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>Latest patch

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Elden Ring sucks
Would playing through the dlc with the sekiro deflect mod improve the experience?
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post your motherfuckers
Marika's breast milk
We already have that at home it’s a physick tear
Are throwing daggers/kukris any good for some basic range damage in PVE? Don't want to use magic and don't want to go crossbow/bow since I dislike weapon switching
Not expecting as good as magic but just something to do dps while the enemy stands still waiting to rape me if I go in melee
yea its dumb. even DS2 and 3 thought to spoil you with all sorts of loot, yet here theh though smithing stones and mushrooms would do you good wth.
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I can't stand the single use and time limit that come with the physick
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Light of Miquella because it's the only description that says how amazing (you) are.
The various throwing knives/darts are very good, yes. Just stick to using the ones that scale with your given stat if you want damage from them. Otherwise they are good for keeping an enemy's stance from regenerating at range.
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Novelty is wearing off but this is a really fun spell.
Five minutes is longer than any boss fight in the game, it's fine. Though I will wait for mods to make it the default.
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Imagine Allant designed by modern From Software
>it potentially referring to Radahn
We even got cucked out of an item description.
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Light Greatswords being shit is From's greatest sin.
nothing worse than getting styled on by default knight armor, bless.
>refuse to be embraced
>is literally being embraced in phase 2
He'd soul suck you more often but it'd also just kill you instead of draining levels.
does dlc now imply that godwyn was originally going to be used for radahns body but ranni screwed that up for miquella?
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I am the lord of ALL that is golden
Those were some good webms anon.
I enjoyed it.
Can't do much refusing once you get put into a puppet body controlled by your gay brother now can you
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>remember this handsome mother fucker?
>taught us to be nice and friendly to each other
>to help one another
>to cooperate in a jolly manner?
>now we spit on his memory
>saying we didn't win if we had help
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DS3>Bloodborne>Elden ring
Already pretty deep into dlc and loving the Milady as my go to back up weapon. Question is, what ash of war would fit it best. Im 60/60 dex/faith so maybe Sacred blade and sacred infusion? Or good old spinny slash keen and lightning buff?
Any other ashes of war you feel like are standout in the dlc that are worth a try on it?
Light Greatswords & martial arts need to become permanent weapon type fixtures.
Sounds about right
The Elden Ring sucks my dick everynight
Full ARC for better communion and bleed faggotry or STR/ARC split for weapons like Marais or Meteoric Greatsword or Mohg's Spear or probably some other weapons, too?
On a dragon communion character
Godwyn was already dead and rotten by the time Miquella came up with the plan to put his needle in oni-san's butt.
Rellana is an okay character
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When was the last time a fromsoft souls game had a major/required boss without a second phase?
wing stance is great use that

but if you really wanna use something else
use blinkbolt
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Since i can't have leda for myself, i will fucking murder every npc, kill miquella and crush the erdtree with no survivors
Gehrman and Moon Presence if we're talking about final bosses
God I miss when Souls games actually had teeth.
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me and my girlfriend :)
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One of two incoming DLCSLOPPA outfit collages
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i think I picked the absolute worst boss to practice instant guard on. I basically beat him my third attempt but let myself die because I wasn't recording so I figured I may as well try to practice doing instant guard against him. I might have been bad with it but I ate shit like 15 times before I gave up trying to instant guard. Maybe he dead angles a lot of his attacks? Well whatever, got through after I stopped trying to guard much. i still don't understand the hitbox of the charge because it seems to linger close to him if he stops short at the wall
Modern From boss design has been a steady increase in quality over their previous bosses.
This is a standard of case of "old good, new bad."
Do you have to recollect all the map pieces and bell bearings in NG+?
I miss runbacks
You think Elden Beast flying everywhere was an improvement?
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save leda
>tfw there's nobody in the world who could satisfy this semen demon so she just married herself
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why yes, i love the prison top because when female tarnished wear it and run, you can see their lewd barely revealed peeking ass cheeks
no for map pieces
don't know about bell bearings but i'd assume you do
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>Modern From boss design has been a steady increase in quality
Fromsoft should just add tasteful nudity
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And two, now I'm off to try and make the twinned mask work with the golden order greatsword.
I'm just going to remove Radahn's summon totem from my multiplayer list. Its just not fucking fun to fight that dipshit even with other people, i seriously think the best way to get rid of him is to just use a summon since that way you don't increase his already absurd health bar
Yes and you lose all the runes you’re holding too.
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stop posting my mother in such scandalous attire
The only time I want to see a new healthbar is when the setting changes like Renalla
yes and yes but they should just rename "light greatswords" to "longswords" as the nature intended
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I'm at blessing level (17). Will trying to get to 19 or 20 make any difference fighting Radahn or Bayle?
also wondering this
Imagine how sad Ranni was when she returned to the academy, and her mother no longer remembers her.

— ‘Cap worn by young academy scholars, the juveniles birthed anew by the amber egg of Queen Rennala, the head of Raya Lucaria Academy.’
—‘Yet their rebirth is not without imperfections, and thus do they repeat the process, eventually becoming utterly dependent upon it.’
—‘Rebirth is as sleep to them, and with each awakening, memory fades into oblivion.’

It is likely Rennala finally cracked when she heard her daughter suicided.

Obliterating yourself as a form of cope…
I hope that when the Elden Ring IP is eventually revisited it's a remake instead of a direct sequel. The DLC is an unacceptable inclusion narratively, and just reeks of limpdick boomers wanting to move onto their next project. The additions to Miquella's story in particular are so abhorrent that I view the DLC as a whole as a derivative fanwork. I pray when the time comes for another entry they realize their folly and revisit what they got wrong about Miquella. Beginning with understanding he planned for the Tarnished's arrival and set aside many of his personal belongings to aid their journey.
>Kill Leda
>Grab her soul
>Shove it in the body of another ,lesser dead girl like Fia
>Melt from 108 different strains of AIDS the moment you shove your dick inside her
Also she will propably be a husk instead of a real murderwife
Technically and mechanically, yes. In terms of encounter design and means of hindering the player beyond 'its a hard fight', its been a steady decline since DeS.
So why does Messmer's name not fit the same convention as the other Radagon/Marika children?
I think Mohg, Godfrey/Hoarah Loux and Radagon more than make up for it.
we already have a straight sword called longsword
It starts with M good enough
Marika saw the snakes and thought it would be funny to add hissing to his name
Daughter suicided
Son eaten by snake
Other son alive but insane and eternally rotting
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if you insist
The only boss in this game that has a narrative quality told through its boss mechanics is the Scadutree Avatar.
Rennala probably actually truly became mindbroken when Ranni an hero'd.
the greatsword in this game is a colossal sword
Yeah ik and they should name it something else in their next game. Arming sword or something
meant for
literally all of them are worse than the likes of friede and gael
Did a blasphemous blade build to help me through the dlc. It’s a lot easier now
I hate doing new runs in Elden ring because it takes forever to grab stuff and fuck NG+. Wish I could fight previous bosses like godrick without having to restart. Or help people at lower levels fight early bosses. They could just scale down your specs depending on the host’s level
they name shit pretty retardedly, one day i hope i get to use European Katana
it's like 5% per level
sure it will help, but that's not really the kind of difference that will save you if you're getting your ass handed to you
also Bayle ought to be easy at that level
What does this mean? You think Sif is a deep boss fight because he limps at the end?
>They could just scale down your specs depending on the host’s level
From fucking sucks at scaling.
Nioh 2 > LoP > DS3 > BB > DS1 > Elden Ring > Sekiro > manure > DS2
Is it just me or is it actually physically impossible to avoid the second hit on Radahn's one, two, cross combo? Like do you need to block at that one?
I sometimes forget how silly these games are, remembering bosses like Sif.
Why is the guy's title "Lord of Frenzied Flame" if he has no claim to lordship?
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I have four
i don't understand why my elden ring screenshot are so low res
so good, best one i've seen in a while, looks like one of these saint relic
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has anyone ever used these things?
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Shut up Messmer
always roll behind him
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currently doing a dryleaf run.
Nobody cares Messmer you faggot go fuck Rellana already.
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Love Ranni's outer god moon pussy
>there's two different larval tears
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It's technically possible but absurdly difficult.
There are two methods:
A frame-perfect early roll right on the first swing will give you Just enough time to roll the second
By sprinting to the right around him in a circle, you can position yourself such that the first hit whiffs without dodging and thus you only need to roll the 2nd.

Otherwise you need to block it or use an evasion ash of war.
>deep boss
No. I mean to begin with you clearly already define "deep" as something bad just because it's a meme word for you, so you clearly are bias as is.
But it's not anything deep. It's just a good narrative battle. Boss gets weaker towards the end, it displays in it's moves and behavior. Nothing that fancy, but it makes the battle seem realer and more engaging.
Yeah, not sure why. They have the same description and everything. The only actual difference is you get the Land of Shadow ones from random grave circles that only appear at night.
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ah yes
I use the Crucible Wings ash on it. Fits my holy paladin larp really well.
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Here's my schizophrenic rework of the combat to make me actually like From's simple ass combat.

Remap attacking to the face buttons (X for light, Y for heavy on Xbox)
L1 now serves as a gating button. When you press it, your Light and Heavy switch to your off hand instead. This means you could theoretically get your full moveset on your off hand too.
RT is now your block. The new tear is always active. Yes you always have Sekiro parry, fuck you.
Dodge is replaced by quick step. Double tap dodge to get the full roll.
LT is the special action button. You can use L1 and LT to get your special action from your off hand too.
Instead of a singular Ash of War, each weapon gets a series of slots for special actions. You can then place certain ashes of war in those slots to perform them. For example, Greatswords could get a special action after Sekiro parrying and you can perform your ash only after a succeful parry. Each weapon class would get different slots, thus incentivizing different playstyles for each weapon.
Spells get condensed into "spell weapons." Instead of Glintstone, Big Glintstone, Tracking Glintstone, Scatter Glintstone, etc. etc., these are all "light and heavy" attacks of the same spell.

why am I posting this? It's a holiday, I'm in the middle of nowhere camping with the family and I'm bored. I'm also never gonna have the resources to make my dream game because I don't know shit about programming so I hope someone some day steals my stupid ideas and makes my dream game.
>Roderika chooses to die too
I bought armored core 6 because I'm sick of hunting for skibidi
I've used a couple so that I can have dozens of upgraded weapons with the ashes/infusions I like.
you don't understand my pain
>Marika was afraid of Messmer's big fat trouser snake
What did they mean by that?
Have you heard of our lord and saviour Nioh 2?
I used them for my flame art build where I only use flaming strike and sacred blade
your deflects you mean? yeah you were too close
Respec with one of the DLC Larval Tears, then stand in one of those circles.
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imagine marika giving birth to messmer and his snakes...
can you not jump radahns earth aoe stuff? wtf
so just because it's a hassle to swap em around or did you powerstanfe them?
>Dodge is replaced by quick step. Double tap dodge to get the full roll.
This is a terrible idea with how delayed inputs are in souls
Mapping two actions to the same button is the reason we even have the issues with dodging.
I want every soulsborne to copy nioh instead of from's shit ass R1 spam combat
Seek pharmaceutical supplements.
no and no (added in a patch). your map markers also stay.
>tfw the Coffin-ships in Cerulean coast made me realize all the coffins in Elden Ring are ACTUALLY magical numen transports and that's why you lay in them to move to new areas
>the base game's transport coffins all connect you to Deeproot Depths because the Nameless Eternal City was the former Numen capital, it was a fucking public transit system
I'll take more mechanically engaging bosses over minor narrative changes occurring during the fight.
And I disagree with your assertion that scadu avatar is the only one who displays this. Godfrey changing his fighting style halfway through the fight is narratively important while still being a more interesting fight.
Bosses getting stronger as they fight is more appealing to me than ones that get weaker.
they were ok in previous games but ER bosses are too evil for this shit.
Someone post the scribeanon link
Yeah juggling 3-4 ashes across 20 weapons is cancer when you can instead just dupe ashes and keep all 20 infused and available at all times.
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I don't nor do I care to find out
The cute Carian princess cares though. Go talk to her faggot.
for dual cragblade, dual seppuku, and No Skill
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Look at this stupid nigger and laugh
Respeccing should be free
If you look at Messmer naked in the files he has snakes coming out of his chest and stomach and back and shit. He is also twisted and asymmetrical as hell.

> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1qK49zltOB8&pp=ygUMTWVzc21lciBza2lu

What did Rellana see in him? Did she only see his pretty face and nothing else?

Imagine her shock, having sex with him,
and some curious snake pokes out of his belly button or something, staring at her.
I never cared much for Friede. Gael is good though.
this is pretty much tarnished and rani except the roles are reversed
>What did Rellana see in him?
Anon... you do realize that's a feature, not a bug, right?
i wish i could refight bosses solo without needing to NG+. i just want to keep fighting malenia and rellana
In my experience Nioh's combat is just a bunch of combowank. Lies of P is where Souls combat should go.
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I can't find the right helm for this guy. Already using Rakshasa's gauntlets. Briar helm was OK, but I want something that looks cleaner.
I'm sorry, I said "game" but I meant DLC
And I guess taking significant phase transitions into account Messmer of course has it too. But it's honestly better when the change is done without a cutscene and is subtler.
>Bosses getting stronger as they fight is more appealing to me than ones that get weaker.
The Scadu avatar's stronger in phase 2 and only weakens in phase 3.
I have mommy issues, I don't want a carian sub princess, I want a dommy mommy blondie
They really captured that Escaflowne art style.
make them farmable at least
I blew threw a bunch just making miniscule stat adjustments to equip weapons with bullshit requirements like the smithscript ones.
Messmer isn’t even bad. He’s a pure boy who hates himself.

If he were evil, why would they make his snakes so cute?
She wanted the BIG FAT SNEK.
his arena is full of craters that will fuck you over
For a str blood build is it minimum str tax on the Bloodfiend Arm then infuse with blood and max out Arc?
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And final sloppa drop for a while.
>and some curious snake pokes out of his belly button or something, staring at her.
A few threads back femcels were lusting over the idea of the snakes holding them down and biting at them (but not too hard)
Women are weird anon.
Not so weird I don't get it.
Ornstein and Smough -> Sister Friede & Father Ariandel or Demon Princes -> Godskin Duo

How do you regress right at the end like that?
I would fondle ALL his snakes
Banished Knight forma red scarf?
Ansbach's scythe has a cool weapon art, anyone using it?
>mesmer the impaler
>he is impaled by snake
>The hornsent grandam incant is dogshit
Fuck me. I was hopeful for it.
How do i have fun playing through the base game again until i reach the dlc? Im in great discomfort trying to speedrun through limgrave and magic lake
bitches LOVE tortured bishounen with deep backstories but hearts of gold
Most of its AR will come from str scaling so you basically want as much as possible while still getting arc to at least 45 or ideally 60.
>Miquella's AoE shit drops my FPS into 20s
senk you from I would not have enjoyed the fight without this
Messmer has snakes inside him, but Rykard is inside a snake.

l o l
just skip as much as you can
I can't be arsed to replay all of the base game shit for the umpteenth time
Don't speed run. Take your time. Do all the hero graves. Get all the hard tears.
I'm not opposed but too much cultural linguistics has taken place & I dont think it'll happen
rodrika's hood
Just turn your brain off and fight the bosses. Or rush DLC, grab the weapon you want and then go back and level until you can do it comfortably.
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how the heck do i get to this area, cant find a path through shadowkeep
Have you tried drugs and alchohol? Always works for me.
open world was a mistake
first floor lift on the left
interesting, I'll see what they look like together
It's just the Bloody Helice WA on a scythe with weird scaling and bad AR.
>finally thought I was doing well on phase 2
>the fucking meteor out of nowhere
>and some curious snake pokes out of his belly button or something, staring at her.
if she’s smart she’d tug it like a second penis
i had like 7 chars all ready for SotE between ng and ng+ with different builds
what does this do? can you choose to respec with the dlc tears, or do you have to exhaust your base game tears first?
He's scripted to do the meteor at about 1/4 hp so you'll have to deal with it to win.
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What a shitshow and crap boss. I am glad it's over. I will never touch anything from Fromsoftware that uses the same archaic mechanics from Demon Souls again. Fuck this game.
I can never get this straight.

For an 80-int pure caster (only Carian sword sorceries for melee), should I be using two Carian Glintsword Catalysts, or one off-hand and something else main?
1. just fucking test it empirically dude
Why are spiral incantations referred to as sorceries? Is it a mistake? Or is it intentional? The wording implies sorcerers went out of their way to use it as an incantation, not too different from how some (admittedly heretical) blood sorcerers use sorceries that use faith
your character looks a lot like mine, and i also use that top often - good taste anon, she cute
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help im smoking the entire carton of cigarettes im going to get sick
The issue is them NOT going back to the archaic mechanics of Demon's Souls bro
the spiral is a connection to the divine or some shit, and metyr's staff shows that just like demon's souls and dark souls that sorcery and incants are the same at their core. the shadowtree itself is a spiral.
I like #2, though I wish the helmet was a bit more matte
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>put more than enough golden seeds in-game that you can get 14 flasks without needed all of them
>need to collect every single scadu for 20 blessing
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Is there actually any in game lore for these goofy fucks?
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WOW this is SOOOO fun
They're cute
Mix that with LotF spellcasting controls and Elden Ring's gameplay is fixed.
i dont know
Because they are sorceries.
The point is that sorceries and incantations are two sides of the same coin. The Hornsent sorcerers manipulate the divine currents of the crucible. They don't pray to it because there's no Crucible god to pray to. The gods are IN the crucible, and can be called upon through prayer, but that's not what the spiral spells do. They weave the current of the crucible's energy directly.
all the black and gold armor in the DLC is pure kino, used to rock maliketh set but now have a ton of options
If you have more than fifty Mind I highly suggest you use Lusat’s over Regal.
Give it to me straight anons, do you use spirit summons? Do you care how good they are? Do you just enjoy watching your little npc buddy hang around?
Have you tried asking >>484275137 ?
why is he messmer the implier
Can you do Varre's quest after killing Mohg?
In terms of level and encounter design, sure. Combat-wise, absolutely not. Combat mechanics need an overhaul, will less reliance on iframes.
>look up boss guide
>its just the summons and the player mobbing the guy
Serpent Knight Helm
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I am going for a RL150 carian knight typa build
What stats should I aim for and with what priority?
related to GEQ which is now cut content so we'll never know because it's not canon
why it look like a man?
I summoned my mimic tear for the ganksquad fight because it felt thematic to have him there with the other summons. My favourite thing about using Mimic is giving it Uplifting Aromatics and watching it absolutely spam the fuck out of them. Me and Ansbach had bubble shields with basically 100% uptime.
I use them, but they unironically make SotE harder so it's a trap.
So does this classify as incest or selfcest?
yes but only sometimes
Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne are the only truly good FROM games, even if Dark Souls 1 was already leaning heavily on the stuff that Studio Japan did with Demon's Souls and many of its concepts are rehashes from DeS. Still good on its own though.

FROM Software's devs are hacks and they can't make anything truly good without Studio Japan carrying their corpses, which is why gargage like DaS 2, DaS 3 and Elden Ring looked like a flanderization mod made by redditors who only know their games as "the hardest games ever dood!"

Only original DeS patricians are qualified to talk about this. Redditors who say "DkS" instead of "DaS" need not apply.
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Second character for DLC, here I come: BURNHILDE, fire prophet.
You can guess the theme.
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I meant about my piece of shit character's movements. Bosses with anime power, AoE with every sneeze and infinite combos can go fuck themselves, too. The only good thing about this shit game is the coomer content.

Now I'm going to masturbate and play Sekiro to cleanse the bad taste from my palate. FUCK ELDEN RING.
not against bosses but i summon soldjars of fortune, latenna and the ancestral follower against mobs when given the option. sometimes i summon soldjars on bosses i'm learning because seeing them waddle around increases morale
Pest threads?
every soulsbornering game is good and fun in its own way mr old good new bad

