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Sign Anon is ignored by Valve: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/481432419/#q481439148
New Community MvM tour: https://oo.potato.tf
Bot hosters are getting banned: https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/37C7-829B-5DE3-CC3B

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>Previous Thread
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Funko Pop! edition
I havent played this game ever since that hack with the double shot force-a-nature thing was out and there was scout bots and scout cheaters basically oneshotting any and everyone while retards defended those players because they think only snipers are capable of cheating. Even when the enemy scout with no avatar, private profile and no cosmetics has 274 points to the second highest having 78. Has that bullshit been fixed?
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>mfw i see a disgusting cheater who is totally not overdosing on estrogen and instead will die to my knee on his neck
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>konata and castaway dead
>try matchmaking again
>2 steamrolls and a match with cheaters
TF2 is fixed, huh?
Not sure how long ago this was, but I haven't seen it (personally) in yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaars.
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when we needed him most.. HE returned..
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>massive cheater banwave
>haven't been quickscoped once ever since (used to happen 80% of the time i got close to a non f2p sniper)

REALLY makes you ponder.
never even heard of that
players in general have gotten better at calling out closet cheaters

>t. 2011 newfag
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not sure my wife will let me get this funko dlc... but perhaps if I tell her its a *game* purchase it won't breach the contract!
Cheaters are already back soon bots will follow and the crying will continue
no it hasn't been patched yet, i've seen some run shortstop for extra range
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Send this thread more profiles to report, my triggerfinger is hungry for more
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dead game
dead general
>revert Valve servers into the old pubs
>ad-hoc connections allowed, servers are visible in the server browser
>you can change teams, spectator mode is back, 20-40 minute timer, map vote at the end
>if people vote to extent the map just add time to the timer, no reloading
>keep the current Casual menu with gamemode and map selection, you can even keep the rank system
>you can select if you want to include community servers in the server search
>by default only pure vanilla servers are included, but extra settings let you pick if you want more custom community servers to also be in
>add featured map section at the top that highlights 4 random maps every day, so people are incentivized to play something else than upwards and dustbowl
>one of the featured maps is always from the “Other Game modes tab” so they aren’t completely abandoned

Why wouldn't this work?
stock grenade launcher is the best weapon for pure chaos factor
rollers are not to be underestimated
Literally just keep fucking unga bunga shooting in the direction of the choke nothing matters but the deterrent
>get absolutely steamrolled by enemy team
>game ends and only the enemy team types "gg" in all chat
>dont feel like queuing for another game
>Why wouldn't this work?
Because Jill would feel bad.

because it's too good of a set up. you're not allowed to have nice things

Report this cringy cheater who has a tickle fetish LOL
>play 3 casual games against this faggot gg ez spammer and his medic bf
>have double the points of the next top scorer on my team of shitters
>finally get an awesome heavy main to pocket
>he falls to his knees and disconnects after we kill their entire team
>finally get a gunboats mic guy complimenting my medic skills
>still forced to bust my ass as solo medic and then solo engie
>finally win on pier last with the cart getting over the hill 3 times
>faggot duo immediately ragequits
>immediately autobalanced
>dominate my solly friend over the course of the round..

victory.. but at what cost
>le infinite sniper skill ceiling was just unlimited cheats
When I quick scope people now they just ragequit instead of calling cheater. The game is healing.
Sniper should not be able to headshot until full charge
This change still makes all of his unlocks work without breaking btw
I recently acquired a hobby of collecting every weapon reskin availiable
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notice how the sniper main defense force massively weakened after the ban wave
Everybody not only has to be a sweaty tryhard bitch nowadays but they also have to taunt you too. Any match I don't win, other team taunts me in all chat.
same op? how unoriginal
>chilling out playing heavy
>see a scout teammate nab a health kit in front of a flaming demoman
>waddle my ass towards the demo as fast as my GRU can take me, dont know what to do besides hit my medic keybind
>demoman in a panic, he has a shield but his charge must've been off cooldown or he doesnt know he can extinguish himself
>he starts running to another health kit area while still on fire, most likely won't make it
>decide to hit the spy keybind instead then whip out my sandvich hoping he'll see it and understand
>he whips around immediately and I toss it at him
>"Thanks mate!"
>he fucking dies from fire damage right before touching the god damn thing
>killbind out of grief on the spot

why do scouts always have to play the chaotic neutral role, bros...
it seems the last time i said that the airstrikes rockets were tiny, people thought i was referring to the splash radius while rocket jumping
while yes a 28% reduction for no reason is a bigger issue, i was talking about THE rocket itself. just compare it to every other rocket launcher, its so tiny, its particle effects are also tiny, downright invisible compared to normal rockets
apparently the custom rocket was disliked by many upon the airstrikes addition for being so hard to see and airblast. but it goes both ways, as i, the one shooting the rocket, can barely see it
It's my day off today. Any Heavy mains wanna pub it up soon?
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i reported max box for cheating in 2013/2014.
>nooo he made a whole youtube career apologising for it and calling out cheaters
don't care, he still cheated. zero tolerance policy.
uhhhhmmm based
you are so sigma, from ohio
This is a buff to camping Snipers because it would make it harder to counter-snipe them. If anything there needs to be a nerf on hardscoping.
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Based based based
Once a cheater always a cheater
Once a cheater supporter always a cheat supporter
>Once a cheater, always a cheater
Bullshit, I remember cheating a lot in minecraft, but never ever cheated in TF2 and I play for over 14 years now
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Weekly rare Zesty just dropped
What is really wrong with bots? Valve even has official bots to pad the servers. What's wrong with having a few per game . Nobody has a convicing argument for this
matter of time, cheatfag
You may not realize it but new TF2 golden age just dropped
>B-but muh casual
make your own server then you nigger
>B-but nobody plays on them
Because they're shit and casual is just better
sheesh zesty dropping into 2fortnite with skibidi ohio rizz frfr ong
taking one or two request for the weekly Zesties before I go sleep
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This is what happens when the server automatically reloads after two rounds. Long, continuous play is replaced by an aura of "you only get two rounds so you better make them count!".
https://steamcommunity.com/id/angelh6/ another cheating profile. I'm glad the bots are dying but the faggots that cheat are still spooking around way too damn much
>no tf2 on profile or games played
No reporting
obvious cheater
There is nothing inherently wrong with bots, I have some idlebots myself, as well as some GPT bots running a couple dozen accounts on reddit for shitposting purposes, plus a few bots scraping porn boards.
But those are not disruptive and bother no one, cheatbots however were troubling people.
cheating in games like gta and minecraft where there is a cheating culture is very different than tf2 and cs with a very small hvh community
I'm pretty sure some of those profiles never played tf2
Chinese Zesty for the glory of Winnie the Po
This guy cheats and even makes videos of his cheating if you need proof
Dont know, dont care, still reported them.
My /tf2g/ bros post a profile here, I report for cheating, every time.
Fuck this cheater man
he has a rocket launcher that overheals him and shoots like a fucking minigun
>wrong previous thread link
Never bake again...
cheater group
known griefer, mass report https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003543883
I'm going to to even more annoying shit in the next op just because you faggots have OCD and need to work on that
>check members
>see Jill
>feel blood pressure rising
Ive been using stock but everyone goes to the iron bomber. Why?
He's the reason TF2 got a bot problem
REPORT this nigger
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China number one
>why do scouts always have to play the chaotic neutral role, bros...
scunt was my least played class in my first thousand hours because of how annoying they are
ive been playing him more often now and i just stole my first full health pack (114 hp btw) from a soldier who jumped in from out of nowhere (10 hp btw) ((he died to a shotgun blast from across the map))
Notorious bothoster please do the needful
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>doesn't shout out small vanilla servers like konata or castaway
>doesn't advocate for bringing quickplay back despite claiming to be an oldfag who has played since launch
>instead whines over not being let in the movement along with his two orbiters Chimpänzee and GrifterOvertime
What does this faggot contribute, exactly? What does he even do?
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>robin walker and jill dont have each other added to friends
>doesn't advocate for bringing quickplay back
he does however
Uhhh he tells you what to vote in in the workshop
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troonsty doesn't even shout out his own server, because he's busy jerking off on kogasa with his fellow "ironic" pedophiles
reposting reddit shit because they're smoking out nests

https://steamcommunity.com/groups/zlotybot - group of cheaters https://steamcommunity.com/groups/rijinstaging - taken over by cheaters https://steamcommunity.com/groups/crewschlager - group full of cheaters https://steamcommunity.com/groups/jaredhvh - cheater group/has hvh in the name duh

>The whole "rijin staging" group takeover has been organized by a person named "Waveform" or "Halcyon" or "Cupid" or "ryougi", but he mainly goes by the waveform username. He has cheated in the past using various providers and continues doing so to this day. He had actually left all the cheating groups himself following the ban wave. You can confirm he's cheating by looking him up on steamhistory or looking up his groups on steamiduk, he's literally banned on almost every major community server out there lol:

https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199003473057 https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199478230444

>I do not want to start a witchhunt against any of these people, I just want to make it clear to Valve how many of these groups and people there actually is.
another one https://steamcommunity.com/id/gabelogannewell
to be honest yeah, if tf2bers want to do a movement to save the game they could do more to shoutout community servers and make a movement to keep them afloat. mastercoms has done more for tf2 community servers recently than the entire #fixtf2 movement did.
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This general would be dickriding Zesty to the end of time if he was allowed on Weezy’s adderall campaign.
What a timeline this universe avoided.
Mastercoms is working on some sort of contract/reward system for quickplay, the type of thing where you just put a plugin on a server and his site tracks kills and stuff so you can do a contract and get a semi meaningful reward. It'd probably make people really want to use quickplay
Issue is he said it was like a year or two out. Probably too late by then
Zesty (Bad Future)
Won't matter people will just grind groomertopia for the rewards.
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Don't you have to post some kind of proof in your report? Like a youtube channel that has them recording themselves blatantly cheating or something?
No lol
So I can just type "known cheater" every time and chuck it in? Cool, hope it gets that faggot CheatCheat banned.
Retard he hides his games on his profile, that's what a lot of cheaters do, and he's a known TF2 and CS:GO cheater
doesn't seem like it's needed
every valve match is "silently" recorded, these two alerts were 6 days ago, so my schizo theory is that they actually added backend support for the steam support to look at matches and judge for hemself and started banning blatant cheaters
Fatmagic hasn't uploaded for a month and he's constantly been offline. HE'S HIDING. HE KNOWS HE'LL GET BANNED. HAHAHAHAHAH
He does tho
Known cheater, $27k backpack. Please report
wait what? i'm not a cheater...
suck a dick, zesty boy
>$27k backpack
he never had that, /v/ro
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>all of those smug and arrogant blatant cheaters who thought they were untouchable I played with over the last few months are now most likely perma-banned and lost hundreds if not thousands of dollars in the process, some of which are even threatening suicide over it
This is genuinely one of the best feelings in the world and I don't think I've seen a ban wave as huge as this through the whole game's life time.
Still gonna boycott the summer update though. Need I tap the sign?
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done sister, report this cheater too.
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Gotcha, snake!
>valve manages to kill interest in community servers right as our movement was building up

Why is his profile filled with gays things kek
I'm sure this dude nuts to futanari all the day
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Weeded out another, take out the trash.
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>low profits discourage valve from doing anything
>don't protest
>valve gets complacent from all the money they're making
I dunno if I'm, doomerpilled, but it feels like there's a low chance either way of them keeping up with this. I and many others would actually put money in the game again if they maintained it and get it cheat free at the very least, though
Explain why I'm retarded.
>Explain why I'm retarded.
Because whatever Valve is doing NOW clearly took time and effort to do. It's not a cynical sweep (maybe), and probably their main interest is utilizing this for their other games if it goes well.
So with that in mind it's unlikely they abandon things this time, unless we reward them too early.
But he's got australiums. He can't be a cheater!
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Lil nigga's not even defending himself. Everyone report this nigger
the community sucked valve's dick last time and all they did was tweet, fix some bugs targeting bots, and some waves before giving up
right now it's scorched earth, and dicksucking didn't work last time so now it's best to remain skeptical. they need to demonstrate rather than just make empty promises. give it like half a year and if things are still good it's safe to they tf2 is saved (for real this time)
I have seen this guy play and he is absolute ass at the game I doubt he cheats
This is pretty good, but I feel the randomized map pool wouldn't be necessary. The reason why only popular maps get played the most is because the matchmaker takes longer to populate more obscure maps. It has to look for 23 other players queued for it, which takes for-fucking ever. If everything else you listed is in place, all it would have to do is find a server running the map (with maybe a few players in it already) and throw you in which would take almost no time at all.
This is just going to devolve into bad players calling mediocre players out for cheating and mass reporting them huh
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Someone call ratposter cuz it's full of rats in here
but he's a sniper main
What would Valve need to do to actually fixtf2 for (You)?

