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waiting for bosses
previous >>484315174

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter that sees players battling to win an interstellar struggle to rid the galaxy of the rising alien threats. You are a Helldiver, a member of Super Earth's most elite fighting force. You and your squad choose to wage war on a number of contested planets, completing various objective-based missions within a procedurally generated area of operations. Each successful mission contributes to the complete liberation of that world, and ultimately, total strategic victory in the game's ever-evolving galactic campaign that's made up and randomly changes based on whatever the devs want to do.

HELLDIVERS 2 is available on Steam and PS5:

Released in 2015, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The most major difference being that HELLDIVERS is a top-down, twin-stick shooter.

HELLDIVERS is available on Steam, PS3, PS4, PS5, and PS Vita:






LATEST PATCH June 25th https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4183362170410922203?l=english

Thank you! :>
I think this is how this works
Lobbies? Do I even want to get on today?
>all planets captured
>have to wait 8 hours for the MO to close and then another few hours to see the new Joel shit sandwich special MO of "Capture X planets in Y days"
Just pull the fucking switch already, game is fucking dead until these swedoids come back from their 6 week cuck shed visit
>cross post quoted the wrong post
fuck I'm retarded
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>is literally the only survivor of whatever stratagem(s) you dropped on a group of enemies and calls down a fleet of dropships in your path
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erson desert sands
>actually dropped below 40K
There are so many dumb coomer mods. Where are the music replacer mods to replace the combat music with the superior helldivers 1 combat themes?
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Helldivers needs to get bigger
Always assume that if you drop a stratagem on top of a patrol, it will result in a Bot Drop if there are any small bots in their midst. If the purpose of your attack is to prevent the Bot Drop, focus the small guys with small arms fire first, or just outright detour around the patrol.
it has before. it'll be fine.
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>join a 3/4 eradication as my last mission for the night
>they're all level 30-50 console players that each took two barrages and eagle cluster
>only blue/green strategems between the 3 of them are 2 shield backpacks and a mortar
>they TK me and themselves three times over in the first minute
>after respawning for the third or fourth time, I kill them all
>proceed to to run circles around the edge of the map until they kick me
>they don't kick me
>start yelling at me on voice to reinforce them
>pretend to fumble with my strategem inputs but oops, gotta stop and dive to avoid that hunter! Better get some distance before I try again :)
>they literally only realize they can kick me what 90 seconds left in the mission with only 15% kills
I haven't been this petty in a long time but man did I enjoy that. I hope they failed the objective.
i swear, they made hunters less aggressive like a week ago
Stuns grenades and laser rover covers your reloads, if need be.
then you don't have steady ammo upkeep and also no it won't there's 600 bugs because your team is bad
Just a drop of content.... arrowhead..... please?
>Fire a airburst rocket in the middle of the patrol and follow up few plasma punisher in just in case
Heh, nothing personal kiddo
medium armor non penentrating dumbass
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>throw a 500kg at a bile titan wandering around
>bomb lands perfectly on its head, sheers it off beheading it and its dead before the bomb even goes off
I have NO fucking idea how bile titan weak points/health etc. work anymore
lmao this nigga uses his back slot for an obese sickle lol

The thing deploys with 600 rounds bro, you should get and much ammo as you need from the map, resupplies, and using your primary.
>still no word on how infrequent warbonds will be from now on
C'est fini
I tried using the HMG and this thing is legitimately worse to aim than the autocannon. what is the appeal?
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>randomly pitter-patters onto the scene after you skillfully massacred a nest of enemies without a breach and vomits out a cloud of pheromones, summoning 5 chargers and an army of brood commanders
>buffs an irrelevant stat and nerfs the core strength of your favorite gun
Hope you enjoy this hotfix!
>warbonds take longer to come out
>there's less in them
>you are lucky if even 1 thing in the warbond is good and even then its likely to get nerfed
>same price tho
I hate swedes so much its unreal
I will unlock the anti-tank mines.
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>we still haven't gotten the COMMANDO despite the last warbond being COMMANDO themed
Yeah, its about time for the anti-contrarian phase, isn't it?

what the fuck are you saying
Pretty good damage and good sustain damage if you can control it.
>decay rates so high and playerbase so spread out that not a single planet anywhere is making any progress at all
I hate Joel
It became somewhat usable and people are so starved for something new they're pretending it's good
Where's the mod that turns the Emancipator default black like the Patriot?
The botdivers are scouring every planet to find the mystical anti-tank mine.
Did the Swiggers really kill the game between the PSN and making any weapon that's good feel like shit?

