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Previously, on /pso2g/: >>484227056

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drivee
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>NGS Headline (2024/06/25)

>Scratch Tickets:


>NGS Wiki:
https://pso2ngs.swiki.jp/ (JP)

>NGS Damage Calculator:

>NGS Verification Data (frame data, enemy stats, game mechanics, etc):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3gSISqcFIkZUiV_Z4thvFmycuTajw5-6V1Y36rx64w/ (JP, usually more up to date)

>Item Codes and Keywords:

>Fashion History

>NGS Roadmap:

>PSO2 Information/FAQ

>Older Phantasy Star Games
Bouncer is the best!
I love qunny!
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>>484350209 #
I thought boxy had 5 devices he posts from? You pariah trannies need to make up your mind.
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The black cat!
when i see a post seething about boxy i see wet cuck, emv or nogtten crying so my natural reaction is to completely shart on that poster
Goodnight, /pso2g/!
Goodnight CUNT
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Hello hi yes hello hi hi yes where csl doko pst ur casl n th thred rn doko for my kokoro onegai desu desu desu desu
Pst ur csl rn!!
Goodnight friendo
N mr csl 4evr
Wtf! Pst ur csl nw!!!
Post your character, normal edition.
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built like a silverback
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do you like crawford?
One day you'll use expressions
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but... that is an expression.
like is an understatement
You're so hot when you cosplay as her...
It's not very expressive
what are they feeding you
The glazed one... need thighjob
yeah, i know. but expressions in this game are a bit limited, and it doesn't help with how complex sylphid is.

i'll eventually try again for better ones soon
Sylphid expressions are easy. I hope during the free Salon period you'll experiment. And sorry if that came across rude.
It's not complex, you just suck. There is nothing complex about an X and Y axis.
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Just beat the elden ring DLC and my thread on /v/ is doing ironman numbers.

You made a /v/ thread but didn't make the lewd thread on /aco/? ........
good job brother
I'll leave that to the professionals.

>free salon
another one so soon? if that's the case i guess i will wait til then.
cheek sliders would help a bit
There is nothing complex about an X and Y axis.
Adding cheek sliders would completely filter you if you think sylphid is complex
Yeah, it'll happen during the Anniversary period. Doesn't hurt to ask for help from people who know the face too.
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My forever single crush...
Where's the bikini screenshot?
blint looks better
There's a new bikini after maint.
Don't be mean.
You'd be better off copying Arisu's sliders.
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Free salon is after maintenance. This time please unfuck your ugly sliders Blint/WD/Boxy/Shiro/EMV/Rope/Alicia/Vehk/Buttons/Melissa/Kouwa/Hennika/Fall/Lofn/Chu/Esvatira/Galama/Xevel/Nym/Mieri/Jack/Ollie/Werin/Piper/Lucifi/Maru/Oxion/Alice/Chelkie/Choukai/Jiggu/Maku/Machi/Grimjak/Everian/Buelle/Squishy/Grizzermacht/Necromanceme/Gehenna.
All of you look like shit. Unique isn't a good trait, you're just ugly.
If you didn't get namedropped you look cute or cool.
sorry but you simply have bad taste
I've had anons drop to their knees, no way.
In horror?
Based Aiatar
Aiatar I kneel
I don't think I will ever give SEGA a penny
I would though, for sure
but I won't, probably ever

Every $$$ purchase is recurring
If they sold slots like a way to save slider presets that I can toggle to whenever I want that would be something I'd be interested in
but nah their systems suck and that doesn't exist
they want me to keep fucking with sliders (sliders not even numbers I can easily save for myself) every time I make changes so fuck them and their faggotry

rather than experiment and try things out and potentially spend more $$$ I sit with my char how it is because I don't want to make it worse and be screwed and unable to go back to what I'm currently happy with

SEGA is so fucking stupid
I would be willing to open my wallet, but they make that not worth the effort
>blint putting his own name first and excluding aiatar
lmao so obvious
Aiatar is hot though?
>sliders not even numbers I can easily save for myself
You can enable this in the salon options
hot garbage
Aiatar is easily top three on my blonde scale
Who are the other blondes?
pls stop making ame fat, she's a twig in all the manga and art
I'll never understand architects, standing in a line in akiba on Sunday while my friend buys his sweets that come with idolmaster cards. This rich chinese dude is buying a like 4 boxes for two thick chinese girls he's with.
I hope I'm one of the other two!
Arisu looks like shit lol
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Arisu and Homika
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Good night pso2g
Being called ugly so much really makes me sad
Shut up blint
Shut up fat bitch
sleep well my AGP slut wife!
Rosewise is still the best slampig out there
Hope you had fun shitposting my slutty AGP gf!!!
Patrician taste
My fellow plaphog enthusiast
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all of them are on ship 2. someone make it happen
anon it's a cosplay she's not actually a schizo menhera
>schizo menhera
Are you implying a poster here isn't one?
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Would you laugh if I, you know...
Aye, enlightenment is realizing what peak is

