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>Previous Thread
this guy is a cheater with projectile aimbot
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>ywn have a faithful Richter gobbling your dick at your desire like Zesty
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Any big inventory losses like that time someone lost a burning flames tc?
richter the faggot overtime wasn't even born yet when half life 2 came out
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Is his favorite class the Spy?
>ywn have a faithful fat assed Fempyro gobbling your dick at your desire like Engineer
venusianrapper won
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seems like it, that's all he playys
Reminder that if you report spammers under spamming/flooding they will get a 2 week vacation as opposed to the 3 day ban for offtopic posting!
>get killed by a random crit
>eh whatever
>kill with a random crit
>loud and wet belly laughter, i and 2 teammates in the same area taunt in the direction of the corpse, the total joy in the match spikes upward
i love random critical hits and valve securing the existence of casual and a future for random crits makes me glad
I wish I could gobble on GODtcher ARYANtime's cock...
Favorite maps to play Engineer?
shut up dichter suckertime
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Miles, stop fishing for attention here, and go do what you do best, beating your wife and kid.
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>richter wasn't born when half life 2 or gmod came out
I feel old..
I'm convinced the faggot is just replying to himself at this point
Just do the needful and let the janny escort him out
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We already had rolls for item name
how about a roll for the image on objector?
1 puts an image on my objector!
Uh /tf2g/ bros? C'mon where the profiles?
I've already reported every one posted last thread and my cheat reporting finger is still itching
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Put the top panel
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Favorite female mercs concept art?
what the fuck already
Lmfao winrar
Christ nigga, it didn't take long for a winrar this time huh
alright, I'm on it
Cringe, konata likes men (me)
Name it Playing TF2 with your Steam friend
any cool community servers?
Well played
furry pound
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>Trans athlete
>The announcer as Demoman
>Oh lawdy Thomas get dat mouse

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This one
holy fuck bros... why is b4nny so cute....
Why is this shit allowed on youtube
It's just going to incentivize falsely reporting people and steam support doesn't play the fucking game so fake bans will happen
I want that heavy to rape me
We already saw it a bunch last thread with schizos trying to get us to report random people (one of them got deleted)
>no jewishgroomer
good image
Cry some more cheating faggot I've gotten 8 cheater accounts banned with my reports, usually 2 hours after I report they get banned because I have a 19 year old account for 5000 hours in TF2 get fucked retard XD
>It's just going to incentivize falsely reporting people
Hi friend xarq0n, give free items before ban pls sar
Still run by pedos though :D
Don't know, don't care, still putting a report on every profile my /tf2g/ bros post
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>playing engi on harvest
>about to die while wrangling my sentry
>pyro kills me
>"ah shit oh well
>some random fucking gibus demoknight comes out of nowhere and kills the pyro and caps the point to win
>belly laughing.jpeg
This game is a comedy.
nobody cares
t. cheater (still unbanned despite 200+ subscriber channel with cheating videos (cope))
Okay make sure to get this guy he's a real shitter
cheater? which cheater?
they have to go into hiding by being anonymous now? pathetic
Isn't posting doxxes against 4chan's rules?
Mass reports only work if they're legitimate. The only people who have anything to complain about this are subhuman cheaters
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Does he have anything actually worthwhile? Might shark him
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Took me a fucking while because I named the folder wrong and the picture wasn't colored
but here ya go
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I main Lash and Bebop
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based, nice delivery
a pro killstreak aussie force of nature if you're into that
>all his objectors are named [FROYO] name of pony
based and agpilled
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already did it king
When are we gonna see the high detail models?
never, valve will get bored with the project before that
just like with artifact, where they still have ms paint cards
>just like with artifact, where they still have ms paint cards
lmao what?
Can someone just give them some ADHD meds already
Hol up that reminds me
Has cheatcheat been banned?
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I reported him a few years ago but nothing happened. Might be worth sending them this video again...
Cheating is cringe, but streamsniping Zesty is zased
Im conflicted
No sympathy for cheaters, you should be streamsniping out of skill, not hacks
I like to make fun of Zesty but I prefer to go after actual problems rather than fuck with him.
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The deed is done. Hopefully he gets fucked over.
is it me or the troll got banned
so quiet
medic booba
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pyro booba
He went to sleep
Probably. Now the Jew who shall not be named has nowhere to go for attention.
He's busy gooning to MLP porn
>ban him! he says things I don't like!
Good grief...
Literally everyone in tf2g got a dom on him a few years ago he's really not that good at the game, he's not a frag youtuber. Which makes cheating for it all the more pathetic
Go to jail
He's busy cheating on his wife >>484298220
soul https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9lBhShAA9Y
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not ideal but i can't complain much, the hat and ks degreaser were gifts
>cheats not only on tf2 but also on his wife
Is there anything he didn't cheat on?
>b4nny neutral good
>uncle dane lawful evil
huuuh? isn't their crime the same?
Gotta strike it when its hot kand when the steam janny is still paying attention) , whats his profile
Based deliverer
>Brothers in Blues
What do you like about that hat? I see alot of Snipers wearing it.
See >>484299420
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The hat sticks out like a sore thumb but i guess a fitting loadout doesnt really exist for it anyway
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B4SEDnny stays on his own lane and called overslop cringe, also he's funny and cannibalized a fellow comptranny
Groomcle Pedane has done nothing but hurt the game since he rigged the vote for pyro and pushed compedoshit to the absolute limit, he only has the most safe opinions and switches sides (said the nigga word with hard r but now coddles tranny faggot furries)
What's the deal with Vorobey?????
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More info there, he's tried to hide but thankfully his numbers are in the arch
Is a fraud and shit at the game >>484309430
>game is completely incomprehensible
Absolutely unbelievable, in less than 2 decades volvo went from making some of the most simple HUDs and timeless artstyles to completely contemporary trendy garbage, how the mighty have fallen
exposed a pedophile wife beater and now said pedo is seething eternally
Lives in V*nussian's head rent free, projects his own insecurities on to him.
kek he do be seethin tho
hang on i need to run this through translation
so uncle dane is bad because he's:
>a comp advocate (even though b4nny is also a comp advocate and was even consulted for the same update)
>promoted pyro to win meet your match (even though b4nny also wanted pyro to win and promoted that view (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5pZgph_ZaU)

you can hate dane for being a libcrud or whatever but it's not like he switched sides, him saying it in that idubbz song was shaming keemstar for using it. he wouldn't do it now but he was still saying n-word bad mkay. he remained consistent

