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Last: >>484380038

>ZENLESS – Tiësto x Zenless Zone Zero

>Ellen Character Teaser - "Oh Ellen, Please!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eURuH5-boxo (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO9-Hs7jH0I (JP)

>Zenless Zone Zero's Version 1.0 Pre-Release Special Program, "Welcome to New Eridu”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uACgiN-216s (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb8rFgS0ia0 (JP)

>Release date:
July 4th, 2024 on PC, PS5, and mobile

>44+ Trillion Pre Registrations
>Pre-Register for Zenless Zone Zero:

>Web Event


>Official Twitter Account:

>Capcom x Hoyoverse Creator Roundtable

>Redeemable codes (claimable only in-game)


>ZZZ stickers
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learn with bag and filter the moralfags out
Threadly reminder that pedos lost.
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Who here gonna reroll for Rina?
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No more reddit please
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>180 free pulls on release
why would anyone spend money on this game if the release character is free?
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reminder that normalfags do not care about waterkuma only people here
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>two shitty ritualposts
I wanna be crushed by Bailu's thick... oh wait wrong thread
how do I roll from the online event????? my game just says to wait yet I see people here claiming dailies??
stop fucking gatekeeping retards this is a pve game
I might actually play with the english dub because I think some of the voices fit the characters better than the japanese dub.
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spambot post
el gato sexo (official)
I hope I get at least one copy of Anby
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Impossible, it's a hoyo game.
>I play this game because of waterkuma
>Don't play this game then?
im getting her 100% i love arai satomi
I plan to accept my fate. I can do something interesting with any of them.
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discord is in the other tab anon
they won't ban him nor the firefly spammer so just filter them
That's the catch, it's a fake number for propaganda, a lot of those rolls are from the bangboo banner
You actually get something like 70 from freebies, but if you clear the whole game it adds up to like 170 rolls if you use the "jades" or "primos" for that
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why are you saying the same shit that they said about hsr on it's release using a march pic
>better than the japanese dub
No. Just no.
It's nice that the chinks are hiring some fresh blood, because the EN anime dubbing scene was stale as fuck. But even comparing them to professional JP seiyus is ridiculous.
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>You can freely change your MC's gender
Based oyohim giving FeMC pickers the option to detransition whenever they choose.
fucking mid compared to ellen
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>how it feels to defend EN dub on 4chan
I will also be using EN, but they're gonna come for you now bro
>Want a Super Sentai faction
>Starlight knights is a commercial
Yep they coming.
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>you should die for liking drawings
>but the artist likes it too
>no no, he's allowed, you aren't
Most of the free pulls are for the non-limited Gacha.
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>Someone will prefer playing as a girl instead of having a brocon sister
Couldn't be me.
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Fairy really isn't annoying, or a mascot for that part. It's basically your navi.
It also lets you skip the captcha puzzles, so it's based.
I will try it for a bit
Since it's already downloaded anyways
But will be deleted
neck yourself
just disregard people being retarded
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i love this brat
which song would you have our neko dance to?
The rick roll one is pretty nice.
Apart from the furry, which S-rank do you NOT want to get from the beginner banner?
you love who?
That's stellebot btw.
Out of ten!

