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Last: >>484365384

>ZENLESS – Tiësto x Zenless Zone Zero

>Ellen Character Teaser - "Oh Ellen, Please!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eURuH5-boxo (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO9-Hs7jH0I (JP)

>Zenless Zone Zero's Version 1.0 Pre-Release Special Program, "Welcome to New Eridu”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uACgiN-216s (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb8rFgS0ia0 (JP)

>Release date:
July 4th, 2024 on PC, PS5, and mobile

>44+ Trillion Pre Registrations
>Pre-Register for Zenless Zone Zero:

>Web Event


>Official Twitter Account:

>Capcom x Hoyoverse Creator Roundtable

>Redeemable codes (claimable only in-game)


>ZZZ stickers
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How autistic do people need to be to bump a dead thread for fucking hours
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It's probably the same people who make early threads just to be the OP
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Why are they shilling Ellen Joe so much? On top of a dumb name, she's the most boring character they've shown off.
No one bumped anything for hours, check the timestamps you fucking retard
sharks have been a popular meme animal for years. you get the ikea shark plushes, shark week's been a thing, multiple shark vtubers. It's there to grab the normalfags
and then they release info that she's 16 and make them backpedal
She single handedly sold the game for me, though.
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>what zzz looks like
>what it plays like
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What was the story like in the beta anyways? Is it going to be the same China wanking like the other two games since it looks like the game literally takes place in China?
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Is this whole game going to be set in a city?

I hate cities.
Urban setting, mostly.
The super big boss in the beta was fought in a junkyard.

Will they swap it up? Probably yes but the "urban" is going to stay.
>we're going into the desert!
Then you get futuristic desert cities.

I like it because Persona 4 was probably the last game I've touched with an urban setting, so it's refreshing to me. Specially because every game is fantasy slop now days.
seems to be the least chinawank game they've made if anything
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>Persona 4 was probably the last game I've touched with an urban setting
Now that's shocking, I would expect someone to say 5 or 3load
go play a real SMT game like 5
>go play a game that's half a persona game
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>lives in brazil
>best server for you found already
What about all the other times it choose america when playing starrail and genshin though?
the hollows kind of remind me of SJ speaking of
Swap it back to America, game is retarded
bro at least choose 4
I'm a burger and it chose Europe as my default. Whatever they're using to select the default region is just retarded
I'm European and it chose Asia
persona is like the worst part of smt bwo
ye I'm switching back to murica as soon integrity is done here
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when do the servers go live again?
>Retarded game size
>Now this
Do we have another ww launch on our hands?
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34 hours
based burgilian
There doesn't seem to be a particular chinawank nation, but the entire city seems to be a mixture of western and chinese contemporary cities.
Announced date: 34 hours.
Real date: could get released earlier (by 30 minutes or a hour), it happened with HSR.
34 hours
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Nicole the instant she was revealed
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This semen demon
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thanks, can't wait
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People seething about the size cannot be real. I do not play all of these.
There's no real Chinawank, nothing detectable to an uneducated foreigner anyway. Some characters have chink names, but if that alone sets off your autism then I don't think there are many gacha games you can play.
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I like changing the channels, nice vibes.
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>tower of fantasy
so much soul
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ToFGOD I bend the knee...
the game having this much soul before you even start playing is crazy
Wuwa could never have this much soul.
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>wuwa out of nowhere
sex with shield lady
Just a simple comparison between soul vs soulless.
Who is this semen demon
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>play HSR, wuwa, ZZZ
>dont play HI3rd, PGR
Ah yes the Signora of ZZZ
he's right thoughbeit
Story focuses on a faction at a time apart fro mcharacter/side stories.
Chapter 2 (construction company faction > Chapter 1 (freebie starter team)
There will be overarching plotlines but for now just view it as an "arc" about each factionand their prominent characters, chapter 2 had a lot of Koleda focus.
surely they won't kill her off this time
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evil cunny when bros
There's no chinawank so far, only several characters with chinese names (but we also have japs). It's already better than Chinkwaves from this alone.
Coco(formerely fofo) will forever be reddit and an ugly useless unwanted unneeded gremlin
I mean at most here we will have a Chinatown, and since this is more urban it might not be that bad
Also there will obviously be a chinawank faction, but it'll only have 4 characters anyway.
It's incredible just how Chinese wuwa is
That channel should play some vibe 90s japanese city pop
do we have enough EUbros to coop with or should i go NA?
It's not just Chinese but Offensively Chinese : In-your-face soulless chinkiness. I can't wait to move to ZZZ.
And since it's modern they might not go out million years of history. that's what will happen isn't it?
Mihoyo games have no problems with players.
If you're referring to anons here, no idea but there's plenty Europe server players in the other two games.
Only thing you can coop is the weekly boss but I can do it with you bwo. They might add more multiplayer stuff based on interviews so I'd go for latency personally.
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Honestly the story direction that the devs want to take here in zzz I can appreciate
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>That channel should play some vibe 90s japanese city pop
God yes, 90's city pop is the biggest gift japan brought mankind music wise
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ZZSLOP is 57 fucking gbs on the pc, it's an instance based fucking game, stop defending Mihoyo for everything.
nice, EU it is then, thanks bros.
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Yeah same here, I don't like china enough to want this much china, maybe if it was some three kingdoms gacha then I would be down (but not otome coded, gimme waifus and cool warlord bros with cao cao schemes)
Please understand, CRT TV:s are HEAVY
This is the way. Post-apocalyptic doesn't mean they have to touch on heavy themes like saving the world. I'm sure we'll get there eventually, but I appreciate the fact that we won't wake up as the savior of the world surrounded by three default harem girls.
Bro you don't enjoy uncomprezzzed texturezzz?
>We are not clear how the story is going to evolve yet, so enjoy doing random shit in the meantime
Honestly if you read kekkai sensen it might be something like that, where we see the characters living their daily lives in this messed up world.
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>Still looks worse than WW
nice unreal filter
I'm still waiting for any Chinese studio to copy Dynasty Warriors. If phones can already handle open world, technological advancement will enable them to handle musou (100 soldiers in one screen) in about two to three years.
I honestly hope the game just stays being people doing random shit the entire time. I would enjoy every event and story update being shenanigans instead of depressing post apoc nonsense literally every other game goes for
go play that instead :^)
There's absolutely nothing wrong with episodic arc that slowly leads to something bigger down the line. Gacha stories should stop trying to be all grand and bigger-than-life. Sometimes ordinary things are more relatable and comfy for releasing daily stress.
The current story of the game is clearly setting up stuff for the future, it's just not gonna be some retarded shit like "YOU HAVE TO STOP THE BIG BAD TERRORISTS WHO WANT TO DESTROY THE WORLD" like 90% of post-apocalyptic gacha.
Yeah, I get it but we are in a post-apocalyptic world where monsters appear out of tin air from another unknown dimension and they already killed a big part of the world. Of course this game is packed with heavy themes and right versus wrong, It is not set up to be a simple "slice of life" game. What I don't get is why are being dishonest about this
Gachas don't need a story, make good characters and engaging gameplay and that's it. I skip all the dialog anyway.
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Since CBT1 datamine
it's boring when every single game does the same thing. we should be able to have a game where you can just see the daily life of people living in that kind of place with all of that stuff going on in the background
you can't make good characters without a story
You can, in fact ZZZ is made for it since each character has a set faction background.
I think you're confusing story (which includes character stories to expand on each character's background) and overarching plot.
No, I'm talking about story modes and story quests, completely useless stuff.
I dislike those kinds of games. Pulled a waifu and wanted to know her background story only to be met with three lines of text and that's it.
>only to be met with three lines of text and that's it.
That's the good stuff.
Again, I get it but It doesn't matter if you are doing the same or not, what matters is finding a way to making it enjoyable or fun, I like doing random mission that involves characters that I care, but I fear this is just an excuse to make a lot of content like " help this random npc to bring x thing to this location" kind of slop.
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>waterkuma-coded fanarts
cringe loser
Where's the cunny?
I hope the games good at least, I’m already not so hype because of all the furries and dudes and censorship. I don’t want another wuwa situation either…
>no cunny
fake fan
nicole is just grown up bache after all
I have to say that hype about ZZZ is surprisingly non existent. It says 47 mil pre registrations, and i can believe it - but even with Starrail (which people belive will fail because of turn based combat and no open world), there was hype for release of the game, while seems most are indifferent to ZZZ. People are jsut too fed up with Gachas, or particularly disinterested in ZZZ? Not enougth info about the game to make sense how it`ll be?