and sekiro
DS2:SOTFS is peak fromsoft and you should show some respect.
Depends what weapons, spells, and ashes you want to use. For example, the Carian Knight Sword's damage scales better off STR than INT, but its skill's damage only scales off INT.
>Another god damn great ghost gloworth
Oh for fucks sake. Almost all the ashes in the dlc are hot garbage and it gives out these like candy. Meanwhile youre still extremely starved for Somber Ancients.
DaS2 is the best game fromsoft has made since Chromehounds.
his whole cutscene is him >implying
that i give a single shit about his mother
Uh-huh... I'm sure whatever you're saying is right anon... I'm totally not looking at the pic
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>teleports around the arena and makes you chase him
>does some dumb AoE spray on the ground every 5 seconds making you wait for it to go away before you can engage
>heals 50% of his HP every 20 seconds
>does a fat godskin roll at you because that move is great
I dont even like the music. most overrated fight in all of elden ring imo.
Yes, I get really lonely playing videogames so like I like any game that lets me summon things or have companions, so I usually lean towards whatever let's me summon the most or have the most 'special' acting one
I like using the great shields because of that because there's 5 of them which I think is the largest amount yoy can get
I'll summon them for like most little dungeon areas that let me in the overworld
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>bashed my head against him for hours
>had P1 down pat but as soon as the second part starts got instantly obliterated by lasers or wombo combo'd whenever Radahn starts lag switching
>felt like I was making 0 progress so just gave up and called in mimic like a bitch to be done with it
I had a pretty rough time in this DLC, more than most maybe, but that fight really humbled me. Might reattempt it some day but for the life of me I could not figure out how I was supposed to react to a lot of those moves.
I use them very rarely, and only in 2 situations - either in enemy camps, or against mini bosses I've beaten before (ulcerated spirit, erdtree avatar etc)
Personally I've mostly used the jar wight mostly. It's not that powerful, but it can inflict enemies with various statuses I don't use, so that's nice.
Honestly I like the idea of spirit summons, I just don't really like how they're handled. I wish you could just have them more like semi-permanent companions in the overworld.
is midra being easy a meme or did people really not struggle with this guy?
>I dont even like the music.
dogshit taste of the year
I am not sure if spells are particularly useful later on in the game, I dont know yet what ashes I want to use, the dark moon sword for sure is on the list.
Other than that - whatever is cool Just going for the spellblade vibes.
He's easy, just dodge his attacks and hit him until he dies
He's an extremely honest dark souls-styled boss so everybody with experience from past games found him very comfortable to fight. He punishes you for trying to make distance but his moves are all really fair and readable up close and his openings are big.
I love to summon them in open areas & have fun seeing how the unique ones work. Stuff like the cannon imp, that's just good fun seeing mobs get blown away. Or I might summon them for minor boss battles like the knight of solitude, that don't matter. I like to summon people to real boss fights cause I'm a sunblock at heart
>Give it to me straight anons, do you use spirit summons? Do you care how good they are? Do you just enjoy watching your little npc buddy hang around?
Yes. No, unless it's some Radahn shit in which case Mimic is out. And yes. I wish there were more areas in the overworld to spirit summon. With more strategic positioning too. Like dropping Latenna or Ogha down on a vantage point and slowly making my way through an area while they provide cover fire for example.
Not a meme, you just suck.
grad you rike
he is easy and by that i mean fair. he actually has attack openings. his hp is the highest in the dlc i.e. the entire game, but his defenses are rather low.
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fuck you mike wazowski
have you tried to not get hit by the flames?
it's not called MIDra for nothing
>want to try some faith
>cant decide on weapon
next time you fight metyr or a dragon summon latenna
How do I make a save backup without getting banned?
I am functionally retarded around computers, I am just a simple plumber, please help.
cypher pata
Good god why is Messmer so fucking lanky
death knight longhaft axe
looks good, good reach, fun as fuck aow
you don't get banned for moving saves around
my guess was the snake issue got worse over time without Marika giving him blessings and shit, the golden knight ash implies they found out about the snakes after the main part of the crusade and rebelled, seems impossible to hide if they were in the current state
What statline and talismans to make the meteoric greatsword work? I'm having issues getting the damage I think I should get.
For Darkmoon Greatsword you'll want to prioritize INT. Minimum 50. Sorcery is really string late Gane but only if you invest really heavily, like 80.
Why did Malenia try to kill Radahn if Miquella wanted Radahn to be his consort? Was that *somehow* part of Miquella's plan or was Malenia crazy rot goddess acting for her own ends at that point?
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it's all in your head, she's a pretty lady with a very tall nose
I know, its great, right?
Are thrusting shields considered a "you beat the game" weapon? I want to make a dedicated build with one but I require approval from the /erg/ court.
>nerfed blade
>How do I make a save backup without getting banned?
Not something youd ever get banned for

Just find your file location, copy it, make a backup folder and paste, its that simple (id recommend googling the file location, as it can be different for people depending on certain factors)
"just cheat bro"
Perfume only
The issue with Latenna on bosses is that she tends to nab aggro a lot and the boss rushes towards her and she can't survive for shit. I try to keep it on me but it's not as if I have the shabriri talisman on for regular pve.
I do summon Ogha for dragon bosses a lot. She's good.
that AOW is kino, just wish the charge did more damage and that the regular blinkbolt could do a leaping attack for any weapon
shut the FUCK up Rellana
they don't seem op just pretty good
Your legs look REALLY big compared to your torso
Best DS3 mod was Pocket Souls. So yeah, I like spirits. Just wish they worked differently.
Perfumes are kinda boring and the poison one sucks
They're bugged and don't take the proper amount of stamina damage when during the attack block frames. Obviously, using a literally broken weapon means you didn't beat the game so I'm afraid you need to wait for them to be patched.
I think they are bugged right now so if you R1 into an attack with one it doesn't consume the stamina from blocking or something?
Seemed pretty good
Literally spam roll like a retard like I did, or use a shield like a bitch. Still, there are moves that are impossible to escape if you are at close range, such as the circle of light and the meteor shower. His grab is the only safe attack to punish, but like every grab in From games, the hitbox is fucked up and will catch you several times when it shouldn't.
Malenia was just after runes
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Exploration is hot dogshit in both the base game and DLC.
Imagine being in Shadow Keep.
It's supposed to be the flagship legacy dungeon of the DLC that houses the DLC's flagship boss (Messmer) that's in all the promotional material.
You explore the area.
You come across shinies on corpses.
What do you find?
Pic related.
Fucking low level smithing stones. Crab eggs. Thin beast bones. Not pictured here is other useless shit you find on corpses, like kukris and bone darts.
Like 80 percent of the shinies you come across in the game (base+DLC) are either completely useless shit or shit you can easily buy from merchants in infinite amounts.
>complains about elden ring
>goes back to an even bigger slop made as a quick cashgrab with even more anime inifinite oneshot combo bullshit
Post them
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It was nerfed? The thing still feels like the best FTH weapon.
Used one of these? Congrats, you didn't beat the DLC
>make sword that can change to two forms
>both suck ass and unchanged sword is superior
why is fromsoft like that?
how do the perfume buffs work? do they only function when you're in the lingering cloud?
Reminds me of that one anon in /ddg/ that had a meltdown over people poking fun at his pawn's proportions.
I just wish the fun ones didn't have ludicrous FP costs.
Wanted to use the golem bro but I don't want to dump a bunch of points into mind as a non-caster.
I think it was like a "Come with me peacefully or I'll kill you and take your body there forcefully"
What's so great about rolling sparks?
Did you use summons? What is your build?
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All 3 of these? Or just the first?
I am just being cautious, I spent a lot of time beating the game and dont want to lose the chance to help people with bosses. But I also want to try builds around and Larval tears are limited.
Infinite FP tear
t. never played day 1 dark souls
point it at the ground and it instakills anything pvp pve
not telling
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So I was in the mood for some elden ring after a years hiatus but now I can´t play because the fps are in the gutter. My settings haven´t changed, so what´s going on?
I don't think he's "easy", but he isn't hard either.
I don't like Ancestral Spirit's music, but I give it points for at least standing out among the endless selection of interchangeable bombastic orchestral screaming battle tracks that fill up the game's soundtrack.
Otherwise, I agree with your assessment of the boss. The boss is utter shit, as is the Siofra River area leading up to the boss that requires you to light up braziers (such an overused and lazy concept in games).
>reading patchnotes HARD
>weapon that now is good only for exploration (just use rykard great rune instead) is LE GOOD
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Performance got worse. Disable anticheat and play offline if you’re struggling.
the game has started to run like ass for me ever since the DLC dropped
The dlc introduced stuttering problems but it shoudlnt be THAT bad
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Idk, I kinda like it. Feels very "plap" only for a 10 incher to pop up to buckbreak omen for Ranni with.
I'm gonna need the whole story of these fallen leaves
wat do when Radahn does gravity pull -> gravity aoe?
>Doing Diallos' quest is a net negative for everyone
Lol. Lmao.
Marika doesn't have a mole. Why give her one? Ruins the otherwise great picture.
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More than half the time in the last two weeks is someone else playing the game on their own character, I'm not as far gone as it looks.
Crafting was a mistake
die lol
just dodge
Are int builds viable for PVE post-DLC?
It's basically not set up the way it should have been.
Instead of rolling till it hits the spot you aim at and dissipating or rolling a set distance no matter how low you aim, it "rolls" to the spot you point and always does the same number of "rolls" no matter how close it is.

So if you point it directly at the ground, it just unloads all the sparks that are supposed to be spread in an area usually in one spot, all at once, doing insane damage.
>unironically posting gay porn on a blue board
Why are you?
They really dropped the ball trying to put in stuff for both players rushing the dlc as soon as possible on new character as well as for those with levels to spare and NG+ and beyond. Worst part is that you basically have to have at least 1-4 stone bells available when you start the dlc.
I can deal with all the material dung, but holy shit I was mad when that chest atop a super sicrit backdoor into a castle had a fucking single smithing stone in it.
>All 3 of these? Or just the first?
Yes, all three - or alternatively just copy the entire folder they were in (Its name is a bunch of numbers iirc)

Elden rings saves are kinda fucking weird, still dont know why its all in one rather than individual saves per character but hey
Jar Bairn won't become a warrior.
is that even a FTH weapon? Isn't it like a quality weapon with a bit of a FTH tax?
they're clothed, its not porn. could be snakes there
Why do I have to commit suicide 6 times to hear a voice line
because from only writes good quests bigot
because you're doing a cuck quest
Fromsoft quest design
Dont believe the retard. If anything its better now that you can get the lava talisman in the dlc. For exploration its a god sent with how much hp it recovers per weapon art.
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No summons. Strength/Faith build focused on using a holy Lion's Claw on the boss's skull at every opportunity.
It's still a greatsword with an xbox huge nuke that heals you a shitload and kills basically everything it hits aside from bosses, who cares
Does literally anyone have Ansbach's Bow anyway? There's legitimately no way in hell that anybody could've come across it organically, wtf?
Don´t worry, the game said "no fuck you, your specs are too bad. You don´t get to play online." Which is alright, I guess. Not much into invading, anyways.
Dude, it´s drops are fucking putrid when nothing happens. I don´t even want to look at how bad it is when the bosses start throwing around particle effects.
I´ll try disabling the anti-cheat.
Wrong, Back to ledit with your "DkS" crowd where you belong.

Yeah, that was actually a good job they did salvaging that pile of feces. Brume Tower DLC is absolute garbage though.
I still haven't found the fire knight faggot or the fucking lever to drain water
Shadow keep sucks
Anon, think of the advertisers.
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>it stinks in here
You went in the wrong door faggot
What is so inorganical in dabbing on hornsent bitch ass and helping an actually good character?
What? On elden ring standards its super easy to come across those summon signs. And the Miquella simp was rubbing me the wrong way since the start so it was as good as time as any to cut ties.
The final dlc boss has a spell you need to react to that stutters shit so bad you literally can't because it's all cpubound somehow. It's beyond insane
this fight is absolute suffering as a low level with underleveled weapons because hes basically a dps race in between heals, and the roll can catch you as your are rolling and drag you with it unless you roll away from it at the right angle.
Miquella is the dumbest from antagonist
It makes sense he's a faggot
Does using scarlet rot pots against Radahn count as beating the game?
Eating honey icecream in a secluded part of the Shadow Keep with him
spam dodge backwards (assuming you can through the frame drops)
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Sorceries and Incantations are the same, but from different sources, methodologies and such. The word ‘sorcery’ itself is one that denotes heresy or dissent. The word ‘incantation’ is ironic since sorcerers can be heard incanting their sorceries.

The magic in this world is supposed to be ironic the same way it was in real history, the same way Church authorities and the monks were the people actually poking at nature and the unknown, even attempting to summon goddamned demons/angels.

Miracle -is- magic by any other name, the same way the incantations are sorceries by any other name. The Church had real monopolizing power over words.

There’s a reason the knowledgeable and the learned are part of cult like, even fully religious organizations and institutions, in history. Isaac Newton was like a mix of a glintstone sorcerer and a hard greater will fundamentalist—basically the count Ymir.

( Isaac Newton, sometimes dubbed ‘the last of the magicians’ for his alchemical, occult inclinations, was also a heretic in his private hours, and rejected the holy trinity, and argued endlessly about God’s intimacy with the All and Everything. )

The big hat gurus that teach of Big Hat’s experiences, or encounter with the ‘Pale Drake’ basically started a religion in the archives. Count Ymir is the ‘high priest’, and yet, he is very much an intellectual.

