What fucking game did you play?
Bros I see so much porn scenario potential with the clone slimes from the first dungeon
???? you're using it right there
From my understanding I thought the person who wrote Endlwaker and previous expansions left the team to work in another sector at Square and that DT was someone else?
being white is defending a story based game that delivers a terrible rehashed story that costs a full price game which comes with a subscription and wait for four more months to have actual gameplay content

if i were white, i'd like to invest my skin color on something more meaningful, but thats just me
the bird girl and hydaelyn both lose to cock, so how powerful could they really be?
>south tural
its also home to tiny jews that live in peru and have to actually work for a living
it has been said in this thread already ctrl+f
Being white is playing as a rava fiera
How do you nuke your config file properly?
i liked that part as well. it was one of the few moments i actually did enjoy lol
the hroth hostage part just irked me because he's a sweet old man who didn't do nothin and the situation was getting really dicey. if ever there were a moment to go mask-off, i think it would've been then. especially since wuk's previous altercation with the 2-header dude ended very poorly and it's not like she had a training arc to improve or anything; she just sort of beats him this time, despite jobbing to him last time they fought like 2 days ago/spoiler]
God I love black ass so much bros I love my Rava
the inhabitants have no innate aether to access or do anything with. everyone there is mentally forced and unable to deactivate. the sphere proctects from outside. they're safe... aS LONG AS NO ONE COMES THROUGH THAT DIMENSIONAL PORTAL!!!! THAT'S RIGHT SMACK DAB IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WHOLE PLACE!!!
Anons got a point
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The better question is, how powerful is your cock?
The canon wol is a female veena though
This shit really should be in the OP copy/paste by now.
hit ctrl-f and write "beta" until you see the key
put it in the dalamud config file
both my friends got the vali wings on first kill after I carried them to kffs
polly chill out
Actually, that's a good question.
How strong is the WoL anymore we must be pretty mid by DT right?
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im having a good time bros and the content is fun dawntrail is looking good
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ratposting tiem?
ratposting tiem
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>Emet-Selch came to this no fun place. Is he an idiot?
Physically the strongest person on the planet
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I logged in
>viper is too easy
It's actually harder than any other melee job in content. I've cleared both extremes so far, and I've never had to focus so hard to play my job properly while doing mechanics.
Capybara acquired
moonie feats
My femlala would never lost to cock......
but the DT graphics update guarantees nobody will ever dick her down ever again
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Hello Zoraal Ja you love femras dont you?
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$12 a month btw with no refunds on maintenance
i just want to forget
an amazing dedd
Sloppy rimjob to male ass while reaching around to jerk him off at the same time while saliva drips down your chin and chest and all over his taint and balls and you make loud moaning noises as his anus twitches against your face and he cums so hard his legs go weak.
must be a duneslut post because plainsfolk femlalas won extremely hard
Barry fucking won holy Yawnfail
Unironically WHAT is good about Dawntrail?
I just got out of a 500 man hunt train and its so fucking soulless and boring
wgats the point of all this? THis sucks
>How strong is the WoL
either one fourth or one eighth of whatever boss he's fighting
why does everyone have a hank hill ass with the 2b bottoms now
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thoughts on this catgirl i found
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I loose to no one Except Bunnygirls
>MSQ where they make my female highlander stalk a literal child through ruins
bit on the nose isn't it
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IMMEDIATE sex with this femlala
Brother, when will they let us have the afro hair on vieras?
Not as nice as a femhroth, but she'll suffice.
>complaining about 80 cents of lost sub time
Hello gacha player.
i'm pretty sure you're quite loose
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thoughts on this catgirl i found
plainsbitches are the ones crying
Post Baby Mamool Ja
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>Just want a NPC or canon woman in-game to be only attracted, make it clear they're attracted to female WoL
>WoL still cucked af, couldn't do anything with Y'sholta who now is chasing after her slut bear from The Second and Wuk is to young/only has a singular braincell or is asexual
>Can't even make advances on any of the cute woman you see in DT or in the class quests with that adorable hairpin charm
Why tf do they cuck our WoL so hard
my wol canonically raped every single femlala endless before deleting their existences permanently
they broke those leggings once before
people were fucking pissed iirc
how did you get this?
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the jp are next level
my retarded wife
>the goddamned dalaran bubble
how has blizzard not sued square in all these years
im logging in and ordering wendys, beware
I'm currently eating empanadas. Why are burritos better?
>Wuk Lamat: Stop! I don't want to fight you!
Holy fuck what a terrible voice actor.
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>Pvp fags crying their blacklist can't stop them from being matched against better players.
It's over for CC fags
The tranny cat makes advances on you, though.
japs love NTR
i dont remember making this post
There's a world boss fate in the Texas zone that drops the item for it, then you exchange it in Solution Nine.
your personality is awful and your art is db tier
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the 97 dungeon drops them, really easy farm because it's a levelling dungeon. I'm in love with the fact that we finally get some fucking ear support as viera.
can't believe blizzard invented black spheres
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It is time for universal basic soul income!
Erotic pic
I switched to JP voices right after the boat scene, which was like the 2nd cutscene of the expansion. If you didn't do the same, you are purposely torturing yourself with tranny voice
i love cutenoses so much it's unreal
>pictomancer sucks
>viper isnt corsair
>dawntrails story is just a naruto episode that we dont even participate in
>when they said it would be arr 2.0 they meant that it would be 90% fetch quests
how did they flop so hard? im struggling to even stay tabbed into the fucking game
>works on viera
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Crushing this grape with my feet until she wines...
please laugh
I don't recall any? If there are I must have missed them because I would sit on her face so fast and rub my cunt on her like no bitches business
Nevermind this expansion stinks.
not the point i was trying to make, but go off
Endsinger is a big universe ending threat because of a gimmick not because she's strong.
The Hydaelyn and Zodiark you fight are shades of their former selves.
this but for my male Hrothgar
tacos and burritos

