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Previous: >>484001609

Exedra News #1 (starring Asakura Momo, Kato Emiri)

Exedra on Steam and Google Play

Magia Record will complete its service at 15:00 JST on 31 July (1 July for DMM version)
Thank you for loving and playing Magia Record
Thank you all the sisters who contributed to /PMMM/'s original contents

/PMMM/ Meguca Mother-Daughter Fanfic Contest by Mizuna anon
By 31 July (EXTENDED)

Magia Day 2024 Announced
25th August 17:30 JST

>Current Event
Alina's Atelier~Factor of Despair~
1/7 17:00 JST - 12/7 14:59 JST

Login Story "Correlation Towards Future~Telling from Arts~" (All 7 episodes)
2/7 00:00 JST - 16/7 23:59 JST

Login Story "Correlation Towards Future~On a Pleasant Evening~" (All 7 episodes)
13/6 00:00 JST - 16/7 23:59 JST

Login Story "Correlation Towards Future~Current Location with Onee-sama~" (All 7 episodes)
1/6 00:00 JST - 16/7 23:59 JST

>Current Gacha
4*-Meguca-You-can-choose-gacha with daily free 10 rolls
1/6 00:00 JST - 31/7 14:59 JST

>Upcoming Event until the End of Service
Ranked Mirrors Final Round
Kimochi Raid Special Arc~Witch of Happiness~
The Last Story

>Release of Archive App
31/7 15:00 JST - 14/10 15:00 JST
Fuck Mizunoids
Ugh Mizuna whore.
Kill Mizunoids
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https://justpaste.it"a"/6splx (Remove "a")


>Clock Tower

[Get the Game]

[Play it in English]

>Friend List

>Add Yourself
>t. Shiggywiggy with her proxies
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Milk Mizunoids
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No racism no wardism in this thread!!
Raceplay and wardplay is okay
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Fuck Narroids
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PAPA will be doing the autism comics for Eggdra
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Has anything been announced on any Magia Record stuff transferring over? I lost my big account long ago but wouldn't mind rerolling for Yuna-san.
> /PMMM/ - Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story
its time
to change the title to exadra
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We're experiencing the birth of a new game, the miracle of life
Keep pushing sisters, even if it hurts
It's still going to be /pmmm/.
I would honestly be surprised if it’s anything more than what was in the ENG app, which was a gallery that showed all the characters you collected in Magia Record.

Gacha players wouldn’t tolerate anything that would bestow a gameplay advantage.
but not magia record

there could still be carried over cosmetics
like homura in swimsuit now
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It says if you put your Magia Record transfer code, then you will get meguca and memoria illustrations, and henshin anime in your Exedra account.
Also your Ranked Mirrors achievements will be transferred.
And you get the left bonus picture.

This is we know so far and they are saying there would be more.
Not MagiExe??
Somehow officials decided to call it MadoDora.
No idea why.
Last Ranked Mirrors was the final one, right?
Iroha is so practical... I wonder how they will handle other girls, I guess Reira doesn't matter because her panties are always exposed but Rika will be interesting as she's got a short skirt and probably wears slutty panties.
Nah we do have the final one coming soon.
How can anyone deny IroYachi being canon when this is official art??? They're literally standing in the back being parents while the kids are playing.
Such a good ship, I love them so much. They better be a major part of Eggsdra or I'm not playing
Oh neat
>Also your Ranked Mirrors achievements will be transferred.
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Rika-chan wears very modest panties hai.
>Magia Record transfer code
is this the same old account transfer code or some new one for exedra?
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It's over for miffer...
what if I'm playing the new game in english, can I transfer stuff from my jp magireco account? because I may reinstall just for that
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You're thinking of mirrors rika not real Rika.
Well fuck whatever. I kinda wish I didn't toss all the details of my whale account. All I could possibly find are IDs for people to add me don't remember the email or gem count. Just know it was negative lolz.
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New one for Exedra.
Looks like you can get the code with the archive app after EoS.
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We'll be sending every yuritroon your way, hope you enjoy.
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Panties (and bras) are not hinomotese and should be abolished
They didn't say anything about that.
>Just know it was negative lolz
Is that you lainsis??
nice harem
we will send them back with futafaggory, sorry
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Shizuka and four pregnant girls with Shizuka's baby.
time to reinstall
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B, but Fundoshi and Sarashi are Hinomotese...
Yes mam.
God its so hot how it looks like they're not wearing anything at all.
Can post your profile pic if might be helpful you get the account back.
That would be nice - thanks. I'm not sure I have enough other details though but I guess it's worth a shot.
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Miphew still swiped Yacchan's v-card though
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Here you go.
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Spanish sisters.......
There's no way they'll give you your account back if you refunded your gems. You're probably banned.
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didnt tonks die in both reco and anireco?
Ahh good times...thanks.