You need faith in intelligence to pursue it all successfully. Even in real life, science has become a religion in its own right, to the point of absolute political zealotry. All understanding is religious to a degree.

It all meets in the end, and magic is just a word. A word for wonder, mystery, etc.

These two get it.
Enemy variety in yugioh world SUCKS
So why does the Fire Giant cause so much seethe?
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Am I fucking stupid or is the lever in Midra's Manse bugged?
50 vig
35 mind
25 end
70 int
Yeah, I don´t think I´ll buy the DLC until I fix this or upgrade my PC.
>just lose copious amounts of time replaying garbage you've already played one million times before for literally no reason bro

Ok, so stop crying
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Ansbach is such a cool character that I want to make a Mogh faithful now.
It moves a book case around right?
Just look at him. He is fucking MAD. He rips off his own leg in raw primal pagan fashion, offering it to his waning god, who is likely also fucking FURIOUS. “LET’S FUCKING GOOOO-“ is probably what the fell god spoke to him then, in that one moment of unwavering rage and pain.
If you're doing the right thing (going against Hornsent and demigods), you won't have any trouble aligning with Ansbach and receiving his gear.

>Captcha: Kill all Hornsent and Gay Gods
Mix of camera issues and one attack that fucking blows. He’s fine if you make use of torrent and hit his weakspots.
>>484274763 here.

By the way, is there anything else to do in the DLC? I've already seen Miquella's memory, but is that all that's left to conclude? I can't seem to reach the "Gate of Divinity".
considering it only does like 3k damage its fine. two to three jumping attacks from nearly any weapon in the game outdamages it

im going to go ahead and put my money down on it being such an awkward fight for people that have a difficult time blending mounted and ground combat, or for people that only have one playstyle and approach combat in general very linearly
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Guess the build.
Got to Radahn phase 2 and I'm done with the game. I agree with Miquella so I yield to him.
>old good new bad
Bloodborne came after dark souls 2 you retard.
>Aspect of the crucible: Bloom
>it is unbelievably unrealistically impossibly dogshit
The fuck, what the fuck is this. I'd rather have Devonia's centaur stomps, the fucking tongue, the wings, literally anything besides this.
Bloated HP bar and one annoying attack.
No so bad on NG+ if you've kept leveling. Or if you maxed out your damage stat and do good damage.
First time I fought him I was on 60 int with the MGS and it was a pain but second go I had 80 INT and it went by much easier.
you rike?
>I can't seem to reach the "Gate of Divinity".
Dont think you can. Pretty sure its just the Miquella cutscene and thats it. Unless theres some extremely well hidden shit going on but presumably it wouldve been found by now
you visited trina after you killed the gayskin duo?
>66 strength
nooo anon the str breakpoint for 2handing is 54!
It is literally, unironically a 1-1 recycled DaS3 spell. It did fuckdickshitass damage back then, too.
> Isaac Newton, sometimes dubbed ‘the last of the magicians’ for his alchemical, occult inclinations, was also a heretic in his private hours, and rejected the holy trinity, and argued endlessly about God’s intimacy with the All and Everything

He also died a virgin, never planting his seed inside a woman, or a boy butt
From's ability to make absolute dogshit spells should be studied.
That Fire Rain spell is legitimately fucking insulting
Average soulsperm is too retarded to attack an obvious weakspot or actually learn how to roll and not just rollslop around
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Yeah. Can't work it.
Replaying the game using Deflecting Hardtear, its a fun way to kill bosses.
carian thrusting shield
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>input reads you into 180 dodge double backslash OHKO
FAI/DEX chads, what are your current stat spreads right now? I'm currently sitting at 16/22 right now until I decide how what to do
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Need Miqqy kisses
Is Radahn not actually Miquella's consenting champion then? What makes him Miquella's "promised"?
He will give you it
depends on how much of a clown shitter you are
That's it, there's actually nothing modeled behind the gate of divinity.
I got cool loot out of it
Level your scadu. I vig checked her fight the first time at 12 blessing.
We dunno for sure
Maybe it was always 1 sided and just Miquella calling him that, maybe Radahn changed his mind after agreeing to it originally, maybe Radahn used Miquella by pretending to be okay with it, there's not really like details about it
Cute siblings.
faggot's delusion
40 DEX 65 Faith
The dex being that high is primarily for cast speed but also so my weapon doesn't do fuck all damage when the lightning weapon runs out.
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Is that caseoh?
If only we got actual content for Smellina.
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I love this hat so much. Finally i can be a proper black mage.
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I am planning on killing a forager so the autist attacks me and I can get his gloves and pants early.
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Faith/Dex is unfortunately one of the weaker pairings, partially because there really aren't any good seals that will scale with your Dex stat except the Frenzied Flame Seal. I would say your best bet is to shoot for the base Dex requirement for whatever weapon you want to use, then focus the rest into Faith and go with Sacred or Flame affinity to scale with your faith.
>proper black mage
>dresses like an ass clown
Let me put several seeds inside melina's fertile womb
>Forced to switch to tank n’ spank on all 4 of my characters that have done the boss fight so far due to the amount of bullshit they throw out
>All were at max Skibidi Fragments and Revered Ash (the latter of which still caused my Mimic to die pretty quickly)
I remember when we I thought the DS3 DLC bosses were BS but this just feels like FromSoft one-upping themselves for the sake of it.
That actually makes this DLC extremely disappointing to me...
I get why they chose Radahn CONCEPTUALLY. His literal husk is so strong that fighting it requires a festival of champions to take him on. So bringing him back at full power is a cool idea. But they should at least attempt to justify it.
>71 physical absorption
>radahn still does more than half my hp in a single attack
Oh no
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dude its fucking worse than divine pillars or light or whatever that garbage was called-- at least t you could poise cast in ds3 and the pillars came down pretty quickly-- why the fuck is the delay so long on crucible bloom
one of the best hats in the game fashion wise desu
Cant you just kill him at the lake?
They got feets
Spirit version of the Gaol ball guardians.
Poison snek fist with the new rot kick ash
How is it?
Scadu level?
Where do you get your art?
I mean they do, it's just that the exact character motivations for the details as to exactly why aren't stated, same as like how they don't explicitly say what marika's minders was for shattering the elden ring
Kind of like how glinstone and amber are both the interchangeable stuff of life. The stuff of stars, or glinstone, is the amber of the cosmos, as said by Sellen, which is in turn distilled as sap through the branches of the Erdtree, in varying colours. All life, all of it, comes from the stars, but returns to the earth in the end. Laws of Causality and Regression, respectively.

Runes are golden amber. They are slices of tree branches, if you look close.
read the description of rot ash more carefully
Wait, you still haven't killed Promised Consort Radahn?
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Lame. Thanks.

Just did and got a cute flower. Thanks.

I can't believe someone lied to me in the internet.
I have been led astray by the blue eyes

Goodluck on your drops anon
It doesn't matter, that's what Miquella decided on and that's what he worked toward. I think the theme of Miquella as a whole is that his "kindly" temperment aside, if he wants something, he does whatever he has to to get it; his brainwashing/heart stealing ability is perfect for someone like him. The only thing seperating himself from complete sociopathy was St. Trina and his corporeal body, all of which he rid himself of, ironically in such a way that resembles a holy pilgrimage that would boost his legacy to people not already charmed by him. I think it's telling that the only memory that Radahn was allowed to keep being Miquella's command to promise to be his consort, and we don't get to hear what Radahn's answer was.
Dancing lion is fun.
That's the problem.
If an attack does 5,000 HP damage, you're still getting hit for 1,450 HP damage with that 71 percent reduction of damage.
nobody says this
Wow, dryleaf arts is fucking garbage, is there any way to boost its damage without just doing absolute meme faith or arcane builds just for it? I'm using a dex build and their performance is just pathetic in both PVE and PVP
The Primeval Fingers…
I do
Fix your skill issues
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Because the rite involved using a new body for the soul of a Lord. Radahn agreed to Miquella's terms and always accepted to be his consort, but on one condition only.
For Radahn to follow Miquella, he would have to be defeated in battle by his champion, to prove that Miquella is worthy. People who claim that Radahn is mind controlled are wrong. Radahn willingly let himself be embraced by Miquella, but wanted to quite literally go out with a bang rather than commit suicide to give his soul to him.
What do you mean? Seems to work with poison and rot too
67 is technically the equivalent of 100 when 2handing but you get diminishing returns past 54 (1 ar per point)
could've had more endurance for panic rolling radahn's phase 2 shite
Faith and Intelligence are NOT the same

Science is the DEATH of GOD

Philosophy is DEAD
you can't put it on the fist and if you want both rot and poison on one weapon just put it on heavy thrusting sword and leave the default poison enchant
Do you think Radahn thought this was fair or bullshit
But Malenia lost. Why did he accept that?
It would be if the camera were fixed.
Sorcery isn't science, it's just occultism (a different brand of faith).
All true science works on faith fundamentals anyway.
sex with female tarnished
it was a stalemate
and that's why the Tarnished is the actual champion of the festival
that's an exploit
Whoops I meant the claws
Danbooru, Pixiv and Twitter.
>first invasion build I decide to make for the DLC is based around Ansbach's bow
>find out the L2 is bugged and deals damage and status build-up as if every arrow hit when one hits
>realize it's going to be completely shit after one patch
How disappointing
Because anon is talking out of his ass.
SL? faith seems super high also, not just the dex
IMO faith in hybrid setups is mostly a utility/versatility thing. i was thinking of going 40 dex/42 faith with a hint of arc for unrestricted access to the dragon and blood incants. i also want to get a tiny amount of int for similar utility equivalencies. am I just spreading myself way too thin here for gimmicks? i know for a fact i'm going to take a MASSIVE penalty to MND, END, STR and even VIG to fit all of this crap
Nope, when I get impatient I just pull out the giant crusher with lions claw which has raped every DLC boss I've used it on within 3 tries. Spirit summons require gathering another 20 types of upgrade mats, that's primarily the reason I don't tend to use them. I've beaten everything solo already so I've got nothing to prove.
Rate my set up
Why can't bitches at fromsoft make radahn swords have the same moveset as promised radahn but slower? He has a great moveset and we got unusable one
If your level is higher than 150 I'm ignoring it.
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Malenia didn't win
The player did. Did you skip the Radahn cutscene? The player is Miquella's champion
>not using Roderika
could not fathomably be me.
sfw is not the same thing as naked fucking retard
>bastards stars
There is literally nothing that says this, or even implies this.
I don't really like DLC boss design.
Midra and Messmer were cool but I didn't like the fact I had to get to scooby level 15 to not die for making a mistake.
My more major complaint is having to just switch my play style and just equip moonveil and only do the weapon art to do damage.
If I can only hit one time I just have to do the largest amount of damage possible.
Sometimes I could hit them during their attacks but I never found the risk worth it
>Get summoned by someone having trouble on the Shadow Keep bridge
>Turns into a 20 minute adventure through the Ruins of Raoh as everyone tries to find a way out
>Host eventually gives up and kills himself
It's over...
>RL is over 120
Fucking slop
fromsoft loli porn..
STR with FTH tax
Is she the sister he mentioned? I thought it was Ranni.
here you go newfriend
>Leda wakes up
>She opens her mouth
Yeah, I thought it would be something like that. Are there even any cool FAITH weapons, with minimal str/dex tax instead?
I always get danbooru and gelbokru mixed up and accidentally flash myself wit porn
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As much as I love Ruins of Rauh, it is NOT an area you want to co-op
>the phantoms faces when we get to the spiritspring part in the first third
I never payed demon souls, what were the specifics of his level drain? Like, did it prioritize specific stats in a tiers, or did the game remember your level ups and undo them in reverse? And did the losses affect you during the fight, like your max HP or Stamina lowered if you survived or you could no longer swing your weapon because your wielding stats dropped too low?
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What is a god is merely a matter of one’s own opinion. It’s the same with magic, as it is but a word. A description. Definitely it isn’t a definition. It just can’t be.

