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Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Femra Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484314848
I do thoughever.
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i think middies and fiddies should
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Femlala EB for my Malera
give it to me straight bros, did I fuck myself over going summoner instead of pictomancer
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Why would you ever pick SMN
everybody post /stretch NOW
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>Finish first dungeon
>Unvoiced Cutscene after
Yep, that's a skip
That's literally all you can say, go smoke a pole.
Explain solution 9 and the golden city to me.

Why is there a cyberpunk city and then a matrix city?
is 24 too old to hunt for a hag EB?
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Fiera stay winning in the graphics update
this is a thinly veiled post to post pits, isn't it?
f3mra that just stare at you blankly
is there a pictomancer one
i love evil c@girls
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Aaaaaaaaaaand scene. Dungeons and Trials were kino.
skip less
It's weird that the retcon I'm bothered by was saying mamool jas were pretending to speak nonfluently. Like...you could have just said some were more fluent than others.
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Pls commend 100/100 fight
easy and has a rez
Pictomancer is a summoner but better in every way so yeah
What's with faggots running away when you stand next to them? Bitch, I was interacting with a quest NPC get over yourself!!!
just level both?
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cute kitty waving at you
You all have someone to keep you out of the rain, right /xivg/?
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What’s the most popular material to farm and sell as Botanist for lvl 91+
Not that I know of, just hitler roe
last boss was cool until it wasn't
did you try actually playing the game and paying attention to the things it tells you
because it's literally explained in plain English
So was Zoraal Ja just having one big retard moment?
you're banned my pfs
Do your own market research you knife eared nigger
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It's over for me. I caught the gay.
Of 100 nobles watching
99 were impressed.
? I'm right.
i was hoping they would merge the two sides of the three starter cities so they would each be one big city
maybe in 8.0
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haha yeah...
wait this is that femra who told me i was into feet wth...
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If you use the JP dub despite not speaking Japanese, why do you care whether the cutscenes are voiced?
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>Hrothgar man
It was already over for you
We don't have to take our clothes off (No, no, no)
To have a good time, oh no
We could dance and party all night (All night)
And drink some cherry wine, uh-huh
what do you think about brown femezen
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That one fucking noble
How do you figure out the teaccup explosions? The first one is kinda simple but once they make you follow two it's a shitshow. Also fuck those dolls and their inconsistent grab hitboxes they will fucking jump backwards at you just to say lmaoooo gotchu :^) and then you die
It's very funny so it's fine
Why do they keep deadnaming Erenville?
I understand about 70% and it doesn't sound like dogshit, unlike the EN Dub.
Is it worth the trouble though?
he was having a combination of daddy issues and feelings of inadequacy because he was "the miracle" and felt like he wasn't living up to that, so he went full retard trying to prove that he actually was cool and badass
You have two eyes, track both of them
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Appal looks good with the graphical update
>ARR AF gear gets 2 dye channels
>except black mage and white mage
Is this the same for SB gear too? I desperately need that white mage dress to have 2 channels please not like this
Shut the fuck up and just tell me what I fucking asked you before I fart in your fucking nostrils. Stuck up faggots, I'll fucking facefuck your purdy little mouths.
So yes essentially
>took the JP voiceover pill for one (1) Wuk Lamat cutscene
>now having a crisis over which to use for the rest of the MSQ
Why did they do this to us, ENbros? Is it because of something we did in Endwalker?
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don't forget to log into ESO for free DLC
*dabs you into the Void*
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I mixed you up with someone else, haha.
buddy was simply too stupid to live
Is there any counter to gunbreaker in crystalline conflict besides the entire team dedicating all their resources to killing them?
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>the palaistra
It's time.
He put too much of a burden upon himself because of the way he felt he was being perceived, being the first ever progeny of a blessed child, and never felt like he lived up to it. He never voiced this to anybody in his family, ever, so there was no way to alleviate his perceived burden and it festered for years.
It's not a retard moment, but it also means that the family he grew up with never saw it happening to him so they also weren't particularly attentive to his emotional state. That entire family is flawed, and that's what we're exploring through the various outcomes.
YoshiP saw all the Aether chat logs and figured you retards loved trannies so much he put on in the MSQ.
i think i was the one you were talking to originally... or at least i assume it was you
also very cool lizzer!
your fc got the new house right?
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u see us wyd
we complain a lot about overused jokes in the MSQ, but are there any in DT you actually liked?

that one Hrothgar always freaking out for being too informal with Wuk Lamat and then suddenly snapping back to normal when she tells him it's okay always made me smile.

>Alright, I won't worry about it then.
My femezen is one step away from menopause
no, read the story instead of needing to be spoonfed like a little baby
Calling kyoppi a pedophile.
The explosions only every position themselves to be next to each otehr so all you have to do is pay attention to one and then get as far away from it as possible. If the teacup you followed ends up in a corner you can just run straight to the other corner and you will dodge it and if it ends up at the middle of a wall you hit the opposite wall and will also dodge regardless of whether the second ghost was to the left or right of it.
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It's braindead as fuck and RDM is flashier
I do not apologize
My eb will craft it tomorrow for us, our two personal houses too.
FF and KK are a cute couple
middie x fiddie
middie x femlala
middie x femhroth
Calling kyoppi a pedophile.
I smooch the catboy
Wuk Evu genuinely made me laugh every time he pulled that
Focus down FF and chase her across the entire map, unable to kill her but hope it keeps her off my team so they can deal with the rest
They won't, but the hope is there
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yea if you dont care about the rez
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How do I land a hrothwife fellow hrothbros?
>>484324237 #
Calling kyoppi a pedophile
I pretend to be a jaded asshole but everytime he did that it made me laugh
Thanks, appreciate it a lot!