No harm in trying but I will say I was abducted for a couple of years and to please understand.
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True Hinomotese underwear...
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Learn Hinomotese
Oshiete kudasai
If you ever achieved S3, you don't need to get serious for last mirrors. Exedra will get your best ranking, not your last.
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Good thing then. I don't really have the mood to try hard to get S1 for the last ranked mirrors.
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I am ASCENDED nya!
>even in Exedra I'll be known as a (B)itch
I can't escape...
But I want to be a boy who gets a harem of megucas!
Go play BA.
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What did Aniplex mean by this
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yachiyosisters, don't look!
why did they kick south korea out :( asia cosposperty sisters..
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>finally a new madomagi game
>still set in magireco universe
shut up whore
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>Mexico and Chile region locked
>Aniplex finally recognized Indonesia after weird decision of not releasing FGO there (and Malaysia) despite said countries have the biggest nasuverse fanbase in SEA while the rest of SEA got it
South Korea China and Taiwan tend to have their own distributors
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What was the discord called that had all the translated APKs? I wanted to get in again since it's shutting down soon (I have my account info).
Do you want them to make up YET ANOTHER excuse for why witches exist post original?
First it was Akuma: You see... she's not a witch! She transforms after getting filled with despair, but since it's inside a barrier and she broke the limit of despair it's demon. It doesn't count!
Then Magireco: Madoka can go against her wish! If she said she doesn't want to kill those witches, those don't count! Wait, there are other versions of this same universe when it was clearly stated this is the only version where Iroha lives and the only version where Madokami doesn't destroy all witches? It doesn't count, she also decided to not kill the alternate witches!
At this rate, we'll get "They're not 魔女, they're witches. It's Madoka's fault for being dumb and not realizing QB could just rename them and it would completely negate her wish."
Let's not go that low.
Akari and Horse at 1:43:22.

Love Live
Jolno (Suzune)

Mocho (Iroha)

Hayamin (Mabbers)

Hocchan (Tart)

Selection Project
Hayamin (Oriko)

Akari (Namae)
Oh wait...wrong Akari
did you check this manually with 50 VPNs?
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This will be the shopkeeper.
Check the about section
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It means we must revive the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Ever notice that Eastern Europe went to shit once the greedy Germs and Russians carved up Polish land? And the Austrians. So fucking ungrateful after Poland saved their skinny asses from Turks.

And Belgium should be annexed by Netherlands
Ireland by Great Britain.
madoka didnt go against her wish. she won't touch recoverse so thats why she doesn't apply her law there.

Probably Kakao, BiliBili.
Thanks sis.
it is not
Even the Spin-off writers were surprised. Looks like they were expecting Reco to the be their last contribution to Madoka.

I'm glad they're still here. No matter what they say Suzune is still my fave. Persevering, seeing the best in every scenario, making the best of it is more hopeful than "And then one day God came to save us all."
Only white sisters and their asian cocksleeves are allowed to play Exedra
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What even is Union?
Praying for Kaiten to be screen in these countries too now. Glad they're not just doing a fucking NA shit again.
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You mean South East Asian girls..... >>484389056
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What do I do here? I tried putting in my ID, but I never set a password and it's giving me an error?
Have you ever generated recover ID and pass?
It's not the usual friend code.
Oh I actually had set a password. I think I got it.
guild / clan / circle
Are you transferring your account?