For me:
>revert MyM to quick play
>revert a few weapon nerfs, buff some never used weps like sun on a stick
>remove ~50% of the valve rotation from the game (all the new shitty community maps)
>add a strange crate for the missing stranges
>make most Halloween cosmetics Halloween restricted if they aren't
>add a Smissmas restricted attribute, give it to all the Christmas tree hats
I would consider TF2 completely fixed at that point
Honestly just revert MYM and keep up the banning
Fixing the weapon balance is a bonus that I'd appreciate but is even less likely than reverting MYM
Same goes for holiday-restricting ugly, seasonal trash but that also won't happen, much like removing skins and war-paints
>ban all bots
>Do fun updates that give you new rare items like badges and shit
>new contract
here, fixed for me
quickplay, jungle inferno nerfs reverted
that's literally it
Absolute state of r/tf- I mean /tfg/

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Irony poisoned troonies have to have their fun anon, don't spoil it
Didn’t he say he cashed out multiple times because of boycot? I guess that was a lie
your days are numbered, FishCheatOnACheat
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>Keep banning bots and bot hosters
>Bring back quickplay and touch it up a bit (like adding more filters)
>Weapon rebalancing (ideally by using both the closed beta and announcing rebalances early for feedback like they did for JI)
>Better quality control for added maps, cosmetics and skins
>Bug fixes
He just took 3 skins off the market kek
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In light of recent humiliations, it’s an honor to be joined by anons, and not FAGGOT ASS CORNHOLING COCKSUCKERS CHEATERS, THEY SHOULD FUCKING DIE!
I hate traderjews, but man all this cashout hype must've netted them some serious loot, literally nobody saw this bot holocaust coming kek guess that risk paid off for quick buyers
ok so why do oldtroon larpers like zesty hate seasonal campaign passes?
il probably win the jackpot before any of that happens
im not up to date with what's going on. is this an anti-cheat system or is it someone manually banning people? i haven't heard anything for either side
>more cool stuff marked up to hell
>faggots don't even use them
nah that sucks
also that retard that deleted his saxxy, comedic timing
A man can dream
Whatever Valve's doing seemingly auto targets the the main bad actors while steam jannies take care of reports for the low level goons.
Kill pyros. Behead pyros with the eyelander. Roundhouse kick a pyro onto the control point. Slamdunk a gibus pyro into the trash. Neck-snap pyros. Sage pyro threads. Don't reply to pyro posters. Crucify filthy pyro mains. Hang pyros. Defecate into a pyros sandvich. Launch pyros into a buzzsaw. Stiryfry pyros in a wok. Toss pyros in front of active sentry guns. Urinate into a pyros gasstank. Judo throw pyros into a woodchipper. Dox pyros. Twist pyros heads off. Report pyros to Valve. Never uber pyros. Karate chop pyros in half. Never heal pyros. Backstab pyros. Melee crit pyros. Curbstomb pregnant pyros. Trap pyros in quicksand. Dump pyros into the grinder on mannhattan. Liquify pyros into a vat of acid. Eat pyros. Dissect pyros. Exterminate pyros in MGE. Stomp on pyros skull with the mantreads. Steal a pyros health pack. Make pyros check'em. Cremate pyros with the degreaser. Lobotomize pyro mains. Mandatory trade bans for pyros. Crush pyros into a paste. Drown pyros in jarate. Vapourize pyros with a pomson. Spawn camp pyros. Kick a monkey pyro from your mvm lobby. Starve pyros. Shark pyros from hat drops. Feed pyros to alligators. Slice pyros open with the half-zatoichi.
They don't even really need to bring back quickplay, just reinstate the old rules on their servers (30 min timer with no round limits, team scramble, can choose team, can join mid-game via server browser), add a checkbox at the top if you want to be put in community servers , another check if you want to be put in non-official maps, and simplify the matchmaker so all it does is find a server meeting your criteria with the most players.

Reverting the weapon nerfs is very much wishful thinking but it would be nice.
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>hey valve bots are a issue
>shut up dummkopf *mutes f2ps*
>hey valve bots are still a issue and we love the game please save it
>(corpo robo voice) We hear you! *adds vscript*
>hey valve wtf
>uh, *adds 1 billion community maps to casual and puts contracters on duty to updates tf2 to 64 bit*
>we are moving back to community serv-
really makes you think
Was that the first time a saxxy was deleted?
apparently not
>7,741 views Dec 1, 2011
>Flicky's Saxxy has been deleted on this 30th of November. He is likely the second person to do so, and the first sane person. The other guy who deleted his was going to commit suicide so he deleted all of his valuables. There have only been 60 saxxies in tf2 history thus far.
\>Flicky deleted his Saxxy because he realized that you didn't need a weapon reskin to enjoy the game. Godspeed flicky, godspeed.
any elder sages know anything about the first guy who was apparently suicidal?
can someone give me a golden pan pls
What kind of name is Zesty Jesus? What the fuck kind of way is that to greet the world?
He used that name before zesty became synonymous with gay niggers.
hello sir
give me 5 thousand dolla and I will give you golden pan yes
medic booba
>nobody plays community servers because any and all community servers are shit
you know you dont believe that
For me? Fixing casual.
Adding scramble, allowing team switch, enabling spectators, fixing end of map vote.
I don't want to deal with dedicated servers' admins, players or retarded rules ever again.
>having a shitty wife who manages how you spend your own mony
>but on the other hand she has a redditor faggot for a husband
both of them should rope themselves
then why is konata and castaway so empty most of the time
>buff sun on a stick
lmao how. everyone keeps saying this but the truth is, certain weapons are just redundant, cant be reworked into anything, and only exist to be a promo or because they look cool
1. nobody here plays tf2, obviously
2. when people do get on it, only half the servers full, takes ages to go up to 24
3. people have to willingly look for good community servers, much harder than pressing a big green play button
look at what happened when mastercoms quickplay released, konata was full for hours. now casuals "fixed" so the mym babbies will go back to the post mym experience
Anyone know Jill's email or his real name
I'd like it for, uhm, reasons
>no map timer
then scramble and team switch is useless
>map vote
noone will stay for it as it is. takes too long
Instead of having guaranteed crits on burning players, it has guaranteed crits when the scout himself is burning (only when the weapon is out) .You dont need any external help and you can equip this as a funny fuckpyroniggers weapon
sv_pure 0
>stack joins your game and destroys the server
ok thats pretty fun
but the crits still do pathetic damage
to combat this:
change the universal damage penalty to a damage penalty against non burning targets
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Valve DESERVES my money
>I don't want to deal with dedicated servers' admins, players or retarded rules ever again.
Valve servers existed under quickplay.
This is such a bizarre talking point that has only appeared now that quickplay is back in mainstream TF2 discussion.
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Here's an idea I just had
>attacks light enemies on fire for 3 seconds
>attacking a burning player (any weapon) heals you for 10 health
>-20% damage
>-20% fire resistance on wearer
I think this probably encourages more synergy with friendly pyros (don't need to take it out to combo off their fire, you take more fire so encouraged to stand near friendly pyros to get extinguished) and also has the ability to do the combo on it's own, albeit a bit weaker. Kind of like an alt candy cane
Community servers still exist. When people are given the choice between Valve servers and dedicated concentration camps they choose Valve's servers.
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oh well
I'll just play some MvM to calm down and win
boston basher already exists
and this overlaps with the candy cane as the healing melee, its no alt candy cane, its a better candy cane
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Casual is unsalvageable, anon. Just go back to quickplay and have an option to toggle searching only Valve servers. That's literally it. Pleases both the Valve purists and the community enthusiasts.
I'm confused as to what your point has to do with my post. I said Valve servers existed under quickplay. I think the quickplay system was superior not because of community servers but because Valve servers themselves had the 45 minute timer, alltalk, scramble, PROPER map voting, etc.
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But muh star_ video
>MyM was 8 years ago
>TF2 has spent almost half of its life cycle in this state
I hop on whenever I can and when there's at least 10 players
empty server paradox, nobody wants to join a empty server which leads to the server being empty
for a community server to thrive you need a active regulars group to seed it, if we compare uncletopia to Zesty's server for example uncletopia was already active before Dane made his video about it because he has a public discord chat people are free to join and say "hey lets jump on the Dallas server at 6 o'clock" Zesty's discords are either locked behind his patreon or just to get a notification which stiffles its potential growth
no need for a gay discord chat though just some way to communicate like a forum shoutbox and a regular time people want to jump on
24 niggas staring at an empty server waiting for ~20 niggas to join the server first
I've been trying to get konatadmin to make a steam group but he hasn't done it yet. He expressed interest but we'll see.
Give me your biggest trvthnvkes, I can handle it.
4. playing on community servers is xp waste
The most active server we've had was active for just 1 night of the week, konata and kagamin should decide for a time to frag so people will now when to tune in.
TF2's golden era died when they started bringing in decorated weapons, and the game's death was solidifed with MYM. The golden era is untouchable and cannot be imitated. We'll never be able to go back and Valve will never try to.
To top it all off, TF2 was lightning in a bottle designed by the perfect men at the perfect time, and so any hypothetical follow-up to TF2 will not be as good.
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>aren't you going to join us, anone~?
times are such that valve servers are now the dedicated concentration camps, for fuck's sake, even GROOMERTOPIA lets you spectate or switch teams
tf2 is DEAD
tf2 will never be FIXED
>we are stuck trying to push last
>no medic to uber against the sentries
>"Fine, I will go myself"
>Time for uber, who should it be:
>f2p soldier who can't hit a stationary spy
>a heavy who refuses to move forward
>demo main who's been trolling all game long
>scout main who can't do shit against sentries even with uber
>3 spies
>2 snipers
>we lose
>>we are stuck trying to push last
>>no medic to uber against the sentries
>>we lose