Macchi has been doing the 93 dungeon for like 40min, he's getting filtered by dungeons now
is this real
smooching FF
Get a life you sad little cunt.
I usually thirstpost and sexpest femra but you deserve respect and love for some reasons
Have a nice night Anonymous friend, your femra is cute
Calling kyoppi a pedophile and targeting FF for forced reeducation (mch limit breaks)
sunnie reporting in
dumb compsci major cat
Oh is that why I haven't seen the "We love Wuk Lamat" posts for the last hour?
Calling Null Rin a sexpest
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Play NIN now and you too can be like sonic the hedgehog
>been crawling for Twelve know how long on the Shaaloani desert
>my body is bruised and covered in dust, dried cum and sweat
>Erenville kicks me whenever I try to stop to catch my breath
>he and Koana threaten to tie me to a cactus and leave me there if I won't keep up the pace
>they stop for a smoke, extinguish their cigarettes on my skin
>after a whole day of traveling we stop to camp for the night
>get spitroasted again, both cum inside without protection
>polish their boots with my tongue again, they're equally covered in dust after so much walking
>Koana also makes me polish his gun's barrel, his finger lazily resting on the trigger
>they tie a rope to a nearby cactus and tie the other end around my neck
>forced to sleep naked on the rough sand while they have a tent and sleeping bags
>morning comes, time for yet another spitroast after I'm slapped and kicked awake
>they both decide to piss on me after the deed is done
>Erenville jokes about selling me to some outlaw gang, but Koana says no one would pay a single gil for me
>the journey continues, with the desert sun scorching my bare skin, no end in sight
my wol would ruin the show by immediately pinning the sphene lala down in front of everyone and mercilessly plapping her
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you're the one getting weirdly defensive over being told to engage with the story
Clockwork City fucked me up back in the day because it's aesthetically really cool and made me want to play SWTOR due to the similar vibes. Weird for one MMO to make you want to play another but haha, can't imagine that happening again right?
he probably logged out without leaving the instance
Shoot FF in the face, kill CC with the map's gimmick, KK dies to some retarded shit, and NR eventually kills me after I've blown my entire arsenal on the rest of his team.
I don't have enough of one of the sands to get the blueprint
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The gayness wore off with no lasting effects or gay acts commited. I am straight again.
Did you check your asshole?
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>proto alexandria
>read that as proto alexander and got scared for a moment
do you top? I'd like to see what you'd write
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>middie x fiddie
This is the only correct pairing
throw your pf back up
this is the guy that got cucked by the futaGOD june
why the fuck did they change the ozma mount from BA to showing his pocket dimension in mhach
no nigga.
>that pose
JP player?
Why hasn't anyone been talking about the massive dumps of lore in the first half of the game? It's a lot more than what we had in Endwalker. Isn't it all very interesting with quality writing as you all say? Surely you don't skip the non-voiced cutscenes, right?
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That's some high praise, anon-sama. Thank you.
1. I know japanese
2. Acting isn't just about language, it's about the delivery and the emotions that come with that.
3. Dubfags kys
Calling kyoppi a pedophile
(You) don't tell me to do anything. (You) do as you're told.
i hate this expansion, where are all the moonies
>1. I know japanese
He said, lying.
no he just finished it, watching a cutscene
this femra appears sweet but has evil intentions, beware
>Didn't get called a cunt during the barrel part this time
What are the writers doing
They lost their touch
Will not be reading the next one
How do you quickchat that
PS post
Because there's time to absorb and discuss the nuance of lore after the plot is over.
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The final boss of the third dungeon just took a wild shit all over my group — all new and blind, to be fair. Seven pulls. What a fucking boss for an MSQ dungeon.
Don't need no one. Don't want no one
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I have a feeling Alexnader is gonna come back because he was THE iconic summon of FF9
God Viper blows in PVP
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what fc..
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kyoppi is a pedophile
open cloth
post bob
hrothgals are built for malezen btw
Lost all reason.
>Surely you don't skip the non-voiced cutscenes, right?
If they're not important enough to voice, I won't waste my time.
I'd dm appal the word rape for this picture but I don't want to get banned from appalcord
Focusing Viper
motherfucker's name is Maulskull what did you expect
this is my femlala rn
Calling kyoppi a pedo freak and telling him to kill himself.
ctrl c + ctrl v = funny
polly plapdaline
man, femezen are so cute when the light makes their ears turn red like that
he wouldn't ban you for that and he'd probably welcome the praise
>get into combat with outrunners
>their screen changes between states including the static between the states
That's really nice to see for some reason

Oh jeez
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Hey, no spoilers.
Why is there a huge ass fucking cage behind him
Is it some kind of kink
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>Japanese reviews are negative
You can stop defending it now, grorious nippon opinion folded 1000 times also hates Wuk Lamat and the shit story.

Max height viper femezen
Those aren't actions, I'm calling you smoochpet
may I smooch this femra
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who cares
Call Kyoppi and any of you who are in his LS pedophiles.
Thoughts on Wuk Lamat's EN voice acting?
>quoting a reddit link that quotes a 5ch link
i don't say this often, in fact i think it's a very mean thing to say, but i sincerely honestly believe that the world would be a better place if you committed suicide
why are sphene's lips so detailed
Not one of you would do this, you would just cry in the thread like a pussy.
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Going somewhere?
With my dick? Good
With my feelings? Not good but I cant feel anything so.. ehh *shrugs*
viperbros give it to me straight did I fuck up by choosing this job over another melee like monk (nah I made the right decision I look cool as fuck)
im waging again
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If it was defend-able, it wouldn't have been spoiled so fast.
>lag just massively spikes every once in a while when one specific WHM is on the enemy team
This only happens when he's in my games on the enemy team, what the hell is this?
whats stopping me from calling kyoppi a pedophile retard
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i am NOT afraid of you

Error: Duplicate file exists. >>484325429
It's too good of a thing to not include, but I didn't want to just repeat the same stuff. I already find it hard to come up with new scenarios and wordings in ERP (none of my partners have complained, though)

Very occasionaly, I'm mostly a sub bottom. Race/DC?
that's like taking 4chan posts seriously
Obviously I'm not going to get my account banned so some pedophile can get a laugh. I'll still call you pedophiles in the thread though. And you will still be pedophiles so nothing really changes other than your lack of ability to get me back.
5channers are even more toxic than this shitty board.
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Why does Wuk Lamat sound the same in every cutscene? I can't tell what emotion she is doing through her voice.
may i pest
tf is 5ch?
VA has no range
more like PSPSPS post
cmere moonies
don't give up kirito-kun.
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>eng voice
i think the new afk spot should be the dmv in solution nine
what the...
>her voice
Japanese 4chan
and they're just as retarded as we are
you can pest, the lizard
smoochpressing every femlala!
That's an employment office more than the DMV isn't it?
post feet
Is Bianca a cute fiddie name?
I'm stuck in the MSQ credits now, I'll post it later
He has rabbits. Their cage is in his office
pet rabbits
They're gonna reveal later that he's just a clone and there was no mother
when does the fucking MSQ get kino
>draws cards
>immediately plays them all on the tank
yeah i don't like to think
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spare me
97, please enjoy up until then
Once you get to Zone 4.
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anyone care to explain this?
when wuk lamat is not in the party (this is not very much of the msq)
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Did ya finish your shared fates yet zivgee?
Oh nvm then.
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nooooo that's just 5ch, Japan is going to love it and approve of it unanimously just watch
It clearly says testing
LMAO didn't even think about this, now I HAVE to go check it.
why couldn't they be this curvy in game..............................
Is this show good
I think I would have noticed if something happened to it!
I went gooner this expansion. Wanted to challenge myself by playing melee. I am still terrible at it.
femra/crystal, and you?
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Otis was their WoL, he had to have been.
My malezen is listening to the Tenet soundtrack.

He is very drunk, it's 4:30am and I can't fucking stand any of you. You're all so fucking boring to talk to. You're such slaves to conformity. You'd think anonymity would loosen you up a bit but if anything it makes you all double down on your pathetic devotion to the status quo and incessant need for acceptance by the group as a whole. If I was a lesser man I'd stand up, walk into the kitchen, open the drawer and cut myself from wrist to elbowussy and get it all over and done with. But, for whatever fucking reason, I'm not built for that. I keep trudging on, stuck on this planet with you cretins. You spinless sponges. You feckless worms. DIE. JUST DIE ALREADY. EAT SHIT AND DIE.
>aieeee not the barrels! where are the heckin planks???
do doomsissies really?
where can I find...
I still don't understand how a team of 5 homosexual hrothgars with matching names can consistently be together in CC. How is this done?
why are you looking down at me like that......
nah it's pretty fucking clear who their wol by the end of it all
Insanely. Showtime seasons are best but later ones aren't a significant dropoff until the cast changes.
my bags and retainers are completely full
i think elbussy has a better ring to it
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Once I get SAM to a high enough level I will do this
you can't post this without a screenshot
The robot in no way looks consistent with anything else in solution 9 tech or Living Memory
Is there no tomes vendor in Solution 9?
whats the japanese to tell everyone on the FFO board that they're a bunch of obsessed freaks who should kill themselves?
they arent wrong but the fact that they're so obsessed with other people to a stalkerish extent makes /xivg/ look like reddit
nta, sg1 is a lot of fun but i don't think i ever finished the last 2 seasons tho
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smug face 3 my beloved ....
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oh okay
Can I have his shield? If I can, I'll level Paladin next....Steiner is such a cool dude
is there a striking poncho and a better hat than the capeline for this
cause i might steal this
is this what you want anon
is this what you desire

