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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

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>no 1v1 Miquella fight
>no weapon dedicated to Miquella outside of his Incantation
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Radahn and Miquella
Im gay
These are really the exact trannies I expected it to appeal to.
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Truly peak RR Martin shithousery
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goodnight /erg/
post tarnished while i'm asleep
>god cursed with being eternal child both mentally and physically wouldnt do something as childish as "bleh"
Are you retarded? Or do you see it and have some coombrain thoughts?
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the best one
Fuck the spells this is the sickest thing that INT got.
How did Miyazaki get away with depicting a pederastic relationship in From Software's biggest, most popular game yet?
miquella is not a child mentally, nothing hints at him being one.
Take your helmet off while casting that and look closely
If this guy can cast Scarlet Aeonia just from hearing about it then Malenia really isn't all that special huh
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Yes so you see this little twink gets to have everyone to do his bidding by seducing them sexually. Let's get the most ugliest of the sons kidnapp him but hold on it was actually all according to the twinks plan to...
>Miyazaki: Mru Martinu is sexu necessary especially if most of them are siblings
Listen you want my help or not?
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I dunno, Miyazaki's been into traps for a while now.
Krekkov is kind of a little faggot, but most east-asian men are like that.
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Any missables for Faith to keep in mind?
I know the Coded Sword is in Leyndell.
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Late night feet posting.
>...and he's barefoot
>Ohhh Martin-san sasuga!
From's gonna see people no hit their DLC bosses and think there's nothing wrong.
Kill yourself
how do summoning pools work? can i send my sign to the pool in front of messmer and then leave shadow keep or do i have to stay in the area anyways
That's exactly the type of thing Japs are into though. Donovan and Guts, remember?
this is the worst state pvp has been in regardless of level since the release of the game
>swift slash combos into itself
>madness lol
>perfume cheese
>beast claw spam
>incants that attack your framerate
>spastic yoda spam
>messemer spear 1 shotting max vig without buffs
>gravity spin on blood UGS
>tracking rot / poison arrow spam
what else am I missing
>Poise, stance, what's that?
Anon, Miquella is about the same age as Radahn,
>shotgun crossbow that puts you in eternal sleep in a single shot
>chicken wing that procs bleed every single hit
>multiplayer population will decline after because timmy can't autowin with his ganksqaud against a lone invader

this makes me just as upset
>first seamless invasion
>change the ext of my mule save so it loads on the mod
>make a RL1 Stormveil cosplay to invade in first steps
>get put in a catacomb invasion
>target destroyed
This is gonna be fun
>Radahn recovers about 4 seconds after his leaping sunshine orbital nuke
Kek fuck you
Seamless invasion?
So I have a question, is the radagon soarseal bad to use? I kinda wanna use it
>captain america shield spam
>yet another buffswap bug with nanaya torch
The more you level up the shittier it is.
I did a meme Malenia build against him and I couldn't even use Waterfowl dance
It's pretty fucking awful. You're also missing
>blind spot spam
Oh, you pressed a button? Heh, looks like I win
>discus hurl spam
FP cost: 3. Damage: 300-400. Tracking: auto-aims directly for your head.
>Nanaya's torch
Instant madness. Instant deathblight.
>Fire Knight's greatsword
Can kill you in one R1, easily.
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On ganks: the act of ganking, to a neurotypical person, is pretty boring. Most people would rather just play the game that they bought, which leaves a small portion of the playerbase for ganking. They obviously do it with their friends, because random summons want to fight bosses, not stand around Limgrave/Liurnia for 15 minutes at a time between single invaders.
So if you invade a dedicated gank squad, just sever and block. You wasted their time, and you'll never invade then again. Same if you get summoned into a gank, sever and block. I haven't seen a dedicated gank squad in months because I just exhausted the pool of gankers.
please just remove ranged sleep ammunition this shit will never be balanced
Seamless Coop on PC has invasions now, and its enabled by default
Eldenring is not made for pvp in mind except if the community starts banalist
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Say something nice about my wife!
>>messemer spear 1 shotting max vig without buffs
Wait how? Mine doesn't do the much damage at all. Is it bugged?
Thrusting shields may be my new favorite weapon type
It's everything I didn't know I wanted, and more
You need to stay in the area if you want nearby only
PvPfags deserve it. Go play a fighting game instead, dipshits.
She looks like she fucks STR/FTH men.
She has a very strong neck, idk how she holds up the stone mask
How so? I tried testing it with a friend on release and at 125 he wasn't dealing much more damage to me. Did they change it
Stop using it at 40 VIG

Ganks are no longer the problem, casuals and password summons are the problem. The proliferation of broken ashes of war, unique skills, weapons, spells has reached the event horizon where we basically cannot go back to anything resembling Dark Souls combat in multiplayer. It doesn't matter if it's a gank or little Timmy and his two level 300 bodyguards. Bring swift slash to every invasion or perish.
Wait so if you download seamless and invade with it toggled on you'll always invade seamless coopers?
Recent players > view steam profile > block all communication
Et viola, you will never play with that laggy chinaman again.
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What is the most Jewish build?
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>tfw you know he recovers faster than you do after a flask drink
>gankers with DLC weapons ganking in ruin-strewn precipice
>dropped items in front of the elevator lever so the invader can't use it
>get summoned by random people across the game for fun coop
>always get invaded by tryhard pvper when none of us are built for pvp and we typically all suck in pve too
Too busy looking at ass.
Is there a way to keep Moore alive without just leaving him mindbroken?
I don't even know why he still teams up with Leda after the charm breaks. Is it just because she was the one to give him purpose?
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high int, high faith
>try invading random people across the game for fun invasions
>always invade tryhard password phantoms with cancer builds that automatically win 3v1s
the lack of anticheat seems like it would be a recipe for disaster
I had 0 fun with any boss in this game and went back to sekiro, having a blast. Elden ring is literally cancer to play the bosses are not skill based you either cheese them or cant do shit
i think it's because miquella promised a world where he wouldn't be abandonned again or some shit.
you have to remember, not a single one of those you fight side with leda, they side with miquella, leda might as well not exist for them.
the same way ansbach and thiollier don't side with the tarnished, they are just against miquella, for their own reasons.
Explain seamless co op to me
So like all the people who say you're playing it, you're playing it with a friend? That seems like a lot of people
Or is there like a bonus to playing it singleplayer or somwthing
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Is this better?
You complain like a woman. Suffer and die
Holy shit, if you killed someone from their party they can't respawn, LMAO

im not sure how it works either but it's happened to me at +3 crimson, +2 erdtree, 60 vig
the WA directly connecting killed me from full health instantly
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>DLC is about killing a gay grooming shota
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Imagine saying all that, and then still calling it a fantastic fight. Why are we so whipped?
it turns elden ring into questing in WoW with friends, basically
She's pretty, very cute, smart, bratty! But that's her charm point.
Piss, poo, incest man would have unironically written a better story than this DLC slop
How do you play seamless coop if you can't connect to froms servers?
I wonder how rellana's feet look like
The mod is basically skyrim with friends, and at first casuals were using it to basically hide from invaders, but now invasions are enabled.
Never played Wow
Is this supposed to look fun?
Why cant you invade solo players anymore????
I usually go 55 vig is that not good?
Why even write a stupid smarmy comment like this as if you don't understand what an MMORPG fundamentally entails?
That makes more sense, for some reason I thought that Leda was just a psychotic killer who was using Miquella as an excuse to kill more people.
Turns out she's just a woman.
That's wack. I've hit it like fifty times now between invasions, co-op, and arena stuff, and I've never gotten a magical one shot. If the first hit connects the swing and the fire do a pretty parcel of like 700-800 together, but nowhere near 1900.
10 vig + bewitching branch on NG+7 enemies
The entire reason they added different scalars and modifiers for pvp was specifically to avoid this.
I can accept that they're not testing anything, but the dogshit spell and weapon balance has made me finally come to terms that from can't balance worth shit.

There is no fucking reality on this earth where a man seriously tested Rain of Fire.
>absolute final boss of all of elden ring is the hardest execution / knowledge check in the game, but perfectly doable if you know what you're doing and can keep it together for 3-5 minutes
what's wrong with this

i vastly prefer it to malenia, which was basically just "deal with one OP move or die", the fight
>the bosses are not skill based
because Fromsoft chickened out to casuals
That mod gives all bosses over inflated HP????
I’ve just started chainsawing any host in an open field not dealing with it raise the player count
So it specifically only works relating to woth friends though, right? It's not like a thing that makes it so you can run across other people who you aren't specifically hanging out with, right?
What? I wasn't being smarmy I was literally asking how seamless Co op works, I'm sorry I didn't mean to say anything bad. What did you think I meant?
No because now I'm just looking at her boobs and feet anon.
Sir Gideon Ofnir didn't know about the DLC because he would have solo'd it by himself.
>I haven't seen a dedicated gank squad in months because I just exhausted the pool of gankers.
No fun allowed (I invaded a grand total of five solo players across 2 years of ds3 invasions)
Is there a build that's OP and easy mode but isn't as braindead and unfun to play as shield poke?
what I liked about sekiro and non-elden ring games was that you didnt have to memorize every single string and know where the safe zones/rolls are. with elden ring it's heavy memorization based you cant intuitively figure things out

some particle effects on the ground you can roll through and jumping hits you, and vice versa etc etc "lack of skill" was probably bad phrasing but you still have to memorize the bosses moves before you can use that skill
>only have Bayle and Radahn left
>only just realised how based Death Knight's Longhaft Axe is
it lets you play coop without the limits of the phantom system like fog walls or no torrent
>That seems like a lot of people
people really like coop, look at stuff like helldivers or payday blowing up. even in competitive mp games people will queue uo with friends
Peak Rollsloppa
God I LOVE mage women
Bleed Greatsword
>what's wrong with this
It's a continuous flashbang in phase 2.
what's a good build
Hey /erg/ I have a question if I wanna do a str/arc build should I just get 80 arcane and min str?
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Like this.
they didnt want to bother balancing their epic ashes of wars so just gave everyone a buddy system to deal with reds
Haha yeah
And that makes sense I guess, I guess I'm just like suprised because I figured not that many people could end uo sustaining and regularly playing with friends co op esspecially on an rpg, I've tried to get my friend to play it with me over and over but they always say no
60 vig
20 mnd
31 end
20 STR
50 dex
11 int
80 fai
7 arc
yes, actually

>read first half
>read second half
oh... i guess summoning something tanky that draws aggro and spamming magic

ds3's system was perfect, i miss it dearly
I'm going to get diaper art of Miquella
Why did we have to kill Leda? Can we have seggs first?
I wish I could get invaded without having to Taunter's Tongue or summon someone else.
Gideon Ofnir warns us about the cocoon and tells us to handle it.

The actual lore is this dlc is post Elden Beast fight. Gideon is no longer around but we still remember his advice
in the undetermined amount of time it has been since mohgs defeat we head back to find out Leda and her gankers already found a way into the shadowrealm through the coon.
We follow suit unbeknowest to them we are Elden Lord, they chimp out after finding out and everyone is there to stop us.
multiple threats to our power:previous FF Lord, Metyr, Romina, and the newest GOD miquellaRadahn. the entire dlc is us defending our position as lord and handling the coon
She's the smartest cutest girl ever and I love her.
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Oh sorry, I'll put those away
Probably because blue summon time is dogshit
In DaS2 when I invited myself into some players world blue's wirth the "I've killed 30 red scum without dying" aura were on my nuts before I could even SEE the fucking host.

Blueing in this game there's a significant chance the host or invader will be dead by the time the game even starts the call to summon you to the world.
>100 weapons, 30 ashes, entirely new weapon types and dozens of spells added
>expecting the game to be balanced
Your list doesn't even scratch the surface of all the broken shit
>Miquella pissing himself during the battle
Fia says corpse rights!
>Your list doesn't even scratch the surface of all the broken shit
at this point I just ignore retards who say things like this because they won't (can't) ever elaborate
No please bring them back.
Sellen number 2 is uglier than Sellen number 1
Was thinking something cuter than that.
No idea, I just did 55/55
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What are the most fun dexfag weapons in ER? Playing through base game right now for the first time, RL54 at about the Rodahn/Lydnell point in the game. Power isn't my problem it's just that all the weapons I've found feel pretty boring to use. I was using Hooked Claws for a while.. and now I'm leveling Serpentbone Blade... which is less one-note but still not anything special. Especially since I like using shadowstep, and the Serpentboner's AOW can't be swapped and is basically the same as its R2 so I'd prefer a weapon I could quickstep with, or had a cooler L2.
Depends massively on the weapon
I don't care about losing to a bunch of idiots gallivanting through the game, and even with insane ashes I still win like 40% of my invasions from reasons ranging from
>I played well
>the host died in one hit
I just want to play the game as intended, and ganking isn't that
What's the best and most active pvp for souls game?

Don't say DS2 because that shit is inactive as fuck.

I still find decent fightclubs in DS1 but I played that shit so much I get sick of it.

Is DS3 still active on steam?
>try to be a blue
>wait 30 minutes for the chance to be summoned
>host is dead before you finish loading in
>stop being a blue because all blues are faggots in elden ring
>blue is summoned 10s into the invasion, or 10s after you finally kill a level 500 password phantom
it's the worst of both worlds. blues serve absolutely no purpose in elden ring, they're worthless.
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faux soul
Why is her toes on backwards
Gideon is the all knowing after all. His brain just broke in the last 20 minutes of the game so he wasn't as smart as he usually is
Guardian Swordspear is the gold standard for dex
The fact that they implemented the Scadutree Blessing system should have been the first thing to tip you off. It allows them to just ignore the scaling and balance of the base game (already questionable) and they can deflect any criticism to "well did you explore everywhere and get your near-mandatory buffs?" You see people sucking FROM's dick and echoing the sentiment everywhere already.
>oh, the DLC isn't too hard/frustrating, you just haven't gotten enough blessings
>nevermind how hard the numbers are jacked up and how annoying enemy/weapon/spell movesets become
The whole thing is just an excuse they painted as a "fun" mechanic that encourages exploration.
I like twinblades
Crap I posted it early
>it's heavy memorization based you cant intuitively figure things out
yes, you can. a lot of things are generally very telegraphed, and even if they aren't you can either dodge or guard
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3 is so fucking funny
It's Miyazaki's story, not Martin's.
She'd look even better as a ball
Elden ring
Begging again for someone with writing skill (AKA not me) to do a Messmer smutfic
>going for ripostes in co-op instead of wailing on the boss with the other players
>arena is now ruined by crossbow spam
>start invading with a madness build
>it’s fun and sometimes you get the 3v1 but it’s mostly fog walls or dying to swift slash or crossbows still

I’m tired bros
Literally it's been in the double digits before
I won't buy it till it has peer to peer stuff and an offline mode
that's why the primal current is forbidden
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Post tragic dlc weapons that deserved better. For me it has to be this one.
I tried Flowing Curved Sword for the first time on my DEX/FTH build and thought it was fun when I faced off against the Fire Giant. No idea if its considered good though since I relied on a shitload of buffs.
I'm planning on using occult for non bleed targets and bleed weapons for bleed targets.
>invading at a dual meta level
>"why is everywhere filled with bored duelfags using cheese builds?"
I give FS a lot of leeway regarding enemy design, but being negative (I know I'm autistic) after a riposte+sip always pisses me off.
No, you can invade other people's private parties now. The mod maker enabled global invasions like in the main game, so casuals have to go into the file settings and opt out of invasions by changing the ini connection files.