also b4nny doesn't "coddle tranny faggot furries" when he posted this?
>Their attempts to smear me through out of context clips only serve to distract bystanders from their actual stances. I'm not one of your fellow bigots.
baldie seethe lmao
yeah...i cannot afford a hat with unusual i want either way, wish there were some sort of black-green cosmetics
I mean i could spend my next paycheck on it but im not retarded, i spend money on actual needs and not game pixels, game pixels is just an additional thing to buy if i have spare money, otherwise i'd rather keep it how it is
yeah b4nny got DOMINATED by VenusianRapper and he's still seething about it
Yeah Venusian we know, go outside.
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HoLORDly FUARK are all my favorite boards unusable
BUMMER time better be over soon to get all the toddLARDS back to grooming camps and out of my SACRED HALLS.
Where's the TEAM FORTRESS? All I see is retarded E-KEKleb worSHITTING
baldie seething lol
>click on b4nny's stream
>"what do you think of Venusian? He is a cheating stream sniper"
Talk about RENT FREE
they are Spamming/Flooding the thread
I think it's safe to say that valve's demise has to be one of the biggest fall from grace of the video game world
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Shut up TARDku poster
>russian mindbreaks balding jew
very nice but can we discuss tf2
I'm not a fucking jew
B4nny can be a faggot in the comfort of his own room, groomcle pedane pushes his comp mindset and tranny propaganda by setting up sovless servers with strict rules protecting groomers
Also, Dane pushed kids (grooming) into voting for pyro (rigging an election), b4nny is too chad and autistic to have a kiddie fanbase, whereas pedo dane hands out free candy (slop)
On the thing about b4nny being consulted, sure, they're equals, the rest stays the way I said it
>Dane remained consistent
...In being a cuck, that is, he only does what's popular or cool and has no opinions on his own, proof is his recent video about casual where he opens it up with "I was le wrong" only because comp went nowhere and people came back because casual tf2 is better and more fun
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>comes back to shit on fixtf2 saying it wont do anything
>gets banned
The fucking odds were in his favor and yet Valve decided to rape the cheaters with universal karmic justice.
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my reaction
yo is that you Venusian? can you start uploading videos again
>crying wojak hiding behind mask.png
This post violates a rule:
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>KEKjita KNEELARD attempting to shut a GODku poster up
Ready to watch your get beaten to a PULP again like the ANIMAL you are, BITCHjita?
>noooooo they're saying things I don't like!!! I have to report them!
Kill yourself.
but what you're describing is him having opinions. he thought comp was better even though it wasn't popular with the players and he learned his lesson.
>"I was le wrong" only because comp went nowhere and people came back because casual tf2 is better and more fun
...so he realised he was mistaken and changed his ways?
wtf else should he have done? very static mindset
I hate venusΔ±an he is too much of a chad
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>your favorite kekold*
FUARK im too excited to see vegiTARD get ROLLED by CHADza again
He's not an opinion haver, he has a herd mentality and says whatever will make him look good in front of others, my sources are the n word itself, he said it because it was cool and now it is not so he does not say it
Also you're ignoring the rest of my post
Do not mass reply to me, bitch sΓΆyfag
i say this
>4th e-celeb thread in a row
welp, see ya in a week or 5 weeks when this all cools down
How do you get it HD? been think to make one with…a thing I like.
It's never cooling down this general was waiting for Venusian's return
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>groomnusiancrapper orbiter or himself
Leave, vermin.
that's because the rest of it was memes about him being a child groomer
it doesn't make sense for him to take action to 'look good in front of others' but also be anti-majority in advocating for competitive when the majority didn't want it. the positions are contradictory
again, he only said the n-word to reproach someone else for saying it. his motive was to use it as an example of keem's bad character
Imagine shitposting here because you lost an account with money spent on it
Shut up nigger.
This was my actual reaction
If you have an ACTUAL job 700 is nothing
I can't believe the ventroonsian spammers are making the DBZ avatarfag look better by comparison
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idk if this is venusian or not, But my reaction
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we did it, we saved the chart with logic
now who should be the new lawful evil?
Fuck gambling. I'm never gambling again. I'm fine enjoying the game without spending retarded amounts of money for basically nothing.
Finally you're making a recovery, Weezy
Using crate sims made me realize you don't even have a chance at making money but there are a handful of crates that you practically can't lose on that I am now hording. I sold all of my items for these crates and I will hold them for 10 years. If the game survives I'll make a handsome profit.
Tf2klown got banned? Lmao, looks like Venusian was right about another one. He called him a cheater when he got facestabbed by him
IDubbbz's slave and pedo friend Uncle Dane is neutral good? What? Kys
all spy mains use autostab scripts
Read the thread. If one is, they both are.
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For how much you see people shitting on these stupid figures online, I'm surprised they don't sell like shit.
oh my god if this nigga actually got banned it would be the funniest shit his account is so fucking old.
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What the FUARK is this FAGKO POOP SHART?
Holy soulless. Who is that for? I'd rather play lego star wars than that shit.
>releases on my birthday
I don't know whether to puke or have a seizure
NTA but it depends on where you live
$700 for me is a monthly paycheck because my country's economy sucks
why so many dislikes?
do people hate tf2 this much or is it retarded zoomers who've never played the game and only want fortnite collab
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16gb ram and 40gb of avaliable disk memory for a simple fucking funko pop game
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Horridness of Funko Pops aside
>didn't get the VAs when they're doing the voices for free these days
>Scout drinks a generic Soda
>Engineer builds generic turrets
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heroin brine
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I am always better, your CHADposting palatte is simply not refined enough to feel my ENORMOUS and COMPLEX CHADialects
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Why does the Comp.TF page for trickstabs have the word "NIGGERS" hidden in the capitalization?
Are you trolling? People dislike it because nobody asked for this. We want Valve to fix TF2 not make a collaboration with some stupid fucking funko pop game made for redditors (like you)
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a 3060 for recommended settings?
im still using a 1060 lmao
This might surprise you but Funko Pops are disliked by almost anyone with taste and using a neglected video game to promote them isn't a good look either
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>why so many downlikes?
>>484315213 answered it, no one except TARDdit and BOYchildren like funko POOPs
You DO understand how wikis work right?
You are just doxxing yourself
Could you imagine the backlash if valve revealed this without banning the bots?
they fixed tf2 to release this, there's no other explanation
>BRVKE: valve banned the bots to make the summer update profitable
>WVKE: valve banned the bots to advertise the funko pop game crossover
>TRVTHNVKE: valve banned the bots for both reasons
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in particular, the address 2601:882:180:b90:d508:d5d7:f353:d433 made the edit, which apparently is in Lake Mary, Florida. just in case anyone was interested
>anything i disagree with is a reddit opinion
ok you do have a point, i just thought it looked cute, didn't realize everything has to be about #fixtf2 movement
maybe its a sign valve will continue with nuking the bot hosters or at least hold them off long enough to make them quit doing all of this botting shit
I didn't add that, though.
Is that the same guy who added the "floydtab" and the "fuckniggers stab"? This is autism
Are niggers really so repulsive that you have to hide them behind spoilers for people to click?
>soldier main btw
>tries to claim it's a pyro main
your filename tells a different tale
oh, missed an I. his full edit spells out "HROAT KICK NIGGERS" but he forgot to add an extra T
I think it's less the presence of black people and more the fact that it's pornography
this is how demo mains treat soldier mains after a long day
>random tf2 video
>gabber is in the vc malding about #fixTF2
what a fuckin' gwifter. Walve won.
Eyyy ya fuckin schmuck, I's gonna show you what fowah ya fuckin numbskull
>16gb ram
nigga what, i have 3060 with i5 and the game would probably lag if i ever try to go for high settings
Me as the five black guys but they're white and the white bitch as a hot fempyro furry
videwo in qwuestion:x
>didn't realize everything has to be about #fixtf2 movement
It's the timing of it more than anything. Like when the Evil Genius 2 Pyro crossover came out in 2021 no one cared (although it helped that it was a better game). Now after 4-5 years of bots, TWO "save/fixTF2" movements, Valve is whoring out the IP again for something guaranteed to be unpopular which gives it a bad look, even if they (temporarily) fixed the bot problem.

It's kinda like when Nintendo released Metroid Prime Federation Force during a period where there were no other Metroid games and the last one was Other M of all things, so it was treated way harsher. Different circumstances would lead to different results.
Why is some guy just playing the entirety of a gabber video in VC
this minus the furry part
eceleb fanboy
This but mostly the furry part
Hey stop posting my fap material
Soldier main btw
I will now not watch your video
This except I am the black guys, but white, and clothed, and the penises are shotguns, and the girl is everyone who replied to this post (and replied to the replies of the posts) except me, and her brains are splattered all over the walls and floor.
we playing any community servers tonight?
>tf2 more playable than it has been in at least five years
>posting about 100 subscriber esoapboxers who now have no reason to dislike tf2 (unless they were explicitly cheating and just got banned)
for what
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she's pretty cool
i should put her on a objector
No, I don't play this game, I just spam R63 and tranime in the general.
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After ten years I went back to playing Painkiller and I think I speak for all of us when I say we need the stake gun equivelant for TF2. Also I didn't even realize that you could actually SHOOT the grenades with the stakes to turn them into mini rockets.
No, casual has no bots so I have no reason to play servers with tranny rules
>Fempyro anthro (furry) tierlist
>S: Fox, Dragon, Cheetah
>A: Deer, Cat/Misc felines, Rat, Bunny
>B: Dog/Canine, Monkey, Bear
>C: the rest of the mammal family
>F: any bird
This except all the black guys are RED demomen wearing unusuals with eyelanders instead of their cocks out and the girl is a gibus wearing BLU spy
And they're all dominating him
What you should is make a spray with that gif of her doing the Osohe Open Sesame dance
damn, that's a venusian rapper wife
I guess his micro penis couldn't satisfy her
machina is a straight downgrade
bonus damage that is never useful so you can't hipfire and your position is exposed every time you shoot
is that 128x128?
When i scale mine down looks fuzzy af how did you get it so clear?
machina is for funsies
I didn't do anything, just scaled to 128x128 in paint and that's it
it looked pixelated in the applying menu but after applying it, somehow the pixels got blurred so it looks better or whatever
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>cheater and a femboy, sucking his own dick
the newest low

This guy isn't hacking though, you're just bad.
oh wow, kk looks really nice.
Ill see if i can get me anime girl one.
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ok then explain this to me, unless you didn't watch the clip
I am a spy main but I always have more fun when I play scout. It's so easy to topscore and even get godlikes as scout. Spy is suffering.
i did see the clip, My first thought is the viewmodel is lagging behind server. you need more concrete proof like spectating him or his aim flicking/twitching and/or obvious wallhacking to convince me.
i like standing in front of machina snipers while cloaked with the cloak and dagger so the collateral kill sound plays many times in a round.
>friends get into a match
>try to join them
>can't join from community server list (server doesn't show up)
>can't join from steam friends list
>can't join when forming a party (endlessly says "Queued for your party's match")
I know for a fact their server isn't full, so what gives?
sweet it looks good thx
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instead of playing tf2 i need to take a shower and leaver for work
oh to be a neet again
>just perfectly threads the needle of the scout and sees whats behind a ragdoll
sussy as fuck, report them all and let steam jannies sort them out
What site is that to see previous nicknames?
whats the best black box skin? or should i stick to regular
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Secretly Serviced is pretty good, enhances what's already good about the Black Box's design. Lower wears add more character to it without looking terrible.
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Cardboard Boxed
All this Black Box talk makes me wish Freedom Wrapped wasn't so prohibitively rare. One of the few warpaints that fit TF2's vibes and it's practically custom-made for Soldier.
In another thread I brought up that if there's another class it works on, it's Pyro's Detonator so it can be a firework launcher.
you use it on maps like dustbowl
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>try to send him a trade offer to troll
>"not available to trade. More information will be shown if they invite you to trade"
interesting, interesting development indeed
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I did my part. Even linked one of those video where he SHOWS his own steam account in the video like a dumbass
all this from a slice of gabagool?
they should make a foot print skin haha
they should make a fempyro skin with her boobs all over it haha
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>Cheater/Botter massacre starts
>Amount of times I get instantly killed by Snipers drops to less than half
So you're telling me Sniper players aren't all just flickgods popping consistent melee-range quickscope headshots but just the most popular class for cheatniggers? Who'd have guessed.
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its almost like we should execute every sniper main in existence

99% of skin are too busy or just bad.
I want to get one that matches a waifu,
kek now that you mention it i actually havent been killed by a close-quarters quickscope this entire week, in the past it felt like rolling dice even when i did manage to get close on soldier or demo or even scout

total snigger death
What like, a green one? Or a rocky one?
Nah, we need to execute cheaters.
It need to be publicized too, 90% of hacking would stop after watching a horse drag a head off a bolted down body.
We should try this to see what happens.
either works, any that fit the bill?
After a glance didnt see any i like.
why did thewhat run the bots for so long?
You need a BBC
Why is watching scriptkiddies and cheatfaggots scurrying to change their usernames and set their profiles to private like they think it will save them so satisfying bros
I hope we get some even bigger whales, I wanna see some cheating aimbotting subhuman lose a 5000 dollar inventory
>mutt sees talk of executions
>immediately thinks of niggerdick
so what wires got crossed for this to the immediate association?
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Report this faggot then with this clip: https://streamable.com/oexua4

