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super citizen edition
prev. >>484187135

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter that sees players battling to win an interstellar struggle to rid the galaxy of the rising alien threats. You are a Helldiver, a member of Super Earth's most elite fighting force. You and your squad choose to wage war on a number of contested planets, completing various objective-based missions within a procedurally generated area of operations. Each successful mission contributes to the complete liberation of that world, and ultimately, total strategic victory in the game's ever-evolving galactic campaign that's made up and randomly changes based on whatever the devs want to do.

HELLDIVERS 2 is available on Steam and PS5:

Released in 2015, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The most major difference being that HELLDIVERS is a top-down, twin-stick shooter.

HELLDIVERS is available on Steam, PS3, PS4, PS5, and PS Vita:






LATEST PATCH June 25th https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4183362170410922203?l=english

Finally a proper OP
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summer on SUPER EARTH
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Full circle
Eagle-1's feet edition
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Would you guys rather melee weapons were auto-draw and attack upon hitting F OR occupy the secondary(handgun) slot?
secondary slot or primary depending on the size
If it occupies a secondary slot it better be a big sword or something like that
secondary slot for sword + shield
I don't want melee weapons. Last thing I need are randoms thinking they're jedi and trying to melee bots to death because we both know how that will end.
that would be hilarious
>he lacks the smoke
Arrowhead, for the love of god make it so that reading the lore on an object is not the same button as picking up ammo, or grenades or samples, or whatever. When I am running past that dead guy at the small cemetary plot for the #495782747th time, I do not want to read why he's dead. I want to grab the goddamn ammo box. I already KNOW why he's dead - he's somehow teleported himself to every single battlefield on every single planet in the entire galaxy, and probably got too tired and died from exhaustion.
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hey guys, SPM is finally fixed*
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>Ha ha automoton! You have fallen for my concealment! Eat sword!
I tried the John helldivers loadout on bugs. It's fun but you're kind of useless if your teammates are shit at dealing with heavy bugs. Funny how eagle strafing and gatling can damage heavies though. Dunno how effective it is.
>30 minutes until brap planet is finally liberated.
Good riddance.
>John helldivers loadout on bugs
using starting equipment, so the medium padded armor, OPS, mmg, etc.
you've got the OPS right there and the MMG aint completely helpless against charger butts.
>another bug dive
>another heavy bug nest
>another retard throws a 380 barrage at it
>another heavy bug nest escapes unscathed
>if anything the defenses are redoubled since it was an eternity of time where we couldn't just fucking clear the nest and reinforcements were able to pour in.
I hate that useless fucking strike.
F for a bayonet or a fighting knife
Secondary slot for a cavalry saber or stun baton or energy sword
I imagine you could add bayonets in as part of weapon customization or an upgrade tree. In the first game, a bayonet was just a straight upgrade to your primary, no reason not to have it. In HD2 though, I'd want a standard barebones rifle so I can feel like I'm playing as proper ly nameless faceless newthaw grunt #401. It's not like a bayonet on a compact bullpup rifle is going to be any good anyway. Just gotta wait for Arrowhead to release the leaked AR-20L Justice in basic default black, then I'll be a happy camper with or without bayonet. (I really hope they don't stick some goofy camo skin on it)
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Bug 9, only Recoilless Rifle chads may join
Fuck it, I'm in.
>t. Haven't used RR in months
Don't listen to anyone telling you the John Helldiver bug loadout is anything other than:
ORC, 500, Airstrike, EAT, Inc Breaker, GP, Impact, B-08 light gunner
>failed to join lobby
fucking swiggers
It's full atm, sorry anon
I think you are wilfully and maliciously misinterpreting anon's post
alright imma go get drunk then sleep then
It's good, just not against bugs. Its ability to destroy Fabricators, Command Bunkers, etc. is pretty damn nice.
just use the lazzer
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>quickplay into bugs 9
>low level pubs spend most of the match dying or killing teammates with airstrikes
>quickplay again
>game freezes for a bit at hellpod launch
>purple question marks everywhere once we drop in
>can't even do objectives because terminals are purple question marks
Guess I won't play today
>An Emancipator can singlehandedly wipe out every single bug outpost on the map if it just beelines for them.
>Meanwhile, people still pick 380 barrage thinking it's capable of even closing more than 2 bug holes at max.
What do you usually pick against heavy enemies?
which heavies?
The AMR is pretty good, along with a rocket sentry to draw aggro for a bit while you flank. No clue how good it is for bugs though, I'd probably end up taking a Spear and EATs instead.
you are probably the 1% that actually use bayonets in a game
depends on the enemy and what my team has
>do we have 2 explosive AT on bugs? flammenthrower
>do we have flammenthrower but no big AT? RR or EATs
>are those covered? Railgun for spewerniggers
if its bots
>do we have an autocannon on the team? Laser cannon
>do we have 2 autocannons? railgun/AMR or Spear depending on how I feel
>no autocannons? autocannon.
It's a very situational sort of weapon, I'll grant you that, but when you're out of ammo and there's one chaff enemy left, I bet it'd feel real good to stick it with a bayonet.
>magdump into a patrol
>one left standing
>run screaming at the rotten blaggard and skewer him with my standard issue titanium alloy bayonet
>liberty's purity preserved
>jump off a big bug tower
>survive with majority of health despite ragdolling and cartwheeling on your head for 50ft
>drop off a ledge, maybe 7ft or so
>lose 1/3 of your hp
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Tomorrow's patch saves us
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>teammate running from charger
>remember stray EAT
>it's close by
>grab it, jump, and kill the charger in the air while he's chasing him
i'm never going back to orbital railcannon
esker needs to hurry up and tick over already, i'm not starting an operation on it just for it to finish halfway through
you take less damage when you ragdoll
/copeg/ is gonna absorb this one bros.. I don't wanna go there
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
>2.39 MB
was this encoded as a joke
Hi Arc Jumper anon, I was hoping you'd turn up. I'd like to get a couple of sketch ideas for some Helldiver loadout archetypes, do you have any you'd like to see drawn up?
Nothing will save these leandiver sluts from being BUGGED and STRETCHED
I've been waiting here watching it (and YouTube) while I eat my dinner, I quit out of my last game because I got frustrated, so I wanted to take a break. It's been about 15 minutes where it's stuck at 99%. I hate that shithole so fucking much.
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>level 110 host runs into my orbital gatling twice, dies
>tries to rush the radar station terminal for a THIRD TIME
>dies to the charger he ignored two meters next to him as he is glued to the terminal
>writes "anyone else can get the radar too thanks"
>tell him that i am busy killing
>retorts "busy killing me"
>reply "dont walk into my gatling next time"
what causes retardation like this? Is this an example of those subhuman eradication farmers?
pub bugdivers are just like that
>play solo
>every mission takes the max time
>extraction has a 50% or so rate of failure
>can only get at max a dozen samples
>play with a competent team
>hardly have do anything comparatively
>a shitton of samples
>extraction is piss easy
It was very fun but my autism demands a solo mode
wow yes please
>trench paramedic/enforcer helmet/blazing samaratin cape
>grenade pistol
>eagle airstrike
>arc thrower
>LIFT-850 jump pack
Don't dwell on it, anon, bugdivers are a different breed. If he can't see red markers once they're down on the ground, that's his fault.
This kind of stuff makes me happy during an operation. :)
Is there a way to see who you've played with recently? I want to name and shame these retards who kick over the most retarded shit.
Anon, have you never gone to your socials tab...? There's literally a "recent players" submenu right there.
Just stop being stupid and stop killing them?
I mean is there a way to see their profile on steam, I know about the socials thing
They kill themselves and blame you everytime. Not my fault the faggots runs off on his own away from team and dies, usually to a gunship patrol
Thanks anon. Keep an eye out next thread maybe :)
>mark objective
>teammate destroys last fab for me
Thank you!
>mark bunker
>teammate helps me open it
Thank you!
>Hold position!
Teammate stops
>resupply him
Thank you!
I enjoy this kind of limited communication greatly, only the essentials
>mark extraction
Teammate goes and destroys the last fab solo
>Thank you!
>mark extraction again
Ah, then not that I know of. You have to manually search as far as I'm aware and so many names have other accounts sharing it.
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What are you cooking, anon? Leandivers getting bugged? Cuckdivers being forced to watch childhood friends get railed? Boydivers getting oviposited into?
thank YOU
Nothing gay like that.
Chargers swerve around too much for mmg to be efficient without stun grenades. OPS is there yeah, but on the wrong bug seed in 9s it can just to be many heavies for the load out to handle.
The grenade launcher chads do what the machine gun virgins can't
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people have to finish their operations before we get any progress
Yea, and that is with charger butt being bugged and sometimes don't take explosive damage
Did it just open? I was cooking/eating dinner up until like 10 minutes ago.
Yeah Esker finally got taken quite recently.
Got it, thanks.
>500/ OPS/ let AT teammates do their job
>continue eradicating bugs with thoomp prejudice
I too enjoy the machine guns, especially with the new armor. But the grenade launcher is far more efficient at the chaff role on diff 9. Will even put the finishing touches on a wounded titan or charger
Thank God that planet was pure ass. I wouldn't mind any of the biomes if I could just fucking see. But I long for my beloved frozen planets once again
If the squids aren't out on July 4th then I don't know what the fuck is going on
>then I don't know what the fuck is going on
Swedish Fiesta. Aka, the devs letting their game die.
more like
>Ingmar gets attacked
>bot defense (lol) fails as always
>Joel then nostalgia-baits by attacking the Creek to distract from the content drip-feed being turned off for 2 months
It essentially just needs to serve as the pan from L4D
>wipe those pathetic bots from the face of galaxy
>oh no the bots have magically reappeared from the unknown regions of hyperspace yet again!
So is there gonna be a tues update or what?
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>Joel cooking up his next riveting MO aka another "Control X planets 7 days from now"
who cares anymore
they're just gonna fuck it up even more
Wasn't the most credible leak pinpointing late July at best? Expecting an update on the 4th seems like madness with Swedes involved
redpill me on the GL loadout. I only ever run it for blitz but I am getting tired of rucking the HMG.
I am sick and tired of these NIGGER KIKE BUGS on my ARYAN MASTER RACE planet
GL with supply backpack. GL clear everything well, from chaff to medium, especially bile. It also close bug hole. The only weakness is its inability to deal with bug close in its face, which you mean you want primary + secondary that can deal with that situation. Something like Pummeler, blitzer, breaker, punisher are great for it.
If course, you should run 500 kg + OPS or EAT to help with heavy
GL+supply pack then I use 110mm rocket eagle and railgun to help with bigger stuff. Those often don't kill shit on their own but if you need to I've finished off plenty of chargers and bile titans with the grenade launcher after a rocket strike or railgun, respectively. Then I like the auto shotgun as main since its great at killing shit that's too close for the grenade launcher and the resupply pack makes up for its high ammo usage.

I might switch to using stun grenades and the 500kg bomb instead of the 110mm rockets. They need to buff that shit desu
Competes with the HMG for having the worst ammo economy on a support weapon so the supply backpack is required, and prepare to cry when you get molested by a dozen behemoths and bile titans when your OPS/500 kg are on cooldown and your dickhead teammates run off to leave you to your fate 99% of the time.
imagine an autocannon that shoots bouncyballs and has 2 spare magazines
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never going back to bugs until atmospheric interference is removed from the game. that nigger shit is the AA defenses of bugdives
whats the point of eagle rocket pods? they dont reliably one shot any heavy I’d literally rather use railcannon with its 6 gorillion second cooldown
Bugs 9

Yea when someone calls a cluster strike, atmospheric interference basically turns it into a 380mm
and is significantly easier to use on the move and can reload on the move and is significantly faster to reload
If youh uses AC on bots you don'thave a hi iq
>oh no, a modifiers makes me have to use different strategems than the ones I always use
don't be dumb niggers
who cares about that when you run out of ammo instantly? you can use the supply pack but thats just using 2 slots for something that should take only 1
So true sis
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I must have it. Please Arrowhead, please Pileman. I don't need any gamified defenses, I will find my way to the enemy with existing tools. I just want to kill a factory strider with my sword.
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GLchads, i kneel. Incredibly fun loadout
Load out and armor?
why is it always amerifats with an open mic?
Pummeler (dogshit for shriekers as I've now found out), Verdict, Grenade Launcher. Fat fuck commando armor, OPS, 50 KG, Supply Pack. Against bugs, of course
>Bile Spewers the PO
>absolutely refuse to spawn

I hate these fuckers more than any other mob in the game
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Welcome to the winning team, GLfriend.
Funny how players used to laud Interference as a more interesting and creative modifier than the flat debuffs to cooldown/call-in time, but that was also because nobody ever used orbitals that were affected by Interference in the first place, basically making it into even more of freebie modifier than Spores. With Orbital Precision becoming the new greatest heavy killer and Gas Strike DoT finally being fixed, players are finally realizing that a modifier, which makes those strikes just miss outright, is just as arbitrary as the flat debuffs.
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that's what you get for wasting ammo on decapitated bugs
I don't know how attached that you are to the verdict, but the bushwhacker shotgun sidearm obliterates shriekers. It has become my favorite bug sidearm because it's stagger is nice to have in my pocket and the triple barrel attack packs a punch. In a pinch it can kill a charger with ~3 triple blasts to the ass.
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>Peak Physique
>Increase melee damage by 50%
>Takes 2 hits to kill scavengers
Goddammit Swedes
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Few people know/do this, but you can kill any enemy with primary/secondary weapons and grenades.
Basically I just take the stuff that nets me the most kills in D9 so I can see [number go up].
If heavies get on me, I just slowly kill them with normal weapons or suboptimal weapons (nothing cooler than running under a BT while in the middle of a bugs wave and killing it with a random AMR I've found in the map.

This also boosts the "novelty" of AT weapons whenever I use them, because compared to the 30-40s average to kill 2 heavies, it becomes a point and click delete them from the game instead of the normal olympic gold medal mental gymnastics required to solo heavy enemies with standard weapons.

