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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

How did Hewg make a weapon that can kill a god without using the Rune of Death?
read the description of ancient dragon smithing stones and find out
time is convoluted shut the fuck up and stop asking questions
it is explained in an item description, did you read it?
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post and r8 tarnished
Shattering the Elden Ring in a moment of hysteria is such a woman move. Zeus or Gwyn or somebody would never
clownsuit metaslave poiseblob
yeah I'm still here. What grace we meeting at?
I would do it
I don't get the lore regarding Marika and shamans.
First of all, hornset worshipped divine beasts and the crucible, and tried to reach skies (heavens) with their spirals. How is stuffing random criminals and blondes into pots related to that? If pots were kept in gaols, what was the point of their "sainthood"? I don't even know what Zaki means when he calls someone a saint.

Second of all, we knew that Numen were rarely born, long-lived, from outside LB and capable of crafting powerful tools like Marika's hammer. We see nothing of the sort in the shaman village. In particular, it's an example of the trope that annoys me in fantasy in general. You can't have a race that is both rare and stuffed in jars (or otherwise genocided) en masse. It's not enough to make jars and too much to let it exist still. Also in the main game, we found Numen runes in the underground areas. Why don't they come from there/settle there? What is the timeline of Numen vs Nox vs Eternal cities? Nox were banished by the Greater Will, so it must have been early.

Lastly, Maliketh was a gif to Marika as an empyrean. Fingers select empyreans and give out shadows. We find finger ruins but no trace of fingers influencing the hornsent. And if Marika was an empyrean, means she likely had a high status from the start - otherwise, why would she have her own two fingers instead of going into a jar?

One thing we knew about Marika from the base game was that she disliked death ("Let a new epoch begin. An epoch glistening with life"), so this kind of background is fitting, but I strongly dislike the execution
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Now that the dust has settled, it's time. Time to pick your Top 5 Waifus.
>zeus would never
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Storm character will have to wait until NG+ to fully come online since I got catfished by the lame ice stomp instead of getting the storm talisman
>they serpentbone blade's double slash R2 on another katana that doesn't also have double slash as an L2
No one here actually plays the game. Remember people kept saying the dlc takes place after the base game because miquella and leda refer to you as lord of the old order and lord of the haligtree, when miquella's introduction dialog calls you ASPIRING lord of the old order. And leda says you're here to kill miquella so you can become elden lord with no threats to you.
She was freeing the world from alien tyranny
just dupe the remembrance bwo
>four swift slash invasions in a row
dead multiplayer
just duplicate the remembrance
I'll punch a hole in a wall or something if the mood strikes me, but I'm not gonna start punching some precious heirloom
how the fuck is demon souls pvp more balanced than elden ring
I am so tired of the bosses/enemies in the DLC. It's just spam-fest 2024. They are always moving, always attacking, always dodging, always gap closing, always on the offensive. Spam this move, spam that move, input read this, input read that, smash you on the ground so you're forced to stand up, only to be smashed down again. AOE explosions on half their moves, they can choose to cancel the AOE at any moment too to fuck with you so if you think it's coming, it isn't, and if you think you'll be safe to chug/roll/etc, nah they just blow up and fuck you that way too.

I mean god damn... it's just so boring. I love all the areas, the look and designs, all that shit, but my god, actually playing through this shit is tiresome as fuck.
You have new duplication places in the DLC if you wasted your mausoleuma
I'm still not over how you guys lied to me about that. If I can't trust 4channers who can I trust?
We have too many retards who play the DLC after already doing Elden Beast so they think that's supposed to be canon when it's never been the case.
Isn't the ice stomp pretty much pre-nerf hoarfrost? It also looks really cool.
I genuinely and unironically find Messmer to be a far more egregious fight in terms of """fairness""" than Radahn, I don't even think Phase 2 is particularly offensive outside of just being a boring gimmick of "oh its radahn again you love that guy right"
are you invading or hosting?
I'm gonna do no scadutree blessing run. Wish me luck
it's not precious though it's like her slave collar but not as sexy as one
>Get filtered
>It's not le hard it's le boring/bad/.[insert your cope]
I don't have a problem with either of them, what's unfair about Messmer?
Should i make a build around falx or beast claws?
Wait, you can now have Stand battles?
good luck cutie
after making this post I got:
yoda gank
boss fog
boss fog
swift slash
perfume cheese
i really just like the stone of gurranq, the rest of the bestial stuff seems like it can be covered by the thrusting shield. i dipped 19 into int and fth for the immutable shield. i wanna say its good for elemental and status bosses but i havent found much testing with it yet.
I just abused summons, buffs, and OP weapons, and chug as much as possible. I genuinely do not see the point in playing otherwise, it's just a massive test of patience to fight the bosses otherwise. There's no actual challenge to it, just memorization until you beat them solo; or you just suck it up and abuse what the game gives you and "succeed". The only reason they might even be considered "hard" is because 1 attack does 50+% of your HP even if you have tons of the scadue buffs and high vig.

Frankly I don't care about "winning" or anything of that shit, I genuinely find the enemy/boss design to just be so fucking trite and boring.
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Going from the dlc scadu level 20 back to the base game feels so fucking terrible my god. The dlc really was like 5 times easier.
I don't think there's anything "wrong" with any of them, I just hate the Elden Ring trend of "boss winds up after doing several fast attacks but intentionally has a build in stall which is designed to trick you into rolling early". It feels extremely cheap the first time it hits you and then after you know it's coming you basically never get hit by it again. I get that they felt the need to counter roll spamming but it just doesn't feel satisfying or interesting to me. I admittedly did die to Messmer about 10 or so more times than I did Radahn but both bosses didn't really feel insanely tough or exciting or anything.

I usually roll my eyes at the "souls games should just be sekiro type directions" type arguments but if they really feel the need to be le hard game company then it feels to me like the ceiling on the difficulty of the souls formula is running out. It just seems like they're running out of ideas on how they can make things harder within the confines of the actual combat system, and that leads to kinda silly enemy design that veteran players will get surprised once or twice by and casual players will seethe relentlessly at.
11? hours left to download muh video wall

wouldn't mind if folk with 4090 ray tracing gpus made some too wink and nudge.
might as well make it a no hit run cause shit will still one shot you at 60 vig
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>Objective flaws in Radahn's design
1. Radahn's afterimage attacks have no hurtbox and he can do these grounded so some punishes to attacks get "eaten" by his after image strikes turning off his hurtbox frame 0 as he charges them.
2. Radahn's love of long anime combos can lead to periods of 20 or more seconds where he is only vulnerable for a tiny amount of time, removing interactivity and forcing you to play a damage avoidance minigame where the dilemma on where to push aggression is completely ignored
3.The boss has no answer to greatshield strats.
4. The boss has numerous one-shot attacks in his arsenal which can kill even with 60 Vig + 20 Skibidi + defensive talismans thanks to multi-hit protections not being properly enabled. His grounded afterimage attack can oneshot you, and his air combo from meteors can kill you if the ground slam hits, since it combos into the light pillars into the AoE light pillars.
5. The boss has attacks that are undodgable outside of elevation differences. The 1-2 slash even had challenge runners using Crucible talismans for extra i-frames
6. Visual disaster - A combination of Miquella's hair a giant bright white beams and the effect on his afterimages make parsing what goes on in the fight almost impossible.
7. Inconsistent effects - the ground crumble effect used on his stomp and pulling his weapon out of the ground are the same and usually indicate grounded attacks but you can jump the stomp while not being able to do so for the weapon pull.
8. Height jank with the uneven arena is rife which causes unintended interactions and random whiffs
9. Uneven moveset. Some moves can oneshot you and have no hurtbox while others like Miquella's Light, his grab or his tornado gravity gapcloser are easy to avoid and have gigantic punish windows which both encourages AI abuse and makes winning feel overly dependent on 'lucky patterns'. If Radahn spammed the 1-2-cross slash the fight is artificially much harder than one where he spams grabs.
>it's just a massive test of patience to fight the bosses otherwise. There's no actual challenge to it, just memorization until you beat them solo
So you just hate souls games? Why play at all?
Someone post the Sir Gideon pic
10. His grab gives you so much free time that it's arguably better to trade and get hit by it in a lot of cases as Radahn just stands there post grab and you get a full stamina refill. You should NEVER want to get hit by an attack.
11. Getting into Phase 2 with a crit doesn't teleport you to Radahn which breaks the intended flow of the fight.
12. Boss is very easy to parry cheese or Deflectcheese. The final boss shouldn't be so weak to defensive strategies, he shouldn't completely crumble the moment the player steps outside of rolling.
13. Some defensive strategies are framerate dependent, on a fight that directly attacks your FPS. Running away post gravity suck is perfect if you get a solid framerate but any dips and you die instantly.
14. Poor performance on a lot of his moves in general.
15. Very poor looking animations on a lot of his moves, specifically the spinning gravity gapcloser and Miquella's T-pose
16. Unlike good fights (Gael) Radahn has very few audio cues to denote specific combos, which would have been a great way to make up for the visual mess.
17. Not a consistent direction for Radahn's dive which is a fucking terrible way to implement an attack that kills you if it hits.

t. just finished my 4th DLC run
We get it. Radahn filtered you. You got mad. These games aren't made for you. Just go play fucking league of legends or some other fag shit and let people have fun instead of trying to cry about why it isn't actually your fault.
>use cheese weapons
>write a giant cope post
lmao I'm not reading all that
not him but ds1 especially didnt have memorization at all you can get through that just roll reacting and attacking after

no souls vet thinks this is a souls game, it's just some high budget fantasy fighter game like monster hunter
Unfortunately already used for 2nd dragon fist, Messmer's incantation and Midra's incantation (2/3 not worth desu). I'm going into NG+ soon anyway so it's no problem

It feels like a bigger version of that yeah, but I was never the hugest fan of that in the first place anyway. I only picked it over the talisman because I only later learned that "storm" actually applies to a bunch of stuff besides that 1 spell.
since this post:
>boss fog
>boss fog
>limgrave gank using blood GUGS w/ gaius ash
it really feels like it would have taken so little effort to make this system 5x more fun
unironically good loop kek, well done
I am deeply, deeply, deeply in love with Messmer and have no way to communicate my affection for him because the Tarnished is a mute silent protagonist who only knows how to kill
I still can't wait for the meta quest 4/5 and the whole of Elden Ring + dlc with "blade and sorcery" controls full body none of this pads strapped to your hands bullshit. (i've explained this before facebook corpos, make gloves. you're making virtual REALITY not strapping a tv to peoples heads, watch ready player one for fuck sake)
Why do people say Mohg is innocent?
Do skibidi levels reset in NG+?
Notice how they can't defend any of the points.
>greatshield strats.
there are 3 greatshields that trivialize him, none of the others have high enough guard boost to actually tank properly
feel like this needs to be said because even a golden GS with shield grease / magic shield doesn't cut it to cheese him out
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>filtered by fatboys in PvP
embarassing admission
you can use basegame mausoleums
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perfume, perfume, impen thorns, perfume
swift slash, perfume, swift slash, swift slash
Not him but you could get good at souls games, it's why people thought ds3 was so easy when it came out, because they became good at souls games, their muscle memory for dodging was already developed, so just based on instinct and reaction most players just blew through ds3. Elden ring isn't designed like that, its attacks are designed to throw you off, like I didn't have to learn fights back in ds3 because I could get them in the first try or two, not really the case now.
where in the base game?
haligtree feels easy now after no skibidis in the STARTING AREA of the dlc, and beating things anyway
farum azula is still, fun.
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I heard you like Marika. Here, have two of them.
I didn't read any of the points
Maybe he plays these games for the dungeons, like we all did in the pre-DS3 days.
i don't often attempt parrying bosses outside of Gwyn at all so it was rather refreshing to reject Radahn's gay ass swings after all these years... actually im pretty sure they made most bosses immune to parrying back then so i never really bothered
I'm still seeing people say you're already elden lord, which is stupid. In DLC, characters act like you're very close and the best prospect for elden lord. Hornsent says it almost explicitly in the gank fight by calling you lord. It's clear that the DLC takes place at the very last stretch of the journey since it requires Mohg's defeat, and Mohg's level makes him an endgame boss. But you literally could not be Elden Lord by then.
I never take off Knight Armor set. No need to post pictures.
I did my first run against him with Siluria's Tree + Golden GS and it was easy enough with stamina recovery buffs. You just have to let go of the shield from time to time.
did gee9 make a metasweat video or something? have you tried just using other equipment and not being a bunch of tryhards
>b-but they're using-
don't be that guy. be better.
i don't understand zoomer speak. what does this mean?
no and all frags respawn like base game materials
>he over-skibidi'd
15 max
scooby snacks then come on my dude. ska du (sha dow) tree fragments ski ba di fragments...
I agree with literally all of these