how do I roll from the online event????? my game just says to wait yet I see people here claiming dailies??
stop fucking gatekeeping retards this is a pve game
Rina, really not a fan
this, the VA union in burgerland is all nepo and they take all the roles for themselves.
Post any breedable characters.
bro says this when he's simping for a boring bland bitch
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Don't do this...
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JP vas have been voicing the same archetype of character for the last 30 years so I don't get this
bigger than mine...
no wonder she's popular
With music OP
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OH FUCK excuse me... SHE'S A KID!!!!!
she was only 17 years 364 days and 23 hours old you sick fuck
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If you don't know what those words mean you shouldn't be playing the game
>hawk tuah
>fanum tax
>give me your ohio
>no cap
>vibe check
>let him/her cook
Overhyped character that has zero personality past being a cold turkey.
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redditbros, did we wonned?
how do I roll from the online event????? my game just says to wait yet I see people here claiming dailies??
stop fucking gatekeeping retards this is a pve game
It's not people being pigeonholed into a role, the American VAs for these stuff actively push out new blood. It's an extremely cancerous clique that should be killed and I hope companies avoid them
That's look breedable.
her va she's one of my favorites
no really why the need to announce the dub you are using?
Are mihomo stupid? Why would they put the most popular character on the first banner, nobody is gonna roll again once they get Ellen perfection.
guys we're on 4chan and it's an anime site so you have to only listen to jp vas, I'm a zoomer and this is what I learned so far browsing here
>troons think they will ever look this cute
The web event in the OP nigger
does this game have anything to offer to someone who is not a gay furry or a pedophile?
I'm skipping ellen for zhu yuan though
you're not wrong but Mihoyo games have a fair number of new rookie VAs thighnari's VA was one before he tried to groom minors
Ok thank you, what exactly do I need? do I need to create an official account, or use my google account? THANK YOU FOR REPLYING THANK YOU
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Batting your summons LOOKS fun, but I can't imagine it PLAYS well. But maybe the devs will surprise me.
I don't know if it's the honkai star rail in me but these designs actually look like they're made by humans not ai
I wont be able to play Day 1 because my whole apartment power will be out the whole day for maintenance, How bricked am I?
I didn't ask for a faggot's input?
fucking nice
yeah it has hags with big milkers too.
yeah it's one of the good things they do with the EN dub.
does this game have anything to offer to someone who is a gay furry pedophile?
I will play English so I don't have to read
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>being a cold turkey
She's so fucking hot and must be bred then!
holy retard, you dumb fucking bitch. you have a brain, don't you? use it faggot
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Correct sir.
I will download your game
Ellen is for cute transgirls no pedos allowed
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kids these days are fucked UP
She's probably clunky and not optimal to play but who cares
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mah nigga
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uhh okay
I really like her boots...
Bro just log in to your account and do the things
Sharks don't have a penis, retard.
Ellen Zone Zero
Everyone else doesn't matter
I will play the English because it's literally better they're just coping
Post shark butt
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>Spammer pic got deleted a the same time as this post
LMAO, Pedo general boys!
Not only EN sounds horrible, but the VAs are actual troons that hate anything that men like.
Newfag read the OP
sorry bruh she's lolicoded
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>Some retards actually raiden the ZZZ subreddit now
What account? I have no account except that I linked my gmail after downloading the game from the play store please onegai
Who here gonna NEVER reroll and just let fate play out
why are we arguing over dubs again
Bro your phone and power bank?
apparently she's the Bennett of ZZZ
when Ellen isn't on the screen, we should all ask "Where's Ellen?"
I want to play with Billy and the blue girl, what 5 star should I pull for then?
17 is an adult.
No only if you're a faggot, a furry faggot, or a pedophile
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I agree, cringe JP listeners do indeed have shit taste. Kawaii desu ne, baka baka oniichan.
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what else is there to do
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me. every game i rerolled i stopped playing. longterm it just doesn't matter.
blue girl is on ellens banner and I think you get billy for free
i was a fan of ellen before the normies found her
also mid compared to ellen
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For the Stock Up event, you can only get three Boopons right?
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>EN voicel ines
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they really focused on the animations to compensate for everything else in the game
rerolling in mihoyo games is never worth it
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I'll only do it if I get the furry faggot.
>Spammer is anti-cunny
No wonder He hates this game.
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Might as well make her younger.
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>Not only EN sounds horrible
SA or SEA? Or are you a poo?
I'm sticking to the same mihoyo account. I rerolled in genshin but never since.
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Billy's free and he's the guy I'm looking forward to play anyways so not rerolling.
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I'm still waiting on confirmation that this game has auto play. No auto play dailies? Shant be downloading
If the game doesn't have a reroll that doesn't require making hundreds of accounts, then I'm just rolling with fate.
He's right though, Japanese is way more pleasing to the ear.
>cunny in high heels
fucking hot
The problem isn't auto play, the problem is if its fucking slow like WuWa and Genshin dailies
There is no way. He got banned for something else and the posts got deleted. automatically.
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Is Benten free?
If you want to post in /zzz/ you have to show proof that you have Ellen.
is it true that the shark girl is cuckbait or is it just the usual troon spamming /gig/ with his mental illness?
never rerolled in genshin or star rail either
I remember my friends rerolling for Diluc/Venti for 2 days straight, while I enjoy the game with my Keqing.
Okay. Post yours now.
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Maybe if you're 10 or younger or a manchild
Of course
That's a child.
bro she's 17 how would that even be cuck bait
why are shitposters falseflagging as ellen likers now
What do you think?
shes a cute JK in highschool full of horny teens, what do you think ?
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whats the coop like in this game?
Not sure if baiting or genuinely deaf
Well the chad student in her trailer obviously likes her and she was florting with the old man she was protecting so...
She literally denied every single person that she came across in her character trailer, what are the shitposter saying?
I'm just gonna usa THAT
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I left mine in CBT...
>you don't have my trained weeaboo ears man
>you wouldn't get it
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Yeah... no.
I need Soldier 11, she has the coolest gameplay of all the characters, not waiting 6 months for the selector to play with an actual fun character.
Is there a collage of all the playable characters on release so I can choose who to dickroll for? Thanks in advance
Me, can't be bothered to
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you will never be japanese
Dont have a power bank, I only use my phone to read manga and getting calls, (it has 8gb of space in total)
how do I save for the inevitable limited cunny then
much obliged
Me, i don't reroll, however i will be VERY sad if i get the fucking furry, its the only standard character i don't want
She denied the people her age but has no problem with older guys
You will never be an adult.
>auto play an arena battler
nigger the combat is the whole point
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This, but unironically.
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Vanillabro, would you still breed her?
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i WILL be japanese
>Billy and the blue girl
There's basically no synergy there. So it doesn't matter.
If you're talking about the web event, the rewards are garbage you don't have to bother.
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She is your friend
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Nothing of value is lost, then. Good riddance.
you're gonna ruin their day anon, stop this. they've been studying kanji all year. they've been using their anki and they even changed their os language to japanese.
How many limited banner rolls do you get per reroll?
a shark shouldn't have boobs this big
Is there an Ellen discord yet?
coop with my fellow lo/zzz/ers
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Team 1 Billy, Anby, Nicole
Team 2 Ellen, Soukaku, Corin
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So what is happening with Ellen Joe and the nipple incident? Did we get official lewds or something?
I would reroll, but I want to use my genshit account to have statistics in one place.
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I love many aspects of Rina.
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/hsrg/ refugee here. Is it true? Does this game have cunny? I haven't checked anything, I was just starting the pre-download. Please tell me it's true. We've been cunny deprived for an entire year... I need my fix....
doesn't matter, I made an official account if you were trying to help then thank you
everyone else is a fucking scum of the worse caliber and no wonder you're vaxxed
Vannila here.
>Action game
Please don't let this thread be infested with AIslop...
I won't since after finishing the content on release I will drop it until 2.0 patch for more content.
The face needs to be filled with disgust.
Boring ahh design with an even more boring personality
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Me and (you)
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she's the best
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>out of 10