But generally speaking, I'd rather have hordes clearing so I can get 400+ kills on bots and 900-1200+ on bugs.
I like the weapon itself but I have a suspicion that the Verdict is affected by an accuracy bug of some kind, or simply is inaccurate. It's very annoying at times. I swap between the shotgun and verdict most times if I have an explosive primary or special weapon so I'll get around to it again eventually
This always happens during a bile spewer po
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Be nice or this will happen to you
>nightmare googles
>giving away your ammo, nades and stims to a SPEARtourist with 50% ammo left that didn't ask you supplies
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Post your preorder helmet
We got any leaks/mines of the next warbond or is it going to be vaguely western and released in august?
Likely fire themed actually.
it's a diceroll
gonna be either fire themed, stealth themed or le cowboy
Seems like they're getting smarter about leaking the files in the patches, so we will either get the warbond leaked tuesday, thursday, or not until it drops which will probably be july 18th
>support weapons you use
Shit, irrelevant, cringe, 6shitter, nonviable, reddit, instakick.

>support weapons I use
Cool, core, based, helldive-viable, chad, carry.

Simple as.
It's been ages since I saw a flag raising mission in high diff, did they remove it?
Where's this impressionn that it's fire themed coming from?
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Hi guys, was playing on Esker a few minutes ago and I noticed a strange visual thing, happened on two missions. It was a sort of "flame" effect running underground, I cannot describe it properly. Like the purple power effect of Thanos's forearm and hand when he uses the stones, I don't know. It did not look at all like a visual glitch or something related to bugged visuals or game engine errors, it looked pretty deliberate and hand crafted. Sorry I have no recording or screenshots.
If they actually put fire res armor and also an orbital illumination flare in the same warbond, they'll have successfully ripped another 10 bucks from my wallet.
You don't even have 1k SC?
I stopped playing after the commando update was such a resounding flop.
Good value against tanks ,towers and fabs in a pinch.
>safety orange exosuit
Now we need an exosuit that has a flamethrower strapped to it
>safety orange exosuit skin
>still no default black skin for the emancipator
people on helldive are huffing paint or something
the post mission stats in an average botdive have me at 450~ kills average while the rest of the team has (again on average) 7+ deaths each
I'm not even complaining, I just can't comprehend how they're having fun, it's like I'm enjoying myself killing clanker hordes while they're what getting ragdolled to death for 30 minutes?
/hdg/ threads never die!!!
do EATs just not work on bike titans at all or is it another quality AH bug?
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don't shoot the mouth while they are spitting
1. There's a bug where sometimes the had just doesn't take damage.

2. They take less damage in general while they're vomiting.

If you want to be absolutely safe try to crack its torso instead, though Spears to the head can kill in one shot if the bug doesn't happen.
Not that anon, but three reasons:
In intense combat situations you cannot always afford standing still to reload. This is brought up often as major downside to Med-MG and Recoilless Rifle.
Secondly, Autocannon has "only" 60 shots. GL + Supply pack has 110 grenades. Thirdly, it has higher AoE as far as I know. As combination of all three, it is much more spammable than Autocannon. Supply pack also gives you stims and normal grenades back for much more flexibility.

I still prefer AC, but that doesnt mean there isnt valid reasons to pick GL.
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>bike titans
Its over
i don't want to merge with /coopg/ i don't i don't
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I got the chance to sit down and play for the first time in a week or so, so I played all night on D9 with the Eruptor, pocket shotty, MG-43, supply pack, OPS, and 500kg and it was a fucking blast. Being able to primary the MG after its buffs with superior packing methodology actually working again was an incredibly fun experience. Eruptor closes as many bug holes as you could possibly need and does well at preserving your MG ammo when you're shooting at enemies that are outside 40m or so. Bushwhacker staggers stalkers and 1HKOs every bug under a brood commander or hive guard, and the rounds reload feels nice for efficiently using ammo instead of wasting magazines like the Redeemer does. I ran stuns to keep chargers in place while I blew off their butts with the MG (always set to max RPM) or when I threw a red strategem on them, and I felt like I always had just enough strategems for the amount of titans we encountered.

Much, much better experience than when I ran the HMG with the same build after the patch. 600 rounds per deployment/resupply instead of 225 feels much better despite having a little less armor penetration and the manageable recoil meant I could run the peak physique armor instead, which makes the MG-43 handle like a Liberator. The amount of lead you can put downrange with this setup is unreal, and it really takes the pressure off your teammates so they can do more to focus objectives and heavies, although you can deal with heavies as well (just takes positioning and rationing strategems for when you REALLY need them).

Overall, I really enjoy the new bug meta after the spawn changes. Behemoth butts still feel weird in that they seem to immediately die to some things (incel breaker, autocannon, crossbow) but take too long for others (Eruptor, stalwart) that I would expect to do do better. I can also definitely notice the bug where titans just don't register a hit sometimes, I hope it gets fixed. It's really bad with drop pods and AT missiles.
>than when I ran the HMG
Do people never fucking learn.
I get psyoped by the HMG lobby every time I come here lmao, and I think "man maybe I just wasn't using it right". It just needs a 3rd magazine like the MG and Stalwart, I say. Ammo is way too scarce and I end up using it like a bad AMR because of it.
chat, do we tell him that the MG-43 and HMG have functionally identical amounts of damage when fully loaded and that the HMG is vastly more economical than the MG-43 if you take a resupply pack? They're pretty much identical now except that the HMG trades (significantly) increased recoil for a faster TTK and the ability to pen light vehicle armor.

erson sands edition
NTA, while I do prefer the HMG due to the much better TTK and I can control the recoil, I recognize MG is nicer if you just don't want to deal with the recoil and you can run something like laser backpack too boost your killing power on chaff I guess since you don't have to run supply backpack. HMG is better in every way on. Bot though.
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Ultimate shitter weapon, use the RR instead
i fucking hate hunters so goddamn much
So canonically every time you die you spawn in as a completely different, freshly thawed Helldiver but what is the lore reason as to why this new freshly thawed Helldiver just happens to have the same unique (and in some cases very rare) equipment as the guy who just died?
Despite the fact that everyone in the cryopods is wearing the default gear?
No patch?
GG ded game and shit MO for 3 whole weeks
>weapon that can reliably oneshot every elite/heavy against bugs exists
>weapon that can destroy fabs from any angle exists
Go get'em, champ.
>very rare
Recoilless is more reliable and efficient for charger /behemoth while SPEAR has 1 shot bile titan potential, it so fairly consistently 2 shots (unless your rock r decide to hit the leg).
HMG is terrible for bugs, sure you can dab on bile spewers and brood commanders in a handful of shots but MG can also do that with minimal effort, the added penetration also has little value on bugs since unlike bots the enemies don't have any weaker points that a regular MG cant penetrate
i assume we're all a platoon that gets outfited with a specific loadout
>Despite the fact that everyone in the cryopods is wearing the default gear?
that's just the devs not willing to put the effort into making all of them use the same outfit as you
It's not the added pen, it's the higher damage with higher durability damage. HMG on lowest RPM kill brood commander/hiveguard as fast or faster than MG on max lol
dumb nigger

also nobody bring the RR for bot
RR stands for Retarded Retard btw
I can't believe I'm even saying this but bots have somehow become more manageable than bugs
At least despite all the fucking explosive ragdolling you can survive if you just find adequate cover but currently bugs is just a billion hunters and chargers coming from every direction as there's 5 patrols active and marching towards you at every time and once one hunter catches up with you and slows you with the tongue-fuck attack the rest of the hunters catch up immediately
Not to mention how fucking luck-based it is to kill Bile Titans now which are spawning nonstop as well
Fucking hell
you don't really need to conserve supply packs
>So canonically etc..
None of it is rare. The Helldivers of that X Super Destroyer perfomance and victories improve through time, and command unlock more advance equipment for them to aquire and being supplied with it. Thats it. Its for Helldivers use, but Helldivers are anything but rare. Super Earth controls and has colonized the entire galaxy, the amount of stuff they can make is mindboggling, nevermind the amount of people they have or the administration for rule it all. This is infantry equipment, stupidly easy to make in comparison to anything else. Super Destroyers are the most important thing of an Helldiver kit. Anything else is trivial in comparison.
>Despite the fact that everyone in the cryopods is wearing the default gear?
Lazy swedes there, or they could go out of the pods and the Super Destroyer ship crew has them quickly equip gear, weapons and equipment.
fuck orbital fluctuations

>forget to check mission parameters before quickplaying
>bring orbital precision strike
>suddenly my one stratagem for taking out heavies is completely useless

fuck you
bro your railcannon?
If you are on p.c., turn off crossplay. The quality of my sessions has absolutely sky rocketed.
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Dead thread. Dying game. Sub 10k players soon
now that's just cope
Based. And deserved. swedes are incurable
I miss when these things could oneshot BTs and anons ITT would try and justify it and say it was completely normal for them to oneshot you and not a bug caused by the physics engine like I was saying.
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Ummm sweaty your media literacy? Have you not seen that one scene from starship troopers?
It's shit against bugs, but I personally love it vs bots. It kills everything
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if you join my lobby with an open mic like anigger i am immediately kicking you. i dont care about accidentals, i dont care about skill levels. dont run an open mic it makes me homocidal
>support weapons you use
Shit, irrelevant, cringe, 6shitter, nonviable, reddit, instakick.

>support weapons I use
Cool, core, based, helldive-viable, chad, carry.

Simple as.
it would be great if the planets with thousands of plays would display more than one game thats 'private'
Meanwhile, on the bot front......
>all bot planets combined are less people than 1 random bug planet
Still on cooldown.
I seriously dont get it. How do people find bots so bad to play against. The amount of bullshit bugs can throw at you far surspasses what bots can do after many patches. Behemoth spam just drains any fun from bugs for me, bots dont have the same problem of hard loadout checking you depending on the seed.
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>sub 500 on every planet
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RR and Spear users are weird
RR users are absolutely retarded, shooting at dropship bodies, tank bodies and never finish off Hulks they hit in the vent. Spear users are dependable and atick together
90% of RR users are gods. Most Chargers get headshotted instantly. Spear users fuck around aimlessly, never going for BT headshots and overshooting Chargers half the time
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>less relaxing than bugs since you actually need to think about cover and whatnot
>more lag because of constant explosions and laser fire
>less flexibility with stratagems
>24/7 ragdolling
>if your team are bad reinforcements get drained super quick
Off the top of my head. I like playing bots but it's understandable why a lot (most) people don't.
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This will be the fate of bug planets in another couple months at this rate
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Bugs are easier in the sense that you can do just fine by blindly shooting everything in front of you, even solo. Bots actively counter that: berserkers are tanky and come in groups to overwhelm you. Walkers are hella tanky if you just blindly shoot them. Heavy devs beat you in a gunslugging fight. Rocket Devs will likely ragdoll you before you kill them. You struggle to outrun Walkers too. To a player who doesnt use cover, never pays attention to stick to the team and acts like cannon fodder bots are very unfun to play against.

You also have kids nowadays who find video games stressful. Imagine. Being stressed out from playing with a digital toy, what the fuck. Fighting an enemy that shoots back would give them constant panic attacks
>bots, mainly heavy devastators, can shoot accurately at ridiculous distances regardless of visibility, even in blizzards and sandstorms, always psychically aware of where you are even if you break line of sight
>regardless what armor you wear you get staggered like crazy, meaning lining up shots at critical points in a fight is a pain, same with ragdolling
>gunship patrols are absolute cancer to deal if you don't have a Scorcher or a stratagem weapon capable of dealing with them, and if you're separated from the latter and don't have the former you're stuck in a death loop
i like bots more than bugs, mainly because bugs are W key simulator and are only threatening at extraction but i'd be lying if i said that bots didn't have moments that drive me up a fucking wall
>hellpod steering is still fucked because "we can't have players land on high ground" gigaretard mentality
Bravo swiggers.
Destroying the game's fun in order to force "pvp balance" mentality in a pve game sure did wonders for players retention.
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Bastards dropped my mech on top of a lampost.
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>bile titans and factory striders can now only be killed by orbital railcannon
>hulks, tanks, and chargers can now only be damaged by AT weapons or red strats with ap 7 or higher
>eagle strategems limited to one per player
>turrets limited to one per player
>bile spewers now appear on every terminid seed
>jetpack troopers now appear on every automaton seed
>shriekers and gunships can now call for reinforcements
>supply packs now only provide ammunition
>superior packing methodology now provides +1 extra reload instead of full replenishment
>reinforcement budget decreased based on difficulty
There, I fixed the game.
Helldiver: So I can wish for anything?
Fairy: Anything!
Third pic: >>484365312
Didn't know Alexius was a animefaggot
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new poll
They really should make it that collecting samples while maxed out gives you xp. Something like 1 xp per common, 2 per rare, 3 per super.
>dont take peak physique
>still takes two bonks to kill a scavenger
Did they always take two melee hits to kill? I remember they used to die to one around a month ago.
>t. local permacura's stimhead
Not Arc Jumper Anon but can i suggest the supply pack + medic armor + Stim booster drug dealer/addict loadout?
why don't they just make diving reduce explosive damage by 50%?
that way blast traversal can be even more of a thing on top of being stimmable again
You can headshot them which is 1 hit kill, whether you're running Peak Physique or not
>last two guys alive
>getting overwhelmed but evac is arriving in 15 seconds
>dipshit drops a mortar down and is targets the bugs around us and kills us
fuck you mortar faggots
If you can stim before blasting yourself up you can probably take damage that you shouldn't survive normally for better rocket jumping.
>Explosive mortar
>On bugs
Was the guy a yoghurt diver too?
that makes sense.
itd be obnoxious if the only reason why a diver with peak physique cant oneshot a scavenger is because of a lack of momentum the same way it takes two AT rockets to break a behemoth leg
epic seven is a gacha, not anime
>Play Bug 9 with randoms
>suddenly game runs smooth as butter, no crashes or stutters.
>no one speaking
>team sticks together almost the whole time, splits into pairs to hit objectives and regroup immediately after
>Team moves towards every nest as a group without any pings.
>I throw gas strike, whole team kites swarm to pass through gas without a word, 80 kills
>I precision strike, someone immediately follows with stun nade before I can throw mine out. Do the same for him.
>Marks all chargers, even through heavy fog, they get focused and die almost instantly.
>Supply pack guy covers my spear reloads, tails me so I never run out.
>near instant reinforcements
>gg in chat after extraction

Sometimes the game just works and it's like a fever dream.
If botdivers are so good why can't they get 0.000001% liberation anywhere on THEIR ENTIRE FRONT?
>t. hasn't played d6+ bugs even once in the last month
bugs are fucking cancer now, i'd rather play bots any day
With 3 digit player count you cant do shit. Every bug planet besides Erson Sands is also at 0%. Dead game desu
>you no longer get super credits/medals from POI drops if you abandon the previous mission
>even if you go to a completely different mission
Funny how these super critical SC farming "exploits" get patched before anything else and it's especially funny how they only really started coming after a Paradox employee joined AH.
Behemoths or Nu-Chargers or whatever they're called are pure cancer because they spawn at the same rate
So at d6+ game you're bound to face one or 3 of them plus a bunch of hunters
It's giving me an aneurysm
Didn't use to be that you could just redo the same mission and farm the same SC over and over?
Yeah, you could clear a map, alt+f4 and then go back to the same mission again and again.
I tried a fourth time and started getting SC again from the same planet, I don't know what the fuck affects it but after I abandoned a mission the first time the next 2 missions gave me no SC or medals.
When was this "patched in"?
I don't understand all these bugdivers, especially the ones on reddit, complaining that playing against bots is among other things "too stressful" because the bots shoot back. I'm supposed to believe these kids are fine playing COD, Overwatch, Fortnite, Splatoon, etc etc etc but somehow shooting against LITERAL ROBOTS THAT ARE NOT CONTROLLED BY ANOTHER PLAYER ACTIVELY TRYING TO WIN is "more stressful?" Then why did you pick up a third person shooter in the first place, instead of Slime Rancher? Oh wait, some slimes bounce directly at you in that game as well, maybe that's too scary as well.
uh oh botfag meltdown
If you aren't a squiddiver you're fucking horrible at the game.
Nah, I enjoy playing both factions, and will enjoy playing squids too once they're out.
Desert warfare warbond with Cryo weapons where
he's right doe
Dessert warfare warbond with ice cream weapons when
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Here's your update bro
What's the purpose of screaming "weapon" in a warbond?
>All bullet related stratagems (orbital gatling, strafing run, etc) are multicolored ice cream sprinkles
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I exclusively play on D9 against bugs and imo they're easier than ever to deal with. I'm at the point where I feel comfortable just using random stratagems I rarely pick because pretty much anything works against them.
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Erson Sands ICBM D9 solo full clear first try 34 minutes clearing all POIs
Flying patrols, bug spores, Intense heat, tremors
Shrieker nest, stalkers nest, spores spewer, transmission tower, radar
Bile Spewers seed with Behemoth Chargers on every POI and Main Objective.