If you didn't set your password go back to your old device. Set PW before trying again.
i feel sorry for all my latam meguca fans
even if they were all trannies
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Reminder that Magius will rise again nya~
Wow the aesthetic is really cool, considering the movie release and the quality this could become a very popular game
have they published a guide for how to transfer to the archive app and how to get from the archive app to magidra?
why do they hate the irish...
I think not. They only showed this. >>484381656
I recall Ireland and Belgium got some anti-gacha law
So /PMMM/...

Are you ready for the influx of newsis from /a/, /v/ and /hsrg/ not to mention the return of Xitterati Moral Police?
oriko's writer tho...?
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Inactive since 2015.
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We must be ready to protect our culture from shitposters!
>magia reco characters canon
>non meguca cleo is canon too
They will never defeat thread culture.
Stay strong sisters!!!
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Madoka Stride
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they will not stand a chance
inb4 the cleo in historia is a fake who took over after the real one died
So its not actually free roam but you can just choose which checkpoint to go to and then left right forward back etc.

Well that kinda sucks.
Just get S badge for Exedra to prove you are a not newsis!
Open World Mitakihara Magical Life would be what? Get made to go to school then fight Witches afterwards.
Nothing can match the gameplay ludo that is Magia Record...
Will global survive this time or should I just play JP?
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Mami Stride
Has a better chance as its actually more global not just NA. LLSIF en survived for a number of years. Its a shame they haven't just done one server with everyone on it and different language options.
You must play both my child...
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Reposting the gameplay trailer that's not uploaded anywhere yet.
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Got it back.
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>no jiggling
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It's Feg.
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"Umm Ri-rika wha-what are you doing I-I"
Your voice was suddenly cut off by a kiss to a mouth. And before you could react, before you could even think you felt her slender fingers slide up your thighs. You felt her play at the hem of your skirt before placing her palm on your private area.

"Pl-please don't. We can't do this. We-we're both girls. Y-you're an Idol and--"

"But Namae-chan" Rika sultrily replied to you "Don't you like this" she asked as she began rubbing at your covered mound. You could barely suppress a moan, a kind of reaction Rika wanted.

"I know you want me and I know I want you too. Such a cute dark-haired girl. A bit shy but---"

Rika paused, you thought it was over you thought you could escape but soon your mouth opened again letting out a long moan as Rika's digits penetrated into your peehole.

"See Namae. Look at how wet you are. You really want to be with Kamiha Magica's top Idol don't you?" Rika giggled as she sheathed her finger inside you again and again and again.

Your breath became staggered, you could feel your body become hotter and hotter. And you could only beg that no-one came and caught the Red Idol and you in such a scandalous position.
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Mami: "Umm Kaname-san... who's your friend?
Madoka: "Oh! This is Iroha-chan!"
Eroha: "Umm... p-pardon the intrusion..."
I wonder if we'll get another Mami-Eroha fight again.