Seriously, a god (“god”, like “magic”) is a sufficiently powerful or advanced, likely a higher dimensional, alien being(s). To the religious physicist, it is both. They do not cancel each other out.

>philosophy is dead
Scientists today are taking philosophical positions without even realizing it, and it is kind of impossible to separate science from philosophy, the same way you can’t separate sci/tech from art.
>The player is Miquella's champion
When exactly did I agree to this?
lookin good
120 has always been dumb. it was dumb in das1, it was dumb in bloodborne, and it was dumb in das3. nobody does this shit man. even within those level brackets, 125 was always preferred, with 90 (97 for bb) being objectively superior
I think you'd be spreading yourself too thin imo. Those dragon and blood incants are going to require arcane investment, and won't get any mileage from your dex being 40.
hes a boy, radahn
I will NOT stop leveling up
I think the Host fully gave up when we killed a hippo and a room filled with Bloodfiends, took an elevator up, and ended up at the start of the area.
>so much cool shit to use
>not enough larval tears
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My PVE character:
50 VIG
46 Mind
35 END
23 STR
50 DEX
60 FTH
17 ARC
I can't beat Radahn. Should I use the sacred relic sword and farm levels at Mohg palace? Is any stat still worth pumping?
I use Milady (flame art infuse) with Wing Stance, Finger Seal, and Brass Shield. My armor is Oathseeker Knight, I'm not sure how much difference better armor makes.
Question: what's a good get-off-me option with hyper armor for a pure DEX build?

Holy shit, I just realized that Radahn draws his swords in the same way that he does in the final boss fight, that's kino
as well as hopes, ambitions, and principles you would hold
just savescum
I'm not talking about meta, retard. I'm saying 120 is the absolute highest cut-off point before your character is bloat-build slop.
great boss if you kite him into the center of the arena so you don't get fucked by camera
>the whole story
Inadvertedly made a pawn with dumpy proportions in an attempt to maximize sex appeal, then got so upset at people poking fun at it he made several increasingly agitated posts defending the pawn and her proportions until the thread died. Then he stopped posting in the thread.
>And did the losses affect you during the fight, like your max HP or Stamina lowered if you survived or you could no longer swing your weapon because your wielding stats dropped too low?
yes it made shitters furious
Ok I figured it out. The best case scenario is you manage roll through the pull (I REALLY miss when there was some plausible deniability to rolling in these games, at least it *looked* as if you were actually avoiding attacks rather than abusing I-frames). But if you don't, you should start running away asap and jump at the right moment.
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>he doesn't go to ≥NG+7 and get to level 500+ so he can use everything
It's like you don't want to get value for your $60+$40+tip or something
It remembers what the last thing you leveled up was
what enemies do you actually fucking despise more than bosses?
For me its runebears and giant shrimps
It worked the same way as the spell version you could get yourself. The stat that was reduced was whichever stat had the largest difference between your class' starting totals, vitality could never be lowered, and it took effect immediately.
Timeline may be a mess, but I think I do like the overall themes/vibes of Elden Ring.

It's all about the cycle of life and death. Ages rise, grow, wither and die, or at least that's how they're supposed to go.
>Dragons held power till Bayle came around and fucked Placidusax up
>Hornsent held power till Marika betrayed them and took it
But the Fingers tricked Marika with the promise of the Erdtree when it was just a way for them to reach the realm of the divine to try and call daddy so she'd remove Death from the equation and have an eternal age.
When she finally realized things just withered without dying now, she set in motion a grand conspiracy to lead to the end of the age, including shattering the Elden Ring itself.
Then we come along to do what she wants and begin a new age, letting the cycle finally continue again.

Which is why Ranni's ending is the best one. She's the only one to actually do a new age instead of just piggybacking off the old.
>dragon and blood incants
Nani? I thought they scaled off of your talisman's spell buff, not your arcane stat
palm blast on the dryleaf arts is solid. you could also use a light axe like a hand axe with stamp variants maybe?
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*teleports behind you*
But now I still don't know how to dodge meteors reliably
Palm blast isn't a bad idea
Yeah I'm prob just gonna level hard on this one character I have and use everything
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> Sorcery isn't science
Sorcery is a “science” not a science. It’s a description for heretical science, and the dark arts of science definitely do exist.

That’s how George does it.

The modern day wizard is really the mad scientist, poking at the unknown.

That is no different from the occult, or the past occultists, who were just the mad or unhinged learned folk (proto-scientists) of their time. See Paracelsus, Bacon, etc.

Raya Lucarians are “scientists” poking at the mysteries of the cosmos.
>Is any stat still worth pumping?
Level up as high as you need to. Probably get some more vigor.
>I'm not sure how much difference better armor makes.
It makes a slight difference, but when youre in the DLC the numbers are so high that i dont think it matters much. I think ensuring you light-roll is much more important than any stats from armour are.
Any type of dog or bird
There are NO games where either is a fun enemy type
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*stabs with tree branch*
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Genuinely lmao
I'm now gonna try to think of weeb fashion to make the regular great katana work.
Then why does the dlc assume I'm supposed to have max vigor and endurance?
If you also want to play int/faith you are doing a challenge run if you stop at 120
>radahn has the highest poison resistance in the game
k, sure cool why not
Oh, I've been medium rolling the whole game. Is light roll that much better? Should I try to get there without the weight talisman?
Managing the camera is a core gameplay mechanic that filters brainlets. Too close to a wall or a corner? Maybe take the time to reposition yourself after dodging an attack rather than spamming L2.
I mean, Danbooru has porn too, it's just that it's typically better curated. Sadly, they still let in AIslop.
wanting to fuck marika means you want to fuck a dude btw
>Age old gigachad warrior gets revived by a near god.
>"wtf i cant poison him?"
what did you expect?
>moon of nokstella
>no magic scorpion
>6/8 flasks instead of 8/6, if you ever need more than 6 flasks on anything equip more offense talismans
>meme 18 fth for uhhhhh magma shot?
7/10 because statline isn't completely retarded and an atempt was made at fashion
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If a girl gives you the one thing in her life she holds dear you take it.
whats manlier than fucking a dude
Hey your source left out the part that proves your claim that Radahn agreed to do it.
also as far as i can remeber the game never remembered your highest reached level so pvp fags abused it by purposefully deleveling on boss and this might be why they invented soul memory which failed hard and thankfully was never a thing again
>all the answers to this
>OP figures out the correct answer for himself >>484280458

You need sufficient distance to sprint jump the meteors to the side. If you get hit by the initial slash where he jumps into the air, it's difficult to get far enough away. Basically:
>roll the initial slash
>start sprinting away
>when he launches the meteors, prepare to sprint jump to the side
>in phase 2, he'll follow this up with his ghost slam and you need to specifically sprint jump to your right, strafe the ghost slams (his swords hit slightly to your left, his right), and then roll the final, real slam
true but the camera is still kinda ass in these big fughts
I'll be honest, I don't see a problem with Radahn as a boss. They only need to tone down the special effects in phase 2, because you literally can't see shit sometimes with all the lights flashing, and he's good.
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Because he's 100% himself and the real Radahn, unlike what retards have been claiming for a week. It's actually him in a new body (because the rite required him) that accepted his role as Consort since Miquella had him defeated.
The narrative is very simple. Radahn had to die to give his soul and be resurrected in Mohg's body. Malenia and the player get him killed, which is whg Miquella says he will have songs praise the deeds of both for their contribution. Now Radahn, having been finally killed by the Tarnished, keeps his part of the vow and resurrects in Mohg's body in order to be Miquella's King Consort. He is 100% sane and wants this
Does snake have puss puss?
The DLC is very retarded in that it wants you to have extremely high damage resistance and then made moves that are unreliable at best to dodge when medium rolling
If you have a good distance: run left and when the meteors get closer, roll right.
If you get pulled you're likely dead. Trying to dodge or jump backwards won't help much. So dodge the pull.
The finger sorceries should have arcane requirements. Why does faith get dragon shapeshifting and blood magic while int gets bubbles?
a strong WOMAN chudcel
He’s still not immune to Miquella’s poison it seems lul ;>
I wanted one of every spell type
>And champion of the festival
I didn't even realize this was referring to the player character, i guess i wasn't paying attention
>all according to keikaku
You got memed into it, Miquella is a trickster
I'd expect the guy whos defining characteristic is jobbing to rot to not be nigh-immune to stinky perfume.
I wish it was better desu.
It's even worse when trying to use magic
Since theyre clearly teasing us by making the winged Fight Knight helmet look so similar to the Penetrators helmet, is there a DLC set looks the more similar to the Penetrators than Hoslow or Bernahls?
>leda's gank fight
It's honestly a fucking miracle that fromsoft has gotten to the position it has when it has literally no idea what people like about their games.
why do we have to kill the regular midra every time when challenging the boss
Camera is not perfect, but it's impossible have a truly perfect camera in a third person game. Rolling under a large boss completely fucks up the camera too, and From is aware of that, that's why bigger bosses usually have a countermeasure they spam to get you out from under them, like Bayle and Midir spamming fire into their crotches constantly the millisecond you roll under them. It's a way to discourage the players from rolling under large enemies to avoid camera issues.
he only has half the poison/rot resistance of malenia's 1400
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This thong has officially ruined me. I'm hooked.
I keep telling you guys, that whoever did the spells wasn’t thinking right. Everythin’ ‘bout Ymir is arcane, even for magic.
that's admirable but it doesn't really change anything
Light roll travels much further, and so it allows for much easier re-positioning. On a fight like the radahn one, its huge for avoiding the follow up holy light blasts after his sword attacks, as an example. Overall its just far superior.