He has a 6000 dollar inventory.
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Steam forums these past couple of days have been a real treat to browse
I love seeing these subhumans get what they deserve
Woodland Warrior has her colors (green and tan), Alpine sort of does too, otherwise you're looking at Bomber Soul or Clover Camo'd
There's no rocky ones really except for Sandstone Special pistol
one day a crazy enough tf2 player will have enough and kill a bot hoster like that one case of a chinese gamer guy from new jersey going all the way to florida to kill a guy
accuse all sniper mains of cheating. torment all sniper mains
It was the thought of how the white race is being executed by outbreeding... a nation of turbopozzed offspring raised in the wombs of snowbunnies... hnngggg
>$5,000 inventory
>$6,000 inventory

You anons are thinking in to small of a scale. I won't be satisfied until we get at least one(1) confirmed suicide. Hopefully that Argentinean botter tranny who's onto his 6th or 7th alt account is getting close.
FPS player sadistic tendencies combined with years of buildup
Cheaters commit a crime and should be punished but all the talk about subhumans is just revealing how frustrated TF2 players have been
Now the promised day has come and TF2ers can drink the blood of their hated enemies
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>I wanna see some cheating aimbotting subhuman lose a 5000 dollar inventory
Just like this guy a few years ago
those are great suggestions thanks anon.
I was going to settle for a regular black box and description tag it "caked by her dirty feet" or something like that.
We can compromise, they lose their multi thousand dollar inventorys and then they kill themselves
It should be a law, company are allowed to make you commit suicide with two bullets back of your head if you banned by cheating.
Skip fine and jail time and execute.
I kinda figured you were a footfag but glad I could help
>The superhacker coding geniuses are, surprise surprise, just underaged squeakers who think privating their profiles will hide them from valvejannies
Surely all the youtubers who spread the "valve cant beat the botters and cheaters because they're simply too clever!" bullshit for years will offer public apologies, livestream their self castration and go join a monkhood at an isolated monastery right? Surely the youtubers who have done literally nothing other than put up a basic petition site and make a few tweets wont be sucking themselves off for the victory lap right? Worthless niggers every last one of them
Is anyone here skilled with SFMs and sentence mixing or do you know someone who is? I’d like to commission a short, (likely 3 minutes long), non-pornographic video and I’m willing to part with 50 keys up front to whoever can make my vision a reality. I want to make the Medic sing a short song that I wrote.
woooah, who knew a multi billion dollar company could keep up an imaginary arm's race against a bunch of poor retarded slav teenagers and one deadbeat developer in a few weeks
use an ai voice
pls respond
No, they will continue being popular and you will continue to seethe. Just let go
But I don’t want to use an ai voice, 15.ai always sounds like shit, very raspy
zesty seems to have a bias towards any item made before 2015
Sometimes I wonder what compels a person with actual worthwhile backpacks go and cheat so brazeningly like that.
megascatterbomb is the only tf2ber that actually tried fighting against cheaters/bots
>non-pornographic video
No thanks / not interested
It felt good and there was no enforcement. No need to wonder
Calm down about a video game kid.
Everyone and everything involved in this bullshit is pathetic.
The botters are pathetic for dedicating so much of their lives to trying and failing to kill off a free2play meme hat game from 2007
Valve is pathetic for not lifting a finger for half a decade when setting their jannies on the botters for not even a full week is all it takes to send them fleeing
Youtubers are pathetic for being impotent attentionwhores who rallied 2 movements with 0 achievements under their belt
That guy is pathetic for posting all his info online and then being surprised when he gets doxxed and then spreading the "holy shit the botGODS can doxx anyone!" lies to dissuade everyone else in the community from trying
The community is pathetic for never organizing a mass evacuation to community servers, or a boycott, or anything else for half a fucking decade. In the end we had to be saved by a fucking Funko Pop collab forcing Valve to finally sweep its streets full of shit

The only winners were reddit spy cosplayer and signanon because they got to have fun playing with cosmetic itens irl. Actually they're pathetic too becase they wasted their time and money visiting Valve for no gain either. Everyone fucking lost except the Funko Pop guys
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you may wanna check your games files by going to going properties, installed files and then click verify integrity of game files
its just a video game so its no problem.
your life should be worth more than a video game.
>well you see the bots may be gone but really we all lost
O.K. Doomer
*shits in my hand and smears it on your face* erect that dispenser with this retard
Text on a computer screen.
ill see if I can get a strange tonight .
if i cant get strange i may do caked thing.
You are talking about companies making people "commit suicide with two bullets back of your head if you banned by cheating.".
Cope, in 10 or 20 years this whole shitshow will be remembered as an embarrassment for youtube essayists and internet anthropologists to crawl over
>Why One Of The World's Biggest Developers Let Its Game Get Botted Half To Death [4:11:02]
>#SaveTF2, #FixTF2 and #ResuscitateTF2: A Case Study of Community Protest Movements in The Age Of Online Gaming
That's cool bro, right now there's no bots on casual but if it matters more to you what content farmers say in 20 years then you worry about that
Oh I see you're ESL and didn't understand my post to begin with, I'm sorry for thinking you were sentient. Ooh ooh aah aah you third-world baboon
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Damn, so true bro. Anyway I'm gonna go play casual now there's no bots, good luck with all your "everyone loses" bitterness.
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he won, legitoddlers utterly btfo
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You want compromise, how's this? Twenty years in the can I wanted quickplay, but I compromised. I played casual instead. I wanted to fuck a fempyro, but I compromised. I jacked off into a tissue. You see where I'm goin'?
2000 dollars is NOTHING to this psychopath...
There's cheaters and scriptkiddies in every online game. If anyone "lost" it's nu-Valve for outing themselves as a worthless piece of shit. All this time, for years, all they had to do was have their jannies take a look. It's not like any new VAC update got shipped, no software changes occurred, no treadmill work except for the jannies who were already there and, not being devs, wouldn't have occupied Valve's precious developer time. I just hope this isn't really a quick ploy to clean things up for the Funko collab and we get active moderation from now on. If it just ends in a month the botters will be back in days and it will truly be over.
I’m >>484331825 and I would like to apologize for my coarse language and swarthy disposition. The truth is, I am a bot hoster and I have lost my account, which is worth hundreds of dollars, as a consequence of my own hubris and I am taking out my frustration on you, who did nothing to deserve it. I apologize for the shoddy manner in which I have conducted myself in our conversation. Have a pleasant day.
the biggest shame is nobody has doxxed the botters yet and now that they're getting curbstomped the motivation for a champion to do it for us is likely gone
Why play casual over the much better community servers?
>starts using periods
>now >>484332441
kek that ESL comment cut deep didnt it
guys report this account. apparently he hacked the game and gave himself a rocket launcher that has +1009900% damage bonus, +109900% clip size, and an on hit stat to gain up to +250 health
there are no good community servers
>inb4 one mentioned in this thread
the people who go to those servers get stalked
well known cheater i think valve is secretly not banning this cheater
>Valve is pathetic for not lifting a finger for half a decade
I'm willing to bet that they didn't expect this amount of autism, possessiveness and obsession. They avoided contact with community besides a single tweet about 2 years ago then went into radio silence again. I think it was for not giving the attention the bot hosters crave or scare them off so they can properly nail their coffin.