I joined a party that was a 4 man group ear the divine tower of limgrav eand I killed two of them, but the host and friends are allowed to use the warp gates and the invader can't, and doesn't have a respawn finger to relocate, so there are ways for the host still chicken out.
Over all its pretty fun, 4 v 1 was awesome because none of them were max level retards spamming WA all day and I made a fair build so I wouldn't steam roll them.
Someone will do it eventually, just gotta check the usual places
AlsonI thought you said snufffic at first which was slightly "oh okay then"
I really want to like Leda's Sword as a DEX/FTH weapon but its just a DEX weapon with a FTH tax, which compelled me to say fuck it and push towards RL 175 anyways.
It’s all the way down bro what do you mean
I could see just fine
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Both it and the Spirit Glaive should have gotten a weapon buff after using their AoW, or at least had innate frost buildup.
I've explored almost every area I can access before entering messmer's castle and haven't used a single skibidi. Yeah enemies do a ton of damage but it's still challenging and fun.

Near-mandatory is an exaggeration. But it's objectively true that if you're having a hard time you just need to pop more blessings.
That's acceptable too if it's the Type B and not him and it's goreless ryona
Yeah I don't get this complain. The only thing that fucks with vision is getting caught in Mickey's hair.
I'm actually starting to consider getting it even though like I wouldn't play it with friends
Invading is more fun like when it has more context to it like knowing it's actually an adventuring party of friends, and like also means I'm more happy with doing more interesting fun things instead
>Numen are called Marebito in Japan
>The concept of "marebito" (稀人 or 客人, まれびと) represents a spiritual or divine being that visits from the 'other world' (takai, a term for the Japanese afterlife) at specific times.[1] This belief, rooted in the welcoming of outsiders as gods from another world, has been an important part of Japanese folklore and customs throughout history.
Numen are foreign to TLB. Hornsent are indigenous inhabitants.
>No Carian Armament weapon buff spell
I feel robbed
>The actual lore is this dlc is post Elden Beast fight.
it's not lore, it's story, and I make my own story in rpgs, game forcing some npcs dead/alive is a design error. Players can access the DLC at any point of main game progression
Well yeah but I dont understand what you mean for the second part but also you sont have to clarofy
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>le flashbang
We both know the light doesn't impact the visibility and you are just using it as excuse to shit on AoE that get in the way of your rollspam. Elden Ring bosses have always been hated by shitter for using AoE
>cannon imp ash

Holy shit I love this little guy. He's like a better Latenna.
It looks so fucking cool bro. Gooooood why couldn't the faith and dex requirements have been swapped.
>Gooooood why couldn't the faith and dex requirements have been swapped.
Eh, I'd rather have even split for something like 50/50.
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So I have a question /erg/ haven't played in a while. Has anyone finally figured out the best vig cap? Is it 40, 50, or 60? I'm planning on going 150 for my build.
I wish Michael Zaki didnt tempt me this hard to level arcane on my STR build.
I don't co-op at Midra because I care about beating him. I co-op at Midra because I like parrying and riposting him and am too lazy to download a CE table.
multiplayer has never been this grim

yes, even on release with deathblight being inflicted by fire's deadly sin, it somehow wasn't as bad as this
>playing at ng+7
>want to fast roll because I'm used to it
>get two shot
>try to mid roll
>get rollcaught all the time
I don't think skibidi levels are gonna help me with this...
Tough but...
50 or 60
>build is just as stat efficient with a Vagabond start, but I'd also get 4 more points of dex and one point of mind
Please talk me out of going through the process of reaching the DLC early again and getting all this equipment just so I have slightly more weapon variety.
It's entirely subjective. Rule of thumb is that pure melee chars should always have 60 vigor and hybrids/pure casters should push towards 50-ish at least (and some casters can probably afford to go as low as 40, but personally I'd stop at 45).
You're not allowed to encroach on people's fun unless you're at a disadvantage
Also those people still need their co-op mod to work otherwise the sight of red will terrify them
Hot damn tank build is fucking op. The only boss I can't just sit there and poke is Maliketh, but he's a dumbshit boss anyways.
Anyone complaning about radahn P2 outside of fps drops are legit getting skill issued. The ONLY real complaint is the double slash into cross chop move and not being able to see because of miquellas long fucking hair. Sure, maybe there could be more downtime. Ya the combos go on for an absurdly long time but I never felt anything was completely unfair/unbeatable.
would've been trivial to program it so that it spawns the hunter and the invader at the same time but they just didn't do that because i guess that would have required them writing new netcode and they plumb dont want to do it
Gotcha I'll stick to 50
>people liked being cancer invaded after every boss in Ds3 and wasting their time
The clone attacks are bullshit
Up to that point, you're probably fine albeit in for a challenge. I think my blessing was only around 8-10 or so around that point and I was playing around with all of my underleveled new toys. There come points where the enemies are just too erratic and/or have too much damage for it to be considered a fun challenge anymore. The final boss is a prime example because it also shits out screen-filling nonsense on top of
>extremely high damage
>high health
>fast attacks that demand exact timing, some of which are nearly impossible to avoid
>huge AoEs on more than half of its attacks
>combo strings get ridiculous
>hardly any recovery time between those combos
They use the system as a scapegoat for some of their poorest design decisions to date.
Because it's fun or because it's strong?

I've yet to find one. I usually try to play through From games blind the first go around but I'm getting so bored with my weapon options I'm willing to look up alternatives. Heading back to pick up the base one now.
You don't need to play it with friends. Its basically playing the game without EAC on, that just so happens to have a revamp summoning system so everyone is always connected together.
And with invasions enabled, well, the casuals can't hide anymore. At least one person in the target group will be experienced so it wont be a mindless roflstomp.
backhand blade
claws of night
sword of night

all in the DLC good luck bro
It's the Treespear/Halo Scythe/Vyke/Relic swodd build, it already has its niche in the game so it's a nice straight sword option with a good ash
well he says we both want to be elden lord. at the very end before the tree he confronts us as a friend. the winner would become lord. he knows he cant win but still its his last shot
Just block them, works with any weapon.
It's not really that bad. The clones themselves don't do very much damage at all. The only thing you have to worry about is when radahn himself does the last swing.
How exactly is spending 30 minutes having fun fighting invaders different from having 30 minutes having fun fighting enemies? It's not like more progress = more fun
Maybe because AoE attacks being shit out after every attack isn't fun design? It doesn't just fuck with roll spammers. It creates screen clutter, vastly restricts movement options, and means there is less emphasis on learning the movements of the boss itself and more on learning the timings and safe zones for colorful explosions that are often threaded into other attacks or come out with very little delay from certain enemies.
>heavy armor
>one-handing claymore
yep, it's elden time
>All Holy Greatswords have high DEX and low FTH scaling
Wtf Miyazaki
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unironic skill issue

i get funny af invasions at sl 148 invading in actual pve zones
Are shields fu
Because souls combat fundamentally doesn't work multiplayer. Just fucking looking at when damage registers amongst all the rollspam, the disconnect between animations at literally all levels of ping makes it a joke.
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Just beat Bayle solo. God I'm having fun just doing things without summons and actually trying to see if I can improve some more.

Also even though I can't make a good cosplay for Miquella by AnimeExpo this thursday what is a good weapon to pair with it so I have something ready for the next convention?
So I have a theory based on the hero class being implied to be horah's descendant and the whole "tarnished is a child of marika due to us waking up near a walking mosoleum" thing. Couldn't it just be possible that the tarnished is one of the shitty distant descendants of godwyn that aren't really taken seriously similar to godrick? If so if we side with ranni aren't we helping and marrying our granpappy's killer?
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Ugh, fine.
So there's less learning the movements of the boss because... You have to learn the movements of the boss instead. Learning the spacing and timing of attacks IS learning the boss.
Because most people didn't buy the game for some jackass with a cracked-out build to show up at random and impede their progress.
She's so pretty god. Please please more I'm going crazy.
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>all in the DLC
I did read that the DLC had good shit for dexbros but I'm just trying to enjoy the base game for what it is, until I get there.
>do another seamless mod invasion
>nigger immediately quits the lobby
>I spawned next to fucking Godwyn's face under Stormveil and the map pointed him being in Limgrave
fucking hell
Anyone notice that with each new release then each subsequent dlc release we have people always say "pvp has never been this bad" and "this will kill pvp"? It's been like this for over a decade.
I can't see the last swing
it's harming you more than helping once you reach a certain level
Just make your own headcanon. Mine is that my tarnished was a warrior serving Godfrey, died in the badlands, and then was brought back to life. And isn't like some 20th generation tarnished
Works fine for me idk
I have a good internet and don't really have many problems with other internet veing bad
It's genius. They purposely made a separate scaling system whose progression is tied to running around and digging through every ass creek of the map, tailor made to defenders to use towards any criticism of gameplay/enemy design. It's another layer to the tried and tired "git gud".
>Sword of night
I mess around with it sometimes but it feels "just kinda ok"
I have pretty poor reaction time so I need it. Guard counters are pretty neat though
That’s like first few months after release 3v3s kept ds3 mp alive for a long ass time
It's not about internet being bad, it's a n unavoidable flaw with the netcode combined with iframe dodges being the only defensive option. Compare the responsiveness to an actual fighting game and it's clear as day
The DLC is more fair overall, aside from Radahn
>Maybe because AoE attacks being shit out after every attack isn't fun design?
It is if you are not garbage at the game and now where to dodge as the game requires to, which is the biggest difference between previous games and Elden Ring.
Glad you have the honesty to admit you are crying about area of effect and no muh flashbangs at least, way better than the other disingenuous little shits
Oh no, you have to play the game to progress your character

How horrifying
Feels like there's always a cancer noobtrap build/weapon that takes off the first week and quickly gets filtered by anyone who is capable of learning (0.05% of the playerbase).
How so? It helps me use weapons
its because there is always broken shit to abuse with a new release. eventually all that shit gets nerfed and the duel autists and ganksquads can go back to their honorable 1v1s and 3v1s respectively. personally, as an invader, i only really enjoy pvp when there's broken shit to level the playing field with. dueling simply isn't fun in this game

its not amazing like its claw counterpart but it is "fun" if you enjoy edgy dex weapons
Man I hate fake tits
The same people complaining about scadutree fragments are the same people that looked up
And cheesed the game with the gravelord sword.
I dint know, I haven't really had much problems with it
I like timing hits and my dodges a lot. I'm not like discounting that but I think that you're overplaying how bad it is
I can never figure out guard counters
>and means there is less emphasis on learning the movements of the boss itself and more on learning the timings and safe zones for colorful explosions
what the fuck? that's quite literally means actually learning the boss instead of rollspamming in place.
Souls trilogy shitters are braindead >>>/dsg/
Is the Frenzied Flame route the logical conclusion for faithfags?
He's too autistic for 7 INT Faithtards like Corhyn.
>play open world game
>open world game has progression tied to exploring its open world
this but with the drake sword
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She has never known defeat.
No, the average faithfag loves the golden order, loves the erdtree, and loves marika. Simple as.
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sorry bros, but from makes bosses for people who find this appealing now
Just develop a sixth sense, bro.
if you're not in the early game anymore you can and should put the points in instead of taking a massive reduction to your survivability
nigga there's so much shit on the screen half the time and they spin around like a fucking spastic doing wide aoe attacks and combos

mesmer not only has all of the above but also turns into a snake so you cant even begin to see a telegraphed attack since he's not even the same guy attacking
golden order fundamentalism is incompatible with being a faith chad
I please my soul to aspects of the crucible.
good, i find this appealing
your time is over soulsboomers
He's a kindred of rot though, if Miquella wasn't a total failure he would've cured Malenia making them even more abandoned than they previously were. At least before their mom just didn't like them, now they don't even have a mom
this cant be legal, aren't they supposed to put in anti-epilepsy filters on shit like this now
Can you really invade seamless co-op niggers?
If so, how?
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>bumping into yet another fire knight
the logical conclusion for faith chads is marrying marika. and breeding her a new line of demigods.
FF is full of people who are gay and dont want to impregnate her feterile pussy and decide to burn the world because shes no longer radagon. GO cucks are monks who refuse to have sex so they stop everyone from having sex, forever
leda's sword, only one that fits the colors and the themes
Feet <3 more more please I'm going completely feral.
Melina says births continue under the Golden Order
That's what I'm curious about, in pvp I had my friend hit me with and without it and there wasn't much of a difference and pve I tested on godfrey and there wasn't much of a difference. Is it on continuous hits or something?
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Lorewise, what happens here?
What I mean is that is de-emphasizes the movements of the boss, as in the body of the boss itself, and its attack patterns in favor of forcing you to dodge oftentimes deceptive explosions that are frankly just annoying for many of them.
The perfect example is in how Radahn phase 1 is fine because, while execution is tight in some places, you're mostly just learning how to evade his fast, unrelenting sword swipes and the occasional gravity attack. He's still a bit manic for my taste, but he's not as obnoxious as phase 2. Phase 2 just throws a bunch of extra explosions around to extend his reach and obscure his patterns further. Not only is it a pain to have to dance around all of the explosions, but it honestly just makes what should be cool, awe-inspiring attacks into something horribly mundane.