"No pl-pleease I don't want this. Please"
"What's wrong Na-ma-e-chan? Don't you want this. Don't you want the Great Juri-sama's Great throbbing Penetrator inside you?
if ex is really a cont of reco, iroha and mami already know each other
I think region locking turd worlders is a good thing actually
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North america isn't locked tough
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Repo must continue.
All South America are Region Locked btw
>there will be Meguca guilds
So we can raid leddit now?
Can we finally lit Mifuyu marry MoI?
Only if we got more gigawhales than them.
Or we will be slaughtered.
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Some labyrinths
I am heal slutting. Rest of you Infront and do the heavy lifting
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I love all of my /PMMM/sisters!
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>game has gangs
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you can paint israel red too
>Girl mc self insert
That's literally the only thing I asked for lmao
It looks like Madoka's (Magia?) hits all enemies still.
I wonder if we'll still call them Magias.
MoI hasn't been mentioned in either Mifuyu's epilogue nor her atelier part, he has vanished into the void again
It looks like Iroha's Magia only hits 1 enemy. Or maybe their is only 1 enemy on the field?
I haven't seen/heard any mention of doppels either. Maybe we return to the status quo w/ megucas witching out?
They'll probably make the 1-3 visible on account of S3fags, right? A3 looks better than S1 so I'll stick with that as my highest
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>New high quality 3D models
Sweet Mami 4 when?
Ngh I'm getting wet...
Because IroYachi is so BORING
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YachiMifu is the only correct ship option for Yachiyo
Me on the left
I'm assuming this is the homescreen new players start with.
I really hope you're able to change it up w/ backgrounds and your megucas like Reco.
I hope they're not so stingy with alternate bgm
shadow meguca is obviously costumizable
And some time-reactive backgrounds even if it's just 3 distinct lighting conditions that change at x o'clock
>madoka didnt go against her wish
>she won't touch recoverse
Already contradicting yourself. Her wish is for all universes/timelines/possible outcomes, there's no "but not this one" or "I get to decide which one" in any part or her wish.
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>IroYachi is BORING
>Age gap Middle Schooler x College Student
Who're you pulling first?
I'll probably go for Madoka first.
Unless she's a free girl everyone gets then I'll pull Mami.
It's not just that its the main ship, Iroha and Yachiyo are some of the most boring characters in the game. Iroha never managed to be a compelling protagonist outside of it being a little funny that everyone fell in love with her
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I'll pull whoever is meta and have the rest of team be 3* MagiReco characters
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Even though Magia Record will be in this, they'll probably cut most the unnecessary stuff
With a couple of exceptions, we'll probably never see any of these characters at the very least. I'd also say, outside of the faction leaders, Arc 2 would be cut as well
Honestly this game looks amazing from an aesthetic point of view
I'll wait for smart people to see who's OP before rolling, but I assume they'll keep Madoka as the strongest of the basic forms. I used Madoka until she became obsolete around last year.
What's the best guild name you can come up with?
RikaRen are probably in, Kuroe is probably in, Yuu and Shii will probably be in way down the line
>no Kuroe
The sisterhood...
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Kyoko ofcourse.
Council of THUMP
reco timeline diverged after madoka made her wish, by a pebble kicked my homura when she was on the moon.
because recoverse dodnt exist when she made her wish, it wasn't included in her wish.
we already established some witches can escape madoka in rebellion.
The bad bitches
>it being a little funny that everyone fell in love with her
That's just shitposting
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Also until the stream I didn't realized so many people loved Mabayu, I mean I like her but there were a lot of people screaming for her...
I hope Exedra will have more art of arc 2 characters...
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What, it being funny? Everyone loves Eroha
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I believe all the screencaps shown here are from the Arc 1+2 OPs and shots from the Anime.
Besides the Tokime's I can see Mifuyu and Himena. I wonder if we can interpret this to be that any revelant story characters like KMR, Mitama, Kanagi, etc will be in Exedra.
Comfy I want a daki so bad.
>Iroha and Yachiyo are some of the most boring characters in the game
thats just shitposting. also the funny but retarded iroha is aniroha, and anichiyo was the most popular character in anireco.
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I wonder if that has anything to do with 29udon translating the entirety of Sneed0 to ENG
I wonder how far that goes though
Touka/Nemu/Alina are important, they'll be in. What about the Amanes though? They're part of the main plot but aren't really on the same level.
We'll likely see Yuna, Rabi, Himena, but what about San or Ranka?
>subete no uchuu
>all universes
>kako to mirai
>from the past and the future
Is recoverse a universe? Yes.
>because recoverse dodnt exist when she made her wish
Don't matter, she made sure her wish included future/past created universes.
Madoka HAD to make sure she herself couldn't contradict her wish and let some witches go, to protect the universe from her witch self.
Recoverse witches existing is, and always will be, bullshit that contradicts what original madoka wished for.
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Errm... even Sayaka!?
mmm maybe if she's on rate up
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I bet Greenbey listens to Green Day
>Don't you want the Great Juri-sama's Great throbbing Penetrator inside you?
I hope Juri's dirty talk is better than this
Spats are practical AND erotic, thank you very much
Ellipsis gang...
Promised Thump
They better not cut out my wife Shizuku
Characters designed by Ume are safe.
President Thump
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They need to Smash 4 this where leading up to release they sometimes confirm a returning character.
The League of extremely horny gentlewoman.
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Maybe it's a temporary lock
I know that fgo (or alter... i don't know which one) can be played in chile and mexico...
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Sis, are you okay? Do you have brain damage?
how do you say "in all the universe" in japanese?
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>Exedra has character switching
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Exedra won't be coming to Brazil, it's over fo me sisters...
not even megucas could survive br*zil...
There will be a bunch of work arounds. Worry not.
its nesting.
first 'all the universes' then 'past present and future'
all the universes- that currently exist- past present and future- of said universes. t does not necesserily include all the universes that ever will be.
just use a vpn sis
i also wish to add that past present and future does not refer to universes but to witches.
so for (i=0, i<infiniti, i++)