I always look up the players after these interactions and 70% of the time it's south americans
also oddly consistent is their enjoyment of fat top / slim bottom on dex builds
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Any STR builds good for the DLC?
Maybe with a side of THROWING ROCKS and buffing?
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I did 3 skibidi boss rush run with a friend on se*mless earlier today and it was not too bad, just Messmer, Bayyyyyle and Radahn took us fair amount of time, but I guess 2man will always be easier than solo even with double health. You probably have to be very good or very persistent (or both I guess) to do all bosses on no blessings but I believe in you.
>did gee9 make a metasweat video
He made one, complaining about how everyone is abusing swift slash because it's op as shit.
Yes, you're defending the Radahn fight, it's very obvious that you're not smart enough to be able to read something as daunting as a list.
the guy who got everyone using giant cunt is complaining about an ash of war very funny.
he didn't stay off my ass long enough to let go and get the stamina back, but I wasn't stacking stamina regen
I'm going through on my second guy so I'll try that out
imo this boss is bed of chaos tier in terms of how unfun it is to fight legit
11 is an unfixable issue in all bosses. 12 parries and deflecting are not cheese, you have minor brainrot. otherwise correct
this is when you use the new shotel madness cheat and laugh at the state of the game
>Struggling to keep up with Messmer
>Throw quickstep on a claymore
>Kill him easily
It's amazing how much better the combat feels when you have reliable, instantaneous dodges. How much longer is From gonna keep this garbage input buffering/delay system for rolls in their games?
>is the easiest build in the game good in the dlc
His videos are 99% PvP balance complaints.
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You're all 10/10s to me.
STR and Arcane and especially STR/ARC are absolute BULLSHIT in the DLC
230 bleed buildip COLOSSAL WEAPON LMAO
that fight feels like it was designed around using blind spot on every combo he tries to do
Can you name one, then?
Marika vs Ranni in her original body
sorry, this isn't a reddit sub where we're here to do your homework for you
his post was very specific, it should be easy to clown on it if you can point to something incorrect
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I honestly despise what the player base of this game has become
>PVE is just casuals and normalfags getting filtered by the game and resorting to cheese because they don't know how to play the game
>PVP is just a gang war between sweatlords and casuals, normalfags, and even more sweatlords, each trying to ruin the other's experience in a perpetually escalating arms race, with any sane player being driven to sweat themselves by exploits and imbalances
they should go back to dodge on lock on, roll when unlocked (bloodborne) or just straight up rip off kingdom hearts (roll OR dash on press and hold respectively same button, locked on or not)
in my opinion
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Whats the gameplay when boss is immune or very high resistant to bleed and you are using hornsent falx? Night Claws shotgun backup?
is the alabastor lord sword actually worth using or is it just a meme
>Atak Messmera
no way that thing's ash of war is that plainly named
you can avoid everything with messmer unless you get stuck against the wall during his not-waterfowl.

with radahn, there's two moves you can't dodge no matter what (light roll).
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I will ensure the night is safe
*also kick should be forward + r1 like every souls game not an ash of war, and xbows should have actual ashes of war like the sanctum one from ds2
Literally every problem could be solved by nerfing stamina instead of making the game more anime. If stamina is more precious, every mistake is that much more devastating and consequently bosses don't need as many opportunities to force mistakes. Game slows down but remains as challenging as before.
That's fucking cool though.
It's a shame there's no way to filter cheaters and you just have to rely on an honor system with MP subhumans don't fucking have.
Otherwise imagine a goddamn manhunt across the entire map, picking off the host and his party bit by bit.
Can the host rest at graces and enter fog doors while the invader's present?
>p-please take my copypasted wall of seethe and cope seriously
no. Also stop samefagging
Now that you have the guide it should be easy to point at which parts apply, right?
Go ahead. I've got my footage from all of my fights.
is it an arcane build? if so, occult infused bloodfiend arm, or dragon incantations
taking the tarnished to meet the family
it had a much more niche version of the bug that exists for the fire knight's gs currently, where one of its moves had an incorrect stagger value - but paired with an extremely high motion value. so you could do goofy aa charged R2 R1 combos for 90% of the host's health, but no longer.

it died so that other greatswords could live with 1.09
Does the golden order assimilate new cultures and ideas or does it destroy them
Why are you bothering? These people think Friede is a bad boss. They're hopeless.
Its falx build idea so mostly dex
Hello wife
That's just DS1, and DS1 is way easier
nta, its not bad, and it has unique motion values
I prefer helphens / blaidds / mlgs though myself, for int "str"
I have characters with 10 end and its not fun you just hit that threshold and get fucking yeeted when the boss decides you're dead now cause you can't do anything and its really easy to hit that threshold unless you only ever attack a maximum of twice and roll once to dodge.
we're not undead anymore no need for that crap, and I have no problem with anime, if you do you're in the wrong place.
It's just Messmer's Assault or something in english init, not super cool name by any means
I was actually more thinking about pure STR builds. I know hybrid builds fuck and I know that pure DEX builds got a ton of toys.
Why does the frenzy sword get the impale ash of war?
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I never used the DLC weapons only my grave scythefu, I had to ditch my edgelord robes and switch to heavy armor for Radahn
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good morning, /erg/
im >>484358235

>the bug that exists for the fire knight's gs
wait whats the bug?
That's all souls pvp when the new game/dlc first releases. Ds3 started cracking the dam for these normalfags, elden ring opened the flood gates. The community of old is long dead.
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Does anybody know if From patched this exploit so you can get two Serpent Killer spears? I leveled mine up to +10 and the exploit requires you to trash yours first and then either invade or use co-op to first get one, then go back to your world and get the one you're supposed to have. I'm willing to do it since I have like 9 giganigga somber stones and don't care, but if it's all for nought, then screw it. I'm at the yellow wall right now but I might hold off for now until I find out.
just cheat it in retard
I'm talking about DS2 actually.
>PVP is just a gang war between sweatlords and casuals, normalfags, and even more sweatlords, each trying to ruin the other's experience in a perpetually escalating arms race, with any sane player being driven to sweat themselves by exploits and imbalances
Is arena that bad? Everyone was already horrible in invasions. The arena modes were always where decent PVP could be had.
ffs I meant to post this here not get switched threads I wondered why the page reloaded...
why is this still not a thing in base game? I wish to summon skeletons (not fucking tibia summons spell it is pure garbage yes even spamming rosus axe)
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that is so fucking cute it's kind of uncanny, i wish i could make a character that good looking
Alright so let me give a straight to the point overview of seamless coop mod invasions
>EAC is the devil, it's removal improved hit reg which also means iframes are improved, make hits harder to land on both sides
>Invader flasks aren't gimped so even a 4v1 is manageable because you have all 14 flasks, especially since the entire enemy part is forced to have honest equipment so no surprise WA spams at lower levels
>When you kill any of their party, they can't respawn until they all die or you die, stopping the whole host running like a bitch waiting for his friend to replace his sign to be summoned back
>If you are in the open world, you can ride torrent as an invader
>You can summon ashes as an invader, but damage is inconclusive and the host party has to aggro your ash for your ash to target them
>Invasion spawn points are worse than the actual game. I have spawned next to Godwyn in stormveil when the fucker isnt even in stormveil but Limgrave
>Invaders don't get respawn fingers for some reason, maybe due to not being a real red phantom
>Sometimes you and the host team can't see each other, forcing a disconnect
>Cowards will disconnect on you faster than in the real game, because they didn't know invasions are on by default and have no clue how to turn it off
Overall, not ideal, but worth giving the cowards a big scare that the "you are being invaded by redmanbad" message has arrived to their safe space
because demons pvp was a meme mode for shits and giggles
>Expecting a trust system in 2024

Bro hasn't taken a look at IRL? We're in the worst timeline where fucking videogames can't even be without cheaters and sweatfags
>How much longer is From gonna keep this garbage input buffering/delay system for rolls in their games?
It's because they made it the same button that governs sprinting (and in older games jumping) so they opted to make rolling happen on button release.
If you want to experience instant rolls and you're on Steam you can use Steam's in built controller settings and change whatever your roll button is to "start press", which basically makes it release as soon as you press it, but this disables sprinting because you can't hold down the button.
I'm sure there's some autistic solution around it, but idk.
Built for rotdogging
I have three bros ready to try it out now that they enabled invasions
I fail to see how it isn't just a straight upgrade for the multiplayer now that invasions are included as well
I play video games so I don't have to think about real life and if people want to be scum thats their prerogative maybe you guys shouldn't have "just use cheat engine" all this time
the ash isn't even the best part, it's the charged heavy that makes it fun
your character reminds me of this one girl I knew in college who sat next to me in advance Chem
she said my aura "smelt of death" and that I was "dangerously connected to their realm"
she was a fucking weirdo
goddamn I miss her
They will still kill you, It doesn't one shot deathblight
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I think the DLC is better than the base game. On my first playthrough of Elden Ring I got burnt out halfway through and came back a few months later to finish it, there are way too many copy paste dungeons and massive open word areas filled with samey content. SOTE is like the base game with the fat trimmed, much tighter experience. Shadow Castle mogs all base game dungeons, Midra and Messmer mog all base game bosses, and Radahn mogs Elden Beast as a final fight. Only thing I don't like is lore changes and skibidis
What a cutie anon.
As usual, the MP subhuman already goes into an amazing thing with terrible mentality, assuring that it'll be ruined down the line.
It's truly amazing even when good things come to them, the subhuman can't help but ruin them. Outstanding.
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Why does this general have such dog shit taste? It's honestly incredible.
Because he was minding his own business giving albunaurics a place to chill until trick micky mind raped him the used his corpse to revive Radahn.
bro knew Wednesday Addams in college lucky
Spirit Chewner
I used shield, shield and stamina talismans + infused antspur rapier for 5 minutes and I already feel dirty. Im not even using barricade or the finger print shield and its still stupidly braindead and strong. And dear god if enemy is vulnerable to rot.
what about obsidian lamina, did you like it? I used to play mostly with grave scythe too
it means you're old and need to get off the internet (outside of your boomer facebook group)
>"you are being invaded by redmanbad"
We got invaded by a dude while setting up characters yesterday and idk if I missed it but there was no message whatsoever, guy just turned up at some point
>hullo tarnish'd, its chewshday innit? you back for shome shpriti chewning?
i love her so much
>she said my aura "smelt of death" and that I was "dangerously connected to their realm"
this definitely happened
Hand it over, that thing, your INT/ARC DLC build.
Rya is 89, I haven't voted yet cause I haven't done enough dlc but Rya is one of my 5 no question so, take that as you will.
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Is this one better
yeah idk if it was a bit she was doing or she was actually a weirdo
her dorm room didn't have anything dangerously out of the ordinary minus some tarot cards and like 3 small crystals
idk dude she was actually like super friendly
>my aura "smelt of death"
uh oh stinky!
I thought Falx is quality, either way, you don't need to touch Arcane because drawstring Bleed Grease is nuts. Just grab whatever you want.
>two ugly whores and turbo manlet
so how is your pic unrelated relevant
not sure why people keep mentioning tarot lately and in the vein that its super odd I have a deck myself. its just divination with cards. RNG if you will.
stop making builds around one and only one weapon, this isn't dark souls 1
That's what you get for gloating that the mod would kill Invasions, only to realize that the invaders can now come and shit on your day
Get fucked faggot. Your safe space is over
yup it did
the town I come from is a heavily conservative catholic Mexican community
the college that town feeds into is a fairly liberal town
take a catholic girl who has been constantly watched over by her family and give her immense freedom and they go fucking buck wild and insane
seamless works for the DLC already? Neato.
Now if only I had a friend on PC who plays Elden Ring
the old poll was fucked because it needed you to rank all the female characters in the game and had a fuckton of random niggas e.g. alecto, big albinauric woman from the mountains
so you got a lot of points going to some characters cuz a ton of anons were too lazy to rank all of them and just put their top 3 up top
it's quite good. the skill mulches through standard pve, and the charged r2s, especially the second hit, have insanely high damage and stagger rates, and cost like half the stamina of a normal greatsword charged r2. the downside is it's short.
Somebody's been on Reddit and picked up sliders.
>so how is your pic unrelated relevant
The best thing about it is no anti-cheat.
this happened like 15 years ago

she comes from a super catholic conservative mexican family
a lot of the people, guys and girls, in my university go a bit crazy and rebellious
girls start getting freaky and into witchcraft
guys too
it's interesting the giant pendulum swing that happens
I saw it in a lot of my friends from
high school transitioning to uni
radahn out of nowhere is so bizarre that people thought the leaks were actually fake and lies.
but it makes perfect sense to the slant eyed people they love radahn and that's why this happened.

of course Miyazaki would cater to them
Just experienced Radahn's second phase and I already don't feel like doing it 'fairly'. What the fuck is this spastic shit? Is this Miyazaki's magnum opus?
one week max before it's nothing but CE invaders vs CE ganksquads
no but it's good though
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>instantly mindbroken by merely seeing his phase 2
Chadahn wins again.
Another that will not beat the game.
I just copied someone else's sliders then turned her into an edgelord. She still looks retarded half the time depending on the lighting, I think raytracing makes tarnished characters look a lot better too

I killed Ansbach because I thought he'd drop and locked myself out of it

You should have married her
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You know what to do.
>The player's build INEXPLICABLY doesn't use a SINGLE new DLC spell or item
heh, at least it makes sense now
But bosses already combat the use of summons well by sperging on them with attack spam and blending through their health fast bar a few very durable ashes
You truly are a fucking subhuman. Just a lesser form of fucking life. But for once, instead of just treating you like the wild animal you are and letting your subhuman behavior pass in stride since I know you can't help it, I'm genuinely annoyed.
You're going into a thing that can potentially revolutionize co-op and invasions and already with a mentality of "lol gonna ruin your game"
You people are truly disgusting shitters.
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That's Radahn though
'Chadahn' is a homosexual pedophile that got his ass kicked four separate times.
cold infusion is cool i like making people freeze
>Marika went from P2 to down to P5 overnight
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R1>R1 and poking R1>R1 is a true combo, DaS3 style.
Reminder that there is no evidence Mohg was being mind-controlled until he came into contact with Miquella. Bloodcult, murder, kidnapping is all him. Smashing twink bussy is debatable, but considering nobody else acted that way, that probably is still him.