I've already beaten the boss, so it's not like I'm especially bad at the game. It's just annoying. Shitting AoEs all over the place simply is not fun. Even if you learn it, it's far more stressful. Evading AoE spam and erratic, fast rushes of attacks isn't as fun to me as more methodical attack patterns.
The previous games still required proper execution for the most part, but they played at a slower pace where spacing and timing were important.
>and no muh flashbangs at least, way better than the other disingenuous little shits
While not really a reason to dog on the fight itself, visual clutter can be an eyesore for people. It's a valid complaint for people to have. It's not the same as "I literally cannot see, what the fuck," but overly flashy things can be tiresome.
Using seamless Co op
It's a feature now
fake news
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scarlet rot
Messmer is actually a fair fight. I mean that unironically as a person who hates From's balancing direction.
Every single last one of his attacks has visually distinct tales and his only shitty "i'm winding up my arm I'm gonna come getcha" delayed bullshit is his grab. Everything else can be reaction dodged.

What's more while I can't say I'm a fan from a personal standpoint, his phase 1 moveset requiring positioning checks to avoid having your shield bypassed is legitimately good design. The things that matter in that fight is a VERY minor amount of memorization, and mostly pattern recognition, reaction speed, and movement.
He doesn't even have roll immune bullshit like most of the DLC bosses have where i frames will run out before the attack ends even at frame perfect dodging.

That combo attack where he does like 50 thrusts has next to no hitbox near his body so rolling into him will avoid the entire attack clean.
Messmer is a good fight.
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Based and true
Pumping Marika's Elden Womb with enough cum to birth a whole new demigod pantheon is the Faithchad duty
>makes the radahn fight bearable
That sounds like the case for Confessors, not Prophets which are considered to be schizo retards by society by and large.
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Now that the dust has settled, it's time. Time to pick your Top 5 Waifus.
Cloth or disposable?
Sword of St Trina
Nah as a faith enjoyer I chose ranni. I have faith in myself and mankind to make their own decisions.
They are.
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>Womb tattoo
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You will witness true horror.
So why exactly are we opposing Miquella's plan? Does it even matter? We're never given a convincing reason as to why Miquella's plan is a bad thing, just that he's kind of a monster. Is it really just to strike down someone who could be a rival?
literally all the remembrance weapons besides Messmer's
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Why does it feel like every DLC boss does some dumb fuck aoe explosion in the beginning of phase 2
Kill yourself.
More feeeeet.
I'm about to cum
The logical conclusion for faith kings is goddess pussy. Either marika or ranni. Gold or blue. Frenzy is for low int tards and schizos
>So why exactly are we opposing Miquella's plan?
Because I was given the divine mandate to stand before the Elden Ring, and become Elden Lord.
>We're never given a convincing reason as to why Miquella's plan is a bad thing, just that he's kind of a monster
He's a brainwashing freak that abandoned his love
>Is it really just to strike down someone who could be a rival?
A crown is warranted with strength
They can just turn the value to 0 and then you can't, so get in while you can.
It's good but not as good as the previous games like sekiro, they just keep making the game more retarded
>Frenzy is for low int tards and schizos
So... Faith users?
he drops runes
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>Those scalings
It feels like you have to be lvl 300 for these to work. What the fuck,
Just jump or run bro, same shit happened with Monster Hunter as well. Nips and their mandatory AoE shit.
Seamless Co-op Mod so you don't have to make a nexus mod account
Why so mad? Canonically faithbulls are the only ones that get pussy in the lands between.
You have 7 FTH irl.
Man I wish the Malenia cosplayer I got a picture with this weekend was this hot.
Miquella doesn't approve
just use the github mirror
They should have been separate weapons like Pontiff in DS3
I have a nexus account where I bought the lifetime download pass like before they got rid of it and made it a decryption and I'm like so worried they'll ban me for no reason some day for taking up too much bandwitdth
its on 1.7.4 now, the github is not up to date
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Your strength...extraordinary...
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>stuggle through Scadutree avatar fight
>mfw finding out there is a phase 3
Faith players while low int ingame are high int irl. It's why they choose goddess pussy over piss fire.
>makes invasions possible
>makes them optional
Mod author is a coward.
that's kinda true, but an interesting detail is that omen-related items (bairns) scale with both int and fth
>are legit getting skill issued
By that metric, the only time this isn't the case is if the boss has attacks that literally cannot be evaded or blocked. With enough skill, you can beat anything so long as it can be hit and you can evade its attacks. There's still a point of reasonable and legitimate versus bullshit difficulty.
>maybe there could be more downtime. Ya the combos go on for an absurdly long time
That's sort of the point. Calling out missteps in design is fair criticism. Yes, it's beatable, but you're left with far slimmer margins of error and those margins narrow even further if you didn't land on a handful of especially strong tactics.
oh huh, didn't notice my bad
I use the regular dueling shield in my off hand. I'll probably be fine. I love that fucking weapon so much man.
Literally every other weapon type has been ruined for me and I love it in either hand or two handed. I can put it with any build and immediately enjoy the build more. The only weapon type I don't like paring with it is paradoxically daggers. Because daggers have low poise damage off handed and also slow cancel speed into shield bash.

It's Valorheart on fucking crack. Valorheart was relatively dogshit inside PvE and (with sufficient skill) were monsters in pvp. While Dueling Shields slaps in all content. (Carian's Guard Thrust having 100 guard boost is getting nerfed so hard though)
I'm not exaggerating when I say that I will, from now until fucking forever, cheat in a dueling shield on every single character I make in this game anytime I replay it until the end of time.

I fucking LOVE my Dueling Shield.
its optional, but its on by default for now and needs to be opted out
Enjoy this moment while you can before the mod maker chickens out on the next update
you're probably just underestimating the impact
God I wish you could just dump these all at once I am dying over here.
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All females in the Lands Between are built for BIG FAITH COCK
>fps drops
how poor are you faggots?
like 2000 dollars is all you need for a good PC
Thoughts on Electrocharge? The lingering damage ticks seem piss poor but can it stagger players at all?
Maybe. I've just not noticed a difference I just tried on my pure dex character 60 natural vig I'm losing the same amount of health per swing to consort radahn and normal soldiers with and without the seal
Idk maybe it's just my autism but after slamming my head against it on my first playthrough for a few hours I feel like It's not that bad. On my ng+ run I think I killed him in like 2 tries?
>but can it stagger players at all?
no lmao
It can't even stagger wildlife.
It's a worse wrath of gold in literally every quantifiable metric.
Sekiro bosses are complete bullshit and broken. Sekiro is extremely retarded
Nah, fuck you, it's just an excuse for them to crank up the numbers so that you have to find fragments just to reach the same level of effectiveness as before. It's not a buffing mechanic. It's a catch-up mechanic for the fucked up scaling of the DLC.
Eat a dick, cocksucker.
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Let your flesh be consumed.
Is Carian Thrusting Shield just a straight upgrade to Dueling Shield?
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I can do this all night anon. I hope you're ready.
t. filtered by chained ogre
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I'm abandoning my grug ways and doing a Faith build. What are the most fun Dragon Incantations? I wanna do a build based around the cornerstone of Golden Vow/Flame Grant Me Strength with Dragon Lightning shit on top.
That's disappointing. I'll still probably bring it to FCs just because it looks cool and fits my lightning dude. It stacks with dragonwife's dragobolt too which is neat.
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>No Age of Dragons for ARCbros
exactly, git gud retarded faggot, all Elden Ring bosses are great
wtf just press L1 and spam fireworks
that's a man btw
which sibling couple in the game is the best to have sex with and why is it Rahdan and Mohg?
Holy shit the wing stance R2 absolutely FUCKS. Any human sized boss gets staggered from like 2-3 of those. Not to mention its stylish as fuck on a Milady.
at 60dex/60faith should I be infusing it with sacred(or flame but I got plenty of fire options) or should I use electrify weapon (or Vykes if feeling extra spicy)?
Dragonlord ending would have been too kino for this game
You could just Yaxdex the image and find the entire set instead of having it drip-fed to you by some faggot who is probably getting off on the fact that the shit he's posting is titillating you.
they're great if you enjoy rolling for 1 minute before getting a single r1 in yeah
>He forgot to attach the image.
Oh both good choices
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Corpse after corpse, left in my wake....
>all the fextralife weapon videos are titled
>"<weapon class> are the best weapon in elden ring"

how can they all be the best though?
I'm not going to watch two faggots ERP. Good night.
She's so hot fuck.
they're obviously getting off to it too anon
Can you faggots get in a discord or something and jack off there instead of shitting up the thread? At the very least take it to an appropriate board you fucking losers.
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Are skills and ashes of war the same thing?? I don't get it man... why do they have separate categories on the wiki if they are factually the same thing?
I mean, rellana's twin swords isn't really tragic. But a small buff here and there would be welcome...
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Heed my words.

I am Malenia. Blade of Miquella.
Skills, ashes of war and weapon arts all mean the same thing, yeah
Do they intentionally make some ashes/spells shit, or accidentally make some good? Because in this one DLC, you have
>a rot somber polearm that has you dancing all around the screen with no hyper armor
>a regular weapon in dryleaf having an infinite poise, chargeable blast
Or hell, in the base game
>Waterfowl Dance (the reward for beating the hardest boss) vs. Unsheathe (the first katana ash you get)
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Impossible, nobody could be THAT gay.
>stumble upon Scadutree Avatar
>"Bet it's going to a stationary boss"
>Starts zooming around the arena
Damn son
It's kinda confusing, but generally skill means some base function of the weapon that is its ability, like parking
Assessment of war are likw specialized ones that are things you APPLY to the weapon.
Exception being special weapons which have inbuilt unique ashes of war already applied
Canonically speaking
Marika immediately hooked up with an int/faith build after banishing godfrey
2/3 carian women fell for faith builds, int/faith and dex/faith respectively showing a pattern likely true for ranni
Leda, malenia, and potentially radahn simp for a miquella who's a faith build in his fight
Millicent is a fragment of malenia and likely lasts for faithcock like her mother
2 dragons have canonically fallen for faithchads, vyke and godwyn respectively
Rykards sword requires faith and tanith is raising his daughter she's so in love with him

Faith cock is unbeatable, unstoppable, unyielding.
Though that's literally like just semantic I shpuld say sorry if that wasn't clear sorry, like yeah they're identical otherwise. Basically everyone just uses thw word ashes of war to mean any skill or ash of war
Impaler and Flaming Fire knight greatsword. Many faith infusions prefer dex over str. Its just less common since big unga bunga with minimal str and all faith is the go to when you cant pump dex enough.
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>No secret ending were you combine Placidusax's Soul with Bayle's Heart to be become the new Dragonlord with Florissax as your Dragonqueen
There is no way the weapon/spell designers playtest them, a lot of ashes and spells are straight up unusable
That anon is right. Do you have a discord.
Cloth to fit the aesthetic
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still a bad definition and confusing as fuck

take the spinning strikes skill/ash/art: it is only found already applied to a halbert (so it must be a skill, right?) BUT it has to be extracted first to be used as an ash
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t. filtered by Margit
It almost makes me feel bad to make her watch me kill Placidusax and then burn down the world as lord of frenzied flame. ALMOST.
How does the Fire Knight's Greatsword have an R1-R1 true combo when the Godslayer Greatsword doesn't, even though they use literally the exact same animations?
I agree
Slamming your head into a wall will eventually either allow you to memorize the cracks or lead to brain damage. Tough call as to which comes first.
I helped my friends with the Putrescent Knight, and they kept dying during it, so I spent a lot of time learning the ins and outs of his moves. I could probably do that fight in my sleep now.
To be clear, I think that fight is perfectly fine. The boss has ample window for you to "take your turn" after its combos and they aren't jerky, too fast, or throwing too much at you at once.
On the other hand, Radahn demands a lot more out of you because he meets nearly the full checklist of awkward boss design
>huge health and damage values that are basically only "normal" if you leveled your blessing
>large body, but doesn't get a pulled out camera like some bigger bosses do
>very fast for his size, leading to camera weirdness
>low start-up on moves (though still readable for most of them)
>trailing effects on most attacks
>low recovery time means you get very little time to punish his combos
>awkward timings on some of his combos make them hard or nearly impossible to dodge the full string
>phase two adds additional trailing attacks and range
>and explosions
>and he strings his attacks together more often and for longer
>and his model is expanded by Miquella's flowing locks, which can block the camera if you stick too close to them
And he goes into phase 2 at 75% as opposed to 50%, so you have less time with the easier to handle part of the fight.
It feels like they just tossed in every idea for how to make the fight hard but without considering if those things were necessarily fun, engaging, and balanced. Rote memorization and broken builds are the majority of how you see people power through it, but I don't think that necessarily makes it "fair challenge."
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This being a katana seems so random.
I'm amazed we could even take Florissax with us at all and that she's implied to have fallen for us.
>Nooooo rellana is unfair
>Gaius is stupid
>Midra has too much status build up
>Metyr this
>Bayle that
>Radahn unbalanced