>Youtubers are pathetic for being impotent attentionwhores who rallied 2 movements
They are in for cashing money from the game. Their plan was perfect on the surface until Valve swooped in and took their prize of credit. They would stand around doing nothing, then try to paint Valve in a bad light when Valve realizes that they're bad faith actors who only care about cashing in from a dying game. I'm willing to bet some of those movement starters are friends with bot hosters even and trying to organize something as we speak.
They delayed their travel for a month, that only shows they expect bot hosters to rise again so they won't look like idiots when they speak to Valve. Both bot hosters and movement starters are at the same age range and make themselves look bad or dumb all the time as we go towards a climactic ending. That makes me think that they could have been friends or benefit from all of this as a staged bullshit with one dimensional planning. They never had plan B or plan C, which is not shocking.
Cope, non ESL baboons can actually understand my post instead of chimping out. Shouldn't you be worshipping cow shit instead of posting here?
this guy is a piece of shit, every time I've run into him he uses crithacks. reported this faggot
>I'm willing to bet some of those movement starters are friends with bot hosters even and trying to organize something as we speak.
You shouldn't make accusations you can't prove.
spy cosplayer lost because all he did was signalboost a pr stacy's bullshit about valve hearing us
signanon was useful because he reported on valve radio silence policy, which valve has kept even through this banwave
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>there are no good community servers
There several decent ones.
pill-popping schizo
absolute soul. there is a timeline out there where robin walker still trolls lobbies with his rocket launcher to this day and we're in the absolute worst timeline
how do I open urls in steam?
it just opens the page on my browser
im playing tf2 at night now and there are no bots or cheaters and im enjoying myself
i think the people with problems still are making them up (or suddenly cant play team fortress 2 for some reason)
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Someone got offended? Then maybe they should stop telling people to protest Valve by not buying shit so they can sweep clear the cheaper price unusual hats. What do you think will happen when people stop buying or slow down their trades? Traders will break prices and who exactly can benefit from it?
That shows that they are planning to cash in and this whole bot hoster drama benefits them or they plan that it should. If they cry about Valve ignoring them, throw shade at everyone else, claim game is dying at any rate and start a community server then I'll consider myself to be right. That was what bot hosters were selling you at the first place. Even if Valve ignores them, then I'll think they know more and I'm right. There's nothing you can do about it.
You want me to believe they went in without ANY plan to profit off from this whole ordeal? How about you show me some proofs that they're completely innocent individuals who happen to have no merit? Bot hosters acting or not doesn't prove anything at all. I believe we're witnessing a staged fight of sorts.
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Add an all class cosmetic given to all players for free that upgrades with unlockable styles - similar to how the HOUWAR can be adjusted visually to the 'lower level' bounty and treasure hats - based on the number of accounts you report that are successfully TF2 game or VAC banned. It could be either a medal, something referencing janitorial work, or something in the vein of the Cheater's Lament. It would raise awareness of reporting cheaters and draw attention to them actually banning those caught.
oh yeah sorry my bad
not exactly what you're looking for but have this
Show me evidence or it's bullshit
Simple, they tell people to protest valve but still gulping MvM tickets. They are not above their community. They're in for the profit and you are attracting attention by questioning me.
>How about you show me some proofs that they're completely innocent individuals
It's innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around. You can consider yourself to be the King Of Mars but nobody else is obligated to take your delusions seriously.
>nobody else is obligated to take your delusions seriously.
What are you doing by replying to me? Defending them or not? They are not above their community they had no quality to lead this movement. They delayed everything without any proper excuse but getting high on live streams. They just wanted to profit off from this. They never expected Valve to make a move and it shows, and I think it's funny. They get caught off-guard.
MVM is profitable? I better quit my day job. Great proofs btw
Lol. That means they're still in for giving Valve their money. The moment traders break prices no one can guarantee that they won't buy stuff. If they didn't spend money, good on them but perhaps they shouldn't try to be the leader of a movement or something next time?
holy shit
those dudes sound so happy it's infectious
i didn't even think he thought about tf2 much less opened up the game
They were incompetent but there is no evidence that profiteering was a motive. In fact your theory supposes that the same people who show up high on streams are capable of organising a conspiracy with bothosters with no leaks. Even though we've been seeing nothing but leaks from bothosters over the past week.
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Which class does this specimen play?
Heavy, but Who is this n*gga
so much sovl....
Kill pyros. Behead pyros with the eyelander. Roundhouse kick a pyro onto the control point. Slamdunk a gibus pyro into the trash. Neck-snap pyros. Sage pyro threads. Don't reply to pyro posters. Crucify filthy pyro mains. Hang pyros. Defecate into a pyros sandvich. Launch pyros into a buzzsaw. Stiryfry pyros in a wok. Toss pyros in front of active sentry guns. Urinate into a pyros gasstank. Judo throw pyros into a woodchipper. Dox pyros. Twist pyros heads off. Report pyros to Valve. Never uber pyros. Karate chop pyros in half. Never heal pyros. Backstab pyros. Melee crit pyros. Curbstomb pregnant pyros. Trap pyros in quicksand. Dump pyros into the grinder on mannhattan. Liquify pyros into a vat of acid. Eat pyros. Dissect pyros. Exterminate pyros in MGE. Stomp on pyros skull with the mantreads. Steal a pyros health pack. Make pyros check'em. Cremate pyros with the degreaser. Lobotomize pyro mains. Mandatory trade bans for pyros. Crush pyros into a paste. Drown pyros in jarate. Vapourize pyros with a pomson. Spawn camp pyros. Kick a monkey pyro from your mvm lobby. Starve pyros. Shark pyros from hat drops. Feed pyros to alligators. Slice pyros open with the half-zatoichi.
Fuck pyros. Get head from pyros. Fuck a pyro on the control point. Slamdunk your cock into her. Snap off a pyro's bra. Follow pyro threads. ERP with pyro posters. Cum inside filthy pyro mains. Hang pyros in shibari bondage. Have the pyro make you a sandvich after. Launch sperm into pyros. Fry pyros' brains with sex. Toss a pyro's salad. Urinate into a pyro's mouth (she's into it). Judo throw pyros onto a bed. Blackmail pyros into sex with their dox. Twist pyros' nipples. Report your love for pyros to Valve. Always uber pyros. Split pyros' legs in half. Sexually heal pyros. Give pyros surprise buttsex. Critically hit pyros in the womb. Impregnate pyros. Get trapped into sex by demon pyros from the underworld. Dump sperm into a pyro cum dumpster. Submerge pyros into a vat of cum. Eat pyros' pussies. Dissect pyros' clothes off. Dominate pyros after defeating them in MGE. Slap pyro's face during sex with the Hot Hand. Give pyros health packs. Make pyros suck'em. Cream inside pyros' holes. Lobotomize pyros into sex slaves. Mandatory slut training for pyros. Give pyros your love paste. Drown pyros in mad milk. Whip pyros' asses with a disciplinary action. Camp in the same tent with pyros. Invite a pyro to your mvm lobby. Feed pyros your semen. Give pyros your hat drops in exchange for sex. Fuck pyros like an alligator. Slice pyros' clothes off with the half-zatoichi.
me on the bottom
>there is no evidence that profiteering was a motive
The moment they tried to rally people to protest Valve by not buying anything from shop, I think it was enough reason to think that way. When market slows down, traders eventually start to break prices. That's enough of a reason to think they're in for profit. They were using their online presence to manipulate masses. And now they're delaying their flight when everything finally blew over. Naturally I ask why are they fucking delaying this when bigger friend groups organized longer trips in shorter notice. If their age bracket is too young to organize something then how those botters kept this shit up for fucking years? Someone wanted us to believe botters were underage or they are really?
no idea, apparently a sudaca version of chud
Out of all of Valve's blunders, I don't understand why they decided the Warpaint system should replace Decorated Weapons. It's a really low-bar for entry and lacks the personal touch of making a skin for a specific weapon. I really doubt putting skinned weapons in the game isn't any harder than adding hats.
>days passed since banwave
>no video about banwave from fixTF2 movement starters
we're busy enjoying tf2 dawg u should try it its great
>I really doubt putting skinned weapons in the game isn't any harder than adding hats.
The thing about it is they never made community skins possible for some reason. They never added a skin editor to the in-game tools nor did they make an external program for it. If they did we might've gotten skins, it's really just some JSON that needs to be edited.
My theory is for whatever reason they couldn't get someone to make that skin editor so we got war paints instead, because all those need is to have the textures hooked into several pre-defined templates so it's a literal copy and paste job (which makes it worse when Valve somehow fucks THAT up)
Medic says no to rapes. You try to rape anyone, he will kill you.
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delfys gaben thumbnails are hilarious
>join community server
>someone says in chat "I love stroking my feminine penis!"
>3 people instantly disconnect
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We should have an anchor first post next thread for people trying to get cheaters they find mass reported.
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theres like 5 diff stock shotguns
Come find me
How does a hat have a killstreak?
I guess you're new but there was a period where glitched killstreak kits were dropping that could be applied to anything, even hats
universal killstreak kit, they can be bought and be put on any item you want but its expensive
did not read
did not sniff
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bing onions go suc your daddy elmaxo
wait no way
>the bot hosters are autogynephiles
That explains their mental illness.
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Valve don't communicate because that's how they've always done things. Years of this community leaking shit ranging from Steam Translation Server shit for upcoming updates, to full blown repo leaks, are a major factor in why Valve doesn't communicate. That, and the failed community updates like Robotic Boogaloo and Invasion (blame Facepunch/Knockout.chat trannies for that), and the shit show that was End Of The Line. This community has slowly over time become nothing but autistics and troons and furfaggots and diaperfaggots (Aarmastah lmao) warring with each other. It used to be better back in the early days (2007-2015). Can't go a month without some faggot making a twitter callout or starting drama over some stupid shit nowadays. And the constant blackballing of people too. Ficool2 made Hammer++ and HLMV++ and has made things better for modders in general over the years but "oh no we can't publicly show support for him without being labelled a 'phobe because ficool said a few years ago that he thinks children shouldn't have gender surgeries, but even though they can't have gender surgeries by law anyway, we're still gonna call him a transphobe and not even acknowledge his existence". It's a surprise Valve even still cares enough to do anything about the bots in TF2 at this point. I feel bad for myself for having wasted so many years giving a fuck about this game. Learn from my mistakes. Fuck TF2. Quit the game and do something meaningful with your lives.
didn't read
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this has motivated me to play tf2 for another 5k hours
aren't you the guy who keeps saying you're never coming back to this general
FIRST HOMELESS, (his parents kicked him out lmao) NOW ITEMLESS
Where? I don't see a ban on his page
Wait he’s not banned yet? Let’s fix that. He’s a blatant cheater with a YouTube channel where he records himself cheating AND he has an inventory with items worth hundreds of dollars. This should be pretty easy.
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Part 1:
With the bots gone I finally got my gf to install the game. So far she's only felt comfortable on medic, and she's intimidated by pretty much everything else except maybe engineer. She doesn't like losing, so on the other classes she'll get stressed out after dying a few times and give up. Should I just let her keep locking medic, or keep encourage her to play other stuff? I offered to pocket her while she plays heavy or soldier, but she says she doesn't want to. He only PvP shooter experience before this was valorant, so that might be why she has a hard time not taking the deaths or match outcomes seriously.
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Part 3:
you should have sex with her boypussy and cuddle afterwards
Love the sadboy emo profile (not really it looks cringe)
> go medic
> she goes phlog pyro
>play dustbowl
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This is the best one. Too bad all the videos are the same thing over and over.
Can someone tell me why the flare gun couldn't say in it's description "crits pyros"? you could even Art of the Deal me and drop it down to "mini crits pyros"
Why does combo pyro have to have a bad matchup vs the 0 IQ version of pyro? That's DOGSHIT game design.
pyro is a collection of bad mechanics duct taped together to resemble a class
Does surfing in the 2fort sewer pipes makes you traverse that area faster or is it just for looks?
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new swipez
i dont do it often but im pretty sure u do go faster but its probably a minor advantage
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Encourage her to play different classes but give her the ropes about how shit works and what she needs to pay attention while playing. I think she won't sit through a dumb TF2 video for 4 hours to learn how to rocket jump but will like it when you explain it yourself. TF2 is pretty old school and manual game which require you to dodge incoming projectiles by baiting your movement direction to the opponent then doing the exact reverse or halting your momentum intentionally.
If she take dying serious then inform her how to dodge rockets or grenade pills, tell her to check large gates by estimating enemy sentry nest positions. Tell her to stand still against spies or get close diagonally just to retreat perpendicular to their direction to bait their swing. Tell her to steer perpendicular to one direction then move diagonally in an instant to dodge splash rockets or circle the opponent when she hear the firing sound. Tell her to side jump but halt her movement mid-air to dodge pills. Tell her to crouch under hit scan if she has high ground. I don't know really, it has so many complex parts to it and she wouldn't learn without wasting several hours herself or a good teacher.