Rava won bigly. Veena... well, just don't zoom too far out.
Anon you can LITERALLY see boxes clipping into the wall it was never going to look like that if they rolled it out.
You're having a hard time, huh? Why don't you take a break. Play some games at the Arcade in Soultion 9. It'll do you good, friend.
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Still taking the boat over.
>for whatever fucking reason, I'm not built for that
You just like living anon, no problem with th
Okay we got a problem
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Silence, bottom. A femra speaks.
thats fucking man mode
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that's a regular uldah shout melty
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>Mark warrior with 1
what a coincidence, so are my nuts.
this femra is a TEASE
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Never seen clipping as bad as this
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it's over
*summons the north wind to knock you off so you drown at sea*
Just fire away in English
They'll understand
>tfw sphene will never ask you to be a good boy for her
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someone's randomized character infiltrated my cutscene
Silence midget, a 2m femezen is staring down at you
Don't worry, mods will fix them...
>this is fine but we can't have bunny hats because of muh clipping
Its not there in the arcade
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Cats have one gimmick.
*slaps your cheek*
dont be uppity
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It's a man, and he's spending every ounce of his energy already trying not to sound like a man. He's already failing at that. On top of this, he doesn't know how to act. He has a lot of things working against him.

You should switch to JP. She's actually kinda cute in JP and is voiced by a real girl.
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The black hole imagery is good
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honestly i dig the paladin artifact armor
Where are the top Femras. t bottom Femra
Everyone posts random they/them Ul'dah catgirl's plates but nobody has ever posted my male character's plate...
What zone do I get my AF gear?
So if I have to word trans filtered and I open the plate
What happens? Do I still see it or is the description empty
>We can't have longer hair styles because of clipping
Post your ideal femlala wife
>New dungeons gear is Pagl'than but still undyable
Go fuck yourself Yoshi
Is all Dungeon gear like this....?
Molly you are unironically super cute without all your dumbass mods.
>log in to EU(alpha)
>3 people in queue
>get booted out after 30 minutes due to anti afk
>try and log in on Adam
>2900 in queue
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One stretch before bed.
isn't the helmet different? Wow so much effort
yoshitpiss personally comes to your house and calls you a pussy
Do you really need to post this every thread?
>PCT does more damage than SMN
>PCT has better utility than SMN
>PCT more mobile than SMN
>PCT more fun than SMN
>gets a paintbrush instead of book like a fag
you made the biggest mistake of your life
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My Sun Rosa folder is for my eyes only
I think that's just all credndum recolors or rinastacia idr which one it is
who cares you attention seeking faggot
Thought of writing one more but I really need some sleep

Femra too, from eu.
>Tfw my raen ran into a top xaela
Feels good
What's the rundown on monk now? Better or worse? Not seeing a level 100 opener yet.
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yeah yeah everyone else is boring, you're the only special one, wordswordwords. where's your proof? you want to act like you're so superior, so far above the rest of us, well why don't you prove it? tell us what, specifically, makes you better than the rest. answer now or forever bring shame to the name of us humble malezen
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i still can't get over how much that building looks like some shitty graphics card
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I don't get it who wrote the story?
>dude gets some halo armor
>is attacking his home village
>kills his dad
>out of no where he stops and tells his sister to come kill him
Couldn't he just keep attacking to take over what he wanted? Makes no sense to stop.
>This one hurt the most so far

It's getting harder...
we like viper and think it's fun
Stargate SG-1 is the GOAT. Get past a few duds in Season 1 and it's consistently good for a long, long time.
rip, no NA alt?
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Are server login queues indicative of a server's population?
I really wanna transfer to Balmeme
7.01? 7.05? 7.1 maybe?
Surely, the launch is showing that the servers can handle more people, right?
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Slightly damp, but I can probably finish the trip on foot from here.
new player (kinda) here, how do i make sure to not get filtered by ARR? EU btw
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i HATE this rude and mean femra
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I like it, it's pretty good. I've enjoyed everyone's voice so far.
Besides krile
I'm just wondering how the mechanics of the word filter work weirdo
Not even close to attention seeking, retard
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Is PCT fun to play? What does it play like?

Is VPR fun to play? What does it play like?
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the gear isn't even role swapped
it's literally just muddy green paglthan
i wanted to wear the casting set on my nin...
>PCT more mobile than SMN
So we are back to outright making shit up?
Nobody came to rape me even though I posted my location. Worthless pigs
post it again
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Since when could hroths do this?
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What do femhroths smell like?
It's probably not gonna open for a long long while
sex tourists OUT
maybe you're ugly
Technically I have one but I don't use him for RP. Materia is there of course.
im not paying enough attention to the thread honestly, post it again
There's no way of knowing. Just start playing and see if you're able to enjoy it. If you get to level 50 and you still feel as though you haven't had any fun at all, just drop the game at that point.
I really do think they need to take a look at the 2 dye system.
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Here is a duo /stretch
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>become a pictomancer
>draw alisaie
>have sex with my drawing
f3mra that amazon presses
Akemi Sanpo says Trans Rights!!
95 is ronkan but undyable from what i've seen, the other 2 are new
fucking lmao
this right here
none of this shit was actively fun
it was just story that I didn't even enjoy
the entire fucking msq felt like an unfun sidequest with no combat until 97
well I guess shalami was a cool area
but yeah, fuck man
Enjoy the sovl
I have been informed that for some stupid reason the tomestone vendors just dont show up until you finish the msq which seems like bad design
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i look like a RETARDED GEISHA
bunnies really lost
Canon WOL Jobs:
>Dark Knight
Everything else is tranny fanfic
Wtf why would he show our tech in public
Just take it easy and enjoy it for what it's worth. Lots of world building and lore, the post base game quests are annoying but you got Heavensward to look forward to.
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sick of peruslop
>giant race is pronounced hawk tooey
could not agree more
it's very reminescent of ARR AF
I hope you're wrong
>sex tourism
That's what DC travel is for, anon. I'm travelling there to play with someone I love deeply
true, have you posted your femra?
zoo animals
Wuk's voice was pretty decent when she was having a mental break in the post-attack cutscene at the beach
that's how it usually is
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Nobody here but me and my trusty umbrella
>tell us what, specifically, makes you better than the rest.
I'm not one of you.

I'm different. I'm not a slave like you. I spit in the face of society. For my beliefs and values, I'm hunted. But I know I'm right and I refuse to compromise. Everyone around me is screaming the supposed "truth", but I KNOW it and it lies within me. Even if I'm alone, even if I die in obscurity, I will stay true to myself. But you will grovel, you will beg, you will kneel. But not me. I am who I am and I am unashamed of it.
Alright, that sounds like a good advice. As for server on EU, would you recommend any in specific?

Will try, but i only hear bad stuff about ARR, so i'm not sure, but i'm open minded and will savour it.