Meanwhile Qualityfags like Hoarah Loux and the Beastmen of Farum Azula are permanently exiled.
it's curved but yeah
>"he gets homesick, but he’s scared of burning the little tree"
It's the cross guard that makes it weird, katanas don't have those, they have thw little round thing so idk why they called it a katana
He's the king of str builds his axe has great str scaling
Saw a fellow gold at radahn whose name was i'm a tank with shield and everything
Bro died 10 seconds into the fight
Don't know about you but the meteoric beast has raped me thousands of times
Margit is way more fair than half of the manic bullshit in the DLC.
Right? I thought this was going to be a straight sword when I looted it but then I saw "katana" what the hell from.
Did they add an arrow tracking talisman? Got nailed by every single hit at long distance from rapid fire scarlet rot arrows while sprinting, rolling, jumping etc around. Not sure if god aim or there's something to make bows not near useless.
All projectiles track now
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skill issue
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I have a question, what would a "canon" tarnished build look like? I tried looking over everything from promo images and trailers and while raging wolf is most commonly used, I see him using faith, int, str, and dex weapons. Is he a jack of all trades? Like a quality int/faith build? How would that work gameplay wise? Can that even be done below 300?
>All these nice weapon movesets
>Can barely get the full string off on any Bosses
I genuinely hate modern Souls so much
I would tell INTcels to have sex, but all the women in the Lands Between have given themselves over to FAIchads already.
PvPfags, what's the verdict on the Sekiro tear? Worth using or is the shit netcode too bad to consistently land deflects?
>what the fuck is the FP to damage ratio on this shit
Discus costs THREE FP to cast. THREE.
What are the ideal STR and FTH levels for a STR/FTH build? Using Death Knight's Longhaft Axe.
Let's be honest, you weren't getting a full combo off on anything but the most braindead sandbag bosses like Seath anyway.
And? Everything is a skill issue at that point.
Dancing Lion would be more FUN if it wasn't as much of a twitchy bastard. It's such a cool concept, but it just twists around at high speeds like the crack addict I used to live down the road from.
My sexy wives
The Tarnished is most likely to go for one of the mending rune endings, and I assume that by the time like the 'canon' Tarnished wins, she probably has learned all the secrets and little facts of the world, which would imply she was able to cast Law of Tegression to learn that Marika is Radagon.
So that implies a hefty faith investment.
Godfrey says that your strength befits a crown, and I don't think he would necessarily say that if the Tarnished like stayed and nuked him with spells from a mile away, so I imagine it's atleast partially melee focused.
So probably a dex/faith or str/faith build.
>Change the damage on Radahn's large AoE Pillars of light after he pulls his weapon from the ground so it no longer one-shots if you flub the post meteor-chuck combo
>Make it so you can jump the ground crack when Radahn pulls his weapon from the ground
>Change frame data so the 1-2-cross combo no longer always roll catches
>Slightly decrease size of Miquella's light to make it easier to escape, but increase the damage it does
>Make it so that Radahn is no longer FUCKING INVINCIBLE during his clone attacks (This should have never existed)
>Give Miquella a haircut and reduce vfx on Radahn's Clone attacks and pillars so the fight is fucking readable
>Increase Radahn's stamina damage when blocking and make certain hits always guard-break (End of combos, so the pillar of light followups are guaranteed)
>Reduce the damage/duration of the followup to the SUCC so it isn't as ridiculous considering he also combos into it twice
>Stop instances of multihits (Getting hit multiple times by the same attack) to eliminate random oneshots from things like Radahn's afterimage slide on the ground

This is all you need to fix the fight
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>All the most powerful and renowned INT women in the Lands Between are slaves to Faithbulls
Bayle's Roar or Arm?
This. You can watch them bend mid-flight.
>Get 2-shot by some backhand AoW with nonsensical hitboxes and instant activation
>Invade again
Remember INTbros we don't NEED the mentally ill hag marika, or the schizo NEET ranni, we have best girl sellen. Who thr fuck would even want the LITERAL damaged goods cracked whore marika or the genitalless doll ranni? We have a woman who can hop between bodies and never manipulates us or uses us for her schemes.
Or just remove the fucking pillars entirely
Honeymoon wild west period is over
Welcome to the meta solidifying period
Back in the primeval ball, sellen
Piss off. You know what the fuck he's talking about. There literally is not enough of a gap in some boss' attack patterns to fit in the whole combo from many weapons.
You can't shut down all criticism with "git gud," and attempting to only makes you look like a disingenuous twat.
Feet queen.
Imagine dunking the giant sellen ball into a giant basketball hoop
Law of transgression is a int spell. I'm going with ranni since that ending leaves it open for a sequel as well as answering "what happened to the protag from the first game" without making them a boss or having them job offscreen
One of the endings of the base game is already dedicated to Godwyn
They're both absolute garbage but I'd say roar
guard counters will never he good in PvP
You can literaly just crouch and avoid the after-image slash attacks btw.
Consort Radahn is a damn great boss
Webm soon
Arm is cooler
Raging wolf set
Cold bastard sword then Dark moon greatsword
Ranni ending
Wolf pack spirit ashes
What! I didn't know that, I forgot!
Ranni is my favorite ending but that's because I love speeches in games and I'm so easy to please when like I can play as the second in command
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guys, I wanted to buy the Gaius armor set but this bitch is dead... how can I get it?
Elden Ring Bosses are great, combat the player is given to do them is not
Just walk up to her
>haha I'm gonna be a massive twink nigger invader and gried low-level shitters xDDDD
Talk to her corpse
you can still interact with her.
Maybe try not to hug him 24/7, dumbass
skill issue
I just like her because I like both ranni and marika(I'm a dedicated poster for both) and I can't see any ending that doesn't make one of them happy as any true ending so no frenzy flame or dungeater nonsense. Infact is there a way to turn dungeater into a doll WITHOUT Boggart dying? I hate that fucker
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You forgot your shield sire
That wasn't a "git gud" you triggered faggot, that was telling him you aren't doing 3+ light attacks on any boss that isn't disabled (either mentally per scripting, or downed).
I just figured that I need to kill the pig fucker first lol...
this game wild
Cool, so you don't actually know about my experience but want to make claims about it anyway. It's almost like you don't understand shit and have a narrow view on balance.
>or the schizo NEET ranni
I'll have you know that my WIFE gave me a cool sword as a wedding gift
What did Selene give me?
No, the combat is perfect. It's faggot retards that want to parryspam in the face of bosses because they can't conceptualize spacing and area denial that need to fuck off. Go spam L1 in Sekiro, faggot
Sure is casual here
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So can we all agree he's the least mentally ill/retarded demigod?
>It's faggot retards that want to parryspam in the face of bosses because they can't conceptualize spacing and area denial that need to fuck off.
This DLC is literally just Parry-spam everything that can be Parried
Or you can put on a Greatshield and just tank through the fights that can't

Your argument literally makes 0 sense
>invade shitter, wearing beginner armor
>accompanied by bullgoats all DLC weapon AoW spamming faggots.
>kill both of the NG+ password summons.
>host runs for his life frantically without putting up a fight.
every time.
>Cool, so you don't actually know about my experience
please post webm of you playing
>Kill Gaius
>Find his girlfriend on a shack
>Kill her too
>Get his pants
You can get a full combo off on most bosses in base game outside of some of the heaviest shit like colossal weapons. A lot of them have ample holes in their strings or long enough recoveries that there's plenty of time to get in, though it's risky on some of them. Even Margit, who people like to call a casual filter, has opening where you can fit a full combo before he resumes.

The point of the original post is there you don't get to enjoy the full moveset because you almost never have time to use it on many of these bosses.
He is based even if he is an Om*n
>finally get to midra
>it cuts away from him taking his own head off
fight was cool though
As much faith as you need to cast the spells you want to cast, rest strength depending on your desired level.
Any recommend low weight swords with innate bleed?
I want to try light roll bloodflame build
I'm having so much fun 4v1ing people on seamless coop
Its fucking fun.
The argument is more about that Souls combat really isn't all that good for these type of fights
If your moves could handle movement around the Boss while hitting it, it'd be far better

Also, Base Game has a ton of Bosses that allows full strings of combos, so you're actually making 0 sense
>This DLC is literally just Parry-spam everything that can be Parried
>Or you can put on a Greatshield and just tank through the fights that can't
And that somehow isn't enough to make you faggots shut up, because you want to turn Souls games into Sekiro until that's the only option given in game and the game plays exactly like you want, proving that Fromsoftware shouldn't do any pandering and stick to their vision
straight sword enjoyers, what builds are you playing?
You can pull full combos against weaker field bosses or regular strong enemies. Of course you're not going to pull a full Colossal Weapon combo on Radahn, this is no longer Demon Souls
how i thought seamless was offline?
The weapon's great with just two of the four stat scalings.
I don't get people hating on them.
There's no fucking way anyone will keep them on without any stopgap to stop hackers.
NTA but I heard they added invasions to it now
He means bosses, probably.
Where does it say I want Sekiro combat though? In fact, I wanted something completely new

Souls combat is outdated and shit, but probably what they could've evolved upon the most
Sekiro "combat" only works in that game, and it was a nice breath of fresh air, but I'd rather not play a game with such a 1-sided gameplay loop ever again
I'd much prefer something like Bloodborne, since I felt far more involved with the Bosses in that game, than I ever did in any of the Souls games
global invasions got turned on with the mod
Deflect hardtear gives the massive benefit of greatshields without the committment in stats and the balance of impeding rolls. It's absolutely braindead and a great argument as to why deflection shouldn't be an option in game. The irony is that it being a physick still gives pvefags an aneurysm
>Le bloodborne combat was totally different from Souls combat guis
Why do you keep pushing this meme
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He's one of the good ones. He got the ruckus treatment when he was dying
Bloodborne is just DS3 but with a ranged parry to make it even earier.
Because it's the truth

Doesn't that physick last for like 5 minutes?
I dont know anything about the seamless mod. Is it a private server and those playing on seamless can invade each other?
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Is this Amouranth? Gross. Get that whore out of here.
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>a sufficently long greatspear
>with Treespear moveset
>with low requirements and weight
>a greatspear, which means it can use Waves of Darkness among other things, making it ideal for casters
>looks great
>defended an order that hunted his kind just for existing
Why was he such a cuck tho
sex with miquella

merchant (consumables) duh
>Souls combat is outdated and shit
No it isn't, Elden Ring integrated the versatily of skills and moveset far better than any game since the original Dark Souls did. It's the one that feels more fresh and with more actual options. Your claim is by itself a testment to how varied and unique the experience of playing different weapons is in this game.
>I'd much prefer something like Bloodborne
So quickstep span out of its ass and the return of R1 centric gameplay, got it
>since I felt far more involved with the Bosses in that game, than I ever did in any of the Souls games
No, you have far less options to be aggressive and to engage ib your own terms. It is however far more streamlined and casual, especially due to more lenient and abusable boss design.
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>if he was born under Hornsent culture he would probably spent his entire life squatting inside a Divine Lion costume
>defended the order
It created stability and kept man together before the shattering
>hunted his kind
Omen are offbrand hornsent, all hornsent deserve death, the only good omen is an uncle ruckus type one who'd unironically kill every omen if he could. He did us all a service. Youre only a cuck if you bring down a mighty people, wiping out your degenerate kinsmen as a lesser group is the most based thing you could do.
t. Chud
Morgott is easily the most well-adjusted of them. He just wants wannabe Elden Lord Tarnished to fuck off and stop making a mess of his city. He's doing his best as the king of a fucked city and warding off invaders personally where appropriate.
He's aware that trying to enter the tree is a fool's errand and is basically just telling people that there's no point in combing by his house to check. Look at his competition
>Mohg is obsessed with an eternal twink and wants to create a dynasty based around a blood god
>Godwyn is a dead fish spreading a cancer across the land
>Godrick is a feeble little despot grafting the bodies of people to himself
>Godfrey is a fight junkie who came back at the last second to try and steal your thunder
>Radahn is insane and rotting; may have actively pushed for Miquella's plan
>Malenia is a crazy, rotten bitch who thinks she's guarding Miquella; ruined Caelid forever because she didn't want to lose a fight
>Miquella is a manipulative cunt who tried to ascend to godhood because he thinks he can do it better
>Ranni fucked everything for everyone by inviting Destined Death because she was distrustful of the gods; allowed Godwyn to be killed just because and just let the Black Knives run free after her betrayal
>Rykard turned himself into a snake
>Messmer is a mamma's boy waging an eternal war
>No it isn't, Elden Ring integrated the versatily of skills and moveset far better than any game since the original Dark Souls did. It's the one that feels more fresh and with more actual options.
Braindead people genuinely believe this
>make an INT playthrough
>pick an Age of Order after becoming bros with a programmer of reality who forces women back to kitchen
>go and fuck Nepheli or something
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A really good dagger and the most broken pve sorcery in the game
>Souls combat is outdated and shit
>No it isn't, Elden Ring integrated the versatily of skills and moveset far better than any game since the original Dark Souls did. It's the one that feels more fresh and with more actual options. Your claim is by itself a testment to how varied and unique the experience of playing different weapons is in this game.

This is objectively incorrect. It integrated skills and such poorly. THE universal criticism of Elden Ring is how easy it is to completely break the game apart if you attempt to minimax even slightly due to how the balancing of skills and abilities work.

The amount of power Miyazaki wants to give the player and the amount of power he wants to give the boss are at odds with the limits of the combat itself - which is part of the reason why people hate Radahn so much.
Is there a weapon-buffing weapon art that's good for quality builds?
Already killed the boss, muchacho.
Dancing Lion took six tries. It wasn't fun. Just tedious.
I have never given that Spell a go, maybe it's time
seamless lets you play with your friends on the same instance without needing to "summon" eachother. Basically like a Skyrim Together mod.
You could only connect with other people that have the mod and same coop password, but it uses the steam match making.
The mod maker finally decided to enable invasions, so as long as you booted with the seamless coop launcher, the steam matchmaking will connect you to other seamless players and you will invade them as normal.