Personally I cant play without light-rolls. Going from Light to medium just feels terrible when youve gotten used to it, the difference is pretty stark
>Should I try to get there without the weight talisman
Try just taking your armour off and attempting the boss a couple of times whilst light-rolling, see if you can feel the difference (also, you can test how much difference the armour makes in terms of how much damage you take - i promise it wont be much)

If you feel its worth it, then you can set it as a goal for your build. Using a talisman to reach a roll breakpoint can arguably be worth it, especially if you arent using shields
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>expects his jars filled with rat poison to be as effective as the queen of rot queefing on radahns face.
Miquella says in that cutscene that Radahn respected the deal. Resurection seem to happen only if the subject is willing.
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Okay. :)
so did she actually transform or not like change physically and not just fake appearance
Why do you want to make a bad spell even worse
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ARC/INT lost so fucking hard it's comical
He's weak to scarlet rot though
just have the camera zoom out more it really is that shrimple
It's very good though. The Ash of War true combos into a lot of stuff.
This is unbelievably frustrating, how the fuck does this happen? I have no idea how to even try to fix it.
How are people even hitting RL150 without going to NG+? I ran a new build through the game for the DLC, just beat Relanna and I'm only 119.
The wind up is so long though. And it only has the single scaling so any other points you try to distribute feel kinda bad.
>about to beat Rellana
>game staggers to a halt
>controls go dead
>hits me with triple moon AOE while I just stand there helpless
How are people supposed to do no hit runs with a game the performs like this?
Monster Hunter has been doing combat with large enemies for decades and it works without a hitch. From is just incompetent.
Wearing zero armor in the dlc will get you killed always as the tree fragments won't buff your damage resistance.
Radahn having moves that you can't reliably roll outside light is also extremely retarded.
I have played all the games using medium rolls and never had much issue until this dlc
>Radahn had to die to give his soul and be resurrected in Mohg's body
Why? Why not just pair up with Miquella without dying and go bust down the Erdtree's front door and claim the Elden Rune?
>retard fumbles every quest when you can reverse gank leda if you do it right
>bloat-build slop
By what metric? the first meaningful softcaps for every stat don't even begin until 40, this isn't dark souls dude. they continue to scale decently even out to 80.

can you genuinely articulate an example where say something like a build around RL130 to 140 hits a massively game-changing statistical breakpoint where they can overly-outperform someone whose RL120? the only things I can think of are extra END for more softswaps or extra MND for a lower demand on blue sippies in the middle of a fight. everyone's going to prioritize equipment prereqs > equipment load > vigor. you could theoretically spend those extra stats on cleaner hybridization by i dont actually know the validity of that
this hoe relanna ever stop spamming
Autistically going everywhere in the game, using Twiggy Cracked Tear to ensure you never lose runes, keeping the gold scarab equipped.
Also you can wind up with a lot of runes if you keep running a dungeon only to die at the very end, leading to you rerunning it.
I ended the DLC around RL200.
I got to 150 by just playing every dungeon and equipping the gold scarab after I kill a boss.
Also if you die multiple times in a dungeon and get your runes back that will also get you a level
Because the deal was giving him death by combat.
Also Radahn can't beat Morgott lmaaaaao
Sorry sweetie, Vaati already said that Radahn wasn't in on it and millions of people agree with him. You're wrong and you lost.
>Then why does the dlc assume I'm supposed to have max vigor and endurance?
It doesn't assume anything, other than that you'll collect Scadutree fragments to balance yoirself against the bosses.
>b-b-buh it's a challenge run if I use my nuke spells but don't have capped VIG, END, FP, and heavy armor to tank hits
shut up lol
>Wearing zero armor in the dlc will get you killed always as the tree fragments won't buff your damage resistance
Interesting if thats how it works. I rarely wear high stat armour, i usually just wear the extremely light clothing

Im curious to test the difference now between being naked, and wearing the lightest shit around
jesus, switching from keen+bloodflame blade to sacred+sacred blade aow on my dex/fth char for putrescent knight just about tripled my damage
dude's fucking paper against holy
I hit 125 before farum on my DLC characters (hate burning the erdtree), if you do side content and don't run past everything you can easily get a ton of runes. I finished my first play-through at 165 but to be fair I did some mohg bird farming with that character.
Doesn't ER have a much high soft cap for all of the damage stats?
He's a fight maniac. He had an agreement with Miquella, and that agreement was probably "okay but only if you can best me in a fight" so Miquella sent his champion to do it. Malenia stalemated him but at that point his body was useless and his soul was trapped. Tarnished kills him and thus the vow of dying in combat to is fulfilled by you (and Malenia).
>Why not just pair up with Miquella without dying
Because muh pride
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You know… this isn’t the first time Miyazaki has put a twink in his game…
the dlc is just an armor of solitude simulator.
everyone wears that because it's the best armor in the game if you have room temperature IQ.
>Both your deeds will ever be praised in song
How about you cure her from scarlet rot and fix your tree instead you wannabe world savior?
I'm glad we had to kill this retarded fuck.
I don't even cast spells with my int character against bosses as they are too slow.
Nuke spells are fucking garbage
i killed every main boss and all the side bosses where there was decent gear for my build. everything but stormveil was done while wearing the gold scarab. i saved my gold feet for the last 5 or so bosses that give giga runes.
>decide to be cheeky and punish radahn with TWO WHOLE FUCKING R!s instead of just one
>input reads, pivots 180 degrees on the spot and does the superfast doubleswipe cross slash to punish me
God how DARE I push buttons. Fromsoft clearly just wants to be making movies at this point.
>dumbasses finally find out how much of a joke is anything undead when they are weak to holy to begin with and holy buff is just x2 to FINAL damage
>want to do a 100% run
>the list of missable quests and rewards is like 5 pages long
Miyazaki, why?
is that nigger still just compiling reddit posts into a youtube video?
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Considering she can do it at will and dosen't feel any different physically it's probably just an illusion.
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If I use Grand Merchant to get the talisman that Leda gives you for killing Hornsent, I have all the bases covered, right? You don't lose anything else from just murking him later, since he always drops his armor/weapon?

I fucked up that questline by walking into Messmer's room early so i'm trying to fix it.
I thought thatvwas the sfw one
tsk tsk didnt wait your turn
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>underage boy being cared for by older man
he's done it several times, genuinely does make you think...
there is a retarded amount of missable dialogue but missable items, the list is not that long
>really want hornsent's weapon
>get it
>it isn't a backhand blade its just a regular curved sword, and can't be infused with ashes of war
6/8 is good for exploring in my experience
There is any weapon that scales mainly with faith but that deals physical damage only? whatever type slash, piercing, but not holy/flame
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>Miquella is revealed
>camera immediately focuses on his bare feet
He's not even subtle about it.
holy shit the new grab kills are so fucking hot
especially the scorpion
desu I am most paranoid about missing the NPC quests
I am always worried just walking somewhere can break some sequence
this shit fucking sucks man, bosses straight up cancel animations because of input reading
179 now
At 150 I believe I was 40 58, 10 vigor under the health cap

Until I get super high I usually go minimum Dex to use the weapon(s) and faith all in to get access to the spells. Obviously most of the first 60ish levels are all dominated by Vigor but~
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On my first playthrough I easily got to 150. I actually stopped at 100, then when it became obvious I still have a long way to go, I stopped at 120, and then finally at 150.
Could have probably gotten all the way to 170 or something if I were leveling up normally.
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>Why? Why not just pair up with Miquella without dying
Because according to the secret rite scroll: "A Lord soul requires a vessel". Like I said. Miquella had to put Radahn's soul into a surrigate body for the ritual to work. When he asked Radahn, they made this deal. Defeat him in battle and my soul is yours. Radahn lived by the words of Godfrey, a crown is warranted in strength
>garbage race of garbage people have garbage weapons
you were warned
So if Micky wanted Radahn dead, why didn't he send in the dozens of knights he brainwashed into going to the Shadow Lands to go help kill him? Why didn't he just send his armies in the Haligtree and Malenia, who is still strong enough to put up a fight to kill him? Why did he just wait hundreds of years for some random to kill him?
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He's so fucking hot. Ugh.
No shut the fuck up I'm not talking about Torrent kill yourself
>all DLC NPCs die if you complete their quest lines
Bravo Mike. I think the only living thing in the Shadow Realm at this point is the Hornsent Grandmother.
You have to play the dlc 3 times to get everything.
Help hornsent get ash of war
Help Leda get talisman
Help Ansbach get bow and you need him alive to get his scythe at the end of his quest
Help Leda, get Retaliatory Crossed-Tree, bow, and armor
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what does this scene add to the plot?
Marika did nothing wrong in regards to the hornsents
how many weapoms had you been upgrading though?
Bro, just be a good cuck, watch him play the game for 2 minutes and wait your turn for the single attack.
He needs to be bullied and have his hair pulled.
Gentlemen, I am once again asking, what is the most poise damaging build I can make? What should the weapon progression look like? I want to destroy poise in 2 jump attacks
>So if Micky wanted Radahn dead, why didn't he send in the dozens of knights he brainwashed into going to the Shadow Lands to go help kill him
Did you forget that Radahns original boss arena is a literal battlefield graveyard littered with piles of corpses, arrows, spears and all other kinds of discarded war equipment?
The death isn't required
It was done this way specifically so Radahn could have his larp death by combat.
i hope the next souls game that from software makes is directed by a fully clothed women-fetishist. im sick and tired of seeing female flesh in my video games
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>start game off
>get my ass kicked, because obviously (0 scat level)
>fight dancing lion with like 1 or 2 scat
>really hard fight, but really rewarding. takes me hours but finally beat it, loved it.
>go to rellana next, 4 scat, great fight that takes an hour or so, not as long but still significant, great fight.
>from there go to the golden hippo
>probably around 6 scat at this point
>takes maybe 6-7 tries to beat
>"oh yeah i want that turtle talisman lemme try to find how to get there"
>end up going to back to the yoda fight i missed
>absolutely curbstomp this little green fuck first try, like it's embarrassingly easy
>fight the ghostflame dragon in the first lake area next to the dancing lion area, same thing, first try, way too easy

I fucking hate this game so much it's unreal. I just want a fucking consistent difficulty. It feels so fucking bad when you got a "taste" of the hard stuff and then they give you this watered down shit because oops you upgraded too much and you didn't explore every fucking little thing in each area. It was the same thing with the base game too btw. There's just no way to know what power level you're actually "supposed to" be at, and if you just keep leveling naturally you're eventually going to hit that zone where you beat shit easily because you're essentially just overleveled. Now I'm going into the Bloodfiend Chief fight next to the waterfall with the 2 headed turtle talisman i just got, and... I think it's gonna be piss easy.