I wanna be crushed by Bailu's thick tail! I mean yes.
anybody have a webm of her ult animation. specifically the finger wiggle?
I just noticed that Belle has pretty big tits for her tiny frame.
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four cunnies so far
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she needs to be red
Anons who know Japanese are already playing superior JP mobage like Gakumas and Uma Musume.
The problem aren't the dailies, it's the farming
If you have to manually farm the same boring ass easy dungeon you already beat for one billion times for mats/gear, then it's shit
Its too late bwo, all sorts of people will be swarming in on the next 24 hours
Check HI3.
All dailies are auto complete.
>playing male mc
Couldn't be lmao
>the deathblow
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>character is in highschool
>look at her 2d portrait
>puffy nipple protrusion
thats literally it
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Drop hsrg, come home cunny brother.
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>Game isn't even out yet
>Random ass reddit mod delivered a meme worthy of shitposting for an entire year.
hebecunny, not potato
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The fuck is your problem, faggot? Did a she molest you in your sleep?
true she's hot
Pedophiles killed ZZZ
late as fuck, you had one job
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Hi /zzzg/!
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4 cunny, 2 debatably cunny
CHADphiles saved ZZZ
This guy post on /v/ too lol
kek you got the granny fuckers riled up with this one
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I like Clara too
There's no g kokog
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>Another one mindbroken
Scary radish
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Yeah yeah you like cock
bros how does this hot goddess have so many less views than the younger characters? she has so much soul and booba. I legitimately don't understand.
the wwg schizo is your problem now zzzg
>the year is 2024
>we are finally playing a mihoyo game with good tits
She's cute. I'm sold.
It's Lisa/Nat syndrome.
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Pedophiles alivened ZZZ
How come that all /bag/gots act like schizos?
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I can't sleep now because I can't stop laughing about the last thread.
>both general I like are already infested with them and they often devolve into /g/ talk and goon circles.
does she count as cunny?
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Thanks for the compliment
time to get nerfed in future patches..
Ellen clears, I'm afraid
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Figures, I forgot SEA dogs tap into anything that can be considered as porn because they are that deprieved
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>lizfags already here
she's more of a hebe
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zzz in general just doesn't attract much attention and thats a good thing
I generally dislike hags but her ghost theming is cute
>big breasts
God, I hate ironic lolicons.
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It's always a pleasure to guide my brothers to a better place.
Lolifags are easily the most obnoxious fucks. They are like a plague on /vg/.
bread this fucking cunt now
We like em young
yeah, but are you breedable?
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>40+ standard pulls for rerolling in 30-40mins
/zzz/ is a lolichad general
>Rina spam hours
Oh brother.
Better not ever go to CELL BLOCK-1.
>on god
>glow up
shit list
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in my eyes the cunny/hebe characters are: piper, lucy, soukaku, koleda, corin, nekomata. I consider all cunny with soukaku being the most iffy personally
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God you're annoying
Are you frustrated? Mad even?
>hebes are now lolis
remember to roll butler and sharkboo
you should be able to get both fairly early and easily, for both of your teams
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I like maids..
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Ellen clears entirety of Hoyoslop's roster with 4 exceptions:
>Raiden Mei(Acheron(Kimono) and APHO versions specifically)
>Himeko(Star Rail)
>Chiori(Basically same character but Japanese)
>Dehya(hard to decide which one is more beautiful so they're even)
I fucking hate video games. Is this worth playing?
Yes we know that many of you are enkeks and its quite pathetic.
My condolences.
As long as they are breedable, then its okay in my book.
that's called a sweep
shadow's house, it's kinda iffy but the protag is cute
>Retards standing in line to consume fresh Hoyoslop
Just look at that fucking sag, they look like they'd be so nice to hold
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oh i see i guess i like hebes then but i don't mind cunny either
What's gonna be our guild name?
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Okay but we need our own Vikala
A shy girl who becomes an omega slut
should we post more ellenslop, retard?
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what about
>we eatin good
>hate cunny
>go to cunny general
She is very cute. I'll decide who I get after I play for a bit.
I tried boba tea once and it was awful
Whenever in doubt, search for her in JP twitter and read the comments, they probably know about it more than us
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>lolicons fighting for who likes the youngest child
Will never stop being funny.
>likes Rina
>calls her a hag
I don't understand this retarded behavior.
basedd tranny-janny letting it slide
No timer for the release? How many more hours?
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both are cunny bwo
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The HSR killer has arrived
60 amigos...
macaco bro...
the majority of these are ebonics
but i thought you were the expert lolicons
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>futa undeleted for over 30 minutes
Ah, it's like I'm home in /akg/.
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>ellenfags vs rinafags
/akg/ likes futas? I thought they were just furries
What is the difference between Loli and hebe ?
Soukaku is moreso than Lucy imo. Lucy could be 18 easily.
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I want Alexandrina Sebastiane to haunt me every night.
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monkey irmão...
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waterkuma rabu
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I need... Vikala... In Rising... Playable...
Correct, we're experts that learned from the Masters
They're the Masters
Nicolefags have been awfully quiet...
Is this Meguka but HSR? What the fuckles
>guys I hate playing games
>I hate action games in particular
>I'm completely against gacha
>I don't like supporting Chinese companies
>I hate the anime aesthetic
>I hate the Western urban oldschool style
>I don't like games with even one furry character
>is this worth playing for someone like me?
take ellen out of the game and this shit flops in a week, she's just that iconic
Yeah she's up there in the questionable tier, soukaku is tall enough to be a flatty in theory which throws me off
30 hours
same but im sure i want her this brat here
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nobody cares about that censored slut
mihomo killed her whole appeal
probably 80% of arknights porn is futa, its all I ever see
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It's a long story...
you think I care what they're called when I jerk off
the nuance is in body shape loli is loli loli while hebe is more budding
Where the fuck is our dual sword wielding chuuni blonde girl
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We must thank VanillaNahidapedo for that.
genereally they release the game 30min to an hour early so remember that
>literally poster girl
>all ZZZ promo material was nothing but her tits
>nerf her
Mihomo is absolutely retarded
naruhodo i'll check what you said thanks bwo
>5 AM my time
Won't make a difference.
why the fuck is every leak showing off all the characters BUT Caesar and Lucia
only for them is the shitty grey background animations and nothing else
They'd be nice to be literally smothered under... Imagine those soft bags resting on your body, gliding smoothly across it as the bulge in your boxers starts to tighten. The smell of her lightly perfumed skin mixed with baby powder after she just left the shower. You can still smell the fragrance of the shampoo as her hair tickles your bare chest. You glance away for a moment and notice her black silk panties on the bedpost.
I honestly think the new shorts look better. Booba change still sucks though.
She's too breedable, that's why.
So we've finally hit the HSR knockoff phase?
>Fate Grand Order Futa - 5.2% of all FGO doujins
>Genshin Impact Futa - 2.3% of all GI doujins
>Blue Archive Futa - 2.6% of all BA doujins
>Arknights Futa - 9.9% of all AK doujins
She's taking the fall for Rina. Please be nice to her
She clears those slops too.
Ellen's design is almost japanese level.
You forgot the piss.
next season when the game is dead rumao
they don't have the production ability to make genshin knockoff so hsr is the best option
For otherfags, how does your favorite compare to Ellen?
She'll be censored and wont shake her ass bro...
>want Koleda
>but if I want to make a good team with her I need Soldier 11 or Grace
If this game is good why is it not taking off in nip land
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/zz/ bakers face when
>both are shy
holy shit
Koleda/Ben/Soukaku is fine
Ellen is already getting doujins and figures
it isn't out yet
so apparently that mod guy got suspended from reddit for posting stuff you can read on the daily in any blue archive reddit thread
nice community you got there zzzkeks
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Miyabi is the pinnacle of Mihoyo female design.
Anby isn't really shy, she's just quiet because kuudere.
Ellen would be so much hotter if she was just normal looking and didn’t have that stupid ass tail.
Nips don't like action games for mobile
Can Koleda dps if she's paired wihth Ben? I thought she was stun.