Died 3 times at extraction, 1 time because Pelican decided to oneshot me, the other two because 4 BTs spawned at extraction and I needed bonus firepower to clear them so I just died for it.

>Light medic armor, incel breaker,grenades pistol, stun grenades
>Airstrike eagle, orbital precision strike, gas strike, resupply backpack, stamina enhancement
I've found a random Railgun and I've had so much fun with it, even if flamethrower or even a stalwart would have been better.

>Airstrike is overall better than Napalm Strike, even if Napalm gets bigger killstreaks going it can't close nests, can't deal with spewers and chargers and has a hard time killing BTs
>OPS also feels better than any other AT alternative, but I don't like using it
>Resupply backpack feels great, but shield for bugs is probably way better
>Running a support weapon feels like a wasted slot against bugs, because you have a huge chance to support weapon in the map, and they are all good against them

Thanks for reading my blogposting.
Remember to report dissidents to the Halloween Divers for candy kids!
I feel like Stalwart is dead weight on higher difficulty bugs because it shits out so many Hive guards and Stalwart can't do anything against them.
Against armored targets like that it really needs ti do at least 1 damage per bullet instead of just going "lol no damage". Every gun should be able to contribute damage towards the main health pool no matter what, even if it's not efficient.
MMG may not be the best option on bugs but damn if it isn't fun. There's just that something about hipfiring a bigass machine gun to keep a swarm in check, even if just for a moment.

And no, the HMG is not better at that. It has nowhere near enough ammo and is entirely impossible to control.
1 damage is too op
The haters and d5 shitters will cry. But run the GL with supply pack. Supply pack is plenty to last you through resupply cooldowns. And if you need later just call in another pack. Blast everything that isn't heavy. If you need close range then the dominator with physique works fine for me since they've nerved everything else worth a shit. On diff 9 the orbital rail is too slow cooldown, so I got good with eagle 500s WITH stun grenades as thr OPS tends to miss everytime because the devs love to throw scatter on everything. You'll just have to time it right for titans or let your AT boys handle it. Been running both HMG and the MG for a while and then switched to grande launcher. GL just does it faster and with mobile reloads.
>wahhh I can't adapt when my meta cope doesn't work :'(
"Kill faster" is not the same as "able to kill at all" though. Against bots, HMG gives you the ability to kill Hulks from the front, shoot down Gunships, blow up Factory Striders from the front or from below (plus has enough armor pen to outright destroy the chin lasers), destroy AA and Mortars just by shooting at them instead of calling a stratagem, and have a decently fast TTK against tank heat sinks and all forms of Devastator from the front. The only one on this list that stock MG can also do is the last ones, where the faster TTK is still important because fuck Devastators.

Against bugs, none of this applies. There aren't any enemies that require AP4 to be able to damage much less kill, everything smaller than a Charger only needs AP3 while the extra armor pen wouldn't help against Chargers or Bile Titans anyway. On top of that, stock MG has a much bigger magazine so you don't end up sucking air after like six or seven enemies, and you can actually hold down the trigger for more than two full seconds to sweep away crowds (which there are always plenty of with bugs).

It's "stressful" compared to bugs where you don't even have to worry about that shit except from Bile Spewers. When fighting bugs you can just turn your brain off half the time since they only become a threat at melee range, the only thing you have to actually worry about is Chargers and Bile Titans. It fucking sucks against bots when a patrol randomly aggros on you because a stray shot from another bot landed near them and suddenly you're met with a literal wall of lasers from a completely different direction.

I honestly would not mind if there were an armor perk that reduced slow from stuns or whatnot.
Secondary or primary depending on power. I want a chainsword I can wield with a pistol.
>clear all main objectives + 1 side objective
>1 star
>disappointing service
I remember when missions had a 3 stars baseline and then everything else contribute a tiny bit to reach 5 stars in every difficulty.
It also feels like bullshit that you are clearing the mission and they are calling it disappointing service because you didn't do all the random extra stuff that you can't even reliably find on the map without a radar.
This is what happens when you cut money out of the military and put it into health care!
I bring it on D9s all the time now, you usually have to burn a stun grenade to kill a behemoth but it's possible on max RPM. Considering the sheer volume of brood commanders and hive guards you run into at that level, it suddenly becomes a very good pick because, unlike the flamethrower, it's good beyond 10m and can handle a large volume of medium armored enemies without issue. Considering amount of chargers and behemoths you run into, I just run the 500kg and OPS to kill the ones I can't position myself behind to take out with the MG and I always seem to have one of them off cooldown in case there's a titan bearing down on us. It's not as optimal as the flamethrower in its role, but it's definitely viable and very fun. The extra magazine they gave it really opened up what you can do with it, and I regularly bring it and the laser rover now, which performs very well. I'm usually the top for kills at the end of the mission.

And yeah, fuck the HMG lol
Secondary objectives are more important than bases since they're force multiplieres to you or the enemy, it makes sense that they are worth more than bases since they can just call in another helldiver team to mop them up later
The side objectives always matter more than the main objective, since you're always assumed to be able to complete the main objective no matter what. Properly done, a main objective would take 20 minutes tops to complete, less than half the mission time. The challenge is squeezing in as many side objectives as possible, which includes destroying outposts/nests (the heavy variants of which are much more difficult than the setups for the main objective).
Atmospheric interference affects orbitals , not eagles
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I wish enemies like stalkers were more common, something which is faster than you is very threatening. It really makes me more excited and attentive whenever they appear, I go from playing a horde shooter to being a marine in an Aliens game, and fighting my way through these invisible assholes that try to flank and ambush you is such a blast. The fact that they will actively disengage and try to get the jump on you later if their attack is spoiled is great. You really gotta be in your toes.
Got this without the vocals?
I thought higher difficulties being harsher was always a thing
usually missing 1 blue or like 2-3 hives knocks you down to 4
Liberation/Impact seems to cap well before what 7-8-9 EXP multiplies to, if you're worried about that
No, I just dislike the fact that they call it "disappointing service".
You niggers on the SD or at AH do it, pretentious fucking bitches.
i've entertained the idea of a Stalker modifier but the problem is that you can't use them for random patrols since then you'd confuse players into trying to find their nest endlessly, and since patrols can spawn right next to you you'd constantly have 2 or 3 of those tanky assholes rushing you with fuck all you could do to stop it
also whats the context of that .gif, i've seen it alot but don't know what's happening there
just dive every time you melee... wait there is no diving attack?
I want to drop from a cliff and dropkick a bile titan in its stupid head
Play DRG.
It's a better and harder horde shooter, which also features invisible stalkers that can ambush you at any time.
You're gonna enjoy the Illuminate if AH ever gets around to relasing them, being cloaked assholes is their whole shtick
>also whats the context of that .gif, i've seen it alot but don't know what's happening there
Stalker appears you gotta lock in
It annoys me too, especially when it's an especially shitty planet with a shitty mission seed.
Oh yeah we barely fucking got the main objective done after being assraped for 40 minutes straight and barely made it to the emergency extract and it's a miracle we even got that SEAF artillery done with a billion Hulks or BTs up our ass, we finish the mission with 1000+ enemies killed.. and it's "disappointing service" because we missed a nest or a SAM site somewhere in the corner? Fuck you.
It should really take into account more factors like total kills, time and total death count just so it can get some idea of how bullshit a mission might have been before it rates anything at all.
The solution is to add a different breed of stalker, that has different coloration or something, that only patrols and never comes out of a stalker lair. Call it a Roamer or something.
Now leandiver decapitations pls
>also whats the context of that .gif
Anime/Manga is parasyte. To make the plot as simple as possible:
Aliens appear one day that are able to take over human heads. They outwardly appear human but are dangerous monsters. The main character stops an alien from reaching his head, but due to this, the alien parasitises his arm instead creating a crude symbiosis.
Criminal sexual deviant (the man in the gif) happens to also have the ability to detect the alien.
The police put multiple people in front of him to determine if any of them are an alien in disguise. He talks about raping or fucking each of the people he is told to look out. But when the MC sits down in front of him, he becomes serious as he can tell there is something alient about him due to the alien in his arm, causing him to "lock in" and stop joking completely.
Aren't you the retarded nigger that defended the LibPen and said "you're just bad"?
New ship upgrades when? I know they exist i've seen them!
soon i hope i need to upgrade my precious mechs
neat, thanks
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Helldivers? More like, L Divers.
It takes a special kind of person to keep reposting a webm that shows you're a retard who doesn't know how a weapon works as if it was some kind of an own towards the devs.
this webm legit sold me on the grenade lawnchair
no cause I dont want stims to be bugged for a month
>a month
Aren't you the optimistic one
It's a good program, just give it a chance, that's all I ask!
I wish the active modifiers were more visible in the loadout screen. It hasn't been just once that I quickplay one mission and forget to tab to briefing before just selecting my stuff and dropping in only to find out my OPS and/or gas strike are useless.
It's on d6 for a reason, GL sissies are worthless once chargers and titans show up en masse
yeah. one time I even switched to the map to check and when I came back the loadout screen was bugged and I had to leave the game. they should just have it front and center especially since it affects the loadouts to the extent it does
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>You have a side shot on a charger
>But you have a SPEAR
Spear schizos, how do you handle this situation efficiently?
Do you take the side shot thats definitely going to require a follow-up?
Do you draw aggro to line it up for a headshot?
Do you do some sorcery to bank it right for an ass hit?
cant the GL actually kill chargers really well?
Their abdomen is immune to DIRECT explosives, but not the splash
Also you'll be praising our name when you randomly roll a spewer seed :)
if there are other AT users looking at it go for the side shot to help guarantee your RR or EAT bro gets the one shot headshot
At the very least it stuns the charger for a good amount of time
Also if you're super pro, you can dive to the left or right depending on where the charger is facing, and the spear missle actually curves outward in that direction, have gotten multiple bank angle headshots that way
It basically depends on your ammo economy too, if you've got like 5 other chargers to deal with, you can't spare the missle
Angle's too steep for a proper curve, and depending on the distance it might close the distance before you can get a shot off after drawing aggro. I'd just go for the side/leg shot and finish it off with bullets, though depending on the distance a proper curve might hit the butt.
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Should I get trench paramedic or executioner?
>Their abdomen is immune to DIRECT explosives, but not the splash
Why does this retarded explosion immunity exists
light gunner for best perk plus the chud helmet
>Press F to respect to draw laserswrod
>left click swiggity swooty
>right click blinkity blockity
>hold both to aim deflections
hire me
Melee weapon will allow you to parry rockets and cut devs in half with a single hit
>Equip ballistic shield
>Equip Super Spear
>Become super spartan (not halo) and walk fearlessly towards the fire
>How dealing with Chargers would work in normal game:
Shoot their obvious weakspot on the back, one rocket should the trick. You are rewarded for flanking it with a clean kill
>How it works in this schizo swedoid game:
Ummm shoot rockets at their armored head i guess. Or deal huge amount of damage (armor-piercing at that) to finally pop their sack to they may bleed out sometime
A headshot with heavy AT dropping things dead does make sense since you are literally blowing its brains out.
The big glowing unarmored thing being a strong spot does not. Not from a game design perspective anyways.
If you say so Alexius, take some game design classes
Did you even read what I wrote? I did not defend their design.
>how dealing with BT works in a normal game
shoot the weakspot with heavy weapons till it dies or strike it down with orbital guns.
>how dealing with BT works in swigger trash
shoot the head twice* with the super mega bunker buster bazooka** or hit it with the fuck you strike.*** you can deal a limited amount of damage to the weakpoint with smaller weapons, but after completely exploding its innards it will now sprint at you full speed and be damage immune to everything short of weapons that can fully pierce its armor.
*possibly more
**damage not guaranteed
***results may vary. fuck you strike(tm) not available in some countries
New warbond trailer?
New patch?
Trench paramedic is the only light medic armor in the game. Executioner is cool but there's lots of heavy armor with its passive. I'd get trench.
I never understood medic armor. I run out of ammo way before i run out of stims
With how dumb the AI is and how easy it is to manipulate (not to mention that due to the nature of the wide-open mission map and how spawns work, you may just end up randomly encountering one with its back already turned, thus not even requiring flanking at all), a single rocket to the butt killing a Charger is a bad fucking idea. At least with a rocket to the head killing it, the weak point is significantly smaller at the range where it can't detect you yet, requiring actual aim.
>gets grazed
>stim doesnt actually pop
>repeat 500x until dead
i love devastators :)
>encounter titan
>already popped sacs with grenades
>its still alive, arguably more dangerous now
>500kg still on cooldown
>both AT users have fucked off on loot goblin detail
Welp, guess ill just go fuck myself then.
Sorry i was blinded with hate against sw*den
Took me 15 missions to finally get one with spewers.