How did they fuck up this golden goose?
Another day of helping new players try out toys beyond their level and explaining the game to them and seeing them get excited gunning down low level bugs with heavier guns and the mech.
The Autocannon is kind of boring given how good it is. HMG can be fun to use so long as you account for the recoil, and it doesn't take up a backpack slot. People bitch about the ammo, but I scrounge POI's while I run maps so it's only rarely ever an issue for me.

Again, half the problem is that decay rates are never shown to the playerbase in-game so the vast majority of players have no idea what they are and thus which planets are ideal for liberation.
game becomes a smash hit so majority of playerbase is casuals
swiggers take the game into a milsim direction (an already niche genre, and they do it terribly) which ḿakes almost all of the casuals quit and 70% of the people interested in milsims recognize it's also shit at being milsim so they quit as well
now it's just people too invested into the game to quit and also giga-coping hd1 players
They refuse to add in the mission where you defend a bug farm during a dissident attack.
Primary objectives:
>defend bug farm gates
>kill dissidents and rogue helldivers
Secondary objectives:
>destroy propaganda broadcasts showing what's really going on inside the bug farm
>the local population are being bred by bugs, wives and daughters of super earth citizens are being raped en masse by thick bug cock
>the dissidents are actually their husbands and cuck boyfriends
You're mostly right but why is there a diacritic above one of your m's?
>rogue helldivers
... and this problem would be solved by SE destroying the rebel destroyers in orbit and then simply doing a traitor barrage. Why would helldivers be needed?
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please never change anon this level of insanity is incredible
This is so much fun, honestly. I love calling down mechs and heavy machine gun emplacements for low level newthaws
I aim to please, anon
since the update I've only died on bots because of gunship patrols. theres no reason for these things other than to generate gay unavoidable deaths
I accidentally hit ´ somehow before typing that m
This thread has been shit ever since the trannies made that fucking discord
what discord?
Gunships patrols were a huge mistake. It's almost as severe of a loadout check as Behemoths on the bug side.
I haven't used discord since Covid.
another victory for the White side of history
I can kind of understand introducing an enemy that we have a hard time dealing with so that we suffer for a while - Arrowhead can then turn around and give us cool new toys to counter them like
>anti-air emplacement
>flak cannon turret
>SEAF anti-air firebase
But with the current cadence of updates, that's not what's happening, and it is getting rather annoying being constantly ragdolled around by gunship ro mets and then getting pinned and mulched by lasers
Eagle-1 feet...
>Meridia hole still just hanging around
So uh, about those illuminates? Did they get shitcanned or what?
Still busy fighting the super colony that we send them.
Why indeed, anon! I think it could be a lot of fun discovering that the previous squad went in with the same mission as you, finding lots of depleted support weapons and corpses as you piece together that they went rogue after building themselves up into a fortified position and cutting contact with the super destroyer.
>traitor barrage
Too close to the bug farm, which is critical to the war effort. Helldivers are adaptable, after all. Hammer, needle, whatever you need them to be.
Fuggit, I'm gonna post it again in the new thread anyways.
Thanks for the fun times, and thanks in advance for anyone who watches my shitty music video. It's not the hottest extract, but that last few seconds were hilarious to me.
Again, I hate Joel
But atleast you know to expect them and can gear up accordingly.
based schizo neet
>trailing bugs out the ass
>both 500kg bombs get caught in the trees on gacrux and don't explode
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are the companion websites for telling planet liberation working for anyone else? both show zero planets being attacked and 0% progress on any listed respectively.
>Features a giraffe as the cover art
Lucky you that it wasn't a shrieker nest like mine.
The serf force are on break apparently.
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>throw railcannon at charger
>bile titans comes out of the ground directly beneath me
>laser railcannon swaps targets to me and kills me in half a second
Then don't play on maps with gunship patrol modifiers.
The companion websites still haven't been updated with the new weapons and such, I've lost faith in them
Gunship patrol are easy to dodge on your own. The problem is your teammate.
I don't want to dodge them, I want to kill them, and I can't do that without a cool shoulder-fired flak cannon!
That is the thing: you have to shoot them first.
or a glorified laser pointer
I like to use the machine gun emplacement and shoot at them anyways :)
it works pretty well desu
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>find vault in pub lobby
>mark it out
>say vault in chat
>all 3 of them just ignore it
>one of them dies so I reinforce him on the vault
>he still ignores it
>bugdivers all going for Gacrux, the planet with the newest biome
>2% decay rate and if we end up liberating it it'll reduce the pool of possible biomes we have access to
>instead of going for Nivel with its 1.5% decay rate, and which if liberated would secure the Falstaff sector from future invasion
>there's even a huge chunk of players on Gatria with its 3% decay rate