Why is this actual retard like this?
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Ya im menheras
You guys are just socially retarded, not menhera.
ye listening to the entire korn discography while blasted on voodoo rangers
If you what? You'll have to speak up.
Any steamdeck friends here? Is it possible to have the pso2 base game dlc installed on my pc, but have only NGS installed on my deck? No point in those 50GB or so on my deck
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Ummm... lick in a long streak starting from your rib cage upwards...
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hey... what a nice day
My biblically accurate angel erufu wife...
I'm pretty sure that wouldn't make me laugh.
N-not even a giggle..?
her butthole is ticklish anon, apply that tongue better
Where are all the casl...
Boxy won.
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my anal only elf wife!
Cute boy
Small or big cubes?
Clean shaved or hairy?
Normal or enormous sphere sack?
On a boy or a futa?
As long as it's hairy I don't care what any of the other combinations are
naturally hairless
If your gf name is Rosewise, Arisu, Aiatar, Double, Moira(ship1), Shuna, Homika, Rogue, Emal, Fubu, Gran, HanaeMori, or any Twitter thot I have not named you sir have officially succeeded in beating Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis. You have seen the credit roll, the demon has been dealt with. You have started a family with your wife. Have you seen the Xenoblade 2 ending? That is you!
Any Return to Ragol enjoyers here?
>All those named already won
but anon....
qrd of each one. I need to gauge my chances
>pso2g lost... again.
sisters... the number wont stop going up. We're losing hard. maint is tonight I hope everyone makes it back to ngs safe
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I don't get it.
You're creating shitty shoops to some normalfag anime series nobody here watches.
Yet we all saw that fresh OC of your head being crushed.
How many screens of this thread do you have up on the 6 of them.
How many are hot glued by other men?
When is the M.A.R.S stuff going to be release??
When will they learn?
July 31st.
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cumming inside this one
I too want a twitter thot gf...
Just talk to them anon
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So now that the dust has settled, when is it alright to ghost someone?
aiatar and tsuna around you everyday. if they aint notice you no twitter thot will notice you. twitter thots are horny and groomer too if you fail to get them to notice you rethink life immediately lmao
All of them seem too scary to approach...
only after cumming inside them
tsuna is really ugly though
The fact you need to "ghost" them tell us everything your personalty
Go to bed anon, your speech is all over the place
Tsuna is exclusive to Firegreen and refuses to plap, erp or even do lewd pictures together anymore. What a waste...
Is that what she told you?
Sex with Buelle.
fine. nite anon :(
small girls with animal tails...
sorry I have a fantasy tail
You can't ghost people online since they don't matter. Any moment you feel like ghosting them, ghost them.
which one of you did this
Ghosting is always morally correct. Sounds like a (You) problem.
small girls with horns and a devil tail...
I hope someone breaks her heart and snaps her horns.
It's impossible to make T2 face nose look good, right? It's not just me being a sliderlet?
did she break your heart too...
just look at a real women nose then copy. Google beautiful Japanese girl
cheese shirt
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I don't think that really works because the sliders are limited
I swear this game is 70% Brazilians. that would explain all the T2s with BBL syndrome right?
i want to submit to big, smelly oji-san cube!
Me too!
hey... ship?
can i goon on you
Fuck off with the Simpson thread on aco
LMAO. That keeps getting me too.
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>totally defenseless statue in the middle of central...
i mean...
I guess I won?
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f2p game for 40 year old brazilians and pajeets who beg for e-sex like >>484384031
if she's on twitter she most likely did poo in the loo stuff with Vance
only bea likes vance
This, basically every Twitter thot doesn't like Vance except him. And Bea likes piss stuff
>Bea likes piss stuff
>no proofs
we all know what you did with Vance that you are too ashamed of posting on twitter
When did you realize, that you were the one holding up the relationship?
friend of vance here, he has plapped at least 80% of the twitter e-thots from ship 1/2 and even more on JP not even counting illystris members and lots of popular /pso2gs/. link not completely related to the last claim
shut up Firegreen
i can't get it up anymore unless i'm being bullied by a lively
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I just don't understand how you can't see how gross this looks
I fucking hate all the trannies that play this nigger ass game
That’s a lot of piss
>Aiatar is the only good player left
sad state of the game's playerbase
>she doesn't know
That looks retarded also girl pissing is lame
don't tell me Vance also plapped
a has been actively seeking out normalfags wit the most disgusting fetishes zer is already done so
So if a pso2g from here, even the most obscure ones, has twitter... You're saying that she got tralala'd by Vance's ding ding dong?
yes, he's the token black character and MMO niggas love darkers
Vance only ends up fucking other guys.
First Descendant is really fun
Silicone butt
how do i shoot my shot with a known /aco/ poster? whats a good opening line?
Eyy bb wan sum fuk??
Hey (with rizz)
>grizzer really is stuck fucking niggers and bottom of the barrel sliderlets
Wakaba completely destroyed him HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
send me ur vegana pic
are u fucked at night aelio 4? i want to kiss ur vegana all night and put my 1 feet pinus in ur vegana u will be hapy?
>race (type): human (type 2)
toblerone? more like pajetrone should make yotsuba look pajeet brown
You ask, my guy. Basically >>484393397
who is it?
I can give you better advice if I know
>be cute
>don't be weird
>all of this just for pajeet updoots
that's me
R L...
Friend zone only unless you have a large black cube. Best to find another T2, she will never look at you intimately.
Maru won
Aiatar won
Nogxy lost
the nickname Aiaturd makes sense now
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AGDQ is still mega cringe.
Here comes the samefagging
no offense but is this supposed to be some chain smoker character?
Hey, anonymous. Don't come here often anymore and was surprised to see you, how are you?
The changes you've made are pretty good. Keep it up.
lmao samefagging again
it's just nym doing it for him
I'm replying to you because it makes that anon upset, cutie.
>every time K post its the same generic replies
minheights? doko?
first descendant T2s got fat asses
post them
Back to the past with Samurai Jack
Kinda sort of. The game can't produce a late 20s early 30s vibe it's too stylized. If the cigarette accessory came to global I'd definitely use it.
Thanks... working on skin tone now.
I wish I had schizos this dedicated. I kneel to kisaragi.
I wish Kisaragi would dedicate time to unfuck his sliders instead of samefagging. Gecko face looking motherfucker.
>pre-nym character file
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>compliment someone
>anon loses it
Post character files to copy tomorrow
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Damn, I used to be retarded for no reason. Glad a lot has changed since then.
Even with Nym's help, those sliders still look like ass.
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ZAMN! Kisatranny looks like that??
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Try fingers but hole