Anby doesn't care for people, only borger.
This is my fetish. I will now imagine Anby is a stream slut except she wears a wig and mask
ahhhh sorry to say but Ellen dogwalks this bitch
I play daily
>honkai star rail
And now will for zzz

Am I retarded?
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I think she should have even a bit longer jeans shorts desu senpai
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gayest post ITT
People love the tail. It's part of her charm.
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>we caught the people that unironically argue over what counts as loli
A true American, brings a tear to my eye
>doesn't even have horns
>pinnacle of female design
I'll be playing with JP dub.
And then I'll watch Mina play with EN dub.
I know her more from these top tier eroge instead
Ellen will be a brick btw
Who is /zzz/'s official girl? Sharkshit is not the correct answer.
I love it when newfags don't know how many porn VNs she has voiced in.
You are literally me. So yes.

Which team do you pick?
Team noodles or team borger?
Why isn't Ellen the app icon?
I'd like Ellen more if her ult was a stance change where she just went berserk (like a shark that caught scent of blood) instead of a bursty one
>please doujin bros...
>Sharkshit is not the correct answer
Yes it is, she's /ourgirl/ because she's probably the most trans coded character in any hoyo game
That's quite literally the coolest part of her design
is that how it works can't we just use whatever team we want?
if it wasn't for ellen this general literally wouldn't exist retard
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she knows
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Drop genshit and wuwa, grinding for hours is like work.
HSR is easy to auto every day between patches, no effort needed
And ZZZ is a new game, we'll see how tedious it will be
"let him cook" is honestly so useful, I use it all the time. I even think the phrase often when I look at what my AI sloppa is currently coming up with when I decide not to abort (even thought it doesn't match my precise description)
That's hebespammer.
They're so fat they probably have some veins too
The only thing Ben does for Koleda is increase her DMG. You put him in if your want koleda to work like a DPS. Soukaku also buffs DMG, but Lucy might honestly be a better option, since she's a fire attack buffer, and therefore activates the faction/element buffs. I forgot about her just now
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you just need ben BIGGER
white /mena/ bvll
Burger is all food groups in one food, obviously a superfood
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The answer is pretty obvious.
>t. triggered rinatard
same i play daily
>honkai impact 3d
>star rail
and this one
>zzz was top 1 in a 100 countries just for the preload
bros is our game actually hyped
what? Jeremy Clarkson is a zoomer now?
During CBT3 I felt I 100% had to have an attacker on the team or I dealt no damage. I think anomaly characters can work instead, but doing a team with stun/stun/support wasn't any good unless it was full dupe Soukaku which is just a good unit all around.
Looks like a budget Mei.
Nicole love
>loli bros are only that way because they've never felt the joy of being smothered under some big ol soft baggy tits
it all makes sense to me now
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Saggy hag tits...
I thought there were only Mihoyo adjacent anons lurking here? How many /vg/ generals do we have posting in /zzz/?
same here
I'm putting genshin on maintenance mode, I'm going to see it through khaenriah at least
wuwa is most probably the one getting dropped
Fuck off
>Corin on that many teams
How does she do it?
bwo it was a fake metric, everyone who uses hoyo launcher automatically got directed to ZZZ
i see i never got lucky so i never got into beta
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That would be HoT Mei but Miyabi is the best in this game by far
I just hope there aren't treasures and shit like that for this game
>Drop genshit and wuwa, grinding for hours is like work.
Yep, I dropped genshin for HSR because of that plus I don't feel like grinding hours for wuwa, iirc zzz is supposed to be more chill so grinding shouldn't be a nightmare like it is in genshin.
don't falseflag rina bros, that's rude
Is this going to have lots of yuri and girl kisses that I love in this game? Hi3 is one of my favorite games and this has similar combat.
why does this game have furries
lmao what the fuck is this
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like 12 minimum
You are 10 years late, anime newfags only care about shounenslop
So the rhetoric of "Koleda is forever tied to Ben" is false if you just want to use her as a stunner?