And again, this is why all this information needs to be made plainly available to the players in-game. If the general player base realized that Vandalon had a 0.75% decay rate everyone would be falling over themselves to liberate it ASAP.
it doesn't matter what planets we do or don't capture outside of the MO's. The GM won't let us accomplish anything. He'll just rig the game if we get close to doing anything. So you might as well ignore all of what you said entirely and play on the biomes that we enjoy.
Can't make the decay rate public or everyone would realize how hard Joel rigs everything.
Bro, your jump pack jump reload? The MG has enough ammo to get away with not running a supply pack as long as you don't keep fighting for way too long in between resupplies. Which the jump pqck also helps with!
>secure the Falstaff sector from future invasion
You saw just a couple of days ago what complete and absolute bullshit that is
>If the general player base realized that Vandalon had a 0.75% decay rate everyone would be falling over themselves to liberate it ASAP.
Take it easy on the copium now, don't need anyone ODing in this thread
>If the general player base realized that Vandalon had a 0.75% decay rate everyone would be falling over themselves to liberate it ASAP.
Joel would just pump the decay number up and then trigger a bunch of enemy attacks across several worlds. How often do we need to remind you that the war isn't organic yet. We aren't allowed to win, or lose. We're just stuck within our containment sectors.
While this is true for close range, sometimes at long range when the round drops the impact angle is shallow enough where it skips back up instead of exploding on impact causing it to go past what you're shooting at. I've been robbed of some long shots as I watched it literally skip under them.
Jump pack is for the mentally deranged, even the liberator drone is more useful
Yea jump pack is a meme
You should run at least a laser drone with LMG to upkeep your dps. Otherwise, you might as well run HMG + supply for much better damage.
It literally does not matter unless the MO tells the normies to do something about it. Just look at the planets from the previous bug MO. 3/5 of them are already taken back by the bugs since then.
Can someone post a lobby?
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buts its fun
cuckdivers seething
you can have your NTR, I draw the line at bugs
Literally every game i play. I don't even bother with them anymore.
What armor are you using? I get touched by half that amount of spit and get vaporized.
It was never a golden goose to begin with, the initial tsunami of players was a standard positive feedback loop of social media FOMO. HD2 was always just a min viable product rushed out of development to answer the hype, with the promise that it was going become a core live-service game supported for a gorillion years after launch. The game isn't losing players because of petty balance changes or anti-corporate slacktivism. Most people are simply losing interest from playing the same dozen recolored wasteland biomes with the same objectives and POIs over and over again, waiting weeks at a time for new content or that is always underwhelming or dealing with game-breaking glitches that pop up every update. Most just decided to move on to something else that consooms their free time. Doesn't help either that the Galactic War is generally perceived as completely throwaway, where no progression happens anywhere outside a few planets designated by the GM.
I wish I could set my energy weapons to overcharge
I need my laser guns to scream at me while I use them
Yeah, I'd like this as well. I should also be able to fire bundled shots with the crossbow.
>two projectiles
>slight shot deviation
>more drop
>slightly less projectile velocity
I just want to be able to oneshot scout striders again. Using the grenade pistol means I'm totally hamstrung, have to constantly resupply or take the supply backpack.
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Splendid choice, anon!
>>there's even a huge chunk of players on Gatria with its 3% decay rate
Decay rates aren't public, I was there because I enjoy the red plants and bc it was taken in absolute bullshit
It's not like these in-MO planet rushes matter anyway
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>came home from work
>wanted to play HD2 all day
>go watch youtube and fapping instead
>go to bed
>wake up
>literally 2 hours before work
>go watch youtube and fapping stead
>eat and shower
>30 mins before work
>finally boot up HD2
>got mad because not enough time to even finish 1 mission, had to quit before extract to prepare myself for work
>blaming myself for wasting the free time while at work
>rinse and repeat