Thanks, it seems Heavensward was the golden age, so yeah that motivates me more. Thank you.
I have. After posting degen stuff of this level I'm not gonna post her along it, though.
>I hope you're wrong
Me too bro, me too.
is RDM aoe really fucking strong or am I just getting paired with retards
I keep ripping aggro off tanks for some reason?
you stop that
Patata is CUTE!
No its not. The NPCs have been there in previous expansions. This time they're literally invisible but you can see their icon on the map.
as a trans person it was the one thing the VA was guaranteed to be really good at doing
Lots of practice from the VA looking in their mirror
"Congested" means it's locked closed regardless of how many players are logged in at a given time; it will not fluctuate between available and unavailable until it's manually reclassified as "Standard" at some potential future date. Here are the time periods in the past in which it was possible to transfer to Balmung:

May 23 2023 to Jul 18 2023
May 8 2022 to Oct 18 2022
Apr 7 2020 to Jan 24 2022
Jul 16 2019 to Oct 29 2019
Sep 17 2018 to Nov 5 2018
Feb 19 2018 to Mar 13 2018
what level
Low 90 aggro is kind of fucked for some reason
no one should be ripping aggro off a tank, aggro is a complete fucking joke ever since shb
they're just retarded, picto aoe is better
hanging out with this femra with my femra
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>the bard spamming Good match! early
Haha I hope you can't sleep tonight and have to wake up early tomorrow for something important.
I'm going back and forth here, should I change these eyes?
91-95 ish
huh... weird
Yeah 100%, those look dumb.
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don't do it for love, you'll just break your heart
Otis is my nigga
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I'm going to have to go all out.. just this once...
lol yeah but jokes aside it was a decent little scene they really need vocal training though.
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make more fiddies like this
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Bit fruity innit
Fuck man i'm not handling this last zone well at all
Do you think it's humanly possible for someone to have the oppressor mount already?
>huh weird
Yeah as a tank I noticed there's something wrong with tank aggro when using AOEs in the first few dungeons, like the packs are resisting the aggro change or the potency is fucked compared to the scaling of other jobs.
I like being a Sage
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wow you wrote a whole paragraph without actually saying anything! "i'm not like the rest of you...i'm le lone wolf..." is meaningless. why don't you name a specific political position you hold? literally just one?
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The America section is even worse than the Mexican one
Take off CC's shoes and place her feet across my face
Goddamn it forgot my picture. Anyway, change or stick with this face?
Yeah, quite easily
>i only hear bad stuff about ARR
It's fairly slow but I never found it too slow or badly paced. The base MSQ has tons of world building and gives you the knowledge to understand the rest.
>it seems Heavensward was the golden age
It's quite amazing and a huge step up from ARR with some very high highs. As said, just go at your pace and try to enjoy it. There is no reason to rush really, especially not if it ruins your fun.
>As for server on EU, would you recommend any in specific?
If you want to have social interactions with /xivg/ outside of discord server, play on NA. Otherwise I'd just go somewhere on light probably.
do I fanta to crab femra or femezen? to fuck beasts I guess
The Poncho chest is cozy as fuck
Im gonna design sets around it
what's her twitter
Bakool Ja Ja did nothing wrong
someone had it 1 day into the expac bro
where do you get the poncho...
>fantasias are canon now
Does this mean trannies exist in the FFXIV universe now?
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this doesnt even look like a midide
hate this bitch with all my heart
there's no eorzean nightlife so no point, not gonna textfuck
Stick with it, you're handsome af. Do you like femra?
How could you hate a zone with the daytime song being named 'Ceruleum Smoke at High Noon'
Thank you, i appreciate the answers.
Dungeon 2
1 for each armor type
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It won't be the first time, and probably not the last either
But you miss 100% of the shots you don't take, right?
>fantasia are canon
So I can fantasia Alphinaud and give him a vagina so it wouldn't be gay?
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Dalamud status?
change everything ugly ass nigga
>Is VPR fun to play?
>What does it play like?
lot of ogcd spamming, pretty basic rotation
refresh your dot if it's about to fall off, alternate between flank and rear every 3 attack on your basic combo, don't overcap on resources. very very basic, but it has a shit ton of weaving and double weaving
also no self mit, oddly
for beasts Au Ra
femezen are for dragons exclusively
>Zesho Meppo
more like Scrimblo Bimblo.
It only takes an hour or two to push through the wild west filler bullshit and get to the new main plot.
And another picture in better lighting.
nightlife ruined ERP fuck you, no one wants to actually write out stuff and put care into it anymore!!!!
is there anyway to turn off the mount banking, it's making me a bit motion sick
are you attacking while they're pulling a mob pack to the next one
Okay, I don't like Wuk Lamat. I think she's better than Lyse or Zero, but I don't like her.

Anyway, I'm making this post to say that I actually think that it would be better if the twins and Thancred/Urianger weren't here. Like, why the fuck are they even here? If it was only Wuk and Eren and Krile, it would be a lot better
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this mount was BUILDED for this zone
(I died taking this screenshot)
cute and based
keep doing what you're doing
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RDM aoe is really good but if you're stealing threat those tanks are full retard or not even in their stance.
I am having a brainlapse how do you do collectables on gatherers again
No because fantasia is actually a real full-body transformation, not cosmetic surgery on top of your original form remaining underneath.
tryna pick a signature coat, any recommendations?
Change your skin color
Would pin with my Sunnie+
Turn on the buff
i put lots of heart and soul into my rapes, mare and plapping animations have ruined writing in xiv...
god i wish i had a sunnie eb that looked like that
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Why does Krile get no scream time? The only screen time they use on her is when it's about the golden city and nothing else lol that's such a cop out.
>scream time
i put care into my writing when i'm talking to claude 3 opus. you niggas are the backup.
>why don't you name a specific political position you hold? literally just one?
Castrate all avatarfags.
>but i only hear bad stuff about ARR
The bad rep is based on old versions of the story and creates a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy, so watch out for that.
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Pinning this slut down and slamming my cock rocket into your taco and fertilizing her goon glams with my baby batter.
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Do not open this image
but give it time
Just get into AI, it writes much better than most people in XIV anyways.
It’s so fucking over