moreover after madokami became a constant ie after her wish was fullfilled, she autmaticly joined ny new branch. but reco was created before she became a constant.
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It's a lighthouse!
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The main screen reminds me of the Madoka Online lobby.
Madoka idle animations
Eroha idle animations
after seeing people complain about region lock in madokaès new global release game, I now realize the majority of gacha players are seething seaniggers lmao
Mind taking your troll attitude back wherever you came from? We love all our sisters here.
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what is the tactical applications of wearing a bodysuit?
Depends what your definition of a bodysuit is.
Distracting hostile megukas with your lewd body
By that I mean that what Iroha wears isn't a bodysuit. It's a bodystocking.
A bodysuit can be a leotard or a leotard-like garment with long sleeves.
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Maybe it's the tutorial?
The arrows could be showing the player where to go and the boxes could be pop-up tutorials?
That's my cope at least.
Some people will call just anything a bodysuit...
No we don't
>Magia Record will complete its service at 15:00 JST on 31 July
When the hell did this happen?
speedreader retard
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Where you've been?
I empathize with Homura's obsession.
>First it was Akuma: You see... she's not a witch! She transforms after getting filled with despair, but since it's inside a barrier and she broke the limit of despair it's demon. It doesn't count!
t. didn't understand rebellion
Away. I only checked in to see what was going on because I saw there's some other new game coming out.
Odds on that one dying in an alley like Magireco EN did?
>subete no uchuu
>I wish to erase every witch before they're born.
>All witches from every universe, past and future; with my own hands!
Are reco witches born? Yes, so they get erased.
Is reco an universe? Yes, so they get erased.
>It does not necessarily include all the universes that ever will be.
If that was the case, Madoka's wish was fucking useless. Imagine this case: She goes back and destroy Gertrud. By destroying Gertrud, this universe becomes a parallel universe, therefore she doesn't destroy any other witch.
If kicking a rock creates a new universe, destroying a single witch does the same.
Your argument boils down to "The "all" in "all universes" don't actually mean "all." She didn't say all current universes, she said ALL UNIVERSES. If a new one is created, it's automatically there in how worded her wish.
put Saudi Arabia also red
it's huge with PC and English on launch
The wording means nothing, Kyubey is not a genie, the wish is granted the way your heart wants it.
If Madokami decided to leave Eroha to her own devices then that's that
When is launch?
Just thought I'd mention that the friends list and submission forms will be updated closer to the release date once we know a little more about what the relevant information to submit to a form like that will be, i.e. the existence of a support system, etc
For the love of god don't fuck this up Aniplex...
So what you're saying is that Madoka imagined herself disregarding her own wish, letting witches live if she felt like it?
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I can't believe we are getting Eroha in 3d.
I don't like doom posting, especially this early, but it's Aniplex, you already know the answer deep down.
FGO NA started as NAonly, I had to make a NA google account back then (and pay in $)
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True first world map.