what the FUCK is wrong with me?
>secure the Falstaff sector from future invasion
>joel just instantly flips a planet again and launches a defense on the adjacent planet
lol, lmao even
Why is cuckshit so pervasive
You can play vidya when you're an old man, but you'll miss jerking off when your dick no longer gets hard
For me, it
>came home from work
>I haven't built my PC, so I go to an internet cafe instead
>Have to redownload the game from stream and sometimes keep getting file corrupt and other errors
>Ran out of time, so I went home angry
>Compensate by fapping
>wake up
>Finished the operations of two factions before going to work
>rinse and repeat.
>And again, this is why all this information needs to be made plainly available to the players in-game. If the general player base realized that Vandalon had a 0.75% decay rate everyone would be falling over themselves to liberate it ASAP.
yeah like giving us visible supply lines would make the average player understand that taking planets that sourced invasion fleets would stop the attack in its tracks
oh wait
americans are obsessed with it
havent played the game in 3 weeks, just logging on for the free points, whats the chance we get something substantial in 4 hours when the MO ends?
We're all holding out hope that they're going to just pop in as a surprise update on Independence Day and blow up the Super White House
Cuckoldry is a fetish that's being pushed by kikes.
The reasons for it are mainly psychological warfare and pushing eugenic ethnic homogenization.
could you kill yourself for me, sweetheart
stalwart kill bug real good
Why do you care about taking specific planets over just playing cool biomes. Joel could make every piss planet 0% and i would still play an ireland with 10% over it.
>Some botdivers want to focus on Vandalon
>But apparently the majority miss fighting on fire planet so they go to Menkent instead.
Seems reasonable. If they realy want to take vandolon they should try harder. Anyway it isnt my problem.
Redpill me on the best primaries for bots. I've heard rumours that the Purifier is good.
>top tier:
>good solid picks:
punisher plasma
>reliable picks
Popping Devs with the DCS is cool, but not having stagger like the plasma makes it F-tier.
I will personally rape every cuck, anal style.
>I've heard rumours that the Purifier is good.
S tier:
Scorcher, dominator, plasma punisher, erupter, Pummeler (with ballistic shield)
A tier:
Tenderizer, DCS, cross bow, defender (ballistic shield),
I'm tempt to put purifier at bottom of A but it's hard to justify using it over plasma punisher, even if as a standalone, it should be a okay bot weapon due to plasma explosion privilege.
I have hundred of hours in diff 9 bot and play it with ease. The S tier provide most consistently good result in encounters with all dev types (generally the one of the most dangerous bot enemy) AND/or provided extra utility like being a flex weapon for scout strider, and tank/canon tower heat sink.
A tier have weapons that are slight downgrade from S or weapons are good trooper clearer and while also can deal devas well in specific condition (with head shot). However, they are not in S because they don't provide that consistent result against dev unlike S tier weapons not provide extra flex to other units
Sc farm status: PATCHED.
>I've heard rumours that the Purifier is good.
from where? the oficial discord? lmao
Anyways, Dominator, Punisher plasma and Scorcher are eternally the S-tier picks
DCS, Sickle and the Defender SMGs if you rock a shield are solid picks all around
Most ARs are decent if you use them as shitier DMRs or just for chaff enemies
Why do bugshitters bring the incel breaker, an ammo pack, and queso cannon to a bot mission? The only thing he was good for was aggroing the gunships.
Dominator offers tons of damage and stagger with medium armour pen, It can deal with scout striders from the front and take out factory strider minigun, and if you're not confident landing that devastator head shot you can instead two-tap them in the legs rather than dumping shots their chests.