>team is dogshit
>chooses to play medic
get good at demoman, noob
I just want to put my head in between the Medic main's breasts and ask her to heal me please... I will kill all the enemies then.
how does this look so natural
>events on the castaway group
>get like 3 joins
>91 members
I don't think it would help
Better than just waiting and hoping people join
it's up
valve never cared about tf2 that much
>throw in promo items because fuck it (maybe they even got paid to do it)
>a bunch of one-off things like doomsday, hydro, mvm etc.
>never bothered to do custom animations for different weapon models so we get stuff like the manmelter having no reload animation and thus having a hidden reload penalty because they couldn't be fucked to count how long the reload takes on other flare guns
>bugs like the iron bomber hitbox size being left in the game for years
>2 forever beta maps
Medic is a thankless job, and honestly, when you don't have a medic, there's a reason for that. It's because your team is BAD. Bad players try playing without a medic, so going medic in that scenario is an even trade of your time, because your team is BAD and healing them is pointless.
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Be real with me: could a #BringBackQuickplay protest actually work? The main issue is that unlike with bots which everyone that plays the game has experienced, many players never used quickplay, so I'm not so sure there'd be as much support for something they never experienced. Also many tf2bers are post-mym so they wouldn't be shilling it
Hey /tf2g/ tell me the chances of:
>new hack/bot/cheat whatever advertised as "undetected"
>botters and cheaters drones to it like flies and install it
>after a match or two it updates itself
>after a few weeks people find out or developer reveals it as a fucking rootkit from the start
>even if you manage to cancel the "update", it will keep acting like a data harvester silently anyway
I mean crazy right? What are the odds of these gullible idiots installing a rootkit just to tick off player base of a decade old game? Just asking for a friend.
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Jill Jill, you will kneel.
The spirit of Quickplay is alive still.
Jill Jill, did you get your fill?
From all the F2Ps that you grill?
Jill Jill, was killing Arena Mode worth the trill?
All for a "neato" update that you tried to shill?
Jill Jill, how much spirit are you gonna continue to kill?
Before you consider suicide via cyanide pill?
Jill Jill, how long are you going to cater to what Uncle Dane considers ideal?
All to cover up your lack of game design skill?
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Reminder to get your bingo cards ready for the summer update to see how many give in and gamble away, especially now that Valve is doing something
If it didn't work 8 years ago when hundreds of people quit, left negative reviews and complained on every forum available while TF2 had an active development team I don't think it would work now.
its amazing how every single one of these is complete shit
>could a #BringBackQuickplay protest actually work?
It's plausible that Eric could do it (and he claimed before the only reason bots didn't get attention was because of lack of manpower, but this doesn't require any manpower). The bigger issue is if Eric WOULD do it. Also, as you said, you'd have to get TF2bers to run it just to get all the post-mym children that follow them to parrot it and get it trending. Which could happen. Zesty said his next video is on MYM and, whilst I don't like Zesty, he is undeniably largely responsible for #FixTF2.
The thing with support roles like Engineer and Medic is that their effectiveness is capped by your team's skill. You can only be as good as your team is. The best medic main in the world wouldn't be able to do anything if his team are f2ps against a seasoned team. The best engineer main in the world wouldn't be able to do anything if his team are f2ps and the enemy has 3+ competent soldier/demos. You can't do a lot on your own, your role is to enhance the strengths and weaknesses of your team. But if your team is shit there's not much to enhance there.
So if your team is getting it's shit rolled and you are playing medic or engineer, consider swapping to a power class because supporting bad players doesn't really make them good, or increase your chances of winning.
I know this as an engie main because I have to play other classes frequently, if my stuff just keeps getting blown up and nobody tries to help defend it, it's not worth trying to build in the first place and I'd be more useful playing soldier or heavy
>play expert
>carrying as usual
>pyro spamming with scorch shot
>tell him nicely every wave to stop using scorch shot
>guy says "okay sorry" every time but still does it
>gets kicked last and replaced
Whatever lol
The person responsible for MYM and the one who dug his heels in when people complained doesn't work on TF2 anymore, though.
Not that low if you act fast. Bothosters and cheaters are literally threatening suicide rn so if you act fast you might get lucky.
>>playing mvm
You lost.
I got 2 aussies in less than 50 tours
>still gave me a (You)
No, you lost.
I don't care for drama, and I am not saying I know this dude isn't a cheater, but I skimmed to see some cheat clips and the one in the middle of the video with the spy on the harvest roof just looks like a micro flick. That's my preferred aim style for targets in the open, which is track center of mass and then "throw" the cursor from center to the predicted location of their head and click in one motion. Does no one else play like this? I do something very similar when holding the dot on a wall I'm near an entrance I am monitoring where my goal is to get that dot moves to target and fires motion . The idea is rather than trying to get so good that I can hold a dot on a moving Target's head, I can combine a refined tracking skill and a predictive move like I'd use for a projectile to optimize my critical hit chances.
even though i’m very much glad that the bot ban wave happened, i feel like the tf2 community was on the cusp of an independent community server uprising like it was back in the golden era.

Matchmaking is just objectively worse than quickplay/community servers. Team scramble, everyone stays in the same server yada yada.

I was personally excited for community servers to get popular again.
But you won, didn't you? Why does it matter if some guy was just dicking around during the waves?
>on the cusp of an independent community server uprising like it was back in the golden era.
Stop with this cope. Only one schizo was trying to push this.
Idk man if you refuse to listen to advice and tell people that you'll stop but then don't actually stop, is trolling/griefing people. Literally the other randoms were getting fed up with it too and they all F1'd. I asked nicely and gave advice but he didn't listen.
Me too. I mentioned before that Zesty is making a new video on MYM and, whilst I must emphasise that I don't like Zesty nor do I want to shill him, I think this could refresh interest again because his zoomer sycophant fans will adopt this view. On top of this, as I also previously said, Zesty was largely responsible for #FixTF2.
Reply much?
Based me.
That's essentially how I play sniper too. Probably why my aim is so inconsistent. Sometimes I miss a heavy, sometime I hit a scout airstrafing wildly
How much of a problem is it really? How much time does it add to the waves when he does that? Not ragging on you here, I'm curious
>most of the people playing tf2 now don’t even know what quickplay is or how good it was.

as much as i want this to work anon, i doubt it will. As much as i do support it.
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Get this fucktard xarq0n banned before he cashes out
It's delaying the wave and making things slower because the bots aren't dying as quickly as they should due to being pushed further back. And in some cases when the pyro used scorch shot he shot the bomb carrier closer towards hatch.
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TF2Easy, yes or no?
I am being tried for crimes against Team Fortress 2.
I'd be interested to see how much time he was actually wasting because I'm guessing it was probably a minute at most overall
Isn't this just a gambling site?
>I was personally excited for community servers to get popular again.
This was (and will) never happen for as long as Casual exists.
Even when it was swarmed with bots, people preferred to play the queue roulette than seed vanilla servers.
I really do wish it wasn't so, but this is just the reality of things. Until Casual is surgically removed, or essentially morphed into QP, community servers will remain ghost towns.
I once got an aussie from them with the coin flip
xp doesnt matter. it does nothing. it just makes you look more experienced i guess, which is why certain cheater parties queue for mannpower and farm points
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Well I'll tell you one thing, Castaway will be open until that time comes. Not shutting it down
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>team needs medic
>cant go medic because i am the best fragger
>ask someone to go medic
>you go medic
look all im saying is, every time ive gotten someone to pocket me, weve turned the tides
Community servers will never replicate the feel of quick play because they only attract enthusiast players. The game works best when you have a mix of everything from fresh installs to 5k hr sweats in the same lobby with the regularity you would expect from their respective abundances. Nothing but the default lowest common denominator join game interface is going to give you that.
how do I farm XP without friends
>. The game works best when you have a mix of everything from fresh installs to 5k
There were players on konata with merc badges saying 2024 on them.
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I cheated a bit in cs2, only wallhacks and no aimbot, but I then uninstalled my cheating software when I realized that I got tricked and I was now running the game at 3 fps which put me at a net disadvantage compared to legits in spite of my wallhacks and I couldn’t get any frags. I think people were mining my computer for bitcoin or something.
If anything ever tells you to download Medal for any purpose, DO NOT DO IT. Do not even THINK about doing it.
You just need 1 buddy in an empty Mannpower server to farm points
play 24/7, try to topscore or just stay in 2fort for 5 hours
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i love you castanon
>empty mannpower server
haha good luck finding one without cerulean dedroses makz t95 or chrys in it
alts made by cheaters/gangstalking evaders most likely
Highly unlikely on someone playing Demoman/Pyro/Engineer (these are the 3 classes I remember specifically being played by supposed newfags there)
>gangstalking evaders
Possibly, those "people" are retarded.
cant you just farm points in any game mode?
sit in your spawn room and light yourself ablaze by spamming cow mangler charge shots at the ground and have a sniper throw jarate at you to extinguish it
Sandman Scouts launching balls at each other. Guaranteed infinite points.
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Tiocfaidh ár lá, castawayGODS
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And even if they did have a few examples, if you finish reading that line it isn't quite what you're looking for.
>how do i make it look like i play more tf2 than i really do
if you care about having a shiny badge in tf2 then you should care enough to play to game and humbly work your way up to the top rank
there's nothing more unimpressive then seeing a gold badge on my team then realising on the basis of his lack of skill that he farmed it
Sure, but it's rather slow
In Mannpower if you get two power-ups (forgot the specific names) and sit in a corner spamming Sandman balls with another Sandman Scout this will be the result:
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that's asanagi nigga
>Oris got views doing this so maybe I will!
Apparently it got fixed after x64 according to a reply there
In other words, each game should be a statistically plausible sample of the active tf2 playing population. That is what community servers lack.
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>12 hours
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schizophrenic but based
What? The bots I use dont harm anyone dude
Low unless since if people dont trust you your stuff wont get very distributed in cheat dev places. Then again these are kids we're talking about so they could well just open any exe sent their way with cheat on the title
how would the 64 bit update fix this? it still works
What’s wrong with The Winglet?
torb turrets gonna get pegged like hell once engie upgrades that thing to level 3
His taunts suck desu, not animated like TF2 and most of them are shitty roleplay emotes
no you will enjoy your slop taunt
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Never liked how on Casual you have to be very lucky to get a balanced match. Community servers don't have this problem unless you play on Pedotopia.
Wait, why is Zesty not there? Isnt this a full community thing?
All of these guys are so fucking gay
It's amazing that people even need to make up a reason to not gamble. It's a horrible waste of money, just don't.
all those people on that image fucking jerk each other off every night
Because he's too BIGOTED. Same reason VenusianRapper isn't there.
>Summer update drops
>Inventories suddenly go private
Some actual good weapon fixes to bad weapons. All other stats stay unless noted.