Don't fall for propaganda
I'm used to getting better at the souls games but I'm suprised at just how easy early game elden ring is upon returning to it.
I've never even gotten that far into the game (I think Leonine was like the hardest boss I thought back then, although they weren't that tough)

Just knowing how to actually use stamp upward is making all of the minor dungeon bosses take like 30 seconds when they were long slogs on my first playtrhough.
I still want to wake up and realize it was all a fake mod. What a stupid ending man. Thank god I got spoiled so I wasnt disappointed when I finally got to the end of this sloppa
true enough
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He consented btw. Miquella loves radahn. Radahn loves Miquella. Malenia is their supportive sister who is either fucking her sword master or her cleanrot knight
for your future runs leonine misbegotten and bloodhound knights are hard countered by barricade shield
I don't care what he did, I hate omens because they exist, I don't need any reason better than that
kinda funny how small the world is, we personally got "white magic" banned in writing from our school back when, after the popular kids started doing "light as a feather" in the playground and pulling people with spirit threads and shit (works, no really. I fully accidently someone backwards down a hill doing it myself once, which is when I stopped.)
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Does anyone run a madness build in the DLC invasion range? How's your experience?
>invaded the same twinked out, taunter's tongue, rune-arced host just hanging out in the first DLC area three fucking times in a row now
>the same hunter showed up twice
Am I seriously supposed to believe nobody else is playing?
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>invade in scorpion catacomb
>host has two summons both dual hammers jump attacking everything in sight
>they see me and proceed to rush the first bridge with the eyes
>point blank them with a gravity missile and one gets sent flying off while the other backs away and starts trying to throw his hammer only to get cursed
>host instantly runs away and right then a hunter spawns in and starts throwing spells
>host is desperately trying to summon his friends but keeps getting failed to summon text and leaves the mage alone so they die instantly
>another hunter spawns in and starts spinning through the air
>pull out thrusting shield and kill him
>host was watching this instead of helping and proceeds to run back to the grace when he dies
>instantly alt f4s when I go around the corner
Did more mental damage to him than actually killing him ever would have.
Madness would be the coolest thing ever if it worked on a single mob in the game
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Gimme a DLC weapon that's actually fun to play and i'll try to make a build around it, including thematics.
what level are you?
we were confused cause miquella was potentially griffith but the truth was radahn was guts all along.
america asleep europe at work
just block them r*tard and yes only gankers are going to be there why would anyone normal summon there
I'm gonna wait until I actually get back to him to speak with any authority but from what I can remember I just rolled forward into/through leonine's attacks and that made the fight pretty trivial
you were surprised by this because you're not japanese, 90% of them love radahn and couldn't give two shits about the story so Miyazaki said, let's give them what they want instead of what I want.
you can take a look /a/ if you want to look at the trash that Japan is producing for itself these days. 80% of sales happen in Japan so japanese devs think the optimal way is to cater to the japanese audience which coincidentally has no taste these days.

they liked radahn more than godwyn or anything else that makes sense
shadow sunflower blossom
What build planner is this?
>invaded the same twinked out, taunter's tongue, rune-arced host just hanging out in the first DLC area three fucking times in a row now
If he's alone, what's your excuse?
switch to frost and reset it with something fire retard
All the new side areas are fucking insane for invading. Catacombs in particular are just gauntlets of bullshit, i had a host trying to run across the giant cannon imp room only for me to gravity missile him into an imp blast.
>10 remembrance bosses
>only 4 have cutscenes

>base game
>15 remembrance bosses
>12 have cutscenes
>godrick, radahn, malenia, godfrey, radagon have 2. At start and phase change.
So you guys are just gonna sit here and circle-jerk about stupid shit instead of actually answering a legitimate question here? >>484359058
Neat. This general is awesome.
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Radahn = guts even has the flip attacks
Miquella = griffith
Malenia = casca working as miquella's sword who's life he risks for his ambition
Finlay = jeaudau incredibly skilled, in love with casca and dies for her never confessing
Mohg = King of midland used by miquella for his plans, miquella's body(cocoon) is warped by his actions, and both die obsessed with their respective evil twinks

Thoughts on this realization?
you don't need two serpent-hunters
>holy STR/FTH
Literally what's the point? Are the 500 STR/FTH weapons from basegame not already enough?
>AoW is literally just heavy attacks with explosions
Upper right corner anon
The best one we have at the moment.
I'm no where near as twinked out; don't even have all my flasks or talisman slots yet.
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take your pic
>hard mode
don't just fucking slap on the death knight armor
>bonus points
seperate it from the death knight aesthetic
you're a grown ass man
read the fucking comments
>so Miyazaki said, let's give them what they want instead of what I want
stop shifting responsibility from Miyazaki to audience/Tanimura/Martin/other, it's his game, his story and he is proud of it.

And normies eat it up, I started watching vaati to see what we're going to deal with in the nearest future in terms of lore talk and he unironically said that we finally know what Malenia said to Radahn. Except it's a giant shitty retcon because at the time that original trailer was released, they either had no idea or had that cut Miquella ending in mind
hyperdamage (rot tali+mushroom head, bloodboil, frost them if applicable first, milly talisman, alexander shard, lord of blood exaltation(+varres gay mask) ) waterfowl dance
ash is pretty busted though it eats even annoying shit like fire knights alive
I'd tell you if I knew the answer nigga
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what, u don't like nuclear bombs?
honestly i couldnt care less that it's radahn, but we already fought him is the problem

i just wanted someone new. Imagine if we got fucking pontiff as the boss of ds3 dlc instead of freya
The twin axes are a permanent mainstay on my STR dude, so good for finishing hosts up.
It was never going to be godwyn. Detaminers already found stuff related to the final boss being ascended malenia and miquella just like their cut quest from the base game. Godwyn is a nothing character. Let it go.
the only thing I'm blaming on Tanimura is the fucking hippo. I know he designed those, they're too ogre-like.
I don't NEED to be on NG+++++++ or whatever I'm on, but here I am. You don't NEED to buy the DLC and play it either. I want to try all sorts of shit. It's called "fun", nigger.
just don't get hit bro
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>90% of them love radahn and couldn't give two shits about the story
i doubt the fuck out of it and i dont believe you, this is literally from japan’s weekly famitsu
wrong, Radahn was raped
main game bosses have really good build up: NPC dialogue, item descriptions, earlier encounter (ancestor spirit), and then cutscenes and more info/dialogue.
Putrescence knight is a nobody, Gaius is never mentioned before his fight unless I missed something, Romina has no build up.
Going by DLC's logic, we should have draconic tree sentinel and Loretta remembrance (and Loretta had more presence than some of these remembrance bosses)
the spinning tornado is such Kino
I love these weapons so much
even the standalone AoW is nice
this is the first time I've latched onto a set of weapons like this
such visual clarity
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>it's another fucking fire knight
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>200-500k runes on ng
Just how high you can level up with a single playthrough?
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damn, how tf are you gonna dlc stuff at that level
Half of the bosses are from a cut DLC that was fused to miquellashit so I get why the cutscenes were cut
Any cool new co-op incantations? I wanna larp as a paladin and keep my frens alive if possible. Is Minor Ertree actually worth it if I am all in on faith or no?
>Crescent Moon Axe moveset, but like twice as big
>WA is insane for chasing shit down
>great in pvp too
Yeah, they are amazing.
Dex/fth lightning shinobi, great katana with blinkbolt and dragon cult incantations.
maliketh drops 220k soul I mean runes and thats still more than one level at 154 where I need like 170 to level each time now.
its AT LEAST 200 and i've been saying this since before the game released not SOTE the vanilla game.
Can I recreate my FFXIV character in this character creator
Heal From Afar is the single best healing spell in the game. Not just for coop, the best in general. Lord's Heal tier healing but costs 20 fp less and casts faster.
You can use Heal from Afar I guess
Godrick is unironically kino. They mention him a shit ton of times before you meet him.
The only ones similar in the DLC would be Bayle and Messmer if I remember correctly.
Minor Erdtree is mid. It's like throwing a worse warming stone iirc. Heal from Afar is good.
the serpent hunter great spear should activate during messmer phase 2
you waste those runes on leveling up instead of buying upgrades for the ashes and 100 new weapons?
yeah unless they're a lala cause no height slider
Are people really struggling with these guys? The second one dropped me their sword it was fucking joever for them.
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I need to touch empyrean tummy.
Tracing a finger down Malenia's stomach, admiring her height and definition. Rubbing it just hard enough to feel the muscle underneath.
Grabbing Miquella's tiny waist and blowing raspberries on his belly. Pthbthbthbthbthbthbththbth peroperopero
I was lvl 200 by the time I fought Radahn and still haven't burnt the erdtree or killed Malenia
Now you can spend all your vigor points into damage.
they don't take damage, they're impossible
It doesn't list names. Post proof
An anon from here helped me with Mohg after I had a couple of failed attempts get way too close for me to be fucked trying to do it alone. Most of the stuff I mainly wanted was easy enough to beeline for, but I went out of my way to kill Ralva just for his pelt because the fashion was too good to pass up on; took a little while to take him down but he's a pretty fun fight. Also had to take out Red Bear also for the eventual fashion I wanna use and his claws; that dude is just a cunt, as most NPC fights are.
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Radahn is so lucky...
I killed a shit ton of them, and I still haven't gotten the sword yet. I am just too annoyed by their shit at this point.
The hell they don’t. I spent maybe twenty minutes yesterday farming them for the armor, two more greatswords, and a pair of daggers. What are you hitting them with?
Not everyone is a strength build, milady doesn't stagger them for shit
I am Guts.
Am i just retarded, or is build variety nonexistent? Every time i plan a new build, it always degrades into either 54/20 STR/DEX poise monster, or 80 INT or FTH caster. ARC just sucks as a primary stat.
What build would you recommend? I play both pve and pvp, of course.
hand to hand dry leaf
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Block the shithead and move on.
>Am i just retarded
You don't rike hitting them once after their 5 combo strings with your gay ass dex weapon?
should have been a STR chad.
It’s really worth it anon.
I’m not even really a strength build lmao, cold zweihander just didn’t fuck around and neither does her sexy younger sister now that I have it.
>huge dlc comes out with high recommended level
>billion of players online playing said dlc
>level 60 retard complains that there's no activity while literally everyone else is getting non stop invades and summons at the recommended dlc level
what the fuck were you expecting
Mohg beating the allegations are memes that smart people shitpost and that idiots/shallow thinkers take seriously. Mohg was always a depraved psychopath. Miquella almost definitely charmed him, but that is not mutually exclusive to Mohg's goals from the beginning. At best, Miquella gave him a push.
Is this shit bugged? It seems to have no scaling. It just tickles enemies.
Ralva can be cheesed easily if you're up to chikenshit tactics. Just repeatedly poison him and fuck off.
t. killed both bears on level 7+1/3

Also, how good is that hammer for invasions?
It's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool.
Frost grease it (can they even be greased?) or attune it to cold. Fire knights really, really don’t like frost procs.
You don't see mages going "Oh, I don't get how anyone has a problem with these ranged enemies on the roof shooting down at you, just take them out with spells" because at least they can tell that not all builds can do that. Strengthtards really don't have a brain
>farming the shitty ass daggers
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I know right? Imagine.
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this webm is sponsored by anonymous
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>ash of war makes buff pigs seethe
It will be nerfed to work only in PvE next patch, screenshot this.
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Okay, here I go
Possibility 1:
>go for 1h axe build
>Highland axe
>sword talisman, dagger talisman, block counter
>hawk/Denh ashes
>Stormaxes later on
>split STR/STR to get some Dragon cult incants in (45 FTH gets you almost all dragon cult incants)
>go for duala xes
Possibility 2:
>Vagabond or Warrior
>Crescent moon axe
>full STR with some FTH
>go for longhaft death knight axe
No, I wouldnt kill or Puppet Nepheli, she's gonna get to pop KENETH HAIGHT's golden cherry!
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>laughs in carian sovereignty
It says in the article that jp's favorite enemy is radahn. Anon was right.
How good is the madness buildup on them?
where did you farm them?
your heavies stagger them
>half the mages in catacombs have "revenge" messages near them
>literally all of them are in range of throwable knives you can easily kill them with
Why are STRiggers fucking retarded?
>say I’m not a strength build
>”Strengthtards really don’t have a brain”
So are you done swinging at strawmen yet? You can have a zwei without being a strength build anon.
Collector’s autism demanded I have at least one. Powerstancer’s autism demanded I get two.
More shitter flames of badness is definitely what pvp needed.
bosses in co-op are so much more annoying than solo
Hard to not leave a strong impression when you have Jerren's dickriding him and the falling star cutscene, though.
>Malenia on 2nd
>Got nothing in the whole DLC
>get new weapon
>get new weapon
>light greatsword
>get new weapon
>colossal greatsword
>get new weapon
>get new weapon
>colossal weapon
>get new weapon
>get new weapon
>curved greatsword
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>people are going to overlook the best faith spell of the DLC because of how basic it looks
They're a cat.
What the fuck, there are Frenzy Pots?
lmao what
My poison build kills them in ~3 sec, and I need to sip once at most after the fight
What kind of dogshit build are you running or how bad are you?
why would you powerstance shitty daggers especially when dagger powerstance is shit?
>calling someone a shitter
>using a braindead build
Yes. Also a new frenzyflame stone that is basically a frenzy turret.
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Romina needed a bigger part in the DLC. Such a cool design, and we don't even get a cutscene.
>such a cool design
I just found this out, btw:
Going minimum on FTH while going for split DEX/STR gives HIGHER dmg numbers according to this generator that going minimum on DEX and going split FTH/STR with the same overall point investment. It's only like 8 point, but still it's kinda weird.
Does anyone know why?
Miyazaki just wants to circlejerk his moonigger donut steals he needed rellana to be there he needed radahn to be the final boss he outright said rykard and his carian family were his favorite npcs I fucking hate carianiggers
start from midra manse, exit and walk over the right wall up the hill until you see woods with inquisitors, the recipe is there
Cute cope
This game can be beaten with dodge + R1, literally two buttons
What are you even babbling about lol
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don't know how much exactly but it's definitely noticeable if you land one, even if you land a phantom hit just build up
I disagree.. these things are cancer af. I only have a bunch of them because anon dropped me 999 materials
all the cookbooks are in the abyssal woods
>Does anyone know why?
Different scaling? The letters represent everything in the same scaling range, not one specific scaling
what the fuck are you talking about?
You can't fucking read, you nigger.
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>host dies to swift slash spam
and I was taking NO damage from it because of my buffs
damage reduction is so fucking underrated
What a retard
Every good build is braindead you moron lmao
idk the exact reason or numbers
but I've been playing with these axes since basically the beginning and I can give you my PoV

the main damage from the weapon is the weapon itself. the lightning damage us extremely minimal
so I assume that the Dex scaling is on the upper edges and the fth scaling is on the lower edges
to the point where it makes a difference
The greatswords I got from the knight by the lift to the specimen store room, just kept going down from the grace. The daggers and armor I collected from other knights as I traveled up.
Autism. Also I want to give any new weapon I get every possible opportunity to be good before I write them off as a waste.
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brat needs correction :sobemoji:
Miquella would have been better as a girl.
>admit to using only braindead builds
Nice job, retard.
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smithscript axe or greathammer
is there more
shut the fuck up retard kill yourself
skill issue
the taboo makes it hotter
Elden Ring has plenty of cute girls. Let them have one cute boy.
bratty miquella in need of stuffing uoh ToT
be silent straightoid; the patra0h48icians are talking.
they don't want to make it better than actual death's poker i guess
Agreed. That's why I like Trina more.