If she played something like Valorant it won't take long until she become proficient with dodges and aiming. Aiming is depth perception and dodges are just mind games on baiting the opponent in a matter of fraction of a second.
I say open her up with Medic or Engineer then allow her to move to other classes who has similar arsenal. As a Medic if she like syringe guns perhaps she can like stock demoman or if she grew fond of crossbow then it could be huntsman sniper. If she liked shotgun of engi then it could well as be soldier or pyro.
On a tight map with an enemy team spamming pyros I love to use pyro with a shotgun for just this reason. 9/10 they have a flare gun and can barely resist you as you fearlessly charge in. Pyro itself is an anti-pyro tool. Pretty fucked up if you think about it.
>playing tf2c
>someones saying "something something your penis"
>someone says "but what if im a girl"
>another says girls can have penises
>tfw knowing full well i would get banned if i typed "no"
whats your fav minigun?
Join the 21st century, grandpa
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What a pathetic whale.
idk why you're asking me but I like Stock the most
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its a shame rosne was abused as a kid that it led to this
This whole situation is giving me flashbacks of that one time when JCapps got banned, and I'm loving every moment of it
She definitely isn't going to spend any time out of game learning, you're right. I'll try to help her along with dodges. Maybe join an empty server and together and do some simulations of various attackers. I'm sure she could learn to surf at the very least.
>As a Medic if she like syringe guns perhaps she can like stock demoman
She did suprise the fuck out of an over overconfident spy and scout today pulling out her syringe gun when they flanked her, and naturally backpedaled while shooting killing both (barn blitz defense, last point staircase), so maybe demo man is the right call.
fuck this i just wanna forever in the tiny houses on the cliffs in arena offlbast
They can't shill their servers if the topic is the competition to those servers coming back to life. You'll get a vague "we did it reddit" in a month if the bots stay dead, or an "I told ya so, play my servers and donate to my Patreon" if not.
castawaysisters...how we coping
Its a shame he wasnt abused enough and didnt get killed or pushed to suicide
>valve bans bots
>retards go to casual instead of community
now valve kills community servers by pushing their shitty matchmaking.
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Kino? I think?
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>umm akshually casual is completely fine even though it's just constant steamrolls and you can't even spectate or switch teams
why is everyone (including people here) so insistent on playing Jill's fanfic vision of playing the game?
Funny how he makes a video like this when he previously made a video that it's useless to protest since Valve won't do anything, and then he deleted it
Cuz yur cool
Anyone got a reupload of that?
tfw chuds still arent accepting of puppy marriage. its the 22nd century!!
Don’t look up what β€œDr. Face”, the guy who made those great sfms, is doing now. Worst mistake of my life
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>Bots are gone
>Reminded how shit casual matchmaking is
>People play it and think "it's the way TF2 was meant to be played"
>A protest to bring back quickplay is very unlikely since most players now are post-mym and don't know better and wouldn't support something they never experienced
We've won...but at what cost?
I’m a post MyM player and I never play casual matchmaking because I think it sucks. I have no idea how the β€œquick play” days were but I can’t imagine that they weren’t a lot better than the state of casual matchmaking.
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>round limit caters to people with low attention span and competitive mindset
>encourages rolls and unfun matches
>newer players will get used to this and even if quickplay returns they won't be able to stand a 45 minute timer
>they will get annoyed and quit
MyM and it's consequences has been a disaster for the game's health
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dustbowl best map because of 20 minute rounds
that’s a weird way to spell junction
Ay thanks
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Name a more well-designed map
Protip: you cant
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why what do you mea-
>fursuit videos brazenly uploaded to his storied and historic channel
I love Junction
it contains pornography starring every man here.
>they will get annoyed and quit
Idk I think the bots are more likely to annoy new players and make them quit, but maybe that's just because I'm not nostalgiafagging to the point of delusion
>play community server
>type !nominate cp_junction_final
>it’s not the map pool
Another server added to the blacklist!
this but hydro
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i hate that they shortened the timer on powerhouse horrible change
Should submit a bug report and say that it's not an intended feature.
>Zesty says he wants black people hair-only for demoman
>Showcase multiple afros in his workshop video
>Still shit on them
>Upvoot the shiny plastic mafia heavy hair because it looks like him

Why is Zesty like this ? Do Zesty only want things that looks like Zesty ?
Demoman hair items are not really needed in the game, there is plenty of them already, but still, I don’t get why his streams are popular, this was the first one I watched, and it’s a confirmed snoozefest
I just don’t understand why people are still interested in new crates-items, do you guys actually spend money on keys ..?
the post above me has literally nothing to do with team fortress 2
last time i bought a crate it was a crate 83 and thats it i never bought any crate after 2015 its just all slop bullshit
shitbowl kneels to powerhouse
>Open /tf2g/ at any day of the week
>A solid 50% of it MINIMUM is dicksucking or seething over Youtubers and personalities
Why is this place like this? Usually you only get threads this obsessed with Youtubers when it's squeaky-voiced girls wearing the faces of anime girls.
Guys In Real Life?
Oldfags + parasocial relationships built over years of watching these guys
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report this cheater please
his group is also full of other skiddies
TF2 is 17 years old and we get no meaningful updates, we've run out things to discuss so people just bring up e-celebs
It doesn't help that random no names try to shill themselves here
A certain subhuman got banned and lost his 800$ inventory after bragging fixtf2 wouldnt do anything and all the hackusations against him were false. So he's having a melty on tf2g every day.
No I'm just pretending to be him and using inspect element's screenshots to "prove" I'm him lmao
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What's the best MvM tour and why is it Expert?
>everyone i dislike is a cheater!!!11!11 mass report now!!!1
the absolute state of this general
Every time I'm bored and watch a highlander match it looks like the most miserable experience imaginable. It's nothing but snipers farming using borderline-exploit sightlines while the other classes get relegated into doing the most monotonous and routine-like uses of their class.
>Game is a fun casual romp
>In order to play it at the highest skill level players and their classes are forced to conform to max-utility uses cases which sucks all the fun out of the game and leaves you as little more than a cog
big if true
always thought he was a giant fag
I love Highlander, best comp gamemode there is.
I'm not gonna report someone unless you provide proof, people are already trying to abuse the thread by posting random people
Hey that my account...
Red dragon
if you play on australia servers you will probably have seen him, but ill record the next time i see him if i remember
you can look him up in megascatter's list if you trust that
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he LITERALLY has screenshots of him cheating and queuing with other cheaters on his profile
Has anyone here went with the tomislav, family business, and eviction notice on high tower cause its fun as fuck.
Okay well there you go, now I have something to put in the report message other than "hey some guy told me he was cheating"
you could have clicked on his profile...
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I clicked, looked at the bare bones profile, and closed the tab. I wasn't about to go digging around for proof when I'm just going off your word. You do the work for me if you want me to fill out a report, not the other way around.
sorry i was playing and didnt think to check the screenshots
then again, i dont expect people to be THAT stupid
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>check out syndenious, apparently he changed his name
>those comments