>Baby Face Blaster
Just keep speed boost after jumping
>Bonk atomic punch
Gain speed boost while active
>sun on a stick
Ignites players now. Instead of critting them
Bring back stun
>candy cane
Now regenerates health while deployed
>base jumper
>sharpened volcano fragment
Increases bullet and explosive resistance (like a shield). Slower swing speed but causes bleed as well as burn
>Ullapool caber
Gain speed boost with damage like baby face
Literally just make the extra health stack with overheal
Remove damage vulnerability. Maybe increase speed a smidge
>eviction notice
Remove health drain and reduce damage penalty from 60 to 30
Faster firing speed. Can drain Uber while they're charged
>souther hospitality
Faster swing speed
>all syringe guns
Faster firing speed and better accuracy.
>vita saw
Collect organs to increase max Uber duration (up to 150%)
Reduces 50% damage when hit from behind
>Darwin's danger shield
Absorbs all liquid, immune to piss, milk, and bleed
>Tribalman's shiv
Increase swing speed
>red tape recorder
Double it's health

I think best move there is not playing medic for a crappy team composition. There are 3 initiator class in the game; medic, heavy and spy. If your team is playing many spies and no medics, then initiate plan doesn't work.
As a spy you need to pressure the tension yourself and don't need 3 others increasing their paranoia for multiple rage pyros. As a medic you need a good power class to heal as expected and as a heavy, you need a medic unless sentries are very sloppily placed.
That's the time where you just leave initiate strategies and go for raw power, like demoman, soldier or even a scout when you tell those useless spies to sap the sentries. You can sap the sentries yourself by going as fourth spy but that doesn't guarantee your scout taking a cue.
I think what the bonk needs is knockback immunity during it's effect. You're dodging the bullets, so how do they knock you away?
praying this nigga is capping
This. Good writeup.
You forgot: give the loch-n-load more damage to make plebs angry
>red tape recorder
50% slower sapping
200% health
as an everything main, engie can do a whole lot more on a shit team than a medic can on a shit team, though thats wholly dependent on how much of the enemy team runs into your sentry guns
>50% slower sapping
give spy a minigun
Counterpoint: the people responsible for the golden era of TF2 don't work on TF2 anymore, either
Eric's still there, but he can't do much on his own
>people responsible for the golden era of TF2
Counter-counter-point, Eric Smith is our only official Valve dev and he has been around not only since launch but since Half-Life 1.
>There are 3 initiator class in the game
>medic, heavy and spy

I only know Eric from memes, was he there since the beginning?
>Darwin's danger shield
+25 HP when Huntsman is equipped, that's all I ask.
It's fine
>Tribalman's shiv
Make the visual effect better, much easier to see. Spies should be glaringly outed when hit by this. Weapon itself is fine.
True, but sometimes it just isn't worth it. You spend a few minutes setting up a nest, but nobody is keeping the enemy demo in check so your shit dies the instant he first spots it, then it's back to the next point, rinse and repeat until it's over. And if you're spending the whole match just constructing buildings instead of actually having your buildings do things, you're not helping the team whatsoever so it's better to play something else.
I will say that Gunslinger does offset this problem a bit because playing more aggressively and relying less on your buildings can turn you into a sort of power class. But generally, Engineer is just painful if your team doesn't try to help you kill the people harassing your stuff
Even if the enemy isn't diving into your sentries, Dispensers and Teleporters go a long way. Meanwhile as a Medic unless you're a damage surfing god who's memorized every healthpack on the map you'll just end up as a free kill when your team is all shitters.
Yup, he's been working at Valve since 2000, he helped write the code for the payload
>was he there since the beginning?
As stated, yes, and he even said officially that his happiest memories at Valve were developing for TF2's Scream Fortress updates during its prime.
>heavy lays suppressive fire
>spy deactivate sentries
>medic deploy ubers
Simple concept. They organize the team for an attack.
its a shame eric smith is the only og dev working on tf2, his cosmetic selection is ass tho
>Meanwhile as a Medic unless you're a damage surfing god who's memorized every healthpack on the map you'll just end up as a free kill when your team is all shitters
thats me

it still doesnt fucking matter if you land 100% of your crossbow shots and never die
each teammate does 10 damage and dies in 10 seconds (dealing 10 more damage) instead of dying in 1
you give a gibus player infinite hp and hes not going to do anything with it, speaking from experience here
revert the red tape recorder so it instantly downgrades buildings again
>red tape recorder
-no damage
+200% health
+any building that is sapped also starts walking away in a random direction
>his cosmetic selection is ass tho
But is that him or is it the troon contractor? Would make more sense if it was the latter
>build that is sapped also starts walking
Like a fridge or washing machine?
i think valve hired the troon in 2021 or 22
so its probably eric smith picking the cosmetics or maybe its the troon now
Well to be fair I think Eric was a programmer, not one of the art designers, so he's not a good authority on what belongs in the game aesthetically speaking.
Add Big Mouth Billy Bass Sapper NOW!
that fucking sucks what they've done to (our) guy then
I'd imagine reverting MYM would take a lot more than flipping a switch though does that mean Eric singlehandedly banned all the bots himself?
Enforcer rework
>+20% damage when disguised, wet, or bleeding
like this
Surprisingly decent changes for most of them. Volcano fragoment is gay custom server tier trash and Pomson is retarded, literally just revert it. Red Tape might be a little much but I'd be game to try it for a while. Shiv buff is somewhat counterproduictive as bleed doesn't stack with itself.

>+25 HP when Huntsman is equipped, that's all I ask.
Sure, and Scout gets +25 when using the Shortstop + Mad Milk :)
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>"don't spend money on the game until they reverse Meet Your Match!"
>only started spending money on the game post 2016
>went from $30 in 2014 to $14k in 2023
>is still getting new items
>I'd imagine reverting MYM would take a lot more than flipping a switch though
They still have the code for it without a doubt so it would probably be a simple copy + paste job. However, I imagine and assume that the issue is something to do with Valve structure/management (the "flat structure" is a myth and Valve has had a more traditional structure for some time) as well as Eric not being certain about removing another employee's (Jill) work.
>does that mean Eric singlehandedly banned all the bots himself?
No. He said he wouldn't in an interview very recently because he can't do it alone. He got help from someone.
You're definitely right. Especially because I remember being that Gibus idiot who kills one guy on an Uber push. That's actually one of the reasons I started playing Medic so much, I'm just better at it then I am at the other classes.
these are just his old items he was supposed to sell but didn't manage to because he listed them at insane prices and only him would be willing to pay that much really
What is Robin Walker even doing these days
Darwin's used to be THE Huntsman loadout, and it was really nice because that extra health helped since it was a close ranged weapon. It would encourage huntsman more over stock, which is more fair of a weapon.
>Steam user since 2011
Christ what a newfag
those are the e-celebs you worship
Working on Deadlock.
>be jill
>make the mym update
>singlehandedly kill the game
>leave and never come back to work on tf2
I've stopped counting the number of times I've ubered or kritzed someone (its always a demoman) only for them to get ZERO kills
>play more pyro
>suddenly fantasize about crossdressing and see myself in feminine clothes
So is Jill a tranny or what?
He keeps saying he's been playing since launch yet has never backed up these claims
Did he ever say if he played on console?
My favorite thing is when I make it very clear to a player I want them to push via voicelines and then when I pop Uber they pussy out and don't push far enough.
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your a tranny... im sorry you have to be put down
to be fair, tf2 is constant overstimulation, and new players are literally in their own cute little world

everytime i watch one of my replays there are 2 or 3 insane things happening in the background that were invisible to me while playing
Are they having a contest on who cheats harder?
>Ready to charge!
>Move! Schnell!
>Demo with 0/8 stickies and 1/4 grenades keeps reloading only one and immediately firing it instead of reloading the full clip
>Gets angry when I eventually pop and his clip is empty
officer trust me im reformed now last time i killed someone was 8 months ago
another cheater who is using walls + aim projectile and of course he was playingf sniper
heres how to REALLY fix these weapons:
>boost fully built by dealing 200 damage (instead of 100)
>boost fully lost by taking 100 damage (instead of 20)
>double jumping now removes only 25% boost
>fall damage no longer removes boost
do NOT only revert it, it was still dogshit before.
>make firing speed match stock shotguns
>increase projectile speed to 1500-1600 hu/s
>increase base damage to 60
>now that it deals actual damage, make it so it can only hit 1 person once, as being hit with 60 twice in an instant would be cancer
>on hit: gain 5-10 health depending on damage dealt (like with the black box)
>25% damage resistance while spun up and under 50% health
>-20% damage penalty
>-20% healing from healers (just to make sure it doesnt become a ridiculously powerful pocket weapon)
now you can go shotgun heavy without spending your entire life waddling to healthkits. plus the speedy natascha concept completely cucks the tomislav solo heavy weapon
do NOT made it stack with overheal. 525 health heavies would be CANCER. this is NOT a pocket weapon, its a solo heavy weapon, just like the banana. the problem is that it cant compete with the banana due to its shit healing
>increase healing to 150
there, fixed
>increase movement speed on consumption to 105%
>66% airblast push resistance on consumption until effect wears off
>heals 100 health, unlike the other lunchbox items it can overheal
That's fair. Hell as much as I bitch about other players, I'm a massive shitter overall myself. I've made some incredibly boneheaded mistakes and ruined pushes too.
Actually tranny here

Trust me, you laugh now cuz "haha tranies silly and funny XD", but after obsessing over it enough, you WILL turn. The chud to trans pipeline is real
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Summer restricted map that fully takes place in Pyroland when
You just gotta laugh it off since tf2 is such a silly game (this is why I rage and veins start throbbing in my head when I play this game)
Hintshot belongs in washing dishes tier at least.
at face value the clip is uncomfortable to watch especially cause we grew up with Tom Holland as Spiderman but maybe we could try to see the scene as like Peter Parker is being raped and the only thing he can do to fight back is start shitting on this black dudes dick and that's why he's moaning?
This would negate the area control of sentries, because scouts would just walk up to them and make level 3s kill themselves with their rockets. It would have to be combined with all projectiles and hitscan weapons passing through the scout, at which point it's questionable as to why the scout should even be able to body block. If bonk just made scout a visible noclip state through players and attacks, then the scout as a whole would be getting a buff because no one could stop him from just zooming through even the most congested and narrow choke and getting to the enemy rear.
Reminder that the guy behind the Pybro SFM deleted his Memory Maker because he willingly participated in the Saxxies then felt guilty he won by repurposing an old SFM of his instead of making something new
pissed zenith took down his dustbowler tier list. i was entranced by his description of all his little buddies on dustbowl and his hemming and hawwing over which of the personalities should go where. listened to it many times, a highly refined form of noise
i forgot, but it still has that retarded speed cap that only exists because the gru was op a decade ago. remove it
Eviction Notice:
>on hit: gain 3 seconds of speed boost
>+15% movement speed while deployed
>+40% swing speed
>-40% damage penalty
>+15% damage vulnerability while deployed
now it combos well with the steak, while also being a diet gru.
Base Jumper:
>add 0.5 second invisible cooldown on redeploying in order to prevent the supposed airstrafing shenanigans of the old base jumper
>+20% self damage resistance on wearer
also a lot of people forget this is on the demo too, so just add
>+200% charge turning control
>+25 health on wearer (shield required)
now maybe you can combo it with the tide turner to do parachute trimps
>increase projectile speed to 1500-1600 hu/s
>increase base damage to 70
>remove uber and cloak drain
>make firing speed match shotguns
Danger Shield:
that suggested idea was weird as fuck, sniper doesnt need that. fully revert it, and i mean fully
>+25 maximum health on wearer
thats all it needs. a designated huntsman shield
>Sign anon showing up to Valve again with a katana looking for Jill be like:
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Xarg0n is known to be friends with VenusianRapper btw.
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I recognize foekoe, hoovytube, yahiamice, quazies, colonel fanzipantzen and megascatterbomb
half of them are SFM creators except Quazies, she does the Lil Pootis animations, the rest are a mystery to me
Same lol. I don't why I get so butthurt playing shooters when there isn't money on the line for me.
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He also only has 5k hours in game