In before it launches and beats Starrail like it did Genshin back in the days.
ZZZ isn't shilled as hard as HSR/Genshin were.
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give me a countdown till launch please and thank you
>stop defending Mihoyo for everything
>defending is pointing out that its the same size as every other game
You are right comrade, i should deny reality because its made by a company and big companies are by default bad
Will there be any "serious" content in the story to warrant a mood like that?


So far everythign shown about ZZZ is lighthearted and comedic, yet in the opening they suddenly remember its actually postapocalyptic world where they all can die any second.
>drama thread deleted
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based janny, pedos btfo.
Vanillasushi is a janny...
it's over...
Well, the danger to die is real, the monsters pose a threat. Besides that, that song is just super edgy.
>OP image is reddit screencap
what the fuck do you expect, you fucking retard.
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hey Reddit mods
Clean this
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>game hasn't even launched yet
>already got drama
this sounds like a league of legends song
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I will now download your game
Keep your reddit shit out of this thread
Hollows are made up of something called Ether Energy. Ether energy actively corrupts human and kills them over time. Different people have a different kind of resistance to it, but it's not absolute.
In the prologue this is already a plot point and the cunning hares come close to dying because of it.
Besides that the monsters and shit are a real problem
We dont need to count pity anymore
I'm here to laugh, where's the funnies
If we really want this game to be a cunny game, we need to make the 5* future cunny characters to sell well,even more than some adults
Hope blue archive and some others community can help there
yes i played Snowbreak Containment Zone too.. oh wait , different game, same story
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>The pedomod still not updating the list
It’s a mihomo game, they act like preeteen girls despite being fat middle aged men
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jannies hate fun but will leave ritualposters and wuwashills alone
Fucking bullshit, mods here have NEVER cared about the absolute flood of reddit and twitter screencaps both in threads and as OPs.
But this time its one of their buddies ass, so now they suddenly care.
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He's unmodded on the subreddit.

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say sike
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previous thread collage doko?
>Ellen porn not allowed because she's in High School but she could easily be 18 and in High School
>But Nahida breeding is fine
I don't get it.
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>pedomod post has 0 likes
>every comment is arguing with him
even redditors are learning to accept cunny
This track fits better

which zzz character wouldnt mind spousal rape?
this is important
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>he will be posting with us now
eternal reminder to make fun of him until eos
>NSFW notice sticky gone
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>He's gone
Guys, I think the glowie just swipe this guy.
Zhu Yuan seems like she wouldn't mind it
>/zzz/ is a reddit colony
Joining the ranks of limbus I see
Our cunny hero.. Gone... He was going to fight back from the inside
>only Star Rail seamlessly swaps between kbm and controller
Guess that's where all the competent devs went.
>we actually have Mihoyo ninjas here
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are they ALL in here? what the FUCK is this speed?
>sticky removed
>mod status revoked
Is this the power of cunny chads?
What the fuck..
He didn't make the rules, so its not like it was actual hypocrisy. But he's a redditor so I'm not gonna feel bad for him.
Get fucked redditfag.
Not like this xisters...
He lost his job? reddit mods are paid?
bro this entire site has been a reddit colony since 2016
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>jannies defending their reddit mod cousins
>reddit meme
he's actually here wtf bwo
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RIP in pieces.
People who act like
will than go wank it to the girls in Pokemon who are clearly not adults
They are no better and just pretend to be
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Next time just accept the fact that you like cunny and stop putting up a pretense. Self-hating lolicons are such a sad existence
Yeah I think pedos lost this time
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Lolis don't look like people. I don't find real people sexually attractive but I like anime girls. Simple as.
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>turncost lost
lolicons won
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Kek. I bet he was the one suggesting that ban
Hello vanilla.
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Warm greetings to our Reddit friends currently visiting our humble general thread.
Since there is no Reddit gold here, feel free to show your appreciation by gifting me an interknot subscription
Enjoy your visit!
>Rooted out a traitor
Seems like a big win
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>this game is meant to resemble shooting, raping, stealing from and killing people yes?
>So you're a criminal
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the first limited cunny banner will be the first time I whale on a hoyo game
Yeah I fucking love the vibe of this game. I'm so tired of generic genshin fantasy shit. Even HSR went that route after Herta Space Station. Penacony was pretty cool, but the rest of the areas have just been fantasy lite. Splatoon felt fresh and I get the same vibe with this game.
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>He's also a janny in here
Absolute state of 4chan
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but it's still in the nsfw rule redditsis
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Hello fellow pedophiles
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What's a good team for Kodela? not sure if im going to reroll or not but I like this character even if she seems kinda mid according to tier lists.
Loli faces are all about cuteness. Whatever similarity they may have to real children is accidental and not the point
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Does this game have a beginner banner like HSR where after 40 pulls you get an S rank? I can't find any infor about this.
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meanwhile in chyna
>mod deleted the post
>someone doxxed him and posted it on the official sub
>thread still up with 100+ comments
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You can see the pity
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Is it gay if Von Lycaon ties me up, laughs at my shameful boner and whispers "Let me take care of that, master." and proceeds to ride me against my will until I cum?
bros, are we to be known as ziggers?
By this logic you should ban furries because they are attracted to animals
Vannilamod faps to this https://files.catbox.moe/uyofi0.jpg
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kek the west is finished. fucks can't discern reality from fiction
wait someone doxxed that faggot? LMFAO
There's no separate beginner banner, it's part of the standard banner. The first 5* pity on the standard banner is 50 pulls.
The side bar rules got zero mention of character name.
Welcome back vanillasushi
>lost the only power he'll ever have in life because he was a retard
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So are we pulling for shark girl or police girl?