It's fucking stupid this will cause a drama before game is even out.
This year.
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snaa shall evolve into snaadra
with sneedra as alt
Damn, what did Mexico do to piss them off?
Weird choice to block Finland while letting Scandinavia in.
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I wish it were possible to block Finland in the real world too
how many more times is she going to claim a meguca's first spermies this time.....
What did Finland ever do to you?
finland doesn't exist, don't worry
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Behind every misfortune there is a Finn
I hope it's true
My daughter is so precious!
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Easier to say I guess plus two characters. マギエクセ Vs マギドラ
"Finns" and "Finland" are not the same. Finland has a land surface area of about 303 thousand km^2, slightly over 0.2%, and the measures of earth surface area are more accurate and precise than that of populations. It is considerably more likely that Finland exists than that Finns exist.
I’m saving your post, sis.
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I'm honored
Dora the explorer collab confirmed.
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A few minutes after the announcement of AQ (Negibey/green onion-bey)...
Theories about its true identity are split between Alina, Mabayu, and Zundamon, and the situation is extremely chaotic...
>Dora becomes a magical girl
>Swiper steals her soul gem
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name ONE thing Homura did wrong
Magia Exdora
what is this expression trying to convey
Finland is just a construct sis, it's just an uninhabited land mass
Yes we do!
>Dora has a magical backpack
> she is always accompanied by a talking animal
>doesn't grow
There's a distinction to be made between Aniplex Inc and Aniplex USA.
This game is being handled by Aniplex Inc.
>just a construct
So? Finland still exists.
Imagine being turned into a Kyubey.
You could have just admitted to being a zoomer outright. No need to make it that embarrassing for yourself.
She failed to impregnate Madoka.
Not giving birth to my child, yet.
Edgar, is that you??? Are you going to post snaa under Eggsdra tweets? Oh please say you will!!
Kazakhstan - red
Nomad megucas never
You being a parent is never happening in any universe
I hope they do Alina well in this game. Instead of having her personality all over the place, she should go full in on the mifurape
She should fuck off honestly
Tired of her shit
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I second this.
How is Dora zoomercoded?
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>unions/guild pvp
>Pokelabo (sinoalice)