Its not entirely perfect. Spawn placements are so much worse than base game, you dont get a respawn finger because you aren't a red phantom, and a lot of stuff you cant interact with that the host and his party can such as warp gates and such.
The good part is that you have access to all your flasks, and because EAC is disabled, you have better hit registration so fights are a lot more fair.
Im using a fair build to invade, but nothing is stopping you from Nanaya deathblighting these suckers to death or (if you are a turbo asshole) attempting to Cheat Engine.
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when the fuck is the DLC FC
>It wasn't fun. Just tedious.
I felt the same, the camera just doesn't work well for how spastic this dumb shit is
Had to play without lock-on to not get a headache
bros i cant no hit radahn. he keeps doing his gay stomp and i always mistake it for his regular right swing
Midra was probably my favorite fight of the DLC after Messmer. It's wild that they had such a neat boss tucked so far out in the sticks.
It's not on par with cheesing shit with comet azur but you'll be chunking the health off of any big bosses with charged casts
Yeah sounds like ass for the most part. And like you said, cheat engine abusers will fuck with a lot of it.
Just fought elden beast with torrent for the first time. Jesus why wasn't it like this at the start? No longer having to run 4 football fields to chase this space fucker.
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In the first age... in the first battle...
You're not going to pull a full combo of nearly anything on Radahn. Unless his AI goes dumb for a moment, he recovers from most of his combos too quickly to throw out a full combo, safely or no. Only a handful of exceptionally fast weapons can get in a full combo on him typically.
Even if the player tarnished is some forgotten demigod they're not good either . Literally just godfrey jr
Godfrey is based because he took Marika to pound town simple as that
Because Bloodborne's combat pacing was appropriate for the speed of the enemies you faced. The built-in dashing and rally encourage aggression and speedy, evasive combat that works well with faster or more varied enemy behavior.
Shaman village is so kino, once you realize Marika lived here everything else falls into place it's so good man
I headcanon that my Tarnished at least took Ansbach's last words to the heart and build a world for normal humans.
>Exact same as souls but with Malenia's rune built in
>or (if you are a turbo asshole) attempting to Cheat Engine
Nothing will get invasions turned back off again quite so fast as CE assholes.
>le hes actually 10043456 years old meme
face the wall.
By that logic, so is Radagon and therefore Marika herself, but she fucked up harder than pretty much anyone else.
>projecting your own desires onto a guy who worshipped blood sacrifice
my man
>everything else falls into place
Is there any reason to use briars of punishment over inpenetrable thorns?
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nigga it's like 1 house and a tiny flower field this dlc doesnt make any sense at all the scale is so fucked up in every souls game it makes no fucking sense how im supposed to believe it's a real world where things happen
>Tarnished manages to kill a lightspeed demigod revived at his absolute prime together with a god riding him alongside defeating a direct messenger of the Greater Will and a lord of frenzied flame who would probably fuck up the entire world if he got out of his cuckshed room
So at this point we can all agree that Tarnished is the strongest protagonist in lore
Marika is based because she genocided the ugly folk
>dragonniggers (on hold)
All of them are ugly and therefore have no place in the world
tfw no crackhead gorlfriend
Read >>484351928
Cragblade boosts your damage and makes it easier to break enemy posture.
Every single boss with a large arena should allow you to use Torrent. Not because they need it, but because I want to play as a knight defeating powerful foes with my trusty steed.
Ansbach's entire theme is being a mellowed out ex edgelord. This type of people usually becomes very soft in later years.
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Why does the shadow keep gatekeep like 75% of the major bosses despite being at the ass end of the map? What is this pacing.
why is torrent so fucking ugly why couldnt they have made a cool horse instead of some genetic deadend donkey?
I'm more interested in, knowing what we now know about horns, what the lore implication of Torrent's ones is.
Uh guys? Do I need to summon ansbach and tholier for radahn to finish their quests? I was told in the comments on fextralife that I didn't but I didn't get their stuff doing it solo
>Why does the shadow keep gatekeep like 75% of the major bosses despite being at the ass end of the map?
As much I like to shit on the DLC, this is just incorrect. You have access to everything BUT the final zone before Messmer

It's the one thing they did really well
Not until there's a sequel that confirms he canonically did all of those things.
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no argument
>This is objectively incorrect. It integrated skills and such poorly. THE universal criticism of Elden Ring is how easy it is to completely break the game apart if you attempt to minimax even slightly due to how the balancing of skills and abilities work.
That has nothing to do with the Ashes of War, it's the general balance issue that every From game has. Bloodborne, despite its smaller scope, has equally bad balance issues and is just as easy to break. Most of the game breaking in Elden Ring comes from summons and Elden Ring was actually supported and had its cheese skills and spells toned down. Even if it was as brekable as you claim it is through ashea of war and weapon, that's nothing conpares to previous games. Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne didn't need a complex and expansive system of skill customization and 300+ weapons and 200 spells to be broken and have unbalanced shit like Black Knight weapons or the Drake Sword, nobody cared because it was fun and people used what they wanted to use. You are scapegoating this in Elden Ring because you are crying about the latest "hard for the sake of hard hurr durr" boss
>The amount of power Miyazaki wants to give the player and the amount of power he wants to give the boss are at odds with the limits of the combat itself - which is part of the reason why people hate Radahn so much.
Shitters hate Radahn because that's what shitters do. They cried consistently at every boss at every step of Souls games in over a decade. First it was Ornstein & Smough, then Nameless King, then Friede, then Midir, then again Malenia,... Funny how they gradually became good bosses after the first kneejerk reaction. This series has been filtering retards and called buzzwords "clunky" and "outdated" since before its first game even released at all, the bitches today are just as ridicolous and clownish as those crying back then
He's one of those spirits of nature we fight in the underground levels. Attuned with the cycle of life and death, so pretty much a messenger of this world.
I really wish this game wasn't so hard. LGS has a really fun moveset and I just muled over Leda's gear to a new character for a fresh playthrough start to end, and went and cheezed greyoll for the stats to use it and went back to fight the sentinel and won after dying once, but I didn't get to enjoy the moveset at all. I didn't even look at my character, this game is so difficult all my attention was on the sentinel, I knew my spacing and knew the r1 button would hurt it, but not once did I actually see my character swing their sword.

I guess the point of my blogpost is I don't like how this game being so difficult forces (me, at least) to laser focus on what I'm doing and miss the enjoyment of the forest for the trees, so to speak.
>TFW there’s no ending where you get pussy, Ranni is a doll and Marika is dead
May chaos take the world.
They will still be dead after the fight for you to collect their full armor sets + weapons
Only thing you'll miss out on would be the dialogue at the start of the fight, but you'll have to fight a very beefed up Radahn doing so (Bleed procs for 22k or something like that)

>Ranni is a doll
When has that ever stopped you before?
No their stuff will just be in the arena after you kill him. Just gotta reload the area.
you were meant to become socially competent in real life or something (how nigga?)
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is someone on pc available to help transfer some items to a new character?
>before Messmer
What I mean is, you can scour 90% of the map without even going near shadow keep, but most of the bosses require going into and exiting out of the shadow keep.
just CE
I can in two hours if no one else does it
>Shitters hate Radahn because that's what shitters do.
People hate Radahn because of how BLINDING Phase 2 is, and how much the performance suffers there
Phase 1 is bloody great, but Phase 2 is so unpleasant to do
i don't want to get banned
okay, maybe i will find someone in the meantime, but thank you
And the whole of SotE requires you enter Gravesite Plain & exit it. I don't see your point.
i can
im gonna back up my save though so i can keep your stuffc hehehe
This. Phase 1 is perfectly fine but phase 2 is pure clusterfuck.
Phase 1 Promised Consort is a significantly better fight than Malenia. Actually enjoyable to fight once you learn it.
Adding lightspeed to the mix is where it becomes fucked, every move is like waterfowl on crack.
Technically, the hintherlands, the ancient ruins of Rauh and the abyssal woods (as well as the areas to get there) are all through Shadow Keep
Everything else doesn't need it.
But the rememberance bosses that need shadow keep are Messmer, Romina, Metyr, Scadu Avatar, Gaius, Radahn and Midra
The ones that don't are Rellana, Putrescent Knight and Dancing Lion.
So the majority of the bosses do need Shadow Keep.
If Ranni is a doll, would she be forced to agree to a threesome with another woman just to produce an heir?
Are you being retarded on purpose? This is like if every remembrance boss in the base game required you to kill Morgott first.
>but most of the bosses require going into and exiting out of the shadow keep.
Ah that way, in theory you're correct but you can just do the backway and the Great Rune will break before even entering

>i don't want to get banned
You never will get banned for CE

Worst part is it's just Phase 1 moves again, but the blinding light actually makes it insufferable to do
Marika heals herself with the elden ring fixed
Ranni can use the elden ring within her to alter her form and give her doll body a fleshy pussy

reddit stole your post bro
It's not even comparable. You're being hysterical, go get pregnant.
Is there a faster way farming fire knight gear other than elevator area?
>Coomer delusions
None of this is true.
>People hate Radahn because of how BLINDING Phase 2 is
No they don't, they hate Radahn because shitters complain about every boss who uses area of effect
>and how much the performance suffers there
while that's true that it has performance issues at times (for 99% of the time just when you have to run from its huge area of effect or the meteor anyway and doesn't affect gameplay), that's especially hypocritical coming from someone praising Bloodborne instead.
Sekiro had the exact samr issue in the Observatory with Genichiro and Isshin Ashina causing stuttering, so this just really shows the criticism is, even when justified, hypocritical and in bad faith
I destroyed him with the sekiro deflect tear, use it.
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I'm up. Coffee ready. Time for day #2 of dying to Radahn.
Phase 1 still has the patented "oooo~ is my combo gonna last for 5 hits or is it gonna go for 10 hits~ you don't know, keep rolling faggot, if you swing the extension to 10 is guaranteed faggot~" boss experience which I find incredibly annoying to play around, but otherwise is mostly fine. Except that one functionally undodgeable 3-swing sequence that is probably getting nerfed anyway.
just stay there bro
Couldn't you do runs from the hippo grace, just gotta kill the shadow militia outside the doors.
>forget that I have my blue badge on
>get summoned into a world on literally the nanosecond the red is showing up
>we bow and duel in honorable combat

Neat. You don't usually get that
Don't get either until a patch happens. I mean it. They're both unusably garbage. As in they're unusable in this DLC against any of the bosses and roar is bugged to only do it's full damage against one enemy.
good luck cutie
im going to upload my video wallpaper since im happy enough with the "loop" (there is no edit its just almost 5 minutes of a skyline, farum azula). "colors might be off due to HDR" but I don't care about that every tv and monitor should be HDR by now instead people are dicking around with more wars or whatever bullshit not my problem
you got 12 hours to download it cause its bigger than catbox limit
(use lively wallpaper to load it as a live wallpaper)


Back Entrance, there's one near the carian parrying shield.
For twinks, climb the long ladder and backstab the one facing the pit, he will fall down to his death and leave all gear to you.
>and how much the performance suffers there
alright bro
I'm afraid me defelcting Gayus won't help host not dying.
>is my combo gonna last for 5 hits or is it gonna go for 10 hits
this is a non issue, learn to recognise combo extensions and don't do charged r2s when you're not 100% certain it's over (you can still fit r1s with most weapons)
>No they don't, they hate Radahn because shitters complain about every boss who uses area of effect
You're making shit up
>while that's true that it has performance issues at times (for 99% of the time just when you have to run from its huge area of effect or the meteor anyway and doesn't affect gameplay), that's especially hypocritical coming from someone praising Bloodborne instead.
Bloodborne definitely had garbage performance, I will admit this
>Sekiro had the exact samr issue in the Observatory with Genichiro and Isshin Ashina causing stuttering, so this just really shows the criticism is, even when justified, hypocritical and in bad faith
I have never had these issues, so I was unaware of performance issues, except for Divine Dragon having some weird stutters

I don't know, I feel like most of Radahn's moves are just 3/5 hits, then you get a full charged R2 waiting room
Even easier if you learn to Parry him, since he'll often go into a dumb loop of the same move until you kill him
Tfw no anon to call me cutie.
God I hated that grimy luster of BB/DS3 lighting.
No, I hate radahn phase 2 because there's too much particle vomit and I can't fucking see, his shadow clone attacks make my PC and almost every other PC stutter like crazy, and he's got that triple hit combo that's undodgeable and converts into taking massive holy damage because of how it now has lingering magic damage. Take the dick out of your mouth, bitch.
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>playing through as a quality build knight armor medium shield and claymore like I have since demons souls when I was a kid
>get to radahn and miquella
>filtered for a day straight get genuinely upset
>enter the ZONEtm get them really close to death
>grabbed feel all of my concentration and skill leave me
>panicking, heart racing, they're three hits away
>close my eyes and mash r1 hoping I survive
>they go down I have 5hp left
>got the adrenaline shakes irl
>penis fully erect
>check my pants because I feel something wet
>jizzed myself around the time they grabbed me
I haven't had this experience in years. I gotta ask though, I'm not gay right? The last bit has never happened to me in a game before.
well do something cute then
It was at least thematic in BB, DS3 unironically looks worse than 2.
maybe you should try beating the game
>rahdahn 2 is still weak to scarlet rot
You can use all the flowery language if you want, but I played Bloodborne you retard. It's the same thing as Souls but with rally

I don't know what autistic meme is this where you pretend Bloodborne had some sort of all-nee revolutionary combat, ut's less derivative than Sekiro
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So Runes are in the shape of eyes? Does that mean Marika has weird Y-eyes? Is that the reason we never actually see her eyes in any official art whatsoever, they wanted to hide this?
Bayle and Igon were fucked based but I ended up beating him in 4 tries because I used Pest Threads. Feels like I cheated myself a little there since I was having fun with the spectacle and Igon's speeches.
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It's not an Y shape, it's Marika doing that t-pose she has in all the statues.
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>coop around 40
>invader pops up
>instantly starts chucking rot pots, spam swift slash, pops starlight for good measure
based red man showing host their place
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>Madness'd and instakilled through a wall by the perfume
From has a huge task in fixing all this nonsense if they even bother.
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>all new consumable items are piss easy to make and significantly stronger than the base game's
>can farm full stacks of FP restoratives in 10 minutes
>they still don't allow us to buy aeonian butterflies and other stuff from main game that became obsolete
It's true. Keep coping
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To think all of this shit could have been prevented if only she T-posed slightly differently
I hope that entire garbage system is gone and never returns in future games
>Sir may I please have my single solitary R1 please sir I've just avoided your 8 hit combo, please don't convert it into a fast attack punish sir please I just want to play the game I just need to shave off 2% of your health, just one R1 sir not even a jumping R1 that's all I ask I'm not even using a colossal so it won't even hurt
Elden Ring boss design
>Shitters hate Radahn because that's what shitters do. They cried consistently at every boss at every step of Souls games in over a decade. First it was Ornstein & Smough, then Nameless King, then Friede, then Midir, then again Malenia,... Funny how they gradually became good bosses after the first kneejerk reaction. This series has been filtering retards and called buzzwords "clunky" and "outdated" since before its first game even released at all, the bitches today are just as ridicolous and clownish as those crying back then
No they didn't.
Ornstein & Smough were never bad nor bitched about. Nameless King still has a horrible first phase with a dreadful camera which is the valid criticism that still applies. Friede never had anyone bitching either, and Midir is still a terrible boss mechanically like all big dragon battles (including Bayle by the way and Placi). It's just everything else that's absolutely amazing. And Malenia is still a poor overtuned boss with a lifesteal that should be on a per hit basis and an attack that's not consistently dodgeable.
The criticisms that existed at the time exist now and are still valid and anyone that's actually played these games still knows what's wrong.
NONE of those bosses are as bad as Radahn except maybe first phase Nameless King.
>Taking barely any damage
Nice cheat
>volcano pots and not madness or roped madness pots
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>You're making shit up
No, I'm not. This has been a consistent complaint with many Elden Ring bosses and it has NOTHING to do with visibility (which is actually not impaired at all). AoE (or, in replacement, the multi-hit attacks that get you if you don't dodge into the correct direction) are the bane of the shitters which cries because he can't quickstep into the face of bosses and must abide to direction input even after timing dodges correctly.
Yes, it's hard at first to tell the same zones for some moves (particularly the final upwards combo finisher that raises an expanding aoe all around him, but Bloodborne is the game where bosses just break lock-on and/or jump upwards into the ceiling and attack you out of fucking nowhere unless you know what they are doing
can you be my mommy?
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no one?
Only in your headcanon, coomer.
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A white sundress
Yellow contact lenses
Leather sandals (Check renfair or Etsy)
Light leather belt
Fuckhueg wig