Elden Ring BEST RUNE FARM - 1,000,000+ runes in 10 MINUTES (No Fighting)
>wet back jealous posting again
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what if I have a big white cube?
see >>484353315
what about the nigger?
for u anon, I hope its csl enough.
/la barf
"Ayo wazzup" (with black rizz)
just be a fat bastard
literally anything will do
don't know who this one is
I remember some of my posts there!
yeah i'd plap m*moka no questions
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>people forgetting the god tier T2 face run Kisa had as Choukai before he switched to Sylphid
I don't forget, I would fist fight every pariah just to have T3 T2 face Choukai slow fuck me with her gock and beat me up
wrong quote bro sorry
meant for >>484402486
Bottom left is cute.
>Middle right's blocky ass
Everyone's ass looks that way
That's literally the vanilla model, retard
All of these look like trannies
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>Kisa's ass is so deformed they look like a pair of blocky testicles
Why are you so jealous of Kisa and Aiatar?
see >>484372620
the transition from a sub slut to a cringe dom is wild yo
That's one ugly motherfucker
talk about doppel instead
Boring shitposting
talk about minheights instead
so Chou was the doppel shitposter all along...
i knew Choukai was no good, narcissist, selfish, very strange behaviour sometimes, he insults minheights
yeah he uses mods too
I wouldn't mind if he used me...
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So on a scale of 1 - 10 be honest
I wouldn't mind using a minheight onahole
why aren't you?
literally just go grab one
they're free
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1/10 failed Atalanta clone, seeing your face is almost as disturbing as what happened in Chainsaw Man this week
0 cus mod
I did, minheights are the always ready to help you get off
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>introduce job that only women and trannies would play
>it completely shits on everything else in the game
xiv devs really tried to pull a Waker in their own game lmao
pic unrelated
the non stop crossfire in pso2g is fucking comedy
damn they are actually boting this general incredible
Okay? post on /aco/ next time
If you cut the fat