Now, when I hit the next major boss, will it be different? I dunno. But I just hate how the game seems to frontload the difficulty and then it just gets really easy and it makes me sad. How the fuck am I supposed to know (especially blind) what the "correct" difficulty level is? And once I level up, I can't level down or anything. God I hate this so much, it is almost game-ruining for me. Bros: how is 0 scat level for the whole DLC (NG+0)? Thinking of doing that for my next playthrough.
>Torrent all over the marketing material
>no new lore or abilities
Literally false advertising
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What'd he mean by this? Why did miquella make his feet so smooth?
>script I wrote at work doesnt work and comes back with an error
I need to stop playing this piece of shit game
I couldn't tell you, a couple I guess.
But on my first playthrough I just autistically combed through every area, so the runes ended up pilling up.
put lion's fang on a greathammer and there's not much better in the entire game
So what vessel did Marika use for her first lord?
No, if you want 100% SFW, go to Safebooru. Zerochan is also good for SFW.
those are the remains of Radahn's own troops who died against the Cleanrots. Hence the tattered Redmane banners, nearby ghost catacombs, and Alexander commenting that the arena was a Shattering battlefield.
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>putrescence cleaver
why did the aow have to be so bad bros
Why didn't Miquella just make a deal with the Tarnished? The Tarnished will willingly die half a dozen times to speak to a flower person. Body hopping once is no issue to them. If Melina could sense the potential in the player Tarnished then the king of dreams should've had no issue doing so either.
Like when Miquella senses the Tarnished entered the shadow world after having killed Starscourge Radahn, Rot Goddess Malenia, and Lord of Blood Mogh, he should've reexamined the cards on the table and at least propositioned to the player Tarnished.
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I sure remember when Radahn defeated even the mightiest of dragons and showed them compassion instead of killing all of them a la Golden Order style
Jar-Bairn is Radahn
tfw no carian gf
Anyone got the Rya version of long cat
>no new abilities
uhh, your new useless spirit raisins?
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They worked very hard on his prettiness
because arcane
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lmao butte
You can just not use them you fucking retarded nigger.
Go ahead and stop and then for the rest of the bosses you will die in 3 hits and do very little damage.
15 will make you as strong as you were before coming into the dlc
This is assuming Radahn has any choice in the matter once he's dead. It's like saying that Mohg is accepting of his role as Radahn's vessel just because his corpse doesn't get up and walk away on its own. We really have no way of knowing whether Radahn's soul could refuse the ritual or if Miquella gets to do whatever the fuck he wants with it once he has it.
>why didn't he send in the dozens of knights he brainwashed into going to the Shadow Lands to go help kill him?
Maybe he did and we don't know. The festival has been going on for a while. Just because we don't see any Miquellans knights in the current festival we attend, doesn't mean he never tried.
>Why didn't he just send his armies in the Haligtree and Malenia, who is still strong enough to put up a fight to kill him?
Because they jobbed already and he doesn't give second chances.
Yeah no, sorry. He loves Radahn. Tarnished is not kind!
It is though
Ranni had to kill her body to move her soul and set up Godwyn for it. Radahn was simply killed so that his soul may be resurrected in a new body. The epic battle wasn't necessary, he could have committed suicide.
Even if thats the case, the fact that it takes an entire festival and raidboss style encounter clearly implies that its not as easy as just "Sending an army to kill him"

Also i expect the battefield has remains of both sides obviously. Wouldnt make sense if it was only radahns solders
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I went around to collect a bit of stuff for the dlc but am taking a bunch of dmg from mobs, am i underleveled or something
>open CE.exe
>click "give all DLC armor" script
>close CE.exe
Fuck you, Miyazaki, I don't have all day to grind this shit
Why is he riding torrent here?
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>What'd he mean by this?

What's your favorite Tarantino film?
Scat 0 will cause you to be one shot by later bosses and hit them with a butter knife >>484283442
Hope you don't care about 100% items in a single run because there's mutually exclusive rewards.
60 vig is the reddit approved minimum, bub.
pata is really cool
mate you're missing 22 spirit ash fragments and 49 scadutree fragments
Different rituals for entirely different purposes.
Marika didn't kill Godfrey and stick him in a new body. Or Radagon.
slightly overleveled actually, but you MUST interact with the new skad mechanic
miyazaki will be very unhappy if you dont
We also have no way of knowing if Radahn actually rejected the deal.
collect the meme fragments
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>Not only are you a superb fighter, but people want to trust you. I've seen it.
I should make a compilation of "people that want to ride on our cock"
Leda fight is the worst thing I've ever encountered in this game by a longshot. This is total garbage. 90% of people don't like this pvp style bullshit and are here to learn bosses, not this stupid trash.
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I am angered.
Malenia is such a gross woman that even though she is incredibly strong and would have gladly offered either her body or soul to Miquella for the rite he would rather go through an incredibly convoluted plan to get Radahn and Mohg instead.
how much MND do you guys typically run on a build
Raise you scat level as it reduces damage you take and increases damage you do
Malenia just wanted to make her brother happy, and to watch Radahn plow him every night from a chair.
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So which body to go with? And took the advice to use mad fists and dryleaf and footwork. Sadly we can't use Loux's grapple.
that's because miquella is a tremendous faggot that wants to get his shithole cratered, not interested in women
He can't use Malenia because of the rot in her body and her soul.
literally the only attack you hit with the pata was the AOW that can be put on any weapon
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ty sirs, i will continue to scavenge before i set foot into a proper dungeon
>hating on the most kino and /erg/ approved fight in the dlc
careful there anon
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Yes, that's my point. We don't know whether Radahn accepted it or not and we can't strongly say one way or the other. And it doesn't matter because Radahn ain't shit and neither is Miquella. I killed them both and this time Radahn doesn't have the sorry excuse of "waaaah my rot hurts". Killed him in his prime and if I had the chance I'd gut his horse too.
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The entire plot is Miquella trying to groom a new lord (us), so he gave us Torrent. They dropped that, though.
Thicken the legs on the right and go with her.
prob radagon
I guess that's why she fused with him in the end, since killing the lord could disconnect/destroy its god.
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it's the exact same style as the friede cutscene where he walks in while monologuing over his own foot shot. unlike friede they went as far as to make a separate model for just the feet.
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dry-leaf feels weak as shit
he's right. that's why miquella calls you champion of the festival and his loyal blade.

honestly it's super kino. radahn held back the stars themselves, locking everyone's fates in stasis. every single person in the lands between had to go through him to get fate itself moving again and anyone who was bad enough to kill him had that right to make their own fate.

also he was seething over morgott kicking his ass so he locked the stars to cause lol fuck that little omigger no fate for you
Honestly, Radahn isn't so bad once you start parrying him.

The biggest enemy in the second phase is the FPS. If your specs fall in the recommended requirements, you should just be able to tweak settings to get a solid 60 fps.

Its the most frustrating thing about the boss.

The OST has grown on me. Pretty good theme desu.
I hit him with it earlier in the match, but cut it out of the webm for brevity
It's hot hard to hit with, it has the very fast claw moveset with giga range
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I mean, I refer to my previous point:
>I just want a fucking consistent difficulty.

It really honestly feels so bad when you actually get the quote unquote "real" dark souls experience, and then you're like "oh i forgot something" and go back to an early area and it's like you're an invincible god. that doesn't make me feel good that makes everything feel tedious all of a sudden. i think it's why i always enjoy the first like 10 hours of a new FromSoft game and then i get to that point where everything becomes piss easy and it starts to feel tedious trying to complete quests or go to new areas where everything is piss easy to fight. yet like you said, if i don't level it at all it's going to ALSO be a nightmare in the opposite direction.

it's all so fucking tiresome it's unreal. like the beginning of the DLC was so cool and now i just feel sad one shotting bosses.
I am contemplating whether or not using the scardutree fragments is worth it, I mean I don't want to steamroll the entire DLC but I don't want it to be a cakewalk like the entire base game. How many of those things do you actually need?
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Radahn's movement, actions and mannerism matches that of his cutscenes. That's him. Miquella wouldn't claim he accepted his duty and came back of his own accord if that wasn't true. It's a very japanese thing, but aligns with Radahn's character. He accepted to become Lord after being defeated in an honest duel, which explains why Malenia whispers to him that he has now to keep his word
Messmer is a big gay. There is no way he wouldn’t go balls deep in Rellana, unless he was a big gay.
unironically go into the dungeons to collect the fragments then leave. only about 12 of them are actually locked permanently behind bosses
Do people really struggle against Gaius?
I found him to be one of the easiest bosses in the DLC, on par with Romina and Midra
Patch to make Radahn's swords scale with FAI when?
Any theory saying Radahn didn't want to be Miquella's consort needs to explain why he is literally named "promised consort". To be promised to someone is to be engaged with them. If it was an arranged partnership then literally who "promised" Radahn to Miquella. Only option that makes sense is that Radahn promised himself. Nobody else had authority over him, and Miquella wouldn't call him "promised" if he just coveted him.
Prophecy doesn't work either because Miquella literally discarded his fate at the crosses.
how'd you fight him, how many times did you die, and may i see your build
>blind spot
name a more iconic combo
that makes sense.
The only reason he got Radahn is because FROMSoft was too lazy to make the final boss prime Godwyn.
>wants to orchestrate the eclipse to bring Godwyn back
>prays for Godwyn to have a true, proper death
>DLC finally gets here, Godwyn nowhere to be found, the resurrected strong big brother consort role now goes to Radahn the guy never explicitly mentioned in relation to Miquella in the base game even once
We were robbed of true kino.
is it possible to survive the wickerman grab attack if you stack fire res super high?
All for Radahn.
None for the rest of the DLC.
That's how overturned Radahn is.
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miquella halloween costume
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Godskin Stitcher is STILL the most aesthetic weapon
you need scooby doo fragments
He is le depressed though :(
I survived it once with like a sliver of life once, actually
I don't know why anyone would even bother to speculate that Radahn was mind controlled. One of his top fucking knights went along with Miquella's plan specifically because she knew it was something that Radahn would like.
Don't have a screenshot on hand but Priestess heart Dragon form + Dragon King Cragblade.

All I wanted from the DLC was gravelstone armor but we got the first effective and actually Cool dragon forms in years.

And to boot we get it from the Dragon Boss that surpassed Midir.

It's just so fucking peak.
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god dammit anon
NTA but as a FAI/DEX build I beat him second try using Milady and Wing Stance and associated skill talismans. Build is here >>484280248 but I was many levels lower
Weak evidence. Miquella's charms don't rob a person of their mannerisms. All the NPCs we meet act the same way in that regard before and after the charm wears off.
I'm pretty sure most of the people that complain about gaius found him early and had no scadu, like most people who complain about rellana or dancing lion
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>we never got the godskin scythe
Don't tease me like that that anon, I'm starting to get kinda hard, are you for real?
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depends on what im doing and how often i spam weapon arts. i dont like sipping blue
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Because people are superficial these days and don't let anything marinate for a while, especially when content creators need to bombard every media with content about lore and easy answers
I'm actually fucking running out of stamina just dodging Radahn's shit. The downtime between half his combos is so short you spend more stamina dodging than you can regain until he finally does one of the big recovery moves.
No, she went along with it because she wanted Radahn back. She makes no mention of whether he'd like it or not.
I liked bloodborne more, I liked dark souls 3 more, I liked Nioh 2 more.

Thanks for reading
Is this the best Talisman now
So good
you two should have gay sex
(and record it and post it online)
Oh yeah, tell me more about how fighting like 5 NPCs with health pots one of whom has a 1-shot-kill cast, and another who can instantly scarlet rot you is kino. If there were actual boss AI in the structure of the fight it would be one thing, but they're just NPC invaders constantly ganking you as though they were alone and this AI is literally designed as one of the most difficult 1v1 fights in the game to the point where deathless/hitless runners are most concerned about doing NPC invasions for shit like varre.
But it's fine. 1v5 is kino because leda said the line from the trailer.
Gets kinda boring quickly too
2 handed Solitude GS, no spells, no summons, 60 vigor, 50 stamina, 60 strength
>how do we get people to fully explore our DLC world while also balancing it for any build?
>some dumb fuck: I have an idea
Maybe this will finally be settled if they ever make cosplay versions of Ranni and Miquella's rings and write the names in the product description.
166, 180, or 200?
>I liked bloodborne more
>I liked dark souls 3 more, I liked Nioh 2 more.
I might be exaggerating a bit but I found the rest of the DLC too easy when I explored throughout and gathered fragments along the way. Was skibidi lvl 19 when I got to Radahn and got my shit kicked in.
Miquella shouldn't have needed some big Raddy Daddy. I think it would have been fine to have him "summon" different bosses from a list that he had stolen the hearts of.