Kys trannoid trash.
What do we think Godfrey was up to the after he returned to TLB and when we fight him?
I am just annoyed by them throwing fireballs at you. I just learn to rush them at this point.
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11 int/faith on EVERY BUILD
>use effigies
>most of my summons are still for malenia
>they all still suck
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Only this from before the DLC. This artist mostly draws Ranni.
Doesn't that seem obvious? It has higher base physical damage than holy. Holy scales with the FTH, while physical with STR and DEX. Of course it's a STR/DEX weapon with a FTH tax.
No but I mean it literally doesn't seem to get any damage from stats. I tested it with each stat and none of them increased it's damage. This has got to be a bug.
curls probably
or military press
>before I write them off as a waste
they have way less AR than flame art erdsteel while also looking worse how you see this shit and don't immediately write them off as waste
the only use i can think is slap frost on them assuming you can even do it and that it won't remove nat fire
nta and I love the lightning spell but messmer's flame ball thing is insanely cancerous in pvp if you have even a little bit of ping, it's the new stars of ruin except the damage is not nearly as low
underrated girl
I want to mating press this soft spoken, gullible retard so bad
today anon learns that scaling numbers go from 0-255 and not just -/E/D/C/B/A/S
>is being chased by people who want to kill her
>calls out to anyone approaching
why did she do it?
certified moonveil gaming right there
you're the gullible retard though
>in pvp
Oh yeah sure I was talking about PvE.
>see that we get deaths poker as as ash of war
>later run into a misbegotten that's doing golden order stuff like that one in the cave wielding radagons sword
>OH SHIT are we gonna get that as an ash of war too
>kill him and it's just another incantation that throws a circle...
yeah in pve the lighting spell slaps incredibly hard
it also seems to have a ton of poise damage for some reason?
so then what would you recommend for either/each of those axes?
>extra FTH for access to incants (because I like dragon cult)
>extra DEX/STR for slightly more damage?
I'd use the bestial seal for casting either way. The clawmark seal prefer med FTH and high STR.
that incantation is one of the best new spells
You can add frost yeah, it still keeps the fire too just like the ugs
Ashes of War don't scale with stats, only with weapon level.
Pest Thread Spears is pretty silly for PVE.
>it also seems to have a ton of poise damage for some reason?
Yeah it does, especially if you can target the enemy's head.
>even Japan are rannifags
Yup I give up it seems like everyone loves ranni and/or marika nowadays. Being a melina fan is suffering.
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>shabriri uses the idea of helping sexy beautiful women to make you do his bidding
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>keep getting summoned to worlds where people only have a few Fragments
>still haven't seen a single person with more than 7
>boss fights with these people take 20+ minutes
>trying to play them legitimately with these people is usually fighting the boss for 15 odd minutes before they get one-shot when we're almost there
>or they die the second they enter the boss room door before I can do anything
Should I be bringing perfume into this and just carrying these people or should I let them suffer for their retardation?
>bend over fucking backwards to both spare her life and restore the world she loves
>no secret ending
>not even a DaS3 ""marriage"" ending
Worst girl
Fire Snake is insane in pve too. Zero commitment, which means it's the best against these spastic enemies.
Retard. Generic ashes of war all scale with stats. SOME Somber ones scale with weapon level, some with stats.
>two ugly whores
post your penis in a vagina with a time stamp
He also specifically preys on your love for melina. No seriously read his dialog he's banking on you wanting to save melina from burning to join the frenzy flame
ryona fetish
it worked on me 2bh family ngl
I really liked Melina and everything leading to burning the impenetrable thorns said that she was gonna die, then I met shabriri in the mountain tops and he showed me a way to save her
I'm a eunuch
>impossible to miss questline, that otherwise locks a bunch of content if you don't do it
what did you expect.
the results would be different if miyazaki gave all npcs this same effort, but it's obvious he's biased to who he wants to make people remember and not
ahh, may chaos take the world...
yes, thats what i meant by "helping sexy beautiful women"
I play this character as a female without any shoes, so that I could stare at her feet
I never gave a shit about shabriri because Melina didn't even seem like she ever wanted to live
She was searching for a purpose and then she found it and it's not my place or my job to stop her
Kill yourself
getting shat on by midra
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thoughts and opinions
>he's not a greatshield bleed antspur rapier with shabriri's woe
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do i look like a dragon fucker?
>Flame art FTH infusion (go for Smithing theme)
>forego STR mostly except for minimum to wield 1H
>crucible incants (old world mostly, let's be frank)
>some fire giant incants
>endure to make use of that charged R2 or slow incants like burn o flame
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bullgoat casters are somehow the least cancerous thing in arena rn
one whiff of her ripe fragrant pussy secreting frenzy juices is enough to turn any man from a killer to a rapist
What's up with Erina's dad invading us at the revengers shack? And he drops a frenzy eyeball too the hell?
why is your game is slav
zwigitzy zwatlotz to you too
circle deals a ton of damage if you spam it
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The jars are made out of people
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new kino just dropped
Can we get some more pvp webms in this thread
these pvers disgust me
>both of Bayle's incantations are shit
dude went insane
>why did he invade us
He didn't, that's his new home now or some shit
>how the fuck is the shack like clearly months old at least with dead bodies everywhere even if you beeline to it after Morne?
time is convoluted
>implying shamaniggers are people
does that mean alexander is just a bunch of shamans stuffed in a giant pot?
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here's a real dragon fucker™. I bet lansseax loved his pale skin so she could see the bite and burnt marks clearly
why is there no boob slider in this game?
Back into the furnace

oh no he's hot
>slavic pagan tongue in holy roman latin alphabet
what a blunder, please use cyrillic for your devil worshipping language
>I can hear swift slash as I load in

save me from this darkness
Why would i marry damaged goods when there's a perfectly good dragon waifu there?
jiggle physics too hard
I assume the current jars with the warrior remains are different than the hornigger make jars in the shadowland
lmao your character looks like the only "dragon fucking" he does is taking bad dragon dildos up the ass
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Do I need to kill Messmer to find the rot bitch? Or there is some other hidden path to her?
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is this a joke
they're remaking the manga prologue for like the 8th time?
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>pretending to be japanese while reading subtitles
can't you just be happy for more zerk? fan project or not, looks fucking good. better than that cgi series anyways.
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>your character
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i mean...
that's vyke bro, it's not a random character. he's the og dragon fucker.
you can kill romina before messmer
lmao Vyke looks like the only "dragon fucking" he does is taking bad dragon dildos up the ass
time to learn how to properly parry destined death this should be a laugh
The demigod mosoleum tarnished theory can't work for a few reasons
1. The tarnished can be of any race or origin marika is a numen with caucasian facial structure. She wouldn't be able to birth a wholly asian child
2. The demigods there are SOULLESS meaning either their souls have moved on or they god godwyn'd and their souls are gone permanently, dead.
3. The tarnished are specifically said to be warriors of godfrey and their descendants there's no indication they have any relation to marika
4. There's undoubtedly a mosoleum somewhere near you, but it's NEAR you meaning you were either dumped out of it somehow on resurrection(unlikely) or resurrected near it
5. You awaken in the interstace between the outside world and lands between the fog between worlds essentially, that's where you hear the mosoleum, its more likely there was just a mosoleum passing by when you revived.
Nothing points to the tarnished being a demigod son of marika and everything can be explained away easily
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I can finally go watch other people suffer online after beating the game and LMAO at the vid people kept posting of Asmongold quitting because it's too hard
>insanely high damage power stance spears build
>been attempting the boss for 4 hours
>literally still just panic rolling and panic healing, getting punished every time then trying the exact same thing again
>This is all on Messmer, probably the most fair fight in the DLC
>says the game is "just too hard to be fun" after refusing to actually engage with the mechanics for 4 hours and expecting RNG to hand him a free victory
Is this just an MMOshitter thing or this how everyone who thinks the game is too hard plays
this shit, AGAIN?
Have I ever told you the definition of insanity?
optimally the FTH is a tax and you max STR

fun wise I like fire and lightning
so I went 36fth for the new knights lightning and it's been working out just fine for me
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I still love Miquella. He did nothing wrong.
His only mistake was his choice of master.
>can't you just be happy for more zerk
No, because Berserk was never good despite what actual weebs like you think.
why is 4chan so racist and xenophobic?
trump lost.
No. The only two characters we know of that may have fucked a dragon are vyke and godwyn. Do what >>484363853 said, copy vykes sliders give him healthier skin and long, blonde hair like godwyn. THEN you'd have dragonfucker physgionimy
But I won
naturally you wouldn't
first time i've posted it and its less than a day old
if you mean doing berzerk properly from the start again tell that to the guy who rebooted spiderman so many times they took 20 years to get to morbius who iirc is from the SIXTH or perhaps eighth comic (venom was two or three, and they fucking did that twice too, and took them 15 years to get to carnage)
anime website and dark souls is basically berserk way to out yourself.
also funny calling me a weeb when 5 minutes ago you were complaining about english dub
>how good is that hammer for invasions?
The throw is a free ranged harassment tool so the usefulness of that can't be overstated, but besides that it's a great hammer; kinda hard to hit people who don't wanna be hit. For that I pull out Red Bear's Claws for the faster moveset and chasedowns. If I could I'd use the regular Beast Claws and infuse it with a better AoW but I don't have the dex for it but I would if I started as Vagabond, which really burns my ass.
I'm gonna wait until the worst cancer gets tuned appropriately before I even think about touching late game PvP.
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Same. I love him, bros
>uhh you're supposed to struggle with generic trash mob for 3 minutes, ok???
You definitely are
Stay coping + roping lol
isn't fartissux a male?
But the numbers are still lower for the DEX scaling so even that doesnt make sense
hey, a dragon is a dragon
>anime website
Yeah I know. Some time ago you'd be laughed off the site for saying you watch dubs. Go back to your DBZ or isekaislop threads.

>dark souls is basically berserk
Every time Elden Ring tries to be Dark Souls 4 the game is worse off for it.
not according to the radio last night, he got full fucking immunity for anything he did as president lmao, now call me a cultist again
>Miquella made mohg a blood cult worshipper
>Miquella sent Malenia to nuke Caelid
>Radahn was raped
>Charm makes you a mindless puppet
Been reading a lot of these comments in the community, and it feels like people only half-read what little story there was.
I can't stop thinking about that Elon Musk build. So many elements of it are carefully designed to generate controversy. The two shields is a masterstroke
Isn't that always the case anyway? A head of state can't reasonably be prosecuted for anything they do within their powers as the head of state.
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So I was trying to figure out how I'm going to build my pacifist healslut (for offline summons and/or mimic tear) and I've been a bit confused by the wiki. It seems healing is based upon a varied multiplier of the incantation scaling which is dependent upon the seal. So does that mean having more faith doesn't make me heal more and it is just a check to USE the spell than HEAL efficiency?
No actually ingame fortisaxx is only referred to as "it" oddly enough.
It turn out the fact that there is so little story and consistent characterization means that people can come up with all sorts of headcanon and only be contradicted by a single item whose PoV might be biased, insane, or misinformed.
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i refuse to believe people "cried" about this fucking shit
>oh no she turned into an item description, miyazaki did it again! vaati post your prepare to cry now

the heal amount is based on your faith incantation scaling, so yes, it depends on the amount of faith you have
>So does that mean having more faith doesn't make me heal more and it is just a check to USE the spell than HEAL efficiency?
Having more faith always increases the incantation scaling. The incantation scaling for a seal is like the damage for a weapon, it has a base which depends on upgrade level, and then it scales according to your stats (the scaling also depends on upgrade level).
wait so i dont understand
i mean being president gives you immunity anyway, or it was not like that before?
Buffs and heals only take into account the scaling you get from faith, so just use erdtree for 80, godlsaying for 60 and dryleaf (when it's fixed) 50 faith.
So DO WE KNOW who Bernhardt and Vyke's maidens were? I know there's a cut burned maiden npc that was seemingly tied to bernhardt but what about vyke? Who was his?
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During the Jori fight, can anything fast despawn the fatass?
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Probably just a clarification since US politics right now is just the supporters of a lying retard against the supporters of a senile idiot
they were specifically talking about how any president could technically assassinate a political opponent with no fucks given and courts couldn't do a damned thing
you can't laugh me out of shit because if you LEARNED JAPANESE like you claim while calling me a weeb you wouldn't be using subtitles and reddit is the hivemind site not here tldr you have no power here
it means he CANNOT be charged for jan 6th (which was a set up anyway cops let people in ive seen the clip, also feds posted on /pol/ a week in advance that it was a set up)
She's a spirit of madness inhabiting Irina's corpse and playing the part of the innocent maiden anon
1 hit from a greatweapon despawns it
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How do I get up here?
I don't remember saying I use subtitles dude
Funny how you lost your mind when I said I didn't like Berserk
The only sad moment in the DLC is finding the shaman village and even that's more just a sense of melancholy
I literally dont care about this conversation you think we're having im not mad im playing elden ring. go elitism dick measure somewhere else I do not care. berzerk is a good anime, you have shit tastes. nothing wrong with isekai either.
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Come down south from the Belrut settlement entrance, there's a cliffside you can stick to move to that area.
Top part of that circle isn't reachable
The bottom part, start at the Belurat gate grace or whatever its called (where Moore and Ansbach are) and then instead of heading back through the archway, there's a ledge on the right cliffside.
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/pol/tard with the terrible takes and the poorly concealed seethe as usual
>notice farum azula trees bleeding reddish gold
Don't you find a dead maiden near the second place that Vyke invades?
post damnation greatsword going into reddit skulls
Marika's family were fucking degenerates but i doubt they were degenerate enough to have gay sex with dragons though this would make a good reason why godwyn was killed
I want to plap fags that post gifs like this irl. Faggot.
I am Sekiro-pilled, parry-addicted shizo. How much can I parry in ER? I think I can parry like 90% of all main bosses, but is there any way to predict if an aback will be parryable?
>carries on (as usual)
fuck off "please"
When I was like ten years old, I was messing around exploring our small town and near the church there were these weird trees/bushes that were leaking sap which looked like blood, creeped me the fuck out.
i felt sad because st trina is cute and her being dead means no hidden plapping cutscene
What’s the best ashable halberd?
Am I dreaming?? Do Midra and Messmer both really pull a “Zanzibart forgive me” on your ass?? Are FromSoft devs just trolling at this point?
I started using the deflecting hardtear last night but without the visual and auditory feedback of Sekiro this thing is pretty unsatisfying.
More often than not, these opinions are short-sighted and shallow to me. Miquella isn't Griffith. The whole point of St.Trina is that he genuinely believed what he was doing was right. Divesting himself of everything was supposed to be pennance for his lineage and a step to becoming a god.