that’s it that’s the entirety of cuisine in South America
delete the config in %appdata%\XIVLauncher\dalamudConfig.json and run the game with dalamud, close and put in key
japs love all sorts of degenerate shit except yuri
because like you gotta draw the line somewhere right
Do you think the casting was a stumble by Square Enix or a sign of things to come?
>blacklist still shows you their messages
>they can chat spam with marks still
>they can spam quick chat while blacklisted
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>I don't recall any?
After Uroqpacha when she invades your bungalow.
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Hold on a fuckin' second Tone'. How'd those fuckin' ancients hear a sound comin' from space?
where did you get this picture of me from?
My furry wife...

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Are the blm changes really going to improve the class for anyone? I can't imagine someone who didn't like the job before wanting to play it now. The MP changes literally just shit on the entrenched playerbase and do nothing to fix the real problems for those looking to get into it; levelling is even worse now. What the fuck
Who wrote the story for this expansion?
I know ishikawa is gone but who replaced her
burritos is the "private" testing beta that has a lot more plugins working on it
Oh that? I didn't see it as making advances on us, she just admires us, if it was more there'd be far more maybe even blushing or physical contact and outside of holding her hand because she scared of heights there's nothing.
the guy who wrote 4.4, 5.1 and the bard quest
yes, thats it
fair enough, i didn't think about the fact they just can't interact with them. I guess the portal defenses being non-existent is the far bigger question. Especially since people in the past used it to hide the key away from them so there's already a history of it being used when they don't want it but still didn't put a fucking defense force of the robots or something
None of this woudlve happened if Ilberd fucking Alphinaud's tight ass. and forgot Ala Mhigo

think about that
Sorry nobody cares about your weird cultural delicacies like chunks of moldy corn.
yup. very cool feature
at least showing 'unknown' makes it obvious it's a player i don't want to deal with since i often forget names/what characters look like, but that doesn't do much overall if it still shows everything else in the match
Alisaie does not have a crush on the WoL anymore. Notice how she's only calling G'raha by his short name now? Notice how they are always together? Yeah.
>Hydaelyn is, for all intents and purposes, God.
This is wrong both inside and outside of the game. You're correct about everything else, of course.
imagine if the city leaders didn't give a massive military force run by a literal teenager with no military or political background free reign.
Which bard questline? ARR bard was kino, I refuse to believe its the same person.
You liars there is a 6th zone
Ilberd couldn't resist that pale bussy
can't you report this?
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>speak to woke shitmat
Nah i'm good, *skips*
it was a massive downgrade, thunder being 1 cast on specific trigger sucks
no ice pradox sucks
mp restoration sucks
flare star forcing 6 f4/2 flare sucks
aoe changes suck
thanks for putting a spoiler tag
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always is
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with Latinx it’s just meat, beans and tortilla
>oh but this time the tortilla is flour
>oh but this time the tortilla is fried
>oh but this time the tortilla is corn
>oh but this time we put cheese in it
Jfc it’s one dish
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Is that pink haired translator a tranny, or just excessively LGBT coded? This was clearly a decision spearheaded by the pink haired alphabet person. It's also possible that SE received DEI/ESG funding for including both a trans-coded furry race and making the token trans-coded furry expansion character voiced by an actual tranny. This was a stumble, for sure, but it was a purposeful stumble, though it's unclear who made the decision or why, because the WEF cabal (BlackRock et al) have not disclosed the exact details of their grand plan, they have only said that they are forcing it on people in the form of either being denied or being given increased funding.