A boss that is sort of a boss rush, but he's also on the field throwing Golden bananas
99 vigor 99 end 99 strength
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god I love that helmet
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Repopulating hornsent by impregnating their women with human seed
I liked DS3 and Bloodborne more too, thought both Nioh's were kinda shit though.

Your welcome for reading
I agree. I remember when Radahn final boss leaked here I believed with many posters that it was a fan mod/hoax.
The eclipse being totally absent from the DLC is maddening. I guess Miyazaki decided the Those Who Live in Death storyline was already the 'complete' Godwyn story, which sucks because it's the least explored one besides I guess fell curse.
Your npc summons? Your spirit ashes?

Why the fuck are you walking into a 1v5 gankfight alone and then complaining about getting ganked? Are you retarded?
Also scadulevel 13
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So, what are the go to, good talismans I can use regardless of my build aside from Erdtree Favor? The scorpion talismans sound nice but they also look like they would get you killed more often than not
>spirit summons
you can summon spirt ashes for the leda gank?
What happens when summons get grabbed (twice) by Radahn? Gesture death, normal death, or do they become reds? Latter option would be sick, but I never summon hence why I'm here asking
I get that the Shadow Realm is where dead people go but how come the Tarnished can just go in and out of the afterlife willy nilly?
>Weak evidence. Miquella's charms don't rob a person of their mannerisms
Miquella has no power over Radahn in the first phase. His power comes from the circlet of light he appears with from the Gate. The final cutscene talking about the deak is evidence enough. For it to be wrong you have to imply Miquella is lying about it which would be pointless.
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>get a character ready for a 2nd playthrough of the DLC
>realize I forgot about the skibidi fragments
>instantly lose interest
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I think Miyazaki is a hack and left it up to interpretation whether Radahn is mind controlled or not because he wants this game to be discussed onto eternity.
Because that's what Miquella, the guy that orchestrated his death and is forcing his resurrection, wanted him to be. You know, Miquella, the guy that literally forces everyone to do what he wants and doesn't ever leave the choice up to them? Yeah, I'm sure he just accepted whatever the fuck Radahn chose in the end.
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guess you could say this poster is horny
>seldom born

How much do you think Godwyn’s golden seed sold for
Beast Vitality, Blue Dew. Never need a Grace again
Yeah she does. She says Miquella's plan suits General Radahn just fine. Endless war is his whole deal.
Did you actually went through the DLC without using any fragments?
>dont engage with skad
>engage with skad
>why is this so easy?
Skad is the worst idea From has ever had, and the DLC would be greatly improved if you simply removed the mechanic and adjusted boss HP/damage numbers accordingly
they cant be grabbed dude. it does like 30 damage and negligible stance damage
I don't know if you meant to reply to me but I never use this talisman.
I used something like
>Shard of Alexander
>Rellana talisman that buffs lingering stance attacks
>The best PHYS resist talisman
>Twin turtle talisman
what the fuck im not that other anon but i feel like a fuckin retard finding that out this late
>Miquella charms literally everyone all the time
see >>484284596
which makes the game unironically more fun

Cringe artists are already pretending that Miquella x Radahn is actually a good or wholesome pairing lmao kms
Just pretending the DMGS isn't there?
Happy ending?
NTA, and I got both NPC summons for that fight, but I still think that the idea of having to do that gank squad solo (with mimic I guess) is painful. Especially since the monk will cast infinite scarlet rot, that's fag shit given how the arena has no cover. It really does encapsulate ER boss design: take a boss from a previous game (DS2 gank squad) and make it super fucking retarded because there's at least one obscure piece of gear or NPC quest that trivializes it so you no longer care about making it fun or balanced.
>Miquella wouldn't call him "promised" if he just coveted him.
You're ascribing logic to the thought process and actions of an insane person. Miquella was, in the absolute best case scenario, a narcissist with a savior complex. Someone that was not just physically, but also emotionally, a child, if descriptions of his character are anything to go off of. Combining this with his powers of suggestion/coersion/outright brainwashing, he's an extremely dangerous and unstable person. This is before he shed his "humanity" and his love via getting rid of his physical body and alter ego, which would make all of these negative/toxic character traits far worse. You're now left with a psychopath that thinks reason other than his own is just noise that needs to be quieted, and if brainwashing doesn't work, using others go murder for you so that you don't get your hands dirty works just as well.
>Doesn't have Ansbach OR Thiollier to back him up
>Or worse, he does but he refuses to summon them for some arbitrary reason
The fight is kino because of the dialogue interplay between their team and your team.
She also says that is just her opinion on Radahn, and even mentions that Jerren would disagree.
It is left to interpretation.
It should've been me.
Because it's super fucking retarded and people don't want to associate a character they like with it
It isn't only Miquella calling him promised. It's the game.
He’s a parallel of Marika, except he is even more okay being put into a metaphorical prison that is godhood.
It's not? Why do dead souls go there then?
>Erdtree Favor +2
>Dragoncrest Greatshield
You only have two talisman slots unless you never get hit.
If Melina is doing whatever "Grace" requires, why cant she just get reborn after dying?
The game calls godfrey first elden lord while also saying placidusax was elden lord.
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Ive found it.
This is the one.
Amazing, fun, and satisfying AoW
Great move set.
Amazing damage.
>lmao kms
Xitter is that way
the game calls malenia goddess of rot while she hasn't bloomed third time to fully ascend yet
Why didn't he just put her soul in a healthy body?
Bro, I can't barely even fucking hear or pay attention to what they're saying anyway because NPC gankfests are too hectic. I'm sure it would be kino when I can pay attention later but the FIGHT itself is a fucking dumpster file
literally nothing in this cutscene says or implies your headcannon is anything but that, sorry
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Man I loved this DLC but I have to admit it fucking sucks Radahn was the Promised Consort over Godwyn, would have been nice to fight Prime Radahn as some sort of Superboss but whatever.

Here's to the GodwynSCHOLARS and LiveindeathCHADS, hope Elden Ring 2 gives him the fight you deserve.
New wallpaper thanks
Yeah, why care about anything the game tells you
It's literally only Miquella that calls him that in the present, which is why his boss title/item descriptions from items you get AFTER the fight that refer to him as a promised consort say that: we of course know that he's Miquella's promosed consort if Miquella already told us that. There's one item that says Malenia called Radahn "promised consort," but she was in on Miquella's plan, so of course she would know that.
erdtree's is only worth it if you don't have enough points to spend in end
otherwise go crimson amber +3
read the subtitles then, ESL friend
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Newfag here, how can I practice combat and mechanics in this game effectively? It's stupid to me that the game revolves around bosses, but I can't fight them again unless I literally cheat. You'd think there was some arena where you could at least fight their spirits or whatever. I literally just respawn the draconic tree sentinel over and over again at leyndell because I like the challenge.

>try pvp
There's a bloom in Caelid. There's a blood in the Halig. Then Malenia blooms when you beat the shit out of her first health bar. Her with wings is her as a Goddess of Rot. Stop being stupid
Ansbach is the only person who told us about what happened to Mohg
>retarded question
>stupid gooner image
Oh man that explains so much... What item descrption, cutscene, or npc dialogue shows radahn saying this???
>Guy doesn't like it when people hurt and sees an avenue to stop it and the shattering war
Being an Empyrean, Miquella is absolutely one of the top people in the universe you can argue actually has a responsibility to try to save people.
"Wanting to help people from a position of authority is actually EVIL" is a totally sophomoric take. Even in the text itself, Miquella is presented as sympathetic but misguided at worst. He is a tragic figure. Trina urges you to kill him not because he's a megalomaniac but because he is not deserving of the living cruelty that is godhood.
She literally blooms a third time after phase one? First and second blooms were against Radahn and at the Haligtree (you can find Haligtree bloom in game). Malenia is the goddess of rot.
Godfrey is the first Elden Lord of the Erdtree era. Placidusax was from before that time. There's no contradiction. It's like objecting to Augustus being called first emperor of Rome by pointing to the long passed monarchical era of Rome.
Godfrey actually gives additional evidence to "promised consort" being consented to by by Radahn because Godfrey changes his own title against you when he takes back his Loux name.
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No. Answer my query, maidenless scum.
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>durrr my comically evil and manipulative femboy fetish dollar store griffith would never lie!
pride month is over, now ack yourself
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It's the final cutscene with Miquella
Yes, and because he told us, we know. Radahn was known as Miquella's promised consort to Miquella and Malenia, and we don't hear Radahn referred to as a consort until Miquella calls him that at the start of his boss fight. We did not know that about Radahn until Miquella said it to us.
>Newfag here how do I practice the game
you play it man what the fuck. go get level 713 and then just use an unupgraded weapon to fight every boss. you're so tanky you take no damage so mistakes arent really punished, but you also do no damage either so youre forced to avoid attacks for absurdly long periods of time

Shut the fuck up retard. I enjoy being able to wield whatever weapons and most incantation I want to the enemies I'm fighting
Ansbach and The Redmane girl tell you
i wish we knew who melina actually was
>Being an Empyrean, Miquella is absolutely one of the top people in the universe you can argue actually has a responsibility to try to save people
I agree, and to the outsider, looking at the Haligtree and his treatment of the Albinaurics, it certainly would seem that he was doing that. But we also had the descriptions of the Bewitching Branches and a few other items that hint that a) he may be perfectly okay with charming people for his own designs no matter the cost, so long as he achieves a goal, and b) he was planning something big that involved said charming ability. Now we have the DLC, which shows the extent of that. We now have the implication that people bewitched by him have murdered who knows how many people/waged how many wars (Malenia, Loretta, Leda, the list goes on). It's also worth pointing out that if you hit parts of the Divine Gate, it bleeds. So there's fresh corpses in the pile, and it may even be a new gate. Hell, could even be a new level on the Enir-Ilim tower, which definitely looks to be made of bodies. So, Miquella is trying to do.something good as an Emyrean, sure, but he's clearly prioritizing becoming a god first (through a ritual that condemns who knows how many people), and has had no problem piling bodies by the thousands, hornsent or otherwise, to get there.
I can't dodge Radahns teleporting bullshit - none of them, what the fuck is this shit
Yeah but I just figure the boss out and then...that's it. Like I killed fire giant in less than 10 tries, not cheesing just figuring out his movement, but I don't feel like I actually got better at fighting at all. The summons at jar champion still destroy me easily. I was hoping there was some other enemy that respawns but still gives good practice, not the stupid imps and things.
Ranni has nothing to do with fire, same reason it can’t be Malenia or god fior is “St Trina”.
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you have to run not roll
>By what metric?
by the roll and poke spacing meta. hes a PvPer and the height of PvP skill is to "space" your enemies and you only need 60 vigor and a bit of points into dex to do that, so anything else is excessive and cheesy, you can put some points into spellcasting instead of dex, but thats not viable against a good roll and poke meta build because he can just roll all your spells until you are out of FP, that spell that does chip damage by rollcatching you needed to be nerfed btw. also the same guys saying this cheat engine in infinit consumables to spam
fuck off mohg
I haven’t played the game, but I keep hearing youtubers call it the king of cosmic horror. Is it really? Is it just giant monsters and gods and they use the term cosmic horror because it’s popular to claim something is?
There's a ton of outer gods involved. One of which is the embodiment of rot.
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Nioh is fucking dogshit

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