1, Genshin
2, Honkai
3, PSO2
4, XIV
5, ToF
6, BDO
7, ZZZ

weird it list zenless though
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just took a PHAT turdrope
which pso2gs would you plap?
I hope it's me
the aco thread is up...
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Based Aiatar
Are you single?
the shape of the buttocks look stupid, also weird skeletal body with inflated tits
is it true you jerk off indians on twitter?
>every single twitter thot uses this pose at least once a week
>Checks my plapwife's page
>She doesn't use it
I have patrician taste
is that modded outfit?
giselle replica basewear with maybe some extra bit of gloss
No, it's Giselle Replica [Ba].
Body suits do not work on chest tumors
how come my dont look like that?
>Aiatar posts and the seething and simping starts
TwitterGAWDS have too much power over you retards
shaders probably
The outfit reflects its surroundings.
I have yet to see Aiatar post without shaders. Probably has something to hide
Oh it wasn't me
I just noticed it
I am still sad and will not be posting my minheight
Did you know you can just walk up to her and see for yourself?
I don't follow her around to know where she idles at.
Anon... A4 is the idle spot.
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it's ugly
remind me of WD
>now wet back is jealous posting Ai
I don't afk or idle because if I'm logged into this slop I'd rather be playing it.
Definitely not ugly but could definitely afford to lighten the eyebrows a tad.
Huge liar
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it's OK. at least you can't be this ugly
el chupacabra...
What the fuck is this...
Will you at least hornypost there and here?
Prime example of how to ruin Sylphid face
who are the top pso2g syplhids?
not even photoshop can save this
go back to the salon
choose a default
Stop baiting with this.
dios mio....el oscuridad primordial...
pso2g Sylphids are still sliderlets but Kisa is 'ok'
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This what coomers like >>484419729
picture in their brain. every single coomer. big ass niglips slut tattoo and demons. the biggest tits possible with a Globe BBL. demon wings, long ears, high heels. a being only made for one purpose - SEX
Am I insane or do you guys just keep posting the same stuff over and over? I swear, I've been watching these threads for a while and keep seeing the same pictures with the same responses which cause the same conversations.
Kisa is pretty good, just needs less clothes.
Like NGS, pso2g refuses to move forward and is stuck in limbo. This is why normies are tolerable to be around.
its the same shitposter baiting for responses with the same images, its only fair he will get the same replies
same shit posters
same vs xiv vs vrchat vs other f2p game of the month
same shitpost about the same t2 character
same melty from the same person
I enjoy playing pso2
>thread goblins that are here everyday
yuh spotted the brs and pjs
>They don't know it's Ahk and co uprooting pso2g
More like ACK, who?
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No reason to post without shaders. Here's a before and after comparison since you wanted to see it. I mostly try to improve the game's lighting a little bit.
still ugly even with
You do a good job making the colors pop more.
lol I wonder if everyone is excited to restart after Stia back to Aelio.
That actually would be funny if like 80% of these posts were by the same person.
I like your right look a lot.
You fag must have forgotten back in 1.0 kisa and bixy went at it for like 8 months straight. the entire thread was just them arguing with special guest appearances from sybercuck, gwiz, and the "who is the hottest pso2g" halftime that Maru won . 8 whole months
Same. My go-to outfit when I don't know what to wear.
Aiatar can't make his face good without copying someone that's why he doesn't change it
okay wet back calm down
But Aiatar's face is unique
who doesnt? that's what gshade is for. more colors and screen lotion lube.
>still using gshade in 2024
Uniquely shit, yes
anyone with relevance made their own shader
Aiatar face sucks in front shots but when I see her from the side like >>484423486 or when she covers most of her face with hair like Jessica Rabbit all I see is a 11/10 top tier wife
WD also ruined A's face for me. The same ugly chimp face.
If Ai is ugly why thousands fap to her
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the emote for giving bl**jobs is: Greeting (Japanese Clothing)
uh oh too much praising somebody gonna seethe
the few hundred that do it look like and find this attractive >>484419729
notice how Aiatar always covers the middle, because she looks like someone stomped her on the face without the cover
You sure? I only got doggy and some other ones.
No matter what you think at the end of the day there are plenty of anons here that would be fine with >>484419729 if the conversation is great and the sex is peak. Ive seen a lot of you nigs fuck creatures just as bad
Damn. That's amazing.
That thing looks alright tyty tier
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please stop lowering the prices on these I need money (meseta), please.