Behead all cheaters. Report this fag.
oh damn i didnt see that one, wish there was a reupload of it
>eviction notice
You got taste. But can you utilize it proper? You need to perch up near gates to drop down and punch people then rev your minigun.
Unnecessary when you have family business or any shotgun in my opinion. Just slam the shotty trigger for whoever unaware of your presence and back jump rev if things get serious.
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Report what?
Wasn't Zesty saying "You should Boycott, NOW !" ?
Did he shat his pants ?
Is there a way for valve to give out cheater's lament? or is the hat just a rare thing
i feel like its rarer than burning captain nowdays, unless valve still does give them to people for reporting
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No. You will never own one.
It was only ever given out for not using idling programs back in the day, and a second time to try and get people who were missed during the first wave. It was not and is not a general purpose "I didn't cheat" hat and thinking they'll distribute it again like newfags have been thinking for years (crate depression, etc) is just pure copium.
I can't... you got me :). I fucking love Junction. It's like playing counterstrike Tf2 or something.
cheater's lament was given out twice and never again, reporting doesn't give you hats
>I feel like its rare than a burning captain
what about.. a burning team captain and lament together?
>type !nominate cp_junction_final
if I see anyone do this in one of my games I immediately call them out
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Everyone in that comment. But fairly impressed valve is sticking with it. Now.... If they only return Scouts baby face shotgun and GRU back to original self.... I lowkey want a baby face blaster for Heavy. Unironically would make fat scout interesting.
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Ok thanks for the info, well i don't need to own one i was just curious since i saw someone wearing it yesterday
that would look like...shit, it's overlaping
sniperoids be like: why you le dislike junction?? it's le... CLOSE COMBAT MAP just like how you wanted it
Me (calm and collected): Actually, Team Fortress 2 was designed to be a medium range combat game. Not close quarters. And no snipercel, not long range either.
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>Everyone in that comment.
And where would you suggest we find their steam accounts to actually do that
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>valve does the bare minimum eight years too late
>redditors celebrate
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you look like this
Why are sniper mains so afraid of Junction? Has their even been a more blatant orchestrated hate campaign against a map? Reddit unanimously hates it, yet I don't see what's wrong with the map. It's very fun to play Heavy and Pyro on.
>game becomes playable again
>being happy because of this is le reddit
love this mod because you can tell someone got so upset they didn't get cheater's lament so they made this
no but this is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgP1T4NkWM8
Celebrating is justified, praising valve is too much though. They really did probably only do this because of the summer update and funko pop shit coming out right now. I fucking hope they keep it up man but we'll have to wait and see.
>junction is so fu-
*dies to a sticky trap he couldn't see or avoid*
>it's fun to pla-
*opens a shutter door and dies to 10 sentries*
>gotta love the hustle and bus-
*explodes into 6 million gibs because there's no way to avoid the shoot feet man's gigantic splash in tiny corridors*
seething bot hoster or cheater, call it
gaben is so based am i rite
Does anyone have the files for that old mod btw? Seems to be lost to time. I'm hoping to recover it and save it.
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you rn
>this hat caused so much seethe
definitely a
>The Fox & the Grapes
type situation
a couple ubered phlog pyros would wreck them.
just say you want to rtv to pl_upvote next time
I do that every single match
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I'd rather rtv to kvth_kinovest or cp_kinohouse or cp_kinobowl maybe even kvth_aryanduct
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do you have that sperg cat communist going how he was a good boy and made his own clan pride cope medal lmao
enjoy tf2
don't praise valve for finally moving a finger
simple as
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Of course
hahahahahaha, thanks king
Valve unironically should have given something out for not unboxing them though.
I'd really want a cheater's lament too but I'm a newfag
literally no one's praising valve in this thread you absolute buffoon, you're inventing fake scenarios to be mad at
people can celebrate bot hosters finally getting fucked without praising valve, those two things are not mutually exclusive
there's way more skepticism about if they'd actually keep it up but you're showing up acting like the real redditor trying to shit on people for just enjoying something good happening for once
but a horse guy
Why? Unlike the first time, there was no external program or cheating involved, the mistake was entirely on Valve's part, they fucked the crate drop rates. You didn't have to do anything except do a normal crate unbox which people were probably doing anyway without realizing they were broken. That's why they ended up not taking away the unusuals, even. People who thought they'd get some kind of le epic reward were just huffing too much copium
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always the smuggest motherfuckers until they get hit, then they either "don't care" or do this shit
borneo is very good.
i know you are but what am i
>scout is batonly
>syringe gun only medic? why add him if he doesnt heal?
>oh no the consequences of my actions
>you don't understand, I only did it when I thought I had no consequences, I'm crying
a child, obviously
you have to be 18 years old to post here
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granted the item was untradeable from the start due to crate depression but still bit funny
tranny rules? like what
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>Wtf is this shit!?
>!nominate badwater
>!nominate upward
>I can't snipe here! ! Wtf is this... this is such a BAD map... WHO VOTED THIS OMG
>What... use the huntsman?
>that's rubbish m8, more like the "lucksman", am I right? That weapon doesn't take any skill, and SKILL always beats LUCK
>now let's go play upward for the millionth time where I have a free sightline right at the beginning of the game that is the entire first ground that goes into your spawn from which you can't get near me whatsoever, oh and the entire rest of the map is also a sightline too
>*equips razorback*
>*boots up RiJin/LMAObox*
>Valve launches banwave against cheaters and botters
>Entire TF2 community instantly fragments into countless random balance, gameplay, aesthetic, etc demands
>"Now they need to bring back old GRU" "Buff Sandman to the point where it's usable" "Keep pushing for the Heavy update guys!"
people have been saying that for 7 years now doe
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I still think that's fake as fuck. Bot hosters and cheaters don't have any remorse but responses of "don't care and now I have a life and this bike" or "all according to the plan because I'm an anime protagonist". No amount of crying and whining would be reflected outside just as they don't reflect on their actions up to this point.
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>sfm porn
its trash.
Its just that the next time a bug like that happens everyone knows there's no reason not to exploit it now. They did good making every hat after the first unbox untradable but I think everyone that unboxed one or less should have gotten some little untradable hat too.
Reminder to report the resident cheater cheatcheat while the steam jannies are still paying attention >>484307770

i dont get stalked
Are the "stalkers" in the room right now?
>anon how do i use the rocket jump ability
>this game doesnt have abilities
>can i play overwatch instead
>changes username to try and hide
>doesnt change url or profile pic
botters really are retards
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it...its working!
>Z (russia)
who's he trying to bait? everyone?
>not changing url
Perhaps they can not do that when reports are stacked? So they did what they can and play the waiting game now.
so are you for not grabbing their ID64
>all the bothosters started around 2020
maybe the pandemic wasn't that good of a thing after all...
send more bothosters/cheaters profile i wanna report them all
one by one they will fall
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>Check botter profile
>It's always a tranny and/or thirdworlder
>Banwave comes
>A bunch of them change their usernames and profile pictures or set their profiles to private as if that's going to stop Valve jannies from seeing them
It's just incredible. An entire demographic of people who are somehow more pathetic than the average 4chan user.
reduce health drained on deploy to 15, reduce passice health drain rate to 5 per second. increase maximum drained health to 150 (from 100). there, fixed. no, mark for death is not and never was a real downside. heavy is brainless enough, lets at least have some thought in his gameplay like the health managment of gru
>fat scout
not a playstyle, kys. if you want some new heavy gameplay:
>turn huolong into a firework launcher
leave the shitguns alone
Make sure to mompost in this thread when a cheater you reported gets banned.
>!nominate gravelpit
>"ackvhutally the botters are literally invincible programming GODS who can circumvent any solution, defeat any anticheat, solve any puzzle, and have infinite resources to hire an army of indians to manually get past anti bot measures for them so theres literally nothing valve can possibly do t-"
>all valve had to do was turn the gaze of its jannies upon tf2 for less than a week and the entire incestuous faggotblob of cheaters and botters """community""" evaporates like fog before morning sun
when will the youtubers who shilled the "botters = GODS" bullshit for years come out and livestream their suicides?
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MARI, the toxic griefer MvM group is dismantled, thanks to valve's new gameban policy. No more bill gaither and his gang of autists.
All members gone and their leader decided to make "DUCKE" a mvm cheater, the leader of the group lol.
At least Miss Pauling’s fashion sense has evolved since the 1970’s.
holy fuck how many times is this gonna be said? getting annoying now.
Have you tried shooting a sniper rifle at a close range?
>watershed moment happens
>people call for public executions
this is normal behavior and if you dislike it you should leave
>play heavy
>instaraped by stickies
no thanks
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quick give me some recs fellow milfchad
Probably means something like seeking gratitude from /tf2g/ for getting a cheater banned. I think.
Personally I won't be satisfied until Gaben beheads one cheater and one Youtuber each and hangs their bodies up in gibbets outside Valve hq as a warning.
Man when are we going to get cool halloween unusual effects again? The knife rain and the skull moon from ten years ago (can't be assed to look up the names) were epic. This recent shit is lame, looks like cutouts from a kindergarten coloring book hovering around you.
>eat lunchbox
>quick swap between GRU and minigun rapidly
>heal back to full life in a blink
What's not to like about new GRU?

>return Scouts baby face shotgun
Get more flava.

>I lowkey want a baby face blaster for Heavy.
That's eviction notice. If you want fat scout just play it. Both BB and HLH are very strong miniguns that support the use of shotgun to be mobile.

Get the damn shotgun instead of complaining about being slow when 5 demoman pump crit stickies at your feet.
I think he means reporting back to here like you are a caring mother I donno.
meh diiiiiick
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>Queue for Casual
>No bots
>More people talking on voice chat than I've heard in months, maybe years
>Squeakers, zoomers, etc giving callouts, banting
>Average "skill" level of snipers has dropped across the entire game, get headshot around 1/3rd as often as I used to
>Match ends and 5 different fucking guys start saying "engineer gaming"
>Old TF2 friend sees me online, messages me to queue together
Team Fortress 2... I've missed you...
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If the knife rain and moon were released today they'd be shat on as lazy tacky effects (look it's literally just a jpg of a copyright free skull!!)
As far as recent halloween effects go like you said most of them are ass, I liked haunted wick (cool smoke effect) and Nightmarish Storm (basically a Ooze clone but i don't have to pay 2000$ for it)
Nothing short of beheading would suffice.
Should be a law that for companies are allowed to kill its users over this.

Honor killing move aside, terms of service termination is in town.
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>klax0n bothostertranny is on his fifth(5th) account now because he keeps using the same username and people immediately report his new alts
>every new alt he makes to ban evade, he immediately has a few hours in tf2
imagine being this desperate to hop on a game you tried to bot to death. i hope he kills himself soon
I’m debating to sell my unusual, bought it for pennies. Was hoping for more robot centric items to make use of the Nuts n bolts effect.
Sooo since summer update is gonna get there soon, i wonder how many unusual effects we get this year
is there an estimate on how many we got per update?
I unironically won't be satisfied until at least one or two botters commit suicide because they've lost access to the one thing they had an illusion of control and dominance over in their worthless lives. Reddit and Twitter may be satisfied with Casual being playable again but I want blood.
I'm gonna pick up this bothosting and be the first non-troon Canadian to do so. Expect some Canadian bots to flood casual soon, who will instakill you and say "Sorry, eh" after every kill.
the biggest surprise is that none of the botter profiles have been chinks
its literally all russians or monkeys from south american shitholes
State funded execution. Kids need to see the head roll if they think about cheating. Waging your life for a pointless thing like video games is funny. Once it stop being.
Hobby and a sport you’ll see legislation for punishment. I just think we should start out extreme then reel it back if needed, a nerf if you will.