the Scions are there because they don't want to have to establish 20 new characters' personalities in a short period of time
people are already complaining that Wuk Lamat is rushed in her development and having more new characters would make that even worse
ty you get it.... i yearn for the pre mare days
you should rape me btw
scream time
Tranny fanfic
can't have krile stealing wuks thunder
Fantasias are semi-canon. The effects are still written in a way that drinking it rewrites everyone's memories so that you were always the thing that you're fanta-ing into, but now the item isn't just a handwaved online store doodad. It's now made by 'mystery peddlers' from Ul'dah, presumably the Alchemist's Guild.
kys furfag.
>it seems Heavensward was the golden age, so yeah that motivates me more
Ironically that's one of the biggest parts of the filter
You know the good stuff is right there, but you got a patch story and the another and AAAA JUST GIVE IT TO ME IM RIGHT THERE
this ends up making you lose it and get irate and may make you not enjoy it
Don't play "through" ARR to get to HW, play it for its own sake and you'll have fun.
it's not worth the money, but in a better world, you could just skip ARR for HW, it's very standalone with only a couple of parts reliant on ARR and of course one of your main companions being from there
my weapon is the logo of the game so im the canon job
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ummm what the heck
protect yourself, anon
the only good scene in the whole expansion was krile's
>some autist has a list of nitpicks
What's a good fiddie name?
Giving Y'shtola stomach pancakes
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I hate how Dawntrail defenders are saying “You just hate new things!! God forbid they try something new!” There is nothing wrong with starting fresh, but the problem is that it simply isn’t fucking enjoyable
I love femra but despite years of playing the field I met a girl who's kind of special to me and after I found out she completely dropped ERPing with other people after she started doing it with me, I sort of...realized I'd found someone who made me happy, and nobody else was quite the same. It wouldn't be fair to you, femra are perfect and cute creatures who deserve to be loved and handheld, not just get relegated to side-lizard status.
Eh the questline was vague, we can't prove that hyur was actually the lalafell
Hello we will soon do a FRONTLINES queue on Crystal, make yourself ready for your roulette and await the call!
Anyone got that viper rotation image guide? I don't know what buttons essentially do what
I've got time for a rape I suppose, it will have to be on dynamis though.
Where's miau miau to defend wuk lamat?
why are femra like this
This HURTS knowing what I have to do
>what about wuk
They managed to do more with less with Zero in 6.x. Of course, they threw it all in the trashcan with the god awful 6.3-6.4 cycle but it was still good while it lasted.
>3. There's a village of children
Stopped reading there. Kill yourself.
>but I didn't make the list
Don't care. You brought it to my attention and that's just as bad. Kill yourself.
NOOOOOO im on eu. i dont know why i would expect anyone to be awake at this time. sorry
leave me alone, im young and emotionally vulnerable
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Sphene EB for my Malera
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nah, already did like...3ish years ago
>it simply isn’t fucking enjoyable
it actually is though
if people are enjoying it then it is in fact enjoyable
you're just making the mistake of thinking your opinion is fact
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Minion from Alexandria.
Do not reply to this Machi post.
Shut up nigger
>Get knocked up
>Have a kid
>Drink fanta to turn into a guy
>Everyone remembers you were always a guy but also you still have birth????
Mpreg bros what the fuck have you done
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>rework ast for the 15th time
>it's still fucking shit
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how do you win a femlala's heart...
hello kitten, would you like to farm emperor's clothing glam? Haha...
Play as a male miqo'te
Mentor's get bonuses?
yes, it's well known that no one complained about Zero at all, and definitely didn't hate how rushed everything to do with the Void was
that for sure wasn't one of the most common comments about 6.x on this site
I'm not even sad for being turned down like this. You're a true Elezen gentleman until the end. Thank you for your kind words, ser. I'm happy you've found someone that special for yourself.
i hope you've been leveling your pct with your daily beast tribes and roulettes...
just say you like them
Or talk about food and their niche (fishing, raiding, mahjong, etc)
AST has to be the least played job right? I literally never see an AST in my queues.
i find it funny you still need 5 keybinds for their card shit
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Zero can suck Golbez's cock standing up
Depends, boy or girl? I can never tell with lalas. Left for girl, middle for boy, but either is better than the one on the right which is giga-generic.
>i'm le based trad candidate! don't ask me the tough questions other candidates won't handle!
lmfao this is just embarrassing
especially embarrassing because you're going to end up speging out so hard that troons will get all the jobs you want hahahahahahah
Depends on the femlala

PD is having a meltdown it seems so I guess for him it'd be something emotional
Others it can be talking about raiding, content, mahjong, other stuff they're interested in
God help you if your divination gets desynced from your Lord draw.
Reminder that if you main a healer, your character IS NOT the WOL. You’re the healbitch that the real WOL’s call into battle using Azem’s Crystal
The memories are rewritten in such a way that you either adopted, were once in a relationship with a woman and had a child, or are taking care of your deceased brother's kid.
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By giving her piggy back rides and lots of snacks.
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>forced to spend over three and a half minutes on the crystal as a SGE
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big stretches
Xivcombo that shit away...
probably off chewing a diaper rn
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It's no use, it's already too late, anon
It's far too late for me
Become a professional chirurgeon that specializes in lalafell heart transplants.
my wol gets three healbitches
what are stomach pancakes?
How are you supposed to kiss face 3 and 4 femras eithout getting stabbed in the face
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Just b yourself bro.
luring femlalas with a delicious plate of xibruq pibil..
30000% this >>484328776
t. femlala
Fake word. Kill yourself.
White features and brown skin makes it okay to coom to.
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Florida man
Am not...
I am
Me and my son have trees for that
i'm a femlala... i can't do that...
i tried that but it worked too well for a while and then went really badly...
i only like black women
Face 3 is easy. Face 4 you just gotta angle it the right way.
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Come get your roulette, or just a bunch of EXP and fun regardless!

/xivg/ Frontlines queue sync, Crystal DC @ 11:00am ET!
how do i get a sadist f3mra eb
Posting an image of your character doesn't make your opinions less retarded.
girl but fair enough. though from what ive encouraged middle and right are mega common. left is also common but not as much as the other two.
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>friends who quit in EW because it was shit haven't come back and definitely aren't now that they're reading how bad the msq is everywhere
>one of my static members played on launch day, dropped a "this is fucking awful" and hasn't logged back in since
>I actually fucking hated the msq myself, but powered through it but seriously questioning if its worth it to give money to SE anymore, after EW, post msq EW and now DT all being either mediocre or actually bad

Kind of a bad feel when the game thats been your refuge from the torments of reality and having to pretend to be a normal adult for the last 8 years has kind of gone to shit.
femlala's crave kindness
just be nice to them and they are the ones who will fall for you
I only write, mod fucking is just boring
Busting a load on a stomach
>signature coat
>black and white
>3 most worn coats in the game
there's nothing signature about it lol
I'd rather bust a load in her stomach if I'm being honest
there's no way they didn't do this on purpose
my femlala likes to be made to feel special. but you can't just say that she is. you have to prove it...
Anyone know when Dalamud/Noclippy will come back?
Playing RPR and VPR with 100+ ping is so fucking horrendous...
Yeah then those other WoLs run a train on me and the other healbitch haha…
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>Koji managed to pay off a single dictionary site to regurgitate his bullshit
Don't care. Kill yourself.
Thank you too. You seem like a good person with a good heart and I know you're going to find someone, and I want that someone to be someone you're genuinely crazy for and not just settling on.

That's not true though, the girl who's special to me plays a femezen.
>neighbor didnt have a pneumatic gun
>they were too attached
>had to use my 12 gauge on two cows
any grown ass man EB for this feel
smear some butter over your genitals and dangle them around
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You don't. You tell them you love them and then they abandon you the moment someone remotely more interesting comes around or they get bored of you.
>need uplift to post on 5ch
what a faggy system
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scv godo to go sir
Does your femlala make others feel special as well, so that others know the same feeling she craves?
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Turns out that there are TWO jumping puzzles in Tuliyollal. There's the easy one at the palace, and then the real one is at Hunu'iliy, in the northeast corner.
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Can someone make this edit but with Wuk Lamat and Tuyoalli
Huh, I thought the respect from your fellow players was the reward.
do you wanna talk about it sis who did it to you
not even esl just have horrible english by default
eh, can't find anything that looks better that fits my style. if you got anything lmk
>expecting women to be altruistic in any situation ever
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What the fuck is a Koji.