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>All of this jealousy
pso2g is eternally filtered. even kritt evolved to the point of getting tributed
>jealous of tributes
indian outcast logic
>item is 5mil
>faggot post the next one at 2.5mil
the fuck is wrong with these motherfuckers, GIMME THAT FUCKING SHIT NIGGA! NOW I PUT THEM BOTH BACK UP FOR 5MIL
>next guy places his at 3mil
the fuck is rong with these motherfuckers?
Sex with Neumans
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>The moment /pso2g/ lost
if you can't pull any of these women, you have no game, son. Settle for less, lil nigga. LMAO!
Finally, some good fucking food
>pajeets and hues
aiatar literally lost, pso2g lost
>looking down on me after I lost
Anons with randos looks so offputting
LMAO lil bro doesn't know
If they don't post and only lurk, they don't count.
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Thank goodness no one has the pull game to get my wife except for koishi
Finally, some good fucking food
>wanting a Xer
If you pull a YouTuber then you've truly won
I can get her but two alphas won't work
yet no one has been able to pull emv
irrelevant sorry excuse of a content creator
EMV doesn't have enough subs to be relevant
I plapped nepcool
thrift erped a few times for omega lulz content does that count as winning or do you have to be dating?
I've plapped that nigress creator while her cuck watched
Hook me up with nepcool, nym
Nym, I kneel... you've always been my Perfect /pso2g/ Queen
I stopped playing for a bit to focus on irl, are there still only like 3 sylphids
I don’t even know who those are
They couldn’t pull me
He's a huge sub why would he plap?
Only three relevant ones and they aren't here
Who hasn't?
Yes, really. You can't have a meta sylphid face unlike the T2 face.
false, look at how K slowly amalgamated into budget N (the real meta)
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here is the meta
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2gee Sylph be 7/10 at best
Twitter got a lot of 10/10 sylph make 2gee seethe
>no nose
get off 4chan mom!
I love Sylphid mommies
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well actually im the best sylphid
A better chin than the other 2
I bet she gives good irl head.
Damn... I envy the person who gets to tap this pm the regular. Can anyone copy his sliders?
7/10 at best. Next!
I sold mine for 10 and 15 million, the one i cant sell is the "singer" one
Do blint now I need to laugh.
If it counts I've had several official CC and community helpers hit on me and try to use their status within the community to rizz me up. I rejected their advances every time.
ollie did
if you remove the middle hair and show the nose + eyebrow bridge its gonna look like shit, they all do this trick so the makeup doesnt look retarded
It's cute when they do. I don't mind sending them material to fap to though
I wish jiggu would send me fap material
Same but Machi
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requesting a slidergod to copy Arisu sliders please
Just ask us. Almost all of us will.
we only do good looking sylphids. sorry!
Why would I copy a shit looking sylphid?
I think her character is cute and sometimes I look up to her
She is very confident and intelligent
because I really like her alot
>search for someones lookbook
>instead of opening the lookbook this disingenuous shithead anonymous shitposter tranny uses the default pose which makes EVERY character in the game look bad
you're a sack of shit and you know it
Calm down nym it doesn't look that bad
How do you even look that up he doesn't even have a look book
That pic is old he removed his lookbook after people made fun of him over it
Ship 1 lookbook
>the sylphid poster hasn't done me yet
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Here's a real Sylphid
She looks like she's having a stroke.
u can tell a woman created this character
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real sylphid
Is sylphid really that difficult? These recently posted ones have been bad, it's even better when they hide their features.
holy moly
show em how it's done bro! let em know what it means to be a SYLPHIDGAWD!
Rosewise is peak Sylphid hag
The face ruins it and that's 90% hidden.
ugliest character I have ever seen
From left to right: Brazilian, Brazilian, Argentinian. Where's the American made characters
This is it. Mother of the year.
theres a reason why only women use sylphid it takes a delicate touch and true slider skills to perfect
That is why I'm asking if it's difficult or the face is just bad forever or these people get by only because they are gimmicky
Any sylph with traction usually has a niche to make up for what they lack
many men and troons try but they always fall back to T2 or the other faces because they cant handle syllphud
most good sylphids are Brazilian or European. American ones look like trannies
Americans ones gimmicky. Brazil got DAbest
The best sylphid can be is a 6/10
>gpof's used goods
blayden niggas? is this your hag?
What ever happened to Ship 1 Sylphid?
she transferred to ship 2
Both are on S2 now
looks like gwiz
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gpof is the biggest chad in this general his rizz and game is off the charts