BT is the single worst enemy in the game from a design perspective and that's saying something when the charger exists. Blowing the sacs should trigger a slow bleed out and make the underside vulnerable to more med pen damage. There should be weak points on the legs to target with Med armor pen so that you can try to cripple the movement now that the BT will just swipe at you. Heavy AT will still remain super efficient but at least those without or on cooldown actually have something to work with.

While we are at it, scrap the fucking tiers of armor pen beyond light, med, heavy. It's completely misleading and obtuse bullshit if they are going refuse to provide any in game details of what penetration level a weapon actually has.
>no patch notes
see you guys in 2 weeks for the next 'bond
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>Every video game: Cripple weakpoint for a quick, clean kill
>Video game designed by swiggers: Crippling 'weakpoint' makes them faster and more aggressive (see brood commander, bile titan, warrior) or isn't even a 'weak' point (charger)
However much you think you hate swiggers, I promise you, it isn't enough.
How about usong stims while jump packing?
The armor pen issue is only really a concern to the layman when it comes to certain bot enemies, since that's the only time when you'll encounter an enemy that requires AP4 over AP3 to deal damage against. Against bugs, anything with AP3 will work fine against obviously armored enemies.

And to be fair, this game is far from the only one where deep game mechanics aren't explicitly explained to the player and data miners are required to dig in and find the necessary information (for example, try finding out just how the damage system in Dark Souls works, I dare you).
Damn, this game really fell off huh
I knew their stupid month and a half patch would obliterate player numbers
I am sad they killed it off before the squids arrived. I wanted to see the 200k cattle losing their shit against their mind fuckery
We'll be lucky to see 80k peak players for a single day when the illuminate are released.
>Blowing the sacs should trigger a slow bleed out
Wait, it doesn't?
And a few days later even less players will fight them than bots right now. They filter retards hard with stealth, control fuckery and one shot guns. A shame, but I got my time and monies worth at least.
it does but its legitimately slower than waiting for a railcannon to come back online
The bleed out time on a bile titan is literally 5 minutes lmao
Yeah, well they should have finished the first two races before working on a third. But hey, im not a small indie game dev.
4 entire fucking minutes. probably because some greasy swigger monkey put an extra 0 on the end of 24 seconds to bleed out
Or hear me out... Have them ready at launch
why is every single planet of the "can't see shit" variety?
Sorry, games aren't allowed to launch complete anymore.
Because thats antifun
That's sad
>grenade pistol it to get aggro
>shoot the head
Not just modifiers but the difficulty as well.
>oh, it's a friend playing
>hover over their green mission icon
>what's the difficulty?
>no seriously what's the difficulty?!
>click in, get taken to loadout screen pre-dive
>huh.... friends loadout seems half serious
>switch over to the briefing page
>still stuck to the diff 1 I had when I was SC farming
>jump in anyway
>its a level 5, friend was tired of sc farming on 1s and wanted to do a few small objectives too
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bots on vanda IV, whatever dif
80s music fits playing HD2 so well. Had a shuffle going and hearing Hall and Oates, Duran Duran, Prince, Billy Idol, Wham!, and Queen really bring it all together.

What do you listen to while playing, anon?
lobby is private :(
I'm not a retarded zoomer so I just listen to the game.
huh, alright I set it to public
I'm a retarded millennial though, and I listen to music while playing. Nigga, let loose and enjoy yourself.
Are they ever going to fix Chargers just breaking out of stun/stagger animations to slide towards your present location and attempt to instakill you
I don't know but I had my first actual moment of rage last night playing this game, where I stood up and threw something off my desk because I was so pissed off, and it was because of a charger stun bug. I saw people talking about bringing non-AT, medium pen support weapons on bugs because you can stun a charger and focus down its ass. So, I tried it and in the heat of combat, the stunned chargers will ROTATE IN PLACE TO FACE YOU WHILE STUNNED if you try to get behind them to shoot their ass. About half the chargers that I tried to stun did this. I'm so fucking annoyed at this and I can't fully describe why.
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Need a Bosnian loadout, thoughts ?
Mortar sentry, rocket sentry, 380mm barrage, airburst rocket. What else for optimal bosnian ?
I wonder if its possible to find out what triggers the bug, since chargers dont do this 24/7.
Then you get a new party and:
>oh, you have aggro? Hehe. Not MY problem. *tips fedora *
>durable damage & explosion immunity
how did a post from 4 months ago wind up in this thread?
>gimping yourself out of hearing enemies
might as well play this shit with a controller lmao
>Muh ai is dumb
then fix the ai
>helldivers 2 going strong
>helldivers 1 still available to play
>GIRLDIVERS on STEAM releasing soon
>hearing enemies
Enemies are silent in this game, though.
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>hearing enemies
>helldivers 2
if bile titans bled out in 24 seconds after their sacs were broken, which only have 500HP and 0 armour, it would make them an absolute fucking joke enemy. The strat would be take a scorcher, shoot them 4 times, and then play yacketysax.webp for 20 seconds.
not him, but i can kind of hear them
>mission start
>spot two shrieker nests on the horizon
>solo them with AC+EAT
>AI instantly goes Alexus-turbomad-donkeyshit mode
>kill one thousand bugs
delusion aside
how is it that you can't comprehend the fact you can both listen to music and the game at the same time?
same fag
stop being deaf nigger
I bet you get ragdolled by chargers and flame grilled by hulks all the time
Behemoth make sense on the balance perspective. Imo, leg meta is perfectly fine because hitting the leg shooting the same leg with weapon is somewhat difficult even it is efficient. It matches the convenience of simply 2 rockets to the head. That also matches up better with using a primary or med pen support weapon to destroy the butt. The only outlier method is flamethrower to the leg Imo, rocket 1hko the head made charger a bit too easy because charger head is a fucking huge target and they give you plenty of chance to easily line up that shot as they turn and go straight at you.
>said the bot raider 52 meters away
>while the hulk silently saw you in half while you were looking away
>get your teeth kicked in all mission
>wtf we didn't ace the map?
you can hear hulks walk, same as chargers
nuh uh
nta but this is a casual dakka shooter not a fucking MOBA, there should be a reward for engaging in the main point/attraction of the game
>same fag
>not samefag
Tourist or ESL?
I wish they gave this one AP5 and deleted the other two MGs
no point to an MG if it can't dakka
Drop it to 2 spare mags and make the default ROF the only ROF setting, then make it a primary.
had a game like this
>4 randoms on bots9
>no one needlessly aggros patrols
>when we have to punch through one, one person throws an airstrike 1 flanks and 2 wait with autocannons
>right as strike hits the flankers take out any surviving commisars and the autocannons clean up surviving devastators and hulks
>take down every outpost super clean. when shit gets bad everyone covers a section of the bot swarm, practices prudent stratagem use, focusing down striders with strikes
> 0-2 deaths I forget it was a while ago. it felt like a perfectly match though
that game felt like it was actually how the game was meant to be played. there was no sprint diving, stim spam, any bullshit like that. once in a blue moon everyone pulls their weight and its surreal to see
>we can't let you load it up with heavier armor piercing rounds because.... BECAUSE WE CAN'T, OKAY?!
It's bad because stray shots tend to ricochet to god knows where and smack a teammate in the face.
You take this nigga with the eruptor, crossbow, or grenade pistol+diligence for maximum firepower (and fun)
Nigger bile titans can and will sneak up on you and spit you up and you could barely notice
I think the bugs are too easy because breaches are more predictable/easy to suppress compared to dropships on bots. Bots just drop shit on top of you and stagger their spawns through 2/3 dropships instead of all coming out of the same breach or two.

In conclusion:
Bug breaches spread out into more holes = harder to drop a gatling strike on the entire spawn wave = harder bug missions
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>The only outlier method is flamethrower to the leg Imo,
It's an outlier because it's completely unintended. It's a bug that the flamethrower ignores the leg armour, just as the fucking throwing knife of all weapons completely ignores the armour of the leg. The flamethrower only has 3 penetration; you can't penetrate bile titan legs or bellies, you can't penetrate hulk bodies or eyes, you can't penetrate tank hulls.

And no, you can't penetrate the head or body of the charger with the flamethrower either, if you think you are killing it by flaming the head you're actually killing it by hitting the leg hitbox as the flamethrowers hitbox bounces and slides off surfaces it hits. Why else do you think it takes so much longer despite the head having barely any more HP than the leg, and why it can be so incredibly inconsistent with how long it takes?
bot drops are predictable-ish. if commisars get sus but cant see you they’ll call a drop on whatever they saw. if they see you or a tower sees you, it drops on your head. the reason it drops far so often is because commissars will see their comrades get angry before they see you
>rocket 1hko the head made charger a bit too easy
The problem comes from the fact that at D9 you could be facing three Chargers at once, and unless you had an EAT drop and/or teammates to back you up there was no way in hell you were properly dealing with that shit without stun grenades.
You are saying it as if you can't ''spawncamp'' bot drops
Yea, pretty much. I think it should get nerfed eventually but a lot of bugfags will seeth because they just want an easy method to deal with charger/behemoth. The flamethrower itself still has pretty good kill time on the butt.
I wonder how mad the playerbase will be if AH ever manages to fix the leg armor
I just mean for the sake of dropping eagle/orbital on the spawn, it's a lot harder for bots. Their 'spawns' are spread out way further than bugs which all spawn in a 20m circle where the breach is. I just did a mission with napalm and gatling and outside of the chargers and titans, nothing could spawn. 1 dude locking down enemy spawns on a d9 mission with 4 players just leaves the other players holding their dicks until a new AT check shows up.

BUT WAIT! I can also take the spear/EATs and kill armor myself. I'm just saying the amount of 'breaches' that show up (not the amount of enemies from a breach) should be increased, so the enemies come from all directions instead of just one on the higher difficulties.

You can but it's harder because they can drop in wild locations including behind cover, and seem to be programmed to do so. And they can also drop shit on top of your head, forcing you to move if you want to drop a stratagem on the bot spawn. Bugs don't really do this.
After the Horus Heresy the Astra Militarum deliberately encouraged a policy of overspecialization via systemization, in which all Guard members on board a given Destroyer are issued the same equipment--hold on, wrong series.
I can hear them stomp around from 150m away, so unless there are shittons of other enemies and red pokeball mayhem going on this will never happen to me
some of you niggers really play on speakers and TVs
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d9 bots on vanda 4, do the needful
Then just use stun grenade? Or have teammates back up, or use stratagem to clear at least 1 or 2 so the last one is easier to deal with. Why should a solo player with no resource should easily be able to deal with 3 heavy's at the same time.
It's frankly annoying that bugs don't flinch in pain when you set them on fire. I don't care that it's a charger. YOU'RE SETTING IT ON FIRE. THAT SHIT FUCKING HURTS.
>Join a mission near the end
>some dickhead is grief TKing
>kills us all on extract
>lookup his name
who could have seen that coming
if the flamethrower ever flinched they would just give more flinch res to enemies so why bother
Lobby is private
Fuck off alexus
>t. shitter
Alexus nerfs weapons to be less fun, I'm thinking up actually reasonable changes to make d9 more difficult against bugs
>don't play with anyone with cyrillic names
>don't play with anyone that has a spanish or portuguese name
>don't play with anyone that has an east asian name
Outright shitter status: 60% automatically culled
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You're being pants on head here mate. Not all games are like star fox where enemies have a glowing weak spot where you shoot them to inflict damage and shooting the same glowing spot with a heavy weapon is just better still.

Realistically an opponents most vital targets, a brain, tank's crew compartment, a war ship's ammo magazine, etc, are the most heavily protected parts of the opponent. You want to destroy that vital target but you need sufficiently potent weapons to defeat the armor. "weak points" in the armor are weak because that part of the armor isn't protecting anything critically important. Focusing on those chinks in the armor is useful if you have a weaker weapon to try to achieve mobility kills or cause a death by a thousand cuts, but it is pants on head retarded to waste a heavy hitting high penetration attack to destroy a "weak spot" such as a tank's tracks when you could have killed the tank outright by targeting the heavily armored crew compartment to turn the crew into jelly. Again, if the armor is weak then that spot isn't very important.
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unfortunately this one wasn't immediately obvious, thought he might be french or something
resident evil and its consequences have been a disaster for shooter games
I would go even further back to straight up Legend of Zelda or other nintendo games with BIG GLOWY THING.
No yeah how come now scout striders can tank AC shots / direct frontal explosions in general then? Why can hulks shrug off arc thrower stagger after the arc thrower got a stagger increase after it got gutted?
Scout strider drivers take less damage from explosions now (he wanted to nerf the GL and impact grenades against them)
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>shriekers will pick up spitters and use them to dive bomb you for huge damage
>scavengers will drag away the sample containers and equipment of dead helldivers into the nearest bug hole
>pouncers can now straight up fly
>hunters can cloak like stalkers
>the ai will immediately spawn a stalker(s) to hunt down any player too far away from a teammate
>bile spewer damage has been un-nerfed
>nursing spewers explode and release scavengers when killed
>chargers have now evolved roller-skate feet because realism
>bile titans are now just invincible because fuck you
There, I fixed the game again
no he was actually butthurt how plasma punisher could knock them down frontally (suddenly they don't like realism anymore)
>drop in packs of like six or more
>have high damage weapons that are already quite dangerous when they can actually hit you
>"hm yes let's also make it slower to kill them even if you spend valuable resources"
just swigger things
Funny how it mostly only flows one way. >Planetary modifiers only go one way (and no, the fog does fuck all on enemy detection, give me a break).
>Enemies never get easier to kill in any category, only buffed.
>Weapons get mostly nerfed, a few weapons are allowed to stay the same, maybe 3 get outright actual hard buffs not some token 1% change.
>Things in the code that help the player are immediately patched out, but things like enemies teleporting up rocks instantaneously, chargers breaking the literal laws of physics, etc all stay in the game for months and months and months.
>turn off in game music
>turn on my own music at a volume where i can hear both the game's fx and my music
>enjoy myself
hope you have a good day at the retard factory, anon
>>Planetary modifiers only go one way (and no, the fog does fuck all on enemy detection, give me a break).
Enemy detection range gets absolutely gutted during sandstorms and blizzards at least. You practically have to touch them to notice you during one of them.
>Predator armor
>Jump pack