>hoyo launcher
>for phones
YEEEEEARGH not gon hold you he spittin frfr *sniff*
bro is actually out here simping for slop and has the nerve to call a dog the best lol
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Give me ONE logical reason why they decided to do this.
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>turn out that our biggest bros are the /ba/bros
I shouldn't be surprised but I am, it seems that cunny brings unity.
I really like her
But the nerf is rough. I WANT MY GYARU SLUT BACK
4 am for me and I've been thinking whether I should get up early lol
Where did they get the budget to make another game?
>hagpedos are only that way because they've never felt the joy of embracing soft cunny
it all makes sense to me now
Goth aesthetic to satisfy he belt fetishists.
thats quite disappointing because you can never make a team full of your favourite characters if they all happen to not be attacker
It's only on like one piece of art, and the in-game model doesn't even reflect it.
top-tier art direction
surprised they didn't remove it like shenhe's bellybutton
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yangu bucks
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>61 gb
Is this spyware?
It's a male thing. You wouldn't get it.
I would say its weird that you're also a Sensei but we also have some fucking amazing saggers in Blue archive aswell, just look at Akane,Nonomi and Asuna
So, for those who got a chance to try the beta or are more well-versed on the actual gameplay, how's the optimal gameplay loop for dailies and such?
Did they break her legs and let them heal wrong as a joke?
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How cute.
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That was a decision of /our/ guy MIZUBEAR
Piper for sure, cunnygods rule this general
Windows is spyware, bro
nekomata rollers should be put on a watchlist
I have a feeling this game is actually going to be good and fun
cunny truly united us. Now we just need to pressure them to add more whenever possible
No, it's just either unoptimized shit, or they're making different models for each character
meaniwhle im just a hoyobro and a personabro
>hates the hoyo cute girl arena battler designs
>likes the hoyo homosexual furry arena battler designs
I don't think this semen slurping general is for me anymore
Ellen Nation how we feeling?
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We need this but with Nicole and Anby
As someone who is forced to make an entire team synergize to have any relevance in most gacha games, I will take the requirement of only needing at least 1 attacker or anomaly character
>Make account
>Roll the furry
what do?
>unironic pags trying shit on EN as usual with every new game.
This game has the best EN dub out of any game ever released in the east.
no actually compared to the shitshow that was the pre release for hsr here is pretty comfy even
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What if I already am on one though?
good, I saw how obnoxious your kind is on /hsrg/, LEAVE.
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why not?
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Post them.
Make another account
What are we watching?
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it'll be at least cute and funny for sure
Real men appreciate all beautiful waifus of various sizes.
now post the ingame model
I still member the original Meguca gacha from 2012, which had chibi sprites
Nah I'm not touching a link from a dog fucker
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believe in waterkuma he will deliver more kino
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probably doesn't cost that much to make a HSR clone desu
oh I agree on it being comfy, this is better than hsrg was near launch by a massive margin
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Who cares? I made him mad enough he responded twice on cooldown.
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they look normal to me.. they were slightly angled inward so you see the calves expressed more. the animations in this game are very exaggerated in general.
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OFFICIAL /zzz/ tierlist
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I feel like the wolf guy is going to mindbreak SOOO many people. He's good, but still. Not sure if he's worse than Qiqi and Yanqing.
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my humble opinions....
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any list that doesn't have ellen in the top tier can be safely ignored
>Billy above Billy
it's fine we are still the youngest sibling of the hoyofamily
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Why do the fanartists never draw Ellen's gigantic puffy nipples? Are they gay?
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I mean just look at how soft this boy looks
cute transbians
Do NOT google waterkuma hentai doujins!!!

Think of the characters in this game being in those situations!!!

Do not imagine it!
Lol no. Even AC6 mogs the English dub for this game.
I play AL, AK, BA, HSR, WuWa, and downloaded ZZZ
Gracebros. How the FUCK did we lose this bad?
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waterkuma's blacked daughters
I got yanking is the HSR departure banner, was too lazy to reload, and it didn't matter, now I got every character I wanted
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this is probably controversial in some way
me on the left
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Did we really?
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this is the one
Roll Ellen and enjoy her premium team.
It’s a 500GB drive, just delete something.
is twitter going to cancel mihoyo?
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Feels weird to like the launch character for once I never usually do
I haven't seen any webms of her new chibi, Kanna's summer ass also looks fantastic
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Big ellen joes
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>uninspired design
>boring personality
>shitty gameplay
It's a mystery
if that guy posted in gachagaming he fucked up, that subreddit slurps hoyoverse way too much
no not really they don't care about waterkuma for some reason
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Our time will come
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I have faith
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This is me in wuwa. Sometimes you just live with the pain. The wolf is probably not as mindbreaking purely because he's not a young dindu boy with a really stupid looking ultimate
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storagelets, when will they learn?
>hues are cunnychads
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>all these Corin haters
You must be bots or AI
>installing games on the same drive as your OS
What the fuck are you doing? Do you want your SSD dead in 3 years?
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>they look normal to me
Either her bones are arched outwards or her ankles have fucked up joints.
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PS5 bros in order to get the pre-register bonuses do I just need to wishlist it on the PSN store or do I need to do more on the website?
who's the character next to furry and billy btw i don't think i've seen them
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>/zzz/ hates Ellen
What the fuck happened?
no that was on the zzz subreddit
yeah people couldn't possibly hate the ugliest character
that post has positive upvotes in that subreddit bwo
>FoFokeks already hated that much
You guys are alright
Don't games run slower if they aren't on your SSD?
she's the only standard I wouldn't be okay with getting honestly
What kind of fucking garbage SSD do you own, even mid tier SSDs are rated for several hundred TBW
RIna spammers and Miyabi dog fuckers happened
what was the OP about? a mod being a pedo?
i don't hate her she's just not my type
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Real answer:
All for me, I have money.
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Why are you're guyze so mean to him :(
the game isn't released, they're going to find out soon
Fuck you
nothing but a bunch of delusional ass copers thinking there is someone in this game that can top Ellen in character design.
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He's Deadpool and I hate Deadpool.
He's male and I hate male characters.
But most importantly:

Puffy nips are peak.
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Don't tell me you lost the 50/50 on every single banner to him.
no I meant they know about him but still don't care
wtf why is the pre installation 50 GB?
first mihomo game? their anticheat makes gorillion pointless reads and writes
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stop baiting to cause infighting sparkle
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The nerf bat hit her pretty hard too.
>all of the Ellen fanart will feature her with huge areola and probably inverted nipples
we are living in the WORST timeline
hey that's not nice bro we all have different tastes
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Don't worry, we will get the best reaction images over time.
Based list but my nigga ben ten should be at least B
ganyu didn't get removed
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Why is this place so mentally ill? At least it's not gonna get worse on launch
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I don't think you need to do anything. they should send the bonuses to everyone via mail
I feel like she got nerfed even worse than Nicole.
wrong post bro
>will probably be years before any new characters can even hope to compete against Ellen
Sucks to suck
is there any site that explains the game mechanics and the characters? I didn't follow the betas, I know almost nothing about this game
Holy shit that's awful. Why the fuck would Mihoyo sabotage their own game this badly?
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what kind of gossip we're talking about here, looking at the lockers and hallways it seems to be a typical NA high school where ellen goes to.
put your feet on the floor in that position then place your needs close together like her and rotate the knees inward while keeping your feet planted
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Nerf? Any hope for buffs before release or its over?
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Unironically this
meant too>>484413063
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>Who do you like Ellen?
>The Principal.
>Oooh, the Principal, I see, I see... Wait what?
im sorry i just don't like sharks otherwize i might have liked her
>billy in F
awful tase
who has the biggest cock in the class
what even is ellen's appeal?
she's fully clothed so she's not sexy
she's 17 so she's not for lolicons
she doesn't have the biggest or smallest tits, just average

who is the target demographic for her design?
Ask Ellen she would know
Are you braindead? Something of this nature is usually because of china. That has strict regulations on this. There's a fine line they always dance with designs. Trying to be as hot as possible but not downright banned.
How old is Wise?
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NTA but I've lost it twice to him. Happened early so itäs not the end of the world but I sure would have preferred getting Yinlin in 40 rolls and Jinhsi in 30.
(it's ellen)
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>I feel like the wolf guy is going to mindbreak SOOO many people.
He's the BIS teammate for two girls, including the meme-girl. I don't think he'll be a big deal.
Vtuber fans.
If Wise and Belle are down bad for each other.
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How Fun The Characters Are to Play As: The Tierlist (circa CBT2).
this is probably the most normal thread on 4chan, I'm actually amazed how well behaved it is
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But I post Ellen, Rina and Miyabi...
she cute, but boob too big
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>Something of this nature is usually because of china
oh boy, here we go again...
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monstergirl chads
puffy nipples
>Something of this nature is usually because of china
lol cope. it was because of the femcels at the company.
40GB of very high res textures.
You using filters or something? It really doesn't seem all that comfy to me
how long until we get a female mod for him that replaces his voice lines with the help of AI?
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I threw some money at the standard banner for the hell of it and got punished super hard
How do we know Ellen is 17? I was hoping for 15.
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Me, honestly a waste of time because I like every standard character and the 300 pity is a lot easier to achieve than in Star Rail so I won't have to wait 6 months. Hell I might even buy an extra pity myself.
Believe!! To the promised land brother
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Rina bros also like Ellen, stop with the falseflagging, pedo.
just go in blind and learn with the rest of us, it's more fun that way
twitter is not just "they", it depends on when it picks up the trend and then "they" will find out
for example, more and more loli characters released
raymond is so lucky bros
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i love her from the moment i saw her i knew she's the one i want
Preload did the same thing to hsr
Zoomers worship niggers
High school.
Big tits that don't sag yet
Sorry to hear you're a faggot that doesn't understand what makes Ellen the best waifu
it's extremely comfy for a new gacha coming out. the wuthering wave threads were unusable for weeks
tail hugging sex
I like her big pants a lot.
I'm a pedo (real) and I don't like Ellen.
Hunting for innocent oji-sans to drain dry of their money.
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I am mostly a belle (and ellen) poster but I like all in the roster so far, even the butler wolf got no hate in my heart
but by that point it's too late already
No, fuck off
people still believe this?
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True, that's not too bad.
I hope you learned your lesson.
Man I hate to be the one to break the news but Ellen is simply the better option
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waterkuma will save us!!!!
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Monster girl enjoyers obviously.
genshitters have been in denial for almost 4 years now
yeah i don't understand which is why i asked you dumbass
thanks for proving my point by being unable to answer my question though
If I need to use the selector to get her I sure hope she stays relevant until then.
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i like everything about her she's so cute
get back here with my fucking sands Gran
wuwa is still fresh in my mind... the schizos in those threads made it really bad. almost every other post was uid troll posts or about how every character is a subdps.
>t. rinatard
I'm doing Anby, #11, bear team
Lets fucking go
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I like her. But I'm realistic about the starter characters.
mihomo will probably loosen up with censorship as they'll have a million more projects to work on
I liked Chapter 2, hopefully you other Koledafags enjoy it as well.
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reminder this is mihoyo's other game still running in china
threads like this are usually 90% shitposting rather than 30%. We're doing well
>Bland design among a cast of incredible designs
>No personality
She was her own downfall.
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We love shorks here
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they're 100% gonna find out about waterkuma
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Her boobs are massive for her height. Having each as big as her head is ridiculous. And that's counting in that she's in a tight combat outfit. Nipples are obviously inverted considering her official art.
Her legs are also insanely thick. Her character is perfect but very niche(some retards disliked it in Chiori and called her a men-hater).
>Monster girl tail
Monster girls are known semen demons
>Maid outfit and JK outfit
A fucking impossible feat for a Hoyoslop character post-Shitshin.
>Short haircut
I may be biased here.
>filter the word ellen
>thread becomes better
piper koleda power pants team
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thanks bro
oh are we gonna have those too?
So the chink faction are the cops, and the japanese faction is the elite group. I like that.
Better than overly random wuxya characters.
Reminder that this game is dead as fuck everywhere. I'm sure mihoyo strives to be as dead as fuck as azur lane that is censored btw in china.
At 300 rolls in on the standard banner, yes. Roughly like HSR.
no hate but wolf guy do looks better than the twink
You dont need to hate a character to like your favorite everyone has different tastes
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me. Just hoping I don't get Grace
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Who is the Ruan Mei of ZZZ?
which agents would canonically use the n word
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>Miyabi has the same VA as Caren
I know who I'm rerolling for now
Mihomo are hacks. They could have lessened the admittedly a bit liberal application of cleavage, but not entirely removed it.
It was the one interesting element about her visual design, besides the midriff.
The midriff alone can't carry her
Anyone that hates Ellen obviously is either a homo furry or likes slop like corin or rina
wuxiaslop is a guilty pleasure of mine but I'm glad if I can keep it to one game only