he has plapped more pso2 women than every pso2g combined
damn rosswise is into horse cock. ya hate to see it
Unironically the case I know at least 10 pso2g that have been plapped by him
Why does every Sylphid end up tainted by horsecock...there has to be one that isn't...
They only took sfw screenshots right???
Man the pariahs are fucking obsessed with ntr
All the pariahs except for shitten have been cucked in one way or another.
nah they got horsed
Reminder that gpof gets mad if you reject him.
Now that Horsewise got musked up, who contends for the queen title?
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Too lazy to take a new picture


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Horse? I want to be bullied
The bull...
The bear...
Bullbwos you think gpof got us too?
He did. Move on to the next Sylph
Name the unplappable plappable pso2gs
my sylphid toblewifecrush is pure...
My ghosting wife Cecile
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looks good to me
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Homika got big sexy aunt energy
this is definitive proof sylphid has the most expressive face in the entire game
me, all me
you guys have a weird obsession with the least used face in the game
Contrarians always think they're special and 4chan has always been full of them, newfriend.
all these recent posts make me want to goon bad...
Are there any good twitter snipts?
Beatrice, LovelessEgo, Guri
nah bro still living in 2020 :skull:
Double. she's big 3 easy
the other faces just don't do it for me, bro...
Would plap casually on the side
Would plap and throw on the side of the road
Would plap and put a ring on it
i still don't get what this means
this but I wouldn't plap moira
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I don't want to but I'd plap moira just out of sheer malice
who started this mario judah meme?
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Snipt is pretty popular on X thoughever
Is there a maintenance today?
Yes. Starts in 47 minutes.
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Send help
I'll airdrop my cock.
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You have to get past him first!
Ok thanks
I've had sex with everyone in the replies.
Which pso2g or twitter thot is the best candidate for trad wife?
Anon, you need to get a better monitor.
The bottom two images are clearly the best. Your edits are offensively bad. Like the Ken Rockwell of vidya.
Please continue posting unedited shots alongside your edits and do so in PNG format as well.
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I created a chapter 6 character, took a look at Ship 2 market value. There are some ups and downs, the best part being your high inventory. Ship 3 market was in ruins before I started a few months ago.
This is the first time you posted a cute picture
keep it up
Time to groom you
Sit on my lap?
Post premaint pics
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phantasy star online 2 new genesis
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My wife on the far right
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Imagine the smell
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what do we think bros?
That bootleg Yugi is 10/10.
When are you driving Buelle to suicide like you did to Faith?
My cute summer friends!
Cute cute cute!!
both of you have awful body sliders thighs wider than torse. grizzermacht tier.
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>retarded face expression
>head too huge
>dumbo ears
>tiny neck
>look at the torso
>chicken legs
blint this is terrible, you dont fit in at all
When did Xs ass get so big?
Have an ugly one. Smooch.
I can assure you that if you are the most cute and adorable T1 that wont be necessary. I'll become your little puppy!
T2? How much are we talking? Cash up front, of course.
They're south americans what did you expect
If you were actually cute I'd use my T1 on you but not like this, sis.
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I didn't forget!
Claiming the red one as my wife
This makes me wish more sluts had red skin
shrek trying to show up in every maint pic weird nigga
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heard everyone loves SE outfits so you get collab SE
Was just going to post this for what purpose?
oof, a Pretender. T1-Pretenders are the worse.
Sex with my retarded chuunibyou imoutos!
Imagine the paizuri...
share gshade/reshade file please
Pretender? I got a collection of styles. Gruff man, old man, black man, teen, small boy, twink. I just bring them out to play during free salon periods which just so happens to be happening after maint.
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Why did he do it?
How would blint even know this if they aren't friends lol
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my /aco/ wife!!
watch out for that semen demon on the left! she makes aco men cum and die!
Lie more Argent
same reason he nutted on hamu
I'm being confused for someone else again. Please stop spreading these slanderous allegations.
Oh you're right. It's time for me to go wild with colors again
Why would ANYONE pose next to that hideous green joke character?
I'll retract my post if you promise to make me cum after maintenance.
melon rind milkies!
attention seeking?
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This SGDQ run sucks.
that expression sucks from far away
shitpost doppel
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Why did he do it?
Imagine getting a .zip of lewds and it's this horrible shit.
PSA: Please be on the lookout for overly tall ghostly T2s in sunhats. Shotas across Central City have been reported going missing recently during this time of the year. Stay safe and remember to carry a tailsman and wear red.
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Feeling conflicted, should I go back to my old hairstyle?
Nah she's too cute
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When the servers come up meet me in your CS and I will tell you if you need to or not.
I miss you... please stop ignoring me...
I know this isn't me!
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Alright, see you soon.
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no i'm not....
Cute but horrible personality
lookin good cracky
i like your old hair more, new fit looks fine xd
you'd look good with long hair tbdesu
Why did you bother to make me feel special if you didn't want anything to do with me. I hate you so much.
Hmm hmm, alright thanks for your input!

How long we talking? Shoulder length?
pump and dump
yeah, like a good androgynous long one would look neat. like that one ponytail hairstyle.
Who you talking to?
is maint over yet
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>like that one ponytail hairstyle.
Kinda like my rurouni drip? It's pretty cool I can agree!
the one i'm thinking of is similar to that, but longer and the ponytail is downward.
I have no idea what you're talking about but I'll try looking for something similar in the salon when maint ends.
I changed my mind....sorry.
based Yugi.

Seizan Hair
Damn, too bad. I was hoping for some spiritual bonding.