Is it a sign of things to come? Also uncertain. Dylan Mulvaney killed Anheuser-Busch, so the frogs being boiled alive are capable of realizing what is happening to them. Is the XIV community one of these frogs? Only time will tell.
I will keep Living Memory the way it is by not finishing the MSQ
>The MP changes literally just shit on the entrenched playerbase and do nothing to fix the real problems for those looking to get into it; levelling is even worse now
Explain why the MP changes are bad.
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There always is, saying there's only 5 would've been more spoilery
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>It's just 80 cents!
There's probably at least 10-20 days worth of maintenance downtime per year at least cumulatively. That's enough to pay for a shit ton of mog station items, almost a whole month.
To put it in Fat MMO player language, that's about your 12 dollar fat food dinner you have per day.
You are pic related. You are the problem with modern consumerism.
the reeds storyline does show that they are kinda retarded
if I do this to yours can you call mine names
Yeah, where are my extra barrels, boxes etc that I won't even notice anyway!
They got away with the absolutely horrendous performances during the EW patch content, why would they bother to improve?
She is "asexual". Take what you will from that information when women say shit like that with rainbow colored hair.
Take your meds anon
My femlala WoL wouldn't lose...
Because you’ve been saying that those are the complainers. Right? Or is that just Ndja Bosco, who you hate?
>$12 a year
What's your native country?
i think you should explain why the mp change is good instead
to be fair his team helped avert multiple walking natural disasters that would’ve wiped out several thousands of people and their cities if they were left unchecked. To afford him some FEMA-like agency levels of power sense
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yeah, it seems like an absolute meena victory, AGAIN.
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>Hroths are trans-coded
What is this nigga waffling about?
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This but sincerely.
Thanks bro
Its absolutely dangerhair's fault.
can't believe this poster is a faggot
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Can we get a shard with no lalafell? Actually can we get a shard with only Au Ra and it's pic related?
You just know those grown men enlisted in the crystal braves because they wanted to be closer to Alphinaud. Just getting a whiff of his scent when he walked by them was enough.
probably, but i'll let him have his free meltie over a quick pubstomp
i didn't save the scoreboard but if i recall we all played like shit
god forbid i'm on day three and a half of learning a brand new job in pvp (vpr)
You have bigger problems in life if like 10 bucks a year is that much of a deal breaker for you. I'm sorry but you are just an actual poorfag. You shouldn't even be posting online if you're that poor.
>tfw he and alisaie share perfume
Fiddies and middies should
>person that uses Latinx is adverse to southern American food
i wish someone would post the liveletter slides where they show his credentials. i've been looking but cant find them
that other anon is right though. it's a guy who did a bunch of in between stories that most people probably skipped or found rather forgettable. this man's never been in charge of a .0 or a .3. always a .1 or a .4
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You poor incel
but all 3 of the city leaders are female..?
for the love of god
TextAdvance please
Good mornyan, Dawntrail has a pretty great MSQ
>This but sincerely.
As much as it may sound like schizo babble, I am being completely sincere. Conspiracy theories nowadays are usually just the truth. We live in clown world, and the true reality is just schizophrenic.
this. it'll be low-effort slop until JP players throw a big enough tantrum for them to give a shit, then it'll be GOMMENASAI /dogeza
>blacklisted asshole still harrasses you with chat spam
Why not report them at that point?
Not being beholden to the atrocious server tick is the best change they ever made.
fiddies only like dogs and middies are pedos
starting to think that pvp viper is just bard except it doesn't actually do anything useful (i.e. is overly dependent on team comp and coordination to succeed)
ironic, since i'm a bard main
You care about money, therefore you are poor or a minority. Gotcha! Yep, I’m thinking Dawntrail is still the best MMO expansion of all time.
hey! fiddies aren't into bestiality.
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it doesn't generate a new config file when i boot the game
(i backed up the old one)
>These people I work with told me it won't work in their language
>But I forced them to do it anyway
>Teehee, compromise means I get my way and the people below me on the totem pole pretend to agree with me
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I hate server ticks so much. get out of an aoe with good timing? NOPE YOURE STILL IN IT DESPITE ZERO LAG KEKEKEKE FUCK YOU ENJOY A VUL STACK YOU DIDN'T EARN. slidecast less-than-optimally? neverfuckingpunished.jpg
There's a difference between caring about money and being a fucking miser. Complaining about losing out on 40 cents worth of sub time per maintenance is on the level of Ebeneezer Scrooge and he was an actual caricature.
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did you jerk off the teenage catboy
I now love Dawntrail. Thank you Miau Miau!
>The Industrial society and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
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Post Estiniens
My EB has that covered but I can call you good for your impeccable taste regardless.
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Did we win?
make sweet sweet love
Thoughts on Koana?
Thoughts on onyx black rava miera?
>empanadas works fine
>switch to burrito
>dalamud doesn't even come up anymore
ummm what?
I don't think I've seen a single Hrothgirl player in game yet
Why are you in SCH gear? I thought we were on strike sis. Are you a role traitor?
>...Your silence says it all.
alright i laughed
femras lost bigly
>the beast tribes are just misunderstood
>helping refugees is a good thing
>garleans are objectively evil because they're authoritarian and want to erase cultures...but we should still treat them with kindness anyway!
no one has any problem with this
>character talks about tacos and uses the word "diversity" once
He's actually having a melty because normal people don't care about literal pocket change.
moonies won
they fucking
i lose to fiera every time bros
>House cleaner
I will never understand this. Having some random minimum wage person coming to my house and going around freely is the last thing I want.
>20 for internet
must have shit internet
see >>484278181
i'm just trying to learn my new main, it's not the worth the hassle currently
if he does it again (it's the third time i've played with him since the weekend already), i probably will
can someone make 'jak edits of zoraal ja and wuk lamat
ive seen a bunch of them on aether
He's cute and nyot retarded and was able to identify his short comings without going crazy like blue lizard. He also showed up at my room one time