Weezy has 12k and Uncle Dane has 10k lol
The BFB should not regulate speed based on damage taken. Instead speed over the base is a bonus granted like overhead that decays over time and has a set maximum. The scout gets to remain fast so long as he consistently deals damage, else has to revert to a poking from a safe distance to try to get the ball rolling again
soulless idea. immunity to damage but not knockback is the coolest feature about the bonk
drinking bonk and then getting launched across the map by a sentry and drinking bonk and getting pinned to a wall by a sentry and then dying when it wears off is funny.
>to be fair, tf2 is constant overstimulation
Even better in a community server with silly plugins
>server had no delay between voice commands
>pick engie
Yep, thats some fine tf2
>both cheaters
>both pedophiles
just shows how much of all the tf2 popular fags are both in game and in real life garbage beings
revert the bfb so you can outrun your hitbox again
It was never a thing. Soundsmith and his lies have been a disaster for TF2 kind
Air Strike:
>no more further reduction on splash radius when rocket jumping, 10% is enough, 28% is too much
>better visuals for the rockets, noone talks about this but i cannot fucking see where im shooting, so much harder to aim than stock despite being the same
>on kill: +2 maximum reserve ammo up to +8 after 8 kills
just to help with the ammo problem youre gonna have to deal with when you start bombing for real
>it should have faster reload speed
NO. that is not a good idea. a buffed airstrikes bombs are gonna be devastating, the reload is effectively a cooldown on it, stopping soldier from constantly airstriking everyone
>+35% self damage resistance on wearer
for an alternative to the gunboats, it really does not compete with it, at all. with this one stat, you now have an actual sidegrade to the gunboats. gunboats is quantity, manntreads is quality
I know I'm just making a silly joke, pal. Didn't know soismith popularized the claim, though.
shounic WAS good when he made video about TF2's spaghetti code
Then he started shilling his 100 player server all the time and taking Ls with his videos about the bots
eh i think itll be really annoying if you just shot a bfb scout and he keeps running around with his ridiculous 173% speed
theres a reason why people actually believed that the old bfb let scout outrun his hitbox, noone could ever hit him
I half suspected you were joking, but you never know on /tf2g/
But yeah he mentioned it in his weapon stereotypes video which further cemented the myth in people's minds
Honestly I still like his 100 player server stuff because it gives me insight to the basics of map making and playtesting that goes into it.
The whole bot fiasco is a big stain no matter what though.
Cheatcheat also defended him when he was posting here. Cheater subhumans will always side with their kind.
The server experiments like the 100 player servers or the servers without sniper are cool
>4 years of coderbros telling us that this is a hardfought battle between valve and bothosters
>they make people believe that bothosters are some evil maniac geniuses in an arms race with Valves best programmers
>simply manually banning their accounts is all thats necessary for their entire operation to crash and burn
Im starting to see why programmers can be replaced by a non-sentient AI
>join community server
>type !nominate cp_junction_final
>Map cp_junction_final not found
Another server added to the blacklist!
>damage bonus removed
>but clip size increased to 8 (clip size penalty reduced to 33%)
winger buff, i dont like having 5 shots only
>revert reload speed (which was around 25% faster than it is now)
>give it a fixed spread pattern
its a mid range weapon with a tight spread pattern, so i think this would help it out at its preferred range
as for the SHOVE
>reduce cooldown to 1 second
>make it instant rather than having a delay like melee swings
>slightly increase push force
its still useless but... a bit more fun i guess? idk man
Candy Cane:
>on kill: enemy drops a small health kit
>+200% health from health kits dropped on kill (restores 60% of scouts health, exactly 75)
>-50% health from regular healthpacks (13 from small, 31 from medium, 63 from full)
i think thats fair, and fun. imagine going on a killing spree, picking up healthkit after healthkit
Mostly good besides this:
>Gain speed boost with damage like baby face
This is a dumb change. If you need to hit something and move fast eviction notice exists, if you need to endure a sniper shot then FoS exists. Hell any minigun could work and flinch snipers from a certain distance when they're zoomed in.

>on hit: gain 5-10 health depending on damage dealt (like with the black box)
Invulnerable heavy. How fun. Each minigun ammo consumed spits out 4 bullets and it eats around 10 ammo per second. You are making him a walking sentry as if he's being healed by a medic isn't enough.
>do NOT made it stack with overheal. 525 health heavies would be CANCER.
>Danger Shield:
>that suggested idea was weird as fuck, sniper doesnt need that. fully revert it, and i mean fully
>+25 maximum health on wearer
Wow. So you suggest to buff the highest range one shot class who also exploited by bots? You are very inconsistent or have weird standards about what is bad design and what isn't.
praying that tf2 never gets balance changes again
I'm trans btw
The vast majority of codemonkeys are averse to putting in actual effort and are carried by the few coders who take stuff like cheaters as a challenge of their skills.
>if you need to hit something and move fast eviction notice exists
ai generated post, thats a melee weapon. good luck hitting people
>invulnerable heavy
i guess, the ideas not bad it just needs the values tweaked. maybe 3-5?
>wow for dalokohs
whats that supposed to mean
>so you suggest to buff the highest range one shot class?!?!?
shut up retard. regular sniper doesnt benefit from 150 health at all. the most itll do is let you survive 1 extra revolver shot from spy, but youre not wearing the razorback so youll get backstabbed before he even considers shooting you. this is for huntsman sniper, a playstyle that requires him to be more close and personal than usual.
all the AI needs to be on par with 90% of coders is being able to copypaste from stackoverflow
>0 players on both castaway paris and konata
le sigh...
why? so i can keep stomping shitters with the meta? i fucking hate this meta i want to use these guns but theyre shit
i count at least 24 anons begging other anons to go on castaway or konata
what hteck are you waiting for!!!
I will join on one condition.
We play cp_junction_final, my home.
yes, fuck unlocks
its literally one guy samefagging though (he's me)
im staying with relatives for the whole week so i cant play
>mfw the server doesn’t have cp_junction_final
Another server added to the blacklist, MMHMM!
>thats a melee weapon. good luck hitting people
That's how rewarding works dummy. That's the risk you take.
>whats that supposed to mean
You have standards about what is cancer and what's not. Yet too blind or ignorant about making sniper a menace.
>regular sniper doesnt benefit from 150 health at all.
Fuck off you imbecile. Which one is harder? hitting people with melee or rocket bombarding a sniper and witnessing him getting away with 20 health?
>server had no delay between voice commands
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I thought of you today again. ...I miss you.
>fuck unlocks
back to 6s fag, or to r/truetf2, where niggas unironically complained about tf2 having damage resistances
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cp_junction but its actually a junction
actually I'm going to go back to tf2 where (You) remain under the thumb of metachads. better equip that sandwich and ubersaw and gunboats boy
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the risk and reward of eviction notice
3 seconds of speed boost
its shit.
>you have very weeeird standards on cancer bro!
525 health heavy is cancer, period. no, an extra 25 health for a sniper that doesnt have a smg isnt op in the slightest. it was like that on release and noone complained
>w-what if he gets away with... 20 health!
how does your shitter ass bomb medics if you cant bomb a 150 health sniper. youre SHITTT
there were really niggas who thought that having 25 extra hp and a slightly faster walking speed was worth giving up a grenade launcher and got the booties nerfed to only give you a speed bonus when using a shield… comp players are just built different.
feeder weapon, real medicGODS use solemn vow
banana better
banners better on less spacious maps like mercenary park
Muh breakpoints aaiiieeeee
ugh goo goo gaga
You stopped thinking.
bros how do we balance the eyelander?
maybe make the health exclusive to the eyelander and headtaker, and make the speed part exclusive to the nine iron? or if you want it to remain an eyelander reskin, the claidmoh could become the speed half of the eyelander
>solemn vow
Cant let you do that chud
make the head bonus cap at 3
>when the ubersaw medic runs at me hoping for a crit instead of damage surfing my rockets
Sniper is on a porch, perhaps with a cover or roof and at the very behind of team shooting your ass from Texas to Colorado. Medic is with the pocket and when they get close they take collateral damage. That is positioning and you just buffed the sniper for no good reason. You have to hurdle through his sightline and teammates just to bombard him and he gets away from it. Also think about the overheal, there's a reason why razorback got this treatment. Why do you think it's brilliant to buff his health? With 150 base health he'll have 225 health instead of 185. Medic is designed to have 150 because he supposed to be a frontline mercenary. What excuse do you have for sniper? Pure trolling?