You're hallucinating, lay off the shrooms.
How do you get Khloe's gold certificates now? My 3 line reward is 20 MGP cards or 3 silver certificates
it only gets worse
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sukky sukky american dog
So is Galool Ja Ja gay? He must have fucked himself to have a son.
>respect from your fellow players
today you received the dawntrail code put it in the mogstation or lose access to dawntrail. yes yoshitpiss is this retarded
time to grow up nigga
nu ast feels so hollow
smn tier lobotomy
I aint reading all that.

Next time you wanna dance, try to restrain yourself and resist the temptation to spam images of your character for no reason. You're a disagrace upon the malezen race.
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I know
but it hurts
and it's not getting better
Acquire the book with a level 100 character. I'm so sorry...
they get the privilege of running mentor roulette for a mount
>Cards don't have unique effects but at least give you something to do other than press 1
Okay let's add astrodyne and disconnect the cards from divination
>You still place the cards but now you have a weird skill to work towards but they give you less rerolls instead of just giving you more
Okay now let's remove all rng and seals and just make it the summoner mechanic from EW, press a button every minute to get 3 things (you use them all, there isn't really a choice)
>4/6 cards are useless, still the same number of binds, you use cards less often and the "useful" cards are still very shitty buffs
Next expac might as well remove cards completely, just a press X to buff every 60 seconds
>How do you get Khloe's gold certificates now? My 3 line reward is 20 MGP cards or 3 silver certificates
Gotta get a job to 100 and then you will get Gold tokens as a potential reward
>play vpr
>throw so hard
>play pct, gnb, pld, blm, sge, and rpr
Is this game telling me viper sucks or is my "I must annoy everyone else in the match" autism that bad
of course as often as she can...
Why is there a retroactive grading of 6.0 as bad?

Endwalker’s base story had genuine kino and satisfying moments. DT is just a slog without any fan service
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Nvm I found this, but still have no clue what anything does since it's all locked behind button recasts..
Can someone post their viper hotbars so I can make more sense of what they do
I don't remember hating lyse as much as wuk
I am WAY too grown nigga, thats my problem. XIV was my retreat from ever present stress, career difficulties, etc. Sucks that DT is a flop.
Just finished msq, what's there to do now?
Good girl
Aah I see, I didn't even realize you only got gold certs at max levels. thanks anons
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REALLY? My hope is restored. Also that was a very sweet letdown earlier, be well..!
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>Join Date Nov 2022
>Posts 9
You cant even accuse this one of being a no life troon. Its fucking over
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Ponder Ponder.....I think im fine with the graphics now, pretty sure I just needed some lipstick or something
why don't you post your malezen, falseflagger? scared because you don't have a malezen to post?
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My femlala is nobody's best friend.
grind tomes, do EXs and pvp
They browse this thread so I'd rather not, but thanks
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>they don't want to have to establish 20 new characters' personalities in a short period of time
I'm not saying they should add more characters.
omg val(?) is so lonely auuughhh
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gn sirs
Wouldn't there be chunks everywhere if you try to place the fun against their head
Did you shoot from afar but risk them surviving?
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you literally just press the fuckin buttons bro idk
I have my hotbar setup so that 1234 are all the generation series when you enter viper trance
when you do your CD combo you can choose to do flank or rear first, then the alternate
when you're doing your standard combo, if it ends in green u go to flank if it ends in red u go to rear, they always alternate
I was just thinking this too
they might as well just remove the “defensive buff” cards and just give us yet another charge of celestial intersection and essential dignity and call it a day
how long does it take to level an FC to max rank?
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Finally time for rape
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regarding the 30 min auto-dc thing:
can you reset it by saying something in chat? moving your character or camera?
so you don't like Wuk Lamat but you want her to dominate the story even more?
Can you post your pussy again
Its been like what, 4 ish years since SE has done anything remotely impressive with the game? Time to move on, whatever "it" was, they've lost it.
i wish i could be under those soles
oh you were vagueposting them that's kinda mean sis but i understand i hope they die
>spies on you from the bushes
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Bench died too soon bros...
plogon/plugin/dalamud devs are the laziest niggers in this game, update it already jfc
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today you received the dawntrail code put it in the mogstation or lose access to dawntrail. yes yoshitpiss is this retarded
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>every single CC match is just "whose PCT/VPR duo bothered to read their tooltips and rub their two brain cells together to decide when would be the optimal time to use them"
I don't want them to die...also they wouldn't notice I was vagueposting if it bit them in the ass
You know like 60% of the forum are bought accounts right?
>quality of the game is basically the same as it has been since ShB
>suddenly everyone hates it even though they loved it before
I don't get it
im a dish washer by trade :)
the code actually gives you until the 5th but yet yoshi-p is retarded
I think it would be better if it was a Wuk, Eren, and Krile adventure. This would allow Krile to get more screentime. There's no need to have the twins, there's not need to have Thancred and Urianger. If we still needed to have main characters as part of each of the Three Promises parties, it could have been Wuk, Eren, and Krile. I truly don't understand why the twins are here, nor do I understand why Thancred and Urianger are. They don't even need to be there for Trust purposes, because it could have been Wuk, Eren, and Krile.
Leveled RPR then finished 6.0 in like 3-5 days after launch. Back then I finished ARR/HW/SB in like a week or two. Cannot for the life of me bring myself to focus on DT. I’ve tried and tried and then my brain tells me to level VPR and that doing EW dungeons for the 10000000th time would be way more interesting than DT MSQ.
no :(
>why don't you post your malezen
Because I'm not a vapid attentionwhore desperate for the approval of others.

Any more retarded questions?
You must take a lot of showers then, because you're quite a dish.
I just think the black on white pops nicely.
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sis i'm the one you were talking about i'm reading your posts oooo i'm super angry at you now
EW dungeons suck so maybe there's something wrong with you.
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aren't they going just a little too hard on the rainbow motifs, bros
They don't use the word sis so I doubt it, but /pet /pet
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Slam plapping chubby femlala onaholes in Tural. Catbois OWN femlala wombs!! Nyahahaha!!
Thancred and Urianger are there because Koana is a Sharlayaboo and hired them like Wuk hired us
Pizza emote lmao
right here
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>Not far into the Dawntrail Main Story Quests
>nothing but nitpicks of the MSQ to like level 92
Why do these people even talk?
Finish MSQ on other characters
no, that's enough to prove you're falseflagging, thanks <3
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I'm glad I made this image
post the rest and the one with her and the other femlala
What region....
my issue with Lyse was only really that she was much better as Yda, even more so paired with that lil nigga. Lyse felt more like a parody
he has a diaper kink?