Who is better?
Oh shit that's even better
What about that 300 pity picker? Is that here too?
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Cunnychads. We won.
it was by far the most popular suggestion, so yes
zigger pride worldwide
damn this general is so powerful... I kneel...
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>Not hypocrisy
Wtv you say vanillafag
Ellen is reddit ntrbait so we're waiting for cop
They never revoked the rule officially.
Yes, and the 50 pulls from the first standard banner pity counts towards that. So it's better than hsr actually
nah, someone just outed him and posting his comment about nahida
he's not a mod anymore and probably contemplaiting suicide rn
It doesn't suit the game at all imo
if only nujabes was here
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So this game is a bigger scam than HSR, noted.

Is it guaranteed to get a character at least or can you also get bricked with a weapon?
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I'm going for police girl since I'm more of an ass man and she'll work with the android cunny
Why do loli haters only play games with lolis in it? Isnt the fact that the mod that was a lolicon was the same one virtue signaling about pedos a hint that all anti lolis are hypocritical losers?
Watch this
It's always the "child protectors, loli haters, pedo killers" that are the real pedos, huh?
Why does it keep happening every single time?
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My reddit annihilator wife
Oooh, nice. Pity doesn't update in real time sadly.
I have to wait a few hours or days to count the rolls..
If they don't repost then it shows that this was created by that pedomod. Talk about hypocrisy.
>art that doesn't sexualize them
>there's characters basically half naked or their tits are almost out of their shirts
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it says minors here and considering the earlier mod post it still counts
she deleted millions...
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>Thread is gone completely.
LMAO >>484395978
but the ukranians will fume...
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Yeah, I'm skipping the launch banners and saving...
So is this gonna be Hoyo's gooner game for people who complained that HSR and Genshin were too family friendly? Seems like they are marketing it heavily based on sex appeal. Even in my city they have billboards of the pink slut shaking her ass.
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How do you uninstall all the language bloat and shit from this
>shitty bill wurtz copy
>look dude, I masturbate to yaoi, but I'm not gay because I'd never fuck a real dude, it's fictional, anime stylized men who look nothing like real men
>look dude, I masturbate to NTR but I'm not a cuck, I'd never want my actual girlfriend to cheat on me, it's just a hot fetish about humiliation, you know?
if you accept lolicon aren't pedophiles argument, then you must also accept these
furry porn should be treated on the same level as bestiality porn, a federal crime, you will find no disagreement from me there
Where is wise?
I hope she's good
I'm rolling zhu yuan so synergy might be good

for now I'll use zhu yuan + nicole and filler (nekomata if lucky)
and ellen + soukaku and filler (lycaon if lucky)
they are also big lgbt advocators and promoters by the way
he lost...
>Literal close ups of loli tummy in official media
>But my morals though!!!
These ppl are lost right? Why would they even engage with this game, much less MOD for it?
Who are on the launch banners?
most SOVLful gacha game
no one else even comes close
>So it's better than hsr actually
Not really, because in ZZZ you don't get to buy 5 standard pulls per month, so it'll go much slower
Well, you can, but because they mixed the currency (stardust/starglitter from Genshin) and uncapped how many pulls you can get per month from it, you can buy 1 limited pull instead of 2 standard pulls which is always worth more
>bro has no fun in his life
>tries to bring everyone else down to his level
The mod got suspended from Reddit XD
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This is the old Fox News logic of playing violent videogames = you are a criminal
Playing a game about shooting and killing and stealing doesn't make you any of that, it's just a videogame
so there's no monthly tickets?
so as a non gacha player let's say a new character comes out and I have 0 rolls saved, in average how much money should I spend to get that character?
>Pity doesn't update in real time
I hope devs fix that
painfully so, hopefulyl any future collabs have higher standards
Woah, look at all these pedos trying to justify themselves, as almost like deep down they know it's wrong.
Uh based
finally a game straight males can enjoy, how long was it, 10, 15 years ago?
yeah maybe if you've only played mihoyo shit lmfao
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im coming bwos
The second one doesn't seem unreasonable to me. Just like not everyone who is into ryona wants to really mutilate someone IRL. Thats why they do it in fiction.
The first one is a bit questionable, but I could believe someone is only into a specific type of anime dude.
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Exactly. Even playing a game with cunny is completely okay, because they are low rarity. Zero hypocrisy here.
I made it anons.
The story of hypocrisy.
I never know if i make these well.
I am amazed it took 2 days for this shit to occur.
ZZZ of to an amazing start.
uh oh, seething wuwakek
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Boy that escalated quickly
You can buy 5 discounted limited tickets per month, 5 discounted standards
But unlike Genshin or HSR you can then buy more limited ones for double the cost
So it's never worth it to buy standard pulls even if discounted, because you could have gotten 2.5 limited pulls from them
wait how does that work
it's just an hour or less going by how third party pity trackers work, some weird bit of how they update their backend iirc
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What a shitty edit, none of the original thread said anything about minor.