Really fun bug loadout, I'm finding. Peak physique helps loads with the crossbow's terrible handling, rest of the loadout makes sure you don't get pressured from close range chaff. Dancing through heavy nests has never felt easier.
Why do headless bugs still block me sideways?
>Complain about scout strider
Damn, this general is indeed full of shitter huh
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>warriors can burrow underground and ambush you from behind, especially while you are trying to reload
>hive guards will lock together to fom a rudimentary phalanx to block players from shooting into bug holes
>brood commanders can summon more brood commanders which summon more brood commanders which summon more brood commanders which summon more brood commanders which summon more brood commanders
>fried receptors
i don't have problems with them, the change is just stupid when you consider the sheer volume of the fuckers that you'll encounter
into the trash it goes
Why are brood commanders like 10 times more dangerous after you blow their head off?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Realism okay?
aight so back to using the scorcher? back to using the scorcher.
Their heads are so heavy it's difficult to lug it around.
alexus deemed killing enemies was too fun and players dont spend enough time sprinting away from enemies
>he lacks the ssex
it would be funny and actually realistic if brood commanders started blindly rampaging when you took out their heads but right now they just beeline towards you at stalker speed and M1 you to death. brood commanders are one of many reasons I take AC on bugs. one headshot staggers it and takes its dome off and then it dies a second later
Warriors should occasionally lunge like on the banner art.
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But Super Earth scientist
S have empirically established that bugs do not feel pain.
if youre above the age of 21 you dont belong in your parents house but you dont see me bringing that up
because they unlock the power of retard strength do to losing their brain.
Chudbros..? Were we robbed?
Nen becomes more powerful after death
They were usually regarded as joke enemy before, especially to people running AC. They become a real enemy unit after the change
>Don't have problems with them
>There're just too many
Damn bro, look like you need to drop down a diff level
The same SE scientists who were all executed because their TCS was only 99% effective rather than 100% effective, thus necessitating turning Meridia into a portal for the Illumin- I mean, black hole?
The get gutted in sandstorms/rain, but I fucking swear that generic ambient fog does jack shit to blind the enemy. Only temporary "sandstorm" fog.
>conflating "with the numbers that drop" with "there are too many"
they always have been slightly more dangerous than troopers, and the number of them that you encountered reflected that. being able to drop them with a single AC shot is more than acceptable considering it's a support weapon and, again, they're barely more than chaff. the buff was stupid and done more to punish primaries that could kill them, and the knock on consequences of that (e.g. the killing radius of grenades being shrunk considerably against them) are annoying more than they make the game more difficult. especially when they fold instantly to being flanked with primaries, or just shooting vaguely in the direction of their head over the shield if you have even an inch of elevation on them.

go fellate alexus some more though
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so how long before HD2 turns into dorktide
Shut the fuck up you subhuman ESL
no one can fumble the bag as hard as fartshart, as hard as I hate on arrowhead
Sure anon, let me get 20+ years worth of savings to maybe buy a house.
oh hey mr stuck in 2004
I wonder how far your hairline has receded so far
was it really that bad?
i wasn’t there for launch
is there somewhere i can go to relive the cancer?
Going to be rough when the time comes for you in 5 years, bud
>Uhh they aren't more difficult, just annoying
That's basically people say when they want to complain about difficulty increase but don't want to make it a skill issue
Punch them first to assert dominance
im feeling a strong 6 to a light 7 on this one
Would making this thing indestructible to basic explosions make them more or less fun to deal with?

As it currently stands, nobody takes this thing seriously because you just need to shoot a Grenade Pistol, Exploding Crossbow, Autocannon or whatever at it, and it blows up and you don't have to deal with the entire shutdown thing. But if that's all it takes, then why even have it as a secondary objective? What if you had to actually run through all the terminal bullshit to shut it down, or it required something bigger like an anti-tank round or high-yield stratagem?
>it's not an anime website because I'm underage and a redditor
Sorry no
Is the Eruptor any good again?
you can shut this down manually? i never knew that.
What they should do with most objectives is make completing them take a bit of time and spawn bug breaches or bot drops while you're doing it.
Right now the secondary and primary objectives just blend together since it's just all the same case of "clear the light guard presence, do shit with terminal, move on"
It's okay but basically can't put out enough firepower without the laser rover to be solely relied on for chaff and mediums. I use it exclusively now on bugs though, just because I'm bored with the grenade pistol and have been enjoying the MG-43, which covers its weaknesses well.
They should brand whoever shot it a traitor.
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>bugs were originally meant to have ranged attacks
Can you imagine the bugdiver melties
Isn't the crossbow just better now? The damage isn't that far behind, it gets multiple shots without the bolt cycling and it can all the utility stuff the eruptor can
stimming you :)
It's going to be a bugdiver butthurt apocalypse when they add the impaler
It only works when you're undetected, if you get aggro enemies magically know where you are.
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stim him
>the rolling vacations won't kill the game!
>they did
impaler? i barely know er
shouldn’t you be posting sleepy diver >>484407693
Put super credits in the objective so you actually need to visit the site

i got another 100 and it was a chinese guy who kept typing
>100 100 100 100 100 100
You're gonna need all six of those stims.
the automatons are still cyborgs with human brains and blood circulation, an absolute minimum of biological body parts is required by their government for equality purposes
the bugs can't travel through space, Super Earth kidnaps their larval queens and implants them on new worlds, Meridia only got destroyed because it became too costly to harvest E710 there and they wanted a test target for their anti-graviton space jizz
>spit isn't a ranged attack
based retard
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Git Gud.
post it now slut
they become faster which actually makes sense.
posted that like you owned him and it shows you spending 10 entire seconds dealing with one medium enemy on diff6
if i found 2 100s i would go a bit nuts too
it just feels fun as hell to shoot when shit is up in your face
the combination of slight stun, fire rate, ergos, and medium armor pen make it a delete button for anything stupid enough to get close
i picked one up in a panic at when a dropship landed a whole berserker gang around me and everything just dropped dead
i actually let a out a soft, "holy shit"
No, the crossbow misses a lot of critical breakpoints and has really poor velocity and drop. The utility is better so if you want to use your support as a full primary, you could bring the crossbow just for closing bug holes and fabricators as it's the better of the two for it, with the faster ROF and reload.
No, erupter is still clearly better. Crossbow still shoot fairly slow. The AOE is significantly smaller. The lower damage means 1-2 more shot on many medium enemies while xbow has the same amount of shot per mag as the Eruptor.
Oh right they nerfed the crossbow mags for some reason.
Oh yeah a theoretical stinger being flung at you like a bullet is totally the same thing as a puke that a bug needs to be literally 2 feet from you to tickle you with, you fucking idiot
The pukes that bugs do absolutely changes the game and you don't treat it like any other melee attack, you dumb bitch
I wish they will just add another anti material rifle, but give it a silencer to allow for stealth sniping.
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I'm just not having fun anymore in Helldivers 2.
It's insane to me that people complained about heavy spam, so these faggot devs "fix it" by... adding behemoth chargers to higher difficulties as common spawn, which now require 2 shots, which puts us right back at the release, where RR and EATs were useless, and everyone ran railgun, because it was just faster to strip the leg armor; and now, we dont' even have that. It's not even all that hard, just annoying, to run around, waiting for your stratagems CD to tick down, and we dont have stratagem priority or stackable strats anymore, and most of them fucking suck compared to HD1.

Won't be surprised if the game turns into "warbondclick" by the end of the year.
>finally think I'm getting the hang of interpreting how durable/structural/fatbody damage works
>look at the Railgun
>fucking 90 structural damage when fully charged, something the HMG exceeds with two bullets

At what point will the devs realize that they over-gutted this weapon and give it something back? I understand not wanting people to be able to just rapid-fire the thing while on the move and take down Bile Titans like they're nothing, but the armor pen doesn't give it a lot to work with since it's still only ever good at taking down small- to medium-sized enemies that don't even have heavy armor to begin with, and blowing up Hulk eyes.
"eat dirt, meatbag."
>Take down bile titans like nothing
funniest part is that it never really did by itself. It died and for no reason just like the eruptor.
hey did hunters get less aggressive a week ago?
It's literal S tier against bots, especially since it destroys gunships. However the conditions for it being S tier against bots is using a supply pack and running it on the 450 rnds a min or whatever it is.
It's crazy that weapons will be nerfed due to bugs, such as the console lobby damage bug or leg desync bug, but once those are fixed the nerfs that the weapons got only because they were out of line due to those bugs don't get rolled back.
>*rustles bag of chips*
>tiny dog barks
>vape pen
>brood commanders can call for a bug breach and summon their guards while beheaded
This shit needs fixing ASAP
The true solution to fix helldivers 2 is to add mod support so the community can fix the game
>At what point will the devs realize that they over-gutted this weapon and give it something back?
They've already given back its pre-nerf penetration and increased its penetration in unsafe mode, and reducing the durability of bile titans heads means it actually kills them faster now than it ever did at release, excluding the PS5 host bug. The railgun was never good against 100% durable parts, and if the railgun was never nerfed it would still be shit against gunship engines.

The solution isn't to give the railgun more durable damage, it's to reduce the durability of parts that shouldn't have such high durability. That would fix not only the railgun, but every weapon.
shrapnel is still gone
yes anon when you compare it now to when it was capable of doing more than 1000 fucking damage in a single shot of course it will still feel shitty
I didn't play bug during release but bug ia fucking easy right now and the behemoth doesn't make up for the lower titan spawn rate. The game is super easy if I run RR so idk what why shitter are saying shit like RR is useless.
I wish all of the bugshitter just drop the game because their inflate ego can't allow them to drop the diff down to the diff that they can "have fun" with their skill level. No, they have to play diff 9, while constantly complain about the game, while competent players look at them at digust when they see how incompetent they are
i'm not comparing it to some rare bug that it had, which i never even experienced
i'm comparing it to when it was an actual good balanced gun that was useful
nobody takes it seriously because it doesn't do anything positive or negative
a bonus for manually disabling it would be nice though
I am the only man in the whole world than likes the Peacemaker
>almost every terminid can call a breach
>doesn't need to complete the full animation cycle to succeed
>if it dies, the next closest in the pack will immediately make the call, repeat ad infinitum until successful
When the game decides its time for a breach, there is fuck all you can realistically do. Railroading is what swiggers do best.
the WHAT
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>skips over the part where i said "it's not challenging, just boring"
so this... is the power... of AH dicksucker...
I like the single fire redeemer because it's so spammable
peacemaker is a good choice though
The Ministry of Truth can neither confirm nor deny that the scientists that were executed for treason were the same scientists that ran pain tests on captive terminids. Just know that your desire to inflict as much suffering upon the enemies of Democracy as they have inflicted upon the people of Super Earth is appreciated, and our new top scientists are working on a flamethrower fuel that incorporates muscle stimulants into their mixtures that will cause terminid motor control to spasm and stagger uncontrollably when they are doused in the righteous flames of freedom. Instead of hopping the bugs up like they’re headless brood commanders on crack. The eggheads assure me there is no way for that to be a possible side-effect
>t. dif1 shitter
>some rare bug
Multiple individual pieces of shrapnel hitting the same target each doing its normal damage wasn't a bug, it was literally how the weapon was programmed to operate. It just happened they didn't do the fucking math and didn't realize if even half of the 20 pieces of shrapnel that all do 100 damage end up hitting the same target it was going to do 1000 fucking damage to it.

Then they made it so the shrapnel can hurt the person who fired the thing and then people started killing themselves on it, which made them take a second look at it and realize they made a weapon so far and above their intentions, so two fix two problems in one go they removed the shrapnel instead of actually doing proper work.