The only thing that'll take time are the wig and circlet if you really need it to be custom made. Literally everything else can be gotten cheaper than trying to make it yourself
>You never will get banned for CE
heh. good one anon. but its kinda true if you know what you're doing. if youre gonna gib yourself everything you'll end up with hidden ?NOICON? inventory items and will get banned if you bring them online. Activating the map and all graces can get you suspended as well.
They should go back to hunter tools. In fact they did, and it created the best items of the DLC, especially for a pvpfag.
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any CEbros around here that can drop me 999 winter lanter-flys? I'm too dumb to know how to use it
Light of Miquella is a super gay move because of how he can do it while you're right on top of him with no warning, at which point you're taking guaranteed damage unless you have Mist Raven equipped. Huh it's crazy how much more fun ER's combat system becomes when you throw it in the garbage and replace it with Sekiro.
I'll do it. Where do you want to meet?
>retard says he came up with Mrymygoyle with his shitty knock off brand joke.
reddit really is a shit hole, isnt it.
yeah, I can't believe you actually have to avoid getting hit instead of face taking everything, bullshit design
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>No they didn't.
>proceeds to cry about said bosses
>tfw ignored
it's okay, I'm used to it
first site of grace besides vare, it's a new character
I once copied the "Adula was sold out by Ranni, you're both her employees but she forgot to introduce you to each other" argument I once saw on here on there and the mods deleted it because they got butthurt people were saying mean things about her, Reddit is and always will be a joke of a website with a joke of a community.
I have literally never been hit by Light, you should have enough reaction time and spacial awareness to figure out the shortest distance from the edge and start running as soon as the animation starts/light appears
I had no issue running away from him while being on top of it
>Huh it's crazy how much more fun ER's combat system becomes when you throw it in the garbage and replace it with a braindead button-press-to-counter.
Next Fromsoftware game should be just punch out. You stand in place and press buttons at the right time
Oof the bitrate.
I put a red sign down(so you don't get invaded while transferring), password erg. Look for the type B in Fia's robe.
>Wow I sure love roleplaying as the DMC sandbag enemy who can do nothing but get juggled wait for Dante to finish his 20 hit combo before attacking once!
Elden Ring boss design
Why are the "just summon bro" niggers so toxic?
Someone complains about anything in the DLC and a bunch of self righteous and pretentious niggers will be like "well chud, just get off your high horse and use summons for once and stop having such an inflated ego" when the guy complaining never said anything about how he plays.
Don't summon him anon he'll give you STDs.
People were as camerashy about summoning for that. Nobody defended O&S as anything other than a bad fight.
Ludwig wasn't bad. The only boss that was legitimately bullshit were prepatch Rom when those stupid fucking spider adds could jumping one shot you and that piece of shit Laurence who put both dorito demons to shame.

Early bloodborne had a different problem where the game was too fucking easy due to memory leaks if you let the game run for too long, breaking a substantial amount of the bosses and completely neutering Grandpa, Wet Nurse, and technically some-say-cosm
You are fucking retarded bro, it's super easy to run away and dodge. It's far easier than waterfowl point black while on greatswird recovery (which was also doable but trickier)
And yes, you have dozens of options to attack instead and then use blocking, damage mitigation or skill. I use vow of the indomitable
they are insecure
>legitimate criticism is crying
People like you genuinely have no self awareness. I question if you've ever played any game besides ER really.
>got rahdahn below half with just the dragon great katana and deflecting tear
what is everyone complaining about, he's not even as bad as malenia was
This assumes you're doing nothing, facing the right direction pre-emptively and have a reaction time of zero
Stop pretending to be good at videogames on the internet
>gf says thollier reminds her of me while we coop through the dlc
>later says she wants to rape and peg him
Bros??? Redflag???
Unless he does it while you are in your attack animation unless you're fucked, which he can and will do :^) it's like Malenia doing WFD out of your attack animation but more retarded because it's an AoE with a 15m radius, oh and you can't avoid it with Vow of the Indomitable either, it has to specifically be mist raven. Anyone defending this is a buckbroken battered wife.
>looking at the boss is now a hurdle
jesus christ I hope you don't drive
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FTH/ARC weapons are real.
or green
>No they didn't.
Yes they did
>Friede never had anyone bitching either
>and Midir is still a terrible boss mechanically
damn, it's 20 hits now? epic
so why are you in this general?
Nearing the final boss now. How bullshit is it actually? Is it really only possible to beat with cheese or extreme practice?
how is your damage? looks weak even compared to one hand weapons
yeah i quit and started up a sekiro playthrough fuck this game my nigga hahaha

nothing after it anyway no point doing it
You're larping, VOTI doesn't last long enough to block the explosion, I know this because I tried several times to use it on that. Quit making shit up.
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Holy shit finally, I think I died to him more than any other boss in any game ever
I have 9 arcane and the scythes didn't proc bleed once so I beat the game
yeah it's trash
Hope I didn't sever out prematurely, you seemed done with the dropping. Sign down again for your new character!
wouldn't you rather experience it yourself instead of having us describe it?
>deflecting tear
Whenever someone mentions this I instantly discard everything they have to say. Bosses should be not just viable, but EQUALLY viable using tactics that the game was actually built for compared to an overpowered Sekiro import that doesn't belong in the game.
>People were as camerashy about summoning for that. Nobody defended O&S as anything other than a bad fight.
Nobody bitched about O&S to the level they bitched about Radahn or Malenia or even Nameless King.
Precisely because whatever jank it had was minimal. It was a gank boss but at the time that was novel in of itself.
I've already been spoiled at length since before release. All I want to know is whether or not my sucking ass will be me needing to git gud or if the boss is just genuinely bullshit.
Specifically to piss you off, since apparently you think this general revolves around you. In reality it's to talk and weapons and lore. Boss design in this game is tedious as best, garbage on average, and obviously fucking stupid at worst.
yeah i was done, sorry just a few seconds i need to buy one of those summoning items
>get mindbroken by the twink
>rewarded with a gesture
okay that's pretty funny
Only somewhat related but i could honestly see marika being into pegging.
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Sleep got
>a new sleep longsword after the paired longsword nerf
>a needle weapon with pathetic range
>Lulling Branch, possibly the single best farmable consumable
>a sleep exultation talisman (admittedly good when combined with Lulling Branch)
>easy to farm eternal sleep pots
Madness got
>Nanaya's Torch that is better than ALL madness spells at actually proccing madness
>Madness fists with Star Fist moveset
>madness perfume (can be used with endure if you don't want to break everything with Rolling Sparks, like all other perfumes hits twice on nearly everything)
>frenzy bombs, roped bombs, hefty pots
>a new powerful turret consumable (admittedly a pain in the ass to farm)
>Midra's spell which sucks ass for some reason
>frenzy exultation talisman that will proc all the time
Who won harder?
first phase is pretty honest, second can rng you into very long strings of attacks with very tiny windows of opportunity and some of the dodge rolls (if you dont play shield) you have to make are kind of weird/unintuitive, also fucks my fps bigly on some moves but thats probably my issue
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You can just pick up a couple of flowers and craft it, can't you?
If it cost 15 it still wouldn't be fucking balanced. The tracking on it needs to be decimated, nothing but ashes.
I have experienced some weird FPS drops at times despite my rig being on the high end so I wouldn't be shocked if I encounter the same FPS shit soon.
>FP restoratives
>fell for the 180+ meme
>literally nobody summoning me on any bosses
fuck it i guess i make a new guy and just stay low level permanently
Oh, I thought it revolves around me huh? Funny how you didn't talk about neither weapons nor lore, but just continously seethed about how the game is bullshit and garbage. Like you're continuing to do now.
So again, why are you in this general?
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Oh yeah now we're gaming
what the fuck am I doing wrong
I have the exact same build but I only hit him for 4500 damage and he never staggers
>Who won harder?
it ain't a competition, we all won anon, congrats!
Does that happen if you get mindcontrolled as a phantom too?
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>and because EAC is disabled, you have better hit registration
Everyday I find out something absolutely retarded about this game that leaves me astounded.
>since apparently you think this general revolves around you
>This game everyone likes and is discussing is actually LE BAD because I SAID SO
The counter culture used to be "you didn't beat it", at least on /v/
But that got popular, so now the counter culture is "self gimping is cringe"
A lot of it stems from people getting filtered and finding bad and good rationalizations for why it's ok for them to make the fight much easier for themselves instead of adapting
Anyone not with the same mindset gets attacked because they are trying to overcome a challenge that other people gave up on
Not summoning is essentially implicitly telling those people you think you're better than them, and that makes them mad
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Works on my machine
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listen to my story this may be our last chance.
what things use int AND arc? is it only the bubble spells?
>yes they did
No they didn't
No argument. Friede was loved as a boss and the only good part of a mostly bare bones DLC
Beat him in NG and NG+ with a greatbow. But please do keep proving me right.
>electrify armament + 40 dex
i thought infusions usually granted better value than hybrid + buffs in ER?
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>he doesn't know
All components for Lulling Branch can be easily farmed. It's stronger than Starlight Shard (120 fp vs 150). Also procs the st. trina talisman if you let the sleep to proc, and the sleep it procs is harmless.
thank you very much anon, that's very kind of you
No worries! Hope you have fun!
who says the dlc at the very least wasn't built with the tear in mind.
that attack radahn does with the quick two slashes into the cross slash is easily dealt with when you deflect as opposed to being nearly impossible to do consistently with just rolling.
>Invade one of those worlds doing le honorable 2v2 duels at a grace (host is rune arc'd and is calling hunters)
>It's just the summon and the red spamming that teleport backhand ash
>tooth whip build is a disastrous failure because i forgot even at lower levels people just summon password phantoms who can eat whips' nerfed poise damage for days
>decide to salvage it into a sword / claws of night build
>forget that sword of night is behind metyr
>finally beat her after 20 attempts at 80 +17 10 blessings
wew lad, her openings are really fucking annoying depending on your build

also is there ANY way to dodge her super laser? I swear I did it once on my main character, but nothing I tried worked this time. i even resorted to looking at guides and every single one of them was just like
>this is impossible to dodge lol
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>I question if you've ever played any game besides ER really.
Ironic considering you are clearly the newfag (or tried a shitty attempt at gaslighting maybe)
You don't know what posts I was making before this, you're just seething and crying because people don't like [thing] and as usual default to the "the only possible reason to dislike [thing] is because you're too bad at the game to beat it" argument which means you urgently need to touch grass and play any other game besides ER. Nobody cares about your blind fanboy adoration for a boss fight that's so clearly poorly balanced that it breaks the game's engine and causes massive stuttering whenever the boss uses a magic attack. Or features moves with a whopping 10 frames of windup. If you want to complain about how YTBTG, do it on /v/ but I have the feeling they'd just laugh at you and post their antspur greatshield builds.
Here is some random bit of knowledge I found out from this mod
a lot of those trap/ambush enemies like the lizard imps in the catacombs are programmed to attack the moment a PC walks within range. Eventhough enemies are not aggro'd to me because im an invader, im still considered a PC in the seamless coop and the lizard ambush will trigger, not hit me because im an invader, and then go back to idle position.
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I invade non stop at 200, you're doing something wrong
why doesnt the mod maker just make an anticheat that isnt shit like EAC for their mod?
The numbers are low because my build has 9 FTH.
But it has more or less the same AR of a Flame Art Pike while also having a good amount of bleed, which can trigger the exultation talisman + white mask.
Infused with Occult it has almost the same amount of bleed of a greathammer.
Are you sure you don't have a password set?
Well isn't it the same mod author who made Blue Sentinel for Dark Souls 3? That shit is literally better than EAC.
Are there any truly comfy areas you like to hang out in while invading/waiting for summons, anons?
Ask yourself an important question
"Are infusions as cool as visual effects from weapon buffs"
But no the real answer is that the Dueling Shield takes an untennable hit to guard boost when elementally infused, so buffs are all I have to make up the difference
But also I really fucking like buffs so I'll fucking NEVER infuse my fucking weapon with an element

Also fuck me I was using the wrong dueling shield. Thank god I just spammed lighting bolts on the dragon until it died.
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Sword of night is probably terrible for pvp, but i can already say that claws of night are a complete disaster to fight against. And you can grab them without fighting a single boss in DLC.
>super fucking long
>fantastic WA
>good AR
>actually useful R2 that can headshot
>random shitpost on 4chan totally represents the majority of players
Do show the replies to that by the way.
>newfag! gaslighting
Yeah sure mate. Everyone definitely believes you. Anyone that was actually there for Ashes definitely believes the bullshit you're spewing.
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trying too hard
I found that out when I was sneaking around and ran into their ambush trigger, but didn't actually aggro them, so they'd come out swinging and just... stand there.
And if you did beat it without summons they will be like "Well chud, at least I had FUN and I was not like you getting mad over a boss for hours. I took this boss down easy in a few attempts haha."
Both Cerulean Coast and Charo's Hidden Grave are the peak of comfiness. They are straight out of Xenoblade 1, literally Satorl Marsh
Also Rauh, of course. The best scenery Fromsoft ever did.
Friede is hot therefore she's a good boss
it's as shrimple as that
Keen + Electrify Armament and Lighting infusion is pretty much equal in total AR iirc. Only difference is that buffing costs FP and gives a cool visual effect.
perhaps it's terrible, but it promises to fulfill the DEXfag fantasy that i have up until this point failed to realize.
>forget i need an iris to finish this insanely long quest
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>Host of fingers died
>Host of fingers died
>Host of fingers died
>Host of fingers died
>Host of fingers died
>Host of fingers died
How the hell those morons managed to get this far into the game...
It really is. Glad we could agree anon.
Friede input read so aggresively you could break her AI everytime she went stealth by doing open handed bare parries into nothing, which caused her script to take priority making her dash towards the PC
But because she's invisible, she won't actually attack unless the dash makes her make contact with the player's body.