Get fucked, nigger.
Motherfucker actually deleted their account
we already have a demoted reddit mod in our threads, here to a launch month with more drama.
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You better be uninstalling shartrail as well, bwo...
yeah, they really just doubled down on retardation in every single decision they made when developing the game
That's the neat part...you can't.
>no ZZZ icon being dragged to wuwa's place
>I never know if i make these well.
Not being perfect adds to the charm if you do a collage like that so it's perfect in it's own way.
not just demoted the guy deleted his account
I made it twice in this screenshot
I wonnered
why did you uninstall wuwa?
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I tried to look if I got a pic of the banner details, and this is the only one I got sry, but W-Engines are mentioned so I think yes.
What do you get from the $20 battlepass in this game
Kodela, Ben(Bear), Soldier 11 should be a very solid fire team. You can also probably swap Ben for Lucy although you'll miss out on the specific synergy Ben offers his boss.
that skirt thing is going to get modded off day one lmao
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(((Wise))) my ass. Rin's brother's name is literally Akira.
You know like the Akira movie.
bwo... let me be in this mark of history as well please >>484392237
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I am in this image
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Holy shit I made it
>We hope to see you again
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It's in the "sidebar" rules
bros, how are the keyboard + mouse controls? They're good right? It's not another hi3 but in 2024 situation? I'm not gonna hook up a controller every time to play a gacha
So, which MC should I pick if I want to see the cute female MC as much as possible?
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It's a literal translation
bro your wireless controllers in 2024?
Good. Another lolicon W
Needs to include the part where they get demodded and their account gets suspended
Our first major part of /zzz/ history.
In three years from now, we will look back at this moment and reminiscent.
>good times
will be what anons say.
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Did we win today?
>follow the beach rule
This is culturally offensive to europeans with nudist beaches.
>Game not even out
Very promising
>T**t*ne calls people mintpickers
>Mintpicks during Arle's release
Yooo I made it
People with skeletons in their closets will always point to other people, either from projection or deflection, so everyone looks away from them
Remember that guy famous for his bestiality horse porn, that was bashing on loli and all that, only to slip and show a picture of loli Matsuri and then he tried to max damage control
>I d-didnt know, I thought she was a goblin or something
I think furries are mentally ill and should all be brutally murdered.
Should I play this game?
I still don't wanna bother, I tab out all the time while playing gachas, its just inconvenient to not play with kb+m
It's like how a lot of homophobes turn out to be huge faggots themselves, it's this need to hide what they think is "shameful" by publicly hating on it
Zenless Zone Zero fans when Zenless Zone One shows up
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Play the game and just use the rolls they give you. Don't be obsessed with trying to get every character. If it's anything like genshin and stair rail hard pity, which is for severe lucklets at 90. The best currency pack for like $100 gives you fifty rolls. If you were a servere lucklet who played the game (you'll get 40 rolls a patch unless this game is scuffed) and didn't log in log out everyday without playing it would probably be $100 every 6 weeks IF YOU DONT LOSE THE 50/50
sounds way better than 'wise' tho
Play as her
>Hear and see
Play onii-chan
Just wait until reddit finds out about waterkuma.
>guaranteed S-rank AGENT
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>doesn't finish all over her
>just loops back
If just the first patch is 50 gb with 110 gb needed to unpack, won't the size be insane in a year or two? You'll basically need 150-200 gb dedicated to just ZZZ
It's remarkable how in a game with endless cunny pandering, with waterkuma as artist, it was the grown ass maid with fat puffy udders that caused the first xitter age of consent drama
I removed all the other launchers, why would you keep them?
>lolicon W
>fan of the green potato from Genshin trying to prevent you from sexualizing 12-16 year-olds
>still not deleted
they are leaving our cunnybro vanillasushi being shamed in public...
Thank you, I also made the arby's anon one from hsrg
I find it still ok to just alt tab as is and leave the controller on the desk until you alt tab back and then pick it up.
Genshin has a problem where you can't use KB+M and controller at the same time for the game, but they did fix it in HSR where it swaps to the different control scheme instantly. I hope ZZZ does that as well.
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I'm going to make it
Cunnybros we can't stop winning
You can rebind stuff how you like, attack is not stuck on lmb like in genshin and wuwa
will this game download all over again for every update patch?
it's the .exe for each game bwo
holy shit why would you play hsr with a controller in a million years, but in genshin kb + m controls are great, in wuwa they're p good too despite the annoying cam, I hope they're tolerable in zzz for my sake tho
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Nice photoshop, tard.
Hmm I'll pick the dude then. Though it's a shame she's unplayable
Why not three boopons?
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>am in the center stage the image
>you will find no disagreement from me there
I still think they aren't the same, because you could apply to FPS games and conclude that people who play them like to shoot and kill people. And I still don't see a way to justify and not about loli or furry porn.
But at least you are not a hypocrite.
Can you rename both siblings, or only the one you play?
Both Wise and Belle sound retarded.
You'll be forced to play as one or the other sometimes anyway
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because I dont have a third boopon yet
It literally says underage individuals even in your version
So what the final element will be? Was there any leaks on it?
how optimized is this game for phones?
i think i have a mid range phone with about 70 rating score on nanoreviews
will that be enough to run the game?
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cunnybros who's ready for the cunny limited in 1.1
I'm so glad I was here for this
I don't bother with those, but that does make more sense.
Ah ok, can't you buy it or too few fragments?
You cant rename anything. You just pick the mc. The only thing you give a name is Belle and Wises shared interknot account.
hoyo games run great on phones, it's kuro games you have to worry about
i'm actually not sure why for HSR lol, i just default to controllers for action/console games cause ergo wise they feel much better if you're playing for extended amount of time.
If its a FPS, RTS, or any PC games I would use my mouse but Im enjoying the controller as some games are just designed for it.
Wonder how fast those will come out.
I didn’t get into any of the betas. What the fuck are bumgoblins anyway?
We're getting a new element every x.0 patch.
Someone told me that waterkuma is a bbc cuck. Is it true or just shitposting?
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I was on the fence about downloading the game but sushi convinced me
Its about sharing PORN you dumb fuck, every porn are not allowed not just pedo shit.
Nice try moving the goalpost from lewd pedo shit to full blown porn, YOU TARD!
>Slutty JK who sucks off old men for vending machine money
>Dandere maid with pantythose and a FAT TAIL
>Cunny fucking everywhere: Cunny in bikini, cunny in hotpants, bratty cunny
Yea I'm thinking this will be the Hoyo game I finally play.
>thinks people should be arrested for jacking it to girls with fur
the state of anti-loli tards
all 4 of those are electric element?
you mean bangbros?
They do cool shit like support, heal, buff, damage, etc with fun animations.
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What abdl diaper should I wear for the games launch bros?
bro just search up his works
indeed I am broke, I'll probably hold off on claiming until I can get the third boopon. Event lasts until the 18th anyways.
Wait, shared? So does that mean you don't even pick the protagonist, but can freely swap between them?
pedophiles killed ZZZ
we won
1 per team
You can chain attacks with them to activate their effects, which range from healing and utility to buffs and damage.
>Cunny fucking everywhere: Cunny in bikini, cunny in hotpants, bratty cunny
it's unbelievable how hard we fucking won
Thank you, yeah that’s what I meant.
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I need more media of blue cunny
did our sister generals have anything half as good as ours during their launch?
nta but the one you pick gets a macguffin shoved in em. You'll play as the other sibling sometimes anyway.
Sex with Lucy
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You do pick the mc, and more or less can swap between the two by "pausing" ingame stages. If you do that the mc you picked will stay at the pc and you control the other one.
I said "shared" because the interknot account is basically their online persona that they use to get jobs concerning hollows. And they share that persona, aka they work together on the job.
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vanillasushi bros... It's JOEver...
Early Genshin was comfy
Early HSR prerelease threads were an abomination
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That's hebe though (still cunny to Redditors I guess LOL).
Deliciously flat.
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If you think lolis are children you should not support games with lolis in them, watching cp while complaining about it is pretty retarded
For me, it's Bagboo.
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Waterkuma here, don't your worry guys.
I got you.
Do NOT disrespect the Bangboos!
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Here is the chart so you understand the situation.
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I did like early genshin when a bunch of anons helped give some 10 year old's youtube channel a bunch of subscriptions and views cause its channel name is diluc_gaming. It was pretty wholesome.
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Yup, and I never had any doubt of that
I'm not the one using old.reddit or some shit. Go to incognito. Or just a different browser.