Charm does not make you a mindless Miquella loving zombie. It changes your direction to prioritizing Miquella. It still leaves you as yourself. Leda and the others exist to show you that they are mostly themselves, but not assholes. Hornsent still dislikes Marika's band but he leaves things up to Miquella to redeem his people. When the charm breaks, he becomes a revenge-obsessed maniac like he used to be, yet he still believes in Miquella above that. The age of compassion does not strip away all free-will, but it is certainly manipulative. There's enough nuance to argue good and bad. As for Mohg? Compare him to everyone else who was charmed, including Ansbach. That alone should tell you that Mohg was almost completely himself because nobody else acts even a 10th as crazy as him. It steals agency from his character to blame his psychopathy on Miquella, when his motivations and background already perfectly explain his condition. Same thing with Malenia. She was there to defeat Radahn for the vow. That doesn't mean Rot was originally part of the plan. It was a desperate maneuver because she couldn't win otherwise (and she still didn't get the job done)

For all the talk about the lore being bad, I find quite a bit of it is people ironically choosing to disregard the will of everyone involved. Miquella can't even have accounted for Mohg especially.
I think in the early game you will need a shield to parry since it's tied to ash of war shit. You can't parry spam in Elden Ring though it plays more like DS.
>tree sentinel took 3/4 of your health in the hinterland
Fucking on sterioud
Ahh the pleading Midra.. so easily forgiven.
Heterosexual men are hardwired to feel a lot of empathy towards cute little girls. You wouldn't get it.
Midra asks for forgiveness because he can't endure the pain of suppressing the frenzied flame anymore and Messmer breaks the seal of grace to reveal his true form Marika wanted to hide away. We know why these guys were asking for forgiveness which makes it different from the meme.
This game is a lot bigger than I thought... didn't think Fromsoft would put so much fucking content.

Also there is no need to have such big empty fields.
In base game only the bosses are fun but can be ultra cheesed with summons.
DLC on the other hand got amazing tracks, mobs and crazy hide spots.
The bosses are fucking insane too.

The next souls game is gonna be legit mindfuck but please no more open world... metrovenia style is better.
strong claw in terms of dex scaling/moveset for pvp?
>Top part of that circle isn't reachable
nta but I was goihg schizo trying to figure out how to get there
How many ancient smithing & sombers are there now?
there's only 2 and 1 of them is a str somber weapon
so the one that isn't that i guess
banished knight
Just check the wiki mate.
Also just use S scale weapons the fuck you trinna goof with D/C/B shit.
Shamans are made to be chopped up and put in warrior jars. The only sad part is when you run out of shamans.
Do we like it?
night rider
I don't think it takes too much brainpower to figure out who is Messmer's mom or Nanya.
I thought the meme is simply about how From always does the same song and dance halfway through a bossfight. Like wasn’t the original meme a tweet from another studio dev? I think it’s less about the obscurity of the “forgive me” phrase and more about the fact that some random studio dev called them out for it years ago and they intentionally did it twice in the dlc.
Are you a homosexual?
>what about vyke?
she's literally in the church behind him retard
please tell me there is a twin moons of nokstella talisman in the dlc im ALREADY running out of slots in farum azula
also is placidusax ruin "holy" or dragon? thematically I know its pure faith im not blind.
Overhead stance is fairly fun and balanced.
Reddit's difficulty tier list is here :
3.Elden Ring

Surprised about DS3 being so low but hey the normalfags have voted.
They are genuine cancer and after all the broken shit like nanaya's torch gets culled they will be what continues to plague the game unto eternity
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>madness rolling spark
>shit connection
You stay away from me. Go away.
My favorite boss, if I had to rank both base game and dlc, is the one who says “forgive me” halfway through the fight before phase 2
I like it. It's got a deceptively long range
show me your gromm builds
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Why is ER and ST separated while others don't have DLCs options?
My favorite ash of war is Weed Cutter because it’s not as flashy as RoB, looks super unassuming, but basically one shots
i have no idea what you're talking about, 20 scadu in sote is still harder than base endgame
are hornsent regular humans that worship the crucible and wear horns as decoration? or are their horns and beast aspects part of their bodies?
>get a chink co-invader
>he starts R1 spamming into me for no reason
I hate these fucking insect people more than anything else.
both are jewish puppets who fucking cares
It's as >>484357018 said earlier a LOT of people don't actually play or pay attention to the game. They read some out of context item descriptions on fextralife at best. At worst they just regurgitate some popular reddit or loretuber theory. That's the main thing. It's why I like this place, people make memes and jokes here, and while there's still retards here a higher percentage of /erg/ actually plays the game and have at least seen the bosses/areas they're talking about before talking about them. Item descriptions are part of it sure, but actually seeing there ingame taking in the atmosphere music and environmental storytelling is another and can completely change the descriptions or reveal what they ACTUALLY mean. Idk if you remember bit when leaks came out and when every description for items released people were wondering what the "golden braid" description meant and who "grandmother" was but now we know from going to her village. Things like that can't be understood through just reading item descriptions.
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do you guys think they ever...you know...? incest is allowed, after all...
>dlcs been out for over a week
>still posting month old reposted screenshots
you got any new ones?
it does, there's a small amount of mobs it works on
Hornsent belive being born with horns is a marking of the divine. A birthrite, which makes the Shamans blasphemers for being able to "harmoniously meld with life".
this guy gets it
I never said I agreed with what the radio was saying last night, but it did make me laugh, 4 years of he's going to jail for THAT little "revelation" and no everyones losing their shit, again.
you could just, not get drawn in and manipulated or assume your singular vote is real when they've been caught using dead people to swing votes (all countries not just USA)
>When the author calls out the youtube celebs on their schizophrenia
>There is no hidden message, Miyazaki just loves bare feet
there won’t be another elden ring. the series ended with a gay shota, lorerape, nearly impossible, reused asset boss. as is fitting.
miyazaki hates his fans
hence both are retards losing their minds at nothing
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ER/SOTE with no cheese are both harder than Sekiro, ER/SOTE with cheese are both way easier than Sekiro, I don't know why they'd put Sekiro between the two, dumb list
Because reddit poll can't contain so many options and Shadow Tree is big enough to be it's own thing.
I wonder what the strongest build would be besides rolling sparks to do the DLC without any scadu blessings.
they know miyazaki had that done as a nod TO grrm right? obviously not given the context here. why are people so fucking stupid now inb4 now
like I saw a thumbnail earlier "dark souls choice you didn't know about" and its just differing male and female clothes like nigga I DO know about that, demons souls has female only rings.
thank for 1 billion dollar gaijin
Is Shadow Tree the only one with enemy scaling?
bleed (or frost when they're immune to bleed), obviously
Also no, base ER without summons is not harder than Sekiro
Impenetrable Thorns is up there, especially on big targets you basically insta-bleed each cast, just light roll + beloved stardust and it's pretty playable even solo
I think horns are optional (potentates look pretty normal IIRC and they just wear a mask), but those who have them consider themselves to be chosen and better
>its a rolling sparks in limgrave tunnel invader episode
riveting gameplay
They actually have horns and believe it marks them as "chosen" people.
Does the death knights set not buff knights lightning spear? Really?
Swift Slash coming up next invasion, prease rook forward to it
Yes and it can be considered mid game and post game content at the same time.
it can be considered any content you like if you want to confuse people
what element is that one?
I have golden lightning barrier already since I found it yesterday just didn't know I needed that up 24/7 now
I have to keep both flame protect me and greater lighting protection on my bars at all times. I wish I didn't, but this is where we're at.

Though I won't get bored beating somebodies face in with 80-90% resistances in the element they're trying to spam on me, I'd like invaders to go back to tactics that aren't attempting to bruteforce a host one shot.
Don't bother searching far. Dlc is active enough you can just search near wherever you actually want to fight and basically avoid all taunter ganks.
Well it certainly can't be considered a tutorial you dipshit.
Okay after over 2 hours of attempting it I just give up for the day. I'm going to check back with what shit I have and make a new gameplan. It feels like my STR/FTH build isn't cutting it so I feel concerned about possibly needing to just respec into an ARC build or something for the bleed strat. I've tried using lighting perfume but I lack a lot of the talismans and some incants that people seem to recommend for it and I'm simply not skilled enough yet to consistently dodge 2nd phase Radahn's bullshit to use Rolling Sparks enough times.

At the very least I need to pick out a good greatshield, the Brass Shield has been a big help defensively but isn't really enough. And if I want to do the shield + poke strat I do have a Messmer Soldier's Spear that I can infuse with bleed. I also know about Impenetrable Thorns but I think I need to rebuild for way more ARC to have good enough build up.

Now could I beat Radahn fair and square using my STR/FTH build without cheesing? Sure. If I can dodge, block and deal damage then in theory I can do that without practice. But I feel extremely impatient with this game's design (My gametime on this save is over 80 hours as is from replaying the entire game a week or two ahead of release then doing the whole DLC) and Radahn is just the shit cherry on top.

I have to say, if this is a sign of future Fromsoft boss design I might not be buying their games on release. Maybe on sale. I might just go back to my AC6 playthrough or replay Sekiro.
Post a single lie he said with proof of it being a lie.
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Thats something I'd like to point out too, a lot of people even in the base game, have positive opinions of miquella even without being charmed because, outside of the now dead godwyn and omen morgott, he was objectively the least retarded/insane/war crazed demigod around. People threw themselves under his banner because they believed in his vision, malenia is a prime example of this, its clear she's not brainwashed. Is her mind a little fucked by the rot? Undoubtedly. But she has a reason beyond bewitchment to follow miquella, he's her twin, one of the few who showed compassion from her, and his ascension may cure her of the rot. All reasons she would be so loyal without needing to be charmed. And for mohg its pretty clear he was crazy from the start. He had the blood cult and everything. His creepiness towards miquella was entirely his doing, but it just focused his obsession of a dynasty around him. It didn't start it. The whole mentioning of love by varre is almost certainly miquella as well. Miquella just perverted an already insane blood cult, but one, at least judging by ansbach that was slightly more honorable beforehand. While I do believe miquella made mohg crazier the guy was already batshit he wasn't this noble hero like his brother. If he hadn't been bewitched by miquella its likely he intended for his mother to be his consort as ranni was mia and larping as renna at the time and malenia was rotted out and dangerous
post the sliders
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Teacher Wife
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he has really killed any motivation I have to keep going
I have beaten the Lion, Bayle, Renalla and now I just can't be bothered trying to beat this guy
is the rest of the dlc worth it? because at this point I'm really starting to consider just dropping it
No, Miquella is gay.
im not in the dlc yet, with this character.

so seriously no +5 spell slots talisman? what the fuck am I supposed to do when I get to the dlc with NO slots left already? pick between healing and attack spells??
Time to use your summons
I meant including all cheese shit like greatshields/bleed builds or OP weapons like Moonveil and Blasphemous blade. Sekiro has a steeper learning curve but it's the easiest game once you're over it, pretty sure Radahn took me more tries than Sword Saint Isshin did. Depends on what kind of player you are I guess. If we're talking just playing the game using every tool at your disposal than ER/SOTE are obviously much easier than Sekiro since you can just skip engaging with the bosses at all
then in theory I can do that WITH* practice
>That alone should tell you that Mohg was almost completely himself because nobody else acts even a 10th as crazy as him.