The shrapnel as it was was completely fucking brokenly powerful, but they should have just adjusted it instead of removing it entirely.
>In a single shot
Yeah good luck making a shot just right so the thing eats all the shrapnel.
>Ummmmm it's not hard, just annoying. Please make enemies easier to kill
Lmao, shitter cope language. Too bad the swedes are too much of a coward cuck to make bug actually hard
I rage quit last night when i died to charger stun shit 4 times. That shit is retarded.
These are the same people who made helldivers 1, where you could easily take out patrols before they called in backup, and only really had to deal with backup on sustained objectives. I think they made this change deliberately because they can't spawn patrols close to you like they did in helldivers 1. Patrol density on the smaller maps of the first game felt a lot harsher. This game feels more like helldivers 1 during sandstorms/snowstorms when visibility is cut off and you have to rely on your radar to sneak around patrols
I play diff 9 and I think bugs are too boring and easy.
>Make it so each shrapnel that hits the same target does less damage than the previous one but not cripplingly dnough so it is still worth trying to pull off
Fixed. Now give me back the shrapnel.
man, i used to go entire missions without a single alerted horde because all i had to do was kill the scout who alerted everyone
If it does that and go back to the old damage, that might be weaker than the current eruptor lol
That means erupter will go back to not reaching break point to 2 hit many medium while the shrapnel doesn't even 1 shot light chaff if it is limit to 1 shrapnel hit per enemy
Let's be fucking real, most people want shrapnel due to its ability to multiple hit for ridiculous single target damage.
They've always been easy...
The only time bugs have ever been 'challenging' is when bile titans were spammed at you to AT check the entire team.
This is dogshit game design and thankfully they got rid of it.
The problem with bugs is not that they need to be tankier/require more AT weapons or damage to kill - the problem is they are not punishing enough and don't kill the player for their mistakes.
Chargers don't even 1 hit kill you if they charge into you, they ragdoll you and you can just stim yourself and walk away, they are a non threat and just kind of exist. The only actually threatening enemies are bile titans because they can 1 hit you if you aren't moving properly, but even then this attack is telegraphed and if you're even moving slightly perpendicular to the bile attack you won't take any damage, just get slowed.
Bots are slightly more challenging because being ragdolled at a bad time or shot by an AT turret can actually kill you, and the chip damage from random lasers can wear you down on your supplies, but even then on release bots could 1 hit kill you with any rocket direct hit and the game felt more fun to play back then because you were never standing in the open against a RANGED ENEMY. Rocket raiders were also a lot more accurate and you were almost guaranteed to be direct hit by them if you were standing still when they shot a rocket at you.
I think that direct hit rockets should instantly kill anything BUT a bubble shield/heavy armor/demoracy protects medium armor again
I think that scavengers should be more accurate and threatening in close quarters and not 'back off' after attacking you so being swarmed by them is a danger
I think chargers should 1 hit kill anyone that isn't a bubble shield/heavy armor with their charge instead of just ragdolling people
I think bile scavengers (the green ones) should suicide charge you and explode instead of spitting at you impotently from the sidelines
Also add robot dogs to automatons
It's super easy on most enemy lol. Most bugs are fatfuck that just eat the shrapnel. That's why erupter easily one shotted brood commander, hive guard, and even bile spewer.
Devas also absolute eat multiple shrapnel if you fire it at their leg/waist as well
OR they could make it so you have to play an authorized broadcast AND not destroy it to complete obj
The main thing is that it was bloated at the time, then proceeded to not fix the bloat until nearly 2 years passed. They added 1 new map after years, all the other levels are copy paste duo's with some being backwards versions of others. I still do it because it is arguably one of the best 1st person shooters out there as far as action pace goes.
Make the game harder by changing the enemies to do more damage instead of nerfing the players' weapons to make enemies annoying bulletsponges? This is heresy to swiggers
Yea, change from bile titan centric heavy spawn to charger/behemoth make bug easier and now most good diff 9 team just fuck around with meme builds and clear it anyway. I don't think adding more one shot is a good option but I think bugs should have more power offense.
I think they need to add an "upgrade" version of some medium enemies that move faster and/or have range attack and/or have more hp (but the same armor). Imagine if a recolor brood commander that always move at the speed of a headless commander. Imagine if a version of hiveguard that can chuck spikes at you. Bile spewer is somehow still the only real threaten enemy AFTER eating 2 big nerfs to them.
The ability to turn it off manually is the alternative solution to it if your build doesn't actually have a capability to destroy it. Same as the hellbombs on the other objectives.
I'm just saying that the charger/behemoth game in bug is now honestly fine, even if flamethrower leg exploit get removed. I agree with making some of the bug offense more dangerous, particularly the medium enemy.
Behemoth/charger is kinda low a heavy armor enemy should be. AT should be the most efficient and easy method of bringing them down but non-AT can, but simply take a bit longer/less efficient. If non-AT can bring down every heavy enemy as equally as efficient as AT weapon, then NOBODY would use AT weapons because they are inefficient except in the niche of dealing with heavy, and that is what happens in bot. Why should you ever bring AT weapons that is often single shot, single target, long reload/recharge if another medium pen or AOE support can kill heavy as easily WHILE also help you deal with medium enemies efficiently
I fucking hate how most of the time the patrols or outposts just fire off flares immediately
If they had more advanced brainpower then they could scale weapon damage based on difficulty setting while also increasing enemy movement speed and damage. But they are pants on head retarded so....
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The most threatening bugs are hunters. They are legion, are fast enough to close the gap to you, make efforts to flank you and avoid your lines of fire, and can crowd control you to help the rest of the pack pursue you. They shouldn't ever kill you outright but the are the force of attrition that wears you down. The bastards that connect that sucker punch attack while higher profile enemies draw your attention. All the other enemies are just distractions so that the HUNTER can sneak a shot in.

Honorable mention to Stalkers. They have potential but the stars need to align for them to jump you in groups of 6+ and actually be scary.
Aside from the heavy, the only bug enemies that can provide appropriate threats are hunter, stalkers, spewers for sure. They are like the MVPs stars of the team while the rest of the bugs are shitters being carried
It was such a jarring change coming from the first game where shooting the enemy before they could call reinforcements was such a major part of the game and now it's completely impractical to do so. I still don't know why they changed it like that.
no but he was black iirc
>Stratagem inputs now default to arrow keys, not WASD. (This let's you move and input at the same time).
>Reloading weapons now works like stratagem inputs, do it and you reload faster, fail and reload slower. Longer input sequences for bigger guns.
A lot of things have to change since the game is not a shared screen top down shooter cluster fuck any more
will botdivers ever quit bitching
the timer is for the bleedout to begin, not for it to kill the titan
It's only impractical when attacking the big bases and objectives. Patrols and POI's can generally be flattened before they can call for help.
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the power of autism means i never take longer than 200ms to input any stratagem code perfectly
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>it's another 'teammate that is doing LITERALLY NOTHING can't take 1 second of time to reinforce' episode
>stratagem scrambler modifier reinstated, but it scrambles the Konami code now
in that case i concede
im autistic but not THAT autistic
Botdivers are the vegans of HD2.
>they do not kill me any more frequently than they used to
>but now they have to be closer together to kill multiples with a single impact grenade
yes. it's just annoying. fodder should die quickly, and they're only one step removed from fodder.
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watch my back i'm going to lie down
only took you 2 hours, 5 minutes and 18 seconds
youre getting slow
used up
washed out
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you didn't watch my back
i miss BZZZTTTTTposter
Stfu already
i enjoy hearing anons call me shit for using the shield backpack as their ragdoll gets passed around by stalkers
Suck me up sissy.
i remember when my friend first introduced me to bots and explained that i needed to pay special attention to the bots with 1 sword and kill them first before attacking
i thought it was so cool you had to do a little bit of planning before attacking bot outposts and shit

now every single enemy type except the heavies can call reinforcements and they do it faster than you can pull the trigger
and no one ever plans anything it's just constant rush straight into bases
>game now dips to 12k players daily
it's so over
Seu viado, punk.
anon busting out the Kanban boards for medium outposts with 1 fabricator
>little kid level 22 joins
>dies 8 while trying to hellbomb a shrieker nest
>i tk him with an EAS because he wouldn't leave
>reinforcements reach zero
>he rage quits
>another dude quits thinking the mission is done
>me and the remaining guy trudge on, complete the secondary objective
>two other guys join in
>competent, rest of the game is a breeze
Coop is funny thing
it’s children like you why I never go below 9
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They are cooking, we EAT good?
>fix - bile titans no longer gain random immunity

>spear will randomly crash the game
I'd beat your ass IRL you ebonics queer
I'm sorry you died like 8 times doing a thing anyone could've from a distance, suck less the next time
and an ESL monkey no less
I enjoy not having the situational awareness of a toaster and more advanced aiming skills than Michael J Fox so that I can actually kill stalkers instead of needing a shield crutch to compensate for incompetence.
Spear sisters... back me up here.
>aidsnigger complaining about other people's English skill
>He doesn't clear the map in Agile Scrums
>His helldiver isn't a Six Sigmaâ„¢ Certifiedâ„¢ Project Management Professionalâ„¢
In the grim darkness of the near future shit-ass consultants are still hired to help Manage Democracy
holy kek anon are you for real
keep swinging dick about how good you are at bugs i bet the bitches dig it
Following the chain of flares and popping an entire squad of chaff bots with the DCS is one of the most fun things in the game.
>on an English imageboard
he’s chimping out
Will a stim help in these trying times?
>did you get my Teams invite for the heavy outpost
>>on an English imageboard
It's Japanese now
Pretty fucking sure the reinforcement calls weren't as inevitable until a update happened. I am sure of it. Someone must have fucked with it.
He's the same autist that gaslights people about bile titan headshots. Ignore the faggot
Please update the Jira page on the Heavy Outpost issue.
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Really though when will they finish the stim slow down bug? once you notice it it's impossible to stop noticing
Nerfs incoming
reinforcements were good for a while initially, then the bug happened where they would call it after they died, then a bug happened where they would become invulnerable until they finished calling it
then they fixed those for a brief moment and the last big update now makes them call in reinforcements seemingly the very instant the animation triggers
We will get the commando and the eruptor will get the shrapnel back trust the plan bros
I enjoy going back and reading this from time to time
>calling in a scrum
You're the one shitting up the place with how you think you're better because you need protection from mean bugs. I simply smile and go about as I get to enjoy 1 more offensive strat than your wasted slot for skill issues
fucking nigger phone
meant to post this link
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I think this is more or less correct. Only real way around it is winning the lottery by happening to shoot the one the game selects to fire it
Look around, chud. There are no jap symbols being used by anyone, only english words. The only jap shit here are the virgin cartoon girls you post because you're terminally forever alone.
ok that’s great dude but I genuinely don’t give a shit
Can someone confirm if HD2 actually fixed that supply bug? I forget the specific name for it. It's a modifier you have to buy for your ship.
I hate tourists
>The only jap shit here are the virgin cartoon girls you post because you're terminally forever alone.
I'm GookMoot?
I don't think it's even listed as a known bug yet, so not any time soon.
>needs all 4 slots vs bugs
And you thought that we give a shit about your initial post ? lol
It's fucked right now, since anyone can call reinforcements what happens is
>someone is about to REEE or pop a flare
>kill them
>another one immediately tries to do it
>kill them too
>someone else picks up the torch (or flare), kill them as well
>this continues until that someone is some random fucking retard from some patrol that happened to wander onto the scene and does it behind a rock or a building
>pump fuel into icbm
>icbm apparently launches automatically and now we just have to extract
Anyone else have this happen before?
>plays on diff 4 and below

As I said before I enjoy killing things more than running from them. You need to bump those reading comprehension skills up, sonny.
the ESL monkey seethe
ok retard
Desperate shitter cope.
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Bug 9, bot after
yes, spm works again
well, it works as well as it did before
It only affects people who hold shift to sprint. If you use any of the button settings where you don't have to hold it down, it won't affect you. I use "press", I think. That also has the benefit of being able to use your mini-map while you're sprinting, unlike holding.
>braindead shitters that need safety harnesses for their garbage skills lashing out at non shits

So long, gayboys
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thanks anon was fun
4/10 you laid on the autism a bit too thick but it has potential
>flamethrower leg exploit
How's that an exploit? If anything, the flamethrower should be stronger against bugs, it doesn't make any sense that it can't penetrate it's head armor or a BT's leg armor
>then the bug happened where they would call it after they died,
you mean that "stopped bugs from screaming for help after dying" patch note? That only made it so if you killed them during the call but before the breach was triggered they'd stop playing the sound of the call. Before that patch if you killed them before the point-of-no-return, even if they kept screaming. it would still prevent the bug breach from happening. It was just an audio trigger/cut-off change, not a mechanical change.
>"all objectives should be functionally identical"
that's more boring, not less

that'd be all you'd have to do really, give the player a reason to run over and play the minigame instead of sniping it from half the map away. the only existing incentive for getting close is looting samples. it could be as easy as giving it a bunker with six loot spots that opens when you shut down the broadcast, but if you blow up the tower it stays locked
have fun you guys xoxo
correct on all counts. fuck hunters
flamethrower exploit abusers should be fined 1000 req slips per offense

what it disappear overnight
I kinda wish the game had more of an RTS element, where destroying enemy outposts means less patrols and reinforcement for them
As it is, fighting is less optimal than sneaking by a considerable margin
But how is it an exploit? The bugs ar organic beings with internal temperatures, it doesn't matter how much armor their carapaces have, heat gets transferred regardless and they'll get cooked alive
its also substantially less fun
If all spawners are destroyed, all they have to do is force spawns to come in from the outside of the map and march in. No more patrols spawning on the map itself. That alone would fix so much.
sorry anon i was shitposting
ill do better next time
Sure but that's what the game encourages you to do
Players should be rewarded for fighting, not punished
what’s the known issue bodycount rn
The bodycount for leandivers is in the billions.
I'd be cool, there's no more patrols roaming, just single one that comes from the outside.
Personally, I'd also take out the time limit and limit the reinforcements, but that's because I hate time limits so much
are you implying leandivers are an issue
18 official known issues as of .403, I'm sure at least a dozen more not listed.
Got room?
no, idiot
Leandivers owe me C-01 forms.
Be nice, I'll fill if someone leaves. Let me know.
coomer get ye gone
It makes more sense gameplay-wise though. If patrols and reinforcements were at their strongest at the very start of a match, it would just be a slog to even attempt to accomplish a single objective, and things would only get easier as time goes on and more spawners were destroyed. That means the start of a match is horribly overwhelming but then it gets easier and then outright boring as time goes on. What fun would extraction be if all you had to do was sit there doing nothing? Why even have the timer for extraction then instead of everyone just outright leaving?

Increasing map heat as the team destroys objectives is more fun, since it becomes more challenging the better you prove yourselves to be. If you can't handle the map heat being that high, then you have the option to focus only on the objectives and then get the hell out of Dodge.

One way you could think of it is, the enemy spawners provide a strategic advantage, not a tactical one. They don't just produce forces while you're nearby, they do it 24/7 and that's why you're trying to destroy them; if left alone, they produce troops that make life harder for SEAF forces on the planet in the long run. Once you start destroying these spawners, the enemy send more and more short-term reactionary forces to stop you, and those are the increased patrols you're seeing. You're kicking the hornet's nest, and they're getting pissed and sending out more hornets because you're agitating them.
first one to bully fluteposter gets to stay on my super destroyer
No no you misunderstand. I just process them. But I *do* need them.
I think you've completely missed the mark. We're basically a paratrooper force operating deep behind enemy lines of a larger conflict. As we blow up their outposts, we are not diminishing the enemy's ability to fight back against our squad but instead are raising the alarm and drawing the attention of the bulk of the enemy army.
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>sideshot on a charger
I'll now reveal segret charger tech with any AT weapon.
Do see picrel?
That's the secret weakspot of chargers.
If you hit them there with any AT weapon, you'll oneshot them no matter what.
This also applies to Behemoths.
If you have a sideshot on a charger locked, try to make it so it hits there by diving to the right or left depending on the Chargers position.
Because the SEAF are doing such a great job of fucking nothing with all that distraction we're giving them.
They're doing the majority of the work. Special forces get the cool missions but its the boring grunt work that provides the manpower to actually take and hold territory and win wars.
>That means the start of a match is horribly overwhelming but then it gets easier and then outright boring as time goes on
Which is how a war or fight goes, as you beat down an opponent less resistance is offered
Those last sudden burts of enemies spawning endlessly at extraction make absolutely no sense. Why is stopping you from leaving their main goal? Where was that strength when you were killing the enemy?
There's a reason they give you medals after every mission, there needs to be a reward for doing things, if clearing enemy bases has no effect at all, there's no encouragement to do it
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>Play in the morning
>Join the last mission and complete 2 operations of both bot and bug with ease. Just when my squad about to extract too.
>Play in the night
>File corrupt, lagging and disconnected.
Conclusion: The moon fucking hates me.
But paratroopers do capture and defend positions
Also if our main goal was distracting, there's better ways to do it
Man I love when my good positioning and strategic play gets thrown out the window cause the director decided to send 5 gunships up my ass
>Which is how a war or fight goes, as you beat down an opponent less resistance is offered
We're four fucking men deep behind enemy lines. NOTHING that we can do over the course of one mission will minimize their ability to throw soldiers at us. We're just ringing the dinner bell and attracting the attention of a dramatically larger force to encircle us.
>If you hit them there with any AT weapon, you'll oneshot them no matter what.
*if you moving forward
That spot has exactly the same HP as the EAT/RR/Quasar does damage so it has the same problem behemoth legs have of just barely missing the breakpoint.
And the last mission I played had a bugged terminal that none of us could activate.
So we spent our remaining reinforcements goofing off since none of us needed any samples.
The SPEAR doesn't account for it.
>But paratroopers do capture and defend positions
You're kind of glossing over the fact they are ENTIRELY dependent on having a larger conventional force relieve them before they get torn the fuck apart by heavier enemy forces. Take away that relief force and paratroopers are just under-equipped and encircled soldiers.
>We're four fucking men deep behind enemy lines.
...with heavy air support
>NOTHING that we can do over the course of one mission will minimize their ability to throw soldiers at us
But it should, a least locally. Otherwise it's pointless to have it there, like I said
>We're just ringing the dinner bell and attracting the attention of a dramatically larger force to encircle us.
Then there's zero reason to do anything beyond the main goal
>...with heavy air support
for less than an hour
>You're kind of glossing over the fact they are ENTIRELY dependent on having a larger conventional force relieve them before they get torn the fuck apart by heavier enemy forces.
And you're glossing over the fact that unlike paratroopers, Helldivers have heavy air support and can always be extracted
>Those last sudden burts of enemies spawning endlessly at extraction make absolutely no sense.
You've just spent X amount of time fucking their shit up, destroying assets and getting noticed. Forces from outside the area of operations are going to respond and be deployed against you.