Why do you commit and not swap weapons once you see them retreating. If they're retreating you can jump rev your minigun right away.
So make the mechanical overhead for maintaining the speed demanding. Something like this: the scout needs to be hitting 3/4 shots per magazine at close range to keep it going. He needs a constant stream of players to shoot and to constantly be hitting his shots.
Pier is a bad map.
Soldier main? Don't make me get Based Viva to point out how shitty and retarded your class is. Pyros own you and are the optimal pocket. Oh you want to rocket me? Get reflected buddy, little noobie l2p
20% damage penalty but only on degrootkeep
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The 2009 patch... come back.
Explain your reasoning
Not every map can be as based as cp_junction_final
Apparently Zesty Jesus will be interviewing VenusianRapper soon. How do you guys feel about that?
>Let's get a group of Redditors together to test whether a reddit opinion about the game is true
Some time later...
>"We tested it and actually the game is better with [stupid uncle dane tier change] so you're just wrong, okay!"
>"We should support Valve (the multi billion dollar company) if they keep up the good work! But also not spend money right away if they don't keep up the good work!
Is it really that hard for these people to not spend money?
>Calls out monkey's autism
wtf I love fish now
Niggeradmin said that he won't allow halloween maps
so go fuck yourself with your anti-fun faggot server
We hate both of those attentionwhores so we shan’t be watching
I want Junction, and I want holiday maps.
Based me
pyro is worse soldier
>bad range
>bad damage
>bad mobility
>anything he does someone does better
ah yes, a free kill for my unnamed no description non strange non warpainted regular tomislav! why, thank you pyro mains
i would like to add: to all pyro mains, please keep using the degreaser, the afterburn doesnt exist and your shitty combos arent any more threatening, thanks
He already had those he just withdrew them from an offsite marketplace
make it the default sword that all the other swords are based on, with it's only stats being the longer reach and longer times to deploy and holster.
no "no random crits" stat because that stat is removed from all the swords and all the shields get the stat "no random melee crits."
>lights you up
>flares you
>kills with flashy golden axtinguisher
>pocketmed in team chat types "nice combo"
Heh. You're easy pickings.
Exactly what I was thinking, it's already considered the default sword anyway
>that stat is removed from all the swords
but having random crits is the only real upside to the Scotsman’s Skullcutter. Nobody uses it on nocrits servers like uncletopia
I dont get the "how do we fix pyro" stuff, unless I'm missing something he's a good defensive class if someone gets good at him. Good airblast can shut down projectile spam in a choke
then that makes the weapon very very stressful and demanding to use, far too much for anyone that isnt literally clockwork. id say even less people will use it with this change, because at least with the current bfb you can run around with as much as you want, and if you get shot, you can get full boost with 1 meatshot. ofc its still bad and i dont think a weapon that snowballs and then gets loses everything so quickly is very fun, but its a lot less stressful than what youre suggesting
Based and true. Nothing like the seethe when I shut down some uppity soldier cuck. Oh, you're mad about pushback from spamming thoughtlessly? Try getting better, soldiernooby.
Can do all of that just as easily with stock flamethrower btw
Pyro is infuriating for me to play against if he's decent. Repels all my attacks and he has a high chance of killing me if we get into combat with each other.
>axtinguisher in current day
i thought you were a metafag? start running powerjack
reminder that tf2 is on silver earnings... while dota and cs is on plat
even ignoring that tf2 is on a 2 decades old engine it's economically less benefitial to work on it compared to cs/dota
boycott would be a double edged sword, maybe it would give the message, but at the same time theres the risk that it drops to bronze and no one at valve really sees any point in working on tf2 economically anymore and mentally from the decades of spaghettifying
theoretically if you had three pyros spamming airblast in sync with perfectly staggered time differences you could suck my dick rightrabbit
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I was under the impression fixing Pyro was more about his buggy post-Blue Moon flamethrower damage and the reflect bug where you deal more damage to yourself than intended
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gabens unforeseen consequences.....
>2 decades old engine means that people suddently forgot how to program in them because everyone is as retarded as zoomers are
kill yourself, you never coded shit in your life if you think the older the code gets the "worse" it is you moron
>he stops spam
never seen a pyro reflect to protect his teammates, its always for his own damn reason
hes still pretty bad because he loses out to the frontline classes (soldier demo heavy), cant really flank to more backline classes due to his poor mobility (medic, sniper), cant do anything about sentries (engineer), and struggles to kill those that he cant run up to (scout)
basically, all his matchups suck (except spy, assuming hes not running dr, which be probably is). other classes outperform him with considerably less needed effort
The map is just one long hallway. It creates the illusion of freedom of movement by having this hallway be winding around rather than in straight lines.
The first tiny segment of the map favours RED and then the rest ridiculously favours BLU. I don't think I've seen RED win on Pier once outside of ridiculously unbalanced stomps (thanks MYM).
Man, remember when every pyro ran degreaser + reserve + axtinguisher
Don't need to when you're so free to kill.
nigga valve was working on csgo for ages. they only moved to source 2 for better graphics and netcode
Why does every shitter deserve consistent access to the full speed boost? That was the problem in the first place. You get all the fun of keeping it going as long as you can before dying gloriously at breakneck speeds and if you're the average player that ends up worse than stock. Seems fair. For the exceptional few, if is a side grade offering lower damage over time in exchange for enormous play making potential.
>weapon that is useless to most of the playerbase (shitters)
Sounds like bad weapon design desu
i cant remember the last time i got axtinguished to death, i actually once got kicked by 2 pyro mains because they kept trying to ax me and i kept moving them down because you DONT MELEE a revved up HEAVY
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what TF2 related opinion makes you go picrel
>got kicked by 2 enemy players
Cool story bro, maybe tell it to your friends in the respawn queue
What were you responding to, sir?
thats because of the weirdass subtick system they developed instead of hosting 128 tick servers
a lot of people still stayed on faceit because theyd rather play 128 tick, but then i think valve locked it to 64. very retarded
>Matchmaking is better
>Wacky cosmetics are... le good
>Nu-TF2 lore is... le good
>Muh old engine
>Muh spaghetti-code
Not useless, just worse than stock for most players. Which is almost every unlock. We're talking about gating access to the optimal speed boost, not access to any. The problem was players getting too much of a boost for too little effort. So make it self regulating and the problem is solved. Scouts get a balancing act gun that lets them try to maintain accuracy while they go faster and faster, the other player's don't suffer from every scout getting nightmare speed for nothing.
>Uhm actually the future is competi-
>We need to bridge the gap between casual and com-
>TF2 has an evolving artsty-
>TF2 is dead. Move o-
That nigga already has a VAC ban
they both said i was cheating in chat and a teammate kicked me. do i need to explain everything? i thought youd figure it out.
separate lunchbox slot for heavy
VAC ban from a different game.
Like how they figured out you're a ch*ater?
A VAC ban doesnt stop you from playing all VAC protected games, only the same you got the ban from
Make sure to report this guy too:
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>unbalanced stomp
>unbalanced stomp
>game that's already over
>game that's already over
>game that's already over
>unbalanced stomp
>wtf every other heavy shitter spazzes out at close range... how does he keep killing me!?!!?!
the cons of being able to track scouts
>This is a buff to snipers playing the class how it's intended
And this is a problem because?
That's retarded
Shouldn't have been cheating then, post your profile so we can report it
>joining a game thats already over sucks for obvious reasons
>joining a game in progress sucks because it means the team youre joining lost a lot of people, likely because they were getting stomped
>joining a game thats beginning sucks because pregame takes forever
any game i join that isnt during setup time or a minute or two after the match begins, i leave
New Wild_Rumpus truth nuke

Yeah. Honestly, Valve should just ban all the players playing tf2 that have a VAC ban on csgo... not one of them isn't cheating.
this but unironically
>which is almost every unlock
yes because every unlock that was good got fucking gutted. youre too used to the status quo a weapon doesnt have to be shit compared to stock
>problem was players getting too much boost for too little effort
that is because dealing 100 damage is PISS EASY. just TWEAK the VALUES. thats all you need to do. 200 damage to build boost, 100 damage to lose boost
>balancing act gun
playing scout as a whole is already a balancing act of not being blown up and still getting close enough to dish out real damage
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Once a cheater always a cheater, says I
Apologize to Valve, niggers.
Also can the venusianrapper dickrider shut the fuck already. No one cares about your favorite spic.
I swear all the balance discussions about fixing Natascha are falseflags from shitters seething over getting slowed. It can't be Heavy players doing it, there are much worse miniguns that arguably need "fixing." And nobody demands weapon changes when they DON'T get killed by that weapon. Logically all the people who propose "fixes" to Natascha which remove the on-hit slow are those who'd have a vested interest on staying mobile.

In other words scoutniggers, soldierniggers and possibly even pyroniggers. They are the ones doing it.
Only rebalance Natascha needs is a fix to the slowdown mechanic that stops players from being able to circumvent it by tapping A + D
spam is what makes you win a tf2 game
its that simple
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Well, they tried to fix that in Blue Moon, and it was immediately reverted because it gave the Natascha full slowdown from any distance
so not a rebalance but a bugfix, same as >>484408307
also wtf is joshie doing, didnt zhe get hired just to do janny work for tf2? all these old bugs are still around but we get random shit like 64 update and fixes to some water snakes on some random map
KINO. add this back valve
Valve seems to strive to be the more lenient game company in terms of moderation, so that's what you get.
No chat moderation of any kind, but also cheaters get a more forgiving punishment.
It's quite surprising they haven't gone the modern game company's way of cracking down hard on moderation cheaters, slurs and other "inappropriate behavior" but I guess when you don't have shareholders to give a shit about you can do that
I believe Joshie was hired to work on the Steam Deck and Valve just gave him permission to have access to TF2's code should he want to work on it after he asked.
I would of thought this is obvious to anyone with a brain
The only time you ever see someone seethe over natasha ingame are 50000 hour scunts and soldier trannies sitting in spawn for 10 minutes to write an essay of cope because a f2p gunned zhim/zher down like a rabid mutt
And it was beautiful.
no retard i want the natascha changed because its a shitty crutch for shit heavies, it being mildly unpleasant to fight is just a side effect of it being a retarded gun.
its counterintuitive. the biggest benefit of the slowdown is having enemies stay within your sightline longer, which is very important for heavy as he cant chase after people. too bad the shit damage nullifies whatever good the slow does. no reason for decent heavies to use this, its a weapon for shitters that cant hit scouts
you cant even buff it either, because then it becomes cancer. a hitscan slowdown weapon that isnt dogshit would be cancer to fight against, since heavys balanced around being able to run away from him
>there are worse miniguns that need fixing
yes the brass beast and huo long
>and people KEEP queueing for matchmaking instead of community
This is why I compared matchmaking to Overwatch a few threads back. Conceptually it's the same, because you get into a lobby and then once the rounds are over the map ends and everyone leaves, so if you don't win immediately you lose and feel bad and have to move on. In a map timer, you don't get kicked out as soon as rounds end, and also there's time for the teams to balance. You don't get that with matchmaking.
But people still queue for casual because...?
It wasn't the values. It was the lack of mechanical requirements for keeping the speed. The gun being a balancing act similar to playing the class itself is a good thing. It reinforces his design. I play scout primarily, and I don't want the old gun back because it was cheap. I want access to that speed to mean something.
>But people still queue for casual because...?
Another anon explained in the thread earlier, it's because community servers being empty is a self-perpetuating problem. Nobody wants to join because they're empty, and they're empty because nobody wants to join.
I join Castaway and Konata when they get more than 4 players.
oh so you want it to be hard to keep boost? like super duper hard so that noone can use it?
ok, lets keep it as it is, enjoy losing everything with 1 pistol shot, since you dont like going fast i guess
So it's one suboptimal gun among a bunch of suboptimal guns. If you play Heavy you can choose not to equip it, if you don't play Heavy and it's as worthless as you say you can disregard it. Nobody complains about the Candy Cane or Sydney Sleeper and demands changes for them the way people consistently do for Natascha. Can't imagine why.
I don't use it as is because it's out of my control if I get shot by that pistol or some stray fire. I do control my accuracy, and that's the point.
i want more servers like samwiz1 were its just wacky random maps like ballon race and other classic tf2 maps its a shame the dumb fucks in samwiz1 server always play the same shit
actually heavy is balanced around having a brain and not standing in front of the slow moving direct fire class with damage falloff and revup time
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Hes genuinely upset fixtf2 worked because it actively hurts his brand.
you jest but well over half the playerbase are under the intellectual threshold for "don't walk into the revved-up heavy"
Would be funny if the summer update came out August 31st just to fuck with the tf2bers going to Valve lol
>casual is perfectly fine, you're just blinded by nostalgia because quickplay wa-ACK!
>FSoaS directly shitting on Monke for fellating Zesty
Holy based
Why would they go? They can declare victory and have all their buckbroken followers suck their dicks for changing Valve's mind with the movement
Agreed. End of the Line was already showing the cracks, then Gun Mettle hit and all bets were off. It was then just a downhill roll into Invasion, Tough Break, and finally MYM. I think the golden age ended sometime in 2014, but it was still a very good game up until MYM in 2016.