first link. And see
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they're little guys that help you in various ways
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Remember to reroll for the best Bangboo
now it all makes sense.
Anon, they're entirely f2p...
I will roll shark bangbro for my jk wife ellen joever
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I kinda liked the male MC's design in some of his official artwork but he looks like a turbo faggot in game what the fuck
>waiter, waiter! more cunny, please.
The game isn't even out and we already lost our "the real passion project" status
If waterkuma is designer, then who is the writer?
Anon they're 100% guarantee
>deleted genshit
>deleted troonrail
>playing wuwa for good combat and models
>will play this because of waterkuma
It's just a shame the models in this game are subpar. What happened to hoyo's infinite money?
I'm gonna try the game but I haven't been keeping up with anything beta related. what banners will be available at launch? who should I be rolling for?
bangboos have a guaranteed selector like wuwa's weapon selector iirc
They should take W-Engine's spot as the weapons.
Stop playing these games then.
If I want to build a team around Nekomata, who should I be aiming for?
I’m a cunnychad but nonsexual unless it’s a shota. Hag shota is peak. I only like collecting cunny and giving them head pats. I think I’m autistic.
ZZZ just turned 18 is now kicked out of the house.
>Someone called “Gallagherscock” unironically trying to lecture people about sexualising fictional characters
Reddit man… I STG
the fuck is an astaweave
Just look at Lucy art, he's not even hidding it.
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Man they really fucking hate genshit huh. They'll use genshit money on literally anything but itself
>not bagboo
>not boollseye
>not even sharkboo
bro wtf u doin
Isn't Gallagher 13 anyway?
and she's a furry, because of course they are
Sounds like that Animal Crossing gacha they're working on
he said that as a joke and it's impossible
you can't pay for boopons you can only get that by doing events and bp rewards there's no need for reroll. also you can select which bangboo you want from the banner
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when will we get actual cute playable animal characters like this?
Didn't they trademark the name for the AC one a while ago already? Star Valley or something was the english name I think
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>I like hags and shota
You are just retarded, I think
Gallagher is a meme and was literally created 13 years ago. There are readlets in this thread.
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Mihoyo did a good job of hiding this info though. If you look up "ZZZ official artist" on google absolutely nothing comes up
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thanks cunnybro, you all are welcome here
What other boos are there
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thanks senpai, appreciate the warm welcome.
There is a way to run around town and do some stuff as the unpicked sibling still. It just doesn't actually hot-swap your whole account between them.
oh fuck am I too late for this event?
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The name is too chuuni for that type of game. This might be a trademark for their FPS they're staffing up for
post cunny feet before you go bro pls
It's either the AC clone or the card game
might scare reddit mods
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Thanks /bag/bro
I mean there's space for only one more in the UI.
you've got like 2 weeks left
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Still the same, get fucked.
Only on hoyo threads...
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bitch you better drop those ambitions and get back to work... I already lost SU to screwllum and I won't have my navigator getting a big head.
the construction one is fun
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Nijika is that you
seriously, how did this guy get the job? reminds me of the himukai yuuji fiasco with FEkeks
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yes, this seems to be a different project
Maybe that fps shooter that was rumored to be in development years ago?
I’m fine with hebe and above since petite adults exist but this shit’s legitimately nasty.
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Thanks, /bag/. may our alliance be fruitful. I'll have you know though that I probably started playing BA before 99% of all on this site.
almost done downloading bros finally after 9 and half hours
Hey, I'm new to fachas and I'm interested in this game because it looks kinda like DMC to me.
How long does it take for new characters to come out? The two in the launch banners look boring to me.
weapon of mass uninstall
>Animal Crossing KINO
>Probably some shooter to compete with Snowbreak?
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Yeah HSR was a warzone then which is funny because no one cares about Seele anymore...
each banner lasts 3 weeks
Stay based and prosper, /bag/
>Remove pedo mod from the forum
>Still let the pedo lead artist working for your game.
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I mean...
We just had a mod with "I bred Nahida" post that anti-loli post, it doesn't seems like Mihoyo does that much opsec.