anon, I...
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nice i hope i can get her twice then
mihoyo is the furthest away from dead
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I'm late but here's mine (Order matters)
She's not in 1.0
She's this game's Ayaka. They did this trick to keep people playing for an entire year because hoyo wasn't sure in game's success back then.
yeah. Most people saying otherwise are just shitposters anyways
Anon she's not for at least 3 months you can save up enough to guarantee her by then you don't need to reroll
Which n word? Do you know how many words start with n?
No ugly chink dresses here
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I did a while ago
And I'm nothing without her.
but im scawed of them
there is literally nothing wrong with wuxia, they just need to be full wuxia and not mixed with other stuff
>they're 100% gonna find out about waterkuma
what the fuck is this retarded thing, even if they find about him I can guarantee you it will be a nothingburger, and nothing of what you guys are expecting to happen will happen
Why are /bag/gots like this?
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Which one of you retards is this? Kys.
My waifu is superior
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God you sound like such a faggot
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you already know
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>what even is ellen's appeal?
Literally a shark maid who is chill and is not into overwork, very easy to like and relate
>she's fully clothed so she's not sexy
Good, gives us something to imagine instead of getting all undressed like a turbo slut (those are good too but not what I'm pulling for)
>she's 17 so she's not for lolicons
I'm not a lolicon, that makes 17 the right balance
>she doesn't have the biggest or smallest tits, just average
It makes it just the right size for people like me
>who is the target demographic for her design?
Me, I am the target
I'm tired of fluttery pastel robes on absolutely everyone.
>nonsense post
>reddit filename
just admit fictional children* are sexy bro, your mom won't have to know

*bla bla they don't behave like children but their main point of attraction is the prepubescent body
(You). Stop bringing pl*bbit shit here.
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she looks pretty good outside of her tail, it's way too big it looks stupid
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what are you gonna do about it pedo
Hard to do Wuxia in a gacha because the genre is inherently dystopian (the authorities are corrupted and there's the need for a wandering hero to do all the work)
some anon thinking that this will cause "le epic meltdown" when nothing will come out of it
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If you squint or zoom out, it looks like a pantyshot. With the orange shirt seam it even seems like the above section of the panties is transparent
next OP better be ellen
All of her skills being a grenade toss is also pretty lame
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only whaling for limited cunny
literally everything is wrong with wuxia going full reatrd is not the solution
Well well now ain't that a plus! No need to reroll because you can just save.
>even if they find about him
They did
>I can guarantee you it will be a nothingburger
It was
Someone from here made sure to make a post about it there and then give us the breathless play-by-play of literally nothing.
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>I NEED to put you in a demographic
>you NEED to break down your understanding of a character into easily digestible marketing points
umm no
She's the only reason I play the game, I don't belong in any hivemind, and I don't have to explain shit
Things are more than the sum of their parts
no no, there is barely any authority in wuxia, it's all different factions killing each other
it's literally "living in a society"
Then why would mihoyo hide his name from everything
Ellen and the two other maids for contrarians
mihoyo never show the name of their artists though, unless it's a guest
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What even is wuxia? Just a chinese name for fantasy violence and fighting or something?
>they fly on swords and shit
So what, it's just fantasy shit right?
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Did not hesitate for a second on my choices
Nah I won't play without a good character with huge tits, so Grace, Rina or Ellen.
I see shork I roll shrimple as. Thank cod she is a launch unit so I can reroll for her
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Hagpedos are courting death
Why does everyone hate Lycaon... Just think of him as a werewolf instead of furshit...
lol just as I thought it would be
does this game have battlepass?
hagpedos LOST
I mean. He's a BONDAGE themed werewolf.
>bikini mod
>Male change mod
Gaming time
are there actually retards that think this was made by kuro or are they just shitposting
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Based Anbybro.
Who else skipping all dialogue that isn't Ellen's?
does this game have sex?
sparkle is a loli, she is small, has no tits and a chibi face
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>Hagpedos vs Pedos
Im nooooticing
Jon Talbain? COOL
Lycaon? HOMO
I only want him because he’s a pugilist and BIS for Ellen
does this game have buddypokes?
It's just belts. That shit fits the western horror werewolf theme well. What about Lucy's piggers that are actually tied up in shibari?
Yeah the straps push it over the line. After using him in the beta I think his jet boots are great and his animatons are stylish but I wish he was anything but a furry.
should I do the pre order?
no, fantasy shit is xianxia or xuanhuan or whatever, it's just fantasy, and you're probably confused and calling everything chinese "wuxia"
there are no immortal ki blast flying sword thing in wuxia, if they do it's very very very rare
what predordee
On PlayStation? No
thanks for the video, but can you just explain it here in an easy to digest way?
I wonder how much is the battle pass, I'm from brazil and got some money to spend so I might just buy it.
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>mfw I have to learn names like Jian Xina and do daily quests where I have to correctly recite sections of Mao's Little Red Book
It's he future us weebs chose
Lucy is female and hits them with a bat. What would be hated here?
It's martial heroes of the time, basically chad martial artists going around fucking shit up with near supernatural prowess.
Flying on swords is more of a xianxia thing.
Wuxia = low fantasy, killing 10 people with a swing of the sword and jumping 2 stories up
Xianxia = high fantasy, dragons, flying swords, mythical creatures and fireballs
>merging two different boogeymen into one since schizo peanut brain can't handle it
we are reaching new schizolevels with this one
it's lower value than BP and monthly pass
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I can't wait to get back to finishing every map with a slowmo close-up of Anby's upside-down thighs/ZR...
Thank Arceus this game won’t have a chink zone to ruin the game. It’s all downtown Bay Area.
Same price as genshin/hsr I bet but you are better off using an vpn for that shit if you are from brazil
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Honestly the seethe just makes it even more enjoyable
Having a melty over KINO and SOVL wolfy makes me laugh. It's peak fatherless behavior to hate fictional men.
I think all the characters are neat :-)
I'm iffy about future releases though.
I kind of understand now, but why do people dislike it so much?
What is with cn and jp loving belts that hard?
does it run well on steam deck?
>Clear content in 2 days
>Nothing to do
>No content for HSR either
What do I do bwos
wuxia deals with mortal world conflict, they are extremely grounded and not high fantasy like xianxia which deals with immortal worlds
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Dude, those are B cups and she has an hourglass figure. This is as far away from loli as necessary.
>throw out a palm
>it covers an area 100 miles wide
>instantly vaporizes everything within 200 miles, killing a nearby village and every cultivator under late stage foundation
>random passerby recognizes my ancient palm technique that is from an ancient sect that disappeared 200 million years ago
>nearby cultivator's eyes shine with greed
I like the designs but models suck
>sparkle is a loli
isn't that animal abuse? I guess I just don't get why people take his belts so seriously. it's just an edgy design thing.
>it's just belts
don't look up his weapon
Jerk off
How does it feels knowing that Lycaon is the most popular character in this game ?
I'm actually shocked he wasn't a limited character
because people don't know what it is, like you and they call everything chinese wuxia
fantasy shit is overdone and there are garbage everywhere like isekai shit
Sparkle is my wife
The word loli is becoming meaningless Istg
you train to improve your body and push out impurities
martial arts and shit
jump 200 feet into the air and cut boulders with a blade of grass
that's a mod bro, she literally uses the exact same body as Clara who is referred to as a child in the actual game dialogue. I don't care at all btw, but this cope is pretty cringe.
Males start at the bottom and have to climb the ladder. Most lists are done without playing the game whatsoever so it's not impossible for a male to start being above. Depending on story, combat, personality etc.
She uses the same body type as Silver Wolf who is referred to as an adult though. So which is it?
okie dokie thanks