Oh! Nice hairstyle but well, depending on the price I might or might not get it.
dead game.
dead thread.
I'm about to challenge Yu-gi-oh to a 1 on 1 duel if you catch my drift.
/la barf
does emv still post here?
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He'll be back after maint.
They have new makeup just for him
nigger, I can't see your face when you're floating upside down like a retard
both of you scream at my balls
he does but he has calmed down and lays low more often which I am very proud of him for doing
he has boosted his old alliance back to the top ranks and has lots of friends who support and cherish him to play with so he's in more positive spirits now
I want him to know I am proud of him and happy for him
What in the actual fuck made you think this is a good expression to post lmao
Salon 2 is the best idle pose if you want to look at someone's character.
they have gone from hourly posting to maybe one or 2 posts once every few weeks,
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>uses the default pose which makes EVERY character in the game look bad
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What games are you playing during maint?
Come erp with me, I need fresh blood. I'm tired of fucking the same sluts
Haven’t seen them here in at least a month come to think of it.
>extra cheap prostitute or a drag queen
Man, with the shit Sega is putting into this piece of shit game, you'd think their ESG score is skyrocketing.
Maybe that's how they haven't gone bankrupt yet?
no it's not
Conchita wurst looking mofo
can you get whatever outfits you want for free?
I never installed it because I don't want to pay money or be locked out of old time exclusive outfits
also I want access to the item that lets you expand body sliders for free
Elden Ring
>nexon NA
>f2p game
Should be easy to figure out when you put the two together
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one of these but they all pretty much play the same.
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The fuck is this garbage? Lmao.
Square Enix?
Almost as bad as a sphereoid.
tell my onee-chan she's always the cutest in every group pic
fashion for tasteless brazilians
WTHeck who hit my wife…
Trying Harding arent we?
me, for being a faggot
what else do you expect from him?
How about you "trying harding" to make sense the next time you reply to me?
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Recommend me some good eyes & eyelashes for T1 sylphid, thanks
>you will never spirit bond with gayrice
Just use flawless like a normal person
why the long horse face?
I already have a flawless I like the look of, I just wanted to try making a sylphid
I can't get it right for the life of me
different faces look better/worse with different hairs
you'll need to overcome that hurdle first, then develop an emotional state for that look
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Are you a T2 main?
No, lively T1
Do you enjoy hurting people?
Is that why you keep doing this to people?
I was a fool to fall for it.
do you have an idea of what you want ur chr to look like?
i made mine years ago and overtime new stuff made it get closer to what i wanted
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ship 1 is so ded, I'm moving to ship 2!
reminder arisu/arisha is a groomer and a creepy clout chaser!
fuck you
vincucktus doesn't even let you pick the color of your armor dyes it is all RNG and you get no RGB controls

this general is for PSO2 NGS not other games with even worse monetization
Something similar to Noctis from FFXV
that's literally everyone in this game
I miss Cornelia
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i'm a fan of the original noctis look
you sure you wanna stick with the mjay nose? (pointed it out a few days)
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- Plain Eyelashes
- Neat Eyelashes/C
- Popolon Eyelashes
- Perfect Lashes/D
- Underlined Eyelashes

- Ainblum Eyes
- Milky Way Eyes
- Gradient Cat Eyes
- Kanrui Eyes
- Centerlight Eyes

I'd honestly recommend you look-up male (anime) inspo. Sylphid should allow you to make bishounen/shota type of characters fairly easily as long as you focus on these three slider settings; face shape(Don't be afraid to go full V shape. Sylphid is already a fairly chubby face), nose length (big nose = old. small nose = young) and mouth vertical position (depending on your nose lenght you might need to adjust the vertical position so you don't end up looking like a roach from terra formars). There's way more things to consider like Makeup, skin color, eyesize, extensions and eyelash accessories but too lazy to type... Good luck T1 friend.
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baboon ass lips and retarded eye infection character
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Mingmei Hair comes pretty close to this, you may need bang extensions to fill in
Seizan Hair is another good one, but it has longer hair in the back
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Mingmei Hair
shut up xevel
I'll play around with the nose sliders a bit more, it's hard to not make the shape look awkward. For the hair I'll try Mingmei with extensions, Seizan probably looks good as is