post your femra
you don't actually like dawntrail you're just a leddit retard who wanted to make an epic maymay
>15 year old song, Machinations, is playing
>canned animations from 1.0
Where did my money go, yoshida?
Male midlanders
xeno's discord dms
my femlala
because they have been conditioned by decades of youtube to think that nitpicking is intelligent criticism
based. i'm stealing this
Why didn't the Living Memory people just set up a massive warehouse full of artificially inseminated women so they could harvest newborn souls to keep the machine running?
>you literally just press the fuckin buttons bro idk
it feels that way, i press the glowy button
im just trying to find out how to put these on my hotbars to match the other st/aoe/utility/buffs for the other meleees i have
The same place your originality went when you decided to copy some twitter fag's complaints.
gn my husband /smooch
how does mini sausage biscuits with goat cheese and tabasco sauce sound
Eren can't fight as a trust, that's why he carries his backpack everywhere.
i miss being a neet
i hate having to be responsible
i don't want to go to bed right now, i would much rather play dawntrail until i pass out from exhaustion
but i have to get rested for my stupid job so i can pay the bills
WHAT no way me too
why are you awake so early....
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>you will be disqualified if you attack an elector for their keystone >:(
>kidnapping the elector and threatening to kill them if another claimant doesn't give you their keystone :)
Bakool Ja Ja is very wise to find such loopholes.
i dont have a twitter, what are you talking about?
It's not epic and it's not a meme, it's the truth. I enjoy Dawntrail, and seeing you anonymous faggots rag on inconsequential shit doesn't make me hate Dawntrail, it just makes me hate you.
male midlanders
tfw no sunnie+ mating pressing my moonie
i thought you said you were ok wtf :<
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hello yes i need to return one womb please
i don't want it
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qq bitch boy
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i should sleep too its getting late
before you go anon you should see this
lol, he doesnt even understand the story. no shit the tasks are "pointless" its a fake test.
They could turn him into a Trust. Like, what? Think just a little bit outside the box, dude.
im drunk and doing my quests to unlock fly in thel ast zone..
They'll let you have a baby mamool ja as a minion right
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How many hours left now? Wonder if I should push till the end or rest and potentially sleep.
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anyone have the tikaasi apology form on hand
This has to be the 12th shard, but it's already been rejoined
what DC...
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I've been in queue for 27 minutes
sick montage bro. good night.
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7 quests
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based cinemasins scholar
Light, Alpha.
much appreciated friend. i love playing as a monochromatic lala. left is cute, right looks cool and im half tempted into making a tetsuya nomura character by picking right.
each sub area is voice acted and there is a LOT of important cutscenes honestly I would save it til tomorrow for now just enjoy the view
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I kinda don't really like the MSQ anymore. It's not even about not being the main character of this expac. I think it's best when actual characters take the spotlight since WoL Is just a boring self insert, but they have to be interesting. The highest point for me was Ilberd falseflagging an Eorzean alliance attack on the Garleans. Everything after that has just been sort of okay, but I've never been excited by anything in the MSQ since then.
ermmm hellooo?? tikaasi based? as USUAL???
omg... i dont think cross DC travel is up right... sad (im on chaos)
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cute poison frog!
All I could think of while reading that post was "You missed the point". I'm convinced they're trolling.
*middle looks cool
hard to multitask while playing this boring story lol
chaosfemrar... why must fate tempt us so
>every single femhroth player uses face 2 or 3
But why?
I look at the MSQ as something to do just so you know the overall plot and then put aside to focus in on the real entertainment of making numbers go up.
if you genuinely enjoyed it you'd be playing it instead of creating anti-hater memes or whatever
weird ass
I enjoyed it but I think the quality was low and definitely not close to current day standards, especially when FFXIV's first expansion, heavensward, held a better pace and story telling cadence than this piece of anime manga narutu bullshit
what's the coat on the left, and the socks? also, cute lala
/pet /pet /pet
Why is your hand twice the side of your head Elk?
we could meet up on shadow........ i mean maybe....
if you've just arrived, there's about a dozen quests but they're really long, plus dungeon and trial before the end cutscenes
might as well do it while you're rested instead of fucking your rhythm up to see it
mating pressing a f3mra
because they're the easiest to make good
same as every other race, people flock to the one they don't have to try with
Doesn't Skull lala have a EB?
God I wish I was a f3mra
what in the goddamn
based. I don’t see a difference in the MSQ compared to previous exps
>instead of fucking your rhythm up to see it
It's already beyond saving, I'm europoor
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There's also 4.
i look like this
why aren't you.....
wtf i love this bun now
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much appreciate it! also it's the fat cat attire on the mog station my friend. unfortunately cost real cold hard cash but it's cute.
>mass infanticide twice in one expansion
Might be a bit much for xiv honestly
I was not a fan of the spoiler zones expert dungeon.. some of it was cute but that first boss is going to be a nightmare as bad players just continuously can't do anything
my catboy does this
where would new souls come from if they kept getting consumed
>another lazy, shitty elk pose
because the point of it is that it's Sphene doing everything she can to protect everyone under her rule
she's not a pragmatic robot who will soul harvest as optimally as possible
she feels personally responsible for the happiness of everyone under her rule and she would consider the idea of turning any of her own people into baby factories horrific
there's no optimal or pragmatic or clever way around this, she just doesn't want anyone to suffer but she needs to harvest souls so the most painless way for her to do that is to have her robot legions massacre people who she isn't responsible for the happiness of, while covering her ears and pretending that everything is okay
that's why she brought in zoraal ja in the first place, to do the dirty work so she could pretend that everything was okay and so that she didn't need to sully her hands or conscience

yeah this whole soul harvesting thing is something that you could ruthlessly optimise if you really wanted to but sphene just really isn't into that until she ends up deleting her old self
Didn't know that's all I'd need to do to get mating pressed
I agree with this. Though I’ve had a few I enjoyed since then. The build up to and battle at Ghimlyt Dark was cool. The wol echoes at the end of shadowbringers as you race back to the crystarium. Endwalker leaned on it a little too thick but I did enjoy the resolution and Zenos bursting in was funny. But for the most part it takes itself a little too seriously and doesn’t have as much meat to it as it needs to with tangible actions. It’s very yap heavy.
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how do i make my lala cuter
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the prices on those non-seasonal clothes are killing me inside and outside
thank you though!
>that clipping
that's a certified elk classic
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When he said "My memory of her are on the cloud" I logged off for the night.
The fuck is up with this goofy ass game?
make her into a boy
>if you genuinely enjoyed it you'd be playing it
I had to stop to level another job because Viper is almost 100 but I only just finished the third dungeon since I did all the sidequests as well.
after nearing completion and drinking all night..
i am dangerously close to blacking out, thus my "why my fate tempt us so"
wanna meet up and say hi before i pass out?
by figuring out why you don't think they're cute in the first place
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taco quest was kinda comfy i couldn't stop singing that retarded white people taco night song
i want data center travel to come back so seishun complex can show me her feet
>doing all the side quests as you go
are you at least getting flying first.....
I think they flat out said they didn't want to make new dungeon gear if no one's going to use them.
to be fair it's kind of epic
her other friends give footjobs too
The funniest part is T'owa's poses are so shit that everyone mistakes him for Elk
T'owa's probably having one of his patented Discord meltdowns about this as we speak
someone explain to me why i'm turning off the lights in disney land. i have skipped every single cutscene that contains wuk lamat
ok... ill be at uhhh uldah on sophia!
im gonna pose erenville fucking his mom btw
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i gave her a hat
Jills used goods is back?
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Now this is peak brainrot.
why do you care
aetherial sea is effectively infinite, especially after the breaking of meteion's soul cocoon
where's the plapping sector located at in solution nine
so while everyone is complaining about the MSQ you're off doing sidequests and telling everyone to stop complaining about the MSQ
t'owa "big tonka" torres doesnt come here
same man... i fucked it up doing the same thing
what kind of reasoning is that
i'd use the gear if it a) looked good and b) was dyeable
Next you are going to 'merica and throwing paint on to train to stop oil.
...who are they?
I'm sure there's ersatz options.
I can tell if an expac is good based on how well I understand it. I barely understood the details of the previous expansions. I didn't grasp the politics or the lore. I still don't know what a primal is. I don't know what Zodiark was. I still loved them because the world building was so in-depth. I understood every single second of DT and I didn't even have to watch every cutscene. Ergo, it's baby shounen shit.
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>tfw my poses are even less effort
because the souls want to move on and not be stuck in limbo forever
idle curiosity
>one dude in the village
>represents the whole race
I never realized the gap between the normie and the slightly better than normies, but this makes it abundantly clear. I'm not sure they hit their buttons while doing mechanics.