This game is so fucked. Unless you let me leech Guild Wars while I barely play, /pmmm/. You will, right?
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It's going to rock everyone's worlds seeing Karin flying around in 3D instead of running, prancing, or flouncing Halloween 2025
>Why is zoomer kids show zoomer coded?
It's like asking how Blue's Clues or The Magic School Bus or Bill Nye the Science Guy are millennial kids shows?
Don't care about sinoalice
Pokelabo made Assault Lily Last Bullet which had really fun PVP
I was my legion's heal slut Yujia main
go back to your shithole.
erping with my sisters during guild raids........
If the guild shit gives good items, I'm joining the tryhards instead of here. And no, we mostly don't have tryhards here.
Oh no
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I wonder if we'll keep connects? I didn't see any in the trailers today.
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Wideification of narroids...
wtf, they made Ria look good??
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Why is Mifuyu Poland??
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I don't care if this is etcetera general...
I will always use magireco pics to shitpost
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Meowsono Catrin nano
Mom Lovers
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Unbelievably based
Will the AliKari army return for exedra?
Poland is called the Hyena of Europe for a reason. We must declare a 6th Partition of Poland before it's too late.
"AliKari Nano"
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Why didn't anyone tell me MMK was confirmed?
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I think we should just go with vg/pmmm/. Simple, tells you what you need to know.
What is that thing on the left?
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Her Doppel name is Hevelius.
A pole man.
I am from Peru.
How can I play this?
Thump Bunnies
Daito Commieblock
Fumu Fumumu
Puella Mifuyu Mifuyu Mifuyu
Love you too sis!
lucky us, paru wont have to kill herself after reco eos
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Stop bullying Finland!
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oh hello /pmmm/! oh hello /pmmm/! oh hello /pmmm/! oh hello /pmmm/! oh hello /pmmm/!
Why do /PMMM/sisters love maternity and pregnancy...
thanks for the updoot kind stranger
Probably due to Finnish anti-gambling laws
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Call your embassies, there's time to right this wrong
Isn't latin america a shounen stronghold??
They also love meguca too.
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What is an ishouhaifu??
its gonna flop isnt it.............
Costume distribution but I don't think it means what it means...
It's because you're a bunch of broke shitholes with no spending power
>letting china out
*pins this anon to the ground*
*lowers her panties and straddles*
*hump hump hump hump*
*FLYS you to USA*
*PICKS you up at the AIRPORT*
*THUMPS you*
Good morning /PMMM/, tonight I dreamt about Juri it was lewd
>good morning
Good morning australiasis
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Have you heard? Has anyone told you? The Rumor of the /PMMM/ sister!
They say amane rape broken leg rape amane rape rape amane abuse rape
Sorry did someone say ntr? Konocuck hazuki nanaka making love in bathroom while shes outside shill coin KonohaCoin BUY snaa
snaa ntr
snaapost i hope edgar replies with snaa
Mountain dykes < rikaren Rikaren rikaren RIKAREN RIKAREN ARRHHH god I wish that was me
Rikaren? More like ZZZzzz homurika while Ren raises the baby made by akemi spermies pumpkin full of seeds hahahaha I said the thing get it
Homura harem kuro madokoko cuck
Charge gorilla math blast is shit 410,757,864,530 DEAD EVADE
ALINA I want to smell her dirty feet SNIIFFF
Imagine tying up mayu & forcing her to pee herself haha imagine OL having their way with megucas but theyre not for you theyre for each other >>>hetfags
Aimichads ww@
I love you pmMMmmmMmM
MOMOK MFTL still uncute cuck Mitama official (rip 4.58 seconds)
Tsuruno fucks her dad magia propaganda
PB chad rapists futasagi cant spell without futa hagumu forehead
TRANSlation en localize animal print socks NAfags sasuga samefag talking to yourself
PAPA idolshit piss whos the next piss idol piss omarashi
NA spoilers MUKYUUU
Nakadashi with Touka-chan! Ui pussy fuck nagisa cheese stinky loliguca mamipedo Abu *bupost
Sayaka a bitch harapan
StOp CoMpLaInInG NA pace chapter 7 r*ddit was right yachiiro pedo yike
Alimifu lewd cock***** posted something on Twitter woww!! Reverse twitter Silver didnt post in 3 minutes is she okay...
ALIKARI cringe hours
JuriKari > AliKari Juri rape Karin egg oviposit cooming nano
Tokime waterhead inbred akemi tribe ryouko fuck ayylmao futasagi thighs sniper jerky KAKOXIII gelding
I wanna fuck (meguca)
Thats nice (meguca name)
Weekend staceys iCuminmymouth HRRK kanagi nagitan step on me class war now Daito Chicago commieblock mizuna rape
LGD dota2 from /alg/ at least were not azur lane fgo millers pvp gameplayfags
jesus fucking christ
Hello, newsister!
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>go to steamdb
>click install
>An error occurred while launching this game: no licenses
Thirdie sisters are too lazy for that
The Extermination event was a great idea, very nice trip down memory lane with the teams saved like that
SisTeRS be like "but gacha is le predatory ;_;" how bout you control YOUR swiping fucking DAITOID brain?
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I might be from Mizuna but when lonely Daito girls drag me into their bedroom, I enjoy keeping them company...
you know the game isn't out yet
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Anyways, divegrass and rodswings news, we'll be sending Mabs to the /vg/ roster for Summer 24 which starts on July 19. What position she'll play in depends on the VGL22 final rankings and what tactics the /vg/ managers will run, but she'll be starting on the bench and will likely play defense on either CB or LB/RB position. We've also gone up in the VGL rankings to 25th place, so we're either at the tip of Pot 3 or the bottom of Pot 2 for VGL23.