Wait who is on the first banner?
Wuxia, and Chinese fantasy in general, is extremely formulaic. You've read/seen one you've seen them all.
If you really like it then it's great because it's more of the same, otherwise it gets stale.
Also completely different moral compass compared to the west or even rest of asia, the 'heroes' of the stories murder people left and right and it's presented as a good thing.
Ellen Joe is the first banner.
Cop with the ass (can’t remember her name) is second
>zzz fags are trying to paint this as loli
silver wolf is also a kid and so is QQ, have you actually played the game as these characters and walked next to normal height characters?
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China zones are good though, because they give us chicks wearing qipao
And lady Fu?
She also uses the same body as Fu Xuan who is a hundreds of years old woman in a high official position in the military, you retard.
Yes. Every character with that body type. You can call them hebes, you can call them lolis, but they are young girls in body and style. If it makes you uncomfortable you should just play the larger females anyway and not worry about it.
>and so is QQ
QQ is literally a wagie with a job she had for decades if not centuries. She's petite, but not a kid.
Seems to me like the only one uncomfortable here is you.
Shinobu from monogatari series is a thousand year old vampire too and she has a loli form that everyone acknowledges is loli. I don't know how this is difficult to you, but you must be uninitiated to how this stuff works. If they look like a kid they are loli, regardless of age. Lolibaba is still loli. LOLIbaba even if they are old in age and temperament. Get it?

How am I uncomfortable when I'm not the one coping?
>Cop with the ass (can’t remember her name) is second
You're very uncomfortable with people not calling certain characters lolis, obviously.
you've only read webnovel garbage lol
No, I'm correcting people who are coping in various ways with what they like and feel guilty for liking because it's wrong and it should be corrected. I'll do this for any topic.
SW is small as fuck but she's not a kid
Exactly, you're correcting them because of how uncomfortable their misconceptions make you.
She is a child compared to the maid body characters and especially Kafka who is her boss. You can tell yourself whatever you want and look at offmodel smut of her, but that doesn't change the actual reality.
Why would it make me uncomfortable? I'm just being legalistic and correcting your misconceptions. I'm impartial, but if you're wrong I'm going to keep explaining why you're wrong.
>Why would it make me uncomfortable?
Very good question, take some time to think about it.
So do we have any images of cop ass?
>feel guilty for liking because it's wrong and it should be corrected.
No one here even feels guilty about liking loli-shaped pixels, why the fuck should we feel guilty about liking petite adult-shaped pixels?
You will find more success on r/gamingcirclejerk with your moralistic crusade.
NTA, but I don't care if you like kid-shaped pixels or hebe shaped pixels as Adult Woman and Ikemen shaped pixels are the best
are piper and lucy in the game at launch or are they in a future update?
There's a new thread bro. And I think Lucy at least comes later
Spent my money on yawntrail
Wish I saved for this game fml

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