omw, look for the Domitrix title
You could hear the man voice come out pretty clearly in that scene
I'm pretty sure my healer and co-dps spent half the fight unable to attack.. it tookso fucking long
What the fuck when did they say this? God I hate these developers
the lalas in these photos >>484331326
every other bitch has that title
Because they found out your gay and don't want AIDs.
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Wuk Lamat is unironically a completely different character with the JP voice actress, holy shit!
How did we get stuck with a shitty fucking troon who keeps falling back into manvoice?
me too BWO...
but bringing up meteion's cocoon works contrary to the argument you're trying to make, her plan of hoarding souls so they're never reborn shows they're a finite resource
suck my gock
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I do quests as they show up, sometimes I get flying first sometimes not.
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Why is this game bending over backwards like we couldnt slaughter this fucking retard
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legacy pits
She isn't. She's still dogshit across every language because it's not her voice, but the writing behind the character that is terrible
zamn, Jill raped that? explains the shader ig
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>even the sidequests now have tailing and escort sections now
My wife does this to my sunnie every night
Okay when and where?
>every catgirl uses face 3 and no one bats an eye
that could be us
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>Wuk Lamat is unironically a completely different character with the JP voice actress, holy shit!
I don't care, her character shits up the entire MSQ
she could be voiced by the most sexy female voice or just a literal man (male) I would still find her presence to be too much across the entire series
>only up to yak t'el
that explains why you're currently enjoying it
They aren't finite. Alpha developed their own soul over time.
No, the delivery makes a fucking HUGE difference.
Literally just try it.
my moonie is going into stasis
Man the framerate in pvp is kinda bad now
my femlala is bursting at the seams... her waistline cant take much more...
Holy moly....
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>Lyse had a bad character arc but her VA was good
>Wuk had a good character arc but her VA was bad
This really is the key issue, even the people that like the MSQ are saying her VA sucked.
I've been on JP since level 92, she's still an unforgivably dogshit character but at least the cutscenes are watchable.
rip the bandaid off
kill krile's parents hahaha
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Ignore Yawntrail, become a Necromancer.

There's gameplay and only 1 cutscene
I have only ever played in JP. It isn't the delivery. It's the character being awful
My femlala is the same except it's her bustline
not him, but i've been playing in JP the entire msq and wuk lamat is still an unbearable piece of fucking dogshit that has made me skip every cutscene since halfway through the story.
he's part of the roland mont-penis club of "i don't use 4chan at all" while instantly responding to and melting down over every mention of his name on discord 5 seconds after it happens
is there some new exploit or have the new jobs made it extremely easy or something
on a cosmic scale she would have eventually sucked up all of the souls in the universe yes
on a human scale it's absolutely irrelevant and probably wouldn't have an impact on etheirys for a million more years
any memorable ones so far?
JP version is just your standard japanese woman, i dont get it
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it hurts, anon
I thought the question she was going to ask was "What would you have named me" and was relieved because it wasn't, so I didn't break, but then they said it anyway and I just...
And funnily enough we never see any of these messages. Feel free to screenshot and share so we can laugh
What character arc? Wuk is just a Mary Sue
Nah, but PCT is borderline cheating. Atleast until you reach 181 and then you'll get squished as easily as the other jobs unless you play good.
Thats because...
>they brought in Sena
>Sena was a major dickhead
>Couldn't get fired cause Kate pushed Sena to stay
>Sena can't neither do a good south american accent nor raise her voice
>Sena also tried pushing Wuk into being trans, aka having a penis.
stinky duskie pitjob NOW
NTA but T'owa is probably the 4channer whose discord messages are MOST often posted here
this feels kinda like he's doing the same thing he's accusing the story of
you REALLY have to force an uncharitable jew comparison, the entire gimmick of the pelupelu is mutually beneficial trading
>How did we get stuck with a shitty fucking troon who keeps falling back into manvoice?
> actor only has 4 years worth of experience in minor roles
how are you tonight, Val?
I preferred the fifth and sixth zones to 1-4 honestly. The change in tone, music, story. Much more my speed than the whole. QUEST TO MAKE CATWOMAN QUEEN. Also at this point if we're just gonna sit back and do insignificant babysitting quests I want at least one cutscene with my character going ham and being a badass. Maybe just kicking off the train a bit later and walking away slowly as it blows up, or grabbing someone who is unimaginably strong and making them look like a little bitch. But I don't even feel like the playable character in this expansion more like an escort NPC that got lost and is hanging out with all the heroes.
>Sena was a major dickhead
>Couldn't get fired cause Kate pushed Sena to stay
>Sena also tried pushing Wuk into being trans, aka having a penis.
surely there is concrete evidence to support these claims
uh sister I thought the narrative was that it's bad until Arizona...
damn, did this come from an inside source? i hadn't heard
Listen more closely to more Japanese women. Her word choice is decidedly off of the mainstream.
>too lazy to make a final zone
>make a barebones shitty zone where you have to delete it to progress, excusing the lack of quests or content
I expect a livestreamed dogeza from Yoshida.
needs dick shadow.
NTA but I don't really need more evidence than the fact he's a troon, it's an incredibly common and expected M.O. for them, like a Moonie being a retard or a Femra being a turboslut
because keeping it running requires Sphene to harvest the souls of the living because for some reason the engineers made it REQUIRE living aether
I like the chain for Murfurlur and Nopli, as well as the quest where you help the Mamool Ja child find a painter that gave him a picture so he could give him a gift.
>Wuk Lamat is unironically a completely different character with the JP voice actress
No she's not. The japs issue the same exact complains about her personality and role in the story. The only people claiming that it's only the VA are retarded weaboos and terminal transphobes.
Just get Cid and Nero in there. They'd have it up and running on regular unleaded within a day.
Yes, the source is the inside of my ass.
shit man, I've been using 4chan for a decade and I didn't make that comparison
this is the "orcs = black people" thing all over again
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just hanging out
did you just not do any in EW
>one dude in the village
>even though he opposes you, he's so culturally committed to fair deals that he won't refuse your fair deal, he only doesn't give you 50% off
With Jews... you win?
>this is the "orcs = black people" thing all over again
lmfao my favorite
I thought orcs were Mexicans now.
Mary Sue doesn't mean "character I don't like" you know
>nice but incompetent goof-off
>grows into a qualified leader under (You)r experienced mentorship
hardly a Mary Sue
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I couldn't find the edited post with screenshots from her twitter but i did found the post in the archives. Enjoy the read.
Trannies are higher on the progressive stack than mere Native Americans or Hispanics.
That's the third expansion in a row they've done the "main antagonist's memories / experiences folded up in a dungeon" thing
damn that's crazy
The whole final stretch was horrible

Discount Dead Ends
Discount Endsinger
Wuk Lamat coming in having saved up the worst voice performance for the very end

Trash fucking ending and I won't be surprised if heads roll at Square Enix
I want to see tears
We need the card modifying skills back like Royal Road.
big if true. japs need to grow a pair and nip this shit in the bud. I realize what I just typed, and I am not sorry
By far the best.
ruh roh I just got to solution nine and figured it was picking up finally

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