In any case, he has great character designs.
>How long does it take for new characters to come out?
Who knows? Considering the effort going in the models and animations I'd assume the release schedule won't be as fast as Star Rail, which was pretty much monthly.
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Why is a game made by a chinese nuclear energy provider company that is supposed to be played on mobiles asking me for 110 GB of free space on my PC? How many bitcoin miners I'm downloading from this?
AI powered robots. In story they're basically the equivalent of service dogs for normal people who accidentally get caught in a hollow. But your MC uses one as a drone body for combat and interacting with Agents in the field.
now post cunny feet
>he doesn't know the mod was removed for discouraging pedos
it's 50gb unzipped
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What a show
starry sky valley (animal crossing clone)
unannounced shooter (most likely a snowbreak competitor)
unannounced honkai impact open world with monster collection (like azur promilia)
astaweave haven
what other projects is hoyo working on?
astaweave could be the hoyo mmo
It's 50gb, 110 is only for the unzip
Anons are horny today
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AAAAARGH it's killing me, Belle is just too cute but i don't want to hear the brother yapping around..
I can't decide!!
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I want like none of the characters on the launch banner, do I just wait until subsequent banner launch before rolling or do I need them to progress?
3 characters per 6 weeks; sticking to that if they try to hsr model but dumping it and aiming more for 1-2 if they go the genshin route
Kek when he just drilled at him. Didn't expect thst
they're both good artists, it's not like drawing degen porn invalidates you from getting professional work
How am i supposed to consume all this hoyoslop? Soon I’ll have 6 games to play everyday and he playing $100 a month to upkeep all the battle passes and log in bonuses…..
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I'm so fucking glad we have an alliance with /bag/, those guys know how to fucking handle schizos and troons.
Why are we acting like Waterkuma means we're going to get a new age of lolicon stuff?
Or are you guys just finding any excuse you can to post off-topic porn
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You people are promoting literal pedophilic fiction. Do you seriously not get it?
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Should I get a roll from the online event or the bubble thingy?
I see thanks, well given that they showed a bunch of unreleased characters I imagine that they already have some ready to go, else it would be a nightmare to build everything from scratch each banner.
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I preloaded the game on piss5. The only thing that would make me play on PC is cool costumes mods, but all costume mods are just ports of ancient DoA shit these days
Whoever at Oyohim decided that this boring ass bitch should be the launch banner character needs to be barred from the industry. Seele is the gacha equivalent of wet cardboard.
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Miyabi, my beloved.
They know bro, they know...
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which ZZZ character is most like bache?
you can wait, A-ranks should be fine
I expect them to be a monopoly soon enough. We already have competition between their games like this shit is Coke vs Pepsi.
You know reddit did everything right?
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stop traumatizing the redditsisters bwo...
How popular do you think ZZZ will be?
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I'll main the demon chick and the robot dude. Dont care about the rest except maybe the gyaru and the cop chick
Is there a launch 5* selector? How long does it take to reroll?
>seriously, how did this guy get the job?
what do you mean? have you not played any other mihomo games? a BBC cuck artist is a perfect fit for them
I really hope this won't be a problem in the near future...
I mean... 50gb is still a fucking lot for a game like this, this is launch GTA5
just use the standard rolls and save, yes
most characters are free or a rank
This girl need to breed.
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are there uncensored beta outfits mods yet?
You don't know this character. What if she has a really annoying personality or they reveal she has a male friend she's really close with?
I'm picking the brother only to hear Belle calling me "oniichan"
>could have just not say anything and not open any links

I will never understand redditors
based but stop posting reddit shit
not a problem you fuck her friend too so he doesn't get jealous
Didn't waterkuma design bache?

Anyway it's Piper
given all the genshin and HSR mods and mihoyo not willing to do anything about them, i'm pretty sure within a week we'll get a certified Waterkuma approved modpack for all the characters.
You mean this >>484397545 ?
It's hoyo so popular... Like nintendo games
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Asian anime otaku including pp like Da Wai don't care about lolis getting hammered. This is entirely a western thing.
Can my pc run this if it runs genshin and wuwa fine?
>1y ago
actually based. what happened to him that made him change his mind?
>Went on saving some art of 17yo Shark for my art folder.
>Dude already commited sudoku
Well that was fast. Altera of PGR's Discord held for whole day.
>spreading the shitted virus on reddit
Yes dont worry
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>literal randoseru rapebait
Fuck off
god i hope so
>sexy cop below blantant homo furry baits
Hang yourself
>corin sss
Opinion discarded
It has to be bots. Every single time someone says that. Even the lolicons pull that card out and say it helps them "process the trauma."
You reroll for Bangbros?
>smug loli with this mommy-vibe personality
We don't have one YET

Kek, saved
I feel like we'll use this pic a lot
She got older.
No bro that shit is free and you cant whale for it either
hoyo is going to be just as popular as nintendo, if not more, soon
they are already delivering on quality and quantity for entirely f2p games that one doesn't even see in AAA games nowadays
once they make a proper monster collection game like pokemon with really appealing designs, then they are simply going to take over even nintendo
i was really hoping they would prioritize that since the monster collection genre us in such an awful state right now thanks to pokemon
roco kingdom is a thing, but we don't know if it's going to release globally
the only thing we know is it's releasing within the next 6 months
Will ZZZ surpass genshin and HSR?
no lol
why are BAtroons so obsessed with reddit and twitter?
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Can someone teach me how to breed?
no. and it does not have to.
so this will be a war between western moralfaggotry and asian based degeneracy
Nobody irl is getting hurt, so it isn't pedophilia
There's a Casual Ellen model, could be one of them
No and hopefully not
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6/17 characters at launch are cunny (most being actively sexual) and leaks keep up that ratio. If this isn't a cunny game I don't know what is
somehow worse than the meme lists posted yesterday
anon bellow is gay
They already are Chinese Nintendo at this point. I just wish they made better games.
is this game fun?
I like the penguin one
They have 0 gameplay thats all they can do
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Bache was split into Nicole, Lucy and Piper.
Is she breedable?
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Some anon in a previous thread mentioned the Dohna Dohna vibes in ZZZ and I can't unsee it now.
>I gorlt groomed and molested as a child!!!!!! stop reliving my trauma
>username: moonsensual
Cunny aside, her giant pants/thighs things are cute
just like ff14
there won't be any decent discussion until the game servers go live
avoid browsing here until then since it has already become prime shitposting grounds for all the turdworld shitposters from the shitty gacha generals like wuwa and bag
I think it will by a long shot
Urban settings are mega normie friendly, normalfags won't care for lolis, only virtue signaler ironic weebs get "disgusted" at underage designs
i dont know, it's not out yet
>corinigger has shit taste
how surprising
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Your general literally tried to have a reddit screncap as OP...
Me too, but the one with a dart and target stuck to his face is nice too.
Can't believe they got Vash the Stampede in this game
Of course the fofoposter has shit takes