That's the funniest part. Miquella's brainwashing makes you less volatile. So if anything, it should have made Mohg less crazy, not more. I'm amused by the idea that Mohg would be even more unhinged if he never met Miquella.
This isn't even a difficult boss by DS3 standards.
Potentate leech masks do have horns protruding from them. I think these are supposed to be their natural horns, FROM was just too lazy to make special NPC model for them and just gave them masks instead.
>rolling sparks
>swift slash
>golden crux
>the triple crossbow that insta procs status bolts with a point blank shot
Compiling a list of new PvP cancer from the dlc, what else?
I got stuck on him pretty hard too, but it helped switching to sacred blade, and realising you can jump a lot of his fire attacks.
true but it isn't fun and if the rest of the dlc is looking like this I'd rather know ahead of time and not waste any further time
If he doesn't have proof why should I?
Numen spaceships on the cerulean coast are turning America gay.
anon what the fuck do you need so many spell slots for
you're either gonna cast glintstone rock or your gonna cast explodey fire hand

you're not doing some cool anime ficking swap between spells
>People threw themselves under his banner because they believed in his vision, malenia is a prime example of this
Not the albinaurics?
Use fire and holy damage, he's also weak to scarlet rot even thought he's supposed to be undead
if you have decided you can't win you have already lost git gud
Get higher skadu and use holy weapons or grease.
Anon you should have like two attack spells tops you use regularly, one or two heals (one regen, one instant), and then however many buffs. You do not need any more than what the base game gives you.
>one of the most fun fights in the DLC is not fun for him
lmao bye
go back to play gayshit fujopact
I never said I can't beat him I'm just wondering if the rest of the dlc is worth it because I've seen a lot of complaining about other bosses not being fun either
Where'd sliders come from
shitty deflection, fromdrone tier. kill yourself.
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>anon what the fuck do you need so many spell slots for
why the fuck you think, to cast more spells
I have one heal one regen THREE barriers two 1 slot attack spells, elden stars and placid sacks ruin lasers currently
Ill be grabbing heal at range, miquellas 72 faith spell, etcetera
if you want me to unequip the barriers give me erdtrees protection+ (40?% all elements)
of coruse it can, people learned all sorts of shit in it
This guy is a cunt. Just come back with higher skibidi level later. Everyone is shitting on Radahn but him and Gauis are the only bosses I don't like, fuck horse rider niggers
geez sorry anon I didn't realise you designed the fight I'll try not hurt your feelings next time
>have positive opinions of miquella even without being charmed because, outside of the now dead godwyn and omen morgott, he was objectively the least retarded/insane/war crazed demigod around. People threw themselves under his banner because they believed in his vision
Why talk about the base game? This is the same even in the DLC. People conveniently ignore that despite the charm breaking, the majority of the NPCs still believe in Miquella's vision and promise. Hornsent said it himself. The charm was irrelevant.
How the fuck are y'all beating Radahn normally? I had to respec out of INT just to use a bleed build so I could reliably get him low in his 2nd phase, and really the only reason I actually won is because the last dude I summoned brought in the perfume cheese
>immediately lashes out like a woman
Anon you switch between barriers as and when you need them. Not keeping one of each element on you at all times. Same way you only put on flame cleanse me if you're actually dealing with rot.
>annoying as a melee, but beat him in 8? tries
>meanwhile some anon has meltdown over it and is close to dropping the game entirely
I get reminded once again how dogshit your average gaymer is
Did you at least enjoy his OST?
>be me
>fucking autist
>unable to enjoy playing with weapons that "belong" to others
>it just doesn't fucking make sense
>lots of cool boss weapons
>lots of cool unique weapons
>but it doesn't make sense in my head that I'd be wielding them like some sort of copy cat
>so here I go playing through the DLC with my trusty halberd
I fucking hate that I am like this
>deflecting again
Gaius was hilariously easy, seriously. I just tossed on the deflecting hardtear, beat him without even trying. All of his moves are so big that they're easy to perfect guard
i used to have a pvp build where i would sit on someones ass with a fast hitting fist(?) weapon with stormstomp but i dont remember the weapon
any recommendations?
can't relate
>You can't actually just roll iframe dodge the Metyr lighthouse effect beam shit
>No-hit runners literally shitting themselves because of it
I coop and Im not psychic I don't know if I need holy (maliketh, everything after) barrier of gold (renalla, loretta) or lightning (dragons, gol D horseman) at any given time STOP 'splaining to me and fix it.
Whats the lore reason on why i can't put the No Skill ash of war on weapons and only on shields
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bostin the same one image of my INTwaifu because im too lazy to take another picture

sorry for shit quality, i have a potato pc
How many remembrance bosses did you guys kill without using any scardtree fragments?
it's not a twink? i'm heartbroken...
none why would I possibly do that
*I should point out my character is a healer this is for OTHER PEOPLES benefit so if I can't have more slots less people survive
I used my mimic and STR bleed build.
Not gonna catch me waste my time doing that shit without summons.
We could have had it all...
Just in case anybody was wondering, you can indeed kill Mohg with a Black Knife Tiche +10 as long as you support her with Rock Sling spam for stance break and Mohg's shackle. I just did it at RL35 +4.
Genuinely don't understand why anyone would PvP in this game. It's extremely shit and there's always a few retards that still come in here and complain about it. Boggles the mind
thats kinda gay anon.....
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>yeah mohg kidnapped albinaurics and war surgeons but miquella is the one who's evil
why is he like this?
unfathomably based

I don't think he's hard just annoying. When I say I think he's worse than Radahn obviously I still died to him less than Radahn, he and putrescent just weren't fun to learn. I like all the other bosses in the DLC with maybe the exception of Lion just because of the camera issues
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Heresy is not native to the world, it is but a contrivance. All things can be conjoined.
To see how far you can go?
I got up to Messmer and Gaius then I decided to use mine
So most side stuff + divine beast and rellana
Finished the rest of the game at 13 blessings
I could also see how far I can get in the base game without upgrading weapons but why would I do that either
Malenia is more associated with him but yeah they're great examples too. I do wonder, with the new lore, could Loretta have been gifted to miquella by radahn as a sorta "here have one of my family's guardians to help you with the tree" sorta thing or something.
Any of you playing necromancer characters (death sorceries)? Do you summon? What's your DLC stat spread and gear, and how do you like the build?
Man this thing is even more fun than the hammer in PvP.
he is right though? Jirens don't matter
If you're support then you should be running protection of the erdtree and forget the rest. Maybe barrier of gold too.
None, I went into the DLC thinking maybe I should try beat it without any skibidis and realized that would be a retarded idea for a first run very quickly
Fromsoft just needs to patch some shit seriously.
Everything but Radahn so far. He's gonna take some time
the meme was exactly about youtubers asspulling hours of bullshit from two text strings fromsoft do for exposition
How many remembrance bosses did you guys kill without using a monitor to see the game?
thx dog
I talk about the base game because it reinforces what you said about the dlc. Not only that but many like to treat the dlc as a complete retcon, at least from what I see here and on twitter, but plenty is supported by the base game as well. Like, again, people following miquella charm or not. He has problems, but he's still by far the least bad demigod, I'd argue he, morgott, and godwyn were the most morally "good" demigods.
There was a beief resurgence of das2 activity before ERs release and my god do I miss it. Absolutely unrivalled.
Don't care if Miquella is "morally good", he's getting the fucking sword
Save yourself the nonereply tourist.
>A connection error occurred
kek what a bitch
think I'll reply to whoever I want to buddy and in any fashion I want to
What build did you use? I'm running a full unga and only survive by stance breaking everything before they can do the teleports behind you nothing personnel kid bullshit, rellana was specially tough because she's one of those silly bosses that doesn't flinch when you hit them.
That's what I call my penis by the way (it's pretty freakin' big)
As many as you killed without using runes and smithing stones.
My beautiful wife st.trina wanted miquella dead, so dead he shall be. In a way, he was literally asking for it.
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is just me or invasions are a bit slow at 150?
>feel like should try making an Holy oriented build
>everything actually hard has high holy res
>Fire has similar scaling but it's not as cucked
>250k players currently active
>can't match up at Malenia's as fast for some reason
idk man online in general's been weird the last two days
>Abloo abloo
People leveled past your meme level
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So the inquisitor on level 7 +1/3 is not as dreadful as i thought he will be. Certainly looks doable and comes down to RNG.
You will be mine, Nanaya's Torch...
The dumbest part is if he just took the loss that was obviously about to occur like a man he would have been put on low priority for invasions, even if he summoned his buddy back, but now that he quit out of the game he'll be eligible to be invaded again when he inevitably resummons.
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>still no Miquella spanking
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I've always kinda interpreted god miquella as a being driven by obsession and ambition and that's what made him a shitty God. I also kinda viewed it as, in his dying moments the essence of st trina and all else he abandoned of himself came back to him, dying with him. Which is why he lovingly caresses radahn in their death animation.

I like to think that in his death his final thoughts were of the time he, malenia, radahn(and maybe godwyn) spent together when he was growing up
>boss is designed around the deflect tear
There's just a BILLION of other invaders.
Seriously try 2vs2 taunters tongue. You will drown in activity.
imagine being filtered by an undead lmao
you do like a quarter of its health per hit with sacred blade up
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The hitboxes on Gaius' charge attack are such garbage, dodging it feels like a goddamn guessing game.

I was still getting wrecked using both of these at the same time. I kept getting him kind of low, but the winning run was straight up the dude who brought the perfume in. I need to look up that build and cheese other people's Radahn before I go on to NG+ becithsr was horseshit.

What's crazy is that that dude almost fucking died. This was on Scadulevel 17 too, we weren't super squishy
I'm like this too
Though in my case it's more wanting to have a character identity that's solely my own than using the famous weapons and armor of other individuals.
Unless that gear happens to be standard issue soldier shit. Then I'm all over it like white on rice.
People sometimes forget this game is an rpg. You have affinities, customisation, spells etc.
You not supposed to fight with your starter Katana until end game.
just roll forward
locking the dlc behind a shitload of open world tedium was such a mistake. kills all of my motivation to do new playthroughs with the new stuff
I knew something was odd about that. The boss took two attempts but the first one was the boss forcibly aborting my first try & no heal attempt with a beam that I quite literally had no clue how to dodge into.
The second attempt I dodged at the literal last second at light rolling and still got hit.
I'm sure there's probably a trick there with outright positioning or something but it felt like shit.
I'll ignore Gaius and Radahn since it's obvious they just added some random shit to make him relevant, but no. Loretta always belonged to the Carians. Being the one who protected the Carian Manor.
Going by the village of the Albinaurics + Temple Quarter (Icerind Hatchet being a Castle Sol gift, Miquella's lilies + dead Albinauric Archer), it's very likely Miquella was responsible for defending them in those areas. (Would explain Malenia's southward march sword monument in Liurnia). Which is why Loretta decided that Miquella's Haligtree is/was the best option for them.
Both his and Rennala's absence made the entire area turn into an albinauric hunting ground, though.
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The Rellana set is so good i actually consider a type B character
What would be a suited build for a type B invader? Dex?
What's the most fun new PVE build I can use with all of the DLC weapons

I'm about to start my NG+ victory lap
every boss should be impossible to nohit so video trannies get devoid of views and kill themselves
>get staff of the great beyond, finally ER's version of blackwitch staff and crystal chime
>it's ugly and stubby, but the scaling looks actually pretty good
>realize incants are best in slot for almost every spell use case anyway
Caster bros, are we condemned to being clerics in this game?
You can get to the DLC in NG+ in about an hour anon
I roll towards him, but there's no consistency in what that results in. Sometimes its a clean dodge, sometimes I get chipped, sometimes it just doesn't matter and I eat the whole thing. His second phase feels better just cause he doesn't do his bullshit charge so often.
im talking about a new character. NG+ is irrelevant
Comet is the best spell in the game and it's int
kung fu
the new twinblades euporia has a real neat and unique gimmick
>had to cheese the host with dogskin apostle
is this supposed to be impressive
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I wish they gave us a new Mimic tear that let us spec out the thing via stats and pre defined equipment so you can customize it to be its own thing.
>I want to replay the DLC with a new character
>Need to collect Golden Seeds, Sacred Tears + whatever your build needs
>Need to kill Radahn and Mohg, end game boss
>Everything is balanced around end game, so I need +24 weapons
>Bell Bearing for +24 is after Godskin Duo
>Finally in the DLC, it's balanced around fragments
>Need to collect at the very least 26 of them (+12) to actually have a good time
You rike?
I've heard that he supposedly has some broken hitboxes. For me, rolling forward through it worked 100% of the time, but I killed him in like 2 tries, so maybe it was just a fluke
Just play dragons dogma
I actually like how the tarnished is portrayed. You aren't good, you aren't evil. You're a man on a mission, and that mission is to kill everything in your path and stand before the elden ring, what you do after is up to you, mend it, give it to ranni, burn everything in frenzy, doesn't matter, your ultimate goal is to reach that point and you'll kill anyone who even potentially offers a threat to you getting there. It's why you kill miquella, can't stand before the elden ring if he and radahn do before you. It's why you kill godfrey, only you can stand before the elden ring, no one else. It reminds me a bit of the old jokes in ds1 if anyone remembers when people would say, "the chosen undead is actually the bad guy" when in truth the only really bad thing the chosen undead did was unintentionally start the demons' extinction by killing the bed of chaos, which we see culminate in ds3 with the old demon king. In elden ring our character is much more of a fucking asshole. And I love it. The best thing is the reason we're given as to why so many enemies who seem sane, attack us, they're afraid of us, what we could do, what we might do, and that fear leads to their own deaths. And yet, the few that don't attack us, quickly grow to like us, seriously, the tarnished is like the most liked protag in their respective universe fromsoft has made. It's funny
>What would be a suited build for a type B invader?
Double wield one handed weapons or martial arts with the prettiest version of Nepheli you can make
Femininity peaks pretty low with female bodies in this game, might as well make a muscle waifu
>with rellana set
Nevermind, go rapier or lgs.
She is your inspo.
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how do you guys do your new playthroughs with new characters? (not newgame+)
i'm making a new character to beat all the bosses solo this time (no summons) but i don't know if i want to explore every square inch again.
do i just look up guides?
Yeah, it's a big game, and large games typically require investment

For ADHD zoomers like you we have flash games and trash like Fortnite
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Already did
Should I even buy Dark Souls 3 if I got hard filtered by Elden Ring?
I dropped it after defeating the first boss at that castle road. My hands were shaking so much I think I fucked up my nervous system.
I just don't like the open world shit to be honest.
Only Souls game I played before was DemonSouls for PS5, I managed to beat it agter 200 hours.
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Putrescent Knight is a bullshit fight. I beat it and I don't understand what I did different. It's pure luck whether I'll be able to hit it.