We'd never be able to go back (especially since weapon balance will probably never be revisited), but returning to Quickplay and fixing Pyro's flamethrower bugs would be a dream for me.
I don’t think anyone actually says this
>its one suboptimal gun among a bunch of suboptimal guns
this is what 8 years of every unlockable being useless does to a man. youre too used to everything being shit
>just disregard it
why? heavy is already boring and basic as fuck. any variety is welcome, but using anything other than stock or tomi is gimping yourself while not changing your gameplay in the slightest (doesnt apply to bb, unlike the others it makes heavy even more boring and basic).
>noone complains about the candy cane
because noone knows it even exists, noone runs it, noone cares about it, its bad and theres no reason to equip it. i dont think thats fine, i for one am tired of using the atomizer and the wrap assassin, a good candy cane would be a welcome addition.
but yeah noone really cares about individual underpowered items anymore because
1. noone uses them
2. if used, they have 0 impact on gameplay due to being shit
people are more concerned with the OVERPOWERED weapons that actually make the game more annoying. i guess that applies to the natascha, but anyone genuinely complaining about the slowdown and not about how its useless is a shitter
>No bots
>Cheater genocide
>A bunch of noobs and rusty returning players
>Easy frags in every lobby
The golden age is NOW
>Jill still has screenshots from 2012 community servers on his profile
according to zenith, even zesty said that monkey's video was bad
They said they intend to still go in August, granted it was before the bot purge. Assuming they're in contact with a Valve employee that will let them in it's still a good opportunity to go and share thoughts with them like bringing back quickplay and strangling the living hell out of Jill for that blunder known as MYM
Shork is live and bringing up Zesty and playing his video on stream
If they ever make Tf3, they need to make this game less team dependent. Medic is way too fucking strong and stacked teams are a major core problem with the game.
This update is going to be neato (am I doing this right?)
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/tf2g/ should be on /trash/ with how almost every single post mentions a youtuber
>Play team game
>Complain it's too team-dependent
Holy retard. Just go scunt and rape enemy meds and snipers as they respawn if you want to be a solo hero
speaking of cringe, here comes samwiz, in denial of how bad his channel really is.
he's actually addressing monkey's video. it's just that monkey used zesty clips in his video.
we used to have a sister thread on /aryanash/
>Medic is way too fucking strong and stacked teams are a major core problem with the game.
Wasn't a problem before MYM because the game would forcibly scramble team stacks.
why do tf2bers always sound so effeminate
lets just ignore the youtubers and not give them attention how about that?
>doesn't know how to use a filter
redditors don't care, yeah, but most people here like him.
holy fuck I forgot how much fun casual tf2 can be
>it's a team game so... you have to have no individual power!!
Retard. Please explain why team stacking and stomps and rolls aren't an issue in this game.
The TF2 community and Zesty are both retards of different varieties.
Valve always wins. Now Zesty can go back to crying like a faggot about weapons.
ZestyJesus just DUNKED on VenusianRapper and Vorobey on stream with RichterOvertime and b4nny in the call. Absolutely wild. I wonder how WeezyTF2 and TheWhat will think about this? Has anyone reached out to ask them what they think?
Venusian doesn't. He sounds more masculine than most YouTubers in general.
You could say the same for Zesty Jesus, BigB and even Gabber.
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Giving tf2bers the power to control what the community thinks killed this game, I play however I want
>hmmm we have to incentivize playing medic
>do we make him fun to play?
>nah, just make him op as fuck
medics gotta be tf2s 2nd biggest design failure, almost required to win yet noone plays him because hes boring as fuck and has about as much depth as an overwatch hero
What does Skyminslash think is the real question
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>medics gotta be tf2s 2nd biggest design failure
Let me guess, the first is Sniper?
I don't know if it's the ESL Danish accent but his voice is really infuriating
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People just stack medics on Uncletopia, because they're fucking tryhards and they know it's OP as fuck. Medic is complete cancer.
Nobody plays medic because if your team sucks then you are completely useless
the saviour of tf2......
...is weezy
is nobody
sniper is just a generic sniper guy like in every fps game, he just isnt unique so yes his design sucks
>Hates Medic
>Hates Sniper
>Hates teamplay
Maybe you just don't like TF2?
lee always misses this cheese
no no im a different anon i do like medic and teamplay but i do hate sniper
no its pyro. i dont mean this as an insult to pyro mains, but pyro really was designed to be a noob class for people that couldnt perform well with the more mechanically demanding classes, this has been the case since the pyro class was conceived, and thus hes been shit since the very beginning
it did work in qtf and tfc because the game wasnt really built for lowskill individuals, unlike tf2.
but valve wanted tf2 to be accessible to as many as possible, so they slowed down the gameplay and removed weird esoteric mechanics like bhop and armor. however, this created a problem, since every class became easier to pick up and play, the class that was DESIGNED to be easy to pick up and play kinda got fucked as a result. valve then realized the very notion of having a bad class for bad players was kinda dumb, so they tried to buff him with a million bandaid fixes, and yet to this day he remains the 2nd worst class in the game with no real role or purpose (other than spycheck, but come on, countering spy? really?)
I don't get your complaint. If 4 coordinated and skilled players join a lobby and carry the rest of their team because the rest of the lobby is uncoordinated randoms, why is it bad that you, a solo, can't 1v4? We can either break up stacks automatically and make it so friends can't play on the same team anymore by spreading them out, or add skill-based matchmaking. Both are cancer.
Lee_97? The guy who doxxed VenusianChad?
dude i always hate when some other guy that types like me replies to a post thats asking me a question, because they always say shit i dont agree with and then everyone thinks i really said that retarded shit. no, sniper is not the biggest design failure of tf2
teamwork is fine faggot, what's not fine is being able to do fucking nothing because the other team is stacked and any and all damage you even try to do is just healed back by medic. Faggot strawman.
noooooo you can't say fish is a clout goblin, noooooooooo, Richter is the real drifter noooooooo!
Venusian isn’t gonna fuck you bro
thats a matchmaking problem, RETAAARD! not a tf2 problem
If anons an underaged girl he might.
this but soldier
Is me
I wish! am I right guys??
this general is slowly becoming shit why are we always talking about the dumbfuck tf2bers
halloween is shit
There's nothing else to talk about because this game hasn't been updated properly since 2018.
Should add an "Unsure, will have to wait and see" option
Matchmaking is still here so TF2 is still not saved.
It will be saved once Devoweer is banned
>big wide open area of the map between safe cover and the objective
This is heavy's weakness and why he can't play, ironically, with the big boys. Mist classes have either the speed or mechanics (spy cloak, soldier rocket/demo sticky jump) to traverse the dangerous open areas.
You try to minigun someone at long range, you probably are the only person shooting at the enemy and will get focus fired while not getting any kills or real damage off.
Heavy, in a sense, is like Spy where the enemy can't actually be focused on you for you to do your job effectively, you need to ambush or attack when the enemy isn't expecting you, otherwise they'd just run.
fuck you you retard
bumper cars are GOATED
I like Scream Fortress but the magic is that it's only once a year desu
Then I would put "no", in my eyes I'd need to be sure the staye of the game has become saved, otherwise it hasn't changed significantly enough.
Im actually happy this bot banning system came out in time for this year's halloween event
Woo! Bumper cars!
uhhh wasnt carnival of carnage widely hated when it came out due to how le random it was?
i mean i do like that map, though i dont understan why merasmus doesnt sound like merasmus anymore, he lost that air of menace in his voice and became 100% comic relief
You linked the wrong previous thread bruv
Shut up francis
>i mean i do like that map, though i dont understan why merasmus doesnt sound like merasmus anymore, he lost that air of menace in his voice and became 100% comic relief
Jay Pinkerton taking the reigns from Chet Faliszek as the TF2/Valve writer.
I always love it when people seethe about that halloween map where the match is actually decided by a bumper car minigame rofl
jay pinkerton made tf2s lore look like a story writen by a kid
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>Workshop allows this shit
no wonder why this game is doomed
hello eric smif, i want. remove maps. remove maps now. too many halloween. too much map. player spread thin like you company. thanks you, eric smath sar
Not until matchmaking is removed
Seems people are waking up to the fact that zj is a retard worthy of nothing but pure ridicule. Like every single other tf2ber. Wow.
I like Frontier purely because it's the only map with a cart that you can ride
the map itself is meh
>we will never get another Halloween as magical as 2013 helltower
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Fuck you that looks like a fun map
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>download Anime Mini Sentry & LV1 | For Casual! mod
>doesn't actually work in casual
i got.... le baited....
First time on /vg/?
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>Have been doing Halloween contracts/transmutes ever since they were first added
>Still don't have all the items I want
This year will be the year bros...finally I will be free from contract- grinding Hell...
ermmmm i think youre forgetting about a certain red and green train on a very red and green map
2016 voicelines are low hanging fruit, jay was fucking shit up a looooong time before that. chet... chet who knew your work was this invaluable
>He can't crouch jump onto the default cart
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Fuck pyros. Get head from pyros. Fuck a pyro on the control point. Slamdunk your cock into her. Snap off a pyro's bra. Follow pyro threads. ERP with pyro posters. Cum inside filthy pyro mains. Hang pyros in shibari bondage. Have the pyro make you a sandvich after. Launch sperm into pyros. Fry pyros' brains with sex. Toss a pyro's salad. Urinate into a pyro's mouth (she's into it). Judo throw pyros onto a bed. Blackmail pyros into sex with their dox. Twist pyros' nipples. Report your love for pyros to Valve. Always uber pyros. Split pyros' legs in half. Sexually heal pyros. Give pyros surprise buttsex. Critically hit pyros in the womb. Impregnate pyros. Get trapped into sex by demon pyros from the underworld. Dump sperm into a pyro cum dumpster. Submerge pyros into a vat of cum. Eat pyros' pussies. Dissect pyros' clothes off. Dominate pyros after defeating them in MGE. Slap pyro's face during sex with the Hot Hand. Give pyros health packs. Make pyros suck'em. Cream inside pyros' holes. Lobotomize pyros into sex slaves. Mandatory slut training for pyros. Give pyros your love paste. Drown pyros in mad milk. Whip pyros' asses with a disciplinary action. Camp in the same tent with pyros. Invite a pyro to your mvm lobby. Feed pyros your semen. Give pyros your hat drops in exchange for sex. Fuck pyros like an alligator. Slice pyros' clothes off with the half-zatoichi.
i actually don't knwo what map you're talking about unless you mean wutville
the competitive voice lines are fucking horrible
this but femscout
>You try to minigun someone at long range
Try to tap fire. Beside damage fall-off the spread of the minigun is detrimental for heavy big time.
>Heavy, in a sense, is like Spy where the enemy can't actually be focused on you for you to do your job effectively
I have the same idea.
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I can do that stupid, but frontier is the only map with rideable cart (that isnt a wutville) that looks cool and actually can kill you if you go in front of it
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Somehow nobody involved with the writing and recording of these voice lines thought they would be a bad idea
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Guys, guys! Reddit is proud of us
That was a joke lad
>have all the bird heads
>almost have all the voodoo souls
>have the full fly engineer set
>have 1 more full set i thing, forgot which one it is
>got a really cool vampire medic loadout
things are looking up
also why are the vicars vestments halloween restricted? and the vampiric vesture looks so fucking good man i wish it wasnt restricted
>reddit stealing our content
fuck bros...
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Cute newfags
sorry but saxton hale is too kino. i love hale and the 2010 vsh voicelines
>also why are the vicars vestments halloween restricted?
Valve used to give a fuck about the artstyle
Also probably because of the religion motif
The year will eventually come bro. I didn't get shit for years and last year I got 2 bird heads+the second opinion (actually 3 bird heads if you count duplicates)
send og image pls
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Originally many Halloween items were in sets and were meant as "costumes" you'd only wear during Halloween (like in real life), so on their own many items would fit but because they're part of a costume set they're restricted
File deleted.
How many of you guys actually play on Casual
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Almost exclusively between 2019 and present, with a few exceptions. Bot problems were vastly overstated.
It's funny that this line is self deprecating; you can't play Spy in 6's in any reasonable capacity, thus 6's is not worth playing.
i only queue for casual
I usually play TF2 late at night so bots were always rampant so I haven't really touched casual in years, maybe occasionally trying it out from time to time
Makes me wonder what rank I'd be at now if I played casual for all these years
just as well nobody played valve comp, they never heard these lines
What was the deleted image also everyday
I do.
I don't like concentration camps where you might catch a ban at any time for having the wrong weapon description/being in the wrong steam group/thinking the wrong thing while faggots with names such as 'dickgirl rider' and 'femboy baja blast' get a free pass.
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ok nevermind this is epic
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this is the fuck that replaced chet faliszek
yeah i know that but i dont like how a few items like that executioner mask get a pass while other inoffensive items dont
>be the only scout on casual team
>dead ringer enemy spy always disguising as me
>rest of the team doesn't bother to turn around occasionally when they aren't fighting
>mad milk and kill the spy every time he shows up
>eventually dominating him, making him switch to scout
a composite photo of what the average Heavy main looks like in three different regions
Chet "Matchmaking Killed TF2" Faliszek.
untrue thats what the heavy main is attracted to
I play it whenever konata is dead
I preferred when RED and BLU were these powerful yet somewhat mysterious companies that each controlled half of the world and would fight over secret bases and whatnot, which also explained why TF2 can take place all over the world. Then they got nerfed and are just two stupid brothers fighting over gravel exclusively in New Mexico
honestly the idea of having halloween costumes in a multiplayer game is pretty cool
but theres too many of them and a good portion look actually good but sadly have to be restricted to 1 month and full moons due to what they are
If competitive tf2 isn't tf2, and spy consistently appears among top scorers in casual, spy is not an underpowered class. He is a gimmicky class who relies on your feeder team mates maybe, but in the only context that matters is an effective one nonetheless. "Spy is underpowered" is code for "I play uncletopia"
i have 1100 hours on heavy and that is me on the right though
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for some reason this reminded me of doublecross' description
>In the middle of the night, two bridges span a bottomless chasm of certain doom. (Said bridges span the chasm in the day also, but the gate is locked.) Secret bases concealed behind the unassuming facades of a factory and a farm built next door to each other fool absolutely no one in the area, who sometimes gather around to “watch all them mercenaries fight over that Spy base.
so kino
100% agree its a shame they went down the sloppy route
I actually hate Halloween and play no more than once a week during October because of it
Garbage event for children and retards
Casual is unironically the best way to play tf2 atm.
Everyone’s just having fun and enjoying not having to constantly deal with 5-6 bots. And there’s no gay rules.
Halloween restrictions just show how far we've come with the artstyle, where many restricted items now would be perfectly acceptable considering the newer garbage that is acceptable year-round. Many Halloween sets are actually tamer than the stuff people can make today with regular items
WROOOOOOOONG! spy gets 2 points per backstab. im always outfragging the top scoring spy
Another victim of Millennial writing.
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>ywn go to doublecross with the boys to watch a bunch of lunatics blow each other up
>die to sniper
>spawn, get backstabbed
>spawn, die to uber push
>spawn, die to sniper
the comics are NOT canon btw
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So neato!
the comics ARE canon btw
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cope and seethe
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What are some cosmetics that should be halloween restricted but aren’t? Pic not related
Director comic is one of the few that actually isn't full of cringe Millennial humour so it's fine being canon.
I'm almost the opposite. I'm an art-style purist but when the Halloween event rolls around its the time I turn my brain off, disable my no-hats mod, and just go wild with the goofiness. IDK what it is, but TF2's Halloween aesthetic is perfect to me.
Not me. It's nowhere near as good as people think it is, in fact it's actually quite ass. Swallow some of that pride and play on Castaway, people.
For me, it's because SF was made during a time when Valve still had SOVL. Eric basically soft-confirmed that SF was just the devs shitposting together when he described it as his favourite Valve experience(s).
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Virtually everything implemented from post-Blue Moon to now.
They still controlled half of the world with Mann Co. as a go between.
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>this game's a blast!
just reread the monoculus comic... bros... pre-carnival merasmus was such a cool character... what did jay pinkerton do to my boy
number 1 rule never hire a millennial writer for your story
what a fucking low effort hat. im pretty sure this uses the same exact model as the boss/hat, just shrunk down. thats why it looks so oddly high poly
I miss being this innocent.
I've always said stuff like the Rocket Ranger set should just be all year round. Or hell, why is something like The Squid's Lid Halloween restricted? It's just a fucking pirate hat and Demo has a bunch of those already.
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Why did they make soldier a retard?
Why is Spy le ironic "im2smart4u"?
merasmus circa 2011-2012
merasmus circa 2014:
>bonzo, appear!
>bonus ducks!
>bumper cart soccer!
>kill the other team to win!
someone teach delfy that gaben isnt the one updating the game
He has to fake he has autism to avoid being sent to Ukraine
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i swear if its that spanish guy laughing again
Anti-war message (which is based)
I got banned for no reason. Wtf?
i swear theyre completely different characters, the fucking accent isnt even the same, carnival merasmus sounds way more sly and mischievious while ghostfort merasmus sounds menacing yet comical
Soldier isn’t stupid and the comics are not canon.
Stop using cheats you fag
he was crazy so he got flanderized into being stupid.
i mean, wasnt he always a narcissistic prick?
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>i mean, wasnt he always a narcissistic prick?
He was flanderized into that being his singular personality trait
calls out shitty creators in the tf2 community
that guy automatically turns any video into a trvthmoab
I didn't use cheats. For real. No cap bro.
because he never really demonstrated any other trait before the comics, other than the love for his wife of course
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dont even get started with the vsh voicelines fucking horrid
The globetrotter and lady-killer traits are barely highlighted in the comics at all. I can't name a single time he speaks any language besides French or English, expresses knowledge of other cultures or uses his ability to seduce women to his advantage.
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saxton hale circa 2010
saxton hale circa 2023
>the names saxton hale, ceo of ma- oops i dont own it anymore according to the heckin comics, sorry guys.
He also does not have his mercenary badge so he's just a newfag pretending to be oldfag
So what's the conclusion on Demoman's eye, then? Was his eye socket haunted by Bombinomicon or did he lose it when trying to kill Nessie? It would be safe to assume they dropped the Nessie thing if they weren't still referencing it as late as 2016
the community vsh is way better then the official vsh
will mvm 30 hours straight marathoning addicts ever recover from this tactical facts napal bombing?
>Medic cannot be overhealed
There I fixed medic stacking and TF2 as a whole
Here’s something even worse
Pyro before 2014
>Mmph mphna mprh.
>Murr hurr mphuphurrur, hurr mph phrr.
>Hudda hudda huh!
Pyro after 2015
I see the newfriends don’t know about the pony voicelines
>Not SFM
we're all pegasisters ITT so we like them
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Too much SOVL for you?
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Heavy(voice):Friendship is STUPID magic!
brony pony game /)
haters can seethe all they want
This is Bronychad territory, normies keep on moving
fuck the second link was supposed to be
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>Watching random video that popped up in recommended
>TF2 votekick sound effect used
This happens all the time. Nice that it still happens. Makes me wonder if TF2 numbers actually are accurate. I see TF2 pop up in the most unlikely of places.
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You'd be surprised how many times I hear tf2 sfx from ipad kids. Kinda worrying shortform content is way more damaging than ye olde ytps were.
Yeah TF2 sound effects and voice lines have kind of become more famous than the game itself
I was back visiting family recently and my little brother (3) was watching Kostamoinen on his little Samsung tablet at one point.
theres a surprisingly amount of youtube videos that use tf2 sound effects and tf2 music
Reminder that Medic's voice actor declined doing voice lines for this shitty hat.
Is this confirmed? Seems like something he would like, thought he was just a bigger name and was harder to get hold of
kostamoinen is the brainrot of tf2
stblackst is the worst one.
Heavy then:
"I am Heavy Weapons Guy... and this [grabs Minigun] is my weapon. [lays both hands covetously on Minigun] She weighs one hundred fifty kilograms and fires two hundred dollar, custom-tooled cartridges at ten thousand rounds per minute. [looks intently at viewer] It costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon...for twelve seconds." (Speaks perfect English)
Heavy now:
>Why did they make soldier a retard?
to fit with his gameplay
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I chuckle whenever I see someone talking about "emotes"
There really is some sort of timeless appeal to TF2 that transcends generations like few other properties. May you never be groomed by furries and troons, little mercs.
>he was just a bigger name and was harder to get hold of
Thats very much true, he voices a bunch of stuff. Altho he also seems to quite love the medic role, even had no pŕoblem voicing him in the heavy is dead thing in a remote way, including the "mwah"
>spy then
off to FUCK your mother (joke reference to how rage kids used to say they will fuck your mom because she is a whore)
>spy now
off to FUCK your mother (romantically because I'm your biological dad)
He did the voice work for the Second Opinion (https://youtu.be/qOpa2j8HiE4?si=SRHisUzlc2C2_diBwhich) released that same year. It's not hard to figure out why.
still the best Halloween cosmetic, fuck bird heads
>I chuckle whenever I see someone talking about "emotes"
Is TF2 really the most modern shooter that still kept the Quake old habit of not only allowing but encouraging trash talk? Every modern shooter I see nowadays seems to soulless
I'm partial to Sniper's ostrich rider one personally. Shame I'm dogshit at Sniper.