Input reading that fucking hard is retarded.
>they actually made the ingredient for hefty rotpots farmable
ty fromsofto
>>random shitpost on 4chan
Elden Ring and Shadow of the Erdtree bosses received the same amount and type of criticism as the bosses of every other game in the series. What makes the bitching against Nameless King and Friede and Midir "shitpost" but the bitching against Messmer and Radahn legitimate? It's all the same circlejerk around the same emotional reaction the majority go through over actually learning how to play
At that stat spread a lightning buffed keen swordspear gets like 850 AR, which is better than any elemental infusion he could do. And I mean like 100 AR better.
>random post represents the majority opinion
You cannot redefine something I was there. Do keep trying to gaslight me though, it's funny
>some shitter saying Nameless King's first phase is good but Friede's a bad boss
Definitely that of all random posts is something to turst lmao
I can't feel assed to finish the DLC.
I've only got Romina, Midra and Radahn left for bosses...
What do bros?
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Counterpoint: I only have eyes for the Fire Keeper so Friede is shit
I mean bosses can take 10s of tries in this game, that's just how it is. It's not dark souls anymore
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they were carried
they didnt beat the game
pic semi related
>Looked everything up ahead of time
No wonder!
usually yes but ever since the DLC dropped builds are just going way further than the standard stat spread. The whole idea of infusions being flat out better comes from builds that were hovering around 120-130. When you have that much faith AND dex buffing starts to become more viable.
The first two of those are actually fun so go fight them
First off, anyone that calls out Namelss King's first phase isn't shitposting. The only way to do that part is without lock in and it's a cancer.
And it's about majority opinion and general concensus. Friede was the highlight of the DLC and remains that.
And as far as Midir's concerned, lots of people bitched the fight was cancer. I don't disagree, it's an annoying fight. But it's also equally as good as Bayle or Placi in terms of spectacle.
Also, I've barely seen anyone bitch that much at Messmer. It's been all about Rellana and Dancing Lion (and those, by the way, are shitters that don't understand how the fucking scadu tree system works, feel free to disregard that) and Radahn.
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Behold. True unbridled power.
By summoning, of course
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You didn't beat the game.
I don't get why people like Rauh, it's just a green and brown mess
>watch streamer get stuck on boss
>one guy in chat says to use mimic tear
>streamer forgot that was a thing and summons it
>pretty much kills boss in no time
>streamer says that the fight was unsatisfying due to mimic
>i complain about retards that do this shit
>"hey, i just don't want the streamer to get burned out"
every fucking time
i will be equipping my mommy marika's sweet smelling warm hair in every single build and there's nothing you can do to stop me sorry lol
It's never "just summon bro" it's always, "use one of the two most broken summons in the game specifically".
maybe from should go back to making good bosses then
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I've been cooping with my friend, and both of us are competent players, but some levels still give us issue
If there are invaders in the mix, several areas inside even Belurat become a death trap. That ladder with numerous fat hollows waiting above and a greatsword asshole patrolling outside in particular, died there like 5 times in a row on a taunter's tongue.
I just rid the entire Land of Shadow from Furnace Golem. They are all gay fights (except the armored ones because they die very fast), and don't give out much runes. You are welcome
>keep coop invading
>cowards keep alt-f4ing
thats right niggers, you aren't safe anymore
60 STR 60 FTH is crazy, you slap electrify armament on a heavy brick hammer and it's almost 1000 AR before any further buffs.
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>>random post represents the majority opinion
Neither are the people who criticize Elden Rung or Shadow of the Erdtree bosses, (mathematically, just by looking at reviews themselves). It's the same very vocal crowd of shitters that have been at it for over a decade. The difference is that now the shitters crying about Radahn suit your argument, but you are dismissing as shitpost identical complaints leveraged against other bosses of the series in the past bwcause it completely shatters your narrative
cruciBVLLs... I kneel... the power...
to be fair if you're gonna summon mimic tear is basically the best choice, even Tiche in the DLC is kind of a deadweight in several fights which is insane to say out loud

that said summoning in general ruins the experience and telling someone to do it is weird
The new carian shield looks so fucking sick when you use Chilling mist with it, big fan
>an overpowered Sekiro import that doesn't belong in the game.
It should have always been in the game.
crossbow shotgun + sleep talisman + sleep bolts = guaranteed sleep/execute on any player or sleep susceptible mob, guess how many miquella cock suckers are susceptible to sleep in the DLC? All of them, including the gank fest at the end. Also nanaya's as is in it's broken state is great for sleep too of course.
It's like they went back to their Dark Souls 3 design philosophy of "make sure this attack that takes forever to come out does absolutely fuck-all damage" for some of the DLC's sorceries/incantations/ashes.
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>boss appears
>ring Jolan and Anna into the arena at +6 skibbidi
>they die instantly
>never spirit summon again

Man I was looking forward to them too. I was hoping it'd be like co-op but for bitches. As all games will invariably become solo activities.
They are not.
Why aren't you playing Sekiro? This is the slower paced dungeon crawling RPG. But then again Fromsoft seems to have forgotten as well.
the funny part is that the boss had an npc summon too, which scales the boss accordingly, unlike spirit ashes, but that retard made the streamer forget about it entirely when they reminded them of mimic tear
nah, malenia's still a shit boss even 2 years later, completely incomparable to the others
Any time I feel even a little bit bad about doing this my next invasion is 3 fucks spamming WA/Spells at me nonstop so I feel justified again
Okay is rahdahn's nuke actually dodgeable or do I just need to add a dagger with raptor of the mists to my offhand for it?
Base elden ring patched in
>more damage for spells
>more hyperarmor for spells
>lower FP cost for spells
>individual buffs like lighting spear range

We will probably see a round of buffs to DLC stuff.
I mean I have no issue with other people using the mimic to get past a boss.
But if I use it on a difficult boss, the fight just gets trivial because I can juggle the aggro around, get easier stance breaks and have an insane HP pool due to the mimic HP.
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All my friends died, I died 500 billion times and I don't even get to walk up the stairs
there is a way to do it, someone did it, but can't for the life of me be bothered to find out
Because we got tired of you shitters constantly bitching. I want that difficulty, I think Shadow of the Erdtree bosses are well made, well balanced and actually tuned to the challenge better than DLC bosses of other games. If you find them too hard, it's ok, pick your easy mode
When i'm with friends in arena, the only summons that are used are Omenkillers, and perfume buffed rats.
The rats are the more fun route
You're lifting these random single posts as if that proves a point. It's not going to. Random posts don't prove a consistency. Feel free to make a nice little collage if you want to waste time and I'm STILL going to dimiss it because I was there and I remember what the reaction to Friede was.
Also if I was willing to just accept when shitters cry I'd have to admit Rellana or Dancing Lion are bad bosses. They're not that bad really. Rellana's perfectly fine and Dancing Lion's just got some camera jank. Not even that bad considering we're comparing shit to things like Nameless King and Midir. So no this isn't SOLELY about just the people that say it's too hard. Because in that sense you're right there's always been people like that.
The difference is that Radahn is actually a badly designed boss. while Friede isn't.
Why do you think im summoning? I can't beat the boss it's annoying to learn the moves and find the fragments.

Now get in there and carry me, orange cuck. Chop chop!
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>No summon
>No shield
>No deflect tear
>No Perfume/hypermode
did i beat the game
Because it's exhausting to hear shitters like you that don't have the skill to solo the game cry all the time about being filtered
>You're lifting these random single posts as if that proves a point. It's not going to. Random posts don't prove a consistency.
It does, there have been consistent cries and this is no different.
>The difference is that Radahn is actually a badly designed boss.
let me guess, muh flashbang
>double bleed chicken wing
Is that NG+ or what
>Fight is an unfun slog leading to rapid burnout without the ash summons
>Is immediately trivialized with the summons
Hmm I wonder what the problem could be...
Yep I get why people do it but it's still hilarious to watch it play out during normal invasion, during leyndell boss fight at pretty low level as well and the dude instantly goes all out crossing things off of the invader every day carry checklist. But yea next invasion was probably radahn beach gank with 3 chinese or something so it evens out, pvp in this game is funny.
>not rl1 fists only
I'm more flim flammed that with the release of this DLC, dragon invocations have exactly 0 abilities usable in any of the DLC boss openings besides technically messmer.

All of them have to trade into some damage.
Bayle's talons could have finally been that ability. But it ain't lmao.
>not just one chicken wing but two
what do you think?
>Dual heavy jumping weapons
Try again, bucko.
final boss could've been anything
instead we get fucking radahn spooking and ruining the moment
The issue is retards that smash their head against the wall instead of opening the door, aka understanding the mechanics of a boss the their moveset
>sense you're right there's always been people like that.
>The difference is that Radahn is actually a badly designed boss.
Someone post that Sir Gideon pic, shitters are getting uppity again
Radahn is an objectively poorly designed fight and if you disagree you're a retard. There are several aspects that shouldn't be in any game, let alone a souls game.
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It just had a silly thought, what if Messmer taking off his eye is a Naruto reference?
Yeah I'm sure we will. From what I've heard there's a whole bunch of values on the new weapons that appear to be balanced for patch 1.07.
>If you find them too hard, it's ok, pick your easy mode
proving his point
>radahn nearly always uses lion claw when his back his to the wall of the arena
extremely rare actually good boss design from from in regards to walls
We already have Elden Ringified gargs in the base game
>Dude what if gargs BUT
>They're 5x bigger so the camera breaks
>Their combos last 5x longer
>They have massive groundpound and tornado AOEs on all their attacks
>And they shoot invisible poison with infinite range at you constantly the moment they get far away
The issue is years of Souls games gave the habit that you could brute force boss fights with trial&error and good RNG using low committment attacks
>muh prince of death
never ever
>>And they shoot invisible poison with infinite range at you constantly the moment they get far away
That pisses me off more than anything else in that fight
It'd be really fucking hard if it wasn't so fucking easy. Actual just dogshit fight.
Better players than you love the fight
it obviously is
>I am a huge shitter but I will try to frame ny lack of skill as a fundamental design flaw within the game
Man I miss the "git gud" days. Now it's just crying skilless losers crying about being filtered
I have a theory that miquella actually did rape multiple characters
The mechanics of almost every boss are "come back with the gear that trivializes the boss," ie Radahn and bleed greatshield tanks. The blackpill that most people don't want to admit is that ER bosses mostly amount to "have you outgeared the boss with type weaknesses and status effects yes/no?" ER is an RPG, but an MMO-flavored RPG, wherein statsticking the boss to death with the meta equipment is 95% of the battle.
how is clawmark seal on pure strength with only a dip into int/fth for requirements? im thinking of building that so i can swap to battlemage mode on my thrusting shield. im also been using cragblade/scholar's shield/immutable shield but im really irritated none of those can stack. any neat tricks with the thrusting shield? greasing up with magic grease is also pretty good.
miyazaki's dick must taste real good
I make most of my cosplays especially since I want them perfectly fitted for my body type. I also like being comfy in stuff I made instead of having to fix stuff that is off when it arrives.
I haven't beat him yet but so far he seems much fairer than rellana.
it was more about the streamer's meme build than the boss' design
There are literally moments where he turns completely invincible mid-fight as you go to hit him.
Yeah. Who the fuck do you think you are exactly? This is the equivalent of RTS noobs complaining about the statistics of units they can't use to their fullest. How about you post video material of an analtsis of the bsos moveset and what is wrong with it and put actual effort instead of chimping out in a mongolian basket weaving forum like a monkey?
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>The mechanics of almost every boss are "come back with the gear that trivializes the boss," ie Radahn and bleed greatshield tanks. The blackpill that most people don't want to admit is that ER bosses mostly amount to "have you outgeared the boss with type weaknesses and status effects yes/no?"
That's not it clearly
Alright so, we see that miquella charms people by kissing them, yet, this charm doesn't actually last long AND can be broken. We know mohg while charmed "shared a chamber" with miquella and he was obsessed until he died meaning he didn't just kiss him. Based on this, it's likely miquella's bodily fluids that are able to charm people. With this let's look at two of miquella's most dedicated followers, malenia and consort radahn. Notice how intensely loyal both are to him, notice how even after his charm breaks both are enraptured by him. I propose, like mohg, miquella first kissed, then raped radahn and malenia. It's very possible he's done the same to leda and dane. He may actually be a hypno rapist.
>let me guess, muh flashbang
Yes? Why do you say it as if that's not one of the criticisms?
Also the meteor, the after image attack, 3 swing combo, the over aggression that gives less to no punish windows, the fight starting with the obligatory instant attack at the gate which to make matters worse isn't even consistent.
And I'm sure you'll post some video of someone clearing it naked with SL1. Unfortunately for you, the fact some people are into cbt doesn't mean the rest of us like having our nuts crushed.
And this is just mechanically. Thematically the boss is shit too. Not properly alluded to, ruins the characterization of both characters involved in the boss battle as well as a third one.. The only good part of the presentation is the OST. Absolutely dreadful rewards with two weapons that are reskins of each other using the moveset of an already existing weapon that's flat out better.
And yes, these things matter and can't be dismissed, otherwise the Bayle fight wouldn't be the best fight in the DLC, and Midra's wouldn't be the second best.
lmao the yap master is mad
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>palm blast can hit you from 10 feet away
Do you also complain about dodging having i-frames?
you already have a floppy finger on a stick what do you need floppy cock on a stick for?
>in miquella's age of compassion he'd go around and individually rape men and women while radahn and malenia held them down
>"have you outgeared the boss with type weaknesses and status effects yes/no?"
>That's not it clearly
posted with a video of cold star fists is peak irony
This pantheon needs an Athena/Freya
Clawmark simply means you shouldn't cast heals or weapon buffs with it since they don't benefit from the STR scaling at all. Great for using beast incants though, you can get respectable damage by stacking flock's and the cinqueda and the highest req is only 16 FTH.
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I just managed to do it without any summon/shield/deflect/perfume or proccing bleed/stagger once. The most bullshit thing he does is incinerate your GPU with his phase 2 opening move so you have to buy a new one for every attempt. I think he's actually a fun boss, I suck at this game too but I don't think every puzzle needs to be designed in way that can be solved in one sitting. It took me a couple of hours over 2 days, he's very hard but not literally impossible or bullshit