3rd worlders police more willing to take up those contracts since it’s β€œget to kill for free card”.
do chinese even play this game?
theres a ton of gooks, chinks and nips on tokyo and hk servers t. aussie who connects there often
lol Canadian healthcare will kill cheaters if you push them far enough.
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/tf2g/ if she real
Just so you know, the cosplayer in that image is a guy and just so you know, it doesn't matter to me
i could tell by his legs
Ugly feet.
Biggest give away. Yuck
It'll be truly playable when they revert MYM
>Just so you know, the cosplayer in that image is a guy
...and that's a good thing
So you didn't see his shoulders length being wider than his hips or the weird stains on the mirror? What detail of his legs gave it away?
The concepts for items can be good but executions often suck. This is just a common thing
>waaah waaaahhh my mym waaahhhh
unironically laying on the nostalgiabaiting too thick
After the ban wave right before their discord disbanded no less than 3 bot hosts attempted suicide
Its very real, these people put all their worth into this and it all crumbled
it's true though, all the bothosters started post-mym, if they had played during the quickplay era they wouldn't have found a reason to try to kill the game
>attempted suicide
no such thing, you either actually kill yourself cause you dont want to live, or you puss out and say you ""attempted"" suicide.
>no less than 3 bot hosts attempted suicide
Proof or fake
They -said- they attempted suicide to get some sympathy, big difference.
looks female enough
They all say that until the crossdresser's cock turns out to be bigger
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>not black, lack of bbc
Not interested to be honest! Cringe cosplayer tranny
Now this is based~
No cervix no service
I'd have no problem with that, bigger cock is never an issue
Consensual cervical bullying for fempyro
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You talking about the davokah bar or just his plain sandvich? HLH is such a satisfying minigun, same with BB. Does it have to be revved up to get the bb benefits damage resistant?
Im unironically curious how long some botfag who actually knows the bare minimum of staying hidden instead of spewing info like a madman would fare
Every one involved so far has been stupid on so many levels its astonishing redditors and tubers paraded them as uber hackers
>bot hoster
this has to be cropped porn
probably loli porn
The TF2 community is high af on copium right now as they always are when something good happens. Any time there's an increase in players it always illicits a "we are so fucking back" response because most of the community is too proud to admit the game is in a fucked state and that getting rid of bots and cheaters is the bare minimum for making the game playable.
>or the weird stains on the mirror?
>b4nny plays a round of comp on turbine
>b4nny plays a round of comp on 2fort
why do they say comp players are the best players? they crumble the moment they're not in their imaginary gamemode.
>look at his legs
>yeah that's a dude
simple as
>why can't a fish climb a tree?
>praised the BBC webm called "soldier_main_btw
>image attached looks like soldier's coat
what did he mean by this?
Fish are retards, I can climb a tree
Comp turbine was one of the worst experiences I had in tf2 period. Match lasted almost two hours and it only ended because I literally threw it and destroyed my own nest, it was otherwise impossible for either team to cap.
this guy could make SO much money with some rotten fruit and some bindings
its a precursor for the inevitable, I say encourage it and wait patiently
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nigger what the fuck
what fucking file conflict
useless meme gun. uncle tranny is a retard
>guys the cheater trannies are trannies and also privating their profiles
ALRIGHT I GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!
He was playing against other β€œcomp” players.
>my fav mge guide that made people seethe has been deleted
fuck off it was the funniest shit ever it was a guide on how to be cancerous and make other mge players seethe because you use shotgun instead of rockets for airshots
...and that's a good thing
matchmaking is objectively a downgrade to quickplay in every way, quickplay had its flaws but Valve should have worked on improving it instead of throwing out of the window completely and replacing it with an inferior system (which they added as a total surprise to everyone)
soldier has a shotgun?
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>What's not to like about new GRU?
The health drain is way too fast and is too punishing a downside, it also doesn't make sense that it drains your health whilst you aren't moving. The fact that you need an exploit to make it balanced says enough. It was overnerfed because compfags complained about heavy getting to mid too quickly but it was a literal non-issue in casual because heavy needs as much movement as he can get to be good in casual. If they made the marked for death linger like the escape plan it would have been fine.
Heavy needs a sharp suit cosmetic.
>They're all fucking gay or trans
Heavy on mid has been the boogieman responsible for so many pointless nerfs and in recent years comp players started to question if it's even a problem at all if the heavy gets to mid fast

TF2 comp scene and it's consequences have been a disaster
people crying about comp are people who failed at getting a single placement medal.
Just .. uhm... git gud? sorry you were hardstuck participation!!
why is that new MvM tour so full of literal retards
we can't finish a simple advanced or intermediate tour
On the other hand, I managed to find 2 groups of actually competent players who finished expert with me
Watching youtubers squirm over Zesty is so pathetic.
>uhh we can't let a popular tf2 person be part of our tf2 club because umm he said tranny waaaaahhhhhh this is way more important than the actual game guys think of the trannies
>even though he objectively de-facto has done more for fix tf2 than most of us ever did
Like Volva usually says
>Welcome to mvm
Even the """balanced""" mym matches are so fucking boring. I just played matchmaking (Upward) for the first time in well over a year and it was so fucking boring.
I'm probably the one person right now who searches for comp lmao
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hecking love comp!
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KOTH and Capture Points are fake gamemodes that don't exist in TF2. Snakewater is an imaginary map invented by elitists to feel superior.

Do not research any further.
Every single cheater I have ever met has been:
>a tranny
>a furfag
>a Russian
>a kiddie
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>TF2 doesn't have any competitors
Come home, Fortress man.
>why do they say comp players are the best players?
but b4nnys opponents won?
b4nny is the greatest Tf2 player to have ever lived, but even he loses sometimes.
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stonetoss meme moment

>eat a rocket from a flanking soldier
>eat another direct hit while trying to rev your minigun
>finally shoot but you have very low health
Not saying you can not kill him but someone else will finish you if you can not heal. If you had GRU or FoS would allow you to have different responses but that would be evading confrontation not retaliation. You can have a medic but that only someone accepts to play medic. A lunchbox item helps like sandvich or banana but that require someone to not chase you again while you stuff your face. Instead all of those you could just whip out shotgun and be on the move as you retaliate so second rocket at least be a splash and will give you a better survival margin.

You can use eviction notice if you find GRU to be too punishing not kidding. That's the comfortable fat scout melee besides holiday punch.

>a Russian
>a kiddie
That's so mutual it's one thing at this point. Most Russians you see online are kids because grown ups work and don't have time to play video games. Economic situation.
It's one of them, sometimes a combination. Like 99% of the time though it's a tranny. They are all mentally ill and will do anything for attention. Awful garbage "people" (failed males).
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>new cheat system
amalgam is just fedoraware (bad pasted cheat) but with an even more cancer inducing GUI, and ported to work on x64. nothing new at all
>vac bypass
people are already using that. it's been open source on github for like 4 years now, it's pretty basic and gives you red trust on counter strike, so valve evidently knows it exists. this is all old news.
is there a link to this clip?

It's still 128x128, but Valve slaps some filters on it for the funny
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it's a server side mod not a client side one, party /v/an has it
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Would (you) buy the SteamDeck to play TF2 on if it was delivered personally by the cute pink-haired anime catgirl from the Steam Summer Sale homepage promo art?
>nearly 200k views
zesty has done literally nothing to fix tf2, the only ones who you can claim to have done less than him were dane and b4nny since they had actual influence on the updates that made tf2 need fixing in the first place
No im only interested in BBC
i did and it was but i mostly use it as an emulation machine and for guild wars 2 on the go
They don't even sell it normally over here why would they send a cute pink-haired anime catgirl to deliver it to me
She is super cute... I think I've seen some people with her as an avatar but I couldn't find it in the store.
its BECAUSE its not sold normally they have to dispatch the anime girl to deliver it
no, but Ive been toying with the idea, of, getting one to play VNs in bed or on the sofa
that seems nonsensical
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>bright sunlight beach in the middle of the day
>gamer slinks back into the shadows of his house after recieving his new console
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Why are her knees chafed and red? The package recipient guy's knees aren't?? Bros??
Because she works on her knees
Unironically is the Steam Deck any good
I have literally never played vidya on any console or handheld systems so I have zero context to judge this thing
A game needs to be ported to Steam Deck right? I doubt you can just install whatever and it will work
br4ppy deleted everything out of embarrassment, but audio of his melty that made habib quit froyo can be found on habib's channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IprXbq-chqw&t=9757
only if she'll play TF2 with me
I have no friends ;(
Stweam fuhierends?
remember to report the cheating faggot if you still haven't
he has A LOT of australiums and unusuals, so imagine the absolute fucking seethe once he get's VAC'd
it is just a linux gaming machine with a 'gaming mode' akin to big picture
you can play it into a dock (which are $20 on amazon) and play on a larger screen with a mouse and keyboard
pretty much every game is just install and play except for stuff like valorant or league where the anti cheat is not compatible. epic games store stuff like fortnite or bnet stuff like WoW works perfectly fine though, just need to install them in desktop mode like you would on a normal computer first
I don't understand its purpose unless you're a child. If I'm on a trip or going outside, I'm not going to want to be playing videogames the entire time. It's not even like the DS or Gameboy, in which there were exclusive games for it, so I really fail to understand the purpose for non-children to have it. Of course, I understand a huge number of men are manchildren and this is marketed at them but for a normal adult it serves no purpose.
I'm retarded and forgot the link
thank you chino-chan, keep telling people to hold off on opening that victory champagne
it is the best dollar-to-power ratio prebuilt gaming pc you can get if you are on a budget
forgot link steamcommunity.com/my/id/HAX0R_KILLTF2
>matchmaking still reigning dominant
>is the steam deck any good
depends on what you wanna play. if you wanna play stuff thats good on controller and that isnt a new AAA release it should be good.
>A game needs to be ported to Steam Deck right?
no, a game just has an official tag on whether or not its controls are compatible with the steam deck. generally any game playable with a controller will be playable on the deck
I tried playing TF2 on steam deck in like november 2022 but it was just fucking unplayable
like every other shooter with a controler
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that's how playr pronounced it
Did anyone save the trooncord pic with a bot hoster using pronouns? They were damage controlling and ranting about the capture point links being spammed in game by bots
It used to be on game banana
b4nny lost a scrim and had a melty and started screaming and calling everyone retards and habib (and i think one other guy) quit froyo because b4nny was insufferable to play with
he quit froyo but he came back to froyo because he's spineless
b4nny was in the right here.
did anyone happen to star in pornography with miss pauling on the way here?
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Let me get thus straight, you would rather have the state of the game GET EVEN WORSE, making people quit the game entirely and possibly promouncing casual dead due to bot overload, over the sloppy tf2 dlc pack in some silly funko game that's targeted towards kids...
just because valve only cares about money doesnt mean the community is the same, i dont mind the funko dlc, i will never play that game either way, but now people are jumping wagons and trying to boycott back tf2 because they saw a funko game dlc about mercs...