It's a bannable offense many places. Valve games have yet to seriously crack down on the gamer words, much to the distress of some of the more fragile players. You can lose behavior score in Dota because of player reports being an automated system but generally if you win your team will commend you enough to balance it out.
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it's up there but i like the l4d hunter set more, wish it had voice lines
tf2 keeps getting and hooking new fresh players
is tf2 actually going to live forever?
>is tf2 actually going to live forever?
Unironically? Yeah, it will last until it is literally unplayable (i.e. Valve don't update it to run on modern OS)
I like scream fortress but I have never liked any scream fortress cosmetic
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You know it bro
In an age of sĂłyshooters built for the most common denominator TF2 stands out like a breath of fresh air
There's no competitor. All other FPS games on the market are either COD clones, battle royales, squad shooters with ultra-low time to kill like CS2 and Valo, or hero shooters that are increasingly trying to ape MOBA slop in endless pursuit of the esports meme. If you want a 12v12 shitshow where nobody is going to lose their mind and demand everyone report you for messing around because you're ruining the comp delusion for them, this is the only place you can go. Just look at how the game still had players even after 5+ fucking years of uncontested botting. Helps that it's F2P. Realistically even if Valve keeps up the bans and keeps TF2 mostly clean of cheaters and bots from now on we're never getting a real content update again, but even then until a real competitor is made or the servers literally get shut down, we're here to stay.
What happens when Eric retires..?
Won't happen, he'll get the Valve brain chip that'll keep him going forever.
Erectin' a teleporter
>Uses the in-game maps as the background
all people need is one cracked version of the game and some servers running that version and tf2 will live on forever
This used to be a concern but with x64 I'm pretty sure it's longevity is sealed. It may even keep going long after the single dev retires and truly enters maintenance mode.
like everything else when the old dogs moves on, it goes to shit, if we are lucky the new blood won't touch tf2
Smissmas and Scream Fortress are automated, not sure if the Summer update is.
>you never coded shit in your life if you think the older the code gets the "worse" it is you moron
hello /g/ tourists please get a job before posting, and learnhow2code retard
there's nothing to automate in the summer update, everything is available year round
>misses the main point of the post
Hey Great Blue's actually cool even if he is a turbo manlet IRL, he even shows up in Zesty's streams pretty regularly

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