For beisbol, unfortunately, it was played before the final day of VGL22 started so I was notified of this while I was asleep and the archived stream is not found on the VGL twitch channel. So here's the results: we lost to /drg/ 2-3 in the semifinal and they would eventually be the champions of VGL Power Pros 3 by beating /hsrg/ 8-2 in the final. While there was no 3rd place match for rodswings, we only lost 2-3 in the semifinal while /dbg/ lost to /hsrg/ 14-11 in the other semi, so since we lost by less compared to /dbg/, you could say we got 3rd place overall which is a pretty neat consolation.

I'll wait for more news on Exedra to see what we should do with the roster for VGL23.
Uhm sis, spoiler..?
>pic not related
>Daito brain
Filled with thoughts of Mizuna futa dicks...
They swang the rods well, thanks manager-san
daitoids are too broke to swipe though?
If Daito girls need money to spend on gacha I can help them with that. If they do a thing or two for me first...
mifu only likes sakae girls tho
Mizuna OL please....
what would you have them do...
We are so promising in rod swinging and ball hitting!
Let's go /PMMM/ futa rods!
This general is a human reproduction biology general.
For me, it's meguca reproduction
can bicycles choose who they're ridden by?
Wrong continent
If Daito mothers need money to spend on gacha I can help them with that. If they do a thing or two for me first...
You underestimate women.
You're going to get your balls handed to you by all of our sisters.
In a Chuo love hotel room a Daito girl is getting the thumping of her life from a Mizuna woman old enough to be her mother. On the other side of the wall in the room next over, her mom is getting stretched out by a Mizuna magical girl...
Mizuna schoolgirl please....
Why are there so many trannies who are into Magia Record? I swear half the people you see posting about Magireco have a tranny flag on their profile
Don't reply to it, just report and ignore the troll.
>negativity in /pmmm/ that isnt about kaiten
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aaaAAAAA I can't take it anymore!
You're coming to my room with me right now!!
*GRABS you and starts dragging you away*
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kaede thinks she has zero sex appeal...
but that is what i like hehehe...
*licks lips*
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>steam has Exedra
>implying you can use steam wallet funds
>boot up a shitton of TF2 and CSGO idlers
>farm items for Magia Stones
If you're willing to get vac banned I guess
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all my old csgo skins...i have like $2,000 of them... but my Icarus Fell... I could never...
That's hot
So many tourists we have to endure
endure THIS
*fingerbangs you*
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So is it safe to spend my gems now? Or do I need to hold onto them until exedra?
This is the last banner, so...
But will they be transferred? or will I get any bonus in exedra for having them?
We don't know yet.
>But will they be transferred
Are you really that naive?
They might get turned into bonus points on the new game or something instead of actual gems or whatever currency the game uses.
(The following is from the MagiaRecord Discord)
**The MagiReco to Exedra Transfer System**
As was mentioned before, once Magia Record ends service and transforms into the Archive App, players will be able to view their Exedra Transfer Code from the Archive App.
Entering this code into Exedra once it launches, will grant the player various benefits and allow you to transfer various data to Exedra.

We have now been granted more information as to what exactly this will entail:
- You can view your MagiReco Account's data, such as Magical Girls, Memoria, Transformation videos, etc.
(Note: You can *VIEW* this information. You will not *GAIN* your playable characters or Memoriae for play in Exedra.)
- You will gain special titles in Exedra, based on your highest Mirror Ranking Score and your Account's overall player score
- You will gain a special Portrait (the Exedra equivalent of Memoriae) in Exedra
(- Further bonuses may potentially be added to this function before release)

>is it safe to spend my gems now? Or do I need to hold onto them until exedra?
Personally, I'm ganna hold onto mine just a bit longer b/c >Further bonuses may potentially be added to this function before release
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Yachiyo pantsu in Exedra?
I want a standalone.
Why would they reward the behavior of not spending gems
If we add in Namae-chan who is(you) do we need to remove /PMMM/ chan?
Can we request /hsrg/ for friendlies?
Might be that Dumb Kyouko Avatarfag still mad he gets BTFO by yurifags
NATO game

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