Also, the reward is to be able to kill yourself. Great. Thanks Dark Souls.
>spawn on a cliff above the host and his friend, thanks miyazaki
>as I'm pondering the situation a blue shows up
>I point down over the cliff and look between him and the cliff
>this dude in a guts cosplay actually goes to check it out
>backstab him off the cliff
I need to start recording my invasions
what's the least performance-intensive way to do so
Nice deflection, faggot. How much is Bandai paying you?
>immediately find the great katana on my 1st playthrough
>now on my 2nd playthrough I'm done with most things and still haven't found
I think I might be retarded because I cannot remember where it is.
I have never cheated in a from software game but I'm not about to go through 15 hours of game to get to the DLC weapons every single time.
I'm making a mule and trading it level 1 versions of literally all my gear. Once I get back to the DLC again and collect the rest of the items that is

DaS3 is a lot more fair and any boss that could have been considered hard was (over) nerfed.
how is it
Which DLC boss is the most honest?
If she belonged to the carians whyd she fuck off to the tree then, even if the albinaurics were being mistreated why would she abandon her oath leaving just a spectre of herself?
lake with the undead dragon in gravesite plains
>200 hours
That's criminal
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Genuinely how the fuck are you supposed to dodge that? I've been fighting this fucker for hours, and I don't think I've managed to dodge this attack even once.

wasn't it in the lake where you fight the ghostflame dragon? a bit north from the starting point of the DLC
trash dogshit garbage like previous one and the rest of capslop
I'm mostly just showing off the Smithscript Axe throw, anon. Besides, if they beat the boss I'd just get sent back to my world so I'm not gonna sit there and let them do that.
Every single attack including each step of his attack chains have noticeable tells and reasonable evade directions.

Shield builds have to use actual positioning to avoid getting hit phase 1, dodge builds have to have good reaction. A solid boss with nearly no bullshit that you can intuitively learn how to approach and dodge through pattern recognition alone.
>Comet is the best spell in the game
Costing a bit less fp doesn't make up for being weaker and aoe-less compared to giantsflame.
Hell I'm not even sure it hurts more than the new lightning spear we got in the dlc, and it's got the same identical use case.
I don't believe you
You can bounce the meteors back to him btw and you can parry the teleport slash.
All of them except Radahn.
I guess Messmer or Midra felt the most straightforward.
midra no doubt.
probably rellana

mezzy phase 2 is absolute ass
it might be honest but it just blows
>Complains about how long it takes to get to the DLC
>Refuses to use the in-game method of reducing the time needed to get to the DLC, labeling it "irrelevant"

God what an idiot
got a webm?
Are you saying the tarnished is a murderhobo that primarily acts in self defense and that if more people talked to him less of them would end up dead?
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Basically Dragon's Dogma 1 for better and for inconvenience sake. I actually enjoyed my time with it and want to actually finish it but the game isn't fun to explore unfortunately. I mean sure it has awesome non-scripted moments as if you were a CoD kiddie and played your first Battlefield match. Ya know nutting at how much shit is actually going on free form and whatnot. Although that are unfortunately very far and few between nothing space of reskinned enemies that take slightly too long to fight but aren't challenging. To put it bluntly the game is exactly what I asked for. Although like Dragon's Dogma 1 it is the sort of fetish you nut hard for but only fap to maybe every season or so. I hope that sort of gives you a perspective to the game.
Midir and Messmer.
I'm so fucking mad they nerfed it before I bothered trying it
I liked it. He stops twirling so dodge direction is no longer ambiguous and all of the snake attacks end with him just holding his arms towards you, outstretched ready to take 2 jumping attacks.

Also easier to heal due to his attacks having reasonable spaces that exceed the 4s window you need to quaff an estus and actually still be able to get the fuck out of the way.
Definitely messmer. He's like Rellana but the range of his attacks looks a lot more natural (and therefore fair) given his weapon.
tfw my pc can't handle this even though it looks far worse than ER
You dodged early, the first 4 hits do absolutely fuckall you can just tank them
Romina, Saint of the Bud
i was expecting more MMO slop like usual but the day 1 reviews were particularly merciless, are things that bad in gransys?
Elden Ring is easy mode compared to the Souls games. The only thing easier in them is that the bosses have way fewer "roll catches." In fact, they only began showing up in Dark Souls 3.
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Ey, torch-to-the-face sisters
NG+ is irrelevant because the first 3 cycles at minimum are going to be piss easy. If NG+1 was actually harder than NG it would be different, but it isnt

Fuck me if i want to play the game without powercreeping it to oblivion, right?
If the last phantom hits you it truecombos into the big hit.
it's right under the ghostflame dragon's nose
Nuh uh
Run further away; the ghost Radahns have a range limit. All you have to look out for is the actual Radahn homing in on you on the fifth slam.
How poor are you? Like there is no way you can't run games smoothly with all the shit we have available for dirt cheap.

2000 dollars is all you need for a current gen PC
I'm kind of like Messmer irl honestly
They nerfed it?
Her job was to protect the Caria Manor and a spectre does it well enough.
git gud
Most of those complaining about microtransactions as if they were new were retards. 13 years ago dd1 had them before dark arisen. Not even just ferrystones but full on weapons too. And monster hunter rise has a shop filled with similar items to dd2 and dozens of cosmetics as well. But no one cared then.
Sorry, I've been playing the DLC with other characters. I need to work up to that one, she's level 80, +15/+5.
There's a few weapons that make sense you'd wield that are unique
Pretty much all of the legendary armaments for example.
Out of remembrances:
> Rellana, Flower, Messmer, Gaius, Radahn, Metyr used magic
> Beast, Romina, Midra, Knight used status effects
every boss used cheese, so they DBTPC
> Midra,
nta but unless you have a monster rig (which I do) you're going to get noticeable drops anywhere near the city. And also some caves if you have ray tracing on (which I do)

It's a fun game in small doses absolutely fucking annihilated by it's lack of enemy variety and static enemy spawns. The non-scripted shit and the actual "sense of adventure" are phenomenal but do to enemies always only ever occupying the exact same space you will eventually tire of going from point A to point B.

I still really enjoyed my (first) playthrough. But it needs help that only a DLC with an expanded enemy roster can provide.
My super computer had to punch it at 30 fps with some meme settings to fudge the graphics in a really weird way I don't really understand. Pure optimization which sucks.
Not particularly. To reference other games it is the Two Worlds to Oblivion. It certainly if different of an experience but people wanted more. Dragon's Dogma 1 was basically 80% trimmed out concepts and Dragon's Dogma 2 is that same game but with maybe 20% of the trimmed out shit added into it now. The game they marketed and presented really was swinging higher than they delivered. If anyone plays EDF and likes it but understands that its quality is EDF they'll get what I mean when I say it is basically selling AAA Blockbuster smash hit game but it is actually EDF and people get fucking mad because they didn't expect it. It is genuinely a great game but you have to accept that it is filled with boring sections which is 80% of the travel and the fast travel system is interesting like DD1 but interesting doesn't make up for a 20 minute walk to turn in a fetch quest.
I just copypasted the same savefile I had on my character that did everything before Mountaintops. Making characters for the DLC almost burned me out.
Yeah I'll still think radahn told her to go there. The dlc seems adamant on connecting he and miquella where there was no connection before, may as well throw in more.
Do you ruin any questlines if you kill Romina early?
yeah nu Radahn is pretty shit
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What with the burns and such
It fucks with Hornsent's questline but who gives a fuck about Hornsent?
Godwynbros, you now realize that if they had godwyn in radahns place, as the guy who agreed to be miquella's consort, you'd have a stream of people calling godwyn a pedo and saying ranni was right to have him killed. By radahn being in his place he gets to be the creepy pedo while our guy gets to stay the only wholly morally good demigod.
complaining about microtransactions is never a bad thing
yep before you would only deal with cheaters spamming you with sleep bolts and from decided it would be best if everyone could do that because they can't solve the real issue its fucking over
Nah because we'd just argue it was mind control like the Radahnfags.
Messmer, hands down. He is by and far the best boss in this ass of a game.
I agree, but they didn't have the same energy in the past, especially almost a decade and a half ago when things could've been prevented, or in any of capcoms previous games. That's where the problem lies. They pick and choose when to complain they're not consistent.
good morning erg!!
>But no one cared then.
Not even a Radahnfag but mindcontrol seems very likely.
Or Mike and Malenia are both fucking retards
I mean that for example DS3's arena was fun.
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1. Never had such issue, can you show it
2. So like Aldrich, Malenia, Elden Beast, Midir, Dragons in general... so now that's a problem?
3. True, Greatshields should be nerfed, bleed should be nerfed too
4. Not an issue, bosses should have highly telegraphed one shots
5. Completely false
6. 7. Never had this issue, not even in your own webm
8. Not a bad thing at all
9. Not an issue and is a constant element of PVE boss fights.
By that time Likely Carian Royal Family as she knew them were gone completely or forsaken their royal duties for a variety of reasons, why would she remain there? It's also likely that Malenia gave her the offer at that moment when her hopes were at her lowest
>Only counter argument was "Filtered."
>Literally the same people that reduce any negative review of the DLC as "shitters"
I thought 4chan wasn't filled with normalfags that repeat literally the same shit Twitter or Steam's comment section says.
The whole "Promised" thing was part of the flimsy contrivance to support Radahn being there at all.
Because when you see Radahn you ask "why Radahn" and the answer they tried to give is "because they made a promise when they were kids"
They pulled a fucking romcom trope, that's how you know it was half-assed.
>Genuinely how the fuck are you supposed to dodge that?
Gid gud.
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I see you are a man of taste.
DMC5 had a bunch of microtransactions too and no one cared
good afternoon
You are not HIM!
Beat the dlc with no weaponarts or spells guy, who do I play next

lvl 300 ng+11 guy
lvl 120 int wizard
lvl 24 twink
can I beat the dlc at level 80 +6 as long as I grab all the skibidi fragments?
That's what I remember and I circled the whole place like a moron until I found it,

Comet is insanely fast and can react to any combat situation. Faster than the knight's lighting spear.
NTA, but I experienced 1 a lot whenever I tried to attack him after his long combos.
Malenia's whisper is such a deep lore that took them 7 years of thinking to come up with. You wouldn't get it.
Here: https://www.youtube.com/@VaatiVidya
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>Waits 5 hours to be summoned
>Ends up as cannon fodder for a pussy hostcel that's too scared to fight
Do bluecels really?
instead of trying to roll away from him on the last one you should roll behind him, it's an opening

Radahn is perfectly honest
Crapcum is a shit dev and shitting on it is always morally correct
Can you? Probably if you’re good enough.
Will it be enjoyable? Fuck no.
Do some scavenging and get your +10 weapon and a marika rune at least.
You can find them both in the DLC.
Arena was fun but we had 3v3 invasions and fightclubs which were more fun. There was also way less ass cancer in ds3 arena your biggest fear in it was a fatty with pkcs.
>that delay

Why do people play this garbage?
ummm are you the guy that toggles everytime he loses in souls pvp?
They didn't. I was there.
>every X bad even when made by different Y
You're not actually human.
>tranime particle vomit spam
All skibidi fragments is basically 2x damage and defense. As long as you have normal vig you'll survive just fine, but your damage will suck super ass because you're up against bosses with 50k hp.
lightning perfume bottle actually has really outsized normal damage even if you're using it fairly ie no rolling sparks, no mass buffs
the fact you can have a weapon with pure lightning damage, free power stance that double hits on each attack, and gets a free +20% damage talisman slot, is just ridiculous when you look at its 589 damage with 80/80 (or even 504 at 50/50)
absolutely gigantic hitboxes that linger for a second and cover a big distance, so its got better coverage than most long weapons and can catch rolls or dodging enemies in pvp/pve just because of its lingering arc, and an extra hitbox trailing on the ground in its running r2, and the charged r2 is like shooting an ak-47 in a small room

You'd feel good getting 600+ ar in power stanced swords like scavengers curved sword, but not only is lightning damage mitigated less than physical in almost every case, but that 589 on perfume can get +20% talisman, +20% flask, +12% scorpion which makes it like a 950 AR weapon by comparison. In both hands. And then you still get the same mass of other potential AR benefits like crusade talisman, bloodsapping, golden vow, etc
Because there's yet to be another game that does the invasion mechanic better.
Judging by the quality of his webms he must lose a lot
ds3 lets you rollspam and only a tiny few things in the game can hope to defeat the rollspam, unlike ER which is chock full of enemies that punish mindless rollspam
Also I dagree. Invasions were always cancer.
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Easy Rune Arcs most of the time
Nuh uh. Making a twink shows CHARACTER, same as the people who make very good type As.
Type Bs are generic and bland.
>crapcum subhuman shill talking about being human
I'm only human after all don't put the blame on me!
for the love of god if youre playing on PC and you need to grind something, just use CE. its safe if you follow the instructions. heard a friend farmed something for hours, it aint worth it.
It's also possible radahn just asked her to be there. I'm sorry man, but radahn is now, lore wise, that weird neighbor kid your mom makes you play with. He's going to be there someway somehow.
Yes malenia whispering in his ear then asexually reproducing ontop of radahn while imaging him and miquella together IS IMPERATIVE to malenia as a character that's the crux of her character now.
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why do blueclitties cuck themselves to redgods?
they were a joke and didn't give you any benefit, compare to locking fast travel behind cash shop items
>invade darklight catacomb where the big cannon imp is
>stand in blast zone
>host and phantom won't move forward now
>I force them not to play the game for 25 minutes
>they finally get fed up and run in
>both die

I 100% have autism for doing it but my god sweet release
>Radahn is perfectly honest
the fact that his two slashes into the cross double slash always clips you with the second hit automatically makes him dishonest
>b-but you can wear the backstep talisman and do a frame perfect backstep into roll to sometimes maybe avoid it
yeah, if you're a korean autistic game god, no human can reliably dodge that
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Souls was always kinome
so the dlc is still designed for people who can handle the snowfield just fine
10. That's up to the player, based on what do you claim this. Trading is a strategy, just like weapon blocking
11. It doesn't, Radahn consistently closes the gaps anyway ubless he is doing Light of Miquella, in which case you do want to GTFO anyway
12. 3 parries to crit is good. Deflect tear should be removed entirely and doesn't fit Souls gameplay, yes
13. 14. Performance should and will be fixed
15. I disagree, and I'm pretty sure that animation is from the base game
16. The only audio cues I remember from Gael are his rings of light. The telegraphing is always done visually in both fight
17. It's easy as shit to iframe through, it's not meteors that have a lingering hitbox and a mostly straight line.
Still are. I just want to co-op with the homies without some sweaty lil femboy running at us like a dickhead.