Scorcher's explosive component gives it great use against the heavier bot units like tanks and cannon towers and is one of the very few primaries that is not completely helpless against gunships. Unlike the dominator though it cannot destroy the factory striders miniguns.

Punisher Plasma is a lot like the scorcher but it does more damage at the cost of being shit against gunships because you simply just can't hit them. Still can't kill factory strider miniguns but has massive AoE stagger against devastators and scout striders, and wipes out whole packs of raiders at once.

Tenderizer Is probably the best light pen primary for bots. 95 damage means it two taps devastator heads which is made easier by its very straight shooting , good handling, and very low recoil. Doesn't have any tricks but it's just solid against light pen targets.

DCS is a weaker dominator in application, but it has a good scope if you like that playstyle.
If you want a better summary of the S tier one
Have big explosive property so it can by pass scout strider armor to kill them well and also kill tank/tower heat sink well: Erupter, scorcher, plasma punisher
Damage heavy dev through shield: erupter, plasma punisher
True stagger on dev on hit. Dev get stun locked and can't fight back: dominator, plasma punisher, erupter
Stun enemy on hit (but only light pen) but can just fight with ballistic shield raised and ignore most damage: Pummeler.
Can kill gunship in reasonable manner (still take more than a full mag though): scorcher
Bonus: destroy fab: erupter
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>s tier
I dont know if it should be s but it is one of my go to bot weapons (also bugs)
>DCS is a weaker dominator in application, but it has a good scope if you like that playstyle.
it also has lower recoil so if you fuck up that first dev headshot you can go for the second more quickly.
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Been away from the game for a while. I think I stopped playing like a few weeks before the black hole(?) event.
From what I'm gathering by looking over comments no meaty content has been added since then? Also, no words on the next faction/front?
very intermittent with it too. I wish they would add the illuminate already, maybe the existence of MG support weapons will be justified.
It should be S for sure. It has so much privilege for bot. It will bail you out of many bad situation AND it compliment well with any support weapon due to its flexibility and utility.
People let emotions get in the way due to the controversial behind erupter nerf. However, looking at the current metric of the weapon objectively and how erupter perform in bot, it should be an S tier. I switch between all of the A and S tier weapons that I list when I play bot diff 9. I know how erupter match up to other weapons very well.
Holy shit who cares
Why do you type like an old asian man talks in films?
True, but it has no stagger so after you miss the first or 2nd shot, the dev might start firing at you and you'll get aim punch to death. Even if you don't land a headshot with dominator, the dev is staggered and your follow up shots will just stun lock it to death. DCS doesn't have the pure damage of a dominator to kill dev quickly without headshot as well.
Is the gas good for bots? Otherwise what's the quick orbital to take against them
I agree its just to low firerate makes it a bit clunky to use. Also i wouldnt take it with an autocannon or amr becouse id rather get something quick shooting to deal with groups of small bots.
gas struggles in the same way fire struggles. bot units just have too much main HP for DoT weapons to be effective.
orbital precision strike is a good all-rounder
its great at killing them but they're often to spread apart to really do much efect
Precision strike is basically the same but with the added bonus od being able to take out heavy enemies
Well, for orbital for bot, you either run 380mm barrage, precision orbital, or laser if you are lazy. Rotatory gattling barrage is not too bad neither but it offers less utility than the 3 above

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