I did everything with trusts up until the finyal trial. and then I did the level 100 dungeons as healer because people said they were fun....and they were kinda fun....and and...maybe I should delay a full healer strike until nyext expansion.....
I'd unironically kill someone for $825 rent.
I very much had a problem with inhuman beasttribes (except the namazu) and not leaving the garleans to freeze to death
>5 hairstyles
same. seen a couple cute ones with big man shoulders because square was like 'we dont care'
$30/month for a maid
damn why is this guys bills so cheap
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this should have been bjj
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Lmao the cope of "it's just $10", amazing levels of retardation.
Imagine getting away with $10 from 500,000 people. Now I get why company's rip you idiots off.
Based it's hilarous how bad and loose people are with their finances..
"It's ok. Charge me extra" "it's just (dollars here)" "what aren't you on with your downtimes?? I am therefore .. you should be!" Lol, lmao
they didn't even know about the portal used in past either, somehow. it's documented as "the key dissapeared! we don't know where it went. :(" in the Milala history area.
>Having some random minimum wage person coming to my house and going around freely is the last thing I want.
I feel guilty even ordering at a restaurant.

The idea of paying someone to do something I could easily do myself makes me uneasy. It's almost like slavery.
Imagine the smex.
Why do you spend your entire day shitposting about a game that you don't even play? Who is paying you to do this?
2 of which on face 4 have massive baldspots in front of ear
Not him. But probably you do since you can keep track of and are ok with losing $10 randomly
I don't even know why people are upset.
The Square Enix Team and Yoshi P behind FFXIV hate niggers and anyone remotely dark skinned, if it wasn't obvious before anyone who's darker than white tan is turned into a Beast Tribesman and they are *extremely* hideous looking.
All the lizards in Dawntrail are violent, low-IQ, big lipped and dress in African clothing

And if you haven't noticed already none of the 12 are niggers, none of the beautiful people are niggers, everyone are white or asian

Again, this is one of the last games in our generation that hasn't fallen fully to the diversity trope
it would be nice if we got like $1 of mogstation credit for every maintenance
Not really my point, I just don't want some rando going over my things. The chance of them stealing shit isn't 100%, but it's not 0% either.
>The idea of paying someone to do something I could easily do
That's literally what money is for. You could do everything by yourself, go off the grid and be self sufficient, but it is nice to be able to just swipe your credit card and receive a product instead of wasting all your time right? If you do any kind of work you are doing the same exact thing, but perhaps you just get paid more.
This is my first post in this conversation. You're also the same shitposter you're just samefagging.
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trust the foray
>25-year old
>$100k a year
>$825 rent
Luckily we have dynamis to handwave away all that nerd shit, you just gotta believe and smash that LB
But we didn't. Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, and a shit ton of weirdly named towns are all westernized versions of the indian names.
>Estinien is the one who got to have an adventure
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