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Previously, on /pso2g/: >>484350240

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drive
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>NGS Headline (2024/06/25)

>Scratch Tickets:


>NGS Wiki:
https://pso2ngs.swiki.jp/ (JP)

>NGS Damage Calculator:

>NGS Verification Data (frame data, enemy stats, game mechanics, etc):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3gSISqcFIkZUiV_Z4thvFmycuTajw5-6V1Y36rx64w/ (JP, usually more up to date)

>Item Codes and Keywords:

>Fashion History

>NGS Roadmap:

>PSO2 Information/FAQ

>Older Phantasy Star Games
Eager minheight onaholes!
First before some brazillian monkey larping calls me poorfag!
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Sega's 3rd Business Division, which currently manages PSO2, is also in charge of developing Crazy Taxi and all of the other 'Super Games'.
The 3rd Business Division only has a staff of 600 people, including people that were pulled from other divisions to work on Super Games. Just these 600 people work on PSO2, the newly announced Crazy Taxi MMO, and all of the other 'Super Game' projects combined.
They've just posted a youtube video begging people to apply for jobs because they do not have enough staff to finish Crazy Taxi.
If you've been wondering where all of the PSO2 content development went, here's your answer.
post your character in a speedo (or don't)
I just want a sugar mommy to buy me AC...
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The black cat!
Same... also just to be called good girl...
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popeye looking ass nigga
*swats you*
Just get close to a whale. They never mind spoiling their friends
>Global players
>Pajeets, colombians, brazilians, assorted third-worlders
Reminder that if you're global, you're second-rate.
A whale bought me pretty shoes once
And then another anon came on the shoes
so are gaijins thinking they are japanese if they play on JP server. you will never be japanese btw. you are like your global players but rejects
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Arms fixed for whenever I take pics again.
Turns out I somehow forgot to touch the forearm slider and never noticed since I don't pay much attention to arms.

Gaijins buy AC with better prices, try again.
buying AC at cheaper price doesnt change your skin color. if you live in the west and play ngs you are a thirdie
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How's talking into that mirror going?
global has more white people than JP though
It sucks to be reminded that you're playing in the squatter Global server, but someone has to do it.
This JP nigger is too cocky for no reason when he's playing NGS with us anyway lol
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Concession accepted Globalkek
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Concession accepted Globalbabs
pso2g who will look at me like this?
He's not feeling cocky it's just that you deserve all the spits you're getting for playing the watered down localized version which is around to filter you for a profit.
You had 8 years, no excuses maggots.
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Concession accepted Globalburs
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Concession accepted Globaltards.
>playing NGS with us anyway
No we're playing a different game. We're playing NGS in the real server while you play slum/favela simulator with the thirdies and troonies in the squatter server.
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closest think i got to a speedo sadly
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PSO2 has been operating without a dedicated lead planner for a while now.
as you can see in the archive the lead planner job has remained open since at least may 2022.
starting in july 2022 they tried to get part time workers to do planning work for quests and tasks.
but just this past month they merged the responsibilities of these two jobs into a single part time planner job that also has adopted some of the greater responsibilities from the vacant lead planner.
so with the greater responsibilities now it has higher qualifications. they're hoping to find an experienced planner from another company willing to do part time work as a planner for NGS. This NGS planner job is the only job that they've actually made tweets about so they seem pretty desperate.
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Imagine cucking yourself for 8 years because you were filtered by a captcha and then choosing to play a watered down version of the game and willingly doing so underneath a tranny CM. And then Globalkeks will try and justify it to superior JPGAWDS while looking like pic related
Uh oh, he got reminded what he's playing!
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Actually you know what? Yeah, nah, fuck this. I'm tired, I'm going to eat my .38 special. I hope you all have a nice day.
>Globalkeks are now getting filtered by natural selection
So which pariah is it now?
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If this is related to J*ggu you're retarded
Based Corey chad
>he shares a server with the trannies and thread pariahs
>he plays a server ran by trannywizofthesharts
Don't you dare fucking do it. You keep on suffering with the rest of us.
>extensive experience playing quests in NGS
lmao, SEGA botched almost every regional update. releasing capsules without units, releasing units without capsules. slamming out level cap increases with limited-time slop. when was the last time we needed to grind for gated enhancement material? the entire crafting system is smashing dupes together. they should just get rid of the tedious C/Endymio crap and make Weapons/Units self-enhance while participating in combat. make it eat your meseta drops until it's capped.
>jiggu actually drained someone so hard it sapped their soul and will to live as well
godzamn that erp must have been amazing
i do not care
always doppel
Imagine NGS but good
So JP?
Definitely not Global
>same kusoge but you can scratch more
u know if global shuts down so does JP, you retard?
everyone loses
nah, you wish it worked like that thirdworldie
*sucks your cocks*
Now stop arguing
Any csl on the ready?
I like how the server comes online and the thread stops completely so you can tell its active players shitposting 24/7
t. ranny
>international version comes out
>suddenly have to consider the opinion of mouthbreathing retards on the """""official discord server"""""
yeah like what happened to pricunny and pso2 sea right
>releasing capsules without units, releasing units without capsules
this is sadly a necessary evil because normie cucks who play 1 hour a month literally cannot stop seething that it's so expensive to gear up. they had to stagger everything to give them time to keep up
All me
>Globalbabbies coping that when the game EOS, both regions will shut down
You know deep in your heart that JP will continue to run longer and Global will just be an embarrassing memory for SEGA.
>everyone loses
you mean everyone wins
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a speedo can't contain my lips
I'm going to vomit
>Global nigger sliders
/la barf every single time
global shutting down would be an enormous gain for the game and allow them to focus the full effort on jp instead of wasting their time on a region that doesn't financially support the game worth a shit
>have to second guess every of your design in accordance to (((global sensibilities)))
>have to trannyslate your texts
>have to dub in multiple languages
>have to pay extra licensing for everything
>have to tard wrangle your overseas community team
>have to run ads and promos for two versions
all of this takes a decent chunk of work and budget
your a newfag to PSO games whenever the US version dies the JP version dies soon after they're almost intertwined, before you bring up 8 years of PSO2 we were suppose to get a western version shortly after JP launch, the entire english translation was done by sega themselves and datamined for use with the english patch and eventually adopted by adas launcher all of you retards use today.
>Xhe forgot PSU NA was killed two years faster than JP
Lmaoo newfag tranny
if the global version dies I hope they not only continue to block non JPs but also more aggressively shut them out by actively hunting and banning non JP players, implementing stricter antitamper to shut out users of the tweaker (perhaps legally going after the tweaker team itself), and implementing tougher VPN/IP block circumvention detection along the lines of what Blue Protocol was doing. Keep the soon to be homeless globab menace from fleeing to JP and evict all the non JP that thought they could get away with evading the IP block forever. Purge the foreigners from this Japanese game forever and deny them access to it.
not the xbox version you retarded troon
Absolutely agree, ameritards taint anything they touch doesnt matter south or north, same disgusting humans
Cope, pricunny and SEA pso2 shut down early due to poor sales. The trends are all there. Cry harder Globalkek.
why are you girls talking about eos
Yeah you should be talking about plapping
I forced my t1 boyfriend to log in this update
I know
He plapped me in every hole
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Does the new scratch look good lads?
/la barf

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