Do tf2 players really?
>quit froyo because b4nny was insufferable to play with
im sure he heard b4nny meltdown a million times already so why was this time too much for him?
>possibly promouncing casual dead due to bot overload
Didn't read the rest, yeah I want this.
does the article say where that quote is from?
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>Retard is retarded on Reddit
Game journos continue to be worthless apes
This general is still going?
>job is reporting "news" on the latest reddit takes
God I wish I had such an easy job too
Going extra hard now that we're laughing at cheaters getting banned
shut up redditor
thread is bot posts. Look how it's all nonsequiturs and chatgpt
Who cares honestly, they did that promo for that Hotdog VR game and nobody cared, none of this affects TF2 directly, it's just Valve letting some company use their IP for a collab
Bro really saw that opportunity to write an article shitting on funkos and took it. Based.
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>wake up
>check my list of cheaters
>only half of them banned
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nobody likes funko soys, but this headline just makes things look bad
and to their credit, I liked the nod they had for Meet the Medic because at least you know they're fans and not entirely cynics trying to suck in a different audience.
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>WEEHHH you can't be mean to bot hosters what if they do something to themselves????
Buying a funko pop is still better use of money than spending $2.50 on a key to unbox a $0.10 item
I wonder if there's chinese tf2 players sho bought the fireman soldier set because of final combat
That guy is Jewish btw
You fags will buy the funko pop game and you'll buy tf2 skins and you know it
>implying anti cheat bypass(specially VAC) is anything novel
Holy retardation. Guy could at least read a bit from the very forum he linked before speaking bullshit.
The stupidity both in wanna be hacker botfags and wanna be blue teamfags is maddening.

Report this guy, he's a cheater and a VenusianRapper hater
>surviving a irl headshot is more likely than unboxing an unusual
....how did they get the data for the agony scale?
What do funkopop do? Tied with In game item?
If not pass
I feel like shotgun to the head is a little too high. It's too easy to fuck up and end up not killing yourself but blowing your jaw/face off.

A clean high power high calibur pistol or revolver shot will do you just as good if not better if you want to kill yourself.
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Doesn't even try to defend himself lol
>want to make tf2sona
>realize it’s a common head combo
just make a cute furry, anime or pony oc and dress it up in tf2 outfits :3
it shut down a couple years back THOUGH
I genuinely today saw somebody try to use the rocket jumper as a weapon for several minutes, and a medic even kritzed him.
>....how did they get the data for the agony scale?

Apperently each method was rated by 10 forensic pathologists as a part of a study on 4117 suicide cases
I don’t like any of those things :(
you're still dying if you blow your face off desu
I don’t believe you, after 5 min people catch on
Not necessarily. There was an old shock webm that used to get shared around of a guy who attempted to kill himself by blasting his face off but he was still moving and breathing.
>you're still dying if you blow your face off desu
You'd be surprised how resilient the human body is. Any gore videos will quickly prove you wrong. Don't google failed shotgun suicides ;)
poast it and let me be the judge
He enjoys going on tickle forums lol what a weirdo
just use a 1:1 merc grade slopnusual they sell them for 50$ now
saving this... for research purposes...
whoever this xeltre person is, they fucking suck
>le... grosling but... also LE TRANIME
Dude, I can't just post a reaction image of a man. I have to post a reaction image of a cute anime girl, because she's literally me, and it's so heckin' gender euphoric to post. Anime website.
Beat you with a hammer poke your eyes with a fork
I want to tickle konata until she cries
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>oldest post 2019
Reported, also make sure to report Devoweer

cut throat with what? 51.5 lethality and 15 minutes sounds like it was done with a pencil
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i didnt ask for this.
You are not cool for posting on 4chan for 20 years chuddie
More like you want to be tickled by Konata until you cry
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r/tf2 and Twitter are where you really belong GET OFF MY BOARD PENCIL NECK TFJEW PLAYER
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Also ya keep posting that tickle thing, but that was not real, i only did that like once sooo yeah.
>fnaf img
you are 100% a cheater
No, here is where I shall remain.
i had this years ago and for years after whenever i installed tf2 on a new windows installation it would put a random cfg with it
>/tf2g/ when Venusian spams the general and they start bullying him for the 500th time:
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Ya think just because i like Fnaf mean i'm cheater ? Cunt mouth.
Pass, if I can’t wear it on head then it’s not worth it
Cutting any of your own veins in general is not very lethal, because the second you actually do it you will chicken out, hesitate halfway through, and try to stop the bleeding. So you will just end up slowly bleeding out
>all you do is cry about him being transphobic and racist
You're mistaking me with another bully that lives rent-free in your head, JewsianKike the Pedophile
literally who cares this funko pop game will be forgotten a month after launch, so what if they have a dlc, that you will never even play the base game of, based on TF2? maybe itll even get some kids to play TF2.
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>implying that calling others transphobic and racist is "bullying"
Also why are you talking about me mistaking you with others when you're saying I'm Venusian? Retard, take your meds.
oh the americans woke up
anon they don't make unusual miscs anymore. all slopnusuals are head hats
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Didn't read your post, be sure to use the following methods for the highest chance of success in killing yourself. I'm not joking. Do it.
/tf2g/ - Canadian Healthcare General
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Ye i collects funko pops, ya know, i'm just that cool. That's why i got these skills in arcades and first person games.

Dont report me tho i dont cheat like this.
>pedophile cheater wakes up
>***usian spam starts

Oh shit, you're not joking!??? Oh now I have to take you seriously! I'm so scared dude!

Take your meds. I'm NOT joking. And kill yourself afterwards, faggot.
Whenever I get accused of cheating, it's always on fucking 2fort. Why? I thought 2fort was the casual and laid-back map?
timestamp or fake
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r8 my sniper
he's so fucking badass that he uses a bow instead of a harpoon gun in order to fish
I don't have a good unusual bloke's bucket hat to finish this look yet and I am thinking that the sydney sleeper could also "match" the theme
hello mac still beating your wife?
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Competitive game doe
See >>484370852

That's where it started, retard. Literally nobody was talking about Venusian until that. So maybe you guys should shut up about him then the thread won't be flooded with your stupid shit
>see [other post that I made then replied to myself], it wasn't me!!
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You first. I want your domestically abused wife and molested child to find your rotten stinking jewish pedophile corpse sitting in a empty room after a week, jewfro and scalp blown off and hanging off the ceiling.
Not hat no sale fag
??? they're hats. you're making no sense
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2hus are 4ch soul, you're a stupid reddit transplant nigger :P
Pics or didn’t happen.
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Why are you calling others pedophiles? You're jacking it to loli right now. Kill yourself, I'm BABY SAMMY SEWIOUS...
Good morning
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>You're jacking it to loli
I know you are Pedusian, you should go and beat your wife instead, seems more productive
That's not me retard
Ummmmmmm is this the thread where I come to get my personal army????
Good morning sir! I am hacker 4chan here. Please tell me your problem and Anonymous will take care of it.
We are Legion.
I can smell the tears through that pathetic comment. Reported for Flooding/Spamming
Should use a sailor hat
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Seems like you're known for derailing these threads. Kys
I have done nothing but report every profile posted in these threads for cheating for 3 days
quick play days:
games last forever, -> make friends and enemies and start to recognize people in the game
players can spectate or change teams freely
these two factors + autoscramble on round end makes pubstomps a lot less common, or at least guarantees youre not constantly getting rolled by 6 man casual queues
custom maps and gamemodes get exposure and fresh players

the only con of quickplay was occasionally getting dropped in a stupid ad server, but leaving games up to the community was always better than leaving it up to valve's casual
Poot new thread here.
Matchmaking is so incredibly unfun. God this game sucks now.

>made mark for death linger
>run from spawn to a fight
>take out minigun a few seconds before you enter fight (something you already normally do)
>no downside
halve the passive drain rate, reduce initial health reduction upon deploy to 15, make minimum health 150 instead of 100. there, fixed
oh and fix the dalokohs bar bug and just make it heal 150, no need for some janky bugs
>eviction notice
half the health drain, but half the movement speed bonus. objective downgrade you do the same thing but slower
Qe just came off a protest with youtubers acting as the faces for the community. They are big news regarding the state of the game, like it or not.

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