I'll try these, thanks for the tips, I appreciate it!
alright who's this vagueposter? >>484462828 >>484454642 >>484453807

he's always here crying to someone in this general?
pso2g that breaks hearts?
I'll do it if you it's really me you're talking about
I'm gonna break your little heart
who you
It's a bored guy faking sad posts to make people like you speculate about them.
I'm not cute, no puppy for me smdh
don't tell my heart, my achy breaky heart
*ghosts you*
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*Breaks your legs*
it's xevel. got cucked for the 14th time by luna/erdbeere
Still waiting for Erdbeere to break up with Xevel
I break hearts and pelvises after I sit my big derriere on your lap.
jiggu machi aiatar koishi maku atalanta
I miss her so much
*repeatedly ghosts multiple people without warning*
erdbeere, if you're reading this, I can fix you
If you get ghosted, you don't matter. Move on.
Post your ball joints again you pink slut.
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gl V. it took cel shading, eyes, brows, lashes, & hair before i even considered using it
extensions & new n-spec ears are the newest additions
Fuck Jiggu.
All my homies hate Jiggu. He broke my certified hood nigga's tiny widdle heart into a million pieces.
RIP my nigga for real dawg.
Jiggu is the heart breaker, not the other way around. Sluts don't have emotions, especially not for other people.
I don't know about you guys but before Jiggu started sucking my cube she warned me not to fall in love.

So, I didn't.
I volunteer my pelvis for crushing
Too bad you're a femboy schizo.
pso2g that break cocks?
Jiggu is a good friend.
She didn't tell me that...
I guess she forgot
Damn, there really should be a disclaimer before the fucking and sucking of random pso2g sluts...
Yeah I'd jig jiggus heart out of her chest.
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maybe if i played Lively you'd have some some credence
(needs lashes / dark circles)
Nope. A change in style doesn't overcome your shit personality
there's a guy on ship 1 that makes alt accounts just to ntr himself without people knowing
It should be common knowledge to not fall in love with a slut.
No surely that means I'm special, right bros?
I'm gonna shoot my shot tomorrow...
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This is literally a visual representation of our whisper messages
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how ever will i cope with the angriest person alive being agitated by my existence
is it up yet
Snarky too
learned it from the best ^.~
yeh i spank jiggus demon ass
Wrong person...
It's over for me...
the game not your cock
Honestly, I don't know who wants to be exclusive or in a relationship. Maybe the feelings have to be that heavy for both persons but I find it difficult to be chained down desu
I love being chained down desu
Do you even have feelings anymore? Are you even capable of that? Or are you just that far gone
Is there any way to pause premium time? I bought like three months a while ago but I think I'm just going to take a break from the game instead since the teams are so dead now.
you're funny anon
Take a shower
Nice, in both ways I hope!
I have feelings but for me it takes unbelievable chemistry to want to dedicate myself to someone, but it's even more unlikely if the person is a slut. They love the lewd feeling too much they'll get bored of me and seek out a fix every time. I know there are genuine online relationships out there but it is ultimately unlikely I'd find that even if I desire intimate love.
I figured as much. Still figured I'd ask.
>Retard still posting the most downloaded game on ps store list
but i already took a bath (that's a promo pic)
My husbandwife wears this
ff14 fans so insecure about their position they have to edit in "software sales"
it's a list of money spent on Playstation STORE, not retail STORE
are you hetero?
I see, that clears things up. I will move on.
Remember to keep your chin up, bro. It's just a bump on the road and you'll bounce back like I and many others have.
>monthly fee of only 14 $ vs 1000 $ scratch slop every month for a black dot
list only makes ngs look bad stop posting it
I don't think you're replying to who you think you're replying to
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ziv costed me more money to play than pso2 lol
also suck my cock yoshitpiss i'm not buying the game again for the 6th time just to talk to wuk lamat
>thats what gacha trannies tell themselves after they drop 100 $ on rolling for dots and emote stamps every month
>Poorfags unable to afford spending on vices and their livelihoods
Get your bread up faggots
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Do I edge or work on my anime backlog?
Edge. Especially to hags
Edge. Especially to minheights
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The LTQ drops Halphinale
rich people dont make stupid monetary decisions. only poorfags scratch and they either live in moms basement, are on state care while being unemployed or live paycheck to paycheck. none of them know the value of money.

gotta stop pretending internet thug
This is unironically true.

t.rich guy
>Poorfag thinks he knows how money works
I was just thinking of buying the expansion, but I heard it was just Lyse 2.0 again.
People who scratch specially in ngs really don't know how money works.
let's be real you are bunch of third worlders who still play this trash. You are all poorfags larping as rich people just to feel a tad better about living in a ghetto somewhere in brazil.
Any content you recommend? Sounds like a fun combo!
Is there anyone that's actually rich? I need a sugar mommy to afford fashion and augments...
Actual ones? No, but if you want larpers there's plenty.
I pay a Colombian like three bucks usd to grind two weeks worth of dext base for me.
Work smarter, not harder, anons.
I hope this is real, it sounds too funny
Me on the left!

it says used as materials, could just be regular dominas & giga IVs
No way, that's me
Won't be buying it thanks to you!
Back off,sluts
That's clearly me!
Nu uh, see? This is me and my minheight!
azrice is the only confirmed richanon

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