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You can only play this game if you prove you aren’t a shitter and post your MoC 12 clear
Who's this?
waterkuma is simply too powerful for the average redditor to understand
bro your pal world? caset beasts? nexomon? digimon? Moonstone Island?
I'm going to rape that bottom loli on a train while everyone watches and then high five all of the office workers afterwards
The setting and aesthetic is the only reason I'm giving Hoyoslop another chance. Reminds me of Jet Set Radio and shit.
compared to hsr early days we are pretty comfy
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Isbsge a 4 star or an upcoming 5 star? If its the latter then I'm skipping the cop
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If you don't know what those words mean you shouldn't be playing the game
>hawk tuah
>fanum tax
>give me your ohio
>sexy cop? no sir
>generic maid loli? zoowee mama!
ZZZbros I need your lewdest Ellens
Free 4* (A-Rank)
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>reddit mods when they see loli
>Ellen the reddit
add mewing and aura
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I'd say so
They would probably help you and masturbate while watching
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I highly doubt either one of these is the case. But either way, you should let people enjoy thing anon.
but it is still funny to see pokefags absolutely chimpout over palworld
holy moly
tendies really are sudh pathetic manbabies
they are also the ones who endlessly seethe over genshin on /v/
that's why i cannot wait for that animal crossing clone and roco kingdom
it's going to be a tendie massacre soon
Wait... you pull for unit, their signature weapon AND Bangboo partner?
How much does it cost to compete a unit with 3 needs?
Bro we're one week away from a new PF come on we're all done with MOC already
Ellen is officially a reddit character
griddy is a boomer word and hawk tuah is a conservative implant meme
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Our esteemed CEO dawei who loves klee.
Heres him awkwardly standing in a photo with Aimer. He really has that weeb energy who doesnt know how to pose when they meet their favorite VA in a comic con.
Is there gameplay from other unreleased characters?
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Perfectly balanced, as it should be
that robobutt...
Bangboos are F2P only and 1 per team
>>hawk tuah
Thats a boomer one
Fox girl is the upcoming 5* from her faction.
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>didn't even mention baby gronk
who let this boomer on 4chan
gig was during quarantine, hsrg was hi3freaks killing the mood.
zzz has the better pre launch threads
I need to CLANG the robocunny
didn't know da wei was a lolicon is he that based
Bangboo pulls are only obtainable by grinding them directly. You can't convert gacha currency to them nor buy them with real money directly. They're entirely f2p. And bangboos are kinda ass regardless.
Why yes I do consider games that offends trannies and jannies to be of higher quality how could you tell?
>Ellen S
>Gay bear A
Troon ahh list
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Bangboos rolls completely f2p.
Choose your onahole.
yeah that's a major out of touch millennial meme
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>>hawk tuah
whats this one?
my tierlist:
great designs: nicole, anby, billy, soukaku, ben
trash designs: the rest
We hate the bangboos here
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that's outdated bro
>Is she
He's a phone-poster.
she's frankenstein
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cunnychads are based. only the actual pedos, unironically the xitters and redditors, fears them.
i'm a bangboo guy
bears are cool as fuck and ellen is a woman (unlike certain posters)
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>He doesn't know
Xitter is going to cancel ZZZ in the west when they hear about this
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>tier lists before the game is out
Just use this as reference when judging a character.
You would be happy to know that most 3d animators that work for Disney also animate bestiality and other degenerate shit in their spare time.
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Nice, havent had a reason to main a 4 star since FGO so it will be nice to try that again
Eh, she looks pretty boring to be honest
I assume avocado is just lower rarity butler?
Where is the butler?
>t. takes bear cock while watching Ellen rim old men
>Ben higher than Koleda
Huh. Odd.
>Be careful of what you post on social media
>Literally makes a video exposing how rotten HR is
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>plebbit already complaining about lolicon
>They still didn't realized who the lead artist of their game.
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Everyone loves Klee, when Nasu from type moon had a talk show with HSR he asked if they can ask the genshin team to buff Klee. ZZZ might have a better chance in JP i think.
will they fire watercooma over these shit if it gets too big?? this might be concerning
But miura says lolicons are pedos in that image.
Soukaku isn't free. She's a general pool A-rank.
Free A-rank is Corin.
Soukaku is pretty fun, has some unique support skills, and synergizes well with Ellen.
niggaboo is the only bangboo i will roll for
bro stop posting reddit screenshots it's not funny anymore
Chinese Blizzard, complete with Chinese wow
Will there be any sort of multiplayer in this game? Is there even a friends list?
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Trigun is older than Hellsing, Hellsing is older than Devil May Cry, and Deadpool wasn't a comedic character until 1997.
they wont unless they want him to unleash the hundreds of ZZZ BBC art hes been amassing the last 2 years.
Soukaku is free from the abyss mode or whatever the fuck, we get one of almost all A ranks for free from something
Maybe not but it will be top 3 nevertheless people who say zzz doesn't interest anyone are delusional
Bro, that's a child.
Are the elements relevant in any way in this game or are they just different colors?
speak for yourself bruv
bagboo is for (me)
People actually jerk off to this?
That's the first time I hear about it. Source?
Great news, if that's true.
a 17 year old 364 days 23 hours OLD UNDERAGE MINOR CHILD
The only multiplayer in cbt3 was
>weekly boss co-op
>snake arcade pvp
>soulhounds arcade pvp
There was not even a friendlist. But they 100% are adding that for the release
Deadpool is still better than all of them by a landslide in both comedy AND capability.
i see what about nahida she's cute and funny too
it seems they don't care bro
Genshin gave free two 4* characters for clearing easy mode abyss.
>piper in b
where do these people come from
alright mihoyo we need our own loli Alucard by putting Billy into a loli cyborg body
Bears are cool, is that a controversial statement?
You can't even say it's furry shit, it isn't anthro, he's a fucking bear
What other game lets you play as a bear?
how do I roll from the online event????? my game just says to wait yet I see people here claiming dailies??
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I miss Dragalia Lost so much
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Is the preorder crap worth the 11 bucks?

I don't even know what these 150.000 gugligoos and 40x Bazingadingas do...
>ellen zone zero
yawn, wake me up when an actual good character shows up
The source is CBT3. You basically got everyone except Anton, who was on the first banner anyway. Not sure about Piper and Lucy.
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did any other game ever mindbreak /v/ as much as genshin and palworld?
bro she’s only 17.

now if you’ll excuse me, I need to breed my 500 year old wife nahida.
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BAtroons...your epic raid already got BTFO...
cunny feet!
honestly that kind of archetype would be based. Maybe a bratty loli vampire leading the maids as a dracula reference
She's a very good Ice support. Be on the lookout for Ice characters you like.
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Dang anons really wanna fuck the bear huh
stop projecting your porn search history bwo
that's a revolver
Damn both limited units are lower than standard characters.
the redditors are more sane than this thread. WTF??
If HSR was able to surpass Genshin, why wouldn't ZZZ be able to surpass both?
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It's a shark
So Lucy is a 4 star only on the 1.1 patch? Is there any system akin to grailing or something to mark your absolute favorite characters and make them stronger?
It gives a miniscule heal that barely matters from what little I used it
>BA troons
what are you talking about?
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when you can leach from an 80 year old franchise i hop that you are better
western mental illnesss, not my problem
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It's this event. Shuyu Defense is ZZZs abyss
ayo this game raycis against amerimutts
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Kyostinv has a nice video summing up the basics so far, seems like the rates are better here in zzz compared to hsr or genshin too.
lol at anons that really thought people would care, they would only care if he was still doing this kind of art
>The source is CBT3.
You got my hopes up for nothing.
Anon, they gave out characters and gacha currency during CBT like candy for testing purposes. I got EVERY character in the game in under a month during CBT2. The freebies are not gonna be nearly as generous on live server.
A shark that looks like a child.
It has just 2 pulls in it, absolutely no.
How long do sharks live? Most sharks live for 20 to 30 years in the wild, but some species can live far longer lives. At the extreme end of the longevity scale are Greenland sharks, which can live for at least 272 years, making them the longest-living vertebrates (backboned animals) in existence.