You really want missions to get easier the more you accomplish over the course of doing them? really?

>There's a reason they give you medals after every mission, there needs to be a reward for doing things, if clearing enemy bases has no effect at all, there's no encouragement to do it
Clearing bases gives you EXP which is factored into how much liberation score your operation contributes. You are helping the overall war effort.
this is actually one anon arguing with himself
>there needs to be a reward for doing things, if clearing enemy bases has no effect at all, there's no encouragement to do it
The reward is the increased XP and requisition slips, the former of which counts towards planet liberation. If you're running around the map completing secondary objectives anyway, then it stands to reason you're also going to be hitting up Minor PoI's, which give you a chance for more goodies including more Medals, more samples and Super Credits.

It's not always about the rewards anyhow, people do the secondary objectives for the increased fun. And encountering more enemies as the match goes on also increases that fun because you get more chances to use your guns and stratagems to kill enemies.
Yep, 3/4 right now

why are you pretending to be me?
Failed to join lobby saj
It's still there
>You've just spent X amount of time fucking their shit up, destroying assets and getting noticed
Then shouldn't they have sent all of their forces after you clear the secondary objectives, or at least after the main goal is cleared? Why at extraction?
>You really want missions to get easier the more you accomplish over the course of doing them? really?
Yeah, I want missions to make sense and encouragement to fight instead of sneak, yes.
>Clearing bases gives you EXP which is factored into how much liberation score your operation contributes
Exp and Requisition Slips are a poor reward, the former stops mattering very early in the game and you're swimming in the latter in just a few hours of playing
>The reward is the increased XP and requisition slips
Same as the above
>It's t's not always about the rewards anyhow, people do the secondary objectives for the increased fun
You can have fun and produce an impact
>Helldivers have heavy air support and can always be extracted
All them ore reason to respond in force once you know where they are operating, and to prevent them from leaving to do it all again, somewhere else, later. Just listen to yourself. You're advocating that missions get easier, aka more boring, the longer you spend in them. Having extract get swarmed with enemies and having to fight off increasing waves of them is fun. Clearing enemy outposts is fun. Doing secondary objectives is fun. Sitting at a dead quiet extract for 2 minutes with nothing or barely anything to shoot at is not fun.
>"sounds like a fleshie problem"
>*blasts torso off*
why are robos such a great skill filter ?
>go into match not knowing orbital interference is the modifier
>whole team spends the entire match just killing one another by accident with our orbitals
I hate this modifier so much but it can be pretty funny
I hate that fucking dog laser shit soo much its unreal
I hate robots so much its unreal
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>Then shouldn't they have sent all of their forces after the main goal is cleared? Why at extraction?
The second the primary objective is completed patrol spawn rate is increases by a factor of 4. An active extraction beacon just acts as a homing beacon for any patrols that do spawn. You don't understand the system you are complaining about.
People really can't even be bothered to check the modifiers of the mission they are on before they pick their stratagems. Literally two fucking buttons to press and people can't do that.
>survives ur hellbomb
heh nothing personnel helldiver
I hope you redditors that played on Vandalon 4 this past week hoping/coping that you could liberate it learned that only MO liberations/defenses matter.
it works well but is admittedly janky. magdump their abdomen after a charge and it'll usually blow it up. Seems to work better against behemoths for whatever reason
>I hate that fucking dog laser shit soo much its unreal
>All them ore reason to respond in force once you know where they are operating, and to prevent them from leaving to do it all again, somewhere else, later.
Again, if they care so much to stop them from doing it again, then why didn't they stop them from doing it the first time?
>Just listen to yourself. You're advocating that missions get easier, aka more boring, the longer you spend in them
I'm advocating for missions to make sense and reward players for fighting instead of sneaking, sneaking is boring and is what you're defending
>Clearing enemy outposts is fun. Doing secondary objectives is fun.
You're still do all these things, but now they actually have an impact in the game
>Sitting at a dead quiet extract for 2 minutes with nothing or barely anything to shoot at is not fun.
Cut down the extract time to 30s and have the last enemy charge be based off their remaining forces
Having extract get swarmed with enemies and having to fight off increasing waves of them is fun. Clearing enemy outposts is fun. Doing secondary objectives is fun. Sitting at a dead quiet extract for 2 minutes with nothing or barely anything to shoot at is not fun.
500kgs you mean? I've seen those bombs bonk off against their foreheads and explode and the behemoths still fucking survive. That shit is annoying.
I haven't seen a Behemoth survive a hellbomb yet though.
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Jesus christ
>Light armour player gets themselves instantly vaporized by their own rover because they move faster than their rover's aim adjusts episode.
My favourite episode.
part 2
The 500 gram bomb is such a worthless piece of shit.
The grenade launcher is an awesome weapon, but its inability to take out armor is a serious downfall. After spending like an hour just thinking about how to make it viable, I just realized the answer was the autocannon
>The second the primary objective is completed patrol spawn rate is increases by a factor of 4.
Why? Where are the troops coming from? Why does you actions don't influence their numbers or their ability to spawn more troops?
>You don't understand the system you are complaining about.
I understand that it encourages you to sneak instead of fight and makes it so there's no impact for you to destroy their spawn points
That was funny but why did you even let that happen in the first place? You had plenty of time to react.
so the only way to play is medium armor right? Heavy has too much stamina drain, light armor die, medium armor you can weather any storm
>lop their fucking heads off
>starts calling for reinforcements as you reload and seethe
>kill one very quickly
>summons the warrior goons while fucking dead
I hate them so much. Not the worst enemy, but the most annoying one by a lot.
You do know the video is in slow motion, right?
Padded light is currently the best combo for survivability in the game, followed by padded medium
Explosive resist used to be king but then they changed how stuff works and now flat armor value from padded is just better than anything
I like how the reinforcements notifier just starts going crazy
It's great for bots and alright for bugs. Use with one of the machine guns or at least the verdict/senator sidearms.
>Padded light is currently the best combo for survivability in the game
But I hate how Light Gunner looks
Guard dog's intention is to basically turn you into a living sentry gun. On heavy armour this is perfectly viable because you're going to be standing around a lot anyways, might as well get some free damage in while you're doing so. And getting licked by the beam isn't going to instantly kill you either since you've got actual defense.
Same, I have it but I opt to use the default armor instead, since it's padded medium.
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>there are Patreon indie devs updating porn games with a more frequent regular basis and higher quality output than ArrowHead with HD2
When the fuck are we getting the Illuminate?
Just shit them out already, I'm tired of filler arc MOs.
my anecdotal zero numbers backing it experience is that explosive resist vastly reduces how many times rockets have 1 shot me. when I tried out the fat ninja turtle outfit i died to so many devastator salvos from full in a single mission that I thought the bug where rockets apply multiple instances of damage was back, swapped back to my fortified armor and suddenly didnt die once to rockets at full health for like 4 missions
That wasn't even me who died, but maybe the laser got him to? I can't remember.
Take for instance a case where you are getting pushed in heavy armour and can't run away, while you are spending time getting thrown all over the ground with bugs and healing through it all, rover can spend that time actually blasting back at the bugs so you have some breathing room. It's not a lot, but it still helps out.
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>there are Patreon indie devs updating porn games with a more frequent regular basis and higher
Not western ones tho
But, muh servos-
Please! I can't go back! I NEED to be able to throw stratagem balls 75 meters and in a flat arc at short ranges.
Where do you aim?
Typical shitter loadout:
>quasar, spear
>breaker incel
>shield backpack
>500kg, orb railcannon
it's a bug, not intended
Servo is pretty good
the limb health means you save up on a lot of stims
Spear sisters, kill this sissy.
If you're actually good/smart, then light armor can be pretty useful. But most players aren't good or smart.

If you're wearing light armor, it's with the intention of avoiding direct combat and instead using your mobility to get around the map faster. That has its uses, particularly if you're doing a stealth build that isn't going to try to kill every patrol you come across. If you can accomplish main/side objectives for your team while on your own, bait reinforcement waves far from the rest of your team, that kind of thing, then you can be an asset.

But no, you don't put on light armor and then equip and play like you're getting into heavy combat. That's counter-productive in the worst way possible.
>>breaker incel
>>shield backpack
Literally me
Cry about it
It's cool, it'll get fixed next year.
>watch my 500kg bomb land and embed itself inside a behemoths forehead
>doesn't even put it in bleed out state, it shrugs it off
i heckin love realism
Bot rockets do way more ballistic than explosive damage if I understood correctly, in my own experience if I use anything other than padded medium armor it easily oneshots me as well but with padded medium a rocket to the face does almost no damage. The actual impact from ragdolling and flying away does more damage than the rocket that hit my face.
>Implying the laser drone is bad
>Implying infinite small/medium enemy murder is bad
>Implying it could ever amount to the trash tier worthlessness of its ballistic counter part
You guys are stilly
Explosions collision box is above the point of impact and a bit below and across.

So a bomb in a ditch blows up enemies around it better than a bomb on a slight hill. Once you learn this secret you will start throwing bombs in ditches and notice a sizable number of dead bugs.
For behemoths direct shots to the abdomen seems to work. normal chargers are more of a coin toss and i genuinely don't know if i should shoot directly at it or try to splash damage it by shooting the hind legs instead
heavy armor is based as fuck and allows you to survive a lot of bullshit including getting leg checked by a titan.
I just want them to turn the perks into an aside thing so I can wear environment appropriate armor
If you have a clear space to hit the ground just underneath the butt, do it. From the front, you can bounce the grenade between the leg and hit the back
The explosive glitch is also inconsistent. Sometimes charger takes direct explosive damage but some charger doesn't.
Honestly, if they fix that glitch, GL would absolutely destroy charger lol. I believe it destroy charger/behemoth butt in like 3-4 shot if the dumb glitch doesn't happen.
>For behemoths direct shots to the abdomen seems to work
You guys use the stun grenade with that loadout I assume?
Yes, I have not swapped off the stun grenade since the day the warbond released. You don't always have to use one as the GL shoots pretty fast, if you dive dodge one you can usually get enough shots in before it turns around.
Same, there are some armors I'd like to use with peak physique because as cool as the jungle armor is, it's extremely out of place pretty much everywhere except the new jungle planet.
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hello? missing content?
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>you can usually get enough shots in before it turns around.
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If we get another capture X planets in 7 days I think I'll just take a break until these inept lazy swiggers decide to unfuck their game in 2 months or whatever it is.
was it geo survey? I had a weird bug where it made like 3 different terminals at slightly different angles making them unreadable
It's actually fixed right now. It's not in the known issues for patch .403

Kind of. It's kind of fixed. A direct explosion on the butt will pop it but it's still taking way more grenades than necessary to kill. It should be 3 grenades on the butt but it's taking at least 6. Not show for length/filesize were at least 5 direct impacts and multiple near impacts against the legs prior to the 'killing' blow. The grenade launcher only does 2 or 3 damage to the chargers butt with the direct impact of the grenade so 99.9% of its damage is from the explosion.
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>If you have a clear space to hit the ground just underneath the butt, do it.
Cool, but I'll need practice to get it right
>From the front, you can bounce the grenade between the leg and hit the back
No way I hit that while he's charging
>if they fix that glitch, GL would absolutely destroy charger lol. I believe it destroy charger/behemoth butt in like 3-4 shot if the dumb glitch doesn't happen
Watch a they fix it and then nerf it
Makes sense with how useful it is
I still have to grab DD for the grenade pistol
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Bugs to start, and probably finish since it's kinda late on my end and I have to work tomorrow. Helldive, obviously.