And then they cry because they're out numbered and we won't give them a fair fight? Fuck off and eat a dick
>blueberry can't even use greatbows correctly
>cherrypicks the one time he gets summoned to gank a noob invader and doesn't get his shit immediately kicked in
>Locking fast travel behind cash shop items
Look at this fucking retard
>Fought Morgott
>Fought Malenia
>Related to Messmer's army with Gaius

>Radahn is going to be there someway somehow.
I'm killing myself. Torrent? Leonard's soul.
>People also believe he fought Godrick for some fucking reason
Not to mention dragons
Dragons ala DeS were static set pieces with hp bars, And they still should be because their implementation is poor
>Dragon goes out of bounds and needs to poof back in
>Nauseating lockons, zoom, and poor QoL on most dragons
And then the cardinal sin
>Most have a moveset around flying away and toasting their own feet
Bayle really just boils down to "well I guess I'll just blackflame his annoying ass"
Shame radahn can't be blackflamed
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are any of their weapons fun (and op) for a base game run?
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What the fuck is a rune arc?
This is how invasions are designed. Time is typically the only resource you can have more of so you have to use it.
Genuienly the only shit boss in the DLC, you can argue for phase 2 of Radahn being overtuned, but this boss is genuienly just awful.
I've literally never seen this before 2020
election tourists are beyond cancer
>Performance should and will be fixed
I've done the AoW of DK's Longhaft Axe several times (Which I believe does 30 poise each time) and haven't gotten a stance break. Meanwhile three casts of Knight's Lightning Spear can stance break the same enemy. It's pretty outrageous.
I just had a dream last night that the final boss of the Elden Ring DLC was a duo fight with Consort Radahn and Hoarah Loux going full on Gandalf the Grey mode wearing his own version of the Ice Witch set and wielding a Moonlight Greatsword. I think his boss fight largely consisted of Adula's Moonblade spam.
have you considered that maybe it's not a matter of "nobody can do it" but a matter of "the mechanic is fucking dogshit and no one wants to bother"?
Could be either way, no need to involve Radahn in anything. If she had gone by Radahn's leave, there would have been no need for her to leave a phantom behind, unless it's another Ranni' made illusory copy like Rennala
it doesnt even matter if you can get them ingame in a different way, which i know you can, it's all about looking bad on the surface which is what generates bad reviews and bad press. which dd2 did.
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If you've not experienced #1 you've not played the fight enough to be able to speak on its quality.
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there are many of us...
Twink bros, do scadutree blessings impact the matchmaking?
It was fied back when it was dogshit on Sekiro release, and Sekiro has near 0 support and sold less than this DLC
try it
Literally just fucking deflecting tear and guard counter, holy shit.

You don't even have to be a greatshield user for this like Radahn. My squishy lil INT user with a regular lil shield handled Gaius like a joke
>wearing his own version of the Ice Witch set
Absolutely cursed.
>doing a new character from scratch
>already have access to Mohg through Varré questline
>can just run to Radahn
>but the earliest you can get a +25 weapon is Farum Azula
This sucks.
>have to go through 7 fucking blues just for the host to dc when he gets sandwhiched because the elevator to the scadutree boss isn't disabled in shadowkeep

I'm so tired of stupid shit like this
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>the fact that his two slashes into the cross double slash
He only uses this move if you blunder beforehand and it's an opening, so you can heal or do damage after getting clipped then rolling the cross slash. That is probably his worst move though, still not that bad

the forced laugh of a man filtered
i don't know i just wear skirts and get fucked
block it, even if you get guardbroken you have time to recover
what's the problem here?
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Why cant Miyazaki give us armor recolors?
To elaborate on this, I fought Rellana and her AI just ignored my Knight's Lightning Spear while she stood in water (taking extra damage) and the very moment she entered her second phase she was stance broken, took huge critical damage from my sword and then died shortly after. It's very strong feeling.
all phantoms are scaled to the host's skibidi level
Sekiro didn't have effectslopfest that is Radahn.
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The music in Stone Coffin Fissure reminds me about Final Fantasy. 9 in particular. Memoria vibes, i think?
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>2. Radahn's love of long anime combos can lead to periods of 20 or more seconds where he is only vulnerable for a tiny amount of time
You are supposed to not play the game. Like how empty areas are actually kino because you're supposed to just watch.
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On replay, what parts of the DLC will (you) be skipping?
I think I will be skipping all of the mini-dungeons (catacombs, caves, mines) that don't lead to another area of the map. I don't remember getting anything meaningful from them, all my equipment upgrades came from either legacy dungeons or quests

>DC Seal scaling got buffed when SOTE dropped
30/45 FTH/ARC gives 320 scaling
Are there any comparable seals/staffs or is this thing now the undisputed GOAT for NG?
Prince of Death Staff got buffed but it still does pitiful scaling unless you're at NG+ stats of 80/80
sorry that fucking election tourists managed to somehow make a perfect characterisation of your cartoons for tranny retards
uncharged lightning spears are stealth for both spells
Radahn has complete invulnerability during the entirety of his light-clone attacks which can pop right after his normal swing combos.
>summoned into Maliketh
>not going to wait, just going to pull the boss
>the invader just runs point blank to me and just goes for Nihil
>obviously buffed out of my skull
>he not only goes for it but he finishes the entire cast
>hit him with 1400 worth of lightning spears, killing him instantly
I respect the balls but use the fucking pve man.

No. You're matched to the host.
Finger Hammer is pretty fun
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Most of my Blue and Red stuff generally ends in people getting one shot since they were mostly when the game was new. No one really levelled vigor.
Don't you see? Radahn also was the one who stopped the stars for ranni and he also taught blaidd how to fight and gave ranni the renna doll he also is messmer's and melina's dad and he's the gloam eyed queen.
>but the earliest you can get a +25 weapon is Farum Azula
Not really.
The DLC gives you access to pretty much every tier of stone, as well as quite a few ancient dragon ones.
Heck pretty sure 6 7 and 8 smithing stones are farmable fairly easily.
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>Head pulls back after for every opening
>Shit camera
>Unreactable attacks (like the mouth roar)
>Way too much health
>Massive delay attacks

Bayle is such a shit fight, anybody who thinks this is better than Midir is fucking dumb. He looks dumb as hell too.
Deflecting Tear feels like shit and I'm tired of people pretending otherwise. Its a crude inplementation that doesn't hold a candle to games that were designed with it in mind, i.e. Sekiro and Lies of P.
The DLC bosses were mechanically bad and far more style over substance.
>Padded out combo chains
>Really weirdly timed attacks intentionally trying to trip you up, which isn't bad in itself but seems to be far more common than it should be in the attack designs.
>Every boss outside the fingers has a cross arena move that they use the moment the fight starts that is also a fuck off attack that kiss unless you perfect dodge run for your life or goat tank.
>Terrible attacks that seem to attack your fucking camera and kill it before you.
>Funnels the builds into playing a massive meat man of iron and ram horns or dodge god with very little in between
I'd rather the boss be a god gamer and try to parry my ass and break distance to heal. Fuck really something more interesting than what is slowly turning into a bland dps race. The dmg output of the bosses were OP but that gets a pass for me because the DLC tried to something different with the secondary leveling which was pretty neat and I hope gets improved upon. Rellana might have been the most 'fair' boss but that may be biase from the fact she doesn't have a 16 attack fucking combo and the camera doesn't shit itself fighting her because she doesn't spastically leap all around the arena.
As a Goldman I find it upsetting my no-skibidi hosts die before I step outside of the fog wall
Which is wicked fast
you have enough time for an impaling thrust after almost every attack, and most of his attacks have openings even though it doesn't look like it
She was ignoring my charged Knight's Lighting Spear for some reason. Just stood there and took it repeatedly. Continual discharges of electricity in the water from the charged spears dealing way more damage as a result.
i think it's a minor ai break. i caused some of those when i was shooting bayle with bone bow arrows.
Probably. Either way I noticed her AI correct itself when her second phase started but by that point she was stance broken and then too heavily damaged to make a comeback.
that just looks like it missed and went inbetween the legs desu
Imo sunflower is a pretty og-style boss, possibly it and finger mother are the two most classical feeling bosses
Bayle has so much time between attacks that you can unironically use dragon communion invocations on him.
get fucked bleednigger
>she doesn't have a 16 attack fucking combo and the camera doesn't shit itself fighting her because she doesn't spastically leap all around the arena.
She absolutely does
Why does Fagahn get two of the same exact sword but with different Ashes as Remembrance weapons ?

Its like they couldn't decide which one they wanted and just put them both in. Feels really weird. Because they are both paired weapons so they cant be used together.

The ashes are pretty good. With minimal faith they do a lot of damage.
>Its like they couldn't decide which one they wanted and just put them both in. Feels really weird. Because they are both paired weapons so they cant be used together.
They can though, you can go around swapping 4 swords by just changing hands
>The ashes are pretty good. With minimal faith they do a lot of damage.
and they would be op in the same exact weapon
Look you don't have to convince me
But there are people who would still call the fight good even if every single attack was a one hit instant kill that required 15 sequences of 1 frame window no buffer dodges in completely different directions with no visual way to tell until the attack has already landed.

That's the kind of brain rot you're dealing with
and nobody will still use them just as normal radahn swords because the moveset is complete dog ass
normal ones at least have a massive aoe very useful for clearing areas of garbage
Bros what's the point of thrusting shields?
They feel like unusable jank unless I'm two handing them, but at that point it's basically just a normal shield you can poke with.
If only they had made the l2 a normal block instead of a quick attack string, what a missed opportunity for casters.
the attacks block
>finally get summoned into Bayle
>embarrass myself horrifically to the point that I don't even wanna keep playing today
Fuck me.
kek, it happens sometimes, don't worry anon
Yes it did, Genichiro was a messworse than Radahn actually, because the lag occurred even just by staying on the rooftop
At Radahn now so here are my Remembrance boss rankings:
>0 - Gank Squad
Holy fuck that was fucking amazing. The real final boss.
>1 - Midra
By far the coolest boss. Learning to exploit his openings to stance break him was fun and his moves are very fair. Wish he had more lore though.
>2 - Messmer
Poster boy. Kino lore. Kino presentation. Cool cutscenes. Godly magic. End of the best legacy dungeon in the DLC. Just about perfect. Except he breaks the camera with his spastic attacks.
>3 - Metyr
Cool as fuck lore. Good build up. Great arena. Awesome design. Kino attacks. Entire questline. Clear exploitable weaknesses (The stage is water. Use lightning.)
>4 - Bayle
Igon. 'Nuff said.
>5 - Scadutree Avatar
Really like its design. Obvious weakness to fire. Fair combos that lead to openings that are easy to exploit. 3-phase twist was fun. Nice mechanics overall. Shame it leads to nothing, like Gayass, and has lacking lore.
>6 - Rellana
I fought her late in the game so she was very easy for my build. Even so she has a kickass design, cool abilities and interesting lore. Shame she has no dialogue, cutscenes or build up.
>7 - Romina
Cool boss and character design. Sensible mechanics. Just felt very forgettable to me because she doesn't really say or do anything else.
>8 - Putrescence Knight
Way better than those below it. Actually decent boss. Reasonable attack patterns. Has annoying gimmick with the blue flames but otherwise pretty fair. FTH builds have plenty of options with Holy and I believe the battlefield conducts electricity from charged Lightning Spears.
>9 - Dancing Lion
Yes yes very cool. Also broke my camera, has annoying special effects overload and was just generally unpleasant to face.
>10 - Commander Gayass
He's broken. Shit to fight 'fairly' and piss easy to cheese. And he leads to nothing. Cool concept but just very poorly coded and thought out.
>11 - Radahn and Miquella
Overtuned overly flashy dogshit with bloated damage and health values.
>heal from afar casts faster than other healing spells, costs the same as great heal, heals the same as lord's heal, destroys revenants at any range
Lmao pure powercreep.
Dodge to your right, the side without the lance
>annoyed by lion and messmer's camera issue
>not annoyed by putrescent and much worse metys' camera issues
pretty good ranking
>ray tracing on
Turn it off you don't need that shit
Neither of them gave me any camera issues. Putrescent not at all. Metyr I mostly fought at a range with Knight's Lightning Spear spam and focused on avoiding her attacks.
Anon, I said I have it on. That clearly means I'm mentally retarded and impossible to reason with.
So until now I've breezed through the DLC buttfucking everything with a pulse even a couple of bosses. But I need your help now.

I'm struggling against Rellana Twinkmoon Knight or something. I'm a straight INT spellcaster, I make teeny tiny boops with close-range attacks and I need big ranged damage.
What do you advise?
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Nevermind. Won after 20 attempts.

Done with help of my brother and summoning Leda.
Brother had bleed and frost katanas with Bloodhound Step, no shield.

As a spellcaster, I sped up the frostbite using the Zamor storm. Once the boss was frostbit, I stayed afar while my two comrades took the aggro, and spammed Night Comet with Renalla's Dildo in the main hand and the Staff of Loss in the offhand to boost night damage.
Then it was just a matter of dodging the absurd amount of OP spells and movesets, gittin gud. My brother did enormous bleed damage a couple of times, I couldn't have done it alone even with spirit ashes, even with the mimic.
>shitter mad that he can't do it so he wishes for the game to stop being fair with people that are actually good at the video game and take time to learn movesets
i wasted 30 minutes of my life trying to jump on that god forsaken mausoleum in the lakes
fuck that shit
even if i land i die
you're supposed to use the spiritspring retard-kun
>been putting my sign down via effigies for the last two days
>99% radahn or malenia
>malenia has slightly more build variety but its mostly still bleed/frost spammers with katanas
>host still typically eats shit by being greedy
>radahn has virtually zero build variety with all of them using the "I didn't beat the game because radahn mindbroke me" build
>they still manage to somehow lose regardless
This is depressing.
what the fuck
i did like 3 playthroughs and it always worked easily with the stones on the wall god damn it
but no matter which stone i used this time it didnt work
anyway spiritspring worked
you can also just shoot the skulls with a bow

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