Ellen Joe is a 50 year old hag btw in human years
can you pick who to switch to in the party in this game or do you only swap to the next character in line?
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He's limited? I think
>ellen is a woman
That's a child.
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billybros ww@
Haha that's funny :)
isnt this an arknights eceleb
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cunnygods still winning, normies don't have the balls to stop watercooma
As far as mascot characters go I like them. They can't speak, which is a plus, and they're stylized enough to be generically cute.
She was a reward from clearing abyss levels in CBT3, she's the Xiangling/QQ of this game unless they simply change it to a different character.
surpass genshin in what, were you around when genshin came out? HSR isn't even comparable
man I forgot how much I loved Waterkuma's porn
this one was great
Hell nah
great white sharks live up to 70 years
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>blahaj character
>boy shark characteristics but female presenting human
>sees animal
>first thought is SEX
anon, you want to share something with us?
I pity future anon who will never get the "ellen is a loli" shitposting.
not into the pee though
bangboos cool, I hope we get a yankee/delinquent one soon
ellen is so boy coded it's insane
i love shinobu she's so erotic
>Literal who rando
Don't care
Good taste.
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Holy shit and you're telling me this guy is responsible for character art in this game?!? Fucking based but I can't see that not being the cause for a twitter shitstorm at some point
I just like degrading aspect of it
We are all bangbros here
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I'm only down for this if he keeps the same voice and is weirdly into it.
pompom > bangboo > paimon
waaay too many pedos in here.
Aren't rates kinda irrelevant until you know how generous they are with paid currency?
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I want to breed.
You get one copy of soukaku for free
a lot of the people in this thread are being disingenuous to troll
Those words mean nothing to me. I haven't played any of the previous hoyo games.
Anyway, her being an event reward specifically, rather than being sent in the mail to you for reaching a milestone during the CBT, is a good sign. After all, they did let us test some events during the CBT, which, I assume, will run on live at some point. Hopefully more or less unchanged.
Would hate to miss on Soukaku.
Waterkuma is going to add a black guy to the game
post more cunny
animals are sexier than people
You have to grind FTP goodboy points in the hopes to get this limited bro in his banner window?
That's kinda fucked.
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Same character?
see>>484402512 normies will only care if he was still doing loliporn
fucking agree. it has gotten 10x worse in like the last 2 days
me after getting a summer tan
true, we need a few months to see how generous they are, HSR for example gives like 30 more pulls per patch than genshin but they also release like way more 5* characters.
Not sure where ZZZ is going to land in chart.
lol wtf is the shark doin
The game was announced with some amazing characters, but most of the new ones just look like NPCs
It's a milestone/starter event that gives you a 4* character in each game for doing roughly the same thing, so yeah. It should stay.
Miyabifags, who are we rerolling for?
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>surpass genshin in what
uoooh that belly
But I don't want to bang Bangboo, and I do want to bang Paimon and Pompom
Finally a good self insert.
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pedo game
File deleted.
you can freely choose now what baangboo you want
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oyohim special
given that miyabi is ice, you'll probably need the wolf furry and shark maid. Or if they're faction focused then you have to wait until they release her faction more.
Wise will be a cuck onii-chan with no personality
>game that runs better on mobile makes more mobile money
Dupes unlock more of her passives, but I'd be happy to just have her. ZZZ being an action RPG means a lot more depends on the player input, rather than the character stats.
It's urban fantasy and I don't mind. Let the 10 black zzz enjoyers have a character.
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I think I'm just gonna skip everything to be safe, but maybe I try and get Soukaku for ice synergy.
He wouldnt cuck his sister...
Rerolling for Ellen and weapon then go full f2p
90% of leaked characters look like ass
based desu
even acheron doesn't compare to the money genshin made early on
I'm right here.
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I need to stop coming here during American hours
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just filter is sis
It's a TABLE not a tier list.
the fantasy part is that there's no black people and there's good public safety
The mobile market is like twice as big as the PC market. That's where all the money is.
piper and lucy look amazing, some of the newer ones are just unrefined prototypes probably
I hate that it works for views.
>that there's no black people
nobody tell her
how do I roll from the online event????? my game just says to wait yet I see people here claiming dailies??
You just made me realize there is no annoying mascot in this game
What are the best hours then
we get an AI called Fairy
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I don't mind it.
There's no singular one, but bangboos are omnipresent in this game.
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>piper or Lucy existing didn't trigger plebitors/xitters
>Neither waterkuma's past
>But Ellen Joe Being 17 yo + nipple send them into a melty.
I feel bad for the black gamer nerds. They're pretty cool.



New thread
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these fuckers are adorable
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Does this guy even knows that he's gonna play a game made by a pedo artist?
Does it talk?
This is a video game general, not a reddit screenshot board.
is it fuckable?
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They don't talk.
Ellen forma de 12yo
bangboos are kino, no yapping like paimon and the designs are pretty genuinely cute
>browsing reddit
fuck off and stay there
>had to run away from his discussion on leddit and post it here
not a good look sis
Should you Skip Furry1 for Furry2?
Don't make these ZZZ mistakes!
25 tips every player needs!
how to do 10x more damage!
How to get these amazing weapons for FREE
Zhu Yuan you mean? Her flashiest thing is her shape-shifting gun.
it's the only thing it does

if there's a will there's a way
he does but turn a blind eye to it
This is pedo general.
where next thread?
Why are you browsing reddit?
She matured quickly...
I thought normals dig up the past for anything cancel worthy
Then again if Trudeau can get away with it so can H2Oursus
It better have snark like Daxter and a voice like Clank or straight into the canine stir-fry it goes.
Thanks bwo, but I really don't care about seeing blacks in the games I play, I don't know where this obsession came from.
she's hot and distinct, the highlights are a good touch
It's funny because all those videos literally say the same thing
People trying to get paid
anyone wanna bake or should I
>You're a pedo
> you're mad that he's calling you out
lol no, I'm laughing actually.
This guy is in for a rough awakening when xitter exposed the lead designer of his beloved game.
He literally praising ZZZ for months.
That's...not as ass as I thought it would be.
Bro we have still 30 hours left to fill somehow before we can actually talk about the game
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QRD? What is happening with Ellen Joe and the damn nipple thing?
Might be true for every other gacha. but genshin is a household name in the west. and people primarily play it on PC
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Its annoying.
the first thing i thought of when seeing the designs/world.

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