You need to run in a straight line out of it as soon as he starts, you can't roll through it

He's fun. Better than Gaius or Putrescent Knight, not as good as Messmer or Midra
Still around and want the lantern flies?
>Yes? Why do you say it as if that's not one of the criticisms?
Because it's not
>And I'm sure you'll post some video of someone clearing it naked with SL1. Unfortunately for you, the fact some people are into cbt doesn't mean the rest of us like having our nuts crushed.
If people can dodge perfectly and consistently with zero room for error, then they understood mechanics and intracacies of the boss moveset that you did not
>Thematically the boss is shit too. Not properly alluded to, ruins the characterization of both characters involved in the boss battle as well as a third one
It doesn't
>Absolutely dreadful rewards with two weapons that are reskins of each other using the moveset of an already existing weapon that's flat out better.
Lord Ash of War is the best though
it hits a few times in the center of the arena then does a big nuke that covers most of the arena. it is dodgeable but you'd be better off doing what they want you to do, which is run away to the other end of the arena. just note that radahn has 3 possible entry points for his meteor based on your position when he jumps. he can't come from directly over the Gate of Divinity.
>muh shitters
You know I'm starting to notice Euro hours are when this general get filled with tryhard faggots that can't separate boss difficulty from boss design
It's a sad though I share a timezone with you retarded mongoloids.
Why we are on page 5
You don't outgear shit when you are oneshottable by anything, that's called glass cannon and I don't see you pulling that off, sorry pal, you lost
>It's not literally impossible without bleed greatshield strats, therefore it doesn't count how how hard this build trivializes the fight in comparison to everything else!
Did you get dropped on your head as a child? It's funny that this whole post chain was started by calling players bad for wanting to rollslop through Radahn instead of "adapting to the fight."
>that can't separate boss difficulty from boss design
You don't know the slightest shit about boss design. You are just the latest fag crying about the lastest nu-hard boss
>If people can dodge perfectly and consistently with zero room for error, then they understood mechanics and intracacies of the boss moveset that you did not
No, people posted the one run where they managed to not hit it despite the fact the bosses moveset does not allow even perfect play to consistently do that. This is again the Malenia situation with waterfoul where people argued it was dodgeable consistently. It isn't. It never was.
>It doesn't
Look at least say you don't care about the presentation and story of the fight. It's better than just showing you've got no argument
>Lord Ash of War is the best though
Between what? The two new ones? Sure I suppose. The starscourge swords are still better overall though. And they're still ultimately reskins of each other with the exact same moveset as starscourge. No effort put in whatsoever.
Will you dumb niggers stop baking so fucking early? There's no rush. All you're doing is filling the catalog for no reason. You're as bad as the gachafags.
they are the gachafags
>we basically cannot go back to anything resembling Dark Souls combat
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>>therefore it doesn't count how how hard this build trivializes the fight in comparison to everything else!
Except I don't see anyone crying for greatshield and bleed nerfs, disingenuous nigger. I would be the first to approve of those.
It's hikarious seeing you faggots come out of the woodwork since Elden Ring release with your shitty attempt at concern trolling over OP weapons when you are relaly just crying over the bosses
Nah. I've already posted plenty. You're the one that just goes "mad because bad" because you define your self worth by these games.
why even use double chickenwings? I thought the R2 was what really made it insane.
Why should I care about who's crying about nerfs, retard? That doesn't affect my argument at all. You're stupid as fuck.
>fancier generic dragon moveset and spam frenzied flame over half the arena are "good fights"
peak bait
yeah I'm still here. What grace are we meeting at?
Put down duelist sign with erg pass at church of elleh if possible, or any of the early graces you want, I'm on pretty low character
I'm not the original anon and I did rl1 ER, it's just that in this clip guy is using light roll, OP weapon and two status effects with stacked buffs, it doesn't prove anything
>generic dragon
Nothing about Bayle's moveset is generic and regardless what makes him good is the build up and spectacle. I suppose you didn't summon Igon though since you're a tryhard "muh summons". Shame, you missed the best part of the DLC
>spam frenzied flame over half the arena are "good fights"
Again, the build up trumps is the major reason it's such an good boss. And he only has two attacks like that.
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>This is again the Malenia situation with waterfoul where people argued it was dodgeable consistently. It isn't. It never was.
Malenia's waterfowl is, indeed, dodgeable consistently, which is but one of the many options
>Look at least say you don't care about the presentation and story of the fight
I care, Radahn and Miquella is a great boss, the story and lore aroubd their vow actually makes sense, and you are the one who chimped out back when leak released regardless of context because you were prejudiced.
>And they're still ultimately reskins of each other with the exact same moveset as starscourge. No effort put in whatsoever.
Every single final boss weapon has been a reskin with a new weapon skill. Gael and Soul of Cinder were exactly the same. Gael in particular had also an altered versiob of a base game weapon with a new weapon art. Now it's 2 different ashes of war and a spell. Again, disingenuous arguments and criticism in bad faith, go fuck yourself
>That doesn't affect my argument at all.
That just shows you are a massive faggot who is indeed crying about a boss
Spirit ashes and npc summons are intended
If they weren't intended they won't be put there like how mausoleums feature no help because you're intended to duel these fuckers
That you refuse to use them is a personal (You) issue, either git gud and stop whining or admit you're shit and not some hotshot you think you are, yes having a lot of hours in previous games doesn't make you good, hours played mean literally nothing
omg thanks! time to practice my pot aim
So spirit ashes solve the camera being fucked when the boss dashes all over the place with ADHD visuals?
I think you've got way too much of your ego wrapped up in beating Radahn, anon, you're not arguing coherently anymore.
godspeed octopus man
>it doesn't prove anything
it proves that it is consistently dodgeable
>camera being fucked when the boss dashes all over the place with ADHD visuals?
webm or didn't happen
>someone complains about people strawmanning and making false assumptions
>reply to him with a strawman and making false assumptions about how he does not use summons when he maybe does and acting all superior
Literally proving the point, kek.
>he denies the camera being fucked
This retard is beyond saving.
>W-we weren't crying about previous bosses, t-this time it's actually true that the boss is too hard
>Starts crying about Malenia and waterfowl 5 minutes later
one attempt is consistent?
>Nothing about Bayle's moveset is generic
like everything it does is an attack the other dragons use but slightly different
>didn't summon Igon
summoning Igon is the worst part because nigger boss doesn't ever stop attacking, otherwise it's a joke like dragons in general
>the build up
one cutscene doesn't make the boss good
>only has two attacks
his whole moveset is spamming frenzy fire and spinning around in an attempt to cheese you with fire chip and madness
>Malenia's waterfowl is, indeed, dodgeable consistently, which is but one of the many options
No it isn't. This isn't true and depends entirely on the luck of your positioning. You cannot control it.
You can consistently not take damage from it, but dodging? No.
>I care, Radahn and Miquella is a great boss, the story and lore aroubd their vow actually makes sense, and you are the one who chimped out back when leak released regardless of context because you were prejudiced.
How exactly? We had no allusion or indication of their relationship for the entire base game. As far as we know they'd never spoken. The first time we had even any indication story wise this was going to happen was Freyja's questline at shadow keep. That's it. And I guess you could gleam it from the fact Radahn's necessary for the DLC.
It was not properly established and ruins the entire point of the Radahn fight and giving a mad warrior a final rest. It ruins Miquella's nuance and turns him into a Griffith expy. And it reduces any gravitas of the Malenia and Radahn fight into nothing but a LARP. It ruins both characters because their motivations become entirely seflish devoid of any honor, where honor was a alrge part of both characters
>Every single final boss weapon has been a reskin with a new weapon skill. Gael and Soul of Cinder were exactly the same. Gael in particular had also an altered versiob of a base game weapon with a new weapon art. Now it's 2 different ashes of war and a spell. Again, disingenuous arguments and criticism in bad faith, go fuck yourself
Oh sure, it definitely was an exact fucking copy of an existing weapon. Of course it was.
Fuck yourself. You just want to get high off your own fumes. You're a filthy newfag that jumped on these games with ER and want to feel superior for it. I'm done with your shit.
You have abysmal taste, but I suppose I should have expected this.
There are 2 ways to consistently dodge it.
If you have enough distance then you run from the 1st attack.
If you are close you need to perform a perfectly timed dodge in the perfect direction after circling her for a bit which is totally intuitive.
just practice it on something more easily grindable like normal fire pots, I don't think hefty and normal arcs are any different
you could have picked actual good fights like messmer or lion instead but you decided to defend trash
>If you are close you need to perform a perfectly timed dodge in the perfect direction after circling her for a bit which is totally intuitive.
This does not work 100% of the time and that's the issue.
I know the damn methods my dude. I can even do the first one just fine. The issue is if she waterfouls in my fucking face.
why is this still not a thing in base game? I wish to summon skeletons (not fucking tibia summons spell it is pure garbage yes even spamming rosus axe)
>just trust me bro
eat shit lmao
>No it isn't. This isn't true and depends entirely on the luck of your positioning. You cannot control it.
You can just run away and jump, yes even if you hit her with a colossal (with which you can also block)
>How exactly?
Because the Battle of Aeonia now makes sense, and it makes sense that Radahn lived by Godfrey's motto that a crown is warranted with strength and would concede his soul if defeated in battle.
>Oh sure, it definitely was an exact fucking copy of an existing weapon. Of course it was.
It always was. Artorias was a copy, Kalameet was a copy, Gael was also an exact copy with a different texture/style, what the fuck are you even on about? You got any real criticism? no? Fuck off then
>Because the Battle of Aeonia now makes sense
a continent-wide crusade being a larp, dying unnecessarily to be reborn in omen body, destroying caelid for no good reason all make sense now?
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>eat shit lmao
>Because the Battle of Aeonia now makes sense, and it makes sense that Radahn lived by Godfrey's motto that a crown is warranted with strength and would concede his soul if defeated in battle.
It makes absolutely no sense because there was NEVER any set of of the relationship. The battle made perfect sense, it was a civil war and they were the two strongest demigods. The narrative of the battle is now ruined because Malenia rather than throwing away her pride to defeat a superior opponent, threw it away because of a damn larp. And Radahn's final death in the actual game's time is ruined as well.
>It always was. Artorias was a copy, Kalameet was a copy, Gael was also an exact copy with a different texture/style, what the fuck are you even on about? You got any real criticism? no? Fuck off then
Artorias sure but every other point you just made is false or misrepresenting.
Read it again. No wonder redditors preface sarcasm with /s/.
You can read Radahn himself saying he is the Lord of the Battlefield's Lion, that he wantwd to follow Godfrey's traces and prides himself of heritage with Radagon. His role as King Consort and his desire to be defeated in battle if he must die makes perfect sense in relation to his character
Sorry. If you'll note the reply chain I've been in this thread far too long.
except it was a larp and he was not meant to die, but to be resurrected in omen's / someone else's body
>The battle made perfect sense, it was a civil war and they were the two strongest demigods.
No it didn't. It would make sense in that optic if Malenia put Leyndell under siege, since the Erdtree is Malenia's enemies. It never made sense for Malenia to go in Caelid and chase Radahn The Shattering itself was a mess of theiries before the DLC
>No she did it for the Great Runes
>No she didn't get Godrick Rune
>No she wasn't under Miquella's orders
>No she did it to prove she is the best
>No she did it because Radahn blocked the Stars
>No she did it
You are trying to clain there was already clear cut motivation for Radahn and Malenia fighting, but nothing made sense before the DLC
>Artorias sure but every other point you just made is false or misrepresenting.
No it isn't.
The Obsidian sword (Kalameet) has the same moveset as other greatswords but the special heavy attack (comparable to an Ash of War)
Gael's greatsword is an Executioner Greatsword with the same moveset but different weapon art like Radahn's Greatswords
And if you mean that the skin don't look identical, that's true for the base game vs DLC Greatswords too, so I don't know what the fuck you are talking about now.
>except it was a larp and he was not meant to die
>but to be resurrected in omen's / someone else's body
Are you retarded? Yes, he was meant to die for his soul to resurrect
>No it didn't. It would make sense in that optic if Malenia put Leyndell under siege, since the Erdtree is Malenia's enemies. It never made sense for Malenia to go in Caelid and chase Radahn The Shattering itself was a mess of theiries before the DLC
Leyndell couldn't be taken. Radahn tried and failed.
>You are trying to clain there was already clear cut motivation for Radahn and Malenia fighting, but nothing made sense before the DLC
Yes. It was a war. There was never anymore than that
>The movesets are the same
My fucking dude what are you even on. The movesets of all weapons are the fucking same with minimal variations and the ashes of war, even in ER. It was the same in DS3 as well. I thought you meant that the skins looked the same or were reused.
Seriously what even is suppose to be this argument.
I meant permanent death, dying when you come back, possibly a few moments later, is larp and a stupid idea
>Leyndell couldn't be taken. Radahn tried and failed.
>Yes. It was a war. There was never anymore than that
That clearly isn't it. Again, you are not answering the question. Why Malenia and Radahn fighting when Mkquella's enemy is the Erdtree?
>>The movesets are the same
>My fucking dude what are you even on. The movesets of all weapons are the fucking same with minimal variations and the ashes of war, even in ER.
>Seriously what even is suppose to be this argument.
I'm asking you that. You claimed Radahn reward are "lazy" because the base moveset is the same as the Radahn greatsword in the base game. All Souls games do this, Gael's greatsword is in the base game witb a different weapon art, so what the fuck are you talking about? How is that lazy? what kind of double standard is that?
>You claimed Radahn reward are "lazy" because the base moveset is the same as the Radahn greatsword in the base game
Because the swords are a one for one fucking copy not just sharing the same dual greatsword moveset.
>Because the swords are a one for one fucking copy
no they aren't, they look different actually
40 for the base game and 60 for the dlc to not get 2-shot

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