Not this time no, it was the hatchery nuke mission. I did have a geo survey mission that broke yesterday though, webm related.
I use it whenever the climate seems neutral enough, but yeah, I just want armors to make sense
With Polar Patriots having a snow theme but zero snow bonuses, I'd want a revamp where armor is inherently light to heavy and provides bonus for specific biome
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I don't think they'll nerf it because that's just somewhat normal ttk if a medium support weapon manage to get good look at the charger's butt.
They should have given the PP armors some kind of insulation against the effects of hot/cold biomes on stamina and better movement through snow/sand.
I want them to add mile wide nados and a flat plains planet
>Bunkers and deep trenches are safe
>on our way to extract with me hauling almost all of the samples (the optimal route for the mission was a clockwise route around the map with extract being the end)
>a charger glitches out of a stun, slides into me at breakneck speeds and sends me flying
>i land into a random fucking pit full of water with perfectly vertical walls and drown
I am so fucking glad I'm maxed out on samples but fuck me, it was the only body of water on the entire map and it's some random fucking HOLE and I fly right into it
apparently rejoining the game fixes the interaction bug on those. i have a sample size of one for that info though
>quickplay 9 bugs
>get into game in progress
>40 fps less than usual with crazy stuttering, open task manager
>HD2 crs-handler.exe raping my cpu to 100% usage
>catch up with team
>level 124 host spam throwing infinite impacts as if the exploit was never fixed so probably cheating
>kill the chink and leave the game
>cpu usage back to normal as if nothing happened, crs-handler at 0% usage
so a cheating chink can just rape the game's performance as they brute force whatever cheat checks the game has?
>Ah, stealth.
>Passive: not stealth.
I can't with these guys.
>...star wars spaceship?
It would have been cool if it had been our first heavy armor with the stealth passive.
it wasn't fixed, now you just have to knock yourself down while throwing the last grenade and you'll keep the invisible grenade in hand. you can probably do it by having someone melee you mid-throw for non-impact grenades
>getting put into lobbies with chinese people in the first place
that is the real problem
>was never fixed
It wasn't, they just slightly tweaked it to make it more irritating to pull off. The change they made is that when you throw your last grenade it attempts to auto-draw your primary weapon. See >>484445627

It works if you throw it while diving from a height just enough to ragdoll but the timing is pretty tight.
it's really weird that they can't just write a check for "if a player with zero grenades tries to throw one, swap weapons"
Just clamp the grenade value down to 4 or 6 if it goes over somehow. Then even if you do it you only get a grenade resupply instead of a functionally infinite amount, with the work required to do the glitch right now that would basically instantly kill it.
>desperate helldivers are capable of manifesting a full kit of grenades in times of need
you know, i wouldn't even hate that fix
I think it would be a decent compromise overall if they're completely unable to fix the source of the glitch, which by this point I think they've proved that they are wholly incapable of doing so.
>lasers don't have an adjustable fire rate or unsafe/overcharge mode or charged shot mode or actual scope with magnification or functional red dot
just let me have a reason to bring beam type weapons besides the heat mechanic
>worse DPS than pretty much every other primary with only """pinpoint""" precision to make up for it
maybe when they bump them to 550 damage
the PP armors have knuckle spikes yet I can't increase their melee damage
NTA but do they really? I noticed the crampons for the boots but not that.
That would make them too powerful. 350 DPS is actually good for what they are: precision head poppers. The Scythe just needs a magnified optics and it will be a top tier bot primary.
the problem with Beams is that the pinpoint accuracy is immediately fucked by the fact that it's an automatic weapon so it can't take full advantage of it
also I don't want a pure boost to damage, that's boring, I wanna crank up the power and heat gen to overdrive on all my Beam weapons, yeah it might not be sustainable but that's what the passive reload from Heat is for
I grabbed the Kodiak specifically for the knuckle spikes
you can see it in >>484443314 too
Damage should ramp up the longer you keep the beam on the same spot
i mean that's still behind the sickle and a lot of other rifles. drop it to 500 maybe but 350 is way too low DPS wise for an "automatic" weapon with nothing special beyond damage (and even with stagger you still never see people actually use the lib conc - 346 DPS). it's only really good for hunting heads, and other weapons do similar faster while contributing more when you miss the head

i mean, more unsafe modes would be kind of neat but the weapon still needs to do enough to justify it. it's why the railgun barely sees any play, you can fuck yourself out of a life and a support weapon for 8 minutes and all you get from it is "uhhh it kills devs and hulks real good," which several other support weapons do while being even better against targets the railgun struggles on.
I'd fucking love that, it annoys me that they seem to pick the completely wrong things to make "realistic" and then they completely ignore Helldivers running around on hot desert planets in insulated snow gear. Armors definitely should have some kind of insulation or "warmth" built into them so people that want optimal performance would be inclined to wear something like light desert gear for desert planets and PP armor for snow planets to counteract the planet's effect on them.
if you made it ramp pen too, yeah, that'd do it. you have the maximum firing time to keep it from getting too out of hand, but they'd also have to avoid making it too fiddly to keep it on one part of an enemy
>Why? Where are the troops coming from?
Since you are fucking daft, we need to tell you once again that you are BALLS DEEP within ENEMY TERRITORY. Where are they coming from? EVERYWHERE. YOU'RE ON THEIR TURF. The enemy forces expand beyond the scope of your mission's area of operations. When you kick the hornet's nest they start converging on your position from all sides.
the railgun barely sees any play because it has the durable damage ratio of a fucking automatic weapon
it's garbage against heatsinks and gunships which weapons like the AMR and LC can fry with ease
yes, that's what i'm saying, you don't get enough upsides out of the railgun's downsides. the scythe would need upsides commensurate with whatever risk you take on from it having an unsafe mode.
The sickle has random shot deviation, the scythe is (literally) laser accurate You give it too much DPS and it will overshadow every other light pen primary, especially against bots. You're trading time to kill for precision, ease of handling, zero recoil, no weapon sway, and infinite regenerating ammo. That's what's 'special' about i, it handles better than any other rifle while delivering perfect accuracy.
wait, are you guys insinuating that the scythe *isn't* completely useless
>it wasn't fixed for the 20th time
regardless he was fucking the game up like crazy so he might have actually been cheating unless it's a side effect of the exploit
the scythe is great at killing small targets that don't move fast or bob
the shot deviation only really matters against targets like dev heads, and other weapons like the counter-sniper do better on those than the scythe. and, hell, the DCS has 816 DPS if you're mag dumping it, with a full additional level of pen
>backpack weapons are supposed to be a downside
>when they carry a fuckton of ammo and almost every non-backpack weapon requires you to run support pack in a second slot
Only weapon that needs supply pack are HMG and GL and supply pack also provide you with ammo for your other weapon, more grenades, and more stim. It's an appropriate trade off.
Only a couple hours until the MO is complete. Predict the next MO.
Own these planets at the end of 7 days: automaton edition
Supply Backpack is optional if you stick with your team, only take shots when they make a difference, and scrounge PoI's for ammo boxes. Even for the HMG you can make it last if you only ever use it to kill actually armored targets instead of spraying every single target that comes across your sights.

Anti-Tank Mines :^)
anti-tank mines attempt #4
guys im becoming a support pack chad how do I give my team supplies?
Beam weapons have upsides that don't work with their downsides (unless you're frying heatsinks)
the upside is that they're perfectly accurate and have great handling and zero recoil (besides from the little recoil that does exist for some reason) and no weapon sway (besides from the natural weapon sway), perfect for a precision weapon
the downside is that they can't do their full damage at once, they have to be held on the target for it to be effective which would be fine if enemies didn't bob their heads when they moved or were unable to flinch you, horrible for a precision weapon
it has a very high fire rate but zero damage which is the exact opposite of what you want from a precision weapon, if the Laser Cannon had the durable damage ratio of a normal automatic weapon it would be completely disregarded which is the situation that the Scythe is in right now
walk up to them and press E and then wait a second before doing any other animation so you don't animation cancel it
I will destroy helldivers 2 if they do AT mines again
Laser canon does have somewhat lower DPS and durable damage than other support of its class. It just very convenient to use as you don't need to worry about keeping up with reload and having unlimited ammo is a privilege for support weapon. I think unlimited ammo matters less for primary with how much primary ammo you get of loots so scythe isn't preferred that much.
AT mines or save puppies from an animal shelter on diaspora x
The puppies then probably.
thanks for the games, galcrux is gay btw
>galcrux is gay btw
no u
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it's convenient against large, slow moving targets like heatsinks, against devastators and hulk heads there's just too much movement with too small a target and the only thing that the Scythe has the pen to deal with is devastator heads which sucks
What the fug is this sorcery.
>GL is good-ACK
>happens with grenades and grenades pistol
>everything is ok
>happens with GL
Ok anon, didn't ask.
filler MO with random APC spawns as POIs and illuminates will start trickling in as random lone enemies on bug planets
The nice thing about the laser cannon is it can flex into an anti-trash role. Most of the anti-tank support weapons are very poor at dealing with masses of trash. They either have too limited of a supply of ammo or have too low of a rate of fire to waste time overkilling trash. The laser cannon can act like an ersatz machinegun and mow down groups of trash. The downside is it's not as good at killing the big targets as the heavier hitters.
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Man, I wanna like the Tesla tower, but its just got too many downsides.
>Retarded teammates will keep dying to it
>Needs to be close to enemies, meaning if a charger or BT show up at the wrong time, the entire stratagem is invalid.
It shreds trash mobs, and is basically infinite, but its just too impractical to use in random play.
Use grenade laucher again after a long time. I think they can blow up gunship.
oh fug, thanks for reminding me
I've yet to play a single full operation on any of the planets in this current MO
time to speedrun a trivial mission so I can get the MO rewards
Support backpack sentry:
>friendly reload it with your own support weapon's ammo backpack
>it deals the same damage, but fires faster than you can do solo
There, I've made RR, Airburst, Spear and AC fun to use.
the math says just 2 grenades to one engine pod should do it

400 damage with 3 pen vs 400hp with 3 armour
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>>Retarded teammates will keep dying to it
It's not a bug, its a feature but some of your squaddies might be moths
this shit happens frequently enough to discourage me from using the GL
why the fuck would I gamble with something like that when I can just take a boolet gun that's guaranteed to never bounce back and kill me instead and will also kill them in 1 or 2 hits
>where do they come from?
Okay then, I want things to matter
>sees the drone laser slowly going towards him
>does nothing
This is 100% on your dumb ass.

You must be the same retard who keeps posting >>484316654
Because GL is great if you are just careful enough to only shoot it at the range that GL won't bounce.
Just pull out your primary up close bro
Dawg I am not trusting a support sentry with an airburst rocket. Unless you mean the support sentry reloads at your support weapon faster than you would reload, but reloads it slower than a team reload, at which it would be meta.
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Anon, you are the vidya equivalent of an autistic roastie that can't enjoy average sized dicks anymore because AC stretched her pussy too wide.

GL is a fun weapon option in a videogame.
If you don't see a reason to use it, it's because you should kill yourself and the Grenade Launcher knows it well, that's why it kills you.
>play on bots
>gunship spam kills me every time I get into an actually fun gunfight
>fuck this
>go to bugs
>atmospheric interference and brap modifiers
>somehow the game runs worse when fog makes it so I can't see anything
guess I'll sleep then
>this shit happens frequently enough to discourage me from using the GL
you do know it isn't random whether or not it will bounce, right? you do know that if it does bounce it's because its hitting something too close and hasn't had the time to arm itself, right? you do know any time it does bounce its your own fault for choosing to shoot at something within the minimum arming distance, right?
AC is a pain the ass on bug with that reload anyway.
>This is 100% on your dumb ass.
I cannot dispute this.
>You must be the same retard who keeps posting >>484316654
But no, unfortunately, I have not been blessed to be on the receiving end of the spear 360 degrees and walks away missile.
This makes me want pitch black tunnel/night missions, but I know people will just bitch about them. Also can't really do night missions with the current day/night cycle system.
we have night missions and they kill eyes. and, of course, it doesn't affect enemy detection cause why the fuck would it
acquire 1 million samples
to be fair that's because it is the only automatic support weapon with a reasonable durable damage ratio
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tunnels would be cool, but they need to make something like pic related 1st
Would it actually be worth it?
>Autoloader Sentry, consumes a stratagem slot but would drop with backpack weapons and the HMG/MMG
>Halves reload speed of support weapons, and allows you to weapons that would normally require you to stand still on the go/while crouching/while prone
>You are still required to have those weapons out while the reload occurs
On one hand it'd be a huge improvement to all those weapons, but a stratagem slot is also a steep price to pay.
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You and me both man.
(You) and me both.
flamethrower has a 100% ratio
autocannon and grenade launcher have automatic fire modes and they both have 100% ratios

but the laser cannon isn't a good flex-trash clear support weapon because of its durable damage ratio. the only 'trash' enemies with appreciable durability is the brood commanders head at 60%. devastator and berserker chests are 40%. eveything else, even scout striders, are 0% durable.
Tunnel missions where the team has to defend a train and is split up on either side of the tracks would be so cool. Something where we're using hijacked Automaton infrastructure to transport a cargo container full of Hellbombs into some kind of base.
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someone explain the leandivers meme ive been on 4chan hiatus for a bit
Autocannon UGV drone? HMG UGV drone maybe? It'd be so cool to have some of those watching your back as you stomp around in a mech. Night missions with illumination flare mortars/strikes would be sick too. I wonder if you could have mission-specific secondary defense call-ins like floodlights and searchlights for some kind of firebase defense mission.
no male/female so you have brawny and twink(lean)
>we have night missions and they kill eyes
I have no idea what you're talking about in my 200 hours, but the night isn't nearly as dark on planets as I want.

>10,000 lumen light secondary that dazes enemies and spots for the team
>bug grubs that are just slower scavengers
>no bug breaches but there are bugholes fucking everywhere and periods of activity and inactivity
>hivelords show up at mission end creating new bugholes blocking your return trip
The kino that will never be what we wanted it to be.
In Helldivers 2, you pick "body types" instead of sex for your Helldiver, and it's a choice between brawny and lean (which stand in for male and female). Anons have taken to referring to female Helldivers as leandivers, and coomers sexualize them ad nauseam because they're coomers.
For example
>I can't wait to goon and pump to the mandatory 20 minute long pre-rendered cutscene of leandivers getting BUGGED and STRETCHED by TERMINID COCK as boydivers can do nothing but WATCH
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It's just the female sex body type.
You can tell them by the hips. Ignore their voices.
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an amazing explanation thank you very much youve really painted a mental picture
you don't need to partake in the MO to get rewards
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>autocannon has an automatic fire mode
Yes, but it's just a "waste ammo" button. In practice it is semi-automatic.
Lmao disgusting.
No problem anon.
This kind of design comes across as a bit tame imo, I prefer it when the bugs actually look like their in-game counterparts. I think a lot of Helldivers coomer artists miss the mark by making Helldiver chicks or Terminids a bunch of big breasted bimbos. Surely the erotic appeal is more potent if it's a relatively normal conventionally attractive chick in standard B-01 Tactical armour? Say, a childhood friend with a pronounced ass and gap teeth? Then again,
>fried receptors
Just grabbed Trench Paramedic. Can't wait to use it with the stim booster.
>It's an episode of "teammate(s) bring quasar to a hot planet."
I hate this.
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you know you can just go to /d/, right?
>you know you can just go to /d/, right?
>>fried receptors
I think he knows.
Not my fault If all planets I dive in become hot planets
they're illiterate and didn't read the patch notes
ggs to all
Thread's almost dead, but I wanted to post this. It's not a particularly hot extract, but the end was pretty funny in my opinion.
thanks to everyone who joined. It was my birthday today and I had fun
over here
>you can see it in >>484443314 too
Huh, I never noticed that before.

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